ANGT Transformation Brochure 12-08-14
ANGT Transformation Brochure 12-08-14
2 TRANSFORMATION AMERICA Get UP! Get Moving! Get Started! ANGT Wants YOU to be the Best YOU Can Be! It’s time for change. It’s time to be accountable, take action, and lead by example. "One Life. One World. One Chance. Your Choice." Choose to live positive, healthy, fit, confident & STRONG! Trainers, coaches & instructors build the "will to win." They share a common interest having a sincere passion to see people achieve their goals. Building confidence, selfesteem and that positive will to win – a never give up attitude. To believe in themselves, encouraging them to follow their dreams. Great trainers inspire their clients to RISE. To Fight Hard! Fight Strong! Fight to WIN!!! Rob Fletcher Founder, ANGT America’s Next Great Trainer\ “Strive for excellence, exceed yourself, love your friends, speak the truth, practice fidelity and honor your father and mother. These principles will help you to master yourself, make you strong, give you hope and put you on the path to greatness.” Joe Weider 3 TESTIMONIALS/QUOTES "ANGT is an outstanding initiative and is a game changer in the industry. Honored to be involved.” Dr. Mark Kovacs “You certainly do awesome work. Congratulations on all that you are doing…Truly amazing." Dr. Wayne Westcott “During the past 40 plus years I have often wished (especially when I was young and inexperienced) there was a way to gather the best of the best and thereby create a solid platform for the next generation of trainers to stand on and reach new heights ... you have done it. Congratulations and thank you ... I am proud to be one of the pillars beneath your creation!” Gary Reinl, Author - ICED: The Illusionary Treatment Option “I think this is a great step for the martial arts industry. Rob Fletcher spearheaded the martial arts into this weekend. Its great for fitness, its great for the martial arts and its great to be here.” Chuck Norris "Rob is a great a leader, and role model. We at the Weider organization admire and respect the years of rigorous and intense training, the dedication, the commitment, Rob has inspired and motivated many people. He has a burning desire, discipline and focus to educate people on the importance of living a positive, healthy and fit lifestyle." Ben Weider Trainer of Champions, World Renowned Fitness leader Former Publishers of Muscle & Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, FLEX, Men's Fitness, Shape magazines "Rob runs a quality show. In the events business Rob is particularly known and sought after for delivering a quality product on time and on budget. I recommended several of my clients to become exhibitors for a trade fair that Rob was running a few years back and they all came back to me raving about the experience. It doesn't get better than that." James Byrne Executive Consultant for Marketing and Communications UFC - Ultimate Fighting Championships "I have had the pleasure of knowing and then becoming friends with Rob Fletcher, back in 2002. Once you have made a friend with Rob, you have a caring friend and a fierce ally. Mr. Fletcher never ceased to amaze me how positive an attitude he would exude in all his endeavors. He has an easy, laid back approach, but there is an undercurrent of zeal for life, and the constant drive to pursue and extract every inch of worth from what he does. He is genuine, encouraging and sincere, yet has an uncanny ability to be honest and always speaks from fact, not fiction. Rob possesses a special energy that is infectious, and can motivate an entire army when called to do so. This world needs more Rob Fletcher's. It is an honor to work along side of him." Doug Alexander 4 TESTIMONIALS/QUOTES "I had the distinct honor of working with Rob Fletcher for over 20 years in various forms of television programming, relating to health, fitness, education and promotions. Not only is Rob one of the most sincere passionate producers I have come in contact with, he is a great person. When Rob has a vision, he is unstoppable, a true go getter in every sense of the word, and makes it happen. Rob has my highest recommendation, and someone you have to have on a winning team.” Darryl Popkave, Owner RDP Media and Film Productions "Thanks Rob expectations. that it was. successful." to your great help the Arnold Martial Arts festival surpassed our best We