Final Program
Final Program
Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology with the Animal Behavior Society American Microscopical Society The Crustacean Society 2013 SICB Annual Meeting 3-7 January 2013 Hilton San Francisco Union Square San Francisco, CA Final Program Table of Contents Officers/Co-Sponsoring Societies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Meeting Highlights/Social Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 SICB and Divisional Business Meetings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Special Lectures/Special Sessions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Symposia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Workshops and Programs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 General Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Speaker Ready Room. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Business Center. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Coffee Breaks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Committee and Business Meetings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Employment Opportunities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Registration Location/Hours. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Exhibitor Listing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Scientific Program. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Keyword Index. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 Author Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 Floor Plans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159 Future Meeting Dates Austin, Texas, 3-7 January 2014 Palm Beach, Florida, 3-7 January 2015 The Society for Integrative & Comparative Biology 1313 Dolley Madison Blvd. Suite 402 McLean, VA 22101 Phone: 703-790-1745 - 800-955-1236 FAX: 703-790-2672 Email: Web: 1 Welcome to San Francisco Message from the Program Officer Welcome to the largest SICB meeting on record! With 1658 presentations over four full days, you are sure to find more fascinating research than you will have time to see. These presentations are organized into 11 symposia with their complementary poster and oral sessions, plus 148 contributed oral sessions and 672 poster presentations. Check out the schedule grid on the website at pdf for a quick guide to where and when everything occurs. Major lectures: We will start the SICB Conference with our Past-President’s Plenary Lecture by Richard Satterlie. Successive evenings will hold the Bartholomew Lecture (Friday, Jan 4), by Alison Sweeney; the Bern Lecture (Saturday, Jan 5) by Ellen Ketterson; and we will conclude the meeting with the Moore Lecture (Monday, Jan 7 @ 3 PM) by Susan Singer. Symposia: The eleven symposia are truly outstanding this year; good luck picking amongst them! They are listed on page 9 of this book, and are described in detail on the website at: We also have special contributed paper sessions honoring Howard Bern, Bruce Sidell, and Ken Nagy, as well as a special contributed session on Crayfish Biology. Workshops: Eight workshops designed to help you develop new professional skills are described on page 10 of this book, and are described in more detail at Socials: There’s a party every night, as described on page 5. Don’t miss the society-wide welcome reception on Thursday from 8:30-10 PM, and the end-of-meeting party in honor of students and postdocs from 4- 6 PM on Monday. The Broadening Participation committee organizes a special welcome reception, Mentor/Mentee Meeting/Reception from 6:30-7:30 PM on Thursday, and a social on Sunday from 8-10 PM. There are also socials every night for the various divisions. Business meetings: I strongly urge you to attend the divisional and society business meetings, especially if you are a student or postdoc. They are short and informative. It’s a great way to make connections, learn how things operate, improve the meeting, become actively involved, and develop your professional skills. Don’t forget to upload your talk at the Ready Room (California Room) at least half a day before your presentation. If you are going to use your own computer, check the connections out in the room before talks start. Finally, please remember to thank the many people who worked hard to put this meeting together, including the division program officers, the TCS and AMS program reps, the symposium organizers, the SICB Officers, and our great team from Burk & Associates: Lori Strong, Brett Burk, Jill Drupa and Ruedi Birenheide. Let the integrating begin! Jon Harrison SICB Program Officer 2 Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology 2013 Officers Kenneth P. Sebens, President Billie Swalla, President-Elect Richard A. Satterlie, Past President Louis E. Burnett, Secretary Robert D. Roer, Treasurer Karen Martin, Treasurer-Elect Jon Harrison, Program Officer Brian Tsukimura, Past Program Officer Harold F. Heatwole, Editor-in-Chief, Integrative and Comparative Biology Brett J. Burk, Executive Director Co-Sponsoring Societies Animal Behavior Society (ABS) American Microscopical Society (AMS) The Crustacean Society (TCS) The co-sponsoring society presentations are integrated into the program to minimize the potential conflicts of similar presentations being scheduled at the same time. Hilton San Francisco Union Square 333 O’Farrell Street San Francisco, CA 94102 415-771-1400; FAX: 415-771-6807 3 UC PRESS BIOLOGY Edward C. Beedy, Edward R. Pandolfino, and Keith Hansen Birds of the Sierra Nevada Their Natural History, Status, and Distribution Jonathan B. Losos George R. Zug Lizards in an Evolutionary Tree Reptiles and Amphibians of the Pacific Islands Ecology and Adaptive Radiation of Anoles Organisms and Environments, 10 $75.00 cloth, $39.95 paper $95.00 cloth, $49.95 paper Annalisa Berta Roy W. McDiarmid, Mercedes S. Foster, Craig Guyer, J. Whitfield Gibbons, and Neil Chernoff, Editors Return to the Sea The Life and Evolutionary Times of Marine Mammals $44.95 cloth Reptile Biodiversity Richard A. Bradley Standard Methods for Inventory and Monitoring Common Spiders of North America $60.00 cloth Richard Despard Estes The Behavior Guide to African Mammals Including Hoofed Mammals, Carnivores, Primates Drawings by Daniel Otte. Foreword by E.O. Wilson. $95.00 cloth Kevin Padian and Ellen-Thérèse Lamm, Editors Bone Histology of Fossil Tetrapods Advancing Methods, Analysis, and Interpretation MARCH 2013 $39.95 paper Benedikt Hallgrímsson and Brian K. Hall, Editors Competition and the Origins of Diversity Epigenetics Linking Genotype and Phenotype in Development and Evolution $85.00 cloth Alexander Harcourt Human Biogeography $60.00 cloth Evolution’s Wedge Organisms and Environments, 12 $75.00 cloth Stephen T. Ross Ecology of North American Freshwater Fishes JUNE 2013 Plant and Animal Endemism in California $75.00 cloth JUNE 2013 Embryos in Deep Time Michel Laurin How Vertebrates Left the Water $40.00 cloth $70.00 cloth, $34.95 paper Molecular Panbiogeography of the Tropics $75.00 cloth ENCYCLOPEDIAS OF THE NATURAL WORLD Mark W. Denny and Steven D. Gaines, Editors Encyclopedia of Tidepools and Rocky Shores $95.00 cloth Lynne R. Parenti and Malte C. Ebach Comparative Biogeography Discovering and Classifying Biogeographical Patterns of a Dynamic Earth $50.00 cloth John S. Wilkins Rosemary G. Gillespie and David A. Clague, Editors Species Encyclopedia of Islands $50.00 cloth, $29.95 paper A History of the Idea $95.00 cloth Daniel Simberloff and Marcel Rejmánek, Editors Encyclopedia of Biological Invasions $95.00 cloth Alan Hastings and Louis Gross, Editors Encyclopedia of Theoretical Ecology JOURNALS The American Biology Teacher The Auk The Condor BioScience® A Stephen Bechtel Fund Book in Ecology and the Environment $150.00 cloth A Stephen Bechtel Fund Book in Ecology and the Environment Susan P. Harrison $49.95 cloth JUNE 2013 Michael Heads $75.00 cloth David W. Pfennig and Karin S. Pfennig 20TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION A Comprehensive Guide SPECIES AND SYSTEMATICS Marcelo Sánchez The Rock Record of Biological Development $39.95 cloth Save 20% at booth #207 or by using the discount code 13E2474 when ordering at Many of these titles are available as ebooks. Go to for more information. FOR MORE NATURAL SCIENCES TITLES: TO DONATE: Stay connected: twitter @ ucpress eNews at MEETING HIGHLIGHTS/SOCIAL EVENTS Thursday 3 January Student Orientation Welcome and Meeting Orientation - Imperial A, 5:30-6:30 pm “How to get the most out of your SICB Meeting” Broadening Participation Mentor–Mentee Meeting/Reception - Union Square 2, 6:30-7:30pm Plenary Session - Continental Ballroom 1-9, 7:30-8:30 pm The Plenary Address, “Altering Rhythmicity: Slow Dance, Fast Dance, Hither and Yon,” will be given by Richard Satterlie, SICB Past President and the Frank Hawkins Kenan Distinguished Professor of Marine Biology at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington. Welcome to San Francisco Reception - Golden Gate Ballroom, 8:30-10:00 pm The Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology welcomes you to San Francisco with a reception. The Welcome Reception will follow the Plenary lecture. Light snacks will be provided. Friday 4 January Companion Orientation Program/Continental Breakfast - Cityscape, 9:00-10:00 am Poster Session 1 - Grand Ballroom, 3:00-5:00 pm Even # poster authors present from 3:00-4:00 pm, Odd # poster authors present from 4:00-5:00 pm. DAB/DNB Social - Cityscape, 6:00-7:30 pm DCPB Social - Golden Gate Ballroom, 7:30-8:30 pm Saturday 5 January SRC Breakfast - Lori’s Diner, 6:30-8:30 am, Pay on your own at the restaurant Poster Session 2 - Grand Ballroom, 3:00-5:00 pm Even # poster authors present from 3:00-4:00 pm, Odd # poster authors present from 4:00-5:00 pm. DCE Social - Cityscape, 7:30-10:00 pm DCB/DVM/DEDB/DPCB Dessert Social - Golden Gate Ballroom, 7:30-10:00 pm Sunday 6 January AMS Business Meeting/Lunch - Taylor, Noon-1:00 pm “Bring your own lunch” - no prepaid tickets are required. Poster Session 3 - Grand Ballroom, 3:00-5:00 pm Even # poster authors present from 3:00-4:00 pm, Odd # poster authors present from 4:00-5:00 pm. SICB Business Meeting - Continental 5, 5:15-6:15 pm SICB Society Meeting & Awards Presentation (and NSF report from Bill Zamer) DIZ/DEE/AMS/TCS Social - Golden Gate Ballroom, 6:30-8:30 pm DIZ Libby Hyman Auction - Golden Gate Ballroom, 7:00-8:00 pm Broadening Participation Social - Cityscape, 8:00-10:00 pm Monday 7 January Society-Wide Social in Honor of Students and Postdocs - Grand Ballroom, 4:00-6:00pm Join your fellow SICB members for a Society-Wide Social. Cheese and fruit will be served, and a cash bar will be provided. 5 SICB AND DIVISIONAL BUSINESS MEETINGS Friday 4 January DAB Meeting - Continental 1, 5:15-6:00pm DCPB Meeting - Continental 2/3, 5:15-6:15pm DCB Meeting - Continental 7, 5:15-6:15 pm DEDB Meeting - Continental 8, 5:15-6:15pm DEE Meeting - Continental 9, 5:15-6:15pm Saturday 5 January DCE Meeting - Continental 1, 5:15-6:15pm DVM Meeting - Continental 2/3, 5:15-6:15pm DIZ Meeting - Continental 7, 5:15-6:15pm DNB Meeting - Continental 8, 5:15-6:15pm DPCB Meeting - Continental 9, 5:15-6:15pm Sunday 6 January AMS Business Meeting - Taylor, Noon-1:00pm TCS Business Meeting - Continental 1, 6:15-7:15pm SICB Society Business Meeting & Awards Presentation Sunday 6 January 5:15-6:15pm, Continental 5 6 SPECIAL LECTURES George A. Bartholomew Award/Lecture - Friday 4 January, Continental 4-6 - 6:30-7:30 pm This year’s George A. Bartholomew Lecture, “Animal photonics: an integrated, comparative view,” will be presented by Alison Sweeney, from the University of Pennsylvania. Howard Bern Lecture - Saturday 5 January, Continental 4-6 - 6:30-7:30 pm The title of this year’s Howard Bern presentation is, “Synthesizing research on the adaptable snowbird: geographic variation, seasonality, and evolutionary endocrinology,” presented by Ellen D Ketterson from Indiana University. John A. Moore Lecture - Monday 7 January, Continental 4-6 - 3:00-4:00 pm This year’s John A. Moore lecture is given by Susan Rundell Singer, from Carleton College, “Promising practices in undergraduate science and engineering education: why don’t we implement them?” SPECIAL SESSIONS Session 1: Special Session Honoring Ken Nagy - Friday 4 January, Continental 6 - 7:50 am-Noon There will be a special session of contributed papers (Session 1) honoring the contributions of Ken Nagy to the field. Presentations by: Ken Nagy, Dan Costa, Bill Karasov, Stephen Secor, John Speakman, Karen Martin, Ray Huey, Lisa Hazard, R.A. Anderson, John Lighton, and Joe Williams. Related posters will also be presented. Session 55 and Session 69: Bruce Sidell’s Most Excellent Career: Adventures in Thermal Biology and Cold-Bodied Fishes - Saturday 5 January, Session 55 - Plaza A - 10:00 am-Noon; Session 69, same room, 1:00-3:00 pm Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry lost a giant with the passing of Bruce Sidell in February 2011. Sponsored by The Company of Biologists, The Journal of Experimental Biology and the Division of Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry. Session 63: Special Session Honoring Howard Bern - Saturday 5 January, Imperial A - 1:00-3:00 pm Howard A. Bern, Professor (Emeritus) of Integrative Biology and Research Endocrinologist, Cancer Research Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, died January 3, 2012, at the age of 91. Dr. Bern was a prolific conceptual leader in the field of Comparative Endocrinology, and a founder of the field of endocrine disruptors. He was a Member of the National Academy of Sciences, a Fellow of the California Academy of Sciences, and a Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He was an author of approximately 600 scientific papers and co-editor of seven books. He mentored over 70 Ph.D. and Master’s students and over 90 postdocs. In addition he was an enthusiastic teacher of thousands of undergraduates, and he was the winner of a major teaching award at U.C. Berkeley. The Howard Bern Special Session is sponsored by DCE, with presentations by: Stephen McCormick, Mark Sheridan, Dwight Causey, Henry John-Alder, Masaru Nakamura and Kevin Kelley. Session 127: Special Session: Crayfish Biology; a new model organism for the field of biology Monday 7 January, Golden Gate 6/7 - 8:00 am-Noon There will be a special session organized by Tadashi Kawai, Zen Faulkes, and Gerhard Scholtz, and sponsored by Pacific Consultants Co., LTD, Japan, The Crustacean Society, and Japan Crayfish Club. Speakers are to include: Peer Martin, Christoph Chucholl, Antonio Garza de Yta, Francesca Gherardi, Teresa Feria, Zen Faulkes, Keith Crandall. 7 The Royal Society publishes a range of biological journals that are relevant to the fields of integrative and comparative biology. For more information and to pick up free issues of the journals please visit booth number 105 to speak to Royal Society Publishing representative Charlotte Wray. Read more about our journals at SYMPOSIA • S1: When Predators Attack: Sensing and Motion in Predator-Prey Interactions (Friday 4 January) • S2: Ecological Epigenetics (Friday 4 January) • S3: Vertebrate Land Invasions - Past, Present and Future (Saturday 5 January) • S4: Understanding First Order Phenotypes: Transcriptomics for Emerging Models (Saturday 5 January) • S5: Hormone-mediated Sex Ratio Adjustment in Vertebrates (Saturday 5 January) • S6: Coping with Uncertainty: Integrating Physiology, Behavior and Evolutionary Ecology in a Changing World (Sunday 6 January) • S7: Keeping Time during Animal Evolution: Conservation and Innovation of the Circadian Clock (Sunday 6 January) • S8: Assembling the Poriferan Tree of Life (Sunday 6 January) • S9: Physiological Responses to Simultaneous Shifts in Multiple Environmental Stressors: Relevance in a Changing World (Monday 7 January) • S10: Integrating Genomics with Comparative Vision Research of the Invertebrates (Monday 7 January) • S11: Phenotypic Plasticity and the Evolution of Gender (Monday 7 January) The Exhibits will open on Friday 4 January, at 9:30 am Grand Ballroom in the Hilton San Francisco Union Square will be the location for coffee breaks on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday mornings from 9:30-10:30 am, and 3:00-5:00 pm during the poster sessions 9 WORKSHOPS AND PROGRAMS Thursday 3 January Student Orientation Welcome and Meeting Orientation, “How to get the most out of your SICB meeting” Imperial A - 5:30-6:30 pm The Student/Postdoctoral Affairs Committee will be hosting the student orientation meeting where we will have ‘tips’ sheets available for all students! These ‘tips’ sheets are for students attending their first meeting (or any student for that matter) and will contain information about how to get the best out of the meeting. We will be calling this sheet the Notes from the A6bove Ground to correspond with the Notes from the Underground (tips about local flare). Friday 4 January Broadening Participation Workshop, “Effective presentations skills” Continental 2/3 - Noon-1:00 pm The purpose of this workshop is to present students/postdocs/faculty with various strategies for effectively preparing and delivering scientific presentations. The workshop will consist of two parts. During the first half of the workshop, there will be a demonstration of software. Then for the remaining time, professional speakers will talk about tips for healthy preparation habits and handling Q&A. Professional speakers include Manny Azzizi, Patricia Hernandez, and Andrew Clark. Saturday 5 January NSF Workshop: “Developing proposals and the new review process” Continental 1, Noon-1:00 pm Presented by William Zamer, NSF Program Directors will present an overview of the new review process that involves submission of pre-proposals, and will provide some tips about proposal writing aimed at beginning grant writers. A significant amount of time will be set aside for Q & A. Public Affairs Workshop: “Beyond public outreach: citizen science” Continental 5, Noon-1:00 pm Interested in involving the public while doing serious science? Worldwide, scientists are increasingly teaming up with volunteers to tackle tough and complicated questions. These collaborations provide scientists with access to larger datasets and different types of data compared to traditional research methods, while at the same time providing a valuable educational experience to participants. Citizen scientists monitor bird migrations, test for contaminants in watersheds, or even play online games that predict how proteins fold! At the 2013 annual meeting in San Francisco, SICB’s public affairs committee will bring together a panel of experts to describe their work with citizen scientists and answer your questions about the design and funding of effective, meaningful, and rigorous citizen science projects. Participants include: Dr. Rick Bonney, Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology; Dr. Firas Khatib, Foldit; Dr. Christy Semmens, Reef Environmental Education Foundation (REEF); and Dr. Ellen McCallie, National Science Foundation Sunday 6 January Broadening Participation Workshop, “How to negotiate your first job” Continental 1 - Noon-1:00 pm Finding your first faculty position can be difficult, particularly in this economic climate. But once you have applied and received an interview, you can be assured that you are doing very well. If you are offered a faculty position you need to negotiate the best possible deal that will help you achieve success. It is at this point in time that YOU are in a position of strength— they have decided that they want YOU in their department. And they are now willing to make a tremendous investment in your career. In this workshop we will discuss several topics including: salary range, lab space, start-up funds, office space, leave time, teaching requirements, and service assignments. Having done your “homework” about the position ahead of time can help you to negotiate an agreeable contract with the department chair. Your goal is make sure you give yourself all of the resources you need to be successful. Hosted by Gregory Florant and Billie Swalla. Genomics for non-model organisms: custom microarray development and analysis, Continental 9 - 7:00-10:00 pm Genomic-level analyses were once limited to only model-organisms, but due to advances in DNA sequencing technology the number and kinds of molecular analyses that can be applied to non-model organisms has greatly expanded to address questions in evolutionary and ecological genetics, comparative physiology, and developmental biology. This workshop will provide a primer of the technology and analytical methods currently available for scientists working on non-model organisms, and will provide hands-on experience working through microarray analysis using free software, which can now be done on almost any species given the increasing ease in ability of sequencing entire transcriptomes. A practice dataset will be provided. Workshop Leader: Dr. Matthew Settles, Director and Bioinformatician, Institute for Bioinformatics and Evolutionary Studies (IBEST) Genomics Resources Core, University of Idaho. IBEST has collaborated with biologists, biochemists, ecologists, evolutionary biologists, mathematicians, statisticians, and computer scientists to address a broad array of questions spanning evolutionary biology, genetics, and physiology. Matt specializes on genomic-level techniques for non-model organisms. 10 WORKSHOPS AND PROGRAMS Student/Postdoctoral Affairs Workshop on Elevator Talks, Continental 2/3 - 6:30-8:00 pm This year the Student/Postdoc Affairs Committee will host a workshop that aims to teach our young scientists how to effectively communicate their science in the time it takes to ride in an elevator! We all know and appreciate how scientists can be long-winded in their detailed descriptions of their research. We also know how important it is for the public to appreciate what it is that we do as scientists. This workshop will highlight not only the importance of layperson communication of science, but give pointers on how to accomplish it. DPCB Workshop: “Comparative methods in R clinic,” Powell - 7:00-10:00 pm The clinic will provide consultations with a comparative methods doctor to resolve questions or confusions about implementing comparative methods in R. We welcome questions of all levels, from “How do I read my tree into R?” to “How can I write a custom function to fit a specific model of trait evolution?” Patients will be seen on a first-come, first-served basis. Monday 7 January Grand challenges in organismal biology update Continental 1, Noon-1:00 pm Educational Council First Annual Workshop: “Teaching and learning roundtable: vision and change in introductory biology,” Golden Gate 4/5 - Noon-1:30 pm The Educational Council will host its first annual “Teaching and Learning X” (TAL-X) roundtable discussion in San Francisco. The goal of these roundtables will be to take advantage of the broad teaching expertise within SICB by giving instructors a forum to share their most innovative ideas for teaching in their disciplines. Each year’s topic will be chosen from competing proposals and the roundtable will be facilitated by the Educational Council. Our topic for 2013, “Teaching and Learning: Vision and Change in Introductory Biology,” will involve luminaries from the field, including Susan Singer of Carleton College, our 2013 Moore Lecturer. This workshop is being organized by Dr. Bram Lutton of Endicott College based on his participation in the Vision and Change conference on introductory biology in summer 2012. More information about that conference is at; stay tuned for more information about the roundtable. We look forward to having you participate in TAL-IB! Tuesday 8 January Macrophysiology Workshop, Plaza A - 8:00 am-5:00 pm Jonathon Stillman and Piero Calosi are organizing a one-day workshop on Macrophysiology in San Francisco during the day following the SICB meeting on Tuesday 8 January 2013. In brief, macrophysiology is the study of physiological rules that shape phenotypic diversity over large temporal or spatial scales. At the workshop we intend to address one of the core challenges identified in the Gaston et al 2009 Am. Nat. paper [174(5):595-612;], and develop a framework by which we could move forward to develop the community resources and tools required to solve outstanding macrophysiological problems. In particular, we intend to use this day discussion to improve our understanding of the relationship between physiological mechanisms and demographic parameters, whilst also discussing: i) understanding responses to simultaneously variation in multiple environmental factors (both biotic and abiotic), ii) integrating laboratory and field experiments. This workshop will not be an official SICB symposium, but since many of us will already be in SF, and since we can leverage SICB’s existing space reservation at the hotel/conference center for our workshop, it makes sense to hold the Macrophysiology workshop as associated with the SICB meeting. We hope that the result of the day will be a directed and coordinated cooperative effort to address macrophysiological challenges that could lead to, among other things, a research coordination network, a white paper, collaborative proposals, or other community efforts. A tentative structure of the workshop is to have two or three short and stimulating talks where specific questions for discussion and discussion objectives will be clearly articulated. Each talk will be followed by a breakout discussion group and then larger group discussion. Additional contributed papers on macrophysiology related topics can be presented at the SICB meeting, and we have included “Macrophysiology” as a topic on the abstract submission form. If you are interested in participating in the workshop, please contact Jonathon Stillman at 11 GENERAL INFORMATION Final Program SICB does not assume responsibility for any inconsistencies or errors in the abstracts for contributed paper and poster presentations. We regret any possible omissions, changes and/or additions not reflected in this final program. Speaker Ready Room We strongly encourage each presenter to visit the Ready Room, California Room, in the Hilton San Francisco, Union Square, at least one half day prior to his/her session time. It is highly recommended that you preview your presentation prior to your presentation to guarantee that it will work properly. Each presentation will be loaded onto a master file for each session. You may use your own computer, however, your twenty minute time slot does not include time for set up and testing. There will be students and audio visual personnel to assist you and to check you in during the following hours: Day Date Time Thursday 3 January Noon-7 pm Friday-Sunday 4-6 January 7 am-5 pm Monday 7 January 7-10 am Business Centers If you need to use a fax, use a computer, make basic photocopies, there is a small Business Center located in the on the lobby level of the San Francisco Hilton. The use of the business center is at your own expense. Coffee Breaks Coffee break service is available each day of the Meeting. There will be a morning service from 9:30-10:30 am and an afternoon service from 3:00-5:00. The coffee breaks will be located in Grand Ballroom, Friday-Sunday, and near the Meeting Rooms on Monday. Committee Meetings/Business Meetings Please refer to the Schedule of Events on the first page of each day’s listing for committee meetings and business meetings of your division or co-sponsoring society. Employment Opportunities The Employment Board is located in the SICB Registration area. The Employment Board provides a place for attendees to post “Positions Wanted” and learn about “Positions Available” and to schedule possible interviews. If you would like to schedule an interview in a private room, please ask SICB Registration Desk personnel for a room assignment. Keyword Index Refer to the keyword index located at the end of this program for easy access when looking up a specific subject matter. Each author who is presenting an abstract has supplied up to three keywords for your reference. Registration The SICB Registration area is located in the Yosemite Foyer. The Registration Desk will be open during the following hours: Thursday 3 January 3:00-8:00 pm Friday 4 January 7:00 am-5:00 pm Saturday 5 January 7:30 am-4:00 pm Sunday 6 January 7:30 am-3:00 pm Monday 7 January 7:30 am-1:00 pm 12 48 - 10' x 10' Booths 110 Poster Boards EXIT 13 3567 Mountain View Drive #159 West Mifflin, PA 15122 Phone: (412) 882-1420 Fax: (412) 882-1421 303 301 203 302 201 300 103 202 101 200 102 100 3.4 Version: 0' 5' 10' 20' Revision Date: 12/14/2012 Scale: SICB2013 File Name: EXIT EXIT EXIT EXIT EXIT EXIT 30' SOCIETY FOR INTEGRATIVE AND COMPARATIVE BIOLOGY 2013 Annual Meeting January 3 - 7, 2013 San Francisco Hilton Union Square - Grand Ballroom A & B San Francisco, California Exhibits Floorplan, Grand Ballroom 305 205 304 105 204 104 Entrance 307 207 306 Lounge 107 206 213 106 111 210 112 215 211 113 212 114 217 110 117 216 116 FREIGHT LIFT SICB 2013 EXHIBITOR FLOORPLAN 2013 SICB EXHIBITORS tific meetings and journals. APS also offers outstanding and award winning education, professional development, and science policy programs. Exhibit Hours Hilton Union Square, Grand Ballroom Friday 4 January 9:30 AM-1:00 PM 2:00-5:00 PM Saturday 5 January 9:30 AM-1:00 PM 2:00-5:00 PM Sunday 6 January 9:30 AM-1:00 PM 2:00-5:30 PM Darling Marine Center, Booth: 206 University of Maine 193 Clarks Cove Road Walpole, ME 04573 207-563-3146; FAX: 207-563-3119 The DMC functions year round as a field station for marine research and education. We invite visiting investigators and students to use our flowing seawater laboratories, scuba facilities, and research vessels. Our conference center is available for scientific meetings and workshops. Graduate degrees are offered through the Univeristy of Maine’s School of Marine Science.” Academia Book Exhibits Booth: 100 3512 Willow Green Court Oakton, VA 22124 703-716-5537; FAX: 703-620-3676 Professional books and journals in a multi-publisher display. Defend Science Booth: 303 2124 Kittridge Street, #182” Berkeley, CA 94704 808-271-7688 Booth will provide information and discussion on the continuing interference with science-based decision making at all levels of government in the U.S. ADInstruments Booth: 103 2205 Executive Circle Colorado Springs, CO 80906 719-576-3970; FAX: 719-576-3971 ADInstruments provides computer-based data acquisition systems for research and education. Our PowerLab data acquisition systems and choice of LabChart, LabTutor and LabAuthor software provide outstanding data acquisition, display, analysis and authoring features for a wide range of life science applications. Visit our booth and discover how our new 35 Series PowerLabs with either LabTutor 4.5 and LabChart 7.3 can change the way you record science. Elsevier Booth: 307 101 Hughes Lane North Babylon, NY 11703 631-665-1833; FAX: 212-633-3990 Elsevier’s recently published and forthcoming books include Vertebrate Endocrinology, Atlas of Drosophila Morphology, Sea Urchins and Geometric Morphometrics for Biologists. Our innovative electronic products and services such as SciVerse Hub and ScienceDirect provide cutting-edge online content for the needs of educators, researchers and students worldwide. American Microscopical Society Booths: 215/217 c/o John Zardus, The Citadel, Dept of Biology, 171 Moultrie St. Charleston, SC 29409 843-953-7511; FAX: 843-953-7264 Featuring the AMS Buchsbaum Photomicrography contest and Society publications and fellowships. Evogeneao Booth: 211 223 Granite St Ashland, OR 97520 5414823754 Evogeneao promotes the teaching of evolution by emphasizing its greatest lesson; that life on Earth is one big extended family. Life’s family genealogy is taught with a unique tree of life diagram, and cousin and removal relationships, which are used with original artwork on posters, tee shirts, cap and mugs. American Physiological Society Booth: 112 9650 Rockville Pike Bethesda, MD 20814 301-634-7164; FAX: 301-634-7241 Founded in 1887, the American Physiological Society (APS) was established to advance the understanding of how living organisms function. Today APS disseminates physiological research through its scien- 14 Fastec Imaging Booth: 205 17150 Via Del Campo #301 San Diego, CA 92127 858-592-2342; FAX: 858-592-2615 TroubleShooter is a self-contained, battery powered, hand-held, high-speed digital video camera with built-in display screen and CompactFlash download designed for biology research both in the lab and in the field. Gene Tools, LLC Booth: 301 1001 Summerton Way Philomath, OR 97370 541-929-7840; FAX: 541-929-7841 Gene Tools can block translation of an mRNA, modify splicing of a pre-mRNA or block maturation and activity of a miRNA.Used in cultures, embryos, or adults, they silence genes without noise.” H. Stevan Logsdon/Wildlife Artist Booth: 302 PO. Box 4070 Silver City, NM 88062 505-388-8101 Quality wildlife jewelry and T-shirts, with scientific emphasis. IOP Publishing Booth: 306 150 S Independence Mall W Philadelphia, PA 19106 215-627-0880; FAX: 215-627-0879 IOP Publishing is an international, not-for-profit, learned society publisher. Stop by our booth for a sample copy of our journal, Bioinspiration & Biomimetics. BB publishes research where biology inspires new technological solutions, which can in turn provide insight into biological systems. Visit us online at Loligo Systems APS Booth: 117 Niels Pedersens Alle 2 Tjele, Denmark DK-8830 011-45-8999-2545; 011-45-8999-2599 Through 10 years Loligo® Systems developed research equipment and software for bioenergetics, respiration and behavior in aquatic organisms, like zebrafish, crustaceans or daphnia. Products are chambers and instrumentation for automated oxygen consumption measurements, preference/avoidance tanks, swim tunnels, video analysis software, and fiber optic sensing technology for DO, pH and CO2. MegaSpeed Booth: 111 45 Main Street, S., Unit B Minnedosa MB Canada R0J 1E0 204-867-3767; FAX: 204-867-3933 Mega Speed manufacturers high-speed cameras for the medical, scientific research & product development markets. We offer many speed ranges, image sizes, form factors and price points for almost every application. Visit for further details. National Science Foundation Booth: 300 4201 Wilson Boulevard Arlington, VA 22230 703-292-7169; FAX: 703-292-9153 The National Science Foundation, an independent federal agency created by Congress in 1950, supports non-medical basic research in all science and engineering fields. With an annual budget of about $6.87 billion (FY 2010), NSF funds approximately 20% of all federally supported basic research conducted by US colleges and universities. Oxford University Press Booth: 200 198 Madison Avenue New York, NY 10016 212-726-6065; FAX: 212-726-6494 Oxford University Press is a leading international publisher of books and journals in the sciences and is proud to be the publisher of Integrative and Comparative Biology, the SICB Journal. Remember to visit the Oxford University Press booth to receive a free sample copy of the Integrative and Comparative Biology and browse our newest offerings such as Angilletta’s Thermal Adaptation, Telford’s Animal Evolution, Dodd’s Amphibian Ecology and Conservation, and Valiela’s Doing Science 2e. Photron Booth: 104 9520 Padgett Street, Suite 110 San Diego, CA 92126 858-684-3555; FAX: 858-684-3558 High speed video cameras for the slow motion analysis and study of fast biological events and phenomena. Super light sensitive cameras record at hundreds or thousands of picures per second before replaying in glorious slow motion detail. 15 Qubit Systems Inc. Booth: 107 4000 Bath Road, 2nd Floor Kingston ON Canada K7M 4Y4 613-384-1977; FAX: 613-384-9118 Accurate, affordable instrumentation for research and teaching in all areas of biological science. High quality gas exchange systems for animal, insect and aquatic respirometry, as well as human cardiovascular fitness testing. Environmental monitoring. We design and build custom equipment for specific applications. Smithsonian Tropical Booth: 213 Research Institute (STRI) Smithsonian Marine Science Network Unit 0948 APO, AA 34002-0948 703-487-3770 The Smithsonian Tropical Research Institution (STRI) in Panama, is a bureau of the Smithsonian Institution dedicated to understanding tropical biological diversity and the impact of humans on tropical environments. STRI offers research facilities that allow staff scientists, fellows, and visiting scientists to study tropical forests, coral reefs, peat swamp forests among others. Queen’s University Belfast, Booth: 210 Marine Laboratory University Road Belfast, BT7 1NN Northern Ireland, UK 440 2890 245133 Queen’s University Marine Laboratory (QML) is the marine research station in Northern Ireland, part of Queen’s University Belfast—an internationally renowned research-intensive university. Our research incorporates multidisciplinary research (coastal engineering and biology) on “blue sky” science as well as sustainable resources. QML is open to guest researchers all year round. Student Postdoctural Affairs Booth: 113 This year the Student/Postdoc Affairs Committee will host a booth in the Exhibition Hall that is aimed at increasing interactions between students, postdocs, and researchers in a relaxed environment. Each day, scientists of all levels will be ‘manning’ the booth. And each day there will be themed questions that will serve as ice-breaking topics to get conversations going, as well as answer questions that students or postdocs might have. If you run your own lab, make sure to sign up for a slot so that you can meet the fantastic students and postdocs that attend SICB each year and help them out. And, if you are a student or postdoc…stop by anytime the Exhibition Hall is open for a break from the meeting and a chance to meet new folks! You never know, you might get something out of it, like your CV edited by a faculty member! Sable Systems International Inc. Booth: 101 6000 S. Eastern Avenue, Building 1 Las Vegas, NV 89119 702-269-4445; FAX: 702-269-4446 Sable Systems International is proud of its 25year association with the SICB societies and 10-year sponsorship of the George A. Bartholomew Award. As metabolic scientists, the innovative design and function of our instruments, total systems, and data analysis products are borne from real research needs. Data you can trust, free life-time expert support – by scientists, for scientists – means your interests are always ours. The Biological Bulletin, Booth: 204 Marine Biological Laboratory 7 MBL Street Woods Hole, MA 02543 508-289-7149; FAX: 508-289-7922 The Biological Bulletin publishes outstanding original experimental research with an overarching goal of explaining how organisms develop, function, and evolve in their natural environments. While emphasizing basic research on marine model systems, the journal publishes papers of an interdisciplinary nature and on non-marine topics that fit our fundamental aims. Skulls Unlimited Booth: 106 10313 S. Sunnylane Road Oklahoma City, OK 73160 405-814-0006 Skulls Unlimited International is the world’s leading supplier of osteological specimens. Providing over 500 real and replica skull and skeleton specimens, Skulls Unlimited is sure to meet all your osteological needs. 16 The Company of Biologists Ltd. Booth: 102 Bidder Building 140 Cowley Road Cambridge UK CB4 ODL 011-44-1223 426164; FAX: 011-44-1223-423353 The Company of Biologists is the not-for-profit publisher of the three distinguished journals Development, Journal of Cell Science and The Journal of Experimental Biology. The Company also publishes two newer open access journals, Disease Models & Mechanisms and Biology Open. The Crustacean Society Booth: 110 7180 S. Foster Road San Antonio, TX 78222 210-648-1214 The mission of the Crustacean Society is to advance the study of all aspects of the biology of the Crustacea by promoting the exchange and dissemination of information throughout the world. The Royal Society Booth: 105 6-9 Carlton House Terrace London UK SW1Y 5AG 44-207-4512654; FAX: 44-207-9761837 The Royal Society publishes 9 scientific journals including 4 which cover the biological sciences. Biology Letters and Proceedings B publish research articles, Philosophical Transactions B publishes themed issues and Open Biology is an online open access journal covering biology at a molecular/cellular level. Cross-disciplinary journals Interface and Interface Focus will also be of interest to SICB delegates. TSI Inc. Booth: 212 500 Cardigan Road Shoreview, MN 55126 651-490-2738; FAX: 651-490-3824 TSI specializes in laser based instrumentations to provide non-intrusive and complete quantitative fluid flow measurements (PIV and V3V techniques) around biological species and bio-inspired motion. Measurements taken around those species offer insight to the mechanics and interaction between the species and the fluid environment. Published results were taken on shark, jellyfish and dragonfly using the PIV and V3V techniques. University of California Press Booth: 207 2120 Berkeley Way Berkeley, CA 94704 510-642-2035; FAX: 510-643-7127 University of California Press is a leading publisher of academic and general interest. Vision Research Booth: 216 100 Dey Road Wayne, NJ 07470 973-696-4500; FAX: 973-696-0560 Vision Research is a leading manufacturer of highspeed digital imaging systems that are indispensible across a wide variety of applications. The Wayne, N.J.based company designs and manufactures the most comprehensive range of digital high-speed cameras available today, all of which deliver unsurpassed lightsensitivity, image resolution, acquisition speed and image quality. Wiley Booth: 114 350 Main Street Malden, MA 02148 781-388-8361; FAX: 781-388-8361 Wiley is the leading society publisher. We publish on behalf of more societies and membership associations than anybody else, and offer libraries and individuals 1250 online journals, thousands of books and ebooks, reviews, reference works, databases, and more. For more information, visit, or our online resource: Xcitex Corp Booth: 201 25 1st Street, Suite 105 Cambridge, MA 02141 617-225-0080; FAX: 617-225-2529 Xcitex is an innovator in the industries of motion analysis and video-based motion capture. ProAnalystR is the world’s leading software for extracting, tracking, analyzing, and presenting motion from pre-recorded video. 17 Thursday Schedule of Events All events take place in the Hilton San Francisco Union Square EVENT Registration Exhibitor Setup TIME 3:00-8:00 PM Noon-8:00 PM LOCATION Yosemite Foyer Grand Ballroom SPECIAL LECTURE SICB Opening Plenary Session 7:30-8:30 PM Continental 1-9 COMMITTEE & BOARD MEETINGS SICB Executive Committee Broadening Participation: Mentor/Mentee Meeting/Reception 2:30-5:30 PM 6:30-7:30 PM Yosemite B Union Square 2 WORKSHOPS AND PROGRAMS Student Orientation Welcome and Meeting Orientation, “How to get the most out of your SICB meeting” 5:30-6:30 PM Imperial A SOCIAL EVENTS SICB Welcome Reception 8:30-10:00 PM Golden Gate Undergraduate Poster Display The SICB Educational Council will once again highlight the contributions that undergraduates make to the research of their laboratories and to SICB. Posters being presented by undergraduates will be on display in the Yosemite Foyer area near the plenary session on the day of arrival, Thursday 3 January. Please stop by for a “preview” of the posters that these students will later present in their scheduled poster sessions. 18 Friday Schedule of Events All events take place in the Hilton San Francisco Union Square EVENT TIME Poster Session 1 Set Up 7:00-8:00 AM Registration 7:00 AM-5 PM Exhibit Hall 9:30 AM-5:00 PM Poster Session 1 Even Numbers Viewing 3:00-4:00 PM Poster Session 1 Odd Numbers Viewing 4:00-5:00 PM Poster Session 1 Teardown 5:00-5:30 PM Coffee Break/PM Poster Session Cash Bar 9:30-10:30 AM/3-5 PM SPECIAL LECTURE George A. Bartholomew Award Lecture 6:30-7:30 PM SYMPOSIA ORAL PRESENTATIONS S1: When Predators Attack: Sensing Motion in Predator-Prey Interactions 8:10 AM-3:00 PM S2: Ecological Epigenetics 8:00 AM-2:30 PM CONTRIBUTED PAPER ORAL PRESENTATIONS Session 1: Special Session in Honor of Ken Nagy 7:50 AM-Noon Session 2: Fish Swimming I 8:00-9:40 AM Session 3: Fish Swimming II 10:00 AM-Noon Session 4: Form & Function, Part I 8:00-9:40 AM Session 5: Human Impacts 8:20-9:40 AM Session 6: Locomotion: Hopping & Jumping 7:40-9:40 AM Session 7: Coral Reefs 8:00-9:40 AM Session 8: Comp to Symp: Physiological Responses to Simultaneous Shifts...Part I 8:00-10:00 AM Session 9: Comp to Symp: Physiological Responses to Simultaneous Shifts...Part II 10:20 AM-Noon Session 10: Comp to Symp: Understanding First Order Phenotypes...Part I 8:00-9:40 AM Session 11: Comp to Symp: Understanding First Order Phenotypes...Part II 10:00-11:50 AM Session 12: Skulls & Teeth I 8:00-10:00 AM Session 13: Metabolism & Energetics 8:00 AM-Noon Session 14: Sexual Selection I 8:00-9:40 AM Session 15: Sexual Selection II 10:00-11:40 AM Session 16: Invertebrate Endocrinology 8:20-9:40 AM Session 17: Neurobiology: Neuroethology 8:00-Noon Session 18: Evolution & Morphology I 10:00-11:40 AM Session 19: Macrophysiology 10:00 AM-Noon Session 20: Avian Flight 10:00 AM-Noon Session 21: Coral Symbiosis 10:00-11:20 AM Session 22: Parental Behavior 10:20-11:40 AM Session 23: Comparative Endocrinology 10:00 AM-Noon Session 24: Comp to Symp: Physiological Responses to Simultaneous Shifts...Part III 1:00-3:00 PM Session 25: “Ray Huey Award” DEE Best Student Paper 1:00-3:00 PM Session 26: Comp to Symp: Coping with Uncertainty: Integrating Physiology,...Part I 1:00-3:00 PM Session 27: Adhesion 1:00-3:00 PM Session 28: Bat Flight 1:00-3:00 PM Session 29: Symbiosis 1:00-2:40 PM Session 30: Reproductive Behavior 1:00-3:00 PM Session 31: Stress, Immunity and Parasites 1:00-3:00 PM Session 32: Evolution & Morphology II 1:00-3:00 PM Session 33: Comp to Symp: Understanding First Order Phenotypes...Part III 1:00-2:30 PM Session 34: Population Genetics 1:00-3:00 PM Session 35: Ecomorphology 1:00-3:00 PM Session 36: Energetics 1:00-3:00 PM COMMITTEE & BOARD MEETINGS Broadening Participation Committee Meeting 7:00-8:00 AM DPOs and Symposium Organizers for Austin Noon-1:00 PM Division Chairs President/President-Elect Noon-1:00 PM TCS Board Meeting 5:15-10 PM SICB Nominating Committee 8:00-9:00 PM AMS Executive Committee 8:00-11:00 PM BUSINESS MEETINGS DAB Meeting 5:15-6:00 PM DCPB Meeting 5:15-6:15 PM DCB Meeting 5:15-6:15 PM DEDB Meeting 5:15-6:15 PM DEE Meeting 5:15-6:15 PM WORKSHOPS AND PROGRAMS Broadening Participation Workshop: “Effective presentations: performance and visual aids” Noon-1:00 PM SOCIAL EVENTS Companion Orientation Program 9:00-10:00 AM DAB/DNB Social 6:00-7:30 PM DCPB Social 7:30-8:30 PM 19 LOCATION Grand Ballroom Yosemite Foyer Grand Ballroom Grand Ballroom Grand Ballroom Grand Ballroom Grand Ballroom Continental 4-6 Continental 4 Continental 5 Continental Ballroom 6 Plaza A Plaza A Imperial Room A Imperial Room B Plaza B Yosemite B Yosemite A Yosemite A Yosemite C Yosemite C Continental 2/3 Continental 8 Continental 1 Continental 1 Continental 7 Continental 9 Imperial A Imperial B Plaza B Yosemite B Continental 2/3 Continental 7 Yosemite A Continental 6 Plaza A Imperial B Plaza B Yosemite B Continental 2/3 Continental 1 Imperial A Yosemite C Continental 7 Continental 9 Continental 8 Mason Cityscape Powell Mason Sutter Powell Continental 1 Continental 2/3 Continental 7 Continental 8 Continental 9 Continental 2/3 Cityscape Cityscape Golden Gate SICB Friday 4 January 2013 FRIDAY PROGRAM SYMPOSIA Note: Presenter is first author unless noted by an asterisk (*). 8:10 am - 3:00 pm Continental Ballroom 4 Symposium S1: When Predators Attack: Sensing Motion in Predator-Prey Interactions Part I - Sensory Systems Sponsored by: NSF, The Company of Biologists, Biological Bulletin, and SICB Divisions: DAB, DCB, DVM, DNB, DEE Organized by: Matthew McHenry, Stacey Combes 8:10 AM Introduction 8:20 AM S1-1.1 9:00 AM S1-1.2 DAB Barber JR, Kawahara AY; Boise State Anti-bat behavioral strategies and evolutionary University, University of Florida routes in the escalation of the bat-moth arms race 9:20 AM S1-1.3 DNB Derby C; Georgia State University The role of chemicals in interactions between inking molluscs and their predators 9:40 AM S1-1.4 Leonardo A; Janelia Farm, HHMI Guidance laws underlying prey capture in the dragonfly Casas J; University of Tours (France) Search games in realistic predator-prey interactions 10:00 AM BREAK IN EXHIBIT HALL Part II - Motor Systems 10:20 AM S1-2.1 Domenici P; CNR- National Research Escape responses in fishes Council, Oristano, Italy 11:00 AM S1-2.2 DCB Combes SA, Iwasaki JM, Pandit MM, The role of identity in predator-prey interactions: Switzer CM, Weiland TJ; Harvard Uni- are mechanics and strategy one-size-fits-all or versity, University Otago, NZ, Indiana tailored to each adversary? University, Middlebury College 11:20 AM S1-2.3 DVM Holzman R; Tel Aviv University 11:40 AM S1-2.4 DCB Patek SN, Devries MS, Murphy EAK; What is fast? University of Massachusetts Amherst, University of California Berkeley, University of Virginia Suction feeding mechanics and hydrodynamics in fishes NOON LUNCH BREAK Part III - Motor Integration 1:20 PM S1-3.1 Patterson BW, Abraham A, McLean D, Vision versus electrosense: mechanics and sensPatankar NA, Maciver MA*; Northwest- ing in prey capture behavior in larval zebrafish ern University compared to electric knifefish 2:00 PM S1-3.2 DCB Stewart WJ, Nair AM, McHenry MJ; Uni- The sensory cues for predator evasion in fish versity of California, Irvine 2:20 PM S1-3.3 DCB Robinson HE, Koehl MAR; University of Sessile predators and motile prey: the effects of California, Berkeley turbulence and wavy flow on benthic predatorprey interactions 2:40 PM S1-3.4 Kiørboe T; Technical University of Den- Attack or attacked: the sensory and fluid mechanmark ical constraints of copepod predator-prey interactions 8:00 am - 2:30 pm Continental Ballroom 5 Symposium S2: Ecological Epigenetics Sponsored by: DEDB, DEE, DCE Organized by: Cristina Ledon-Rettig 8:00 AM S2-1.1 DEDB Ledon-Rettig CC; North Caorlina State Ecological epigenetics: an introduction to the University symposium 20 SICB Friday 4 January 2013 8:30 AM S2-1.2 DEE Schrey A, Alvarez M, Foust C, Kilvitis H, Ecological Epigenetics: beyond MS-AFLP Liebl A, Martin LB, Richards C, Robertson M; Armstrong Atlantic State University, University S. Florida 9:00 AM S2-1.3 Day T; Queen’s University 9:30 AM S2-1.4 Richards EJ, Henkhaus N, Anand IS; Natural epigenetic variation in arabidopsis Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research, Cornell University Evolutionary consequences of nongenetic inheritance 10:00 AM BREAK IN EXHIBIT HALL 10:30 AM S2-1.5 Herb BR, Wolschin F, Hansen KD, Aryee Reversible switching between epigenetic states in MJ, Langmead B, Irizarry R, Amdam honeybee behavioral subcastes GV*, Feinberg AP; Johns Hopkins University, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Arizona State University 10:30 AM S2-1.6 Glastad KM, Hunt BG, Yi SV, Goodis- The function of DNA methylation in insects man MAD*; Georgia Tech 11:00 AM S2-1.7 DEDB Snell-Rood EC; University of Minnesota The role of learning in mediating transgenerational responses to nutrition 11:30 AM LUNCH BREAK 1:00 PM S2-2.1 Richards CL, Boruta M, Bossdorf O, Epigenetic mechanisms of phenotypic plasticity Coon CAC, Foust CM, Hughes AR, Kilvitis HJ, Liebl AL, Nicotra AB, Pigliucci M, Robertson MH, Schrey AW; University of South Florida, University of Bern, Florida State University, Australian National University, City University of New York, Armstrong Atlantic State University 1:30 PM S2-2.2 Ecker J; The Salk Institute for Biological Personal and population level epigenome dyStudies namics 2:00 PM S2-2.3 DEE Liebl AL, Schrey AW, Richards CR, Mar- Epigenetic variation: a mechanism to overcome tin LB; University S. Florida, Armstrong reduced diversity in novel environments? Atlantic State University FRIDAY PROGRAM MORNING SESSIONS 7:50 am - Noon Continental Ballroom 6 Session 1: Special Session in Honor of Ken Nagy Chair: Stephen Secor 7:50 AM Introduction 8:00 AM 1.1 Nagy KA; University of California, Los Reflections and Projections on Becoming a PhysAngeles iological Ecologist 8:20 AM 1.2 DCPB Costa DP, Schwarz LK, Maresh J, Rob- A bioenergetics approach to understanding the inson PW, Crocker DE; University of population consequences of natural and anthroCalifornia, Santa Cruz, Sonoma State pogenic disturbance University 8:40 AM 1.3 DCPB Karasov WH; University of Wisconsin, Research paradigms in nutritional ecology inMadison spired by Ken Nagy 9:00 AM 1.4 DCPB Secor SM; University of Alabama, Tusca- From field metabolic rates to genomics, the inteloosa grative digestive physiology of snakes 9:20 AM 1.5 Speakman JR; Rowett Research Insti- The contribution of DLW to understanding probtute lems in human nutrition: a comparative perspective 9:40 AM BREAK IN EXHIBIT HALL 21 SICB Friday 4 January 2013 10:00 AM 1.6 DCPB Martin KL; Pepperdine University Seas of sand, from desert to beach: sand as a nesting habitat for fish, turtles, and tortoises 10:20 AM 1.7 DAB Anderson RA; Western Washington Uni- Proximal causes of diet of in the lizard Phrynoversity soma platyrhinos in a northern desert scrub 10:40 AM 1.8 DEE Huey RB, Kingsolver JG; University of Thermal sensitivity of ectotherm growth: interacWashington, Seattle, University of North tions of food quantity and food quality with climate Carolina change 11:00 AM 1.9 DCPB Hazard LC; Montclair State University 11:20 AM 1.10 Lighton J, Brownell P; Sable Systems In- Extrasomatic energy storage in scorpions ternational, Oregon State University 11:40 AM 1.11 DCPB Williams JB, Ostrowski S; Ohio State Energy expenditure and water flux of free-living University, National Wildlife Research sand gazelles in Saudi Arabia Station Integrating physiology and conservation: lessons from the Nagy lab NOON LUNCH BREAK 8:00 - 9:40 am Plaza A Session 2: Fish Swimming I Chair: Brooke Flammang 8:00 AM 2.1 DVM Blevins EL; Harvard University Structure-function relationships in the pectoral fin of freshwater stingray Potamotrygon orbignyi 8:20 AM 2.2 DCB Lauder GV, Xiong G; Harvard University Quantifying center of mass motion in swimming fishes 8:40 AM 2.3 DCB Burton LJ, Guasto JS, Stocker R, Hosoi Different strokes for different folks: comparing AE; Massachusetts Institute of Technol- motion across and within swimming species ogy 9:00 AM 2.4 DEE Bergstrom CA, Pacheco J, Fritz T; Uni- Functional morphology and swimming perforversity of Alaska Southeast mance in flounder: are left-sided fish faster? 9:20 AM 2.5 George AB, De Buron I, McElroy E; Col- The effects of the parasites, Cardicola laruei and lege of Charleston Henneguya cynoscioni, on the swimming performance of spotted seatrout, Cynoscion nebulosus 9:40 AM BREAK IN EXHIBIT HALL 10:00 am - Noon Plaza A Session 3: Fish Swimming II Chair: Marianne E. Porter 10:00 AM 3.1 DVM Flammang BE, Lauder GV; Harvard Uni- Backwards swimming by bluegill sunfish requires versity multifin coordination 10:20 AM 3.2 DVM Feilich KL, Lauder GV; Harvard Univer- Why do fish have different shapes? A test using sity, Cambridge, MA simple physical models 10:40 AM 3.3 11:00 AM 3.4 DCB Van Leeuwen JL, Muller UK*; Wagenin- Body dynamics of larval fish – implications for the gen University, California State Univer- mechanics of large-amplitude swimming sity Fresno 11:20 AM 3.5 DCB Akanyeti O, Liao JC; The Whitney Lab Modeling midline kinematics of fish swimming in for Marine Bioscience, University of Flor- a vortex street ida Gainesville 11:40 AM 3.6 DCB Fish FE, Neal D, Fontanella JE, Dinenno Flow patterns associated with swimming motions N, Gabler MK; West Chester University, of benthic and pelagic batoids as visualized with Pennsylvania, LaVision, Michigan DPIV Jacobs HO; Imperial College London NOON LUNCH BREAK 22 On the interpretation of swimming as a limit cycle SICB Friday 4 January 2013 8:00 - 9:40 am Imperial Room A Session 4: Form & Function, Part I Chair: Brent A. Craven 8:00 AM 4.1 DCB Balaban JB, Summers AP, Wilga CAD; Mechanical properties of a shark jaw support University of Rhode Island, University of structure Washington 8:20 AM 4.2 8:40 AM 4.3 DCB Dudek DM, Gao L, Lu H, Mueller R; Vir- Mechanics of bat vocal folds ginia Tech, Shandong University 9:00 AM 4.4 DVM Craven BA, Richter JP, Rumple CR, Reconstructing respiration and olfaction in the Quigley AP, Ranslow AN, Neuberger T, mammalian nasal cavity Krane MH, Yee KK, Wysocki CJ, Van Valkenburgh B; Penn State University, Monell Chemical Senses Center, University of California, Los Angeles 9:20 AM 4.5 Lillie MA, Piscitelli MA, Gosline JM, Shad- Structure and mechanics of fin whale arteries wick RE; University of British Columbia Ary WJ, Cranford T, Berta A, Krysl P; San Form and function of the odontocete ear Diego State University, University of California, San Diego 9:40 AM BREAK IN EXHIBIT HALL 8:20 - 9:40 am Imperial Room B Session 5: Human Impacts Chair: Brittan Wilson 8:20 AM 5.1 DEE Wilson BA; University of Baltimore Utilizing algal communities as bioindicators for PPCP contamination 8:40 AM 5.2 DEE Hanlon SM, Parris MJ; University of Taking the good with the bad: varying effects Memphis Roundup® on amphibian health 9:00 AM 5.3 DEE Peterson S, Hassrick J, Debier C, Crock- Polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) bulk concentraer D, Costa D; University of California, tions and congener profiles in a highly migratory Santa Cruz, Universite Catholique de marine mammal Louvain, Belgium, Sonoma State University 9:20 AM 5.5 DEE Wagner DN, Green DJ, Cooper JM, Impact of hydroelectric operations on the physiolLove OP, Williams TD; University of Mi- ogy of songbirds during fall migration ami - RSMAS, Simon Fraser University, Cooper, Beauchesne, & Associates, Ltd., University of Windsor 7:40 - 9:40 am Plaza B Session 6: Locomotion: Hopping & Jumping Chair: Craig P. McGowan 7:40 AM 6.1 DCB Usherwood JR; The Royal Veterinary The basic mechanics of pronking, bounding or College frog-hopping – the costs of pitching accounts for much of the diversity of fast quadrupedal gaits 8:00 AM 6.2 DCB Astley HC, Roberts TJ; Brown University Where’s the catch? Examining the catch mechanism in anuran jumping using inverse dynamics 8:20 AM 6.3 DCB Gutmann AK, Lee DV, McGowan CP; Collision dynamics of bipedal hopping University of Idaho, University of Nevada, Las Vegas 8:40 AM 6.4 DCB McGowan CP, Shine C; University of Incline hopping by kangaroo rats: is there a diviIdaho sion of labor? 23 SICB Friday 4 January 2013 9:00 AM 6.5 DVM Landberg T, Warkentin K, Wilink B, Larval density affects jumping performance deMount K, Clouse E, Whiteman H; Murray velopment during metamorphosis in two arboreal State University, Boston University, Uni- frogs versity of Costa Rica 9:20 AM 6.6 DCB Olberding JP, Higham TE; University of Three-dimensional joint mechanics and kinematCalifornia, Riverside ics of jumping lizards 10:00 AM BREAK IN EXHIBIT HALL 8:00 - 9:40 am Yosemite B Session 7: Coral Reefs Chair: Howard R. Lasker 8:00 AM 7.1 DEE Doo SS, Fan TY, Fujita K, Mayfield AB, Developing molecular techniques to assess resilChen HK, Nguyen HD, Byrne M; Na- ience in large benthic foraminiferan communities tional Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium, University of the Ryukyus, University of Sydney 8:20 AM 7.2 DEE Mouchka ME, Lehnert EM, Burriesci MS, Identification of symbiotic-specific genes reveals Schwarz J, Pringle JR; Cornell Univer- a role for host immunity in a cnidarian-dinoflagelsity, Stanford University, Vassar College late mutualism 8:40 AM 7.3 DIZ Lasker HR, Paris CB, Kough A, Cheru- Reproductive timing and connectivity in the octobin LM; University at Buffalo, University coral Pseudopterogorgia elisabethae of Miami 9:00 AM 7.4 9:20 AM 7.5 Stocking JB, Rippe JP, Reidenbach MA; Boundary layer flow effects on dissolved oxygen University of Virginia exchange and photosynthesis in scleractinic corals DIZ Tarrant AM, McCorkle DC, Deputron SJ, Variation in size of juvenile corals and sensitivity Church C, Henry J, Cohen AL; Woods to ocean acidification Hole Oceanographic Institution, Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences 9:40 AM BREAK IN EXHIBIT HALL 8:00 - 10:00 am Yosemite A Session 8: Complementary to to Symposium: Physiological Responses to Simultaneous Shifts in Multiple Environmental Stressors: Relevance in a Changing World - Part I Chair: Erin Lehmer 8:00 AM 8.1 Cheng B, Bible J, Todgham A, Miller N, A test of multiple stressors and latent effects on a Chang A, Ferner M, Wasson K, Deck A, foundational estuarine species, the Olympia oysZabin C, Latta M, Grosholz E; University ter (Ostrea lurida) of California, Davis, San Francisco State University, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center, San Francisco Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve, State Coastal Conservancy 8:20 AM 8.2 DCPB Elder L, Seibel B; University of Rhode The effect of thermal stress and hypoxia on the Island hyperiid amphipod Phronima 8:40 AM 8.3 DEE Komoroske LM, Hasenbein M, Lindberg Understanding climate change impacts on Delta J, Connon RE, Fangue NA; University of Smelt California, Davis 9:00 AM 8.4 DIZ Castro DA, Podolsky RD; College of Effects of elevated oceanic CO2 and Temperature Charleston on Sperm Motility and Swimming Speed in Northern and Southern Populations of the Sea Urchin Arbacia punctulata 9:20 AM 8.5 DEE Kenkel CD, Almanza AT, Matz MV; Uni- Physiological and genetic underpinnings of local versity of Texas at Austin coral adaptation in the Florida Keys 24 SICB 9:40 AM Friday 4 January 2013 8.6 DCPB Lockwood BL, Byrd N, Montooth KL; In- Coping with stress: the cellular maintenance of diana University embryonic development 10:00 AM BREAK IN EXHIBIT HALL 10:20 am - Noon Yosemite A Session 9: Complementary to Symposium: Physiological Responses to Simultaneous Shifts in Multiple Environmental Stressors: Relevance in a Changing World - Part II Chair: Brad Seibel 10:20 AM 9.1 10:40 AM 9.2 11:00 AM 9.3 11:20 AM 9.4 11:40 AM 9.5 DIZ Allen JD, Armstrong AF; College of Wil- Developmental flexibility in a variable environliam and Mary, University of California, ment: lessons from sand dollars and sea urchins Davis Foo SA, Byrne M; University of Sydney, Effects of ocean warming and ocean acidification Australia on the sea urchin Heliocidaris tuberculata DEE Armstrong AF, Blackburn HN, Allen JD; Delay of hatching in the sand dollar EchinarachUniversity of California, Davis, College of nius parma in response to reduced salinity William and Mary Nguyen HD, Doo SS, Soars NA, Thom- Tolerance of early life history stages of Australian son M, Byrne M; University of Sydney intertidal sea stars to ocean warming and ocean acidification: sensitivity of lecithotrophic developers DIZ Vasquez MC, Murillo A, Brockmann HJ, Multiple stressor interactions delay horseshoe Julian D; University of Florida, Gaines- crab embryo development ville, FL NOON LUNCH BREAK 8:00 - 9:40 am Yosemite C Session 10: Complementary to Symposium: Understanding First Order Phenotypes: Transcriptomics for Emerging Model Systems - Part I Chair: Mikhail Matz 8:00 AM 10.1 DIZ Pankey MS, Oakley TH; University of Parallel molecular signatures underlie convergent California, Santa Barbara evolution in two bioluminescent squid 8:20 AM 10.2 DEE Matz MV, Kenkel CD, Bay LK; University Gene expression signatures of local adaptation in of Texas at Austin, Australian Institute of reef-building corals Marine Science 8:40 AM 10.3 Lehnert EM, Mouchka ME, Burriesci MS, RNA-Seq uncovers extensive differential expresSchwarz J, Pringle JR; Stanford Univer- sion of metabolic genes in symbiotic versus aposity School of Medicine, Cornell Univer- symbiotic cnidarians sity, Vassar College 9:00 AM 10.4 Konczal M, Koteja P, Radwan J, Stuglik Accuracy of pooled RNA-seq M, Babik W; Jagiellonian University in Krakow 9:20 AM 10.5 DEDB Moroz LL; University of Florida Genomic bases for independent origins of neurons and complex brains: new insights from RNAseq and genomic sequencing of basal metazoans, basal deuterostomes and molluscs 9:40 AM BREAK IN EXHIBIT HALL 10:00 - 11:50 am Yosemite C Session 11: Complementary to Symposium: Understanding First Order Phenotypes: Transcriptomics for Emerging Model Systems - Part II Chair: Susy Renn 10:00 AM 11.1 10:20 AM 11.2 DAB Renn SCP; Reed College, Portland Genetic accommodation and behavioral evolution: insights from genomic studies Chang ES, Shcheglovitova M, Cartwright Comparative transcriptomics of cnidarian freshP; University of Kansas water parasites 25 SICB Friday 4 January 2013 10:40 AM 11.3 DEDB Koenig KM, Meyer E, Gross JM; Univer- RNA-seq as a tool to understand the evolution sity of Texas, Austin, Oregon State Uni- and development of the single-chambered eye: versity transcriptomics of the long-finned squid, Doryteuthis (Loligo) pealeii 11:00 AM 11.4 DEE 11:20 AM 11.5 Hanna BSK, Chang PK, Medina MM; Tissue specific gene expression in the fresh waUniversity of California, Merced ter snail Biomphalaria glabrata: implications for biominerlization and shell formation 11:40 AM 11.6 DPCB Girardo DO, Citarella M, Kohn AB, Moroz Zero-click, automatic assembly, annotation and LL; University of Florida visualization workflow for comparative analysis of transcriptomes: the quest for novel signaling pathways 11:45 AM 11.7 DPCB Fodor A, Kohn AB, Swalla BJ, Moroz LL; Quest for muscle specific genes in Pleurobrachia University of Florida, University of Wash- bachei: had mesoderm independently evolved in ington Ctenophores? Cortes PA, Bacigalupe L, Contreras CI, Discovering the genetic basis of torpor in a ChilVaras V, Blier PU, Opazo JC; Universi- ean marsupial dad Austral de Chile, Université du Québec à Rimouski 11:50 AM LUNCH BREAK 8:00 - 10:00 am Continental Ballroom 2/3 Session 12: Skulls & Teeth I Chair: Laura Porro 8:00 AM 12.1 DVM McGee MD, Borstein SR, Wainwright Origin and loss of cichlid craniofacial diversity PC; University of California Davis, California State University Sacramento 8:20 AM 12.2 DCB Olsen AM, Westneat MW; University of Dabbling, grazing and diving: skull shape is relatChicago, Field Museum of Natural His- ed to beak foraging behaviors in the avian order tory Anseriformes 8:40 AM 12.3 DVM Jaszlics A, Pardo JD; University of Texas Patterns of development and diversity in the crocat Arlington, University of Nebraska at odilian skull Lincoln, University of Calgary 9:00 AM 12.4 9:20 AM 12.5 DVM Self CJ, Herring SW; University of Wash- Morphology of the rabbit periodontal ligament and ington, Seattle the effect of reduced bite force 9:40 AM 12.6 DEE Kraatz BP, Bumacod N, Wedel M, Aze- Evolution, ecology, and modularity of the lagovedo B; Western University of Health morph skull Sciences Cuff AR, Rayfield E; University of Bristol, Finite element validation of an avian skull using UK ex vivo measurements 10:00 AM BREAK IN EXHIBIT HALL 8:00 am - Noon Continental Ballroom 8 Session 13: Metabolism & Energetics Co-Chairs: Scott L. Applebaum, Shawn Noreen Kramer 8:00 AM 13.1 DCPB Lee JW, Applebaum SL, Manahan DT; Differential energy allocation for protein synthesis University Southern California, Los An- is genetically determined during marine larval degeles velopment 8:20 AM 13.2 DCPB Pan F, Applebaum SL, Manahan DT; Uni- Amino acid transport as an index of growth poversity Southern California, Los Angeles tential in larvae of the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas 8:40 AM 13.3 DCPB Applebaum SL, Lee JW, Manahan DT; Global metabolite profiles as predictors of physiUniversity Southern California, Los An- ological traits in bivalve larvae with geneticallygeles determined differential growth rates 26 SICB Friday 4 January 2013 9:00 AM 13.4 Edmunds PJ, Fan TY; California State Evidence that high pCO2 affects coral recruits University, Northridge, National Museum through perturbed protein metabolism of Marine Biology and Aquarium, Taiwan, Republic of China 9:20 AM 13.5 Yuge S, Honeyfield DC, Saloka SK, Li Characterization and functional analyses of three W; Michigan State University, East Lan- thiamin related transporters and a thiamin pyrosing, USGS-NARL, Wellsboro phosphokinase in rainbow trout, and examination of their expression alteration in thiamin deficiency 9:40 AM 13.6 DCPB Powell ML, D’Abramo LR, Watts SA; The Effects of dietary n6 and n3 fatty acids on zebrafUniversity of Alabama at Birmingham, ish total body composition Mississippi State University 10:00 AM BREAK IN EXHIBIT HALL 10:20 AM 13.7 DCPB Levesque DL, Lovegrove BG; University Reproduction and the evolution of endothermyof KwaZulu-Natal Increased homeothermy in reproductively active female Greater hedgehog tenrecs (Setifer setosus) 10:40 AM 13.8 DCPB Thometz NM, Williams TM; University of Ontogeny of oxygen storage capacity and diving California, Santa Cruz ability in southern sea otters (Enhydra lutris nereis) 11:00 AM 13.9 DCPB Noren SR, Triggs L, Oland L, Paschke Body condition and caloric demand of female PaJ, Kramer AW, Udevitz MS, Jay CV; Uni- cific walruses (Odobenus rosmarus divergens) versity of California, Santa Cruz, Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium, Indianapolis Zoo, Six Flags Discovery Kingdom, US Geological Survey 11:20 AM 13.10 DEE 11:40 AM 13.11 DCPB Marshall HM, Brill R, Bushnell P, Skomal G, Bernal D; University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, Virginia Institute of Marine Science/NOAA, Indiana University South Bend, Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries Woods HA, Wilson JK; University of Information theory illuminates the evolution of hoMontana meostasis Comparison of fishing-induced stress response and post-release mortality between sandbar (Carcharhinus plumbeus) and dusky (Carcharhinus obscurus) sharks NOON LUNCH BREAK 8:00 - 9:40 am Continental Ballroom 1 Session 14: Sexual Selection I Chair: Nathan I Morehouse 8:00 AM 14.1 DEE Friesen CR, Mason RT, Uhrig EJ, Bren- Sexual conflict during mating in red-sided garter nan PL; Oregon State Univeristy, Univer- snakes as evidenced by genital manipulation sity of Massachusetts at Amherst 8:20 AM 14.2 Cui R, Schumer M, Kruesi K, Andolfatto Revealing extensive reticulate evolution in XiP, Rosenthal G; Texas A&M University, phophorus fishes using high-throughput phylogePrinceton University, Universidad Nacio- nomics nal Autónoma de México 8:40 AM 14.3 Morehouse NI, Bartoch CM, Luna EN, Food, nuptial gifts and vaginae dentatae: phenoRoberts NS, Saleh NW; University of typic plasticity and sexual conflict in a gift-giving Pittsburgh butterfly 9:00 AM 14.4 DAB McCullough EL, Tobalske BW, Emlen Long and strong? Mechanical limits to maximum DJ; University of Montana weapon size in a giant rhinoceros beetle 9:20 AM 14.5 DVM Martin CH, Wainwright PC; University of Multiple fitness peaks on the adaptive landscape California, Davis drive the evolution of novel ecological niches within a recent sympatric adaptive radiation of Cyprinodon pupfishes 9:40 AM BREAK IN EXHIBIT HALL 27 SICB Friday 4 January 2013 10:00 - 11:40 am Continental Ballroom 1 Session 15: Sexual Selection II Chair: Patrick Krug 10:00 AM 15.1 DPCB McEntee JP, Penalba J, Bowie RCK; Singing out from sky islands: sunbird song evoluUniversity of California, Berkeley tion across the Eastern Afromontane 10:20 AM 15.2 DPCB Krug PJ, Vendetti JE, Trowbridge CD; Do shifts in host use or larval development drive California State University, Los Angeles, speciation in the sea? A comparative study of herOregon Institute of Marine Biology bivorous sea slugs 10:40 AM 15.3 DEE 11:00 AM 15.4 Steffen MA, Bonett RM; University of Pheromone evolution and reproductive isolation Tulsa in dusky salamanders 11:20 AM 15.5 DPCB Bastiaans E, Marshall J, Sites J, Mori- Interpopulation variation in throat color morphs in naga G, Sinervo B; University of Califor- an incipiently speciating lizard: from blue to white nia, Santa Cruz, Weber State University, and back again? Brigham Young University, Clark University Phuong MA, Lim M, Wait DR, Rowe KC, Understanding discordance among diverse dataMoritz C; University of California, Berke- sets in an integrative taxonomy: a case study in ley, Museum Victoria, Melbourne, Aus- ground squirrels tralian National University 11:40 AM LUNCH BREAK 8:20 - 9:40 am Continental Ballroom 7 Session 16: Invertebrate Endocrinology Chair: Megumi Fuse 8:20 AM 16.1 DCE Silva N, Miry S, Omondi C, Abdon B, Njie Systemic responses to ionizing irradiation-inC, Ramos L, Moffatt C, Fuse M*; SFSU duced imaginal discs in the larval hornworm, Manduca sexta 8:40 AM 16.2 DCE Reynolds LA, Gibbs AG; University of 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E) signaling delay in Nevada, Las Vegas starvation resistant Drosophila 9:00 AM 16.3 DCE Nimitkul S, Mykles DL, Chang ES; Bode- Role of cyclic nucleotides, intracellular calcium ga Marine Laboratory, University of Cali- and nitric oxide in the molt-inhibiting hormone fornia, Davis, Colorado State University (MIH) signaling pathway in Y-organs of the green shore crab (Carcinus maenas) 9:20 AM 16.4 DCE Sharabi O, Ventura T, Manor R, Aflalo Dual function of a putative epidermal growth facED, Sagi A; Ben Gurion University of the tor receptor in the decapod crustacean MacrobraNegev, University of the Sunshine Coast, chium rosenbergii Queensland, Australia 9:40 AM BREAK IN EXHIBIT HALL 8:00 am - Noon Continental Ballroom 9 Session 17: Neurobiology: Neuroethology Co-Chairs: Mark A. Willis, Duane McPherson 8:00 AM 17.1 DCB Munk Y, Wilkinson S, Daniel TL; Univer- Hawkmoths of Endor: navigational decision polisity of Washington, Morehouse College cies for obstacle navigation in Manduca sexta 8:20 AM 17.2 DCB Ros IG, Biewener AA; Harvard University Potential control inputs for aerial turning in the pigeon 8:40 AM 17.3 DNB Theobald JC, Cabrera S; Florida Interna- Flying fruit flies correct for visual sideslip using tional University motion parallax cues 9:00 AM 17.4 DAB Van Breugel F, Dickinson M; Caltech, Foraging for food: multimodel sensory fusion in University of Washington freely flying fruit flies 9:20 AM 17.5 DNB Zamore S, Lamarca E, Daniel TL; Uni- Mosquitoes do not track warm plumes in the abversity of Washington, Roosevelt High sence of CO2 School 28 SICB 9:40 AM Friday 4 January 2013 17.6 DNB Mongeau J-M, Sponberg SN, Full RJ; Unit responses from antenna in cockroaches University of California, Berkeley generate control input predicted from control-theoretic model of wall following 10:00 AM BREAK IN EXHIBIT HALL 10:20 AM 17.7 Deora T, Singh AK, Sane SP; National A general mechanical model of the Dipteran thoCentre for Biological Sciences, TIFR, rax Bangalore 10:40 AM 17.8 11:00 AM 17.9 Krishnan A, Sane SP; National Centre Antennal positioning in flying hawk moths for Biological Sciences, TIFR, Bangalore 11:20 AM 17.10 Simpson GM, Willis MA; Case Western The effect of loss of sensory input from the tegula Reserve University on the flight behavior and muscle activation patterns of the moth Manduca sexta 11:40 AM 17.11 DAB DNB Elzinga MJ, Dickinson MH; California In- Stroke features involved in the stabilization of lonstitute of Technology, University of Wash- gitudinal forward flight in flies ington Malec AM, Willis MA*; Case Western Re- Overlap between the fore and hind wings in the serve University moth Manduca sexta is different associated with sex and weight in free flight NOON LUNCH BREAK 10:00 - 11:40 am Imperial A Session 18: Evolution & Morphology I Chair: David Collar 10:00 AM 18.1 DVM Collar DC, Mehta RS, Holzman R, Wain- The morphological and kinematic basis of suction wright PC; University of California, Santa feeding performance evolution Cruz, Tel Aviv University, University of California, Davis 10:20 AM 18.2 DVM Claverie T, Wainwright PC; University of Fractal radiation: repeated patterns of diversificaCalifornia, Davis tion along an axis of body elongation in fishes 10:40 AM 18.3 11:00 AM 18.4 DEE Des Roches S, Torresdal J, Morgan T, Beyond black and white: comparative ecomorBrinkmeyer M, Harmon LJ, Rosenblum phology in three rapidly evolving lizard species at EB; University of Idaho, University of white sands California, Berkeley 11:20 AM 18.5 DVM Angielczyk KD, Schmitz L; Field Museum Reconstructing the diel activity patterns of fossil of Natural History, Claremont McKenna, nonmammalian synapsids Pitzer, Scripps Colleges Neutens C, Adriaens D, Christiaens J, Evolutionary morphology of the prehensile tail in Van Loo D, De Kegel B, Boistel R, Van syngnathid fishes: from pipefish to seahorse Hoorebeke L; Ghent University, Belgium, Université de Poitiers, France NOON LUNCH BREAK 10:00 am - Noon Imperial B Session 19: Macrophysiology Chair: Mark A. Chappell 10:00 AM 19.1 DEE Gibbs AG, Rajpurohit S, Peterson LM, Testing the melanism-desiccation hypothesis usOrr A; University of Nevada, University of ing experimental evolution Pennsylvania 10:20 AM 19.2 DEE Thompson AB, Boyles JG*, McKechnie Resource needs and climate means contributing AE, Malan E, Humphries MM, Careau V; to a global heterothermic continuum in mammals McGill University, Southern Illinois University, University of Pretoria, University of California, Riverside 29 SICB Friday 4 January 2013 10:40 AM 19.3 DCPB Waters JS, Harrison JF; Princeton Uni- Metabolic and behavioral variation with colony versity, Arizona State University size and age: a manipulative test of the size-dependence theory of metabolic allometry 11:00 AM 19.4 DCPB Hedrick MS, Hillman SS, Drewes RC, Physiological vagility, vertebrate dispersal and Hancock TV; University of North Texas, population genetic structure of amphibians Portland State University, California Academy of Sciences, Eastern Washington University 11:20 AM 19.5 DCPB Chappell MA, Londono G, Jankowski J, Do tropical birds from Andean forests have low Robinson S, Rincon D, Chinome A, Rive- basal metabolism? ra S, Rinconguarin D, Florez C; University of California, Riverside, University of Florida, Gainesville, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, University de Antioquia, Columbia, University Tecnologia y Pedagogica de Tunja, Columbia, University Industrial d Santander, Columbia 11:40 AM 19.6 Tepolt CK, Somero GN; Stanford Univer- Cardiac thermal tolerance and acclimatory plassity ticity in diverse populations of the invasive green crab, Carcinus maenas NOON LUNCH BREAK 10:00 am - Noon Plaza B Session 20: Avian Flight Chair: Donald R. Powers 10:00 AM 20.1 DCPB Powers DR, Tobalske BW; George Fox Metabolic power, mechanical efficiency, and heat University, University of Montana production during hovering and forward flight in calliope hummingbirds (Selasphorus calliope) 10:20 AM 20.2 10:40 AM 20.3 DCB Williams CD, Biewener AA; Harvard Uni- Squeezing through: strategies for navigating tight versity, Boston spaces in flight 11:00 AM 20.4 DCB Shelton RM, Jackson BE, Hedrick TL; High speed pursuit in barn and cliff swallows University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 11:20 AM 20.5 DCB Lentink D; Stanford University, Wagenin- Direct aerodynamic force measurements in avian gen University, Harvard University flight support active upstroke hypothesis 11:40 AM 20.6 DVM Bright JA, Cobb SN, Marugan-Lobon J, Morphological, dietary and phylogenetic converRayfield EJ; University of Bristol, Hull gence in the diurnal birds of prey York Medical School, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid Portugal S, Hubel T, Fritz J, Wilson A, The aerodynamics of flapping V formation flight Usherwood J; Royal Veterinary College, Uk, Royal Veterinary College, Austria NOON LUNCH BREAK 10:00 - 11:20 am Yosemite B Session 21: Coral Symbiosis Co-Chairs: Amanda Holt, Malcolm S. Hill 10:00 AM 21.1 DIZ Hanes SD, Kempf SC, Meyer E; Auburn Profiling gene expression responses of the symUniversity, Oregon State University biotic anemone, Aiptasia pallida, to elevated temperature and light conditions using RNA Seq 10:20 AM 21.2 DEE Hill M, Hill A, Cotman C, Friday S, Heist Evolutionary and ecological significance of T, McCauley M, Peterson K, Richardson sponge-Symbiodinium symbioses: genetic reguC, Riesgo A, Strehlow B; University of lation of uptake and maintenance in sponges Richmond, University of Mississippi, University of Virginia, CEAB, Spain 30 SICB Friday 4 January 2013 10:40 AM 21.3 11:00 AM 21.4 McGinty ES, McMahon RF, Mydlarz LD; The effect of temperature on the growth rates and University of Texas at Arlington oxygen consumption of 6 cnidarian algal symbionts DIZ Holt AL, Gagnon Y, Vahidinia S, Morse Photonic enhancement of symbiotic photosyntheDE, Sweeney AM; UCSB, Duke Univer- sis in giant clams sity, NASA-Ames, University of Pennsylvania 11:20 AM LUNCH BREAK 10:20 - 11:40 am Continental Ballroom 2/3 Session 22: Parental Behavior Chair: Alice Boyle 10:20 AM 22.1 DAB Boyle WA, Winkler DW, Guglielmo CG; When and how do tree swallow chicks die during Kansas State University, Cornell Univer- cold weather? sity, Western Ontario 10:40 AM 22.2 11:00 AM 22.3 DAB Bowers EK, Sakaluk SK, Thompson CF; Immune challenge and terminal investment in feIllinois State University male house wrens (Troglodytes aedon) 11:20 AM 22.4 DAB Wright ML, Caldwell RL; University of Are two parents better than one? Examining the California, Berkeley effects of biparental care in a stomatopod crustacean D’Alba L, Jones D, Badawy H, Shawkey Mechanisms of egg defense in Megapodes: MD; University of Akron, Griffith Univer- avoiding infection in a compost heap sity 11:40 AM LUNCH BREAK 10:00 am - Noon Continental Ballroom 7 Session 23: Comparative Endocrinology Co-Chairs: Kathleen Hunt, Elizabeth Addis 10:00 AM 23.1 DCE Addis EA, Reding DM, Schwartz TS, Insulin-like signaling and life history trade-offs in Palacios MG, Bronikowski AS; Gonzaga garter snakes with divergent life histories University, Iowa State University, CENPAT-CONICAT 10:20 AM 23.2 Ryan CP, Dawson AS, Sharp PJ, Wil- Hormone-trait relationships for experimentally enliams TD; Simon Fraser University, Can- larged clutches continue to challenge the prolacada, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, tin-based model for clutch-size determination UK, The Roslin Institute, University of Edinburgh, UK 10:40 AM 23.3 Dores RM, Liang L; University of Denver Humans are also mammals; using the human melanocortin-2 receptor as a model for analyzing the evolution of MC2Rs 11:00 AM 23.4 DCE Hunt KE, Rolland R, Kraus S; New Eng- Respiratory vapor sampling for endocrine studies land Aquarium of free-swimming baleen whales 11:20 AM 23.5 DCE Thompson JA, Valverde RA; University 2,4,6-Trichlorobiphenyl disrupts the hypothalamof Georgia, Southeastern Louisiana Uni- ic-pituitary-adrenal axis in red-eared slider turtles versity (Trachemys scripta elegans) 11:40 AM 23.6 Mark MM, Rubenstein DR; Columbia Interspecific brood parasitism prolongs parental University care and increases the stress response in a tropical songbird NOON LUNCH BREAK 31 SICB Friday 4 January 2013 FRIDAY PROGRAM AFTERNOON SESSIONS 1:00 - 3:00 pm Yosemite A Session 24: Complementary to Symposium: Physiological Responses to Simultaneous Shifts in Multiple Environmental Stressors: Relevance in a Changing World - Part III Chair: Michael W. Sears 1:00 PM 24.1 DEE Sears MW; Clemson Toward a spatially-explicit thermal ecology: predicting activity from the dispersal of individuals through thermally-structured landscapes 1:20 PM 24.2 DAB Clissold FJ, Simpson SJ; The University Plant quality is more than just nutrients: host plant of Sydney, Australia choice is determined by temperature and nutrients 1:40 PM 24.3 DEE Kingsolver JG, Diamond SE; University Thermal stress and the fitness consequences of of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Car- climate change for ectotherms olina State University 2:00 PM 24.4 DCPB Andrew NR, Hart RA, Jung M-P, Ter- Can temperate insects take the heat? Physiologiblanche JS; University of New England, cal and behavioural responses suggest high exAustralia, National Academy of Agricul- tinction risk with climate change tural Science, South Korea, Stellenbosch University, South Africa 2:20 PM 24.5 DEE 2:40 PM 24.6 Bernardo J, Spotila JR, Agosta S; Texas Thermal sensitivity of metabolic rates explains A&M University, Drexel University, Vir- range properties: towards a cause-and-effect unginia Commonwealth University derstanding of climate change vulnerability Lighton JRB, Foerster TD, Kaiyala KJ, Problem and solution: multiplexing distorts metaWisse B; Sable Systems International, bolic data University of Washington 1:00 - 3:00 pm Continental Ballroom 6 Session 25: “Ray Huey Award” DEE Best Student Paper Co-Chairs: Elizabeth Dahlhoff, Mike Angiletta 1:00 PM 25.1 DEE Carney RM, Ahearn SC, McConchie A biologically-based GIS model for predicting outA, Glaser C, Jean C, Barker C, Park B, breaks of mosquito-borne viral diseases Padgett K, Parker E, Aquino E, Kramer V; Brown University, City University of New York, University of British Columbia, California Dept of Public Health, University of California, Davis 1:20 PM 25.2 DEE Munoz MM, Stimola MA, Landestoy MA, Does thermal specialization accompany environConover A, Rodriguez A, Algar AC, Lo- mental differentiation in a diverse clade of Caribsos JB; Harvard University, Columbia bean Anolis lizards? University, Sociedad Ornitologica de la Hispaniola, Stuyvesant High School, University of California, Davis, University of Nottingham 1:40 PM 25.3 DEE Logan ML; Dartmouth College 2:00 PM 25.4 DEE Sunday JM, Bates AE, Dulvy NK; Simon Global patterns of thermal tolerance and range Fraser University, Institute for Marine and limits predict climate change responses in ectoAntarctic Studies, University of Tasmania therms 2:20 PM 25.5 DEE Koch RE, Hill GE; Auburn University 2:40 PM 25.6 DEE Mitchell TS, Maciel J, Janzen FJ; Iowa Sex-ratio selection influences nesting behavior in State University a reptile with environmental sex determination 32 Fine-scale variation in thermal ecology suggests resilience to climate change among tropical lizards Searching for evidence of a runaway process in art and literature SICB Friday 4 January 2013 1:00 - 3:00 pm Plaza A Session 26: Complementary to Symposium: Coping with Uncertainty: Integrating Physiology, Behavior and Evolutionary Ecology in a Changing World - Part I Chair: Kristjan Niitepold 1:00 PM 26.1 Niitepold K, Perez A, Boggs CL; Stanford Food limited butterflies – resting and flight metaUniversity bolic rate, fecundity and longevity 1:20 PM 26.2 Boggs CL, Niitepold K, Perez A; Stanford Comparative effects of adult food limitation on University butterfly life histories 1:40 PM 26.3 DEE 2:00 PM 26.4 DCPB Gunderson AR; Duke University 2:20 PM 26.5 2:40 PM 26.6 Kim TW, Taylor J, Lovera C, Barry JP; Ocean acidification impairs olfaction and elevates Monterey Bay Aquarium Research In- respiration in deep sea hermit crabs, with high stitue variation between individuals Sapir N, Rotics S, Kaatz M, Davidson S, Zurell D, Eggers U, Jeltsch F, Nathan R, Wikelski M; Max Planck Institute for Ornithology, Germany, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, University of Potsdam, Germany Testing common models of temperature-dependent activity: implications for predicting responses to climate change Multi-year tracking of White storks (Ciconia ciconia): how the environment shapes the movement and behavior of a soaring-gliding inter-continental migrant DCPB Shero MR, Pearson LE, Goetz KT, Rob- How Weddell seals stay in shape: using morphoinson PW, Hückstädt LA, Costa DP, metric and isotopic dilution techniques to assess Burns JM; University of Alaska Anchor- seasonal changes in body condition age, University of California Santa Cruz 1:00 - 3:00 pm Imperial B Session 27: Adhesion Chair: Tonia Hseih 1:00 PM 27.1 DVM Stark AY, Niewiarowski PH, Dhinojwala The effect of water on the gecko adhesive system A, Badge I; The University of Akron 1:20 PM 27.2 DVM Irschick DJ, Crosby AJ, Federle W; Uni- The evolution of gecko adhesion: an integrative versity Massachusetts Amherst, Cam- perspective bridge University, UK 1:40 PM 27.3 DCB Gillies AG, Lin H, Henry A, Ren A, Shi- Gecko toe and lamella adhesion on macroscopiuan K, Fearing RS, Full RJ; University of cally rough surfaces California, Berkeley 2:00 PM 27.4 DCB Labonte D, Federle W; University of Division of labour between adhesion and friction Cambridge pads in stick insects (Carausius morosus) 2:20 PM 27.5 DCB Smith AM; Ithaca College 2:40 PM 27.6 DCB Clifton GT, Hedrick TL, Biewener AA; Running on water: the impressive rushing behavConcord Field Station, Harvard Univer- iour of Western and Clark’s grebes sity, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, CFS Double network gels and biological glues: a powerful new toughening mechanism 1:00 - 3:00 pm Plaza B Session 28: Bat Flight Chair: Nicolai Konow 1:00 PM 28.1 DCB Padian K, Dial KP; University of Cali- Did bat ancestors glide? A phylogenetic approach fornia, Berkeley, University of Montana, Missoula 33 SICB Friday 4 January 2013 1:20 PM 28.2 DEDB Cooper L, Sears K, Simmons N; Regional alterations in bone thickness and denNEOMED, University of Illinois, Urbana- sity helped bats acquire active flight Champaign, American Museum of Natural History 1:40 PM 28.3 DCB Bergou A, Franck J, Taubin G, Swartz S, How do bats turn? Breuer K*; Brown University 2:00 PM 28.4 DCB Cheney JA, Middleton KM, Konow N, Electromyography of bat wing membrane musGiblin EL, Breuer KS, Swartz SM; Brown cles University, University of Missouri, Columbia 2:20 PM 28.5 DCB Konow N, Von Busse R, Cheney JA, What is the relationship between pectoralis musBreuer KS, Swartz SM; Brown University cle recruitment intensity and air speed velocity in an un-laden bat? 2:40 PM 28.6 DCB Bahlman JW, Swartz SM, Breuer KS; The cost of performance: power cost and aeroBrown University dynamic force generated by varying wingbeat kinematics 1:00 - 2:40 pm Yosemite B Session 29: Symbiosis Chair: Michele K. Nishiguchi 1:00 PM 29.1 DCPB Allam B, Carden W, Ward JE, Ralph GM, Evidence that Perkinsus marinus is acquired by Winnicki S, Parvez N, Pales Espinosa oysters during rejection of waterborne particles as E; Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, pseudofeces University of Connecticut, University of Connecticut, Groton 1:20 PM 29.2 DEE Fitzpatrick BM; University of Tennessee 1:40 PM 29.3 DEE Essock-Burns T, Tarrell A, Mathai P, Go- Interactions between biofilm bacteria and barnahad NV, Mount AS, Maki JS, Rittschof D; cles Balanus amphitrite Duke University, Marquette University, Clemson University 2:00 PM 29.4 DEE Pakes MJ, Mejía-Ortiz LM, Weiss A, Endosymbiosis in an Anchialine crustacean Caldwell RL; University of California, Berkeley, University of Quintana Roo, Cozumel 2:20 PM 29.6 Symbiont transmission and maintenance of interspecific disequilibrium in structured populations Katz S, Tresguerres M, Rouse GW; Drilling for nutrition: the physiological mechanism Scripps Institution of Oceanography, of bone penetration by Osedax UCSD, San Diego 1:00 - 3:00 pm Continental Ballroom 2/3 Session 30: Reproductive Behavior Chair: John Christy 1:00 PM 30.1 DAB Christy JH; Smithsonian Tropical Re- Extreme synchrony, amplitude modulation and search Institute phase reversals in the semilunar reproductive cycle of the intertidal false limpet Siphonaria gigas on a rocky shore in Panama 1:20 PM 30.2 DEE Heiniger J, Dickman C, Wilson RS; The The frenetic sex life of male northern quolls: does University of Queensland, University of performance degrade when the sex becomes too Sydney demanding? 