2010 Ecke Ranch Summer Poinsettia Catalog - Grimes
2010 Ecke Ranch Summer Poinsettia Catalog - Grimes
2010 by design TM F R O M T H E P A U L E C K E R A N C H F ROM T H E PA U L E C K E R ANCH Poinsettias: Better by Design! There was a time when all a poinsettia grower had to do was focus on quality to ensure brisk sales each December. Today, dynamics have changed. Increasing competition for consumer dollars and pressure on margins from retailers must be considered as growers develop strategies for success. There remains, however, a demand for poinsettias during the holiday sales period. The challenge becomes helping your customer differentiate from the competition by providing more than ‘just a poinsettia’, so the plants you ship to retail are the ones that sell…and sell at the best price points. Better by Design As a poinsettia breeder, Ecke looks at how our genetics help solve grower and retailer needs. One aspect is how to produce this crop for maximum success and profitability. Another aspect is how genetics solve specific problems, like stem breakage or poor post-production shelf life. Going one step further, we look at how our plants can be presented for maximum value. By following the latest trends in fashion, color, design and retail packaging, our Design Center team in Encinitas, CA, can enhance the from your inspiration to our presentation and display of our genetics. Value-added packaging is a relatively simple way to present visibly distinct plants to the market. Poinsettias are still being delivered for bulk sales with nothing more than ‘speed covers’ or even in the basic growing pots, but a speed cover alone does not justify or stimulate enhanced price points or impulse sales. By creating finished poinsettias that are ready to give as gifts, it is possible to support higher price points and add new sales opportunities for retailers. Creating attractive value-added packaging is a challenge that requires advance planning. Each component must bring an enhanced color or presentation value to the finished product. Select components that visually compliment the poinsettia while still being functional as to how and where it will be used by consumers. By incorporating current trends in style and colors, it is possible to transform traditional poinsettias into something fresh and relevant to consumers. consider these components: Pots (decorative metals, plastics or ceramics) Decorative Accents (organza, paper or ribbon) Decorative Accessories (ornaments, etc.) Combination Planters (featuring poinsettias) On the Cover When crop science meets great design, poinsettias become shining stars! TM ECKE RANCH corporate Paul Ecke III CEO/Owner pecke3@eckeranch.com 760.944.4026 Andy Higgins President ahiggins@eckeranch.com 760.944.4020 Steve Rinehart Chief Operating Officer srinehart@eckeranch.com 760.944.4003 Pete MacDonald Chief Financial Officer pmacdonald@eckeranch.com 760.944.4052 sales Tom Hennessey National Sales Director thennessey@eckeranch.com 760.944.4005 314.775.9600 Roger Kehoe Key Account Manager rkehoe@eckeranch.com 760.944.4046 760.271.5106 Steve Flickinger Key Account Manager sflickinger@eckeranch.com 760.944.4051 303.881.1214 Sam Kimling Key Account Manager skimling@eckeranch.com 760.944.4014 734.474.8897 Jack Williams International/Key Account Manager jwilliams@eckeranch.com 760.944.4075 Rebecca Siemonsma Technical Services Manager rsiemonsma@eckeranch.com 760.944.4060 Erik Ralston Sales Analyst/Sales Support eralston@eckeranch.com 760.944.4087 customer Service Gina Mendoza Customer Service Manager gmendoza@eckeranch.com 760.944.4010 traffic Alejandro Chacon Global OPS & Traffic Manager achacon@eckeranch.com 760.944.4089 I NSI DE ARTICLES 1 BETTER BY DESIGN Ecke’s design center helps growers and retailers achieve better price points. 8 NEW COLD PRODUCTION TECHNIQUES Cold Hold, Fascination and Degree-Days By Jim Faust/Clemson University © 2008 PAUL ECKE RANCH P.O. Box 230488 • Encinitas, CA 92023-0488 (760) 753-1134 • www.ecke.com Catalog is printed with soy-based inks and produced by wind power through a Green-e certified program using Renewable Energy Credits. Cover paper is 84# Starwhite White Flash, FSC Certified 100% Pure and Green-e certified. Text pages are printed on Flo FSC certified recycled gloss paper. 4 N ewest STars Ecke’s new varieties, bred for performance as well as beauty. 5 Red Star — PRESTIGE ™ The world-renown red poinsettia, maximizing productivity and profits. 6 White star — Polar Bear 12 IT’S EASY WITH ECKE Excellent programs, more services give growers distinct advantages. 20 CUTTING OPTIONS Ecke offers more cutting choices than any other supplier. The Polar Bear poinsettia, dedicated to helping both growers and polar bears. 10 COLD PRODUCTION VARIETIES University-tested and proven to excel in energy-efficient production. 