greatly appreciate the work you did in making this event the great success We want to thank you for all the work and planning that made it so Arnold Schwarzenegger “The ANGT Youth Fitness, Empowerment and Nutrition Program is one step to educate and encourage our youth to live a positive, healthy lifestyle. We need these programs that empower, motivate, and inspire kids and teens. Building confidence, self esteem, a "will to win"" attitude!” Jack LaLanne, Godfather of Fitness "Rob Fletcher, he's the man, he's the king, but so am I. So Get Up America! Get Up and move your butt! That's all we want you to do." Tony Horton Master Fitness Guru and Creator “Hi Rob, I just wanted to say thank you so very much. We were not sure what to do, where to turn and as fate would have it, we heard about you and your ANGT Youth Fitness, Empowerment & Nutrition program. Michael learned so much from you and everyone! I hope he continues to be positive. I will keep you posted! Again, thank you!” Deirdre Armida Michael's Mom “Rob: Thanks sooo much for today. My nephew was so happy on how things turned out. All you guys had a definite impact on him, I can see it already. We will keep in touch! Thanks again for your time, I do appreciate it sooo much!” Trish “Rob has an incredible gift to empower others, especially our youth! He had the whole room laughing, learning, listening and crying! Rob is extremely passionate about what he does. It was an ‘extra–special’ high energy day! Thank you Rob Fletcher for another empowering event.” Marygrace Scarpelli "When Rob visited our school in Yonkers the children were amazed! Their attention span, excitement & eagerness was felt throughout the gym! Kids were smiling, supercharged, focused and ready! Not only did they get an incredible workout but very valuable life lessons in positive self esteem building, being strong and the feeling that they truly are all auperstars. My principal, staff,parents and of course the students want Rob back! Rob Fletcher has an amazing gift to empower our youth." Yonkers Scholastic Academy Yonkers, NY 5 TESTIMONIALS/QUOTES “Rob Fletcher thank you so much for having me on your show. If we had more of you, we would live in a better world. Your devotion, your motivation, your love, your commitment give me goose bumps! I can feel it all, all the way to California!” Nat Bardonnet, Celebrity Trainer to Halle Berry, Robert Downey, Jr. “I don't know if you remember me; I used to be a member at USA Karate & Fitness. I'm in Sri Lanka, an island off the southern tip of India. The only thing is that there has been a terrorist war going on here for a while now. They have me out here working as a Marine diplomat, which is cool because you get a lot privileges. I'm also attending the University of Maryland. Just wanted to thank you again because it was your guidance and discipline that kept my nose clean. Although you might not know it, going to your workouts and classes was the only outlet I had. I was going through really tough times in school; at home my life fell apart but I learned from you that in life getting knocked down is not the problem - it's getting back up, to never give up or quit! To fight harder and stronger. You have instilled that in me, I have been in the fight ever since and I am forever thankful. I have enclosed a picture and the American flag for you that I took with me to Afghanistan and Iraq. I hope this is your address and again thank you.” Sgt. Ernesto Rancel Jr. (USMC) Training Coordinator-NCO MSG Detachment, The American Embassy Colombo, Sri Lanka 6 It all starts in the kitchen: think before you eat. What are you fueling your mind and body with? These are things to remember when grocery shopping; always read nutritional facts and ingredient labels especially. WHY? 1. Take a food label at face value. 2. A green colored label or image is not a guarantee of nourishing value. 3. "Approved,” "non-toxic," or "parenttested." These words are meaningless – they are not standardized and are loosely regulated. 4. "Natural" foods may be laden with sugar and fat. 5. "Fat Free" foods may be overloaded with sugar. 6. "Sugar Free" may be a FAT FEST. 7. "Supports Immune Function" – ROB EXPAND ON THIS? 8. Understand regulated terms: "light" "low fat" "reduced" "non" "free" "high fiber" "good source." 