AGENDA H lTV TOWN COUNCI September 13, 16 at 5:30 p.m.
AGENDA H lTV TOWN COUNCI September 13, 16 at 5:30 p.m.
AGENDA H lTV TOWN COUNCI September 13, 16 at 5:30 p.m. Municipal hambers 202 South 8th Street I. Regular Meeting Call to Order, Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance 2. Special Presentation: 3. Adoption of the CONSENT AGENDA: Mayor's Proclamation in Support of The Carteret Literacy Council's Fifteenth Annual Literacy Spelling Bee on Friday, October 21, 2016 A. Approve the Minutes of: Tuesday, August 9, 2016, Regular Meeting B. Approve the Requests for Release of Overpayment of Ad Valorem Taxes for August 2016, in the amount of $338.15; and Accept the Tax Collector and Finance Director Reports for August 2016 C. Voluntary Contiguous Annexation Request from Gerald Barfield, 156 Highway #24, PIN #6366-0915-0894-000, 0.91 acre, zoned CH [Highway Commercial] District -- Adopt Resolution 2016-33 Directing the Clerk to Investigate the Petition and Resolution 2016-34 Setting the date of the Public Hearing for Tuesday, October 11, 2016, at 5:30 p.m. D. Voluntary Contiguous Annexation Request from Pelican Point Properties, LLC, portion of 5133 Highway 70, PIN # 6356-1296-3393-000, 1.16 acres, zoned CH [Highway Commercial] District -- Adopt Resolution 2016-35 Directing the Clerk to Investigate the Petition and Resolution 2016-36 Setting the date of the Public Hearing for Tuesday, October 11, 2016, at 5:30p.m. E. Adopt Resolution 2016-37 to Sponsor Friends of Spooner's Creek Shallow Draft Dredging Grant Adopt Proclamation Proclaiming September 17, 2016, as Constitution Day and Citizenship Day, and September 17 through 23, 2016, as Constitution Week in the Town of Morehead City G. Award of Contract No. 93- Pump Station 9/Calico Creek Force Main Replacement to the Low Bidder, Herring-Riven bark, Inc. in the amount Of $227,080.00 H. Award of Pelletier Creek Maintenance Dredging Contract to the Low Bidder, T.D. Eure Marine Construction, LLC in the amount of $73,850.00 I. Adopt J. Resolution of Sympathy 2016-40 in Remembrance of Former Police Captain Kenneth R. Long who passed on Sunday, August 28, 2016 K. Adopt Budget Ordinance Amendment 2016-29 in the General Fund to increase Miscellaneous Revenue by $1,085 for National Night Out Donations and to increase Police by the same and decrease Information Technology by $44,886 for Police Data Center previously budgeted and increase Police by the same Community Rating System Annual Report 4. Citizen Requests/Comments: [2 Minute Time Limit] 5. New Business: A. Morehead City Fire/EMS Presentation on Proposed Alternative Transport for Non-Acuity Patients B. Adopt Resolution 2016-38 Giving Preliminary Approval to Issuance of Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds to Finance the Acquisition, Construction and Equipping of an Affordable Housing Development [Elijah's Landing] and setting the Public Hearing for Tuesday, October 11, 2016 at 5:30 p.m. 6. City Manager's Report: Update on the Sale of City Owned Property located at 304 North 25th Street [Former EMS Building] 7. Council Requests/Comments 8. CLOSED SESSION AS PER G.S. 143.318.11(a){6) for the Annual Evaluation of City Manager 8. Adjournment TOWN OF MOREHEAD CITY AGENDA ITEM: 2. DATE: September 13, 2016 REQUEST FOR TOWN COUNCIL ACTION TO: The Honorable Mayor and Town Council FROM: David S. Whitlow, City Manager SUBJECT: Special Presentation: Mayor's Proclamation in Support of The Carteret Literacy Council's Fifteenth Annual Literacy Spelling Bee on Friday, October 21, 2016 Background Information Attached: Yes X No This is the fifteenth year that the Carteret Literacy Council is holding their Annual Literacy Spelling Bee. The event will be held on Friday, October 21, 2016 beginning at 6 p.m. at the History Museum of Carteret County located at 1008 Arend ell Street in Morehead City. Mayor Jones will present a representative of the Literacy Council a proclamation in support of the event. -,erald A ron.;s Jr.. May ur MAYOR'S PROCLAMATION In Support