Essentials of a Healthy Anabaptist Church,Part I


Essentials of a Healthy Anabaptist Church,Part I
Volume 19, Number 2
Biblical Mennonite Alliance
March/April 2016
By Jay Laughman, Chairman of Council of Overseers
s I view church life today, I notice a tendency of our views on
the concept of church and the importance of being connected to the
local church body slowly changing over time.
Many of us have grown up in a setting where “church” was the
center of our lives. We were taught the importance of community,
connectedness, and fellowship. If there was something happening
at church, we were there. If someone within the fellowship needed
assistance, we could be counted on to help because there was a mutual
dependence. Church was the center of our lives. It was the hub in the
wheel where everything filtered out from the center. In our busy culture
today, sometimes I get the impression that church is no longer the
center of our lives. Everyone is busy. We have all kinds of involvements
in other things and church is somehow relegated to the sidelines. It
feels like church is something we do instead of who we are.
We have been greatly influenced by our American culture to
value independence and individualism. Advertising encourages us to
be a “self-made man.” Do your own thing, be your own boss. We
live in a country that is obsessed with individual rights and has little
consciousness of its need for other people … or the need for community.
Has the church been tainted by this influence and rationale? Have
we bought into this attitude of “going it alone” and not wanting to be
accountable to the local church? I want to do my own thing; come
and go as I please; it’s about me and God and my own interpretation
of Scripture. We can become so independent-minded where we don’t
need each other. God never intended for us to be “lone rangers.” Lone
rangers get picked off by the enemy! Brothers and Sisters, we need each
Sometimes it seems like church is becoming a spectator sport; no
membership, no commitment to the body or to each other. Let me
come and go as I please and watch from the sidelines. Along with this
attitude is the thinking of, “What’s in it for me?” or “What can I get out
of it?” Now, lest I be misunderstood, we do need to get something out
of church, but we need to be in it for a whole lot more than just what
we can get out of it! We need to be in it for each other; for our brothers
and sisters. The Christian life in not just a commitment to Christ!
It’s a commitment to other Christians as well. It’s not just a vertical
commitment, but a horizontal commitment to the Family of God.
How do I view the church? And is it really that important to be
connected to the local body? Maybe a better question is, “how does
God view His church and does He want me to be connected to the local
You see, the church was God’s idea! (I’m not referring to a manmade religious system.) The church was birthed out of the creative mind
of God. It is something that He feels passionate about. God’s plan
and purpose is that His glory would be displayed in a community
of members, which He calls the Body. This is clearly expressed in
Ephesians 3:9-11, 21 (AMP):
Also to enlighten all men and make plain to them what
is the plan [regarding the Gentiles and providing for the
salvation of all men] of the mystery kept hidden through the
ages and concealed until now in [the mind of ] God Who
created all things by Christ Jesus. 10 [The purpose is] that
through the church the [a]complicated, many-sided wisdom
of God in all its infinite variety and innumerable aspects might
now be made known to the angelic rulers and authorities
(principalities and powers) in the heavenly sphere. 11 This
is in accordance with the terms of the eternal and timeless
purpose which He has realized and carried into effect in [the
person of ] Christ Jesus our Lord, 21 to Him be the glory in
the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations
forever and ever. Amen.
The Church is the focus of God’s eternal purpose! His purpose is
not fulfilled, His manifold wisdom is not on display, until He unites
those members into one Body. That purpose cannot be fully realized
by individual members, but in the Body collectively. It’s about merging
Continued on page 4
Biblical Mennonite Alliance
18th Annual Convention
Essentials of a Healthy
Anabaptist Church, Part I
July 22-24, 2016
Elnora Bible Institute
101 S. State Rd. 58
Elnora, IN 47529
Solid, Biblical teachings
Rich fellowship
Tasty food
Children/youth activities
And more!
Lodging options:
- In-home lodging
- Rent an RV (limited availability)
- Bring your own RV
- Stay at a hotel
Aaron Beery
Cell: (765) 585-7986
NEW EVENT: Family Week
July 24-27, 2016
Following the convention, you are
invited to stay for EBI’s very first
Family Week. Come for three days
packed with family-building activities,
family-oriented teachings and
Spiritual refreshment!