1:40 PM 30.3 DAB Huffard CL, Caldwell RL; California Female proceptive behavior in octopus (Abdopus Academy of Sciences, University of Cali- aculeatus d’Orbigny 1834) fornia, Berkeley 34 SICB Friday 4 January 2013 2:00 PM 30.4 Gibson Q, Howells E, Lambert J, Mazzoil Reproductive state influence on female bottleM, O’Cory-Crowe G, Richmond J; Uni- nose dolphin ranging patterns versity of North Florida, Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute 2:20 PM 30.5 Murphy KK, Walker SE; California State The impact of age and mate quality on resource University, Fullerton allocation in the house cricket, Acheta domesticus 2:40 PM 30.6 DEE Drury JP, Anderson CN, Grether GF; Reproductive interference and interspecific terriUniversity of California, Los Angeles, toriality in rubyspot damselflies (Hetaerina spp.) Oberlin College 1:00 - 3:00 pm Continental Ballroom 1 Session 31: Stress, Immunity and Parasites Chair: Zach Stahlschmidt 1:00 PM 31.1 DEE Uhrig EJ, Friesen CR, Mason RT; Or- Endoparasitic infections in the red-sided garter egon State University snake, Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis 1:20 PM 31.2 DEE Pinzon JH, Beach-Letendre JM, Caw- Why does immunity vary? Linking phylogenetics thorne A, Weil E, Mydlarz LD; University and life history traits to immunity in reef-building of Texas, Arlington, University of Puerto corals Rico - Mayaguez 1:40 PM 31.3 DEE Stahlschmidt ZR, Rollinson N, Acker M, Are all eggs created equal? Food availability and Adamo SA; Dalhousie University the fitness tradeoff between reproduction and immunity 2:00 PM 31.4 2:20 PM 31.5 DEE 2:40 PM 31.6 DCPB Ragland GJ; University of Notre Dame Krasnov BR, Khokhlova IS; Ben-Gurion Patterns, mechanisms, consequences of genderUniversity of the Negev biased parasitism in small mammals Palacios MG, Cunnick J, Bronikowski Complex interplay of body condition, life-history, AM*; Iowa State University and prevailing environment shape immune defenses of garter snakes in the wild Relaxed, but ready: dormancy responses are the opposite of stress responses at the transcriptional level 1:00 - 3:00 pm Imperial A Session 32: Evolution & Morphology II Chair: Campbell Rolian 1:00 PM 32.1 1:20 PM 32.2 DCB Provini P, Biewener AA, Abourachid A; The 3D kinematics of the trunk and hindlimbs durMuséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, ing take-off and landing in zebra finch (TaeniopyParis, Department of Organismic and gia guttata) Evolutionary Biology, Concord Field Station, Harvard University, Cambridge 1:40 PM 32.3 DVM Rolian C, Dowhanik A, Krueger C, Hall- Observing skeletal evolution in real time: prelimigrimsson B; University of Calgary nary results from an artificial selection experiment in laboratory mice 2:00 PM 32.4 DCB Ryerson WG, Schwenk K; University of The medium matters: tongue-flicking mechanics Connecticut in air and water in the water snake (Nerodia sipedon) 2:20 PM 32.5 DVM Fabre A-C, Slater G, Cornette R, Peigné Getting a grip on grasping in carnivorans: a threeS, Goswami A, Pouydebat E; CNRS and dimensional analysis of forelimb shape MNHN, France, University College London, UK, Smithonian Institution, Washington, DC Stewart TA; University of Chicago 35 Multiple origins of the adipose fin and the morphological diversification of novel vertebrate appendages SICB 2:40 PM Friday 4 January 2013 32.6 DEE Rupp MF, Hulsey CD; University of Ten- Evolution and kinematics of pectoral fins in manessee Knoxville lawi cichlids 1:00 - 2:30 pm Yosemite C Session 33: Complementary to Symposium: Understanding First Order Phenotypes: Transcriptomics for Emerging Model Systems - Part III Chair: Prashant Sharma 1:00 PM 33.1 DEDB Sharma PP, Schwager EE, Giribet G, Distal-less and dachshund pattern both plesioJockusch EL, Extavour CG; Harvard Uni- morphic and apomorphic structures in chelicerversity, University of Connecticut ates: RNAinterference in the harvestman Phalangium opilio (Opiliones) 1:20 PM 33.2 DEDB Clemmensen SF, Hulsey CD; University Effects of morphological phenotypic plasticity on of Tennessee cichlid transcriptome expression 1:40 PM 33.3 DPCB Garb JE, Hayashi CY, Lancaster AK, Fresh insights from RNA-Seq analysis into black Corbett S, Ayoub NA; University of Mas- widow spider venom composition and evolution sachusetts Lowell, University of California, Riverside, Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research, Washington and Lee University 2:00 PM 33.4 DEDB Sanders SM, Shcheglovitova M, Cart- Nonparametric bootstrapping of RNASeq data in wright P; University of Kansas polymorphic polyps of Hydractinia symbiolongicarpus 2:20 PM 33.5 DPCB Bruders R, Kohn AB, Kocot KM, Swalla Gone with the Wnts: genomic insights into Wnt BJ, Norekian T, Moroz LL; University of signaling in the ctenophore, Pleurobrachia bachei Washington, University of Florida, Auburn University 2:25 PM 33.6 DPCB Swore JJ, Kohn AB, Kocot KM, Swalla On the origins of glutamatergic signaling: insights BJ, Norekian T, Moroz LL; University of from the ctenophore genome (Pleurobrachia baFlorida, Auburn University, University of chei) Washington 1:00 - 3:00 pm Continental Ballroom 7 Session 34: Population Genetics Chair: Michael W. Hart 1:00 PM 34.1 DEE Hart M, Sunday J, Popovic I, Learning K, Selection and gene flow in gamete recognition Konrad C; Simon Fraser University molecules: daughters of immigrants meet sons of locals in a sexual conflict 1:20 PM 34.2 1:40 PM 34.3 DEE Dolcemascolo P, Dileo K; Montclair State The genetics of colonization: evidence for a reUniversity, NJ Division of Fish and Wild- cent range expansion in Hyla cinerea life 2:00 PM 34.4 DEE Chu KH, Tsang LM, Wu TH; The Chi- High genetic divergence among Hong Kong nese University of Hong Kong stream faunal populations: implications for biodiversity conservation of freshwater ecosystems 2:20 PM 34.5 DEE Fox AM, Schrey AW, McCoy ED, Mush- Are roads a barrier to gene flow in a sand burinsky HR; University of South Florida, rowing lizard, the Florida sand skink, Plestiodon Armstrong Atlantic State University reynoldsi 2:40 PM 34.6 Rastorgueff P-A, Chevaldonné Lejeusne C; Aix-Marseille Université P, Unexpected patterns of connectivity and phylogeographic breaks in Mediterranean marine cave mysids Glazier AE, Etter RJ, Jennings RM; Uni- Bathymetric patterns of genetic variation: implicaversity of Massachusetts, Boston tions for evolution in the deep Atlantic 36 SICB Friday 4 January 2013 1:00 - 3:00 pm Continental Ballroom 9 Session 35: Ecomorphology Co-Chairs: Matthew Shawkey, Rita Mehta 1:00 PM 35.1 DVM Morris JS, Brandt E; University of Utah Sexual dimorphism in the gray wolf (Canis lupus): specialization for male-male competition or for male provisioning? 1:20 PM 35.2 DCB Sustaita D, Rubega M, Hartman G; Uni- When biomechanics meets biogeochemistry: versity of Connecticut functional correlates of loggerhead shrike (Passeriformes: Laniidae) feeding ecology based on stable isotopes analysis 1:40 PM 35.3 2:00 PM 35.4 2:20 PM 35.5 2:40 PM 35.6 Judge JL, Haszprunar G; University of A 3D investigation of the morphology of lepetellid California, Berkeley, Ludwig-Maximilians limpets (Lepetella sierrai): hypotheses on feeding University Munich ecology and symbiosis DEE Harvey TA, Prum RO; Yale University 3D imaging spectroscopy for measuring organismal hyperspectral patterns Campos EO, Bradshaw HD, Daniel TL; Exploring plant-pollinator interactions using 3D University of Washington, Seattle printed flowers DCPB Shawkey MD, D’Alba L, Vinther J, Ahmed Melanin chemistry and color in feathers M, Liu S; University of Akron, College of Wooster, University of Bristol, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab 1:00 - 3:00 pm Continental Ballroom 8 Session 36: Energetics Scott McWilliams 1:00 PM 36.1 DCPB McWilliams SR, Bauchinger U, Bolser The stress of stopping over: oxidative stress asJA, Alan RR, Smith AD, Seeram NP, sociated with long-duration flights and its implicaPierce BJ, Boyles M, Langlois L, Ger- tions for the ecology of migrants at stopover sites son A, Price E, Guglielmo C; University Rhode Island, Kingston, Sacred Heart University, University Western Ontario, London 1:20 PM 36.2 Bennett MM, Owings A, Yocum G, Rine- Flight metabolic rate as an expression of quality hart J, Greenlee K; North Dakota State in temperature stressed alfalfa leafcutting bees, University, United States Department of Megachile rotundata Agriculture, Fargo 1:40 PM 36.3 DCPB Middleton KM, Coats BR; University of Energy metabolism of small muscle phenotype Missouri, University of Chicago mice compared to inbred strains in response to exercise 2:00 PM 36.4 DCPB McCue MD; St. Mary’s Univ 2:20 PM 36.5 Davis MJ, Swanson BO; Gonzaga Uni- Wave energetics in fiddler crabs: variability in sigversity naling investment 2:40 PM 36.6 DCPB Dunkin RC, Williams TM, Koopman HN; Adaptations of elephant skin for non-evaporative University of California, Santa Cruz, Uni- and evaporative heat loss versity of North Carolina, Wilmington Direct measurement of starvation-induced shifts in endogenous fuel oxidation in mice 6:30-7:30 pm Continental Ballroom 4/5/6 Bartholomew Lecture Sweeney A; University of Pennsylvania 37 Animal photonics: an integrated, comparative view SICB Posters - Friday 4 January 2013 FRIDAY POSTER SESSION P1 Grand Ballroom, 3:00-5:00 PM Poster Set Up: 7:00-8:00 am; Poster Teardown: 5:00-5:30 pm Even # - Authors present from 3:00 - 4:00 pm; Odd # - Authors present from 4:00 - 5:00 pm Behavior: Communication P1.1 DCB Hunter A, Wilson RS; The University of Power, accuracy & deception: using evolutionary theory to Queensland improve scoring success in soccer penalties P1.2 DAB Dougherty LF, Caldwell RL; University of Mechanisms, ultrastructure and behavioral function of California, Berkeley flashing in Ctenoides ales: “electric scallops” P1.3 DAB Wang DL, Papaj DR; The University of Ari- The role of larval dietary carotenoids in an adult butterfly’s zona vision and nectar-foraging behavior P1.4 Welklin JF, Reichard DG, Ketterson ED; In- Low-amplitude song: a meta-analysis of its prevalence diana University and functions in North American birds P1.5 Sheedy RR, Hoese WJ; California State How do black phoebe, Sayornis nigricans, songs differ University Fullerton along a gradient of noise pollution? P1.6 Marson KM, Anderson C, Klein A, Cook M, Female ornaments and male mate choice in convict cichEarley RL; University of Alabama, Tusca- lids loosa P1.7 DAB P1.8 P1.9 Ossip-Klein AG, Oyola Morales JR, Vital C, Cryptic differences in coloration across four Sceloporus Zúñiga-Vega JJ, Hews DK, Martins EP; In- lizard species and implications for visual signal evolution diana University, Bloomington, Cornell University, Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez, Universidad Autónoma de México, Indiana State University, Terre Haute Cain PW, Gardner B, Thaker M, Hews DK; Fluctuating asymmetry in visual signals of male ScelopoIndiana State University, Indian Institute of rus undulatus lizards Science DAB Pruett JA, Vital C, Zúñiga-Vega JJ, Mar- Behavioral responses to conspecific chemicals of two tins EP, Hews DK; Indiana State University, Sceloporus species differing in signaling morphology Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juarez, México, Faculdad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Indiana University P1.10 Slowinski SP, Whittaker DJ, Ketterson ED; Odor sharing among kin in birds: assessing whether feIndiana University, Bloomington, BEACON male songbirds transfer preen oil to their nestlings during Center for the Study of Evolution in Action, brooding Michigan State University P1.11 Vlautin CT, Ferkin MH; University of Mem- Female meadow voles, Microtus pennsylvanicus, do not phis alter their over-marking in response to female conspecifics that differ in nutritional status Behavior: Habitats P1.12 DIZ Tessitore KA, Contino GJ, Iyengar EV*; Hiding from the enemy: behavioral responses of isopods Muhlenberg College to bluegill sunfish kairomones P1.13 DIZ Odierno JA, Jacobs MW; McDaniel College Decoration preference in the Pacific crab Oregonia gracilis P1.14 DIZ Hein SR, Jacobs MW; McDaniel College Decoration preference and habitat selection in early stage juveniles and megalopae in the decorator crab Oregonia gracilis P1.15 Wallace BP, Welch AM; College of Charles- Habitat preference of southern toads (Anaxyrus terrestris) ton, SC in response to substrate salinity P1.16 Peterson AN, Summers AP, Bizzarro JJ; Substrate preference of the Pacific sand lance, AmmoUniversity of Washington, Friday Harbor dytes hexapterus Labs 38 SICB Posters - Friday 4 January 2013 P1.17 DIZ McKee A, Voltzow J, Pernet B; California Substrate attributes determine gait in a terrestrial gastroState University, Long Beach, University of pod Scranton, Pennsylvania P1.18 DCB Monaenkova D, Gravish N, Goodisman M, Effect of moisture content on nest construction activity of Goldman D; Georgia Institute of Technology fire ants Biodiversity, Biogeography and Population Ecology P1.19 Beauchamp KA, Cadien DB, Duggan RM, Morphological and molecular investigation of species in Pilgrim EM; City of San Diego, County Sani- the family Leptocheliidae (Crustacea: Peracarida: Tanaitation District of Los Angeles County, City dacea) from the Northeastern Pacific Ocean and County of San Francisco Department of Water, Power and Sewer, US Environmental Protection Agency P1.20 DEE Clamp JC, Song W; North Carolina Central An international research coordination network for biodiUniversity, Ocean University of China versity of ciliates P1.21 DIZ Munguia A, Mooi R; University of Califor- The Philippines as the center of sea urchin diversity: an in nia, Davis, California Academy of Sciences, depth study from intertidal to abyss San Francisco P1.22 DEE Samuni-Blank M, Weinstein A; Technion-Is- Species richness in our urban backyard rael Institute of Technology, Haifa, Insectour blog, P1.23 Venesky M, Liu X, Sauer E*, Rohr J; The Linking manipulative experiments to field data to test the University of South Florida, Chinese Acad- dilution effect emy of Sciences P1.24 DEE Barthell JF, Hranitz JM, Redd JR, Brewster Plant competition in a Greek island ecosystem: a perturTN, Chicas-Mosier AM, Dinges CW, Hayes bation experiment CA, Rivera-Vega KM, Williams MI, Petanidou T, Wells H; University of Central Oklahoma, Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania, Clarkson University, Oklahoma State University, Bowdoin College, Fordham University, College of New Jersey, University of the Aegean, University of Tulsa P1.25 DIZ Campbell DG, Jacobs MW; McDaniel Col- Home harbor advantage? Local adaptation of Botrylloides lege, Friday Harbor Laboratories violaceus populations in the San Juan Islands P1.26 Maldonado K, López-Morgado N, Píriz G, Testing the temporal consistency of dietary individual speAnguita S, Reyes C, Chaura R, Sabat P; cialization in Rufous collared-sparrows from different ecoUniversidad De Chile, Chile, Universidad logical environments: the role of environmental variability De La Serena, La Serena, Chile, Universidad Austral De Chile, Valdivia, Chile P1.27 Peters JM, Carleton SA, Craig C, Martinez Effects of land use on seasonal foraging behavior in whiteDel Rio M; Harvard University, New Mexico winged doves of Arizona: insights from stable isotope State University, USGS, University of Wyo- analysis ming P1.28 Ramirez-Otarola N, Sabat P, Bozinovic F, Assessing the isotopic niche of passerine birds: analysis Martinez Del Rio C; University de Chile, of the carbon and nitrogen isotopic composition of tissues Santiago, Pont. University Cat. de Chile, and diet Santiago, University of Wyoming, Laramie P1.29 DEE Snyder TJ, Dolcemascolo P, Araya-Jara LV, Habitat use and population demographics of two aquatic Hazard L, Monsen KJ; Montclair State Uni- turtle species in a temperate forest lake versity P1.30 Springthorpe SK; Salem College Models for predicting the population dynamics of lasiurine bat species and their prey in western North Carolina P1.31 Weiss AK, Pakes MJ, Lindberg DR; Univer- Abiotic influences on the distribution and abundance of sity of California, Berkeley tropical cave-dwelling Macrobrachium spp. 39 SICB Posters - Friday 4 January 2013 P1.32 Bovery CM, Wyneken J; Florida Atlantic Spatial and temporal distributions of sea turtles in the FlorUniversity ida Gulf Stream P1.33 DEE Cockett PM, Bird CE; Texas A&M University Biogeographic patterns in the reproductive timing of - Corpus Christi broadcast-spawners P1.34 DEE Downs LK, Barrile GM, Bower CD, Hranitz Island dwarfism affects female fecundity in Fowler’s toad: JM, Klinger JM, Moore JT; Bloomsburg Uni- quantity versus quality? versity, Bloomsburg P1.35 Ellis E, Simon C, Marshall D, Hill K, Owen Differential Pleistocene diversification and phylogeographC, Kamp P; University of California, Santa ic patterns on New Zealand’s North Island Barbara, University of Connecticut, Storrs, University of Waikato P1.36 Moore JT, Barrile GM, Bower CD, Hranitz Co-occurrence of anurans in freshwater habitats on a MidJM; Bloomsburg University Atlantic coast Barrier Island P1.37 DEE Shabel A, Brim M*; University of California, Ecological factors and the biogeography of two morphoBerkeley logically divergent species of African clawless otter (Aonyx) P1.38 Stiller J, Rousset V, Pleijel F, Chevaldonné Phylogeny, biogeography and systematics of hydrotherP, Vrijenhoek R, Rouse G; SIO, UCSD, mal vent and methane seep Amphisamytha (AmpharetiUniversity of Gothenburg, Station Marine dae, Annelida) d’Endoume Marseille, MBARI P1.39 Fulbright MF, Gienger CM; Austin Peay Habitat selection and body temperatures of free-ranging State University, Center of Excellence for cottonmouths, Agkistrodon piscivorus Field Biology Complementary to Symposium: Coping with Uncertainty P1.40 DEE Krause JS, Perez JH, Sweet SK, Asmus Impacts of changing seasonality and the potential for troA, Rich ME, Schas J, Word KR, Gough L, phic mismatches in the Arctic Wingfield JC, Boelman NT; University of California, Davis, Columbia University, University of Texas, Arlington, Columbia University P1.41 DCPB Vleck D, Vleck C, Foote C, Winkler D; Iowa Telomeres: ghosts of stressors past and harbingers of State University, Ames, Cornell University things to come? Ithaca P1.42 DCPB Young RC, Kitaysky AS, Schultner J, Welck- Environmental determination of life-expectancy in longer J; University of Alaska Fairbanks, Norwe- lived seabirds: an inter-ocean comparison of kittiwake gian University of Science and Technology, chicks’ responses to stress Norwegian Polar Institute P1.43 DEE Buehler DM; University of Toronto P1.44 P1.45 Applying animal eco-physiological techniques in urban ecosystems: mini review Gomez SF, Takagi KK, Wright WG; Chap- Hermit-crab assay reveals heterogeneity in deterrence by man University actively secreted chemical defenses in Aplysia californica DCB Sharma N, Dhawale N, Venkadesan M; Na- Limits on the body size and shape of animals tional Centre for Biological Sciences, Bangalore P1.46 Perez JH, Wingfield JC, Ramenofsky M; The effects of Methimazole treatment on vernal migration, University of California, Davis in white-crowned sparrows P1.47 Quach LN, Perez JH, Krause JS, Chmura Adrenocortical responses to stress on the leading edge of HE*, Word KR, Schas J, Ramenofsky M, a northward range expansion in white-crowned sparrows Wingfield JC; University of Calfironia, Davis Complementary to Symposium: Ecological Epigenetics P1.48 Robertson MH, Richards CL, Hughes AR; Genotypic and epigenetic response to community strucUniversity of South Florida ture in Spartina alterniflora P1.49 Foust CM, Schrey AW, Richards CL; Uni- Genetic and epigenetic population structure in Spartina versity of South Florida, Armstrong Atlantic alterniflora State University 40 SICB Posters - Friday 4 January 2013 P1.50 DCPB Reynolds JA, Denlinger DL; Ohio State Uni- Do epigenetic mechanisms regulate diapause and the versity maternal block of diapause in the flesh fly, Sarcophaga bullata? P1.51 DEE Robbins T, Schrey A*, Richards C, Lang- Fire ant invasion status accounts for variation in DNA kilde T; Penn State University, Armstrong methylation of lizard populations Atlantic State University, University South Florida Complementary to Symposium: Integrating Genomics/Vision P1.52 P1.53 Randel N, Jékely G; Max Planck Institute for Mechanism of negative phototaxis in Platynereis larvae Developmental Biology, Germany DEE Yue J, Holland LZ, Yu J, Putnam NH; Rice Functional characterization of the asymmetron lucayanum University, University of California, San Di- genome ego, Academia Sinica Complementary to Symposium: Phenotypic Plasticity of Evolution of Gender Roles P1.54 P1.55 Carrillo-Baltodano A, Collin R; Smithsonian Sex-change in Crepidula cf. marginalis (Gastropoda: CaTropical Research Institute, Panama City lyptraeidae) is a response to physical contact with conspecifics DCPB Metabolic rates and phenotypic flexibility in indigenous populations of the Upper Rio Negro, Amazon, Brazil Bicudo JE; University of São Paulo Complementary to Symposium: Understanding First Order Phenoytypes P1.56 Pungor JR, Albertin CB, Kang S, Ragsdale Molecular characterization of the octopus visual system CW; Stanford University, University of Chicago P1.57 Walker JF, Monteiro A; Purdue University, Determining the putative source of a morphogen underlyYale University ing black spot development in Pieris rapae butterflies P1.58 DEDB P1.59 Helm RR, Dunn CW; Brown University The evolution of direct development in Scyphozoa Geber A, Smalls T, Palmer M, Ambrose B; Transcriptome analyses of the rhizophore in Selaginella Columbia University, The New York Botani- apoda cal Garden P1.60 DEE Muir CD, Davis PA, Conesa MÀ, Roldán Through thick and thin: the adaptive significance of leaf E, Galmés J, Moyle LC; Indiana University, trait variation in wild tomatoes University of the Balearic Island’s P1.61 DEDB Smith FW, Goldstein B, Jockusch EL; Uni- The Tardigrade Hypsibius dujardini and body plan evoluversity of Connecticut, University of North tion within Panarthropoda Carolina P1.63 DPCB Churches N, Kohn AB, Kocot KM, Swalla Collagens in the ctenophore Pleurobrachia bachei: reBJ, Moroz LL; University of Washington, markable expansion and diversity of genes controlling the University of Florida, Auburn University extracellular matrix in basal metazoans P1.64 Vickrey AI, Domyan E, Kronenberg Z, Sha- The developmental basis of head crests in the domestic piro MD; University of Utah pigeon P1.65 Gai L, Ellis NA, Miller CT; Swarthmore Col- The roles of BMP6 and AP2 in tooth number determination lege, University of California, Berkeley in threespine stickleback P1.66 DEDB P1.67 Barnett AA, Schmidt-Ott U; Southern Illinois Developing an RNA interference protocol for the mite arUniversity, University of Chicago Chegozetes longisetosus Fozouni P, Richter DJ, King N; University of Illuminating the biology of the common unicellular ancesCalifornia, Berkeley tor of animals and choanoflagellates Complementary to Symposium: When Predators Attack P1.68 DNB Jackson JM, Lenz PH*; University of Hawaii Selectivity and capture success in larval clownfish Amphiat Manoa prion ocellaris preying on evasive copepods P1.69 DCB Nair AM, Stewart WJ, McHenry MJ; Univer- Optimal approach strategies for fish predators based on sity of California, Irvine lateral line sensation P1.70 DCB Muijres FT, Dickinson M; University of Escape responses in freely flying fruit flies Washington, Seattle 41 SICB P1.71 Posters - Friday 4 January 2013 DNB P1.72 Liao JC, Ballo AW, Akanyeti O; The Whit- Signal transmission properties of the zebrafish larval latney Lab for Marine Bioscience, University of eral line in response to neuromast deflections Florida Gainesville Levels of lipid peroxidation in corals species, Porites lobata, in Maunalua Bay, Oahu, Hawaii Neth L; University of Hawaii, Manoa P1.73 DCB Waters SP, Leonard K, Porter ME, Long Automated shape modeling for undulatory swimmers usJH, Liew CW, Root RG; Lafayette College, ing Blum’s Medial Axis California State University, Channel Islands, Vassar College P1.74 DCB Kane EA, Higham TE; University of Califor- Predicting three-dimensional predator accuracy during dynia, Riverside namic capture events in centrarchid fishes P1.75 DCB Mansfield S, Evangelista D; University of Design of a phased array acoustic tracking system for California, Berkeley flight biomechanics tracking studies P1.76 Bendrick-Chartier EM, Leung NY, Oakley Localized inhibition of cnidocyte firing by light in the sea TH; University of California, Santa Barbara anemone Anthopleura sola P1.77 Pandit MM, Weiland TJ, Switzer C, Iwasaki Costs and benefits of aerial predation in dragonflies JM, Combes SA; Indiana University Bloomington, Middlebury College, Harvard University P1.78 Brady PC, Travis KA, Maginnis T, Cum- The polaro-cryptic mirror: a biological adaptation for openmings ME; University of Texas at Austin, ocean camouflage University of Portland P1.79 DVM Mandecki JL; The University of Chicago Retinal topography in pectoral fin swimmers Grossi B, Canals M; University of Chile Rethinking theoretical gravity hypothesis of sexual size dimorphism and its effects on locomotor energetics Ecomorphology P1.80 P1.81 DVM P1.82 Maie T, Schoenfuss HL, Blob RW; Clemson Musculoskeletal determinants of pelvic sucker function in University, St. Cloud State University Hawaiian gobiid fishes: interspecific comparisons, allometry, and many-to-one mapping Zani PA, Becich NB*; University of Wiscon- Color-morph-specific predation on clay models of sidesin, Stephens Point, Pomona College blotch lizards, Uta stansburiana P1.83 DVM Ferrer E; University of California, Berkeley P1.84 DEE Rader JA, Newsome SD, Chesser RT, Mar- Phenotype-environment correlations in Cinclodes oventinez Del Rio C; University of Wyoming, Na- birds: linking morphology to isotopic niche tional Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution P1.85 Geometric morphometric analysis of varanid skulls reveals comparable disparity among regions despite varying species diversity Tulga S, Ferrer E, Werning S; University of Parthenogenetic whiptail lizards vary more between year California, Berkeley classes than by size, age or habitat P1.86 DEE Green PA, Crofts S, Sigwart JD; University Functional morphology in chitons (Polyplacophora): influMassachusetts, Amherst, University Wash- ences of environment and ocean acidification ington, Seattle, Queen’s University Belfast, Marine Station P1.87 DVM Montuelle SJ, Vessel C, Williams SH; Ohio In vivo measurement of cranial kinesis in Gekko gecko usUniversity ing XROMM methodology P1.88 DPCB Felice RF; Ohio University Form and function in the avian caudal skeleton: a phylogenetic comparative investigation Crane RL, Merz RA; Swarthmore College Are they stuck in the mud: sediment properties and the burrowing abilities of two species of lugworm in False Bay, Washington P1.89 P1.90 DCB Gabler MK, Fish FE, Beneski JT, Mulvany The hydrodynamics of ground effect in relation to the head S, Moored KW; West Chester University, shape of the spotted eagle ray Pennsylvania, University of South Florida, Tampa, Princeton University New Jersey 42 SICB Posters - Friday 4 January 2013 P1.91 P1.92 Robinson AP, Labonte D, Muir MJ, Federle Slippery when wet: the roles of ridge morphology and surW; University of Cambridge face energy in the pitcher plant trapping zone DIZ P1.93 Full T, Robinson HE, Holzman R, Shavit U, Sea anemone tentacles flutter and flap in water flow in the Koehl MAR; University of California, Berke- field ley, Tel Aviv University, Technion Ortiz LA, Coughlin DJ, Goodrich KR; Wid- Twisty twigs: biomechanics of storm resistance in distal ener University branches of pawpaw P1.94 DAB Vega CM, Dougherty A, Adeyemi T, Hristov See you on the flip side: tarantula post-molt flipping N, Ashley-Ross MA; Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem State University, Center for Design Innovation P1.95 DVM Harvey TA, Bostwick KS, Marschner S; Yale Spatially- and directionally-varying reflectance of milliUniversity, Cornell University scale feather morphology P1.96 Mehrabani H, Tse KL*, Ray NA, Evangelista Development of bio-inspired surfaces to prevent ice forDA; University of California, Berkeley mation P1.97 DCB Landrigan J, Sprayberry JDH; Muhlenberg Effects of wind speed on floral motion characteristics College P1.98 DVM Berg CL, Chow JS, McGee MD, Wainwright Divergent feeding kinematics in two Amazonian cichlids PC; University of California, Davis Energetics and Metabolism P1.99 DCPB Castellanos L, Silverberg R, Morgan T, Wil- Evolution of energy metabolism in cold-adapted Drosophliams CM, Hahn DA; University of Florida, ila melanogaster Gainesville, Kansas State University, Manhattan P1.100 Andrew JL, Powers DR, Wethington SM; Use of torpor by a high- and mid-elevation hummingbird George Fox University, Hummingbird Moni- species in Southeastern Arizona toring Network P1.101 Milbergue M, Blier P, Vezina F; University of Do small wintering birds adjust their metabolic perforQuebec in Rimouski mance in response to perceived level of cold? P1.102 DEE P1.103 Jooste E, Boyles JG, Hallam TG, McCrack- Feeding, foraging, and energetics of small bats at high latien GF; Southern Illinois University, Univer- tudes sity of Tennessee Hogan BM, Wilcoxen TE, Horn DJ; Millikin The impact of bird feeding actvities on antioxidant capacity University and stress physiology of Central Illinois birds P1.104 DCPB Reynolds JA, Poelchau M, Armbruster Transcriptional changes in key metabolic enzymes conP, Denlinger DL; Ohio State University, tribute to metabolic restructuring during diapause in the Georgetown University mosquito, Aedes albopictus P1.105 DCPB Arquisola B, Albach B, McCue MD*; St. Egg laying hens produce artificially enriched 13C proteins Mary’s University for tracer studies s P1.106 Grebe EM, Gienger CM; Austin Peay State Resting metabolism of the eastern box turtle, Terrapene University carolina P1.107 DCPB Campbell JB, Duell ME, Klok CJ, Harrison Water loss, respiration, and critical PO2 in Cetoniinae JF; Arizona State University P1.108 DCPB Belanich JR, Secor SM; University of Ala- Postprandial metabolic response and specific dynamic acbama, Tuscaloosa tion of scorpions P1.109 DIZ Houlton C, Knoll J, Gladkowski L, Rich D, Affects of eyestalk ablation on hemolymph protein levels in Holford K; Purdue University North Central the crayfish, Procambarus clarkii P1.110 P1.111 Hubble CN, Wilcoxen TE, Horn DJ; Millikin Using multiple measures of individual condition to examUniversity ine the impact of commercial bird food on wild birds DCPB Corder KR, Schaeffer PJ; Miami University 43 Regulation of adipose storage by temperature and light cycles following migration in the gray catbird, Dumetella carolinensis SICB P1.112 Posters - Friday 4 January 2013 DCPB Sharick JT, Vazques-Medina JP, Ortiz RM, Oxidative stress in fasting adult breeding northern eleCrocker DE; Sonoma State University, Uni- phant seals versity of California, Merced P1.113 Owings AA, Yocum G, Rinehart J, Kemp W, Critical PO2 of developing Megachile rotundata, the alfalfa Greenlee K; North Dakota State University, leaf-cutting bee Fargo, USDA-ARS Red River Valley Agricultural Research Center, Fargo P1.114 Crocker-Buta SP, Secor SM; University of Determinates and repeatability of specific dynamic action Alabama, Tuscaloosa for the corn snake Pantherophis guttatus P1.115 DCPB Veleta K, Tokar DR, Canzano J, Hahn DA, Vitellogenin RNAi treatment halts oocyte growth without Hatle JD; University of North Florida, Uni- decreasing protein translation versity of Florida P1.116 DCPB Marunde M, Samarajeewa DA, Nguyen M, Improved tolerance to salt and water stress in DrosophHand SC, Menze MA; Eastern Illinois Uni- ila melanogaster cells conferred by late embryogenesis versity, Louisiana State University abundant protein P1.117 DCPB Shaughnessy CA, Radloff J, Bystriansky Osmoregulation in wolf eel (Anarrhichthys ocellatus) durJS, Balfry SK; DePaul University, Vancou- ing acclimation to dilute seawater ver Aquarium P1.118 DCPB Bystriansky JS, Sackville M, Yoo J, Tatter- Preparation for freshwater migration in adult pink salmon sall K, Alonge MM, Judd SM, Farrell AP, (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) Brauner CJ; DePaul University, University of British Columbia Evolutionary Developmental Biology I P1.119 DVM Reider M, Connaughton VP; American Uni- Effects of rearing temperature and thyroid hormone inhibiversity tor Methimazole (MMI) on eye development and general morphology in zebrafish P1.120 DEDB Melicher D, Torson A; North Dakota State Understanding novel evolutionary changes in morphology University using next-generation sequencing technology P1.121 DEDB Khalili S, Whalen W, Magie CR*; California Rho GTPase function during early development in the cniState University, Fresno, Quinnipiac Univer- darian, Nematostella vectensis sity P1.122 DEDB Von Dassow M; Duke University Marine Lab The mechanism of blastula expansion in sand dollars P1.123 DEDB Moustakas-Verho JE, Christensen M, Kal- Supersize me: cellular dynamics controlling size in the lonen A, Hämäläinen K, Jernvall J; Institute mammalian molar of Biotechnology, University of Helsinki P1.124 P1.125 Weber CJ, Von Dassow M; University of Environment and the mechanics of development: effects Washington, Seattle, Duke University Ma- of salinity on the sand dollar blastula rine Lab DEDB Chang E, Yang M, Sherwood DR, Matus The evolution of anchor cell invasion during rhabditid nemDQ; Duke University atode vulval development P1.126 Sweet HC, Woltman RA, Wood ME, Arm- Development of a vitellaria larva in the brooding brittle star strong JM, Spiecker BJ, Border CT, Rogge Ophioplocus esmarki BJ; Rochester Institute of Technology P1.127 Lohman BK, Sirotkin HI, Bell MA; University A whole-mount method for trypsin clearing and collagen of Texas at Austin, Stony Brook University type II antibody staining P1.128 DEDB Morris ZS; The University of Texas at Austin Determining the onset of ossification and reconstructing ontogeny in vertebrates: a comparison of clearing and staining, histological and computed tomography methods P1.129 DEDB Rodriguez AM, Hawkins MB, Stock DW; The zebrafish as a model for the evolution and developUniversity of Colorado, Boulder, Harvard ment of breeding tubercles in fishes University P1.130 Bruce HS, Eisen MB, Patel MB; University The topology of Hox gene networks during limb morphoof California, Berkeley genesis of the crustacean Parhyale hawaiensis 44 SICB Posters - Friday 4 January 2013 Evolutionary Physiology and Adaptation P1.131 DPCB Jaffe AL, Slater GJ, Alfaro ME; Harvard Uni- The evolution of island gigantism and body size variation versity, University of California, Los Angeles in tortoises and turtles P1.132 DVM Fraser A, Segev T, Graw WA, Suchocki L, Comparative morphology of owl and hawk extraocular Hall MI; Midwestern University muscles P1.133 DEE Roberts KT, Heidl SJ, Dahlhoff EP, Smiley Effects of environmental and genetic variation on survival JT, Rank NE; Sonoma State University, and development of a montane insect in the presence of Santa Clara University, White Mountain Re- natural enemies search Center P1.134 Cave EJ, Gunn T, Bedore C, Kajiura S, Ker- Sexual dimorphism in the dentition of pelagic stingrays, stetter D; Florida Atlantic University, Nova Pteroplatytrygon violacea Southeastern University P1.135 DEE Wallace GT, Neufeld CJ; Whitman College, Latitudinal variation in the cold tolerance of the intertidal University of Washington copepod Tigriopus californicus P1.136 DCPB Mineo PM, Schaeffer PJ; Miami University P1.137 DEE Kim TL*, Neufeld C; Northwestern Univer- Variation in thermal tolerance between life stages of the sity, University of Washington intertidal copepod Tigriopus californicus P1.138 DEE Abolins-Abols M, Ketterson ED; Indiana Interaction between HPA and HPG axes in two rapidly diUniversity verging Oregon junco (Junco hyemalis thurberi) populations P1.139 DCPB Menzel EJ, Secor SM; University of Ala- Exploring the phenotypic plasticity of intestinal responses bama for snakes P1.140 Thermal acclimation of locomotor performance in the Eastern newt Dayan DI, Oleskiak MF; University of Mi- Phenotypic plasticity and adaptation in Fundulus glycolytic ami, Miami FL muscle physiology P1.141 DIZ Currie AE, Podolsky RD; University of Mary- Effects of temperature on ouabain-insensitive ATPase acland, College Park tivity in tube feet of northern and southern populations of the sea urchin Arbacia punctulata P1.142 DEE D’elia G, Feijoo M, Lessa EP, Naya DE*, Comparing digestive and renal traits among populations of Pardiñas UFJ, Teta P, Tomasco IH, Valdez the rodents Abrotrhix olivacea and A. longipilis L; Universidad Austral de Chile, Chile, Universidad de la Republica, Uruguay, Centro Nacional Patagonico, Argentina P1.143 P1.144 Cavieres G, Nuñez-Villegas M, Sabat P; Can the thermal conditions experienced during ontogeny Universidad de Chile have consequences on phenotypic flexibility in Phyllotis darwini? DEE Franco LM, Contreras CI, Cortes PA, Ne- Aerobic power, huddling and the efficiency of torpor in the spolo RF; UACH, Valdivia South American marsupial, Dromiciops gliroides P1.145 Lang SA, Cole MC, Kristan DM; California Short-term re-feeding after calorie restriction partially reState University San Marcos stores resistance to parasite infection P1.146 Clavijo-Baquet S, Petit M, Vézina F; Ponti- Testing causal relationships between metabolic rates and ficia Universidad Católica de Chile, Univer- fitness in black capped chickadee (Poecile atricapillus): sité du Québec à Rimouski implications for the evolution of endothermy P1.147 DEE P1.148 P1.149 P1.150 Kuo C-Y, Irschick DJ; University of Massa- A costly antipredator behavior in a gradient of predation chusetts Amherst pressure: tail autotomy in the side blotched lizard Uta stansburiana Starr MJ, Collin R; Smithsonian Tropical Re- Enzyme activity in early life stages of planktotrophic slipsearch Institute per snails (Gastropoda: Calyptraeidae) DEE Sperling EA, Knoll AH, MacDonald FA, A basin redox transect at the dawn of animal life Johnston DT; Harvard University Haslett S, Proudfoot G, Crespi E, Warne Integrating stress physiology across breeding and migratR; Southern Illinois University Carbondale, ing life stages in owls Vassar College 45 SICB Posters - Friday 4 January 2013 Genomics, Proteomics and Molecular Evolution P1.151 DEDB Dabe EC, Kohn AB, Bobkova Y, Ko- Epigenomic signatures in basal metazoans: DNA methylcot K, Citarella M, Bostwick CJ, Winters transferase in Pleurobrachia bachei GC, Swalla BJ, Moroz LL; University of Florida,Whitney Lab for Marine Biosciences, University of Washington P1.152 DEE McKenney E, Wu S, Yoder AD, Rodrigo A; MMAP: a pipeline for metagenomic analysis of complex Duke University microbial populations P1.153 DEE Passow CN, Kelley JL, Tobler M; Oklahoma Characterization of the Poecilia mexicana transcriptome: a State University, Stanford University model for adaptation and speciation research P1.154 Dorfman RE, Li D, Benner I, Lefebvre S, Transcriptomic analysis of the effects of ocean acidificaCarpenter EJ, Komada T, Stillman J; San tion and increased temperature in the coccolithophore Francisco State University Emiliania huxleyi P1.155 DPCB Terusaki AT, Puengyam P, Tsukimura B; Cloning of a putative elongation factor 1? Gene from the California State University, Fresno, Prince ovaries of the ridgeback shrimp, Sicyonia ingentis of Songkla University, Thailand P1.156 DCPB Hernandez D, Schuman M, Tomanek L; Cal Proteomic changes in gill tissue during acute aerial heat Poly, San Luis Obispo stress in tidally entrained Mytilus californianus P1.157 DCPB Mier JS, Zuzow M, Tomanek L; California Comparison of the proteomic responses in adductor musPolytechnic State University, San Luis Obis- cle tissue of Mytilus galloprovincialis and M. trossulus to po acute heat shock P1.158 DCPB Salzberg R, Zuzow M, Tomanek L; Califor- Proteomic changes in the mantle tissue of the mussel nia Polytechnic State University, San Luis congeners Mytilus galloprovincialis and M. trossulus in reObispo sponse to acute heat stress P1.159 DCPB Chilton H, Tomanek L, Zuzow M; Califor- The proteomic response of Mytilus galloprovincialis and nia Polytechnic State University, San Luis Mytilus trossulus to acute oxidative stress in the presence Obispo of sirtuin inhibitors P1.160 DCPB Elder H, Todgham A, Tomanek L; Califor- Changes in global protein abundance patterns in the internia Polytechnic State University, San Luis tidal owl limpet Lottia gigantea in response to acute heat Obispo, California State University, San stress Francisco P1.161 P1.162 Fowler A, Zuzow M, Tomanek L; Califor- The proteomic response of tidally-entrained California nia Polytechnic State University, San Luis ribbed mussel Mytilus californianus to hypoxia stress Obispo DCPB Zuzow M, Chilton H, Fangue N, Todgham Proteomic responses of Sebastes melanops to ocean A, Tomanek L; Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo acidification associated stress P1.163 Leung NL, Taketa DA, Torres E, Oakley TH; Origin of luciferase genes in cypridinid ostracods (CrusUCSB, California State University Los An- tacea) geles P1.165 Alves C, Perry E*, Craig C, Miller-Sims V, Wide range of genetic variability of mitochondrial COI in Kimmerer W, Cohen CS; Connecticut Col- introduced species of copepods in the San Francisco Eslege, Romberg Tiburon Center, San Fran- tuary cisco State University P1.167 DEE P1.169 P1.170 Macias A, Yuan F, Monteiro A, Briscoe A; Visual transcriptomics of seasonal forms of the butterfly University of California, Irvine, Yale Univer- Bicyclus anynana sity McCoy RC, Boggs CB, Petrov DA; Stanford Evaluating methods of demographic inference and testUniversity ing for balancing selection using genomic data from the checkerspot butterfly Euphydryas gillettii DEE Alvarez MF, Schrey AW, Richards CL; Uni- Trends in ecological microarray studies versity of South Florida, Armstrong Atlantic State University 46 SICB P1.171 Posters - Friday 4 January 2013 DCPB P1.172 Baumgartner MF, Tarrant AM*, Lysiak NSJ, Identifying markers of preparation for dormancy and the Hansen BH, Aruda AM, Altin D, Nordtug T, terminal molt in Calanus finmarchicus Olsen AJ; Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, SINTEF, Trondheim Norway, BioTrix, Norwegian University Science and Tech Ryan JF, Børve A, Hejnol A; Sars Interna- Are acoelomorphs deuterostomes? Evidence from the getional Centre for Marine Molecular Biology nome of nemertodermatid Meara stichopi (Acoelomorpha) Neurobiology: Neurotransmitters and Neurochemistry P1.173 DAB Waalkes WC, Bergman DA; Grand Valley Nonylphenol effects on chemosensory orientation behavState University ior of the crayfish, Orconectes propinquus P1.174 DNB Nuhar A, Boisette B, Carroll MA, Catapane Manganese accumulations in gill mitochondria of EJ; Medgar Evers College Crassostrea viginica? P1.175 DNB Mangiamele LA, Keeney ADT, D’Agostino Pheromone exposure influences preoptic arginine vasotoEN, Thompson RR; Bowdoin College cin gene expression and inhibits social approach behavior in response to rivals, but not potential mates P1.176 DNB Ogunnoiki J, Jackson K, Catapane EJ, Car- Neurotoxic effects of manganese on GABAergic innervaroll MA; Medgar Evers College tion in the bivalve mollusc Crassostrea virginica P1.177 DNB Cain SD, Zungul-Hasty LS, Kelsey P*; East- The distrubution of GABAergic neurons in The CNS of nuern Oregon University dibranch molluscs P1.178 DNB Opoku R, Chekayev Y, Carroll MA, Cata- Manganese treatments decreases immunofluorescence pane EJ; Medgar Evers College emissions of post-synaptic dopamine D2 receptors P1.179 Kim GR; PuKyung National University, Re- Cloning and expression study of the five pandalopsis japublic of Korea ponica (the Morotoge shrimp) nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subunits P1.180 DNB Ojo C, Rogers K, Adams T, Catapane EJ, Chelating agents reverse neurotoxic effects of manganese Carroll MA; Medgar Evers College on dopaminergic innervation of gill of the bivalve mollusc Crassostrea virginica P1.181 DNB Mekdara PJ, Shinkawa N, Mekdara NT, Acute effects of BMAA-induced neurodegeneration in DroGoto JJ, Muller UK; California State Univer- sophila sity, Fresno P1.181A DCB Husain DI, Maxkwee K, Mekdara PJ, Lent Assessing the role of glutamate in insect motor control DD, Goto JJ, Muller UK; California State University, Fresno P1.182 DNB Lafleur K, Rotibi M, Catapane EJ, Carroll Effects of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents on MA; Medgar Evers College neurotoxic effects of manganese on dopaminergic innervation of gill of the bivalve mollusc Crassostrea virginica P1.183 DCPB Sanderlin AG, Rose EK, Yeoh AJ, Gillen Immunocytochemical localization of the amino acid coCM, Itagaki H; Kenyon College transporter KAAT1 and neuromodulators in the midgut of larval Manduca sexta Complementary to Special Session Honoring Ken Nagy P1.184 Brown TK, Merscheim M, Davidson E; CSU Energetics of Blainville’s horned lizards, Phrynosoma blaSan Marcos invillii, in disturbed and undisturbed habitats P1.185 DCPB Gleiss AC, Whitlock RE, Dale JJ, Clark TD, Influence of ambient temperature on specific dynamic acBlock BA; Hopkins Marine Station, Stanford tion in bluefin tuna University, Finnish Game and Fisheries Research Institute, Helsinki, Australian Institute of Marine Science, Townsville P1.186 DCPB Henen BT; United States Marine Corps P1.187 DCPB Bachman G; University of Nebraska, Lin- Cooling and hibernation effects on leukocyte numbers in coln the ornate box turtle Terrapene ornata ornata P1.188 DCPB Ellis HI, Bowman R; University of San Di- Energy budgets for Florida scrub-jays: a changing landego, Archbold Biological Station scape matters 47 It’s about time: chelonian physiological ecology and conservation SICB Posters - Friday 4 January 2013 P1.189 Girard I; University of Wisconsin-Madison High cost of paternal care in the kit fox, Vulpes macrotis Swimming and Flying P1.190 DCB Choudhury S*, Manikkam DK, Berg O, Exploring asynchronous flight-muscle mechanics in inMuller UK; California State University Fres- sects through a bio-mimetic flapping machine no P1.191 DCB Twyman CA, Hales K, Socha JJ; Virginia How do flying snakes land on a branch? Kinematics and Tech impact forces of landing in Chrysopelea ornata P1.192 DCB Cam S, Evangelista D*, Ho M, Huynh T, Cute baby birds and flight control: a coming of age story Krivitskiy I, Lin Y, Stevenson R, Dudley R; of intrigue, flips, falls from great heights, and high speed University of California, Berkley cameras P1.193 DCB Nakata T, Henningsson P, Liu H, Bomphrey Aerodynamic performance of gliding dragonflies with RJ; University of Oxford, Chiba University three-dimensional corrugated wings P1.194 DAB Murphy BJ, Enstrom DA, Cochran WW, Wingbeat frequency and altitude shifts in the migratory Bowlin MS; University of Michigan-Dear- flight of the Swainson’s thrush Catharus ustulatus born, Illinois Natural History Survey P1.195 DCB Volz LJ, Taylor EM, Simpson KB, Field BS, Flexural stiffness & false head behavior in lycaenidae hind McCloud ES, Davis JL; University of South- wings ern Indiana P1.196 DVM Schunk C, Chiu C, Swartz SM, Breuer KS; Velocity fields in the near-wake of E. fuscus Brown University P1.197 DCB Kwong A, Doong J, Evangelista D; Univer- Methods for quantifying disturbance force and sensitivity sity of California, Berkeley, Stanford Univer- of simple shapes to turbulent incident air velocities sity P1.198 DCB Crandell KE; University of Montana, Mis- The function of avian distal wing bones during flight soula P1.199 DCB Kolpas A, Fish FE*, Meade A, Dudas MA, Mathematical analysis of three-dimensional open water Moored KW; West Chester University, maneuverability by mantas (Manta birostris) Dudas’Diving Duds, Princeton University P1.200 DVM Reynaga CM, Ferry LA, Clark AJ; University A comparative study of body shape and swimming kineof California, Santa Cruz, Arizona State Uni- matics in pholid and stichaeid fishes versity, College of Charleston P1.201 DCB Lucas KN, Johnson N, Costello JH, Colin Convergent inflexion patterns of flexible margins of oscilSP; Roger Williams University, Texas A&M lating animal propulsors during swimming and flight University, Providence College P1.202 DCB Taz H, Sharpe SS, Goldman DI; Wesleyan Limb drag during sand-swimming College, Georgia Institute of Technology P1.203 DCB Crawford CH, King BD, Clark AJ; College of Material properties of taut and slack skins in elongate Charleston fishes P1.204 DVM Taft NK, Lauder GV, Shubin N; University Morphological variation in the pectoral fin lepidotrichia in of Wisconsin-Parkside, Harvard University, basal actinopterygian fishes University of Chicago P1.205 Resonance in fish swimming to minimize muscle tension Kohannim S, Iwasaki T*; UCLA P1.206 DCB Stevenson RA, Evangelista D, Looy CV; Reconstruction of the flight characteristics of winged seeds University of California, Berkeley of Late Paleozoic conifers P1.207 DVM Feo TJ, Prum RO; Yale University Uncovering the morphological and developmental basis of vane asymmetry in flight feathers Vertebrate Endocrinology P1.208 DCE Guardado D, Bentley GE, Perfito N; Univer- Melatonin and the reproductive axis of European starlings sity of California, Berkeley P1.209 DCE Kangas KA, Guerrero V, Bentley GE; Uni- Awaking a sleeping dogma: de novo hypothalamic melaversity of California, Berkeley, Integrative tonin synthesis in passerines Biology and Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute 48 SICB Posters - Friday 4 January 2013 P1.210 Chan H, Demathieu SL, Lopes PC, John- Neuroendocrine basis of cooperative breeding in the soston N, Krause JS, Bentley GE; University ciable weaver of California, Berkeley, GABBA, University of Porto, University of California, Davis, Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute P1.211 DCE McCaffrey A, Garcia J, Priyamvada L, Yao Estradiol induces thymus gland apoptosis via both estroA, Heckman K, Schreiber A; St. Lawrence gen and glucocorticoid receptor pathways in Xenopus laeUniversity vis tadpoles P1.212 DCE Muzzio AM, Noyes PD, Stapleton HM, The Organic Anion Transporting Protein (OATP) family in Lema SC; CalPoly, San Luis Obispo, Duke a teleost fish model University P1.213 Bailey AM, Long KL, Greives TJ, Zhao S, Seasonal differences in RFamide peptide regulation of the Kriegsfeld LJ, Demas GE; Indiana Univer- reproductive endocrine axis in Siberian hamsters sity, Bloomington, University of California, Berkeley P1.214 Simkins JS, Benowitz-Fredericks ZM, Ken- Effect of pre-hatch aromatase inhibition on post-hatch imny TC; Bucknell University munity in chickens (Gallus gallus) P1.215 DCE Wallace KR, Callaghan M, Murray J, Bell J; Exploration of the role of indoleamines in the cyclical beCSU East Bay, CSU Monterey Bay, CSU havior of Tritonia diomedea Maritime P1.216 DCE Rendon NM, Demas GE; Indiana Univer- Timing matters: exogenous melatonin mimics short-day sity, Bloomington increases in aggression in female Siberian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus) P1.217 DCE Nemeth Z, Ramenofsky M; University of Blocking testosterone action indirectly increases migratory California, Davis restlessness during fall migration P1.218 DCE Walti KA, Sanders KE, Lema SC; CalPoly, Multiple AVT receptors in teleost fish: Identification and tisSan Luis Obispo sue distribution of two distinct V2-type AVT receptor cDNAs in Amargosa pupfish P1.219 Park D, Daniels KD, Freel KL, Propper CR; Small diel temperature increases affect the time to metaKangwon National University, South Korea, morphosis in the Arizona tiger salamander (Ambystoma Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff tigrinum) alone and in combination with ammonium perchlorate exposure P1.220 DCE Cimino RL, Richmond JP; University of Assessing seasonality of the free-ranging Florida manatee North Florida (Trichechus manatus latirostris) P1.221 DCE Moore BC, Brinkman E, Boggs ASP, Men- Assessment of circulating sex steroid hormones and viteldoza R; Louisiana Tech University, Arkan- logenin content in male and female breeding spotted gar sas Game and Fish Commission, Medical (Lepisosteus oculatus) University of South Carolina, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Mexico P1.222 Castro DJ, Robinson CD, Johnson MA; The effect of variation in endocrine mechanisms on natural Trinity University display behavior in Caribbean Anolis lizards P1.223 DCE Navara KJ, Pinson SE, Little T; The Univer- High dose testosterone causes oocyte reabsorption in sity of Georgia chickens P1.224 DCE Mcavoy KA, Benowitz-Fredericks Bucknell University P1.225 DAB Ambardar M, Grindstaff JL; Oklahoma State Testosterone production in response to aggression: physiUniversity ological or behavioral constraint? P1.226 P1.227 ZM; Influence of maternal yolk testosterone on aromatase activity in the pre-optic area of the brain in 3-day-old domestic chickens Pusch EA, Navara KJ, Thompson J; Univer- Effects of short-term food restriction on gonadotropin insity of Georgia hibitory hormone (GnIH) receptor mRNA expression the brain and testes of zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata) DCE Edmonds KE; Indiana University Southeast Effects of photoperiod, melatonin, and gonadal steroids on gastrointestinal development in the male marsh rice rat (Oryzomys palustris) 49 Saturday Schedule of Events All events take place in the Hilton San Francisco Union Square EVENT Poster Session 2 Set Up Registration Exhibit Hall Poster Session 2 Even Numbers Viewing Poster Session 2 Odd Numbers Viewing Poster Session 2 Teardown Coffee Break/PM Poster Session Cash Bar SPECIAL LECTURE Howard Bern Lecture SYMPOSIA ORAL PRESENTATIONS S3: Vertebrate Land Invasions - Past, Present and Future S4: Understanding First Order Phenotypes: Transcriptomics for Emerging Models S5: Hormone-Mediated Sex Ratio Adjustment in Vertebrates CONTRIBUTED PAPER ORAL PRESENTATIONS Session 37: Comp to Symp: When Predators Attack: Sensing and Motion...I Session 38: Comp to Symp: When Predators Attack: Sensing and Motion...II Session 39: Wing Shape Session 40: Robotic, Mathematical & Physical Models (General) Session 41: Robotic, Mathematical & Physical Models: Swimming & Flying Session 42: Muscle Physiology and Biochemistry: Molecules of Movement Session 43: Muscle Physiology: Biomechanics & Locomotion Session 44: Comp to Symp: Coping with Uncertainty: ... Part II Session 45: Comp to Symp: Coping with Uncertainty: ... Part III Session 46: Comp to Symp: Physiological Responses to Simultaneous Shifts...Part IV Session 47: Comp to Symp: Physiological Responses to Simultaneous Shifts...Part V Session 48: Cell and Molecular Physiology Session 49: Social Behavior Session 50: Molecular Evolution and Population Genetics Session 51: Evolutionary Developmental Biology, Part I Session 52: Biophysics Ecology Session 53: Life Histories Session 54: Reef Ecology Session 55: Special Session Honoring Bruce Sidell, Part I Session 56: Stress-Development Session 57: Behavioral Variation Session 58: Vertebrate Evolution and Phylogenetics Session 59: Evolutionary Developmental Biology, Part II Session 60: Community Ecology Session 61: Skulls & Teeth II Session 62: Biogeography Session 63: Special Session Honoring Howard Bern Session 64: General Insect Flight Session 65: Stress Session 66: Neurobiology: Sensorimotor Integration Session 67: Phylogenetics and Computational Methods Session 68: Comp to Symp: Coping with Uncertainty: Integrating Physiology...Part IV Session 69: Special Session Honoring Bruce Sidell, Part II Session 70: Comp to Symp: Physiological Responses to Simultaneous Shifts...Part VI Session 71: Evolutionary Developmental Biology III: Cell Differentiation Session 72: Robotic, Mathematical & Physical Models: Terrestrial Session 73: Population Ecology Session 74: Tail Function Session 75: Respiration & Lung Changes 50 TIME 7:00-8:00 AM 7:30 AM-4:00 PM 9:30 AM-5:00 PM 3:00-4:00 PM 4:00-5:00 PM 5:00-5:30 PM 9:30-10:30 AM/3-5 PM LOCATION Grand Ballroom Yosemite Foyer Grand Ballroom Grand Ballroom Grand Ballroom Grand Ballroom Grand Ballroom 6:30-7:30 PM Continental 4-6 7:50 AM-3:00 PM 8:20 AM-3:00 PM 8:00 AM-3:00 PM Continental 4 Continental 5 Continental 6 8:20-9:40 AM 10:00-11:40 AM 7:40-9:40 AM 8:00-9:40 AM 10:00 AM-Noon 8:00-9:40 AM 10:00 AM - Noon 8:00-9:40 AM 10:00 AM-Noon 8:20-10:00 AM 10:20 AM-Noon 7:40-9:40 AM 8:00-9:40 AM 8:00-9:40 AM 7:40-9:40 AM 7:40-9:40 AM 8:00-10:00 AM 7:40-9:40 AM 10:00 AM-Noon 10:00-11:40 AM 10:00 AM-Noon 10:00-11:40 AM 10:00 AM-Noon 10:00 AM-Noon 10:20 AM-Noon 10:00 AM-Noon 1:00-3:00 PM 1:00-3:00 PM 1:00-3:00 PM 1:00-3:00 PM 1:20-2:55 PM 1:00-2:50 PM 1:00-3:00 PM 1:00-3:00 PM 1:00-3:00 PM 1:00-3:00 PM 1:20-3:00 PM 1:00-3:00 PM 1:00-3:00 PM Imperial A Imperial A Plaza A Imperial B Imperial B Plaza B Plaza B Yosemite B Yosemite B Yosemite A Yosemite A Yosemite C Continental 2/3 Continental 8 Continental 1 Continental 7 Continental 9 Golden Gate 6/7 Plaza A Yosemite C Continental 2/3 Continental 8 Continental 1 Continental 7 Continental 9 Golden Gate 6/7 Imperial A Plaza B Yosemite C Continental 2/3 Continental 8 Yosemite B Plaza A Yosemite A Continental 1 Imperial B Continental 7 Continental 9 Golden Gate 6/7 Saturday Schedule of Events (Continued) COMMITTEE & BOARD MEETINGS Invert Biology Editors Meeting SICB Division Secretaries Educational Council Advisory Committee Student Support Committee BUSINESS MEETINGS DCE Meeting DVM Meeting DIZ Meeting DNB Meeting DPCB Meeting WORKSHOPS AND PROGRAMS Public Affairs Workshop-Beyond public outreach: citizen science NSF Workshop-Developing proposals and the new review process SOCIAL EVENTS SRC Breakfast DCE Social DVM/DCB/DEDB/DPCB Dessert Social 51 7:00 AM-8:00 AM Noon-1:00 PM Noon-1:00 PM 8:00-10:00 PM 8:30-9:30 PM Mason Mason Powell Powell Mason 5:15-6:15 PM 5:15-6:15 PM 5:15-6:15 PM 5:15-6:15 PM 5:15-6:15 PM Continental 1 Continental 2/3 Continental 7 Continental 8 Continental 9 Noon-1:00 PM Noon-1:00 PM Continental 5 Continental 1 6:30-8:00 AM 7:30-10:00 PM 7:30-10:00 PM Lori’s Diner on Sutton Cityscape Golden Gate SICB Saturday 5 January 2013 SATURDAY PROGRAM SYMPOSIA Note: Presenter is first author unless noted by an asterisk (*). 7:50 am - 3:00 pm Continental Ballroom 4 Symposium S3: Vertebrate Land Invasions - Past, Present and Future Sponsored by: SICB Society-Wide; SICB Divisions: DVM, DAB, DCB, DCPB, DEDB, DEE, DPCB, DNB Organized by: Alice Gibb, Miriam Ashley-Ross, Richard Blob, Tonia Hsieh 7:50 AM Introduction 8:00 AM S3-1.1 8:30 AM S3-1.2 9:00 AM S3-1.3 9:30 AM S3-1.4 Coates MI; University of Chicago DCB Vertebrate diversity and phylogeny across the fish-to-tetrapod transition Anderson P, Friedman M, Ruta M; Uni- Diversity and disparity of the vertebrate feeding versity of Massachusetts, Amherst, Uni- apparatus across the invasion of land versity of Oxford, UK, University of Lincoln, UK Pierce SP, Hutchinson JR, Clack JA; The Historical evolution of early tetrapod movement Royal Veterinary College, UK, University Museum of Zoology, Cambridge, UK DEDB Davis MC; Kennesaw State University The deep homology of the tetrapod limb: combining fossil and genetic datasets 10:00 AM BREAK IN EXHIBIT HALL 10:30 AM S3-1.5 DCPB Martin KL, Moravek CL, Carter AL; Pep- Brave new propagules: terrestrial embryos of perdine University, Charleston Southern aquatic fish University 11:00 AM S3-1.6 Wilson JM, Chew SF, Ip YK; CIMAR, Metabolic and osmoregulatory challenges of emPortugal, Nanyang Tech. University, Sin- ersion in fishes gapore, National University Singapore, Singapore 11:30 AM S3-1.7 DCPB Jew CJ, Wegner NC, Graham JB; Uni- Physiology in deep time: using extant vertebrates versity of California, San Diego, Scripps to model behavioral and functional aspects of the Institution of Oceanography Devonian land transition NOON LUNCH BREAK 1:00 PM S3-2.1 DCB Van Wassenbergh S, Michel K; Univer- Feeding and swallowing on land sity Antwerpen, Belgium 1:30 PM S3-2.2 2:00 PM S3-2.3 DVM Kawano SM, Blob RW; Clemson Univer- Comparative appendicular function during tersity restrial locomotion: implications for the invasion of land 2:30 PM S3-2.4 DVM Gibb AC, Ashley-Ross MA, Hsieh ST; How is a morphology that is under strong selecNorthern Arizona University, Wake For- tion for swimming performance “repurposed” for est University, Temple University terrestrial locomotion? Knuesel J, Karakasiliotis K, Crespi A, Gait transitions between swimming and walking Ryczko D, Cabelguen J-M, Ijspeert A-J; in salamander: lessons from numerical modeling École Polytechnique Fédérale de Laus- and robotics anne, Switzerland, Groupe de Recherche sur le Système Nerveux Central, Université de Montréal, Canada, INSERM U862, France 8:20 am - 3:00 pm Continental Ballroom 5 Symposium S4: Understanding First Order Phenotypes: Transcriptomics for Emerging Models Sponsored by: DEDB, DAB, DCE, DIZ Organized by: Suzy Renn, Antonia Monteiro, Arkhat Abzhanov 8:20 AM 8:30 AM Introduction S4-1.1 Jones C; University of North Carolina 52 RNAseq on draft genomes; perils and pitfalls SICB Saturday 5 January 2013 9:00 AM S4-1.2 Lee HN, Hsu TY, Brem RB*; University of Evolution of an iron response regulon in a wild California, Berkeley population of Saccharomyces cerevisiae 9:30 AM S4-1.3 DEDB Lehr N, Sikhakolli U, Wang Z, Lopez- Comparative phylogeny, ecology, and transcripGiraldez F, Li N, Trail F, Townsend JP*; tomics of fungal fruiting body development Yale University, Michigan State University 10:00 AM BREAK IN EXHIBIT HALL 10:30 AM S4-1.4 DEE Wheat CW; University of Helsinki, Fin- RNA-seq for ecologists - fundamentals and pracland ticalities 11:00 AM S4-1.5 DEDB Fischer AHL, Cosentino C, Smith J; The first steps toward a Nematostella gene interMBL, Università degli Studi Magna Grae- action network cia Catanzaro 11:30 AM S4-1.6 Stajich JE, Joneson S, Abramyan J, Tools and pipelines for comparative genomics Ahrendt S, Ramamurthy R, Sain D, Shiu with application to evolution in Fungi SH, Rosenblum EB; University of California, Riverside, University of Wisconsin - Waukesha, University of British Columbia, Michigan State University, University of California, Berkeley NOON LUNCH BREAK 1:30 PM S4-2.1 DPCB Dunn CW; Brown University The comparative biology of gene expression 2:00 PM S4-2.2 DEE Evolutionary and ecological genomics in a changing world: integrating Next-Gen data with environmental variation to reveal local adaptation 2:30 PM S4-2.3 Pespeni MH; Indiana University Hiller M, Bejerano G*; Stanford Univer- A “forward genomics” approach links genomic sity and phenotypic evolution in a clade of related species 8:00 am - 3:00 pm Continental Ballroom 6 Symposium S5: Hormone-Mediated Sex Ratio Adjustment in Vertebrates Sponsored by: DCE, DCPB, DAB Organized by: Janet Leonard 8:00 AM S5-1.1 DEDB Crews D; University of Texas at Austin Targets for hormone-mediated sex ratio adjustment in vertebrates 8:30 AM S5-1.2 DCE Bowden RM, Clairardin SG, Paitz RT; Il- Early hormonal influences on temperature depenlinois State University dent sex determination in turtles 9:00 AM S5-1.3 DCE Navara KJ; University of Georgia 9:30 AM S5-1.4 Stress, hormones, and sex: how do we solve the puzzle of sex ratio adjustment in birds? Groothuis TGG, Goerlich VC, Dijkstra The role of maternal hormones in avian sex ratio C; University of Groningen, University of manipulation Bielefeld D 10:00 AM BREAK IN EXHIBIT HALL 10:30 AM S5-1.5 11:00 AM S5-1.7 DEE Badyaev AV; University Arizona From emergence to evolution: phenotypic integration of complex offspring sex-bias Catalano RA, Saxton K, Bruckner T, Hormonal evidence supports the theory of selecPearl M, Anderson E, Goldman-Mellor tion in utero S, Margerison-Zilko C, Subbaraman M, Currier R, Kharrazi M; University of California, Berkeley, California Department of Public Health NOON LUNCH BREAK 1:30 PM S5-2.1 Nagahama Y; Ehime University 53 Genetic and hormonal regulation of gonadal development and sexual plasticity in fish SICB Saturday 5 January 2013 2:00 PM S5-2.2 2:30 PM S5-2.3 DNB Maruska KP, Fernald RD; Louisiana Social regulation of male reproductive plasticity in State University, Baton Rouge, Stanford an African cichlid fish University Godwin J, Slane MA, Gemmell NJ; North Neuroendocrine regulation of sexual plasticity in Carolina State University, University of fishes Otago SATURDAY PROGRAM MORNING SESSIONS 8:20 - 9:40 am Imperial A Session 37: Complementary to Symposium: When Predators Attack: Sensing and Motion in Predator-Prey Interactions I Co-Chairs: Sonke Johnsen, Brian E. Dalton 8:20 AM 37.2 DIZ Sweeney AM, Johnsen S, Gagnon Y, Jurassic marine photonics: squid dynamic iridesMorse DE, Stramski D; University of cence and predation by large extinct marine repPennsylvania, Duke University, Scripps tiles Institute of Oceanography, UCSB 8:40 AM 37.3 DIZ Johnsen S, Nilsson D-E, Warrant EJ; Why do giant squid have giant eyes? Duke University, Lund University 9:00 AM 37.4 DAB Alupay JS, Caldwell RL; University of The costs and benefits of losing an arm: autotomy California, Berkeley in the octopus Abdopus aculeatus 9:20 AM 37.5 DCB Liao JC, Chambers LM, Akanyeti O; The Pressure across the head of a freely-swimming Whitney Lab for Marine Bioscience, Uni- rainbow trout (Onchorynchus mykiss) in uniform versity of Florida Gainesville, Robotics flow Laboratory, University of Bristol, UK 9:40 AM BREAK IN EXHIBIT HALL 10:00 - 11:40 am Imperial A Session 38: Complementary to Symposium: When Predators Attack: Sensing and Motion in Predator-Prey Interactions II Chair: Sonke Johnsen 10:00 AM 38.1 Thomas WH, Fung JK, Thomas F; Uni- Water quality of Kāneʻohe Bay using indicator versity of Hawaii-Windward Community species Tripneustes Gratilla College 10:20 AM 38.2 DEE Hein AM, McKinley SA; University of Sensory signals and predator search perforFlorida mance at the low prey density limit 10:40 AM 38.3 DAB Gardiner JM, Atema J, Hueter RE, Motta Sensory switching in sharks: the role of multimodPJ; Mote Marine Laboratory, Boston Uni- al stimuli in prey tracking and capture versity, University of South Florida 11:00 AM 38.4 11:20 AM 38.5 Dalton BE, Cronin TW, Carleton KL; Uni- Coexpression of spectrally distinct opsins: a novel versity of Maryland, Baltimore County mechanism of photoreceptor tuning? DAB Schwalbe MAB, Webb JF; University of The contributions of sensory morphology and Rhode Island prey detection behavior to trophic niche differentiation in two sand-feeding Lake Malawi cichlids 11:40 AM LUNCH BREAK 7:40 - 9:40 am Plaza A Session 39: Wing Shape Chair: Anand Krishnan 7:40 AM 39.1 DCB Jackson BE, Hedrick TL; University of Hovering with a high speed wing: how cliff swalNorth Carolina at Chapel Hill lows push the envelope of wing shape 54 SICB Saturday 5 January 2013 8:00 AM 39.2 Kruyt JW, Quicazan-Rubio EM, Van Hei- Small aspect ratio differences impact hover effijst GJF, Altshuler DL, Lentink D; Stanford cacy among 12 hummingbird species University, Wageningen University, University of California, Riverside, Technical University of Eindhoven, University of British Columbia 8:20 AM 39.3 Santhanakrishnan A, Miller LA, Lowe A, Clap and fling in tiny insect flight: role of the poRobinson A, Hedrick TL; Georgia Insti- rous flow introduced by bristled wings tute of Technology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, California Institute of Technology 8:40 AM 39.4 DCB Ray R, Henningsson P, Nakata T, Bom- Wing shape characteristics exaggerated by RNA phrey RJ*; CRUK London Research In- interference modulate aerobatic performance in stitute, UK, University of Oxford, UK fruit flies 9:00 AM 39.5 DCB Crall JD, Kovac M, Cornwall M, Wood Shaping up: aerodynamics and evolution of butRJ, Pierce NE, Combes SA; Concord terfly wing planform Field Station, Harvard University, Imperial College London, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Wyss Institute 9:20 AM 39.6 DCB Muijres FT, Johansson LC, Bowlin MS, Comparing aerodynamic efficiency in birds and Winter Y, Hedenström A; University of bats suggests better flight performance in birds Washington, Seattle, Lund University, Sweden, University of Michigan-Dearborn, Humboldt University, Germany 9:40 AM BREAK IN EXHIBIT HALL 8:00 - 9:40 am Imperial B Session 40: Robotic, Mathematical & Physical Models (General) Chair: Eric D. Tytell 8:00 AM 40.1 DCB Tytell ED; Tufts University The intrinsic dynamical properties of muscle are self-stabilizing for rhythmic movements 8:20 AM 40.2 DCB Kenaley CP, Lauder GV; Harvard Univer- BassBot: a biorobotic model of the teleost feeding sity system 8:40 AM 40.3 DVM Yaniv S, Elad D, Holzman R*; Tel Aviv Computational model of aquatic feeding: scaling University of suction feeding dynamics from larval to adult fish 9:00 AM 40.4 9:20 AM 40.5 Baird AJ, Miller LA; University of North Tubular heart pumping in tunicates and other inCarolina, Chapel Hill vertebrates DCB Potvin J, Goldbogen JA, Shadwick RE, Fish versus krill – comparing the energetic costs Pyenson ND; Saint Louis University, of engulfment by rorqual whales lunge-feeding on Cascadia Research Collective, Univer- slow and fast prey sity of British Columbia, Smithsonian Institution 9:40 AM BREAK IN EXHIBIT HALL 10:00 am - Noon Imperial B Session 41: Robotic, Mathematical & Physical Models: Swimming & Flying Chair: Jean Potvin 10:00 AM 41.1 10:20 AM 41.2 DCB Qian F, Goldman DI; Georgia Tech Locomotion on heterogeneous granular substrates Neveln ID, Bale R, Bhalla APS, Curet Knifefish surge like eels while heaving like trout OM, Lauder GV, Patankar NA, MacIver MA; Northwestern University, Brown University, Harvard University 55 SICB Saturday 5 January 2013 10:40 AM 41.3 DCB Delepine MB, Barannyk OL, Shadwick Performance of thunniform propulsion: a high bioRE; University of British Columbia, Van- fidelity experimental study couver, University of Victoria, BC 11:00 AM 41.4 DCB Potvin J, Reyes P, McQuilling M, Goldbo- Rorqual whale hydrodynamics and body drag gen JA, Shadwick RE; Saint Louis Uni- during non-feeding transport, as revealed by versity, Cascadia Research Collective, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) University of British Columbia 11:20 AM 41.5 11:40 AM 41.6 Parslew B; The University of Manches- Simulating and visualising flapping-wing flight ter, UK DCB Eberle AL, Reinhall PG, Mountcastle Fluid-solid coupled model of flapping flexing inAM, Daniel TL; University of Washington, sect wings reveals multiple maxima for flight Seattle, Harvard University forces NOON LUNCH BREAK 8:00 - 9:40 am Plaza B Session 42: Muscle Physiology and Biochemistry: Molecules of Movement Chair: Peter J. Reiser 8:00 AM 42.1 DCB Pace CM, Monroy JA, Nishikawa KC; The role of titin in force enhancement along the Northern Arizona University length-tension curve 8:20 AM 42.2 DCB Taylor KR, Nishikawa KC; Northern Ari- The effects of a titin mutation on tremor frequency zona University during shivering thermogenesis 8:40 AM 42.3 DCB Fuqua RD, Monroy JA, Nishikawa KC; Residual force enhancement: evidence for Ca2+ Northern Arizona University activation of titin 9:00 AM 42.4 DCPB Covi JA, Bader BD, Chang ES, Mykles Comparative assessment of Smad expression in DL; University of North Carolina at Wilm- two models of muscle atrophy for the blackback ington, Colorado State University, Bode- land crab, Gecarcinus lateralis ga Marine Laboratory 9:20 AM 42.5 DCPB Reiser PJ, Bicer S; Ohio State University Cardiac, slow and fast troponin-t isoform expression patterns in dog and rat extraocular muscles 9:40 AM BREAK IN EXHIBIT HALL 10:00 am - Noon Plaza B Session 43: Muscle Physiology: Biomechanics & Locomotion Chair: Emanuel Azizi 10:00 AM 43.1 DVM Azizi E, Abbott EM; University of Califor- Anticipatory motor patterns limit muscle stretch nia, Irvine during landing in toads 10:20 AM 43.2 DCB Rivera ARV, Choudhury U, Richards CT; Tendon function during swimming: does compliRowland Institute at Harvard ance enhance performance? 