Distributors to participate in charity run
Distributors to participate in charity run
October Edition 2010 • Issue 10 Distributors to participate in charity run IN THIS ISSUE 1. Distirbutors To Participate Malaysia MALAYSIA, October 16 – Lifestyles Malaysia is organizing and participating in the first annual Lifestyles Malaysia Charity Run benefitting the National Cancer Society on October 16, 2010. In Charity Run 2. Newly Promoted Executive Director 3. - Come Celebrate Lifestyles 9th Lifestyles Senior Vice President Paul Kramer will be participating in the event. The charity run is being held as part of Lifestyles Malaysia’s 9th anniversary celebration. Anniversary - Lifestyles Becomes More ‘Social’ 4. Memory Lane - Lifestyles Hari Raya Open House 5. - Leadership Building Fund 2010 -Leadership Development Fund 2010 - Global Marketing Director Proggressive Fund 2010 - Leaders Incentive 6. - Calendar Incentive - Announcement 7. Win a Trip to Krabi 8. - Congratulations to our newly promoted distributors - BOP, NDO, EVENTS schedule OFFICE INFORMATION Lifestyles Asia Pacific Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. (263227-V) Block C-17- 03, 3 Two Square, No.2 Jalan 19/1, 46350 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia Tel: 03-7954 8377 Fax: 03-7954 8955 / 03-7960 8955 www.lifestyles.net Business Hours: Monday - Friday 10:00am-9:00pm Saturday 11:00am-3:00pm “We are incredibly excited Lifestyles Malaysia is not only organizing this event, but also raising money for a cause that is close to many of our hearts,” said Mr. Kramer. “As an international Network Marketing company, we’re committed to helping people live better every day and to helping eradicate this devastating disease.” The charity run is set to take place at the Ampitheater, Camar Rimba, Taman Pertanian, Shah Alam. The 4 kilometre walk begins at 7.30am and is expected to be completed by 11:00am. Prizes will be awarded to the top runners. Participants who complete the 4km run will receive a certificate. Lunch will be also be provided. “We have high expectations for this event and are hoping to raise maximum amount of Ringgit,” said Lifestyles General Manager Penny Lum. “Every Ringgit raised will go directly towards the National Cancer Society Malaysia. Lifestyles Distributors are generous business owners who are conscious of their community, and what better way to showcase this then by giving back to a great cause!” About Lifestyles Global Network Since 1989, Lifestyles has enriched thousands of lives in over 30 countries around the world. We create quality wellness products that help people feel better, live better, and work better together. We also offer the tools and knowledge to help people build successful home-based businesses. Lifestyles is one of the leading health and nutrition companies in the world, and the largest one headquartered in Canada. We’re a member of the Direct Selling Association (DSA) in Canada, and have more than 20 years of success behind us. The Lifestyles opportunity is designed to help you achieve greater wealth, better health, and more personal satisfaction than ever. www.lifestyles.net ©2010 Lifestyles International Holdings Corporation. All Rights Reserved. KDN PP 14410/06/2011 (028056) Direct Sales Licence No AJL 93337 Exclusively for Lifestyles Distributor Only Memory Lane Sebahagian dari tetamu yang hadir Pemenang Cabutan Bertuah LIFESTYLES HARI RAYA OPEN HOUSE Date: 21st September 2010 Time: 7.00 pm Sesi pemberian duit raya Dato’ Sim dan IMD Lisa Chen & Mr. Wong www.lifestyles.net 4 INCENTIVE SPECIAL INCENTIVE LEADERSHIP BUILDING FUND 2010 OPEN TO ALL REGIONAL DIRECTOR AND EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Incentive Period: 1ST JANUARY TILL 31ST DECEMBER 2010 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR REGIONAL DIRECTOR CRITERIA: CRITERIA: Re- qualify as REGIONAL DIRECTOR or promoted to higher rank with a minimum 1,000 frontline sponsored points*. Re- qualify as EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR or promoted to higher rank with a minimum 1,000 frontline sponsored points*. REWARD: REWARD: Receive RM 100 Lifestyles Leadership Building Fund (LBF) monthly payout. Receive RM 200 Lifestyles Leadership Building Fund (LBF) monthly payout. **Frontline sponsored points” meaning new distributors who you sponsor and their first time purchase of Lifestyles products in the same month in 2009. their second purchase will not be included in the qualifying volume. LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT FUND 2010 OPEN TO ALL NATIONAL MARKETING DIRECTOR AND ABOVE Incentive Period: 1ST JANUARY TILL 31ST DECEMBER 2010 NATIONAL MARKETING DIRECTOR INTERNATIONAL MARKETING DIRECTOR CRITERIA: • Re-qualify as national marketing DIRECTOR or promoted to higher rank with Organization Bonus (OB). REWARD: • Receive RM 500 Leadership Development Fund (LDF) monthly payout. GLOBAL MARKETING DIRECTOR CRITERIA: CRITERIA: REWARD: REWARD: • Re-qualify as INTERNATIONAL MARKETING DIRECTOR or promoted to higher rank with Organization Bonus (OB). • Receive RM 1,000 Leadership Development Fund (LDF) monthly payout. • Re-qualify as GLOBAL MARKETING DIRECTOR or promoted to higher rank with Organization Bonus (OB). • Receive RM 2,000 Leadership Development Fund (LDF) monthly payout. GLOBAL MARKETING DIRECTOR PROGRESSIVE DEVELOPMENT FUND 2010 OPEN TO ALL GLOBAL MARKETING DIRECTOR ONLY Incentive Period: 1ST JANUARY TILL 31ST DECEMBER 2010 SILVER GLOBAL MARKETING DIRECTOR (GMD) GOLD GLOBAL MARKETING DIRECTOR (GMD) PLATINUM GLOBAL MARKETING DIRECTOR (GMD) CRITERIA: Qualify to Global CRITERIA: Qualify to Global Marketing Director (GMD) with 8 power legs and a minimum 300,000 points of Organization Volume. Marketing Director (GMD) with 10 power legs and a minimum 375,000 points of Organization Volume. CRITERIA: Qualify to Global Marketing Director (GMD) with 12 power legs and a minimum 450,000 points of Organization Volume REWARDS: A wrist watch worth RM 6,000. REWARDS: A wrist watch worth RM 8,000. REWARDS: A wrist watch worth RM 10,000. LEADERS INCENTIVE MOVE UP YOUR RANK AND BE REWARDED BY LIFESTYLES – JANUARY TILL 31st DEC 2010 REGIONAL DIRECTOR will get/ REGIONAL DIRECTOR akan mendapat: EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR will get/ EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR akan mendapat: √ TABLE TALK (A4 sized) FLIP CHART PRESENTATION √ 25 pieces Intra brochures/ 25 keping risalah Intra. √ 2 pieces Lifestyles Business Oppurtunity Presentation (BOP) cd’s/ 2 keping cd Persembahan Peluang Perniagaan Lifestyles. √ PARTY TALK (A3 sized) FLIP CHART PRESENTATION √ 50 pieces Intra brochures/ 50 keping risalah Intra. √ 4 Business Oppurtunity Presentation (BOP) cd’s/ 4 keping cd Persembahan Peluang Perniagaan Lifestyles. NATIONAL MARKETING DIRECTOR with Organization Bonus (OB) will get : √ Laptop worth RM 2,000 INTERNATIONAL MARKETING DIRECTOR with Organization Bonus (OB) will get : √ Laptop & Digital Camera GLOBAL MARKETING DIRECTOR with Organization Bonus (OB) will get : √ Laptop & LCD/ DLP projector worth RM 4,000 worth RM 2,600 Worth RM 2,000 Worth RM 4,000 Worth RM 2,600 5 INCENTIVE Inspiring Destination to Krabi, Thailand Incentive Period: 1st July till 31st December 2010 18th - 20th March 2011 CRITERIA: Accumulate minimum 