Register now:
Mt. Airy Mennonite Church - Mt. Airy, MD
press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God
in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:14
We’re enjoying our Winter Bible School Programs for ten weeks,
alternating with Goshen Mennonite Church. Some of the topics
were: “Biblical Observance of the Lord’s Day”, “Eager Anticipation of
that Blessed Hope”, “The High Calling of Homemaking”, “Effects of
Individualism on our Church Community”, etc.
We had 30+ inches of snow the end of January so we cancelled our
church services.
Janelle is leaving March 3 for a medical mission’s trip to Ukraine
for ten days. Pray for her safety and endurance.
Irvin Martin, III is in Brazil working for his job for three months.
Pray for his safety.
In November Brendon & Elva Martin had a fire in their mechanical
shop and office which completely destroyed everything inside. They
were thankful no one was injured. They are looking to rebuild in the
near future.
Elva Martin planned our Christmas program by collecting songs
and Bible verses that we thought about during the Christmas season.
It was a very inspirational program. The theme was “The magic of
Christmas is not in the presents, but in HIS presence.”
We are anticipating vacation Bible School and would appreciate
some teachers to help us. God bless those who have helped us in the
Rachel Martin
Nickel Mines Mennonite Church - Paradise, PA
n December we spent an evening Christmas caroling. We
traveled in a bus, singing as we drove through several developments.
Some from our group also walked, handing out plates of cookies and
an invitation to our Christmas Candlelight Service. It was a blessing to
bring joy to others during the Christmas season.
Jesse Herschberger attended second term at SMBI.
We had a program at Water Street Mission on a cold evening in
February. We hope those in attendance were challenged to live for
We are looking forward to our Friend’s Sunday in March, a special
opportunity to invite friends to our service who may not normally
attend church. We also anticipate an enjoyable evening at our “Guess
Who’s Coming to Dinner” event in April planned by the program
Kristine Kilheffer
Kossuth Community Chapel - Bolivar NY
reetings of love. In September David Breneman shared about
work in Tanzania that their family experienced during a four-month
mission term there. We enjoyed our annual Sunday School picnic at
the home of John & Anna Mary Hess.
Arlin Hege ministered to us during our Spiritual Life Meetings in
October. In November we held a joint hymn sing with the Bradford,
PA, congregation.
Our ladies were delighted to attend a Ladies’ Tea at Seeds of Truth
in December. A manger scene was displayed outside our church as a
witness to the true meaning of Christmas. On a Sunday afternoon we
caroled at community homes. On New Year’s Eve we enjoyed a social
at Russell & Janelle Zimmerman’s house.
In January fourteen community women attended our first Widow’s
Brunch and were very enthusiastic about getting together. A mission
team of eight from SMBI came that weekend. The young ladies helped
with the brunch, and the fellows painted a community woman’s room.
Most of our group attended the lovely February wedding of Jared
Miller and Charlene Stoltzfoos in Lancaster County, PA. We had good
attendance at our annual Sweetheart Banquet. Larry Bergey was our
speaker, and also shared with us on Sunday morning.
Anna Lois Boll
Living Water Mennonite Church - Goshen, IN
Our church enjoyed a weekend of camping together in September.
The annual event is always a good time for connecting and building
relationships outside of regular church activities. The ladies also had
their weekend retreat with the theme being “A woman of fit words.”
In December many contributed to the organization and cookie
baking for our cookie walk that is open to the community. Most of
our customers are regulars and look forward to our event every year.
We would like to be more intentional about reaching out to those who
attend and using this opportunity for ministry. We also helped with
cookies for Gospel Echoes Prison Ministry, and several volunteered to
distribute them to the inmates.
We have 3 youth attending EBI this semester. Our small youth
group is feeling their absence. The youth and youth leaders spent a
weekend at EBI cooking for the students and staff. It was a positive
time for our group to interact with others and experience EBI a bit for
The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine
upon you, and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up His countenance
upon you, and give you peace. Numbers 6:24-26
Donna Miller
Lamb of God Mennonite Church - Butler, IN
reetings to all our Brothers and Sisters!
Our community Christmas caroling was an interesting experience.