22 PRODUCT OFFERING & FORMS 24 ECKE BRINGS INFO TO YOU OnMedia and Webinars help growers stay competitive. ™ VarIEties 13 VERY EARLY SEASON 14 EARLY SEASON 16 MID SEASON 18 LATE SEASON marketing Snow Maestas Marketing Manager smaestas@eckeranch.com 760.944.4031 Products 19 DELETIONS CLASSICTM RED (PER1090) USPP 18,203 A handy reference chart to help you select varieties for your operation. Three of the Ecke business principles are simple but substantial: Integrity – Innovation – Grower Solutions. These are at the heart of what we do every day as a breeder and supplier of cuttings that ultimately beautify and enhance our world. Integrity: For three generations, my family has operated this company as a fair and honest supplier. We have a responsibility to be a conscientious employer and good stewards of the land we farm. We strive to do our part to conserve resources for future generations, an idea that takes action through one of our newest poinsettias: Polar Bear. A m e s s a g e f r o m PAUL ECKE Polar Bear is not only a great white poinsettia; it is also supporting a cause we believe in strongly. For every cutting sold worldwide, Ecke Ranch will provide a donation to Polar Bears International, supporting their efforts to help conserve Polar Bear habitat. What do we get out of it? Simply the knowledge that we are using our resources to support the survival of this magnificent bear! Innovation: As a breeder, we continue to produce new varieties that answer the needs of growers and the market. New for the sake of new is not enough! Every introduction must bring something stronger, better and of greater value than previous introductions, and you’ll see that on our newest stars – including Solstice™ Red – on page 4. We are looking at our breeding selections with an eye on trends in color, fashion and lifestyles. By bringing these marketing concepts together with successful genetics through our Design Center the value of poinsettias is enhanced for all. Grower Solutions: Last season, the Ecke Poinsettia Bract Meter™ was introduced, the first, easy-to-use tool for growers producing the crop with less energy. The response was better than fantastic! Not only does this save resources, the resulting plants are tougher and more able to hold up to the stress of transportation. From these advancements come more questions. “What is the impact of cold-growing on post-production longevity?” Dr. Jim Faust has helped us research post-production performance and what growers should expect as a result. The benefits continue to show why this approach to growing makes good sense and good ‘cents’. (Read more on page 8.) We look forward to our continuing relationship and the opportunity to supply your needs with Ecke poinsettias. SOLSTICETM RED (PER1232) PPAF POLAR BEAR (OGLPNT14001) ECKE: 2010 poinsettia www.ecke.com TapestryTM (PER14606) PPAF W NE OUR NEWEST STARS Tapestry TM Red is the traditional color of poinsettias, but Tapestry™ is anything but traditional. Variegated leaves add a new dimension, combining vibrant green leaves with creamy yellow margins to set off the dark red bracts. Transitional bracts bring in a touch of red, creating a rich Tapestry of colors. S olstice TM R ed (PER1232) PPAF W NE Solstice Red TM Solstice™ Red is our newest late season poinsettia, designed to serve the market even better than Success Red. This new poinsettia has elegance and style that is rivaled only by its remarkable post-production longevity. As the days of the year reach their shortest length, Solstice Red outshines all others. PGS 4 & 5 O ur R ed S tar PRESTIGE TM Your Total Solution for Profitability With new Prestige™ Early Red, the versatile Prestige family lets you keep production simple and improve profitability. All three (Early Red, Red and Maroon) feature unmatched stem strength and long postproduction life with no late-season stretch. Plus, you’ll save on production costs. Their upright stem habit allows 10-15 percent more plants per square foot, and Early Red performs very well in cold growing conditions. Every grower can profit from Prestige. PRESTIGETM EARLY RED (Eckanezka) USPP 19,192 PRESTIGETM RED (Eckadire) USPP 12,846 ECKE: 2010 poinsettia www.ecke.com P o l a r B e a r C o n s e r vat i o n De d icate d to an d bears polar helping O ur W h y G r o w ers P o lar O u r i n both f u l l b l o o m growers W h ite L o ve B ear : w h i t e s t w h i t e a t t h e r i g h t p r i c e Polar Bear is our whitest poinsettia available while still featuring dark green leaves. The green undertones of the bract creates a much brighter white as contrasted to the creamier, yellow undertones of most other dark leaf white genetics in the market. This green comes out in the veins of transition bracts, creating a striking contrast in the look of this plant. Polar Bear also finishes in the early season, but unlike other whites, features longer post-production durability, addressing the need for white poinsettias that hold up in the market. With Polar Bear’s