10:40 AM 43.3 DVM Holt NC, Miara M, Wakeling JM, Biewen- The effect of muscle fibre recruitment on forceer AA; Concord Field Station, Simon Fra- velocity properties and the implications for Hillser University type models 11:00 AM 43.4 DCB Lee SSM, Biewener AA, De Boef Miara A two-element Hill-type model to predict muscle M, Arnold AS, Wakeling JM; Simon Fra- forces ser University, Harvard University 11:20 AM 43.5 DVM Abbott EM, Azizi E; University of Califor- The timing of muscle recruitment alters series nia, Irvine elastic function during lengthening contractions 11:40 AM 43.6 DCPB Mahalingam S, Welch KC*; University of Neuromuscular modulation of kinematic perforToronto, University of Toronto Scarbor- mance in hovering hummingbirds ough NOON LUNCH BREAK 56 SICB Saturday 5 January 2013 8:00 - 9:40 am Yosemite B Session 44: Complementary to Symposium: Coping with Uncertainty: Integrating Physiology, Behavior and Evolutionary Ecology in a Changing World - Part II Chair: Bob Syrgley 8:00 AM 44.1 Srygley RB; USDA-Agricultural Re- Dietary effects on enzymatic immunity of migratsearch Service ing Mormon crickets 8:20 AM 44.2 8:40 AM 44.3 9:00 AM 44.4 DAB Davidowitz G, Raguso RA, Goyret J, Relative humidity - nectar concentration interacVon Arx M, Contreras HL; University of tions in hawkmoth foraging Arizona, Cornell University, University of La Verne 9:20 AM 44.5 DAB Thawley CJ, Robbins TR, Langkilde T; Survival at what cost?: Consequences of a native Pennsylvania State University lizard’s adaptations to invasive fire ants DCE Hanauer RE, Ketterson ED; Indiana Uni- Does corticosterone deposited in feathers in auversity tumn predict circulating corticosterone during breeding? Williams CT, Sheriff MJ, Barnes BM, Phenology of hibernation and reproduction in Buck CL; University of Alaska Anchor- free-living arctic ground squirrels age, University of Alaska Fairbanks 9:40 AM BREAK IN EXHIBIT HALL 10:00 am - Noon Yosemite B Session 45: Complementary to Symposium: Coping with Uncertainty: Integrating Physiology, Behavior and Evolutionary Ecology in a Changing World - Part III Chair: Tony Williams 10:00 AM 45.1 DEE Williams TD; Simon Fraser University Mid-winter temperatures, not spring temperatures, predict breeding phenology and fecundity in the European starling 10:20 AM 45.2 DEE Crossin GT, Phillips RA, Lattin CR, Corticosterone mediated costs of reproduction Romero LM, Williams TD; Dalhousie facilitate a tradeoff between current and future University, British Antarctic Survey, Tufts reproduction University, Simon Fraser University 10:40 AM 45.3 11:00 AM 45.4 11:20 AM 45.5 11:40 AM 45.6 Kennedy LV, Guglielmo CG; University of Dynamics of fat and lean mass in refuelling miWestern Ontario grant passerines measured using quantitative magnetic resonance DEE Levy O, Buckley LB, Keitt TH, Angilletta Modeling the costs of thermoregulation in lizards: MJ; Arizona State University, Tempe, the interplay between competition, climate and University of North Carolina at Chapel vegetation cover in Sceloporus undulatus Hill, The University of Texas at Austin Vuarin P, Dammhahn M, Henry PY; UMR Torpor-based compensation of energy shortage: 7179 CNRS-MNHN, Muséum National a review of evidences from field experiments d’Histoire Naturelle, France, Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology Unit, German Primate Center, Germany DEE Madliger CL, Love OP; University of Fitness consequences of individual variation in Windsor, Ontario stress hormone levels: why repeatability and plasticity of physiological traits matter NOON LUNCH BREAK 57 SICB Saturday 5 January 2013 8:20 - 10:00 am Yosemite A Session 46: Complementary to Symposium: Physiological Responses to Simultaneous Shifts in Multiple Environmental Stressors: Relevance in a Changing World - Part IV Chair: Tony Williams 8:20 AM 46.1 DCPB Dowd WW, Felton C, Heymann HM, Kost LE, Somero GN; Loyola Marymount University, Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University Small-scale spatial and temporal variation in metabolic and antioxidant enzyme capacities within a population of rocky intertidal mussels (Mytilus californianus) 8:40 AM 46.2 DCPB Boardman L, Sørensen JG, Grout TG, Cross tolerance between modified atmospheres Terblanche JS; Stellenbosch University, and low temperature in insects South Africa, Aarhus University, Silkeborg, Denmark, Citrus Research International, South Africa 9:00 AM 46.3 Padilla-Gamino JL, Kelly MW, Evans TG, Multiple climate change variables interact to reHofmann GE; University of California, duce the physiological performance of sea urchin Santa Barbara larvae in future oceans 9:20 AM 46.4 DCPB Tomanek L; California Polytechnic State Environmental stress proteomics of blue mussel University (Genus Mytilus) congeners 9:40 AM 46.5 Kelly MW, Padilla-Gamino JL, Hofmann Natural variation, and the capacity to adapt to GE; Unversity of California, Santa Bar- ocean acidification in the sea urchin Strongylobara centrotus purpuratus 10:00 AM BREAK IN EXHIBIT HALL 10:20 am - Noon Yosemite A Session 47: Complementary to Symposium: Physiological Responses to Simultaneous Shifts in Multiple Environmental Stressors: Relevance in a Changing World - Part V Chair: Allison Smith 10:20 AM 47.1 DEE Smith KA, Dunne JP, Sarmiento JL; Predicting the effect of multiple stressors on respiPrinceton University, NOAA Geophysical ratory niches in the pelagic ocean over the next Fluid Dynamics Laboratory century 10:40 AM 47.2 Evans TG, Hofmann GE; California State Ocean acidification in the Northeast Pacific: a geUniversity East Bay, University of Califor- nomics perspective nia Santa Barbara 11:00 AM 47.3 DCPB Kelley AL, Derivera CE; Portland State Intraspecific variation in heat shock response and University cell-cycle modulation in the invasive Carcinus maenas, the European green crab, on the west coast of North America 11:20 AM 47.4 DCPB Place SP; University South Carolina 11:40 AM 47.5 DIZ Using functional genomics to characterize the physiological response of polar fishes to a multistressor scenario Mann W, Burge C, Mydlarz L; The Uni- The effects of climate change on the immunoversity of Texas at Arlington, Cornell Uni- competence of the Caribbean sea fan coral versity NOON LUNCH BREAK 7:40 - 9:40 am Yosemite C Session 48: Cell and Molecular Physiology Chair: Elisabeth A. Calhoun 7:40 AM 48.1 DCPB Hoekstra LA, Siddiq M, Montooth KL; In- Physiological mechanisms of pleiotropy revealed diana University by the accelerating effect of temperature 8:00 AM 48.2 Connor KM, Gracey AY; University of Molecular and biochemical observations of MytiCalifornia, Irvine, University of Southern lus californianus under constant submergence California 58 SICB Saturday 5 January 2013 8:20 AM 48.3 Munro D, Pichaud N, Paquin F, Blier Low hydrogen peroxide production in mitochonPU; University du Québec à Rimouski, dria of the long-lived Arctica islandica: underlying Canada, University of New South Wales, mechanisms of increased longevity Sydney, Australia 8:40 AM 48.4 DCPB Calhoon EA, Jimenez AG, Harper JM, The relationship between life history in temperate Jurkowitz MS, Williams JB; Ohio State and tropical bird species and lipids in fibroblast University, University of Michigan mitochondrial membranes 9:00 AM 48.5 DCPB Baris TZ, Oleksiak MF, Crawford DL; Evolution of two genomes: impact of sequence University of Miami, Rosenstiel School of divergence on mitochondrial function Marine and Atmospheric Science 9:20 AM 48.6 DIZ Kingston A, Hanlon RT, Cronin TW; Uni- Immunolabeling and diverse expression of opsin versity of Maryland, Baltimore County, in the skin of the squid, Doryteuthis pealeii Marine Biological Laboratory 9:40 AM BREAK IN EXHIBIT HALL 8:00 - 9:40 am Continental Ballroom 2/3 Session 49: Social Behavior Chair: Jonathan Pruitt 8:00 AM 49.1 DAB Pruitt JN, Riechert SE; University of Pitts- The differential reproductive success of spider linburgh, University of Tennessee eages is dictated by their ability to “outrun” their parasitic inquilines 8:20 AM 49.2 DAB Greene MJ; University of Colorado Den- The organization of “wars” by pavement ants ver 8:40 AM 49.3 9:00 AM 49.4 DAB Solomon-Lane TK, Pradhan DS, Willis Playing the margins: the fitness consequences of MC, Crutcher JB, Grober MS; Georgia individual behavioral variation in the bluebanded State University, Atlanta, Rhodes Col- goby (Lythrypnus dalli) lege, Memphis 9:20 AM 49.5 DAB De Leeuw JR, Livingston KR, Porter ME, When swarm intelligence isn’t: common goals Porter JH*; Indiana University, Vassar alone explain emergence of group coordination in College asocial embodied robots Ondrasek NR, Wade AC, Burkhard T, Environmental modulation and endocrinological Hsu K, Nguyen T, Post J, Zucker I; Uni- correlates of same-sex affiliative behavior in feversity of California, Berkeley, University male meadow voles of Southern California 9:40 AM BREAK IN EXHIBIT HALL 8:00 - 9:40 am Continental Ballroom 8 Session 50: Molecular Evolution and Population Genetics Chair: Joel W. McGlothlin 8:00 AM 50.1 Lins LSF, Ho SYW, Wilson GDF, Lo N; Evidence for Permo-Triassic colonization of the University of Sydney, Australian Museum deep sea by isopods 8:20 AM 50.2 McGlothlin JW, Feldman CR, Brodie, Evolutionary history of tetrodotoxin-resistant soJr. ED, Pfrender ME, Brodie III ED; Vir- dium channels in snakes ginia Tech, University of Nevada, Reno, Utah State University, University of Notre Dame, University of Virginia 8:40 AM 50.3 Merner MJ, Berendzen PB; University of Hox gene evolution in North American suckers Northern Iowa (Cypriniformes: Catostomidae), a tetraploid family of fishes 9:00 AM 50.4 Faircloth BC, Gowaty PA, Drummond H, Ultraconserved elements are abundant, universal Winker K, Glenn TC; University of Cali- markers for population genetic and behavioral fornia, Los Angeles, Smithsonian Tropi- studies cal Research Institute, Panama, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, University of Alaska Museum, University of Georgia 59 SICB 9:20 AM Saturday 5 January 2013 50.5 DEE Chavez AA, Gorman C*, Lostroh CP, Genetic switches control host specificity in a Nishiguchi MK; New Mexico State Uni- squid-Vibrio symbiosis versity, Colorado College 9:40 AM BREAK IN EXHIBIT HALL 7:40 - 9:40 am Continental Ballroom 1 Session 51: Evolutionary Developmental Biology, Part I Chair: Chris Rose 7:40 AM 51.1 DVM Rose CS; James Madison University The cellular basis of cartilage growth and shape change in frogs 8:00 AM 51.2 DIZ Shipley MS, Patz KS, Nedved BT, Had- Mechanisms of metamorphic remodeling in Hyfield MG*; University of Hawaii at Manoa droides elegans (Polychaeta) 8:20 AM 51.3 DIZ Morse MPATR; University of Washing- Edward S. Morse 1838-1925. History of scholarly ton, Friday Harbor Labs exchanges in marine zoology between US and Japan 8:40 AM 51.4 DEDB Maliska ME, Lowe E, Weber C, Pierce Molgulid ascidians have a radical heterochronic T, Brown CT, Swalla BJ; University of shift in the metamorphic gene network Washington, Michigan State University 9:00 AM 51.5 DEDB Bishop CD, Krug PJ; St. Francis-Xavier Differential use of nitric oxide to regulate metaUniversity Nova Scotia, California State morphosis is related to larval selectivity: an ecoUniversity devo test using the sea slug Alderia willowi, a species with a settlement dimorphism 9:20 AM 51.6 DEDB Epel D; Stanford University Epigenetics as a stress response and its differing roles in the embryo and in the adult 9:40 AM BREAK IN EXHIBIT HALL 7:40 - 9:40 am Continental Ballroom 7 Session 52: Biophysics Ecology Chair: Mia Adreani 7:40 AM 52.1 DEE Adreani MS, Steele MA; California State Estimating fecundity, spawning frequency, seaUniversity, Northridge son length of temperate reef fish; a comparison of natural and artificial reefs 8:00 AM 52.2 DEE Burnett NP, Helmuth B, Villarta K, Wil- Feeding patterns and their implications for energy liams GA; University of California, Berke- budgets in tropical limpets ley, University of South Carolina, Hong Kong University 8:20 AM 52.3 DCPB Du X, Crawford DL, Oleksiak MF; Uni- Effects of PAHs on respiration and gene expresversity of Miami sion in primary hepatocytes isolated from natural populations of Fundulus heteroclitus 8:40 AM 52.4 DEE Kaspari M, Clay NA, Yanoviak SP, On the evolution of ant thermal performance: Revzen S, Czekanski-Moir J, Lucas J, clues from a Neotropical forest Kay A; University of Oklahoma, University of Michigan, University of St. Thomas 9:00 AM 52.5 DEE Elsberry LA, Burnaford JL; California Regional comparisons of the effects of summer State University, Fullerton and winter low tide conditions on photosynthetic recovery in a high intertidal alga 9:20 AM 52.6 DEE Wolcott TG, Dean AG, Sichitiu ML; North A networked “Citizen Science” monitoring system Carolina State University for estuarine environment and biota 9:40 AM BREAK IN EXHIBIT HALL 60 SICB Saturday 5 January 2013 8:00 - 10:00 am Continental Ballroom 9 Session 53: Life Histories Chair: Sarah Werning 8:00 AM 53.1 DIZ Teichholtz PJ; University of Michigan Developmental mode, poecilogony, and population structure of the pyramidellid snail Boonea impressa 8:20 AM 53.2 DEE Janzen F, Warner D, Bronikowski A, Miles to go before I sleep: reduced fitness at older Miller D; Iowa State University, University ages in a long-lived reptile Alabama, Birmingham, Penn State University 8:40 AM 53.3 DIZ Summers MM, Rouse GW; Scripps Insti- Untangling the trees of obligate symbionts: myzotution of Oceanography, UCSD stomes and echinoderms 9:00 AM 53.4 DVM Werning S; University California, Berke- Osteohistological differences between marsupiley als and placental mammals reflect both growth rates and life history strategies 9:20 AM 53.5 DEE Skibiel AL, Speakman J, Hood WR*; The costs of current reproduction are not traded Harvard University, University of Aber- against maternal survival or subsequent reprodeen, Auburn University ductive performance in the Columbian ground squirrel 9:40 AM 53.6 DEDB Pires Da Silva A, Chaudhuri J, Kache Evolution of selfing and the extension of lifespan V, Bose N, Schroeder F, Von Reuss S; University of Texas at Arlington, Cornell University, Ithaca, Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology, Germany 10:00 AM BREAK IN EXHIBIT HALL 7:40 - 9:40 am Golden Gate 6/7 Session 54: Reef Ecology Chair: Peter J. Edmunds 7:40 AM 54.1 Rippe J, Stocking J, Reidenbach M; Uni- Coral-macroalgae dominance shift may impact versity of Virginia, Charlottesville flow-mediated recovery from bleaching 8:00 AM 54.2 Bramanti L, Edmunds PJ; California Demographic models can forecast climate State University Northridge change effects on scleractinian corals: the Pocillopora damicornis case study 8:20 AM 54.3 DIZ Zamudio S, Bramanti L, Edmunds PJ; Temperature-induced maternal effects on the California State University, Northridge phenotype of larvae released by the brooding coral Pocillopora damicornis 8:40 AM 54.4 DEE Davies SW, Treml E, Kenkel CD, Matz Understanding connectivity of Acropora corals MV; University of Texas at Austin, The across remote islands using genetics and bioUniversity of Queensland physical modeling 9:00 AM 54.5 DEE Kahn AS, Yahel G, Tunnicliffe V, Leys Glass sponge reefs significantly impact water SP; University of Alberta, Edmonton, properties in a marginal sea, the Strait of Georgia Ruppin Academic Center, Israel, University of Victoria, British Columbia 9:20 AM 54.6 Hofmeister JKK; University of California, Factors influencing distribution and abundance of Berkeley octopus inside and outside of a marine protected area in a kelp forest rocky reef ecosystem 9:40 AM BREAK IN EXHIBIT HALL 61 SICB Saturday 5 January 2013 10:00 am - Noon Plaza A Session 55: Special Session Honoring Bruce Sidell, Part I Sponsored by: The Company of Biologists, The Journal of Experimental Biology and the DCPB Co-Chairs: Rich Londraville, Kristin O`Brien 10:00 AM 55.1 Driedzic WR; Memorial University, NL, Glycerol production and cellular uptake mechaCanada nisms in rainbow smelt 10:20 AM 55.2 DCPB Crockett EL; Ohio University 10:40 AM 55.3 DCPB Londraville RL, Liu Q, Dalman MR, Bag- Leptin function in zebrafish atto B; University of Akron 11:00 AM 55.4 DCPB Grove TJ, Whittington AC, Nienow TE, From muscle to molecule: function and structure Whittington CL, Fort TJ; Valdosta State of the calcium-binding protein calsequestrin from University, Florida State University, Uni- a eurythermal teleost versity of South Florida 11:20 AM 55.5 DCPB Rodnick KEN; Idaho State University 11:40 AM 55.6 DCPB Kinsey ST; University of North Carolina Why are muscle fibers so large? Solving diffusion Wilmington problems to attain maximal cell size Risky fats and antioxidant arsenals in cold- and warm-bodied fishes Does glucose metabolism limit rainbow cardiac performance in rainbow trout at high temperatures? NOON LUNCH BREAK 10:00 - 11:40 am Yosemite C Session 56: Stress-Development Co-Chairs: Michael J. Sheriff, Oliver P. Love 10:00 AM 56.1 DEE Sheriff MJ, Love OP; University of Alaska Maternal stress as a driver of adaptive phenotypic Fairbanks responses in offspring 10:20 AM 56.2 DCE Love OP, Bourgeon S, Madliger CL, Har- Feather corticosterone predicts offspring perforris C, Williams TD; University of Windsor, mance in a context-dependent manner ON, Norwegian Polar Institute, Tromsø, Simon Fraser University, BC 10:40 AM 56.3 DCE Carruth LL, Shahbazi M; Georgia State Early developmental stress alters HVC but not RA University size in male zebra finches 11:00 AM 56.4 DCE Bebus SE, Small TW, Schoech SJ; Uni- Developmental corticosterone exposure is correversity of Memphis lated with exploratory behavior and learning flexibility in Florida scrub-jays (Aphelocoma coerulescens) 11:20 AM 56.5 DAB Crino OL, Driscoll SC, Prather CT, Does developmental stress modulate reproducBreuner CW; University of Montana tive tactics in the zebra finch? 11:40 AM LUNCH BREAK 10:00 am - Noon Continental Ballroom 2/3 Session 57: Behavioral Variation Chair: Sarah Zohdy 10:00 AM 57.1 10:20 AM 57.2 10:40 AM 57.3 DAB Zohdy S, Kemp AD, Tecot S, Wright PC, Of lice and lemurs: personality traits and parasite Jernvall J; Emory University, University dynamics in wild brown mouse lemurs Microceof Texas, Austin, University of Arizona, bus rufus Stony Brook University, University of Helsinki Rosier RL, Langkilde T; Pennsylvania Potential competitors drive boldness variation in State University the absence of predation DAB Keiser CN, Mondor EB; University of Maternal predation risk induces transgenerational Pittsburgh, Georgia Southern University behavioral plasticity in a parthenogenetic insect 62 SICB Saturday 5 January 2013 11:00 AM 57.4 DEE Williams-Sieg KA, Miles DB; Ohio Uni- Behavioral plasticity mediates life history tradeversity offs in response to habitat disturbance 11:20 AM 57.5 DAB Foltz SL, Davis JE, Ross AE, Rock RP, Food supplementation of urban and rural sparMoore IT; Virginia Tech, Radford Univer- rows: effects on corticosterone, weight, and tersity ritorial aggression 11:40 AM 57.6 Gracceva G, Herde A, Koolhaas JM, Turning shy on winter’s day: effects of season on Palme R, Eccard JA, Groothuis TGG; personality and stress response in Microtus arvaInstitute of Behavioural Neurosciences, lis University of Groningen, University of Potsdam, University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna NOON LUNCH BREAK 10:00 - 11:40 am Continental Ballroom 8 Session 58: Vertebrate Evolution and Phylogenetics Chair: Graham Slater 10:00 AM 58.1 DPCB Slater GJ, Friscia AR; Smithsonian Insti- Where should we expect to find early bursts of tute, University of California, Los Angeles trait evolution? A case study using Carnivora 10:20 AM 58.2 DPCB Santini F, Carnevale G, Sorenson L, Alfa- Testing adaptive radiation scenarios in marine ro ME; University di Torino, University of fishes by combining phylogenomic and paleobioCalifornia, Los Angeles logical data 10:40 AM 58.3 DPCB Moseley MA, Cox CL, Chippindale PT; Phylogeography of the four lined skink, PlestiUniversity of Texas at Arlington, Univer- odon tetragrammus sity of Virginia 11:00 AM 58.4 DVM 11:20 AM 58.5 DPCB Salcedo NJ; College of Charleston, Monotypic genera: two unique armored catfish Charleston species (Siluriformes: Loricariidae), with naked snouts Criswell KE, Finarelli JA, Friedman M, Deltoptychius: investigating the roots of the chiGarwood R, Coates MI; University of maeroid cranial condition Chicago, University College Dublin, Oxford University, University of Manchester and Diamond Light Source 11:40 AM LUNCH BREAK 10:00 am - Noon Continental Ballroom 1 Session 59: Evolutionary Developmental Biology, Part II Chair: Andy Baxevanis 10:00 AM 59.1 10:20 AM 59.2 10:40 AM 59.3 DEDB Edsinger-Gonzales E, Bredeson JV, Leung AV, Zimmerman CR, Diaz DE, Trew DF, Brusco DG, Whitburn E, Martinez G, Ingle H, Rubado-Mejia JV, Mugglestone LE, Lazen J, Scott MA, Colston TJ, Trew T, Werner P, Giorgi G, Rowning BA, Rokhsar DS; University of California Berkeley, Merritt College Ciliogenesis, neurogenesis, and the intersection of aneural and neural larval swimming behaviors in the genome-enabled marine snail Lottia gigantea Von Dassow G, Emlet RB, Maslakova How the pilidium larva feeds SA; University of Oregon DEDB Barnett AA, Thomas RH; Southern Illi- The delineation of the fourth walking leg segment nois University is temporally linked to posterior segmentation in the mite Archegozetes longisetosus (Acari: Oribatida, Trhypochthoniidae) 63 SICB Saturday 5 January 2013 11:00 AM 59.4 DEE Ryan JF, Pang K, Schnitzler CE, Koch The genome of the ctenophore, Mnemiopsis BJ, Nguyen A-D, Moreland RT, Mul- leidyi: insights into the genetics of innovation and likin JC, Wolfsberg TG, Martindale MQ, the evolution of multicellularity Baxevanis AD*; NHGRI/NIH and Sars Intl. Centre for Marine Mol. Biol., Kewalo Marine Lab, University Hawaii, National Human Genome Research Institute, NIH 11:20 AM 59.5 DCPB Burggren WW; University of North Texas Transgenerational effects of parental hypoxia on vertebrate and invertebrate larvae 11:40 AM 59.6 DEDB Schwab DB, Kijimoto T, Moczek AP; Indi- Genetic, developmental, and ecological deterana University - Bloomington minants of resource allocation tradeoffs in the horned beetle, Onthophagus taurus NOON LUNCH BREAK 10:00 am - Noon Continental Ballroom 7 Session 60: Community Ecology Chair: Michael Middlebrooks 10:00 AM 60.1 DEE Gorsich EE, Ezenwa VO, Jolles AE; Or- Consequence of co-infection for survival: immuegon State University nity and disease persistence 10:20 AM 60.2 DIZ Gehman AM; University of Georgia 10:40 AM 60.3 DEE Newton C, Guidone M, Thornber CS; Impacts of invasive Gracilaria vermiculophylla on Northeastern University, Sacred Heart the reproductive ecology of native benthic inverUniversity, University of Rhode Island tebrates 11:00 AM 60.4 DEE Savoca MS, Nevitt GA; University of Cal- Tritrophic interactions involving a global climate ifornia, Davis regulator mediate foraging in marine top predators: evidence from a 50-year seabird dietary database in the Southern Ocean 11:20 AM 60.5 DIZ Middlebrooks ML, Bell SS, Curtis NE, Molecular analysis demonstrates that proximity Pierce SK; University of South Florida is a poor indicator of food source for a photosynthetic herbivore 11:40 AM 60.6 DIZ Williams LE, Defur PL; Virginia Com- The effects of river sediment contaminants and monwealth University moderate hypoxia on the blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) in the tidal freshwater James River Predation and parasitism: it’s not all bad news NOON LUNCH BREAK 10:20 am - Noon Continental Ballroom 9 Session 61: Skulls & Teeth II Chair: Robert Druzinsky 10:20 AM 61.1 DCB Crofts S; University of Washington, Se- The effects of tooth structure and loading on the attle distribution and magnitude of strain in durophagous teeth 10:40 AM 61.2 DVM Naveh G, Brumfeld V, Charles C, Klein The role of enamel in the mechanical properties OD, Weiner S, Druzinsky RE*; Weiz- of the incisors of rodents mann Institute, Israel, École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France, University of California, San Francisco, University of Illinois at Chicago 11:00 AM 61.3 11:20 AM 61.4 Porro LB, Iriarte-Diaz J, O’Reilly J, Ross In vivo cranial bone strain during feeding in the CF; University of Chicago agamid Uromastyx geyri DCB Ross CF, Herrel A, Porro LB, Evans SE, Cranial bone strain in the teiid lizard Tupinambis Fagan MJ, Murray KD; University of Chi- merianae and the diversity of optimality criteria in cago, CNRS/MNHN, University College vertebrate skulls London, University of Hull 64 SICB 11:40 AM Saturday 5 January 2013 61.5 DCB Iriarte-Diaz J, Ross CF; University of Chi- 3D kinematics, motor control and bone strain durcago ing feeding in non-human primates NOON LUNCH BREAK 10:00 am - Noon Golden Gate 6/7 Session 62: Biogeography Co-Chairs: Ronald M. Bonett, Sarah L. Boyer 10:00 AM 62.1 DEE Bentlage B; University of Maryland Species distributions in the open oceans: integrating distribution models and population genomics 10:20 AM 62.2 DEE Bonett RM, Trujano-Alvarez AL, Williams Biogeography and body size shuffling of aquatic MJ, Timpe EK; University of Tulsa, Loui- salamander communities on a shifting refuge siana State University, University of Connecticut 10:40 AM 62.3 DPCB Boyer SL, Baker CM, Popkin-Hall ZR, Historical biogeography of mite harvestmen from Lauko DI, Wiesner HA, Kozak KH, Lux- the Wet Tropics of Australia bacher AE; Macalester College, University of Minnesota 11:00 AM 62.4 Rognstad RL, Wethey DS, Hilbish TJ; The effects of rare events on climate-driven range University of South Carolina, Columbia expansion/contraction in marine communities 11:20 AM 62.5 Yund PO, McCartney MA, Tilburg CE; The Downeast Institute, University of North Carolina - Wilmington, University of New England 11:40 AM 62.6 Churchill CKC, Alejandrino A, Valdés A, Parallel sexual rekeying supports non-geographic Ó Foighil D; University of California, San- planktonic speciation ta Barbara, Iowa State University, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Is the southern range boundary of the northern blue mussel, Mytilus trossulus, determined by constraints on larval dispersal or thermal tolerance? NOON LUNCH BREAK SATURDAY PROGRAM AFTERNOON SESSIONS 1:00 - 3:00 pm Imperial A Session 63: Special Session Honoring Howard Bern Co-Chairs: Stephen D. McCormick, Mark A. Sheridan 1:00 PM 63.1 DCE McCormick SD; USGS, Conte Anadro- Downstream: the hormonal control of smolt demous Fish Res Ctr velopment in salmon 1:20 PM 63.2 DCE Sheridan MA; North Dakota State Uni- Control of animal growth: where are we and versity where do we go from here? 1:40 PM 63.3 DCE Causey DR, Reyes JA, Waggoner CM, Protein expression screening in endocrine-disHamilton AW, Armstrong JL, Kelley KM; rupted, cortisol-producing interrenal tissue of urCalifornia State University Long Beach, ban ocean fish Pacific Coast Environmental Conservancy, Orange County Sanitation District 2:00 PM 63.4 DCE John-Alder H, Pollock N, Pazdzior D, Dihydrotestosterone reduces growth in a femaleFeigin S; Rutgers University, New Bruns- larger lizard wick 2:20 PM 63.5 2:40 PM 63.6 Nakamura M; University of the Ryukyus DCE Differentiation and development of steroid-producing cells during ovarian differentiation in tilapia Kelley KM, Reyes JA; California State Contaminant effects in fish: development of mulUniversity, Long Beach, Pacific Coast tiple measures screening approaches Environmental Conservancy 65 SICB Saturday 5 January 2013 1:00 - 3:00 pm Plaza B Session 64: General Insect Flight Chair: Andrew M. Mountcastle 1:00 PM 64.1 DCB Iams SM, Beatus T, Guckenheimer J, Roll-based sideways motion of mosquitoes in free Cohen I; Bowdoin College, Cornell Uni- flight versity 1:20 PM 64.2 DCB Ravi S, Crall J, Combes S; Harvard Uni- On the flight of foraging bumblebees in the nearversity wake of objects 1:40 PM 64.3 DCB Mountcastle AM, Combes SA; Harvard When wings collide: how collisions cause wing University wear in bees and wasps 2:00 PM 64.4 DCB Zeng Y, Nunns H, Dudley H; University of Flight with winglets in stick insects California, Berkeley 2:20 PM 64.5 2:40 PM 64.6 Helms IV JA, Kaspari M; University of Found or fly: flight, reproduction and biomechaniOklahoma cal tradeoffs in ant queens DAB Yanoviak SP, Dudley R; University of Aerial behaviors in wingless canopy arthropods Louisville, University of California, Berkeley 1:00 - 3:00 pm Yosemite C Session 65: Stress Co-Chairs: Molly J. Dickens, Michelle Rensel 1:00 PM 65.1 DCE Dickens MJ, Bentley GE; University of Endocannabinoid regulation of glucocorticoids – California, Berkeley its for the birds 1:20 PM 65.2 DCE Rensel MA, Kosarussavadi S, Schlinger Real-time measurement of hippocampal corticosBA; University of California, Los Angeles terone in a songbird 1:40 PM 65.3 DCE Sobolewski ME, Brown JL, Mitani JC; Anticipatory stress, territoriality and hunting in wild University of Michigan chimpanzees 2:00 PM 65.4 DCE Lattin CR, Romero LM; Tufts University 2:20 PM 65.5 DAB Cooper LN, Ross AE, Foltz SL, Moore Stop on red: neophobia and corticosterone in IT, Davis JE; Radford University, Virginia house sparrows (Passer domesticus) Tech 2:40 PM 65.6 Seasonal variation in intracellular glucocorticoid receptor binding in the immune tissues of a wild bird Sparkman AM, Palacios MG, Bronikows- Long-term elevation of indicators of physiological ki AM; Westmont College, California, stress in captive garter snakes National Council for Scientific and Technologic Research, Argentina, Iowa State University 1:00 - 3:00 pm Continental Ballroom 2/3 Session 66: Neurobiology: Sensorimotor Integration Chair: Duane McPherson 1:00 PM 66.1 Nair S, Barocas J, Hadjisolomou S, Chemosensory and mechanosensory mediation Grasso FW; Brooklyn College, City Uni- of inter-sucker coordination in Octopus bimacuversity of New York loides 1:20 PM 66.2 Samson JE, Mooney TA, Gussekloo Behavioral responses to sound stimuli in cuttleSWS, Hanlon RT; Woods Hole Oceano- fish (Sepia officinalis) graphic Institution and Wageningen University, Wageningen University, Marine Biological Laboratory 1:40 PM 66.3 DAB Brothers JR, Ernst DA, Hankins K, Ontogeny of navigational responses to regional Lohmann KJ; University of North Caro- magnetic fields in loggerhead sea turtle hatchlina, Chapel Hill lings 66 SICB Saturday 5 January 2013 2:00 PM 66.4 DNB Kirouac LE, Naimie AA, Bixby KA, Boros- A circadian clock regulates both crawling and ki CJ, Lawlor KE, Ramseyer TF, Watson, swimming in the nudibranch Melibe leonina Iii WH, Newcomb JM*; New England College, University of New Hampshire 2:20 PM 66.5 DIZ Ernst DA, Brothers JR, Lohmann KJ; Nomadic ghosts: patterns of burrow occupancy in University of North Carolina at Chapel the ghost crab Ocypode quadrata Hill 2:40 PM 66.6 DAB Kriengwatana B, Aitken SDT, Garcia L, Farrell TM, MacDougall-Shackleton SA; University of Western Ontario, Unviersity of Western Ontario Decline in conditions during the juvenile period impair behavioral flexibility, while consistently poor developmental conditions impair spatial memory of zebra finches 1:20 - 2:55 pm Continental Ballroom 8 Session 67: Phylogenetics and Computational Methods Co-Chairs: David C. Blackburn, Michael Alfaro 1:20 PM 67.1 DPCB Brazeau MD; Naturalis Biodiversity Cen- Taking a step back: computational problems for ter morphological data revisited 1:40 PM 67.2 DPCB Price SA, Schmitz L, Anderson PSL, Comparing disparity between traits using the Boettiger CL, Wainwright PC; University Ornstein-Uhlenbeck model: a test of functional of California, Davis, Keck Science De- constraint on the eyes of labrids partment, Claremont McKenna, Pitzer and Scripps College, University of Massachusetts, Amherst 2:00 PM 67.3 DPCB Smith AJ, Rosario MV, Eiting TP, Dumont A conundrum of covariation: the effects of missing ER; UMass, Amherst data on disparity analysis 2:20 PM 67.5 DPCB Mahler DL, Ingram T, Revell LJ, Losos Testing for exceptional among-island converJB; University of California, Davis, Har- gence in Greater Antillean Anolis: introduction vard University, UMass, Boston and application of a novel comparative method 2:40 PM 67.6 DPCB Blackburn DC, Cannatella DC, Sukuma- The impact of taxonomic progress on knowing the ran J, Wake DB; California Academy of Tree of Life: an example from amphibians Sciences, University of Texas, Austin, Duke University, University of California, Berkeley 2:45 PM 67.7 DPCB Alfaro ME, Faircloth BC; UCLA 2:50 PM 67.8 DPCB Sigwart JD, Schroedl M; Queen’s Univer- Consensus and confusion in molluscan phylogity Belfast, Zoologische Staatssammlung eny Munich Using sequence capture of UCEs and flanking regions to resolve phylogenetic relationships within actinopterygian fishes 1:00 - 2:50 pm Yosemite B Session 68: Complementary to Symposium: Coping with Uncertainty: Integrating Physiology, Behavior and Evolutionary Ecology in a Changing World - Part IV Chair: Jessica Meir 1:00 PM 68.1 DCPB Schultz EM, Hahn TP; University of Cali- The environmental and physiological factors fornia, Davis modulating immunity in an opportunistic breeder 1:20 PM 68.2 DCE Brazeal KR, Hahn TP; University of Cali- Comparing the effects of testosterone treatment fornia Davis on onset and continuity of plumage molt between two species of cardueline finch 1:40 PM 68.3 DCE Ouyang JQ, Hau M; Princeton University, Corticosterone and brood abandonment in a pasMax Planck Institute for Ornithology serine bird 67 SICB Saturday 5 January 2013 2:00 PM 68.4 DAB Watts HE, Vilgalys TP; Loyola Mary- Shifts in reproductive timing in house finches in mount University, Los Angeles relation to temperature 2:20 PM 68.5 DCE Gonzalez-Gomez PL, Merrill L, Venegas Seasonal modulation of testosterone and stress C, Pantoja J, Vasquez RA, Wingfield JC; response in a highly stable environment University of California Davis, Oklahoma State University, Universidad de Chile 2:40 PM 68.6 DCPB Meir JU; University of British Columbia 2:45 PM 68.7 DCE Energy expenditure is independent of dive function in a deep diving vertebrate, the northern elephant seal Langkilde T, Freidenfelds NA, Thawley Are invasive species stressful? CJ, Robbins TR, Graham SP; Pennsylvania State University 1:00 - 3:00 pm Plaza A Session 69: Special Session Honoring Bruce Sidell, Part II Co-Chairs: Rich Londraville, Kristin O`Brien 1:00 PM 69.1 DCPB Somero G; Stanford University Lessons from cold-adapted enzymes: can protein adaptation to temperature be simple and quick? 1:20 PM 69.2 Moerland TS, Whittington AC; Kent State Time travel in the lab: exploring thermal compenUniversity, Florida State University, Tal- sation in Antarctic fish parvalbumins lahassee 1:40 PM 69.3 Detrich HW, Yan YL, Titus T, Allard C, Evolutionary developmental biology of nototheAlbertson RC, Postlethwait JH; North- nioid fishes: through the genomic looking glass eastern University, Boston, University of Oregon, Eugene, University of Massachusetts, Amherst 2:00 PM 69.4 DCPB O’Brien KM; University of Alaska Fair- Multiplying mitochondria in the cold: how do fish banks do it and why? 2:20 PM 69.5 2:40 PM 69.6 Egginton S; University of Birmingham, Control of branchial artery tone in Antarctic fish UK DCPB Beers JM; Stanford University Relationships between hemoprotein expression and cardiovascular physiology of Antarctic notothenioids: form, function, and future implications 1:00 - 3:00 pm Yosemite A Session 70: Complementary to Symposium: Physiological Responses to Simultaneous Shifts in Multiple Environmental Stressors: Relevance in a Changing World - Part VI Co-Chairs: Sherry Tamone, Piero Calosi 1:00 PM 70.1 DCPB Garland MA, Paganini A, Stillman J, Tomanek L; California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, San Francisco State University The proteomic response of the porcelain crab, Petrolisthes cinctipes, following acclimation to fluctuating temperature, pH, and aerial exposure treatments 1:20 PM 70.2 DEE 1:40 PM 70.3 Groom DJE, Toledo MCB, Welch KC; The effect of elevation on hummingbird flight enUniversity of Toronto, Universidade de ergetics: metabolic cost of flight in a changing enTaubate vironment 2:00 PM 70.4 Anderson DA, Southwood Williard A, Osmoregulatory disruption due to acute cold Scharf FS; University of North Carolina stress in a juvenile estuarine fish Wilmington Roberts JA, Kooijman SALM, Coulson Using biophysics and Dynamic Energy Budget GC, Munn AJ, Kearney MR; University theory to investigate how a large mammal reof Melbourne, Australia, Vrije University, sponds to varying environmental conditions Amsterdam, University of Wollongong, Australia 68 SICB Saturday 5 January 2013 2:20 PM 70.5 DCE Warne RW, Kirschman LJ*, Crespi EJ, Stress effects on immune function and disease Brunner JL; Southern Illinois University, emergence in amphibians Washington State University 2:40 PM 70.6 DPCB Calosi P, Turner LM, Hawkins M, Nightin- The effect of exposure to multiple environmental gale G, Bertolini C, Truebano-Garcia M, challenges on multiple physiological responses: Ford A, Spicer JI; Plymouth University, an inter-individual approach University of Portsmouth 1:00 - 3:00 pm Continental Ballroom 1 Session 71: Evolutionary Developmental Biology III: Cell Differentiation Co-Chairs: Leslie S. Babonis, David Matus 1:00 PM 71.1 DEDB Babonis LS, Martindale MQ; Kewalo Ma- Examining a cnidarian novelty: form and function rine Lab, University of Hawaii of the nematosomes in Nematostella vectensis 1:20 PM 71.2 DCE 1:40 PM 71.3 De Jong D, Cavaco N, Seaver E; Univer- Dynamic Hox gene expression during Capitella sity of Hawaii, Honolulu teleta juvenile development and posterior regeneration 2:00 PM 71.4 DEDB Matus DQ, Chang E, Sherwood DR; Patterning of cell cycle arrest during formation of Duke University the nematode uterine-vulval connection 2:20 PM 71.5 DEDB Windsor PJ, Leys SP; University Alberta 2:40 PM 71.6 DEDB Kohn AB, Moroz LL; University of Flori- Single-cell RNA-seq and cell-specific DNA methda, Whitney Lab ylation profiling for comparative and integrative biology: toward genomic portraits of individual blastomeres and identified neurons Das S, Najar FZ, Lai HC, Wiley G, Gaff- NGS analyses of genes expressed during limb ney PM, Roe BA, Durica DS; University regeneration in the crab, Uca pugilator of Okahoma, OMRF Tracing cell identity through metamorphosis in a freshwater sponge larva 1:00 - 3:00 pm Imperial B Session 72: Robotic, Mathematical & Physical Models: Terrestrial Chair: Kevin Peterson 1:00 PM 72.1 Zarrouk D, Pullin A*, Fearing R; Univer- Locomotion analysis of dynamic in-plane hexasity of California, Berkeley pod 1:20 PM 72.2 Haldane DW, Fearing RS; University of Using dynamic similarity scaling to inspire the deCalifornia, Berkeley sign of a high-speed hexapedal millirobot 1:40 PM 72.3 DCB Aguilar JA, Lesov A, Wiesenfeld K, Gold- The role of natural frequency in a jumping robot man DI; Georgia Tech 2:00 PM 72.4 DCB Birkmeyer PM, Gillies AG, Fearing RS; Dynamic climbing of near-vertical surfaces with a University of California, Berkeley legged robot 2:20 PM 72.5 Peterson K, Dudley R, Fearing RS; Uni- Hybrid aerial and terrestrial robots and their impliversity of California, Berkeley cations for avian flight evolution 2:40 PM 72.6 Kohut NK, Zarrouk D, Pullin AO, Haldane Rapid terrestrial turning in robots using tails inDW, Fearing RS; University of California, spired from lizards Berkeley 1:20 - 3:00 pm Continental Ballroom 7 Session 73: Population Ecology Co-Chairs: Shannon McCauley, Arianne Cease 1:20 PM 73.1 Sloan LM, Marks SB; Humboldt State Population structure and life history of western University pond turtles, Actinemys marmorata, in lentic habitats in the Trinity River Basin, CA 69 SICB Saturday 5 January 2013 1:40 PM 73.2 DEE 2:00 PM 73.4 Nater OHA, Dillon ME; University of Wy- Thermal time: a tool for predicting climate-induced oming, Laramie shifts in native bee phenology 2:20 PM 73.5 Morgan SG, Shanks A, MacMahan J, Differential transport across the surf zone of reReneirs A, Brown J, Griesemer C; Bo- flective and dissipative shores as a determinant dega Marine Laboratory, University of of larval supply California, Davis 2:40 PM 73.6 DEE Cease AJ, Elser JJ, Hao S, Harrison Low plant nitrogen content and high population JH; University of Sydney, Arizona State density enhance migratory characters in a polyUniversity, Institute of Zoolog, Chinese phenic locust Academy of Sciences Lattanzio M, Miles D; Ohio University Functional and phenotypic responses of lizards to disturbance 1:00 - 3:00 pm Continental Ballroom 9 Session 74: Tail Function Chair: Eric McElroy 1:00 PM 74.1 DVM McElroy EJ, Bergmann PJ; College of The evolution of tail size, tail autotomy, and locoCharleston, Clark University motor performance in lizards 1:20 PM 74.2 DCB James CJ, McElroy EJ; College of The effect of autotomy on locomotor performance Charleston in the green anole, Anolis carolinensis 1:40 PM 74.3 DCB Chadwell BA, Young JW, Shapiro LJ; A comparative look at tail movement during narNEOMED, University of Texas, Austin row branch locomotion 2:00 PM 74.4 DCB Jusufi A, Byrnes GT, Full RJ; University Gliding geckos perch on a tree trunk assisted by of California, Berkeley active tails 2:20 PM 74.5 DVM Rupert JE, Moreira AS, Butcher MT; Analysis of myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoforms Youngstown State University, University in the prehensile tails of didelphid marsupials: of Costa Rica, San Jose functional differences in arboreal versus terrestrial opossums 2:40 PM 74.6 DVM Maia A, Couto A, Adriaens D; Ghent Uni- How seahorses hang on to their life versity, Belgium 1:00 - 3:00 pm Golden Gate 6/7 Session 75: Respiration & Lung Changes Chair: Colleen Farmer 1:00 PM 75.1 DVM Farina SC, Ferry LA; Cornell University, Functional morphology of ventilation in four speArizona State University cies of sculpins (Scorpaeniformes) 1:20 PM 75.2 DCPB Diaz S, Shirkey NJ, Thaler CD, Cardullo Phenotypic changes in lung function after accliRA, Hammond KA*; University of Califor- mation to high altitude in deer mice nia, Riverside 1:40 PM 75.3 DCB Piscitelli MA, Lillie MA, Raverty SA, Shad- A comparative study of cetacean respiratory mewick RE; University of British Columbia, chanics: implications for diving and health asVancouver, British Columbia Ministry of sessment Agriculture, Food, and Fisheries 2:00 PM 75.4 DVM Farmer CG, Schachner ER, Sarrazin JC; Structure & function in sauropsid lungs University of Utah 2:20 PM 75.5 DCB Pendar H, Socha JJ; Virginia Tech 70 The mechanism of tracheal collapse in beetles: a multi-linked system SICB 2:40 PM Saturday 5 January 2013 75.6 DCPB Greenlee KJ, Socha JJ, Eubanks HB, Developmental changes in tracheal system strucLee W-K, Kirkton SD; North Dakota State ture and function in the caterpillar, Manduca sexta University, Virginia Tech, Jackson State University, Argonne National Laboratory, Union College 6:30-7:30 pm Continental Ballroom 4/5/6 Bern Lecture Ketterson ED; Indiana University 71 Synthesizing research on the adaptable snowbird: geographic variation, seasonality, and evolutionary endocrinology SICB Posters - Saturday 5 January 2013 SATURDAY POSTER SESSION P2 Grand Ballroom, 3:00-5:00 PM Poster Set Up: 7:00-8:00 am; Poster Teardown: 5:00-5:30 pm Even # - Authors present from 3:00 - 4:00 pm; Odd # - Authors present from 4:00 - 5:00 pm Behavior: Reproduction and Parenting P2.1 DEE Heiniger J, Dickman C, Wilson RS; The Uni- The life and times of a sex addict in northern Australia: unversity of Queensland, University of Sydney derstanding the breeding dynamics of the world’s largest semelparous mammal P2.2 DAB Friesen CR, Uhrig EJ, Mason RT; Oregon The effect of mating with vasectomized males on subseState University quent mating behavior in female red-sided garter snakes P2.3 DAB Smith VL, Rosenthal GG; Texas A&M Uni- Neuroendocrine mechanisms of female reproductive beversity havior in the swordtail X. birchmanni P2.4 DIZ Shows A, Jensen DA*, Shuster SM; North- Seasonal variation in abundance and reproductive activern Arizona University ity in the calcareous sponge, Leucetta losangelensis (deLaubenfels) P2.5 DAB Thompson DM, Fillmore B, Ligon DB; Mis- Direct and remote methods of assessing turtle nesting besouri State University, Tishomingo National havior Fish Hatchery P2.6 DAB Cupp, Jr PV; Eastern Kentucky University P2.7 DAB Harris BN, De Jong TR, Yang V, Saltzman Effect of chronic variables stress on paternal behavior in W; University of California, Riverside California mouse fathers Posthatching brooding behavior in green salamanders, Aneides aeneus Behavior: Temperature P2.8 DEE O’Connell C, Villar-Leeman C, Fricke E, The heat is on: air temperature, burrow temperature, and Gannon D, Gannon J, Mauck RA; Kenyon reproductive success in a long-lived seabird College, Bowdoin College P2.9 DIZ Schram JB, Schoenrock KM, McClintock Sub-lethal impacts of ocean acidification and elevated JB, Amsler CD, Amsler MO, Angus RA; Uni- temperature on two molluscs from the western Antarctic versity of Alabama at Birmingham Peninsula P2.10 Fonner CW, Woodley SK; Duquesne Uni- The effects of elevated temperature on locomotory activity, versity, Pittsburgh plasma corticosterone, and white blood cells in the semiterrestrial salamander Desmognathus ochrophaeus P2.11 Conover AE, Muñoz MM, Boronow K, Does parasite load affect thermoregulation in a diverse Cooke E, Shields I, Landestoy MA, Losos clade of Caribbean anoles? JB, Gastel J; Stuyvesant High School, Harvard University, Trinity University, Sociedad Ornitologica de la Hispaniola P2.12 DAB Stahlschmidt ZR, Adamo SA; Dalhousie What contributes to variability in behavioral thermoregulaUniversity tion? Cell & Molecular Physiology P2.13 DCPB Samarajeewa DA, Harder A, Toner M, Ice nucleation protein reduces cryogenic injury in eukaryChakraborty N, Menze MA; Eastern Illinois otic cells University, Harvard University, University of Michigan at Dearborn P2.14 DCPB Wagner JT, Podrabsky JE; Portland State Mechanisms underlying photorepair and photoprotection University of Ultraviolet-C irradiated Austrofundulus limnaeus embryos and implications for a novel developmental stage P2.15 DCPB Culpepper KM, Podrabsky JE; Portland Expression levels of cell cycle regulator Akt (PKB) reveals State University contradictory results during diapause and anoxia-induced dormancy in embryos of the annual killifish Austrofundulus limnaeus P2.16 DCPB Romney A, Podrabsky J; Portland State MicroRNA regulation of alternative phenotypic developUniversity ment of the annual killifish, Austrofundulus limnaeus 72 SICB P2.17 Posters - Saturday 5 January 2013 DCPB P2.18 Riggs CL, Podrabsky JE; Portland State The role of microRNA in extreme anoxia tolerance of anUniversity nual killifish embryos Ji-Hyun L, Hyun-Woo K; Pukyong National Characterization of low density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR) University, Republic of Korea gene superfamily members in decapod crustaceans P2.19 DCPB Champagne AM, Allen HC, Williams JB; Tests on the organization of lipids in the avian stratum corOhio State University neum P2.20 DIZ Fay SA, Swiney K, Foy R, Stillman JH; Uni- De novo assembly of the Paralithodes camtschaticus versity of California, Berkeley, National Ma- (Red King Crab) transcriptome to inform its response to rine Fisheries Service, AK ocean acidification P2.21 DCPB Cooper-Mullin C, Jimenez AJ, Van Brocklyn A protocol for wild avian muscle cell culture JR, Williams JB; The Ohio State University P2.22 DCPB Almeida Mansilla E, Dyal J, Lewis JM, Brim Influence of acute exercise and ethanol on mitochondrial D, Clyman T, Blank JM; California Polytech- biogenesis pathways nic State University Complementary to Symposium: Physiological Responses to Similtaneous Shifts P2.23 DIZ Debrish A, Magana C, Brummitt S, Adams Exposure of adult purple sea urchins, Strongylocentrotus N; California Polytechnic State University purpuratus, to solar ultraviolet radiation (sUVR) affects embryo resistance P2.24 DCPB Boles SE, Hettinger A, Gaylord B, Sanford Physiological cost of future ocean conditions on larval deE, Todgham AE; San Francisco State Uni- velopment in the native Olympia oyster, Ostrea lurida versity, Bodega Marine Laboratory, University of California, Davis P2.26 DCPB Carey N, Sigwart JD*; Queen’s Univerity Environmentally-driven changes to metabolic scaling relaBelfast tionships in grazing mollusks P2.27 Paganini AW, Stillman JH; San Francisco Physiological responses of the porcelain crab Petrolisthes State University, University of California, cinctipes to simultaneous exposure to increased variability Berkeley of pCO2, temperature and emersion P2.28 Yu PC, Kapsenberg L, Hofmann GE; Uni- Ocean acidification and thermal stress in a polar ectoversity of California, Santa Barbara therm—physiological responses of the larvae of Sterechinus neumayeri to a potential future ocean P2.29 DCPB Bjelde BE, Miller NA, Todgham AE; San The role of oxygen in determining upper temperature tolerFrancisco State University ance in the fingered limpet under emersed and immersed conditions P2.30 DCPB McLean KM, Todgham AE; San Francisco Effect of food availability on thermal tolerance of juvenile State University Dungeness crabs in the San Francisco Estuary P2.31 DCPB Pasparakis C, Bjelde BE, Todgham AE; Effects of repeated heat stress and recovery on thermal San Francisco State University tolerance of the fingered limpet, Lottia digitalis P2.32 DCPB Matoo O, Dickinson G, Ivanina A, Beniash Elevated CO2, temperature and salinity interactively affect E, Sokolova I*; University of North Carolina biomineralization and shell properties of hard shell clams at Charlotte, University of Pittsburgh Mercenaria mercenaria P2.33 DCPB Sokolova I, Ivanina A, Beniash E; University Elevated CO2 levels affect cellular uptake and homeostaof North Carolina at Charlotte, University of sis of trace metals in hard shell clams Mercenaria mercePittsburgh naria P2.34 DCPB Dilly GF, Hofmann G; University of Califor- The transcriptome of Antarctic sea urchin (Sterechinus nia, Santa Barbara neumayeri) larvae P2.35 DCPB Rivest EB, Chen C-S, Fan T-Y, Li H-H, Energetic consequences of ocean acidification and warmEdmunds PJ, Hofmann GE; University of ing for coral larvae California, Santa Barbara (UCSB), National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium (NMMBA), California State University Northridge, UCSB P2.36 DCPB Miller NA, Paganini AW, Stillman JH; San Differential thermal tolerance and energetic trajectories Francisco State University, University of during ontogeny in porcelain crabs, genus Petrolisthes California, Berkeley 73 SICB P2.37 Posters - Saturday 5 January 2013 DEE P2.38 Zavala NA, Rank NE, Dahlhoff EP; Santa Effects of variation at mitochondrial and nuclear genes Clara University, Sonoma State University on mitochondrial enzyme function and locomotor performance of a leaf beetle Wall CB, Edmunds PJ; California State Uni- Elevated pCO2 increases ammonium excretion in juvenile versity Northridge colonies of the scleractinian Seriatopora caliendrum Complementary to Symposium: Coping with Uncertainty P2.39 DCB Horner AM, Jayne BC; Brown University, The axial motor pattern and kinematics of terrestrial locoUniversity of Cincinnati motion of the African lungfish, Protopterus annectens P2.40 DVM Dial TR, Summers AP, Brainerd EL; Brown Tradeoffs in anguilliform locomotion over complex subUniversity, University of Washington strates in Stichaeid fishes P2.41 P2.42 Dabruzzi TF, Ribero L, Polgar G, Bennett The life less aquatic: water loss resistance in mudskippers WA; University of West Florida, University and its role in emergent behavior of Malaya DAB Pronko AJ, Perlman BM, Ashley-Ross MA; Going out for a bite: how the mangrove rivulus KryptoleWake Forest University bias marmoratus leaves the water to capture terrestrial prey Complementary to Symposium: When Predators Attack P2.43 DEE Bleicher SS, Kotler BP, Brown JS; Univer- Response of prey to evolutionarily novel predators with sity of Illinois at Chicago, Ben-Gurion Uni- a constraint-breaking adaptation: what do gerbils think of versity of the Negev sidewinder rattlesnakes? P2.44 DVM Gerry SP, Bisaccia M, Ellerby DJ; Fairfield Correlating fast-start performance to morphology in juveUniversity, Wellesley College nile bluegill P2.45 DVM Darakananda K, Connolly E, Hitchcock A, Preferred escape trajectories are not associated with perJeong J, Quist A, Robbins A, Ellerby D; formance benefits in the bluegill sunfish Wellesley College P2.46 DVM Bird DJ, Davydov Y, Amirkhanian A, Van Cribriform plate morphology as proxy for olfactory innervaValkenburgh B; University of California Los tion in felids and canids Angeles P2.47 DCB Sustaita D; University of Connecticut P2.48 The kinematics of a shrike bite: force, velocity, and an argument for power in loggerhead shrikes (Passeriformes: Laniidae) Baettig CG, Miller LB, Hastings PA, Mehta Kinematics of feeding in sarcastic fringeheads, Neoclinus RS; University of California, Santa Cruz, blanchardi (Teleostei: Blenniiformes) Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego P2.49 DAB MacDonald IA, Gibb AC; Northern Arizona Cranial movements of the Pacific sandfish are coupled University with descent into the substrate: are fish fluidizing sand using the opercular pump? P2.50 DCB Whitenack LB, Ryerson W; Allegheny Col- Thermal effects on jumping kinematics in plethodontid lege, University of Connecticut salamanders P2.51 DCB Sinderbrand CS, Bartol IK; Old Dominion Biomechanics and behavior of anti-predator responses in University squid Lolliguncula brevis P2.52 DCB Khorshidchehr DM, Ryan DS, Feitl KE, Escape trajectories of larval zebrafish to vertical and horiMcHenry MJ, Muller UK; California State zontal suction stimuli University Fresno, University Wageningen, University of California Irvine P2.53 DCB Wigton RA, Bartol IK; Old Dominion Univer- Hydrodynamic and kinematic turning performance of brief sity squid Lolliguncula brevis P2.54 DVM Thornton SW, McLellan WA, Rommel SA, Functional morphology of dorsal acoustic structures in Pabst DA; University of North Carolina pygmy (Kogia breviceps) and dwarf (K. sima) sperm Wilmington whales DEE Best Student Poster: Ray Huey Award P2.55 DIZ Bagge LE, Johnsen S; Duke University 74 Looking at invisibility: anti-reflective structures and strategies in hyperiid amphipods SICB Posters - Saturday 5 January 2013 P2.56 DVM Chow JS, Berg CL, Hymes M, McGee MD, Convergent feeding kinematics in elongate cichlids Wainwright PC; University of California, Davis P2.57 DEE McCann MJ; Stony Brook University P2.58 Nutrient stoichiometry, species traits, and regime shifts in freshwater ponds Nelson HR, Griffin JN, McCoy MW, Nifong Despite resource partition, multiple predators reduce morJC, Silliman BR; Brown University, Univer- tality risk for foundation species sity of Florida P2.59 DCB Zeng Y, Tang J, Singhal S, Gonzales C, Ra- Stepwise flight reduction evolved along ecological gradihim F, Naing G, Aziz A, Dudley R; University ent of California, Berkeley, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia P2.60 DEE Lasala JA, Harrison JS, Frick M, Williams K, New microsatellite analyses may confound current popuRostal DC; Florida Atlantic University, Geor- lation models for loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) gia Southern University, Caretta Research Project Education and Policy P2.61 DEE Schoenle LA, Christopherson GL; Virginia Wildfire’s wild survivors: how bird populations are affected Tech, University of Arizona by a changing habitat P2.62 DEE McCulloch KJ, Briscoe AD; University of Sexual dimorphism and species divergence following UV California, Irvine opsin duplication in Heliconius butterflies P2.63 Switzer CM; Harvard University Inspiring future scientists in primary school, using placebased inquiry P2.64 Seymoure B, Borchert J, Lessios N, Ligon Graduate Partners in Science Education: a graduate stuR, Ganesh T, Webber A; Arizona State Uni- dent-led program focused on hands-on science education versity for middle school students P2.65 DIZ Spain DD, Reed KD, Buselli M; Dominican Assessing communication skills in an introductory science University of California research class P2.66 DEE Hoese WJ, Sandquist DR; California State NSF undergraduate research and mentoring in biology at University Fullerton CSU Fullerton: Southern California ecosystems research program P2.67 DCPB Carroll MA, Skeete D, Catapane EJ; Med- STEP into Science at Medgar Evers College, a successful gar Evers College strategic plan P2.68 DEE Baluch DP, Traynor K, Cease AJ*, Co- Jumpstarting STEM Careers loumbe M, Stout V, Sweazea K; Arizona State University, University of Sydney Evolutionary Developmental Biology II P2.69 DEE P2.70 P2.71 Blacquiere LD, Hoese WJ; California State University, Fullerton DEDB P2.72 P2.73 Maciel J, Pinon M, Zaragoza D, Cordero G, Planting a TREE: designing a program to facilitate ecoNeuman-Lee L, Strickland J, Thol S, War- logical research, outreach, education, and mentoring for ner D, Mitchell T, Reedy A, Janzen F*; Iowa underrepresented students State University, Kelly High School, Chicago, Utah State University, US Fish & Wildlife Service, University Alabama, Birmingham Assessment of student conceptions of evolutionary trees Faltine-Gonzalez DZ, Babonis LS, Martin- Do opsins regulate cnidocyte firing in Nematostella vecdale MQ; Kewalo Marine Lab, University of tensis? Hawaii Torson AS, Kemp WP, Rinehart JP, Yocum Seasonal timing and gene expression in the blue orchard GD, Bowsher JH; North Dakota State Uni- bee Osmia lignaria versity, USDA-ARS Red River Valley Agricultural Research Center DEDB Lash JL, Sherman RL; Nova Southeastern A preliminary comparative study of vascular corrosion University, Dania Beach, Nova Southeast- casts of the spiral intestine of select acipenseriformes and ern University, Fort Lauderdale elasmobranchs 75 SICB P2.74 Posters - Saturday 5 January 2013 DEDB Cho S-J, Timbang L, Ahn A, Regalado Gene loss, gene duplication and Hox cluster fragmentaSG, Weisblat DA; University of California, tion in the leech Helobdella Berkeley P2.75 Sajuthi A, Carrillo-Zazueta BB, Hu B, Lin C, A putative gene regulatory network for eye development Speiser D, Oakley T, Rivera A; University of differs in male and female Euphilomedes carcharodonta the Pacific, University of California, Santa (Crustacea; Ostracoda; Myodocopida) Barbara P2.76 Helfrich LW, Johansson KB, Diamond J, From transcriptome to interactome: getting the slipper Fischer AHL, Lyons D, Henry JJ, Smith J; snail ready for the ball Marine Biological Laboratory, Duke University, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign P2.77 DEDB Herath BJ, Bowsher JH; North Dakota State Are Hox genes involved in the genetic regulation of the University, Fargo novel abdominal appendages in male Sepsid fly, Themira biloba? P2.78 DPCB Sanford RS, Kohn AB, Swalla BJ, Moror LL; Identification of the LIM Homeobox gene family in the University of Florida, Whitney Lab, Univer- ctenophore Pleurobrachia bachei sity of Washington, Friday Harbor Labs P2.79 DPCB Wain AR, Moore FBG; The University of Neurotransmitter-induced multicellularity?: the effects of a Akron biogenic amine (serotonin) on colony formation and gene transcription in Salpingoeca rosetta Evolutionary Developmental Biology III P2.80 DEDB Cordero GA; Iowa State University, Ames Deep phylogenetic character reversal enhances scapula functionality in shell-closing systems of recent turtle lineages P2.81 DEDB Young NM; University of California, San Macroevolutionary diversity of amniote limb proportions Francisco is congruent with predictions from developmental interactions P2.82 DVM Manzo WJ, Gardner E, Menon J; William Programmed cell death by reactive oxygen species in tail Paterson University of tadpoles, Xenopus laevis P2.83 DCE Cheng C, Ko A, Suzuki Y; Wellesley College A potential novel factor involved in the regulation of metamorphosis onset in the red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum P2.84 DEE Wargelin LJ, Massey K, Bowling M, Young Carryover effects of larval density on body composition, RS, Bouchard SS; Otterbein University growth, and feeding in Gray Treefrogs, Hyla versicolor, post-metamorphosis P2.85 DEDB MacNeil KEA, Bishop CD; St. Francis The curious shapes of sea urchin larvae: a comparative Xaviery University investigation into a putative olfactory structure P2.86 DCE Rock K, Bradshaw E*, Mayer M, Skeels M, Maternal transfer of mercury and its redistribution in tisSchreiber A; St. Lawrence University sues of metamorphosing Xenopus laevis tadpoles P2.87 DCE Davis T, Kitts J, Chavez A, Pond B, Bach- Pharmacological suppression of matrixmetalloprotease man N, Ingalls J, Temkin M, Horn R, Miller (MMP) activity with doxycycline inhibits intestinal remodB, Schreiber A; St. Lawrence University eling and enteric neuronal development during Xenopus laevis metamorphosis Evolutionary Developmental Biology IV P2.88 P2.89 P2.90 Nakanishi N, Sogabe S, Degnan B; Univer- Metamorphosis sity of Queensland queenslandica DEDB in the demosponge Amphimedon O’Brien DM, Smith FW, Jockusch EL; Uni- An analysis of the notch regulatory gene fringe in metaversity of Connecticut morphic appendage patterning of the red four beetle Tribolium castaneum Hussain YH, Riffell JA; University of Wash- Finding the path between sperm chemotaxis and fertilizaington tion success 76 SICB Posters - Saturday 5 January 2013 P2.91 P2.92 Pincus NB, Demarais AA; University of Determining the potential activity of Wnt signaling in Puget Sound zebrafish oocyte maturation through examination of bcatenin and dishevelled mRNA concentrations DCPB Newel MS, Bourne GB; University of Cal- The ‘assassin’ snail, Clea (Anentome) helena (Gastropogary, AB, Canada da: Buccinidae), as a model for developmental and environmental physiology Evolutionary Ecology and Life History Evaluation P2.93 P2.94 Koryu K, Lynch VJ, Wagner GP; Yale Uni- On the evolutionary origin of endometrial stromal cells versity DEDB P2.95 Bickel R, Cleveland H, Barkas J, Belletier Potential patterning differences underlying oviparous and N, Stern DL, Davis GK*; University of Ne- viviparous development in the pea aphid braska, Lincoln, Bryn Mawr College, Janelia Farm, HHMI Vander Linden A, Clancy D, Cohen CS; Inter-colony fusion in the invasive colonial tunicate DidemRomberg Tiburon Center, San Francisco num vexillum State University P2.96 DEE Bower CD, Barrile GM, Downs LK, Klinger Investigation of the island rule in anurans: a comparative JM, Moore JT; Bloomsburg University study of Hyla cinerea and Anaxyrus fowleri P2.97 DEE Snyder NM, Clark ME, Reed WL; North Da- Growth and immune system function in juvenile Franklin’s kota State University, Fargo gull P2.98 Gaudreau MG, Bergmann PJ; Clark Univer- Patterns of abiotic niche evolution in salamanders along sity, Worcester, MA different niche axis spatial scales P2.99 DEE Warner DA, Harrison A, Reedy A; University Spatial and temporal variation in phenotypic selection in of Alabama at Birmingham, Harvard Univer- the lizard Anolis sagrei sity, University of Virginia P2.100 DEE Carlson BE, McGinley S, Rowe MP; The Morphological and behavioral sexual dimorphism in scorPennsylvania State University, Sam Hous- pions as compensation for locomotor costs of reproduction ton State University P2.101 DEE Barrile GM, Bower CD, Downs LK, Klinger A comparison of larval and post-metamorphic growth and JM, Moore JT, Klinger TS, Hranitz JM; development between island and mainland populations of Bloomsburg University Fowler’s toad P2.102 P2.103 Roscow RF, Cruz A; University of Colorado, Brood parasitism and variation in early growth rates of AfBoulder rican Rift Lake cichlids DEE P2.104 P2.105 Lopez SR, Boyd C, Kristan DM; California A method to identify sex of post-infective third stage nemaState University San Marcos tode larvae: a stepping stone to understanding parasite life history DAB P2.106 P2.107 Stager M, Cheviron ZA; University of Illinois Signatures of natural selection across the mitochondrial at Urbana-Champaign genome in Tachycineta swallows Kimmitt AA, Reichard DG, Welklin JW, Ket- Differential courtship effort by mated and unmated males terson ED; University of Mary Washington, in a free-living songbird Indiana University, Bloomington Squire MK, Rosenthal GG; Texas A&M Uni- Reproductive skew in a hybrid population of swordtail fish versity DEE Downs CJ, St. Juliana JR, Wielebnowski Are ectoparasites always harmful to their hosts? N, Krasnov BR, Khokhlova IS; Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel, Indiana State University, Terre Haute, Ivy Tech Community College Wabash Valley, Terre Haute, Chicago Zoological Society, Brookfield Zoo Evolutionary Morphology P2.108 DCPB Finkler MS; Indiana University Kokomo 77 Possible consequences of delayed nest emergence for hatchling snapping turtles (Chelydra serpentina): the timing of entry into aquatic environments influences body size, metabolic rate, and hematology SICB Posters - Saturday 5 January 2013 P2.109 DEE Matterson KM, Thacker RT, Freeman CJ; Reduced irradiance alters cyanobacterial symbiont abunUniversity of Alabama at Birmingham dance and growth rate of three tropical sponges P2.110 DCB Schmidt A, Biknevicius AR; Ohio University, The unsteadiness of steady locomotion Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine P2.111 Marelli CA, Simons ELR; Midwestern Uni- Microstructure and cross-sectional shape of limb bones versity in great horned owls and red-tailed hawks: how do these features relate to differences in flight and hindlimb usage? P2.112 DPCB Law CJ, Dorgan KM, Rouse GW; Scripps Differences in polychaete musculature lead to distinct burInstitution of Oceanography, UCSD rowing behaviors P2.113 DIZ Francoeur AA, Dorgan KM; University of Mud versus sand: morphological and behavioral compariCalifornia, San Diego, Scripps Institution of son of two species of burrowing orbiniid polychaetes Oceanography P2.114 Srinivasan A, Gatto R, Shawkey MD; Uni- Coffee-ring formation by melanosomes with high aspect versity of Akron ratios P2.115 Hackmann A, Federle W; University of Functional morphology and efficiency of the antenna Cambridge cleaner in Camponotus rufifemur ants P2.116 DCB P2.117 Bustamante, Jr. J, Loudon C; University of Cricket antennae shorten when bending (Acheta domesCalifornia, Irvine ticus (L.)) Comparative trabecular bone morphology in two locomotor-diverse primates Su A; Cleveland State University P2.118 DPCB Maayan I, Ritzman TB, Hutchins ED, Stap- Comparative appendicular osteology and evolutionary ley J, Lasku E, Eckalbar WL, Wilson-Rawls genetics of Panamanian anoles with divergent locomotor J, Huentelman MJ, Bermingham E, Hsieh strategies ST, Fisher RE, Kusumi K; Arizona State University, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Translational Genomics Research Institute, Temple University, University Arizona College Med.