9. "Healthy" may be low in fats, may contain limited amounts of sodium and cholesterol, and have "some" vitamins targeted by the FDA. The following guidelines will help provide you and your children a nutritious diet: Prepare your body for anything, and you will find it is capable of everything! 1. Offer servings of fruits and vegetables every day. 2. Choose healthy sources of protein, such as lean meat, nuts and eggs. 3. Serve whole-grain breads and cereals since they are high in fiber. 4. Broil, grill or steam foods instead of frying. 5. Limit fast food and junk food. 6. Offer water and milk instead of sugary fruit drinks and sodas. 7. Learn about your nutrient requirements. ** Consult a credible, professional trainer, or nutritionist. 7 IT STARTS WITH YOUR GROCERY LIST! Some thoughts to get you started: o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Look for sugar free and low sodium varieties of sauces and condiments Whole wheat bread - look for the words 'whole wheat" or "whole wheat flour" on the label Whole grain breads that contain at least 4 grams of fiber and have fewer than 100 calories per slice Skinless chicken or turkey breasts Ground turkey or chicken Salmon, halibut, trout, or tilapia Very lean red meat Brown rice Whole wheat or whole grain pasta Mustard Red wine vinegar or balsamic vinegar Salsa Extra Virgin Olive Oil Nonfat cooking spray Hot sauce Whole grain or multi-grain cereals Steel cut or instant plain oatmeal Diced or whole peeled tomatoes Tuna packed in water Black beans, kidney beans, lentils Fresh or frozen vegetables (no sauce) any green vegetable (i.e., broccoli, spinach, lettuce, celery, cucumbers, asparagus.) Also, cauliflower, carrots, tomatoes and sweet potatoes. Fresh or frozen fruit (i.e., strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, apples, cantaloupe, watermelon, bananas, oranges, mangoes Skim milk, soy milk, almond milk Plain Greek yogurt Fat free or low-fat yogurt and cottage cheese Low-fat cheese and string cheese Eggs or egg whites Raw, unsalted nuts: almonds, walnuts, peanuts Sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, flaxseeds Peanut butter, almond or soy butter Whey protein powder Hummus Dark chocolate pieces (containing 70% cocoa) Unsweetened green and flavored teas Coffee Water Sparkling Water I hope you find this list to be helpful. Remember to try to plan out a week's worth of meals before going shopping. Try to buy fresh foods and you can find them along the perimeter of the supermarket. Become a label reader. Eat healthy to feel and look great! 8 LIGHT IT UP & TORCH THE FAT! GOAL: DROP 10 LBS! OK! Now that we have a very good start on healthy eating, let’s move to some exercises, workouts, advice and tips to lose weight, tone, sculpt, rev up the metabolism, burn the calories, and torch that FAT! Plan: Low carbs, proper nutrition, weight train/ cardio/ intervals. Simple guidelines to get you started. 1. Consume high quality proteins - beef, fish, chicken, eggs, whey and casein protein supplement drinks. 2. Avoid processed foods. Reduce, or cut out whites; this includes pasta, breads, potatoes, rice, cheese, bread, and dairy. 3. Avoid candy, soda and fruit juices. 4. Get in the habit of reading a label’s "nutritional facts" and "ingredients.” Look at sugar, fat, carbs and protein content. Especially look for the "hidden" sugars – ingredients ending in "ose" and corn syrup. 5. Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Throw in a lemon or lime. Lemon assists in the process of digestion and elimination. The popular formula is 8 glasses of water per day. 6. Consume your meals according to your post- meal activities. 7. Consume smaller, more frequent meals through the course of the day. Keeps the appetite satisfied. 8. Healthy snacks: natural foods, fruits, nuts and vegetables. 9. Nutrient timing: The only time to take in "sugar” - pre and post workout. 