PDF Catalogue - Irish Charolais Cattle Society
PDF Catalogue - Irish Charolais Cattle Society
6+2:$1'6$/($55$1*(0(176 6DIHW\2IILFHU DP DP -XGJH 6WHZDUG 6DOH6WHZDUG $ODQ%DUU\ ,QWDNHRI&DWWOH -XGJLQJRI&ODVVHV -RQ5HJDQ 1HYDQ0F.LHUQDQ -RKQ%HLUQH CLASSES LOT NO. 1. Male born 17th August - 3rd November 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1-7 5th 2. Male born 25th November - 22nd December 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 8-15 5th 3. Male born 26th December - 21st January 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 16-22 5th 4. Male born 30th January - 28th March 1st 2nd 3rd 23-29 4th 1 5th SP 6DOH&RPPHQFHVLQ&DWDORJXH2UGHU )LUVWILYHDQLPDOVLQWRWKHULQJLIXQVROG PD\EHUHUXQDIWHUORWV $//$1,0$/6&$7$/2*8(':,//%( 62/'81'(57+(6$/(58/(6 2)7+(,5,6+&+$52/$,6&$77/(62&,(7< $635,17(',17+,6&$7$/2*8( 1HLWKHUWKH&KDURODLV6RFLHW\WKH$XFWLRQHHUVRU$WKHQU\0DUWZLOOEH UHVSRQVLEOHIRUDQ\LQMXU\ORVVRUGDPDJHVXVWDLQHGE\DQ\SHUVRQRU DQLPDODWWKH6KRZDQG6DOHZKHWKHUDVDUHVXOWRIWKHQHJOLJHQFHRI WKH&KDURODLV6RFLHW\WKH$XFWLRQHHUVRU$WKHQU\0DUWRURIWKHLU UHVSHFWLYHVHUYDQWVRUDJHQWVRURWKHUZLVH 0DOHV ² 0LQLPXPRSHQLQJELG ½ 0LQLPXPVHOOLQJSULFH ½ ,QGH[HV :KHQUHDGLQJWKHLQGH[HVDVVRFLDWHGZLWKHDFKDQLPDODVSULQWHG LQWKLVFDWDORJXHLWLVYHU\LPSRUWDQWWRWDNHQRWHRIWKHUHOLDELOLW\ ILJXUHDVVRFLDWHGZLWKWKHP/RZUHOLDELOLW\ILJXUHVPHDQORZ OHYHORIGDWDWKXVWKHILJXUHVPD\FKDQJHFRQVLGHUDEO\LQWKH IXWXUHHLWKHUXSRUGRZQ 2 Lot Vendor 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 FOR THE IRISH CHAROLAIS CATTLE SOCIETY LTD. AND AUCTIONEERS SO APPOINTED BY THE SOCIETY. ● ● ● ● ● ● SAFETY STATEMENT – PLEASE TAKE NOTE Safety is a priority and all attending this show/sale should be aware of safety at all times. Caution and care needs to be exercised at all times particularly at livestock events such as this. Children must be accompanied and under the strict supervision of a competent adult at all times. Older children up to and including the term “minors” should not be involved with any work activity involving cattle at this event. Please do not enter either the show or sale rings. Please keep behind barriers/rope/railing etc. at all times. 1(:½852 STAR INDEX Background The Suckler Beef Value Index and its 5 sub-indexes were launched in 2007. Earlier this year a full review of the beef breeding indexes was carried out, which had 3 components: 1)Update of the economic values used for each trait 2)Review of the genetic evaluations which produce the predicted transmitting abilities 3)Exploration of alternative indexes to the SBV. 7KH½XUR Star review group recommended the replacement of the Suckler Beef Value with 3 new indexes: 1.Terminal Index. This index should be used for selecting sires to breed calves which are destined for slaughter. This index is composed of eight traits of which three are calving traits (calving difficulty, gestation and mortality) and five are beef production related traits (docility, feed intake, carcass weight, carcass conformation and carcass fat). TERMINAL INDEX - RELATIVE EMPHASIS FOR KEY TRAITS Trait Type Calving Traits Docility Beef Feed Intake Made up of these traits Calving difficulty (direct and maternal), gestation & mortality Weanling Docility Carcass Weight, Carcass Conformation & Carcass Fat Weanling, Replacement Heifer and Cow Intake 10 Relative Emphasis % 30% 3% 49% 18% 2.Maternal Index. This index should be used for selecting sires with the intention of keeping all daughters as replacement females in the herd. This index is composed of 25 separate traits. Eight traits relate to the male progeny produced by a bull which are slaughtered (calving difficulty, gestation, mortality, docility, feed intake, carcass weight, carcass conformation and carcass fat). (These are the same traits used in the Terminal index). Nine of the traits are related to the daughters of the bull who become replacements. (Heifer intake, age of first calving, maternal calving difficulty, maternal milk, calving interval, survival, cow docility, cow intake and cull cow weight). The remaining 8 traits are the same as the Terminal index also but they relate to the calves which these daughters produce (calving difficulty, gestation and mortality, docility, feed intake, carcass weight, carcass conformation and carcass fat). All traits in the Terminal index are also in the Maternal index to reflect all the downstream consequences of selecting a Maternal bull. MATERNAL INDEX - RELATIVE EMPHASIS FOR KEY TRAITS Trait Type Made up of these traits Calving Traits Calving difficulty (direct and maternal), gestation & mortality Weanling and Cow Docility Carcass Weight, Carcass Conformation, Carcass Fat and Cull Cow Weight Daughter Milkability Age 1st calving, calving interval, survival Weanling, Replacement Heifer and Cow Intake Docility Beef Milk Daughters Fertility Feed Intake Relative Emphasis % 21% 4% 26% 9% 17% 23% 3.Dairy Beef Index. This index is for selecting sires to use on dairy cows and is still under construction. It is important to note that the Terminal index is expressed in terms of profitability per progeny born to a sire whereas the Maternal index is expressed in terms of profitability per replacement heifer from the sire over her lifetime including all of her calves. Please Note - When reading the indexes associated with each animal as printed in this catalogue it is very important to take note of the reliability figure associated with them. Low reliability figures mean low level of data thus the figures may change considerably in the future (either up or down). 11 FIVE STAR ARE BEST FOR ALL TRAITS 5 stars 4 ½ stars 4 stars 3 ½ stars 3 stars 2 ½ stars 2 stars 1 ½ stars 1 star ½ star An animal is in the top 10% of the breed for that trait An animal is in the top 15% of the breed for that trait An animal is in the top 20% of the breed for that trait An animal is in the top 30% of the breed for that trait An animal is in the top 40% of the breed for that trait An animal is in the top 50% of the breed for that trait An animal is in the bottom 40% of the breed for that trait An animal is in the bottom 30% of the breed for that trait An animal is in the bottom 20% of the breed for that trait An animal is in the bottom 10% of the breed for that trait FIGURES IN THE INDEX VALUE COLUMN RELATE TO THE STAR RATINGS džƉĞĐƚĞĚWƌŽŐĞŶLJWĞƌĨŽƌŵĂŶĐĞ ĂůǀŝŶŐŝĨĨŝĐƵůƚLJ Charolais Breed Average has come down from 8.26% to 7.55% ŽĐŝůŝƚLJ ;ϭͲϱƐĐĂůĞͿ Charolais Breed Average 0.03 ĂƌĐĂƐĞtĞŝŐŚƚ;ŬŐͿ Charolais Breed Average +31.88kg ĂƌĐĂƐĞŽŶĨŽƌŵĂƚŝŽŶ ;ϭͲϭϱƐĐĂůĞͿ Charolais Breed Average +1.9 džƉĞĐƚĞĚĂƵŐŚƚĞƌƌĞĞĚŝŶŐWĞƌĨŽƌŵĂŶĐĞ ĂƵŐŚƚĞƌĂůǀŝŶŐŝĨĨŝĐƵůƚLJ Charolais Breed Average has come down from 5.82% to 4.95% ĂƵŐŚƚĞƌDŝůŬ;ŬŐͿ Charolais Breed Average -5.65kg ĂƵŐŚƚĞƌĂůǀŝŶŐ/ŶƚĞƌǀĂů ;ĚĂLJƐͿ Charolais Breed Average -0.06 12 The lower the figure the more easy calving the animal is (eg 5.25% is easier than 11.25%) The higher the figure the more docile the animal (eg 0.06 is better than 0.03) The higher the figure the better (eg +32.92kg is better than +31.88kg) The higher the figure the better (eg +2.1 is better than +1.9) The lower the figure the better (eg 3.82% is better than 4.95%) The lower the (-) figure the better (eg -3.8kg is better than -5.65kg) The lower the figure the better (eg -0.90 days is better than +0.45days) ICBF G€N€ IR€LAND MATERNAL BULL BREEDER PROGRAMME STAMP As you look through this sale catalogue you will notice the above stamp attached to the €uro-Star index of certain animals. This stamp is assigned to the HERD from which these animals come and it signifies that the BREEDER of that herd has signed up to the ICBF G€N€ IR€LAND Maternal Bull Breeder Programme and breeding data from that herd has been verified by ICBF. Background ICBF launched this programme in the autumn of 2012. It was set up for two primary reasons: - To encourage more detailed and accurate data recording in pedigree beef herds. To put more emphasis on maternal