-Phoenix P2.118A DVM Hall MI, Kamilar JM, Kirk EC, Carrano MT, The relationship between scleral ring morphology and acIwaniuk AN; Midwestern University, UT tivity pattern in birds and dinosaurs Austin, Smithsonian Institution, University of Lethbridge Feeding and Jaw Mechanics P2.119 DCPB Moran CJ, Lerma C, Jimenez J, Gibb AC; Can members of the imperiled Gila species-complex be Northern Arizona University identified as morphologically distinct across life history stages? P2.120 DCB Jeong J, Darakananda K, Hitchcock A, Behavioral thermoregulation not accompanied by locomoConnolly E, Quist A, Robbins A, Ellerby D; tor performance acclimation in the medicinal leech Wellesley College P2.121 DCB Reader L, Carrier D, Goller F; University of Flexural stiffness of woodpecker tails with respect to foragUtah ing ecology P2.123 P2.124 Miller LB, Mehta RS; University of Califor- A descriptive study of the cranial morphology of opistonia, Santa Cruz gnathidae: linking skull characteristics to burrow construction DVM P2.125 Rade CM, Hernandez LP; George Wash- Pharyngeal jaw apparatus variation in cypriniform fishes ington University Borstein SR, McGee MD, Wainwright PC; Mouthbrooding does not constrain craniofacial diversity in California State University, Sacramento, Lake Tanganyika cichlids University of California, Davis P2.126 DCB Marshall CD, Rosen DAS, Trites AW, Marsh Feeding and suction performance in two basal otariid pinA; Texas A&M University, University of Brit- nipeds ish Columbia P2.127 DVM Israel S, Deban SM; University of South Functional morphology of the smallest ballistic tongue Florida, Tampa 78 SICB P2.128 Posters - Saturday 5 January 2013 DCB P2.129 Shadwick RE, Whale JC, Lin SC, Goldbo- Mechanical design in fin whale mandibles gen JA, Pyensnon ND; University of British Columbia, Cascadia Res. Collective, Smithsonian Institute Nowinowski I, Balaban J, Wilga C; Univer- Shape changes in the hyoid arch of four shark species sity of Rhode Island P2.130 DCB Larabee FJ, Suarez AV; University of Illi- Structure and composition of ant mandibles nois, Urbana-Champaign P2.131 DCB Michel KB; University of Antwerp P2.132 DVM Richardson JR, Larghi NP, Deban SM; Uni- Does the unique desmognathine jaw morphology enversity of South Florida, Tampa hance bite force? Kinematics and functional morphology of feeding in the Northern clingfish Invertebrate Endocrinology - Aquatic P2.133 DNB P2.134 P2.135 Welsh C, Bess F, Catapane EJ, Carroll MA; Presence of octopamine and octopamine receptors in Medgar Evers College ganglia and tissues of Crassoatrea virginica Chen H-Y, Roer RD, Watson RD; University Molecular cloning of a cDNA encoding a putative plasma of Alabama at Birmingham, University of membrane calcium ATPase from Y-Organs of the blue North Carolina at Wilmington crab (Callinectes sapidus) DCPB P2.136 Pitts NL, Mykles DL; Colorado State Univer- Examining the role of nitric oxide in the control of molting of sity the blackback land crab, Gecarcinus lateralis Keller EK, Tamone SL, Ray L; University of Temporal secretion of ecdysteroids over the premolt peAlaska Southeast riod in two life histories of Tanner crab Chionoecetes bairdi P2.137 DCE Mudron MR, Chang ES, Mykles DL; Colo- Myostatin expression in the blackback land crab (Gecarcirado State University, UC Davis Bodega nus lateralis ) Y-organ during the molt cycle Marine Laboratory P2.138 DCE Head TB, Mudron MR, Chang SA, Chang mTOR-dependent protein synthesis is required for ecdysES, Mykles DL; Colorado State University, teroid synthesis in the crustacean molting gland UC Davis Bodega Marine Laboratory P2.139 DCE Zander IA, Abuhagr AM, Chang ES, Chang Expression of molt-inhibiting hormone in brain and thoracSA, Mykles DL; Colorado State University ic ganglion of green shore crab, Carcinus maenas Invertebrate Endocrinology - Terrestrial P2.140 DCE Abuhagr AM, Chang ES, Mykles DL; Colo- Comparing the effects of molt manipulation on mechanistic rado State University, UC Davis Bodega Target of Rapamycin (mTOR) in molting gland (Y-organ) of Marine Laboratory blackback land crab, Gecarcinus lateralis and green shore crab, Carcinus maenas P2.141 DCPB Cosenza KS, Chang ES, Mykles DL; Colo- Effects of ecdysteroids on myostatin and mTOR signaling rado State University, UC Davis Bodega expression in crustacean skeletal muscle Marine Lab P2.142 Cale KM, Davis JE; Radford University Developmental investigation of juvenile hormone and royal jelly in Madagascar hissing cockroaches (Gromphadorhina portentosa) P2.143 Wadsworth T, Carriman A, Fuse M; San Establishing the presence of a circadian rhythm regulating Francisco State University ecdysis in the stick insect, Carausius morosus P2.144 Hong T, Miry S, Cisneros B, Fuse M; San Quantifying hemocyte population changes in Manduca Francisco State University sexta larvae after x-ray irradiation damage Larval Ecology P2.145 DCE Delalio L, Dion S, Bootes A, Tracka K, Kun- Direct effects of hypoxia and nitric oxide on the secretion du A, Maguire M, Smith WA; Northeastern of ecdysone by insect prothoracic glands University P2.146 Ramos LS, Omondi C, Fuse M; San Fran- Developing a transfusion techique in the tobacco horncisco State University worm, Manduca sexta P2.147 Charpentier CL, Cohen JH; University of Fish kairomone-induced defenses during larval developDelaware ment of an estuarine crab 79 SICB Posters - Saturday 5 January 2013 P2.148 Bashevkin S, George S; Tufts University, The ups and downs of life in a halocline: The behavior of P. Georgia Southern University ochraceus larvae after prior exposure to low salinity P2.149 DIZ Bashevkin S, Driver P, George S; Tufts Uni- Is the upward migration of Pisaster ochraceus larvae motiversity, Georgia Southern University vated by the presence of food at the halocline or the salinity they are acclimated to? P2.150 DIZ Driver P*, George S; Georgia Southern Uni- Grazing by Pisaster ochraceus larvae and dispersion of versity, Statesboro, Georgia algae at and below haloclines P2.151 DIZ Jaeckle WB; Illinois Wesleyan University, Seawater flow into the digestive system of actinotroch larBloomington vae (Phoronida) P2.152 DIZ Kehr Smith AJ, Jaeckle WB; Illinois Wes- Feeding modes by planulae of Nematostella vectensis leyan University (Cnidaria: Anthozoa) P2.153 DIZ Oyarzun FX, Brante A; Universidad Católi- Brooding behavior, hatching plasticity and intrafamilial ca de la Santísima Concepción conflict in the poecilogonous polychaete Boccardia wellingtonensis P2.154 DIZ Smoot SC, Plante CJ, Podolsky RD; Col- Variation in anti-microbial activity in egg masses of 19 mollege of Charleston lusc species in relation to variation in habitat an deposition site P2.155 Von Dassow G, Maslakova SA; University How the pilidium larva pees of Oregon P2.156 DIZ Von Dassow YJ, Rittschof D; Duke Univer- Switch and bait: use of artificial egg masses to investigate sity predation on embryos P2.157 DIZ Whitehill EAG, Moran AL; Clemson Univer- Energy utilization by nonfeeding larvae is affected by rearsity ing temperature P2.158 DEE Wheeler JD, Anderson EJ, Helfrich KR, Vertical swimming and diving behaviour of competent larMcGann BJ, Mullineaux LS; Woods Hole val oysters (Crassostrea virginica) in turbulence Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), Grove City College Muscle Physiology and Biochemistry P2.159 DCPB Marx J, Hoffman T, Sceia K, Patel S, Bailey Oxidative stress induces settlement and metamorphosis A, Yatsonsky D, Biggers WJ; Wilkes Univer- of larvae of Capitella teleta sity P2.160 DCPB Whittemore SB, Morris K, Medler S; SUNY Stride frequency and body size in running ghost crabs Fredonia, University at Buffalo P2.161 DVM Walker RA, Dearolf JL, Richmond JP; Hen- Assessment of the oxidative capacity of the rectus throradrix College, University of North Florida, cis muscle in betamethasone treated fetuses Jacksonville P2.162 DVM McGrail KA, Walker RA, Dearolf JL, Rich- Effects of prenatal steroids on the citrate synthase activity mond JP; Hendrix College, University of of the fetal guinea pig (Cavia porcellus) diaphragm North Florida, Jacksonville P2.163 DVM Riley LA, Walker RA, Dearolf JL; Hendrix The effect of prenatal steroids on the fatigue resistance of College the fetal guinea pig diaphragm P2.164 DVM O’Connell KJ, Walker RA, Dearolf JL; Hen- The effect of prenatal steroids on the fast-twitch fibers of drix College the fetal guinea pig rectus abdominis P2.165 DVM Brown JM, Chughtai A, Walker RA, Dearolf Effects of prenatal steroids on the fetal rectus thoracis JL; Hendrix College, Conway, AR P2.166 DVM Kompelli AR, Dearolf JL, Richmond JP; The effect of betamethasone on the citrate synthase activHendrix College, University of North Florida, ity in fetal guinea pig rectus abdominus Jacksonville P2.167 DNB Cornwell FJ, Brauer CL, Krajniak KG; The effects of APKQYVRFamide and other FMRFamide Southern Illinois University Edwardsville related peptides on the isolated crop-gizzard of the earthworm Lumbricus terrestris P2.168 DNB Krajniak KG, Kerstein KW; Southern Illinois Effects of APKQYVRFamide and FMRFamide on the University Edwardsville Earthworm Body Wall 80 SICB Posters - Saturday 5 January 2013 P2.169 DNB McCullough KA, Krajniak KG; Southern Il- The effects of APKQYVRFamide on the isolated intestine linois University Edwardsville of the earthworm Lumbricus terrestris P2.170 DNB Holsinger RC, Cooper RL; University of The effect of regional phenotypic differences of ProcamKentucky barus clarkii opener muscle on sarcomere length, fiber diameter, and force development P2.171 DCB Meehan ST, Taylor KR, Nishikawa KC; Breathing with a spring: exploring the role of titin in respiraNorthern Arizona University tion P2.172 DVM McKinney ML, Walker RA, Dearolf JL, Rich- The scalenus and diaphragm muscles’ contributions to mond JP; Hendrix College, University of inspiration in the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) North Florida, Jacksonville P2.173 DVM Unser AJ, Dearolf JL, Richmond JP; Hen- Investigating the presence of a venous sphincter in the drix College, University of North Florida, bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) diaphragm Jacksonville P2.174 P2.175 Arthur LH, Velten BP, Kinsey ST, McLellan Oxygen storage capacity of a primary locomotor muscle in WA, Pabst DA; University of North Carolina two similarly-sized, pelagic dolphins Wilmington DCPB P2.176 Olson JM, Kearney C, Rivera G; Villanova Antioxidant enzymes: acute and chronic responses to exUniversity ercise-induced oxidative stress in gastrocnemius muscle of mice Holtz SB, Dickson KA; California State Uni- Extraocular muscles as a potential heat source for cranial versity Fullerton endothermy in tunas P2.177 DCPB Zhang Y, King MO, Swanson DL; University Flight muscle size but not cellular aerobic capacity is corof South Dakota related with thermogenic capacity in American goldfinches Spinus tristis P2.178 DAB Campion A, Hwee D, Baehr L, Nemeth Z, Comparative study of the oxidative metabolism in skelBodine S, Ramenofsky M; University of Cal- etal muscle of migratory and nonmigratory white-crowned ifornia, Davis sparrows P2.179 DCPB Dullen KR, Orczewska JI, Ortego M, O’Brien Creatine kinase isoforms differ between hearts of red- and KM; University of Alaska Fairbanks white-blooded Antarctic fishes P2.180 DCPB Waddell DS, Haddock AN; University of Transcriptional regulation of Dual specificity phosphatase North Florida 4 (Dusp4) by Muscle specific RING Finger 1 (MuRF1) Neurobiology: Structure and Development P2.181 DCPB Olson TB, Waddell DS; University of North Transcriptional regulation of Muscle Atrophy F-box (MAFFlorida bx) by Muscle RING Finger 1 (MuRF1) P2.182 DCPB Brim DL, Tadros AK, Tomlinson VE, Kennett Influence of ethanol ingestion on overload-induced musKM, Blank JM; California Polytechnic State cular hypertrophy in the rat University, San Luis Obispo P2.183 DNB Riede T; University of Utah, Salt Lake City P2.184 DNB Petersen CL, Timothy M, Kim S, Bhandi- Exposure to conspecific mate calls increases cFos rewad AA, Mohr RA, Sisneros JA, Forlano sponse in catecholaminergic neurons and vocal-acoustic PM; CUNY, Brooklyn College, University of circuitry in male midshipman fish Washington, Seattle New insights into laryngeal motor patterns generating rat ultrasound vocalizations P2.185 Patton MS, Megahed T, Johnson MA; Trinity Lateralization in aggressive behavior and brain morpholUniversity ogy in the green anole lizard (Anolis carolinensis) P2.186 Katagi A, Draud M, Santagata S; Long Is- Brain development of Amatitlania nigrofasciata and the land University-Post, Brookville onset of aggressive and territorial behaviors P2.187 DNB P2.188 P2.189 Johnson JI, Fenske BA, Buchanan KJ, Yal- The puddling claustrum amarthy AS; Michigan State University Paterson TL, Davis JE; Radford University DNB Effect of captivity on hippocampal volume of Passer domesticus Heesy CP, Kamilar JM; Midwestern Univer- Relative brain size decreases with limb loss in squamates sity, Arizona State University 81 SICB P2.190 Posters - Saturday 5 January 2013 DNB P2.191 Fernandez WL, Nathan BP, Menze MA; Decline in mitochondrial respiration in post-ovariectomy Eastern Illinois University mice is ameliorated by beta-estradiol Ornelas L, Kok L, Fuse M, Moffatt C*; Uni- Effect of caloric restriction on longevity and neurogenesis versity of California, San Diego, San Fran- in the house cricket, Acheta domesticus cisco State University P2.192 DAB Grasso FW, Evans M, Basil JA, Prescott TJ; Toward a fusion model of feature and spatial tactile memoBCR Lab, Brooklyn College CUNY, ATLAS ry in the Australian crayfish Cherax destructor Lab, University Sheffield, UK, LIBE Lab P2.193 DNB Maine AR, Powers SD, Lutterschmidt DI; Seasonal changes in neurogenesis in red-sided garter Portland State University, Oregon snakes: neurons or glial cells? P2.194 Asimes A, Roth TC; Kenyon College, Frank- The behavioral and neurological effects of hypoxia during lin and Marshall College the embryonic development of domestic chicks (Gallus gallus) P2.195 DAB Krakauer AH, Blundell M, Scanlan T, Successful sage-grouse show greater laterality in social Wechsler M, McCloskey E, Yu J, Patricelli behaviors GL; University of California, Davis P2.196 DNB Willis KL, Carr CE; University of Maryland Turtle hindbrain auditory circuits Phylogeny, Populations Genetics and Biogeography P2.197 DAB Liebl AL, Trotter JH, Kellogg SL, Fiorelli T, Variation in hippocampal-dependent behaviors and neuroMartin LB; University S. Florida genesis during a range expansion P2.198 Sheets EA, Ruiz GM, Rocha RM, Cohen Global population structure of the widely introduced tropiCS; Romberg Tiburon Center for Environ- cal ascidian Botrylloides nigrum mental Studies and Department of Biology, San Francisco State University, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center, Departamento de Zoologia, Universidade Federal do Paraná P2.199 Clancy DL, Davis T, Ruiz G, Cohen CS; San Examining genetic diversity of an invasive colonial ascidFrancisco State University, Alaska Depart- ian in Southeast Alaska ment of Fish and Game, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center P2.200 DPCB Guerra VI, Cohen CS; Romberg Tiburon Population genetic diversity of the cryptogenic invasive Center, San Francisco State University Ciona intestinalis sp A on the Pacific coast of America P2.201 Parelli S, Dolcemascolo P, Monsen K; Mont- Examining mitochondrial genetic diversity in a population clair State University of eastern hognose snakes in Cape Cod, MA P2.202 Moore JM, Rouse GW, Wilson NG; Scripps Does the Scotia Arc facilitate connectivity between South Institution of Oceanography, The Australian America and Antarctica? An example from the sea star Museum Porania antarctica P2.203 DEE Klinger JM, Barrile GM, Bower CD, Downs Evaluation of cross-species microsatellite loci to invesLK, Hranitz JM; Bloomsburg University tigate population genetics underlying a case of Island dwarfism in Fowlers toad P2.204 DIZ Gross V, Miller WR, Hochberg R; University A new genus of marine tardigrada (Arthrotardigrada) from of Massachusetts Lowell, Baker University the southeastern United States P2.205 Ferree ED; Claremont Colleges Geographic variation in morphology of dark-eyed juncos and implications for population divergence P2.206 Garcia EL, Griswold CE, Carmichael A; San Phylogenetic investigation and species delimitation of Diego State University, Summer System- South African araneoid spider genus Cyatholipus, Simon atics Institute, California Academy of Sci- 1984 ences P2.207 De Guzman HJ, Gambi MC, Calosi P, Genetic diversity of the sabellid polychaete Amphiglena Giangrande A, Schulze A; Texas A&M Uni- mediterranea Leydig from shallow carbon dioxide vents versity at Galveston, Stazione Zoologica and non-acidified control areas in the Mediterranean Sea Anton Dohrn, Italy, Marine Biology and Ecology Research Centre, UK, Università del Salento, Italy 82 SICB P2.208 Posters - Saturday 5 January 2013 DIZ Laumer CE, Giribet G, Curini-Galletti M; A new lithophoran proseriate with inverted genital pores Harvard University, Università degli Studi di from the New England coast Sassari P2.209 Vandepas LE, Rocha RM, Hirose E, Lee The native range of Phallusia nigra: is it really black and SCS, Oliveira LM, Swalla BJ; University white? of Washington, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Brazil, University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa, Japan, National University of Singapore P2.210 Stump E, Rocha L, Rocha C, Carpenter K; Insights from a preliminary phylogeny of the Sharpnose Old Dominion University, California Acad- Pufferfishes (genus Canthigaster) emy of Sciences P2.211 DIZ Beresic-Perrins RK, Govedich F, Rose D, A description of a new Helobdella (Hirudinoidea: GlossiShuster SM; Northern Arizona University, phoniidae) species, Helobdella blinnii found in Montezuma Southern Utah University Well, Arizona P2.212 DPCB Cox CL, Stringer JF, Streicher JW, Moseley Cryptic genetic diversity and refugial dynamics in the flatMA, Chippindale PT; University of Virginia, head snake The University of Texas-Arlington P2.213 Corbin KM, Alemseged Z; University of Is Paranthropus monophyletic? Incorporating modular reCalifornia, San Diego, California Academy lationships in a cladistic analysis of Sciences P2.214 Sosa AE, German DP; University of Califor- Evolution of herbivory in the family Stichaeidae (Teleostei) nia, Irvine P2.215 Buckner JC, Lynch Alfaro JW, Rylands AB, Statistical biogeography of the marmosets and tamarins Alfaro ME; University of California, Los Angeles, Conservation International Symbiosis P2.216 DPCB Popkin-Hall ZR, Boyer SL; Macalester Col- New species of mite harvestmen from Southeast lege Queensland, Australia greatly extend the known distribution of the genus Austropurcellia (Arachnida, Opiliones, Cyphophthalmi) P2.217 DEE Smith RJ, Cohen S; San Francisco State Phylogeography of Leptasterias aequalis near terrestrial University runoff sources in the San Francisco Bay area P2.218 DEE Blair PB, Freeman CF, Thacker RW; Uni- Distinguishing clades of the sponge-specific cyanobacteversity of Alabama at Birmingham rial symbiont Synechococcus spongiarum through highresolution melting analysis and denaturing/temperature gradient gel electrophoresis P2.219 DIZ Curtis NE, Middlebrooks ML, Schwartz JA, PAM analysis of 3 sacoglossan species reveals differPierce SK; Rollins College, University of ences in photosynthetic function and chloroplast longevity South Florida P2.220 DEE Stengel A, Kohl KD, Dearing MD; University Isolation of toxin-degrading bacteria from the gut of an herof Utah bivorous rodent P2.221 DEE Zappe ME, Thacker RW; University of Ala- Symbiotic microbial communities associated with haplobama at Birmingham sclerid sponges: stability across space and time P2.222A Green E, Medina M; University of California, A high-throughput protocol to genotype Symbiodinium usMerced ing ITS2, a ribosomal DNA marker, for Montastraea faveolata P2.222 Cortes Garcia ME, Closek CJ, Medina M; Symbiodinium changes under coral disease events University of California, Merced in Montastraea faveolata P2.223 DIZ Mazzillo Mays M, Kempf SC; Auburn Uni- Symbiodinium mucilage and ultrastructural variation versity P2.224 DEE Madden AA, Soriano JN, Ellis N, Grassetti Fungal patterns across space and species: Comparative A, Fierer N, Starks PT; Tufts University, Uni- studies of the mycobiomes of sympatric paper wasp speversity of Colorado, Boulder cies 83 Sunday Schedule of Events All events take place in the Hilton San Francisco Union Square EVENT TIME Poster Session 3 Set Up 7:00-8:00 AM Registration 7:30 AM-3:00 PM Exhibit Hall 9:30 AM-5:00 PM Poster Session 3 Even Numbers Viewing 3:00-4:00 PM Poster Session 3 Odd Numbers Viewing 4:00-5:00 PM Poster Session 3 Teardown 5:00-5:30 PM Coffee Break/PM Poster Session Cash Bar 9:30-10:30 AM/3-5 PM SYMPOSIA ORAL PRESENTATIONS S6: Coping with Uncertainty: Integrating Physiology, Behavior and Evolutionary Ecology... 7:55 AM-3:00 PM S7: Keeping Time during Animal Evolution: Conservation and Innovation of the Circadian Clock8:00 AM-3:00 PM S8: Assembling the Poriferan Tree of Life 8:00 AM-3:00 PM CONTRIBUTED PAPER ORAL PRESENTATIONS Session 76: Comp to Symp: Vertebrate Land Invasions: Past, Present, and Future, Part I 8:00-10:00 AM Session 77: Comp to Symp: Vertebrate Land Invasions: Past, Present, and Future, Part II 10:20-11:40 AM Session 78: Fish Feeding Kinematics & Physiology I 8:00-9:40 AM Session 79: Fish Feeding Kinematics & Physiology II 10:00 AM-Noon Session 80: Flows & Pumps I 8:00-9:40 AM Session 81: Flows & Pumps II 10:00 AM-Noon Session 82: Mechanisms Behind the Movement 8:00-9:40 AM Session 83: Biomaterials I 10:00-11:40 AM Session 84: Thermobiology I: Climate Change 8:00-10:00 AM Session 85: Thermobiology II 10:20-11:40 AM Session 86: Communication: Lovers 8:20-10:00 AM Session 95: Communication: Fighters 10:20 AM-Noon Session 87: Larval Ecology-Environment 8:20-9:40 AM Session 88: Animal Locomotion I 8:00-9:40 AM Session 89: Animal Locomotion II 10:00 AM-Noon Session 90: Evolutionary Ecology 8:20-9:30 AM Session 91: Education and Policy I 8:40-10:00 AM Session 92: Education and Policy II 10:20-11:40 AM Session 93: Reproductive Physiology 8:00-9:40 AM Session 94: Evo Devo Biology: Vertebrate Morphogenesis I - Fish, Frogs, Fingers and Lungs 8:00-9:40 AM Session 96: Larval Ecology - Mechanisms 10:00 AM-Noon Session 97: Burrowing & Boring 10:00 AM-Noon Session 98: Digestion 10:00 AM-Noon Session 99: Evolutionary Developmental Biology: Character Development and Evolution 10:00 AM-Noon Session 100: Structural & Functional Morphology 1:00-2:00 PM Session 101: Hawkmoth Flight 1:00-3:00 PM Session 102: Scaling Effects 1:00-3:00 PM Session 103: Adaptation 1:00-3:00 PM Session 104: Thermobiology: Coping with the Cold 1:00-3:00 PM Session 105: Behavioral Ecology: Sensory 1:00-3:00 PM Session 106: Comp to Symp: Integrating Genomics with Comparative Vision ... 1:00-3:00 PM Session 107: Eco-Evo-Morpho 1:00-3:00 PM Session 108: Neurobiology: Structure and Evolution 1:00-3:00 PM Session 109: HPG Axis 1:00-2:40 PM Session 110: Evolutionary Developmental Biology 1:00-3:00 PM Session 111: Larval Ecology - Development 1:00-2:40 PM 84 LOCATION Grand Ballroom Yosemite Foyer Grand Ballroom Grand Ballroom Grand Ballroom Grand Ballroom Grand Ballroom Continental 4 Continental 5 Continental 2/3 Continental 6 Continental 6 Plaza A Plaza A Imperial A Imperial A Imperial B Imperial B Plaza B Plaza B Yosemite B Yosemite B Yosemite A Yosemite C Yosemite C Continental 8 Continental 1 Continental 1 Continental 7 Continental 9 Yosemite A Continental 8 Continental 7 Continental 9 Continental 6 Plaza A Imperial A Imperial B Plaza B Yosemite B Yosemite C Continental 8 Continental 1 Continental 7 Continental 9 Yosemite A COMMITTEE & BOARD MEETINGS Public Affairs Committee ICB Editorial Board Development Committee Membership Committee BUSINESS MEETINGS AMS Business Meeting/Lunch (bring your own lunch) SICB Society Business Meeting & Awards Presentation TCS Business Meeting WORKSHOPS AND PROGRAMS Broadening Participation Workshop “How to negotiate your first job” Xcitex ProAnalyst User Group Meeting Student/Postoctoral Affairs Workshop on Elevator Talks DPCB Workshop: Comparative methods in R clinic Genomics for Non-Model organisms: Custom microarray development and analysis SOCIAL EVENTS DIZ/DEE/AMS/TCS Social DIZ Libby Hyman Auction Broadening Participation Social 85 Noon-1:00 PM Noon-1:00 PM Noon-1:00 PM TBD Mason Powell Sutter Noon-1:00 PM 5:15-6:15 PM 6:15-7:15 PM Taylor Continental 5 Continental 1 Noon-1:00 PM Noon-1:00 PM 6:30-8:00 PM 7:00-10:00 PM 7:00-10:00 PM Continental 1 Golden Gate 1 Continental 2/3 Powell Continental 9 6:30-8:30 PM 7:00-8:00 PM 8:00-10:00 PM Golden Gate Golden Gate Cityscape SICB Sunday 6 January 2013 SUNDAY PROGRAM SYMPOSIA Note: Presenter is first author unless noted by an asterisk (*). 7:55 am - 3:00 pm Continental Ballroom 4 Symposium S6: Coping with Uncertainty: Integrating Physiology, Behavior and Evolutionary Ecology in a Changing World Sponsored by: DAB, DCE, DEE, DCPB Organized by: Bob Syrgley, Tony Williams 7:55 AM Nemeth Z, Bonier F, MacDougall-Shack- Introduction leton S 8:00 AM S6-1.1 DCE Wingfield JC; University of California, Allostasis, resilience and coping with a changing Davis world 8:30 AM S6-1.2 DCE Perfito N, Calisi R, Hau M, Bentley GE; Integrating environmental signals for reproductive University of California, Berkeley, Uni- timing versity of California, Davis, Max Planck Institute for Ornithology, Germany 9:00 AM S6-1.3 Visser ME, Schaper SV, Caro SP; Neth- Global climate change leads to natural selection erlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO- on the physiological mechanisms underlying seaKNAW) sonal timing 9:30 AM BREAK IN EXHIBIT HALL 10:00 AM S6-1.4 Kitaysky AS; University of Alaska Fair- Mechanistic links between climate variability, banks stress, and population processes in seabirds 10:30 AM S6-1.5 Boonstra R; University of Toronto Scar- The role of the stress axis in coping with chronic borough uncertainty 11:00 AM S6-1.6 11:30 AM S6-1.7 DEE Diamond SE, Pelini SL, Ellison AM, Go- Using physiology to predict ectotherm responses telli NJ, Sanders NJ, Dunn RR; North to environmental change Carolina State University, Bowling Green State University, Harvard Forest, University of Vermont, University of Tennessee Sheldon BC; University of Oxford Constraints and the importance of adaptive plasticity to climate change Sih A; University of California, Davis Behavioral responses to human-induced rapid environmental change (HIREC) NOON LUNCH BREAK 1:00 PM S6-2.1 1:30 PM S6-2.2 DEE Ghalambor CK, Handelsman CA, Ruell Plasticity, selection, and the potential for adaptaEW; Colorado State University tion in newly established populations 2:00 PM S6-2.3 DCE Crespi EJ, Warne RW, Ledon-Rettig CC; Washington State University, Southern Illinois University, North Carolina State University 2:30 PM S6-2.4 DEE Snell-Rood EC, Morehouse NI; Universi- The effects of changing nutrient inputs on sexual ty of Minnesota, University of Pittsburgh selection dynamics and life history evolution Integrating stress physiology with quantitative evolutionary models to predict population responses to environmental change: an amphibian perspective 8:00 am - 3:00 pm Continental Ballroom 5 Symposium S7: Keeping Time during Animal Evolution: Conservation and Innovation of the Circadian Clock Sponsored by: DCPB, DEE, DNB, DIZ, AMS Organized by: Adam Reitzel, Ann Tarrant 8:00 AM S7-1.1 Müller WEG, Wang XH; University Medi- Metazoan circadian rhythm: an universal “Zeitgecal Center, Mainz, Germany ber” existing from sponges to humans 8:30 AM S7-1.2 DCPB Reitzel AM, Tarrant AM; University of Circadian clock of the starlet sea anemone NemaNorth Carolina, Charlotte, Woods Hole tostella vectensis: a conserved network and missOceanographic Inst. ing links 86 SICB Sunday 6 January 2013 9:00 AM S7-1.3 Liwang A, Chang Y-G, Tseng RD; Uni- Rhythmic ring-ring stacking drives the circadian versity of California, Merced oscillator clockwise 9:30 AM S7-1.4 De La Iglesia HO, Smarr B*; University of Finding a temporal niche Washington 10:00 AM BREAK IN EXHIBIT HALL 10:30 AM S7-1.5 DNB Battelle B-A; University of Florida, Whit- What the clock tells the eye: lessons from an anney Laboratory for Marine Bioscience cient arthropod 11:00 AM S7-1.6 Merritt DJ, Maynard AJ; The University of Synchronization of circadian bioluminescence as Queensland, Australia a group-foraging strategy in cave glowworms 11:30 AM S7-1.7 Oliveri P, Petrone L, Lerner A, Mattiello T; Evolution of animal clock: an echinoderm proUniversity College London spective NOON LUNCH BREAK 1:00 PM S7-2.1 DCPB Loudon FK, Spencer R-J*; University of Egging each other on: embryonic communication Western Sydney, Australia in a nest maintains circadian rhythms of heart rate in turtles? 1:30 PM S7-2.2 DIZ 2:00 PM S7-2.3 DCPB Meuti ME, Denlinger DL; The Ohio State The role of circadian clock genes in the overwinUniversity tering diapause of the northern house mosquito, Culex pipiens 2:30 PM S7-2.4 Reppert SM; UMass Medical School, The monarch butterfly reveals the prototype anWorcester cestral TTFL clock of insects: a focus on cryptochromes Heath-Heckman EAC, Peyer SM, Mc- Symbiont luminescence entrains daily host-tissue Fall-Ngai MJ; University of Wisconsin - rhythms through direct regulation of a host crypMadison tochrome gene 8:00 am - 3:00 pm Continental Ballroom 2/3 Symposium S8: Assembling the Poriferan Tree of Life Sponsored by: DIZ, AMS Organized by: Jose Lopez, Sally Leys 8:00 AM S8-1.1 DPCB Thacker RW; University of Alabama at Assembling the poriferan tree of life: integrative Birmingham taxonomy and systematics reveal new patterns of sponge evolution 8:30 AM S8-1.2 DIZ 9:00 AM S8-1.3 Redmond NE, Morrow CC, Thacker RW, New 18S rDNA sequence data suggest exciting Diaz MC, Boury-Esnualt N, Cárdenas P, new hypotheses for internal relationships of deHajdu E, Lôbo-Hajdu G, Picton BE, Col- mospongiae (Phylum Porifera) lins AG; NMNH, Smithsonian Institution, Queen’s University, Northern Ireland, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Museo Marino de Margarita, Venezuela, Université d’Aix-Marseille, France, Uppsala University, Sweden, Museu Nacional/Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, National Museums Northern Ireland, UK Boury-Esnault N, Lavrov D, Pérez T; IM- The integrative phylogeny approach applied to BE-UMR7263, CNRS, Université d’Aix- Porifera: a case-study the Homoscleromorpha Marseille, Station Marine d’Endoume, France, Iowa State University 9:30 AM BREAK IN EXHIBIT HALL 10:00 AM S8-1.4 Morrow CC, Redmond NE, Picton BE, Allcock AL, Sigwart JD, Maggs CA; Queen’s University Belfast, NMNH, Smithsonian Institution, National Museums Northern Ireland, Ryan Institute, National University of Ireland Galway 87 Molecular phylogenies support homoplasy of multiple morphological characters used in the taxonomy of Heteroscleromorpha (Porifera: Demospongiae) SICB Sunday 6 January 2013 10:30 AM S8-1.5 Klautau M, Azevedo F, Cóndor Luján Calcarea evolution: morphology and molecules B, Russo CAM, Collins A; Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History 11:00 AM S8-1.6 Hajdu E, Lôbo-Hajdu G, Cosme B, De Towards an evolutionary classification of mycaPaula T, Redmond NE, Collins AG, lina and latrunculina (Poecilosclerida) Thacker RW; Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Smithsonian Institution, University of Alabama, Birmingham 11:30 AM S8-1.7 Hooper JNA, Hall KA, Ekins M, Erpen- Managing and sharing the escalating sponge “unbeck D, Wörheide G, Jolley-Rogers G; knowns”: the SpongeMaps project Queensland Museum, Australia, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Germany, CSIRO Plant Industry, Australia NOON LUNCH BREAK 1:00 PM S8-2.1 DEE Diaz MC, Thacker RWT, Redmond N, Don’t judge a book by its cover: discovering two Collins AG; Museo Marino, Venezuela, new Verongida genera (Class Demospongiae, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Porifera) NMNH, Smithsonian Institution 1:30 PM S8-2.2 DIZ Lavrov D; Iowa State University 2:00 PM S8-2.3 The origin of freshwater sponges: when, where, and why? Woerheide G; Ludwig-Maximilians-Uni- Phylogenomics of non-bilaterian animals: pitfalls versitaet Muenchen and challenges 2:30 pm Discussion SUNDAY PROGRAM MORNING SESSIONS 8:00 - 10:00 am Continental Ballroom 6 Session 76: Complementary to Symposium: Vertebrate Land Invasions: Past, Present, and Future, Part I Chair: Daniel Goldman 8:00 AM 76.1 DVM Cullen JA, Maie T, Schoenfuss HL, Blob Can exaptation facilitate terrestrial invasion? Oral RW; Clemson University, St. Cloud State kinematics of climbing and feeding in a waterfallUniversity climbing gobiid fish 8:20 AM 76.2 DCB Mazouchova N, Wilshin S, Hsieh T; Tem- The aquatic-terrestrial transition of freshwater turple University, Royal Veterinary College tles from a dynamical systems perspective 8:40 AM 76.3 DCB Perlman BM, Kawano S, Blob RW, Ash- Citius, altius, fortius: jumping kinematics and kiley-Ross MA; Wake Forest University, netics in two distantly related teleosts Clemson University 9:00 AM 76.4 DCB Aiello BA, King HM, Hale ME; University An analysis of neuromuscular control in the pelvic of Chicago fin of African lungfish (Protopterus annectens) 9:20 AM 76.5 DCB Mazouchova N, Umbanhowar PB, Gold- Principles of flipper use during walking on flowing man DI*; Temple University, Northwest- ground ern University, Georgia Tech 9:40 AM 76.6 Sandberg JS, Dabruzzi TF, Bennett WA*; Ontogenetic shifts in oxygen uptake of common University of West Florida mudskipper (Periophthalmus kalolo) and its role in microhabitat selection 10:00 AM BREAK IN EXHIBIT HALL 88 SICB Sunday 6 January 2013 10:20 - 11:40 am Continental Ballroom 6 Session 77: Complementary to Symposium: Vertebrate Land Invasions: Past, Present, and Future, Part II Chair: Daniel Goldman 10:20 AM 77.1 DEDB Kerney RR, Brittain AL, Hall BK, Buch- Cartilage on the move: cartilage lineage tracing holz DR; Gettysburg College, University during tadpole metamorphosis of Cincinnati, Dalhousie University 10:40 AM 77.2 DAB 11:00 AM 77.3 11:20 AM 77.4 Garcia MJ, Dobbins M, Vaughn S, Earley Variation within and among populations in the beRL; University of Alabama havioral types of mangrove rivulus (Kryptolebias marmoratus) Dutel H, Herrel A, Clément G, Herbin M; Bite performance of the extant coelacanth LatiMuséum National d’Histoire Naturelle meria chalumnae DCB Heiss E, Van Wassenbergh S; University Prey capture throughout the seasons: functional of Antwerp, Belgium demands of a multiphasic lifestyle in the Alpine newt Ichthyosaura alpestris (Salamandridae) NOON LUNCH BREAK 8:00 - 9:40 am Plaza A Session 78: Fish Feeding Kinematics & Physiology I Chair: Cheryl Wilga 8:00 AM 78.1 DVM Sloan TJ, Turingan RG; Florida Institute Invariant feeding kinematics of two trophically disof Technology tinct nonnative Florida fishes, Belonesox belizanus and Cichlasoma urophthalmus across environmental temperature regimes 8:20 AM 78.2 DAB Burnette MF, Ashley-Ross MA; Wake Will spit for food: role of target height in the spitForest University ting force of hunting archer fish 8:40 AM 78.3 DCB Carter CB, Rice AN, Westneat MW, Coo- Feeding kinematics in damselfishes (Pomacenper WJ; Washington State University, tridae): ecological diversity and repeated trophic Cornell University, The Field Museum of convergence Natural History 9:00 AM 78.4 DVM Buxman CL, Westneat MW; University of How do triggerfish eat? The evolution of variable Chicago, Field Museum of Natural His- feeding behavior in balistid fishes tory 9:20 AM 78.5 DVM Camp AL, Brainerd EL; Brown Univer- Hyoid kinematics and hypaxial muscle strain dursity, Providence RI ing suction feeding in largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) 9:40 AM BREAK IN EXHIBIT HALL 10:00 am - Noon Plaza A Session 79: Fish Feeding Kinematics & Physiology II Chair: Luz Patricia Hernandez 10:00 AM 79.1 DVM Hernandez LP; George Washington Uni- Widespread distribution of the palatal organ versity across Cypriniformes suggests multiple roles in feeding 10:20 AM 79.2 DVM Rade CM, Sanford CP, Hernandez LP; Using sonomicrometry to compare pharyngeal George Washington University, Hofstra jaw kinematics in cypriniform fishes University 89 SICB Sunday 6 January 2013 10:40 AM 79.3 DVM Paig-Tran EWM, Summers AP; Univer- A filtration mechanism for large vertebrate sussity Washington pension feeders: fluid flow and filter anatomy in the devil rays (Mantas and Mobulas) 11:00 AM 79.4 DCB Wilga C, Sakai S; University Rhode Is- Strain in the hyomandibular cartilage of elasmoland branchs 11:20 AM 79.5 DVM Ramsay JB, Wilga CD; University of Preorbitalis and quadratomandibularis function Rhode Island during feeding in little skates, Leucoraja erinacea 11:40 AM 79.6 DCB Gidmark N, Tarrant J, Konow N, Brainerd The role of muscle force versus work in trophic E; Brown University specialization of cyprinid fishes NOON LUNCH BREAK 8:00 - 9:40 am Imperial A Session 80: Flows & Pumps I Chair: Laura Miller 8:00 AM 80.1 DCB Denny MW, Martone PT; Stanford Uni- Indefatigable: erect coralline alga is immune to versity, University of British Columbia fatigue 8:20 AM 80.2 8:40 AM 80.3 DIZ Dolinajec TH, Koehl MAR; University of Hydrodynamic forces and moments on microCalifornia, Berkeley scopic aquatic animals 9:00 AM 80.4 DCB Pepper RE, Variano EA, Koehl MAR; Turbulence from a microorganism’s perspective: Univeristy of California, Berkeley does the open ocean feel different than a coral reef? 9:20 AM 80.5 DIZ Huynh TL, Evangelista D, Marshall CR; Analysis of the fluid flow through the complex inUniversity of California, Berkeley ternal respiratory structures of an extinct Paleozoic echinoderm Jensen MM, Denny MW; Hopkins Ma- Do wave impact forces limit the size of intertidal rine Station, Stanford University organisms? 9:40 AM BREAK IN EXHIBIT HALL 10:00 am - Noon Imperial A Session 81: Flows & Pumps II Chair: Laura Miller 10:00 AM 81.1 DCB Koehl MAR; University of California, Behavior and adhesion of settling marine larvae Berkeley in turbulent pulses of water flow 10:20 AM 81.2 DCB Pravin S, Koehl MAR, Reidenbach MA; Simultaneous sampling of flow and odorants in University of Virginia, Charlottesville, a turbulent plume can aid tracking behavior by University of California, Berkeley aquatic organisms 10:40 AM 81.3 DCB Miller LA; University of North Carolina, Fluid dynamics of forward swimming and turning Chapel Hill in jellyfish 11:00 AM 81.4 DCB Bartol IK, Krueger PS, Thompson JT; Old Hydrodynamic gait identification in squid using Dominion University, Southern Methodist volumetric flow imaging University, Franklin and Marshall College 11:20 AM 81.5 DCB Hamlet CL, Miller LA, Rodriguez T; Tu- To pause or not to pause: effects of pauses and lane University, University of North Caro- grouping on fluid flow around the bell of the uplina at Chapel Hill, University of California side-down jellyfish, Cassiopea spp. Berkeley 11:40 AM 81.6 DCB Rygg AD, Cox JPL, Abel R, Webb AG, The hydrodynamics of olfaction in the hammerSmith NB, Craven BA; The Pennsylvania head shark (Sphyrna tudes) State University, University of Bath, Natural History Museum, London, Leiden University Medical Center NOON LUNCH BREAK 90 SICB Sunday 6 January 2013 8:00 - 9:40 am Imperial B Session 82: Mechanisms Behind the Movement Chair: Jonas Rubenson 8:00 AM 82.1 Wong WL, Michels J, Gorb SN; Zoologi- Attachment ability of a clamp-bearing fish gill parcal Institute, Christian-Albrechts-Univer- asite, Diplozoon paradoxum (Monogenea) sität zu Kiel, Germany 8:20 AM 82.2 DCB Eng CM, Pancheri FQ, Lieberman DE, Pulling in two directions: biaxial material properBiewener AA, Dorfmann A; Harvard Uni- ties of fascia lata versity, Tufts University 8:40 AM 82.3 DCB Rosario MV, Dumont ER, Patek SN; Shrimp springs: how shape affects strength in enUMass, Amherst ergy storage 9:00 AM 82.4 DCPB Mittelman B, Glazer L, Weil S, Gafni O, Novel chitin binding proteins with suggested role Khalaila I, Tom M, Davidov G, Zarivach in organization of a crustacean cuticular chitinous R, Sagi A; Ben Gurion University of the extracellular matrix Negev, Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research 9:20 AM 82.5 DCB Rubenson J, Sanghvi H, Cromie MJ, Influence of tendon compliance and activation Easton K, Marsh RL, Delp SL; Univer- level on fibre operating lengths of skeletal muscle sity of W. Australia, Linkoping University, Stanford University, Northeastern University, Stanford University 9:40 AM BREAK IN EXHIBIT HALL 10:00 - 11:40 am Imperial B Session 83: Biomaterials I Chair: Paul Gignac 10:00 AM 83.1 DCB 10:20 AM 83.3 Eliason CM, Maia R, Shawkey MD; Uni- Optics and evolution of iridescence in the wings versity of Akron of ducks 10:40 AM 83.4 Cielocha JJ, Yoneva A, Jensen K; Uni- Insights into spermatozoon ultrastructure of lecaversity of Kansas, Bulgarian Academy of nicephalidean tapeworms (Platyhelminthes: CesSciences toda) 11:00 AM 83.5 11:20 AM 83.6 DVM Shadwick RE, Goldbogen JA, Potvin J, Novel muscle and connective tissue design conPyenson ND, Vogl AW; University of Brit- trols engulfment volume in lunge-feeding whales ish Columbia, Cascadia Res. Collective, St. Louis University, Smithsonian Institute Gignac PM, Kley NJ; Stony Brook Uni- Methodological refinements to using lugol’s iodine versity as a contrast agent in x-ray micro-CT imaging Croce HM, Turner RL; Florida Institute of The gomphoid synarthrosis: a new joint in echiTechnology noderms 11:40 AM LUNCH BREAK 8:00 - 10:00 am Plaza B Session 84: Thermobiology I: Climate Change Chair: Michael Angilletta 8:00 AM 84.1 DCPB Kurnath P, Dearing MD; University of Turning up the heat: investigating the physiologiUtah, Salt Lake City cal effects of climate change on mammalian herbivores 8:20 AM 84.2 DEE Clark X, Simpson SJ, Clissold FJ; Uni- Does size matter? The interaction of body size, versity of Sydney, NSW, Australia temperature and nutrition 8:40 AM 84.3 DEE Angilletta MJ, Levy O, Smith C, Zelic M, Heat tolerance of embryos limits the geographic Adrian G, Kilby D, Hurliman A, Borchert range of Sceloporus undulatus J, Buckley LB; Arizona State University, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 91 SICB Sunday 6 January 2013 9:00 AM 84.4 DCPB Dickson MM, Zimmermann SA, Liwanag Evolution on your porch: physiological adaptation HEM, Espinoza RE; California State Uni- by Mediterranean house geckos to their introversity, Northridge, Adelphi University duced niches 9:20 AM 84.5 DEE Krochmal AR, Bakken GS; Washington Temperatures of trekking turtles: estimates by College, Indiana State University water-filled models and hollow te thermometers 9:40 AM 84.6 DEE Potter KA, Pincebourde S, Woods HA; Microclimatic research priorities for predicting the University of Montana, Université Fran- effects of climate change çois Rabelais 10:00 AM BREAK IN EXHIBIT HALL 10:20 - 11:40 am Plaza B Session 85: Thermobiology II Chair: David Coughlin 10:20 AM 85.1 DCPB Coughlin DJ, Woytanowski JR; Widener Thermal acclimation in rainbow smelt, Osmerus University mordax, leads to faster myotomal muscle contractile properties and improved swimming performance 10:40 AM 85.2 DCPB Heinrich EC, Bradley TJ; University of Temperature dependent variation in respiratory California, Irvine patterns and spiracular control in Rhodnius prolixus 11:00 AM 85.3 DCPB Manahan DT, Hedgecock D; University Developmental physiology: predicting “winners Southern California and losers” to environmental change 11:20 AM 85.4 DCPB Young VKH, Gifford ME; Clemson Uni- Limited thermal acclimation capacity in a salaversity, University Arkansas, Little Rock mander, Desmognathus brimleyorum NOON LUNCH BREAK 8:20 - 10:00 am Yosemite B Session 86: Communication: Lovers Chair: Sarah Humfeld 8:20 AM 86.1 DAB Humfeld SC, Schwartz J, Marshall VT; Call timing preferences in gray treefrogs, Hyla University of Missouri, Pace University, versicolor University of Scranton 8:40 AM 86.2 9:00 AM 86.3 DAB Henderson JJ, Gerhardt HC; University Rescuing of call attractiveness using novel acousof Missouri, Columbia tic appendages in gray treefrogs, Hyla versicolor 9:20 AM 86.4 DAB Taft BN; University of Wisconsin, Park- Constraints on song complexity generalize across side multiple songbirds 9:40 AM 86.5 DAB Lyons SM, Beaulieu M, Sockman KW; Recent song experience alters the threshold for University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill female mate choice Merricks JA, Gerhardt HC; University of Signal plasticity and mate recognition in the pine Missouri, Columbia woods treefrog, Hyla femoralis 10:00 AM BREAK IN EXHIBIT HALL 10:20 am - Noon Yosemite B Session 95: Communication: Fighters Chair: Diana Hews 10:20 AM 95.1 DAB Hews DK, Vital C, Zúñiga-Vega JJ, Mar- Staged territorial intrusions and aggressive visual tins EP; Indiana State University, Uni- signaling in males of three Sceloporus lizard speversidad Autonoma de Ciudad Juarez, cies that differ in abdominal patches México, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Indiana University 10:40 AM 95.2 DAB Edwards JE, Lailvaux SP; University of Staged interactions between female pairs and New Orleans, Louisiana male pairs of Anolis carolinensis and Anolis sagrei lizards 92 SICB Sunday 6 January 2013 11:00 AM 95.3 Wofford SJ, Moore PA; Bowling Green Sex and fighting: male and female crayfish use State University different assessment strategies during agonistic behavior 11:20 AM 95.4 Cook EG, Munoz MM, Conover AE, Is dewlap color an honest indicator of health in Shields IH, Boronow KE, Murphy TG, Anolis lizards? An analysis of population differJohnson MA; Trinity University, San An- ences in body condition and parasite load tonio, Harvard University, Stuyvesant High School, Harvard Univeristy 11:40 AM 95.5 DAB Henningsen JP, Husak JF, Irschick DJ; Dewlap displays and predation risk in green anole University of Massachusetts Amherst, lizards University of St. Thomas NOON LUNCH BREAK 8:20 - 9:40 am Yosemite A Session 87:Larval Ecology-Environment Chair: Justin S. McAlister 8:20 AM 87.1 DIZ Feller KD, Porter ML, Cronin TW; UMBC, Molecular and morphological description of stoUniversity of South Dakota matopod larvae 8:40 AM 87.2 DIZ McAlister JS, Moran AL; College of the Egg size and exogenous food level interact to afHoly Cross, Clemson University fect larval growth in tropical Echinometra spp. sea urchins 9:00 AM 87.4 DIZ Smoot SC, Plante CJ, Podolsky RD; Col- Separating the effects of the deposition substrate lege of Charleston and habitat on the anti-microbial properties of egg masses of Haminoea vesicula 9:20 AM 87.5 DIZ Strathmann RR, Branscomb ES, Ved- Plasticity in hatching in response to predators der K; University of Washington, Friday and individual variation in duration, frequency, Harbor and seasons of brooding in the barnacle Balanus glandula 9:40 AM BREAK IN EXHIBIT HALL 8:00 - 9:40 am Yosemite C Session 88: Animal Locomotion I Chair: Kristin Bishop 8:00 AM 88.1 DCB Bishop KL, O’Neill M, Schmitt D; Florida Comparison of walking mechanics in an arboreal International University, Stony Brook Uni- and a terrestrial primate versity, Duke University 8:20 AM 88.2 DCB Warner SE, Henry V, Hutchinson JR; Regional pressure changes in the digital cushion Royal Veterinary College under vertical load in elephants and horses 8:40 AM 88.3 Allen V, Nyakatura J; University of Jena 9:00 AM 88.4 Goetzke HH, Federle W; University of Jumping without slipping: spiders need sticky feet Cambridge for take-off 9:20 AM 88.5 DCB Joint contributions to locomotor velocity and power in Iguana iguana Lammers AR, Dorsey EJ; Cleveland Kinetics of locomotion on arboreal and terrestrial State University substrates in Siberian chipmunks (Tamias sibiricus) 9:40 AM BREAK IN EXHIBIT HALL 10:00 am - Noon Yosemite C Session 89: Animal Locomotion II Chair: Kyle Mara 10:00 AM 89.1 DVM Shine C, McGowan C, Robbins C, Nel- Unique movements of Ursidae: kinematics of the son L; University of Idaho, Moscow, forelimb in walking grizzly bears Washington State University, Pullman 93 SICB Sunday 6 January 2013 10:20 AM 89.2 DCB Wilson AM, Roskilly K, Lowe J, Hudson Dynamics of high speed locomotion and hunting P, Golabek K, McNutt J; RVC, London, in free ranging cheetah BPCT, Botswana 10:40 AM 89.3 DAB Shamble PS, Beatus T, Cohen I, Hoy R; Terrestrial locomotor mimicry at the kinematic Cornell University level: does the ant-mimicking jumping spider Myrmarachne formicaria walk like an ant? 11:00 AM 89.4 DCB Hutchinson JR; The Royal Veterinary Assessing the evidence for the evolution of asymCollege, Structure and Motion Labora- metrical gaits in Crocodylomorpha tory 11:20 AM 89.5 DCB Jayaram K, Springthorpe D, Haldane D, Running in confined spaces by the American McKinley S, Dirocco A, Full RJ; Univer- cockroach sity of California Berkeley 11:40 AM 89.6 DCB Pfeiffenberger JA, Hsieh ST; Temple Uni- Effects of limb autotomy on locomotor perforversity mance of ghost crabs NOON LUNCH BREAK 8:20 - 9:30 am Continental Ballroom 8 Session 90: Evolutionary Ecology Chair: Wendy L. Reed 8:20 AM 90.1 DEE 8:40 AM 90.2 DPCB Chang J, Eastman JM, Alfaro ME; Uni- Family-level analysis of exploited and at-risk rayversity of California, Los Angeles, Uni- finned fish species shows high potential loss of versity of Idaho biodiversity 9:00 AM 90.3 DEE Carlson BE, Langkilde T; The Pennsylva- Behavioral variation among tadpole populations: nia State University ecological causes and consequences 9:20 AM 90.5 DEE Reed WL, Clark ME; North Dakota State Seasonal maternal effects on post-hatching University, Fargo growth and development in Franklin’s gull 9:25 AM 90.6 Welch AM; College of Charleston, SC Anthropogenic stressors and the evolutionary potential of amphibian populations Rank NE, Mardulyn PM, Roberts KR, Variation in nuclear and mitochondrial genes imHeidl S, Smiley JT, Dahlhoff EP; So- portant for energy metabolism along a climatic noma State University (SSU), University gradient in montane populations of a leaf beetle of Brussels, White Mountain Research Center, Santa Clara University 9:40 AM BREAK IN EXHIBIT HALL 8:40 - 10:00 am Continental Ballroom 1 Session 91: Education and Policy I Chair: Mary Lowery 8:40 AM 91.1 DEE Lowery MS, Kaufmann R, Gray S, Bou- Sailing for science: authentic oceanographic field drias M, Talley D; University of San Diego experience as the core of multiple science courses 9:00 AM 91.2 DCB Lentink D, Fiaz AW; Stanford University, Flight artists: an outreach project that enables Wageningen University the general public to film natural flight using the worlds most advanced high-speed camera 9:20 AM 91.3 DIZ Hodin J, Miller P, Epel D; Hopkins Ma- Virtual labs and activities: tools for students and rine Station, Stanford University, Pacific an opportunity to broaden your Broader Impacts Grove 9:40 AM 91.4 DPCB Aronowsky A, Angielczyk KD, Sanzen- Gamifying comparative anatomy to promote scibacher BL; Field Museum of Natural His- ence learning in underserved teens tory 10:00 AM BREAK IN EXHIBIT HALL 94 SICB Sunday 6 January 2013 10:20 - 11:40 am Continental Ballroom 1 Session 92: Education and Policy II Chair: Marosh Furminsky 10:20 AM 92.1 DCPB Furimsky MM; Westminster College 10:40 AM 92.2 DEE 11:00 AM 92.3 11:20 AM 92.4 Taking time to teach scientific methodology and communication in a first year biology course Vonwettberg EJB; Florida International Successes and pitfalls in the inversion of a large University enrollment major’s Evolutionary Biology course Marker N, Ayers A; University of Hawaii Evaluation of the Undergraduate Research and at Manoa Mentoring in the Biological Sciences (URM) program in Hawaii DCB Voltzow J; University of Scranton An exchange of countercurrents: models, demos, and raps 11:40 AM LUNCH BREAK 8:00 - 9:40 am Continental Ballroom 7 Session 93: Reproductive Physiology Chair: Ned J. Place 8:00 AM 93.1 DCE Rosen O, Manor R, Weil S, Sagi A; Ben A newly identified IGFBP in crayfish: another Gurion University of the Negev piece in the insulin-like androgenic hormone’s puzzle? 8:20 AM 93.2 DCPB Linquist AG, Burnett JB, Hatle JD; Uni- The effects of inhibited reproduction by ovariectoversity of North Florida my or vitellogenin-RNAi on the longevity of grasshoppers (Romalea microptera) 8:40 AM 93.3 DCPB Place NJ, Park S-U, Zysling DA; Cornell Assessments of immuno- and inflamm-aging folUniversity lowing a photoperiodic regime that delays female reproductive aging in Siberian hamsters 9:00 AM 93.4 DEE 9:20 AM 93.5 Dominoni DM, Partecke J; Max Planck Long-term effects of chronic artificial night light Institute for Ornithology, Germany exposure on life-history traits of songbirds Squire ME, Veglia MK, Drucker KA, Estrogen dose influences medullary bone quanHahn TP, Watts HE; The University of tity and density in female pine siskins Scranton, The University of California, Davis, Loyola Marymount University 9:40 AM BREAK IN EXHIBIT HALL 8:00 - 9:40 am Continental Ballroom 9 Session 94: Evolutionary Developmental Biology: Vertebrate Morphogenesis I - Fish, Frogs, Fingers and Lungs Co-Chairs: Jacqueline Webb, Cristina Ledon-Rettig 8:00 AM 94.1 DEDB Webb JF, Gillis JA; University of Rhode Lateral line morphogenesis in chondrichthyan vs. Island, MBL, Woods Hole, Dalhousie osteichthyan fishes: new perspectives on an old University problem 8:20 AM 94.2 DEDB Ledon-Rettig CC, Infante C, Hanken Altering retinoic acid and thyroid hormone signalJ, Nascone-Yoder NM; North Carolina ing produces integrated modifications in gut morState University, Harvard University phology and physiology 8:40 AM 94.3 DEDB Lewis Z, Kerney R, Dorantes J, Hanken Genetic and morphological vestiges of lost lungs J; Harvard University, Gettysburg Col- in plethodontid salamanders lege 9:00 AM 94.4 DVM 9:20 AM 94.5 Kavanagh KD, Winslow B, Leary B; Uni- Evolutionary and developmental modularity in the versity of Massachusetts Dartmouth digits of vertebrates Hawkins MB, Jandzik D, Cruz A, Stock The evolution of fish barbels by the co-option of DW; Harvard University, University of fin developmental mechanisms Colorado, Boulder 9:40 AM BREAK IN EXHIBIT HALL 95 SICB Sunday 6 January 2013 10:00 am - Noon Yosemite A Session 96: Larval Ecology - Mechanisms Chair: Robert D. Podolsky 10:00 AM 96.1 DEE Hodin J, Ferner MC, Gaylord B; Hop- Shake, settle and hold: turbulent shear stimulates kins Marine Station, Stanford University, settlement in sea urchin larvae Romberg Tiburon Center, San Francisco State University, Bodega Marine Laboratory, University of California at Davis 10:20 AM 96.2 DEE Kaplan MB, Mooney TA; Woods Hole Adverse effects of elevated CO2 concentrations Oceanographic Institution on squid (Doryteuthis pealeii) development and early life 10:40 AM 96.3 DIZ Nedved BT, Willsey ED, Coury R, Had- Regulation of metamorphosis in Hydroides elfield MG; Kewalo Marine Laboratory, egans: not what we thought University of Hawaii, University of Toronto, Kewalo Marine Laboratory 11:00 AM 96.4 DIZ Podolsky RD; College of Charleston 11:20 AM 96.5 DIZ Whitehill EAG, Moran AL; Clemson Uni- Using energetics of sea urchin development to versity examine the temperature-size rule 11:40 AM 96.6 DEDB Zakas C, Rockman MV; New York Uni- Identifying genomic regions responsible for offversity spring dimorphism in Streblospio benedicti Plasticity of egg mass architecture: effects of spatial oxygen gradients on the density and distribution of embryos NOON LUNCH BREAK 10:00 am - Noon Continental Ballroom 8 Session 97: Burrowing & Boring Chair: Kristina Vetter 10:00 AM 97.1 DCB Sharpe SS, Masse A, Taz H, Goldman Limb use during burial of the sandfish lizard DI; Georgia Tech, Wesleyan College 10:20 AM 97.2 DCB Springthorpe D, Gravish N, Mazouchova Burrowing biomechanics of the ghost crab N, Goldman DI, Full RJ; University of California, Berkeley, Georgia Institute of Technology, Temple University 10:40 AM 97.3 DCB Dorgan KM, Law CJ, Rouse GW; Scripps Meandering through marine muds: kinematics of Institution of Oceanography burrowing and swimming by the polychaete Armandia brevis 11:00 AM 97.4 DCB Vetter KM, Bump P; Denison University, Rapid burrowing by the mantis shrimp Squilla emUniversity of Hawaii, Manoa pusa 11:20 AM 97.5 11:40 AM 97.6 Kundanati L, Gundiah N*; Indian Institute Biomechanics of substrate boring by fig wasps: of Science, Bangalore role of zinc in insect cuticle DCB Gravish N, Goodisman MAD, Goldman Stabilizing falls in confined environments DI; Georgia Institute of Technology NOON LUNCH BREAK 10:00 am - Noon Continental Ballroom 7 Session 98: Digestion Chair: Donovan P. German 10:00 AM 98.1 DCPB McWhorter TJ, Schondube JE, Nicolson Convergence in digestive capacity in nectar-feedSW, Pinshow B, Fleming PA, Martínez ing birds Del Rio C; University of Adelaide, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, University of Pretoria, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Murdoch University, University of Wyoming 96 SICB Sunday 6 January 2013 10:20 AM 98.2 DCPB Newton K, Wraith J, Dickson K; Califor- Visceral endothermy results in elevated digestive nia State University Fullerton, Southwest enzyme activities in the shortfin mako shark, IsuFisheries Science Center rus oxyrinchus 10:40 AM 98.3 DCPB German DP; University of California, Ir- Digestive enzyme activities elucidate the divine gestive strategies of prickleback fishes (family Stichaeidae) with different diets 11:00 AM 98.4 Foti DM, German DP; University of Cali- Herbivorous prickleback fishes (family Stichaefornia, Irvine diae) express multiple amylase isoforms 11:20 AM 98.5 DCPB Kline LW, Karpinski E; University of Al- A comparison of the effects of estrogen and proberta, Edmonton gesterone on cholecystokinin and KCl-induced tension in female guinea pig gallbladder strips 11:40 AM 98.6 DCPB Price ER, Brun A, Fasulo V, Karasov Paracellular absorption of nutrients in bats is high WH, Caviedes-Vidal E; University of during intestinal luminal perfusions Wisconsin-Madison, Universidad Nacional de San Luis NOON LUNCH BREAK 10:00 am - Noon Continental Ballroom 9 Session 99: Evolutionary Developmental Biology: Character Development and Evolution Chair: Julia H. Bowsher 10:00 AM 99.1 DEDB Bowsher JH, Ang Y, Ferderer T, Meier R; Deciphering the evolutionary history and develNorth Dakota State University, National opmental mechanisms of a complex sexual orUniversity of Singapore nament: the abdominal appendages of Sepsidae (Diptera) 10:20 AM 99.2 DEDB Nawrocki AM, Cartwright P; Pomona Expression of Wnt pathway genes in Ectopleura College, University of Kansas larynx (Hydrozoa: Aplanulata) and implications for their potential role in hydrozoan life cycle evolution 10:40 AM 99.3 DEE 11:00 AM 99.4 DEDB Oliver JC, Tong X, Gall L, Piel WH, Mon- A single origin for nymphalid butterfly eyespots teiro A*; Yale University followed by widespread loss of associated gene expression 11:20 AM 99.5 DEDB Musser JM, Wagner GP, Prum RO; Yale The homology of feathers and scales: using new University, Yale Systems Biology Insti- high-throughput methods to address a classic tute, Peabody Museum of Natural His- question tory 11:40 AM 99.6 DEDB Sikes JM, Newmark PA; University of Restoration of anterior regeneration in a planarian San Francisco, Howard Hughes Medical species with limited regenerative potential Institute, University of Illinois Chavez AA, Gorman C, Erken M, Mc- Predation response of Vibrio fischeri biofilms to Dougald D, Steinberg PD, Nishiguchi protozoan bacteriovores MK; New Mexico State University, University of New South Wales NOON LUNCH BREAK SUNDAY PROGRAM AFTERNOON SESSIONS 1:00 - 2:00 pm Continental Ballroom 6 Session 100: Structural & Functional Morphology Co-Chairs: Nicole Danos, Katie Staab 1:00 PM 100.1 DVM Danos N, Azizi E; University of California, Muscle-collagen interactions at the fiber bundle Irvine level 1:05 PM 100.2 DPCB Levy MG*, Nirody JA*, Neu JC, Hen- A neural-field model for the evolution of Conus dricks JR, Slatkin M, Oster GR; Univer- shell patterns sity of California, Berkeley, Duke University, San Jose State Univeristy 97 SICB Sunday 6 January 2013 1:10 PM 100.3 DCB O’Donnell MJ, George M, Carrington E; Ocean acidification weakens attachment of MytiUniversity of Washington, Friday Harbor lid mussel byssal threads Laboratories 1:15 PM 100.4 1:20 PM 100.5 DCB Mackey TL, Jayne BC; University of Cin- Meal size affects the speed and modes of arbocinnati, Ohio real locomotion of the brown tree snake, Boiga irregularis 1:25 PM 100.6 DVM Herrel A, Perrenoud M, Abdala V, Man- The effect of substrate diameter and incline on lozano A, Pouydebat E; CNRS comotion in arboreal frogs 1:30 PM 100.7 DCB Hale ME, Williams IV R; University of Fish fins function as dual sensory and motor neuChicago romechanical systems 1:35 PM 100.8 1:40 PM 100.9 DCB Von Busse JRS, Mostowy M, Bruce H, Kinematics of swimming and flying big brown Swartz SM; Brown University bats, Eptesicus fuscus – a comparative study 1:45 PM 100.10 DCB Hristov NI, Allen LC, Chadwell B; Win- Flight modalities in the group behavior of freeston-Salem State University, NE Ohio tailed bats Med. University 1:50 PM 100.12 DVM Atukorallaya S, Waterfield V, Franz- Development of the maxillary dentition in teleost odendaal TA*; Mount Saint Vincent Univ fish 1:55 PM 100.13 Bump PAK, Vetter KMS; University of The synergistic nature of the behaviors and Hawaii at Mānoa, Denison University mechanisms that support effective burrowing in the mantis shrimp Squilla empusa Phillips N, Knowles K, Bomphrey RJ; The effect of aspect ratio on the stability of leadUniversity of Oxford, Cranfield University ing-edge vortices over insect-like wings Grubich JR, Huskey S, Crofts S, Orti G, Reconstructing the bite of the giant miocene piraPorto J; American University in Cairo, nha, Megapiranha paranensis Western Kentucky University, George Washington University, INPA 1:00 - 3:00 pm Plaza A Session 101: Hawkmoth Flight Chair: Jonathan P. Dyhr 1:00 PM 101.1 DCB Greeter JSM, Hedrick TL; University of How the hawkmoth Manduca sexta moves left North Carolina at Chapel Hill and right 1:20 PM 101.2 DCB Windsor SP, Taylor GK; University of Ox- The role of head stabilization in the flight control ford system of hawkmoths 1:40 PM 101.3 DCB Henningsson P, Bomphrey RJ; Univer- Efficiency of lift production in six species of hawk sity of Oxford, UK moths 2:00 PM 101.4 DCB Dickerson BH, Howell DB, Daniel TL; Moths respond to inertial yaw rotations with lateral University of Washington abdominal movements 2:20 PM 101.5 DCB Dyhr JP, Cowan NJ, Morgansen KA, Agile airframes I: maneuverability from abdominal Daniel TL; University of Washington, actuation Johns Hopkins University 2:40 PM 101.6 DCB Colmenares DJ, Dyhr JP, Morgansen Agile airframes II: closing the loop on abdominal KA, Daniel TL; University of Washington actuation 1:00 - 3:00 pm Imperial A Session 102: Scaling Effects Chair: Brandon Kilbourne 1:00 PM 102.1 DCPB Hunt Von Herbing I, Pan F, Mayorga M; When metabolic scaling relationships collapse: University of North Texas, Denton, Uni- the thermodynamic nightmare of development versity of Southern California, Los Angeles, Autonomous University of the State of Mexico, Toluca 1:20 PM 102.2 DCB Kurth JA, Kier WM; University of North Scaling of the hydrostatic skeleton in the earthCarolina, Chapel Hill worm, Lumbricus terrestris 98 SICB Sunday 6 January 2013 1:40 PM 102.3 DVM Kilbourne BM; University of Chicago Scale effects and rotational inertia in the limbs of quadrupedal mammals 2:00 PM 102.4 DIZ Perino LL, Padilla DK*; Stony Brook Uni- Scaling of the ctenidium in juvenile suspension versity feeding bivalves 2:20 PM 102.5 DVM Larghi NP, Deban SM; University of Effects of scaling on bite force and suction index South Florida, Tampa in the Eastern Hellbender (Cryptobranchus alleganiensis) 2:40 PM 102.6 DIZ Padilla DK, Yee A; Stony Brook Univer- Scaling of radular length and replacement rate in sity the Atlantic slippersnail, Crepidula fornicata 1:00 - 3:00 pm Imperial B Session 103: Adaptation Chair: Terrie M. Williams 1:00 PM 103.1 DEE Whitenack LB, Herbert GH, Bert T; Al- Handedness and predation success in the stone legheny College, University of South crab Menippe mercenaria-adina Florida, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission 1:20 PM 103.2 DIZ Iyengar EV; Muhlenberg College 1:40 PM 103.3 DCPB Williams TM, Lindberg DR; University of Gut instinct: digestive capacity and the evolution California, Santa Cruz, University of Cali- of extreme carnivory in marine mammals fornia, Berkeley 2:00 PM 103.4 DEE 2:20 PM 103.5 Storz JF, Natarajan C, Projecto-Garcia J, Mechanisms of hemoglobin adaptation in highMoriyama H, Weber RE, Fago A; Univer- altitude vertebrates: insights from protein engisity of Nebraska, Lincoln, Aarhus Univer- neering sity, Denmark 2:40 PM 103.6 DEDB Zelditch ML, Swiderski DL; University of Plasticity of a complex, integrated structure: The Michigan, Ann Arbor impact of diet on mandibular form The function of shell wiping in the marine snail Calliostoma ligatum Cooper BS, Hammad LA, Montooth KL; The evolution of cellular generalization and speIndiana University cialization in natural populations of Drosophila melanogaster 1:00 - 3:00 pm Plaza B Session 104: Thermobiology: Coping with the Cold Chair: Charles Booth 1:00 PM 104.1 DCPB Richter MM, Lee TN, Toien O, Barnes Hibernation at extremes: how low can you go? BM, Buck CL; University of Alaska, Fairbanks, University of Alaska, Anchorage 1:20 PM 104.2 DCPB Barnes BM, Williams CT, Buck CL; Uni- Circadian rhythms in free-living arctic ground versity of Alaska Fairbanks, University of squirrels Alaska Anchorage 1:40 PM 104.3 Batavia M; University of California, The effects of day length, hibernation, and hiberBerkeley naculum temperature on tooth morphology in the Turkish hamster (Mesocricetus brandti) 2:00 PM 104.4 DCPB Marshall KE, Thomas RH, Roxin A, Chen EKY, Brown JCL, Gillies ER, Sinclair BJ; University of Western Ontario, University of Toronto 2:20 PM 104.5 DCPB Petit M, Vezina F; Université du Québec Phenotype manipulations confirm the role of pecà Rimouski, Groupe de recherche sur les toral muscles in avian thermogenic capacity environnements nordiques BOREAS, Centre for Northern Studies, Québec Centre for Biodiversity Science 2:40 PM 104.6 DEE The goldenrod gall fly’s liquid little secret: 3-acetyl-1,2-diacyl-sn-glycerols are associated with natural survival of intracellular freezing in Eurosta solidaginis Borchert JD, Angilletta MJ; Arizona State The younger games: flies compete for oviposition University sites that benefit their young 99 SICB Sunday 6 January 2013 1:00 - 3:00 pm Yosemite B Session 105: Behavioral Ecology: Sensory Chair: Trevor Rivers 1:00 PM 105.1 DAB Rivers TJ, Livermore JC, Perreault TR; Luminescence reduces mortality of the scale Bowdoin College worm Harmothoe imbricata when attacked by crustacean predators 1:20 PM 105.2 1:40 PM 105.3 DAB Lessios N, Rutowski RL, Cohen JH; Ari- Visual ecology of two ephemeral pool crustazona State University, University of Dela- ceans: phototaxis and light-orientation behavior ware of Triops (Branchiopoda: Notostraca) and Streptocephalus (Branchiopoda: Anostraca) 2:00 PM 105.4 DIZ Seymoure BM, McMillan WO, Rutowski Convergence and divergence of eye morphology RL; Arizona State University, Smithson- in mimetic butterflies ian Tropical Research Institute 2:20 PM 105.5 DAB Siciliano AM, Porter ME, Kajiura SM; Are you positive? Discrimination between poles of Vassar College, Florida Atlantic Univer- electric fields by elasmobranch fishes sity 2:40 PM 105.6 DNB Rowe A, Xiao Y, Rowe M, Cummins T, No pain, big gain: coevolution between bark Zakon H; The University of Texas at Aus- scorpion pain-inducing toxins and grasshopper tin, Indiana University School of Medi- mouse nociceptors cine, Sam Houston State University Croston R, Hauber ME; CUNY Graduate Spectral tuning and foreign egg rejection in AmerCenter, CUNY Hunter College ican robins (Turdus migratorius) 1:00 - 3:00 pm Yosemite C Session 106: Complementary to Symposium: Integrating Genomics with Comparative Vision Research of the Invertebrates Chair: Daniel K. Speiser 1:00 PM 106.1 DEDB Speiser DI, Oakley TH; University of Cal- The molecular evolution of chiton ‘shell’ eyes ifornia, Santa Barbara 1:20 PM 106.2 Schnitzler CE, Pang K, Powers ML, Re- Ctenophore photocytes express a light-sensing itzel AM, Ryan JF, Simmons D, Tada T, opsin as well as bioluminescent photoproteins Yokoyama S, Haddock SHD, Martindale during development MQ, Baxevanis AD; NHGRI/NIH, Sars International Centre for Marine Molecular Biology, Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Kewalo Marine Laboratory/University of Hawaii, Emory University 1:40 PM 106.3 DEDB O’Brien CS, O’Quinn KE, Schlute JE, The genomic basis of variation in cichlid spectral Carleton KL; University of Maryland sensitivity 2:00 PM 106.4 DCPB Cai J, Heiney PA, Sweeney AM; Univer- Building a lens from a single protein: small angle sity of Pennsylvania x-ray scattering on squid eyes 2:20 PM 106.5 DPCB Eernisse DJ, Brooker LR; Cal State Ful- Phylogeny and biogeography of the shell-eyed lerton, University Sunshine Coast, Qld. chitons 2:40 PM 106.6 DIZ Ramirez D, Oakley TH; University of Cal- Dispersed sensory neurons express opsin in the ifornia, Santa Barbara skin of Octopus bimaculoides 100 SICB Sunday 6 January 2013 1:00 - 3:00 pm Continental Ballroom 8 Session 107: Eco-Evo-Morpho Chair: Jonathan S. Mitchell 1:00 PM 107.1 DEE Lindberg DR, Erlandson JM, Graham M, Assembly and anthropogenic alterations in kelp Byrnes J; University of California, Berke- forest ecosystems: historical perspectives from ley, University of Oregon, Moss Landing deep time Marine Laboratories, University of Massachusetts, Boston 1:20 PM 107.2 Venzon M, Alfaro ME; University of Cali- A phylogenomic approach to the evolution of the fornia, Los Angeles coral reef fish fauna 1:40 PM 107.3 DPCB Streicher JW, Meik JM, Smith EN, Fujita Limits and opportunities of diversification in barkMK; University of Texas, Arlington ing frogs of the Craugastor augusti complex 2:00 PM 107.4 DEE 2:20 PM 107.5 2:40 PM 107.6 Martin RA, Langerhans RB; NIMBioS, Piscivorous fish in a fishless environment: dietary North Carolina State University and phenotypic differentiation of bigmouth sleepers in Bahamas blue holes Mitchell JS; The University of Chicago DEE Ecomorphology in modern and fossil birds Demes KW, Pruitt JN, Harley CDG, Car- Survival of the weakest: decreased frond merington E; University of British Columbia, chanical strength increases survival in a waveUniversity of Pittsburgh, University of swept kept via self-pruning Washington, Friday Harbor Labs 1:00 - 3:00 pm Continental Ballroom 1 Session 108: Neurobiology: Structure and Evolution Chair: Yakil Gagnon 1:00 PM 108.1 DNB Farrar N, Riesgo A, Leys S; University of Post-synaptic Density (PSD) and axon guidance Alberta, Centro de Estudios Avanzados genes in the transcriptomes of 8 sponges de Blanes-CSIC, Harvard University 1:20 PM 108.2 1:40 PM 108.3 DEE Gagnon YL, Johnsen S; Duke University Visual acuity in deep-sea fish and mollusks 2:00 PM 108.4 DNB Bok MJ, Porter ML, Cronin TW; Univer- The physiological basis of polychromatic ultraviosity of Maryland, Baltimore County let vision in mantis shrimp 2:20 PM 108.5 DNB Eichinger JM, Satterlie RA; University of Neuromuscular facilitation in the motor networks North Carolina Wilmington of cubomedusae 2:40 PM 108.6 DAB Claghorn GC, Fonseca IAT, Fielder J, Manipulating central fatigue in mice bred for high Barber C, Garland Jr T; University of Cal- voluntary wheel running using a serotonin agonist ifornia, Riverside and antagonist Bielecki J, Garm A; University of Copen- Fixational eye movements in the earliest stage of hagen metazoan evolution 1:00 - 2:40 pm Continental Ballroom 7 Session 109: HPG Axis Co-Chairs: Jodie M. Jawor, Ryan T. Paitz 1:00 PM 109.1 DCE Jawor JM, Hooker JD; University of Influence of temperature on non-breeding HPGSouthern Mississippi axis activity in northern cardinals 1:20 PM 109.2 1:40 PM 109.3 DCE Devries MS, Winters CP, Holbrook AL, It’s complicated: testosterone production, aggresJawor JM; University of Southern Missis- sion, and parental care in male northern cardinals sippi 2:00 PM 109.4 DCE Scobell SK, Jaques JT, Jones AG; Texas Androgen profiles across the male pregnancy A&M University, Texas A&M Veterinary cycle in the sex-role reversed Gulf pipefish Medical Diagnostic Laboratory Vandermeer CL, Bezner Kerr W, Gug- Effects of testosterone on spring nocturnal migralielmo CG, MacDougall-Shackleton SA; tory restlessness and body composition in ZonoUniversity of Western Ontario, London trichia albicollis 101 SICB 2:20 PM Sunday 6 January 2013 109.5 DCE Paitz RT, Bowden RM; Illinois St. Univer- Characterizing the conversion of yolk estradiol to sity estrogen sulfates during embryonic development in the red-eared slider 1:00 - 3:00 pm Continental Ballroom 9 Session 110: Evolutionary Developmental Biology Co-Chairs: Michael D. Shapiro, John Abramyan 1:00 PM 110.1 DEDB Domyan ET, Kronenberg Z, Vickrey AI, Genomic and developmental basis of diversity in Yandell M, Shapiro MD*; University of the domestic pigeon Utah 1:20 PM 110.2 DVM 1:40 PM 110.3 2:00 PM 110.4 DVM 2:20 PM 110.5 DEDB Swiderski DL, Zelditch ML; University of Mouse jaw ontogeny in Tres Partes Divisa Est Michigan, Ann Arbor 2:40 PM 110.6 Hu Y, Parsons KJ, Albertson RC; Uni- Evolvability of the cichlid jaw: new insight into the versity of Massachusetts, University of genetic basis of phenotypic integration Glasgow Parsons KJ, Powder KE, Alberston RC*; Wnt-signaling and the evolvability of cichlid craUniversity of Glasgow, University of Mas- niofacial diversity sachusetts, Amherst Bhullar B-AS, Marugan-lobon J, Racimo The evolution and development of the archosauF, Bever GS, Rowe TB, Norell MA, Abzh- rian head and the origin of the bird skull anov A; Harvard, University Auton. de Madrid, Max Planck Inst. Evol. Anthro., NYCOM, University Tex, Aus., Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. Abramyan J, Leung KJ, Merchant-Larios Craniofacial ontogeny in turtles: the role of bone H, Richman JM; The University of British morphogenetic protein in the loss of palatal Columbia, Universidad Nacional Autóno- shelves ma de México 1:00 - 2:40 pm Yosemite A Session 111: Larval Ecology - Development Co-Chairs: Karen Chan, Florence Thomas 1:00 PM 111.1 DEE Fung JK, Fukunaga A, Thomas FIM; Uni- Naturally occurring ranges in water quality affect versity of Hawaii, Manoa early development in the sea urchin Tripneustes gratilla: implications for distribution of invasive algae 1:20 PM 111.2 DIZ Blackburn HN, Allen JD; College of Wil- Maternal effects on cloning frequency, larval deliam and Mary velopment and juvenile size in the sea star Asterias forbesi 1:40 PM 111.3 DIZ Cahill AE; Stony Brook University 2:00 PM 111.4 DIZ Chan KYK, Grunbaum D; University of Assessing effects of starvation-induced morphoWashington logical variations on swimming of larval sand dollars with a novel biomechanical model and video motion analysis 2:20 PM 111.5 Metamorphosis of Crepidula larvae in response to varying conspecific densities and settlement cue concentrations Strader ME, Matz MV; University of Tex- Color vision in coral larvae? Insights into settleas at Austin ment behavior and possible function of fluorescent proteins 102 SICB Posters - Sunday 6 January 2013 SUNDAY POSTER SESSION P3 Grand Ballroom, 3:00-5:00 PM Poster Set Up: 7:00-8:00 am; Poster Teardown: 5:00-5:30 pm Even # - Authors present from 3:00 - 4:00 pm; Odd # - Authors present from 4:00 - 5:00 pm Behavior: Parasites and Hosts P3.1 DEE Sears BF, Rohr JR; University of South Host life history influences parasite encystment location Florida and tolerance in tadpoles P3.2 DCE Egdorf TC, Kirschman L, Crespi E, Brunner The effects of size hierarchies on infection and transmisJ, Warne R; Southern Illinois University Car- sion of ranavirus in amphibians bondale P3.3 DAB Zylberberg M, Klasing KC, Hahn TP; Uni- House finches (Carpodacus mexicanus) balance investversity of California, Davis, California Acad- ment in behavioral and immunological defenses against emy of Sciences pathogens P3.4 Vanatta KJ, Potter KA, Woods HA; Univer- The effects of abiotic factors on host finding by trichogramsity of Montana ma wasps P3.5 Quock CD; San Francisco State University Use of RFID tracking to detect effects of parasitism by Apocephalus borealis on the European honey bee, Apis mellifera Behavior: Consumption P3.6 DIZ P3.7 Riley ME, Griffen BD; University of South You are what you eat: effect of diet on physiological and Carolina reproductive condition in the mangrove tree crab Aratus pisonii Tate T, Jaroszewski J, Rowe A, Rowe M; Do grasshopper mice actually eat noxious bark scorpions Sam Houston State, Appalachian State, in the field? University Texas, Austin P3.8 DAB Warraich TN, Wyneken J; Florida Atlantic Feeding behavior of loggerhead (caretta caretta) and Univerisity leatherback (dermochelys coriacea) sea turtles: a model to understand bycatch P3.8A DAB Clark X, Clissold FJ, Charleston MA, Simp- Foraging in a nutritionally complex world: tests using son SJ; University of Sydney, NSW, Austra- agent-based models and locusts lia P3.9 DAB Hansen BK, Krist AC, Martinez Del Rio C; Is more really merrier? A case for increased success unUniversity of Wyoming der high conspecific densities in the New Zealand mudsnail, Potamopyrgus antipodarum P3.10 DAB Bergman DA, Sligh S, Goote P; Grand Val- Crayfish feeding on zebra mussels: an assessment of ley State University feeding efficiency related to cluster size P3.11 DEE Crall JD, Combes SA; Concord Field Sta- Blown in the wind: bumblebee temporal foraging patterns tion, Harvard University in naturally varying wind conditions P3.12 DAB Bobek JE, Hranitz JM, Barthell JF, Clement Senescence marker expression is linked to foraging deciM, Apted T, Bates L, Hall N, Cakmak I, Wells sions in honey bees H; Bloomsburg University, University of Central Oklahoma, American Samoa Community College, Loyola Marymount University, Uludag University, Tulsa University Behavior: Social P3.13 Balli S, Drew RE; University of Massachu- Effect of aggression and social status on gene expression setts Dartmouth in rainbow trout P3.14 Nekolny S, Gibson Q, Ermak J, Richmond Don’t bite your mother: seasonality and sex differences in J; University of North Florida dolphin tooth rake marks P3.15 Clements R, Rycroft N, Atema J; Boston Establishing antennule flick rate as an assay for odor deUniversity tection in lobsters P3.16 DAB Wolf MG, Martin III AL; Saginaw Valley Urine as a signal of dominance State University 103 SICB Posters - Sunday 6 January 2013 P3.17 DAB Martin III AL, Bourcier T; Saginaw Valley Effects of flow on social structure State University P3.18 DNB White M, Andrews K*, Tierney AJ; Colgate Dear enemies and nasty neighbors in the Crayfish ProUniversity cambarus clarkii P3.19 DAB Bespalova I, Helms K; Arizona State Uni- Meathead queens: lethal fighting linked to larger heads in versity, University of Vermont Messor pergandei P3.20 DAB Wehrle BA, Espinoza RE; California State Lounging lizards and gut bugs: testing the role of the social University, Northridge aggregations for transferring digestive microbes P3.21 DAB Price BC, Shelton DS, Martins EP; North Group size dependent cohesion of zebrafish (Danio rerio) Carolina State University, Indiana Universi- in the presence of disturbances ty-Bloomington P3.22 DAB Chicoli A, Baeder M, Paley DA; University of Collective anti-predator behavior due to individual-based Maryland, Harvey Mudd College rules and social information transmission P3.23 DAB Shelton DS, Alberts JR; Indiana University- Ontogenesis of group regulatory behavior in mouse litters Bloomington Bioindicators, Pollution and Conservation P3.24 DNB Browne DE, Lewis KR, Baker DM; Univer- Effects of the herbicide atrazine on gene expression in the sity of Mary Washington zebrafish, Danio rerio: a microarray analysis P3.25 DCPB Bartlow C, Lamoreaux N, Stanton R, Parikh GST levels in terrestrial birds show no evidence of conN, Pero A, Rauschmeier K, Hoffman T, Marx tamination from natural gas drilling J, Patel S, Sceia K, Biggers WJ, Stratford J; Wilkes University P3.26 DEE Cary TL, Pask JD, Rollins-Smith LA, Kara- PCB-126 exposure lowered antimicrobial peptide secresov WH; University of Wisconsin, Madison, tion in juvenile northern leopard frogs Vanderbilt University Medical Center P3.27 DIZ Challener R, McClintock JB, Makowsky R; Effects of reduced carbonate saturation state on early deUniversity of Alabama at Birmingham velopment in the edible sea urchin Lytechinus variegatus P3.28 Neumeyer CH, Gildersleeve SM, Covi JA; Identifying abnormal morphologies associated with chemiUniversity of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, Uni- cal challenges in the brine shrimp, Artemia franciscana versity of North Carolina at Wilmington P3.29 DEE Daniels KD, Schroer ML, Propper CR; Morphological and behavioral differences between a fish Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff population from a wastewater effluent pond compared to a reference lake P3.30 DEE Healy F, Park D, Bergamini R, Daniels K, Evaluating naturalized populations of western mosquitoPropper CR; Northern Arizona University, fish, Gambusia affinis, in the Verde River watershed for Flagstaff biomarkers of endocrine disruption P3.31 P3.32 Kohlenberg KL Stanishevsky AV, Watts SA; Vertical transfer and growth effects of zebrafish consumUniversity of Alabama at Birmingham, UAB ing Rotifera exposed to copper-loaded carbonaceous particulates DCE Roark AM, Thorn HA; Furman University, Reproductive effects of 17 beta-estradiol, bisphenol A, and Hood College tributyltin in Aiptasia pallida P3.33 Takagi KK, James CR, Wright WG; Chap- A model system for predicting the effects of global warmman University ing: acute and chronic effects of warm temperature on feeding behavior of Pagurus samuelis P3.34 Chiang S, Belanger CL, Berke SK, Jablon- Does oceanography constrain marine bivalve invasions? ski D; University of Chicago, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Siena College P3.35 Cornell AE; Simon Fraser University P3.36 DEE Vegetation density as an indicator of wood thrush abundance Harold AS, Zurlo D, Toline CA, Doty S, Mc- Diet of red lionfish (Scorpaenidae) from Biscayne Bay, Donough V; College of Charleston, National Florida, based on gut content analysis Park Service, South Carolina, Biscayne National Park 104 SICB Posters - Sunday 6 January 2013 P3.37 Neeman N, Robinson NJ, O’Connor MP, Do leatherback turtles shift their nesting seasons as a reSpotila JR, Paladino FV; Drexel University, sponse to changes in sea surface temperature? Purdue University P3.38 Polich RP, Searcy CA, Shaffer HB; Iowa The effects of tail clipping on larval Ambystoma californiState University, University of California, ense Davis, University of California, Los Angeles P3.39 Wilder AE, Welch AM; College of Charles- Effects of pesticide and salinity on sperm activity in the ton, SC green tree frog (Hyla cinerea) P3.40 DEE Staudinger MD, McAlarney RJ*, McLellan The feeding ecology of the pygmy (K. breviceps) and WA, Pabst DA; University of Missouri Co- dwarf (K. sima) sperm whale inferred from diet and stable lumbia, University North Carolina Wilming- isotope analyses ton P3.41 DCE Hotard K, Zou E*; Nicholls State University, Crustacean ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase activity varies Thibodaux, LA during the molting cycle P3.42 DEE Closek CJ, Sunagawa S, Desalvo MK, Pi- How bacteria and genes reflect the health states of corals ceno YM, Desantis TZ, Brodie EL, Voolstra CR, Andersen GL, Medina M; University of California, Merced, European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Germany, University of California, San Francisco, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology P3.43 Tommerdahl AP, Burnett LE, Burnett KG; Characterizing the response of penaeid shrimp hemocyaCollege of Charleston nin to chronic moderate hypoxia exposure Cardiovascular Physiology P3.44 DCPB Mika TL, Reiber CL; University of Nevada, Cardiac response to temperature in hyperoxia and norLas Vegas moxia in the grass shrimp, Palaemonetes pugio P3.45 DCPB Zippay ML, Burnett NP, Helmuth B; Univer- Do heating rates matter for measurement of cardiac outsity of South Carolina, University of Califor- put in intertidal mussels? nia, Berkeley, Northeastern University Marine Science Center P3.46 DCPB Hoque R, Jeanlouis A, Carroll MA, Cata- Octopamine has a dual effect on heart rate of Crassostrea pane EJ; Medgar Evers College virginica P3.47 DIZ Martin GG, Kelly TJ, Safran R; Occidental Response of the giant keyhole limpet to major blood loss College, Los Angeles P3.48 Anderson GE, Secor SM; University of Ala- Developmental shifts in heart position for the diamondbama, Tuscaloosa back water snake P3.49 DCPB Tate KB, Crossley II DA; University North Dehydration stress during embryonic development alters Texas autonomic regulation of the cardiovascular system in the American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) P3.50 DCPB Cook EY, Owerkowicz T; California State New experimental model to investigate effects of augUniversity, San Bernardino mented intracardiac shunt P3.51 Rossitto JJ, Burggren WW; University of Cardiac and renal developmental windows for atenolol exNorth Texas posure in embryos of the chicken Gallus domesticus P3.52 DCPB Jorgensen D, Bryant M, Hinlicky A; Roa- Hydrostatic pressure is unequally distributed in the brannoke College chial chambers of lobsters, Homarus americanus, and Atlantic blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus P3.53 DEE Marion ZH, Pauly GB, Fordyce JA; Univer- Quantifying the variation in antipredator chemotypes sity of Tennessee, Knoxville, Nat. Hist. Mus. among populations of western toads (Bufo boreas) of Los Angeles Chemical and Community Ecology P3.54 DEE McClary, Jr. M, Garah M, Elia S; Fairleigh Measurements of various water parameters to explain Dickinson University, Paramus High School, shell characteristics of barnacles Passaic County Technical Institute 105 SICB Posters - Sunday 6 January 2013 P3.55 P3.56 Momin N, Higgins A, Musolf BE; Clayton The use of chemoreception for host selection in ovipositState University ing Callosobruchus maculatus DEE P3.57 Scriber KE, Amsler CD, McClintock JB; Uni- Feeding rates of the freshwater amphipod hyalella azteca versity of Alabama at Birmingham for aquatic vascular plants and macroalgae Chulakote SSY, Smith CM; University of Quantifying herbivory pressure and preference: are native Hawaii, Manoa or invasive macroalgae preferred? P3.58 DIZ Lenz EA, Edmunds PJ; California State Uni- Evidence that octocorals are increasing in population denversity, Northridge sity in the Caribbean P3.59 DEE Davis-Berg EC; Columbia College Chicago Changes in Molluscan fauna due to succession – 1940s to present P3.60 DIZ Hooks AP; Stony Brook University P3.62 DIZ McClintock, JB, White BA, Amsler CD, Mah Abundance and distribution of echninoderms in nearshore CL, Amsler MO, White S, Quetin LB, Ross hard-bottom habitats near Anvers Island, Antarctic PeninRM; University of Alabama at Birmingham, sula National Museum of Natural History, University of California, Santa Barbara Prey plasticity and life history responses to a native and nonnative predator P3.63 Rastorgueff P-A, Harmelin-Vivien M, Rich- Feeding strategies and resource partitioning among myard P, Chevaldonné P; Aix-Marseille Univer- sids in oligotrophic marine caves sité - Université de La Rochelle P3.64 Roberts SN, Galloway AWE, Dethier MN, A comparison of laboratory algal feeding rates with in situ Duggins DO; University of Colorado, Boul- capture of drift algae by the red urchin (Strongylocentrotus der, University of Washington, Friday Har- franciscanus) bor Labs P3.65 Burgess SA, Eisenlord ME, Galloway AWE, Food choices and values for a benthic herbivore, Idotea Dethier MN; University of Michigan, Univer- wosnesenskii sity of Washington, Friday Harbor Laboratories Complementary to Symposium: Circadian Clock P3.66 DCPB P3.67 Azofeifa JG, Chappell P, Weis VM, Schwarz Evolution of the LGR hormone receptor gene family in JA*; Vassar College, Oregon State Univer- metazoans sity Trinh R, Del Gizzi A, Hatfield I; University of Moon phase and nutrient effects upon diel vertical migraCalifornia Berkeley tion patterns of zooplankton and myctophids in the North East Pacific Endocrine Disruption P3.68 DCE Davies RE, Brander SM, He G, Connon RE, Comparison of two endocrine disruptor in vitro screening Denison MS; University of California, Davis, assays and the potential for conflicting measurements University of North Carolina, Wilmington P3.69 DCE Sutton TR, Wolff SW, Haven TS, Veldhoen Thyroid hormone induces up-regulation of two genes senN, Helbing CC, Propper CR; Northern Arizo- sitive to endocrine disruption during amphibian metamorna University, University of Victoria, Canada phosis P3.70 Ngirakesau IK, Sato BLM, Collier AC; John Chlorpyrifos is an endocrine disruptor in the human plaA. Burns School of Medicine, University of centa via effects on steroidogenic and elimination enHawaii at Manoa zymes P3.71 Lee E, Reyes J, Forsgren K, Waggoner Thyroid endocrine disruption in coastal California fish CM, Kelley KM; California State University, Long Beach, Pacific Coast Environmental