Our area Horseman’s Association came with three horse-pulled wagons
and took us up and down the streets of Butler. We handed out gift bags
to people walking the sidewalks as well as rang doorbells of homes in
the area. Afterwards some of the drivers and assistants joined us in the
fellowship hall for refreshments. We also enjoyed baking cookies and
packaging them for the Gospel Echoes Prison Ministry.
Our Kid’s Bible Club that meets monthly is continuing to grow.
We are considering adding an older teenage class. We were recently
encouraged when one of our young ladies accepted Christ.
We are just ending the Gospel Echo Read-a-thon and we have 14
hardworking (reading) youngsters who have faithfully been reading and
seeking sponsors. It’s a blessing to be able to help provide Bible study
courses for prisoners.
Several ladies from our congregation recently attended “INSPIRE”
Women’s Retreat at Goshen. It was a blessing to sing, pray and fellowship
with 600 plus other women who were also seeking a closer walk with
Blessings to everyone!
Betty Myers
Page 2
New Hope Mennonite Church - Orrstown, PA
e had a weekend of revival meetings with Cleo Orendorf from
Indiana the end of October. This year, for Christmas, we had a candlelit evening program with the Sunday School classes and youth. We did
not have our “Journey To Bethlehem” this year. We decided to take a
break this year.
Lori Hege went on a CHARGE Team to China under GTO the
month of December. Willie Hege is at 3rd term EBI and Jennifer
Martin is planning to go 4th term.
In January, we had a qualification message and took names for
a deacon licensing. We had two names so we used the lot. Daniel
Hostetler was the one chosen and licensed as deacon.
There have been some new babies born and new members taken in
the last couple months.
There were 2 Sundays this year that we had to cancel our Sunday
morning service because of bad weather. We have had some cold snowy
weather this year compared to our warmer than normal December.
We enjoyed our annual Valentine’s supper with the married couples in
Some of the ladies got together one morning and knotted some
crib blankets for CAM. We had lunch together too.
Lois Hege
New Covenant Mennonite Church - Lititz, PA
New Holland Mennonite Church - Batesburg, SC
ello! The beginning of the year is always a highlight for those
involved in prison ministry. Several from here went to We Care crusade
(Renew Hope) in January. They came back encouraged themselves and
had many good memories to share from their experience. In February
Gospel Express had their annual prison crusade. Several from here went
and played ball and/or visited the incarcerated. Our pastors and their
wives really enjoyed their time at the ministers’ meetings in Illinois the
end of January. In February we had the Amos and Margaret Raber
Family here sharing in song.
Looking ahead, we look forward to Easter and our annual sunrise
service. We join up with our local Baptist and Pentecostal churches to
have a service with brunch following.
Alyssa Wengerd
Millwood Mennonite Church - Gap, PA
fter a challenging winter, we are eagerly anticipating warmer
weather and the promise of spring.
We are planning to have a Passover meal in conjunction with our
semiannual Communion service on Good Friday. And, yes, we will be
serving lamb for the first time.
Our missionary family, Tim and Kathy Maynard and their three
children, will be home from Indonesia for six months and plan to
join us for our camp-out in September. They will share about Tim’s
work with Mission Aviation Fellowship and Kathy’s involvement with
children’s ministry.
The youth from our congregation will be traveling to Canada in
July to teach Bible School. Danielle Baugher just returned home from
six weeks of study in Spain and will be heading out to EBI for 4th term.
Arlene Hess
Juniata Christian Church - Port Royal, PA
They moved back from Arkansas in December after having lived there a
little over a year.
Dave Glick and Galen King attended Minister’s Enrichment
Weekend in Illinois. There was an abundance of rich preaching!
Ruthie Glick
s our church body keeps growing, we are desperately in need of
a church house! We are meeting in the upstairs of a Grange building
which is not wheelchair accessible. Would you join us in praying for
We are in the process of licensing a deacon. The actual licensing
will take place on March 20. We look forward to adding another couple
to our team!
Jeremy Glick attended EBI 2nd term and will be going back 4th
A group of men which included Lynford Kauffman, Dan Repman,
Jon Repman, and Jeremy Glick travelled to Haiti for ten days to help
Don and Karole Weaver build their house which they will be using as
an orphanage. They presently have five orphans they are caring for.
We are happy to have Philip and Gina Peachey and family back.
reetings from Millwood Mennonite Church!