traits such as milk and fertility in pedigree breeding. By encouraging more emphasis on maternal breeding in pedigree beef herds, ICBF and the Irish Charolais Cattle Society hope to reverse the worrying decline in desirable maternal traits in the national suckler herd. So what exactly does the stamp mean? The stamp flags animals from ICBF G€N€ IR€LAND accredited herds. By joining the programme, these herds have undertaken to record high levels of accurate data on their pedigree animals. Events such as inseminations, birth dates, calving ease, birth weights and weaning weights must all be recorded by breeders in a complete, accurate and timely (within 21 days) manner. ICBF will monitor the recording of this data on an ongoing basis. Herds that fail to meet certain requirements will not receive a stamp. All participating herds have received a full herd scoring session as well as an ICBF personnel visit to outline the programme and its requirements. It is important to note, however, that a stamp does not necessarily guarantee an animal of high genetic merit. The €uro-Star figures and appearance of an animal should be taken into account before making a purchase. What else will the programme do? ICBF will also monitor these herds for potential elite breeding bulls. The best bulls from these herds will be selected by a breed committee. The chosen bulls will then be purchased, entered to AI and have a full progeny test carried out. This process will identify elite bulls which pedigree breeders can in turn use to increase the genetic merit of their herds. This will subsequently improve maternal traits in the national suckler herd. To date the G€N€ IR€LAND programme has purchased 22 bulls (including 4 Charolais bulls) across 11 different breeds for progeny testing in 2014. All pedigree breeders are invited to join the programme. For further information please contact the ICBF G€N€ IR€LAND Maternal Bull Breeder Programme on 1850 600 900 or the Irish Charolais Cattle Society on 014198050. 13 Lot Vendor 14, 21, 23 David Abbott - Woodview House Drumcrow Killeshandra Cavan Co Cavan 7, 20, 22 Basil Bothwell - Dereskit Killeshandra Co Cavan 9, 26, 27 Joe Clancy - Gortreevagh Oughterard Co Galway 3 Patrick Daveron - Inchiquin Ower Co Galway 8 John Frost - Drumline Newmarket On Fergus Co Clare 16 Michael Green - Dromore Feakle Co Clare 12 Frank Harrington - Ballinafad House Ballybeg Strokestown Co Roscommon 4, 5 Charles J Hughes - Lankhill Westport Co Mayo 6 Michael Kavanagh - Brownshill Carlow Co Carlow 13, 15, 17 Mattie Kelly - Cloughbrack Newbridge Ballinasloe Co Galway 10 Gerard Lynch - Moymore Tulla Ennis Co Clare 18, 25, 28 Michael Nerney - Chapel Street Elphin Castlerea Co Roscommon 1, 24 Michael O Connor - Turlough Bellharbour Co Clare 19, 29 Jerry O'Keeffe - Woodlawn Grange Knocklong Co Limerick 2, 11 Francis Ryan - Fahy Rosscahill Co Galway 14 Lot 1 TURBELL JONES ID: IE131909860081 Sex: Male Breed: Charolais DOB: 17-Aug-2014 Owner: Michael O Connor - Turlough Bellharbour Co Clare Breeder: Sire: Inverlochy Gurkha GKA Balmyle Bollinger Dingle Hofmeister Inverlochy Volga Rumsden Samurai Inverlochy Natural Killenacurry Patsy Vern Indigo Lotomore Irene Balmyle Tinsle Dam: Killenacurry Eileen IE131015820340 Star Rating (Within Charolais breed) € uro value Index per progeny Reliability Economic Indexes Terminal Index € 95 23% Replacement Index € 56 18% Star rating (across all beef breeds) (Low) (V Low) Maternal Cow Traits : €6 15% Maternal Progeny Traits : € 49 25% Dairy Beef Star Rating (Within Charolais breed) Index Value Key profit traits Trait Reliability Star rating (across all beef breeds) Expected progeny performance Calving difficulty (% 3 & 4) +11.3% 33% (Low) Breed ave: 7.58%,All breeds ave: 4.49% Docility (1-5 scale) 0.16 Breed ave: 0.04,All breeds ave: 0 35% scale Carcass weight (kg) Breed ave: 30.88kg,All breeds ave: 13.98kg Carcass conformation (1-15 scale) Breed ave: 1.78,All breeds ave: 1.23 (Low) 24% +33kg (Low) +1.91 scale 17% (V Low) Expected daughter breeding performance Daughter calving diff (% 3 & 4) Breed ave: 5.89%,All breeds ave: 6.48% +5.3% Daughter Milk (kg) +0.6kg Daughter calving interval (days) -0.85days Breed ave: -6.06kg,All breeds ave: 2.97kg Breed ave: 0.4days,All breeds ave: -0.39days Additional Information: 10% (V Low) 15% (V Low) 16% (V Low) Linear composites Value Reliability Muscle 113 40% Skeletal 117 38% Function 107 12% Herd data quality index Animal scored. Linear scores and weaning weights in evaluations Copyright, Irish Cattle Breeding Federation ICBF Dec 2015 15 N/A Lot 2 LANDLEAGUE JORDAN ET ID: IE181310870109 Sex: Male Breed: Charolais DOB: 06-Sep-2014 Owner: Francis Ryan - Fahy Rosscahill Co Galway Breeder: Sire: Bova Sylvain SLV Dam: Blackhill Seperable (Et) IE181768480235 Star Rating (Within Charolais breed) Oriental Major Jacobine Erudit Bichette Hermes Uranium 2742 Panade - T C Icare Isabelle Jerusalem Athena € uro value Index per progeny Reliability Economic Indexes Terminal Index € 127 33% Replacement Index -€ 16 34% Maternal Cow Traits : -€ 90 35% Maternal Progeny Traits : € 74 33% Star rating (across all beef breeds) (Low) (Low) Dairy Beef Star Rating (Within Charolais breed) Index Value Key profit traits Trait Reliability Star rating (across all beef breeds) Expected progeny performance Calving difficulty (% 3 & 4) +10% 31% (Low) Breed ave: 7.58%,All breeds ave: 4.49% Docility (1-5 scale) 0.08 Breed ave: 0.04,All breeds ave: 0 scale Carcass weight (kg) Breed ave: 30.88kg,All breeds ave: 13.98kg Carcass conformation (1-15 scale) Breed ave: 1.78,All breeds ave: 1.23 46% (Average) 39% +38kg (Low) +1.66 33% scale (Low) Expected daughter breeding performance Daughter calving diff (% 3 & 4) Breed ave: 5.89%,All breeds ave: 6.48% +5% Daughter Milk (kg) -7.6kg Daughter calving interval (days) +2.95days Breed ave: -6.06kg,All breeds ave: 2.97kg Breed ave: 0.4days,All breeds ave: -0.39days Additional Information: 29% (Low) 39% (Low) 35% (Low) Linear composites Value Reliability Muscle 103 45% Skeletal 124 44% Function 112 26% Herd data quality index Animal scored. Linear scores and weaning weights in evaluations Copyright, Irish Cattle Breeding Federation ICBF Dec 2015 16 N/A Lot 3 INCHIQUIN JOCK ID: IE181552160490 Sex: Male Breed: Charolais DOB: 12-Sep-2014 Owner: Patrick Daveron - Inchiquin Ower Co Galway Breeder: Sire: Goldstar Echo GHX Dam: Inchiquin Fiona IE181552140316 Star Rating (Within Charolais breed) Texan-Gie Porto Sheehills Ula Doonally New Ballyboyle Nulla (Imp 00it) Pirate Meillard Rj Inchiquin Victoria Boyannagh Nova Claureen Odessa Marquise Banquise € uro value Index per progeny Reliability Economic Indexes Terminal Index € 121 29% Replacement Index € 63 25% Maternal Cow Traits : -€ 18 23% Maternal Progeny Traits : € 81 29% Star rating (across all beef breeds) (Low) (Low) Dairy Beef Star Rating (Within Charolais breed) Index Value Key profit traits Trait Reliability Star rating (across all beef breeds) Expected progeny performance Calving difficulty (% 3 & 4) +6.1% 33% (Low) Breed ave: 7.58%,All breeds ave: 4.49% Docility (1-5 scale) 0.15 Breed ave: 0.04,All breeds ave: 0 scale Carcass weight (kg) Breed ave: 30.88kg,All breeds ave: 13.98kg Carcass conformation (1-15 scale) Breed ave: 1.78,All breeds ave: 1.23 43% (Average) 30% +31kg (Low) +1.93 30% scale (Low) Expected daughter breeding performance Daughter calving diff (% 3 & 4) Breed ave: 5.89%,All breeds ave: 6.48% +6.6% Daughter Milk (kg) -6.2kg Daughter calving interval (days) -2.85days Breed ave: -6.06kg,All breeds ave: 2.97kg Breed ave: 0.4days,All breeds ave: -0.39days Additional Information: 19% (V Low) 25% (Low) 22% (Low) Linear composites Value Reliability Muscle 104 27% Skeletal 108 27% Function 137 20% Herd data quality index Animal scored. Linear scores and weaning weights in evaluations Copyright, Irish Cattle Breeding Federation ICBF Dec 2015 17 N/A Lot 4 CLEWBAY12 