large cyathia and crisp white bracts, this poinsettia will quickly become a grower favorite. Ecke launched Polar Bear in 2009 with a limited number of cuttings, but for 2010, availability and price should be just right for the market. New, fresh genetics – all for a good cause. POLAR BEAR Point-of-sale Tag/tag-elevator included Bench cards, posters and designer pot covers optional PGS 6 & 7 What does conservation in full bloom look like? It’s in the face of a beautiful white bear, whose existence is threatened in our world today. S tar Polar Bears International is a non-profit organization dedicated to the conservation of Polar Bears and their habitat through research and education projects sponsored by this organization and their partners. For every W h y R etailers Polar Bear poinsettia cutting purchased, Ecke and will make a donation to PBI to help with this C o nsumers L o ve P o lar E a r l y - B l oo m i n g W h i t e Po i n s e t t i a a w i t h B ear : C a u s e important cause. One hundred percent of all donations go directly to the projects. To learn more about PBI and the good they are doing, go to www.polarbearsinternational.org. To help get this message out to consumers, Ecke has teamed with The John Henry Company to create an eye-catching point-of-sale retail program to help boost sales while delivering the Polar Bears International message. For every cutting sold, Ecke will include a designer tag and tag elevator. POLAR BEAR (OGLPNT 14001) PPAF Clever, sustainable designer pot covers, bench cards and posters are also available. When consumers know that every purchase helps protect this endangered species, it makes them feel good about choosing the Polar Bear. Retailers appreciate the extra incentive that encourages sales and the attractive point-of-sale support. Growers can’t go wrong with the Polar Bear poinsettia. Our bears thank you! For details Or to order additional POS items, please contact The John Henry Company at www.jhc.com or 866.378.7535. ECKE: 2010 poinsettia www.ecke.com Jim Faust, PhD, Associate Professor, Clemson University NEW new research produces more efficient, cost-effective strategies concepts for Fuel-Efficient Poinsettia Production by Jim Faust of Clemson University L ast year, based on research performed at Clemson University, we introduced the Ecke Bract Meter™ to assist growers who use cold grow strategies. Figure 1. Advent™ Red showed exceptional cyathia retention for 12-20 days after cold hold. Figure 2. After more than two weeks in cold hold, small green leaves develop at the base of the cyathia on Polar Bear. PGS 8 & 9 This year, we developed three additional concepts to enhance fuel-efficient poinsettia production. First, “Cold Hold” aims to grow a crop at normal temperature, then hold it at 50° F (10° C) until it is scheduled to be shipped. Second, we examined the potential of Fascination to overcome reduced bract size and slower bract expansion. Third, we created a degree-day model to track bract development. Cold Hold to Maintain Plants Ready for Market The cold hold strategy starts with a crop grown at normal production temperatures (65-70° F or 18-21° C) until it is ready for market. Then the greenhouse is dropped to a minimum holding temperature (50-55° F or 10-13° C), at which point further bract and cyathia development is minimal. We placed plants in the cold hold environment for one, two, three, or four weeks, then transferred them to a postharvest environment, a classroom with no sunlight and fluorescent lamps that provided approximately 50 foot candles/525 lux, 24 hours a day. Postharvest longevity was evaluated based on overall display of cyathia and bract color. On nine out of ten cultivars used in the study, cyathia display lasted 9-12 days, regardless of how long the plant spent in cold hold. The exception was ‘Advent™ Red,’ which experienced outstanding cyathia retention for 12-20 days (figure 1). Bract display proved to be a limiting factor. Small (1/2 to 1-inch/2-4 cm) green leaves ECKE BRact Meter Take control of your energy costs ™ AVERAGE DAILY TEMPERATURE DAYS TO MARKET 60˚ F /16˚ C 49 43 37 32 26 20 14 9 3 62˚ F / 17˚ C 41 36 32 27 22 17 13 8 3 64˚ F / 18˚ C 35 31 27 23 19 15 11 7 3 66˚ F / 19˚ C 31 28 24 21 17 14 10 7 3 68˚ F / 20˚ C 29 26 23 19 16 13 9 6 3 70˚ F / 21˚ C 29 26 22 19 16 12 9 5 2 15% 25% 35% 45% 55% 65% 75% ADVENT™ RED AUTUMN™ RED FREEDOM™ EARLY RED PRESTIGE™ EARLY RED FREEDOM™ RED 5% Total Bract Area (cm2 per stem) BRACT CANOPY COLOR 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 85% Download a PDF of our exclusive Bract Meter at www.ecke.com. Fascination to Offset Cold Finishing Many growers apply Fascination to promote bract expansion late in the production season. It can be especially useful following excessive PGR application. We wanted to know if we could combine cold grow production with Fascination to get the bract expansion of a “warm” poinsettia. 