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C O R P O R A T E C O L L E C T I O N 1 4 1 5 T H E L A T E N C O M M A N D M E N T S O F M A I S O N D U C H O C O L A T ONE SIX The colour of a good chocolate should be mahogany brown and s l i g h t l y g l o s s y. Chocolate should never be sharp, overly bitter or pungent. SEVEN TWO A very good chocolate should not be too dark or too dull. THREE The flavour of the chocolate should never conceal the intensity of the cocoa, which is important to achieve perfect balance. EIGHT The ideal temperature for tasting chocolate is between 18 and 20°C (64 - 68°F). The taste of a chocolate should linger on the palate. FOUR NINE A good chocolate should have a very thin coating; this coating should not be crunchy but should melt in the mouth. All the ingredients and especially the chocolate couverture must be o f p r e m i u m q u a l i t y. TEN FIVE The best way to taste chocolate is to savour it in small pieces. A good chocolate is defined by the quality of the chocolate used and not the cocoa percentage. C O N T E N T S P a s s i o n & S a v o i r- f a i re . 3 Our exclusive services . 4 Our chocolate events . 5 Les macarons à la ganache . 6 La Maison du Chocolat signature boxes . 8 Pralines & truffles . 10 Specialities . 12 Fruits & Nuts Delicacies . 14 Hatboxes & Fabric boxes . 16 Price list . 20 General terms and conditions . 22 Our addresses . 23 P A S S I O N & S A V O I R - F A I R E To find the perfect nuance to reveal a unique balance of taste on the palate from the first to the last morsel, this subtlety typifies the finesse of the construction of taste of La Maison du Chocolat. Beginning with the finest chocolate, Nicolas Cloiseau, Meilleur Ouvrier de France Chocolatier*, Master Chef of La Maison du Chocolat goes even further in search of new sources of taste. He puts his stamp on moments of pleasure and refinement in chocolate to encourage a spirit of discovery and gourmandise. *Best Craftsman Chocolatier of France O U R E X C L U S I V E S E R V I C E S Personalise your gifts MESS A G E GIFT C A R D S Attach a personalised message to your gifts. We will include your personalised gift card or La Maison du Chocolat gift card, complimentary. TA GS Personalise your gift boxes with a gift tag. An elegant way to communicate your logo, a message and/or your company name. We require 3-4 weeks to fulfil orders for personalised gift tags. SLEE VE S Personalise your chocolate gifts with a sleeve. We offer a paper cover to slip a box of chocolates with your colours, your logo and your message. We require 3-4 weeks to fulfil orders for personalised sleeves. Delivery services London Delivery: UK and Worldwide delivery: - Deliveries in London: your corporate gifts can be delivered to multiple addresses within central London in our elegant gift bag. - Store Collection from our Piccadilly Flagship boutique is available. -S hipping to multiple addresses in the UK and Abroad. - Special care is taken to protect and ensure your chocolate gifts arrive in optimum conditions. Payment Options: You can choose to pay via Credit and Debit Card, Bank Transfer, cheque (made payable to La Maison du Chocolat Ltd) or by invoice if your order exceeds £1000 excluding VAT (after account activation form is completed and credit references are checked). For any enquiries or orders, please contact us on: 0207 287 8500 option 3 or O U R C H O C O L A T E E V E N T S Enjoy with your guests or clients an exceptional chocolate experience. .At our Flagship boutique or any other venue of your choice .Discover La Maison du Chocolat savoir-faire by one of our chocolate experts .Chocolate tasting with assortment of our ganache, praline and truffle chocolates .Macaroons tasting .A small chocolate gift for each guest L E S M A C A R O N S À L A G A N A C H E Ou r u n i qu e m a c a ron s a re m a de w it h d a r