10.Do a cardio or short interval workout first thing in the morning. Your body will use stored fat for fuel, as there is no muscle glycogen to use. 11.HIt the gym and get that workout IN! No time to workout? Use the "No Excuses" Total Body Workout HIIT High Intensity Interval Training. Start with one interval work up to 5. **READ **REPEAT** REINFORCE** REMEMBER 9 WORKOUTS & INTERVALS It’s time for your workout. No excuses! Light IT UP and torch the fat with HIIT - High Intensity Interval Training. These are short intense workouts that will speed up and rev the metabolism. HIIT Interval Warm up: Run in place; jump rope/ imaginary jump rope. 1. Squats 10-20 2. Lunges 10-20 each leg 3. Squat Thrust 10-20 4. Push Ups 10-20 5. Plank 10-20 count 6. Left side Plank 10-20 count 7. Center Plank 10-20 count 8. Right Side Plank 10-20 count 9. Center Plank 20 count 10. Push Ups 10-20 11. Mountain Climbers 10-20 12. Stand Up Horse Stance 60 seconds 13. Squat jumps 1 minute 14. Crunches 15. V ups Prisoner Squats Target Muscles: butt, hips, and thighs 1. Stand straight feet shoulder width apart, hands behind head, fingers interlinked with elbows pressing back. 2. With your toes, knees and hips in a straight line, slowly squat down as if sitting in a chair 3. Keep knees behind toe line 4. Go down as low as you can, preferably with your knees at a 90° angle. If cannot go that low, go as low as you can. Rest 1-2 minutes…. repeat 3-5 times Tip: When beginning exercise, movement should be slow and controlled. *Optional: Perform for time: do each exercise for 30-60 seconds! Depending on level of fitness: 3-5 sets of 1530 repetitions. Rest 30-60 seconds between sets OR do as many as you can in 20 - 40 or 60 seconds. 10 WORKOUTS & INTERVALS It’s time for your workout. No excuses! Light IT UP and torch the fat with HIIT - High Intensity Interval Training. These are short intense workouts that will speed up and rev the metabolism. The Push Up The Leg Crank One of the best body weight exercises of all time! Target areas: glutes, quads, hamstrings, core, obliques Squats Lunge and twist Jumping split lunge Squat jumps Keywords: "muscle activation,” and "time and tension." It hits the chest, shoulders, arms, core AND, if done correctly, will increase strength, sculpt, tone and build muscle. Try this simple variation: From the basic push up position: be sure back is flat, strong core. Lower yourself down on a 3 count, explode up, and squeeze pecs together for a 5 count. Try for 25 – you will see and feel a huge difference. Modified: Knees to the floor. Perform 12-24 of each. Rest 1 minute. Repeat 3-5 times; 3 sets of 10 - 24 total repetitions. Progression: Use a weighted medicine ball. THE “NO EXCUSES” TOTAL BODY WORKOUT INTERVAL Targets: Shoulders, arms, chest, core, glutes, hamstrings, quads, obliques. Burns 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. calories, tones and sculpts muscles, and revs up the metabolism. Squat - Tap - Jump and Reach Start with right hand tap first. Jump Split Lunges - Start with right foot forward left hand out. Speed Skater Jump or Lateral Jumps Burpees Spiderman Push Ups or Regular Push ups. Pull knee into your elbow as lowering your. **Beginners: 4 total reps each exercise. Intermediate: 6 total reps each exercise. Advanced: 810 total reps each exercise. Objective: complete within 60 seconds. A Great Trainer “makes the difference.” Evaluates and assesses. Clearly understands the goals and objectives: whether it is to lose 10, 20 or more pounds or having the dream of becoming an Olympian. A great trainer makes the plan, with clearly defined goals, for your roadmap to success. 11 EMPOWER OUR YOUTH ~ BUILD FROM THE INSIDE OUT What we all want for our children: happiness, health, confidence, and a positive attitude. I have discovered many ways to bring out positive qualities and instill values with great success. I owe this great satisfaction to being a martial arts instructor and fitness trainer for over 25 years, working with various youth groups and organizations. Some basic things I believe we should reinforce, reaffirm, and repeat on a daily basis, as a coach, trainer and parent are: Exercise: Make a simple routine they could do every day. Join them, turn up the music, smile, have fun! Simple sample routine: run in place, jumping jacks, squats, burpees, pushups. Do each exercise for 30 seconds and repeat this 3-5 times. A 10-minute investment to instill exercise as a lifestyle! Proper Nutrition: Explain healthy food choices and why. Avoid "sugar," especially juices and sodas. Choose healthy foods to feel and look good! Choices: Be strong. Be confident. Make good positive choices. Acts of Kindness: Be a victim’s hero. See someone being bullied? Say and do something. Power Word of the Week: Pick a word, define it, and give examples. Choose words that will empower, motivate and instill values such as confidence, discipline, honesty, health, respect, attitude, character, choices, and