JAZZMAN ET ID: IE272285810477 Sex: Male Breed: Charolais DOB: 25-Sep-2014 Owner: Charles J Hughes - Lankhill Westport Co Mayo Breeder: Sire: Erckmann ERK Dam: Clewbay Freda Et IE272285820395 Star Rating (Within Charolais breed) Aigleroyal Pedro Bryone Veau D Or Editrice Major Berlioz Merveille Hidalgo Biche Tirelire Charmille € uro value Index per progeny Reliability Economic Indexes Terminal Index € 115 23% Replacement Index -€ 17 19% Star rating (across all beef breeds) (Low) (V Low) Maternal Cow Traits : -€ 82 18% Maternal Progeny Traits : € 65 23% Dairy Beef Star Rating (Within Charolais breed) Index Value Key profit traits Trait Reliability Star rating (across all beef breeds) Expected progeny performance Calving difficulty (% 3 & 4) +10.4% 26% (Low) Breed ave: 7.58%,All breeds ave: 4.49% Docility (1-5 scale) 0.12 Breed ave: 0.04,All breeds ave: 0 36% scale Carcass weight (kg) Breed ave: 30.88kg,All breeds ave: 13.98kg Carcass conformation (1-15 scale) Breed ave: 1.78,All breeds ave: 1.23 (Low) 28% +37kg (Low) +1.77 22% scale (Low) Expected daughter breeding performance Daughter calving diff (% 3 & 4) Breed ave: 5.89%,All breeds ave: 6.48% +6.8% Daughter Milk (kg) -9kg Daughter calving interval (days) +0.09days Breed ave: -6.06kg,All breeds ave: 2.97kg Breed ave: 0.4days,All breeds ave: -0.39days Additional Information: 11% (V Low) 23% (Low) 14% (V Low) Linear composites Value Reliability Muscle 117 38% Skeletal 117 36% Function 103 12% Herd data quality index Animal scored. Linear scores and weaning weights in evaluations Copyright, Irish Cattle Breeding Federation ICBF Dec 2015 18 N/A Lot 5 CLEWBAY12 JETTA ID: IE272285880483 Sex: Male Breed: Charolais DOB: 10-Oct-2014 Owner: Charles J Hughes - Lankhill Westport Co Mayo Breeder: Sire: Gedeon GEZ Dam: Castleconnor Gerty IE321453790183 Star Rating (Within Charolais breed) Dany Toulon Clementine Valdevie Ursuline Pirate Meillard Rj Castleconnor Daisy Mogador Castleconnor Tamara Suzette Banquise € uro value Index per progeny Reliability Economic Indexes Terminal Index € 131 25% Replacement Index € 67 19% Maternal Cow Traits : -€ 15 16% Maternal Progeny Traits : € 82 26% Star rating (across all beef breeds) (Low) (V Low) Dairy Beef Star Rating (Within Charolais breed) Index Value Key profit traits Trait Reliability Star rating (across all beef breeds) Expected progeny performance Calving difficulty (% 3 & 4) +7.6% 34% (Low) Breed ave: 7.58%,All breeds ave: 4.49% Docility (1-5 scale) -0.06 Breed ave: 0.04,All breeds ave: 0 35% scale Carcass weight (kg) Breed ave: 30.88kg,All breeds ave: 13.98kg Carcass conformation (1-15 scale) Breed ave: 1.78,All breeds ave: 1.23 (Low) 26% +38kg (Low) +1.92 scale 18% (V Low) Expected daughter breeding performance Daughter calving diff (% 3 & 4) Breed ave: 5.89%,All breeds ave: 6.48% +5.2% Daughter Milk (kg) +0kg Daughter calving interval (days) -2.13days Breed ave: -6.06kg,All breeds ave: 2.97kg Breed ave: 0.4days,All breeds ave: -0.39days Additional Information: 10% (V Low) 19% (V Low) 15% (V Low) Linear composites Value Reliability Muscle 109 38% Skeletal 102 36% Function 96 11% Herd data quality index Animal scored. Linear scores and weaning weights in evaluations Copyright, Irish Cattle Breeding Federation ICBF Dec 2015 19 N/A Lot 6 BROWNSHILL14 JERAMIAH ID: IE111282410004 Sex: Male Breed: Charolais DOB: 15-Oct-2014 Owner: Michael Kavanagh - Brownshill Carlow Co Carlow Breeder: Sire: Blelack Digger S956 Dam: Calla Godess IE182068090680 Star Rating (Within Charolais breed) Balthayock Adonis Balmyle Thunderbird Galcantray Abbey Blelack Montgomery Blelack Rachel Cottage Devon Texan-Gie Calla Caroline Mulroog Viacom (Et) Calla Snowlilly Balthayock Peach Cottage Amelie (Et) € uro value Index per progeny Reliability Economic Indexes Terminal Index € 122 26% Replacement Index € 43 19% Maternal Cow Traits : -€ 34 16% Maternal Progeny Traits : € 78 26% Star rating (across all beef breeds) (Low) (V Low) Dairy Beef Star Rating (Within Charolais breed) Index Value Key profit traits Trait Reliability Star rating (across all beef breeds) Expected progeny performance Calving difficulty (% 3 & 4) +7.5% 31% (Low) Breed ave: 7.58%,All breeds ave: 4.49% Docility (1-5 scale) 0.14 Breed ave: 0.04,All breeds ave: 0 scale Carcass weight (kg) Breed ave: 30.88kg,All breeds ave: 13.98kg Carcass conformation (1-15 scale) Breed ave: 1.78,All breeds ave: 1.23 44% (Average) 27% +38kg (Low) +1.7 26% scale (Low) Expected daughter breeding performance Daughter calving diff (% 3 & 4) Breed ave: 5.89%,All breeds ave: 6.48% +6.2% Daughter Milk (kg) -1.5kg Daughter calving interval (days) +1.45days Breed ave: -6.06kg,All breeds ave: 2.97kg Breed ave: 0.4days,All breeds ave: -0.39days Additional Information: 10% (V Low) 15% (V Low) 15% (V Low) Linear composites Value Reliability Muscle 104 30% Skeletal 109 30% Function 98 17% Herd data quality index Animal scored. Linear scores and weaning weights in evaluations Copyright, Irish Cattle Breeding Federation ICBF Dec 2015 20 N/A Lot 7 DERESKIT JOKER 2 ID: IE121402010785 Sex: Male Breed: Charolais DOB: 03-Nov-2014 Owner: Basil Bothwell - Dereskit Killeshandra Co Cavan Breeder: Sire: Roughan Callum IE161190791159 Dam: Dereskit Delight IE121402070510 Star Rating (Within Charolais breed) Roughan Viceroi Ronsard Roughan Sabrina Nanouk Roughan Nicola Major Berlioz Dereskit Rosabel Meillard Rj Dereskit Nettie Hautesse Charmille € uro value Index per progeny Reliability Economic Indexes Terminal Index € 114 31% Replacement Index € 47 26% Maternal Cow Traits : -€ 23 24% Maternal Progeny Traits : € 70 31% Star rating (across all beef breeds) (Low) (Low) Dairy Beef Star Rating (Within Charolais breed) Index Value Key profit traits Trait Reliability Star rating (across all beef breeds) Expected progeny performance Calving difficulty (% 3 & 4) +7.9% 32% (Low) Breed ave: 7.58%,All breeds ave: 4.49% Docility (1-5 scale) 0.23 Breed ave: 0.04,All breeds ave: 0 scale Carcass weight (kg) Breed ave: 30.88kg,All breeds ave: 13.98kg Carcass conformation (1-15 scale) Breed ave: 1.78,All breeds ave: 1.23 47% (Average) 37% +33kg (Low) +1.76 30% scale (Low) Expected daughter breeding performance Daughter calving diff (% 3 & 4) Breed ave: 5.89%,All breeds ave: 6.48% +7% Daughter Milk (kg) -1.6kg Daughter calving interval (days) +1.85days Breed ave: -6.06kg,All breeds ave: 2.97kg Breed ave: 0.4days,All breeds ave: -0.39days Additional Information: 16% (V Low) 24% (Low) 21% (Low) Linear composites Value Reliability Muscle 105 50% Skeletal 102 48% Function 111 20% Herd data quality index Animal scored. Linear scores and weaning weights in evaluations Copyright, Irish Cattle Breeding Federation ICBF Dec 2015 21 N/A Lot 8 DRUMLINE JASON 2 ID: IE131191120972 Sex: Male Breed: Charolais DOB: 25-Nov-2014 Owner: John Frost - Drumline Newmarket On Fergus Co Clare Breeder: Sire: Blakestown Artiste BZT Dam: Mulroog Cupid IE182584170212 Star Rating (Within Charolais breed) Pedro Leader Royale Pacha Noblesse Panoramix Hermes Mulroog Venus Loch Ness Luge Hermione € uro value Index per progeny Reliability Economic Indexes Terminal Index € 112 30% Replacement Index € 24 25% Maternal Cow Traits : -€ 38 22% Maternal Progeny Traits : € 62 31% Star rating (across all beef breeds) (Low) (Low) Dairy Beef Star Rating (Within Charolais breed) Index Value Key profit traits Trait Reliability Star rating (across all beef breeds) Expected progeny performance Calving difficulty (% 3 & 4) +10.7% 32% (Low) Breed ave: 7.58%,All breeds ave: 4.49% Docility (1-5 scale) 0 Breed ave: 0.04,All breeds ave: 0 scale Carcass weight (kg) Breed ave: 30.88kg,All breeds ave: 13.98kg Carcass conformation (1-15 scale) Breed ave: 1.78,All breeds ave: 1.23 42% (Average) 36% +37kg (Low) +1.61 31% scale (Low) Expected daughter breeding performance Daughter calving diff (% 3 & 4) Breed ave: 5.89%,All breeds ave: 6.48% +5.6% Daughter Milk (kg) -1kg Daughter