k c h o c o la t e g a n a c h e n e s t le d bet we e n c ri sp sh e l l s w i t h i n t e n se fla v o u r s a n d s ilk in e s s , ju s t ir re s is t ib le ! QUITO S Y LV I A RIGOLETTO Plain dark ganache with woody notes Chocolate ganache Milk chocolate ganache Caramel ganache ROMEO FIGARO GUAYAQUIL P I S TA C H I O Coffee ganache Hazelnut ganache Vanilla ganache Pistachio ganache MACAPUNO MALAGA S A LVA D O R MARACUJA Coconut and lime ganache Lemon ganache Raspberry ganache Passion fruit ganache L E S VENEZUELA M A C A R O N S À L A G A N A C H E 7 MA CA R O NS 2 macarons - £3.80 6 macarons - £11 12 macarons - £22 24 macarons - £42 GIFT B O X L A M A I S O N D U S I G N A T U R E C H O C O L A T B O X E S B O X E S 9 G I F T B O X E S Irresistible new version filled with a selection of dark and milk chocolate ganaches and pralines. 2 chocolates, 16g, £3.80 6 chocolates, 45g, £8 10 chocolates, 83g, £14 16 chocolates, 135g, £20 CO FFR ET GIFT MA IS O N B O XE S A grand classic of La Maison du Chocolat composed of milk and dark chocolate ganaches and pralines. App. 30 chocolates, 230g - £27 App. 41 chocolates, 320g - £36.50 App. 62 chocolates, 480g - £56 App. 73 chocolates, 580g - £67 App. 106 chocolates, 820g - £97 App. 152 chocolates, 1185g - £132 BOÎTE MAISON GIFT BOXES The elegant Boîte Maison offers in a presented luxurious tray the largest selection of assorted ganaches, pralines and luscious truffles. App. 100 chocolates, 690g - £99 App. 130 chocolates, 980g - £129 App. 181 chocolates, 1290g - £169 App. 237 chocolates, 1615g - £208 L A G ESTU RE M A I S O N D U C H O C O L A T S I G N A T U R E Enter into a world of finesse and gourmandise… La Maison du Chocolat put its stamp of nobility on ganache, this silky texture of fresh cream and finely chopped chocolate. Enhanced with fruit pulp, delicately infused or revealing the nature of exceptional cacao, the milk or dark chocolate ganaches are also featured with plain or flavoured gourmand pralinés in our assortments. P R A L I N E S & T R U F F L E S T R U F F L E S 11 P R A L I N E S & Roa st e d or f i n e l y c a ra m e lis e d a lm o n d s a n d h a z e ln u t s . Sl i ve rs of a l m on ds, c ru sh e d h a z e ln u t s , c r is p y c rê p e s , g r a in s o f s a lt . Smoo t h or i n a m ore t ra di t i on a l st yl e . T h e re is n o t ju s t o n e b u t m a n y p r a lin é s . S u bm e rge you rse l f i n t h e ri c h f la v o u r s o f t h e M a is o n p r a lin e s . COF FRE T P RAL IN E S Assortment of plain or flavoured pralines (pistachio, coconut, roasted chocolate nibs…) coated in milk or dark chocolate. 4 pralines, 30g - £5.50 16 pralines, 130g - £21 36 pralines, 300g - £41 CO FFR E T R O CHER S Elegant round Gift Box of 20 rochers, milk and dark chocolate pralinés with bursts of almonds and hazelnuts. 20 chocolates, 148g - £27 La Maison du Chocolat signature collection of airy truffles with lovely notes of cocoa. Pure plain chocolate, toffee caramel, fresh orange and orange zests, raspberry pulp or Fine Champagne Cognac, the varied recipes revisit this ethereal, grand classic. PL A I N D A RK TRU FFL E S C H O C O L AT E Dusted with cocoa powder, the dark couverture protects a creamy, smooth whipped ganache. 2 truffles, 14g - £4.10 190g - £23.80 260g - £31 400g - £47 570g - £64 FINE CHA MPA GNE TR UFFLES CO GNA C Dusted with cocoa powder, the dark couverture protects a creamy, smooth whipped ganache delicately infuses with Cognac. 190g - £23.80 260g - £31 400g - £47 570g - £64 TR UFFLE CO LLE CTIO N An assortment of dark truffles with four delicious flavours: caramel, orange, raspberry and plain chocolate. 195g - £26.80 375g - £49 505g - £64 S P E C I A L I T I E S TAM A N A CO A R R IB A Discover the subtleties of cocoa tastes from different origins, through our specialty: the ganache. Thin dark squares, full-bodied, the result of rare blend of cocoa beans. Ideal with coffee, this ganache has one of the strongest personalities. 