Last September we hosted a “Call to Purity” event at our church which
we opened to the public. It was given by Pure Life Ministries which is
located in Kentucky. It was a challenging reminder of the importance
of purity in our Christian lives and what we need to do to live that
out. There were a number of Amish people who attended which was
encouraging to us. Our church is surrounded by Amish farms and
families, and we are looking for ways we can reach out and affect our
local community for the honor and glory of Jesus Christ.
Pastor Keith Beiler has returned in January from his 7 month
sabbatical. Our theme for our church this year is to “Do all things with
excellence to the honor and glory of Jesus Christ.”
Two of our young people headed off to mission work this past
fall. Kyla Martin is currently serving with DNI in Choix, Mexico, at
the orphanage, while her brother, Bryson Martin, is currently serving
with Choice Books in New York City. Two of our young men also did
a short-term service with Plain Compassion late last summer. Five of
our young people are attending 3rd term at EBI, and two of them are
planning to stay on for 4th term. Our youth group has been rather
slim these past months and we are looking forward to having them back
We are looking forward to having Denny Eicher join us for our
revival meetings in March. Our church is also looking forward to
renovating our auditorium and giving it a face lift. We hope to start
that project near the end of the month.
Cheryl Beiler
Page 3
all the different members, with different gifts and functions, into one
Body - the Church. If He can bring Jews and Gentiles together, don’t
you think that He can bring all of us together with our opposing views
and differences, merging us into one Body?
Jesus tells His disciples in John 13:34-35 (AMP):
I give you a new commandment: that you should love one
another. Just as I have loved you, so you too should love
one another. 35 By this shall all [men] know that you are My
disciples, if you love one another [if you keep on showing
love among yourselves].
What is He saying? If you guys, with all of your different opinions
and personalities, can be united into one body and genuinely love and
appreciate each other that will be the evidence to the world that you are
my disciples! The Church, the Body of Christ, is a trophy displayed
to angels and demons (being of the Spiritual realm). When we are
unified in that Body, there is no greater compelling evidence that we are
disciples of Jesus Christ.
Romans 12:4-6 (AMP):
For as in one physical body we have many parts (organs,
members) and all of these parts do not have the same function
or use, 5 So we, numerous as we are, are one body in Christ
(the Messiah) and individually we are parts one of another
[mutually dependent on one another]. 6 Having gifts
(faculties, talents, qualities) that differ according to the grace
given us, let us use them…
We are familiar with the physical body and the need for all its
members to be dependent on each other. Which part of your physical
body do you want to do without? We understand that all the members
are needed! In the Church, God has placed and arranged the limbs
and organs in the body, each particular one, just as he saw fit. All these
members are merged together into one Body with Christ the head!
I propose to you that many people are robbing the Body of Christ
of a blessing because they are not willing to exercise the spiritual gift
they were given. Having gifts (faculties, talents, qualities) that differ
according to the grace given us, let us use them. (Romans 12:6)
Within the physical body, there is no way for a detached limb
to survive. There’s something creepy about a detached limb or organ
taking on a life of its own. Yet in the body of Christ we can tend to
think, “Nobody loves me, I’m going to leave” … and there goes a limb
crawling out the back door! Similarly, if you are attached to the Body
and drawing nourishment from it but not contributing anything to it,
it is called a tumor. Enough said!
We are incomplete without other members of the Body! We cannot
stand alone! God’s Word says that we don’t reach our full potential by
ourselves. We don’t function the way God intended apart from the
Body, the Church. You need the Church for survival and the Church
needs you. You are needed for that special contribution that only you
can make.
It’s a privilege and an honor to be a part of something as grand
as the Church of Jesus Christ. As joint-heirs with Christ, we can look
forward with confidence to being perfected within the Body as a whole.
And when we are formed into that Body, there is no more compelling
evidence that we are the disciples of Jesus Christ.
One glorious day, Jesus Christ will return for His Bride, the
Church. He is passionately in love with His Bride and He is looking
forward to consummating that marriage at the Wedding Supper of the
2016 BMA Convention - Elnora, IN
(Hosted by EBI)
Theme: Healthy Church Essentials (Part 1)
July 22-24, 2016
The Elnora Bible Institute is excited to host the 2016 BMA
Convention and welcomes you to attend! The weekend will
focus on “Essentials of a Healthy Anabaptist Church.” Please
mark your calendars for July 22-24 and register immediately
to reserve your spot.