calving interval (days) +1.01days Breed ave: -6.06kg,All breeds ave: 2.97kg Breed ave: 0.4days,All breeds ave: -0.39days Additional Information: 20% (Low) 26% (Low) 19% (V Low) Linear composites Value Reliability Muscle 119 48% Skeletal 115 46% Function 101 18% Herd data quality index Animal scored. Linear scores and weaning weights in evaluations Copyright, Irish Cattle Breeding Federation ICBF Dec 2015 22 N/A Lot 9 WESTERN JACQUES ID: IE181306180320 Sex: Male Breed: Charolais DOB: 25-Nov-2014 Owner: Joe Clancy - Gortreevagh Oughterard Co Galway Breeder: Sire: Bowerhouses Topper BHP Dam: Western Fancy IE181306180246 Star Rating (Within Charolais breed) Tattenhall Impeccable Ecossais Goldies Haquenee Damocles Blanchette Excellent Valois Western Una Dovea Gin Tonic Western Sunshine Tattenhall Eclipse Angele € uro value Index per progeny Reliability Economic Indexes Terminal Index € 104 33% Replacement Index € 22 31% Maternal Cow Traits : -€ 44 30% Maternal Progeny Traits : € 67 33% Star rating (across all beef breeds) (Low) (Low) Dairy Beef Star Rating (Within Charolais breed) Index Value Key profit traits Trait Reliability Star rating (across all beef breeds) Expected progeny performance Calving difficulty (% 3 & 4) +5.7% 33% (Low) Breed ave: 7.58%,All breeds ave: 4.49% Docility (1-5 scale) 0.03 Breed ave: 0.04,All breeds ave: 0 scale Carcass weight (kg) Breed ave: 30.88kg,All breeds ave: 13.98kg Carcass conformation (1-15 scale) Breed ave: 1.78,All breeds ave: 1.23 46% (Average) 37% +29kg (Low) +1.56 32% scale (Low) Expected daughter breeding performance Daughter calving diff (% 3 & 4) Breed ave: 5.89%,All breeds ave: 6.48% +5.5% Daughter Milk (kg) -3.7kg Daughter calving interval (days) -1.49days Breed ave: -6.06kg,All breeds ave: 2.97kg Breed ave: 0.4days,All breeds ave: -0.39days Additional Information: 28% (Low) 31% (Low) 29% (Low) Linear composites Value Reliability Muscle 96 49% Skeletal 107 47% Function 95 25% Herd data quality index Animal scored. Linear scores and weaning weights in evaluations Copyright, Irish Cattle Breeding Federation ICBF Dec 2015 23 N/A Lot 10 KNOCKMOYLE10 JACKSON ID: IE131911950036 Sex: Male Breed: Charolais DOB: 28-Nov-2014 Twin to Male Owner: Gerard Lynch - Moymore Tulla Ennis Co Clare Breeder: Sire: Blueberryhill Henry IE161792890129 Dam: Knockmoyle10 Gemma IE131911940002 Star Rating (Within Charolais breed) Liscally Eti (Et) Oldstone Egbert Tulleyview Danielle Excellent Tulleyview Beauty Roundhill Doc 1068 (Et) Nelson Ashleigh Cleo (Et) Doonally New Ashleigh Pearl Liscally Blossom Roundhill Rimmel € uro value Index per progeny Reliability Economic Indexes Terminal Index € 124 Replacement Index -€ 18 Star rating (across all beef breeds) 17% (V Low) 15% (V Low) Maternal Cow Traits : -€ 90 14% Maternal Progeny Traits : € 73 17% Dairy Beef Star Rating (Within Charolais breed) Index Value Key profit traits Trait Reliability Star rating (across all beef breeds) Expected progeny performance Calving difficulty (% 3 & 4) +9.3% 22% (Low) Breed ave: 7.58%,All breeds ave: 4.49% Docility (1-5 scale) 0.02 Breed ave: 0.04,All breeds ave: 0 scale Carcass weight (kg) Breed ave: 30.88kg,All breeds ave: 13.98kg Carcass conformation (1-15 scale) Breed ave: 1.78,All breeds ave: 1.23 +40kg 17% (V Low) 18% (V Low) +1.98 scale 16% (V Low) Expected daughter breeding performance Daughter calving diff (% 3 & 4) Breed ave: 5.89%,All breeds ave: 6.48% +7.4% Daughter Milk (kg) -7.1kg Daughter calving interval (days) +0.96days Breed ave: -6.06kg,All breeds ave: 2.97kg Breed ave: 0.4days,All breeds ave: -0.39days Additional Information: 11% (V Low) 17% (V Low) 13% (V Low) Linear composites Value Reliability Muscle 121 18% Skeletal 116 18% Function 112 11% Herd data quality index Animal scored. Linear scores and weaning weights in evaluations Copyright, Irish Cattle Breeding Federation ICBF Dec 2015 24 N/A Lot 11 LANDLEAGUE JOKER ID: IE181310870117 Sex: Male Breed: Charolais DOB: 02-Dec-2014 Owner: Francis Ryan - Fahy Rosscahill Co Galway Breeder: Sire: Prime Roberto PBT Dam: Carrowkeel Angle IE311405530199 Star Rating (Within Charolais breed) Indurain Vicomte Prime Noelle Jupiter Knockane Cynthia Mozart Jason Carrowkeel Tina Doonally Olmeto Carrowkeel Paula Tombola Jaffa € uro value Index per progeny Reliability Economic Indexes Terminal Index € 117 34% Replacement Index -€ 23 32% Maternal Cow Traits : -€ 92 31% Maternal Progeny Traits : € 69 34% Star rating (across all beef breeds) (Low) (Low) Dairy Beef Star Rating (Within Charolais breed) Index Value Key profit traits Trait Reliability Star rating (across all beef breeds) Expected progeny performance Calving difficulty (% 3 & 4) +9.4% 35% (Low) Breed ave: 7.58%,All breeds ave: 4.49% Docility (1-5 scale) 0.04 Breed ave: 0.04,All breeds ave: 0 scale Carcass weight (kg) Breed ave: 30.88kg,All breeds ave: 13.98kg Carcass conformation (1-15 scale) Breed ave: 1.78,All breeds ave: 1.23 42% (Average) 37% +32kg (Low) +2.01 33% scale (Low) Expected daughter breeding performance Daughter calving diff (% 3 & 4) Breed ave: 5.89%,All breeds ave: 6.48% +6.4% Daughter Milk (kg) -9.5kg Daughter calving interval (days) +2days Breed ave: -6.06kg,All breeds ave: 2.97kg Breed ave: 0.4days,All breeds ave: -0.39days Additional Information: 30% (Low) 31% (Low) 29% (Low) Linear composites Value Reliability Muscle 101 45% Skeletal 101 44% Function 124 27% Herd data quality index Animal scored. Linear scores and weaning weights in evaluations Copyright, Irish Cattle Breeding Federation ICBF Dec 2015 25 N/A Lot 12 VERN JOVIAL ID: IE311317680258 Sex: Male Breed: Charolais DOB: 04-Dec-2014 Owner: Frank Harrington - Ballinafad House Ballybeg Strokestown Co Roscommon Breeder: Sire: Pirate PTE Dam: Vern Grace IE311317640205 Star Rating (Within Charolais breed) Meillard Rj Invincible Banquise Voltaire Proie Repair Jumper Vern Angela Domino Vern Sandra (Et) Badine Ile € uro value Index per progeny Reliability Economic Indexes Terminal Index € 149 29% Replacement Index € 91 30% Maternal Cow Traits : -€ 4 30% Maternal Progeny Traits : € 95 30% Star rating (across all beef breeds) (Low) (Low) Dairy Beef Star Rating (Within Charolais breed) Index Value Key profit traits Trait Reliability Star rating (across all beef breeds) Expected progeny performance Calving difficulty (% 3 & 4) +7.8% 33% (Low) Breed ave: 7.58%,All breeds ave: 4.49% Docility (1-5 scale) 0.05 Breed ave: 0.04,All breeds ave: 0 31% scale Carcass weight (kg) Breed ave: 30.88kg,All breeds ave: 13.98kg Carcass conformation (1-15 scale) Breed ave: 1.78,All breeds ave: 1.23 (Low) 30% +42kg (Low) +2.05 29% scale (Low) Expected daughter breeding performance Daughter calving diff (% 3 & 4) Breed ave: 5.89%,All breeds ave: 6.48% +4.3% Daughter Milk (kg) -5.7kg Daughter calving interval (days) -3.65days Breed ave: -6.06kg,All breeds ave: 2.97kg Breed ave: 0.4days,All breeds ave: -0.39days Additional Information: 28% (Low) 30% (Low) 33% (Low) Linear composites Value Reliability Muscle 114 31% Skeletal 118 31% Function 100 26% Herd data quality index Animal scored. Linear scores and weaning weights in evaluations Copyright, Irish Cattle Breeding Federation ICBF Dec 2015 26 N/A Lot 13 CLOUGHBRACK JOEY ID: IE181942380393 Sex: Male Breed: Charolais DOB: 07-Dec-2014 Owner: Mattie Kelly - Cloughbrack Newbridge Ballinasloe Co Galway Breeder: Sire: Nippur NPP Dam: Cloughbrack Heidi IE181942380328 Star Rating (Within Charolais breed) Ficus Rivoire O2jacinthe Casoar Harpe Enfield Plexus Domino Castlemartin Vichy Kilmore Sailor Castlemartin Oh My Girl Unique Chloe € uro value Index per progeny Reliability Economic Indexes Terminal Index € 115 33% Replacement Index € 23 28% Maternal Cow Traits : -€ 47 26% Maternal Progeny Traits : € 70 34% Star rating (across all beef breeds) (Low) (Low) Dairy Beef Star Rating (Within Charolais breed) Index Value Key profit traits Trait Reliability Star rating (across all beef