20,000 PGV within the incentive period and earn one (1) ticket to 3D/ 2N Holiday at Krabi, Thailand Additions for Leaders: For NMD’s, IMD’s and GMD’s, QAR to your rank consecutively 6 months during the incentive period earn one (1) ticket, trip for one (1). Move up your rank to NMD, IMD, and GMD then QAR one time during the incentive period you will earn one (1) ticket, trip for one (1). ACHIEVERS! Wan Salim Bin Wan Yusof 20055 POTENTIAL QUALIFIERS: Lau Bee Choo John Bosco Chen Hon Chun Yeow Mei Ying Tan Cheng Swee Chuah Teik Huat Chan Fong Pau Zamani Bin Zakaria Chew Teck Hoe Looi Choon Boon Hamidah Binti Yusof Siti Khadijah Binti Zakaria 14175 13545 13020 11340 11340 11340 11340 11340 10290 9870 8610 8505 Norliza Bt Yusop Wong Chok Eng Lim Soo Eng Pang Tam Yen Samsudin Bin Khamis Nasaruddin Bin Abd Rahman Mohamad Bin Lazim Teh Ling Ling Ibrahim Bin Awang Lim Hiok Phuan Cheah Wai Kuan 8505 8505 8505 7875 7770 7770 7560 7035 6510 6090 6090 6 Day 1: - Departure to Krabi, Thailand - City orientation tour - Welcome dinner Day 2 - Jungle tour - Elephant ride - Shopping Day 3 - Free and easy - Flying back to Kuala Lumpur INCENTIVE LIFESTYLES CALENDAR INCENTIVE 2010 October Sponsor 2 NEW Distributors with 630 points each and get a Lifestyles Polo T-Shirt Combo ( 1 man polo T & 1 ladies Polo T) OFFICE CLOSURE PESANAN MELALUI ABX KUCHING/ KOTA KINABALU • Anda menghantar pesanan anda ke Pejabat Lifestyles. Hari 1 • Pejabat Lifestyles menerima dan memproses pesanan anda. • Pesanan anda seterusnya dihantar ke ABX Kuching/ Kota Kinabalu Please be informed that the Lifestyles Office will close on 16thOctober 2010(Saturday) due to 9th Anniversary Celebration Event. Hari 2 Dimaklumkan pejabat Lifestyles akan ditutup pada 16hb Oktober 2010 (Sabtu) bersempana Sambutan Ulangtahun Lifestyles yang ke-9 . • Anda boleh mengambil produk di ABX Kuching/ Kota Kinabalu. (bagi yang mengambil produk dengan sendiri) • ABX Kuching/ Kota Kinabalu menerima dan memproses pesanan anda untuk dihantar ke rumah anda (bagi pesanan yang dihantar ke luar daerah/ ke rumah). • Cawangan ABX di bandar lain menerima pesanan anda dan sedia untuk dihantar ke rumah anda. • Anda menerima pesanan anda pada hari yang ke-4 sekiranya anda meminta Lifestyles menghantar pesanan anda ke rumah anda. THE MANAGEMENT, LIFESTYLES MALAYSIA SDN. BHD Hari 3-4 ** Sekiranya anda tidak menerima pesanan anda sehingga hari ke-4, sila hubungi pegawai khidmat pelanggan kami di 03-7954 8377 www.lifestyles.net 7 August 2010 Success Article for New Executive Director who was promoted in July will be published in Issue September of Success Update. As for those who were promoted to Executive Director in August, your success article will be published in Issue October of Success Update. The objective of this move is to ensure the Success Update comes out early and reached all distributors by the first week of the new month. Congratulations to our newly promoted Distributors National Marketing Director Lim Thiam Geok Lim Soo Eng Wong Chok Eng Executive Director Regional Director Ang Siew Kooi Tang Mei Chun Chan Fong Pau Lau Bee Choo Wan Salim Bin Wan Yusof Tan Cheng Swee Yeow Mei Ying Chew Teck Hoe Chuah Teik Huat Yeoh Beng Eam Ooi Eng Chiew Lim Wi Tong Loo De Bee Norlela Binti Yeop Seow Wai Ping Ooi Cheng Hoon Tang Kah Lim Lau Sooi Hock Khairul Ashraf Bin Zulkifli October Artikel kejayaan bagi Executive Director yang baru dinaikkan pangkat pada bulan Julai akan dipaparkan dalam Success Update Isu September. Manakala bagi mereka yang dinaikkan pangkat ke Executive Director pada bulan Ogos, Artikel kejayaan anda akan dipaparkan pada Success Update isu Oktober. Perubahan ini adalah bagimemastikan Success Update dapat dihantar dan diterima oleh semua pengedar pada minggu pertama setiap bulan. 