Of TheCa te:ret Literacy Counci 's Fpf eent An ua Literacy pelling Bee WHEREAS, literacy is not just about educating, it provides a unique and powerful tool to eradicate poverty and a strong rneans for creating sustainable societies; and WHEREAS, education and literacy are central to an effort to improve the lives of all people and to strengthen the capabilities of individuals, families and communities; and WHEREAS, the Carteret Literacy Council's Adult Literacy and English as a Second Language [ESL] Program trains volunteers to provide literacy instruction to participa~ing adults; and WHEREAS, one of the main fund-raising events of The Carteret Literacy Council is the Annual Literacy Spelling Bee which will be held on Friday, October 21, 2016, beginning at 6:00p.m., at the History Museurn of. Carteret County; Now, · THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED, that I, Gerald A. Jones, Jr., Mayor of the Town of Morehead City, North Carolina, on behalf of the City Council, do hereby endorse The Carteret Literacy Council's Fifteenth Annual Spelling Bee and urge our citizens that special recognition should be given to the importance of this event and the many hours of dedicated service being contributed by its volunteers. DATED, this the 13th day of September, 2016. \~ 6{apne M. Giblin, Ci : Clerk treet • Morehead City,' 1 j6rth Carolina 28557-4234 : ·t. 135 • Fax: (252) 222-3082 • w' TOWN OF MOREHEAD CITY AGENDA ITEM: 3. DATE: September 13, 2016 REQUEST FOR TOWN COUNCIL ACTION TO: The Honorable Mayor and Town Council FROM: David S. Whitlow, City Manager SUBJECT: Adoption of the CONSENT AGENDA Background Information Attached: Yes 3.A. X No Approve the Minutes of: Tuesday, August 9, 2016, Regular Meeting Approve the minutes of Tuesday, August 9, 2016, Regular Meeting and dispense with the reading. 3.B. Approve the Requests for Release of Overpayment of Ad Valorem Taxes for August 2016, in the amount of $338.15; and Accept the Tax Collector and Finance Director Reports for August 2016 Approve the requests for release of overpayment of ad valorem taxes for August 2016, in the amount of $338.15; and accept the Tax Collector and Finance Director Reports for August 2016. 3.C. Voluntary Contiguous Annexation Request from Gerald Barfield, 156 Highway #24, PIN #6366-0915-0894-000, 0.91 acre, zoned CH [Highway Commercial] District -- Adopt Resolution 2016-33 Directing the Clerk to Investigate the Petition and Resolution 2016-34 Setting the date of the Public Hearing for Tuesday, October 11, 2016, at 5:30 p.m. The property under consideration for annexation, PIN # 6366-0915-0894-000, is contiguous to the present City limits, contains approximately 0.91 acres and is zoned CH [Highway Commercial] District. The site in question is part of a recently improved minor subdivision which is currently fragmented as the northern portion of the subdivision is currently located within the corporate limits. The current tax value of the property is $153,395. Based on a 35-cent tax rate, $536.88 in tax revenues would be generated. Water and sewer will be accessed from Highway 70 or Highway 24. All costs associated with extending the water/sewer service to the newly annexed property will be the responsibility of the owner. Adopt Resolution 2016-33 Directing the Clerk to Investigate the Petition and Resolution 2016-34 Setting the date of the Public Hearing for Tuesday, October 11, 2016, at 5:30 p.m., for the voluntary contiguous annexation request from Gerald Barfield, 156 Highway #24, PIN #6366-0915-0894-000, 0.91 acre, zoned CH [Highway Commercial] District. 