willpower. Affirmations: Have your child look in the mirror, make a tight fist, raise it up and say the following with conviction: "Yes I can. I am a Superstar. I never give up. I believe in me. I make strong choices.” Body Language: Project confidence. Stand tall. Strong posture. Head straight, shoulders back, make eye contact. Repetition, reinforcement, and reaffirmations bring results! Every kid deserves to feel like a superstar! To have a "yes I can" "will to win" positive attitude -- as we prepare them for the greatest game of all: the Super Bowl of Life! 12 FOR MOM & DAD: GET THEM STARTED EARLY. BE A COACH! Building the youth of America from the inside out - to Think STRONG! Be STRONG! and Stay STRONG! Keep your kids healthy, happy and fit! Begin by acting as a coach or personal trainer to your child. Teach them the importance of exercise and eating healthy. Get them on a regular fitness program, which will only take minutes a day. They will feel better, have more confidence, and improve their focus and concentration. Fuel them with positive reinforcement and positive affirmations: "I am a superstar. Yes I can. I never, ever give up. I believe. I am strong." This will build the foundation for a strong core belief system, building them from the inside out. Simply have your child stand in front of you and call out the exercises or drills listed below. Have them perform only 5 of each, working your way through all exercises. Repeat for 3 sets. Also challenge your child to increase the repetitions to 8, 10, 12 and so on once they breeze through the first level. You can also do these exercises with your child; keep it light and fun! Jumping Jacks High Knee (running in place) Jump Up and Down Squat Thrust Squats Lunges Mountain Climbers Push Ups Sit Ups Important Notes: • • • • • • Play music your child enjoys to pump them up and energize them. Pick a convenient time of the day to perform your Superstar Workout with your child and keep it consistent. Remember you are your child’s best coach, coaching them in the most important game of all: this game called life! Be certain to reduce SUGAR intake. Read labels and note the amount of "sugar." Remind them of the importance of eating healthy - it will affect the way they think and feel. Pay attention to your child’s posture: shoulders back, head straight, eyes focused! 13 FOR MOM & DAD: GET THEM STARTED EARLY. BE A COACH! Important Notes: • • Give them positive affirmations. Once their workout is complete tell them to say nice and loud "I am a Superstar". Confidence will defeat the BULLY. Kids need confidence let's be sure to give it to them and build them up! BULLYING The greatest fitness activity kids can do today, I believe, is the Martial Arts. A quality program, taught by a professional instructor will have lifelong and priceless benefits. Don't let your child be bullied! It is an unacceptable behavior and must be closely monitored. As much as we want to be there for our children all the time, we can't! Bullying hurts, destroys self-confidence, selfesteem and very sadly, has taken lives! Every child needs to be built from the inside out. Empower them and build their self-confidence. When faced with bullying, they will have inner strength and not to allow anyone to make them feel as if they are no good. I strongly suggest enroll your children in a quality martial arts program. It instills inner strength, confidence, character, social skills, leadership, discipline, respect, values, focus, concentration, responsibility, and so much more; the added benefits are those of fitness, positive healthy living, and self-defense. All that things that we as parents strive to teach our children. 14 MY TOP TEN In order on to be more positive, energized, happy and healthy we must exercise, eat right. Get Motivated, Empower Yourself to be the best you can be! Some simple steps, and guidelines 1. Take care of yourself first; this will reflect in everything you do. 2. Don't put so much pressure on yourself to get to the gym, but get there! Don't dreading the gym in your head. Don't feel as if it has to be a grueling 60-minute workout. Start off easy, set a goal that will be met, such as 15-30 minute on the treadmill (a short workout!) Get your mindset; strengthen the habit of exercise, fitness, health and wellness. Today’s goal: make the phone call to schedule a free consultation at your local gym with a local, professional trainer. Explain your concerns and let them guide you to get you started. 