2010 BOP, NDO & EVENTS SUN MON TUE WED THURS FRI 31 SAT 1 BOP (English/ Bahasa Melayu) Mark Lodge Hotel Sandakan 10:00AM Organizer: IMD Lim Weng Keong 3 2 BOP (Mandarin) Hotel D’99 Muar 8:00PM Organizer: NMD Cynthia Ong Speaker: ED Sen Boon Sae Corporate BOP (Bahasa Melayu) Venue: Lifestyles Office Time: 10:00AM 4 5 6 7 8 BOP (Bahasa Melayu) Pelican Hotel Batu Pahat 8:00PM Organizer: NMD Douglas Kerk BOP (Bahasa Melayu) LS Office 8:00PM Speaker: NMD Alex Lim IMD Lim Weng Keong BOP (Mandarin) B-Suite Hotel Penang 8:00PM Organizer: NMD Tan Beng Huat Speaker : NMD Yeap Tan Guan 9 BOP (Mandarin/ Bahasa Melayu) Hotel Sg. Petani Inn Sungai Petani 8:30PM Organizer: NMD Loh Bat Liang Speaker: ED Fok Koon Seng ED Lau Bak Ling BOP (Bahasa Melayu) SSL Traders Hotel Taiping 3:30PM Organiser: NMD Muhammad Ishak Speaker: ED Khairul Akmal Corporate BOP (Bahasa Melayu) Venue: Hotel Hillcity, Ipoh Time: 3:00PM 10 11 12 13 14 BOP (Bahasa Melayu) LS Office 8:00PM Speaker: NMD Alex Lim IMD Lim Weng Keong BOP ( Bahasa Melayu) Hotel Sg. Petani Inn Sungai Petani 9:00PM Organizer: NMD Abd Hadi Speaker: NMD Norreney Ali BOP (Bahasa Melayu) Hotel Grand Continental Melaka 8:00PM Organizer: NMD Joni Pang Speaker: NMD Joni Pang 17 18 BOP (Bahasa Melayu) New York Hotel Johor Bahru 8:00PM Organiser: NMD Joni Pang Speaker: NMD Mohammad Hamid BOP (Bahasa Melayu) Bangi Golf Resort Bangi 8:00PM Organizer: GMD Maznah Seman Speaker : NMD Siti Nurul Ain & En Mohd Najib NMD Dr. Juhari 19 20 BOP (Mandarin) LS Office 8:00PM Speaker: NMD Alex Lim IMD Lim Weng Keong IMD Lisa Chen 21 BOP (Mandarin/ Bahasa Melayu) Star City Hotel Alor Setar 8:00PM Organiser: NMD Margaret Teh Speaker: NMD Ooi Pau Chin ED Thor Khoon Hong 24 25 15 BOP ( Bahasa Melayu) Safira Country Club Butterworth 8:00PM Speaker: NMD Hasbullah Yahaya 22 BOP (English/ Bahasa Melayu) Kindwood Inn Kuching 7:30PM Organizer: IMD Lim Weng Keong BOP (Bahasa Melayu) Hotel Grand Crystal Alor Setar 9:00PM Organiser: NMD Abd Hadi Speaker: NMD Muhammad Ishak 26 27 BOP (English) LS Office 8:00PM Speaker: ED Dr. Roziah NMD Mohammad Hamid NMD Alex Lim 28 29 BOP (Bahasa Melayu) Seri Malaysia Hotel Kulim 8:00PM Organizer: NMD Elias Abd Majid Speaker: ED En Jaafar Office Closed 16 Lifestyles Malaysia Charity Run & 9th Anniversary Celebrations 2010 Venue for Charity Run: Taman Pertanian Malaysia, Bukit Cahaya Seri Alam, Shah Alam Time: 7:30AM Venue for 9th Anniversary Celebrations 2010: Holiday Inn Hotel, Glenmarie Shah Alam Time: 6:00PM 23 BOP (Mandarin/ Bahasa Melayu) Vistana Hotel Kuantan 8:30PM Organizer: IMD Ben Tan Speaker: NMD Margaret Teh & Danny Chang BOP (Bahasa Melayu) Putra Brasmana Hotel Kuala Perlis 3:30PM Organiser: NMD Abd Hadi Speaker: NMD Juhari Jusoh 30 BOP (Mandarin/ Bahasa Melayu) Safira Country Club Butterworth 8:30PM Organizer: NMD Ooi Pau Chin Speaker: ED Thor Khoon Hong ED Lau Bak Ling BOP (Bahasa Melayu) Seri Malaysia Hotel Penang 8:00PM Organizer: NMD Rozita Hassan Speaker: NMD Juhari Jusoh ** Dates are confirmed during publication time, but subject to change ; please call for reconfirmation & purchase of Corporate BOP & NDO tickets (RM2 & RM10 accordingly) Do you have a story you would like to share? Please send it to us at malaysia@lifestyles.net, subject line: Success Update We’d love to hear from you and we may use it in a future edition of Success Update. Dicetak Oleh: Wise Organisation (M) Sdn. Bhd, No 5, Jalan Industri PBP 11, Taman Industri Pusat Bandar Puchong, 47100 Puchong, Selangor . 8
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