60°F 60°F + Fascination 70°F Prestige™ Early Red Fascination applications improve bract size of poinsettias grown at cooler temperatures. developed below the youngest cyathia on plants that were in cold hold more than two weeks (figure 2). Poinsettias held only one or two weeks in cold hold did not have significant cyathia development and produced no green leaves. 60°F, eight weeks 60°F + Fascination, 70°F, five weeks Based on this first year of cold hold experiments, it appears that eight weeks after FC after FC after FC poinsettias can be successfully held in a cold greenhouse up to two weeks without sacrificing postharvest performance. In-house trials are recommended to verify these results in your climate. The plants were grown under normal conditions until first color, with an average daily temperature of 60° F or 16° C. Fascination was applied as a 5 ppm spray (along with CapSil® as a wetting agent) either three, four or five weeks after first color. This rate is higher than those typically used for bract-expansion purposes, but we thought cooler temperatures would reduce the efficacy. The applications increased final bract area by about 15 percent, which significantly improved final plant appearance. However, the bracts still weren’t as large as those grown at 70° F or 21° C (see graph). Fascination reduced time to flower by up to one week, which was an improvement, but flowering was still relatively slow. The experiment demonstrates that Fascination can be an important tool for growers using the cold finish technique. It improves bract presentation and makes crops marketable ECKE: 2010 poinsettia www.ecke.com ShimmerTM surprise ADVENTTM RED JesTER MARBLE JesTER PINK red velveteenTM TM Tracking Degree-Days to Predict Bract Development 58 58 58 58 58 58 15-Oct Degree-days is a measure of temperature accumulated over time, or thermal time. It’s calculated by the number of degrees per day above base temperature. 74 72 70 68 66 64 62 60 58 PGS 10 & 11 19-Nov slightly earlier. Again, in-house experimentation is absolutely necessary before making an application to a large number of plants. TM 12-Nov FREEDOM EARLY PINK JesTERTM JINGLE 5-Nov FREEDOM EARLY MARBLE TM 29-Oct JesTERTM WHITE TM AutuMNTM RED 22-Oct FREEDOMTM EARLY RED SHIMMERTM pink Average Daily Temperature (F) JesTERTM RED Degree-Days (F) Accumulated FREEDOMTM EARLY WHITE COLD GROW VARIETIES FREEDOMTM JINGLE BELLS FREEDOMTM Pink EARLY JOY RED EARLY JOY pink FREEDOMTM RED FREEDOMTM peppermint FREEDOMTM MARBLE PRESTIGETM EARLY red FREEDOM salmon GALA RED FREEDOM WHITE TM TM GALA WHITE = COLD GROW The base temperature is the minimum temperature, below which no development occurs. In poinsettias, that is estimated at 50° F. So, if the 24-hour average temperature for a particular day is 67° F, then the degree-day number is 17 (67-50=17). If the temperature the following day is 65° F, that day accumulates 15 degree-days. The sum of the two days is 32 degree-days (17+15=32). We estimate that poinsettia bract development requires a grand total of 500 degree-days from first color to a marketable stage. By tracking the number of degree-days starting at first color, one can estimate the time to market based on projected temperatures. One caveat: Our data suggests that average daily temperatures above 68° F do not result in any higher rate of development. So temperatures 68° F and higher should always be considered a degree-day of 18. As a starting point, consider monitoring average daily temperatures starting at first color. The mathematics are simple to perform. Then you can verify how well the 500 degree-day target works for your operation. ECKE: 2010 poinsettia www.ecke.com It’s Easy With Ecke Ecke strives to be the most flexible and customer-friendly supplier in our industry. We have many distinct advantages that can make your experience completely productive, satisfying and beneficial. o Only independent poinsettia and geranium breeder in North America • Breed, select and test all genetics to assure grower success • Follow consumer trends to maximize competitive advantage o Full Support from “Ecke Techies” • Effective web-based support programs ~ ON BOARD™ interactive crop support program ~ ON HAND™ live inventory status and search features ~ ON MEDIA™ educational videos and recorded webinars ~ ON TARGET™ height-tracking system for poinsettias ~ ON TIME™ web-based freight tracking and logistics • Informative and interactive web site ~ Crop production guidelines ~ Insect and disease management charts Serving you with integrity, innovation and grower solutions for three generations • Phone consultations and on-site visits from our technical support team and field experts o Easy Ordering • Low minimum order • Low multiples per cultivar • Flexible change dates o Maximizing Your Selling Power • Grower and retailer programs including Viva!, Novalis®, Hort Couture, etc. • Extensive rooting station