breeds) Expected progeny performance Calving difficulty (% 3 & 4) +8.8% 34% (Low) Breed ave: 7.58%,All breeds ave: 4.49% Docility (1-5 scale) 0.06 Breed ave: 0.04,All breeds ave: 0 scale Carcass weight (kg) Breed ave: 30.88kg,All breeds ave: 13.98kg Carcass conformation (1-15 scale) Breed ave: 1.78,All breeds ave: 1.23 47% (Average) 39% +29kg (Low) +1.61 33% scale (Low) Expected daughter breeding performance Daughter calving diff (% 3 & 4) Breed ave: 5.89%,All breeds ave: 6.48% +5.1% Daughter Milk (kg) -5.6kg Daughter calving interval (days) +1.25days Breed ave: -6.06kg,All breeds ave: 2.97kg Breed ave: 0.4days,All breeds ave: -0.39days Additional Information: 22% (Low) 31% (Low) 21% (Low) Linear composites Value Reliability Muscle 108 52% Skeletal 102 50% Function 88 21% Herd data quality index Animal scored. Linear scores and weaning weights in evaluations Copyright, Irish Cattle Breeding Federation ICBF Dec 2015 27 N/A Lot 14 DRUMCROW JAMES ID: IE121584871001 Sex: Male Breed: Charolais DOB: 10-Dec-2014 Owner: David Abbott - Woodview House Drumcrow Killeshandra Cavan Co Cavan Breeder: Sire: Roughan Callum IE161190791159 Dam: Drumcrow Daisy IE121584890665 Star Rating (Within Charolais breed) Roughan Viceroi Ronsard Roughan Sabrina Nanouk Roughan Nicola Burradon Talisman Blelack Prince Drumcrow Tanya Doonally New Drumcrow Matilda Hautesse Burradon Juicey € uro value Index per progeny Reliability Economic Indexes Terminal Index € 113 31% Replacement Index € 44 24% Maternal Cow Traits : -€ 22 21% Maternal Progeny Traits : € 66 32% Star rating (across all beef breeds) (Low) (Low) Dairy Beef Star Rating (Within Charolais breed) Index Value Key profit traits Trait Reliability Star rating (across all beef breeds) Expected progeny performance Calving difficulty (% 3 & 4) +9.8% 33% (Low) Breed ave: 7.58%,All breeds ave: 4.49% Docility (1-5 scale) 0.12 Breed ave: 0.04,All breeds ave: 0 scale Carcass weight (kg) Breed ave: 30.88kg,All breeds ave: 13.98kg Carcass conformation (1-15 scale) Breed ave: 1.78,All breeds ave: 1.23 56% (Average) 36% +34kg (Low) +1.84 30% scale (Low) Expected daughter breeding performance Daughter calving diff (% 3 & 4) Breed ave: 5.89%,All breeds ave: 6.48% +6.8% Daughter Milk (kg) +2.9kg Daughter calving interval (days) +3.24days Breed ave: -6.06kg,All breeds ave: 2.97kg Breed ave: 0.4days,All breeds ave: -0.39days Additional Information: 14% (V Low) 26% (Low) 17% (V Low) Linear composites Value Reliability Muscle 115 51% Skeletal 108 49% Function 117 18% Herd data quality index Animal scored. Linear scores and weaning weights in evaluations Copyright, Irish Cattle Breeding Federation ICBF Dec 2015 28 N/A Lot 15 CLOUGHBRACK JAKEY ID: IE181942350399 Sex: Male Breed: Charolais DOB: 22-Dec-2014 Owner: Mattie Kelly - Cloughbrack Newbridge Ballinasloe Co Galway Breeder: Sire: Oscar OSC Dam: Cloughbrack Starlet IE181942310107 Star Rating (Within Charolais breed) Major Berlioz Toise Panama Imprudente Loch Ness Isidore Cloughbrack Janey Tyone Frosty Belvedere Honey Charmille Heredite € uro value Index per progeny Reliability Economic Indexes Terminal Index € 97 37% Replacement Index € 45 36% Maternal Cow Traits : -€ 13 36% Maternal Progeny Traits : € 58 37% Star rating (across all beef breeds) (Low) (Low) Dairy Beef Star Rating (Within Charolais breed) Index Value Key profit traits Trait Reliability Star rating (across all beef breeds) Expected progeny performance Calving difficulty (% 3 & 4) +7.45% 39% (Low) Breed ave: 7.58%,All breeds ave: 4.49% Docility (1-5 scale) -0.01 Breed ave: 0.04,All breeds ave: 0 scale Carcass weight (kg) Breed ave: 30.88kg,All breeds ave: 13.98kg Carcass conformation (1-15 scale) Breed ave: 1.78,All breeds ave: 1.23 +29kg 48% (Average) 41% (Average) +1.67 35% scale (Low) Expected daughter breeding performance Daughter calving diff (% 3 & 4) Breed ave: 5.89%,All breeds ave: 6.48% +5.95% Daughter Milk (kg) -3.2kg Daughter calving interval (days) -3.99days Breed ave: -6.06kg,All breeds ave: 2.97kg Breed ave: 0.4days,All breeds ave: -0.39days Additional Information: 35% (Low) 35% (Low) 41% (Average) Linear composites Value Reliability Muscle 107 53% Skeletal 120 51% Function 106 27% Herd data quality index Animal scored. Linear scores and weaning weights in evaluations Copyright, Irish Cattle Breeding Federation ICBF Dec 2015 29 N/A Lot 16 FEAKLE JAKE ID: IE131694210205 Sex: Male Breed: Charolais DOB: 26-Dec-2014 Owner: Michael Green - Dromore Feakle Co Clare Breeder: Sire: Feakle Hunk IE131694260184 Dam: Feakle Ginger IE131694270169 Star Rating (Within Charolais breed) Pirate Meillard Rj Feakle Fiona Enfield Picasso Feakle Ulanda Lyonsdemesne Tzar Domino Feakle Sonia Mozart Doon Penny Banquise Kilboy Frivole (Imp 91f) € uro value Index per progeny Reliability Economic Indexes Terminal Index € 128 Replacement Index € 11 Maternal Cow Traits : -€ 70 19% Maternal Progeny Traits : € 81 19% Star rating (across all beef breeds) 19% (V Low) 19% (V Low) Dairy Beef Star Rating (Within Charolais breed) Index Value Key profit traits Trait Reliability Star rating (across all beef breeds) Expected progeny performance Calving difficulty (% 3 & 4) +7.4% 21% (Low) Breed ave: 7.58%,All breeds ave: 4.49% Docility (1-5 scale) 0.01 Breed ave: 0.04,All breeds ave: 0 22% scale Carcass weight (kg) Breed ave: 30.88kg,All breeds ave: 13.98kg Carcass conformation (1-15 scale) Breed ave: 1.78,All breeds ave: 1.23 (Low) 20% +34kg (Low) +1.87 scale 18% (V Low) Expected daughter breeding performance Daughter calving diff (% 3 & 4) Breed ave: 5.89%,All breeds ave: 6.48% +4.7% Daughter Milk (kg) -11.2kg Daughter calving interval (days) -2.84days Breed ave: -6.06kg,All breeds ave: 2.97kg Breed ave: 0.4days,All breeds ave: -0.39days Additional Information: 16% (V Low) 18% (V Low) 17% (V Low) Linear composites Value Reliability Muscle 111 20% Skeletal 102 20% Function 104 14% Herd data quality index Animal scored. Scores or weaning weights NOT included in evaluation Copyright, Irish Cattle Breeding Federation ICBF Dec 2015 30 N/A Lot 17 CLOUGHBRACK JERRY ID: IE181942310395 Sex: Male Breed: Charolais DOB: 28-Dec-2014 Twin to Male Owner: Mattie Kelly - Cloughbrack Newbridge Ballinasloe Co Galway Breeder: Sire: Pirate PTE Dam: Cloughbrack Fabienne IE181942330307 Star Rating (Within Charolais breed) Meillard Rj Invincible Banquise Voltaire Proie Doonally New Hermes Cloughbrack Venos Indurain Cloughbrack Perdita Badine Intruse € uro value Index per progeny Reliability Economic Indexes Terminal Index € 129 34% Replacement Index € 48 34% Maternal Cow Traits : -€ 32 34% Maternal Progeny Traits : € 80 34% Star rating (across all beef breeds) (Low) (Low) Dairy Beef Star Rating (Within Charolais breed) Index Value Key profit traits Trait Reliability Star rating (across all beef breeds) Expected progeny performance Calving difficulty (% 3 & 4) +8.1% 30% (Low) Breed ave: 7.58%,All breeds ave: 4.49% Docility (1-5 scale) 0.02 Breed ave: 0.04,All breeds ave: 0 scale Carcass weight (kg) Breed ave: 30.88kg,All breeds ave: 13.98kg Carcass conformation (1-15 scale) Breed ave: 1.78,All breeds ave: 1.23 49% (Average) 39% +34kg (Low) +1.88 33% scale (Low) Expected daughter breeding performance Daughter calving diff (% 3 & 4) Breed ave: 5.89%,All breeds ave: 6.48% +5.2% Daughter Milk (kg) -4.4kg Daughter calving interval (days) -0.89days Breed ave: -6.06kg,All breeds ave: 2.97kg Breed ave: 0.4days,All breeds ave: -0.39days Additional Information: 29% (Low) 33% (Low) 36% (Low) Linear composites Value Reliability Muscle 111 54% Skeletal 111 52% Function 110 31% Herd data quality index Animal scored. Linear scores and weaning weights in evaluations Copyright, Irish Cattle Breeding Federation ICBF Dec 2015 31 N/A Lot 18 WINDMILL LARRY ID: IE311408930512 Sex: Male Breed: Charolais DOB: 02-Jan-2015 Owner: Michael Nerney - Chapel Street Elphin Castlerea Co Roscommon Breeder: Sire: Fleetwood FWO Dam: Windmill Grace