3. Set realistic physical goals and eating habits. Make gradual (not drastic) cutbacks. Get in the habit of looking at food labels, especially sugar content! 4. Overcome the fear or intimidation of the gym. Most use this as the excuse not to do it – “I don't know what to do, how to get started.” And for crying out loud, avoid the excuse of “I have to lose weight to go the gym.” Go to the gym to lose the weight! 5. If a gym membership is not in your budget, set up a simple 15-30 minute routine that can be done in your home. Commit to it for 30 days, 4 times per week. Select 5 exercises; for example push ups, squats, lunge, sit ups, jumping jacks. Depending on your level of fitness, begin with just 10 of each. As you move forward, increase the number of repetitions. You can also increase sets, instead of 1 set go to 2 than to 3. This will at least get you started, and get into your mindset that you are making the commitment and no more excuses. 6. Read. Watch. Listen. Feed your mind, and soul. Make daily deposits of positive affirmations, thoughts and reviewing your goals. Read. Watch. Listen - to inspiring stories, self-improvement, things that will motivate and empower you to stay on track! 7. Exercise, health, fitness and wellness should be part of your everyday routine. By making it a regular part of your lifestyle you will look and feel better GUARANTEED! People will notice a change, a transformation! 8. By paying attention to exercise, health, fitness, and wellness you will impact your confidence, self-esteem, energy, productivity, relationships, and coping with stress. You will simply just look and feel so much better! 9. You must BELIEVE in YOU. 10. Remember life is all about the choices we make. Make the choice that "You Will" take care of yourself. Start today! Start Now! Condition your mind, strengthen the will, it begins with small steps. With that said, test your commitment right now: 10 push ups, 10 squats 10 jumping jacks. Make it Happen. . .No More Excuses. . .Believe it. . . Achieve it. . .You Can Do it. . . Get it Done! 15 SIMPLE NUTRITIONAL FACTS & INFORMATION trans, saturated, polyunsaturated, monounsaturated FATS: Healthy "Good" Fats 1. Monounsaturated Fat 2. Polyunsaturated Fat 3. Omega-3 Fatty Acids Benefits: Consuming healthy fats have been shown to: Improve cholesterol levels Reduce risk factors of heart disease and stroke May help reduce diabetes Promote healthy nerve activity Improve vitamin absorption Maintain a healthy immune system Cell development Foods that contain good fats include: vegetable oils (including canola, sunflower, and corn oils, as well as fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, herring and trout.) Other sources include nuts and seeds such as walnuts and sunflower seeds. Unhealthy "Bad" Fats 1. Saturated Fat 2. Trans Fat Risk Factors: Consuming bad fats have shown to: raise bad cholesterol (LDL) lower good cholesterol (HDL) increase the risk factor of coronary heart disease and stroke Trans and saturated fats can be found in: doughnuts, french fries, and baked goods (including pastries, pie crusts, biscuits, pizza dough, stick margarines and shortenings). BMI - Body Mass Index Determines if your weight is in proportion to your height. To assess weight relative to height, divide body weight (in kilograms) by height (meters squared) BMI = Bodyweight/Height ------------- kg/m squared FYI - 1lb = .4535kg 1" = .0254 meters Example: • • • • • Mike' bodyweight is 188lbs. His height is 5'10" tall, which equals 70” (inches). Step 1. Multiply 188lbs x .4535 to get bodyweight in kg (Mike’s is 85.258 kg) Step 2. Multiply 70" x .0254 (this equals 1.778 meters) Step 3. Divide bodyweight in kg (85.258) by height in meters (1.778) squared which equals 3.16. So…… 85.258 divided by 3.16 which equals 26.98 Mike's BMI is 26.98 which is mild - close to normal! 