Relay Rap January 2013 - Canadian Cancer Society
Relay Rap January 2013 - Canadian Cancer Society
Spring is in the Air... Get social with us Heading in to spring is a great time to start thinking about Relay For Life and to set goals for your Relay fundraising efforts. If you haven’t already set your personal fundraising goal, do it today! The progress meter on your personal fundraising page will encourage your donors to help you be successful. Download the Facebook app through your Participant Centre on By downloading this app, you can add the Relay logo to your profile picture, send and schedule Newsfeeds, keep your friends up-to-date on your fundraising progress and easily link to your personal fundraising page, making it easy to ask for donations. And remember when you are out fundraising just ASK! The more people you ask, the more you will raise. To help you raise $100 and make it easy to ask for donations, please contact the Canadian Cancer Society Brant-Norfolk office at (519) 753-2566 or e-mail Lacey Kempinski, Fundraising Coordinator at for great fundraising tools! This April, check out the refreshed Relay mobile app! Follow us… follow us on Twitter at @CCSBrntNrflk to get information about your event while connecting with other participants. Check out the Relay For Life National Facebook page and join the conversation. Why I Relay… Team fundraising — a great way to have fun and raise funds! Top teams have told us that sales, social activities and tournaments are the most effective team fundraisers. Here are some great ideas for each type of fundraiser: General Sales: Garage sales Bake sales Pot luck lunches Lemonade stand Car wash Social Activities: Silent or live auctions Game nights Murder mystery party Karaoke party Head shave Tournaments: Community or neighbourhood cook offs Rock Band or Guitar Hero nights Wii tournaments Golf Any sport! #WhyIRelay “I am thankful for the Canadian Cancer Society and how they support so many people affected by cancer. I am thankful for my family and friends who support me in many ways through their love, prayers and helping us with our fundraising. I know that no one can do it alone and so, I Relay.” - Rose, member of Super Karate Monkeys Dates to Remember Relay Launch: Exciting details to come! Watch your e-mail for more information in the coming weeks. Team Captain Information Night: Wednesday July 3rd 7:00—8:30 p.m. Hagersville—Location TBD Team Captain Information Night: Wednesday August 14th 7:00 p.m.—8:30 p.m., Jarvis Lawn Bowling Club Bank Night: Wednesday August 28th 6:30 p.m.—8:30 p.m. Jarvis Christian School Relay For Life: September 6th—September 7th, Lion’s Park Jarvis New this year—It’s time we reward you! This year we are introducing a point system to reward you for hitting fundraising milestones. Registration at our Relay For Life Haldimand Launch Party on May 25th - 600 Relay Rap Honourary Wall Here are our top online fundraising teams and individuals! Wouldn’t you like to see YOUR name or your TEAM’S name listed here? Top online teams as of April 12th: Hurray for Boobies Points for Online Registration Register online before April 30 - 500 Register online before June 1 - 450 Register online before July 1 - 300 Register online before August 1 - 200 Points for Walk In Registration Keep up the great work and for all those other teams out there—it’s not too early to start fundraising! Top Fundraising Team at Relay For Life in Norfolk in 2012 was Harold’s Fight raising $12,227! Walk in Registration before April 30 -400 Who will be our Top Fundraisers in 2013? Walk in Registration before June 1 - 350 Walk in Registration before July 1 - 200 Team Captains Kits Available for Pick Up at the Following Locations: Walk in Registration before August 1 - 100 Attend Team Captain/Information Night - 400 Recruit a New Team / Captain - 500 Money in by Bank Night - 300 Hold a Team Fundraising Event - 500 - Haldimand Insurance - Jarvis Library For every Team Member that earns $100.00 online before August 1 - 300 We want to hear from you! Do you or your team have an inspirational story of cancer survival or a motivational story about why you Relay? If so we would love to share this to motivate others to join the fight against cancer with Relay For Life. Please e-mail Lacey Kempinski at for more information. If you hold a Team Fundraising Event and/or recruit a new Team please notify Lacey Kempinski, Fundraising Coordinator ( or (519) 753-25566) so your team can be credited their points. It’s our 5th Anniversary and we want to see all of our past teams to celebrate the accomplishments we have made in the past 5 years. This is your year to come back to Relay! The team with the most points will receive the Ultimate Snack Pack the night of the event and have pizza delivered to their site at midnight. Fundraising Clubs Can your team reach our Fundraising Clubs this year? Sapphire: $20,000 + raised as a team Gold: $10,000—$19,999 raised as a team Silver: $7,500- $9,999 raised as a team Bronze: $5,000—$7,499 raised as a team Haven’t registered yet? Don’t worry it’s easy! Visit today!