Conservancy, California State University, Fullerton, Institute for Integrative Research on Materials, Environment and Society P3.72 DCE Waggoner CM, Reyes JA, Armstrong JL, Al- Hepatic protein expression, endocrine disruption, and relen BJ, Kelley KM; California State Univer- lationships to contaminant exposures in wild English sole sity, Long Beach, Orange County Sanitation in coastal Southern California District 106 SICB Posters - Sunday 6 January 2013 P3.73 Larsen C, Reyes JA, Iwanski E, Patel R, Elevated estradiol in male fish– environmental differences Kelley KM; CSU Long Beach, Pacific Coast and underlying molecular mechanisms Environmental Conservancy Evolutionary Developmental Biology V P3.74 DCPB Froehlich JM, Fowler ZG, Remily EA, The indeterminate growth conundrum: how do fishes conRomero Arocha SR, Galt NJ, Biga PR; Uni- tinue to grow throughout their lives? versity of Alabama at Birmingham, North Dakota State University P3.75 Bostwick CJ, Winters GC, Dabe EC, Bob- Piwi genes and their expression in the ctenophore Pleukova Y, Citarella MR, Kohn AB, Swalla BJ, robrachia bachei: quest for ancestral master regulators of Moroz LL; University of Florida, University non-coding RNAs in animals of Washington P3.76 Bruders RL, Moroz LL, Swalla BJ, Kohn The Wnt pathway in the ctenophore Pleurobrachia bachei AB; University of Washington, Friday Harbor Labs, University of Florida, The Whitney Laboratory for Marine Bioscience P3.77 DEDB Winters GC, Kohn AB, Citarella MR, Bost- Conserved expression patterns of Nanos in the ctenowick CJ, Dabe EC, Bobkova Y, Kocot KM, phore Pleurobrachia bachei: implications for germ line Swalla BJ, Moroz LL; University of Florida specification in basal metazoans Whitney Lab, Auburn University, University of Washington, Seattle P3.78 DEDB Kaczmarczyk AN, Patel N; University of The molecular mechanisms of germline regeneration in California, Berkeley Parhyale hawaiensis P3.79 DEDB Cavaco N, De Jong D, Seaver E; Kewalo Understanding regeneration through an annelid worm Marine Laboratory Evolutionary Morphology and Morphological Evolution P3.80 P3.81 Fishelson L, Baldwin C, Hastings P*; Tel Gonad morphology and reproductive modes in fishes of Aviv University, Smithsonian Institution, the Tribe Starksiini (Teleostei, Blenniiformes) Scripps Institution of Oceanography DEE P3.82 P3.83 Robinson CD, Sanger TJ, Battles AC, John- Sexual dimorphisms in behavior in two long-snouted Anoson MA; Trinity University, Harvard Univer- lis lizard species sity DVM P3.84 P3.85 Noonan A, Santana SE, Lynch Alfaro J, Drivers of facial diversity in strepsirrhine primates Alfaro ME; University of California, Los Angeles, University of Washington Zelditch ML, Swiderski DL; University of Contrasting responses to 100 years of climate change: Michigan, Ann Arbor jaw morphology of two montane chipmunks Macedo DC, Johnson JB, Rosenthal GG; The impact of hybridization on morphological variation in Texas A&M University Xiphophorus fish DEE Steves ID, Wright ML, Caldwell RL; Univer- Evolution of rostrum shape variation in mantis shrimp sity of California, Berkeley P3.86 Leatherman LST, Nowell C, Schiller AM, Taxonomic and adaptive significance of morphological Fritsch PW; Oberlin College, San Francisco variation in North American Cercis State University, California Academy of Sciences, Evergreen State College P3.87 Augustiro W, Ocampo G; University of Ha- Morphological evolution within Miconieae (Melastomatawaii, Manoa, California Academy of Scienc- ceae): insights from the Secundiflorae clade using mores, San Francisco phometric data P3.88 Galloway KA, Mehta RS, Ward AB; Univer- Documenting the mechanisms of elongation across the sity of California, Santa Cruz, Adelphi Uni- ophidiiformes versity P3.91 DVM Leary B, Kavanagh KD*; University of Mas- Pedal digit IV proportions reveal body-size associated sachusetts Dartmouth constraint on dinosaur foot morphology 107 SICB Posters - Sunday 6 January 2013 P3.92 Holliday CM, Sellers KC*; University of Mis- Enamel thickness as an indicator of feeding behavior in souri crocodyliforms P3.93 DVM Davis JS, Sidote J, Montuelle SJ, Wood R, 3D Kinematics and muscle activity pattern during masticaWilliams SH; Ohio University tion in ferrets (Mustela putorius furo) P3.94 DVM Schachner ER, Lyson TR, Farmer CG; Uni- Pulmonary anatomy and the evolution of turtles versity of Utah, Smithsonian Institution P3.95 P3.96 Mchorse BK, Hopkins SSB, Davis EB; Uni- Functional morphology in modern horses: natural vs. artiversity of Oregon ficial selection DVM Zellmer N, Berta A; San Diego State Uni- Open wide! An analysis of interspecific variation in baleen versity ultrastructure P3.97 Marcroft TA, Modlin J, Slater G, Van Was- Functional consequences of carapace shape diversity in senbergh S, Santini F, Alfaro ME; University boxfishes of California, Los Angeles, Smithsonian Institution, University of Antwerp, University of Torino P3.98 Johnson KE, Andrus CJ, Middleton KM; Comparative anatomy of flight and contour feathers in California State University San Bernardino, aquatic birds Western University of Health Sciences, University of Missouri P3.99 DVM Grieco TM, Cam SB, Hlusko LJ; University Variation and integration in amphibian dentitions: insights of California, Berkeley about sex and size from Silurana (Xenopus) tropicalis P3.100 DIZ Atherton S, Hochberg R; University of Mas- Evolution of the reproductive system of urodasys (Gastrosachusetts Lowell tricha, Macrodasyida) P3.101 Tatarian AFF, Roopnarine PD; Wesleyan Bringing order to taxonomic chaos: using geometric morUniversity, California Academy of Sciences phometrics and elliptical fourier analysis to distinguish morphologically equivocal Lirophora species P3.102 DVM Soda KJ, Slice DE, Naylor GJP; Florida The use of geometric morphometrics and artificial neural State University, College of Charleston networks to identify teeth to species in requiem sharks (Carcharhinus sp.) P3.103 DVM Hopkins SSB, Orcutt JD, Davis EB; Univer- Body size reconstruction in a saber-toothed cat from the sity of Oregon Late Miocene of North America P3.104 Chew AE; Western University of Health Sci- Measuring fossil diversity and its relationship to climate ences change in deep time: a case study from the early Eocene Growth, Scaling and Morphology P3.105 DVM Kilbourne BM; Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Proportions and distribution of mass in the hindlimbs of Jena neognath birds P3.106 DVM Becker EA, Scott R, Webb JF; University of Diversity of adult lateral line morphologies is not explained Rhode Island, URI by differences in neuromast patterning in two Lake Malawi cichlids P3.107 DVM Jones KE, German RZ; Johns Hopkins Uni- Differential vertebral growth produces variations in adult versity thoracolumbar proportions in half-bounding mammals P3.108A DCB Al Dayeh A, Herring SW*; University of Mechanical behavior of the cartilaginous nasal septum Washington, Seattle P3.108 DIZ Bird AM, Von Dassow G, Maslakova SA*; How the pilidium larva grows Oregon Institute of Marine Biology, University of Oregon P3.109 DVM Mallette SD, Pabst DA, McLellan WA, Bar- Investigation of growth in a coastal apex predator, the botco SG; University of North Carolina Wilm- tlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) ington, Virginia Aquarium and Marine Science Center P3.110 Lee HR, Spaulding JD, Cohen CS; Swarth- Effects of flow on growth of juvenile colonial ascidians, more College, Romberg Tiburon Center, Botrylloides violceus and Botryllus schlosseri San Francisco State University 108 SICB Posters - Sunday 6 January 2013 P3.111 Turner MA, Chapman A, Baltzley MJ; West- Effects of foot size on crawling speed in mucociliary locoern Oregon University motion P3.112 DEDB Bustiillo SN, Helm BR, Davidowitz G; Uni- Growth, chemical and caloric composition of the fat body versity of Arizona, Tucson during metamorphic commitment in 5th instar Manduca sexta P3.113 DVM Carrillo A, Bansuan H, Miranda A, Dickson Effects of extended incubation on post-hatching growth of K; California State University, Fullerton larval California grunion P3.114 DCB Olaivar AF, Brown MD, Berg O, Muller UK; The scaling of suction feeding mechanics as predicted by California State University, Fresno inviscid flow models P3.115 DVM Baliga VB; University of California, Santa The morphology and ontogeny of cleaning behavior in Cruz labrid fishes P3.116 Szymaszek JF, Angelini DR; University of Functional analysis of bantam microRNA in Tribolium casColorado, Boulder, Colby College taneum P3.117 DVM Chang C, Franz-odendaal TA; Saint Mary’s Condensations to mineralizations: the development of the University, Mount Saint Vincent University zebrafish (Danio rerio) infraorbital bones P3.118 DVM Mehta RS; University of California, Santa Density estimates, growth patterns, and diet of the CaliforCruz nia moray, Gymnothorax mordax, around Catalina Island Immunology P3.119 DCPB Zimmerman LM, Vogel LA, Bowden RM; Il- Effect of age and temperature on antibody production in a linois State University long-lived ectotherm P3.120 Ross AE, Rock RP, Foltz SL, Moore IT; Vir- Body condition and heterophil to lymphocyte ratios in urginia Tech ban and rural song sparrow (Melospiza melodia) populations P3.121 Roman MR, Burnett KG, Burnett LE; Col- The effect of the pathogenic bacterium vibrio campbellii on lege of Charleston fatigue in the atlantic blue crab, Callinectes sapidus, during sustained exercise P3.122 DCPB Pales Espinosa E, Jing X, Perrigault M, Mucosal C-type lectins in the eastern oyster Crassostrea Allam B*; Stony Brook University, Stony virginica: potential involvement in particle capture and muBrook, NY cosal immunity P3.123 DCPB Caviedes-Vidal E, Lopez-Cativa L, Molina- Characterization of complement-system activity of comMarino L; University Nac de San Luis - Con- mon pigeon plasma (Columba livia) sejo Nac de Inv Científicas y Técnicas P3.124 DCPB Molina-Marino L, Lopez-Cativa L, Cavie- IG Y index variation throughout a fast-refeeding period in des-Vidal E; Univ Nac de San Luis - Con- common pigeon (Columba livia) sejo Nac de Inv Científicas y Técnicas P3.125 P3.126 Mohaimany-Aponte A, Kristan DM; Califor- Environmental enrichment does not increase susceptibility nia State University San Marcos of female mice to intestinal parasites DCPB P3.127 Menzel LP, Bigger CH; Florida International Can enzyme histochemistry identify the immune cells of University the octocoral Swiftia exserta? McMichael JW, Field KA; Bucknell Univer- Cytokine gene expression and lymphocyte expansion dursity ing graft rejection in mice P3.128 DCPB Lopez-Cativa L, Molina-Marino L, Gontero- Short term fasting and immune system function in the fourcade M, Caviedes-Vidal E; Univ Nac de broad snouted caiman, Caiman latirostris San Luis, Consejo Nac de Inv Científicas y Técnicas P3.129 DEE Kilvitis HJ, Boruta M, Richards CL, Martin Does early-life exposure to bacteria have enduring effects LB; University of South Florida on the immune system of zebra finches? P3.130 DCPB Hiatt M, Killpack T, Crouch W, Fassbinder- Alphavirus infection impairs growth and development of orth C; Creighton University, University of altricial nestling birds Wisconsin-Madison P3.131 DEE Brace AJ, Coon CAC, McCue MD, McWil- Critical amino acid allocation as a mediator of range exliams SR, Martin LB; University of South pansion in an introduced species Florida, St. Mary’s University, University of Rhode Island 109 SICB P3.132 Posters - Sunday 6 January 2013 DCPB P3.133 Booth KK, Greenlee KJ; North Dakota State Hormonal control of developmental effects on immunity in University the caterpillar, Manduca sexta Ah Ran K, Hyun-Woo K*; Pukyong National Molecular characterization and expression of crustin-like University, Rebublic of Korea protein in the Morotoge shrimp, Pandalopsis japonica Lungs, Noses and Digestion P3.134 DIZ Martin GG, Valk J; Occidental College, Los The peritrophic membrane of the giant keyhole limpet Angeles P3.135 DVM Tousignant KAS, Sherman RL; Nova South- Preliminary anatomical comparison of choroid rete struceastern University ture between diurnal and nocturnal reef fishes P3.136 DCB Aviles J, Pendar H, Socha JJ; Virginia Tech Respiratory flow control in darkling beetles: testing the compartmentalization hypothesis P3.137 DCPB Kovacevic A, Biddulph T, Waters JS, Har- Effects of the larval oxygen environment on the three-dirison JF; Arizona State University mensional branching structure of insect flight muscle tracheae P3.138 DVM Moritz S; Brown University P3.139 Rib kinematics during ventilation in Alligator mississippiensis Biddulph TA, Kovacevic S, Waters JS, Trachea and flight muscle volumes of adult drosophila Harrsion JF; Arizona State University melanogaster reared in hypoxia, normoxia, and hyperoxia using synchrotron x-ray phase contrast microtomography P3.140 DCPB Clissold FJ, Brown Z, Simpson SJ; The Uni- Diet-induced enlargement of the gastrointestinal tract inversity of Sydney, Australia creases nutrient absorption rates in locusts by allowing larger meals rather than better absorptive efficiency P3.141 DVM Pang B, Green P, Bird D, Halpern Z, Curtis Comparison of nasal turbinal surface area in caniform and A, Van Valkenburgh B; University of Califor- feliform carnivorans nia, Los Angeles, University of Massachusetts Amherst P3.142 DCB Quist A, Darakananda K, Hitchcock A, Don’t swim after a large meal, crawl instead Jeong J, Connolly E, Robbins A, Ellerby D; Wellesley College P3.143 DCPB Harrison JF, Waters JS, Cease AJ, Vanden- How hoppers breathe brooks JM, Callier V, Klok CJ, Shaffer K, Socha JJ; Arizona State University, Virginia Tech P3.144 Lewallen MA, Burggren WW; University of Chronic hypoxia and hyperoxia modifies morphology and North Texas VEGF expression of the lungs of the developing chicken P3.146 Randazzo AB, Gamble GB, Secor SM; Uni- Rapid upregulation of the python’s small intestine versity of Alabama, Tuscaloosa Neurobiology: Neuroethology P3.147 DNB Hadjisolomou SP; Graduate Center of The Behavioral responses to pulses of light in the longfin inCity University of New York shore squid, Doryteuthis Pealeii P3.148 DNB Aidala Z, Hauber ME; The Graduate Cen- Ultraviolet visual sensitivity in avian brood parasites and ter, CUNY, Hunter College their hosts P3.149 P3.149A Lutz EK, Riffell J; University of Washington DNB P3.150 P3.151 Visual and olfactory learning in Anopheles stephensi and Aedes aegypti mosquitoes Ashley NT, Zhang N, Weil ZM, Magalang Sleeping dwarfs: photoperiodic modulation of infectionUJ, Nelson RJ; Western Kentucky Univer- induced sleep in Siberian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus) sity, The Ohio State University Brumlow C, Rose V, Rowe A, Rowe M; Sam Topographical variability of pain sensitivity in grasshopper Houston State, Huntsville High School, Uni- mice: a preliminary analysis versity Texas, Austin DNB Dallmann CJ, Mongeau J-M, Jayaram K, Dynamic response of antenna flagellum in the American Mahavadi A, Full RJ; University of Bielefeld, cockroach University of California, Berkeley 110 SICB P3.152 Posters - Sunday 6 January 2013 DNB P3.153 Daskalantonakis D, Cassidy R, Brumlow C, RNA-Seq analysis of sensory neurons from grasshopper Rowe M, Rowe A; The University of Texas, mice: exploring the genetic basis for differential sensitivity Austin, Sam Houston State University to bark scorpion pain-inducing toxins in a scorpion predator Zimmerman KL, Satterlie RA; University of Muscular organization of a scyphozoan jellyfish: Aurelia North Carolina at Wilmington aurita P3.154 DNB Williams P, Akande P, Catapane EJ, Carroll Further studies on the sensory motor integration of gill latMA; Medgar Evers College eral cilia in the bivalve mollusc Crassostrea virginica P3.155 DNB Gallagher CA, Murray JA, Cain SD, Choate Distribution of ciliated cells and identification of putative BA; California State University East Bay, olfactory receptors in a novel chemosensory organ in the Eastern Oregon University nudibranch Tritonia diomedea P3.156 DCB Howell DB, Dickerson BH, Dyhr JP, Spon- Extracellular recordings of wing campaniform sensilla of berg SN, Daniel TL; University of Washing- Manduca sexta demonstrate encoding properties similar ton to intracellular recordings of haltere neurons P3.157 DNB Steinworth BM, Williams IV R, Hale ME; Sensitive spikes and spines: the pectoral spines of catfish University of Chicago function as touch sensors P3.158 DNB Gill KP, Rice JL*, Murray JA, Cain SD; Uni- An investigation of the statocyst sensory system in Armina versity of Mebourne, Eastern Oregon Uni- californica versity, California State University, East Bay P3.159 DCPB Gefen E, Berman TS; University of Haifa- Neural control of gas exchange pattern is phase-depenOranim, Israel dent in the desert locust P3.160 Marranzino AN, Frank MM, Lindemann SD, Functional morphology of cephalic protuberances in the Guiffrida BA, Sipper K, Webb JF, Mensing- oyster toadfish, Opsanus tau er AF; Regis University, St. Olaf College, University of Minnesota, Duluth, Wareham Middle School, Northern Michigan University, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, University of Minnesota, Duluth Neuromechanics,Sensormotor Systems P3.161 DVM Koeppl HB, Osborne JPB, Druzinsky RE; Comparative anatomy of the digastric muscle: a prelimiUniversity of Illinois, Chicago nary study P3.162 DCB Lehmkuhl AM, Williamson BJ, Jayne BC; Branch structure affects perch preference and the perforUniversity of Cincinnati mance and behaviors of gap-bridging by the snake, Boiga irregularis P3.163 DCB Gudenus V, Libby T, Haldane DW, Full RJ; Designing bio-inspired tailed robots to turn using bendable UAS Technikum-Wien, University of Califor- backs nia, Berkeley P3.164 DCB Bliamptis JP, Hale ME; University of Chi- Finding balance in an unstable world: the neural control cago and kinematics of larval zebrafish pectoral fins in response to roll P3.165 DCB Katz H, Levin E, Macesic Ekstrom LJ, Gillis Making a splash: the effect of environment on landing GB; University of Chicago, Tufts University, preparation in Lithobates catesbeiana Wheaton College, Mount Holyoke College P3.166 Steves ID, Mehrabani H*, Rose C, Mok A, Landing performance of Anna’s hummingbird (Calypte McClelland Z, Chirico J, Dudley R; Univer- anna) in variable wind conditions sity of California, Berkeley P3.167 DVM Rana PV, Larson NP, Abbott EM, Azizi E; How toads minimize torques to stick their landings University of California, Irvine P3.168 DCB Hunt NH, Stergiou N; University of Califor- Manipulation of the structure of gait variability with rhythnia, Berkely, University of Nebraska, Omaha mic auditory stimulus P3.169 DVM Montuelle SJ, Sidote J, Rettig M, Davis JS, Sensorimotor integration during feeding: effects of tranWilliams SH*; Ohio University section of the lingual nerves on jaw movements during chewing in pigs 111 SICB Posters - Sunday 6 January 2013 P3.170 DVM Berlin JC, Kirk EC, Rodgers MC, Rowe Global sensitivity of the mammalian head to rotation: imTB, Hullar TE; University of Texas, Austin, portance of semicircular canal orientation for locomotor Washington University in St. Louis School agility in therian mammals of Medicine P3.171 DVM Wyneken J, Salmon M, Guthrie K; Florida Facial pits in a gelatinivore sea turtle Atlantic University P3.172 Huber SJ, Wilcoxen TE, Horn DJ; Millikin Stress physiology of songbirds in response to bird feeding University activities Stress P3.173 Harris CM, Madliger CL, Love OP; Univer- Feather corticosterone: an accurate integrated measure of sity of Windsor, Ontario stress? P3.174 DCE Ferguson SM, Lynn SE; University of Mem- Exogenous corticosterone reduces circulating testosterphis, College of Wooster one but not courtship behavior in male zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) P3.175 DCPB Johnston NR, Lopes PC, Goldsmith GR, Do prolonged elevations of corticosterone influence the Bentley GE, Dawson TE; University of stable isotope ratios of blood in zebra finches? California, Berkeley, GABBA, University of Porto, Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute, Center for Stable Isotope Biogeochemistry P3.176 DCE Goessling JM, Mendonça MT, Wilson AE; A meta-analytic approach to comparing indices of stress in Auburn University vertebrates: does heterophil:lymphocyte ratio reveal similar degrees of stress as circulating corticosterone concentration? P3.177 DCE Lutterschmidt DI; Portland State University, Corticosterone regulates the transition from courtship to Oregon feeding behavior in male red-sided garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis) P3.178 DCE Fasanello VJ, Fischer CP, Fletcher KL, Stress management: how do repeated stressors affect anMakris ME, Seecof OM, Vassallo BG, tioxidant capacity and oxidative damage? Haussmann MF; Bucknell University P3.179 DCE Kaiser K, Jones CG, Marentes AA, Weic- Diel rhythm of plasma corticosterone in White’s treefrog, kum RM, Saltzman W; University of Califor- Litoria caerulea nia, Riverside P3.180 DCPB Goloff BM, Gonzalez-Gomez P, Wingfield Stress response of wild-caught rufous hummingbirds JC, Hiebert SM; Swarthmore College, University California, Davis, IFICC P3.181 DCE Dickens MJ, Balthazart J, Cornil CA; Uni- Correlation between local brain estradiol concentrations versity of California, Berkeley, University of and aromatase activity after acute stress or sexual interLiege action P3.182 Bachman GC, Gibson RM*, Vleck CM; Uni- Elevated baseline but lowered stress-induced corticosteversity of Nebraska-Lincoln, Iowa State Uni- rone titers during courtship display in a lekking bird versity P3.183 DCE Brashears JA, Fokidis HB, Denardo DF; Defense behavior and the stress response in three speColgate University, University of British Co- cies of python lombia, Arizona State University P3.185 DCE Merrill L, Naylor MF, Waselik MW, Grindstaff Effects of pre- and post-natal exposure to two antigens on JL; Oklahoma State University adult stress responsiveness in the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata) P3.186 DCE Madden AA, Lattin CR, Romero LM, Fierer The effect of chronic stress on the avian gut microbial N, Starks PT; Tufts University, University of community Colorado, Boulder P3.187 DAB Nelson L, Cox L, Hymes S, Woodworth E, The effects of chronic stress on sleep in house sparrows Bowlin MS*; University of Michigan-Dear- (Passer domesticus) born 112 SICB Posters - Sunday 6 January 2013 P3.188 DAB Chaby LE, Cavigelli SA, Wang K, White A, The effects of adolescent stress on adult behavior Braithwaite VA; Pennsylvania State University, University of Pittsburgh P3.189 DCB Schmidt M; Friedrich Schiller University, Whole-body mechanics of arboreal locomotion in priJena, Germany mates: integrating gait parameters, limb compliance and weight distribution Terrestrial Locomotion P3.190 DVM Kennedy NK, Bhatt R, Van Valkenburgh B; A geometric and kinematic backbone model of the cheeUniversity of California, Los Angeles tah, Acinonyx jubatus P3.191 DCB Astley HC, Roberts TJ; Brown University P3.192 DCB Karagiannis EE, Maynard EM, Vickowski What goes up must come down: forelimb kinematics in FB, Macesic LJ, Gillis GB; Mount Holyoke cane toads during jumping and landing College, Wheaton College P3.193 DCB Nauwelaerts S, Aerts P, Clayton HM; Uni- Ground reaction forces during transition from trot to canter versity of Antwerp, Belgium P3.194 DCB Corcoran MA, Pace CM, Fuqua RD, Ni- The effect of eccentric exercise on whole animal perforshikawa KC; Northern Arizona University mance and muscle properties P3.195 DVM Wunderlich RE, Miller CE, Wilhelm BA, Characterizing the mechanics of free-ranging leaping beGardiner J, Tongen A, Schmitt D; James havior in sifakas Propithecus verrauxi using acceleromMadison University, Duke University eters P3.196 DCB Richards CT, Rivera ARV, Choudhury U; Modeling the benefits and detriments of tendon elastic reHarvard University coil P3.197 DVM Whitney M, Curry Rogers K, Bagley B; Ma- Bone histology and primary growth rates in hatchling ticalester College, University of MInnesota tanosaurs from Madagascar: new insights from microcomputed tomography P3.198 DVM Joneson JR, Owerkowicz T, Elsey RM; Tenotomy of the caudofemoralis longus has no effect on California State University, San Bernardino, alligator locomotion Rockefeller Wildlife Refuge, Louisiana Dept. of Wildlife and Fisheries, Grand Chenier P3.199 DCB Blum Y, Birn-Jeffery AV, Vejdani HR, Hurst Swing leg control: disturbance rejection versus injury JW, Daley MA; Royal Veterinary College, avoidance UK, Oregon State University P3.200 DCB Hasaneini SJ, Bertram JEA*; University of Evaluating models of locomotion dynamics: what comCalgary, Calgary plexity is adequate? P3.201 DVM Tsai HT, Holliday CM; University of Mis- Anatomy of archosaur hip joint soft tissues and its signifisouri, Columbia cance for interpreting hindlimb function P3.202 DCPB Griffis NL, Williams JB; Southern Illinois Cryoprotectant production has little effect on bound water University content in the goldenrod gall fly, Eurosta solidaginis The diversity and evolution of locomotor muscle properties in anurans Thermobiology P3.203 Turner CR, Stillman JH, Dorfman RE, Page Thermal sensitivity of heat shock protein gene expression TM; California State University, Monterey in newly settled porcelain crabs Bay, Romberg-Tiburon Center: San Francisco State University P3.204 Kinsey MJ, Place SP; University of South Localizing the cellular stress response in a simple body Carolina, Marine Science, Biological Sci- plan ences and Environment and Sustainability Program P3.205 DCPB Kobey RL, Gassert R, Montooth KL; Indi- Genetic mechanisms of cold tolerance through increased ana University desiccation resistance in Drosophila melanogaster P3.206 DCPB Kenkel CD, Matz MV; University of Texas at Gene expression biomarkers of acute and chronic heat Austin stress in a reef-building coral 113 SICB P3.207 Posters - Sunday 6 January 2013 DCPB P3.208 Diaz-Almeyda E, Medina M, Iglesias-Prieto Exploring physiological effects of temperature sensor actiR; University of California Merced, Unidad vation in Symbiodinium Academica Puerto Morelos, UNAM Jost JA, Abou-Hanna JJ; Bradley University AMPK activity as an indicator of seasonal temperature acclimation in the zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha P3.209 DCPB Giri S, Dillon ME; University of Wyoming, Seasonal and altitudinal variation in fatty acid composition Laramie of native bees P3.210 DCPB Emerson SE, Morris TA, Berner NJ; Se- Effect of diet lipids on measures of seasonal acclimation in wanee: University of the South the Eastern red spotted newt (Notophthalmus viridescens viridescens) P3.211 DCPB Waldrup CL, Berner NJ*; Sewanee: Univer- Environmental cues of seasonal acclimation in the Eastern sity of the South red spotted newt (Notophthalmus viridescens viridescens) P3.212 DCPB Allen TR, Nguyen JV, Fay SA, Power ME, The effect of temperature on respiration rates of four key Stillman JH; University of California, Berke- aquatic insect taxa in California riverine food webs ley P3.213 DCPB De Los Santos R, McCue MD*; St. Mary’s Atmospheric oxygen availability affects insect thermotolerUniversity ance at upper lethal temperatures, but oxygen delivery is not limiting under normoxia P3.214 DCPB Camp N, Martinez E, Phillips C, Porcerra A, Life in hot waters: live fast and die young Torres J, Colombo R, Menze MA; Eastern Illinois University, University of South Florida P3.215 DCPB Langland KM, Powers DR, Wethington SM; Use of infrared thermography to measure body-surface George Fox University, The Hummingbird heat dissipation in free-living hummingbirds Monitoring Network P3.216 P3.217 Thompson CL, Williams SH, Glander KW, Too hot, too cold, or just right: thermal challenges facing Teaford M, Vinyard CJ; NEOMED, Ohio mantled howling monkeys (Alouatta palliata) in a dry tropiUniversity, Duke University, High Point Uni- cal forest versity DEE P3.218 P3.219 Stoehr A, Fowler A, Sepulveda C, Bernal Heat transfer in free-swimming swordfish, Xiphias gladius D; University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth, Pfleger Institute of Environmental Research Blackmon TN, Johnson MA; Trinity Univer- Temperature-dependent behaviors in the Texas spiny lizsity, San Antonio ard (Sceloporus olivaceus) DCPB P3.220 Powers SD, Powers DR, Langland KM, Fri- The importance of female temperature in the attraction of esen CR, Mason RT; George Fox Univer- courting males in red-sided garter snakes (Thamnophis sity, Oregon State University, Corvallis sirtalis parietalis) Rusch TW, Sears MW, Angilletta MJ; Ari- Competition for thermal resources between males in comzona State University, Clemson University plex landscapes P3.221 DCPB Vezina F, Guglielmo CG, Dekinga A, Piers- Flexible adjustments of internal organs in cold acclimated ma T; Universite du Quebec a Rimouski, shorebirds University of Western Ontario, Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, University of Groningen P3.222 DEE Capper RL, Meyer E, Matz MV; University Discovering the genes contributing to thermal stress surof Texas at Austin, Oregon State University vival in the coral Acropora millepora P3.223 Klaiman JM, Pyle WG, Gillis TE; University Functional and morphological changes in the trout heart of Guelph during thermal acclimation P3.224 Niermann C, Tate T, Rowe A, Rowe M; Sam Why do grasshopper mice prefer stripe-tailed scorpions Houston State, University Texas, Austin over bark scorpions? Testing the “ouch” vs. “super-size me” hypotheses 114 Monday Schedule of Events All events take place in the Hilton San Francisco Union Square EVENT TIME Registration 7:30 AM-1:00 PM SYMPOSIA ORAL PRESENTATIONS S9: Physiological Responses to Simultaneous Shifts in Multiple Environmental Stressors... 8:00 AM-3:00 PM S10: Integrating Genomics with Comparative Vision Research of the Invertebrates 8:00 AM-3:00 PM S11: Phenotypic Plasticity and the Evolution of Gender 8:00 AM-3:00 PM CONTRIBUTED PAPER ORAL PRESENTATIONS Session 112: Morphology & Performance 8:00-9:40 AM Session 113: Chemical Safety 8:00-9:40 AM Session 114: Legged Locomotion 8:20-9:40 AM Session 115: Human Performance 8:00-9:40 AM Session 116: Complementary to Symposium: Assembling the Poriferan Tree of Life 8:00-11:20 AM Session 117: Stress 8:00-9:40 AM Session 118: Genomics, Morphogenesis, and Development of Function 8:00-9:45 AM Session 119: Behavioral Ecology: Trophic Interactions 8:20-10:00 AM Session 120: Invertebrate Phylogenetics I 8:20-9:20 AM Session 121: Invertebrate Phylogenetics II 9:40-11:20 AM Session 122: Evo Devo Biology: Neurogensis, Skeletogenesis, Germline Specification 8:00-9:40 AM Session 123: Color and Thermal Biology I: Thermal Biology 8:00-10:00 AM Session 124: Color and Thermal Biology II: Color 10:20-11:40 AM Session 125: Immunology I 8:00-10:00 AM Session 126: Immunology II: Immune Responses to Pathogens 10:20 AM-Noon Session 127: Crayfish Biology 8:20-11:20 AM Session 128: Conservation Biology 10:00 AM-Noon Session 129: Morphology & Kinematics 10:00 AM-Noon Session 130: Axial Bending During Swimming 10:00-11:40 AM Session 131: Sensorimotor 10:00-11:40 AM Session 132: Nutrition - Energetics I 10:00 AM-Noon Session 133: Body Size and Allometry 10:20-11:40 AM Session 134: Communication: Signal Function 10:20 AM-Noon Session 135: Evolutionary Developmental Biology: Vertebrate Morphogenesis II 10:00 AM-Noon Session 136: Biodiversity 1:00-3:00 PM Session 137: Vertebrate Development and Ontogeny 1:00-2:40 PM Session 138: Lizard Locomotion 1:00-3:00 PM Session 139: Ionic Regulation 1:00-3:00 PM Session 140: Nutrition- Energetics II 1:00-3:00 PM Session 141: Evolutionary Physiology 1:00-3:00 PM Session 142: Skulls & Teeth III 1:00-3:00 PM Session 143: Cardiovascular Physiology 1:00-2:40 PM Session 144: Evo Devo Biology: Vertebrate Morphogenesis III - From Head to Toes 1:00-3:00 PM Session 145: Neurobiology: Sensory 1:00-2:20 PM Session 146: Neuro Endocrinology 1:00-3:00 PM Session 147: Locomotion on Granular Media 1:00-3:00 PM Session 148: Form & Function, Part II 1:00-3:00 PM SPECIAL LECTURE Moore Lecture 3:00-4:00 PM COMMITTEE & BOARD MEETINGS Executive Committee 7:00-9:00 AM SPDAC Meeting Noon-1:00 PM WORKSHOPS AND PROGRAMS Grand Challenges Update Noon-1:00 PM TALX: Teaching and learning roundtable: vision and change in intro biology Noon-1:30 PM SOCIAL EVENTS Society-wide Social in Honor of Students and Post Docs 4:00-6:00 PM 115 LOCATION Yosemite Foyer Continental 4 Continental 5 Continental 6 Imperial A Plaza A Imperial B Plaza B Yosemite B Yosemite A Yosemite C Continental 2/3 Continental 8 Continental 8 Continental 1 Continental 7 Continental 7 Continental 9 Continental 9 Golden Gate 6/7 Plaza A Imperial A Imperial B Plaza B Yosemite A Yosemite C Continental 2/3 Continental 1 Plaza A Imperial A Imperial B Yosemite B Yosemite A Yosemite C Continental 2/3 Continental 8 Continental 1 Continental 7 Continental 9 Golden Gate 6/7 Plaza B Continental 4-6 Grand A Golden Gate 2 Continental 1 Golden Gate 4/5 Grand Ballroom SICB Monday 7 January 2013 MONDAY PROGRAM SYMPOSIA Note: Presenter is first author unless noted by an asterisk (*). 8:00 am - 3:00 pm Continental Ballroom 4 Symposium S9: Physiological Responses to Simultaneous Shifts in Multiple Environmental Stressors: Relevance in a Changing World Sponsored by: DCPB, DEE, DIZ Organized by: Anne Todgham, Jonathon Stillman 8:00 AM S9-1.1 DCPB Sinclair BJ, MacMillan HA, Ferguson LV, Cross-tolerance and cross-talk in the cold: relaSalehipour G; University of Western On- tionships between low temperature and other tario stressors in insects 8:30 AM S9-1.2 Klok CJ, Harrison JF; Arizona State Uni- Interactions between temperature and oxygen versity and the evolution of body size in invertebrates 9:00 AM S9-1.3 Buckley LB; University of North Carolina, Body temperatures along altitudinal and latitudiChapel Hill nal gradients: interactions between phenotypes and multiple environmental stressors 9:30 AM S9-1.4 DEDB Byrne M; University of Sydney, Australia Impacts of warming and ocean acidification on growth of larval and juvenile sea urchins - from the poles to the tropics 10:00 AM BREAK IN EXHIBIT HALL 10:30 AM S9-1.5 Sanford E, Gaylord B; Bodega Marine Interactive effects of ocean acidification and preLaboratory, University of California Davis dation on coastal molluscs 11:00 AM S9-1.6 DCPB Sokolova I; University of North Carolina Energy homeostasis as a tool to integrate the efat Charlotte fects of multiple stressors in animals 11:30 AM S9-1.7 DCPB Hofmann GE; University of California Physiological response and local adaptation of Santa Barbara marine invertebrates to natural variation in the ocean acidification seascape NOON LUNCH BREAK 1:00 PM S9-2.1 DCPB Verberk WCEP, Bilton DT, Calosi P, Spic- How oxygen and temperature changes across er JI; Radboud University Nijmegen, The latitude and elevation determine ecological distriNetherlands, Plymouth University, UK bution patterns 1:30 PM S9-2.2 DCPB Fangue NA, Hasenbein M, Komoroske Physiological and behavioral responses to mulL, Connon RE*; University of California tiple environmental stressors in San Francisco Davis Bay-Delta fishes: linking mechanism to management 2:00 PM S9-2.3 Whitehead A, Pilcher W, Mayer G, Integrative biological footprint of the Deepwater Dubansky B, Galvez F; University of Cal- Horizon oil spill in the laboratory and field ifornia Davis, Louisiana State University, Texas Tech University 2:30 PM S9-2.4 DCPB Schulte PM; University of British Colum- Evolution of tolerance to multiple interacting bia stressors in fish 8:00 am - 3:00 pm Continental Ballroom 5 Symposium S10: Integrating Genomics with Comparative Vision Research of the Invertebrates Sponsored by: DIZ, DNB, AMS Organized by: Todd H. Oakley, Jeanne M. Serb 8:00 AM S10-1.1 8:30 AM S10-1.3 9:00 AM S10-1.3 DPCB Oakley TH; UCSB Evolutionary origins of an animal light interaction tool-kit Jékely G; Max Planck Institute for Devel- Mechanism of phototaxis in marine zooplankton opmental Biology, Germany and origin of simple visual circuits DEDB Passamaneck YJ, Martindale MQ; Uni- Opsins in brachiopod embryos and larvae versity of Hawaii 116 SICB Monday 7 January 2013 9:30 AM BREAK IN EXHIBIT HALL 10:00 AM S10-1.4 10:30 AM S10-1.5 11:00 AM S10-1.6 11:30 AM S10-1.7 DIZ The control of cnidocyte discharge by light Plachetzki DC; UC Davis Ullrich-Luter E, Arnone MI*; University Watch your steps! Opsins and photoreceptors in of Bonn and Natural History Museum, sea urchin tube feet Berlin, Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Napoli DEE Porter ML, Caldwell RL, Oakley TH, Cro- Transcriptomics and the evolution of stomatopod nin TW; University of South Dakota, Uni- visual systems versity of California, Berkeley, University of California, Santa Barbara, University of Maryland Baltimore County Briscoe A, Yuan F; University of Califor- Physiological genomics of color vision in butternia, Irvine flies NOON LUNCH BREAK 1:00 PM S10-2.1 DEDB Protas ME, Trontelj P, Patel NH; Univer- Multiple mechanisms of eye reduction within a sity of California, San Francisco, Univer- single population of the cave crustacean, Asellus sity of Ljubljana, University of California, aquaticus Berkeley 1:30 PM S10-2.2 2:00 PM S10-2.3 DNB 2:30 PM S10-2.4 DEDB Rivera AS, Sajuthi A, Carillo-Zazueta B, Gene expression differences underlying sexual Lampeh R, Speiser D, Hu B; University dimorphism in ostracod eyes: Insights from tranof the Pacific, University of Kansas Natu- scriptomics ral History Museum, University of California, Santa Barbara Friedrich M; Wayne State University Deep transcriptome insights into cave beetle eyes Serb JM, Krause AJ; Iowa State Univer- Uncovering gene family expansion and molecular sity convergence of the photoreceptive protein opsin in scallop (Bivalvia: Pectinidae) 8:00 am - 3:00 pm Continental Ballroom 6 Symposium S11: Phenotypic Plasticity and the Evolution of Gender Sponsored by: SICB Society-Wide Symposium Organized by: Janet Leonard 8:00 AM S11-1.1 DAB Leonard JL; University, of California-San- Williams’s Paradox and the role of phenotypic ta Cruz plasticity in sexual systems 8:30 AM S11-1.2 DEDB Diggle PK; Univeristy of Colorado, Boul- Metamers, modules, phenotypic plasticity, and der the evolution of diverse sexual systems in plants 9:00 AM S11-1.3 Lorenzi MC, Sella G; University of Turin, Gonochorists or hermaphrodites? Gonochoric Italy worms with flexible sex allocation 9:30 AM S11-1.4 Yusa Y, Sawada K, Yamaguchi S; Nara Diverse and plastic sexual systems in barnacles Women’s University, The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, Kyushu University 10:00 AM BREAK IN EXHIBIT HALL 10:30 AM S11-1.5 11:00 AM S11-1.6 11:30 AM S11-1.7 Walsh MR; University of Texas Arlington DPCB Collin R; STRI, Panama Environmental influences on plasticity in sexual investment in Daphnia Genetic, environmental and social control of sex change in molluscs Erisman B; Scripps Institution of Ocean- Evolution of hermaphroditism in fishes ography, UC San Diego NOON LUNCH BREAK 1:00 PM S11-2.1 Godwin J, Luckenbach JA, Holler BL, Environmental influences on sex determination in Daniels HV, Borski RJ; North Carolina flatfishes State University, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 117 SICB Monday 7 January 2013 1:30 PM S11-2.2 2:00 PM S11-2.3 2:30 PM S11-2.4 DCE Rhen T, Schroeder A, Fagerlie R, Legge Genetics, genomics, and the evolution of temperH, Wessman L, Heimler J, Bonapace- ature-dependent sex determination in reptiles potvin M, Zhang K; University of North Dakota Case AL; Kent State University DEE The advantages of gynodioecy vs. dioecy in plants Ah-King M, Gowaty PA; Uppsala Univer- A reaction norm perspective on sex and mate sity, University of California, Los Angeles choice MONDAY PROGRAM MORNING SESSIONS 8:00 - 9:40 am Imperial A Session 112: Morphology & Performance Chair: Philip J. Bergmann 8:00 AM 112.1 DEE Wilson RS, Carter AJ; The University of Optimal performance theory: developing a frameQueensland, University of Cambridge work for understanding whole-animal performance in the wild 8:20 AM 112.2 DCB Berman GJ, Choi D, Bialek W, Shaevitz Quantifying inter-specific variations through the JW; Princeton University automated discovery of stereotyped behaviors 8:40 AM 112.3 DEE Bergmann PJ, McElroy EJ; Clark Univer- Many-to-many mapping of phenotype on funcsity, College of Charleston tion, and the F-array 9:00 AM 112.4 DEE Cameron SF, Wilson RS; Uni of QLD, Sexual dimorphism of Hemidactylus frenatus Australia along a latitudinal cline: testing Rench’s rule in an ectotherm with intense male-male competition in lower latitudes 9:20 AM 112.5 Mlot NJ, Morrison J, Leamy M, Tovey Assembly and disassembly of fire ant bivouacs CA, Hu DL; Georgia Tech, Atlanta 9:40 AM BREAK IN EXHIBIT HALL 8:00 - 9:40 am Plaza A Session 113: Chemical Safety Chair: Thea M. Edwards 8:00 AM 113.1 DCE Edwards TM; Louisiana Tech University Estrogens and plants 8:20 AM 113.2 DEE Rack JM; University of Connecticut Ambystoma maculatum larvae evolve to recognize local predator cues 8:40 AM 113.3 DEE Samuni-Blank M, Izhaki I, Dearing MD, Divergent behavioral strategies in three congeKarasov WH, Gerchman Y, Kohl K, Lym- neric rodents for dealing with fruit toxins berakis P, Kurnath P, Arad Z; Technion, Haifa, University of Haifa, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Haifa University in Oranim, Natural History Museum of Crete 9:00 AM 113.4 DEE Kohl KD, Weiss RB, Dale C, Dearing Gut microbes facilitate consumption of toxic diets MD; University of Utah by herbivores 9:20 AM 113.5 DEE Wilson JK, Woods HA; University of Abiotic noise in volatile signaling by plants Montana 9:40 AM BREAK IN EXHIBIT HALL 8:20 - 9:40 am Imperial B Session 114: Legged Locomotion Chair: Simon Wilshin 8:20 AM 114.1 DCB Birn-Jeffery AV, Hubicki C, Blum Y, Hurst Don’t break a leg: injury prevention, robustness J, Daley MA; Royal Veterinary College, and stability of legged locomotion UK, OSU, Oregon 118 SICB Monday 7 January 2013 8:40 AM 114.2 DCB Wilshin SD, Daley MA; Royal Veterinary Continuous metrics for classification of bipedal College gaits and predictions of gait transition fine structure in turkeys 9:00 AM 114.3 DVM Heers AM, Dial KP; University of Mon- Wings versus legs: mechanistic underpinnings of tana variation in locomotor strategies among birds 9:20 AM 114.5 DCB Burden SA, Revzen S, Moore TY, Sas- Using reduced-order models to study dynamic try SS, Full RJ; University of California, legged locomotion: parameter identification and Berkeley, University of Michigan, Har- model validation vard University 9:40 AM BREAK IN EXHIBIT HALL 8:00 - 9:40 am Plaza B Session 115: Human Performance Chair: David Lee 8:00 AM 115.1 DCB Hubel TY, Usherwood JR; Royal Veteri- Torques in running and feet in walking - how denary College viations from point mass models give insight into bipedal locomotion 8:20 AM 115.2 DEE Hunter A, Wilson RS; The University of Can we improve a footballer’s kicking perforQueensland mance using optimisation theory? 8:40 AM 115.3 DCB Jindrich DL, Qiao M; California State Uni- Compensations for increased rotational inertia versity, San Marcos, Arizona State Uni- during human cutting turns versity 9:00 AM 115.4 DVM Lailvaux SP, Wilson R, Kasumovic MM; Sex-specific aging of performance in male and University of New Orleans, University of female professional basketball players Queensland, University of New South Wales 9:20 AM 115.5 DCB Lee DV, Comanescu TN, Bertram JEA; Collision-based analysis of human walking verUniversity of Nevada Las Vegas, Univer- sus running with and without additional vertical sity of Calgary loading 9:40 AM BREAK IN EXHIBIT HALL 8:00 - 11:20 am Yosemite B Session 116: Complementary to to Symposium: Assembling the Poriferan Tree of Life Co-Chairs: Jose Lopez, Sally Leys 8:00 AM 116.1 DPCB Collins AG, Dohrmann M; National Sys- Can greater relative complexity in skeletal structematics Lab, Smithsonian ture explain why hexactinellid molecular-based phylogenies correspond better to traditional systematics, as compared to other sponge groups? 8:20 AM 116.2 DIZ 8:40 AM 116.3 Pomponi SA, Jevitt A, Patel J; Florida Sponge hybridomas: applications and ImplicaAtlantic University, Fort Pierce, Florida tions State University, Tallahassee 9:00 AM 116.5 Pett W, Lavrov D; Iowa State University Lopez JV, Cuvelier M, Gilbert JA, Larsen Synergistic effects of crude oil and corexit disperP, Willoughby D, Wu Y, Blackwelder P, sant on a sponge holobiont system McCarthy PJ, Smith E, Vega Thurber R; Ocean Center - Nova Southeastern University, Florida International University, University of Chicago, Argonne National Laboratory, Ocean Ridge Biosciences, Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute at Florida Atlantic University, Oregon State University 119 A mitochondrial sponge gene unique among animals: the evolution of the Tat pathway in Oscarella SICB 9:20 AM Monday 7 January 2013 116.6 DIZ Wulff JL; Florida State University Sponge recovery after extreme mortality events: taxonomic and morphological patterns in regeneration vs. recruitment 9:40 AM BREAK IN EXHIBIT HALL 10:00 AM 116.7 DPCB Sperling EA, Feuda R, Rota-Stabelli O, New insights into the position of the metazoan Robinson J, Peterson KJ, Pisani D; Har- root from multi-criterion outgroup selection and vard University, NUI-Maynooth, Fondazi- microRNAs one Edmund Mach, Dartmouth College 10:20 AM 116.8 DEDB Hill A, Rivera A, Winters I, Rued A, Ding The freshwater sponge, Ephydatia muelleri as a S, Posfai D, Gentile L, Webb E, Trok W; model to study the evolution of developmental University of Richmond, University of the regulatory programs Pacific, Stanford University School of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, University of Oxford, England 10:40 AM 116.9 DIZ Bond C; Greensboro College, North Car- Comparative time-lapse studies of coughing calolina careous sponges 11:00 AM 116.10 DIZ Ludeman DA, Reidenbach MA, Leys SP; Testing passive flow and oxygen consumption in University of Alberta, University of Vir- three temperate demosponges ginia 11:20 AM LUNCH BREAK 8:00 - 9:40 am Yosemite A Session 117: Stress Co-Chairs: Haruka Wada, S.J. Schoech 8:00 AM 117.1 DCE Wada H, Allen NR, Kriengwatana B, Corticosterone and fitness: effects of incubation Schmidt KL, Soma KK, MacDougall- temperature Shackleton SA; Auburn University, University of Western Ontario, University of British Columbia 8:20 AM 117.2 DCE Jones BC, Bebus SE, Small TW, Bate- Corticosterone responsiveness and behavioral man PW, Schoech SJ; University of phenotype reveal learned antipredator behavior Memphis, Archbold Biological Station is sex specific in Florida scrub-jays (Aphelocoma coerulescens) 8:40 AM 117.3 DAB Grace JK, Anderson DJ; Wake Forest Personality, stress, and fitness in a long-lived seaUniversity bird 9:00 AM 117.4 9:20 AM 117.5 McCormick GL, Langkilde T; Pennsylva- Immune costs of the physiological stress renia State University sponse are affected by cross-generational exposure to stress DCE Telemeco RS, Addis EA; Iowa State Uni- Are extreme temperatures physiologically stressversity, Gonzaga University ful? An experimental examination of thermal variation on corticosterone levels in two species of alligator lizard 9:40 AM BREAK IN EXHIBIT HALL 8:00 - 9:45 am Yosemite C Session 118: Genomics, Morphogenesis, and Development of Function Co-Chairs: Chris B. Cameron, Andy Baxevanis 8:00 AM 118.1 DEDB Walker JF, Zanis MJ; Purdue University 8:20 AM 118.2 DCPB Koman J, Wootton TJ, Tomanek L; Cal Proteomic analysis of naturally occurring heat Poly San Luis Obispo stress in field-acclimatized Mytilus californianus 8:40 AM 118.3 DPCB Correa S, Zobel-Thropp P, Binford G, Exploring the silk and the silk-like venom from the Suter R, Garb JE; University of Massa- spitting spider Scytodes thoracica chusetts Lowell, Lewis and Clark College, Vassar College 120 The evolution of mononucleotide repeats and gene stability in eukaryotes SICB Monday 7 January 2013 9:00 AM 118.4 DIZ Cameron CB, Bishop C; University de Biomineral ultrastructure, elemental constitution Montreal, St. Francis-Xavier University and genomic analysis of biomineralization-related proteins in hemichordates 9:20 AM 118.5 DCPB Gillooly JF; University of Florida 9:40 AM 118.6 DEE Physiological constraints on the genome size of species Bezault E, Renn S; Reed College, Port- Analysis of copy number variation across African land (OR) cichlid genomes 10:00 AM BREAK IN EXHIBIT HALL 8:20 - 10:00 am Continental Ballroom 2/3 Session 119: Behavioral Ecology: Trophic Interactions Chair: Travis Robbins 8:20 AM 119.1 Robbins TR, Freidenfelds NA, Langkilde Native predator eats invasive toxic prey: evidence T; Penn State for increased incidence of consumption rather than aversion-learning 8:40 AM 119.2 DAB Thompson DM, Ligon DB; Missouri State Rocky raccoon must die: nest predation patterns University in a population of reintroduced alligator snapping turtles 9:00 AM 119.3 DAB Steffenson MM, Formanowicz DR; Uni- Autotomy and its effects on wolf spider foraging versity of Texas at Arlington success 9:20 AM 119.4 DCPB Ben-Hamo M, Burns DJ, Bauchinger U, Behavioral and physiological responses during Mukherjee S, Embar K, Pinshow B; Ben- feather replacement in house sparrows Gurion University of the Negev, University of KwaZulu-Natal 9:40 AM 119.5 DEE Riddell EA, Sears MW; Clemson Univer- Extending thermal games of predator-prey intersity actions in a spatially-explicit context 10:00 AM BREAK IN EXHIBIT HALL 8:20 - 9:20 am Continental Ballroom 8 Session 120: Invertebrate Phylogenetics I Co-Chairs: Alan Kohn, Katelyn MacNeil 8:20 AM 120.1 DIZ 8:40 AM 120.2 DPCB Knutson VL, Gosliner T; San Francisco New species, same damn color: benefits of usState University, California, California ing molecular data to identify diversity in a poorly Academy of Sciences, San Francisco studied group of sea slugs 9:00 AM 120.3 Kohn AJ; University of Washington Reft AJ, Daly M; Ohio State University Morphology, molecules, molluscs, and modern monographs: a revisionary systematics case study Small and mighty: the phylogenetic significance of mastigophore nematocysts in sea anemones 9:20 AM BREAK IN EXHIBIT HALL 9:40 - 11:20 am Continental Ballroom 8 Session 121: Invertebrate Phylogenetics II Co-Chairs: Christopher Mah, Ashlee H. Rowe 9:40 AM 121.1 10:00 AM 121.2 10:20 AM 121.3 10:40 AM 121.4 DEE Holley JC, Wild AL, Suarez AV; Univer- The pattern of colony structure evolution in the sity of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign ant genus Linepithema Larson PG, Daly M; The Ohio State Uni- Evolution of parental care in Endomyarian sea versity anemones DIZ Gonzales CM, Gosliner TM; Duke Uni- Resolving the genus Philine: description and versity, California Academy of Sciences phylogenetic placement of six previously undocumented species (Gastropoda: Opisthobranchia) Mah C, Foltz D; NMNH, Washington DC, Biogeographic insights from molecular phylogeLouisiana State University netics of Pacific Northwest sea stars 121 SICB 11:00 AM Monday 7 January 2013 121.6 DEE Grajales A, Rodriguez E; American Mu- Population genetics of the symbiotic sea anemoseum of Natural History ne Aiptasia sp. 11:20 AM LUNCH BREAK 8:00 - 9:40 am Continental Ballroom 1 Session 122: Evolutionary Developmental Biology: Neurogensis, Skeletogenesis, Germline Specification Chair: Neva Meyer 8:00 AM 122.1 DEDB Tolchin S, Meyer NP*; Clark University Notch signaling during neural development in the annelid Capitella teleta 8:20 AM 122.2 DEDB Nguyen J, Heyland A*; University of Histamine functions and distribution in gastrulaGuelph tion and skeletogenesis of the sea urchin S. purpuratus 8:40 AM 122.3 DEDB Schwager EE, Meng Y, Extavour CG; Spider vasa is required for early embryogenesis Harvard University but not for germline specification 9:00 AM 122.4 DEDB Laslo M, Angelini DR; American Univer- Gene interactions in the sex differentiation pathsity, Colby College way of Oncopeltus fasciatus (Heteroptera) 9:20 AM 122.5 DEDB MacNeil KEA, Patel D, Taylor V, Bishop The canonical echinoid apical organ evolved from CD, Burke RD; St. Francis-Xavier Uni- within the euechinoids: evidence from the cidaversity, Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Univer- roid Eucidaris tribuloides sity of Victoria, B.C. 9:40 AM BREAK IN EXHIBIT HALL 8:00 - 10:00 am Continental Ballroom 7 Session 123: Color and Thermal Biology I: Thermal Biology Sponsored by: Pacific Consultants Co., LTD, Japan, The Crustacean Society, Japan Crayfish Club Chair: Alison R. Egge 8:00 AM 123.1 DEE Condon C, Cooper B, Yeaman S, Angil- Evolution of thermal plasticity in changing enviletta M; Arizona State University, Indiana ronments University, University of British Columbia 8:20 AM 123.2 DCPB Williams CM, Watanabe M, Morgan T, Selection for cold tolerance alters the mainteEdison AS, Boroujerdi A, Hahn DA; Uni- nance of metabolic homeostasis during cold exversity of Florida, Gainesville, Claflin Uni- posure in Drosophila melanogaster versity, Orangeburg, Kansas State University, Manhattan 8:40 AM 123.3 Egge AR, Noh S, Eller OC, Hahn DA, Physiological and genomic variation in rapid cold Morgan TJ; Kansas State University, hardening and developmental acclimation in DroUniversity of Florida sophila melanogaster 9:00 AM 123.4 DCPB Maclean HJ, Higgins JK, Kingsolver JG, Responses to climate change: morphology and Buckley LB; University of North Carolina behavior, in Rocky Mountain Colias species Chapel Hill 9:20 AM 123.5 Noh S, Hahn DA, Morgan TJ; Kansas The genetics of cold tolerance in fruit flies disState University sected using bulk segregant analysis of artificial selection lines 9:40 AM 123.6 Snyder S, Kohin S, Childers J, Franks Thermal physiology of albacore tuna, as revealed PJS; Scripps Institution of Oceanogra- through archival tagging data phy, UCSD, Southwest Fisheries Science Center 10:00 AM BREAK IN EXHIBIT HALL 122 SICB Monday 7 January 2013 10:20 - 11:40 am Continental Ballroom 7 Session 124: Color and Thermal Biology II: Color Chair: Alison R. Egge 10:20 AM 124.1 DEE Brown AC, McGraw KJ, Clotfelter ED; Dietary carotenoids increase non-carotenoid colUniversity of Massachusetts Amherst, oration of female convict cichlids (Amantitlania Amherst College, Arizona State Univer- nigrofasciata) sity 10:40 AM 124.2 DEE Miles DB; Ohio University 11:00 AM 124.3 DEE Krauszer M, Leiken A, Elliott JK*; Univer- Ontogenetic color variation in the sea star Pisassity of Puget Sound, Tacoma ter ochraceus as an adaptation to avoid predation by gulls 11:20 AM 124.4 DEE Hill GE, Johnson JD; Auburn University Covariation of dorsal pattern, locomotor performance and escape behavior The biochemical basis for honest signaling via carotenoid pigments 11:40 AM LUNCH BREAK 8:00 - 10:00 am Continental Ballroom 9 Session 125: Immunology I Chair: Travis E. Wilcoxen 8:00 AM 125.1 DCPB Wilcoxen TE, Horn DJ, Flamm JC, Guer- Physiological and ecological impacts of bird feedra DF, Hogan BM, Hubble CN, Huber SJ, ing activities Knott MH, Salik F, Wassenhove SJ; Millikin University 8:20 AM 125.2 DCPB Flies AS, Holekamp KE, Grant CK, Man- Immune defenses of captive and wild spotted hysfield LS; Michigan State University, enas (Crocuta crocuta): a comparative analysis Custom Monoclonals International 8:40 AM 125.3 DCPB Killpack TL, Carrel E, Karasov WH; Uni- Impact of food restriction on immune function in versity of Wisconsin, Madison, MMSD altricial house sparrow nestlings High School Science Internship Program 9:00 AM 125.4 DCPB Iseri VJ, Klasing KC*; University Califor- The cost of an immune response to Escherichia nia, Davis coli in Gallus gallas 9:20 AM 125.5 DCE 9:40 AM 125.6 DCPB Adelman JS, Wilson AF, Hopkins WA, Temperature-induced feeding increases do not Hawley DM; Virginia Tech augment pathogen deposition on bird feeders: potential consequences for climate-disease relationships Carlton ED, Cooper CL, Demas GE; Indi- Metabolic signals differentially regulate trade-offs ana University, Bloomington, Claflin Uni- between the reproductive and immune systems versity, Orangeburg in female Siberian hamsters 10:00 AM BREAK IN EXHIBIT HALL 10:20 am - Noon Continental Ballroom 9 Session 126: Immunology II: Immune Responses to Pathogens Chair: James S. Adelman 10:20 AM 126.1 DCPB Gammill WM, Rollins-Smith LA*; Vander- Antimicrobial peptide defenses of southern leopbilt University School of Medicine ard frogs (Rana sphenocephala) against the pathogenic chytrid fungus, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis 10:40 AM 126.2 DCPB Fites JS, Parker Collier SM, OswaldRichter KA, Ramsey JR, Gammill WM, Rollins-Smith LA; Vanderbilt University, James Madison University 11:00 AM 126.3 DCPB Menzel LP, Bigger CH; Florida Interna- Antibacterial peptides from the caribbean octotional University coral Swiftia exserta 123 Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, an emergent pathogen linked to amphibian declines, produces factors that inhibit adaptive immunity in amphibians and mammals SICB Monday 7 January 2013 11:20 AM 126.4 Barak V, Brown C, Fassbinder-orth C; Avian adaptive immune responses to Buggy Creighton University, University of Tulsa Creek Virus (Togaviridae: Alphavirus) and its arthropod vector, the swallow bug (Oeciacus vicarius) 11:40 AM 126.5 Rainwater E, Fassbinder-orth C; Creigh- Experimental inoculation of nestling houses sparton University rows (Passer domesticus) with Buggy Creek virus NOON LUNCH BREAK 8:20 - 11:20 am Golden Gate 6/7 Session 127: Crayfish Biology Chair: Tadashi Kawai 8:20 AM 127.1 Scholtz G, Martin P*; Humboldt-Universi- Happy birthday marmokrebs! Ten years of retaet zu Berlin search on an enigmatic crayfish 8:40 AM 127.2 Martin P; Humboldt University, Berlin The relevance of parthenogenesis to the role of Marmorkrebs as a model organism and potential invader 9:00 AM 127.3 Chucholl C; University of Ulm, Germany Marmorkrebs gaining ground in Europe: the role of the pet trade as invasion pathway 9:20 AM 127.4 Garza De Yta A; Aquaculture Global LLC Developing markets for a new product: aquacultured red claw in Mexico 9:40 AM 127.5 Gherardi F; University of Florence Integrating animal behavior and conservation biology: a case study of invasive crayfish 10:00 AM BREAK IN EXHIBIT HALL 10:20 AM 127.6 Feria TP; The University of Texas-Pan Predicting the range expansion of a partenogenic American crayfish invader 10:40 AM 127.7 DIZ Faulkes Z; The University of Texas-Pan Fifty states of grey market: Assessing the pet American trade for parthenogenetic marbled crayfish, Marmorkrebs, in North America 11:00 AM 127.8 DIZ Crandall KA; George Washington Uni- Assembling the Tree of Life with a special focus versity on the freshwater crayfish 11:20 AM LUNCH BREAK 10:00 am - Noon Plaza A Session 128: Conservation Biology Chair: Michelle L. Beck 10:00 AM 128.1 DEE Howey CAF, Roosenburg WM; Ohio Uni- The effects of prescribed burning on the landversity scape and reptile abundance 10:20 AM 128.2 10:40 AM 128.3 11:00 AM 128.4 11:20 AM 128.5 DEE Coon CAC, Brace AJ, Martin LB; Univer- Resistance and tolerance in invasive and native sity of South Florida, Tampa songbirds in Kenya: evidence of parasite spillback 11:40 AM 128.6 DEE Voyles J, Poorten T, Toothman M, Knapp Focusing on survivors: understanding how some R, Briggs C, Vredenberg V, Rosenblum amphibian populations persist beyond chytridioEB; University of California, Berkeley, mycosis outbreaks University of California, Santa Barbara, San Francisco State Univ Macias NA, Colon-Gaud C; Georgia Population differentation of an invasive crayfish Southern University Cherax quadricarinatus on the island of Puerto Rico DEE Sette CM, Vredenburg VT, Zink AG; San Temporal and spatial variation of cytridiomycosis Francisco State University across Batrachoseps attenuatus populations Beck ML, Hopkins WA, Hawley DM; Vir- The effects of trace element exposure on tree ginia Tech swallow reproductive success and stress response following remediation of a coal-fly ash spill NOON LUNCH BREAK 124 SICB Monday 7 January 2013 10:00 am - Noon Imperial A Session 129: Morphology & Kinematics Chair: Margaret Rubega 10:00 AM 129.1 DCB Anderson CV, Tolley KA; University of Contrasting thermal effects on movements powSouth Florida, Tampa, South African Na- ered by elastic recoil and muscle contraction in tional Biodiversity Institute, Cape Town chameleons living along a temperature gradient 10:20 AM 129.2 DVM Rico-Guevara A, Rubega MA; University Tongue loading and intraoral transport of nectar in of Connecticut hummingbirds 10:40 AM 129.3 DVM Burle MH, Rico-Guevara A, Rubega MA, A hummingbird tongue in a shorebird head: TuaLank D; Simon Fraser University, Univer- moto sandpipers are nectar-feeders sity of Connecticut 11:00 AM 129.4 11:20 AM 129.5 DCB Berg O, Holzman R, Brown MD, Olaivar Fluid mechanics of the bladderwort feeding strike: AF, Muller UK; California State Univer- 0 to 60 mph in 1 millisecond sity, Fresno, Tel Aviv University 11:40 AM 129.6 DCB Larabee FJ, Spagna JC, Suarez AV; Uni- Intraspecific variation in morphology and strike kiversity of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, nematics in trap-jaw ants William Paterson University Kornev KG, Lehnert M, Monaenkova D, Wetting and fluid acquisition by butterfly probosAndrukh T, Beard E, Adler P; Clemson cis University, Kent State University, Geogia Institute of Technology NOON LUNCH BREAK 10:00 - 11:40 am Imperial B Session 130: Axial Bending During Swimming Chair: Andrea Ward 10:00 AM 130.1 DCB Porter ME, Diaz C, Long JH; Vassar Col- Extracellular matrix dominates the mechanical lege, University of Akron properties of shark vertebral columns in bending 10:20 AM 130.2 DCB Wen L, Lauder GV, Weaver JC, Kovac Hydrodynamics of self-propelling flexible synthetM, Wood RJ; Harvard University ic shark skin membranes 10:40 AM 130.3 DCB Huber DR, Noaker DE, Stinson CM, Etiology of spinal deformities in captive sandtiger Tate EE, Anderson PA, Berzins IK; The sharks Carcharias taurus University of Tampa, University of South Florida, Mystic Aquarium, One World, One Water, One Health 11:00 AM 130.4 DVM Ackerly KL, Ward AB; Adelphi University Determining the relationship between vertebral morphology and burst swimming performance 11:20 AM 130.5 DCB Varshney S, Zolotovsky E, Li YN, Boyce Morphometric origins of biomechanical flexibility MC, Oxman N, Ortiz C; Massachusetts in fish armor Institute of Technology 11:40 AM LUNCH BREAK 10:00 - 11:40 am Plaza B Session 131: Sensorimotor Chair: Simon Sponberg 10:00 AM 131.1 10:20 AM 131.2 10:40 AM 131.3 DCB Sponberg S, Dyhr JP, Hall R, Salcedo M, Background luminance alters tracking perforDaniel TL; University of Washington mance of freely flying hawkmoths revealing variable delays in optomotor processing Muller T, Windsor SP, Taylor GK; Univer- Optomotor flight control of hawkmoths in the consity of Oxford, UK text of their flight dynamics DVM Nelson FE, Dasari V, Hsieh T; Temple Differential limb function during locomotion on the University, University of Pennsylvania level and over obstacles in the tarantula 125 SICB Monday 7 January 2013 11:00 AM 131.4 DCB Ding Y, Sharpe SS, Goldman DI; Geor- Emergence of a neuromechanical phase lag in a gia Tech resistive force dominated medium 11:20 AM 131.6 DVM Holman SD, German RZ*; Johns Hop- Sensorimotor interactions in mammalian feeding kins University NOON LUNCH BREAK 10:00 am - Noon Yosemite A Session 132: Nutrition - Energetics I Co-Chairs: Thomas Ward Small, Sarah E. DuRant 10:00 AM 132.1 DCE Small TW, Bridge ES, Schoech SJ; Uni- Food supplementation of Florida Scrub-Jay (Aphversity of Memphis, University of Okla- elocoma coerulescens) nestlings: long-term efhoma fects on hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis responsiveness 10:20 AM 132.2 DCE Braschayko EB, Riley LG; Fresno State The effects of chronic cortisol on appetite in tilapia University Oreochromis mossambicus 10:40 AM 132.3 DCE Duncan CA, Riley LG; Fresno State Uni- Direct effects of cortisol on appetite regulation in versity the brain of tilapia, Oreochromis mossambicus 11:00 AM 132.4 DCE Durant SE, Hopkins WA, Hepp GR, Energetic constraints and parental care: is corRomero LM; Tufts University, Virginia ticosterone an important mediator of incubation Tech, Auburn University behavior in a precocial bird? 11:20 AM 132.5 DCE Elderbrock EK, Small TW, Schoech SJ; Effects of supplemental food and corticosterone University of Memphis treatment on begging and feeding behavior in Florida Scrub-Jays (Aphelocoma coerulescens) 11:40 AM 132.6 DCE Dayger CA, Cease AJ, Lutterschmidt DI; Body condition modulates responses to capture Portland State University, University of stress and exogenous corticosterone in female Sydney, Australia red-sided garter snakes NOON LUNCH BREAK 10:20 am - Noon Yosemite C Session 133: Body Size and Allometry Chair: Lars Schmitz 10:20 AM 133.1 DEE Durst PAP, Roth VL; Duke University 10:40 AM 133.2 DEE Cox RM, Daugherty C, Price J, McGloth- Proximate and ultimate mechanisms for intraspelin JW, Calsbeek R; University of Virginia, cific variation in male body size and sexual size Virginia Tech, Dartmouth College dimorphism in the brown anole (Anolis sagrei) 11:00 AM 133.3 DEE Artacho P, Le Galliard JF; University Aus- Correlational selection on resting metabolic rate tral de Chile, Valdivia, University Pierre et and body mass in the common lizard Marie Curie, Paris 11:20 AM 133.4 DCB Schmitz L, Motani R, Oufiero CE, Martin Allometry indicates giant eyes of Giant Squid are CH, McGee MD, Gamarra AR, Lee JJ, not exceptional Wainwright PC; Claremont McKenna, Pitzer, and Scripps Colleges, University of California, Davis 11:40 AM 133.5 DEE Dial KP, Martin TE; University of Mon- Predation correlates of locomotor ontogeny tana, Missoula among altricial bird species in Arizona and Borneo: relative development at fledging NOON LUNCH BREAK 126 Examining factors influencing body size change for insular rodents SICB Monday 7 January 2013 10:20 am - Noon Continental Ballroom 2/3 Session 134: Communication: Signal Function Chair: Christopher Cunningham 10:20 AM 134.1 DAB Cunningham CB, Nelson AC, Ruff JS, MUP expression is linked with sociality not comPotts WK; University of Utah petitive ability in male house mice 10:40 AM 134.2 DAB Reichard DG, Rice RJ, Schultz EM, Ket- Whispers of love and war? Inferring the function terson ED; Indiana University, Blooming- of low-amplitude song in a songbird ton, University of California, Davis 11:00 AM 134.3 DAB Brandley NC, Johnson MG, Johnsen S; Reduction of an aposematic signal: the role of miDuke University crohabitat in North American black widows (Latrodectus) 11:20 AM 134.4 11:40 AM 134.5 Kubli SP, MacDougall-Shackleton EA*; Delusions of immunocompetence: song complexWestern University ity, song consistency and immune trade-offs in song sparrows DAB Lahman SE, Moore PA; Bowling Green Spatial information in chemical signals: the interState University action between odor source and hydrodynamics NOON LUNCH BREAK 10:00 am - Noon Continental Ballroom 1 Session 135: Evolutionary Developmental Biology: Vertebrate Morphogenesis II Chair: Jacqueline Moustakas Verho 10:00 AM 135.1 DEDB Moustakas-Verho JE*, Zimm R, Cebra- The origin and loss of periodic patterning in the thomas J, Seppälä NK, Kallonen A, turtle shell Mitchell KL, Hämäläinen K, Salazar-ciudad I, Jernvall J, Gilbert SF; University of Helsinki, Millersville University, Swarthmore College, Departament de Genètica i Microbiologia, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona 10:20 AM 135.2 Piekarski N, Hanken J; Harvard Univer- Neural crest derivation of the bony skull of the sity Mexican axolotl and its implications for vertebrate skull evolution 10:40 AM 135.3 DEDB Le Pabic P, Ng CL, Schilling TF; Univer- Planar polarity controls cartilage morphogenesis sity of California, Irvine during vertebrate jaw development 11:00 AM 135.4 DEDB Sefton EM, Piekarski N, Hanken J; Har- A dual embryonic origin of the vertebrate pharynvard University geal skeleton 11:20 AM 135.5 DEDB Grieco TM; University of California, Silurana (Xenopus) tropicalis as a model system Berkeley for the evolution of odontogenesis 11:40 AM 135.6 DEDB Cass AN, McCune AR; Cornell University Are swimbladders inverted lungs? Evidence from developmental genetics NOON LUNCH BREAK 127 SICB Monday 7 January 2013 MONDAY PROGRAM AFTERNOON SESSIONS 1:00 - 3:00 pm Plaza A Session 136: Biodiversity Co-Chairs: Svetlana Maslakova, Gregory Rouse 1:00 PM 136.1 Lewis AC, Yanagihara AA, Keil D, Law- Establishing the neotype of the enigmatic oceanic ley JW, Van Blerk J, Gillan B, Bentlage box jellyfish Alatina alata (Reynaud 1830) (CniB, Bely A, Collins AG; University of Mary- daria: Cubozoa) land, College Park/Smithsonian NMNH, Pacific Biosciences Research Center, HI, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil, The Netherlands, Boynton Beach Community High School, NMFS, NSL 1:20 PM 136.2 Hiebert TC, Von Dassow G, Hiebert LS, Long-standing larval mystery solved — Pilidium Maslakova SA; Oregon Institute of Ma- recurvatum is the larva of Riserius sp., a basal rine Biology, University of Oregon heteronemertean (Heteronemertea; Pilidiophora; Nemertea) 1:40 PM 136.3 Kuwahara A, Meyer C, Collins A; Hum- Assessing Autonomous Reef Monitoring Strucboldt State University, Smithsonian Insti- tures (ARMS) as biodiversity monitors tution, NOAA/NMFS Smithsonian Institution 2:00 PM 136.4 DIZ Maslakova SA, Von Dassow G, Hiebert Biodiversity of nemertean larval forms in NE PaLS, Hiebert TH; Oregon Institute of Ma- cific rine Biology, University of Oregon 2:20 PM 136.5 DIZ Rouse GW, Wilson NG, Vrijenhoek First Xenoturbella spp. (Xenoturbellida) from the RC; Scripps Institution of Oceanogra- Pacific phy, Australian Museum, Monterey Bay Aquarium and Research Institute 2:40 PM 136.6 DIZ Trowbridge CD, Little C, Stirling P, Pilling Lusitanian nemertean species in Lough Hyne GM, Dlouhy-Massengale BL; Oregon In- Marine Reserve, SW Ireland stitute of Marine Biology, Beggars Knoll, UK, Secretariat of the Pacific Community, New Caledonia 1:00 - 2:40 pm Imperial A Session 137: Vertebrate Development and Ontogeny Chair: M. C. D’Aguilla 1:00 PM 137.1 Bouilliart M, Tomkiewicz J, Lauesen P, The feeding apparatus of first feeding European Adriaens D; Ghent University, Belgium, eel (Anguilla anguilla) larvae: a functional morDenmark Technical University Aqua, phological approach Charlottenlund, Billund Aquakultur, Denmark 1:20 PM 137.2 DVM China V, Holzman R; Tel Aviv University, The crucial effect of hydrodynamics on feeding The Interuniversity Institute for Marine efficiency during the “critical period” of fish larvae Sciences in Eilat 1:40 PM 137.3 DEE D’Aguillo MC, Harold AS; College of Detection and characterization of an ontogenetic Charleston diet shift in the Naked Goby, Gobiosoma bosc 2:00 PM 137.4 DVM Membreno NA, Elsey RM, Owerkowicz Importance of the calcareous eggshell to normal T; California State University, San Ber- skeletal development in the American alligator nardino, Rockefeller Wildlife Refuge, Louisiana Dept of Wildlife and Fisheries, Grand Chenier 128 SICB 2:20 PM Monday 7 January 2013 137.5 DCPB Richman SE, McWilliams SR, Leafloor Growing fast and dying young: influence of forJO, Karasov WH; University of Rhode age quality on growth and survival of arctic avian Island, Environment Canada, Winnipeg, herbivores University of Wisconsin-Madison 1:00 - 3:00 pm Imperial B Session 138: Lizard Locomotion Chair: Jerry Husak 1:00 PM 138.1 DVM Husak JF, Keith AR, Wittry BN; University Making Olympic lizards: The effects of sprint and of St. Thomas endurance training in lizards 1:20 PM 138.2 DCB Mara KR, Hsieh ST; Temple University 1:40 PM 138.3 2:00 PM 138.4 DCB Foster KL, Higham TE; University of Cali- Neuromuscular control of arboreal locomotion: fornia, Riverside how green anoles (Anolis carolinensis) deal with changes in incline and perch diameter 2:20 PM 138.5 DVM Mantilla DC, Hoyos JM; Florida Interna- Myolgy of the Foot-Leg Mechanical Unit of Anolis tional University, Miami, Pontificia Uni- antonii (Boulenger, 1908) (Squamata, Polychrotversidad Javeriana, Bogota, Colombia idae) 2:40 PM 138.6 DCB Libby T, Gudenus V, Harrington P, Full Coordination between inertial and impulsive RJ; University of California, Berkeley mechanisms during rapid turns in lizards Differentiating slip perturbation recoveries from falls in bipedally-running lizards Nyakatura JA, Curth S, Fischer MS; Locomotion with constant ventral contact in Friedrich-Schiller-University, Germany skinks: a three-dimensional kinematic and dynamic analysis 1:00 - 3:00 pm Yosemite B Session 139: Ionic Regulation Chair: Justin C. Havird 1:00 PM 139.1 DCPB Dudley R, Kaspari M, Yanoviak SP; Uni- Lust for salt in the Western Amazon versity of California, Berkeley, University of Oklahoma, University of Louisville 1:20 PM 139.2 DCPB Velotta JP, McCormick SD, O’Neill RJ, Freshwater transitions and the evolution of osSchultz ET; University of Connecticut, moregulatory function in alewives (Alosa pseudoUnited States Geological Survey harengus) 1:40 PM 139.3 DIZ 2:00 PM 139.4 DCPB Havird JC, Henry RP, Santos SR; Auburn Using RNA-Seq and gene-specific methods to University examine salinity-induced gene expression changes in an anchialine shrimp 2:20 PM 139.5 DCPB Harden LA, Williard AS; University of Seasonal variation in osmotic and metabolic staNorth Carolina, Wilmington tus of diamondback terrapins 2:40 PM 139.6 DCPB Yancey PH, Gerringer ME, Cameron J, High contents of methylamines and scyllo-inositol Hardy K, Chastain R, Bartlett DH; Whit- as potential piezolytes (pressure counteractants) man College, DEEPSEA CHALLENGE, in muscles of amphipods from the Mariana Trench Scripps Institution of Oceanography Pennoyer KE, Frederich M; Univeristy of Differential physiological tolerance to low salinity New England, Texas A&M University exposure in two color morphs of the green crab, Carcinus maenas 1:00 - 3:00 pm Yosemite A Session 140: Nutrition- Energetics II Co-Chairs: Pierre Deviche, Elizabeth MacDougall-Shackleton 1:00 PM 140.1 DCE Fowler MA, Debier C, Champagne CD, Insulin as a differential regulator of lipid mobilizaCrocker DE, Costa DP; University of Cal- tion in fasting northern elephant seals ifornia Santa Cruz, Université catholique de Louvain, Sonoma State University 129 SICB Monday 7 January 2013 1:20 PM 140.2 Dailey RE, Richmond JP; University of Impact of nutritional status on ghrelin and growth North Florida, Jacksonville hormone in phocid seal pups 1:40 PM 140.3 DCE Davies S, Deviche P; Arizona State Uni- The effect of food availability on the seasonal reversity productive development of birds 2:00 PM 140.4 DEE Hennin HL, Descamps S, Forbes MR, The survival cost of reproductive investment: Gilchrist HG, Bêty J, Soos C, Love OP; higher fattening rates lead to increased risk of University of Windsor, Norwegian Polar mortality to a novel disease Institute, Carleton University, Environment Canada, Université du Québec à Rimouski, Environment Canada 2:20 PM 140.5 2:40 PM 140.6 Schmidt KL, MacDougall-Shackleton The long-term effects of early-life stress on metaEA, MacDougall-Shackleton SA; West- bolic rates, body composition, and body size in ern University, Canada song sparrows DCE Rowell TR, Seale LA, Seale AP, Banuelos GS, Grau EG, Riley LG; Fresno State University, University of Hawaii, USDAARS Effects of Selenium-enriched meal on growth performance, endocrine control of growth and selenoprotein expression in tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) 1:00 - 3:00 pm Yosemite C Session 141: Evolutionary Physiology Co-Chairs: John M. VandenBrooks, Ana G. Jimenez 1:00 PM 141.1 DEE Schwartz TS, Bronikowski AM; Iowa Plasticity and evolution of stress response netState University works in divergent life-history phenotypes 1:20 PM 141.2 DPCB Shirkey NJ, Garland Jr. T; University of Kidney mass of passerine birds in relation to diet, California, Riverside habitat, and phylogeny 1:40 PM 141.3 DCPB Vandenbrooks JM, Munoz EE, Weed Fluctuations in historical oxygen levels impacted MD, Harrison JF; Arizona State Univer- insect body size and physiology sity, Penn State University, University of Arizona 2:00 PM 141.4 DCPB Jimenez AG, Van Brocklyn J, Williams Cellular metabolic rate is influenced by life-history JB; The Ohio State University traits in tropical and temperate birds 2:20 PM 141.5 DCPB Downs CJ, Brickner-Braun I, Vatnick I, Jirds living in a hypercapnic environment incur Pinshow B; Ben-Gurion University of the energetic costs, but don’t appear to care Negev, Israel, Widener University 2:40 PM 141.6 DCPB Lopez-Martinez G, Hight SD, Carpenter Physiological conditioning hormesis improves JE, Hahn DA; University of Florida, US- post-irradiation organismal and sexual perforDA-ARS, FL, USDA-ARS, GA mance 1:00 - 3:00 pm Continental Ballroom 2/3 Session 142: Skulls & Teeth III Chair: Sharlane Santana 1:00 PM 142.1 DEE Santana SE, Lynch Alfaro J, Noonan Social life and ecology help sculpt Old World priA, Alfaro ME; University of Washington, mate faces University of California Los Angeles 1:20 PM 142.2 DVM Staab KL, Betancur-r. R, Hernandez LP; Correlated evolution of jaw muscles and trophic George Washington University niche in cypriniform fishes 1:40 PM 142.3 DCB Tkint T, De Meyer J, Helsen P, Boone M, Phenotypic plasticity of jaw morphology as a reVerheyen E, Adriaens D; Ghent Universi- sponse to diet in two cichlid species and their hyty, Belgium, Antwerp University, Belgium, brid UG-CT, Belgium, Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Belgium 2:00 PM 142.4 DVM Kienle SS; San Diego State University 130 Hungry, hungry pinnipeds: the comparative feeding morphology of phocid seals SICB Monday 7 January 2013 2:20 PM 142.5 DVM Erickson GM, Krick BA, Norell MA, Saw- Complex dental structure and wear biomechanics yer WG; Florida State University, Tal- in hadrosaurid dinosaurs lahassee, University of Florida, Gainesville, American Museum of Natural History, New York 2:40 PM 142.6 DVM Holliday CM, Gant CA, Nesbitt SJ; Uni- Form, function, and evolution of archosaur manversity of Missouri, University of Wash- dibular symphyses ington 1:00 - 2:40 pm Continental Ballroom 8 Session 143: Cardiovascular Physiology Chair: Michael Hedrick 1:00 PM 143.1 DCPB Slay CE, Enok S, Hicks JW, Wang T; Anemia amplifies postprandial cardiac hypertroUniversity of California, Irvine, University phy in Burmese pythons of Aarhus, Denmark 1:20 PM 143.3 DCPB Parrilla L, Owerkowicz T, Omori M, Hicks Myocardial stress and Myoglobin expression in J, Rourke B; California State University, cardiac tissue of Hypoxic and Hyperoxic reared Long Beach, California State University, Alligator mississippiensis (A.m.) San Bernardino, University of California, Irvine 1:40 PM 143.4 DCPB Eme J; University of North Texas 2:00 PM 143.5 DCPB Hedrick MS, Crossley II DA; University of Development of the cardiac and peripheral limbs North Texas of the baroreflex in embryonic chickens 2:20 PM 143.6 Felbinger K, Owerkowicz T, Eme J, Pulmonary bypass shunt reduces oxidative damSchriner SE, Hicks JW; California State age in the American alligator University, San Bernardino, University of North Texas, Denton, University of California, Irvine Ontogeny of cardiovascular physiology in embryonic reptiles: capacity for and susceptible periods of environmentally-induced phenotypic plasticity 1:00 - 3:00 pm Continental Ballroom 1 Session 144: Evolutionary Developmental Biology: Vertebrate Morphogenesis III - From Head to Toes Chair: Michael Depew 1:00 PM 144.1 DEDB Depew MJ, Compagnucci C, Fish J, Debiais M, Coolon M, Bertocchini F, Casane D, Mazan S; UCSF, KCL, CNRS, Universidad de Cantabria, Universite Paris Diderot, Station biologique de Roscoff 1:20 PM 144.2 Powder KE, Albertson RC; University A novel transcriptional regulator, lbh, regulates Massachusetts cranial neural crest development and craniofacial evolution in East African cichlids 1:40 PM 144.3 Fish JL, Depew MJ, Marcucio RS; Uni- Developmental influences on variation and asymversity of California, San Francisco metry of the jaw 2:00 PM 144.4 DEDB Concannon MR, Albertson RC; UMass Developmental and genetic basis of a morphoAmherst logical novelty in East African cichlids 2:20 PM 144.5 DEE Black CR, Berendzen PB; University of The effect of phylogeny on morphological characNorthern Iowa teristics of the skeleton in pleuronectiformes 2:40 PM 144.6 DVM Head JJ, Polly PD; University of Nebras- Conservation of primaxial regionalization in the ka-Lincoln, Indiana University evolution of the snake body form 131 Pattern and polarity in the development and evolution of the gnathostome jaw: both conservation and heterotopy in the branchial arches of the shark, Scyliorhinus canicula SICB Monday 7 January 2013 1:00 - 2:20 pm Continental Ballroom 7 Session 145: Neurobiology: Sensory Chair: T. Aran Mooney 1:00 PM 145.1 DNB Byers KJ, Riffell JA*, Bradshaw HD; Uni- Differential pollinator attraction and processing of vesity of Washington, Seattle flower scent by bumblebees 1:20 PM 145.2 DNB Mooney TA, Li S, Ketten DR, Wang K, Hearing of the Yangtze finless porpoise: form and Wang D; Woods Hole Oceanographic function in an ‘unrepresentative’ species Institution, Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology, University of Hawaii, Institute of Hydrobiology, The Chinese Academy of Sciences 1:40 PM 145.3 DCPB Bedore CN, McComb DM, Frank TF, Effects of temperature and anesthesia on visual Hueter RE, Kajiura SM; Florida Atlantic temporal resolution in elasmobranch fishes University, Ocean Classrooms, Nova Southeastern University, Mote Marine Laboratory 2:00 PM 145.4 DNB Krause AJ, Serb JM; Iowa State Univer- Functional divergence? Comparing opsin expressity sion in extra-ocular tissues and eyes of the scallop (Pectinidae) 1:00 - 3:00 pm Continental Ballroom 9 Session 146: Neuro Endocrinology Co-Chairs: George E. Bentley, Peggy R. Biga 1:00 PM 146.1 DCE Bentley GE, Perfito N, Calisi RM; UC Season- and context-dependent sex differences Berkeley in melatonin receptor activity in a forebrain song control nucleus: comparison of data from the laboratory and a semi-natural environment 1:20 PM 146.2 DCE Henson JR, Freeman DA; University of Different neural target tissues mediate melatoMemphis nin-dependent regulation of the RFamides, kisspeptin and gonadotrophin-inhibitory hormone, in Siberian hamsters 1:40 PM 146.3 DCE Alward BA, Rownd KR, Ball GF; Johns Time-course of expression of ZENK in auditory Hopkins University brain regions and gonadotropin-releasing hormone–1 cells in starlings in response to song playback 2:00 PM 146.4 DCE Calisi RM, Krause JS, Perfito N, Bent- Transitions in avian parental care: a role for hypoley GE, Wingfield JC; University of Cali- thalamic gonadotropin inhibitory hormone (GnIH) fornia, Davis, University of California, Berkeley 2:20 PM 146.5 DCE Pradhan DS, Solomon-Lane TK, Willis Rapid neurosteroidal regulation of paternal care MC, Grober MS; Georgia State University 2:40 PM 146.6 DCE Biga PR, Froehlich JM; University of Ala- Epigenetic regulation of myogenesis in a growth bama at Birmingham paradigm-specific manner 1:00 - 3:00 pm Golden Gate 6/7 Session 147: Locomotion on Granular Media Chair: Chen Li 1:00 PM 147.1 DCB Mayorga O, Yip V, Mazouchova N, Gold- Running performance and gait kinematics of a man DI, Spagna JC; William Paterson sand-adapted arachnid, Galeodes granti University, Georgia Institute of Technology 132 SICB Monday 7 January 2013 1:20 PM 147.2 DCB Hatton RL, Ding Y, Choset H, Goldman Influence of deformation geometry on sand-swimDI; Oregon State University, Georgia In- ming performance stitute of Technology, Carnegie Mellon University 1:40 PM 147.3 DCB Marvi H, Chrystal R, Shieh J, Mendelson Sidewinding snakes on sand J, Hatton R, Choset H, Goldman D, Hu D; Georgia Institute of Technology, Zoo Atlanta, Oregon State University, Carnegie Mellon University 2:00 PM 147.4 DCB Kingsbury MA, Gatesy S, Goldman DI; Sensitivity of foot intrusion kinematics during Georgia Institute of Technology, Brown walking on granular media University 2:20 PM 147.5 DCB Zhang T, Li C, Goldman DI; Georgia In- Using terradynamics to understand the role of stitute of Technology, University of Cali- limb morphology in legged locomotion on granufornia, Berkeley lar media 2:40 PM 147.6 DCB Li C, Hsieh ST, Umbanhowar PB, Gold- Rapid locomotion of a small lizard on sand reman DI; UC Berkeley, Temple University, quires fluid-like ground reaction forces Northwestern University, Georgia Tech 1:00 - 3:00 pm Plaza B Session 148: Form & Function, Part II Chair: Tobias Riede 1:00 PM 148.1 DVM Riede T, Goller F; University of Utah, Salt Complexity of the labial lamina propria increases Lake City with increasing range of fundamental frequency in songbird song 1:20 PM 148.2 DVM Eiting TP, Perot JB, Dumont ER; UMass Nasal airway morphology and olfactory airflow in Amherst phyllostomid bats 1:40 PM 148.3 DVM Lin YF, Lu TW, Dumont ER, Lee LL; Uni- Sticking necks out: a novel sesamoid bone in croversity of Massachusetts, Amherst, Na- cidurine shrews tional Taiwan University 2:00 PM 148.4 DVM Richter JP, Rumple CR, Quigley AP, Comparative anatomy and functional morphology Ranslow AN, Neuberger T, Ryan TM, of the mammalian nasal cavity Stecko TD, Pang B, Van Valkenburgh B, Craven BA; Penn State University, University of California, Los Angeles 2:20 PM 148.5 DVM Butler MR, Dearolf JL, Richmond JP; The effect of prenatal steroids on citrate synthase Hendrix College, University of North activity in the fetal guinea pig scalenus muscle Florida 2:40 PM 148.6 Armstrong TE, Lillie MA, Shadwick RE; Stiffness of mouse aortic elastin and its possible University of British Columbia relation to aortic media structure 3:00-4:00 pm Continental Ballroom 4/5/6 Moore Lecture Singer SR; Carleton College 133 Promising practices in undergraduate science and engineering education: why don’t we implement them? SICB Keyword Index KEYWORD INDEX A abdominal appendage...........................P2.77 acceleration..........................................P3.195 acclimation...............................7.1, 10.2, 19.6, 55.2, 85.4, 103.4, 123.1, P1.136, P1.143, P2.120, P3.210, P3.211, P3.43 Accuracy.................................................P1.74 acid-base.................................................. 29.5 acidification.................... 