You might also consider staying for EBI’s new Family Week.
This three-day event, which immediately follows Convention,
is packed full of family-building activities, family-oriented
teachings, and Spiritual refreshment!
By Keith Bucher, BMA Editor
“12 Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, put on tender mercies,
kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering; 13 bearing with one another,
and forgiving one another, if anyone has a complaint against another; even
as Christ forgave you, so you also must do. 14 But above all these things put
on love, which is the bond of perfection.” - Colossians 3:12-14
ecently, as I studied these verses three things emerged concerning
how we relate to brothers and sisters in the church, specifically when
someone needs correction, or sins, or rubs us the wrong way. They can
be summarized as mercy, forgiveness, and love. These three attributes
should characterize how we relate to one another in the Body.
The Apostle Paul’s description of the character qualities the
Christian is to “put on” in verse 12 is the opposite of being harsh. Our
attitudes and actions are to be characterized by kindness, humility and
extending mercy and patience to our brothers and sisters in Christ. If
we are honest with ourselves, sometimes it is really difficult to have
patience with someone, who in our mind is spiritually immature.
Bearing with one another literally means “to put up with,” to
forbear, or endure! Why do we need instruction like this in the body
of Christ? We need to recognize our human tendency to make every
disagreeable action from one another a capital offense!
There are some actions/attitudes of other people that we are to “put
up with.” What if you called out every action or words by someone else
you love in the church or home that was disagreeable? That might be all
you get done. It would be a miserable existence and would eventually
destroy relationships.
When offenses should be overlooked:
- When the issue is merely a personality difference
- When the offense is a personal irritation, not a sin issue
- When spiritual growth is happening in the life of the individual
Page 4
Continued on back page
New Covenant Mennonite Church - Lititz, PA
Boden Clay born to Darrell & Janae Fisher - Jan 23
United Bethel Mennonite Church - Plain City, OH
Xavier Flynn born to Matt & Helen Petersheim - Jan 31
Shiloh Mennonite Church - Due West, SC
Sofia Heather born to Jerry & Sarah Lanza - Feb 23
Pleasant Grove Conservative Mennonite Church - Goshen, IN
Christopher Jay born to Wendell & Sara Miller - Nov 24
Logan William born to Junior & Marlene Shirk - Feb 9
Shekinah Mennonite Fellowship - Croghan, NY
Ruth Ada born to Mike & Karlene Travers - Oct 30
Avery Darrell born to Harlan & Lorraine Roggie - Nov 12
Word of Life Mennonite Church - Hutchinson, KS
Lincoln William born to Vincent & Heidi Nisly - Jan 17
Liam Justice born to Ryan & Rebecca Shetler - Feb 24
Family Harvest Mennonite Church - Fredericksburg, PA
Ezra Leeroy born to Jerry & Jenny Snyder - Jan 13
New Hope Mennonite Church - Orrstown, PA
Magdalena Kate born to Ethan & Deanna Martin - Aug 29
Blake Anthony born to Brian & Alissa Oaks - Jan 3
Chad Levi born to Levi & Trudy Hostetler - Jan 15
Calvary Mennonite Fellowship - Harrisonburg, VA
Heather Nichole born to Richard & Crystal Beery - Feb 5
Nora Grace born to Paul & Naomi Yates - Feb 15
Eden Elisabeth born to Bruce & Beth Martin - Feb 22
East Union Mennonite Church - Orrvillle, OH
Lydia Clove born to Matt & Debbie Eberly - Jan 19
Skyline Mennonite Church - Cañon City, CO
Marshall Kiron born to Michael & Roxina Miller - Feb 14
Nickel Mines Mennonite Church - Paradise, PA
Braden Lee born to Jeremy & Lynnae Mummau - Jan 4
Kossuth Community Chapel - Bolivar, NY
Lia Kate born to Darren & Janae Miller - March 2