16 CALCULATE TARGET HEART RATE Resting Heart Rate for Women AGE Athlete Excellent Good Above Average Average Below Average Poor 18-25 54-60 61-65 66-69 70-73 74-78 79-84 85+ 26-35 54-59 60-64 65-68 69-72 73-76 77-82 83+ 36-45 54-59 60-64 65-69 70-73 74-78 79-84 85+ 46-55 54-60 61-65 66-69 70-73 74-77 78-83 84+ 56-65 54-59 60-64 65-68 69-73 74-77 78-83 84+ 65+ 54-59 60-64 65-68 69-72 73-76 77-84 84+ 56-65 51-56 57-61 62-67 68-71 72-75 76-81 82+ 65+ 50-55 56-61 62-65 66-69 70-73 74-79 80+ Resting Heart Rate for Men AGE Athlete Excellent Good Above Average Average Below Average Poor 18-25 49-55 56-61 62-65 66-69 70-73 74-81 82+ 26-35 49-54 55-61 62-65 66-70 71-74 75-81 82+ 36-45 50-56 57-62 63-66 67-70 71-75 76-82 83+ 46-55 50-57 58-63 64-67 68-71 72-76 77-83 84+ A higher resting heart rate has been directly linked to increased risk of having a heart attack. A resting heart rate calculator will help you to know the exact resting heart rate you should have. So, it is quite clear that one should always keep an eye on his/her resting heart rate to maintain a healthy heart and a healthy body. If you have any concerns about the functioning of your heart, you should consult a doctor While the normal resting heart rate for adults ranges from 60-100 beats per minute, conditioned athletes and other highly fit individuals might have normal resting heart rates of 40-60 beats per minute. For healthy adults, a lower heart rate at rest generally implies more efficient heart function and better cardiovascular fitness. Gender is another factor in resting heart rate norms because women at various fitness levels tend to have higher pulse rates on average than men of comparable fitness levels. For example, the average resting heart rate of an elite 30-year-old female athlete ranges from 54-59 beats per minute, while the resting heart rate for men of the same age and fitness level ranges from 49-54.1 Keep in mind that many factors can influence heart rate, including: Activity Level Fitness Level Air Temperature Emotions Body Size Medication Use Body Position (standing up or lying down, for example) _______________________ 1YMCA’s “Y’s Way to Fitness” 17 CALCULATE TARGET HEART RATE RESTING HEART RATE Tape This Worksheet On Your Clock/Nightstand As A Reminder! The resting heart rate is most accurately assessed when measured for a full minute first thing in the morning before you get out of bed. Place your fingertips on your wrist on the thumb side (radial pulse). Avoid using too much pressure when using the carotid pulse to measure heart rate. Count (zero first) for an entire minute. Tips: • After you wake up, give some time to your body to rest for a while • Do not suddenly start measuring the RHR after waking up • Lie down for at least 15 minutes before measuring the RHR DAY ONE – one minute resting heart rate DAY TWO – one minute resting heart rate DAY THREE – one minute resting heart rate AVERAGE RESTING HEART RATE Add all three days, divide by 3 18 CALCULATE TARGET HEARTRATE TRAINING HEART RATE To determine a Training Heart Rate using the Karvonen Formula (your personalized zone vs. the standard Target Heart Rate): Example: A 50 year old woman who has a resting heart rate of 49, training heart rate for the intensity level 60-85%, will calculate as the following: Minimum Training Heart Rate: 220-50 (Age) = 170 170 – 49 (Resting Heart Rate) = 121 121 x .60 (Minimum Intensity) + 49 (Resting Heart Rate) = 122 Beats/Minute Maximum Training Heart Rate: 220-50 (Age) = 170 170 – 49 (Resting Heart Rate) = 121 121 x .85 (Maximum Intensity) + 49 (Resting Heart Rate) = 152 Beats/Minute The Training Heart Rate Zone will be 122-152 beats per minute = 20-25 10-Second Heart Rate Range Fat Burning (60-75%) | Cardio (70-85%) As you become more fit, your heart will become more efficient at pumping blood to the rest of your body. When at rest, the number of beats per minute slows down. 220 - _______ (Your Age) A. ______ (A) - _______ (Your Resting Heart Rate) B. ______ (B) x .60 (Minimum Intensity) + _____ (Your Resting Heart Rate) 60% = ____ / 6 _______ ______ (B) x .85 (Maximum Intensity) + _____ (Your Resting Heart Rate) 85% = ____ / 6 _______ =count for 10 second chart =count for 10 second chart 19 SIMPLE NUTRITIONAL FACTS & INFORMATION VITAMINS and SUPPLEMENTS You should take or may consider taking the following daily: Multivitamins Probiotics Vitamin B Complex Vitamin C Vitamin D Fish Oil Anti-Aging supplements Antioxidants Omega-3s Amino Acids Glucosamine, Calcium *Remember: supplements "supplement your lifestyle.” Eat right, get plenty of rest and get your workouts in! **Always consult your doctor or a nutritionist to find out exactly the needs of your body, or any deficiencies you may have. One pound of body fat = 3,500 calories Cut your calorie consumption from 2,000 calories a day to 1,700 calories. Perform the same amount of physical work. You can lose ONE pound of fat in 12 days. Conversely, increasing calorie intake from 1,700 to 2,000 calories without increasing the amount physical work ~ in 12 days you will be a pound HEAVIER! 