7.5, 46.3, 47.2, 70.1, 91.3, 96.2, P2.24, P2.27, P2.38 acoels....................................................P1.172 acoustics......................... 66.2, P1.75, P2.183 active cleaning......................................P2.115 active muscle............................................ 89.2 acuity....................................................... 108.3 acute stress......................23.5, 65.1, P1.157, P1.158, P1.226, P3.181, S6-1.1 adaptation.............8.5, 10.2, 13.1, 13.2, 13.3, 18.4, 44.5, 46.5, 48.5, 56.1, 69.5, 77.2, 84.4, 85.3, 90.3, 90.6, 103.3, 103.4, 119.1, 123.1, 123.3, 139.2, BERN.1, P1.131, P1.133, P1.134, P1.135, P1.140, P1.142, P1.166, P1.25, P1.51, P1.60, P2.110,P2.60A, P3.214, S2-2.1, S4-2.2, S5-1.5, S6-1.3, S6-1.7, S6-2.2 adaptive radiation...... 14.5, 58.1, 67.5, 103.3, 110.3, 144.4, P2.118 adhesion.............27.1, 27.2, 27.3, 27.5, 72.4, 80.3, 81.1, 82.1, 88.4, 100.3, P1.91 adipose fin................................................ 32.1 adolescence.........................................P3.188 aerobic capacity.......... 13.8, P1.144, P1.185, P2.177, P3.47 aerodynamics.............. 17.8, 39.1, 39.6, 41.5, 64.2, 64.5, 100.8, 101.3, P1.206 affiliative behavior..................................... 49.3 aggression........35.1, 57.5, 95.1, 95.3, 109.3, 134.2, P1.216, P1.4, P2.100, P2.185, ... P2.195, P3.18, P3.183, P3.19 aging...................26.2, 30.5, 48.3, 53.2, 53.6, 93.2, 93.3, 115.4, P2.191, P3.119 Agkistrodon.............................................P1.39 Agonism..................................................P3.16 Aiptasia..................................................... 21.1 airflow.............................................75.4, 148.2 algae....................................60.3, 80.1, P3.65 Alligator..............137.4, 143.6, P3.198, P3.92 allometry...........12.3, 133.4, P2.160, P3.109, P3.19 allostatic load.........................................S6-1.1 altitude................... 70.3, 75.2, 103.5, P3.209 altricial birds...................................22.1, 133.5 amphibian.............5.2, 15.4, 19.4, 34.3, 62.2, 86.2, 90.1, 94.2, P1.23, P2.10, P2.84, P2.96, P3.1, P3.179, P3.2, P3.211, P3.26, P3.38, P3.39, P3.53 amphibian declines........ 126.1, 126.2, 128.3, 128.6, P1.219 amphipod.........................................8.2, P3.78 Anguidae.................................................117.5 Anguilliformes......................................... 137.1 annelids..............29.5, 122.1, P1.38, P2.159, P2.167, P2.168, P2.169 annual killifish.............................P2.14, P2.15 Anolis..................25.2, 25.3, 95.2, 95.4, 95.5, 133.2, 138.1, 138.4, P1.222, P2.11 Anoxia................................8.1, P1.149, P2.15 antarctica....... 55.2, 69.2, 69.4, 69.6, P2.179, P2.202, P2.28, P2.34, P2.9, P3.62 antennae......................... 17.9, P3.151, P3.55 anthropogenic stressors.........5.2, 73.6, 90.1, P1.184, S6-2.1 anti-predator..............................P3.22, S1-1.2 antioxidants.......55.2, 141.6, P1.103, P3.178 ants19.3, 24.4, 49.2, 112.5, 121.1, P1.18, P3.19 anurans.......... 6.2, 86.1, 100.1, 107.3, P1.36, P2.101, P3.165, P3.191, P3.192 Aplysia....................................................P1.44 aposematism.......................................... 134.3 arachnids............33.1, 33.3, 59.3, 62.3, 89.3, 118.3, 122.3, 147.1, P1.66, P2.216 arboreal.......64.6, 74.3, 88.5, P2.117, P3.162 archosaur......................... 83.5, 110.4, P3.201 Arctic....................................................... 104.2 Arctica islandica....................................... 48.3 aromatase...............................P1.214, P3.181 artemia....................................................P3.28 artificial flowers......................................... 35.5 artificial neural network........................P3.102 asexual....................................... 127.2, P2.94 asymmetry................................ 144.3, P1.207 asynchronous muscle..........................P1.190 auditory...................................P2.184, P2.196 Autotomy................74.1, 89.6, 119.3, P1.147 avian........12.4, 20.5, P1.210, P1.88, P3.186 avian cholera.......................................... 140.4 B barbel........................................................ 94.5 barnacle......................... 87.5, P3.54, S11-1.4 batoid............2.1, 79.5, 145.3, P1.199, P1.90 Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis.......... 126.1, 126.2, P3.26 bats...................4.3, 28.1, 28.2, 28.6, 100.10, 100.9, P1.102, P1.196, P1.30, S1-1.2 behavior..............15.5, 26.6, 49.3, 50.4, 57.1, 57.2, 59.1, 66.2, 66.6, 77.2, 86.3, 90.3, 95.3, 95.5, 100.5, 112.2, 132.5, P1.16, P1.215, P1.222, P1.225, P1.3, P1.5, P1.94, P2.12, P2.143, P2.148, P2.186, P2.194, P3.13, P3.14, P3.158, P3.162, P3.17, P3.188, P3.22, P3.3, P3.8, S1-3.1, S6-2.1 134 behavioral ecology...... 30.4, 49.1, 52.4, 57.4, 68.3, 113.2, 113.3, 119.1, 119.4, 127.5, 134.1, 139.1, P1.189, P2.8, P3.11, P3.16, P3.175, P3.2, P3.56, P3.7, S1-3.4 behavioral phenotype...........15.1, 49.1, 56.4, 132.1 behavioral syndromes..........11.1, 44.2, 49.1, 57.6, 117.3, S2-1.5 behavioral types....................................... 77.2 benthic...........................97.3, P2.113, P2.156 Benthic Foraminifera...................................7.1 biaxial testing............................................ 82.2 bifenthrin/ibuprofen................................P3.68 bio indicators...................................5.1, P3.30 Bio-inspired engineering.......27.3, 72.2, 72.4, 72.5, 72.6, 130.5, P1.96, P3.163, P3.199 bioacoustics...................................86.4, 145.2 biodiversity.............67.6, 120.2, 136.3, 136.4, P1.19, P1.20, P1.21, P1.22, P1.23, P1.48, P2.206, P2.224, P3.59, S8-1.7 biogeography.....24.3, 24.5, 25.4, 62.2, 62.3, 62.4, 84.3, 107.1, 121.4, 139.1, P1.21, P1.35, P1.37, P1.83, P2.212, P2.215, P2.216, P2.224 bioinformatics........11.6, 67.4, 118.1, P1.152, S4-1.1, S4-1.6 bioluminescence.............. 10.1, 105.1, 106.2, P1.163, S7-1.6 biomaterial....4.3, 35.6, 36.6, 61.2, 82.4, 97.5 biomechanics........ 2.1, 3.1, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 6.2, 6.3, 6.6, 12.2, 12.4, 17.7, 20.2, 20.5, 27.1, 27.5, 27.6, 32.4, 39.4, 43.1, 43.4, 61.3, 61.4, 61.5, 64.3, 64.4, 75.5, 76.2, 76.4, 76.5, 78.3, 80.1, 81.5, 82.2, 88.1, 88.2, 88.3, 88.5, 89.2, 89.4, 97.2, 97.5, 100.13, 100.7, 107.6, 112.5, 115.1, 115.5, 129.1, 129.2, 130.3, 130.5, 131.4, 138.3, 142.5, 148.3, 148.6, P1.124, P1.191, P1.195, P1.201, P1.202, P1.204, P1.89, P1.93, P1.97, P2.115, P2.116, P2.121, P2.128, P2.42, P2.51, P3.108A, P3.136, P3.167, P3.189, P3.193, P3.98, S1-2.4, S1-3.1, S1-3.3, S3-2.1 biomechanics of morphogenesis........P1.122 biomimetics......................................27.2, 72.1 biomineralization................11.5, 118.4, P2.32 biophysical models.............41.3, 70.2, P1.95, S9-1.3 biotelemetry.....................................26.5, 52.6 SICB birds...........12.2, 19.5, 20.6, 22.2, 26.5, 27.6, 32.2, 35.2, 35.6, 68.3, 68.4, 70.3, 83.3, 93.5, 104.5, 107.5, 109.1, 114.3, 117.2, 124.3, 125.1, 125.6, 126.4, 126.5, 140.3, 141.2, 141.4, P1.103, P1.110, P1.111, P1.132, P1.150, P1.188, P1.209, P1.214, P1.224, P1.225, P1.226, P1.28, P1.43, P2.111, P2.47, P2.61, P3.105, P3.123, P3.124, P3.130, P3.25, P3.98, S5-1.4, S6-1.4 bivalves................62.5, 102.4, 118.2, P1.162, P1.174, P1.178, P1.180, P1.182, P1.2, P2.133, P3.122, P3.154, P3.46 bladderwort............................... 129.5, P3.114 bluegill.........................................P2.44, P2.45 BMAA....................................................P1.181 body condition........... 13.9, 26.6, 45.3, 132.6, P1.110, P2.84 body shape.................................P1.45, P3.88 body size...... 57.2, 84.2, 96.5, 133.1, P1.131, P1.45, P2.189, P3.103, S9-1.2, S9-2.1 bone........... 28.2, 61.4, 93.5, P2.111, P2.128, P3.117, P3.197 bone growth.............................................. 53.4 bone strain................................................ 61.3 brachiopod.......................................... S10-1.3 brain................132.2, 146.5, P2.185, P2.186, P2.187, P2.189, P2.191, P3.24 breeding tubercles...............................P1.129 brood parasite.................23.6, 105.2, P3.148 Burrow occupation................................... 66.5 burrowing............66.5, 97.1, 97.2, 97.3, 97.4, 100.4, P1.16, P1.89, P2.113, P2.49 Butterfly.............. 26.2, 99.4, P1.169, P2.60A, S4-1.4 C calcium....................................................P3.54 calcium signaling..................................P2.134 calsequestrin............................................ 55.4 camouflage...........37.2, P1.13, P1.78, P2.55, P3.147 cannibalism............................................... 1.10 captivity................................................... 125.2 carbon dioxide vents............................P2.207 carbonate saturation state.....................P3.27 cardiac..............143.1, 143.3, P3.223, P3.45, P3.46, P3.48 cardiac shunt.............................. 143.6, P3.50 cardiovascular............. 4.2, 40.4, 55.5, 143.4, 143.5, P3.44, P3.46, P3.49, P3.51 Carnivora......32.5, 89.2, 125.2, P2.46, P3.93 carotenoids..................................124.1, 124.4 cartilage................ 51.1, 77.1, 130.1, P1.127, P3.108A, P3.201 cave......................... P1.31, S10-2.1, S10-2.2 cell biology..............71.1, 71.4, 118.5, P1.125 cell culture....................................116.3, P2.21 cell type...................................................P2.93 cell-cell fusion..........................................116.3 central pattern generators....................S3-2.2 cephalochordates...................................P1.53 Keyword Index cephalopods.... 10.1, 30.3, 37.3, 81.4, P1.56, P2.51, P3.147, P3.40 Cestoda.................................................... 83.4 cetaceans........ 4.2, 23.4, 75.3, 83.1, P2.128, P2.172, P2.173, P3.40, P3.96 CFD........................................................... 40.3 character evolution.... 53.3, 58.4, 58.5, 121.1, 122.5, 142.2, S4-2.3 cheetah.................................................P3.190 chemical defenses......... 105.6, 113.4, P1.44, P3.53, S1-1.3 chemical ecology.....29.3, 49.2, 111.3, 113.1, 113.3, 134.5, P1.9, P2.90, P3.56 chemoreception...... 38.3, 81.2, 113.2, 134.5, P1.173, S1-1.3 chemosensory............................ 32.4, P3.155 chemosynthesis....................................... 29.4 chiton.............................. 106.1, P1.86, P2.26 chordates.................................................. 51.4 chromatophores...................................P3.147 chronic cortisol.......................... 132.2, P3.186 Chytridomycosis..............128.3, 128.6, P1.23 cichlid............ 12.1, 32.6, 110.2, 110.3, 118.6, 124.1, 144.2, 144.4, P1.6, P1.98, P2.102, P2.125, P2.186, P2.56 circadian............... 18.5, 66.4, 104.2, P2.143, P3.179, S7-1.1, S7-1.2, S7-1.3, S7-1.4, S7-1.5, S7-1.6, S7-2.1, S7-2.2, S7-2.3, S7-2.4 circulation.......... 69.5, P2.173, P3.217, P3.50 citrate synthase......... 148.5, P2.161, P2.162, P2.166, P2.172, P2.173 cleaning................................................P3.115 cliff swallow............................................... 39.1 climate change......... 1.8, 9.2, 9.4, 24.3, 25.3, 25.4, 26.4, 45.4, 47.1, 47.2, 54.2, 62.4, 70.6, 73.4, 84.1, 84.3, 84.6, 103.6, 124.2, P1.219, P1.40, P2.24, P2.8, P3.104, P3.58, P3.83, S6-1.4, S6-1.6, S6-1.7, S9-1.3, S9-1.4 clingfish.................................................P2.131 clonality................................................... 127.2 Cnidaria........33.4, 99.2, 120.3, 121.2, 121.6, 126.3, P1.58, P1.76, P3.126, P3.153, P3.66, S10-1.4, S7-1.2 cnidarians...........7.2, 7.3, 11.2, 71.1, P1.121, P1.92, P2.71, P3.32 cnidocyte.................................................P1.76 co-infection............................................... 60.1 cognition................................................... 56.4 cold acclimation.......47.3, 55.1, 85.1, P1.187, P3.221 cold adaptation................123.2, 123.5, P1.99 cold tolerance.......................................P3.205 colonization................................. 34.3, P1.138 colony structure...................................... 121.1 color..................35.4, 35.6, 83.3, 95.4, 105.2, 124.4, P1.7 communication.............11.1, 86.1, 86.2, 86.3, 86.5, 95.1, 134.2, P1.10, P1.4, P1.7, P1.9 community ecology.............60.4, 73.5, 107.1, 128.1, P2.224, P2.57, P3.58 135 comparative biology...........91.4, 95.1, P2.40, S4-2.1 comparative embryology............110.6, P2.76 comparative method.............63.2, 67.2, 67.5, 99.4, 116.1, 142.4, P1.131, P3.87, S7-1.2 comparative physiology........13.1, 13.2, 13.3, 79.6, 85.3, 140.1, P2.73, P3.209, P3.45 competition.....30.6, 45.4, 50.5, 104.6, P1.11, P1.36, P3.17 complement activity.............................P3.123 Complexity...............................................116.1 compliance............................................... 72.1 condition dependence........................... 124.4 conductance.........................................P1.101 connective tissue..................12.5, 27.5, 148.1 connectivity......................................62.5, 73.3 conservation....... 90.2, 127.5, 130.3, P1.186, P1.22, P1.29, P1.37, P2.60, P3.34, P3.38, P3.8, S9-2.2 conservation physiology.............. 1.9, P1.188 constraints.......................................14.4, 97.6 controlled attachment.............................. 27.4 convergence...... 32.1, P2.214, P2.43, P2.56, P2.80 copepod......... 80.3, P1.135, P1.137, P1.171, S1-3.4 Coral.....13.4, 31.2, 47.5, 54.3, 54.4, P2.222, P2.38, P3.58 coral bleaching................................21.1, 54.1 coral reefs......... 8.5, 21.2, 54.2, 116.6, 136.3, P2.223 corals..................7.4, 7.5, 10.3, 111.5, P2.35, P3.206, P3.222 correlational selection............................ 133.3 corticosteriods........... 148.5, P2.161, P2.162, P2.163, P2.164, P2.165, P2.166, S6-1.1, S6-2.3 corticosterone.............. 23.6, 56.2, 56.3, 57.6, 65.2, 65.5, 65.6, 68.5, 117.1, 117.3, 132.4, 132.5, P1.103, P1.42, P3.129, P3.173, P3.174, P3.182 Cortisol..................................63.3, 65.3, 146.5 cosmopolitan species............................P1.19 costs of reproduction............45.2, 68.1, 132.4 courtship...............30.3, 134.2, P1.4, P2.105, P2.195, P3.174, P3.182 crab.............. 16.3, 66.5, 103.1, 139.3, P1.13, P1.14, P2.147, P2.20, P2.36, P3.121, P3.203, P3.52 Cranial morphology.......... 83.5, 135.3, 142.6, P1.87, P2.123, P3.99 craniofacial...............12.1, 77.3, 144.1, 144.2, P2.125, P2.213 crayfish................127.1, 127.2, 127.3, 127.4, 127.6, 127.7, P1.109, P1.173, P2.192, P3.10, P3.18 Crepidula.................................. 102.6, P1.148 cribriform plate........................................P2.46 crickets..................................................P2.191 Critical PO2..........................................P1.107 crocodilian............................12.3, 89.4, P3.49 cross protection.........................P2.31, S9-1.1 SICB cross tolerance......................................... 46.2 crustacean hormones......16.4, 93.1, P2.134, P2.135 crustaceans.............70.1, 82.4, 100.4, 127.8, 128.2, P1.130, P1.179, P1.19, P2.136, P2.137, P2.138, P2.139, P2.141, P2.27, P2.30, P3.133, P3.16, P3.41, P3.43, P3.44, S10-1.6 crustins, WAP domain.........................P3.133 cryoprotectants.........................P2.13, P3.202 cryptic genetic variation.......................P2.217 CT ............................................. 58.4, P1.166 ctenophores.........10.5, 11.6, 11.7, 33.5, 33.6, 106.2, P1.151, P1.63, P2.78, P3.75, P3.76, P3.77 Cuticular assembly................................... 82.4 Cypriniformes..................79.2, 142.2, P2.124 D Danioninae.............................................P3.74 decoration...............................................P1.14 deep-sea.........26.3, 34.6, 50.1, 108.3, 139.6, P1.38 defensive tactics................37.4, 105.1, P1.12 demography.........................................P1.169 Deuterostomes............................ 10.5, S7-1.7 development......8.6, 9.1, 9.2, 9.4, 22.1, 33.1, 51.6, 56.2, 59.3, 59.5, 66.6, 91.3, 99.1, 102.1, 110.4, 116.8, 135.6, 140.5, 143.4, 143.5, 144.1, P1.120, P1.124, P1.183, P1.58, P1.64, P2.14, P2.144, P2.164, P2.165, P2.17, P2.194, P2.80, P2.88, P3.117, P3.129, P3.130, P3.144, P3.185, P3.23, P3.28, P3.48, P3.49, P3.51, P3.69, P3.75, P3.99, S5-1.5, S9-1.4 developmental delay...............9.5, 16.1, 16.2, P2.146 developmental stress.................... 56.5, 117.1 DGC......................................................P3.159 diapause.......... 31.6, P1.104, P1.171, P1.50, P2.15, P2.16, P2.72, S7-2.3 diet......... 1.7, 44.1, 98.3, 98.4, 107.4, 137.3, 141.2, P1.28, P2.214, P3.36, P3.40, P3.6 dietary carotenoids...................................P1.3 diffusion..................................................... 55.6 digestion........1.3, 1.4, 24.2, 98.1, 98.2, 98.3, 98.4, 116.9, P1.108, P1.114, P1.139, P1.142, P1.183, P1.227, P3.140 digestive constraint.................................. 98.1 dimorphism............................................... 96.6 dinosaurs........ 37.2, 107.5, P2.118A, P3.197 disease...............13.5, 25.1, 29.1, 47.5, 60.1, 70.5, 125.4, 125.6, P3.2, P3.42 disease avoidance..........................22.2, P3.3 Disparity...........................................67.2, 67.3 dispersal...............................54.4, 73.3, 113.3 dissolved organic material...................P2.151 diurnal.......................................P3.179, P3.67 divergence................................................ 73.6 diversification...........................................118.6 Keyword Index diversity..............P1.98, P2.57, P2.61, P2.68, P3.104, P3.81, S11-1.4 diving......................................................... 68.6 DNA........................................... 107.3, P2.207 DNA methylation...................................S2-1.5 dopamine..................P1.178, P1.180, P2.184 dormancy.................................................. 31.6 doubly labeled water...................................1.5 drag........................................................P1.202 Drosophila...... 17.3, 17.8, 39.4, 112.2, 114.4, 123.2, P1.181, P1.70, P1.99 durophagy................................................. 61.1 E energetics............. 1.11, 1.5, 13.9, 24.6, 36.3, 53.5, 96.5, 123.2, P1.100, P1.102, P1.184, P1.186, P2.157, P2.179, P2.190 enviroment............ 63.6, 123.4, 139.5, P3.21, P3.54, P3.73, S9-2.4 environmental transitions......49.3, 76.1, 77.4, S3-1.6, S3-2.4 environmental uncertainty...........45.5, P3.11, P3.33 enzymes.............69.1, 70.6, 90.6, 98.1, 98.2, 98.3, P1.141, P1.148, P2.37, P3.126, S7-1.3 epibiont................................................... 103.2 Epidermal growth factor receptor............ 16.4 epigenetics..............51.6, 59.5, 71.6, P1.151, P1.48, P1.49, P1.51, S2-1.1, S2-1.2, S2-1.3, S2-1.4, S2-1.6, S2-1.7, S2-2.1, S2-2.2, S2-2.3 EROD.....................................................P3.41 escape response...... 3.4, 87.5, P1.68, P1.70, P2.45, P2.52, S1-2.1 estradiol...............93.5, 98.5, P1.216, P2.190 estrogen.......... 109.5, P1.211, S5-1.2, S5-2.1 ethanol..................................................P2.182 evo-devo...... 9.3, 11.2, 11.3, 59.1, 59.3, 59.4, 59.6, 69.3, 71.4, 71.5, 94.2, 94.3, 94.5, 99.1, 99.2, 99.4, 110.1, 110.3, 122.1, 122.4, 135.1, 144.3, 144.6, P1.123, P1.125, P1.59, P1.61, P1.66, P2.71, P2.76, P2.81, P2.89, P3.77, S10-2.1, S11-1.2, S3-1.4, S4-1.3, S4-1.5, S4-2.1, S4-2.3 evolution...........12.6, 13.10, 13.7, 15.3, 18.2, 18.3, 28.1, 50.1, 50.2, 53.6, 62.2, 92.2, 106.1, 108.1, 125.4, 139.2, 141.3, P1.133, P1.138, P1.146, P1.153, P1.163, P1.53, P2.203, P2.221, P2.59, P2.96, P2.98, P3.100, P3.191, P3.222, P3.82, P3.91, S10-1.1, S10-1.6, S10-2.2, S11-1.1, S11-2.3, S2-1.1, S3-1.3, S4-1.1, S4-1.2, S4-1.6, S4-2.2, S8-1.1, S8-2.1, S8-2.2 evolutionary model.15.3, 72.5, 100.2, S2-1.3 evolutionary radiation....................15.2, 120.1 evolutionary theory.................... 25.5, S11-1.7 evolvability........................83.3, 110.2, S5-1.5 exercise physiology..... 36.1, P2.175, P2.182, P2.22, P3.194, S3-1.7 experimental evolution..................19.1, 108.6 extended incubation.............................P3.113 extinction................................................S3-1.1 extracellular matrix...............................P1.122 extraocular photoreception...................... 48.6 eyes....106.4, 106.5, 133.4, P2.118A, P2.75, P3.135, S10-1.1, S10-1.3, S10-2.1, S10-2.4, S7-1.5 early tetrapod.........................................S3-1.3 ecdysteroids.......16.2, 71.2, P2.136, P2.141, P2.145, P3.41 echinoderm............9.2, 9.3, 80.5, 83.6, 111.1, 111.2, 121.4, P1.124, P1.126, P3.62 echinoid..........................P1.21, P2.34, P3.27 ecological immunology.........31.3, 44.2, 60.1, 68.1, 125.5, 128.5, P2.107, P3.129, S9-1.1 ecological physiology.......1.2, 8.6, 45.1, 47.4, 48.1, 119.4, 141.1, BERN.1, P1.144, P1.146, P1.43, P1.55, P2.109, P3.185, P3.204, P3.214, P3.216, P3.4, S9-1.1, S9-1.3 Ecological stoichiometry..........................P3.9 ecology......51.5, 111.1, P1.22, P1.27, P1.29, P1.31, P1.33, P2.59, P2.63, P2.66, P2.69, P2.96, P3.118, P3.62, S2-1.1 ecomorphology............. 2.4, 18.4, 35.2, 58.1, 107.4, 107.5, 112.1, 115.2, P1.37, P1.84, P1.85 ecosystem................................................ 54.5 education............91.1, 91.3, 91.4, 92.1, 92.2, 92.3, 92.4, P2.63, P2.64, P2.66, P2.67, P2.68, P2.69, P2.70 eggs...... 1.6, 22.2, 23.2, 105.2, 137.4, 143.5, P1.34, S3-1.5 elasmobranch..........................................13.11 elasmobranchs........... 79.4, 94.1, 98.2, 105.5 elasticity...........................................43.5, 82.3 elastin...................................................... 148.6 electric fish................................................ 41.2 electromyography....43.6, 76.4, 138.4, P2.39 electrophysiology.......P1.179, P1.71, P3.156 electroreception...................................... 105.5 elongate fishes.........................P1.203, P2.40 embryo...................................................... 96.4 embryogenesis..................71.5, 122.2, P2.16 encapsulation........................................... 96.4 endocrine-disruptor..........63.3, 63.6, P1.219, P3.29, P3.30, P3.32, P3.68, P3.69, P3.70, P3.72, S5-1.2 endocrinology...23.4, 45.2, 55.3, 63.1, 140.1, P1.215, P2.135, P3.71, P3.72 endothermy............................P1.185, P2.176 F energetic costs.............. 6.3, 24.6, 28.5, 36.5, Fabaceae................................................P3.86 40.5, 41.4, 70.2, 114.2, P1.188, P1.189, fasting............. 36.4, P1.112, P3.124, P3.128 P1.77, S9-1.5 fate-mapping...............................135.2, 135.4 fathers.......................................................P2.7 136 SICB fatigue................80.1, 108.6, P2.163, P3.121 Fatty acids................................................ 13.6 feathers................99.5, 110.1, 119.4, P1.207, P2.121, P3.173 fecundity.................................................P1.34 feeding.........4.1, 20.6, 40.2, 40.3, 59.2, 61.3, 61.4, 61.5, 77.3, 78.3, 78.4, 78.5, 79.1, 79.4, 79.5, 100.5, 102.5, 102.6, 103.1, 129.1, 129.3, 129.4, 131.6, 132.5, 137.2, 142.3, P2.126, P2.127, P2.129, P2.131, P2.132, P2.152, P3.122, P3.134, P3.161, P3.169, P3.93, P3.96, S1-2.3, S3-1.2, S3-2.1 feeding behavior........12.2, 52.2, 77.4, P2.48, P3.10, P3.177, P3.224, P3.8A, P3.9 feeding habits.......................................P1.139 female aggression.................................... 95.2 fertilization........................111.1, P2.90, P3.80 Filtration.................................................... 79.3 fin ...........32.6, 41.2, P1.204, P1.81, S3-1.4 finite element analysis...................... 4.5, 61.1 fish propulsion.............. 130.2, P1.205, P3.29 fish, fishes..........1.6, 2.2, 2.4, 2.5, 14.2, 34.4, 37.5, 38.5, 40.3, 47.1, 49.4, 58.5, 67.7, 69.4, 69.5, 70.4, 76.1, 78.1, 78.2, 78.3, 78.5, 81.6, 85.1, 90.2, 100.13, 100.7, 107.4, 130.4, 137.2, 137.3, 144.5, P1.204, P1.212, P1.218, P1.69, P1.79, P2.102, P2.119, P2.179, P2.210, P2.3, P2.42, P2.49, P3.106, P3.113, P3.164, P3.21, P3.22, P3.71, P3.72, P3.73, S1-2.1, S1-2.3, S11-2.1, S3-1.6, S3-1.7, S3-2.1, S5-2.2, S5-2.3, S9-2.2, S9-2.4 fishes........13.11, 18.2, 18.3, 40.2, 50.3, 58.2, 69.6, 75.1, 76.3, 78.4, 107.2, P1.81, P2.106, P2.176, S5-2.1 fitness.............................117.3, 130.4, P3.214 Fixational eye movements..................... 108.2 flashing.....................................................P1.2 flatworms..............................................P2.208 flight.................17.10, 17.11, 17.4, 20.3, 28.1, 28.4, 28.5, 39.3, 39.6, 41.6, 64.4, 64.6, 91.2, 98.6, 100.10, 101.1, 101.4, P1.192, P1.193, P1.194, P1.197, P1.198, P1.75, P2.59, P3.11, S1-2.2 flight control........17.1, 17.2, 17.3, 17.7, 17.8, 17.9, 20.4, 43.6, 101.2, 101.4, 101.5, 101.6, 131.1, 131.2, P1.192, P1.197, P1.70, S1-1.4 flight performance....... 20.1, 20.5, 28.6, 36.1, 39.2, 39.4, 39.5, 64.1, 64.2, P1.194, P3.166 Flocking.................................................... 20.2 floral motion............................................P1.97 flow.................116.10, P2.53, P3.110, S1-3.2 Fluctuating asymmetry............................P1.8 fluid flow.......3.6, 28.3, 54.1, 80.4, 80.5, 81.2, 81.6, 96.1, 129.5, P1.193, P1.69, P3.114, S1-1.1 fluid-structure interaction........3.3, 28.3, 39.3, 40.4, 41.6, 75.4, 81.3, 81.5, 100.8 flying...................................20.2, 28.3, P1.196 Keyword Index FMRFamide.............P2.167, P2.168, P2.169 food restriction.... 26.1, 125.3, 140.3, P1.145, P2.30 foot impact.....................................88.2, 147.4 foraging......1.7, 35.5, 44.4, 60.4, 78.2, 119.3, 142.4, P1.102, P1.110, P3.12, P3.172 force enhancement.........................42.1, 42.3 force plate................................... 76.3, P3.193 freeze tolerance...55.1, 104.4, P2.13, P3.202 frequency response...............................P1.71 frogs............................................ 100.6, P1.15 functional morphology......3.6, 4.4, 27.4, 28.2, 32.4, 35.1, 35.3, 61.1, 74.6, 75.1, 77.3, 79.1, 79.2, 82.3, 102.2, 129.3, 131.3, 137.1, 142.6, 148.3, 148.4, P1.201, P1.90, P2.117, P2.129, P2.131, P2.92, P3.105, P3.140, P3.160, P3.190, P3.92, P3.95, P3.98, S3-1.2 fungus....................................................S4-1.3 G GABA......................................P1.176, P1.177 gait...................114.2, 115.5, P2.110, P3.193 gallbladder................................................ 98.5 galloping......................................................6.1 Gambusia affinis....................................P3.30 game theory........................................... 104.6 gar .......................................................P1.221 Garter snake....................14.1, 141.1, P3.219 gas exchange.........................P3.144, P3.159 gastropods........ 11.5, 35.3, 53.1, 66.4, 103.2, 111.3, 121.3, P1.17, P2.92, P3.111, P3.134, P3.47, P3.60, S11-1.6 Gastrotricha..........................................P3.100 gastrulation...........................................P1.121 gecko...................................27.1, 27.2, P1.87 gender-biased parasitism........................ 31.4 gene duplication.........................P2.74, P3.66 gene expression...........10.2, 11.5, 21.1, 47.4, 106.3, 135.6, 139.3, 139.4, P1.155, P1.167, P1.170, P1.179, P1.56, P2.180, P2.181, P2.72, P2.75, P3.127, P3.13, P3.146, P3.206, S4-1.2, S4-1.3, S4-2.1, S7-1.7 gene flow.................................................. 34.1 gene regulation......... 116.8, P1.170, P2.180, P2.181 Gene Regulatory Network....................S4-1.5 genetic variation.......................... 90.1, S4-1.4 genetics.................98.4, 118.3, 118.5, P1.65, P2.199, P2.203, P2.211, P3.12 genomics....... 7.2, 8.3, 10.5, 11.6, 11.7, 33.5, 33.6, 50.4, 59.4, 69.3, 71.6, 110.1, 118.6, 123.3, 123.5, 139.4, P1.153, P1.172, P1.53, P1.63, P2.103, P2.118, P2.222A, P3.75, P3.77, S4-1.1, S4-1.4, S4-1.6, S4-2.2, S4-2.3, S9-2.3 genotyping assay.................................P2.218 geometric morphometrics.......4.5, 20.6, 32.5, 142.4, P1.83, P1.88, P2.129, P3.101 germ cell..................................... 122.3, P3.78 ghrelin..................................................... 140.2 Gila.......................................................P2.119 137 gill ........................................................S3-1.6 glide....................................64.6, 74.4, P1.191 global warming......................................S9-1.6 glucocorticoid............... 45.6, 65.1, 68.3, 68.7, 132.1, 132.3, P3.176, P3.177 glucocorticoid receptor....................56.3, 65.4 glycerol...................................................... 55.1 gonadotropin-inhibiting hormone.......... 146.4 gonadotropin-releasing hormone.......... 146.3 graft rejection........................................P3.127 granular media......................................... 76.5 group behavior............. 100.10, P3.21, P3.23 growth............1.3, 1.8, 23.1, 29.3, 51.1, 63.2, 63.4, 90.5, 110.5, 125.3, 140.6, 146.6, P1.117, P2.101, P2.144, P3.107, P3.108, P3.112, P3.113, P3.130, P3.79 Growth factor.............................. 16.4, P2.137 growth hormone.63.2, 140.2, P1.220, P2.142 growth rate.........87.2, 137.5, P3.110, P3.197 gut ...........................P2.167, P2.168, P2.169 H habitat structure........................................ 52.1 habitat use.............30.4, P1.12, P1.14, P1.15 habitat variation....................52.6, 57.4, 128.1 haloclines..................P2.148, P2.149, P2.150 handedness............................................ 103.1 hatching............................................. 9.3, 87.5 hCG........................................................S5-1.7 heart position..........................................P3.48 heat shock........46.4, 141.1, P1.157, P1.158, P1.160 heat shock protein.8.2, 47.3, P3.203, P3.204 heat tolerance.......25.4, 84.3, P3.215, S9-2.1 Hemichordate..........................................118.4 hemoprotein............................................. 69.6 herbivores.......................... 84.1, 113.5, P3.57 Herbivory pressure.................................P3.57 hermaphroditism...S11-1.1, S11-1.3, S11-1.7 hermit crab.................................... 26.3, P3.33 Herpetofauna............................................ 34.5 heterochrony............................................ 51.4 heterogeneous granular ground............. 41.1 heterophil:lymphocyte..........................P3.176 heterothermy...................................19.2, 45.5 hibernation................19.2, 44.3, 104.1, 104.3 hindlimbs/forelimbs..... 138.5, P2.117, S3-2.3 hippocampus.............................. 74.6, P2.188 histology.............................35.3, P2.54, P3.96 history....................................................... 51.3 history zoology evolution......................... 51.3 Holocephalan........................................... 58.4 Homarus americanus............................P3.15 homeostasis............................... 13.10, P1.55 homology...................................... 99.5, P2.93 Honey bees....................P2.142, P3.12, P3.5 hormonal pleiotropy...........................BERN.1 hormone receptor evolution...................P3.66 hormones................... 16.1, 23.3, 68.2, 109.2, P1.138, P1.212, P1.218, P1.223, P3.70, S5-1.3, S5-1.4, S5-1.7 horseshoe crab...........................................9.5 host-parasite...........................P2.107, P3.125 SICB house cricket............................................ 30.5 house finch............................................... 68.2 house sparrow.......................... 126.5, P3.131 Hovering................................................... 39.2 hox genes.....50.3, 71.3, 144.6, P2.74, P2.77 human..............................115.2, P1.1, P2.213 Humans...................................................115.4 Hummingbirds...... 20.1, 39.2, 129.2, P1.100, P3.166, P3.180, P3.215 Hybrid aerial/terrestrial locomotion.......... 72.5 hybridization................................. 14.2, P3.84 hydrodynamics.....3.2, 40.5, 41.4, 80.2, 81.1, 81.4, 130.2, 134.5, P1.90, P1.92, P3.97, S1-2.3 hydrostatic skeletons............................. 102.2 hypercpnia.............................................. 141.5 hypertophy.............................................. 143.1 hypothalamic-pituitary axis....... 23.5, P1.213, S6-1.5 hypoxia.............8.2, 60.6, 75.6, 103.5, 143.3, P1.113, P1.161, P2.145, P2.17, P2.194, P3.137, P3.144, P3.43 I immediate early gene.............. 146.3, P2.184 immune response.................22.3, 31.5, 65.4, 70.5, 117.4, 125.3, 126.2, P1.145, P3.120, P3.132, P3.149A immunocompetence......47.5, 134.4, P1.214, P3.124, P3.128, P3.3 immunology...........31.2, 125.2, 125.4, 126.3, 126.4, 126.5, 128.6, P3.119, P3.122, P3.125, P3.126 immunotoxicology................................P1.211 inflammation............................................. 93.3 infrared spectroscopy............................P2.19 innate immune function... 44.1, 125.1, 126.1, 126.3, P3.123 inquiry.....................................................P2.63 insect wings............... 39.3, 39.5, 64.3, 100.8, P1.193, P3.156 insects.............17.10, 17.11, 57.3, 64.1, 75.5, 75.6, 85.2, 93.2, 99.1, 101.2, 101.3, 131.2, 141.3, P1.104, P1.190, P1.50, P2.115, P2.116, P2.12, P2.143, P2.144, P3.136, P3.143, P3.159, P3.212, P3.213, S2-1.6, S9-2.1 insulin........................................................ 36.3 insulin-like binding protein....................... 93.1 insulin-like peptides.................................. 23.1 integration................................................110.2 interspecific interactions.......................... 30.6 intertidal....... 52.2, 62.4, P2.29, P2.31, P3.33 intestine........................... 98.6, P2.73, P3.146 intraspecific competition.......................... 20.4 intraspecific variation.....90.3, 133.2, P1.165, P1.26, P3.152 introduced species...........73.1, 84.4, P1.165, P1.24, P3.36, P3.60 invasion biology.................47.3, 119.1, 127.3, 127.5, 128.5, P1.25, P2.197, P2.199, P2.200, P2.209, P3.131, S2-2.3 Keyword Index Invasive species.......... 19.6, 44.5, 60.3, 68.7, 127.6, 127.7, 128.2, P1.104, P1.24, P1.25, P1.51, P2.198, P2.43, P2.95, P3.10, P3.208, P3.34, P3.57, P3.9, S2-1.2 inverse dynamics..................................... 41.5 invertebrates.............. 13.4, 40.4, 66.2, 121.3, 122.4, 136.6, 145.4, P1.31, P2.152 ionic regulation............... 139.1, 139.3, 139.5, P1.117, P1.118 irradiation................................................ 141.6 island.......................................................P1.36 island dwarfism...................................... 133.1 island gigantism...................................... 133.1 Isopoda......................................... 50.1, P3.65 J jaws......... 79.6, 100.12, 100.13, 142.2, 144.1, 144.3, P2.47, P3.171 joint........................................................... 83.6 jumping......... 6.2, 6.5, 6.6, 72.3, 88.4, P2.50, P3.165, P3.192, P3.194, P3.196 juvenile hormone........P2.142, P2.83, P3.132 K light pollution............................................. 93.4 limbs..................32.3, 32.5, 94.4, 97.1, 102.3, P1.130, P1.202, P2.189, P2.81, P3.105, P3.91, S3-1.4 lionfish.....................................................P3.36 lipids...........48.4, 104.4, 129.4, P2.19, P2.35, P3.209 lizards.............1.7, 6.6, 18.4, 26.4, 44.5, 45.4, 57.2, 74.1, 117.4, 124.2, 138.3, 147.6, P1.184, P1.82, P1.85, P2.118, P2.185, P3.20, P3.218, P3.50, P3.82 lobster.....................................................P3.52 locomotion........... 2.2, 2.3, 3.3, 6.3, 6.4, 27.4, 27.6, 36.3, 37.4, 37.5, 39.6, 41.1, 41.6, 43.4, 66.4, 74.2, 76.5, 88.3, 88.5, 89.1, 89.3, 89.4, 89.6, 97.6, 100.1, 100.5, 100.6, 101.5, 101.6, 108.6, 112.1, 114.2, 114.3, 114.4, 115.3, 115.5, 124.2, 130.3, 131.3, 133.5, 138.1, 138.3, 138.4, 147.2, 147.4, 147.5, 147.6, P1.200, P1.205, P1.73, P1.80, P1.91, P1.94, P2.10, P2.100, P2.110, P2.111, P2.160, P2.39, P2.53, P3.107, P3.111, P3.142, P3.162, P3.170, P3.189, P3.195, P3.200, S1-2.1, S1-2.2, S3-1.3 lunge-feeding............................................ 83.1 lungfish......................................... 76.4, P2.39 lungs............... 75.2, 75.3, 94.3, 135.6, P3.94 Lycaenidae...........................................P1.195 Karman gait.................................................3.5 Kidney......................................... 141.2, P3.51 kinematics.............3.5, 18.1, 32.2, 43.6, 74.6, 76.1, 78.1, 97.2, 100.6, 100.9, 147.1, P1.200, P1.98, P2.126, P2.47, P2.48, P2.56, P3.165, P3.169, P3.192, P3.93, M macroalgae......................................52.5, 54.1 S1-2.4 kleptoplasty................................. 60.5, P2.219 macroecology........................................... 62.1 macroevolution........58.1, 67.5, 142.1, P2.79, P2.81 L macrophysiology...................................... 24.5 lactation................................................... 140.1 magnetoreception.................................... 66.3 Landing......................... 43.1, P3.166, P3.167 male pregnancy..................................... 109.4 larvae.......46.3, 59.1, 59.2, 80.4, 96.3, 111.2, male-male contests................................ 134.1 111.4, 122.5, 136.4, 137.1, 137.2, mammals............ 11.4, 12.5, 15.3, 53.4, 61.2, P2.148, P2.149, P2.150, P2.151, 102.3, P2.1, P2.187, P2.220, P3.103, P2.152 P3.150, P3.161, P3.170, P3.7 Larval Assay............................................. 38.1 Manduca sexta......16.1, 44.4, 101.1, P3.112, larval development...... 13.1, 13.2, 13.3, 85.3, P3.132 96.2, 135.5, 136.2, P1.126, P2.155, maneuverability......... 3.1, 20.3, 101.1, 115.3, P2.28, P3.108, P3.27 138.6, P1.192, P1.199 larval ecology.......... 7.3, 9.1, 73.5, 81.1, 87.1, mantis shrimp..........22.4, 97.4, 100.4, 108.4, 87.2, 87.4, 96.1, P2.153, P2.154, P3.85 P2.156, P2.157, P2.158, P2.36 marine biology.......................................... 80.2 lateral line..............38.5, 94.1, P1.71, P3.106, marine ecology.......... 21.3, 52.5, 91.1, 107.6, S1-3.2 136.6 laterality.................................................P2.195 marine invertebrates.............34.2, 38.1, 46.5, latitude.......................................... 8.4, P1.141 48.2, 60.2, P1.96, P2.199, P2.217, Learning..............66.6, 117.2, P3.149, S2-1.7 P2.55, P3.63, S9-1.7 leatherback.............................................P3.37 marine mammal..................13.9, 30.4, 145.2, Leech............P2.120, P2.211, P2.74, P3.142 P2.126, P3.109, P3.14 lek .......................................................P3.182 marine mammals... 1.2, 5.3, 26.6, 40.5, 41.4, leptin...............................................55.3, 125.5 103.3, P1.220, P2.174, P2.54 leukocytes................................... 65.6, P1.187 markets................................................... 127.4 life history................ 5.2, 9.1, 15.2, 19.5, 26.1, marsupials..............................P1.128, P1.144 26.2, 45.1, 45.2, 48.4, 53.4, 53.5, mate choice............. 86.3, 86.5, P1.6, P2.105 87.2, 93.4, P1.115, P1.137, P1.58, material properties...... 4.1, 82.2, 97.5, 107.6, P2.101, P2.121, P2.153, P2.97, 130.1, 142.5, P1.203 S11-1.5, S6-2.4 138 SICB maternal effect............. 25.6, 54.3, 57.3, 90.5, 111.2, P1.224, P1.50, P2.97 maternal exposure................................. 109.5 maternal investment.............................S3-1.5 Maternal Stress Effects............................ 56.1 mathematical model..........81.3, 114.5, 147.2, P3.168, S6-2.3 mating systems........................................ 22.4 matrix metalloproteinases......................P2.87 mechanoreception..........38.3, 101.4, P3.156 Megachile rotundata...................36.2, P1.113 Melanocortin Receptors........................... 23.3 melanosome.........................................P2.114 Melatonin...... 146.1, P1.208, P1.209, P1.227 membrane self-assembly....................P2.114 mercury...................................................P2.86 mesoderm.............................................. 135.4 metabolic rate.....1.10, 19.3, 19.5, 20.1, 24.6, 26.1, 36.2, 48.1, 70.3, 70.6, 85.4, 102.1, 104.1, 133.3, 141.4, 141.5, P1.101, P1.108, P1.114, P1.143, P1.55, P2.108, P2.21, P2.26, P3.210 metabolism.........5.5, 48.2, 52.3, 84.1, 109.5, P1.105, P1.106, P1.99, P2.103, P2.38, S7-1.1, S9-1.6 metals.....................................................P2.33 metamorphosis....6.5, 51.1, 51.2, 51.4, 51.5, 77.1, 96.3, P2.159, P2.82, P2.83, P2.86, P2.87, P2.88 methods................. 23.4, 67.3, 136.3, P3.180 methylation...........................................P1.151 Miconieae...............................................P3.87 microarray.................................P1.170, P3.42 microbes.....................P2.220, P3.121, P3.20 microbial ecology...... 50.5, 87.4, 99.3, 113.4, P1.152, P2.154, P3.42 microbial endocrinology.......................P3.186 microRNA..........116.7, P2.16, P2.17, P3.116 Microsatellites..................34.5, 121.6, P2.203 migration...............5.5, 26.5, 44.1, 45.3, 73.2, P1.111, P1.118, P1.217, P1.46, P2.178 Migratory restlessness............. 109.2, P1.217 Mimicry..........................................89.3, 105.4 mitochondria................ 48.4, 48.5, 69.4, 90.6, P1.174, P2.37 Mobula...................................................... 79.3 model species..........................P1.59, P2.183 modeling...............3.5, 21.4, 24.1, 25.1, 52.2, 54.2, 72.3, 112.3, P1.73, P2.192, P3.199, P3.8A, S2-1.3 modularity...................................... 94.4, 110.5 moisture content.....................................P1.18 molecular evolution.............34.1, 34.6, 103.5, 116.5, P1.116, P1.165, P2.222A, S10-2.3, S2-1.6 molecular systematics...120.1, 120.2, S8-1.2 molluscs..............29.1, 37.4, 62.6, 67.8, 87.4, 100.2, 106.5, 106.6, 145.4, P1.160, P1.17, P2.154, P2.158, P2.219, P2.32, P3.208, S10-2.3 Molt-inhibiting hormone.......................P2.139 Keyword Index molting........... 16.3, 42.4, 68.2, 68.5, P1.171, P2.134, P2.135, P2.136, P2.137, P2.138, P2.139, P2.140, P2.145 moray....................................................P3.118 morphogenesis.......51.2, 94.1, 135.1, 135.3, P1.121, P1.122, P1.123, P1.207 morphology...........2.3, 12.6, 18.2, 18.3, 32.6, 58.5, 67.1, 73.3, 79.3, 89.1, 96.2, 112.3, 112.4, 120.3, 138.5, 147.5, 148.2, P1.132, P1.200, P1.81, P1.82, P1.84, P1.86, P1.96, P2.123, P2.124, P2.54, P2.85, P3.117, P3.138, P3.141, P3.201, P3.29, P3.82, P3.85, P3.86, P3.97, S8-1.4 morphometrics........12.3, 12.6, 107.3, 130.5, 142.3, 144.5, P2.119, P3.101, P3.102, P3.84, P3.87 morphospace............................. 12.1, P2.125 mosquito...................17.5, 25.1, 64.1, P3.149 motility....................................................... 98.5 movement patterns...........24.1, 119.5, 131.3, S1-1.1 mtDNA...............................34.3, 34.4, P2.201 mTOR.....................................P2.138, P2.140 multicellularity.............................P1.67, P2.79 Multiple predators...................................P2.58 multiple stressor...................9.5, 60.6, S9-2.2 multisensory feedback....................17.2, 17.9 Multivariate.............................................P3.53 muscle architecture....... 6.4, 55.6, 82.5, 83.1, P3.161 muscle control............. 40.1, 43.1, 43.3, 43.5, P1.190, P3.153, P3.167 muscle physiology.................42.1, 42.2, 42.3, 42.4, 42.5, 43.3, 55.4, 55.6, 69.2, 85.1, 143.3, P2.141, P2.163, P2.170, P2.171, P2.177, P2.180, P2.181, P2.182, P2.21, P3.191, P3.194 muscle power......................6.4, 43.2, P3.196 muscles......28.4, 28.5, 42.5, 43.4, 74.5, 79.5, 100.1, 138.1, 138.5, 148.5, P1.132, P2.112, P2.160, P2.161, P2.162, P2.164, P2.165, P2.166, P2.174, P2.175 Mussel.................................................... 100.3 myogenesis................................ 146.6, P3.74 myosin...................................................... 74.5 N nano........................................................P3.31 natural selection.......................14.5, P2.222A navigation................... 17.1, 20.3, 66.3, 105.5 Nectarivory............................................. 129.2 Nematoda..........................53.6, 71.4, P1.125 Nematostella.........................................S4-1.5 Nemertea...............59.2, 136.2, 136.4, 136.6, P2.155, P3.108 neophobia................................................. 65.5 nephridia...............................................P2.155 nervous system........... 66.1, P1.176, P1.177, P1.178, P1.180, P1.182, P2.133, P2.78, P3.154, S2-1.5 nesting..............................P2.5, P3.35, P3.37 139 nests................................119.2, P1.18, P3.35 neural control.....17.10, 108.5, P1.45, P3.158 neural crest...................... 135.2, 135.4, 144.2 neural development....... 122.1, 122.2, 122.5, P2.78 neuroanatomy.........P1.177, P2.187, P2.196, P3.157 neurobiology........106.6, 108.1, 108.2, 108.5, 132.3, P2.190, P3.153 neuroecology............ P2.197, P3.150, S1-1.3 neuroendocrinology................ 122.2, P1.175, P1.210, P2.3, S5-2.3, S6-1.2 neuroethology........... 108.5, P3.155, P3.158, P3.224, S1-1.4 neurogenesis........................................P2.193 neuromechanics...... 17.6, 89.5, 114.5, 131.4, 138.6, P3.151, P3.168 neurosteroidogenesis............P1.224, P3.181 Neurotransmitter..........108.1, 114.4, P1.181, P2.133 neuston..................................................... 62.6 next generation sequencing..........33.2, 33.3, 33.4, 71.2, P1.152, P3.152 niche.......................................................P2.98 notothenioid fish....................................... 69.3 novelty..... 32.1, 71.1, 94.2, 94.5, 99.5, 144.4, P2.77, S10-1.1 nudibranch.............................................. 120.2 Nutrients................................................... 13.5 nutrition........1.3, 1.5, 13.6, 14.3, 73.2, 125.1, 137.5, P2.84, P3.140, P3.8A, S2-1.7, S6-2.4 O ocean acidification...........8.4, 9.4, 26.3, 46.5, 100.3, P1.154, P1.162, P1.86, P2.20, P2.28, P2.32, P2.33, P2.35, P2.9, S9-1.5, S9-1.7 oceanography.............................. 91.1, P3.34 Octopus bimaculatus/bimaculoides....... 54.6, 66.1 odontoceti....................................................4.5 Oil Spill.....................................................116.2 olfaction.............4.4, 17.4, 81.6, 145.1, 148.2, 148.4, P1.10, P1.11, P2.46, P3.141, P3.15 online collaboration...............................S8-1.7 ontogeny................ 13.8, 114.3, 133.5, 137.3, P1.127, P1.148, P2.102, P3.106, P3.109, P3.115 oocyte maturation..................................P2.91 operative temperature............................ 128.1 Ophidiiformes.........................................P3.88 opsin..........38.4, 48.6, 106.2, 106.3, P2.60A, P2.71, S10-1.3, S10-1.4, S10-1.5, S10-1.7, S10-2.3 optics................................................18.5, P1.2 orientation......................................66.3, 105.3 oropharyngeal........................................ 131.6 osmolyte................................................. 139.6 osmoregulation.......... 44.4, 63.1, 70.4, 139.2, 139.4, P1.117, P1.118 osmotic stress....... 8.1, 46.4, P1.116, P3.202 SICB ostracod................................................P1.163 outreach.............................91.2, P2.64, P2.69 Over-marking.......................................... P1.11 oviposition.................................P1.223, P3.55 oxidation................................................... 36.4 oxidative phosphorylation........................ 48.5 oxidative stress......................36.1, 46.1, 48.3, 141.6, 143.6, P1.112, P1.156, P1.159, P1.41, P1.42, P2.159, P2.175, P3.178, P3.25 oxygen.................. 68.6, 96.4, 141.3, P2.174, P2.29, P3.139, S9-1.2 Oyster Toadfish....................................P3.160 P Pacific region............................................ 92.3 Pacific sand lance..................................P1.16 Palatal shelf.............................................110.6 paleontology.......18.5, 58.2, 67.3, 80.5, 91.4, 107.1, P1.149, P3.103, P3.104, P3.91, S3-1.1, S3-1.2 paracellular absorption............................ 98.6 parasites......2.5, 31.1, 31.4, 57.1, 60.2, 95.4, P1.145, P2.104, P3.1, P3.125 Parasitoids...................................... P3.4, P3.5 parental care.....22.1, 22.3, 22.4, 23.6, 109.3, 132.4, 146.4, P1.189, P1.40, P2.6, P2.7 parthenogenesis....................................P1.85 particle image velocimetry....................... 97.4 passive flow.......................................... 116.10 pattern formation............100.2, 135.5, P1.57, P2.94 PCBs............................................................5.3 pectoral fin......... 2.1, P3.157, P3.164, S3-2.3 performance.......18.1, 30.2, 35.2, 35.5, 41.3, 74.1, 85.4, 86.4, 89.6, 112.1, 112.3, 112.4, 115.2, 115.4, P1.1, P1.101, P1.136, P1.77, P2.127, P2.132, P2.44, P2.45, P3.95 performance recovery.............. 138.2, P3.142 Perissodactyla........................................P3.95 peritrophic membrane..........................P3.134 perturbation............................................ 138.2 pet trade.......................................127.3, 127.7 Pharmaceuticals.........................................5.1 phenology...............................44.3, 68.4, 73.4 phenotypic flexibility.. 1.4, 75.2, 109.2, 137.5, P2.178, P3.146 phenotypic plasticity..............23.2, 33.2, 73.2, 103.4, 103.6, 142.3, P1.139, P1.140, P1.143, P1.49, P3.60, S11-1.3, S11-1.5, S2-2.1, S6-1.3, S6-1.7, S6-2.1, S6-2.2 pheromone......................15.4, 134.1, P1.175 phocids................................................... 140.2 phoronids..............................................P2.151 photoperiod........... 57.6, 93.3, 104.3, P1.208, P1.216, P1.227, P3.211 photoperiodism.......... 146.1, 146.2, P3.149A, S7-1.7, S7-2.3 photoreceptor.............P1.52, P1.76, S10-1.2, S7-1.5 photosynthesis........ 7.4, 21.4, P1.60, P2.219 Keyword Index phylogenomics............ 14.2, 59.4, 67.4, 67.7, 107.2, P1.172, S8-2.3 phylogeny...........58.2, 67.1, 67.2, 67.6, 67.8, 90.2, 116.7, 121.2, 121.3, 127.8, P2.112, P2.206, P2.208, P2.210, P2.212, P2.214, P2.215, P3.94, S8-1.1, S8-1.2, S8-1.3, S8-1.4, S8-2.2, S8-2.3 phylogeography.......... 15.5, 34.2, 58.3, 62.1, P1.35, P1.38, P2.198, P2.209, P2.212, P2.217, P3.81 physiological ecology.........1.1, 1.9, 8.5, 13.4, 19.4, 24.5, 31.5, 52.3, 68.6, 76.6, 84.5, 141.5, P1.111, P1.149, P1.186, P1.41, P1.60, P2.24, P2.41, S9-2.3 physiology................ 13.10, 59.5, 84.4, 118.5, 141.4, P1.150, P2.176, P2.178, P3.139, P3.207, P3.6, S5-1.3, S6-1.6 phytoestrogen..........................................113.1 phytoplankton.........................P1.154, P2.149 pigmentation............................................. 19.1 pilidium recurvatum................................ 136.2 Pinnipeds.......................................1.2, P1.112 PIVP1.196 placenta..................................................P3.70 planaria..................................................... 99.6 plankton............. 80.3, P1.52, P1.68, S10-1.2 plant-herbivore.......... 24.2, 60.5, 84.2, 113.4, 113.5, P2.220 plants...............113.1, P1.93, P1.97, S11-1.2, S11-2.3, S2-1.4 plasticity............ 45.6, 48.1, 57.3, 86.2, 111.4, P2.94, P3.137, S11-1.2, S2-1.2 Platyhelminthes...............................82.1, 83.4 Platynereis...............................P1.52, S10-1.2 plethodontid.............................................. 94.3 Pleuronectiformes.................................. 144.5 plumage........................................ 35.4, P1.95 Poeciliidae............................................P1.153 poecilogony.......................53.1, 96.6, P2.153 Polarity.................................................... 135.3 pollination...................................... 73.4, P1.24 pollution..........5.1, 52.3, 60.6, P1.173, P3.26, P3.31, S9-2.3 polychaetes..... 51.2, 71.3, 96.3, 97.3, P1.89, P2.112, P2.113, P2.207, P3.79 polymorphism..............................................2.4 Polyplacophora...................................... 106.5 pooling...................................................... 10.4 population genetics..... 19.4, 29.2, 34.6, 50.4, 54.4, 121.6, P2.200, P2.202, P2.60 population structure.... 34.2, 34.4, 53.1, 73.1, P1.27, P2.1, P2.201 Porifera...................54.5, 71.5, 116.10, 116.1, 116.2, 116.9, P2.221, S8-1.2, S8-1.3, S8-1.5, S8-1.6, S8-2.2, S8-2.3 potential distribution............................... 127.6 predation....1.10, 38.2, 38.5, 50.2, 54.6, 99.3, 119.2, 119.3, P1.69, P1.82, P2.51, P3.1, S1-2.4 predation risk...P1.68, P2.156, P2.58, S6-1.5 140 predator-prey interactions.....37.3, 38.2, 60.2, 99.3, 103.2, 105.1, 105.6, 119.5, 124.3, 130.4, P1.12, P1.147, P1.30, P1.44, P1.74, P1.77, P2.147, P2.43, P3.224, P3.67, P3.7, S1-1.4, S1-2.2, S1-3.2, S9-1.5 Preference..............................................P1.13 pressure.........................................88.2, 139.6 pressure sensing...................................... 37.5 prey processing.......................... 79.2, P2.124 primates..............57.1, 61.5, 65.3, 74.3, 88.1, 142.1, P2.215, P3.189, P3.195, P3.81 professional development.....................P2.68 Prolactin.................................................... 23.2 protein synthesis......................P1.105, P2.22 proteomics... 46.4, 63.3, 63.6, 118.2, P1.156, P1.157, P1.158, P1.159, P1.160, P1.161, P1.162, P2.22, P3.73 protozoan................................................P1.20 pseudoparsimony.................................... 67.1 R radiations...............................................S3-1.1 Ram-suction feeding..............................P2.48 range boundary...................62.5, 70.2, P1.47 recognition..............................................P2.95 reconstruction.......................................P1.206 recruitment..................................... 73.5, 111.3 reef fishes........................52.1, P3.115, P3.80 reflectance.................................... 35.4, P1.95 regeneration.............. 71.2, 71.3, 99.6, 116.6, P3.38, P3.78, P3.79 regime shift.............................................P2.57 repeatability.............................................. 45.6 reproduction........13.7, 31.1, 45.1, 53.5, 56.5, 64.5, 68.4, 93.2, 93.4, 109.4, 140.3, 140.4, 146.2, P1.208, P1.209, P1.223, P2.106, P2.4, P2.92, P3.100, P3.32, P3.6, P3.80, S11-2.2, S5-2.2, S6-1.2 reproductive behavior...........14.1, 30.1, 30.2, 30.6, 117.1, 121.2, 132.6, 136.1, P1.210, P2.2, P2.3, P2.5, P2.6, P3.177, P3.219, P3.55, S11-2.4 reproductive ecology...............7.3, 14.3, 30.1, 49.4, 52.1, 128.4, P1.40, P2.1, P2.8, S3-1.5 reproductive opportunist.......................... 68.1 reptiles....................... 31.5, 58.3, 88.3, 143.4, P1.106, P3.119, P3.128 research coordination network..............P1.20 research experience..............................P2.67 research resources.................................. 92.3 Resilin....................................................... 82.1 resonance.............................................P1.205 resource availability.........................31.3, 45.5 Resource partitioning... P2.58, P3.112, P3.63 respiration.............4.4, 47.1, 75.4, 75.5, 75.6, 85.2, 148.4, P1.107, P1.113, P2.171, P3.136, P3.52, S3-1.7 revisionary systematic........................... 120.1 RF9......................................................... 146.4 RFamide...............................................P1.213 RFamides............................................... 146.2 SICB rhinoceros beetles.................................... 14.4 rhythmic motor behavior.......................... 40.1 RNA Interference............33.1, P1.66, P3.116 RNAi.......................................... 122.3, P1.115 robotics......28.6, 40.2, 41.1, 49.5, 72.1, 72.2, 72.4, 72.6, P3.163, P3.200, S3-2.2 robustness................................................ 89.5 rocky intertidal.......................................... 30.1 rodents..................................................P1.142 running....................6.1, 115.1, 147.1, P3.199 S salamanders....... 77.4, 102.5, 128.3, P2.127, P2.132, P2.50, P2.6, P2.98, S3-2.2 salinity.......................... 1.9, 8.3, P1.15, P3.39 sand........... 97.1, 147.2, 147.3, 147.4, 147.5, 147.6 scaling...........19.3, 80.2, 102.1, 102.2, 102.3, 102.4, 102.5, 102.6, P1.107, P1.80, P2.26, P3.111, P3.118, P3.141 Sceloporus...................................... P1.8, P1.9 schooling................................................... 49.5 scientific process, inquiry-based learning....... P2.65 scleral ring..........................................P2.118A SDA......................................................... 143.1 sea otter.................................................... 13.8 sea stars..........121.4, 124.3, P2.202, P3.204 sea turtles...........P1.32, P3.171, P3.37, P3.8 sea urchin...... P2.23, P2.85, S10-1.5, S9-1.7 seasonality................. 65.4, 68.5, 90.5, 109.1, P1.213, P1.220, P2.193, P2.72, P2.97, S6-1.2, S6-1.3 seed dispersal......................................P1.206 selection..34.1, 53.2, P1.169, P2.103, S6-2.2 Selection experiment........ 32.3, 123.1, 133.3 selenium................................................. 140.6 semicircular canal................................P3.170 Sensorimotor...............................131.2, 131.6 sensory ecology......38.2, 60.4, 105.3, 105.4, P2.147, S1-1.1, S1-1.2 sensory physiology........ 105.6, 145.2, 145.3, P3.150, P3.152, P3.155, P3.157, P3.160 sensory-motor............. 17.6, 78.2, 86.4, 97.6, 100.7, 101.5, 101.6, 131.1, P1.79, P3.154, P3.169, P3.171, S1-3.1 serotonin (5-HT).....................................P2.79 settlement................................................. 96.1 sex allocation................ 22.3, P1.54, S11-1.1, S11-1.3, S11-1.4, S11-1.5, S11-1.6, S11-1.7, S5-1.3, S5-1.4 sex determination................S11-2.1, S11-2.2, S11-2.4, S5-1.1, S5-1.2, S5-2.3 sex ratio evolution...... 25.6, P2.104, S11-2.2, S5-1.7 Sexual Conflict......................................... 14.1 sexual differentiation...........63.5, 93.1, 122.4, S11-2.3, S5-1.1 sexual dimorphism...... 31.4, 35.1, 56.2, 63.4, 112.4, 124.1, 133.2, P1.167, P1.80, P2.100, P2.104, P2.75, P3.85, S10-2.4, S5-1.1, S5-2.1 Keyword Index sexual selection........... 14.3, 14.4, 15.4, 15.5, 25.5, 30.2, 30.3, 36.5, 56.5, P1.6, P2.105, P2.106, P2.205, S6-2.4 shape.......................................................110.5 shivering................................................... 42.2 shorebirds............................................... 129.3 shrews.................................................... 148.3 shrimp....................................................... 29.4 Sidewinding............................................ 147.3 signal timing.............................................. 86.1 signal transduction...................... 51.5, S7-1.3 signaling........... 16.3, 23.3, 95.5, 134.4, P1.8, P2.140, P3.76 Sirtuins..................................................P1.159 skeletal development..........77.1, 83.6, 118.4, 137.4, 142.6, P1.127, P1.128 skin............................... 130.2, P1.203, P2.19 skulls.................. 12.4, 110.4, 135.2, P3.108A Sleep....................................P3.149A, P3.187 Smad........................................................ 42.4 snails............................................. 60.3, P3.59 snakes.... 1.4, 23.1, 31.1, 65.6, 144.6, 147.3, P1.191, P2.193, P2.2, P2.201, P3.183 social decision making..............................11.1 social interactions..................49.2, 49.4, 49.5, 142.1, P1.175, P3.14, P3.15, P3.17, P3.20, S5-2.2 social status............................................P3.18 songbird..................... 45.3, 56.3, 86.5, 128.5, 134.4, 140.5, 146.1, 146.3, 148.1, P1.10, P1.47, P1.5, P2.188, P2.205, P3.120, P3.187 Spartina alterniflora................................P1.48 spatial ecology.................113.2, P1.32, P1.39 spatial orientation.................................P2.192 spatial subsidies.........................P3.64, P3.65 specialization..........................................P1.26 speciation.......... 14.5, 15.1, 15.2, 62.6, 112.2, P1.35, P2.204, P2.205 Species delimitation................. 136.1, P2.206 species distribution model....................... 84.6 specific dynamic action.........P1.108, P1.114, P1.185 spectral tuning.......................................... 38.4 sperm competition....................................P2.2 spermatozoa.......................... 8.4, 83.4, P3.39 sponges........ 21.2, 54.5, 116.3, 116.6, 116.7, 116.8, 116.9, P2.109, P2.218, P2.4, P2.88, S7-1.1, S8-1.1, S8-1.4, S8-1.6, S8-1.7, S8-2.1 sport..........................................................P1.1 squids...................... 37.2, 48.6, 106.4, S7-2.2 stability........... 40.1, 74.3, 114.1, 115.3, 138.2 Stable Isotope Analysis.....73.6, P1.27, P1.84 stable isotopes.............. 36.4, P1.105, P1.28, P3.175, P3.63 staged interactions................................... 95.2 starvation.................................................. 16.2 stem cells................................................P3.74 steroids.....63.4, 63.5, 117.5, P1.221, P3.172 stickleback fish.......................................P1.65 stomatopod............................................... 87.1 strain......................................................... 79.4 141 stress.......13.11, 31.6, 47.4, 51.6, 56.1, 57.5, 65.5, 68.7, 70.5, 117.2, 117.4, 118.2, 140.5, P1.150, P1.47, P2.188, P2.7, P3.172, P3.175, P3.178, P3.180, P3.183, P3.187, P3.220, P3.47, P3.97, S11-2.1, S6-1.4, S6-2.3, S9-1.6 stress responsiveness............5.5, 44.2, 56.4, 65.1, 128.4, 132.1, 132.6, P3.176, P3.185, P3.188, S6-1.5, S9-2.4 structural mechanics............................P2.116 structural properties........ 82.3, 106.4, P2.114 students..................................................P2.64 subtidal ecology...................52.6, 54.6, P3.64 succession..............................................P3.59 suction feeding........18.1, 79.1, 129.5, P1.74, P3.114 survival.........................................................1.1 suspension feeding....... 102.4, P1.92, S1-3.3 swarm intelligence..................................112.5 swimming............... 2.2, 2.3, 2.5, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.6, 41.2, 43.2, 81.3, 81.4, 100.9, 111.4, 130.1, 131.4, 136.1, P1.199, P2.44, P2.52, P3.164, P3.196 swing-leg control.....................................114.1 Symbiodinium.............. 10.3, 21.2, 21.3, 21.4, P2.222, P2.223 symbiont transmission....................29.2, 50.5 symbiosis.....7.2, 10.3, 21.3, 29.1, 29.2, 29.3, 29.4, 29.5, 53.3, 60.5, P2.109, P2.218, P2.221, P2.223, S7-2.2 synchrony................................ S7-1.6, S7-2.1 systematics................ 53.3, 62.3, 67.6, 127.8, P2.213, P2.216, P3.101, P3.86, S8-1.3, S8-1.6 T tail ...........................................3.2, 74.4, 74.5 take-off/landing................................32.2, 74.4 tarantula..................................................P1.94 tardigrades................................P1.61, P2.204 taxonomy..............................................P2.208 teaching........................................ 92.2, P2.65 teeth........... 12.5, 61.2, 100.12, 104.3, 135.5, 142.5, P1.123, P1.65, P3.102, P3.92, P3.99 teleost fishes........55.5, 100.12, 132.2, 132.3, 140.6, P3.135, P3.223, S3-2.4 telomeres....................................P1.41, P1.42 temperature........36.2, 46.1, 46.3, 54.3, 55.5, 69.1, 69.2, 78.1, 84.5, 85.2, 96.5, 123.3, 125.6, 129.1, P1.119, P1.136, P1.140, P1.141, P2.10, P2.157, P2.27, P2.9, P3.207, P3.213, P3.219, P3.220, P3.223, P3.44, S6-1.6, S9-1.2 temperature selection..............P1.39, P2.120 tendon.....................................43.2, 43.5, 82.5 tenotomy...............................................P3.198 terrestrial locomotion..... 6.1, 17.6, 27.3, 43.3, 72.2, 72.6, 76.3, 82.5, 89.5, 114.5, 138.6, P1.17, P2.40, P3.151, P3.163, P3.168, P3.198, S3-2.3, S3-2.4 SICB testosterone...........65.3, 109.1, 109.3, 109.4, 146.5, P1.217, P1.222, P1.225, P3.174 tetraploidy................................................. 50.3 thermal ecology............. 8.1, 24.1, 24.2, 24.4, 26.4, 52.4, 84.2, 84.6, P1.133, P3.212, P3.216, P3.218 thermal stress.............. 24.3, 46.2, 70.1, 70.4, 117.5, P1.156, P2.13, P3.206, P3.208, P3.222, P3.45 thermal tolerance.............8.6, 123.4, P1.135, P1.137, P2.29, P2.30, P2.31, P3.203, P3.205 thermobiology............ 24.4, 25.3, 55.4, 123.4, P2.37, P2.50 Thermogenic capacity...........P2.177, P3.221 thermoregulation............1.8, 11.4, 13.7, 19.2, 25.2, 36.6, 104.2, 104.5, 104.6, 119.5, 123.6, P2.11, P2.12, P3.210, P3.215, P3.216, P3.217, P3.218, P3.221, P3.23 thermotolerance..... 7.1, 8.3, 19.6, 25.2, 52.4, 123.5, P2.11, P2.36, P3.213 thin phytoplankton layers.....................P2.150 Thunniform propulsion............................. 41.3 thymus..................................................P1.211 thyroid hormone.......... P1.119, P1.46, P2.82, P2.87, P3.69, P3.71 tides.......................................................P1.161 titin ...........................42.1, 42.2, 42.3, P2.171 Toad........................................................P1.34 torpor.....................................................P1.100 toxicology..............5.3, 23.5, P1.174, P1.176, P1.182, P2.33, P3.24, P3.28 toxin........................................................... 50.2 tracheal system........P3.137, P3.139, P3.143 tracking...................................................P1.75 trade-off............. 31.2, 31.3, 59.6, 64.5, 114.1, 125.5, P2.107 trade-offs................................... 140.4, P3.131 trait covariation......................................... 32.3 transcriptome........................................P1.130 transcritptome......10.1, 10.4, 11.2, 11.3, 11.4, 11.7, 33.2, 33.4, 33.5, 33.6, 47.2, 48.2, 71.6, 96.6, 99.2, 106.1, 116.2, P1.154, P1.59, P1.63, P1.67, P2.20, P2.34, P2.76, P2.93, S10-1.7, S10-2.4 transparency...........................................P2.55 transport........................ 13.5, P1.183, P1.212 tree swallow............................................ 128.4 Tribolium....................... P2.83, P2.89, P3.116 Tritonia..................................................P1.215 troponin..................................................... 42.5 tunicates..................P2.198, P2.200, P2.209, P2.95, P3.110 turbulence....7.4, 64.2, 80.4, P1.197, P2.158, S1-3.3 turbulent plume......................................... 81.2 turning.....................................................P2.53 Keyword Index turtles...........1.6, 25.6, 53.2, 73.1, 76.2, 84.5, X 110.6, 119.2, 135.1, 139.5, P1.187, x-ray imaging............................................ 83.5 P1.29, P2.108, P2.196, P2.5, P2.60, Xenoturbella........................................... 136.5 P2.80, P3.94, S7-2.1 XROMM................78.5, 79.6, P1.198, P1.87, P3.138 U Uca........................................................... 36.5 Z ultra-conservative elements.................... 67.7 zebrafish....................3.4, 13.6, 55.3, P1.119, ultraconserved DNA elements.............. 107.2 P1.129, P2.52, P2.91, P3.24, P3.31 ultraviolet................................................. 108.4 ultraviolet radiation.................................P2.14 urbanization.................... 57.5, P1.43, P3.120 Urchin.................................38.1, P2.90, P3.64 Ursus......................................................... 89.1 UV ...........................................P2.23, P3.148 UV-B radiation..........................................P3.4 V variation........... 7.5, 10.4, 46.1, 78.4, P1.128, P1.83, S11-2.4, S2-1.4 vasculature................................. 148.6, P2.73 vasotocin...............................................P1.218 vegetation...............................................P3.35 venom.............................. 33.3, 118.3, P1.166 ventilation.................................... 75.1, P2.172 ventilation mechanism...........P3.138, P3.143 vertebral column........P1.88, P3.107, P3.190, P3.88 vertebrates...................................................1.1 vertical movement....................P3.217, P3.67 vision..........11.3, 17.1, 17.3, 17.4, 37.3, 38.3, 38.4, 105.4, 106.3, 106.6, 108.2, 108.4, 133.4, 145.4, P1.167, P1.56, P3.135, S10-1.5, S10-1.6, S10-1.7, S10-2.2 visual ecology....... 105.3, 108.3, 145.3, P1.3, P1.7, P1.79, P3.148 visual feedback.........17.2, 20.4, 101.2, 131.1 Vitellogenin.............................P1.115, P1.221 vitellogenin, reproduction, lipophorin receptor .........................................................P2.18 vocalization......................15.1, 148.1, P2.183 volatiles....................................................113.5 W walking............................. 88.1, 115.1, P3.200 water balance................19.1, P1.116, P2.108 water loss.................................... 36.6, P3.205 Water-land Transition.............................P2.42 wetting..................................................... 129.4 wildfire.....................................................P2.61 wing and haltere coordination................. 17.7 wing shape............................................... 