network delivers regionally produced products at lower freight costs • Over 20 breeders worldwide creating breakthrough pot and bedding products with high retail appeal • Ecke Design Center develops product presentations that maximize value of plants at retail o Fully Integrated Offshore Production • Managed by Guatemala team of more than 700 employees • Real-time computer, inventory and production management systems maintain product integrity • Advanced electronic tracking system enhances quality control • Award Winning – recognized as a leader in productivity, efficiency and best practices o Dedicated Domestic Managers • Maintain Ecke’s quality assurance and clean stock systems • Oversee customer service, freight and logistics management • Provide in-the-field support by region with key account sales managers PGS 12 & 13 VERY EARLY SEASON ADVENTTM RED DULCE ROSA AutumnTM RED FREEDOMTM EARLY PINK FREEDOMTM EARLY MARBLE 6 Weeks — Dark Green Leaves (PER2804) USPP 19,295 6 Weeks — Dark Green Leaves (Eckcory) USPP 15,849 7.5 Weeks — Dark Green Leaves (PER1902) USPP 16,952 7.5 Weeks — Dark Green Leaves (PER6904) USPP 20,404 7.5 Weeks — Dark Green Leaves (PER705) PPAF EARLY JOY PINK EARLY JOY RED JESTERTM WHITE JESTERTM RED JESTERTM JINGLE 7.5 Weeks — Dark Green Leaves USPP 13,776 7.5 Weeks — Dark Green Leaves USPP 13,391 7.5-8 Weeks — Dark Green Leaves (PER2204) USPP 18,202 7.5-8 Weeks — Dark Green Leaves (Eckalverta) USPP 13,297 7.5-8 Weeks — Dark Green Leaves (Eckadria) USPP 12,725 = COLD GROW FREEDOMTM EARLY RED 7.5 Weeks — Dark Green Leaves (PER11403) USPP 18,363 JESTERTM MARBLE JESTERTM PINK 7.5-8 Weeks — Dark Green Leaves (PER10101) USPP 16,776 7.5-8 Weeks — Dark Green Leaves (Eckakmal) USPP 13,827 FREEDOMTM EARLY WHITE 7.5 Weeks — Dark Green Leaves (PER10606) USPP 20,351 ECKE: 2010 poinsettia www.ecke.com EARLY SEASON PRESTIGETM EARLY RED FREEDOMTM RED FREEDOMTM WHITE FREEDOMTM PINK FREEDOMTM MARBLE 8 Weeks — Dark Green Leaves (Eckanezka) USPP 19,192 8 Weeks — Dark Green Leaves (490) USPP 7,825 8 Weeks — Dark Green Leaves (490 White) USPP 8,772 8 Weeks — Dark Green Leaves (490 Pink) USPP 8,817 8 Weeks — Dark Green Leaves (490 Marble) USPP 8,833 PEPPERMINT TWISTTM EGGNOG FREEDOMTM BRIGHT RED FREEDOMTM SALMON FREEDOMTM FIREWORKS 8-8.5 Weeks — Dark Green Leaves (PER1124) USPP 19,282 8-8.5 Weeks — Dark Green Leaves (PER1125) PPAF 8-8.5 Weeks — Dark Green Leaves (Bright Red Freedom) USPP 10,572 8-8.5 Weeks — Dark Green Leaves (Eckadrian) USPP 12,779 8-8.5 Weeks — Dark Green Leaves (Eckaladdin) USPP 13,312 RED ANGEL 8 Weeks — Dark Green Leaves USPP 12,719 SHIMMERTM PINK 8-8.5 Weeks — Dark Green Leaves (PER6401) USPP 16,237 = COLD GROW PGS 14 & 15 STRAWBERRIES N’ CREAMTM 8-8.5 Weeks — Dark Green Leaves (Eckaloha) USPP 13,341 FREEDOMTM JINGLE BELLS FREEDOMTM PEPPERMINT WINTER ROSETM EARLY RED WINTER ROSETM EARLY MARBLE WINTER ROSETM EARLY PINK 8 Weeks — Dark Green Leaves (490 Jingle Bells) USPP 8,771 8 Weeks — Dark Green Leaves (PER16806) PPAF 8 Weeks — Dark Green Leaves (PER1072) USPP 15,883 8 Weeks — Dark Green Leaves (PER2004) USPP 18,232 8 Weeks — Dark Green Leaves (PER1904) USPP 18,204 ENDURINGTM RED ENDURINGTM WHITE ENDURINGTM PINK ENDURINGTM MARBLE SHIMMERTM SURPRISE! 8-8.5 Weeks — Medium Green Leaves (Eckabud) USPP 11,870 8-8.5 Weeks — Medium Green Leaves (PER101) USPP 17,884 8-8.5 Weeks — Medium Green Leaves (Eckalbert) 8-8.5 Weeks — Medium Green Leaves (PER10603) USPP 18,199 8-8.5 Weeks — Dark Green Leaves (PER5499) USPP 15,917 POLAR BEAR 8 Weeks — Dark Green Leaves (OGLPNT14001) PPAF ICE PUNCH 8 Weeks — Dark Green Leaves USPP 19,504 ECKE: 2010 poinsettia www.ecke.com MID SEASON RED VELVETEENTM GALA WHITE GALA RED INDEPENDENCETM RED PETERSTAR RED 8.5 Weeks — Dark Green Leaves (Eckalveen) USPP 13,335 8.5 Weeks — Dark Green Leaves USPP 17,979 8.5 Weeks — Dark Green Leaves USPP 14,994 8.5 Weeks — Dark Green Leaves (PER1056) USPP 16,881 8.5 Weeks — Medium Green Leaves USPP 8,259 W NE SNOWCAP MARENTM PRESTIGETM RED PRESTIGETM MAROON TapestryTM 8.5 Weeks — Medium Green Leaves USPP 11,100 8.5 Weeks — Medium Green Leaves (Beckmanns Alt-Rosa) USPP 9,336 8.5 Weeks — Dark Green Leaves (Eckadire) USPP 12,846 8.5-9 Weeks — Dark Green Leaves (PER4703) USPP 18,200 8.5-9 Weeks — Variegated Leaves (PER14606) PPAF = COLD GROW ‘‘ One of the strengths of our breeding program is regional selection, so we introduce plants that are right for each market. Ecke is the first breeder to set a high standard for regional selection. CLASSICTM RED 8.5-9 Weeks — Dark Green Leaves (PER1090) USPP 18,203 ’’ —Paul Ecke III VISIONS OF GRANDEURTM 8.5-9 Weeks — Medium Green Leaves (PER975) USPP 16,882 PGS 16 & 17 PETERSTAR WHITE PETERSTAR MARBLE PETERSTAR PINK MARBLESTAR SALMONSTAR 8.5 Weeks — Medium Green Leaves USPP 9,878 8.5 Weeks — Medium Green Leaves USPP 9,877 8.5 Weeks — Medium Green Leaves USPP 9,879 8.5 Weeks — Medium Green Leaves USPP 9,685 8.5 Weeks — Medium Green