Calvary Caf Calvary Café - Calvary Christian School
Calvary Caf Calvary Café - Calvary Christian School
The Patriot Press Weekly Edition Calvary Christian School March 8, 2013 Important Dates It Is Time For OUR CCS SPiRiT niGHT Sunday, March 10 Sunday School @ CBC - 9:45am Worship Service @ CBC - 10:45am Monday, March 1 1 Who? The Entire CCS Family, plus family & friends 9-week Exams MARCH’S SPIRIT NIGHT What? CCS Spirit Nights Boys Baseball Practice—3:15—5:00 p.m. (Gr 7-12) Tuesday, March 12th When? Monthly—Dates on Advanced Calendar on Arts After School—Let’s Party—3:30—4:30 School Website ( Girls Soccer Game @ Christian Academy— Miyabi Where? At An Area Restaurant 4:00 p.m. Tuesday, March 12 Japanese Steakhouse Restaurant Row Why? To Have Fun & Raise Extra $$ For CCS!! Area restaurants host spirit nights & give 9-week Exams a portion of their proceeds back to CCS! Signed Progress Reports Due SCRIP Orders Due by 1 1:00 a.m. Location Only Mention you are there to support CCS! How? Look for Spirit Night Announcements in The Patriot Press and please join us!! Girls Soccer Practice—3:15—5:00 p.m. (Gr 7-12) Boys Baseball Practice—3:15—5:00 p.m. (Gr 7-12) 4:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. Please Join Us!! Arts After School—Art—3:30—4:30 Spirit Night—Miyabi Japanese Steakhouse— High School SCACS Fine Arts Festival Reminders 4:30p.m.—9:30pm Wednesday, March 13 Bible Study, Patch Club, & Kids4Truth @ CBC - 7:00pm • All students who are performing must remain in performance attire throughout the day. • Thursday, March 14 • SCACS Jr/Sr High Fine Arts Festival—Columbia Girls Soccer Practice—3:15—5:00 p.m. (Gr 7-12) Boys Baseball Practice—3:15—5:00 p.m. (Gr 7-12) Arts After School—Woodcrafting—3:30-4:30 Friday, March 15 Please return permission forms and payment immediately!! • Any elementary or junior/senior high student who is attending but not performing must wear CCS school uniform or performance attire. Please have your child at school at 6:45 Friday morning. The bus will leave at 7:00. • Please read carefully the information that was sent home regarding this trip. SCACS Jr/Sr High Fine Arts Festival—Columbia **No School for 7th—12th grades** Special Note!! 7th - 12th Grades There will be no school next Friday, March 15th for Junior/Senior High students who are not attending the SCACS Fine Arts Festival. Please make other arrangements. Calvary Café 11 - Pizza, Salad, Fruit Cocktail 12 - Grilled Cheese, Chicken Noodle Soup 13 - Chicken Nuggets, Corn, Pudding 14 - Spaghetti & Meatballs, Green Beans, Roll 15 - Corn Dog, Mac & Cheese, Peas What's for lunch? Birthday Blessings Please Pardon the mis-print in last week’s newsletter! Will Cowell—6th Logan Carter—9th Zack Perry—12th Tina Poore—15th LET’S PARTY! You are invited to join the fun of party planning. We will create beautiful tablescapes, simple menus, and tasty delicacies. Bon appétit! Mondays: March 11th—May 6th 3:30—4:30 p.m. rt m ent De pa Thursdays: March 14th—May 9th 3:30—4:30 p.m. AC CS Fin eA rts Join us as we continue to build and grow. Measure, sand, drill, and nail as you create new and different woodworking projects. It’s tool time extended! Pro g ra m PASTELS & PAINTS WOODCRAFTING 102 Celebrate Easter and welcome spring with fun art activities and crafts. Inspired by the colors of the season, students will work with pastels and paints. Spring has sprung! Tuesdays: March 12th—May 7th 3:30—4:30 p.m. andactivitiesafterschool ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------YES! Please register my child for the following 4th Quarter ARTS and activities after school program(s). My payment is attached - Total Amt: $________ paid by Cash or Check # _____ Please return this registration form with payment no later than Friday, March 8, 2013! Child’s Name: ___________________________________ Grade: ______ (Only for Grades 1-6) Let’s Party! with Mrs. Bethany Roland Mondays: March 11th — May 6th Cost: $65 (or $45 for 6pm Patriot Club members) Pastels and Paints with Miss Sarah McLain Tuesdays: March 12th — May 7th Cost: $65 (or $45 for 6pm Patriot Club members) Woodcrafting 102 with Mr. Mark Roland Thursdays: March 14th — May 9th Cost: $65 (or $45 for 6pm Patriot Club members) Last Opportunity!! Let’s Party is filled Register 1st thing Monday morning for Woodcrafting 102 or Pastels & Paints! Activities Begin Monday! Lady Patriots Soccer Team Brooke David Kayla Ashburn Audrey Glendinning Gracyn Truett Mary Kang Kassandra Grounds Cassie Karn Langlea Lee Mary Hannah Wallace Brieanna Evans Kaitlin Williams Alyssa Tyler Tina Pore Molly Tomko Patriots Baseball Team Alex Brenes Jon Mcdonald Chance Carroll Grant Morse Adrian Villalpando Gavin Bailey Jacob Causey Josh Watford Jordan Fields Jordan Simon Holman Davis Esteban Villalpando Bryan Fields Micah Fields Colin Glendinning The Bingsley Heist Cast Colin Glendinning Amber Baker Zoë Lindler Preston Sexton Kayla Ashburn Holman Davis Charles DeSpain Micah Fields Alyssa Tyler Grayson Carter Gracyn Truett Neel Sawicky Josh Watford Audrey Glendinning Noah Nelson Tina Poore Congratulations!! New for 2013-2014 MediaSuite with IWB Technology Save The Date! Join us for a live classroom demonstration! 3:00 - 6:00 p.m. Thursday,