39.5 Wingbeat frequency.............................P1.194 wings......17.11, 28.4, 39.1, 41.5, 64.4, 101.3, P1.195, P1.198 Wnt....................................99.6, P2.91, P3.76 wood.......................................................P1.93 writing......................................................P2.65 142 SICB Author Index AUTHOR INDEX A Abbott EM........................ 56, 111 Abdala V..................................98 Abdon B...................................28 Abel R......................................90 Abolins-Abols M......................45 Abou-Hanna JJ...................... 114 Abourachid A...........................35 Abraham A...............................20 Abramyan J.....................53, 102 Abuhagr AM.............................79 Abzhanov A............................102 Acker M....................................35 Ackerly KL..............................125 Adamo SA..........................35, 72 Adams N..................................73 Adams T...................................47 Addis EA..........................31, 120 Adelman JS...........................123 Adeyemi T................................43 Adler P...................................125 Adreani MS..............................60 Adriaens D........ 29, 70, 128, 130 Adrian G...................................91 Aerts P................................... 113 Agosta S..................................32 Aguilar JA.................................69 Ahearn SC...............................32 Ah-King M.............................. 118 Ahmed M.................................37 Ahn A........................................76 Ah Ran K............................... 110 Ahrendt S.................................53 Aidala Z.................................. 110 Aiello BA...................................88 Aitken SDT...............................67 Akande P............................... 111 Akanyeti O...................22, 42, 54 Alan RR...................................37 Albach B..................................43 Alberston RC.........................102 Albertin CB...............................41 Alberts JR..............................104 Albertson RC.......... 68, 102, 131 Al Dayeh A.............................108 Alejandrino A............................65 Alemseged Z...........................83 Alfaro ME....... 45, 63, 67, 83, 94, 101, 107, 108, 130 Algar AC...................................32 Allam B.............................34, 109 Allard C....................................68 Allcock AL................................87 Allen BJ..................................106 Allen HC...................................73 Allen JD............................25, 102 Allen LC...................................98 Allen NR.................................120 Allen TR................................. 114 Allen V......................................93 Almanza AT..............................24 Almeida Mansilla E..................73 Alonge MM..............................44 Altin D.......................................47 Altshuler DL.............................55 Alupay JS.................................54 Alvarez MF........................21, 46 Alves C.....................................46 Alward BA..............................132 Ambardar M.............................49 Ambrose B...............................41 Amdam GV..............................21 Amirkhanian A..........................74 Amsler CD.......................72, 106 Amsler MO.......................72, 106 Anand IS..................................21 Andersen GL.........................105 Anderson C..............................38 Anderson CN...........................35 Anderson CV.........................125 Anderson DA...........................68 Anderson DJ..........................120 Anderson E..............................53 Anderson EJ............................80 Anderson GE.........................105 Anderson P..............................52 Anderson PA..........................125 Anderson PSL.........................67 Anderson RA...........................22 Andolfatto P.............................27 Andrew JL................................43 Andrew NR..............................32 Andrews K.............................104 Andrukh T..............................125 Andrus CJ..............................108 Ang Y.......................................97 Angelini DR....................109, 122 Angielczyk KD...................29, 94 Angilletta MJ.......57, 91, 99, 114, 122 Anguita S.................................39 Angus RA.................................72 Applebaum SL.........................26 Apted T..................................103 Aquino E..................................32 Arad Z.................................... 118 Araya-Jara LV..........................39 Armbruster P...........................43 Armstrong AF...........................25 Armstrong JL...................65, 106 Armstrong JM..........................44 Armstrong TE........................133 Arnold AS.................................56 Arnone MI.............................. 117 Aronowsky A............................94 Arquisola B..............................43 Artacho P...............................126 Arthur LH.................................81 Aruda AM.................................47 Ary WJ.....................................23 Aryee MJ..................................21 Ashley NT.............................. 110 Ashley-Ross MA.........43, 52, 74, 88, 89 Asimes A..................................82 Asmus A...................................40 Astley HC.........................23, 113 Atema J............................54, 103 Atherton S..............................108 Atukorallaya S.........................98 Augustiro W...........................107 Aviles J................................... 110 Ayers A.....................................95 Ayoub NA.................................36 Azevedo B...............................26 Azevedo F...............................88 Aziz A.......................................75 Azizi E........................56, 97, 111 Azofeifa JG............................106 B Babik W...................................25 Babonis LS........................69, 75 Bachman GC...................47, 112 Bachman N..............................76 Bacigalupe L............................26 Badawy H................................31 Bader BD.................................56 Badge I.....................................33 Badyaev AV.............................53 Baeder M...............................104 Baehr L....................................81 Baettig CG...............................74 Bagatto B.................................62 Bagge LE.................................74 Bagley B................................ 113 Bahlman JW............................34 Bailey A....................................80 Bailey AM.................................49 Baird AJ....................................55 Baker CM.................................65 Baker DM...............................104 Bakken GS..............................92 Balaban JB........................23, 79 Baldwin C...............................107 Bale R......................................55 Balfry SK..................................44 Baliga VB...............................109 Ball GF...................................132 Balli S.....................................103 Ballo AW..................................42 Balthazart J............................ 112 Baltzley MJ............................109 Baluch DP................................75 Bansuan H.............................109 Banuelos GS.........................130 Barak V..................................124 143 Barannyk OL............................56 Barber C................................101 Barber JR.................................20 Barco SG...............................108 Baris TZ...................................59 Barkas J...................................77 Barker C...................................32 Barnes BM.........................57, 99 Barnett AA..........................41, 63 Barocas J.................................66 Barrile GM....................40, 77, 82 Barry JP...................................33 Barthell JF........................39, 103 Bartlett DH.............................129 Bartlow C...............................104 Bartoch CM..............................27 Bartol IK.............................74, 90 Bashevkin S.............................80 Basil JA....................................82 Bastiaans E.............................28 Batavia M.................................99 Bateman PW.........................120 Bates AE..................................32 Bates L...................................103 Battelle B-A..............................87 Battles AC..............................107 Bauchinger U...................37, 121 Baumgartner MF.....................47 Baxevanis AD..................64, 100 Bay LK.....................................25 Beach-Letendre JM.................35 Beard E..................................125 Beatus T.............................66, 94 Beauchamp KA.......................39 Beaulieu M...............................92 Bebus SE.........................62, 120 Becich NB................................42 Beck ML.................................124 Becker EA..............................108 Bedore C..................................45 Bedore CN.............................132 Beers JM..................................68 Bejerano G..............................53 Belanger CL...........................104 Belanich JR.............................43 Bell J........................................49 Bell MA.....................................44 Bell SS.....................................64 Belletier N................................77 Bely A.....................................128 Bendrick-Chartier EM..............42 Beneski JT...............................42 Ben-Hamo M.........................121 Beniash E................................73 Benner I...................................46 Bennett MM.............................37 Bennett WA........................74, 88 Benowitz-Fredericks ZM.........49 Bentlage B.......................65, 128 SICB Bentley GE.......... 48, 49, 66, 86, 112, 132 Berendzen PB.................59, 131 Beresic-Perrins RK..................83 Berg CL..............................43, 75 Berg O..................... 48, 109, 125 Bergamini R...........................104 Bergman DA....................47, 103 Bergmann PJ.............70, 77, 118 Bergou A..................................34 Bergstrom CA..........................22 Berke SK................................104 Berlin JC................................ 112 Berman GJ............................ 118 Berman TS............................ 111 Bermingham E.........................78 Bernal D...........................27, 114 Bernardo J...............................32 Berner NJ............................... 114 Berta A.............................23, 108 Bertocchini F..........................131 Bertolini C................................69 Bertram JEA.................. 113, 119 Bert T.......................................99 Berzins IK..............................125 Bespalova I............................104 Bess F......................................79 Betancur-r. R.........................130 Bêty J.....................................130 Bever GS...............................102 Bezault E...............................121 Bezner Kerr W.......................101 Bhalla APS...............................55 Bhandiwad AA.........................81 Bhatt R................................... 113 Bhullar B-AS..........................102 Bialek W................................. 118 Bible J......................................24 Bicer S.....................................56 Bickel R....................................77 Bicudo JE.................................41 Biddulph T.............................. 110 Biddulph TA............................ 110 Bielecki J................................101 Biewener AA...............28, 30, 33, 35, 56, 91 Biga PR..........................107, 132 Bigger CH......................109, 123 Biggers WJ......................80, 104 Biknevicius AR.........................78 Bilton DT................................ 116 Binford G................................120 Bird AM..................................108 Bird CE.....................................40 Bird DJ.............................74, 110 Birkmeyer PM..........................69 Birn-Jeffery AV............... 113, 118 Bisaccia M...............................74 Bishop C................................121 Bishop CD................ 60, 76, 122 Bishop KL.................................93 Bixby KA..................................67 Bizzarro JJ...............................38 Author Index Bjelde BE.................................73 Black CR................................131 Blackburn DC..........................67 Blackburn HN..................25, 102 Blackmon TN......................... 114 Blackwelder P........................ 119 Blacquiere LD..........................75 Blair PB....................................83 Blank JM............................73, 81 Bleicher SS..............................74 Blevins EL................................22 Bliamptis JP........................... 111 Blier P.......................................43 Blier PU..............................26, 59 Blob RW.......................42, 52, 88 Block BA..................................47 Blum Y........................... 113, 118 Blundell M................................82 Boardman L.............................58 Bobek JE...............................103 Bobkova Y.......................46, 107 Boelman NT.............................40 Boettiger CL.............................67 Boggs ASP..............................49 Boggs CB................................46 Boggs CL.................................33 Boisette B................................47 Boistel R...................................29 Bok MJ...................................101 Boles SE..................................73 Bolser JA..................................37 Bomphrey RJ...............48, 55, 98 Bonapace-Potvin M............... 118 Bond C...................................120 Bonett RM..........................28, 65 Bonier F...................................86 Boone M................................130 Boonstra R...............................86 Bootes A...................................79 Booth KK................................ 110 Borchert JD..................75, 91, 99 Border CT................................44 Boronow KE.......................72, 93 Boroski CJ...............................67 Boroujerdi A...........................122 Borski RJ............................... 117 Borstein SR.......................26, 78 Boruta M..........................21, 109 Børve A....................................47 Bose N.....................................61 Bossdorf O...............................21 Bostwick CJ.....................46, 107 Bostwick KS.............................43 Bouchard SS...........................76 Boudrias M..............................94 Bouilliart M.............................128 Bourcier T..............................104 Bourne GB...............................77 Boury-Esnualt N......................87 Bovery CM...............................40 Bowden RM............ 53, 102, 109 Bower CD....................40, 77, 82 Bowers EK...............................31 Bowie RCK..............................28 Bowlin MS..................48, 55, 112 Bowling M................................76 Bowman R...............................47 Bowsher JH.................75, 76, 97 Boyce MC..............................125 Boyd C.....................................77 Boyer SL............................65, 83 Boyle WA.................................31 Boyles JG..........................29, 43 Boyles M..................................37 Bozinovic F..............................39 Brace AJ........................109, 124 Bradley TJ................................92 Bradshaw E.............................76 Bradshaw HD..................37, 132 Brady PC.................................42 Brainerd E................................90 Brainerd EL........................74, 89 Braithwaite VA....................... 113 Bramanti L................................61 Brander SM...........................106 Brandley NC..........................127 Brandt E...................................37 Branscomb ES........................93 Brante A...................................80 Braschayko EB......................126 Brashears JA......................... 112 Brauer CL.................................80 Brauner CJ..............................44 Brazeal KR..............................67 Brazeau MD.............................67 Bredeson JV............................63 Brem RB..................................53 Brennan PL..............................27 Breuer KS..........................34, 48 Breuner CW.............................62 Brewster TN.............................39 Brickner-Braun I.....................130 Bridge ES...............................126 Briggs C.................................124 Bright JA...................................30 Brill R........................................27 Brim DL..............................73, 81 Brim M......................................40 Brinkman E..............................49 Brinkmeyer M..........................29 Briscoe A....................46, 75, 117 Brittain AL.................................89 Brockmann HJ.........................25 Brodie EL...............................105 Brodie III ED............................59 Brodie, Jr. ED..........................59 Bronikowski A..........................61 Bronikowski AM........ 35, 66, 130 Bronikowski AS........................31 Brooker LR............................100 Brothers JR........................66, 67 Brown AC...............................123 Brown C.................................124 Brown CT.................................60 Browne DE............................104 Brownell P................................22 144 Brown J....................................70 Brown JCL...............................99 Brown JL..................................66 Brown JM.................................80 Brown JS.................................74 Brown MD......................109, 125 Brown TK.................................47 Brown Z................................. 110 Bruce H....................................98 Bruce HS.................................44 Bruckner T...............................53 Bruders RL.......................36, 107 Brumfeld V...............................64 Brumlow C..................... 110, 111 Brummitt S...............................73 Brun A......................................97 Brunner JL.......................69, 103 Brusco DG...............................63 Bryant M................................105 Buchanan KJ...........................81 Buchholz DR............................89 Buck CL.............................57, 99 Buckley LB........ 57, 91, 116, 122 Buckner JC..............................83 Buehler DM..............................40 Bumacod N..............................26 Bump PAK.........................96, 98 Burden SA............................. 119 Burge C....................................58 Burgess SA............................106 Burggren WW..........64, 105, 110 Burke RD...............................122 Burkhard T...............................59 Burle MH................................125 Burnaford JL............................60 Burnette MF.............................89 Burnett JB................................95 Burnett KG.....................105, 109 Burnett LE......................105, 109 Burnett NP.......................60, 105 Burns DJ................................121 Burns JM..................................33 Burriesci MS......................24, 25 Burton LJ.................................22 Buselli M..................................75 Bushnell P................................27 Bustamante, Jr. J.....................78 Bustiillo SN............................109 Butcher MT..............................70 Butler MR...............................133 Buxman CL..............................89 Byers KJ................................132 Byrd N......................................25 Byrne M.....................24, 25, 116 Byrnes GT................................70 Byrnes J.................................101 Bystriansky JS.........................44 C Cabelguen J-M........................52 Cabrera S................................28 Cadien DB...............................39 Cahill AE................................102 SICB Cai J.......................................100 Cain PW...................................38 Cain SD........................... 47, 111 Cakmak I................................103 Caldwell RL.......... 31, 34, 38, 54, 107, 117 Cale KM...................................79 Calhoon EA..............................59 Calisi RM.........................86, 132 Callaghan M............................49 Callier V................................. 110 Calosi P......................69, 82, 116 Calsbeek R............................126 Cam SB...........................48, 108 Cameron CB..........................121 Cameron J.............................129 Cameron SF.......................... 118 Camp AL..................................89 Camp N.................................. 114 Campbell DG...........................39 Campbell JB............................43 Campion A...............................81 Campos EO.............................37 Canals M..................................42 Cannatella DC.........................67 Canzano J...............................44 Capper RL............................. 114 Cárdenas P..............................87 Carden W................................34 Cardullo RA.............................70 Careau V..................................29 Carey N....................................73 Carillo-Zazueta B................... 117 Carleton KL......................54, 100 Carleton SA.............................39 Carlson BE........................77, 94 Carlton ED.............................123 Carmichael A...........................82 Carnevale G............................63 Carney RM..............................32 Caro SP...................................86 Carpenter EJ...........................46 Carpenter JE.........................130 Carpenter K.............................83 Carrano MT.............................78 Carr CE....................................82 Carrel E..................................123 Carrier D..................................78 Carrillo A.................................109 Carrillo-Baltodano A.................41 Carrillo-Zazueta BB.................76 Carriman A...............................79 Carrington E....................98, 101 Carroll MA....47, 75, 79, 105, 111 Carruth LL................................62 Carter AJ................................ 118 Carter AL..................................52 Carter CB.................................89 Cartwright P.................25, 36, 97 Cary TL..................................104 Casane D...............................131 Casas J....................................20 Case AL................................. 118 Author Index Cass AN.................................127 Cassidy R.............................. 111 Castellanos L...........................43 Castro DA................................24 Castro DJ.................................49 Catalano RA............................53 Catapane EJ...... 47, 75, 79, 105, 111 Causey DR..............................65 Cavaco N.........................69, 107 Cave EJ...................................45 Caviedes-Vidal E.............97, 109 Cavieres G...............................45 Cavigelli SA............................ 113 Cawthorne A............................35 Cease AJ.......... 70, 75, 110, 126 Cebra-Thomas J...................127 Chaby LE............................... 113 Chadwell BA......................70, 98 Chakraborty N.........................72 Challener R............................104 Chambers LM..........................54 Champagne AM......................73 Champagne CD....................129 Chan H.....................................49 Chan KYK..............................102 Chang A...................................24 Chang C.................................109 Chang E.............................44, 69 Chang ES............. 25, 28, 56, 79 Chang J.............................67, 94 Chang PK................................26 Chang SA................................79 Chang Y-G...............................87 Chapman A............................109 Chappell MA............................30 Chappell P.............................106 Charles C.................................64 Charleston MA.......................103 Charpentier CL........................79 Chastain R.............................129 Chaudhuri J.............................61 Chaura R.................................39 Chavez AA...................60, 76, 97 Chekayev Y.............................47 Chen C-S.................................73 Chen EKY................................99 Chen HK..................................24 Chen H-Y.................................79 Cheney JA...............................34 Cheng B...................................24 Cheng C...................................76 Cherubin LM............................24 Chesser RT..............................42 Chevaldonné P......... 36, 40, 106 Cheviron ZA.............................77 Chew AE................................108 Chew SF..................................52 Chiang S................................104 Chicas-Mosier AM...................39 Chicoli A.................................104 Childers J...............................122 Chilton H..................................46 China V..................................128 Chinome A...............................30 Chippindale PT..................63, 83 Chirico J................................. 111 Chiu C......................................48 Chmura HE..............................40 Choi D.................................... 118 Choset H................................133 Cho S-J....................................76 Choudhury U...................56, 113 Chow JS............................43, 75 Christensen M.........................44 Christiaens J............................29 Christopherson GL..................75 Christy JH................................34 Chrystal R..............................133 Chucholl C.............................124 Chughtai A...............................80 Chu KH....................................36 Chulakote SSY......................106 Church C..................................24 Churches N..............................41 Churchill CKC..........................65 Cielocha JJ..............................91 Cimino RL................................49 Cisneros B...............................79 Citarella MR.............. 26, 46, 107 Clack JA...................................52 Claghorn GC..........................101 Clairardin SG...........................53 Clamp JC.................................39 Clancy DL..........................77, 82 Clark AJ....................................48 Clark ME............................77, 94 Clark TD...................................47 Clark X.............................91, 103 Claverie T.................................29 Clavijo-Baquet S......................45 Clay NA....................................60 Clayton HM............................ 113 Clément G...............................89 Clement M.............................103 Clements R............................103 Clemmensen SF.....................36 Cleveland H.............................77 Clifton GT.................................33 Clissold FJ........ 32, 91, 103, 110 Closek CJ........................83, 105 Clotfelter ED..........................123 Clouse E..................................24 Clyman T..................................73 Coates MI..........................52, 63 Coats BR.................................37 Cobb SN..................................30 Cochran WW...........................48 Cockett PM..............................40 Cohen AL.................................24 Cohen CS........... 46, 77, 82, 108 Cohen I..............................66, 94 Cohen JH.........................79, 100 Cohen S...................................83 Cole MC...................................45 Colin SP...................................48 145 Collar DC.................................29 Collier AC...............................106 Collin R......................41, 45, 117 Collins AG......... 87, 88, 119, 128 Colmenares DJ........................98 Colombo R............................. 114 Colon-Gaud C.......................124 Coloumbe M............................75 Colston TJ................................63 Comanescu TN..................... 119 Combes S................................66 Combes SA... 20, 42, 55, 66, 103 Compagnucci C.....................131 Concannon MR.....................131 Condon C..............................122 Cóndor Luján B.......................88 Conesa MÀ..............................41 Connaughton VP.....................44 Connolly E.................74, 78, 110 Connon RE..............24, 106, 116 Connor KM..............................58 Conover AE.................32, 72, 93 Contino GJ...............................38 Contreras CI......................26, 45 Contreras HL...........................57 Cook EG..................................93 Cook EY.................................105 Cook M....................................38 Cooke E...................................72 Coolon M...............................131 Coon CAC.............. 21, 109, 124 Cooper B................................122 Cooper BS...............................99 Cooper CL.............................123 Cooper JM...............................23 Cooper L............................34, 66 Cooper-Mullin C......................73 Cooper RL...............................81 Cooper WJ...............................89 Corbett S..................................36 Corbin KM................................83 Corcoran MA.......................... 113 Corder KR................................43 Cordero GA........................75, 76 Cornell AE..............................104 Cornette R...............................35 Cornil CA................................ 112 Cornwall M...............................55 Cornwell FJ..............................80 Correa S................................120 Cortes Garcia ME....................83 Cortes PA...........................26, 45 Cosentino C.............................53 Cosenza KS.............................79 Costa DP............ 21, 23, 33, 129 Costello JH..............................48 Cotman C................................30 Coughlin DJ.......................43, 92 Coulson GC.............................68 Coury R....................................96 Couto A....................................70 Covi JA.............................56, 104 Cowan NJ................................98 SICB Cox CL...............................63, 83 Cox JPL...................................90 Cox L...................................... 112 Cox RM..................................126 Craig C...............................39, 46 Crall J.......................................66 Crall JD............................55, 103 Crandall KA............................124 Crandell KE.............................48 Crane RL..................................42 Cranford T................................23 Craven BA................ 23, 90, 133 Crawford CH............................48 Crawford DL.......................59, 60 Crespi A....................................52 Crespi EJ............ 45, 69, 86, 103 Crews D...................................53 Crino OL...................................62 Criswell KE..............................63 Croce HM................................91 Crocker-Buta SP.....................44 Crocker DE......... 21, 23, 44, 129 Crockett EL..............................62 Crofts S........................42, 64, 98 Cromie MJ...............................91 Cronin TW... 54, 59, 93, 101, 117 Crosby AJ................................33 Crossin GT...............................57 Crossley II DA................105, 131 Croston R...............................100 Crouch W...............................109 Crutcher JB..............................59 Cruz A................................77, 95 Cuff AR.....................................26 Cui R........................................27 Cullen JA..................................88 Culpepper KM.........................72 Cummings ME.........................42 Cummins T............................100 Cunnick J.................................35 Cunningham CB....................127 Cupp, Jr PV.............................72 Curet OM.................................55 Curini-Galletti M.......................83 Currie AE.................................45 Currier R..................................53 Curry Rogers K...................... 113 Curth S...................................129 Curtis A................................... 110 Curtis NE...........................64, 83 Cuvelier M.............................. 119 Czekanski-Moir J.....................60 D Dabe EC..........................46, 107 D’Abramo LR...........................27 Dabruzzi TF.......................74, 88 D’Agostino EN.........................47 D’Aguillo MC..........................128 Dahlhoff EP..................45, 74, 94 Dailey RE...............................130 D’Alba L.............................31, 37 Dale C.................................... 118 Author Index Dale JJ.....................................47 Daley MA............... 113, 118, 119 Dallmann CJ.......................... 110 Dalman MR..............................62 Dalton BE.................................54 Daly M....................................121 Dammhahn M..........................57 Daniel TL.......28, 37, 56, 98, 111, 125 Daniels HV............................. 117 Daniels K...............................104 Daniels KD.......................49, 104 Danos N...................................97 Darakananda K.........74, 78, 110 Das S.......................................69 Dasari V.................................125 Daskalantonakis D................ 111 Daugherty C..........................126 Davidov G................................91 Davidowitz G...................57, 109 Davidson E..............................47 Davidson S..............................33 Davies RE..............................106 Davies S................................130 Davies SW...............................61 Davis-Berg EC.......................106 Davis EB................................108 Davis GK..................................77 Davis JE................ 63, 66, 79, 81 Davis JL...................................48 Davis JS......................... 108, 111 Davis MC.................................52 Davis MJ..................................37 Davis PA...................................41 Davis T...............................76, 82 Davydov Y...............................74 Dawson AS..............................31 Dawson TE............................ 112 Day T........................................21 Dayan DI..................................45 Dayger CA.............................126 Dean AG..................................60 Dearing MD...............83, 91, 118 Dearolf JL.................. 80, 81, 133 De Boef Miara M.....................56 Deban SM....................78, 79, 99 Debiais M...............................131 Debier C...........................23, 129 Debrish A.................................73 De Buron I................................22 Deck A......................................24 Defur PL...................................64 De Guzman HJ........................82 Degnan B.................................76 De Jong D........................69, 107 De Jong TR.............................72 De Kegel B..............................29 Dekinga A............................... 114 De La Iglesia HO.....................87 Delalio L...................................79 De Leeuw JR...........................59 Delepine MB............................56 Del Gizzi A.............................106 D’elia G....................................45 De Los Santos R................... 114 Delp SL....................................91 Demarais AA............................77 Demas GE.......................49, 123 Demathieu SL..........................49 Demes KW............................101 De Meyer J............................130 Denardo DF........................... 112 Denison MS...........................106 Denlinger DL................41, 43, 87 Denny MW...............................90 Deora T....................................29 Depew MJ..............................131 Deputron SJ.............................24 Derby C....................................20 Derivera CE.............................58 Desalvo MK...........................105 Desantis TZ...........................105 Descamps S..........................130 Des Roches S.........................29 Dethier MN............................106 Detrich HW..............................68 Deviche P..............................130 Devries MS......................20, 101 Dhawale N...............................40 Dhinojwala A............................33 Dial KP.....................33, 119, 126 Dial TR.....................................74 Diamond J...............................76 Diamond SE......................32, 86 Diaz C....................................125 Diaz DE....................................63 Diaz MC.............................87, 88 Diaz S......................................70 Diaz-Almeyda E..................... 114 Dickens MJ......................66, 112 Dickerson BH................... 98, 111 Dickinson G.............................73 Dickinson MH..............28, 29, 41 Dickman C.........................34, 72 Dickson KA............... 81, 97, 109 Dickson MM.............................92 Diggle PK............................... 117 Dijkstra C.................................53 Dileo K.....................................36 Dillon ME.........................70, 114 Dilly GF....................................73 Dinenno N................................22 Dinges CW..............................39 Ding S....................................120 Ding Y............................126, 133 Dion S......................................79 Dirocco A..................................94 Dlouhy-Massengale BL.........128 Dobbins M...............................89 Dohrmann M.......................... 119 Dolcemascolo P..........36, 39, 82 Dolinajec TH............................90 Domenici P..............................20 Dominoni DM...........................95 Domyan ET......................41, 102 Doong J...................................48 146 Doo SS..............................24, 25 Dorantes J...............................95 Dores RM................................31 Dorfman RE.....................46, 113 Dorfmann A..............................91 Dorgan KM........................78, 96 Dorsey EJ................................93 Doty S....................................104 Dougherty A.............................43 Dougherty LF...........................38 Dowd WW................................58 Dowhanik A..............................35 Downs CJ........................77, 130 Downs LK....................40, 77, 82 Draud M...................................81 Drew RE................................103 Drewes RC..............................30 Driedzic WR.............................62 Driscoll SC...............................62 Driver P....................................80 Drucker KA..............................95 Drummond H...........................59 Drury JP...................................35 Druzinsky RE................... 64, 111 Du X.........................................60 Dubansky B........................... 116 Dudas MA................................48 Dudek DM................................23 Dudley H..................................66 Dudley R.......48, 66, 69, 75, 111, 129 Duell ME..................................43 Duggan RM.............................39 Duggins DO...........................106 Dullen KR.................................81 Dulvy NK..................................32 Dumont ER............... 67, 91, 133 Duncan CA............................126 Dunkin RC...............................37 Dunn CW...........................41, 53 Dunn RR..................................86 Dunne JP.................................58 Durant SE..............................126 Durica DS................................69 Durst PAP..............................126 Dutel H.....................................89 Dyal J.......................................73 Dyhr JP....................98, 111, 125 E Earley RL...........................38, 89 Eastman JM.............................94 Easton K..................................91 Eberle AL.................................56 Eccard JA.................................63 Eckalbar WL............................78 Ecker J.....................................21 Edison AS..............................122 Edmonds KE...........................49 Edmunds PJ........ 27, 61, 73, 74, 106 Edsinger-Gonzales E..............63 Edwards JE.............................92 SICB Edwards TM.......................... 118 Eernisse DJ...........................100 Egdorf TC..............................103 Egge AR.................................122 Eggers U..................................33 Egginton S...............................68 Eichinger JM..........................101 Eisen MB.................................44 Eisenlord ME.........................106 Eiting TP..........................67, 133 Ekins M....................................88 Elad D......................................55 Elder H.....................................46 Elder L......................................24 Elderbrock EK........................126 Elia S......................................105 Eliason CM..............................91 Eller OC.................................122 Ellerby D....................74, 78, 110 Elliott JK.................................123 Ellis E.......................................40 Ellis HI......................................47 Ellis NA...............................41, 83 Ellison AM................................86 Elsberry LA..............................60 Elser JJ....................................70 Elsey RM.......................113, 128 Elzinga MJ...............................29 Embar K.................................121 Eme J.....................................131 Emerson SE.......................... 114 Emlen DJ.................................27 Emlet RB..................................63 Eng CM....................................91 Enok S...................................131 Enstrom DA.............................48 Epel D................................60, 94 Erickson GM..........................131 Erisman B.............................. 117 Erken M...................................97 Erlandson JM.........................101 Ermak J..................................103 Ernst DA.............................66, 67 Erpenbeck D............................88 Espinoza RE....................92, 104 Essock-Burns T.......................34 Etter RJ....................................36 Eubanks HB.............................71 Evangelista DA..... 42, 43, 48, 90 Evans M...................................82 Evans SE.................................64 Evans TG.................................58 Extavour CG....................36, 122 Ezenwa VO..............................64 F Fabre A-C................................35 Fagan MJ.................................64 Fagerlie R.............................. 118 Fago A......................................99 Faircloth BC.......................59, 67 Faltine-Gonzalez DZ...............75 Fan T-Y........................24, 27, 73 Author Index Fangue NA.......................24, 116 Farina SC.................................70 Farmer CG.......................70, 108 Farrar N..................................101 Farrell AP.................................44 Farrell TM.................................67 Fasanello VJ.......................... 112 Fassbinder-orth C..........109, 124 Fasulo V...................................97 Faulkes Z...............................124 Fay SA.............................73, 114 Fearing RS........................33, 69 Federle W............. 33, 43, 78, 93 Feigin S....................................65 Feijoo M...................................45 Feilich KL.................................22 Feinberg AP.............................21 Feitl KE....................................74 Felbinger K............................131 Feldman CR............................59 Felice RF.................................42 Feller KD..................................93 Felton C...................................58 Fenske BA...............................81 Feo TJ......................................48 Ferderer T................................97 Ferguson LV.......................... 116 Ferguson SM......................... 112 Feria TP.................................124 Ferkin MH................................38 Fernald RD..............................54 Fernandez WL.........................82 Ferner M..................................24 Ferner MC...............................96 Ferree ED................................82 Ferrer E....................................42 Ferry LA.............................48, 70 Feuda R.................................120 Fiaz AW....................................94 Field BS...................................48 Field KA..................................109 Fielder J.................................101 Fierer N............................83, 112 Fillmore B.................................72 Finarelli JA...............................63 Finkler MS................................77 Fiorelli T...................................82 Fischer AHL.......................53, 76 Fischer CP............................. 112 Fischer MS............................129 Fish FE.........................22, 42, 48 Fish JL....................................131 Fishelson L.............................107 Fisher RE.................................78 Fites JS..................................123 Fitzpatrick BM..........................34 Flamm JC..............................123 Flammang BE..........................22 Fleming PA...............................96 Fletcher KL............................. 112 Flies AS..................................123 Florez C...................................30 Fodor A.....................................26 Foerster TD..............................32 Fokidis HB............................. 112 Foltz D....................................121 Foltz SL..................... 63, 66, 109 Fonner CW..............................72 Fonseca IAT...........................101 Fontanella JE...........................22 Foo SA.....................................25 Foote C....................................40 Forbes MR.............................130 Ford A.......................................69 Fordyce JA.............................105 Forlano PM..............................81 Formanowicz DR...................121 Forsgren K.............................106 Fort TJ......................................62 Foster KL...............................129 Foti DM....................................97 Foust CM...........................21, 40 Fowler A...........................46, 114 Fowler MA..............................129 Fowler ZG..............................107 Fox AM.....................................36 Foy R.......................................73 Fozouni P.................................41 Franck J...................................34 Franco LM...............................45 Francoeur AA...........................78 Frank MM.............................. 111 Frank TF................................132 Franks PJS............................122 Franz-Odendaal TA.........98, 109 Fraser A....................................45 Frederich M...........................129 Freel KL...................................49 Freeman CF............................83 Freeman CJ.............................78 Freeman DA..........................132 Freidenfelds NA...............68, 121 Frick M.....................................75 Fricke E....................................72 Friday S....................................30 Friedman M.......................52, 63 Friedrich M............................. 117 Friesen CR..........27, 35, 72, 114 Friscia AR................................63 Fritsch PW.............................107 Fritz J.......................................30 Fritz T.......................................22 Froehlich JM..................107, 132 Fujita K.....................................24 Fujita MK................................101 Fukunaga A............................102 Fulbright MF............................40 Full RJ.... 29, 33, 70, 94, 96, 110, 111, 119, 129 Full T........................................43 Fung JK...........................54, 102 Fuqua RD........................56, 113 Furimsky MM...........................95 Fuse M.........................28, 79, 82 147 G Gabler MK.........................22, 42 Gaffney PM..............................69 Gafni O.....................................91 Gagnon YL................ 31, 54, 101 Gai L.........................................41 Gall L........................................97 Gallagher CA......................... 111 Galloway AWE.......................106 Galloway KA..........................107 Galmés J..................................41 Galt NJ...................................107 Galvez F................................ 116 Gamarra AR...........................126 Gambi MC...............................82 Gamble GB............................ 110 Gammill WM..........................123 Ganesh T.................................75 Gannon D................................72 Gannon J.................................72 Gant CA.................................131 Gao L.......................................23 Garah M.................................105 Garb JE............................36, 120 Garcia EL.................................82 Garcia J....................................49 Garcia L...................................67 Garcia MJ................................89 Gardiner J.............................. 113 Gardiner JM.............................54 Gardner B................................38 Gardner E................................76 Garland Jr T...................101, 130 Garland MA..............................68 Garm A...................................101 Garwood R..............................63 Garza De Yta A......................124 Gassert R............................... 113 Gastel J....................................72 Gatesy S................................133 Gatto R.....................................78 Gaudreau MG..........................77 Gaylord B...................73, 96, 116 Geber A....................................41 Gefen E.................................. 111 Gehman AM............................64 Gemmell NJ.............................54 Gentile L.................................120 George AB...............................22 George M.................................98 George S.................................80 Gerchman Y.......................... 118 Gerhardt HC............................92 German DP........................83, 97 German RZ....................108, 126 Gerringer ME.........................129 Gerry SP..................................74 Gerson A..................................37 Ghalambor CK.........................86 Gherardi F..............................124 Giangrande A...........................82 Gibb AC.......................52, 74, 78 Gibbs AG...........................28, 29 SICB Giblin EL..................................34 Gibson Q..........................35, 103 Gibson RM............................. 112 Gidmark N...............................90 Gienger CM.......................40, 43 Gifford ME................................92 Gignac PM...............................91 Gilbert JA............................... 119 Gilbert SF...............................127 Gilchrist HG...........................130 Gildersleeve SM....................104 Gillan B..................................128 Gillen CM.................................47 Gillies AG...........................33, 69 Gillies ER.................................99 Gillis GB......................... 111, 113 Gillis JA....................................95 Gillis TE.................................. 114 Gill KP.................................... 111 Gillooly JF..............................121 Giorgi G....................................63 Girard I.....................................48 Girardo DO..............................26 Giribet G.............................36, 83 Giri S...................................... 114 Gladkowski L...........................43 Glander KW........................... 114 Glaser C...................................32 Glastad KM..............................21 Glazer L...................................91 Glazier AE................................36 Gleiss AC.................................47 Glenn TC.................................59 Godwin J..........................54, 117 Goerlich VC.............................53 Goessling JM......................... 112 Goetzke HH.............................93 Goetz KT..................................33 Gohad NV................................34 Golabek K................................94 Goldbogen JA....... 55, 56, 79, 91 Goldman D......... 39, 48, 55, 133 Goldman DI.48, 69, 88, 96, 126, 132, 133 Goldman-Mellor S...................53 Goldsmith GR........................ 112 Goldstein B..............................41 Goller F............................78, 133 Goloff BM............................... 112 Gomez SF...............................40 Gontero-Fourcade M.............109 Gonzales CM...................75, 121 Gonzalez-Gomez PL.......68, 112 Goodisman M..........................39 Goodisman MAD...............21, 96 Goodrich KR............................43 Goote P..................................103 Gorb SN...................................91 Gorman C..........................60, 97 Gorsich EE..............................64 Gosline JM...............................23 Gosliner TM...........................121 Goswami A...............................35 Author Index Gotelli NJ.................................86 Goto JJ.....................................47 Gough L...................................40 Govedich F..............................83 Gowaty PA.......................59, 118 Goyret J...................................57 Gracceva G.............................63 Grace JK................................120 Gracey AY................................58 Graham JB..............................52 Graham M..............................101 Graham SP..............................68 Grajales A..............................122 Grant CK................................123 Grassetti A...............................83 Grasso FW........................66, 82 Grau EG.................................130 Gravish N...........................39, 96 Graw WA..................................45 Gray S......................................94 Grebe EM................................43 Green DJ.................................23 Green E...................................83 Green PA.........................42, 110 Greene MJ...............................59 Greenlee KJ.........37, 44, 71, 110 Greeter JSM............................98 Greives TJ...............................49 Grether GF..............................35 Grieco TM......................108, 127 Griesemer C............................70 Griffen BD..............................103 Griffin JN..................................75 Griffis NL................................ 113 Grindstaff JL.....................49, 112 Griswold CE.............................82 Grober MS.......................59, 132 Groom DJE..............................68 Groothuis TGG..................53, 63 Grosholz E...............................24 Gross JM.................................26 Gross V....................................82 Grossi B...................................42 Grout TG..................................58 Grove TJ..................................62 Grubich JR...............................98 Grunbaum D..........................102 Guardado D.............................48 Guasto JS................................22 Guckenheimer J......................66 Gudenus V..................... 111, 129 Guerra DF..............................123 Guerra VI.................................82 Guerrero V...............................48 Guglielmo C.............................37 Guglielmo CG.... 31, 57, 101, 114 Guidone M...............................64 Guiffrida BA............................ 111 Gunderson AR.........................33 Gundiah N...............................96 Gunn T.....................................45 Gussekloo SWS......................66 Guthrie K................................ 112 Gutmann AK............................23 Hasenbein M...................24, 116 Haslett S..................................45 H Hassrick J................................23 Hackmann A............................78 Hastings P.............................107 Haddock AN.............................81 Hastings PA.............................74 Haddock SHD........................100 Haszprunar G..........................37 Hadfield MG.......................60, 96 Hatfield I.................................106 Hadjisolomou SP.............66, 110 Hatle JD.............................44, 95 Hahn DA........... 43, 44, 122, 130 Hatton RL...............................133 Hahn TP.................... 67, 95, 103 Hau M................................67, 86 Hajdu E..............................87, 88 Hauber ME....................100, 110 Haldane DW..............69, 94, 111 Haussmann MF..................... 112 Hale ME.....................88, 98, 111 Haven TS...............................106 Hales K....................................48 Havird JC...............................129 Hall BK.....................................89 Hawkins MB.................44, 69, 95 Hall KA.....................................88 Hawley DM....................123, 124 Hall MI................................45, 78 Hayashi CY..............................36 Hall N.....................................103 Hayes CA.................................39 Hall R.....................................125 Hazard LC.........................22, 39 Hallam TG................................43 He G.......................................106 Hallgrimsson B........................35 Head JJ..................................131 Halpern Z............................... 110 Head TB...................................79 Hämäläinen K..................44, 127 Healy F...................................104 Hamilton AW............................65 Heath-Heckman EAC.............87 Hamlet CL................................90 Heckman K..............................49 Hammad LA.............................99 Hedenström A..........................55 Hammond KA..........................70 Hedgecock D...........................92 Hanauer RE.............................57 Hedrick MS......................30, 131 Hancock TV.............................30 Hedrick TL....... 30, 33, 54, 55, 98 Handelsman CA......................86 Heers AM............................... 119 Hand SC..................................44 Heesy CP.................................81 Hanes SD................................30 Heidl SJ..............................45, 94 Hanken J..........................95, 127 Heimler J................................ 118 Hankins K................................66 Hein AM...................................54 Hanlon RT..........................59, 66 Hein SR...................................38 Hanlon SM...............................23 Heiney PA..............................100 Hanna BSK..............................26 Heiniger J...........................34, 72 Hansen BH..............................47 Heinrich EC.............................92 Hansen BK............................103 Heiss E.....................................89 Hansen KD..............................21 Heist T......................................30 Hao S.......................................70 Hejnol A....................................47 Harden LA..............................129 Helbing CC............................106 Harder A...................................72 Helfrich KR...............................80 Hardy K..................................129 Helfrich LW..............................76 Harley CDG...........................101 Helm BR................................109 Harmelin-Vivien M.................106 Helm RR..................................41 Harmon LJ...............................29 Helms K.................................104 Harold AS.......................104, 128 Helmuth B........................60, 105 Harper JM................................59 Helobdella Blinnii.....................83 Harrington P...........................129 Helsen P................................130 Harris BN.................................72 Henderson JJ..........................92 Harris CM.........................62, 112 Hendricks JR...........................97 Harrison A................................77 Henen BT.................................47 Harrison JF.......30, 43, 110, 116, Henkhaus N.............................21 130 Hennin HL..............................130 Harrison JH..............................70 Henningsen JP........................93 Harrison JS..............................75 Henningsson P............48, 55, 98 Harrsion JF............................ 110 Henry A....................................33 Hart M......................................36 Henry JJ.............................24, 76 Hart RA....................................32 Henry PY.................................57 Hartman G...............................37 Henry RP...............................129 Harvey TA..........................37, 43 Henry V....................................93 Hasaneini SJ......................... 113 Henson JR.............................132 148 SICB Hepp GR................................126 Herath BJ.................................76 Herb BR...................................21 Herbert GH..............................99 Herbin M..................................89 Herbst ZH................................67 Herde A....................................63 Hernandez D...........................46 Hernandez LP.......... 78, 89, 130 Herrel A........................64, 89, 98 Herring SW......................26, 108 Hettinger A...............................73 Hews DK............................38, 92 Heyland A...............................122 Heymann HM..........................58 Hiatt M....................................109 Hicks JW................................131 Hiebert LS..............................128 Hiebert SM............................. 112 Hiebert TC.............................128 Hiebert TH.............................128 Higgins A................................106 Higgins JK..............................122 Higham TE................ 24, 42, 129 Hight SD................................130 Hilbish TJ.................................65 Hill A.................................30, 120 Hill GE..............................32, 123 Hill K.........................................40 Hill M........................................30 Hiller M.....................................53 Hillman SS...............................30 Hinlicky A................................105 Hirose E...................................83 Hitchcock A................74, 78, 110 Hlusko LJ...............................108 Ho M........................................48 Ho SYW...................................59 Hochberg R.....................82, 108 Hodin J...............................94, 96 Hoekstra LA.............................58 Hoese WJ..........................38, 75 Hoffman T........................80, 104 Hofmann GE..............58, 73, 116 Hofmeister JKK.......................61 Hogan BM........................43, 123 Holbrook AL...........................101 Holekamp KE........................123 Holford K..................................43 Holland LZ...............................41 Holler BL................................ 117 Holley JC...............................121 Holliday CM...........108, 113, 131 Holman SD............................126 Holsinger RC...........................81 Holt AL......................................31 Holt NC....................................56 Holtz SB...................................81 Holzman R... 20, 29, 43, 55, 125, 128 Honeyfield DC.........................27 Hong T.....................................79 Hood WR.................................61 Author Index Hooker JD..............................101 Hooks AP...............................106 Hooper JNA.............................88 Hopkins SSB.........................108 Hopkins WA.......... 123, 124, 126 Hoque R.................................105 Horn DJ....................43, 112, 123 Horn R......................................76 Horner AM...............................74 Hosoi AE..................................22 Hotard K.................................105 Houlton C.................................43 Howell DB........................ 98, 111 Howells E.................................35 Howey CAF...........................124 Hoy R.......................................94 Hoyos JM...............................129 Hranitz JM..... 39, 40, 77, 82, 103 Hristov NI...........................43, 98 Hsieh ST.....52, 78, 94, 129, 133 Hsieh T.............................88, 125 Hsu K.......................................59 Hsu TY.....................................53 Hu B.................................76, 117 Hu DL.............................118, 133 Hu Y.......................................102 Hubble CN.......................43, 123 Hubel TY..........................30, 119 Huber DR...............................125 Huber SJ........................112, 123 Hubicki C............................... 118 Hückstädt LA...........................33 Hudson P.................................94 Huentelman MJ.......................78 Hueter RE........................54, 132 Huey RB..................................22 Huffard CL................................34 Hughes AR........................21, 40 Hullar TE................................ 112 Hulsey CD...............................36 Humfeld SC.............................92 Humphries MM........................29 Hunt BG...................................21 Hunt KE...................................31 Hunt NH................................. 111 Hunter A...........................38, 119 Hunt Von Herbing I..................98 Hurliman A...............................91 Hurst JW........................ 113, 118 Husak JF..........................93, 129 Huskey S.................................98 Hussain YH..............................76 Hutchins ED.............................78 Hutchinson JR.............52, 93, 94 Huynh TL...........................48, 90 Hwee D....................................81 Hymes M.................................75 Hymes S................................ 112 Hyun-Woo K....................73, 110 Ijspeert A-J...............................52 Infante C..................................95 Ingalls J....................................76 Ingle H......................................63 Ingram T...................................67 Ip YK........................................52 Iriarte-Diaz J......................64, 65 Irizarry R..................................21 Irschick DJ...................33, 45, 93 Iseri VJ...................................123 Israel S.....................................78 Itagaki H...................................47 Ivanina A..................................73 Iwaniuk AN...............................78 Iwanski E...............................107 Iwasaki JM.........................20, 42 Iwasaki T..................................48 Iyengar EV.........................38, 99 Izhaki I.................................... 118 J Jablonski D............................104 Jackson BE........................30, 54 Jackson JM..............................41 Jackson K................................47 Jacobs HO...............................22 Jacobs MW........................38, 39 Jaeckle WB..............................80 Jaffe AL....................................45 James CJ.................................70 James CR..............................104 Jandzik D.................................95 Jankowski J.............................30 Janzen FJ....................32, 61, 75 Jaques JT..............................101 Jaroszewski J........................103 Jaszlics A.................................26 Jawor JM...............................101 Jay CV.....................................27 Jayaram K.......................94, 110 Jayne BC...................74, 98, 111 Jean C......................................32 Jeanlouis A.............................105 Jékely G...........................41, 116 Jeltsch F...................................33 Jennings RM............................36 Jensen DA...............................72 Jensen K..................................91 Jensen MM..............................90 Jeong J......................74, 78, 110 Jernvall J................... 44, 62, 127 Jevitt A.................................... 119 Jew CJ.....................................52 Ji-Hyun L..................................73 Jimenez AG.....................59, 130 Jimenez AJ..............................73 Jimenez J.................................78 Jindrich DL............................. 119 Jing X.....................................109 Jockusch EL................36, 41, 76 I Johansson KB.........................76 Iams SM...................................66 Johansson LC.........................55 Iglesias-Prieto R.................... 114 John-Alder H............................65 149 Johnsen S......... 54, 74, 101, 127 Johnson JB............................107 Johnson JD............................123 Johnson JI...............................81 Johnson KE...........................108 Johnson MA....... 49, 81, 93, 107, 114 Johnson MG..........................127 Johnson N...............................48 Johnston DT............................45 Johnston N..............................49 Johnston NR.......................... 112 Jolles AE..................................64 Jolley-Rogers G.......................88 Jones AG...............................101 Jones BC...............................120 Jones C....................................52 Jones CG............................... 112 Jones D....................................31 Jones KE...............................108 Joneson JR............................ 113 Joneson S................................53 Jooste E...................................43 Jorgensen D..........................105 Jost JA................................... 114 Judd SM...................................44 Judge JL..................................37 Julian D....................................25 Jung M-P.................................32 Jurkowitz MS...........................59 Jusufi A.....................................70 K Kaatz M....................................33 Kache V...................................61 Kaczmarczyk AN...................107 Kahn AS...................................61 Kaiser K................................. 112 Kaiyala KJ................................32 Kajiura S..................................45 Kajiura SM.....................100, 132 Kallonen A........................44, 127 Kamilar JM.........................78, 81 Kamp P....................................40 Kane EA...................................42 Kang S.....................................41 Kangas KA...............................48 Kaplan MB...............................96 Kapsenberg L..........................73 Karagiannis EE...................... 113 Karakasiliotis K........................52 Karasov WH.... 21, 97, 104, 118, 123, 129 Karpinski E...............................97 Kaspari M.................. 60, 66, 129 Kasumovic MM...................... 119 Katagi A....................................81 Katz H.................................... 111 Katz S......................................34 Kaufmann R.............................94 Kavanagh KD..................95, 107 Kawahara AY...........................20 Kawano S................................88 SICB Kawano SM.............................52 Kay A........................................60 Kearney C................................81 Kearney MR.............................68 Keeney ADT............................47 Kehr Smith AJ..........................80 Keil D......................................128 Keiser CN................................62 Keith AR.................................129 Keitt TH....................................57 Keller EK..................................79 Kelley AL..................................58 Kelley JL..................................46 Kelley KM................ 65, 106, 107 Kellogg SL................................82 Kelly MW..................................58 Kelly TJ..................................105 Kelsey P...................................47 Kemp W.............................44, 75 Kemp AD.................................62 Kempf SC..........................30, 83 Kenaley CP..............................55 Kenkel CD...........24, 25, 61, 113 Kennedy LV.............................57 Kennedy NK.......................... 113 Kennett KM..............................81 Kenny TC.................................49 Kerney R..................................95 Kerney RR...............................89 Kerstein KW.............................80 Kerstetter D..............................45 Ketten DR..............................132 Ketterson ED....... 38, 45, 57, 71, 77, 127 Khalaila I..................................91 Khalili S....................................44 Kharrazi M...............................53 Khokhlova IS.....................35, 77 Khorshidchehr DM..................74 Kienle SS...............................130 Kier WM...................................98 Kijimoto T.................................64 Kilbourne BM...................99, 108 Kilby D......................................91 Killpack TL.....................109, 123 Kilvitis H...................................21 Kilvitis HJ.........................21, 109 Kim GR....................................47 Kim S.......................................81 Kim TW....................................33 Kimmerer W.............................46 Kimmitt AA...............................77 King BD....................................48 King HM...................................88 King MO...................................81 King N......................................41 Kingsbury MA........................133 Kingsolver JG........... 22, 32, 122 Kingston A................................59 Kinsey MJ.............................. 113 Kinsey ST..........................62, 81 Kiørboe T.................................20 Kirk EC.............................78, 112 Author Index Kirkton SD................................71 Kirouac LE...............................67 Kirschman LJ...................69, 103 Kitaysky AS........................40, 86 Kitts J.......................................76 Klaiman JM............................ 114 Klasing KC.....................103, 123 Klautau M.................................88 Klein A......................................38 Klein OD..................................64 Kley NJ.....................................91 Kline LW...................................97 Klinger JM....................40, 77, 82 Klinger TS................................77 Klok CJ.....................43, 110, 116 Knapp R.................................124 Knoll AH...................................45 Knoll J......................................43 Knott MH................................123 Knowles K................................98 Knuesel J.................................52 Knutson VL............................121 Ko A.........................................76 Kobey RL............................... 113 Koch BJ...................................64 Koch RE...................................32 Kocot K....................................46 Kocot KM.................. 36, 41, 107 Koehl MAR..................20, 43, 90 Koenig KM...............................26 Koeppl HB............................. 111 Kohannim S.............................48 Kohin S..................................122 Kohl K.................................... 118 Kohl KD............................83, 118 Kohlenberg KL.......................104 Kohn AB...26, 36, 41, 46, 69, 76, 107 Kohn AJ.................................121 Kohut NK.................................69 Kok L........................................82 Kolpas A...................................48 Komada T................................46 Koman J.................................120 Komoroske L......................... 116 Komoroske LM........................24 Kompelli AR.............................80 Konczal M................................25 Konow N............................34, 90 Konrad C..................................36 Kooijman SALM......................68 Koolhaas JM............................63 Koopman HN...........................37 Kornev KG.............................125 Koryu K....................................77 Kosarussavadi S.....................66 Kost LE....................................58 Koteja P...................................25 Kotler BP..................................74 Kough A...................................24 Kovacevic A........................... 110 Kovacevic S........................... 110 Kovac M...........................55, 125 Kozak KH.................................65 Kraatz BP.................................26 Krajniak KG.......................80, 81 Krakauer AH............................82 Kramer AW..............................27 Kramer V..................................32 Krane MH................................23 Krasnov BR.......................35, 77 Kraus S....................................31 Krause AJ......................117, 132 Krause JS................. 40, 49, 132 Krauszer M............................123 Krick BA.................................131 Kriegsfeld LJ............................49 Kriengwatana B...............67, 120 Krishnan A................................29 Krist AC..................................103 Kristan DM................ 45, 77, 109 Krivitskiy I.................................48 Krochmal AR............................92 Kronenberg Z...................41, 102 Krueger C................................35 Krueger PS..............................90 Kruesi K...................................27 Krug PJ..............................28, 60 Kruyt JW..................................55 Krysl P......................................23 Kubli SP.................................127 Kundanati L..............................96 Kundu A...................................79 Kuo C-Y...................................45 Kurnath P.........................91, 118 Kurth JA...................................98 Kusumi K.................................78 Kuwahara A...........................128 Kwong A...................................48 L Labonte D..........................33, 43 Lafleur K..................................47 Lahman SE............................127 Lai HC......................................69 Lailvaux SP......................92, 119 Lamarca E...............................28 Lambert J.................................35 Lammers AR............................93 Lamoreaux N.........................104 Lampeh R.............................. 117 Lancaster AK...........................36 Landberg T..............................24 Landestoy MA....................32, 72 Landrigan J..............................43 Langerhans RB.....................101 Langkilde T.... 41, 57, 62, 68, 94, 120, 121 Langland KM......................... 114 Langlois L.................................37 Langmead B............................21 Lang SA...................................45 Lank D....................................125 Larabee FJ......................79, 125 Larghi NP...........................79, 99 Larsen P................................. 119 150 Larson NP.............................. 111 Larson PG.............................121 Lasala JA.................................75 Lash JL....................................75 Lasker HR................................24 Lasku E....................................78 Laslo M..................................122 Latta M.....................................24 Lattanzio M..............................70 Lattin CR....................57, 66, 112 Lauder GV.......... 22, 48, 55, 125 Lauesen P..............................128 Lauko DI..................................65 Laumer CE..............................83 Lavrov D....................87, 88, 119 Law CJ...............................78, 96 Lawley JW.............................128 Lawlor KE................................67 Lazen J....................................63 Leafloor JO............................129 Leamy M................................ 118 Learning K...............................36 Leary B.............................95, 107 Leatherman LST...................107 Ledon-Rettig CC..........20, 86, 95 Lee DV.............................23, 119 Lee E......................................106 Lee HN.....................................53 Lee HR...................................108 Lee JJ....................................126 Lee JW.....................................26 Lee LL....................................133 Lee SCS..................................83 Lee SSM..................................56 Lee TN.....................................99 Lee W-K...................................71 Lefebvre S...............................46 Le Galliard JF........................126 Legge H................................. 118 Lehmkuhl AM......................... 111 Lehnert EM........................24, 25 Lehnert M...............................125 Lehr N......................................53 Leiken A.................................123 Lejeusne C..............................36 Lema SC..................................49 Lent DD....................................47 Lentink D......................30, 