Leaves USPP 10,765 MAX RED CLASSICTM WHITE CLASSICTM PINK CLASSICTM MARBLE 8.5-9 Weeks — Dark Green Leaves (Eckadin) USPP 12,849 8.5-9 Weeks — Dark Green Leaves (PER5506) USPP 20,354 8-8.5 Weeks — Dark Green Leaves (PER6406) USPP 20,388 8-8.5 Weeks — Dark Green Leaves (PER306) USPP 20,398 WINTER BLUSHTM 8.5 Weeks — Dark Green Leaves (PER11406) USPP 20,397 POLLY’S PINK TM 8.5-9 Weeks — Dark Green Leaves (PER1120) USPP 19,281 ECKE: 2010 poinsettia www.ecke.com LATE SEASON NUTCRACKER RED NUTCRACKER WHITE NUTCRACKER PINK CHIANTITM 9 Weeks — Medium Green Leaves (H-327) USPP 9,177 9 Weeks — Medium Green Leaves USPP 9,570 9 Weeks — Medium Green Leaves USPP 9,565 9 Weeks — Dark Green Leaves (Eckalcott) USPP 13,828 MONET TWILIGHTTM WINTER ROSETM DARK RED WINTER ROSETM WHITE JINGLE BELLS 3 9 Weeks — Medium Green Leaves (3-91) USPP 9,602 9.5 Weeks — Dark Green Leaves (Windark) USPP 12,546 9.5 Weeks — Dark Green Leaves (Wincrea) USPP 15,836 9.5 Weeks — Dark Green Leaves (127) USPP 7,308 SOLSTICE™ RED 9-9.5 Weeks Dark Green Leaves (PER1232) PPAF PGS 18 & 19 W NE DELETIONS Time and time again, we at Ecke review our poinsettia collection and select cultivars to suit the changing needs of our growers. Use this chart to find a suitable replacement cultivar for ones that have been discontinued. 2010 discontinueD Varieties 1st choice 2nd choice Festival Red Freedom™ Red OR Freedom™ Early Red Enduring™ Red Festival White Freedom™ White OR Freedom™ Early White Enduring™ White Festival Pink Freedom Pink OR Freedom Early Pink Enduring™ Pink Festival Rose Polly's Pink™ Winter Blush™ Holly Point ™ ™ Tapestry ™ No Substitute ™ 2011 discontinueD Varieties 1st choice 2nd choice Jingle Bells 3 NEW INTRO IN 2011 Shimmer™ Surprise! Jester Jingle Jester Red Freedom™ Jingle Bells Jester Marble Jester White Freedom™ Marble Jester™ Pink Jester™ White Freedom™ Pink Freedom Salmon Salmonstar Maren™ Nutcracker Red Classic™ Red Peterstar Red Nutcracker White Classic™ White Peterstar White Nutcracker Pink Classic Pink Peterstar Pink ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ Combination planters designed with poinsettias are a great way to create market interest and enhance profitability! Materials: 1 Use decorative pots or ceramic containers large enough to hold a minimum of 4-5 blooming plants grown in 3-4" pots. 2 Transplant high contrasting colors to create a mixture that is attractive and unique. Our example pairs: Tapestry with Polar Bear to highlight the foliage and bract colors. 3 Add other components, such as the white flower Euphorbia shown here, or foliage such as Hedera (Ivy) to bring interesting texture and form to the container. Other ideas include using complementary colors: shades of pinks, marbles, and whites together OR Ice Punch together with whites and reds. Accessories can be added to the combination to add value: decorative organza, paper, ribbon or ornaments, etc. ECKE: 2010 poinsettia www.ecke.com With Ecke, it’s all about choices! Poinsettia cutting product forms, use and sizing W e know poinsettias are not a ‘one size fits all’ market or crop, so as your cutting supplier why would we expect customers to accept a choice of only one? The answer is, we don’t! Based on what growers have told us, we have designed our cutting products to satisfy the requirements of many businesses. Unrooted Cuttings In our line of unrooted cuttings (URCs), we provide three different sizes. • Ecke Standard (ES) is our most popular cutting. These URCs are 2" in length with three mature leaves and a stem diameter of 4 mm. If no cutting specification is provided at time of order, this is the cutting shipped. • Ecke Euro (Euro 1.5) is our most versatile cutting ideal for direct stick 4" pots and high density rooting. The Ecke Euro is just as mature as standard cuttings (ES), but has been developed specially for smaller leaves and shorter stems (1.5") to better utilize space PGS 20 & 21 1 2 in propagation. They also have two mature leaves to minimize crowding in propagation. The Ecke Euro size is quickly becoming the cutting of choice because of how well they work in rooting and finished production. Some growers start production one week earlier to provide extra time between transplant and pinch, building a larger finished plant. For those choosing to propagate in a substrates and transplant, the Euro cutting is a great performing form. • Ecke Direct Stick (DS 3.0) is our largest poinsettia cutting: 3" in stem length and 5 mm diameter with three mature leaves. Growers opting for this cutting direct-stick in pot sizes of 5" or larger. Callused Cuttings Higher pack counts per box mean lower freight costs. For producers who do not have extensive mist house facilities, callused cuttings allow them to take advantage of this benefit. Cuttings are 3-4" in length and already have 14+ days in propagation to develop callus. 