A CURA DEL DOTT. GUARDO S. RAUL ONLUS (D.Lgs. 460/97) 1 BRITTLE BONES (osteoporosis) Dr. Raul Guardo Salinas Anatomy and Physiology Bones are sturdy structures, whose shape, thickness, and size vary according to their function. The skeletal system consists majorly of the bones which provide structural stability to the body. Bones and body The human body has approximately 212 bones, distributed as follows: lower limbs: 60 bones; upper limbs: 60 bones; spine: 33 bones; ribs: 24 bones; skull: 22 bones; ear : 6 bones; girdle: 4 bones; sternum: 3 bones; pelvis: 2 bones connected to the vertebral column; thyroid bone: 1 bone (this one is found at the root of the tongue, and is the only bone of the human body that is not connected with any other bone.) This list excludes the sesamoid bones (near certain joints. They contribute to the thickness of tendons, ligaments, or joint capsules, particularly in those of the hands and feet.) and wormian as they may vary in number in every individual or be absent altogether. Sesamoids improve Via Tosco Romagnola, 15 – 56012 FORNACETTE (PI) – Tel. 0587/423101 – Fax 0587/423133 Cod. Fisc., Part. IVA e Registro Imprese 01289270504 – Albo Cooperative A115410 e-mail: segreteria@agapesociale.it sito web: www.agapesociale.it ONLUS (D.Lgs. 460/97) 2 muscle efficiency while the wormian are extra bone pieces that occur within a suture of the cranium. The number of bones varies according to the age of the individual, Wormian bones are found most frequently in children at birth as the cartilagineous segments ossify and coalesce as the child grows. This is a very important phase; the spaces separating the membranous bones of the skull in infants, in fact, are flexible which avoids the child receiving excessive pressure from to the brain during childbirth or further development. In adults, this type of cartilage (called hyaline) is maintained only where ia high degree of flexibility is required, as in the case of the nose, around the articular surfaces and the front ribs (which needs to be flexible in order to allow the ribcage movement during breathing). Small changes in the number of bones of the body are also found in individuals of the same age. Together with cartilage, bones form the skeleton, which alone accounts for less than 20% of body weight (a percentage lower than that of the muscles, which in their totality cover 35 to 40% of body mass). The bones have four important characteristics: lightness, strength, hardness and elasticity. The skeleton Appendicular: is composed of 126 bones in the human body. The word appendicular is the adjective of the noun appendage, which itself means a part that is joined to something larger. Functionally it is involved in locomotion (Lower limbs) of the axial skeleton and manipulation of objects in the environment (Upper limbs). It is divided into 6 major regions: Pectoral girdles, arm and forearm, hands, pelvis, thigh and leg, and feet. The primary function of the skeleton is to support the structure of an organism. Functions of Bones and Skeleton Support The skeleton is the framework of the body, it supports the softer tissues and provides points of attachment for most skeletal muscles. Protection The skeleton provides mechanical protection for many of the body's internal organs, reducing risk of injury to them. For example, cranial bones protect the brain, vertebrae protect the spinal cord, and the ribcage protects the heart and lungs. Assisting in Movement Skeletal muscles are attached to bones, therefore when the associated muscles contract they cause bones to move. Storage of Minerals Bone tissues store several minerals, including calcium (Ca) and phosphorus (P). When required, bone releases minerals into the blood - facilitating the balance of minerals in the body. Production of Blood Cells The red bone marrow inside some larger bones (including, for example, the ....) blood cells are produced. Storage of Chemical Energy With increasing age some bone marrow changes from 'red bone marrow' to 'yellow bone marrow'. Yellow bone marrow consists mainly of adipose cells, and a few blood cells. It is an important chemical energy reserve. Via Tosco Romagnola, 15 – 56012 FORNACETTE (PI) – Tel. 0587/423101 – Fax 0587/423133 Cod. Fisc., Part. IVA e Registro Imprese 01289270504 – Albo Cooperative A115410 e-mail: segreteria@agapesociale.it sito web: www.agapesociale.it ONLUS (D.Lgs. 460/97) 3 What is osteoporosis Osteoporosis is a bone disease characterized by lower calcium content and a deterioration of the microscopic structure of bone; these factors determine an increase in fragility and the possibility of fractures. Osteoporosis is not an acute illness, does not occur overnight, especially not become osteoporotic month after having missed a period! Why is it important to prevent Is important to prevent the osteoporosis, because it is a factor of risk for the fractures: the fractures of usual wrist are taken place in more juvenile age, that is between the 60-65 years, in relation to the various modalities of fall of the young person regarding the old, which can more easily suffer a fracture of the femur (85% after 75 years). The fractures of the vertebral column instead can be postmenopausal or senile, be taken place that is before or after the 75 years. Often they are asymptomatic: we can momentarily not notice any, but in the long run they carry to an unavoidable deformation of the back which bends progressively. This can provoke respiratory difficulties, that they are added to those already physiologically present in the old. How you can prevent osteoporosis Osteoporosis is a disease that can be prevented before starting, because the bone is influenced by several factors physical activity nutritional factors Inheritance hormonal factors smoke On some of these, such as inheritance, you cannot influence, but on others we can do much. In a study conducted in Norway on women aged > 70 years the risk of hip fracture was statistically correlated with reduced food intake and reduction of body weight in the previous Via Tosco Romagnola, 15 – 56012 FORNACETTE (PI) – Tel. 0587/423101 – Fax 0587/423133 Cod. Fisc., Part. IVA e Registro Imprese 01289270504 – Albo Cooperative A115410 e-mail: segreteria@agapesociale.it sito web: www.agapesociale.it ONLUS (D.Lgs. 460/97) 4 year. Moreover, the deficiency of vitamins and micronutrients (vitamin D, vitamin K) are associated with accelerated bone loss age-dependent, increasing bone fragility and tendency to fall (instability). Decalogue osteoporosis 1. EATING AT LEAST 1,000 MG OF CALCIUM DAILY These foods contain 500 mg of calcium: 500 ml of milk; 125 g di mozzarella di bufala o vacca; 100 g di stracchino 400 g yogurt; 50 g pecorino; 5 whole oranges (1 kg); 600 g spinach; 200 g of almonds; It is advisable to divide the intake to improve calcium absorption and reduce its loss It is better not to consume soft drinks containing caffeine because they cause a high urinary calcium excretion Water contains calcium. By drinking 2 liters of mineral water per day, you intake over 600 milligrams of calcium. Acqua del rubinetto Brescia 82 mg/L; acque oligominerali (Levissima, Panna, Vera, Rocchetta...) da 20 a 60 mg/L; acque minerali: Uliveto 190 mg/L; Sangemini 328 mg /L; Ferrarelle 360 mg /L. Via Tosco Romagnola, 15 – 56012 FORNACETTE (PI) – Tel. 0587/423101 – Fax 0587/423133 Cod. Fisc., Part. IVA e Registro Imprese 01289270504 – Albo Cooperative A115410 e-mail: segreteria@agapesociale.it sito web: www.agapesociale.it ONLUS (D.Lgs. 460/97) 5 2. DOING MORE PHYSICAL ACTIVITY Physical activity improves intake of calcium and increases bone mass, ie the maximum bone mass is reached at 25. Vitamin D from the sun is also essential for bones. The physical activities most recommended are: walking; running; aerobics; sports; dancing outdoors. 