20 sdi7 HIIT SELF DEFENSE IN 7 MINUTES! A 7-minute interval exercise that will reinforce simple, yet very effective strikes and techniques. Educate and Empower with an important message……and workout! Statistics show in one in every five young girls/women will experience a violent crime while on campus. This is not said to instill a paranoid fear, but rather to instill a healthy awareness. In addition, all young girls and women should have the basic knowledge and skills of self-defense: knowing what to do, how to strike and where to strike. This workout was designed with these things in mind. To empower women, instill confidence, have a healthy awareness of their surroundings at all times, and to be aware of potential dangerous situations. Whether in the street or in the game of life, your best self defense is self-confidence. Knowledge and knowing self-defense will instill this self-confidence. The sdi7 HIIT Workout is a series of seven 60-second intervals using self-defense, kickboxing, boxing, muay thai and mixed martial arts. A "Total Body Workout" with the added benefit of learning the skills of self-defense. Especially when they are heading off to college or moving out on their own. The Strikes: Spearhand, palm, knee, front kick Target areas: Eyes, nose and groin Practice each of the following techniques 10-20 times each. Remember your target areas - the eyes, the nose and the groin. You begin from a square stance – feet are shoulder width apart. Your hands up and open - shoulder level with fingers together pointing up. If you have a partner or a family member to practice with, have them stand in front of you acting as a target, giving you plenty of distance so that there is no contact. Sdi7 Basics Single Strikes Right Palm Strike: 10 Left Palm Strike: 10 Burpees: 10 Right Spearhand: 10 Left Spearhand: 10 Push-Ups: 10 Right Knee: 10 Left Knee: 10 Mountain Climbers: 10 Right Snap Kick: 10 Left Snap Kick: 10 Finish Strong: 10 Burpees, 10 Squats, 10 Mountain Climbers, 10 Push-Ups, 10 Squat Jumps Repeat 3 times, resting 1-2 minutes between rounds. 21 AFFIRMATIONS, THOUGHTS & QUOTES In the Game of life, Fight HARD! Fight STRONG! Fight to WIN! Choose to live, positive, healthy, fit, confident and strong! Know what you want. Set the goal. Make the plan. Take action. Make it happen. Take that one step forward daily, everyday! Never give up the dream. EVER! BELIEVE in YOU. Sometimes life is about risking everything for a dream no can see but you. “You gotta dream, you gotta protect it. People can’t do something themselves, they wanna tell you that you can’t do it. If you want something, go get it! Period.”. . . Will Smith – The Pursuit of Happyness I will exercise. I will fuel my mind and body with healthy eating, thoughts and habits. I will become what I believe I am. I will give my absolute very best! “It’s not about how hard you hit. It’s about how hard you get hit and keep moving forward.. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done.” . . . Rocky Balboa You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have. When you get hit the hardest, remember, you can conquer or crumble. The choice is yours. In the game of life, there will be times we will be hit very hard, leaving us face down on the canvas. The difference will be in the ones who have the inner strength, the will, that indomitable spirit to RISE. Reaching for the ropes, pulling themselves up, shouting out, “I didn’t hear no bell; one more round!” Go the distance, every time! Your mind will quit 100 times before your body ever does. It may hurt now but one day it will be your warm up! Prepare your body for anything, and you will find it is capable of everything! Take the first step in the right direction education, and knowledge. Read. Repeat. Reinforce. Remember. 1 2 Get IT Done!! Rob Fletcher ANGT -‐ America’s Next Great Trainer – Rob Fletcher and the experts from the ANGT T eam are available for special appearances, events, speaking engagements, radio and television appearances, workshops, seminars and presentations.