3 4 All callused cuttings are produced in Guatemala and shipped to growers to complete the rooting process. Rooted Cuttings We use an Oasis rooting media developed exclusively for Ecke Ranch for rooted cuttings that are 3-4" in height and ready to transplant. Product is shipped from our regional rooting stations (CA, FL, GA, PA, TX and CAN) to ensure freshness and to manage freight costs. These cuttings make it easy for the grower to transplant and go each and every season! Prefinished For growers who want to take that summer vacation or who have other crops occupying greenhouse space in August before they can get started with poinsettias, prefinished pots are an ideal way to get a quick start into production. Prefinished pots are available in some of our most popular varieties and a range of pot sizes from 4.5" up to 10". Plants are delivered weeks 39 & 40 for orders placed by April 1. This is an ideal option for busy growers. 5 6 CUTTING OPTIONS AND FORMS UNROOTED CUTTINGS STEM LENGTH NUMBER OF LEAVES STEM DIAMETER 2" 3 mature leaves 4 mm 1.5" 2 mature leaves 3 mm 3" 3 mature leaves 5 mm Ecke Standard (ES)* Our most versatile unrooted cutting Ecke Euro (Euro 1.5) Unrooted cuttings used for direct stick 4" product and higher density production Ecke Direct Stick (DS 3.0) Unrooted cutting used for direct stick *Ecke Standard (ES) unrooted is the default when no specification is made at the time the order is placed. Callused/Rooted cuttings Deadline for ordering unrooted cuttings with 1.5" or 3" specification is Friday, February 5, 2010. Orders received after this date with this specification will be filled based on availability. When requested sizes are not available, we will substitute with the Ecke Standard 2" cuttings. Not all cultivars are sold in our Euro or Direct Stick sizes. Please refer to the official order form for details. SIZE Callused Cuttings 3-4" Length FEATURES/BENEFITS • Guatemalan produced • Improved shipping • Faster rooting in direct stick containers • Reduces grower risk Rooted Cuttings 3-4" Height • Regional delivery from CA, FL, GA, PA, TX and CAN to ensure freshness • Uniformly rooted • Competitive freight rates • Quality-assured production Prefinished Poinsettias - Weeks 39 & 40, 2010 Size availability 6.5" 7" 8" 10" x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Monet Twilight™ x x x x x x Polly’s Pink™ x x x x x x Prestige Early Red x x x x x Prestige Red x x x x x x x x x x x Classic™ 4.5" 6" Red / White / Pink / Marble Enduring ™ Red / White / Pink x Enduring Marble ™ Freedom ™ Red / White / Pink / Peppermint / Jingle Bells ™ ™ Shimmer™ Suprise! Snowcap Winter Rose™ Early Red / Pink / Marble Ice Punch x x x • No need to source pots, soil and other supplies • Place orders by April 1 • Reduce energy and labor costs • September delivery • Reduce over-count or plant losses x x ECKE: 2010 poinsettia www.ecke.com Product offering and FORMs VARIETY SERIES Advent™ Red Dulce Rosa RESPONSE/SEASON FOLIAGE Bract Color(s) HEIGHT energy efficient space efficient 6 Weeks / Early Dark Red Tall Yes Yes 6 Weeks / Early Dark Pink Medium Yes Yes Freedom™ Early 7.5 Weeks / Early Dark Red / White / Pink / Marble Medium Yes No Autumn Red 7.5 Weeks / Early Dark Red Medium Yes No Early Joy™ 7.5 Weeks / Early Dark Red / Pink Medium Yes No 7.5-8 Weeks / Early Dark Red / White / Pink / Marble / Jingle Compact Yes Yes ™ Jester™ Winter Rose™ Early 8 Weeks / Early Dark Red / Pink / Marble Compact No Yes ICE PUNCH 8 Weeks / Early Dark Green Red w/ White Center Medium Yes Yes Prestige Early Red 8 Weeks / Early Dark Red Medium Yes Yes POLAR BEAR 8 Weeks / Early Dark Green White Medium TBD No Freedom™ 8 Weeks / Early Dark Red / White / Pink / Marble / Jingle Bells / Peppermint Medium Yes No Red Angel 8 Weeks / Early Dark Red Compact Yes Yes Freedom™ 8-8.5 Weeks / Early Dark Bright Red / Salmon / Fireworks Medium Yes Yes Enduring 8-8.5 Weeks / Early Medium Red / White / Pink / Marble Compact Yes No peppermint twist™ 8-8.5 Weeks / Early Dark Peppermint Compact No Yes eggnog 8-8.5 Weeks / Early Dark Cream Compact No Yes Shimmer™ 8-8.5 Weeks / Early Dark Red w/ White / Pink w/ White Medium No No Strawberries N’ Cream™ 8-8.5 Weeks / Early Dark Pink w/ White Compact No Yes ™ ™ Red Velveteen™ 8.5 Weeks / Mid Dark Red Medium Yes No WINTER BLUSH™ 8.5 Weeks / Mid Dark Marble Tall No No Gala™ 8.5 Weeks / Mid Dark Red / White Medium Yes No Independence™ Red 8.5 Weeks / Mid Dark Red Tall No Yes Peterstar 8.5 Weeks / Mid Medium Red / White / Pink / Marble Medium No No Maren™ 8.5 Weeks / Mid Medium Pink Medium No No Marblestar 8.5 Weeks / Mid Medium Marble Medium No No Salmonstar 8.5 Weeks / Mid Medium Salmon Pink Medium No No Snowcap 8.5 Weeks / Mid Medium White Tall No No Prestige™ 8.5 Weeks / Mid Dark Red Medium No Yes 8.5-9 Weeks / Mid Dark Dark Red Medium No No 8.5 Weeks / Mid Variegated Red Medium No No Max Red 8.5-9 Weeks / Mid Dark Red Compact No No Polly’s Pink™ 8.5-9 Weeks / Mid Dark Hot Pink Tall No No Visions of