55, 94 Lenz EA.................................106 Lenz PH...................................41 Leonard JL............................. 117 Leonard K................................42 Leonardo A..............................20 Le Pabic P.............................127 Lerma C...................................78 Lerner A....................................87 Lesov A....................................69 Lessa EP.................................45 Lessios N.........................75, 100 Leung AV.................................63 Leung KJ................................102 Leung NL.................................46 Leung NY.................................42 SICB Levesque DL...........................27 Levin E................................... 111 Levy MG..................................97 Levy O................................57, 91 Lewallen MA.......................... 110 Lewis AC................................128 Lewis JM..................................73 Lewis KR................................104 Lewis Z.....................................95 Leys S....................................101 Leys SP..................... 61, 69, 120 Li C .......................................133 Li D .........................................46 Li H-H.......................................73 Li N .........................................53 Li YN......................................125 Li S .......................................132 Li W.........................................27 Liang L.....................................31 Liao JC.........................22, 42, 54 Libby T........................... 111, 129 Lieberman DE.........................91 Liebl AL..............................21, 82 Liew CW..................................42 Lighton J..................................22 Lighton JRB.............................32 Ligon DB..........................72, 121 Ligon R.....................................75 Lillie MA..................... 23, 70, 133 Lim M.......................................28 Lin C.........................................76 Lin H.........................................33 Lin SC......................................79 Lin Y.................................48, 133 Lindberg DR............. 39, 99, 101 Lindberg J................................24 Lindemann SD....................... 111 Linquist AG..............................95 Lins LSF...................................59 Little C....................................128 Little T.......................................49 Liu H.........................................48 Liu Q.........................................62 Liu S.........................................37 Liu X.........................................39 Livermore JC.........................100 Livingston KR..........................59 Liwanag HEM..........................92 Liwang A..................................87 Lo N.........................................59 Lôbo-Hajdu G....................87, 88 Lockwood BL...........................25 Logan ML.................................32 Lohman BK..............................44 Lohmann KJ......................66, 67 Londono G...............................30 Londraville RL..........................62 Long JH...........................42, 125 Long KL....................................49 Looy CV...................................48 Lopes PC.........................49, 112 Lopez JV................................ 119 Lopez-Cativa L......................109 Author Index Lopez-Giraldez F.....................53 Lopez-Martinez G..................130 López-Morgado N...................39 Lopez SR.................................77 Lorenzi MC............................ 117 Losos JB......................32, 67, 72 Lostroh CP...............................60 Loudon C.................................78 Loudon FK...............................87 Lovegrove BG.........................27 Love OP...... 23, 57, 62, 112, 130 Lovera C..................................33 Lowe A.....................................55 Lowe E.....................................60 Lowe J......................................94 Lowery MS...............................94 Lu H.........................................23 Lu TW....................................133 Lucas J.....................................60 Lucas KN.................................48 Luckenbach JA...................... 117 Ludeman DA..........................120 Luna EN...................................27 Lutterschmidt DI......82, 112, 126 Lutz EK.................................. 110 Luxbacher AE..........................65 Lymberakis P......................... 118 Lynch Alfaro JW...... 83, 107, 130 Lynch VJ..................................77 Lynn SE................................. 112 Lyons D....................................76 Lyons SM.................................92 Lysiak NSJ...............................47 Lyson TR................................108 M Maayan I..................................78 MacDonald FA.........................45 MacDonald IA..........................74 MacDougall-Shackleton EA...127, 130 MacDougall-Shackleton SA...67, 86, 101, 120, 130 Macedo DC............................107 Macesic Ekstrom LJ.............. 111 Macesic LJ............................. 113 Macias A..................................46 Macias NA.............................124 Maciel J..............................32, 75 Maciver MA........................20, 55 Mackey TL...............................98 Maclean HJ............................122 MacMahan J............................70 MacMillan HA......................... 116 MacNeil KEA....................76, 122 Madden AA......................83, 112 Madliger CL...............57, 62, 112 Magalang UJ......................... 110 Magana C................................73 Maggs CA................................87 Magie CR.................................44 Maginnis T...............................42 Maguire M................................79 Mah CL..........................106, 121 Mahalingam S.........................56 Mahavadi A............................ 110 Mahler DL................................67 Maia A......................................70 Maia R......................................91 Maie T................................42, 88 Maine AR.................................82 Maki JS....................................34 Makowsky R..........................104 Makris ME.............................. 112 Malan E....................................29 Maldonado K...........................39 Malec AM.................................29 Maliska ME..............................60 Mallette SD............................108 Manahan DT......................26, 92 Mandecki JL.............................42 Mangiamele LA........................47 Mann W...................................58 Manor R.............................28, 95 Mansfield LS..........................123 Mansfield S..............................42 Mantilla DC............................129 Manzano A...............................98 Manzo WJ................................76 Mara KR.................................129 Marcroft TA.............................108 Marcucio RS..........................131 Mardulyn PM...........................94 Marelli CA................................78 Marentes AA.......................... 112 Maresh J..................................21 Margerison-Zilko C..................53 Marion ZH..............................105 Mark MM..................................31 Marker N..................................95 Marks SB.................................69 Marranzino AN....................... 111 Marschner S............................43 Marsh A....................................78 Marsh RL.................................91 Marshall CD.............................78 Marshall CR.............................90 Marshall D................................40 Marshall HM............................27 Marshall J................................28 Marshall KE.............................99 Marshall VT..............................92 Marson KM..............................38 Martin CH.........................27, 126 Martindale MQ... 64, 69, 75, 100, 116 Martinez Del Rio C.....39, 42, 96, 103 Martinez Del Rio M..................39 Martinez E.............................. 114 Martinez G...............................63 Martin GG......................105, 110 Martin III AL....................103, 104 Martin KL............................22, 52 Martin LB.......... 21, 82, 109, 124 Martin P..................................124 151 Martin RA...............................101 Martin TE...............................126 Martins EP................ 38, 92, 104 Martone PT..............................90 Marugan-Lobon J............30, 102 Marunde M..............................44 Maruska KP.............................54 Marvi H...................................133 Marx J..............................80, 104 Maslakova SA... 63, 80, 108, 128 Mason RT............27, 35, 72, 114 Masse A...................................96 Massey K.................................76 Mathai P...................................34 Matoo O...................................73 Matterson KM..........................78 Mattiello T................................87 Matus DQ..........................44, 69 Matz MV..... 24, 25, 61, 102, 113, 114 Mauck RA................................72 Maxkwee K..............................47 Mayer G................................. 116 Mayer M...................................76 Mayfield AB..............................24 Maynard AJ..............................87 Maynard EM.......................... 113 Mayorga M...............................98 Mayorga O.............................132 Mazan S.................................131 Mazouchova N......... 88, 96, 132 Mazzillo Mays M......................83 Mazzoil M.................................35 McAlarney RJ........................105 McAlister JS.............................93 Mcavoy KA...............................49 McCaffrey A.............................49 McCann MJ.............................75 McCarthy PJ.......................... 119 McCartney MA.........................65 McCauley M.............................30 McClary, Jr. M........................105 McClelland Z.......................... 111 McClintock JB......... 72, 104, 106 McCloskey E............................82 McCloud ES.............................48 McComb DM.........................132 McConchie A............................32 McCorkle DC...........................24 McCormick GL.......................120 McCormick SD................65, 129 McCoy ED...............................36 McCoy MW..............................75 McCoy RC...............................46 McCracken GF........................43 McCue MD........ 37, 43, 109, 114 McCulloch KJ...........................75 McCullough EL........................27 McCullough KA........................81 McCune AR...........................127 McDonough V........................104 McDougald D...........................97 McElroy EJ................22, 70, 118 SICB McEntee JP.............................28 McFall-Ngai MJ.......................87 McGann BJ..............................80 McGee MD... 26, 43, 75, 78, 126 McGinley S..............................77 McGinty ES..............................31 McGlothlin JW.................59, 126 McGowan CP....................23, 93 McGrail KA...............................80 McGraw KJ............................123 McHenry MJ................20, 41, 74 McHorse BK..........................108 McKechnie AE.........................29 McKee A...................................39 McKenney E............................46 McKinley SA......................54, 94 McKinney ML...........................81 McLean D................................20 McLean KM.............................73 McLellan WA..... 74, 81, 105, 108 McMahon RF...........................31 McMichael JW.......................109 McMillan WO.........................100 McNutt J...................................94 McQuilling M............................56 McWhorter TJ..........................96 McWilliams SR....... 37, 109, 129 Meade A...................................48 Medina MM....... 26, 83, 105, 114 Medler S..................................80 Meehan ST..............................81 Megahed T...............................81 Mehrabani H.................... 43, 111 Mehta RS....29, 74, 78, 107, 109 Meier R....................................97 Meik JM.................................101 Meir JU.....................................68 Mejía-Ortiz LM.........................34 Mekdara NT.............................47 Mekdara PJ.............................47 Melicher D................................44 Membreno NA.......................128 Mendelson J..........................133 Mendonça MT....................... 112 Mendoza R..............................49 Meng Y...................................122 Menon J...................................76 Mensinger AF........................ 111 Menzel LP......................109, 123 Menze MA............44, 72, 82, 114 Menzel EJ................................45 Merchant-Larios H.................102 Merner MJ...............................59 Merricks JA..............................92 Merrill L............................68, 112 Merritt DJ.................................87 Merscheim M...........................47 Merz RA...................................42 Meuti ME..................................87 Meyer C.................................128 Meyer E.....................26, 30, 114 Meyer NP...............................122 Miara M....................................56 Author Index Michel KB...........................52, 79 Michels J..................................91 Middlebrooks ML...............64, 83 Middleton KM............ 34, 37, 108 Mier JS.....................................46 Mika TL..................................105 Milbergue M.............................43 Miles D.....................................70 Miles DB..........................63, 123 Miller B.....................................76 Miller CE................................ 113 Miller CT...................................41 Miller D.....................................61 Miller LA.............................55, 90 Miller LB.............................74, 78 Miller N.....................................24 Miller NA...................................73 Miller P.....................................94 Miller WR.................................82 Miller-Sims V...........................46 Mineo PM................................45 Miranda A...............................109 Miry S.................................28, 79 Mitani JC..................................66 Mitchell JS.............................101 Mitchell KL.............................127 Mitchell T..................................75 Mitchell TS...............................32 Mittelman B..............................91 Mlot NJ................................... 118 Moczek AP...............................64 Modlin J..................................108 Moerland TS............................68 Moffatt C............................28, 82 Mohaimany-Aponte A............109 Mohr RA...................................81 Mok A..................................... 111 Molina-Marino L.....................109 Momin N................................106 Monaenkova D................39, 125 Mondor EB...............................62 Mongeau J-M..................29, 110 Monroy JA................................56 Monsen K................................82 Monsen KJ...............................39 Monteiro A....................41, 46, 97 Montooth KL........25, 58, 99, 113 Montuelle SJ............42, 108, 111 Mooi R......................................39 Mooney TA................ 66, 96, 132 Moore BC................................49 Moore FBG..............................76 Moore IT.................... 63, 66, 109 Moore JM.................................82 Moore JT.................................40 Moore JT............................40, 77 Moore PA.........................93, 127 Moore TY............................... 119 Moored KW........................42, 48 Moran AL......................80, 93, 96 Moran CJ.................................78 Moravek CL.............................52 Morehouse NI....................27, 86 Moreira AS...............................70 Moreland RT............................64 Morgan SG..............................70 Morgan T................... 29, 43, 122 Morgan TJ..............................122 Morgansen KA.........................98 Morinaga G..............................28 Moritz C....................................28 Moritz S.................................. 110 Moriyama H.............................99 Moror LL...................................76 Moroz LL........ 25, 26, 36, 41, 46, 69, 107 Morris JS..................................37 Morris K....................................80 Morris TA................................ 114 Morris ZS.................................44 Morrison J.............................. 118 Morrow CC..............................87 Morse DE...........................31, 54 Morse MPATR.........................60 Moseley MA.......................63, 83 Mostowy M..............................98 Motani R................................126 Motta PJ...................................54 Mouchka ME.....................24, 25 Mount AS.................................34 Mount K...................................24 Mountcastle AM.................56, 66 Moustakas-Verho JE.......44, 127 Moyle LC..................................41 Mudron MR..............................79 Mueller R.................................23 Mugglestone LE......................63 Muijres FT..........................41, 55 Muir CD....................................41 Muir MJ....................................43 Mukherjee S..........................121 Muller T..................................125 Muller UK..... 22, 47, 48, 74, 109, 125 Müller WEG.............................86 Mullikin JC...............................64 Mullineaux LS..........................80 Mulvany S................................42 Munguia A................................39 Munk Y.....................................28 Munn AJ...................................68 Munoz EE..............................130 Muñoz MM...................32, 72, 93 Munro D...................................59 Murillo A...................................25 Murphy BJ...............................48 Murphy EAK............................20 Murphy KK...............................35 Murphy TG...............................93 Murray JA......................... 49, 111 Murray KD...............................64 Mushinsky HR.........................36 Musolf BE..............................106 Musser JM...............................97 Muzzio AM...............................49 Mydlarz LD..................31, 35, 58 152 Mykles DL....................28, 56, 79 N Nagahama Y............................53 Nagy KA...................................21 Naimie AA................................67 Naing G....................................75 Nair AM..............................20, 41 Nair S.......................................66 Najar FZ...................................69 Nakamura M............................65 Nakanishi N.............................76 Nakata T............................48, 55 Nascone-Yoder NM.................95 Natarajan C.............................99 Nater OHA...............................70 Nathan BP...............................82 Nathan R..................................33 Nauwelaerts S....................... 113 Navara KJ..........................49, 53 Naveh G...................................64 Nawrocki AM............................97 Naya DE..................................45 Naylor GJP............................108 Naylor MF.............................. 112 Neal D......................................22 Nedved BT.........................60, 96 Neeman N.............................105 Nekolny S..............................103 Nelson AC..............................127 Nelson FE..............................125 Nelson HR...............................75 Nelson L...........................93, 112 Nelson RJ.............................. 110 Nemeth Z.....................49, 81, 86 Nesbitt SJ..............................131 Nespolo RF..............................45 Neth L.......................................42 Neu JC.....................................97 Neuberger T.....................23, 133 Neufeld CJ...............................45 Neuman-Lee L.........................75 Neumeyer CH........................104 Neutens C................................29 Neveln ID.................................55 Nevitt GA..................................64 Newcomb JM...........................67 Newel MS................................77 Newmark PA............................97 Newsome SD..........................42 Newton C.................................64 Newton K.................................97 Ng CL.....................................127 Ngirakesau IK........................106 Nguyen A-D.............................64 Nguyen HD........................24, 25 Nguyen J................................122 Nguyen JV............................. 114 Nguyen M................................44 Nguyen T.................................59 Nicolson SW............................96 Nicotra AB................................21 Nienow TE...............................62 SICB Author Index Niermann C........................... 114 Niewiarowski PH.....................33 Nifong JC.................................75 Nightingale G...........................69 Niitepold K...............................33 Nilsson D-E..............................54 Nimitkul S.................................28 Nirody JA.................................97 Nishiguchi MK....................60, 97 Nishikawa KC............56, 81, 113 Njie C.......................................28 Noaker DE.............................125 Noh S.....................................122 Noonan A.......................107, 130 Nordtug T.................................47 Norekian T...............................36 Norell MA.......................102, 131 Noren SR.................................27 Nowell C................................107 Nowinowski I............................79 Noyes PD................................49 Nuhar A....................................47 Nuñez-villegas M.....................45 Nunns H...................................66 Nyakatura JA...................93, 129 Orcutt JD................................108 Orczewska JI...........................81 O’Reilly J..................................64 Ornelas L.................................82 Orr A.........................................29 Ortego M..................................81 Orti G........................................98 Ortiz C....................................125 Ortiz LA....................................43 Ortiz RM...................................44 Osborne JPB......................... 111 Ossip-Klein AG........................38 Oster GR..................................97 Ostrowski S.............................22 Oswald-Richter KA................123 Oufiero CE.............................126 Ouyang JQ..............................67 Owen C....................................40 Owerkowicz T.......105, 113, 128, 131 Owings A............................37, 44 Oxman N...............................125 Oyarzun FX.............................80 Oyola Morales JR....................38 O Pabst DA........... 74, 81, 105, 108 Pace CM..........................56, 113 Pacheco J................................22 Padgett K.................................32 Padian K..................................33 Padilla DK................................99 Padilla-Gamino JL...................58 Paganini A................................68 Paganini AW............................73 Page TM................................ 113 Paig-Tran EWM.......................90 Paitz RT...........................53, 102 Pakes MJ...........................34, 39 Palacios MG................31, 35, 66 Paladino FV...........................105 Pales Espinosa E............34, 109 Paley DA................................104 Palme R...................................63 Palmer M.................................41 Pan F.................................26, 98 Pancheri FQ............................91 Pandit MM.........................20, 42 Pang B...........................110, 133 Pang K.............................64, 100 Pankey MS..............................25 Pantoja J..................................68 Papaj DR.................................38 Paquin F..................................59 Pardiñas UFJ...........................45 Pardo JD..................................26 Parelli S....................................82 Parikh N.................................104 Paris CB...................................24 Park B......................................32 Park D..............................49, 104 Park S-U..................................95 Parker E...................................32 Oakley T...................................76 Oakley TH.......... 25, 42, 46, 100, 116, 117 O’Brien CS.............................100 O’Brien DM..............................76 O’Brien KM........................68, 81 Ocampo G.............................107 O’Connell C.............................72 O’Connell KJ............................80 O’Connor MP.........................105 O’Cory-Crowe G......................35 Odierno JA...............................38 O’Donnell MJ...........................98 Ó Foighil D...............................65 Ogunnoiki J..............................47 Ojo C........................................47 Olaivar AF......................109, 125 Oland L....................................27 Olberding JP............................24 Oleksiak MF.......................59, 60 Oleskiak MF.............................45 Oliveira LM...............................83 Oliver JC..................................97 Oliveri P....................................87 Olsen AJ..................................47 Olsen AM.................................26 Olson JM..................................81 Olson TB..................................81 Omondi C..........................28, 79 Omori M.................................131 Ondrasek NR...........................59 O’Neill M..................................93 O’Neill RJ...............................129 Opazo JC.................................26 Opoku R...................................47 O’Quinn KE............................100 P Parker Collier SM..................123 Parrilla L.................................131 Parris MJ..................................23 Parslew B.................................56 Parsons KJ............................102 Partecke J................................95 Parvez N..................................34 Paschke J................................27 Pask JD.................................104 Pasparakis C...........................73 Passamaneck YJ.................. 116 Passow CN..............................46 Patankar NA......................20, 55 Patek SN............................20, 91 Patel D...................................122 Patel J.................................... 119 Patel MB..................................44 Patel N...................................107 Patel NH................................ 117 Patel R...................................107 Patel S.............................80, 104 Paterson TL.............................81 Patricelli GL..............................82 Patterson BW..........................20 Patton MS................................81 Patz KS....................................60 Pauly GB................................105 Pazdzior D...............................65 Pearl M.....................................53 Pearson LE..............................33 Peigné S..................................35 Pelini SL...................................86 Penalba J.................................28 Pendar H..........................70, 110 Pennoyer KE.........................129 Pepper RE...............................90 Perez A.....................................33 Perez JH..................................40 Pérez T....................................87 Perfito N.................... 48, 86, 132 Perino LL..................................99 Perlman BM.......................74, 88 Pernet B...................................39 Pero A....................................104 Perot JB.................................133 Perreault TR..........................100 Perrenoud M............................98 Perrigault M...........................109 Perry E.....................................46 Pespeni MH.............................53 Petanidou T.............................39 Petersen CL.............................81 Peters JM.................................39 Peterson AN............................38 Peterson K.........................30, 69 Peterson KJ...........................120 Peterson LM............................29 Peterson S...............................23 Petit M................................45, 99 Petrone L.................................87 Petrov DA.................................46 Pett W.................................... 119 Peyer SM.................................87 153 Pfeiffenberger JA.....................94 Pfrender ME............................59 Phillips C................................ 114 Phillips N..................................98 Phillips RA................................57 Phuong MA..............................28 Piceno YM.............................105 Pichaud N................................59 Picton BE.................................87 Piekarski N.............................127 Piel WH....................................97 Pierce BJ.................................37 Pierce NE.................................55 Pierce SK...........................64, 83 Pierce SP.................................52 Pierce T....................................60 Piersma T............................... 114 Pigliucci M................................21 Pilcher W............................... 116 Pilgrim EM...............................39 Pilling GM..............................128 Pincebourde S.........................92 Pincus NB................................77 Pinon M....................................75 Pinshow B............... 96, 121, 130 Pinson SE................................49 Pinzon JH................................35 Pires Da Silva A.......................61 Píriz G......................................39 Pisani D..................................120 Piscitelli MA........................23, 70 Pitts NL.....................................79 Place NJ..................................95 Place SP..........................58, 113 Plachetzki DC........................ 117 Plante CJ...........................80, 93 Pleijel F....................................40 Podolsky RD... 24, 45, 80, 93, 96 Podrabsky JE....................72, 73 Poelchau M..............................43 Polgar G...................................74 Polich RP...............................105 Pollock N..................................65 Polly PD.................................131 Pomponi SA........................... 119 Pond B.....................................76 Poorten T...............................124 Popkin-Hall ZR..................65, 83 Popovic I..................................36 Porcerra A.............................. 114 Porro LB...................................64 Porter JH..................................59 Porter ME.......... 42, 59, 100, 125 Porter ML.................93, 101, 117 Porto J......................................98 Portugal S................................30 Posfai D.................................120 Post J.......................................59 Postlethwait JH........................68 Potter KA..........................92, 103 Potts WK................................127 Potvin J........................55, 56, 91 Pouydebat E......................35, 98 SICB Powder KE.....................102, 131 Powell ML................................27 Power ME.............................. 114 Powers DR................30, 43, 114 Powers ML.............................100 Powers SD.......................82, 114 Pradhan DS.....................59, 132 Prather CT...............................62 Pravin S...................................90 Prescott TJ...............................82 Price BC.................................104 Price E.....................................37 Price ER...................................97 Price J....................................126 Price SA...................................67 Pringle JR..........................24, 25 Priyamvada L...........................49 Projecto-Garcia J.....................99 Pronko AJ................................74 Propper CR............. 49, 104, 106 Protas ME.............................. 117 Proudfoot G.............................45 Provini P...................................35 Pruett JA..................................38 Pruitt JN...........................59, 101 Prum RO......................37, 48, 97 Puengyam P............................46 Pullin AO..................................69 Pungor JR................................41 Pusch EA.................................49 Putnam NH..............................41 Pyensnon ND..........................79 Pyenson ND......................55, 91 Pyle WG................................. 114 Q Qian F......................................55 Qiao M................................... 119 Quach LN................................40 Quetin LB...............................106 Quicazan-Rubio EM................55 Quigley AP.......................23, 133 Quist A........................74, 78, 110 Quock CD..............................103 R Racimo F...............................102 Rack JM................................. 118 Rade CM...........................78, 89 Rader JA..................................42 Radloff J...................................44 Radwan J.................................25 Ragland GJ..............................35 Ragsdale CW..........................41 Raguso RA..............................57 Rahim F...................................75 Rainwater E...........................124 Rajpurohit S.............................29 Ralph GM................................34 Ramamurthy R........................53 Ramenofsky M............40, 49, 81 Ramirez D..............................100 Ramirez-Otarola N..................39 Author Index Ramos LS..........................28, 79 Ramsay JB..............................90 Ramsey JR............................123 Ramseyer TF...........................67 Rana PV................................ 111 Randazzo AB......................... 110 Randel N..................................41 Rank NE......................45, 74, 94 Ranslow AN.....................23, 133 Rastorgueff P-A...............36, 106 Rauschmeier K......................104 Raverty SA...............................70 Ravi S......................................66 Ray L........................................79 Ray NA.....................................43 Ray R.......................................55 Rayfield EJ........................26, 30 Reader L..................................78 Redd JR...................................39 Reding DM...............................31 Redmond NE.....................87, 88 Reed KD..................................75 Reed WL............................77, 94 Reedy A.............................75, 77 Reft AJ...................................121 Regalado SG...........................76 Reiber CL...............................105 Reichard DG............. 38, 77, 127 Reidenbach MA.....24, 61, 90, 120 Reider M..................................44 Reinhall PG.............................56 Reiser PJ.................................56 Reitzel AM........................86, 100 Remily EA..............................107 Ren A.......................................33 Rendon NM.............................49 Reneirs A.................................70 Renn S...................................121 Rensel MA...............................66 Reppert SM.............................87 Revell LJ..................................67 Revzen S.........................60, 119 Reyes C...................................39 Reyes J..................................106 Reyes JA................. 65, 106, 107 Reyes P...................................56 Reynaga CM...........................48 Reynolds JA.......................41, 43 Reynolds LA............................28 Rhen T................................... 118 Ribero L...................................74 Rice AN....................................89 Rice JL................................... 111 Rice RJ..................................127 Richard P...............................106 Richards C.........................21, 41 Richards CL........ 21, 40, 46, 109 Richards CR............................21 Richards CT.....................56, 113 Richards EJ.............................21 Richardson C...........................30 Richardson JR.........................79 Rich D......................................43 Rich ME...................................40 Richman JM...........................102 Richman SE...........................129 Richmond J......................35, 103 Richmond JP..... 49, 80, 81, 130, 133 Richter DJ................................41 Richter JP........................23, 133 Richter MM..............................99 Rico-Guevara A.....................125 Riddell EA..............................121 Riechert SE.............................59 Riede T............................81, 133 Riesgo A...........................30, 101 Riffell J................................... 110 Riffell JA...........................76, 132 Riggs CL..................................73 Riley LA....................................80 Riley LG.........................126, 130 Riley ME................................103 Rincon D..................................30 Rinconguarin D........................30 Rinehart J....................37, 44, 75 Rippe JP............................24, 61 Rittschof D.........................34, 80 Ritzman TB..............................78 Rivera A............................76, 120 Rivera ARV......................56, 113 Rivera AS............................... 117 Rivera G...................................81 Rivera S...................................30 Rivera-Vega KM......................39 Rivers TJ................................100 Rivest EB.................................73 Roark AM...............................104 Robbins A...................74, 78, 110 Robbins C................................93 Robbins T.................................41 Robbins TR............... 57, 68, 121 Roberts JA...............................68 Roberts KR..............................94 Roberts KT...............................45 Roberts NS..............................27 Roberts SN............................106 Roberts TJ.......................23, 113 Robertson M............................21 Robertson MH...................21, 40 Robinson A..............................55 Robinson AP............................43 Robinson CD...................49, 107 Robinson HE.....................20, 43 Robinson J.............................120 Robinson NJ..........................105 Robinson PW....................21, 33 Robinson S..............................30 Rocha C...................................83 Rocha L....................................83 Rocha RM..........................82, 83 Rock K.....................................76 Rock RP...........................63, 109 Rockman MV...........................96 Rodgers MC.......................... 112 Rodnick KEN...........................62 154 Rodrigo A.................................46 Rodriguez A.............................32 Rodriguez AM..........................44 Rodriguez E...........................122 Rodriguez T.............................90 Roe BA.....................................69 Roer RD...................................79 Rogers K..................................47 Rogge BJ.................................44 Rognstad RL............................65 Rohr J......................................39 Rohr JR..................................103 Rokhsar DS.............................63 Roldán E..................................41 Rolian C...................................35 Rolland R.................................31 Rollinson N..............................35 Rollins-Smith LA............104, 123 Roman MR............................109 Romero LM....... 57, 66, 112, 126 Romero Arocha SR...............107 Rommel SA..............................74 Romney A................................72 Roopnarine PD......................108 Roosenburg WM...................124 Root RG...................................42 Ros IG......................................28 Rosario MV........................67, 91 Roscow RF..............................77 Rose C................................... 111 Rose CS..................................60 Rose D.....................................83 Rose EK...................................47 Rose V................................... 110 Rosen DAS..............................78 Rosen O...................................95 Rosenblum EB......... 29, 53, 124 Rosenthal G.............................27 Rosenthal GG........... 72, 77, 107 Rosier RL.................................62 Roskilly K.................................94 Ross AE.................... 63, 66, 109 Ross CF.............................64, 65 Ross RM................................106 Rossitto JJ.............................105 Rostal DC................................75 Rota-Stabelli O......................120 Roth TC....................................82 Roth VL..................................126 Rotibi M....................................47 Rotics S....................................33 Rourke B................................131 Rouse GW..... 34, 40, 61, 78, 82, 96, 128 Rousset V................................40 Rowe A...100, 103, 110, 111, 114 Rowe KC.................................28 Rowe M.. 100, 103, 110, 111, 114 Rowe MP.................................77 Rowe TB........................102, 112 Rowell TR..............................130 Rownd KR.............................132 Rowning BA.............................63 SICB Roxin A.....................................99 Rubado-Mejia JV.....................63 Rubega MA......................37, 125 Rubenson J.............................91 Rubenstein DR........................31 Rued A...................................120 Ruell EW..................................86 Ruff JS...................................127 Ruiz GM...................................82 Rumple CR......................23, 133 Rupert JE.................................70 Rupp MF..................................36 Rusch TW.............................. 114 Russo CAM.............................88 Ruta M;....................................52 Rutowski RL...........................100 Ryan CP..................................31 Ryan DS..................................74 Ryan JF.................... 47, 64, 100 Ryan TM................................133 Rycroft N................................103 Ryczko D.................................52 Ryerson W...............................74 Ryerson WG............................35 Rygg AD...................................90 Rylands AB..............................83 S Sabat P..............................39, 45 Sackville M...............................44 Safran R.................................105 Sagi A...........................28, 91, 95 Sain D......................................53 Sajuthi A...........................76, 117 Sakai S.....................................90 Sakaluk SK..............................31 Salazar-Ciudad I....................127 Salcedo M..............................125 Salcedo NJ..............................63 Salehipour G.......................... 116 Saleh NW................................27 Salik F....................................123 Salmon M.............................. 112 Saloka SK................................27 Saltzman W.....................72, 112 Salzberg R...............................46 Samarajeewa DA..............44, 72 Samson JE..............................66 Samuni-Blank M..............39, 118 Sandberg JS............................88 Sanderlin AG...........................47 Sanders KE.............................49 Sanders NJ..............................86 Sanders SM.............................36 Sandquist DR..........................75 Sane SP...................................29 Sanford CP..............................89 Sanford E.........................73, 116 Sanford RS..............................76 Sanger TJ..............................107 Sanghvi H................................91 Santagata S.............................81 Santana SE...................107, 130 Author Index Santhanakrishnan A................55 Santini F...........................63, 108 Santos SR.............................129 Sanzenbacher BL....................94 Sapir N.....................................33 Sarmiento JL............................58 Sarrazin JC..............................70 Sastry SS............................... 119 Sato BLM...............................106 Satterlie RA.................... 101, 111 Sauer E....................................39 Savoca MS..............................64 Sawada K.............................. 117 Sawyer WG...........................131 Saxton K..................................53 Scanlan T.................................82 Sceia K.............................80, 104 Schachner ER.................70, 108 Schaeffer PJ......................43, 45 Schaper SV.............................86 Scharf FS.................................68 Schas J....................................40 Schiller AM.............................107 Schilling TF............................127 Schlinger BA............................66 Schlute JE..............................100 Schmidt A.................................78 Schmidt KL....................120, 130 Schmidt M.............................. 113 Schmidt-Ott U..........................41 Schmitt D.........................93, 113 Schmitz L.................. 29, 67, 126 Schnitzler CE...................64, 100 Schoech SJ............ 62, 120, 126 Schoenfuss HL..................42, 88 Schoenle LA............................75 Schoenrock KM.......................72 Scholtz G...............................124 Schondube JE.........................96 Schram JB...............................72 Schreiber A........................49, 76 Schrey A.............................21, 41 Schrey AW............ 21, 36, 40, 46 Schriner SE...........................131 Schroeder A........................... 118 Schroeder F.............................61 Schroedl M..............................67 Schroer ML............................104 Schulte PM............................ 116 Schultner J...............................40 Schultz EM......................67, 127 Schultz ET.............................129 Schulze A.................................82 Schuman M.............................46 Schumer M..............................27 Schunk C.................................48 Schwab DB..............................64 Schwager EE...................36, 122 Schwalbe MAB........................54 Schwartz JA.......................83, 92 Schwartz TS....................31, 130 Schwarz J..........................24, 25 Schwarz JA............................106 Schwarz LK.............................21 Schwenk K...............................35 Scobell SK.............................101 Scott MA..................................63 Scott R...................................108 Scriber KE..............................106 Seale AP................................130 Seale LA................................130 Searcy CA..............................105 Sears BF................................103 Sears K....................................34 Sears MW................32, 114, 121 Seaver E..........................69, 107 Secor SM..... 21, 43, 44, 45, 105, 110 Seecof OM............................. 112 Seeram NP..............................37 Sefton EM..............................127 Segev T....................................45 Seibel B....................................24 Self CJ.....................................26 Sella G................................... 117 Sellers KC..............................108 Seppälä NK...........................127 Sepulveda C.......................... 114 Serb JM.........................117, 132 Sette CM................................124 Seymoure B.............................75 Seymoure BM........................100 Shabel A...................................40 Shadwick RE..............23, 55, 56, 70, 79, 91, 133 Shaevitz JW........................... 118 Shaffer HB.............................105 Shaffer K................................ 110 Shahbazi M..............................62 Shamble PS.............................94 Shanks A..................................70 Shapiro LJ................................70 Shapiro MD......................41, 102 Sharick JT................................44 Sharma N................................40 Sharma PP..............................36 Sharpe SS................ 48, 96, 126 Sharp PJ..................................31 Shaughnessy CA.....................44 Shavit U...................................43 Shawkey MD........ 31, 37, 78, 91 Shcheglovitova M..............25, 36 Sheedy RR..............................38 Sheets EA................................82 Sheldon BC.............................86 Shelton DS............................104 Shelton RM..............................30 Sheridan MA............................65 Sheriff MJ...........................57, 62 Sherman RL....................75, 110 Shero MR................................33 Sherwood DR....................44, 69 Shieh J...................................133 Shields I...................................72 Shields IH................................93 Shine C..............................23, 93 155 Shinkawa N.............................47 Shipley MS..............................60 Shirkey NJ.......................70, 130 Shiuan K..................................33 Shows A...................................72 Shubin N..................................48 Shuster SM........................72, 83 Sichitiu ML...............................60 Siciliano AM...........................100 Siddiq M...................................58 Sidote J.......................... 108, 111 Sigwart JD............ 42, 67, 73, 87 Sih A.........................................86 Sikes JM..................................97 Sikhakolli U..............................53 Silliman BR..............................75 Silva N......................................28 Silverberg R.............................43 Simkins JS...............................49 Simmons D............................100 Simmons N..............................34 Simon C...................................40 Simons ELR.............................78 Simpson GM............................29 Simpson KB.............................48 Simpson SJ...... 32, 91, 103, 110 Sinclair BJ........................99, 116 Sinderbrand CS.......................74 Sinervo B.................................28 Singer SR..............................133 Singh AK..................................29 Singhal S.................................75 Sipper K................................. 111 Sirotkin HI................................44 Sisneros JA..............................81 Sites J......................................28 Skeels M..................................76 Skeete D..................................75 Skibiel AL.................................61 Skomal G.................................27 Slane MA.................................54 Slater GJ............. 35, 45, 63, 108 Slatkin M..................................97 Slay CE..................................131 Slice DE.................................108 Sligh S....................................103 Sloan LM..................................69 Sloan TJ...................................89 Slowinski SP............................38 Small TW................ 62, 120, 126 Smalls T...................................41 Smarr B....................................87 Smiley JT...........................45, 94 Smith AD..................................37 Smith AJ...................................67 Smith AM.................................33 Smith C....................................91 Smith CM...............................106 Smith E.................................. 119 Smith EN................................101 Smith FW...........................41, 76 Smith J...............................53, 76 Smith KA..................................58 SICB Smith NB..................................90 Smith RJ..................................83 Smith VL..................................72 Smith WA.................................79 Smoot SC..........................80, 93 Snell-Rood EC...................21, 86 Snyder NM...............................77 Snyder S................................122 Snyder TJ................................39 Soars NA..................................25 Sobolewski ME........................66 Socha JJ..............48, 70, 71, 110 Sockman KW...........................92 Soda KJ.................................108 Sogabe S.................................76 Sokolova I........................73, 116 Solomon-Lane TK...........59, 132 Soma KK...............................120 Somero GN..................30, 58, 68 Song W....................................39 Soos C...................................130 Sørensen JG...........................58 Sorenson L..............................63 Soriano JN...............................83 Sosa AE...................................83 Southwood Williard A..............68 Spagna JC.....................125, 132 Spain DD.................................75 Sparkman AM..........................66 Spaulding JD.........................108 Speakman J.............................61 Speakman JR..........................21 Speiser D.........................76, 117 Speiser DI..............................100 Spencer R-J.............................87 Sperling EA......................45, 120 Spicer JI...........................69, 116 Spiecker BJ.............................44 Sponberg SN...........29, 111, 125 Spotila JR........................32, 105 Sprayberry JDH.......................43 Springthorpe D..................94, 96 Springthorpe SK......................39 Squire ME................................95 Squire MK................................77 Srinivasan A.............................78 Srygley RB...............................57 Staab KL................................130 Stager M..................................77 Stahlschmidt ZR................35, 72 Stajich JE.................................53 Stanishevsky AV....................104 Stanton R...............................104 Stapleton HM...........................49 Stapley J..................................78 Stark AY...................................33 Starks PT.........................83, 112 Starr MJ...................................45 Staudinger MD......................105 Stecko TD..............................133 Steele MA................................60 Steffen MA...............................28 Steffenson MM......................121 Author Index Steinberg PD...........................97 Steinworth BM....................... 111 Stengel A..................................83 Stergiou N.............................. 111 Stern DL...................................77 Stevenson RA..........................48 Steves ID....................... 107, 111 Stewart TA................................35 Stewart WJ........................20, 41 Stiller J.....................................40 Stillman JH....46, 68, 73, 113, 114 Stimola MA..............................32 Stinson CM............................125 Stirling P.................................128 St. Juliana JR..........................77 Stock DW...........................44, 95 Stocker R.................................22 Stocking J................................61 Stocking JB..............................24 Stoehr A................................. 114 Storz JF....................................99 Stout V.....................................75 Strader ME............................102 Stramski D...............................54 Stratford J..............................104 Strathmann RR........................93 Strehlow B...............................30 Streicher JW....................83, 101 Strickland J..............................75 Stringer JF...............................83 Stuglik M..................................25 Stump E...................................83 Su A.........................................78 Suarez AV............... 79, 121, 125 Subbaraman M........................53 Suchocki L...............................45 Sukumaran J...........................67 Summers AP........ 23, 38, 74, 90 Summers MM..........................61 Sunagawa S..........................105 Sunday JM.........................32, 36 Sustaita D..........................37, 74 Suter R...................................120 Sutton TR...............................106 Suzuki Y...................................76 Swalla BJ....... 26, 36, 41, 46, 60, 76, 83, 107 Swanson BO...........................37 Swanson DL............................81 Swartz S..................................34 Swartz SM...................34, 48, 98 Sweazea K..............................75 Sweeney A...............................37 Sweeney AM............ 31, 54, 100 Sweet HC................................44 Sweet SK.................................40 Swiderski DL........... 99, 102, 107 Swiney K..................................73 Switzer C.................................42 Switzer CM........................20, 75 Swore JJ..................................36 Szymaszek JF.......................109 T Tada T....................................100 Tadros AK................................81 Taft BN.....................................92 Taft NK.....................................48 Takagi KK.........................40, 104 Taketa DA................................46 Talley D....................................94 Tamone SL...............................79 Tang J......................................75 Tarrant AM...................24, 47, 86 Tarrant J...................................90 Tarrell A....................................34 Tatarian AFF..........................108 Tate EE..................................125 Tate KB..................................105 Tate T.............................103, 114 Tattersall K...............................44 Taubin G..................................34 Taylor EM.................................48 Taylor GK.........................98, 125 Taylor J.....................................33 Taylor KR...........................56, 81 Taylor V..................................122 Taz H..................................48, 96 Teaford M............................... 114 Tecot S.....................................62 Teichholtz PJ...........................61 Telemeco RS.........................120 Temkin M.................................76 Tepolt CK.................................30 Terblanche JS....................32, 58 Terusaki AT..............................46 Tessitore KA.............................38 Teta P.......................................45 Thacker RT..............................78 Thacker RW.................83, 87, 88 Thacker RWT..........................88 Thaker M..................................38 Thaler CD................................70 Thawley CJ........................57, 68 Theobald JC............................28 Thol S.......................................75 Thomas F................................54 Thomas FIM..........................102 Thomas RH.......................63, 99 Thomas WH............................54 Thometz NM............................27 Thompson AB..........................29 Thompson CF..........................31 Thompson CL........................ 114 Thompson DM.................72, 121 Thompson J.............................49 Thompson JA..........................31 Thompson JT..........................90 Thompson RR.........................47 Thomson M..............................25 Thorn HA................................104 Thornber CS............................64 Thornton SW...........................74 Tierney AJ..............................104 Tilburg CE................................65 Timbang L................................76 156 Timothy M................................81 Timpe EK.................................65 Titus T......................................68 Tkint T....................................130 Tobalske BW......................27, 30 Tobler M...................................46 Todgham AE................24, 46, 73 Toien O.....................................99 Tokar DR..................................44 Tolchin S................................122 Toledo MCB.............................68 Toline CA................................104 Tolley KA................................125 Tom M......................................91 Tomanek L.......... 46, 58, 68, 120 Tomasco IH..............................45 Tomkiewicz J.........................128 Tomlinson VE...........................81 Tommerdahl AP.....................105 Toner M....................................72 Tong X......................................97 Tongen A................................ 113 Toothman M...........................124 Torresdal J...............................29 Torres E....................................46 Torres J.................................. 114 Torson A.............................44, 75 Tousignant KAS..................... 110 Tovey CA................................ 118 Townsend JP...........................53 Tracka K...................................79 Trail F.......................................53 Travis KA..................................42 Traynor K.................................75 Treml E....................................61 Tresguerres M.........................34 Trew DF...................................63 Trew T......................................63 Triggs L....................................27 Trinh R...................................106 Trites AW..................................78 Trok W...................................120 Trontelj P................................ 117 Trotter JH.................................82 Trowbridge CD................28, 128 Truebano-Garcia M.................69 Trujano-Alvarez AL..................65 Tsai HT................................... 113 Tsang LM.................................36 Tse KL......................................43 Tseng RD.................................87 Tsukimura B.............................46 Tulga S.....................................42 Tunnicliffe V.............................61 Turingan RG............................89 Turner CR.............................. 113 Turner LM................................69 Turner MA..............................109 Turner RL.................................91 Twyman CA.............................48 Tytell ED...................................55 SICB U Udevitz MS..............................27 Uhrig EJ.......................27, 35, 72 Ullrich-Luter E........................ 117 Umbanhowar PB.............88, 133 Unser AJ..................................81 Usherwood JR...........23, 30, 119 V Vahidinia S...............................31 Valdés A...................................65 Valdez L...................................45 Valk J...................................... 110 Valverde RA.............................31 Vanatta KJ.............................103 Van Blerk J.............................128 Van Breugel F..........................28 Van Brocklyn JR..............73, 130 Vandenbrooks JM.........110, 130 Vandepas LE...........................83 Vander Linden A......................77 Vandermeer CL.....................101 Van Heijst GJF.........................55 Van Hoorebeke L.....................29 Van Leeuwen JL......................22 Van Loo D................................29 Van Valkenburgh B...23, 74, 110, 113, 133 Van Wassenbergh S.52, 89, 108 Varas V....................................26 Variano EA...............................90 Varshney S............................125 Vasquez MC............................25 Vasquez RA.............................68 Vassallo BG........................... 112 Vatnick I..................................130 Vaughn S.................................89 Vazques-Medina JP................44 Vedder K..................................93 Vega CM..................................43 Vega Thurber R..................... 119 Veglia MK.................................95 Vejdani HR............................. 113 Veldhoen N............................106 Veleta K....................................44 Velotta JP...............................129 Velten BP.................................81 Vendetti JE...............................28 Venegas C...............................68 Venesky M...............................39 Venkadesan M.........................40 Venzon M...............................101 Verberk WCEP...................... 116 Verheyen E............................130 Vessel C...................................42 Vetter KM.................................96 Vetter KMS..............................98 Vezina F.....................43, 99, 114 Vézina F...................................45 Vickowski FB......................... 113 Vickrey AI.........................41, 102 Vilgalys TP...............................68 Villar-Leeman C.......................72 Author Index Villarta K...................................60 Vinther J...................................37 Vinyard CJ............................. 114 Visser ME................................86 Vital C.................................38, 92 Vlautin CT................................38 Vleck CM.........................40, 112 Vleck D.....................................40 Vogel LA.................................109 Vogl AW...................................91 Voltzow J............................39, 95 Volz LJ.....................................48 Von Arx M................................57 Von Busse JRS.......................98 Von Busse R............................34 Von Dassow G....63, 80, 108, 128 Von Dassow M........................44 Von Dassow YJ.......................80 Von Reuss S............................61 Vonwettberg EJB.....................95 Voolstra CR...........................105 Voyles J..................................124 Vredenberg V........................124 Vredenburg VT......................124 Vrijenhoek R............................40 Vrijenhoek RC.......................128 Vuarin P...................................57 W Waalkes WC............................47 Wada H..................................120 Waddell DS..............................81 Wade AC..................................59 Wadsworth T............................79 Waggoner CM.................65, 106 Wagner DN..............................23 Wagner GP........................77, 97 Wagner JT...............................72 Wain AR...................................76 Wainwright PC..... 26, 27, 29, 43, 67, 75, 78, 126 Wait DR....................................28 Wake DB..................................67 Wakeling JM............................56 Waldrup CL............................ 114 Walker JF.........................41, 120 Walker RA..........................80, 81 Walker SE................................35 Wall CB....................................74 Wallace BP..............................38 Wallace GT..............................45 Wallace KR..............................49 Walsh MR.............................. 117 Walti KA...................................49 Wang D..................................132 Wang DL..................................38 Wang K..........................113, 132 Wang T...................................131 Wang XH.................................86 Wang Z....................................53 Ward AB.........................107, 125 Ward JE...................................34 Wargelin LJ..............................76 Warkentin K.............................24 Warne R...........................45, 103 Warne RW.........................69, 86 Warner D............................61, 75 Warner DA...............................77 Warner SE...............................93 Warraich TN...........................103 Warrant EJ...............................54 Waselik MW........................... 112 Wassenhove SJ....................123 Wasson K................................24 Watanabe M..........................122 Waterfield V.............................98 Waters JS........................30, 110 Waters SP................................42 Watson, III WH........................67 Watson RD..............................79 Watts HE............................68, 95 Watts SA..........................27, 104 Weaver JC.............................125 Webb AG.................................90 Webb E..................................120 Webb JF............54, 95, 108, 111 Webber A.................................75 Weber C...................................60 Weber CJ.................................44 Weber RE................................99 Wechsler M..............................82 Wedel M...................................26 Weed MD...............................130 Wegner NC..............................52 Wehrle BA..............................104 Weickum RM......................... 112 Weiland TJ.........................20, 42 Weil E.......................................35 Weil S.................................91, 95 Weil ZM.................................. 110 Weiner S..................................64 Weinstein A.............................39 Weisblat DA.............................76 Weis VM................................106 Weiss A....................................34 Weiss AK.................................39 Weiss RB............................... 118 Welch AM.................. 38, 94, 105 Welch KC...........................56, 68 Welcker J.................................40 Welklin JF................................38 Welklin JW...............................77 Wells H.............................39, 103 Welsh C...................................79 Wen L.....................................125 Werner P..................................63 Werning S..........................42, 61 Wessman L............................ 118 Westneat MW....................26, 89 Wethey DS..............................65 Wethington SM................43, 114 Whale JC.................................79 Whalen W................................44 Wheat CW...............................53 Wheeler JD..............................80 Whitburn E...............................63 157 White A................................... 113 White BA................................106 White M..................................104 White S..................................106 Whitehead A.......................... 116 Whitehill EAG....................80, 96 Whiteman H.............................24 Whitenack LB....................74, 99 Whitlock RE.............................47 Whitney M.............................. 113 Whittaker DJ............................38 Whittemore SB........................80 Whittington AC...................62, 68 Whittington CL.........................62 Wielebnowski N.......................77 Wiesenfeld K...........................69 Wiesner HA..............................65 Wigton RA................................74 Wikelski M................................33 Wilcoxen TE............43, 112, 123 Wild AL...................................121 Wilder AE...............................105 Wiley G....................................69 Wilga C..............................79, 90 Wilga CAD...............................23 Wilga CD..................................90 Wilhelm BA............................ 113 Wilink B....................................24 Wilkinson S..............................28 Williams CD.............................30 Williams CM.....................43, 122 Williams CT........................57, 99 Williams GA.............................60 Williams IV R................... 98, 111 Williams JB.22, 59, 73, 113, 130 Williams K................................75 Williams LE..............................64 Williams MI..............................39 Williams MJ.............................65 Williams P.............................. 111 Williams SH.....42, 108, 111, 114 Williamson BJ........................ 111 Williams-Sieg KA.....................63 Williams TD........... 23, 31, 57, 62 Williams TM.................27, 37, 99 Williard AS.............................129 Willis KL...................................82 Willis MA..................................29 Willis MC..........................59, 132 Willoughby D......................... 119 Willsey ED...............................96 Wilshin S..................................88 Wilshin SD............................. 119 Wilson A...................................30 Wilson AE.............................. 112 Wilson AF...............................123 Wilson AM................................94 Wilson BA................................23 Wilson GDF.............................59 Wilson JK.........................27, 118 Wilson JM................................52 Wilson NG.......................82, 128 Wilson R................................ 119 SICB Wilson-Rawls J........................78 Wilson RS....34, 38, 72, 118, 119 Windsor PJ..............................69 Windsor SP......................98, 125 Wingfield JC...............40, 68, 86, 112, 132 Winker K..................................59 Winkler D.................................40 Winkler DW..............................31 Winnicki S................................34 Winslow B................................95 Winter Y...................................55 Winters CP.............................101 Winters GC......................46, 107 Winters I.................................120 Wisse B....................................32 Wittry BN................................129 Woerheide G...........................88 Wofford SJ...............................93 Wolcott TG...............................60 Wolf MG.................................103 Wolff SW................................106 Wolfsberg TG..........................64 Wolschin F...............................21 Woltman RA.............................44 Wong WL.................................91 Wood ME.................................44 Wood R..................................108 Wood RJ..........................55, 125 Woods HA......... 27, 92, 103, 118 Woodley SK.............................72 Woodworth E......................... 112 Wootton TJ............................120 Word KR..................................40 Wörheide G.............................88 Woytanowski JR......................92 Wraith J....................................97 Wright ML.........................31, 107 Wright PC................................62 Wright WG.......................40, 104 Wu S........................................46 Wu TH......................................36 Wu Y...................................... 119 Wulff JL..................................120 Wunderlich RE...................... 113 Wyneken J...............40, 103, 112 Wysocki CJ..............................23 X Xiao Y.....................................100 Xiong G....................................22 Y Yahel G....................................61 Yalamarthy AS.........................81 Yamaguchi S......................... 117 Yan YL......................................68 Yanagihara AA.......................128 Yancey PH.............................129 Yang M.....................................44 Yang V.....................................72 Yaniv S.....................................55 Yanoviak SP............. 60, 66, 129 Author Index Yao A........................................49 Yatsonsky D.............................80 Yeaman S..............................122 Yee A........................................99 Yee KK.....................................23 Yeoh AJ....................................47 Yi SV........................................21 Yip V.......................................132 Yocum G......................37, 44, 75 Yoder AD..................................46 Yokoyama S..........................100 Yoneva A..................................91 Yoo J........................................44 Young JW................................70 Young NM................................76 Young RC................................40 Young RS.................................76 Young VKH..............................92 Yu J...................................41, 82 Yuan F..............................46, 117 Yue J........................................41 Yuge S.....................................27 Yund PO..................................65 Yu PC.......................................73 Yusa Y.................................... 117 Zurell D....................................33 Zurlo D...................................104 Zuzow M..................................46 Zylberberg M.........................103 Zysling DA................................95 Z Zabin C....................................24 Zakas C...................................96 Zakon H.................................100 Zamore S.................................28 Zamudio S...............................61 Zander IA.................................79 Zani PA.....................................42 Zanis MJ................................120 Zappe ME................................83 Zaragoza D..............................75 Zarivach R...............................91 Zarrouk D.................................69 Zavala NA................................74 Zelditch ML............. 99, 102, 107 Zelic M.....................................91 Zellmer N...............................108 Zeng Y...............................66, 75 Zhang K................................. 118 Zhang N................................. 110 Zhang T..................................133 Zhang Y...................................81 Zhao S.....................................49 Zimm R..................................127 Zimmerman CR.......................63 Zimmerman KL...................... 111 Zimmerman LM.....................109 Zimmermann SA.....................92 Zink AG..................................124 Zippay ML..............................105 Zobel-Thropp P.....................120 Zohdy S...................................62 Zolotovsky E..........................125 Zou E.....................................105 Zucker I....................................59 Zungul-Hasty LS......................47 Zúñiga-Vega JJ.................38, 92 158
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