Featured Properties
Featured Properties
The Islander, June 4, 2013 Page 1 Annual Dinner Honored Local Business and the Grand Isle Mentoring Program Featured Properties The Lake Champlain Islands Economic Development Corporation celebrated its first annual Partners in Growth dinner at the Grand Isle Lake House, with more than ninety people in attendance. The Lake Champlain Islands EDC and the Lake Champlain Regional Chamber of Commerce became partners after the merger of the two Chambers of Commerce last October, and members from both organizations enjoyed a banquet and awards ceremony at the Lake House on May 22. Lawrence Miller, Secretary of the Agency of Commerce, presented the keynote address. He spoke enthusiastically of opportunities to grow business Andrea M. Champagne Andrea M. Champagne Real Estate Broker 372-4500 “When Andrea says “Whatever it takes” she means it. She is always upbeat, even in the difficult situations. After more than 2 years on the market and 3 to 4 months negotiation involving 7 family members – well, she did “whatever it takes” and her cheery manner and her crew got the job done and the place sold! Miracles still do happen.” Christopher & Lynne in Vermont, describing his entrepreneurial success as the founder of Otter Creek Brewery among other ventures. Kent Henderson, President of the Board of the Friends of Northern Lake Champlain, SEE DINNER Page 2 ALBURGH Rambling farm house on 2+ acres with 225’ west facing Lake Champlain Frontage, Price Reduced to $249,900 ALBURGH Three bedroom year round home with 97’ direct lake frontage, $249,900 Waterfront Lot! Price Just Reduced! Grand Isle - 3 bdrms, open kitchen/dining and spacious Grand Isle – Gas fireplace, hardwood and tile floors, living room. Quiet country setting on a cul-de-sac. De- master suite with 2 walk-in closets. Garden shed & tached garage with workshop. Offered at $159,900 nearby walking trails. Offered at $289,900 •125 ft. of direct waterfront. •1.2 acre lot on private road. •Septic system and electric on site. 13 Acres + 335’ of Shore! 310’ Private Lakeshore! Grand Isle-Waterfront log home on Lake Champlain! Isle La Motte-Converted & restored 1830’s hay barn with diVery private and quiet. Separate “summer time sleep- rect lakefront. Swimming, boating, fishing & offshore depths ing quarters” for your guests! Offered at $590,000 to moor large boats! Offered at $492,500 ISLE LA MOTTE ISLE LA MOTTE Beautifully remodeled three bedroom colonial on 4.8 acres, $219,000 ISLE LA MOTTE Two bedroom seasonal cottage with nice sand beach and 80’ direct west facing lake frontage, $179,000 We still make House Calls. Wally Pt. Rd, South Hero $200,000 Easy Commute to Burlington! ALBURGH Chalet style home on over 10 acres with Remodeled ranch with 110’ direct lake front471’ of shared east facing lake frontage, age, with beautiful beach, $299,900 $249,900 Carol Racine REALTOR/Broker, GRI RE/MAX North Professionals Call me today! OFFICE: 861-6294 HOME: 372-8825 Remember the good old days when sales and service belonged together? Unfortunately old-fashioned service is becoming harder and harder to find. We at the Co-op still believe that service is a key part of the product we sell. That's why we still make house calls at your convenience to review your farm, home or business insurance. Call us today. Kinney Insurance Agency Rt. 2, South Hero, Vt. (802)372-8804 email: Carol.Racine@remax.net 3 Bedroom Year-Round! Stunning Shared Beach! North Hero-Direct-lakefront home with easy, gradual Colchester- This summer cottage on Lake Champlain slope to water’s edge! Magnificent sunsets! Partially shows like new! Enjoy the screened porch & second floor master bedroom deck! Offered at $248,000 finished full basement. Offered at $299,900 159’ Direct Lakefront! Alburgh- Facing east for beautiful sunrises. Old farmhouse with direct lakefront ready to be fixed up! Lots of potential. Offered at $225,000 Private Building Lot! North Hero-Spacious lot to build your dream home. Beautiful trees. Public water at road. Total privacy on this 5 bedroom building site! Offered at $65,900 Patti LaBounty Real Estate Professional North Hero, VT Lee B. Taylor Gilbert Bohannon Real Estate Professional South Burlington, VT Real Estate Professional South St, South Hero, Vt. Here’s What People Are Saying About Andrea M. Champagne: “Andrea is fantastic! She knows the business and she is great to work with! We felt as though we were her only clients – she was always there for us! Thanks Andrea.” -Lisa & Tom 6 June Inspections Due www.andreachampagne.com andrea@andreachampagne.com 372-4500 Call Mitchel or Kasey 372.6139 Route 2 & 314, South Hero Come and visit the newest member of our Farmyard Family: Reuben, the Goat born May 4th, he is a Cutieno Kidding! Open Daily 9-5 • 372-5566 The Islander, June 4, 2013 Page 2 Classy Potty’s “The Elegant Portable Restroom” 802-928-3572 Specializing in Outdoor Weddings Available for all Occasions Flushable Toilets, Hand Wash Sinks and More Luxurious Amenities See Our Online Photo Gallery www.classypotty.vpweb.com Serving the ChamplainValley DINNER Continued from page 1 touted the mission of that organization, which has been dedicated to cleaning up northern Lake Champlain for many years. Their work with on-farm conservation practices has successfully kept pollution out of many waterways in the northwest region. They also work with towns on storm-water management projects. The Business of the Year Award was presented to Joe Bauer of Bauer Gravel Farnham; Steve Stata, President of the Lake Champlain Islands board, reminded the gathering of the many years of service Bauer has given to the Islands, a steady presence since the 1970’s, and thanked Joe and the firm for their contribution to making the Islands a better place. Senator Dick Mazza dedicated the Community Service Award to the late JoAnne Champagne, who was an inspiration for all in the many ways she gave back to the Community. The award was then given to Karen Browning of the Grand Isle County Mentoring Program, who spoke eloquently of the impact mentoring has had on many of the students in Islands schools. The evening ended with the awarding of raffle prizes. The two prizes were a wood bench and table, built and donated by Philip Horican Contracting, filled with Islands goodies, and a large plant covered with lottery tickets. Sponsors of the event were Bauer Gravel Farnham, Peoples Trust Company and Northwest Regional Planning Commission. 21 Sunset View Road P.O. Box 212 South Hero, VT 05486 islander@vermontislander.com p: (802)372-5600 f: (802)372-3025 The Islander is published weekly and circulated in South Hero, Grand Isle, North Hero, Isle La Motte, Alburgh, Milton, Georgia, Colchester and Swanton in Vermont, and Rouses Point, Champlain, Chazy and Mooers in New York. Editor- George Fowler, Production Manager- Tonya Poutry, Graphic Artist- Tonya Poutry, Editorial TypesetterCourtney A. Schaetz Sales Manager- Courtney A. Shaetz Circulation- Chriss Sherwin Contributors- Susan Davis - sdavisvt47@gmail.com 802-378-5282, Mary Racicot, Courtney A. Schaetz, Mary Harwood, Anita Bruley, Mary Jane Fox, Lisa Arnold, Beverly Quebec & Julie Dickie. To place display advertising, contact the office at (802)372-5600 or FAX us at (802)372-3025. Office Hours are Thursday-Saturday 9:00-12:00/1:005:00 and Monday 9-5; Tuesday and Wednesday by appointment or chance. Deadline for Tuesday's Paper is Saturday Noon. Website: www.lakechamplainislander.com Editorial material may be reproduced with credit. Advertising material is the property of the publisher. —All Rights Reserved— Not responsible for typographical errors. www.facebook.com/lakechamplainislander Peterson Honored by Island Arts Above: Karen Browning receives Community Service Award from Executive Director Ruth Wallman Jeannie Peterson of Alburgh was recognized by Island Arts for her many years of service to the organization at a dinner at Ransom Bay Inn in Alburgh. Jeannie is moving to La Jolla, California. Jeannie had an outstanding career as an environmentalist and editor-in-chief of AMBIO, A journal of the Human Environment based in Stockholm, Sweden. She also served many years with the United Nations in their Population Fund and also as part of a peacekeeping mission to Croatia during the breakup of the former Yugoslavia. Jeannie dealt directly with famous Serb President Slobodan Milosevic as part of these negotiations. She retired to Cyprus but moved back to her native country to live in Alburgh in 2006. She served on the Board of Directors of Island Arts and had a small business in art photography. Jeannie, on right, is pictured with Island Arts President Katya Wilcox. In This Issue... Search Lake Champlain Islander and share your news, photos, and opinions with us! Alburgh News.................................................................Page 4 New York News.............................................................Page 5 South Hero News..........................................................Page 6 North Hero News..........................................................Page 7 Grand Isle News...........................................................Page 12 Isle La Motte ...............................................................Page 1 3 Legal Notices.....................................................Page 14 & 15 Milton News..................................................................Page 16 Calendar of Events.....................................................Page 17 Dicker Dens..................................................................Page 18 Update from the Alburgh Springs Community Hall Restoration Project The Alburgh Springs Community Hall was constructed in 1856 as a Methodist Episcopal Meeting House. Through the years, it served as a venue for church functions. By 1949, it was used as a meeting hall. By the time the Town of Alburgh purchased the property in 2010, the hall had seen little use and had fallen into a state of disrepair. With the determination and dedication of Nancy Christopher, a group of residents reemerged in 2010 to begin the process of restoring the Hall, which by then had been designated a municipal historic building. They received a grant and hired a company, with a specialty in the craft and history of old buildings, and got an assessment for restoration. The Alburgh Springs Community Hall Restoration Project’s goal is to restore the building, make the outer walls into a museum with the old church pews, hymnals, books, curtains, etc. and a meeting place in the center of the Hall. Remember when card parties, bridal showers, baby showers, small weddings and holiday parties were held there? That could happen again with your help. So, far, the property has been surveyed, a driveway has been installed, the bell tower was taken down to be repaired, including the bell which you may have heard last year in the Fourth of July parade, electricity was wired, the stone foundation has been grouted, a cement slab poured for the Swanton/Alburgh bridge control building and a new sign designed and painted by a local art student. All this work and much more has been done by local carpenters, contractors and neighbors volunteering their time and knowledge. The Alburgh Springs Community Hall committee is asking you to become a part of this effort. Your contribution of money or donated labor hours will enable the construction and assist in efforts to obtain grants. Each grant received must be either matched with money or the value of the labor hours if someone had to be hired to provide them. Any contribution, even as little as $5, would be greatly appreciated! Contributions may be sent to Alburgh Springs Community Hall, 17 Greenwoods Road, Alburgh Springs, VT 05440. You are also invited to join them for their monthly meetings at the Community Hall on the first Thursday of the month starting at 7 pm. The Bloodmobile is Coming to South Hero Because the need for blood never takes a vacation, the Red Cross is asking blood donors in Grand Isle County to put giving blood at the top of their list of things to do this summer. There is critical need for all blood types. The American Red Cross Bloodmobile will be at Folsom School in South Hero on Tuesday, July 2 from 12:30 to 6 pm. All eligible donors are encouraged to come out and help. There are some residents in Grand Isle County that have a critical need for blood and blood products, so, let’s help our neighbors by donating. Donors must be at least 17 years of age, or 16 in Vermont with parental permission, weigh at least 110 pounds and be in good health. All donors need to bring a blood donor card or photo ID. Plan to relax and enjoy some refreshments after your donation. All presenting donors will receive a coupon toward the purchase of Turkey Hill Ice Cream, a chance to win two tickets to a Boston Red Sox game and a free American Red Cross Lifesaver T-shirt. Giving blood is completely safe and makes you feel good! We hope to exceed our goal of 50 pints which will be needed for the upcoming holiday. To find out more about giving blood, call 802-658-6400 or visit redcrossblood.org. Island Gardeners to Visit Local Gardens The Island Gardeners will visit two Grand Isle properties on Tuesday, June 11 starting at 6:30 pm. The first garden will be Sherry and Gene McAllisters’ at 37 Moccasin Avenue in Grand Isle, and from there, they’ll go to Janine and David Banks’ at 315 US Route 2 in South Hero. The Islander, June 4, 2013 Page 3 Every Second Counts Everyone knows the adage “every second counts” when referring to an emergency, and it’s true. The difference between life and death may only be a few seconds for a victim. To cut down on emergency response time, the South Hero Fire Department Auxiliary is taking orders for 911 Reflective Address Markers for your home or business. These aluminum signs are highly reflective day or night and can be mounted to your existing mailbox or on a post. Signs are $15 each. Contact any auxiliary member. It may save your life or someone you love. To order a sign, call Karen Hussey at 372-5920. Helmets or Hospital? Be on the lookout for posters reminding cyclists to wear their bike helmets! The Champlain Shamrocks 4-H Club of Grand Isle County recently learned about bicycle safety and made posters to hang around town to remind all bicyclists to wear a properly-fitting helmet for safety!” The Islander, June 4, 2013 Page 4 RABBI STUART JAY ROBINSON, ESQ. Est. 1974 33 East Shore North, Grand Isle, VT Specializing in the General Practice of Law, including the areas of • Civil & Criminal Litigation • Constitutional Law • Family Law • Business Law PO Box 50 Grand Isle, VT 05458 terpsrobinson@aol.com (802)372.5129 (802)881.9158 (c) (802)372.4165 (f) Main St. Alburgh • 796-3434 Mon-Fri 7-6, Sat 8-12, Sun Closed $29.99 Oil Change Most domestic vehicle - up to 5 quarts. Propane Refills 7 days. Tim 378-0124 after hours Cash Sales Only A lburgh N ews Lisa Arnold 802.796.3325 •lisarno@gisu.org So, I know you are all going to hate to hear this, but hazy, hot and humid are truly glorious words to me. Flip flops, summer dresses, sitting outside from morning until night, visiting with neighbors, family and friends, barbecues, kids in the pool, bucketball, gardening-- now that’s my idea of a good time! Cooler weather is on its way and I know that makes most of you happy, but for now, I am going to sit on my deck and enjoy this heat to the fullest. RELAY FOR LIFE FUNDRAISER DANCE Them Nakeds will be playing at the Alburgh American Legion on Saturday, June 8 to benefit Heart of