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0utsidds - CIIC News
0utsidds TRAVEL & STYLE FORMEN BUIID NOW \ .\ -.-r- \ _-: BENTOTA, BODRUM, t ,f rG{ * T fr lL'.- { ,rq ^f/ flF HAMMAMEI MENDOZA, {t# _ ilffiililruruilil ililil ;Ql :' t.-,- > SEPTETVBER 20 '-ri,irr!l: :.Go AUGUST 2008 CASTINGBETS Agr€enbock otteringfo Nepfune; opposit€,boqls in Bisbee'sbillflsh tourneyroundlh€poinl in cqbo son [uc!s hqrborqller o sholgun slod. ''+'n$jl::! ,,..f..'i'. Sf-Jf fflErFio > SEPTEMBER AUGUST 2OO8OUTSIDE'S GO2i GO> DEEP massesbehindthe start line without collision.Aboard the Outla*, a 50-foot cruiserthat'shalf cigaretteboat, half oceangoingstretch limo, SefrorSomebodyLocally Important stepsonto the bulging prow and takesaim at the brighteningsky with a flare gun.Pop! The seaseethes, the air roars, and for one cartoonishmoment nobody seemsto move.Then the front-runnersrise up onto their bow wakesand blastout of the bay,the muscleboatshitting 40 knots in secondsflat. 'Waveafter wave,they chargeforth. Half a million horsepowerthrottles the sea. The 25-footdayboatsaregettinglaunchedin ClassI rapids.They burstthroughstandingwavesin explosionsof spray,everybody fanningout Broadway-musicalstylein the greatestpowerboating displayon the planet.Amongthe contendersareanglersfrom 15 wrestler,a former countriesand47 U.S.states,a famousJapanese boats KGB general,anda guyin an Elvissuit.Therearedead-serious whosecrewswill scanthe horizon nonstopwith $5,000Fraserbinoculars,and boatson which an interpretive Volpegyro-stabilized fish dance,fueled by margaritas,is the only real game plan. I7hile the party-hearryboys hope to crosspaths with big, dumb marlins,theprosbeton livetuna in the 10-to-20-poundrange,kept freshfor up to 15 hours in mechanized"tuna tubes" that massage them with high-poweredspray. mostmeticulousand dedicatedfishAmong the best-equipped, ermenin the meleeis AnthonyHsieh,captainof TeamBadCompany,whichwonlastyear'sBlack& Blue,with itsworld-recordpurse of $3.9million. Hsieh,42,who emigratedto the U.S.from China whenhewaseightand bootstrappedhisway to fornrnewith hisinnonow focusesfull-time on purvativeonlinemortgagingbusinesses, suingmonstersof thedeep.This year'sBadCompany"dreamteam" is aboard the two boatsHsieh hasentered-55- and 50-foot cusvaluedtogetherat $2 million. The teamincludes tom Hatterases, 'West the "professor"of eleclegendary CoastcaptainSteveLassley, tronic fish-findingtechnologyand teamcoachKevin Nakamura, the self-described "utility guy" who hasboateddozensof 1,000poundersaround the world. But all of Bad Company'scarefulpreparationappearsto have beenscotchedby TropicalStormKiko, which sparedLosCabosbut It's basicallya cleanslateout therenow. scrambledthethermoclines. Someof the contendersevenhavethe samewinning DNA: Hsieh andcompanyareaboardtheSs-footHatterastheywon on in2006, which hashad a $500.000makeover.Rival TeamFalconeis also fishingoff of a former Bad Companyboat, sold by Hsieha decade ago.'Which,all thingsbeingmadeequalby thestorm,posesthequestion: Is it theboator theboys?Or iswinningseriouscashin thethreeday contesta matterof dumb luck? DA/VN, JUSTAFTER out besidethe signaturesugarloafcragsof CaboSanLucas,Mexico, the 850 official entrantsof the2Tthannual Bisbee'sBlack & Blue Marlin Tournamentprowl the bay everyonetrying to catchtuna for feverdream,a crazyquilt of 166crisslivebait.It's a sportfisherman's crossingwakes,bristlingrods,and snakinglines.And with some $4 million in prizemoneyat stake,theworld's richestbillfish tourneygivesnew meaningto the phrase"economiesof scale."For some, the eventis a chanceto strike it rich with one lucky fish. For others,it's about beingthe big fish in yet anotherpond. The boatsthemselvestell the tale: You'vegot guyscastingsardinesoff the backsof yachtsbig enoughfor helipads.You've got hopefulsin day