Living Word Christian Fellowship - Sparta, WI
Brielle Fawn born to Victor & Anna Miller - Dec 29
Juniata Christian Church - Port Royal, PA
Ava Grace born to Joe & Mary Ellen Miller - Dec 6
New Holland Mennonite Church - Batesburg, SC
Sydney Rose born to Ethan & Charlotte Overholt - Jan 3
Life Mennonite Fellowship - Willow Street, PA
Sara Hope born to Boyd & Jeanne Zimmerman - Jan 1
Millwood Mennonite Church - Gap, PA
Marita Lapp & Spencer Weaver
Snow Hill Mennonite Church - Snow Hill, MD
Janessa Kurtz & Travis Weaver - July 9 wedding
New Hope Mennonite Church - Orrstown, PA
Kyle Knepper & April Druist - May 7 wedding
Pleasant Grove Conservative Mennonite Church - Goshen, IN
Rachel Lee & Jamien Beiler - Aug 13 wedding
East Hanover Mennonite Church - Palmyra, PA
Deanne Stauffer & Tim Petersheim - June 18 wedding
United Bethel Mennonite Church - Plain City, OH
Timothy Sommers & Heather Kurtz - March 5
Austin Miller & Gloria Martin - March 2016
Kossuth Community Chapel - Bolivar, NY
Jared Miller & Charlene Stoltzfoos - Feb 6
New Holland Mennonite Church - Batesburg, SC
Justin & Amber Swartzentruber - Oct 16
Tyler & Melinda Hoover - Jan 2
United Covenant Mennonite Church - Etowah, NC
Irene Peachey, Flat Rock, NC, 86 years old, died Dec 5,
burial in Colby, WI - Dec 11
Shekinah Mennonite Fellowship - Croghan, NY
Mary Pierce, wife of Daniel Pierce - Nov 7
East Union Mennonite Church - Orrvillle, OH
Homer Eberly (age 85) - Jan 18
Lucinda Yoder (age 94) - Jan 22
Nickel Mines Mennonite Church - Paradise, PA
Sylvan Ressler (husband of Nancy Ressler) - Jan 7
Joel Showalter (husband of Irene Showalter) - March 3
Sharon Conservative Mennonite Church - Sugarcreek, OH
Ed Raber (age 39)
Life Mennonite Fellowship - Willow Street, PA
Samuel Consylman - Feb 26
New Members:
Word of Life Mennonite Church - Hutchinson, KS
David Shenk (C) - Jan 24
Potter’s House Mennonite Chapel - Downing, MO
Caleb Brown (B), Bradley Nolt (B), Brady Shank (B), Katrina Swartzentruber (B) - Jan 17
New Hope Mennonite Church - Orrstown, PA
Gary & Paula Martin – Confession of Faith
Skyline Mennonite Church - Cañon City, CO
Lynford and Martha Glick (L), Martha Knepp (L), Tanya Knepp (L), Esther Ruble (L), Justin & Jessica Yoder (L), Lewis & Mary Yoder (L)
Living Word Christian Fellowship - Sparta, WI
Peter, Jennifer, Mercedes Kropidlowski
Oak Hill Mennonite Church - Cumberland, V
Willie & Ashley Vierra (C), Marlin & Darla Weaver (C)
Juniata Christian Church - Port Royal, PA
Jeremy Glick, Bill Coutain, Sarie Glick
New Hope Mennonite Church - Orrstown, PA
Daniel Hostetler licensed as Deacon - Jan 17
Calvary Mennonite Fellowship - Harrisonburg, VA
Benjamin Brubaker, Wendell Nisly, and Keith Yoder - ordained as Ministers - March 20
Prairie Mennonite Church - New Dayton, AB
Jakeb (Tanya) Meyer ordained as Minister - March 6
Dustin (Jennifer) Yutzy ordained as Minister - March 6
Page 5
EBI Capital Fund Projects
2016 Voluntary Ministries Trips
You have an opportunity to become a part of what God is doing Elnora Bible Institute is pleased to announce that we are resuming
in other parts of the world by being a part of one of these teams. the Capital Fund campaign. Our goal is to complete the capital
improvement projects we envisioned several years ago and have paused
to allow the Mission Training Center to raise money for their building
Uganda - February 25 – March 1
fund. Even though we have not been actively soliciting funds for
A team is ministering there
capital projects, during this “pause” we have been able to finish the
Jamaica 1 - July 29 – August 5
EBI chapel, payoff the Indian Street house loan to MTC, and begin
construction on the front entrance remodel project with the help of
A youth group is committed to do the Bible School
donated money, materials, and time.