Grandeur™ 8.5-9 Weeks / Mid Medium Soft Peachy Pink Tall No No Classic Prestige™ Maroon Tapestry™ 8.5-9 Weeks / Mid Dark Red / White / Pink / Marble Tall No No Orange Spice™ 9 Weeks / Late Dark Orange Compact No Yes Nutcracker 9 Weeks / Late Medium Red / White / Pink Tall No No Chianti™ 9 Weeks / Late Dark Red Compact No Yes ™ Monet Twilight™ 9 Weeks / Late Medium Cream w/ Red Flecks Tall No No Red Velvet™ 9-9.5 Weeks / Late Dark Red Tall No No Solstice™ Red 9-9.5 Weeks / Late Dark Red Medium No No Winter Rose™ 9.5 Weeks / Late Dark Dark Red / White Compact No Yes Jingle Bells 3 9.5 Weeks / Late Medium Red w/ Pink Tall No No PGS 22 & 23 2.5” mini 2.5-3” mini pinched x x x x x 4” pixie pinched 5-5.5” 6-6.5” pinched 8” multi pinched 10” multi x x x x x x x x x x x x Mini Tree Tree HANGING BASKET x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x X x x x x x x x x x X X X X X X X x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x X x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x X X X X X X X X x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x X x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x X x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x ECKE: 2010 poinsettia www.ecke.com Online, On Media : Ecke brings information to you ™ K nowledge is the key to success! At Ecke Ranch, we have always been proponents of ongoing learning. When growers stay informed, they can take advantage of advancements in growing protocols developed through research projects and practical demonstrations of our poinsettias. Attending trade shows and seminars has been one of the most common ways growers meet and gather information, but cost and time required for travel are frequently limiting factors. So how do you stay on top of the latest information and remain competitive in an evolving market? Ecke Webinars! So how do you stay on top of the latest information and remain competitive in an evolving market? Ecke has your solution! Webinars are the newest evolution of online presentations that can be viewed at the convenience of your own computer. Participants sit in their offices, homes, or anywhere they need to be, provided there is an internet connection. Ecke Ranch has been hosting Webinars for over a year now on various topics. We have hosted multiple poinsettia Webinars as well as programs on Regal Geraniums, SunPatiens®, New Guinea Impatiens and our Ultra Solutions programs for producers of our spring annuals. Speakers include our own technical staff as well as university researchers such as Dr. James Faust of Clemson University. The Webinar format allows the growers to interact with the presenters, so you get answers to all your pressing questions. One of the best features of these Webinars, beyond the great information shared, is there’s no fee to participate or travel required! We record Ecke-hosted Webinars, so if you miss a session as it is presented or if you want to review the information again, you can view the recorded version at www.Ecke.com at On Media™. On Media is Ecke’s own library of streaming videos that offer you the latest technical information from the professionals at Ecke Ranch. Webinars and On Media are two more examples of the technical support programs Ecke offers you. We know our industry is more competitive than ever before and everything that helps growers reduce risk and be more successful could make the difference. Your lives are busy enough. It’s our mission to provide you all the information and technical support in the most convenient format possible, so you can stay competitive in a changing market. PGS 24 & 25 TM Stay on track with Ecke Web-based product support programs Industry’s first freight and logistics web tracking system Integrates all aspects of orders and freight/logistics Track shipments, view order history, download packing lists, send e-mail delivery confirmation and more Live, real-time status Ecke Tech Help Bulletin Board Largest online grower support community in the industry Fast, accurate information 1,000 registered users Contributors include Ecke experts, respected industry leaders, university professionals and growers Accurate and timely, no matter what shipping method is used Live web inventory status and search feature Search for specific company, sales group or product forms availability for any given week Filter search by category for focused results Quick page scrolling and automatic page refreshing for speedy results Easily export information to spreadsheet PAUL ECKE RANCH P.O. Box 230488, Encinitas, CA 92023-0488 www.ecke.com Free height-tracking program helps Ecke customers meet sales windows Easy to use Store charts for year-to-year comparisons Download data for off-line use Online interaction with Ecke support staff for fast, dynamic service INTEGRITY INNOVATION GROWER SOLUTIONS TM WHEREVER YOU GROW Paul Ecke Ranch P.O. Box 230488, Encinitas, CA 92023-0488 www.ecke.com