3. SMOKING REDUCES THE ABSORPTION OF CALCIUM AND ANTICIPATES THE AGE OF MENOPAUSE 4. MENSTRUATION SHOULD BE REGULAR The prolonged lack of estrogen causes an increased absorption of calcium in the bones, which are depleting and may become more fragile. You must avoid situations that cause a prolonged Via Tosco Romagnola, 15 – 56012 FORNACETTE (PI) – Tel. 0587/423101 – Fax 0587/423133 Cod. Fisc., Part. IVA e Registro Imprese 01289270504 – Albo Cooperative A115410 e-mail: segreteria@agapesociale.it sito web: www.agapesociale.it ONLUS (D.Lgs. 460/97) 6 loss of the menstrual cycle at any age (for example, strict diets, excessive sports, drugs that interfere with hormonal activities), and cure them if they occur. 5. NOT ALL WOMEN IN MENOPAUSE BECOME OSTEOPOROTIC It is important to maintain an ideal calcium intake from when we are young to maintain strong bones even when we are older. 6. THE MISCONCEPTION OF BEAUTY Anorexia is a strong risk factor for osteoporosis. This does not mean becoming overweight but the damage of being excessively skinny majorly increases the probability of bone fracture, among other things. 7. MAMMA FRATTURATA? AHI AHI AHI Via Tosco Romagnola, 15 – 56012 FORNACETTE (PI) – Tel. 0587/423101 – Fax 0587/423133 Cod. Fisc., Part. IVA e Registro Imprese 01289270504 – Albo Cooperative A115410 e-mail: segreteria@agapesociale.it sito web: www.agapesociale.it ONLUS (D.Lgs. 460/97) 7 If there were signs of osteoporosis between family members (mother or sisters), especially in the years just after menopause, or if we already had a fracture, we are more likely to suffer them again even from minor trauma. In this case, the best prevention is to avoid falling altogether. 8. ESEGUIRE LA DENSITOMETRIA OSSEA NON PREVIENE L’OSTEOPOROSI La densitometria ossea è un esame che valuta la densità minerale delle ossa. Non è obbligatorio eseguirlo non appena si è in menopausa, ma è utile solo in certe circostanze che già vi inquadrano in una situazione di rischio (per esempio la magrezza o una precedente frattura). Invece è consigliabile farla dopo i 65 anni, età già di per sè pericolosa per le fratture. 9. OTHER USEFUL TYPES OF OSTEOPOROSIS THERAPY The choice whether to initiate therapy for osteoporosis is dependent on many factors that your doctor will carefully consider as they extend over a lengthy period of time. Via Tosco Romagnola, 15 – 56012 FORNACETTE (PI) – Tel. 0587/423101 – Fax 0587/423133 Cod. Fisc., Part. IVA e Registro Imprese 01289270504 – Albo Cooperative A115410 e-mail: segreteria@agapesociale.it sito web: www.agapesociale.it Presidio Distrettuale PONTEDERA ATTIVITA’ TERRITORIALI Rilascio/rinnovo esenzione ticket per patologia Attività medico Patente A, B, C, D, E , Nautica – Porto d’armi Distrettuali Idoneità psico-fisica all’impiego Ecc…. Medicazioni ambulatoriali Misurazione pressione Attività Prelievi ematici Infermieristiche Ecc…. Tel.0587/273737 Dal lunedì al venerdì 7.15-15.00 Attività Sabato Amministrative 7.15-12.00 Tel. 0587/273757-273777 Segretariato sociale: Martedì e Venerdì Attività sociali 10.00-13.00 Telefono 0587/273765 -768 - 769 Si eseguono le seguenti attività