Jamaica 2 - August 5 – 12
We are now in need of money
Team members still needed (especially guys) for the youth rally
to complete the front entrance
remodel project as well as continue
Mexico - late Summer or early Fall
construction on the dorm
More team members are needed
extension. We are excited about
both of these projects because of
Spain - sometime between September 15 and October 15
the added functionality they will
Several more individuals are needed to complete this team
give to our existing school building.
give students and visitors an
South Asia - between January 14 and February 10, 2017
secretary to be better situated
This trip is geared for couples
to greet guests and answer questions. The dorm extension will add
These trips are designed to share Christ as we have opportunity, needed facilities for students including laundry, study facilities, prayer
encourage long term personnel on the field, and for team mem- rooms, and lounges. This will then free up existing space in the school
building currently being used for lounges.
bers to get a broader world view.
Would you be interested in partnering with us to complete these
Contact Marv Troyer at
building projects?
Please email Keith Bucher at to sign up to
receive periodic updates regarding the
progress of these capital improvement
Thank you for your support.
Keith Bucher
MTC Capital Fund Balance: $1,096,420
EBI Business Manager
Building Fund Update
For some reason God is developing patience in us at the Mission
Training Center. It is characteristic of Him; so we wait on
Him, desiring to be like Him. The most recent court hearing,
regarding our building in Elmhurst, was inconclusive because
the defendant did not show up. We are told to sit tight for
another 30 days with the anticipation of a ruling by the judge ...
should this happen again. May the Lord continue His gracious DNI worker Krista Roth recently had an accident on the busy streets
of Cambodia. She returned home for treatment, but Canadian health
work in us that we may reflect His magnificent glory.
Nelson Gehman care will not cover her medical expenses since the accident occurred
Projects Worthy of Your Gifts
b y empowering individuals
to share the G ospel
G L O B A L L Y.
outside the country. Donations for her medical bills should be earmarked: “Krista’s medical expenses.”
Estimated cost: $1,000
Los Angeles Summer Bible Camp: Cost for hosting teachers, supplies,
transportation, park reservation for two weeks each summer. Estimated cost: $3,000-$3,500/year.
Designate and send all donations to the BMA office: Marvin Troyer,
63645 Hidden Ridge Court, Goshen, IN 46528.
Page 6
Opportunities for Service
Opportunities for Support
Imagine living in the world’s coldest capital city, with an average annuNeed ideas for member care? Listen to Mike Allgyer’s workshop
of 31 degrees Fahrenheit! Imagine living in the world’s most
titled “Local Churches Caring For Missionaries.” Available at:
sparsely populated country, with nearly half its population in the capital
One of DNI’s goals is to give a presentation at all the BMA churches every two years. Please contact us to reserve a date for the 20162017 cycle.
Want to hear about a specific DNI location? Invite a DNI worker
to share about their ministry. Available this spring/summer: Joel &
Hilda Iwashige (South Asia); Ryan & Alyssa Yoder (Spain); Wayne
& Melissa Landis (Spain).
Want to liven up your church bulletin board? Request the fullcolor DNI poster featuring DNI locations and workers!
city. Imagine living halfway around the world in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia,
city of 1.3 million.
When the Marxist regime fell in 1990, there were only ten known Christians in Mongolia. Today there are an estimated 40,000 believers, and the
church continues to grow. While the recent church growth is substantial,
Mongolia is still vastly unreached with less than two percent Christian.
According to Operation World, Mongolia is “one of the most open
countries in Asia with limited government interference in Christian
work.” DNI workers, Les and Tonia Ebersole and family use greenhouse
development and hockey training camps to build relationships with the
community and plant seeds of truth.
DNI continues to look for families and singles to join the Ebersoles.
Jews in New York City
“Brethren, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they may
For more information, contact Allen Roth: 718-827-1036 (h); be saved. For I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God, but not
according to knowledge” (Rom. 10:1-2; NKJV). The apostle Paul’s words
917-617-6358 (c);
continue to ring true. Nearly two thousand years later, the vast majority of
Sign up to pray daily and/or weekly for DNI workers through this the fourteen million Jews worldwide still deny Jesus as Messiah.