16 chocolates, 87g - £29 30 chocolates, 167g - £48.50 I N I T I AT I O N App. 20 chocolates, 105g - £29 App. 40 chocolates, 195g - £38.50 GIFT BOX Take a journey through the world of La Maison du Chocolat by tasting our creations from the most subtle ganache to the more intense. An assortment of dark and milk ganaches and pralines for the ultimate home tasting session. 20 chocolates, 157g - £42 13 S P E C I A L I T I E S Amo ng t h e f i n e st a n d ra re st c h oc ol a t e , L a M a is o n d u C h o c o la t h a s s e le c t e d and c ra f t e d re c i pe s w i t h di st i n c t a n d e le g a n t d a r k c h o c o la t e g a n a c h e s , revealing f or c h oc ol a t e a m a t e u rs a l l t h e a ro m a t ic s u b t le t ie s o f t h e b e s t c a c a o c r u s from a l l ov e r t h e w o r ld . F R U I T S & N U T S D E L I C A C I E S 15 COATE D FRU IT S MA R R O NS GLA CÉ S The coloured boxes with a fruity pleasure: chocolate coated orange quarters, prunes, apricots and gingers. Glazed Chesnuts from Turin, generous slightly sweet pieces with a silky texture. App. 15 chocolates, 175g - £17 App. 25 chocolates, 370g - £34 4 pieces, 90g - £12.80 6 pieces, 136g - £19.20 12 pieces, 272g - £38.40 24 pieces, 545g - £76.80 Available from November to March. DEC A D E N T TR E AT S Surrender to sweet temptation: - Amandas: almonds coated with milk and dark chocolate 100g - £9 / 145g - £13 - Corollas: almonds coated in Gianduja and dusted with cocoa powder 80g - £9 / 131g - £13 - Avelinas: hazelnuts coated with milk and dark chocolate 83g - £9 / 134g - £13 - Orangettes: candied orange strips dipped in dark chocolate 150g - £17 / 340g - £38 GO UR MA ND IS E S Batonnets praliné delicately whipped creating a light and crunchy treat. Three exquisite recipes: slivers of caramelised biscuit, roasted coconuts and bursts of crepe dentelle. 9 pieces, 60g - £13.50 TOBA G O CR A Q UA NTS Two dark chocolate squares (60% and 68% cocoa) and one milk chocolate squares (37% cocoa) wrapped in a sleeve with La Maison du Chocolat logo. Share a moment of sheer indulgence. Nuts selection includes Amandas, Petits Rochers praline and Rochers Suisses, caramelised split almonds dipped in milk and dark chocolate. Metal box 12 assorted tobagos, 60g - £9 Metal box 24 assorted tobagos, 120g - £14 Metal box 48 assorted tobagos, 240g - £24 235g - £32.40 615g - £62.40 GIFT B O X ES F R U I T S & N U T S D E L I C A C I E S Offer to someone or to yourself a moment of pure gourmandise, coated fruits and enrobed nuts complete the wide selection of “chocolate” delights. They offer a palette of gourmand sensations revealed in exceptional chocolate. H A T B O X E S & F A B R I C B O X E S B O X E S 17 H A T B O X E S & F A B R I C Each year, La Maison du Chocolat reinvents its assortment collections in luxury gift boxes with the mythical signature Maison style. To offer to another or to yourself, there is assuredly a creation that will beautifully convey your pleasure in giving. AN A S TA S I A H AT B O X 1 Coffret 4 pralines, 30g + 1 Gesture gift box, 2 chocolates, 16g + 1 Handy little box Amandas, 70g. £28 CA R A MELO HA MP E R 1 Plain dark chocolate truffles box 190g + 1 Les Attentions 18 chocolates, 140g + 1 Coffret 4 pralines, 30g + 1 Orinoco bar (60% cocoa content), 75g. £77 EXTRE M E H A MP E R B A CCHUS HATB O X 1 Truffle collection gift box, 195g + 1 Les Attentions, 14 chocolates, 105g + 1 Gourmandises, 9 pieces, 60g + 1 Fruit paste, 5 pieces, 90g. 1 Coffret Maison 230g + 1 Coffret rochers, 148g + 1 Decadent Treats, Avelinas 80g + 1 Coffret 4 pralines, 30g. £84 £91 If an item in your selection is not available, we will replace it with a product of similar value. CAN N E L L E H AT B O X 1 Plain dark chocolate truffles box 190g + 1 Coffret 16 pralines, 130g + 1 Les