Life, a local American Cancer Society (ACS) Relay for Life Team. In addition to great music and dancing with the band, there will also be many different prizes to be raffled off, including gift certificates, a quilt, a painting by a local artist and much more. There is a $10 cover charge at the door, and additional donations of any value will be very welcome. Thanks to the many local businesses that have been generous enough to donate. All of the proceeds collected will go directly to benefit ACS. Please come out at 7:30 pm to support a great cause, see a great band and spend a great night with friends! They hope to see you all there! PANCAKE BREAKFAST The summer season is starting and it’s time again for those delicious breakfasts by the Alburgh Legion Auxiliary. Mark your calendars for Sunday, June 16 for a Pancake Breakfast from 8 until 11 am at the Alburgh American Legion Hall. The menu includes: pancakes: plain and blueberry, with Vermont maple syrup, home-fries, eggs, toast, sausage, bacon, sausage gravy with biscuit, juice and coffee. The donation is $8 for adults, seniors$7, kids aged six to twelve- $6 and free for kids five and under. The breakfast is cooked and sponsored by the American Legion Ladies Auxiliary Unit #60. JUNIOR FIRE DEPARTMENT PRIZE BINGO The Alburgh Volunteer Fire Department Juniors are having a Prize Bingo on June 15 starting at 1 pm. The Bingo will continue until all the prizes are gone. There are many great prizes and a lot of fun to be had. Please come out and support this amazing group. LAKESHORE AND NATURAL PARK AREA The Alburgh Lakeshore Park and Natural Area, located at the end of Trestle Drive in East Alburgh, is now open. A Grand Opening celebration for the beach and Alburgh’s new Town Garage will be planned for the near future and will be listed in The Islander. GOLF LINKS LADIES LEAGUE RESULTS The Alburg Golf Links Ladies League teed off at 9 am on Thursday, May 30 with ten players, and finally, some sunshine. Last week, we got rained out after nine holes, but we did play dominoes and had a nice lunch, anyway. Today’s game counted only the holes whose numbers didn’t begin with “t” or “f”, for instance: one. Half handicap was subtracted from their sum. No chip-ins or birdies were to be had. The winners were: first- Aline Campbell, second- Linda Roberts and thirdClaudia Rasl and Sue Jacques. Our league welcomes all interested golfing ladies to play. We ask that you sign up at the club house by the day before. Non-members can pay greens/cart fees. We have friendly competitions that no one takes too seriously. And, afterwards, we generally stay for lunch at the Links on the Lake Restaurant. For more information, contact the club at 796-3586. Next week, we will tee off at 9 am. Please be at the clubhouse by 8:40. Check out www. alburggolflinks.com for more details about club events. LET’S GO FISHING The Vermont Family Network will present a Let’s Go Fishing! program on Saturday, June 8 from 11 am until 1 pm at Kill Kare State Park in Saint Albans. This will be a free fishing day for the entire family: no fishing licenses required, with free bait and use of fishing poles if needed. If you don’t want to fish, you can still come and enjoy the park with your family as there is free admittance to the Park. Registration for this event is required. For more information or to register, please contact Laura Weber, Vermont Family Network, Family Support Consultant at 802373-3365 or laura.weber@vtfn.org. They hope to see you there! SCHOOL CALENDAR Thursday, June 6- 8th Grade Bake Sale; Friday, June 7- School Carnival Day; Tuesday, June 11- Field Day; Friday, June 14- Last day of school for students with an early dismissal at 12:15 and 8th Grade Graduation. LIBRARY NEWS 796-6077, alburgpl@fairpoint.net www.alburghpl.com NEW BOOKS: The new Dean Koontz, Deeply Odd, is now available. BOOK DISCUSSION: The book group will be meeting on Monday, June 3, at 7 pm, to discuss the book Ragtime by E.L. Doctrow. FOR THE KIDS: Storytime is every Tuesday morning, offering books, crafts and snacks for preschoolers starting at 10:30 am. SIT, KNIT AND CHAT: On Wednesday nights, at 6:30, at the library, join the folks who like to knit, sew, embroider or quilt. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: The Friends of the Alburgh Public Library would like to thank everyone that made our 1st annual prize bingo, the success that it was. We could not have done it without all our donators: Blair’s Fuel, Hickok and Boardman, Irick Excavating. Amy’s Gift Shop, Cosmic Bakery, Fiber Junction, Gino’s, Mimmo’s, Pie in the Sky, Sandy Deli, Dominos, Fitness Zone, Lake Monsters, Lake Side Café, Green Mountain Coffee, Angelo’s, Blockbuster, Bowling Alley QUEEN OF HEARTS GAME WEDNESDAYS. POOL TOURNAMENT SUNDAY THE 9TH. SINGLES, DOUBLE ELIMINATION. DOOR OPENS AT NOON, STARTS AT ONE. $10 GREEN MTN. BOYS SATURDAY THE 15TH. $5 PANCAKE BREAKFAST SUNDAY JUNE 16TH. 8 AM TO 11. ALL YOU CAN EAT. LARGE MENU. $8 WITH DISCOUNTS FOR KIDS & SENIORS. St. Albans, Cabot, Comfort Inn of Plattsburgh, Crossroads, Cumberland 12, Echo Lake Aquarium, Flynn, Hairhut, Lake Champlain Chocolates, Mother Hubbard’s, New England Culinary, Pat Talcott, Price Chopper, Swanton House of Pizza, The Harbor Store, Village Snack Bar, Walkers, Wendy Tatro, What a Yarn, Hero’s Welcome, Burton, Sherwin Williams, American Girl, Jay Peak, La Quinta, Champlain Valley Equipment, Eatons. A special thanks also goes out to everyone who volunteered their time to help make this event successful. VACATIONERS WELCOME: Travelers are always welcome at the Alburgh Public Library, where they can borrow books and DVDs, use high-speed Internet services or tap into wireless. Visiting children are invited to participate in weekly summer reading program activities, which include art lessons, movies, and workshops. For a full calendar of events, call 796-6077 or check out our website, www.alburghpl.com. OPEN SIX DAYS A WEEK: The library is open on Monday- 1 to 6 pm, Tuesday- 9 am to 5 pm, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday1 to 6 pm and Saturday- 10 am to 1 pm. WIFI is available inside and outside the library building 24/7. The Echo Museum pass is available year-round. Get Your Float Ready for the Alburgh Fourth of July Parade The theme of this year’s Independence Day parade will be “Freedom Is Not Free, Support Our Troops”. Anyone may be in the parade. There will be trophies for adult floats, youth floats, tractors, horses, vehicles, bicycles, musical entrants and motorcycles. Get in touch with your past and present soldier friends and relatives; invite them to be in the parade which will start up Main Street on Thursday, July 4 at 11 am. Organizers are seeking a few people to help sign in the entrants from 9:30 to10:45. For more information, call Martha Goodsell at 796-4060 or email mjgood15@gmail.com. N ew York N The Islander, June 4, 2013 Page 5 ews Mary Racicot CROSSROADS TRAVEL CENTER 518.297.6138 • sara@primelink1.net JONATHAN MCGOLDRICK GOLF TOURNAMENT The annual Jonathan McGoldrick Golf Tournament will be held at the North Country Golf Club on Sunday, June 9 with a Noon shotgun start. There will be four-man scramble, sponsor hole. The cost is $60 for non-members which includes cart, members will be $50 with cart. There will be a Chinese auction and a stuffed chicken breast buffet which is included with your golf fee. MOOERS HIGH SCHOOL ALUMNI BANQUET The annual Mooers High School Alumni Banquet is planned for Friday, July 12, at the Rainbow Wedding and Banquet Hall, in Altona. Honored guests will be members of the Class of 1963 with recognition going to the classes of 1943, 1948, 1953, `958, `973, 1978, 1988, 1993, 1998, 2003, and 2008. It is impossible to send letters out to everyone who graduated from Mooers Central School or Mooers Elementary, so the committee would like graduates to know that the banquet is open to everyone who graduated from either school. A roast beef and turkey dinner with all the trimmings will be served at 6:30 pm with social hour beginning at 5:30. If you are interested in attending the banquet to meet fellow classmates, old friends and reminisce, please contact Treasurer Muriel Hogle Gamache at 518-298-3554 for more information. CCS/SAINT MARY’S CLASS REUNION A class reunion for classes 1966-1969 will be held jointly for Champlain Central and Saint Mary’s Academy on Saturday, July 27, at the North Country Golf Course beginning at 5 pm. Please RSVP or call one of the following people for further information: Kathy Guay- 518-2977054, Gail Vanhoesen- 518-297-6164, Meg Spiegel- 518-324-8000, Sue Favreau- 518297-2564, Terry Rowe- 518-297-3955, Andy Morelli- 518-297-2367 or Kathy Duquette518-298-8458. “DIAL-A-RIDE” SERVICE Clinton County Public Transit (CCPT) has a demand response service that is called “Diala-Ride”. A demand response service is a bus service open to the public where people within the service area can call to arrange a ride. The bus provides a curb-to-curb service; meaning it can pick you up at the end of your driveway and take you to your destination. The bus picks up at approximately 9:30 am and brings you back at approximately 2:30 pm. The times have some flexibility and can be set when you call the dispatch office to make an appointment. The Dial-a-Ride hours of operations are 9 am to 4 pm, Monday through Friday. Like All CCPT services, the Dial-a-Ride does not operate on the following holidays: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas Day. There may be reduced hours of operation on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve. Anyone in Clinton County can call the dispatch office to make an appointment at 518561-1452. The Dial-a-Ride bus is available in different parts of the county based on the day of the week as follows: Monday- the business is available in Beekmantown, Plattsburgh, and Schuyler Falls; Tuesday- Rouses Point, Champlain, and Chazy; Wednesday- in Clinton, Ellenburg, Mooers, and Altona; ThursdayDannemora and Saranac; Friday- Black Brook, Peru, AuSable, and Keeseville, Clinton County only. Dial-A-Ride is open to the public. The fare is GAS SALE $.05 off per gallon Tues-Thurs RT. 2 & 78, ALBURGH • 796-3044 NEW!!!! SLUSHIES! ATM & EBT Fountain Soda $.79 Propane exchange OPEN 5AM - 11PM DAILY $10 each one-way. Thanks to Clinton County Office for the Aging sponsorship, the Dial-aRide is free for anyone who can show proof of being 60 years or older. Seniors are welcome to give a donation. Make sure to tell the dispatcher the following: your name, your phone number, your address, if you use a wheelchair, and your destination in Plattsburgh. Reservations must be made the day before or up to two weeks in advance. QUARTETTO GELATO The NCCCA presents the final event of the 2013 spring performance series with a performance by Quartetto Gelato, strings, oboe and accordion on Saturday, June 8 at 7 pm at the Strand Theatre. General admission if $20; priority seating is $40; member priority seating is $30 and student with ID is $10. For more information or to purchase tickets call 518-563-1604 or buy online at plattsburgharts.org. THE ALICE The Alice T. Miner Museum hosted a very successful book presentation and signing by author Anne Easter Smith on Friday, May 17. Royal Mistress is the latest book published by this author of several other books. Her story is a historical novel about the rise and fall of Jane Shore, who captivated three of England’s most powerful men and has been remembered through the ages as the “merriest mistress” of Edward IV. Excerpts read by Anne made the large audience present wanting to read this novel. Ann is a native of England and has lived in the United States for more than forty years. She was the features editor at a newspaper in New York State and now lives in Newburyport, Massachusetts, with her husband, Scott. CLINTON COUNTY COUNCIL FOR THE ARTS Several programs are planned for both the young and old at the Clinton County Council for the Arts with several artists providing courses in areas of art. There will be Connect with Clay which will explore different mediums each week and create unique pieces to bring home. Choose from one of four sessions or attend for multiple weeks. Amped Afternoons which if for beginning and experienced musicians will come together to play, sing and rock. Improve your music skills and collaborate with other artists and gain the opportunity to perform in downtown Plattsburgh on Saturday. 60s week participants will be able to perform during the Mayor’s Cup festivities. Contact the NCCCA Arts Center for costs and times and other activities by calling 518-5631604. HOME TOWN CABLE Home Town Cable (24) is the viewersupported, local cable-TV/internet channel for the communities of Altona, Champlain, Chazy, Ellenburg, Mooers and Rouses Point. Weekly Wine Specials! Offers good thru 6/30/13 Open 6am - 2pm Daily 90 Lake St, Rouses Point, NY 518-297-6378 Daily 4-hour programming starts play at 11, 3 and 7 am and pm, except Wednesday, three-hour program, which is shown at 11, 2, 5 and 8, am and pm Programming is also available as free video-on-demand at www. hometowncablenetwork.com and www. plattsburgh.com. Presently, over 8,800 videos are available for free online viewing. Wednesday, June 5: Clinton Community College vs. Adirondack CC men’s baseball, 8-Ball Billiards annual pool tournament- part 2; Thursday and Friday, June 6 and 7: NCCS vs. Lake Placid varsity softball, Airborne Speedway racing from May 25; Saturday and Sunday, June 8 and 9: Chazy Memorial weekend parade, Veterans’ Day ceremony from American Legion post 912 and VFW Post 1418, Our Little Corner with Gordie Little at the North Country Honor Flight event at the Albany Airport, Military Timeline in Champlain; Monday and Tuesday, June 10 and 11: NAC vs. AuSable Valley varsity softball, NCCS variety show, Rouses Point Village board meeting. NOTES I was going through some of my mother-inlaws handwritten recipes the other day and came upon this one and had to share it with you. It seems appropriate because there seems to be a rise in whooping cough these days. Well you could try one of these. Whooping Cough: boil five garden beets, slice in a bowl, cover with molasses, after a few hours when the juice is extracted give a teaspoonful of the juice three times a day and after spasms. The signature reads: Aunt “Lina” Frenyea. Another reads: a cupful of honey to one quart of water, let simmer, but don’t boil, for four hours, then strain, when cool add one sliced lemon. Dose- one tablespoonful three times a day and after a coughing fit. I love finding or hearing about these home remedies. I wonder how effective they were and hope that they did relieve some of the coughing because I remember coughing from what felt like from the bottom of my toes. I am not sure what molasses and beets would taste like.Brown, 81, of Miner Farm Road, Chazy who passed away at the CVPH Medical Center in Plattsburgh on May 15, and to the family of Ashley A. Poissant, 27, of Champlain who was fatally injured when struck by a car on the Perry Mills Road in Champlain on Monday, May 20. I hope everyone had a great Memorial Holiday Weekend! The Islander, June 4, 2013 Page 6 Silver by Tish SILVER & GOLD JEWELRY Open Mon • Weds • Fri • Sat 10-5 Tuesday, Thursday & Sunday by chance 11 South Street, South Hero VT 05486 802-372-5527 silverbytish@hotmail.com S outh Hero N ews Mary S. Harwood 802.372.4127 • mary.s.harwood@gmail.com A NOTE FROM THE SOUTH HERO LISTERS We are well over three-quarters done of our cyclical reappraisal to