boatssmallerthan the dinghiesaboardthe hulking mini-liners.And makingup the multi-million-dollarmedian Mikelsons,and Vikingsin the 5O-foot are dozensof Hatterases, range,looking every bit as muscularand dangerousas their quarry.Powereddown and rumbling, thesebillfish battlewagons makea deep-throatedgargleastheysuckin and spit out greenbay water,tingeingthe saltair with dibselfumes,hinting at the fury about to beunleashed on the Seaof Cortez. It's headystufffor the oncehumbleBlack& Blue,a fishingtournamentthat remains,at heart,a bar betwrit large.Backin 1.982,when hitthe seas,itwas justNewportBeach,Calthefust,informalBisbee's ifomia,tackle-shopownerBobBisbeeandhiscronies,who'd beencoming to Cabosinceit wastheproverbialsleepyfishingvillage,in theearly sixties.Bisbeewasa locallegendfor drivingfrom Newport Beachto Cabo-1,100 milesof highway-some 20 timesa year.Onenightat theMar deCortezbar,hetossedout a newchallengeto a handfulof friends,telling them to put up or shutup. They put up: a total pot of tengrandin cash,slappedon thetable,biggestbillfishtakesall.Now Bobwill somewhatsheepishly recollectthat hewon in hisseventies, that bet.ITon thenextbettoo, thefollowing yeaqwhenthepot swelled to accommodate13 boats,and BobJr.captainedfor hisold man. "'Winning two years in a row seemeda little self-serving," WayneBisbeesays,explainingwhy thefamily seguedfrom winning to organizingthe tournament.Sincetaking over the director'sjob from his dad,Waynehasfoiled a kidnappingplot and beenthrown test in fail for disqualifyinga lbcalanglerwho faileda lie-detector afterbrazenlytrying to pawn off a marlin purchasedfrop a longliner ashis own. He hasalsoseenthethree-daytourneygrow from a gritty affair with cashtossedhaphazardlyon a hotel mattressto a world-renownedclashof sportfishingtitans-and the town of CaboSanLucasturn into, well, the woozy Caboof Cabo Wabo, with golf coursesand gatedcommunities.But the toumament brings in seriousmoneyfor thetown, and a winning fish canchangelives, especiallythoseof little-known local captainsand crews. IThentheprizefishingbegins,only thecrazyarestill foolingaround. Smallplanescircle and chopperscut the air, and'WayneBisbee twangsoverthe radio: "Back it up, cap'ns!"The armadasomehow 2OO8 22 OUISIDE'SGO AUGUST> SEPTEMBER Around noon, the MrssrngLenk,ouI of Newport Beach,California,steamsinto the CaboSanLucasmarinawith the first seriousfish of the tourney.The leviathanis wrestledfrom the transomand onto a trolley.BoatownerDaleLenk, a renownedSoCal dune-buggyraceqandthe restof hissunbumedanglersfollow behind, running a gantletof TV and cell-phonecameras.The fish is roped and hoisted:a 591-poundbluemarlin.Grandpasshouldergrandsonsto ooh and aah.The Ferrariofgamefish,mouth agape,pectorals flaring, betraysperfectdesign-even asit drips blood into a plastic bucket.It's boundfor theDIF,Medco's welfaredepartment,to feed WHAI.E OFATIME clockwise trom lop letl, T€qm Pegosusholling tor live boil; o big @&*$# moilin;the fobled fighfing choir bvt, 1 I tif,,,, \i,l > SEPTEMBER AUGUST 2008Clrll!!Di: 3 GO 23 BIG KAHUNA Clockwise ftom obove. o modesl Cobo villo: o mermoid tlom lhe moinlond: Bob Bisbee, founder of Bisbee's Block & Blue theneedy.But beforeitgoes,beautifulmamacitasin bikinisstepin to posewith themonster,asif to say,Herearepowerandmoney,man's cunningandnature'sgenius:'Whynot somepulchritudetoo? "It's betterthansex!" effusesanglerMike Powell,a first-timeBisbee'scompetitorwho foughtthefishfor 50 minutesbut ultimatelycredits the flawlesspiloting of MlssingLenk'scaptain,BryanAdams. fightingstrength,skilled Indeed,consideringthebillfish'stremendous cooperationbetweencaptainand anglercan mean the difference betweena wistfnl fishstoryanda trip to thebank. (MissingLenk'sbhe marlinwill earn$461,963,forsecondplace.)Agoodtoumamentboat featuresmultiplesteeringstationssothat