Attentions, 14 pieces, 105g + 1 Metal box Tobagos, 60g + 1 Decadent Treats, Avelinas 80g. Y O KO HATB O X 1 Coffret rochers, 148g + 1 Truffle collection gift box, 195g + 1 Les Attentions, 14 pieces, 105g + 1 Decadent Treats, Corollas, 130g + 1 Raspberry - Champagne jam, 220g. £123 £105 ZAGO RA HATB O X MA R A CUJ A HATB O X 1 Coffret Maison 230g + 1 Coffret rochers,148g + 1 Coated fruits box, 175g + 1 Fine champagne cognac truffles box, 190g + 1 Decadent Treats, Avelinas, 80g + 1 Metal box Tobagos, 60g. 1 Coffret Maison, 310g + 1 Coffret 16 pralines, 130g + 1 Truffle collection gift box, 195g + 1 Coffret rochers, 148g + 1 Metal box Tobagos, 60g + 1 Decadent Treats, Amandas, 145g. £145 £161 T H E H A T B O X E S 19 MON T BL A NC H AT B O X FA US T HATB O X 1 Coffret Maison 230g + 1 Truffle collection gift box, 195g + 1 Fruit paste box, 330g + 1 Tamanaco box, 87g + 1 Coffret 16 pralines, 130g + 1 Marrons glaces box 6 pieces, 136g. 1 Coffret Maison 310g + 1 Coffret 36 pralines, 300g + 1 Effervescence gift box, 233g + 1 Coated fruits box, 175g + 1 Truffle collection gift box, 195g + 1 Gourmandises, 9 pieces, 60g + 1 Decadent Treats, Amandas, 145g. £191 £216 QUITO H ATBO X 1 Boite Maison gift box, 690g + 1 Truffle collection gift box, 195g + 1 Effervescence gift box, 233g + 1 Fruit paste box, 330g + 1 Marrons glaces box 6 pieces,136g + 1 Tamanaco box, 87g + 1 Coffret 16 pralines, 130g + 1 Cuana bar (74% cocoa content), 75g. £298 FA B R IC B O XE S An elaborate ganache and praline chocolates assortment presented in a gift box decorated with an exquisite fabric. Different fabric designs and colours are available. Oval, 680g - £149 Oval, 880g - £189 Round, 880g - £168 Round, 1540g - £275 Round, 2750g - £369 If an item in your selection is not available, we will replace it with a product of similar value. DESCRIPTION Page number Net weight (g) Price in £ excl. VAT Price in £ incl. VAT Shelf life Dimension (cm) Length x width x height LES MACARONS À LA GANACHE Coffret 2 macarons 7 34g £3.17 £3.80 2 days 7.6 x 7.3 x 4.5cm Coffret 6 macarons 7 95g £9.17 £11.00 2 days 11.5 x 10 x 4.5cm Coffret 12 macarons 7 190g £18.33 £22.00 2 days 17 x 13.8 x 5.2cm Coffret 24 macarons 7 380g £35.00 £42.00 2 days 21.8 x 18.2 x 5.2cm LA MAISON DU CHOCOLAT SIGNATURE BOXES GESTURE GIFT BOXES Gesture gift box 2 chocolates 9 16g £3.17 £3.80 4 weeks 6 x 3.2 x 2.1cm Gesture gift box 6 chocolates 9 45g £6.67 £8.00 4 weeks 11.7 x 8.4 x 2.5cm Gesture gift box 10 chocolates 9 83g £11.67 £14.00 4 weeks 15.1 x 8.5 x 2.5cm Gesture gift box 16 chocolates 9 135g £16.67 £20.00 4 weeks 19.5 x 11 x 2.5cm 14.5 x 7.5 x 4.3cm COFFRET MAISON App. 30 chocolates 9 230g £22.50 £27.00 4 weeks App. 41 chocolates 9 320g £30.42 £36.50 4 weeks 18.7 x 9 x 4.3cm App. 62 chocolates 9 480g £46.67 £56.00 4 weeks 21.7 x 11 x 4.3cm 23.5 x 11.5 x 4.3cm App. 73 chocolates 9 580g £55.83 £67.00 4 weeks App. 106 chocolates 9 820g £80.83 £97.00 4 weeks 26 x 14 x 5.5cm App. 152 chocolates 9 1185g £110.00 £132.00 4 weeks 29.8 x 16.7 x 5.5cm BOÎTE MAISON App. 100 chocolates 9 690g £82.50 £99 4 weeks 27 x 24.5 x 4cm App. 130 chocolates 9 980g £107.50 £129 4 weeks 30.5 x 28 x 4cm App. 181 chocolates 9 1290g £140.08 £169 4 weeks 34.8 x 34 x 4cm App. 237 chocolates 9 1615g £173.3 £208 4 weeks 39.5 x 39.2 x 4cm PRALINES & TRUFFLES PRALINES Coffret 4 Pralines 11 30g £4.58 £5.50 8 weeks 5.8 x 5.8 x 2.4cm Coffret 16 Pralines 11 130g £27.5 £21 8 weeks 12.5 x 12.5 x 3cm Coffret 36 Pralines 11 300g £34.17 £41 8 weeks 17.5 x 17.5 x 3cm Coffret Rochers 11 148g £22.5 £27 8 weeks 16 x 16 x 3.2cm 6.2 x 3.5 x 2.8cm TRUFFLES Plain 11 14g £3.42 £4.10 4 weeks Plain 11 190g £19.83 £23.80 4 weeks 10 x 10 x 4.8cm Fine Champagne 11 190g £19.83 £23.80 4 weeks 10 x 10 x 4.8cm Plain 11 260g £25.83 £31.00 4 weeks 11.5 x 11.5 x 5cm Fine Champagne 11 260g £25.83 £31.00 4 weeks 11.5 x 11.5 x 5cm Plain 11 400g £39.17 £47.00 4 