be completed by 2014. If you have not yet been seen by our appraiser, would you kindly call the Town Office at 3725552. There are a number of people we do not have phone numbers for, so please help us out by calling. Thank you! FUNDRAISING OPPORTUNITY The South Hero Fire Department is concentrating on their big anniversary later in July and is offering their sell-out chicken barbecue to another organization that wants to raise money on the Fourth of July. If your group is interested, contact Kim Julow. VETERANS FROM WWII The Historical Society is presenting a program on World War II Veterans on Friday, June 7, 2013 at Folsom School. And hold the date for their potluck dinner and open house at the South Hero Memorial Museum on Friday, July 12. Dinner starts at 5 pm, and tours will be at 4 and 6. All are invited. Please bring a dish to share. Want to learn more? Check out their blog on the web, where you can view videos and pictures from past programs at www. southherohistoricalsociety.blogspot.com. Add your email to get updates to the site. SAINT ROSE BREAKFAST Mark your calendar for one of Saint Rose’s famous breakfasts on Sunday, June 9 from 7 to 11:30 am. The cost for adults is $7, children: $3. FOLSOM NOTES The Folsom School Board meets the first and third Thursdays of each month at 6 p.m. The last session of the year will be on June 6- Coaching and the Data Wall. TOWN HEARINGS On Wednesday, June 12, the South Hero Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a Public Hearing, at 7:30 pm, to act on a conditional use review brought by Dave Lane of Snow Farm Winery to expand the conditional use for concerts and events at 190 West Shore Road. At 8 pm that night, the Zoning Board will hear a conditional use review from Harry and Nancy Johnson about a shore land development that reduces the overall non-conformity on the lot at 35 Sunset Beach Road. FOURTH OF JULY PARADE THEME Grand Isle County may be the smallest county in Vermont but look what we have to offer! “Celebrating the Bounty of Grand Isle County” will be this year’s parade theme. As always, the parade will begin at the corner of Landon Road and South Street at 11 am on July 4. Let’s celebrate our uniqueness! APPLE ISLAND GOLF The Apple Island Golf Men’s and Ladies’ Leagues have again started for the season. The course is in great shape despite all the rain. Unfortunately, the Ladies were rained out Wednesday morning, but will try again at 9 am on Wednesday. The Men’s League played under sunny skies Thursday, with Ray Yandow, John Collette, Jim Ashton and Arch White taking the first place honors. There is plenty of room in both Leagues, so grab a friend and come play-you won’t believe how much fun we have. The Ladies and Men’s Leagues meet on Wednesday and Thursday mornings at 9 am, respectively. SHAKESPEARE IN THE PARK The Vermont Shakespeare Company is back this summer with a production of The Winter’s Tale. They need volunteers to house actors: a great experience, and to do more prosaic things like hand out programs and make food for the cast. For more information, contact Jena Necrason, jena@vermontshakespeare.org, to find out how you can be part of another great summer of theater! PLANNING COMMISSION POSITIONS There are two open positions on the Town’s Planning Commission. To qualify you are required to be a South Hero resident, are able to meet between one and three evenings a month and are willing to work additional time on regulations and land development decisions. The term length is three-years. The Planning Commission develops land regulations for the Town and provides decisions for land development that requires a Site Plan, Subdivision and/or Flood Hazard Development approvals. To apply, send a letter of interest to the Selectboard: PO Box 175, South Hero, VT 05486. Letters of interest must be received by Thursday, June 6. For more information, please email soherosb@gmail.com. LIBRARY NEWS By: Carolyn Brennan, Librarian 372-6209, SouthHeroLibrary@gmail.com HOURS: Sunday and Monday- closed; Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday- 9 am to 4 pm, Wednesdays- 11 am to 8 pm and Saturday- 9 am to 2 pm. STORY HOUR: Toddler Time is on Thursdays and is great for ages three and under. WEBSITE: Please visit us online at www. southherolibrary.org. Also, follow us on Facebook! EVENTS: On Wednesday, June 19, at 7 pm, A Sense of Place: Vermont’s Farm Legacy by Gregory Sharrow of the Vermont Folk Life Center. SUMMER READING: The Summer Reading Program starts Tuesday, June 18. Check out our website or stop by the library for a full list of programs and prizes. SHCL summer readers will have a chance to win a Razor Scooter! NEW BOOKS: Inferno by Dan Brown, And the Mountains Echoed by Khaled Hosseni, Bunker Hill: a City a Seige a Revolution by Nathaniel Philbrick, The Orchardist by Amanda Coplin, Best Kept Secret by Jeffry Archer, Let’s Explore Diabetes with Owls by David Sedaris, and many more. DVDS: We have recently added the complete Harry Potter series, The Princess Bride, Full Metal Jacket, Chicago, this year’s Oscar winners and many others. Thanks for helping expand our DVD collection! DID YOU KNOW: The library has access to research databases and periodicals, like Heritage Quest and Consumer Reports through the Vermont Online Library, accessible through our website. Contact the librarian for details. TRUSTEES MEETING: The Library Board of Trustees Meeting is held on the second Wednesday of every month at 4 pm, and it is open to the public. South Hero Community Library is located at 75 South Street inside Folsom Educational and Community Center. Please stop by, email, or call for more information. To the Editor: Congratulations to Island Arts for organizing a first rate classical music concert at the North Hero community hall Saturday evening. Stunning performance by 22 year old Bao Yang who played selections from Bach, Brahms, Chopin, Mozart, and Rachmaninoff. Robert & Michèle Harris Grand Isle To the Editor: The South Hero Fire Department is to be thanked—on Memorial Day itself, they were putting our country’s flag around town. Mike Guernsey and I did it for many years. It was a marvelous feeling to have Mike up on the ladder with me at the bottom rung to hand him tools, if needed, and our precious flag. Thanks! Barbara Winch South Hero Celebrate Grand Isle County in South Hero’s Fourth of July Parade Grand Isle County may be the smallest county in Vermont, but look at all we have to offer! From an abundance of agricultural products, to the lake, to our numerous resources, we have it all. So, let’s “Celebrate the Bounty of Grand Isle County” in the South Hero Fourth of July parade! The parade will begin at 11 am, on the Fourth, at the corner of Landon Road and South Street. In advance, a big thank you to the Dubuque Family! For more information, call Pam Allen at 372-5566. Free YMCA Swim Lessons The Greater Burlington YMCA is offering three sessions of free swim lessons during July and August at the Sandbar State Park in South Hero. Sign your kids up early as the classes will fill up quickly. Session II: July 8 to 19; Session III: July 22 to August 2; Session IV: August 5 to 16. For information and registration, contact: Jaimie Held, Aquatic Director at the YMCA, 802-862-8993 ext 156, or register online at www. gbymca.org/proddir/prod/458/66/. N orth Hero N The Islander, June 4, 2013 Page 7 ews Courtney A. Schaetz nheronews@yahoo.com NHVFD AUXILIARY FLEA MARKET NOW ACCEPTING ITEMS The North Hero Volunteer Fire Department Women’s Auxiliary is going to have their annual Flea Market to benefit the Fire Department. This has been a very successful fund raiser because of the support of the people who donate and then come to purchase the wonderful, items we have to offer. The dates this year will be Saturday, June 22, from 9 am to 4 pm, and Sunday, June 23, from 10 am to 2 pm. Mark these dates on your calendar right now so you won’t miss this great event to help our dedicated Fire Department. Donations are now being accepted. Calling the following numbers for an appointment or any questions regarding items you want to donate: Jeanine- 372-4237, Ella- 372-6130 or Judy372-8636. Their regular hours will be Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10 am until 3 pm. Please donate only clean, good working, saleable items, including: furniture, jewelry, linens, toys, dishes, tools, plants, crafts, housewares, and books. They do not take encyclopedias, text books, and condensed Readers Digest books. They also do not take clothing, refrigerators, stoves, mattresses, bed pillows, tires, computers, TVs, exercise equipment or doors. Please do not leave items outside the building. The Auxiliary thanks you for your past support, and they hope to see you again this year at Camp Ingalls-- it’s a great sale for a great cause! VERMONT DAYS Vermont Days are Saturday and Sunday, June 8 and 9. During that weekend, enjoy free admittance to all State Parks and Historic Sites. Saturday is also Free Fishing Day when you are able to legally fish without having your fishing license. SUMMER CAMPS FOR CHILDREN The Town of North Hero Recreation Committee will hold summer camps at Camp Ingalls. A Nature Camp- July 15 to 19, Sports Camp- July 22 to 26, and a Story-telling CampAugust 12 to 16 will be featured. Camps are 9 am to 1 pm, Monday through Friday. Camps will be conducted at the Camp Ingalls sports field and indoors in the Long House. Ingalls is located at the end of South End Road, North Hero. There are special rates for residents, summer residents, and grandparents: $40 for the first child or grandchild; $20 for additional children of the same family for any of the camps. Scholarships are available. For more information or an application, contact the North Hero Town Clerk at townclerk@northherovt.com. LAKE CHECK The lake, as of June 1 was at 98.32 feet and 55 degrees. The sun will rise this week around 5:08 am and set at approximately 8:36 pm-- have a great week! PRINCIPAL’S NEWLETTER By: Joe Resteghini And down the stretch they come! I hope everyone had a great Memorial Day, and I mention just the day and not the weekend as the weather Saturday and Sunday was miserable. It snowed 30 inches just across the lake from us! It’s late May! North Hero School would like to thank Bob Greenough, who is the chairman of the cemetery commission. Mr. Greenough came to our Memorial Day Ceremony and spoke to the children about some interesting historical facts about our town. Along those same lines we would also like to thank Bob Ayers for sharing some local knowledge with the third and fourth grade class. It is a wonderful opportunity to have a primary source of information, and if you are out there thinking, “maybe I have a pearl of wisdom I Finnish Touch Carpentry Combining 30+ years experience & knowledge in the construction of: -Homes -Additions -Renovations -Remodeling Call Glen Koski at: (802) 233-2639 would like to share,” please let me know. We would love to be your audience. Sixth grade parents: if you have not yet registered your students for middle school please do so as soon as possible. Schools require parent information, and it is very important to get your student registered so that they receive a class schedule. Wednesday is our Grand Isle County Sheriff’s Department Bike Rodeo. There will be a bike safety element as well as some great sharing with the GISD. The event will take place at 9:30ish and take us right into our barbecue at 11:30 am. Also on Wednesday at 5:30 pm is our kindergarten family visit. If you have a young friend joining us for kindergarten next year this will be a great chance to come see the classroom and meet some important people. On June 11, we will have our awards ceremony. This will take place at 10:30 am. If you would like to come and walk the red carpet—families are encouraged to stop in. On that same note: June 14, our last day for students, I would love to wrap the year up with a barbecue/potluck. June 14 is a half day, and if you are interested in sharing in the good will of the last day of school please let me know and the wheels will begin to be set in motion. As always, we appreciate your support and couldn’t do what we do without you. LIBRARY NEWS By: Judy Poquette, Librarian HOURS: Tuesday- 2 to 7 pm, Thursday- 10 am to 3 pm and Saturday- 9 am to 1 pm. THANK YOU: The library grounds have a beautiful new look, just in time for summer. The Friends of the Library organization paid to have the all old overgrown bushes and trees removed and mulch applied. Then, in the pouring rain, they planted 18 new shrubs around the building. Friends, thank you so much for all that work. The landscaping really compliments our beautiful historic building. OVERDUES: For all our snow birds: Last November the library trustees adopted a new overdue policy for all materials. There is a grace period of two weeks, but we will charge $5 per week for any item more than two weeks overdue. We encourage you to avoid the late charge by returning your materials by the date stamped on each item. NEW ADDITIONS: Books- The Crypt Thief by Mark Pryor, Taken by Robert Crais, Free Fire by C.J. Box, Haunted Vermont by Charles Stansfield, The 5th Wave by Rick Yancy, Graceling by Kristin Cashore; DVDs- Downton Abbey season 3; Audio Books- Judgment Call by J.A. Jance, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix; Kids DVD- Howl’s Moving Castle. For up-to-date listings of all our materials, see our online catalog at www.northherolibrary. org. Sunshine Laundry & Dry Cleaning 111 River Street, Rt. 7, Milton (802)893-4300 Coin-op Laundry Wash • Dry • Fold Services Now Open 24 Hours Open 365 days a year! BOOK DISCUSSION: The topic is Orchestrated Stories: Novels about composers. Our guest scholar, Dr. William Tortolano will guide the discussions. Copies are available at the library. The first discussion is Thursday, June 20 at 7 pm. More information is available on our website. WI-FI: Available 24/7 from our parking lot. Free public computers are also available. Academic Kudos University of Bridgeport The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi recently announced that Amie Lloyd of Swanton, Vermont, was recently initiated into Phi Kappa Phi, the nation’s oldest and most selective collegiate honor society for all academic disciplines. Lloyd was initiated at University of Bridgeport. Coastal Carolina University Sara Adams, a junior Health Promotion major from Mooers, New York, was named to the President’s List at Coastal Carolina University for the Spring 2013 semester. Dean College Dean College in Franklin, Massachusetts recently announced that Swanton resident Holly Conger, a current student of Dean College, has been named to the Dean’s List for the Spring 2013 semester. Clarkson University The following local students, from Swanton, graduated from Clarkson University on May 11, 2013: Ryan D. Libbey received a Bachelor of Science degree in civil engineering, and Travis M. Stetson received a Bachelor of Science degree with distinction in electrical engineering. University of Vermont Erika Quackenbush of South Hero was recently named to the Spring 2013 Dean’s List at the University of Vermont. Ms. Quackenbush is majoring in Public Communications. The Islander, June 4, 2013 Page 8 Death Notices GINNY PHILLIPS Ginny Phillips, 63, died Tuesday May 28, 2013 at the Fletcher Allen Health Care in Burlington with her family by her side. Ginny was born in Morrisville on March 16, 1950, the daughter of Laura (Rumney) Davis. She was employed by IBM for over 26 years, retiring