Payments to the public administrations with IT modalities


Payments to the public administrations with IT modalities
Primary temathic areas
Innovative Financial Instruments
Payments to the public administrations
with IT modalities
Payments to the public administrations for proceeds
of the public services, of the Municipality of Genoa’s
goods and different by private individuals, enterprises
and professionals by means of ICT-based modalities,
including bank ones
Comune di Genova
Area Risorse Finanziarie
Strategies addressed to promote a
smart culture among our city local
Via Garibaldi, 9
16124- Genova
Enrica Spotti
Primary temathic areas
Innovative Financial Instruments
Payments to the public administrations with IT modalities
Use new collecting methodologies’ potential in relation to the goals of simplification of formalities for the citizen, in line with Genoa Smart City, thus orienting
citizens towards intelligent behaviors in terms of energy consumption and mobility
Plan strategies to enabling the public body to permanently have the control over its credits’ situation
Benefits for the institution, in terms of speeding up the resources’ acquisition, reporting and allocation in the budget
Which collections
Revenue from public services
Revenue from assets of the entity
Other incomes
By means of
Physical POS (Point of Sale - electronic payment system The POS terminal is installed at the operator connected to the telephone network, and each time the operator slides the card connects to the authorization center of the service operator to authorize or not the payment, the charge occurs in real time or deferred)
Bank RID (Rapporti interbancari diretti - Interbank direct - electronic interbank procedure that allows, with the approval of the account, direct debit on account of
periodic expenses)
Municipality’s portal for on-line services and payments
MAV – Payment on notice (Payment by interbank notice is a procedure that allows collection of loans by sending to the debtor by the bank treasurer, of a notice
(bulletin) that can be chosen by the municipality)
Customized MAV (Delivery of bills attached to personalized letters - Entity supply of optical images of documents sent, used for reprinting of documents lost /
undelivered mail and any storage card replacement)
Work in progress:
MAV ON LINE or dematerialized (This innovative service is always based on the structure of interbank MAV, but instead of printing and posting of the usual paper
notice involves:
The supply Ente of a range of numbers preassigned, together with the algorithm for calculating the code MAV
Generating, by the Body, a MAV electronic (pdf) published on its website, a user's destination address (or alternatively in parallel authority may provide for
the delivery of MAV by e-mail)
This electronic notice, of course, will neither be printed or mailed
Information Technologies that combine the public body’s management procedures and that optimize and simplify the incomes’ management process into the operational phases of:
Issue of payment documents (MAV, RID, on-line payments)
Receipt of the payment’s result
Accounting squaring by accrediting on treasury’s bank account
Breakdown accreditation into accounting items
Operational Modules
“Payment Documents’ Management” Module
“Squaring and Breakdown” Module
“Management Control Panel” Module
Primary temathic areas
Innovative Financial Instruments
Digital signature and the IT-based order
(Payments mandates and takings orders)
Computerization of the expenditures and earnings
phases for payments and takings throughout an online procedure and replacement of the paper order
with the IT-based ones with digital signature
Comune di Genova
Area Risorse Finanziarie
Via Garibaldi, 9
16124- Genova
Strategies addressed to promote a
smart culture among our city local
Enrica Spotti
Paolo Valla
Primary temathic areas
Innovative Financial Instruments
Digital signature and the IT-based order
(Payments mandates and takings orders)
IT solution that interfaces with public body’s procedures of collection and expenditure, assuring the exchange of information with the bank Treasury Services, in condition of:
Certainty of the information;
effectiveness of controls;
fast payments.
Everything is guaranteed by the use of digital signature technologies.
Main opportunities:
The computerization of the phases of expenditure and revenues, for payments and takings,
make the data immediately available for processing. Orders’ implementation takes place
online, thus saving time and providing benefits for all the concerned parties (users, citizens,
suppliers, etc.)..
Even before the introduction of the digital signature it was possible to send documents in
electronic format, but only the paper version had evidential effects . The IT order with digital
signature replaces to all intents and purposes the paper, making it possible to administer
the orders and storage in a purely electronic way, avoiding unnecessary occupation of
space, and to realize real savings in terms of both resources and consumable (paper, cartridges, etc.) hardware and related maintenance.
Primary temathic areas
Innovative Financial Instruments
Statement of Account Payees and suppliers
Creditors’ access opportunity to the Municipality of
Genoa’s website to check registry correctness and payments’ situation
Comune di Genova
Area Risorse Finanziarie
Via Garibaldi, 9
16124- Genova
Strategies addressed to promote a
smart culture among our city local
Paolo Valla
Primary temathic areas
Innovative Financial Instruments
Statement of Account Payees and suppliers
IT procedure called “Web Beneficiaries”. Our creditors, logging in to institution’s website
throughout a password, may display:
the accuracy of their personal details;
Their payments’ “state-of-the-art” situation: the list of invoices with the indication of their
respective amount, of the already liquidated amount and of the payable amount;
un estratto conto sintetico di tutti i pagamenti ed uno analitico per movimento.
a concise statement of account referring to all payments and an analytic one, detailed for
each movement.
Currently the suppliers interested in the registration into the list of the Municipality of
Genoa’s beneficiaries may download from Municipality’s website the necessary documentation, that must then be filled out and sent by fax or e-mail
In the future, providers will be able to compile and directly type on the website the documentation necessary for the inclusion into the Municipality’ list of beneficiaries, thereby avoiding
the subsequent phase of submission by fax or mail, with considerable savings in terms of
time and paper.
Primary temathic areas
Innovative Financial Instruments
Earnings’ Invoicing / Billing in web
environment – Arrangement of internal
financial statements;
On-line IT-based procedure that replaces the paper receipt books (receipts, invoices) and allows accountancy agents’ computerization, also throughout the
digital signature
Comune di Genova
Area Risorse Finanziarie
Strategies addressed to promote a
smart culture among our city local
Via Garibaldi, 9
16124- Genova
Enrica Spotti
Primary temathic areas
Innovative Financial Instruments
Earnings’ Invoicing / Billing in web
environment – Arrangement of internal
financial statements;
replaces institution's paper receipt books;
allows both a decentralized and a centralized data management through the definition of two
types of user:
the accounting office’ clerk, that works as the "administrator" of the "Management web
billing" procedure;
the decentralizes sectors' workers, that have to use the procedure for the issue of invoices / receipts / payments;
allows the printing of VAT, invoices and payments registers with the automatic insertion of
data into the accounting management system (Sib);
enables the automatization of the procedures related to the internal accounting agents iter:
Management of payments in Treasury
Management and printing of the quarterly report
Print of the annual judicial account/report
Printing of sub-agents' annual account/report
Work in progress
Ability to send via e-mail from the procedure invoice or receipt to third parties;
There are agreements underway with the Court of Auditors, in order to the IT submission of annual reports in digital format, with electronic signature and accounting evidence;
We are trying to obtain from the Court of Auditors the access to its web procedure for the IT
submission of internal accounting agents' statements/reports in .xlbr format, extractable by
our procedure.