weeks 12.5 x 12.5 x 5.8cm Fine Champagne 11 400g £39.17 £47.00 4 weeks 12.5 x 12.5 x 5.8cm Plain 11 570g £53.33 £64.00 4 weeks 13.5 x 13.5 x 6.7cm Fine Champagne 11 570g £53.33 £64.00 4 weeks 13.5 x 13.5 x 6.7cm Truffles Collection 11 195g £22.33 £26.80 4 weeks 11.5 x 11.5 x 5.5cm Truffles Collection 11 375g £40.83 £49 4 weeks 15.5 x 15.5 x 5.5cm Truffles Collection 11 505g £53.33 £64 4 weeks 17.5 x 17.5 x 5.5cm SPECIALITIES Tamanaco 16 chocolates 13 87g £24.17 £29.00 4 weeks 19 x 11.3 x 3cm Tamanaco 30 chocolates 13 167g £40.42 £48.50 4 weeks 24.3 x 15.5 x 3cm Arriba 20 chocolates 13 105g £24.17 £29.00 4 weeks 15 x 6.9 x 4cm Arriba 40 chocolats 13 195g £32.08 £38.50 4 weeks 24.5 x 6.9 x 4cm Initiation gift box 20 chocolates 13 157g £35.00 £42.00 4 weeks 21.5 x 21.5 x 4cm FRUITS & NUTS DELICACIES COATED FRUITS App.15 pieces 15 175g £14.17 £17.00 6 weeks 26.4 x 4.1 x 3.5cm App. 25 pieces 15 370g £28.33 £34.00 6 weeks 26.4 x 7.4 x 3.5cm MARRONS GLACÉS (available from November to March) 4 pieces 15 90g £10.66 £12.80 4 weeks 12 x 9.9 x 3.2 cm 6 pieces 15 136g £16.00 £19.20 4 weeks 16.8 x 11.1 x 3.2 cm 12 pieces 15 272g £32.00 £38.40 4 weeks 21.4 x 13.8 x 3.2 cm 24 pieces 15 545g £64.00 £76.80 4 weeks 20.5 x 17 x 3.2 cm Price in £ excl. VAT Price in £ incl. VAT Shelf life Dimension (cm) Length x width x height 15 60g £11.25 £13.50 6 weeks 13 x 13.5 x 1.7cm Amandas 15 100g £7.50 £9.00 6 months 6.5 x 3.6 x 9.5cm Amandas 15 145g £10.83 £13.00 6 months 6.5 x 3.6 x 12.7cm Corollas 15 80g £7.50 £9.00 6 months 6.5 x 3.6 x 9.5cm Corollas 15 131g £10.83 £13.00 6 months 6.5 x 3.6 x 12.7cm Avelinas 15 83g £7.50 £9.00 6 months 6.5 x 3.6 x 9.5cm Avelinas 15 134g £10.83 £13.00 6 months 6.5 x 3.6 x 12.7cm Orangettes 15 150g £14.17 £17.00 6 weeks 7.4 x 3.6 x 10.95cm Orangettes 15 340g £31.66 £38.00 6 weeks 7.4 x 3.6 x 19.2cm GOURMANDISES Gourmandises, 9 batonnets DECADENT TREATS CRAQUANTS GIFT BOXES Coffret Craquants 15 235g £27 £32.40 8 weeks 15.5 x 16 x 3.2cm Coffret Craquants 15 615g £52 £62.40 8 weeks 17.5 x 17.5 x 5.5cm TOBAGO 12 chocolate squares 15 60g £7.50 £9.00 3 months 11.3 x 7.5 x 1.4cm 24 chocolate squares 15 120g £11.67 £14.00 3 months 14.7 x 7.5 x 1.8cm 48 chocolate squares 15 240g £20.00 £24.00 3 months 22.1 x 7.5 x 1.8cm Anastasia Hatbox 17 116g £23.33 £28.00 4 weeks 13 x 13 x 6.2cm Caramelo Hamper 17 435g £64.17 £77.00 4 weeks 15 x 15 x 15.5cm Extrême Hamper 17 460g £70.00 £84.00 4 weeks 23.8 x 17.8 x 10cm Bacchus Hatbox 18 500g £75.83 £91.00 4 weeks 26.4 x 26.4 x 14.3cm Cannelle Hatbox 18 627g £87.50 £105.00 4 weeks 26.4 x 26.4 x 14.3cm Yoko Hatbox 18 814g £102.50 £123.00 4 weeks 33.5 x 25.5 x 15cm Zagora Hatbox 18 947g £120.83 £145.00 4 weeks 33.5 x 25.5 x 15cm Maracuja Hatbox 19 1144g £134.17 £161.00 4 weeks 25.6 x 25.6 x 25.6cm HATBOXES & FABRIC BOXES HATBOXES Mont Blanc Hatbox 19 1218g £159.17 £191.00 4 weeks 40.3 x 32.4 x 16cm Faust Hatbox 19 1637g £180.00 £216.00 4 weeks 40.3 x 32.4 x 16cm Quito Hatbox 19 2017g £248.33 £298.00 4 weeks 46 x 46 x 16.8cm Oval 19 680g £124.17 £149.00 4 weeks Oval 19 880g £157.50 £189.00 4 weeks Round 19 880g £140.00 £168.00 4 weeks Round 19 1540g £229.17 £275.00 4 weeks Round 19 2750g £307.50 £369.00 4 weeks FABRIC BOXES The general product pricing may be revised at any time by La Maison du Chocolat. 21 L I S T Net weight (g) P R I C E Page number DESCRIPTION T HE OF G E N E RA L T HE T E R M S 2 0 1 4 - 2 0 1 5 I. Applicability of General terms and conditions 1.1. These General Terms and Conditions apply to any and all purchases and sales that are in any way described, mentioned, promoted or listed in the La Maison du Chocolat ,UK Limited (“LMDC UK Ltd,” “We” or “Us”) catalogue for the territory of the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland. Any terms and conditions not expressly included herein are excluded. By placing an order, the Customer accepts these General Terms and Conditions. LMDC UK Ltd reserves the right to modify the General Terms and Conditions at any time and, as of the date of modification, new transactions entered into LMDC UK Ltd and its Customers shall be governed by the modified Terms and Conditions. 