in 2009. Ginny married Gene Phillips on May 9, 1981 in South Burlington. Ginny always had an amazing smile, a positive outlook on life. Ginny took pride in giving and taking care of others. Ginny shocked many by her incredible strength. Ginny always made people laugh with her unbelievable sense of humor. Ginny had an extreme love for her family. In addition to Gene, she is survived by her children Mike-Ann Young and her husband Greg of Grand Isle, Kristin Rabtoy and her husband Lance of Fairfax and Patrick Phillips and his wife Aubree of Colchester, by her grandchildren Logan, Jordan, Zachary, Brayden and Avery. She is also survived by her sisters Gale Holden of Burlington, Vermont, Carol Ray of Woodbury, Vermont, Diane McArthur of Florida and Margaret Davis of North Carolina, her brother Brian Spicer of Pennsylvania and by several nieces and nephews. Ginny was predeceased by her brother Michael Spicer. For those who wish, memorials in Ginny’s name may either be made to the Eleanor B. Daniels Fund, c/o Division of Gynecologic Oncology, FAHC, 111 Colchester Ave, Smith 403, Burlington, VT 05401 or to Milton Rescue, 43 Bombardier Road, Milton, VT 05468. Burial services were held in the family lot in the Middlesex Cemetery on Friday, May 31, 2013. There were no visiting hours. Online condolences may be made to www. minorfh.com EVELYN C. YANDOW Evelyn C. (L’Ecuyer) Yandow, 1919-2013, has gone to her Heavenly Father on May 23, 2013, in St. Petersburg, Fla., with her family at her side, following a brief illness, in Suncoast Hospice at Bayfront Hospital. Evelyn loved life, her cottages in Isle LaMotte, crafting, bingo, playing cards, music, and dancing. She belonged to Fanny Allen Court Catholic Daughters and the Colchester American Legion Auxiliary Unit #91. She will surely be missed by her sister-in-law and best friend, Jane Rabidoux; many, many loving friends who called her “Ma”; and her family and friends in Florida. Evelyn is survived by her daughters, Corrine Myers and husband, Rodney (Pat), and Laura Jean Johnson and husband, Lawrence; her grandchildren, Rod Myers, Todd Myers, Nicole Myers-Jarvis and husband, Brian, Amy Murray and husband, Keith, Darren DePaul, Robert Mattson (BJ) and wife, Crystal; nine greatgrandchildren, Tierra, Gabrielle, Brynn, Tabitha, Brianna, Daniel, Jailyn, Kayla and Tanner; and cousins, and many special nieces and nephews. Evelyn was predeceased by her loving husband, Lawrence J. Yandow, in 1996; daughter, Barbara L. DePaul, in 1985; and daughter, Darlene M. Yandow, in 1951. She was also predeceased by her parents, David and Nellie (Touchette) L’Ecuyer; her siblings, Clayton, Clement, Donald, Alton, Howard, Loretta, Martha, Emma, and Catherine. A Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated at St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church in Winooski, on Friday, May 31, 2013. In lieu of flowers, donations can be sent to the American Heart Association , 434 Hurricane Lane, Williston, VT 05495; or the Suncoast Hospice Foundation, 5771 Roosevelt Blvd., Clearwater, FL 33760. LCBP Seeks Proposals for Structured Decision-Making Process The Lake Champlain Basin Program (LCBP) is pleased to announce a Request for Proposals (RFP) for technical services to facilitate the development of a structured decision-making process for the Lake Champlain Basin Program. This project will improve the efficiency, effectiveness, and defensibility of the LCBP’s decision-making process around phosphorus management by providing the LCBP with a formalized and rigorous procedure for explicitly connecting the Program’s strategic management goals with the annual budgeting process. This project will support the management of phosphorus loadings by aiding planning and prioritization efforts as outlined in the LCBP’s long-term management plan: Opportunities for Action: An Evolving Plan for the Future of the Lake Champlain Basin. This RFP is supported by US EPA funds provided to New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission (NEIWPCC) in partnership with LCBP. This project will develop and execute a repeatable methodology for use by the LCBP Steering Committee to refine management goals, evaluate competing management strategies, estimate the outcomes of those strategies, choose preferred actions, and promote learning over time. This Request for Proposals is available from the Lake Champlain Basin Program website. Look for the link on our homepage at www. lcbp.org. To receive a copy of the RFP via US Postal Service, contact the Lake Champlain Basin Program office at 372-3213 or toll free at 1-800468-LCBP in New York and Vermont. To facilitate the review process, applicants must submit proposals in both paper and electronic format. A hardcopy: ten copies, and electronic versions: no facsimiles, of proposals must be received by the Lake Champlain Basin Program office at 54 West Shore Road, Grand Isle, by 4 pm on July 10, 2013. Late or incomplete proposals will not be considered. The successful applicant will be notified by late August 2013. June C.I.D.E.R. Calendar Happy Father’s Day from your friends and neighbors at C.I.D.E.R. Please join us at “The Neighbors” community (senior) meals program (Located at the South Hero Congregational Church) or on a C.I.D.E.R. excursion or shopping trip. The C.I.D.E.R. wheelchair accessible vans are a safe, and convenient way for Grand Isle County elders and persons with disabilities to travel. Seating is limited and reservations may be made, by calling C.I.D.E.R. at 372-6425. Cost is by donation only. Friday, June 14th: Shopping Excursion to Plattsburgh with lunch at Jade Restaurant Wednesday, June 19th: BBQ Chicken & Ribs Supper (Thanks VFW!) at The Neighbors 5PM Van from Alburgh available, RSVP by 6/14 Wednesday, June 26th: 12:45-2:00pm A presentation by George Spear II, Joe Bauer, and David Carter covering a number of end-of-life issues such as Advanced Directives at The Neighbors..no charge, caregivers and families encouraged to attend Shopping and appointment trips to Saint Albans Thursdays, June 6, 13, 20, 27 Volunteer drivers needed! Call 372-6425. What’s Cooking at “THE NEIGHBORS” in June Get out and enjoy a tasty and nutritional lunch with your friends and neighbors. Good food, good people and a price you can’t beat! Reservations may be made (and are most appreciated), by calling “THE NEIGHBORS” Community Meals Program, (serving elders and persons with disabilities) at 372-4642 on Mon, Wed, or Fri mornings 8-11am or C.I.D.E.R. at 372-6425, Monday through Friday from 8:00AM to 4:30PM. Meals are served at noon, Mondays, Wednesdays, & Fridays at the South Hero Congregational Church. Home delivered meals for eligible individuals are available Monday through Friday south of the drawbridge, and (currently) Tuesdays and Thursdays north of the drawbridge. Wheelchair-accessible transportation is available at no cost. A donation of $4 is requested ($3.50 for home delivered meals). All meals include bread, dessert, juice, and a choice of milk, coffee, or tea, and are salt free according to Agency on Aging nutrition standards. Mon. June 3: Chile, Cole Slaw, Corn Bread; Tue. June 4: Breaded Fish, Rice, Lima Beans; Wed. June 5: Beef Stew, Rye Bread, Ice Cream; Thu. June 6: Cranberry Chicken & Stuffing, Beets, Apple Salad; Fri. June 7: Meatloaf, Potatoes, Blueberry Corn Loaf, Strawberry Shortcake; Mon. June 10: Ground TurkeyCheese & Bacon Pie, Mixed Veggies, Hummingbird Cake; Tue. June 11: Potato Salad, Ham Salad, Deviled Eggs, Veggie Sticks; Wed. June 12: Broccoli Chowder, Tuna Sandwich; Thu. June 13: Lasagna, Spinach, Bean Salad; Fri. June 14: Chicken & Cornbread Stuffing, Squash, Cranberries, Chocolate Cake; Mon. June 17: Various Cold Salads, Orange Nut Bread, Hot Fudge Cake; Tue. June 18: Kielbasa & Sauerkraut, Mashed Potatoes, Peas, Fruit Salad; Wed. June 19: 5PM CHICKEN & RIBS SUPPER - RSVP by 6/14; Thu. June 20: Fried Cabbage & Beef, Baked Potato, Apple Sauce; Fri. June 21: Baked Haddock, Sweet Potatoes, Zucchini Coconut Bread, Cake; Mon. June 24: Ham, Potato Salad, Cornbread, Susan’s Lemon Cake; Tue. June 25: Cheese Ravioli, String Beans, Fresh Fruit; Wed. June 26: Vegetable Lasagna, Fruit, Crusty French Bread, Pineapple Angel Food Cake;Thu. June 27: Beans & Rice, Brussels Sprouts, Broccoli Salad; Fri. June 28: Goulash, Tossed Salad, Cottage Cheese The Islander, June 4, 2013 Page 9 Cozy yr-round home on west-facing Lake Champlain! Spectacular sunsets! Charmingly renovated & expanded in 1999. A wonderful spot to relax throughout all seasons of the year. Spacious 1st floor Master Bdrm w/office nook, walk-in closet, adjacent bath. Additional Bdrm & bath on 2nd flr. 79’ of water frontage. 2-car garage . A rare find! North Hero $329,900 Lakeshore lot w/beautiful clear 160’ of shoreline! Shale beach with gradual slope. Spectacular sunrises & easterly views of Mt. Mansfield and Green Mts! Quiet, peaceful site at end of Holiday Point! All state permits in place. An ideal locale to build a seasonal home away from the hustle and bustle of city life - midway between Montreal and Burlington. North Hero. $169,900 Enjoy one of Lake Champlain’s special sandy shores & wonderful sunsets! Private 5+ acre lot w/ outstanding panorama of the Lake & the Adirondack Mtns to west. Lot includes 225± ft. of waterfront & deep water mooring site - a special place. Award-winning builder has designed an awesome home and would consider other plans. Colchester $837,000 bgordesky@dceivt.com Located in North Hero, VT Wedding Announcement SHEILA MORRIS, Realtor 802-846-7897 sheila.morris@lmsre.com Seasonal 1920 cottage w/amazing sunsets! Beautiful sandy beach. 75’ of private lakefront & another 150’ of shared lakefront. Association will maintain private yr-round road shared by 5 lots & 7 - acre Preserve. Enjoy as summer cottage now & then build your dream house on the lake later. Has full approvals as a building lot and septic design. Colchester. $670,000. 550 HINESBURG RD., SO BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 1-800-864-6226 CAROL HINKEL, Realtor 802-846-7837 carol.hinkel@lmsre.com Creative Shallow Water Docking Solutions Save 15% off All Roll N Go Products thru July 4 *Shipping additional on ordered products 134 Northland Lane • North Hero www.northlandboats.com • 802-372-5452 Jesse Nathan Spear, son of George E. Spear, II, of Swanton, and Deborah Eaton Adsit, of Charlotte, and Tammara Ann Baxter, daughter of the late Charlie Baxter, of Huntington, New York, and Linda Baxter, of Dover, Vermont, were united in marriage in the West Swanton Methodist Church on April 27, 2013. The bride was escorted to the altar by her brother, Michael Baxter. Special music was provided by the Kindergarten class of the Alburgh Elementary school under the direction of Maurice Gauthier and Polly McFarlin. A reception immediately followed in the North Hero Town Hall. The attendants were Ashley Clark, Dierdre Hecht, Caitlin Butler, friends of the bride, Sara Adsit, sister of the groom, nieces, Lana and Shia Spear, and brothers of the groom, Matthew Spear and Daniel Spear. Mrs. Spear graduated from Green Mountain Valley School in Waitsfield, Vermont, and from the University of Vermont. Mrs. Spear is a Kindergarten teacher in the Alburgh Elementary School. Mr. Spear graduated from Missisquoi Valley Union High School and is employed at Vermont Precision Tools in Swanton, Vermont. The couple resides in West Swanton. Let’s Go Fishing! The Vermont Family Network will present a Let’s Go Fishing! program on Saturday, June 8 from 11 am until 1 pm at Kill Kare State Park in Saint Albans. This will be a free fishing day for the entire family: no fishing licenses required, with free bait and use of fishing poles if needed. If you don’t want to fish, you can still come and enjoy the park with your family as there is free admittance to the Park. Registration for this event is required. For more information or to register, please contact Laura Weber, Vermont Family Network, Family Support Consultant at 802373-3365 or laura.weber@vtfn.org. Customize your Lake Front With ShoreMaster Docks and Hoist Easy to Assemble. Durable Quality. Endless Possibilities. APRIL TRUCK LOAD SALE Docks • Boat Hoists • Rafts FREE FREIGHT! City Bay, North Hero 372-5452 “We Bring the Lake Alive” The Islander, June 4, 2013 Page 10 “The Faces of Rock and Roll” Island Arts presents photojournalism performing musician art photography by Rick Norcross, “The Faces of Rock and Roll: 1969-1974” June 3rd – July 1st 2013 in the Island Arts gallery at Merchants Bank in the historic South Hero Inn, 301 Rt. 2, S. Hero, VT. Hours: Mon-Thur. 9-4, Fri-9-5:30. An exhibit of rare Rock & Roll photographs taken by Vermont musician Rick Norcross (Rick and the Ramblers) will show through the month of June. Between October of 1969 and September of 1974, Norcross was the music writer for The Tampa Times, a 70,000 circulation afternoon daily newspaper in the 13th largest market in America. Tampa was a major venue for touring music stars of the day and Norcross had free rein to cover any non-classical performance in small clubs, concert halls, stadiums and rock festivals in central Florida and southern Georgia. Norcross was hired to write reviews, interviews and feature stories about the music scene and quickly became frustrated with the photos he got through the newspaper’s photo department to accompany his stories. When he put in a photo assignment for a concert, the paper sent a photographer who would shoot for 15 minutes and then move on to other assignments. So Norcross purchased his own camera equipment and film and the Tampa Times ran the photos with his stories and reviews on an unpaid basis. Per his agreement with Times’ management, Norcross retained sole Elvis ownership and all rights to the photographs. Over his five years with the newspaper, Norcross interviewed and photographed many of the most famous artists of the century Elvis, Janis Joplin, Led Zep, Johnny Cash, Elton John, The Grateful Dead, The Rolling Stones and hundreds of others. With front row, stage and backstage access to these artists, access unheard-of in today’s atmosphere of super-strict celebrity security, these images are rare indeed. So now, 44 years later, these Norcross photographs emerge to document the spirit and the Janis Joplin unbridled energy of rock and roll stars caught at the peak of their careers, many of whom have long since passed away and many who are still rocking, buoyed by the quality of these seminal performances. Photos featuring the following stars will be on display and for sale in this exhibit: Alburgh Beverage Mart, LLC VT. State Liquor Store • Beer • Wine Lottery • Groceries • Full Deli • ATM COME IN & TRY... HOMEMADE DAILY SOUPS & SPECIALS, HAND CUT STEAKS, FRESH GROUND HAMBURG HOMEMADE ITALIAN SAUSAGE 2% MILK $3.69/GAL. ALL OTHERS $3.89 PRIME RIB DINNERS - FRIDAY NIGHTS $17.99 includes baked potato & side salad. Eat in/take out. Limited quantities. Call ahead suggested. KING CRAB AVAILABLE... 