specialistiche: - Cardiologia - Odontoiatria - Dermatologia - Ginecologia Attività - Screening Mammografico specialistiche - Servizio Consultoriale - Oculistica - Ortopedia - Visite allergologiche - Visite psichiatriche - Attività consultoriali - Visita ginecologica Consulenza psicologica Attività IVG Attività di mediazione familiare Ecc….. Telefono 0587/273710 Presidio Distrettuale BIENTINA ATTIVITA’ TERRITORIALI Attività medico Distrettuali - Attività Infermieristiche Rilascio/rinnovo esenzione ticket per patologia Patente A, B, C, D, E , Nautica – Porto d’armi Idoneità psico-fisica all’impiego Ecc… Medicazioni ambulatoriali Misurazione pressione ambulatoriale Ecc… Prelievi ematici nelle seguenti sedi: Bientina Buti C/o Misericordia Calcinaia c/o Proassistenza Fornacette c/o pubblica assistenza Tel. 0587/273903 Dal lunedì al venerdì 7.15-15.00 Giovedì 8.30-10.00 Sabato 7.15-12.00 Tel. 0587/273916 Attività Amministrative Attività sociali Segretariato sociale Bientina - mercoledì 10.00-12.00 Buti - mercoledì 10.00 – 12.30 Calcinaia - martedì 10.00-12.00 S.Maria a Monte - martedì 8.30-11.30 - mercoledì 10.00-12.00 - giovedì 15.00-16.00 Tel.0587/273911-273912 Si eseguono le seguenti attività specialistiche: Attività specialistiche - Cardiologia Odontoiatria Diabetologia Ginecologia Vaccinazioni - Presidio Distrettuale Attività consultoriali Attività medico Distrettuali Attività Infermieristiche Attività Amministrative Attività sociali Visita ginecologica Consulenza psicologica PONSACCO Ambulatorio ostretico – ginecologico Pap - test Tel 0587-273907 ATTIVITA’ TERRITORIALI Rilascio/rinnovo esenzione ticket per patologia Autorizzazione trasporti Vaccinazioni adulti Ecc… Medicazioni ambulatoriali Consegna referti Ecc… Prelievi ematici nelle seguenti sedi: Ponsacco Crespina Chianni Lari Casciana Terme Cenaia Tel. 0587/273802 Dal lunedì al venerdì 7.15-11.30 Martedì e Giovedì 14.30 17.00 Sabato 8.30-11.30 Tel. 0587/273804-806 Segretariato sociale: Ponsacco - Martedì 14.30 - 17.30 - Mercoledì 10.00 – 12.00 Crespina - Venerdì10.00 – 12.00 Chianni e Casciana Terme - - Lunedì 10.00-12.30 Mercoledì 10.00 – 12.00 Lari Lunedì 10.00 – 12. 00 Tel.0587/273817-819 Si eseguono le seguenti attività specialistiche: - Cardiologia - Oculistica - Dermatologia - Pediatria Vaccinazioni - Vaccinazioni - Visita ginecologica - Consulenza psicologica - Ambulatorio ostretico - ginecologico - Pap- test - Attività specialistiche Attività consultoriali C/o Pubblica assistenza di Ponsacco, Tel 0587 735177 Presidio Distrettuale LA ROSA TERRICCIOLA ATTIVITA’ TERRITORIALI Attività medico Distrettuali Attività Infermieristiche Attività Amministrative Attività sociali Attività specialistiche Attività consultoriali Rilascio/rinnovo esenzione ticket per patologia Autorizzazione trasporti sanitari Vaccinazioni adulti Ecc… Consegna referti Attività infermieristiche ambulatoriali Ecc… Prelievi ematici nelle seguenti sedi: La Rosa Peccioli Capannoli Forcoli Lajatico Palaia Terricciola Tel. 0587/273853 Dal lunedì al venerdì 9.00 – 12.30 Lunedì e Venerdì 15.00-18.00 Giovedì 10.00-11.00 Sabato 9.00 – 12.00 Tel. 0587/273875- 865 Segretariato sociale Forcolì Terricciola - Martedì 10.00 – - Lunedì 9.00 – 12. 00 11.00 Peccioli Capannoli - Martedì 10.00 – - Martedì 10.0012.00 12.00 Lajatico La Rosa - Mercoledì 11.00 – - Mercoledì 10.00 – 13.00 12.00 - Venerdì 10.00 – Tel.0587/273860 – 861 - 862 12.00 Si eseguono le seguenti attività specialistiche: - Cardiologia - Oculistica - Dermatologia - Pediatria (vaccinazioni) - Ecografie - Ginecologia - Odontoiatria - Ostetricia - - Visita ginecologica Ambulatorio ostretico - ginecologico Pap- test Tel. 0587-273857