1.2. No additional condition sought to be introduced by you shall be deemed applicable unless expressly so indicated in writing by an authorized officer of LMDC UK Ltd. In addition, the failure of LMDC UK Ltd to exercise one or more of its rights hereunder shall not be deemed a waiver of those or any other rights. II. Requests and confirmation 2.1. Orders shall be received: By telephone: Piccadilly Boutique: 020 72878500 Monday through Friday, 10.00AM to 6.00PM By fax: Piccadilly Boutique: 020 7287 3590 Monday through Friday, 10.00AM to 6.00PM You can also shop online through our web site at 2.2. Once your order has been placed, cancellations or changes will not be accepted. 2.3. Each request for product is subject to approval by LMDC UK Ltd. LMDC UK Ltd reserves all rights to reject a request for product due to insufficient stock, incomplete customer information, or for any other lawful reason. We undertake to inform you within two (2) working days following your request if we have a problem filling your order. III. Prices 3.1. Unless otherwise noted, all of our pricing and other charges are stated in Pounds Sterling (£) inclusive VAT and are subject to change. 3.2. Shipping charges, which are payable by our customers, are extra, and vary by destination. These are available upon request from LMDC UK Ltd. IV. Payment at time of order 4.1. Unless you have an account with LMDC UK Ltd, all purchases are subject to immediate payment using Maestro, Visa, MasterCard, or American Express. 4.2. Please pay attention to details when giving us your account information. Make sure to give us your card number, the expiration date, security code, issue number as well as your name exactly as it appears on your card. You will be requested to provide us with the address where the card is registered. For orders over £100.00 goods will only be dispatched upon reception of a photocopy of both sides of the credit card used for payment. The signature at the AN D C O N DITIO NS C O R P O R AT E CO LLE CTIO N back of the card should match the signature on the order form. Please see our Privacy Policy Statement (below) so that you may understand how this information is treated. 4.3. Customers who hold an account with LMDC UK Ltd should settle their invoices upon reception. 4.4. We reserve the right to refuse to deliver any new orders received by a customer who would not have settled all his outstanding invoices. V. Availability of Products The catalogue lists all of the products that are generally available from LMDC UK Ltd. From time to time products may be out of stock or otherwise unavailable. Certain special gift items are unique and hand crafted and, therefore, available only in small quantities. Should you be interested in those items, please give us a call before ordering to confirm that the product is available. LMDC UK Ltd reserves the right in the event of the unavailability of an item(s) to substitute an item(s) of equal or greater value with the consent of the customer. There is a possibility that the presentation of the gift items may be modified to insure proper delivery and handling. VI. Delivery of Products 6.1. Product Shipping 6.1.1. Our sealed parcels are specially prepared by us for shipping. They are tamper-resistant and designed to protect the products being shipped. 6.1.2. The accuracy of the shipping information you provide is crucial in making sure that the products you request can be delivered properly. This ensures that our customers can enjoy our products for the full extent of their shelf life. LMDC UK Ltd cannot be held responsible for returns caused by incomplete or erroneous delivery instructions. 