802-796-3515 The Islander, June 4, 2013 Page 11 Bo Didley, Bob Dylan & The Band, Cher, Chet Atkins, Chuck Berry, Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, Elton John, Elvis, Eric Clapton, Greg Allman, Ian Anderson, James Taylor, Janis Joplin, Jeff Eric Clapton Jerry Garcia Beck, Jerry Garcia, Jimmy Page, Johnny Cash, The Carter Family & The Statler Brothers, Leon Russell, Pink Floyd, Sonny & Cher, The Allman Brothers, The Beach Boys, The Everly Brothers, The Rolling Stones, and Tom Jones. Celebrating 50 years as a performing musician this summer Norcross is performing and showing his art photos of rock musicians at venues and galleries around Vermont, in addition to releasing his new CD and his biography chronicling his exciting career. In the Islands Rick Norcross is showing in the Island Arts Gallery in the South Hero Merchants Bank for the month of June, and Rick and the Ramblers will be performing at the Lake House in Grand Isle, sponsored by Island Arts on June 30th. For more information: contact Sarah Robinson, a Director of the Island Arts Gallery in South Hero at 802.489.4023 or bearsnotice@ gmail.com or Island Arts at www.islandarts.com 802.372.5049. Artist Rick Norcross at (802) 8646674 or rick.norcross@gmail.com. Free Wi-Fi Saturday is Apple Sticky Bun Day & we now have Quiche on Sunday! Hours: 7:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Mon, Thurs, Fri 8:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Sat. & Sun. Closed Tues. & Weds. 4445 Main St. in Isle La Motte 928-3091 southendcafe@fairpoint.net HAVE A GREAT WEEK! iiiiiiiii Italian Nights! Friday & Saturday June 7th & 8th 5-8pm Reservations Required iiiiiiiiiiiii Dinner Tuesday - Sunday 5-9pm Starts Tuesday, June 11th Reservations Appreciated Chef and Family Owned for 56 Years Old Quarry Road, Isle La Motte, VT (802)928-3200 www.ruthcliffe.com The Islander, June 4, 2013 Page 12 A Gift, Card, & Souvenir Shop Located in Alburgh Village Explore our FREE Civil War Museum SOLDIERS & CITIZENS Open daily 10-5 Sun. & Weds. by chance Visit our VT. History & Geology Room Catch us on facebook! 802-796-3665 www.newenglandviavermont.net New England Via Vermont G rand Isle N ews Julie Dickie grandislenews@yahoo.com We survived the balmy 41-degree, winddriven rain filled camping trip. Nothing that tarps, duct tape, and tent poled contraptions that helped keep the eternal campfire lit and our spirits from dampening. Will try again this week, as we head to Central Vermont in the ole’ camper. The wait-a-minute-weather in Vermont forecasted record heat would be a welcome treat. The girl will be occupied with bike riding and nail polish parties with her friends, the boy will be occupied with fishing with his friends, and this momma will be at the edge of the pool with a mommy drink in hand working on my pasty Vermont girl tan. Soak it in, because we all know how it goes with the weather around here. Just hope the skeeters don’t carry us away! DEADLINE CHANGE FOR MONTH OF JUNE Do you have Grand Isle happenings that you would like to share? Be sure to send it in! News needs to be received by Noon on Fridays, for the Grand Isle News section only, for the month of June at grandislenews@yahoo.com or send directly to islander@vermontislander. com SCHOOL NEWS DATES TO REMEMBER: Thursday, June 13- 8th Grade Celebration starts at 7 pm and Friday, June 14: Early dismissal and last day of school. MENU: Wednesday, June 5- cheese or veggie pizza, side Caesar salad, fresh carrot sticks, hummus dip; Thursday, June 6- chicken or cheese quesadilla, rice pilaf, black bean and corn salsa and Friday, June 7- Grand Isle Pasta with meat or garden marinara, spinach salad bean salad, bread. DIG INTO READING SUMMER PROGRAM This year the school library is supporting the efforts of the Grand Isle Free Library’s Summer Reading Program by hosting the kick-off summer reading event on Wednesday, June 26 at 9 am. Tom Joyce, Magician and Storyteller will entertain and inspire us all to dig in to reading this summer. Please join us and sign up to participate in summer reading! Keep a reading log, attend events at the public and school library and earn rewards and recognition for your reading efforts! Check the Grand Isle News in The Islander for future events! Summer Book Bags are once again available for students to have over the summer. Students with signed parent/guardian permission slips may take up to seven books out of the library for their summer reading enjoyment. Books are due back the first week of school and students and their families are responsible for replacing any missing or damaged books. Miss Brabazon will be checking the blog page on the Grand Isle School Library site. Please share what you are reading, but remember to use initials only. Visit the library site at www. grandisleschoollibrary.com/library-blog.html and click on the library blog tab to add your summer reading updates. STEP BACK IN TIME ON THE FOURTH OF JULY Join the Grand Isle Recreation Committee as we celebrate the community on the Fourth of July! Come out to the Grand Isle Recreation Field on Donaldson and partake in good old fashioned, three-legged races, potato sack races, a chicken barbeque, music, pony rides and an organzied pick-up, co-ed softball game. If you wish to play in the coed softball game, volunteer, or have some ideas we would love to have you! Contact us at grandislerec@gmail.com or call 598-6533, or like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/ GrandIsleVermontRecreationCommittee, and stay tuned for more plans and a schedule. FATHER’S DAY BRUNCH Support the Grand Isle Volunteer Fire Department and treat Dad to breakfaset too! Sunday, June 16 at the Saint Joseph’s Church in Grand Isle. Full menu includes: eggs to order, pancakes, sausage, ham, bacon, homefries, toast, fruit, coffee, juice and milk. Serving will be from 7 to 11 am. The cost is by donation. See you there! LIBRARY NOTES By: Kathy Tulissi, Library Director 372-4797 WEEKLY EVENTS: Story Time is back! Come listen to a great book at 10 am on Wednesdays. Fiber Night is every Thursday evening at 6:30 pm. Join us to learn a new hobby or share your old favorite. BOOKS FOR YOU: Check out these titles, they deserve a second glance! Inferno by Dan Brown: Harvard professor of symbology Robert Langdon finds himself on the run in Florence and in possession of a series of codes, created by a brilliant scientist obsessed with Dante’s classic poem The Inferno, that may unlock a terrifying secret that could devastate life on earth. The One I Left Behind by Jennifer McMahon: A gut-wrenching mystery about an architect whose troubled mother has been found 25 years after being kidnapped-by a killer who is still on the loose. The Sound Of Broken Glass by Deborah Crombie: A haunting crime from the past with a powerful danger in the present. Touch & Go by Lisa Gardner: A heartthumping thriller about what lurks behind the facade of a perfect family. “This is the truth: Love, safety, family it is all touch and go.” HOURS: Tuesday- 1 to 8 pm, Wednesday9 am to Noon, Thursday- 4 to 8 pm and Saturday- 9 am to 3 pm. Email: grandislefreelibrary@hotmail.com Visit us on the web at: grandislefreelibraryvt. wordpress.com > CHURCH SERVICES > Congregational Church of South Hero, U.C.C. SUNDAY WORSHIP AT 10:00 A.M. Nursery care- Sunday School Youth Activities- Adult Study Groups We Invite and Welcome Everyone. Pastor: Rev. Cordelia Burpee 24 South St., South Hero, VT 05486 Tel: 802-372-4962 E-mail: ccshvt@gmail.com www.vtcucc.org/South_Hero • www.facebook.com/CCSHVT Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9am - 3pm Island Roman Catholic Parishes Serving the churches of Alburgh, Grand Isle, Isle La Motte & South Hero MASS SCHEDULE St. Amadeus, Alburgh- Sunday: 10:30 a.m. St. Joseph, Grand Isle- Sunday: 10:00 a.m. St. Joseph, Isle La Motte- Sunday: 9:00 a.m. St. Rose of Lima, South HeroSat.: 4:00 p.m. Sun. Morning Mass: 8:00 a.m. Father Lawrence P. Ridgley, Pastor St. Amadeus Office 796-3481 St. Rose of Lima Office 372-4092 Champlain Islands Parish Services Rev. Hyungyong Choi Isle La Motte United Methodist Church Sunday 8:00 a.m. North Hero UMC Worship 9:30 a.m. Grand Isle United Methodist Church Sunday 11 a.m. The Churches with... OPEN HEARTS... OPEN MINDS... OPEN DOORS... Parish Office 372-6638 UNION BIBLE CHURCH Main St., Route 2, Alburgh, VT Dr. John C. Kehoe, Pastor 796-3055 Independent—Bible Believing—Gospel Preaching SUNDAY School & Bible Study _______ 9:30AM SUNDAY Worship__________________ 10:30AM WEDNESDAY Prayer Mtg. & Bible Study 7:00PM WEDNESDAY Children's Bible Club____ 7:00PM “A Friendly and Joyful Welcome Awaits You” Nursery Provided at all Services website: www.unionbiblechurch.org GOD'S LITTLE BROWN CHURCH A non-denominational Gospel Crusade affiliated Church CORNER ROUTE 2 AND ROUTE 129 SOUTH ALBURGH, VERMONT 05440 REV. C. ANDREW CHRYSLER, PASTOR (802)782-9384 “God’s Word has the answer” WORSHIP......SUNDAY 9:00 AM PRAYER - WEDNESDAY 6:00 PM THE BORDERS REGIONAL MINISTRY Episcopal Diocese of VT & Anglican Diocese of Montreal www.diovermont.org www.montreal.anglican.org St. Luke’s, Rte. 2, Alburgh Sunday, June 9th at 10:30 a.m. St. Thomas’, Rtes. 225 & 202, Noyan Sunday, June 9th at 10 a.m. St. George’s, Rte. 202, Clarenceville Next service – June 16th at 9 a.m. The Rev. Thora L. Chadwick • 802-863-8036 I sle la motte N The Islander, June 4, 2013 Page 13 ews Anita Bruley 802.928.3246 • rayanita@fairpoint.net It is very warm tonight. 90 degrees today, and nearly 90 yesterday. We’ve had four seasons in the last couple of weeks. It was 40 one day and 80 the next. Not good for allergies. I just got my AC put in a little while ago, and it sure feels different already. I had fans going, but all they do is blow the warm air around. SAINT AMADEUS AND SAINT JOSEPH’S NOTES RAFFLE: A 50/50 raffle to be drawn on Fathers Day, June 16, tickets are being sold at the end of each Mass, they are one ticket for $1 and six tickets for $5. The benefit is for the continued operation of Saint Amadeus and Saint Joseph. BINGOS: Enjoy Bingo every Sunday evening beginning at 6:30 pm, doors open at 5, at the Saint Amadeus Parish Hall. Regular games cost $30 and specials- $50. On Friday night, June 28 there will be a Bring-a-Gift Bingo at Saint Amadeus Parish Hall. Doors will open at 5 pm, and bingo begins at 6:30. CLOTHES CLOSET: The Clothes Closet is open every Monday from 10 am until 3 pm. Please do not leave any clothes any day but on Monday. CHICKEN AND BISCUIT DINNER: On Saturday, June 15, at the Saint Amadeus Parish Hall, starting at 4:30 pm, there will be a chicken and biscuit dinner with strawberry shortcake for dessert. HISTORICAL SOCIETY On Thursday May 30, the members of the Isle La Motte Historical Society met for their monthly meeting. There were ten members present and discussion of the yearly meeting with Art Cohn as speaker. Officers were to be elected at this meeting. SCHOOL NOTES END-OF-THE-YEAR ACADEMICS: After our long weekend, we are back to work on our academics. Miss Colleen’s class is learning about farms and gardening. Mrs. Frank’s class is finishing their farm unit as well; complete with large models of farms they built. This unit includes skip counting with different numbers. Mrs. Degree’s class is honing their skills in telling time and finishing a unit on Ancient Egypt. Mr. Flax’s students are working on independent research projects including such subjects as Thomas Edison, Argentinean cooking, Russia, the BB 61 Iowa Class battleship, Michael Jordan, and the history of cosmetics. CAMPS: It isn’t too late to register kids for a range of summer camps available in the area. There are a variety of theme-based day camps, nature, golf, soccer, horseback riding, etc, as well as, overnight camps. Please call the school if your child is interested. CALENDAR: Wednesday, June 12- 6th grade graduation starts at 5:30 pm; Thursday June 13- all-day school field day at the rec. field with families invited; Friday, June 14- last day of school: half-day. ISLE LA MOTTE WALKS OR BIKES: The Isle La Motte Students have caught the walk and bike to school fever as part of our Safe Routes to School program. The students receive a punch on their punch card for each day they walk, bike or even rollerblade to school. When ten punches St. Anne's Shrine Island Bible Fellowship North Hero Community Hall Route 2, North Hero, VT Sunday Service at 9:00 a.m. All Welcome - Come As You Are! Pastor Larry A. Rohm - 802-393-9427 P.O. Box 280, Isle La Motte, VT 05463 802-928-3362, or 3385 Fax 928-3305 Email fstanne@pshift.com www.saintannesshrine.org "Center of Life, Light and Love" On the Shores of Lake Champlain Mass Schedule Saturday 7:00 p.m. (May 25 - August 31) Sunday 9:00 am (June 16-Sept 1); 10:30am (May 26-Oct. 13) Monday - Friday 11:15 a.m. (July 1 - Aug. 30) Visitor’s Center Open Daily ~ Gifts ~ Books ~ VT Products ~ Cafe All Welcome! are reached, each student receives an incentive item that promotes bike safety. Just last week, we counted our hole punches for the month of May-- we knew the number was impressive, but did not realize the true numbers. Although May is National Bjke to School Month, walkers are included too. With five school days remaining in May, they had a total of 88 punches on their cards. They were given a challenge to reach 100 punches by the months end. Not only did we go over 100 by May 30, we are now at 119 walkers and bikers as of May 31. We had 82% of our students either bike and/or walk to school on May 31. Great job to our students and parents alike, and we would like to thank the parents and the community for supporting our walk and bike to school program. VOTE FOR AUDITOR On Tuesday, June 4, don’t for get to go and vote for auditor. Polls open at 9 am and remain open until 7 pm. I’m aware of two people that are running: Robin Vezpremy and Sharon Hinman. JOKE OF THE WEEK! A New England farmer, who was down in New York City to see the sights, engaged a room at a hotel and before retiring asked the clerk about the hours of the meals. “We have breakfast from 6 to 11, dinner from 11 to 3 and supper from 3 to 8,” explained the clerk, “Well, say” inquired the farmer, with his hand on his chin, “what time am I going to get to see the town?” HAVE A GOOD WEEK! Annual Spring Tea Thank You The St. Rose of Lima Parish Guild held their Annual Spring Afternoon Tea on Sunday, May 19. The Tea was a huge success, attended by women of all ages from infant to the very mature. The women came from the Islands and from off-Island. Many were returnees, but we had several first timers who have already said they are looking forward to attending next year. Hats and gloves of all colors, sizes, shapes and designs were on display. There were many goodies to eat: dainty finger sandwiches, cookie assortments, chocolate covered strawberries, petit fours, and more. There were a variety of teas and punch for the younger crowd. We would like to thank the many businesses that contributed the prizes that were raffled off. They are: A&B Beverage, Allenholm Orchard, Apple Farm Market, Blue Paddle Bistro, Canamak Farms, Claussen’s Greenhouse, East Shore Vineyard, Grand Isle Nursery, Green Frog Gift Shop, Hackett’s Orchard, Hero’s Welcome, Island Beverage, Jolley’s Convenience Store, Junk and Disorderly, Just Because Flowers, Keeler Bay Service and Sales, Keeler’s Bay Variety Store, Ken’s Island Peddler, Lighthouse Chiropractic, Ilyo McCray, McGregor’s Pharmacy, McKee’s Island Pub & Pizza, Net Source of Vermont, North Hero House Inn and Restaurant, Shore Acres Inn and Restaurant, Silver By Tish, Snow Farm Winery, Vermont Nut Free Chocolates, and Wally’s Place Bagel and Deli. A special thanks for donations other than raffle prizes to South Hero Congregational Church and Parish Guild members. Please consider supporting these business to show your appreciation of their support. The Islander, June 4, 2013 Page 14 Legal Notices STATE OF VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT GRAND ISLE UNIT CIVIL DIVISION DOCKET NO: S 26-3-12 Gicv DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, AS TRUSTEE FOR CITIGROUP MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST, SERIES 2005OPT1, ASSET-BACKED PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2005-OPT1 Plaintiff v. BRIAN E. FORTIN; MELISSA J. FORTIN; CITIFINANCIAL, INC.; ASSET ACQUISITION GROUP, LLC Defendants NOTICE OF SALE By virtue and in execution of the Power of Sale contained in a certain mortgage given by Brian E. Fortin and Melissa J. Fortin to Option One Mortgage Corporation, a California Corporation dated November 12, 2004 and recorded in Book 115 at Page 518 of the City/Town of Alburg Land Records, of which mortgage the undersigned is the present holder by Assignment of Mortgage recorded on February 4, 2008 in Book 135 at Page 423, for breach of the conditions of said mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing the same will be sold at Public Auction at 12:30 p.m. on June 13, 2013 at 271 U.S. Route 2 South, Alburg, VT 05440 all and singular the premises described in said mortgage, To Wit: SPAN: 009-003-11275 Parcel I.D. No.: RS271 Being all and the same lands and premises conveyed to Gary L. Murray and Michelle M. Murray by Warranty Deed of Neal Letourneau and Lisa Letourneau dated October 7, 2002 and recorded October 8, 2002 in Book 98 at Page 260 of the Town of Alburg Land Records and being more particularly described as follows: “Being all and the same lands and premises conveyed to Neal Letourneau and Lisa Letourneau by Warranty Deed of Steven E. Barron and Diane J. Barron dated April 4, 1997 and recorded in Volume 77, Page 378 and more particularly described as follows: Being all and the same lands and premises conveyed to Steven E. Barron and Diane J. Barron by Warranty Deed of James and Roberta Cayea dated August 27, 1992, and recorded in Volume 66, Page 351 of the Town of Alburg Land Records. Being all and the same land and premises conveyed to James F. Cayea and Robert Cayea, by Warranty Deed of Judith F. Cayea, dated November 2, 1984 and recorded in Volume 52 at Pages 30-31 of the Town of Alburg Land Records. A parcel of land, together with the buildings thereon, containing one-half (1/2) acre, more or less, lying on the easterly side of State Highway No. U.S. 2 in Alburg Center, so-called, in the Town of Alburg. Said lot is bounded on the northerly by a lot of land now or formerly owned by Donald J. and Eliza M. Poquette; on the easterly by land now or formerly owned by Robert F. and Evelyn C. Carpenter; on the southerly by a lot now or formerly owned by Alex Pereima; and on the westerly by said State Highway. Reference is made to the afrementioned instruments and to the deeds and records therein referred, all in further aid of this description. Plaintiff may adjourn this Public Auction one or more times for a total time not exceeding 30 days, without further court order, and without publication or service of a new notice of sale, by announcement of the new sale date to those present at each adjournment. Terms of Sale: $10,000.00 to be paid in cash or by certified check by the purchaser at the time of sale, with the balance due at closing. Proof of financing for the balance of the purchase to be provided at the time of sale. The sale is subject to taxes due and owing to the Town of Alburg. The Mortgagor is entitled to redeem the premises at any time prior to the sale by paying the full amount due under the mortgage, including the costs and expenses of the sale. Other terms to be announced at the sale. Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, as Trustee for Citigroup Mortgage Loan Trust, Series 2005OPT1, Asset-Backed Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2005-OPT1, Richard J. Volpe, Esq., Shechtman, Halperin, Savage, LLP, 1080 Main Street, Pawtucket, RI 02860, 877-575-1400, Attorney for Plaintiff (6004679)(Fortin)(05-21-13, 05-28-13, 06-04-13) (298359) Agreeably to the provisions of Title 32, Section 4111 Vermont Statutes Annotated, notice is hereby given that the undersigned Listers within and for the Town of Grand Isle have this day completed the abstract of individual lists of persons, co-partnerships, associations, and corporations owning taxable property in said town on the first day of April, 2013 that they have this day lodged the same in the office of the clerk of said town for the inspection of taxpayers; that on the12th day of June starting at 9 o’clock in the forenoon by appointment only, the undersigned Listers will meet at the Listers office in Grand Isle in said town, to hear grievances of persons, co-partnerships, associations or corporations aggrieved by any of their appraisals or by any of their acts as such Listers whose objections thereto in writing shall have been filed with them as prescribed by statute, and to make such corrections in said abstract as shall upon hearing or otherwise be determined by them; and that unless cause to the contrary be shown, the contents of said abstract will, for the year 2013, become the Grand List of said Town and of each person, co-partnership, association or corporation therein named. STATE OF VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT GRAND ISLE UNIT Janice Arnold, Chairperson Susan Lawrence Suzanne Sauve Listers of the Town of Grand Isle PROBATE DIVISION DOCKET NO. P3-3-13Gi IN RE: The Estate of MARIE V. CURTIS, late of Isle La Motte, Vermont NOTICE TO CREDITORS To the creditors of the estate of MARIE V. CURTIS, late of Isle La Motte, Vermont. We have been appointed a personal representative of the above named estate. All creditors having claims against the estate must present their claims in writing within 4 months of the date of the first publication of this notice. The claim must be presented to us at the address listed below with a copy filed with the register of the Probate Court. The claim will be forever barred if it is not presented as described above within the four month deadline. Dated: May 27, 2013 Signed: Print Name: John McDonald/Gary McDonald c/o Steven D. Marshall, Esq. Address: PO Box 131, 37 Grand Avenue Swanton, VT 05488 Telephone: (802) 868-3367 Name of Publication: Islander Publication Date: 6/4/2013 Address of Probate Court: Grand Isle Probate Court PO Box 7 North Hero, VT 05474 Cunningham Named VPT Director of Finance and Administration Rob Cunningham has been promoted to the position of director of finance and administration at Vermont Public Television. He heads VPT’s financial operations and administrative functions. Cunningham joined VPT in 1996 and has served in several capacities, most recently as accountant. TOWN OF GRAND ISLE NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS Given under our hands at Grand Isle in the County of Grand Isle this 29th day of May, 2013. NOTICE OF ABANDONMENT OF OIL, GAS AND MINERAL LEASE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT: Patricia Rainville presumes that a certain oil, gas and mineral lease granted by Kathleen and Bernard Bryant to Cambrian Corporation (“lessee”) dated September 27, 1963 and recorded in Book 37, Page 443, of the Alburgh Land Records, which was amended in a Modification Agreement dated December 1, 1981 and recoded in Book 48, Page 94 of the Alburgh Land Records (“the leases”), are abandoned. The leases encumber certain land situated on the easterly side of Martell Road (also known as Town Road #11) in the Town of Alburgh, Vermont, being more particularly described in a Warranty Deed to Michael O. Rainville and Patricia Rainville from Marlene M. Bryant and Melanie K. Bryant dated October 29, 1999, recorded in Book 84, Page 319 in the Land Records of Town of Alburgh and in a Quit Claim Deed to Patricia P. Rainville from Michael O. Rainville dated March 1, 2013, recorded in Book 157, Page 251 in the Land Records of Town of Alburgh. This Notice is given pursuant to 29. V.S.A §563(g). The address of the persons giving this Notice is C/O Megan T. Manahan, Esq., Cahill, Gawne, Miller & Manahan, P.C., 42 North Main Street, St. Albans, Vermont 05478. He is a graduate of Champlain College with bachelor’s degrees in accounting and business management, and he lives in North Hero where he serves as chair of the North Hero Water Department Board of Commissioners. Local Historical Society to Honor Local World War II Veterans The South Hero Historical Society will honor the stories of Island WW II veterans on Friday, June 7, at 7 pm, at the Folsom Educational Center. Five vets have agreed to be recognized. They have interesting stories to tell, although some modestly would like to forget this part of American Red Cross Seeking DAT Volunteers in Grand Isle County The American Red Cross is seeking DAT (Disaster Action Team) volunteers for Grand Isle County. DAT volunteers provide disaster relief to meet the emergency needs of victims of house fires, flooding and ice storms. For more information, visit Redcross. org or contact Brent Garrow by calling 802-660-9130 Ext. 105 or emailing brent.garrow@redcross.org. Treasure for the Taking at God’s Little Brown Church God’s Little Brown Church will be having its annual Treasure For You day on Saturday, June 8 from 9 am to 3 pm. The Church is just over the bridge north of Harbor Market on Route 2 in Alburgh. Everything is free for the taking. If you see something you need: it’s yours. They will have a donation box set up for the Grand Isle Food Shelf, if you’d like to give a blessing while receiving one. Hot dogs and chips will be served from 11:30 am to 1 pm. Former Grand Isle County Sheriff to Discuss Thirty Years of Service At 7 pm, on Tuesday, June 11, former Sheriff, John Lawrence, will talk about his thirty years in office and some of the notable events. The event will be at the Block Schoolhouse, Route 2: the yellow one-room schoolhouse next to the Hyde Log Cabin and the Grand Isle Elementary School. There will be time to ask questions and reminisce about those years. There will also be delicious, home-made baked goods served afterwards. This event is sponsored by the Grand Isle Historical Society and is handicap-accessible. For more information, call 372-4245. Free Summer Lunch with Food For Thought It’s time to start thinking about summer plans. As part of those plans, the Congregational Church of South Hero is gearing up for another summer of Food For Thought. Do your children receive free or reduced price lunch during the school year, or are you having a hard time meeting the food needs of your family with school age children? If so, consider signing up for Food For Thought. Starting June 16 and running until August 25, Food For Thought provides supplemental wholesome lunch foods for your children. Each child will also receive age appropriate books throughout the summer. Families will pick up their food at the Congregational Church in South Hero or at the Alburgh Fire Station. Delivery may be arranged if needed. Sign up early as it will ensure that they have enough food for all families. No financial information is required. If you are a Grand Isle County family and would like to participate in this program, call Margaret at 372-4962 to sign up. Clear Your Clutter and Support a Great Cause The North Hero Volunteer Fire Department Women’s Auxiliary is going to have their annual Flea Market to benefit the North Hero Volunteer Fire Department. In the past, this has been a very successful fundraiser because of the support of the people who donate and then come to purchase the wonderful, items they have to offer. The dates this year will be Saturday, June 22, from 9 am to 4 pm, and Sunday, June 23 from 10 am to 2 pm. Mark these dates on your calendar right now so you won’t miss this great event to help the dedicated volunteers of the North Hero Fire Department. Donations are now being accepted by appointment by calling: Jeanine- 372-4237, Ella- 3726130 or Judy- 372-8636. Their regular hours will be Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10 am until 3 pm. If these hours are inconvenient for you, contact one of the ladies listed above. The Auxiliary would greatly appreciate your donations of clean, good-working, saleable items, including: furniture, jewelry, linens, toys, dishes, tools, plants, crafts, housewares, and books. With regard to books: they do not take encyclopedias, text books, and condensed Readers Digest books. They also do not take clothing, refrigerators, stoves, mattresses, bed pillows, tires, computers, TVs, exercise equipment or doors. You are asked to not leave items outside the building. If you have any questions regarding your donations or anything else, contact one of the ladies listed above. The North Hero Volunteer Fire Department Women’s Auxiliary thanks you for your past support, and they hope to see you again this year at Camp Ingalls on South End Road in North Hero. It’s a great sale for a great cause. Three Delicious Chances to Support the Grand Isle/North Hero Volunteer Rescue Squad Attention to all friends, family, neighbors, acquaintances, and summer visitors. Here is a wonderful idea for grand eating and community support combined in three exciting summer events! The Grand Isle/ North Hero Rescue Squad Auxiliary will be hosting a Strawberry Social and two Sunday morning breakfasts this summer. The Strawberry Social will be held at the Pomykala Farm in Grand Isle on Sunday, June 30. The breakfasts will be held at Saint Joseph’s Church in Grand Isle on Sunday, July 14 and Sunday, August 4. Donations given at these events will support the fine work of the volunteers who respond when needed to all sorts of emergencies with professionalism and state of the art equipment. Jot down these dates on your 2013 summer calendar, and plan to attend these fun, delicious, communitysupporting events! The Islander, June 4, 2013 Page 15 Thank You From the Friends of the Alburgh Public Library The Friends of the Alburgh Public Library would like to thank everyone that made our first annual prize bingo, the success that it was. We could not have done it without all our donators: Blair’s Fuel, Hickok and Boardman, Irick Excavating. Amy’s Gift Shop, Cosmic Bakery, Fiber Junction, Gino’s, Mimmo’s, Pie in the Sky, Sandy Deli, Dominos, Fitness Zone, Lake Monsters, Lake Side Café, Green Mountain Coffee, Angelo’s, Blockbuster, Bowling Alley Saint Albans, Cabot, Comfort Inn of Plattsburgh, Crossroads, Cumberland 12, Echo Lake Aquarium, Flynn, Hairhut, Lake Champlain Chocolates, Mother Hubbard’s, New England Culinary, Pat Talcott, Price Chopper, Swanton House of Pizza, The Harbor Store, Village Snack Bar, Walkers, Wendy Tatro, What a Yarn, Hero’s Welcome, Burton, Sherwin Williams, American Girl, Jay Peak, La Quinta, Champlain Valley Equipment, Eatons. A special thanks also goes out to everyone who volunteered their time to help make this event successful. Hope to see all of you back for our next fundraiser: the second annual Fourth of July Concession Stand at the Library. at St. Joseph’s Church Hall in Grand Isle every Thursday at 6:30p.m. with Early Birds starting at 6:15p.m. Alburgh Village Store •Beer •Cigarettes Cheapest in town Marlboro $7.24/tax Camel $6.74/tax Pall Mall $5.97/tax •Wine •We now carry Lactoise Free “Lactaid” All Milk $3.89/gal •Groceries •Ice Cream •Mellow Yellow $1.19 + Dep 2 ltr. •Live Bait nightcrawlers & Spikes •Deli Coming Soon •Hunting & Fishing Licenses Center of Alburgh - Across from Library 802-796-3545 • Sun-Wed: 6-9 Thurs-Sat: 6-10 The Islander, June 4, 2013 Page 16 M ilton N ews Lorinda A. Henry 802.893.7036 • lamoillecounty@yahoo.com MEMORIAL DAY COMMEMORATION Once again the American Legion produced a moving Memorial Day service at the Memorial Gardens at the Town Offices, accompanied