IE311408930388 Star Rating (Within Charolais breed) Sylvaner Igloo Belle Pinay Ulla Pirate Meillard Rj Windmill Casandra Gicomte Windmill Vangie Jupe Banquise € uro value Index per progeny Reliability Economic Indexes Terminal Index € 133 33% Replacement Index € 33 23% Maternal Cow Traits : -€ 49 19% Maternal Progeny Traits : € 82 33% Star rating (across all beef breeds) (Low) (Low) Dairy Beef Star Rating (Within Charolais breed) Index Value Key profit traits Trait Reliability Star rating (across all beef breeds) Expected progeny performance Calving difficulty (% 3 & 4) +8.1% 34% (Low) Breed ave: 7.58%,All breeds ave: 4.49% Docility (1-5 scale) 0 Breed ave: 0.04,All breeds ave: 0 scale Carcass weight (kg) Breed ave: 30.88kg,All breeds ave: 13.98kg Carcass conformation (1-15 scale) Breed ave: 1.78,All breeds ave: 1.23 44% (Average) 38% +36kg (Low) +2.19 33% scale (Low) Expected daughter breeding performance Daughter calving diff (% 3 & 4) Breed ave: 5.89%,All breeds ave: 6.48% +5.1% Daughter Milk (kg) -5.3kg Daughter calving interval (days) +0.52days Breed ave: -6.06kg,All breeds ave: 2.97kg Breed ave: 0.4days,All breeds ave: -0.39days Additional Information: 13% (V Low) 18% (V Low) 20% (Low) Linear composites Value Reliability Muscle 114 49% Skeletal 108 47% Function 100 19% Herd data quality index Animal scored. Linear scores and weaning weights in evaluations Copyright, Irish Cattle Breeding Federation ICBF Dec 2015 32 N/A Lot 19 GRANGWOOD LE PETITE DOR ID: IE241054870217 Sex: Male Breed: Charolais DOB: 05-Jan-2015 Owner: Jerry O'Keeffe - Woodlawn Grange Knocklong Co Limerick Breeder: Sire: Goldstar Echo GHX Dam: Grangwood Dancer IE241054810137 Star Rating (Within Charolais breed) Texan-Gie Porto Sheehills Ula Doonally New Ballyboyle Nulla (Imp 00it) Enfield Picasso Vicomte Grangwood Thalassa Jumper Milaine Marquise Tombola € uro value Index per progeny Reliability Economic Indexes Terminal Index € 143 27% Replacement Index € 48 26% Maternal Cow Traits : -€ 46 25% Maternal Progeny Traits : € 93 28% Star rating (across all beef breeds) (Low) (Low) Dairy Beef Star Rating (Within Charolais breed) Index Value Key profit traits Trait Reliability Star rating (across all beef breeds) Expected progeny performance Calving difficulty (% 3 & 4) +6.9% 29% (Low) Breed ave: 7.58%,All breeds ave: 4.49% Docility (1-5 scale) 0.08 Breed ave: 0.04,All breeds ave: 0 39% scale Carcass weight (kg) Breed ave: 30.88kg,All breeds ave: 13.98kg Carcass conformation (1-15 scale) Breed ave: 1.78,All breeds ave: 1.23 (Low) 29% +37kg (Low) +2.11 29% scale (Low) Expected daughter breeding performance Daughter calving diff (% 3 & 4) Breed ave: 5.89%,All breeds ave: 6.48% +6.1% Daughter Milk (kg) -6.6kg Daughter calving interval (days) -1.22days Breed ave: -6.06kg,All breeds ave: 2.97kg Breed ave: 0.4days,All breeds ave: -0.39days Additional Information: 18% (V Low) 27% (Low) 33% (Low) Linear composites Value Reliability Muscle 127 28% Skeletal 110 28% Function 137 19% Herd data quality index Animal scored. Linear scores and weaning weights in evaluations Copyright, Irish Cattle Breeding Federation ICBF Dec 2015 33 N/A Lot 20 DERESKIT LANCE 793 ID: IE121402010793 Sex: Male Breed: Charolais DOB: 07-Jan-2015 Owner: Basil Bothwell - Dereskit Killeshandra Co Cavan Breeder: Sire: Roughan Callum IE161190791159 Dam: Dereskit Betty IE121402020415 Star Rating (Within Charolais breed) Roughan Viceroi Ronsard Roughan Sabrina Nanouk Roughan Nicola Lyonsdemesne Tzar Domino Dereskit Sheba Dereskit Napoleon Dereskit Lilly Hautesse Kilboy Frivole (Imp 91f) € uro value Index per progeny Reliability Economic Indexes Terminal Index € 111 31% Replacement Index € 58 25% Maternal Cow Traits : -€ 10 23% Maternal Progeny Traits : € 69 31% Star rating (across all beef breeds) (Low) (Low) Dairy Beef Star Rating (Within Charolais breed) Index Value Key profit traits Trait Reliability Star rating (across all beef breeds) Expected progeny performance Calving difficulty (% 3 & 4) +7.9% 35% (Low) Breed ave: 7.58%,All breeds ave: 4.49% Docility (1-5 scale) 0.07 Breed ave: 0.04,All breeds ave: 0 scale Carcass weight (kg) Breed ave: 30.88kg,All breeds ave: 13.98kg Carcass conformation (1-15 scale) Breed ave: 1.78,All breeds ave: 1.23 46% (Average) 37% +32kg (Low) +1.7 30% scale (Low) Expected daughter breeding performance Daughter calving diff (% 3 & 4) Breed ave: 5.89%,All breeds ave: 6.48% +6.8% Daughter Milk (kg) +3.1kg Daughter calving interval (days) +1.22days Breed ave: -6.06kg,All breeds ave: 2.97kg Breed ave: 0.4days,All breeds ave: -0.39days Additional Information: 17% (V Low) 25% (Low) 20% (Low) Linear composites Value Reliability Muscle 110 51% Skeletal 107 49% Function 101 17% Herd data quality index Animal scored. Linear scores and weaning weights in evaluations Copyright, Irish Cattle Breeding Federation ICBF Dec 2015 34 N/A Lot 21 DRUMCROW LARRY ID: IE121584881010 Sex: Male Breed: Charolais DOB: 12-Jan-2015 Owner: David Abbott - Woodview House Drumcrow Killeshandra Cavan Co Cavan Breeder: Sire: Blelack Digger S956 Dam: Drumcrow Ebony IE121584860737 Star Rating (Within Charolais breed) Balthayock Adonis Balmyle Thunderbird Galcantray Abbey Blelack Montgomery Blelack Rachel Blakestown Templier Blakestown Seigneur Drumcrow Rosebud Laheens Idol Loughwell Golly Balthayock Peach 0212 Blakestown Noumea (99f) € uro value Index per progeny Reliability Economic Indexes Terminal Index € 111 31% Replacement Index € 55 23% Maternal Cow Traits : -€ 17 19% Maternal Progeny Traits : € 72 32% Star rating (across all beef breeds) (Low) (Low) Dairy Beef Star Rating (Within Charolais breed) Index Value Key profit traits Trait Reliability Star rating (across all beef breeds) Expected progeny performance Calving difficulty (% 3 & 4) +6% 34% (Low) Breed ave: 7.58%,All breeds ave: 4.49% Docility (1-5 scale) -0.13 Breed ave: 0.04,All breeds ave: 0 scale Carcass weight (kg) Breed ave: 30.88kg,All breeds ave: 13.98kg Carcass conformation (1-15 scale) Breed ave: 1.78,All breeds ave: 1.23 56% (Average) 35% +32kg (Low) +1.66 29% scale (Low) Expected daughter breeding performance Daughter calving diff (% 3 & 4) Breed ave: 5.89%,All breeds ave: 6.48% +6.7% Daughter Milk (kg) +4.8kg Daughter calving interval (days) +0.29days Breed ave: -6.06kg,All breeds ave: 2.97kg Breed ave: 0.4days,All breeds ave: -0.39days Additional Information: 11% (V Low) 22% (Low) 17% (V Low) Linear composites Value Reliability Muscle 99 51% Skeletal 114 49% Function 105 18% Herd data quality index Animal scored. Linear scores and weaning weights in evaluations Copyright, Irish Cattle Breeding Federation ICBF Dec 2015 35 N/A Lot 22 DERESKIT LIONHARTE ID: IE121402040796 Sex: Male Breed: Charolais DOB: 21-Jan-2015 Owner: Basil Bothwell - Dereskit Killeshandra Co Cavan Breeder: Sire: Utrillo Mic URO Dam: Dereskit Gay Et IE121402090628 Star Rating (Within Charolais breed) Senior Neici Ficelle Calembour 5887107559 Orpheline Major Berlioz Dereskit Rosetta Meillard Rj Dereskit Nicola Datte Charmille € uro value Index per progeny Reliability Economic Indexes Terminal Index € 135 29% Replacement Index € 50 23% Maternal Cow Traits : -€ 25 20% Maternal Progeny Traits : € 76 30% Star rating (across all beef breeds) (Low) (Low) Dairy Beef Star Rating (Within Charolais breed) Index Value Key profit traits Trait Reliability Star rating (across all beef breeds) Expected progeny performance Calving difficulty (% 3 & 4) +11.7% 34% (Low) Breed ave: 7.58%,All breeds ave: 4.49% Docility (1-5 scale) 0.14 Breed ave: 0.04,All breeds ave: 0 scale Carcass weight (kg) Breed ave: 30.88kg,All breeds ave: 13.98kg Carcass conformation (1-15 scale) Breed ave: 1.78,All breeds ave: 1.23 44% (Average) 34% +48kg (Low) +2.08 29% scale (Low) Expected daughter breeding performance Daughter calving diff (% 3 & 4) Breed ave: 5.89%,All breeds ave: 6.48% +5% Daughter Milk (kg) +0.2kg Daughter calving interval (days) +1.84days