6.1.3. After acceptance of your order, we will prepare and forward it to our shipper. All efforts will be made to assure prompt delivery of your order. Although we can assure delivery to the specified location, it is up to you to verify receipt with the delivery service. Failure to identify properly to the shipper problems upon delivery may result in your inability to pursue a claim. Most of our shippers require a signature upon delivery. Once the product is delivered, we cannot be responsible if it is lost or damaged from the environmental conditions in which it is left or that develop after its delivery. 6.1.4. Should the customer authorise release signature for delivery of a package, LMDC cannot assume responsibility for damage or loss of delivery. 6.1.5. The logistic centre for the preparation of the orders is at the following address: La Maison du Chocolat - 46 Piccadilly - London - W1J 0DS. All orders shipped to the United Kingdom and Rep of Ireland will be prepared and shipped from this centre. Taxes, custom and excise duties are payable by the customer or the consignee upon delivery for exports to countries outside the EU. The list of countries where we ship our products is available upon request. For countries that do not figure on the list La Maison du Chocolat cannot be held responsible for delivery times and the condition in which the chocolates are delivered. 6.2. Shipping charges 6.2.1. Deliveries are made Tuesdays to Friday (except Bank Holidays). For your information shipping to most UK locations can be made: Priority Overnight Delivery: 24 hours - Arrival to destination by 5:00 PM. Any order received after 12:00 PM (GMT) will be processed and shipped on the next business day. 6.2.2. LMDC UK Ltd will not be responsible for delays caused by events beyond its control, including strikes, natural disasters or terrorism. Shipping times may be longer during busy holiday seasons (CHRISTMAS, VALENTINE’S DAY, EASTER AND MOTHER’S DAY). VII. Transfer of Ownership The transfer of ownership does not take effect until payment in full has been received by us. The transfer of risk of loss or deterioration takes effect when the product is delivered to, and received by, the addressee or its agent. VIII. Complaints 8.1. LMDC UK Ltd prides itself on its high level of products and its service. If you have a criticism or a complaint, please contact us at once. We will try our utmost to meet your expectations but need your help in order to do so. Customers receiving a parcel from us should inspect it upon receipt to make sure it is consistent with the order and that there are no obvious flaws. Damage claims should be clearly recorded, dated and signed on the delivery invoice. 8.2. All claims must be made within 48 hours of product delivery. Claims received by LMDC after longer delays may not be honoured. Claims should be sent to our Customer Service Department, by email or post offering proof of delivery of the parcel. The address for claims is as follows: The Customer Service Manager La Maison du Chocolat 46 Piccadilly - London - W1J 0DS Email: 8.3. All claims must be motivated and accompanied by a written explanation of the problem, as well as the damages occasioned thereby. After an analysis of the situation, LMDC at its own discretion will determine the appropriate remedy, including a refund of payment or a reshipment of product. 8.4. LMDC SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, PUNITIVE OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMIT, LOSS OF PROFITS, REVENUE OR OTHER BENEFITS ARISING FROM OR RELATED TO A BREACH OF THIS AGREEMENT, OR FOR CLAIMS AGAINST YOU BY ANY THIRD PARTY. IX. Returns 9.1. The right to return any item purchased within 7 working days of receiving delivery of your order does not apply to perishable goods such as chocolate. Once the order has been placed, cancellations or changes will not be accepted. However, they could be considered if the order has not yet been prepared. On the other hand once the goods have been passed on to the carrier no cancellation or changes will be accepted and any sums of money paid by the customer will not be refunded. This does not affect your statutory rights. 