by the best weather in a week. With music by the Milton Community Band, and presentations of flowers by town departments and local clubs, plus the people who took the time to mark the real meaning of the three-day weekend, honor was paid to the men and women of Milton who have given all they had for our freedoms. Present day veterans were also honored by both music and applause. TRAFFIC ALERTS Work is beginning on East Road for infrastructure improvements related to a new development. The work will be taking place at the intersection of East Road, North Road and Westford Road: Main Street. There may be minor traffic delays throughout the work period. Traffic control will be on-site. Paving work will take place this season in various areas of town. Minor delays may be experienced from time to time. Traffic control will be at the affected sites. REVOTE ON SCHOOL BUDGET The School Budget Vote will be held on Tuesday, June 4, from 7 am to 7 pm, at the Milton Town Offices. SCHOOL NEWS END OF YEAR CALENDAR: Thursday and Friday, June 6 and 7- Romeo and Juliet starts at 6:30 pm at the Milton High School Auditorium; Friday, June 7- the entire middle school will be walking over to the high school to see the Milton Middle School performance of Romeo and Juliet; Monday, June 10- Senior Awards Program starts at 7 pm at MHS, Wednesday, June 12- 8th Grade End-of-Year Celebration starts at 6:30 pm at the MHS Gymnasium; Thursday, June 13- Senior Activity at Ausable Chasm from 8 am to 5 pm; Friday, June 14- last student day with dismissal times of 11:30 am for grades 6 to 12 and 12:30 pm for grades K to 5, Mandatory Graduation Rehearsal from 10 am to Noon; Saturday, June 15- Graduation in the MHS Gymnasium starts at 10 am, doors open at 9. LIBRARY PROGRAMS SUMMER STORY TIMES: Infant- Beginning in September; Preschool/Toddler- Fridays beginning June 21 at 10 am with books songs, and crafts. SUMMER READING PROGRAM: All children ages two to twelve may enroll in the summer reading program, Dig Into Reading, beginning on Monday, June 17. A wonderful variety of activities to accompany your child’s summer reading are scheduled. Sign up for a just a few or for many. On Tuesday, June 18, at 10 am, Tom Joyce’s Magic Show will kick off the summer programs. All are free; most of the programs require sign-up so that good planning results. ADULT PROGRAMS: The regular Adult Book Club meets on Wednesday, June 5 to discuss Chris Bohjalian’s Skeletons at the Feast, a historic novel. Join us for great conversation and wonderful refreshments! Call 893-4644 to reserve your book. There will also be an Adult Summer Reading Program: Groundbreaking Reads. VISIONS OF A HOMETOWN KICKSOFF AT THE TOWN OFFICES Visions of a Hometown, an art show curated by Amy Cook for the 250th birthday of Milton and the 25th anniversary of the founding of the art guild, opened Friday evening at the town offices with a reception for the artists. The pieces are the interpretations of 27 artists of the Milton experience. From fine pieces made of native woods to paintings in different mediums, to fabric collage and handmade books, the art is all top-drawer. Each artist has posted a paragraph telling about her or his vision of Milton, past, present, or future-- a fine show, worth seeing. If you were not able to make it to the reception, stop by the Milton Town Offices building any time it’s open, which includes the library’s evening hours. The pieces are all down the corridors on both sides of the lobby. The show will be hanging there throughout June, when it will move to the New Moon Cafe in Burlington for July, Montpelier in August, Waitsfield in September and Saint Johnsbury in October. MILTON’S BIRTHDAY Milton’s 250th Birthday is Saturday, June 8 and the 250th Birthday Committee has planned a great day, on the 8th as well as more activities on July 4. As a very special offering, we have a pictorial postmark just for this event. The post office offers the pictorial cancellation for 30 days so you can come get your special souvenir for the price of the stamp/envelope! The Milton Historical Society has a Milton history book available for sale. Order requests can be sent to miltonhistorical@yahoo.com The price is $21.99 and they can work out delivery/ shipment individually. The books will also be available at: the Milton Historical Society BookSigning on Wednesday, June 5, from 7:30 to 9 pm at the Milton Museum, 13 School Street; the Milton Historical Society’s booth at Milton’s Charter Signing Reenactment on June 8, from 9 to 11 am, at Milton High School; also at the Milton Historical Society’s booth at the Grand 250th Celebration on Thursday, July 4 at Bombardier Park after the parade. BOOK-SIGNING EVENT There will be an Images of America: Milton book-signing event on Wednesday, June 5, at 7:30 pm, at the Milton Historical Society Museum. In celebration of Milton’s 250th Anniversary, Gary Furlong, board member of the historical society and history teacher at Milton High School has spent the past year pulling together a book on Milton’s history, called Images Across America: Milton. Gary, with assistance from some of his students, worked with publishing company, Arcadia Publishing, to develop this book that includes over 200 images from our collection. Come to this event to learn about the making of this book, be one of the first to purchase your own copy and have Gary personally sign your copy. SENIORS GROOVY LUNCH BUNCH Usually three times a week the Groovy Lunch Bunch meets at the Arrowhead Senior Citizens’ Center off Middle Road for nutritious luncheons and friendships! All meals and programs are sponsored by the Champlain Valley Agency on Aging and are held at the Milton Arrowhead Senior Citizens’ Center unless otherwise noted. Seniors age 60 and over are welcome. Call Shirley early at 893-1619, at least 25 hours ahead, for reservations. A $4 donation is appreciated. Meal site manager is Barb “Andy” Joachim 309-8790. Milton’s CVAA advocate is Julie Petersen at 8650360 0r 1-800-642-5119. YOUTH HOCKEY THIS SUMMER A Milton Youth Hockey Summer Program, Cutting Edge, a Hockey Skills Development and Improvement Program will provide four to ten year olds: Squirt, Mite and Blue Blade, hockey players with six hours of on-ice instruction that will see groups of players separated by ability level rotating through station drills run by Milton Coaches. Drills will change weekly and will challenge players in improving their hockey skills. Emphasis will be placed on edge control, skating stride, stick handling, passing, shooting techniques and hustle. Beginner skaters will learn to skate by coaches using a variety of techniques, including skate aids, agility drills, and fun games. Beginner skates will be incorporated into the station drills once coaches feel they are ready. Intermediate to advanced skaters will be encouraged to give their greatest effort through positive instruction and feedback by the coaches. All players must have proper hockey equipment, including: helmet with face-mask, mouth guard, skates, shoulder/chest pad, neck guard, gloves, hockey pants, athletic cup protector, hockey socks, elbow pads, stick, and shin pads. Is your child new to hockey? If so, MYHA has loaner gear that is available for use. Loaner gear sets are designed to allow your child to try hockey without you having to purchase all of the equipment! Loaner gear sets include everything you need except for skates, athletic cup protector, neck guard, and hockey socks. The program will be held on Thursdays, July 18 and 25, August 1, 8, 15, and 22, from 6:15 to 7:15 pm each day, at the Olympic Rink at Leddy Park Ice Arena in Burlington. The fee is $100 and includes a practice jersey and instruction. MYHA is pleased to offer first-time players residing in Milton the opportunity to enroll in Cutting Edge for free. Note that registration is still required! All players must register by Friday, June 28! Go to milton-hockey.org for a Cutting Edge Registration Form. For more information, contact Derek Mitchell at mitchellboys@ myfairpoint.net or 893-3273. Opening Season at Fisk Farm The Barn Gallery at Fisk Farm will begin its 19th season with an Opening Reception on Sunday, June 9, 4:00 to 7:00 pm. An exhibit of the paintings of two Vermont artists, Susan Larkin of Isle la Motte and Valerie Ugro of Fairfax, Vermont will be featured. The art and craft of Ginger Johnson of Alburgh, Vermont will also fbe on display. All are welcome to attend. Susan Larkin is a landscape painter who makes her home in the Lake Champlain Islands in Vermont. She works in oil and pastel and has been painting for over 10 years. Previous to working as a painter, she worked in clay, producing Raku pottery vessels. Susan says, “I try to communicate what the day felt like to me, the air, the sounds, the light, colors, conversations with my painting companions. I want to capture what exactly it was that made this view, this day, to shine for me. The magical something that made my mind say, “Look at that!” Valerie Ugro initially studied photography but has been a full time professional artist since 1989 in Vermont. Her love of nature and the out-of-doors brought her to bicycle past the Fisk Farm ruins in the 1980’s. Valerie was fascinated by how the sun cast such wonderful light on the old stone ruins. It wasn’t until 1995 that she came back and asked if she could photograph and sketch the property. She was the first Art Director at Fisk Farm beginning in 1996, a position now held by Maurie Harrington. Her work has been shown in numerous contexts throughout Vermont, and has received awards from various juried shows. Ginger Johnson experiments with weaving, knitting, sewing, painting, collage, and the Book Arts. She states, “As a fiber artist, I love color and texture the bolder the better - and feel at my very best when I am surrounded with the beauty of color and the richness of texture. I love experimenting with water colors and combining fibers, paper and paints. When it all comes together, the final image speaks to my soul.” This exhibit will be on display until June 19th. The Isle La Motte Preservation Trust presents the Cultural Heritage Events that take place in the Barn Gallery at Fisk Farm. For a full schedule of the 2013 season, visit ilmpt.org. Fisk Farm is located at 3849 West Shore Road, Isle La Motte, VT., 05463. For further information call 802-928-3364. The Islander, June 4, 2013 Page 17 Champlain Islands Health Services Keeler Bay Health Center 564 RT 2, South Hero 372-4687 Welcoming New Patients of All Ages Medical - Patient Counseling - Financial Assistance Dr. Glen Moyer. "The Gentle Dentist" 55 Town Line Rd, Grand Isle Gentle Professional Dental Care for the Entire Family. All insurance accepted including Vermont Medicaid as well as participating with CBA, CIGNA, Delta Dental and Met Life. Hours: Mon: 8-7 Tues: by Appt. Weds. - Thurs: 8-5 (802)372-3737 ORTHODONTICS GIVE YOUR CHILD... a good start to good appearance and lifelong dental health... in a complete family care practice with over 30 years experience. "Invisalign Certified" Invisible Braces Latest techniques Flexible payment plans available. (Adult care available also.) Walter W. Burnett, D.M.D. James S. Simollardes, D.D.S. General Dentistry Milton Dental Associates, Inc. 33 School St. Milton, VT 05468 893-2552 TUESDAY, JUNE 4 - Storytime for Preschoolers at the Alburgh Public Library starts at 10:30 am. - Milton Community Band rehearsals at the Herrick Ave Elementary School from 7 to 8:45 pm. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5 - Storytime at the Grand Isle Free Library starts at 10 am. - Champlain Islands Farmers’ Market at Saint Rose of Lima Church, South Hero from 3 to 6 pm. - Handcrafters Get-together at the Alburgh Public Library starts at 6:30 pm. - Images Across America: Milton book-signing at the Milton Historical Society. - Milton Middle School Presents: Romeo and Juliet at the Milton High School. THURSDAY, JUNE 6 - Toddler Time at the South Hero Community Library starts at 10 am. - Champlain Island Fiber Bees meet in the North Hero Methodist Church basement from 11 am to 4 pm. - Folsom School Board Meeting and Coaching and the Data Wall presentation starts at 6 pm. - Bingo at Saint Joseph’s Church, Grand Isle; Early Bird games start at 6:15 pm, Regular games at 6:30. - Fiber Night at the Grand Isle Free Library starts at 6:30 pm. - Karate for all ages at Camp Ingalls, North Hero from 6:30 to 8 pm. - Milton Middle School Presents: Romeo and Juliet at the Milton High School. FRIDAY, JUNE 7 - Highgate Methodist Community Center Lawn and Bake Sale from 9 am to 2 pm. - South Hero Historical Society Veteran’s D-Day Commemoration at the Folsom Educational Center starts at 7 pm. SATURDAY, JUNE 8 - Vermont Days with free admission to Vermont State Parks and Historic Sites and Free Fishing Day: no license required. - Highgate Methodist Community Center Lawn and Bake Sale from 9 am to 2 pm. - Treasure For You Day free lawn sale at God’s Little Brown Church, Alburgh from 9 am to 4 pm. - Let’s Go Fishing! program at Kill Kare State Park, Saint Albans from 11 am to 1 pm. - Them Nakeds Concert and Dance at the Alburgh American Legion starts at 7:30 pm. SUNDAY, JUNE 9 - Vermont Days with free admission to Vermont State Parks and Historic Sites. - Breakfast at Saint Rose of Lima, South Hero from 7 to 11:30 am. - Bingo at Saint Amadeus Hall. Doors open at 5 pm; games begin at 6:30 pm. MONDAY, JUNE 10 - Grand Isle County Mentoring Program Dinner at the Grand Isle School from 5:30 to 7 pm. - Book Discussion at the Alburgh Public Library starts at 7 pm. TUESDAY, JUNE 11 - Storytime for Preschoolers at the Alburgh Public Library starts at 10:30 am. - American Red Cross Blood Drive at the Saint Amadeus Parish Center from Noon to 5 pm. - Island Gardeners meet at Sherry and Gene McAllisters’ at 37 Moccasin Avenue, Grand Isle at 6:30 pm and then Janine and David Banks’, 315 US Route 2, South Hero. Have a Great Week! Al-Anon 860-8388 for friends & families of alcoholics (www.vermontal-anon.alateen.org) Northwestern Counseling & Support Services, Inc. Behavior Health Crisis Services • 524-6554 or 1-800-834-7793 • - John Lawrence presentation at the Block Schoolhouse, Grand Isle starts at 7 pm. - Milton Community Band rehearsals at the Herrick Ave Elementary School from 7 to 8:45 pm. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12 - Handcrafters Get-together at the Alburgh Public Library starts at 6:30 pm. SATURDAY, JUNE 15 - Chicken and Biscuit Dinner and Strawberry Shortcake at Saint Amadeus Parish Hall from 4:30 to 7 pm. SUNDAY, JUNE 16 - Bingo at Saint Amadeus Hall. Doors open at 5 pm; games begin at 6:30 pm. MONDAY, JUNE 17 - Film Night at the Alburgh Public Library starts at 7 pm. TUESDAY, JUNE 18 - Storytime for Preschoolers at the Alburgh Public Library starts at 10:30 am. - Milton Community Band rehearsals at the Herrick Ave Elementary School from 7 to 8:45 pm. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19 - Handcrafters Get-together at the Alburgh Public Library starts at 6:30 pm. - Alburgh Library Trustees meet at the library at 7 pm. SATURDAY, JUNE 22 - North Hero Volunteer Fire Department Women’s Auxiliary Flea Market at Camp Ingalls North Hero from 9 am to 4 pm. - Annual Village-Wide Sales for the Village of Rouses Point starts at 8 am. SUNDAY, JUNE 23 - North Hero Volunteer Fire Department Women’s Auxiliary Flea Market at Camp Ingalls North Hero from 10 am to 2 pm. - Bingo at Saint Amadeus Hall. Doors open at 5 pm; games begin at 6:30 pm. - Summer Matinee at the Alburgh Public Library starts at 2 pm. MONDAY, JUNE 24 - Summer Reading Program Registration Day at the Alburgh Public Library from 1 to 5 pm. - Author presentation at the Alburgh Public Library starts at 7 pm. TUESDAY, JUNE 25 - Storytime for Preschoolers at the Alburgh Public Library starts at 10:30 am. - Milton Community Band rehearsals at the Herrick Ave Elementary School from 7 to 8:45 pm. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26 - Handcrafters Get-together at the Alburgh Public Library starts at 6:30 pm. THURSDAY, JUNE 27 - Dig Into Reading workshop at the Alburgh Public Library starts at 2 pm. SATURDAY, JUNE 29 - Kids’ International Mud Day at the Alburgh Public Library from 1 to 3 pm. SUNDAY, JUNE 30 - Strawberry Social at Pomykala Farm Stand, Grand Isle. - Summer Matinee at the Alburgh Public Library starts at 2 pm. - Bingo at Saint Amadeus Hall. Doors open at 5 pm; games begin at 6:30 pm. TUESDAY, JULY 2 - Storytime for Preschoolers at the Alburgh Public Library starts at 10:30 am. - South Hero Blood Drawing at Folsom School from 12:30 to 6 pm. - Milton Community Band rehearsals at the Herrick Ave Elementary School from 7 to 8:45 pm. THURSDAY, JULY 4 - Alburgh Fourth of July Parade starts at 11 am. - South Hero Fourth of July Parade starts at 11 am. SUNDAY, JULY 7 - Great Race in Saint Albans Bay starts at 10 am. FRIDAY, JULY 12 - CIDER Antique Show and Sale at Folsom Educational Center, South Hero from 9 am to 5 pm. SATURDAY, JULY 13 - CIDER Antique Show and Sale at Folsom Educational Center, South Hero from 9 am to 5 pm. SUNDAY, JULY 14 - North Hero/ Grand Isle Volunteer Rescue Squad Breakfast at Saint Joseph’s Church, Grand Isle. The Islander, June 4, 2013 Page 18 --------------------------------30-40 Krag rifle $250, 22 semiauto rifle, seven shot clip $125, 22 western style revolver eight shot with holster $225. 802-796-3009 6/4 --------------------------------- SALES --------------------------------Annual Lawn Sale. We were rained out Memorial weekend so we’ve rescheduled. Sat. June 8th and Sun. June 9th. 2 Allen Road, Grand Isle (across from Kim’s). --------------------------------GRAND ISLE: Awesome Yard Sale/Fundraiser. Sunday, June 9th. 9am. 22 Hodgekin Place (off Reynolds Road). All proceeds support sending local 8th grade Islander, Josh Webster-Heenan to do community service in several European Countries this summer. Support a great cause. Donations graciously accepted. --------------------------------- FOR RENT --------------------------------GRAND ISLE: Four room cottage, year round rental. Washer, dryer, stove, fridge. $850/month. 802-3726646 6/4 --------------------------------- WANTED --------------------------------Cash paid for Junk Vehicles & old farm equipment. Call Ron Prouty for price. 802-372-4024 6/4 --------------------------------- EMPLOYMENT FOR SALE --------------------------------ATTENTION: 3 chairs and 1 long couch $100 for all 4. Nine month old Kenmore washer, top load series$250. Older gas dryer - good working cond. $50. Hot Pooint. If interested call 372-6505 and leave message. --------------------------------Anco-Bilt adjustable wood easer 6 1/2 canvas, oil paint, artist’s wood box, stretcher sticks $50. 802-3725615 6/11 --------------------------------1 - 12’ alum boat w/2.5hp motor $750. 1 - 14’ w/4hp Mercury $850. Also have boating supplies, life jackets, fish poles, canoes, kayaks, paddles. Call if you need. 802-3632160 6/18 --------------------------------Dry Firewood $225/cord. Maple Syrup $40/gal. $20 for 1/2 gal. Call Vickie 802-383-8389 6/11 --------------------------------75lb mushroom anchor, chain, bouy, pick up want, deck line $125. Grand Isle 802-378-5145 6/4 --------------------------------Sea Sprite Run About 16’x9, 18hp Mercruiser outdrive. Run less then 100 hours. Always stored inside or covered outside. No sun damage to interior. Includes trailer spare tire, spare propeller, anchor, canvas cover. Load capacity 6 person or 900lbs. $3500 neg. Milton. Call 802-488-4836 or 488-4835 6/4 --------------------------------26’ Tiara Cabin Cruiser. 1984 260hp. Trailer. Sleeps 4, galley & head. Teak interior. Full canvas. Gear & equipment. $8500 obob. Leao 802535-7318 6/11 --------------------------------ONLINE AUCTION: NEW IN BOX! Trade Lots: Diecast Collectibles, Decorative Accessories & Cowboy Collectibles. THCAuction.com • 800-634-7653 6/4 --------------------------------Clean, quality mixed hardwoods for sale. Custom lengths. Dubuque’s Firewood Sales. A Cut Above the Rest! 802-372-6440 6/14 --------------------------------Cedar Trees: a native tree excellent for use in screens, hedges and erosion control. 3-4’ $20ea 4-5’ $25ea 5-6’ $30 ea. 802-868-9961 or 3933546. BTFN --------------------------------Island Beverage Firewood. Green or dry. Selling wood pellets by the ton. Call for delivery. 802-324-1955 BTFN --------------------------------- --------------------------------Ruthcliffe Lodge & Restaurant, Isle La Motte. Wanted dishwashers, serves (breakfast, lunch & dinner), room cleaners. Call 802-9283200. Ask for Mark. --------------------------------Deliver Fairpoint Telephone Directories. M & W 18+ yrs w/insured vehicles to deliver, Burlington, Grand Isle, Essex areas. Also looking for office clerks and loaders. Starts june 20th. Work min of 6 daylight hrs per day get paid within 72 hours upon completion of route. 800-979-7978, 9 & 5:30 pm, M-F Refer to job# 30103-b EOE 6/18 --------------------------------YRC Freight is hiring PT Casual Combo Drivers/Dock Workers! Burlington location. CDL-A w/ Combo and Hazmat, 1yr T/T exp, 21yoa req. EOE-M/F/D/V. Able to lift 65 lbs. req. APPLY: www.yrcfreight.com/careers 6/11 --------------------------------- SERVICES OFFERED --------------------------------SMITTY’S TREE SERVICE. Take down and removal. Chipping. Stump Grinding. Affordable. Insured. 802-372-5297 7/23 --------------------------------- Langlois Lawn Care, LLC – Call today for a free estimate on Lawn Care, Pressure Washing, Bark Mulching, Spring Clean Up, Brush and Small Tree Removal, Light Landscaping and Other Jobs. Call Brian at (802) 363-4777 or (802) 782-0786. BTFN --------------------------------BOATERS/PERSONAL WATERCRAFTERS! De-Winterize, tune-up, repair and service for a fun summer with a Certified Boat Mechanic. Malcolm Cheeseman formerly of Saba nd Dunham Bay Marina at Lamothe Repair Shop, St. Albans, VT 802-524-6867 6/11 --------------------------------TURNBAUGH ROOFING- Slate, shingles, metal, rubber. Painting all flashings & metal roofs. Chimney repair. FREE ESTIMATES. INSURED. 802-372-5781 John. BTFN --------------------------------Detail Service, Buffing, Polish, Wax, Carpet Shampoo, Engine Compartment Cleaning, Brake Work, Tune-ups. Call Mike 802372-4558. 7/2 --------------------------------HARRINGTON PROPERTY MAINTENANCE: Garden Rototilling. Lawn Maintenance. Field Mowing. Bark Mulch beds. 372 8226. 6/25 --------------------------------GRAND ISLE & SURROUNDING AREA. Brush hog & Garden tilling. $50/hr - 1 hour minimum. Call 802-372-9212 6/25 --------------------------------WELDING: Aluminum - stainless & steel. Inshop & portable. Propeller, skeg repair. Jesberger Welding. 802-796-4079 802-324-6954. 10/15 --------------------------------R. ROSE CONSTRUCTION. Roofing, House renovations, Ext. paint/siding, additions, deck, custom screening, proches, etc. Fully insured. Free Est. 802-372-5693 BTFN --------------------------------R&L HOME & LAWN CARE. Landscaping, Mowing, Property Maintenance, Bark Mulch, Small Bucket Loader, Brush-Hog, Tree Service, Spring Seasonal Clean-up, General Carpentry, Roofs, Decks, Siding, Remodeling. Fully Insured. Free Estimates. 802-372-4486 BTFN -------------------------------Rototilling $55.00 an hour. One hour minimum charge. Call Larry Adams 802-372-4288 6/25 --------------------------------Tatro’s Repair Shop. We buy junk vehicles. Paying $100 and up. Cash for complete vehicles. Call 802-7963783 6/4 --------------------------------IMPECCABLE house cleaning and camp cleaning. 12 yrs experience. Reasonable rates! Call Angie 802-399-4213 or email angie59m@ yahoo.com 7/30 --------------------------------CONSTRUCTION SERVICES. Roofing, siding, carpentry, painting, also repairs. No job too small. Honest and reliable. Free Estimates. 802-233-7031. 6/18 --------------------------------Remodeling. Barns. Restoration. House Lifting. Foundations. Paint & Tile. Bill Miller 802-355-0313 6/25 --------------------------------- WANTED - - help wanted - - EXPERIENCED cashier ....must be 21+ friendly & responsible Nights and weekends required apply in person South Hero Volunteer Fire Department to Celebrate 60th Anniversary The South Hero Volunteer Fire Department (SHVFD) is celebrating their 60th anniversary this year and is planning a community celebration on Sunday, July 28, from 1 to 4 pm, at Apple Island Resort. There will be free food and fun activities for families. Any other community groups interested in participating in the celebration are welcome. They are hoping any former members of the Fire Department will join in. They are also looking for any old pictures or memorabilia anyone may have of the SHVFD. Grand Isle County Mentoring Celebrates End of the Year By: Karen Browning The Grand Isle County Mentoring Program has had a wonderful year ending our year with 42 mentor mentee matches throughout the five Grand Isle Schools. We will be having a dinner with mentors, mentees and their families on Monday evening June 10 from 5:30 to 7 pm at the Grand Isle School. All mentors, mentees and their families are invited to attend. Mentors and their mentees will share with the group some of the things they have been doing this year. We will congratulate our 8th graders who are moving on The Islander, June 4, 2013 Page 19 the high school and will be transitioning to community based mentoring with their mentors. Grand Isle County Mentoring is a school-based mentoring program, which matches community children with adults who have similar interests. They meet once a week for one hour in the school at a mutually convenient time. We hope to have some new matches in the fall. This is a good time to apply to be ready to start in the fall. Children from all five island schools are involved in the program and range from grades 1 to 8. Now is the time to think about young people in our community who could benefit from an additional relationship with a caring adult. Every child who wants a mentor should have one! Mentoring has proven results for both the children and adults who care enough to make the commitment of just one hour a week. If you would like more information, please contact me, Karen Browning, coordinator at 372-5239 or email gicmentoring@gmail.com. Standing-Room Only at Recent Shipwrecks of Lake Champlain Discussion Adam Kane, from the Lake Champlain Maritime Museum gave a presentation: The Shipwrecks of Lake Champlain, last week at the headquarters building of the Missisquoi National Wildlife Refuge. The presentation was sponsored by the Vermont Humanities Council, and arranged by Swanton’s 250th Anniversary committee who would like to thank the Missisquoi National Wildlife Refuge for hosting the standing-room only crowd. This event was part of a series of events planned throughout the summer, highlighting and celebrating Swanton’s history. This year marks the 250th anniversary of the town’s charter. For more information on upcoming events, visit www.swanton250.org. A. H. James Heating LLC 802-796-3730 Oil & Gas Systems Rinnai Water Heaters Sales & Service Custom Marine Canvas Boat Tops & Covers Open House Sunday June 9th 1-3pm! 357 South St., South Hero Don’t miss this amazing opportunity to have a great house! Located in beautiful South Hero, only 25 mins to Burlington, historic home features 3+ Bedrooms, 2 full baths, office, formal living room, large family room, updated kitchen w/stainless steel appliances, attached 2 car garage, and amazing yard for gardening or other outdoor activities. Mark Casavant Hog Island Design 868-2271 at R/L Marine, Alburg Springs, VT MIKE BISHOP, REALTOR Your Islands Real Estate Specialist! Office: 802/846-7843 Cell/Text: 802/825-5527 Home: 802/372-8286 mike.bishop@lmsre.com LARGE enough to store your car or small boat! small enough to clear your clutter! s r r Route 2, Alburgh VT Call today for sizes & info! TM Carl Penske Enterprises 372-4819 Excavating, Waterlines, foundations, septic systems, driveways, roads, retaining walls, lake shore reinforcements, town water connections. Mooring Systems, Custom design for your needs. Installed. Fast Service. Scuba Diving Service, from mooring placement to ice vehicle recovery. Zebra Mussels filters installed and services. Welding, Certified Welder. All materials, Fabricating, Portable Equipment. Trucking, All Materials. Rototilling & Brushhogging ISLANDS REALTY INC. 2 Ferry Rd., South Hero: 802.372.5777 4 South Main St., Alburgh: 802.796.3426 NORTH HERO Exceptional Lake Champlain setting w/colorful sunsets in all seasons comes with this 3 BR/2 BA charmer. 0.80 acre of land with perennial gardens, raised veggie garden & 2 story shed/workshop. Gas fireplace, town water and 400’ of shared lake frontage. $389,000. ALBURGH SOUTH HERO 3 BR/2 BA home with deed Lake Champlain access to a prime piece of west facing lake frontage & a biking/walking trail both less than 250’ away. Conveniently located, affordable and without all the high taxes. $164,900. ALBURGH Motivated Seller! 5 BR/5 BA, renovated home on 4.32 acres with 550’ east facing direct lakefront. Gourmet kitchen with granite, 2 master bedroom suites, Jacuzzi tub & sauna, game/exercise room, large room for entertaining complete with bar, in ground pool & more. NOW $499,000. 3 BR/2 BA Lake Contemporary w/ 2 car garage sited on a 2.68 acre, exclusive, private point. Beautiful park like setting with a meadow, gardens, trees and a bit of natural woods. Living room w/cathedral ceiling & wall of windows, opens out to a covered deck overlooking the lake. Custom retaining wall on lakeside provides access to 278’ of Direct Lake Champlain frontage. Beautiful sunsets over the lake! $549,000 HIGHGATE ALBURGH Very private 4 BR/3BA home on 14 acres. Beautifully landscaped yard. Covered porch & back deck w/awning. Nice sized rooms. Kitchen with granite countertops. Near VAST trail. $189,900. Located on a quiet dead end road this wonderful 3 BR/1.5 BA home w/over 2600 sq ft of living space is ready for you to move right in! Nice neighborhood & nicely landscaped 1.00 acre partially fenced lot. 2 car garage, large shed & deck. $224,900. LINDA TROMBLEY 598-9322 FRANZ ROSENBERGER 777-7646 CARLA LANGLOIS 363-5758 EVAN POTVIN 999-6277 NORTH HERO This 3 BR/2 BA home features a state of the art Geo-Thermal heating & cooling system w/smart home technology to monitor the home from anywhere w/Internet access. Besides the 10 acres this property includes a 1/6 ownership of over 2 additional acres w/ 225’ of lake shore. $375,000. NORTH HERO Very private, 3 BR furnished cottage w/0.90 acre of land & an end-of-the-road location & includes a deeded ROW to the lake directly in front of the Lot. Beautiful easterly lake & mountain views. Deck, shed & dock. $249,000. SOUTH HERO Vacation living at it’s best! Relax on your deck, toast marshmallows, swim in the resort’s huge heated pool, visit the clubhouse, play golf or walk/bike the resorts 160 acres. Marina w/slips & moorings. Move in ready! Call today! $96,500. SHARI SWAINBANK 233-6392 TIM TRAPANI 236-1402 www.LakeChamplainRealEstate.com
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