Breed ave: -6.06kg,All breeds ave: 2.97kg Breed ave: 0.4days,All breeds ave: -0.39days Additional Information: 15% (V Low) 26% (Low) 15% (V Low) Linear composites Value Reliability Muscle 121 51% Skeletal 129 49% Function 95 21% Herd data quality index Animal scored. Linear scores and weaning weights in evaluations Copyright, Irish Cattle Breeding Federation ICBF Dec 2015 36 N/A Lot 23 DRUMCROW LANCE ID: IE121584841015 Sex: Male Breed: Charolais DOB: 30-Jan-2015 Owner: David Abbott - Woodview House Drumcrow Killeshandra Cavan Co Cavan Breeder: Sire: Roughan Callum IE161190791159 Dam: Drumcrow Tanya IE121584820361 Star Rating (Within Charolais breed) Roughan Viceroi Ronsard Roughan Sabrina Nanouk Roughan Nicola Doonally New Hermes Drumcrow Matilda Laheens Idol Oldstone (Imp.'89b) Eda Hautesse Intruse € uro value Index per progeny Reliability Economic Indexes Terminal Index € 130 31% Replacement Index € 15 26% Maternal Cow Traits : -€ 66 23% Maternal Progeny Traits : € 81 32% Star rating (across all beef breeds) (Low) (Low) Dairy Beef Star Rating (Within Charolais breed) Index Value Key profit traits Trait Reliability Star rating (across all beef breeds) Expected progeny performance Calving difficulty (% 3 & 4) +8.4% 33% (Low) Breed ave: 7.58%,All breeds ave: 4.49% Docility (1-5 scale) 0.18 Breed ave: 0.04,All breeds ave: 0 scale Carcass weight (kg) Breed ave: 30.88kg,All breeds ave: 13.98kg Carcass conformation (1-15 scale) Breed ave: 1.78,All breeds ave: 1.23 44% (Average) 36% +36kg (Low) +1.85 30% scale (Low) Expected daughter breeding performance Daughter calving diff (% 3 & 4) Breed ave: 5.89%,All breeds ave: 6.48% +6.7% Daughter Milk (kg) -1.3kg Daughter calving interval (days) +4.64days Breed ave: -6.06kg,All breeds ave: 2.97kg Breed ave: 0.4days,All breeds ave: -0.39days Additional Information: 17% (V Low) 27% (Low) 20% (Low) Linear composites Value Reliability Muscle 121 43% Skeletal 111 42% Function 115 19% Herd data quality index Animal scored. Linear scores and weaning weights in evaluations Copyright, Irish Cattle Breeding Federation ICBF Dec 2015 37 N/A Lot 24 KAROOLA LANCE ID: IE182216640634 Sex: Male Breed: Charolais DOB: 16-Feb-2015 Owner: Michael O Connor - Turlough Bellharbour Co Clare Breeder: Tony Brady - Feaghmore Eyrecourt Ballinasloe Co Galway Sire: Doncamillo DWF Dam: Calla Felisity IE182068030618 Star Rating (Within Charolais breed) Tapaloeil Poum Oriflamme Jongleur Hermine Mulroog Viacom (Et) P.T.I Prince Calla Ursula Corloughan Ivan Rathbane (Awm) Heidi Odyssee Mulroog Sunrise € uro value Index per progeny Reliability Economic Indexes Terminal Index € 107 29% Replacement Index € 37 22% Maternal Cow Traits : -€ 28 19% Maternal Progeny Traits : € 65 31% Star rating (across all beef breeds) (Low) (Low) Dairy Beef Star Rating (Within Charolais breed) Index Value Key profit traits Trait Reliability Star rating (across all beef breeds) Expected progeny performance Calving difficulty (% 3 & 4) +8% 37% (Low) Breed ave: 7.58%,All breeds ave: 4.49% Docility (1-5 scale) Breed ave: 0.04,All breeds ave: 0 scale Carcass weight (kg) Breed ave: 30.88kg,All breeds ave: 13.98kg Carcass conformation (1-15 scale) Breed ave: 1.78,All breeds ave: 1.23 (Low) 30% +32kg (Low) +1.97 29% scale (Low) Expected daughter breeding performance Daughter calving diff (% 3 & 4) Breed ave: 5.89%,All breeds ave: 6.48% +3.9% Daughter Milk (kg) -4.3kg Daughter calving interval (days) +0.13days Breed ave: -6.06kg,All breeds ave: 2.97kg Breed ave: 0.4days,All breeds ave: -0.39days Additional Information: 16% (V Low) 24% (Low) 17% (V Low) Linear composites Value Reliability Muscle Skeletal Function Herd data quality index Animal not scored. N/A Copyright, Irish Cattle Breeding Federation ICBF Dec 2015 38 Lot 25 WINDMILL LIAM ID: IE311408970516 Sex: Male Breed: Charolais DOB: 17-Feb-2015 Owner: Michael Nerney - Chapel Street Elphin Castlerea Co Roscommon Breeder: Sire: Fleetwood FWO Dam: Windmill Gwen IE311408960399 Star Rating (Within Charolais breed) Sylvaner Igloo Belle Pinay Ulla Pirate Meillard Rj Windmill Cinderella Indurain Shankhill (Brh) Victoria Jupe Banquise € uro value Index per progeny Reliability Economic Indexes Terminal Index € 135 33% Replacement Index € 33 23% Maternal Cow Traits : -€ 52 19% Maternal Progeny Traits : € 86 33% Star rating (across all beef breeds) (Low) (Low) Dairy Beef Star Rating (Within Charolais breed) Index Value Key profit traits Trait Reliability Star rating (across all beef breeds) Expected progeny performance Calving difficulty (% 3 & 4) +7.1% 34% (Low) Breed ave: 7.58%,All breeds ave: 4.49% Docility (1-5 scale) -0.25 Breed ave: 0.04,All breeds ave: 0 scale Carcass weight (kg) Breed ave: 30.88kg,All breeds ave: 13.98kg Carcass conformation (1-15 scale) Breed ave: 1.78,All breeds ave: 1.23 44% (Average) 38% +36kg (Low) +2.12 33% scale (Low) Expected daughter breeding performance Daughter calving diff (% 3 & 4) Breed ave: 5.89%,All breeds ave: 6.48% +5.6% Daughter Milk (kg) -4.6kg Daughter calving interval (days) +0.41days Breed ave: -6.06kg,All breeds ave: 2.97kg Breed ave: 0.4days,All breeds ave: -0.39days Additional Information: 13% (V Low) 18% (V Low) 20% (Low) Linear composites Value Reliability Muscle 107 49% Skeletal 111 47% Function 104 19% Herd data quality index Animal scored. Linear scores and weaning weights in evaluations Copyright, Irish Cattle Breeding Federation ICBF Dec 2015 39 N/A Lot 26 WESTERN LORETTO ID: IE181306130324 Sex: Male Breed: Charolais DOB: 18-Feb-2015 Owner: Joe Clancy - Gortreevagh Oughterard Co Galway Breeder: Sire: Vosgien Vf VVF Dam: Western Galaxy IE181306120265 Star Rating (Within Charolais breed) Orient Grimaldi Legion Illimite Hollande Sesame Picador Western Treasure Island Jumper Inchincummer Hilda Hutte Nefle Economic Indexes € uro value Index per progeny Reliability Terminal Index € 104 23% Replacement Index € 95 18% Star rating (across all beef breeds) (Low) (V Low) Maternal Cow Traits : € 24 16% Maternal Progeny Traits : € 71 23% Dairy Beef Star Rating (Within Charolais breed) Index Value Key profit traits Trait Reliability Star rating (across all beef breeds) Expected progeny performance Calving difficulty (% 3 & 4) +5% 26% (Low) Breed ave: 7.58%,All breeds ave: 4.49% Docility (1-5 scale) 0.07 Breed ave: 0.04,All breeds ave: 0 scale Carcass weight (kg) Breed ave: 30.88kg,All breeds ave: 13.98kg Carcass conformation (1-15 scale) Breed ave: 1.78,All breeds ave: 1.23 40% (Average) 29% +31kg (Low) +1.31 24% scale (Low) Expected daughter breeding performance Daughter calving diff (% 3 & 4) Breed ave: 5.89%,All breeds ave: 6.48% +5% Daughter Milk (kg) +2.2kg Daughter calving interval (days) -0.74days Breed ave: -6.06kg,All breeds ave: 2.97kg Breed ave: 0.4days,All breeds ave: -0.39days Additional Information: 9% (V Low) 22% (Low) 13% (V Low) Linear composites Value Reliability Muscle 104 42% Skeletal 111 40% Function 103 11% Herd data quality index Animal scored. Linear scores and weaning weights in evaluations Copyright, Irish Cattle Breeding Federation ICBF Dec 2015 40 N/A Lot 27 WESTERN LEDGENT ID: IE181306140325 Sex: Male Breed: Charolais DOB: 20-Feb-2015 Owner: Joe Clancy - Gortreevagh Oughterard Co Galway Breeder: Sire: Elgin Davinci ECZ Dam: Western Fidelma IE181306110248 Star Rating (Within Charolais breed) Tyrol Rio Elgin Ultra Rumsden Samurai Elgin Renee Meillard Rj Invincible Western Tara Hermes Inchincummer Henrietta Japonaise Badine € uro value Index per progeny Reliability Economic Indexes Terminal Index € 108 23% Replacement Index -€ 7 20% Maternal Cow Traits : -€ 70 19% Maternal Progeny Traits : € 63 23% Star rating (across all beef breeds) (Low) (Low) Dairy Beef Star Rating (Within Charolais breed) Index Value Key profit traits Trait Reliability Star rating (across all beef breeds) Expected progeny performance Calving difficulty (% 3 & 4) +9.1% 28% (Low) Breed ave: 7.58%,All breeds ave: 4.49% Docility (1-5 scale) 0.06 Breed ave: 0.04,All breeds ave: 0 scale Carcass weight (kg) Breed ave: 30.88kg,All breeds ave: 13.98kg Carcass conformation (1-15 scale) Breed ave: 1.78,All breeds ave: 1.23 43% (Average) 26% +38kg (Low) +1.82 scale 19% (V Low) Expected daughter breeding performance Daughter calving diff (% 3 & 4) Breed ave: 5.89%,All breeds ave: 6.48% +6% Daughter Milk (kg) -6.7kg Daughter calving interval (days) +1.17days Breed ave: -6.06kg,All breeds ave: 2.97kg Breed ave: 0.4days,All breeds ave: -0.39days Additional Information: 10% (V Low) 15% (V Low) 26% (Low) Linear composites Value Reliability Muscle 107 46% Skeletal 115 44% Function 105 15% Herd data quality index Animal scored. Linear scores and weaning weights in evaluations Copyright, Irish Cattle Breeding Federation ICBF Dec 2015 41 N/A Lot 28 WINDMILL LEO ID: IE311408910519 Sex: Male Breed: Charolais DOB: 08-Mar-2015 Owner: Michael Nerney - Chapel Street Elphin Castlerea Co Roscommon Breeder: Sire: Cavelands Fenian LZF Dam: Windmill Gypsy IE311408910394 Star Rating (Within Charolais breed) Noaille Eddy Cavelands Carena Indurain Cavelands Ulricka Excellent Valois Windmill Bonnie Bova Sylvain Shankhill Saffron Janina Angele € uro value Index per progeny Reliability Economic Indexes Terminal Index € 111 33% Replacement Index € 57 23% Maternal Cow Traits : -€ 13 19% Maternal Progeny Traits : € 70 33% Star rating (across all beef breeds) (Low) (Low) Dairy Beef Star Rating (Within Charolais breed) Index Value Key profit traits Trait Reliability Star rating (across all beef breeds) Expected progeny performance Calving difficulty (% 3 & 4) +7% 34% (Low) Breed ave: 7.58%,All breeds ave: 4.49% Docility (1-5 scale) 0.02 Breed ave: 0.04,All breeds ave: 0 scale Carcass weight (kg) Breed ave: 30.88kg,All breeds ave: 13.98kg Carcass conformation (1-15 scale) Breed ave: 1.78,All breeds ave: 1.23 43% (Average) 37% +30kg (Low) +1.74 32% scale (Low) Expected daughter breeding performance Daughter calving diff (% 3 & 4) Breed ave: 5.89%,All breeds ave: 6.48% +6.1% Daughter Milk (kg) -2.6kg Daughter calving interval (days) -0.4days Breed ave: -6.06kg,All breeds ave: 2.97kg Breed ave: 0.4days,All breeds ave: -0.39days Additional Information: 13% (V Low) 17% (V Low) 20% (Low) Linear composites Value Reliability Muscle 108 49% Skeletal 107 47% Function 102 20% Herd data quality index Animal scored. Linear scores and weaning weights in evaluations Copyright, Irish Cattle Breeding Federation ICBF Dec 2015 42 N/A Lot 29 GRANGWOOD LIMERICK ID: IE241054880218 Sex: Male Breed: Charolais DOB: 28-Mar-2015 Owner: Jerry O'Keeffe - Woodlawn Grange Knocklong Co Limerick Breeder: Sire: Pirate PTE Dam: Grangwood Darling IE241054840131 Star Rating (Within Charolais breed) Meillard Rj Invincible Banquise Voltaire Proie Lyonsdemesne Tzar Domino Grangwood Uniflamme Dovea Pinocchio Grangwood (Imp 00f) Petite Dor Badine Kilboy Frivole (Imp 91f) € uro value Index per progeny Reliability Economic Indexes Terminal Index € 132 31% Replacement Index € 57 33% Maternal Cow Traits : -€ 24 33% Maternal Progeny Traits : € 81 32% Star rating (across all beef breeds) (Low) (Low) Dairy Beef Star Rating (Within Charolais breed) Index Value Key profit traits Trait Reliability Star rating (across all beef breeds) Expected progeny performance Calving difficulty (% 3 & 4) +8.3% 34% (Low) Breed ave: 7.58%,All breeds ave: 4.49% Docility (1-5 scale) Breed ave: 0.04,All breeds ave: 0 scale Carcass weight (kg) Breed ave: 30.88kg,All breeds ave: 13.98kg Carcass conformation (1-15 scale) Breed ave: 1.78,All breeds ave: 1.23 (Low) 33% +38kg (Low) +1.9 30% scale (Low) Expected daughter breeding performance Daughter calving diff (% 3 & 4) Breed ave: 5.89%,All breeds ave: 6.48% +4.4% Daughter Milk (kg) -7.3kg Daughter calving interval (days) -4.17days Breed ave: -6.06kg,All breeds ave: 2.97kg Breed ave: 0.4days,All breeds ave: -0.39days Additional Information: 29% (Low) 35% (Low) 35% (Low) Linear composites Value Reliability Muscle Skeletal Function Herd data quality index Animal not scored. N/A Copyright, Irish Cattle Breeding Federation ICBF Dec 2015 43 AFTER PURCHASE CARE OF YOUNG STOCK BULLS Purchasing a stock bull is a significant investment in future performance, output and genetic gain. This investment is well worth taking good care of. A well looked after bull may perform better and last longer. The following snippets are intended to provide a check list for purchasers. Immediate Aftercare z A 60 + day transition period recommended to get the young bull accustomed to the new environment. z A sale and associated transportation generate stressful conditions that will lower an animal’s immune system and extra vigilance is required. z A change of owners usually results in a new diet, a new environment, new stock and perhaps new disease challenge. z Take care when transporting the bull home from the sale, he may have never travelled alone before and this may induce some anxiety. On arrival do not totally isolate him from other stock. If he is being penned alone it would be helpful to have an animal in the next pen etc. z Find out what you can about the bull’s diet prior to purchase and if possible start with 6070% of the previous diet and use a 3-4 week transition period. z Young bulls still need to grow by at least one kilogram/day, so do not withdraw concentrates too rapidly. z Bulls require exercise to remain fit so ensure they are not overly confined. z Introduce cows to the bull as they come on heat initially until you are sure that he is serving correctly. It is also advisable to ensure you abide by the terms of any insurance terms and conditions that may require you to check his ability to put a female in-calf within a time period. Health Issues z BVD can be a devastating disease. Bulls being purchased are certified virus free and ideally vaccinated. If the bull is entirely clean and comes in contact with an animal shedding the BVD virus, he could succumb to transient infection and whilst he will probably recover fully, fertility may be impaired. z It is strongly recommended to vaccinate bulls annually against IBR, PI 3 and RSV viruses. z Treat bulls for internal and external parasites twice yearly at a minimum. z Consider giving an annual booster vaccine against Clostridial diseases. z Consider vaccinating against Leptospirosis and others contagious diseases depending on local risk and veterinary advice. 44 Nutritional Requirements z Whilst it may be desirable to reduce the level of fleshing on some young bulls it is important to appreciate they are still rapidly growing and have a higher nutritional requirement than other cattle of similar weight, especially during the breeding season. z The plane of nutrition must support reproductive performance. z Target condition score 2.5-3.0 z Young bulls on poor pasture may need supplementation. ntation. z Note: Mineral/ Vitamin deficiency will reduce fertility. ility. z In the months before the breeding season assess condition and general health status and act accordingly. z During the breeding season supplement if necessary. z After the breeding season, some bulls may need supplementation to replenish reserves, repair the body and get ready for a new season especially where there are two calving periods (Spring and Autumn). General Management z Observe in action frequently in case of any injury, lameness, general health issues or structural soundness issues. z When housed, bull pens’ should always be adequately spacious to facilitate exercise and the lying area comfortable and safe. Bull Power Guide z Over working the bull should be avoided and the following table is used internationally as a guide to the bull per cow ratio advisable. Bull Age Number of Cows Yearling 15-20 2 Year Old 20-30 3 Year Old 30-40 The best simple rule to use is 1 cow/month of age once over 15 months 45
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