9.2. Where LMDC accepts a return in the case of an obvious flaw or the nonconformity of the products delivered with an order, LMDC will allow the free replacement of the product or the return of the amount paid by the consumer. By accepting such, the consumer and any other party involved therewith (including the purchaser, where the consumer has received the LMDC product as a gift), agrees to waive any additional claims it may have, including for interest and other payments. X. Right of access and correction 10.1. Our Privacy Policy Statement. Because of our concern with the protection of your private life and information personal to you, LMDC treats with the strictest confidentiality all personal information it receives about you. In connection with your purchases, we will request from you only the information (including name and street and email addresses) necessary to fill and follow-up with your order. 10.2. Your Rights You also are encouraged to tell us how we can keep you up-to-date with our product line, especially seasonal specials. We would be happy to communicate with you, and to have you communicate with us, by mail, email or telephone. Our mailing address: La Maison du Chocolat 46 Piccadilly - London - W1J 0DS Our email address: Telephone: 0207 287 8500 XI. Warranty 11.1. LMDC guarantees the quality and freshness of its products for three weeks from the time they leave our boutique in London, so long as they are handled and stored as recommended by the materials that accompany each shipment. 11.2. Our products should be stored in a cool and dry place with temperatures of 16-18ºC. 11.3. EXCEPT AS SET FORTH IN THIS SECTION, LMDC MAKES NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO ITS PRODUCTS, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTIES AS TO THE FITNESS OF ITS PRODUCTS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ANY SUCH ADDITIONAL WARRANTIES HEREBY ARE DISCLAIMED. XII. Governing law All of our transactions shall be governed by the laws of the United Kingdom without regard to its choice of laws provisions. XIII. No Resale When you order products from us, if you are a consumer, you agree that it is for personal use (by you or other individual(s)) and that they will not be resold by you or other individual(s) unless authorised to do so by LMDC UK Ltd. Note: the photos of our catalogue are not contractual. Thank you for shopping with us. OUR A D D RE S S E S LOND ON 46 Piccadilly London, W1J 0DS Tel.: (+ 44) 207 287 8500 Harrods, Knightsbridge London, SW1X 7XL Tel.: (+ 44) 207 730 1234 NEW H O N G Selfridges, 400 Oxford Street London W1A 1AB Tel.: 0207 318 3341 N O S A D R E S S E S 26 Y O R K K O NG 1018 Madison Avenue 78 th Street New York, NY 10075 Tel.: (+ 1) 212 744 7117 Pacific Place, Shop 246, Admiralty, Hong Kong Tel.: (+852) 2522 2010 PAR I S TO K YO 225, rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré 75008 Paris Tel.: (+33) 1 42 27 39 44 3-10-8 Kita-Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-0061 Tel.: (+ 81) 3 3499 2168 CA N N ES O S A K A 87/89, rue d’Antibes (rue des Gabres) 06400 Cannes Tel.: (+33) 4 93 94 44 70 Umeda Hankyu, 8-7, Kakuda-Cho, Kita-Ku, Osaka 530-8350 Tel.: (+81) 6 6361 1381 CON TA C TS For Corporate orders and events Please contact our corporate sales department on: 020 7287 8500 - Option 3 E-mail: La Maison du Chocolat would like to thank Caroline Faccioli and Laurent Rouvrais for their photography illustrating each of La Maison du Chocolat’s creations. Graphic design : Créathéma