New York City is home to more than two million Jews, the largest popuJuly. Contact the prayer coordinator, Nancy Allgyer: destinationlation outside of Israel. With a range from ultra-orthodox to secular, at
least 10% of the city is Jewish.
The harvest is great, but the laborers are few. Wayne and Marie Rutt and
family, along with DeLora Neuschwander and Alyssa Rodes moved to the
city last summer after having spent a year in Israel studying the Hebrew
language and culture.
Is God calling you to move to the world’s most influential city to bear
DNI General Fund Fiscal Year-to-Date Report witness of the Messiah? DNI is looking for families and singles to join the
For your information: Gifts given to the DNI General Fund
New York City Jewish outreach team.
assist with workers’ travel to/from their fields, their training
in New York City, board visits to the teams, etc.
Internship in New York City
Consider enrolling in a six-month internship program at the Mission
Training Center in New York City. Interns develop boldness, passion, and
initiative through missions classes, personal study and volunteer work.
Living in one of the world’s most ethnically diverse communities prepares
interns for church planting, evangelism and cross-cultural missions.
For more information about this excellent opportunity, contact Matt
King - 717-513-2661;
Current Fiscal Year General Fund Budget: $178,250
$14,854 is the average monthly income
needed to meet the annual budget
DNI Balance in General Fund as of February 29: $55,845
DNI Prayer Requests and Praises
- Praise God for two additions to the DNI family!
Claudia Grace, born on January 2 to Benji & Maria Beiler (Los
Katelyn Joy, born on January 29 to Lavon & Beth Slabaugh (Southeast Asia).
- Pray for the Phil & Darlene Reiff family and Jason & Jamie Stoltzfus
family as they study Spanish. They are attending the Rio Grande
Bible Institute in Texas, and plan to move to Choix, Mexico later
this year.
Page 7
C/O Keith Bucher
804 S Ellen Street
Elnora, IN 47529
and addressing this “minor” issue would detract from the larger issues
you are helping them work through in their life. (Not trying to fix
everything at once!)
Other things that should be done when “overlooking offenses”
are: praying for the person; encouraging positive traits and responses in
their lives; instructing them by your example and words; and ultimately
forgiving them!
When offenses should not be overlooked:
- When it poisons other relationships
- When it defames the name of Christ
- When it involves a clear sin issue
In these cases, Matthew 18:15-20 gives us a way of dealing with these
issues in the brotherhood.
In verse 14, Paul says we are to above all put on love. The word
used here is “Agape,” which is a love that is not dependent on the other
person’s treatment of you - it is not primarily a feeling! A definition
of love I remember Brother Todd Neuschwander sharing in a sermon
once is, “Love is doing what is right and good regardless of negative
feelings.” In the context of how we relate as a Body, love is doing what is
right and good for the other person regardless of the potential negative
consequences. Some consequences of showing love in this way could
include rejection, misunderstanding, retaliation, mistaken motives, or
damaged reputation.
Paul concludes this instruction of what we are to “put on” by saying
that love is the bond of perfection. Love is what “bands us together”
and makes the Body complete, much like the ligaments in the physical
body hold muscles and bones together. (See Colossians 2:2, 19)
In summary, as the beloved children of God (elect of God) who
are called to be holy, our desire should be to relate to one another with
a spirit of meekness and tenderness, extending grace and forgiveness
while overlooking minor faults and irritations, but lovingly confronting
erring members in a spirit of humility out of a genuine concern for the
spiritual wellbeing of our brother or sister, and for the Body as a whole.
This isn’t something we can do on our own strength. Extending
mercy, forgiveness, and love goes against everything our flesh wants to
do. It results from a transformational work of the Holy Spirit in our
lives! Jesus said in John 13:35, "By this all will know that you are My
disciples, if you have love for one another."
The Alliance Newsletter is a bimonthly publication of Biblical Mennonite Alliance.
To receive a subscription, contact Keith Bucher at: 804 S Ellen Street, Elnora, IN 47529 or by email at:
Donations are appreciated and should be made payable to Biblical Mennonite Alliance and earmarked for Alliance Newsletter.
Please send donations to: 63645 Hidden Ridge Court, Goshen, IN 46528