the captainneverneedsto turn hisbackon thefish,everreadyto throw theboat'shorsesandtonnageinto thefray.A greattournamentboataddsa retractablesonar anda pop-upbigscope,extratunatubes,four luxuriousstaterooms, screenplasmaTV in thesrylishlyappointedsaloon.Farfrom theold 2OO8 GO AUGUST> SEPTEMBER 24 OUTSIDE'S adagethat seafaringis like being in jail with a chanceof drowning, conipeting aboard thesehigh-end power yachts is like hanging in a suite at the Four Seasonswith the chance of winning millions. But ivhether you're on a leather lounger watching ESPN while your deckhands guard the lucky $50 bills wound into your reels, or you're tirelesslyscanningthe horizon from the tower like Anthony Hsieh, once you've got a seriousfish on the line it's just predator versuspredator in an often epic struggle.Bisbeet veteransstill talk about the 1990 tourney, when actorIifillie Aames fought a 461-pound mar'$Trappedin the line, the fish dragged the boat some linfor 2l hours. 15 miles, all through the night, until food, water, and fuel were gone. Hands completely blistered, Aames finally landed the infamous $250,000 fish when both were utterly spent. Alternatively the brute may take the fight to the boat, arriving green at the transom with spike slashing,requiring a skillful cudgeling of the brainpan. Still, you gotta have luck on your side.And, maybe, a lucky boat. Late in the afternoon of the second day, the first million-dollar fish is paraded to the scales,and it's from the Bertram 54, still called Bad Company-"the other Bad Company" to most insiders-with its crew of rookies making the triumphal march. Team Falcone may be greenhorns on the circuit, but led by the fetching socialite and philanthropist Sonia Falcone,they've bet like old pros. In addition to the basic $5,000 entry fee, they've cowboyed up for all the optional daily pots, a $63,000 "across the board" wager that garners their 539-pound blue marlin a payout of $1,421 ,7 52-the second-largest in tourney history. "It's a big blessingfrom God," declares the winning angler,Brian'Weisheim, Mrs. Falconet nephew."But we were in a pretry good boat." For a sport rife with superstition-bananas on board, for instance, are taboo-having a boat marked by Hsieh reachthe podium nvo yearsin a row is too weird to be mere coincidence. Conspiracy nuts will note that in passingfrom millionaire to millionaire (in this case. from Hsieh to Falcone, a former Miss Bolivia and the wife of arms dealer Pierre Falcone),the Bertram has somehow hung on to its billfish juju. After tipping the captain and crew a total of $213,000, Falcone donatesthe rest of the prize-about $1.2 million-to the town of Cabo. For the men of the MissingLenk,however,luck is not a lady, just a tease.After hold up asthebiggestfishofthe tourwatchingtheir591-pounder namentfor mostof threedays,they'reburnedin thelast 15 minutes when the Azgel and the BadmanII bringsa 520-poundblueto the payoutof $734,415.As for theoriginalBad scale,for a biggest-fish sportfishingteamin historywith more Companythehighest-eaming than $6 million in prize money,the27th Bisbee'sturns out to be a riches-to-rags story.Still, a post-tourneyraffle earnsthe boysa free entryto nextyear'stournament-not that theywould haveskipped it. Hsieh,who fishesmorethan 180 daysa year(yetwill kill asfew as five big marlins in that span),is disappointedbut by no means daunted.He takescomfortin hisroutine,packingawayhis2O-plus place,helpingthecrewhoseandwipe down rods,eachin its designated the Hatteras50 banlewagonuntil it's spotless.This is his office. he admits."But at heartI'm iustanother "I'm a businessman." guy in a T-shirtand dirty shorts.I'm a fisherman."@ i' I I t \ THC6OGPOUNDFISH 8€hold, q monsl€l modin from lh€ deep, wellworfh lhe priceof odmission. > SEPTEMBER AUGUST 2OO8 OUTSIDf'S GO 25