3.D. Voluntary Contiguous Annexation Request from Pelican Point Properties, LLC, portion of 5133 Highway 70, PIN # 6356-1296-3393-000, 1.16 acres, zoned CH [Highway Commercial] District .... Adopt Resolution 2016-35 Directing the Clerk to Investigate the Petition and Resolution 2016-36 Setting the date of the Public Hearing for Tuesday, October 11,2016, at 5:30p.m. The property under consideration for annexation, PIN #6356-1296-3393-000 is contiguous to the present City limits. The parcel contains approximately 1.16 acres and is zoned CH (Highway Commercial District). The portion of the parcel proposed to be annexed is part of a parcel that is currently fragmented. Annexation of the remainder of the parcel would result in the parcel being located entirely within the corporate limits. The current tax value of the property is $832,7 44. Based on a 35-cent tax rate, $4,413.54 in tax revenues would be generated. Water and sewer will be accessed from Highway 70. All costs associated with extending the water/sewer service to the newly annexed property will be the responsibility of the owner. Adopt Resolution 2016-35 Directing the Clerk to Investigate the Petition and Resolution 2016-36 Setting the date of the Public Hearing for Tuesday, October 11, 2016, at 5:30p.m. for the voluntary contiguous annexation request from Pelican Point Properties, LLC, for a portion of 5133 Highway 70, PIN# 6356-1296-3393-000, 1.16 acres, zoned CH [Highway Commercial} District. 3.E. Adopt Resolution 2016-37 to Sponsor Friends of Spooner's Creek Shallow Draft Dredging Grant The Town of Morehead City was recently approached by the Friends of Spooner's Creek, which is a group of the property owners along the creek, to sponsor a Shallow Draft Dredging Grant application from the North Carolina Water Resources Development Project Grant Program. The amount of the grant requested is $40,000 which would be matched with $20,000 cash from the Friends of Spooner's Creek for a project total of $60,000. The Town of Morehead City would not be responsible for any of the proposed funding. The City's part is only as contact point for the grant, collecting the $20,000 matching funds from the Friends Association and overseeing the Friend's supervision of construction of the project to assure compliance with permit conditions and to assure safe and proper construction according to approved plans and specifications. Adopt Resolution 2016-37 to sponsor a Friends of Spooner's Creek Shallow Draft Dredging Grant as presented. 3.F. Adopt Proclamation Proclaiming September 17, 2016, as Constitution Day and Citizenship Day, and September 17 through 23, 2016, as Constitution Week in the Town of Morehead City Mr. Bob Ward, Chair of the Constitutional Rights and Responsibilities Section of the North Carolina Bar Association requested that every city and town in North Carolina adopt the attached proclamation in celebration of Constitution Day and Citizenship Day on September 17, 2016 as well as Constitution Week from September 17 through 23, 2016. Once adopted, the Town of Morehead City Proclamation will, along with others, be presented to the Constitutional Rights Council. Adopt the Proclamation proclaiming September 17, 2016, as Constitution Day and Citizenship Day; and September 17 through 23, 2016, as Constitution Week in the Town of Morehead City. 3.G. Award of Contract No. 93 - Pump Station 9/Calico Creek Force Main Replacement to the Low Bidder, Herring-Rivenbark, Inc. in the amount of $227,080.00 The following bids were received on August 15, 2016, for Contract No. 93 - Pump Station 9/Calico Creek Force Main Replacement: Herring-Rivenbark, Inc. KBS Construction Company Thomas Simpson Company T & H Construction T.A. Loving Company Keen Plumbing Company $ $ $ $ $ $ 227,080.00 261,325.00 397,295.00 459,172.00 525,525.00 641 ,572.00 The award is recommended to the low bidder, Herring-Riven bark, Inc., in the amount of $227,080.00 contingent upon receipt of the CAMA General Permit. The total project budget is $290,000.00. The Public Utilities Committee reviewed the above bids at their last meeting. Award Contract No. 93 - Pump Station 9/Calico Creek Force Main Replacement to the Low Bidder, Herring-Rivenbark, Inc. in the amount of $227,080.00 contingent upon receipt of the CAMA General Permit. 3.H. Award of Pelletier Creek Maintenance Dredging Contract to the Low Bidder, T.D. Eure Marine Construction, LLC in the amount of $73,850.00 At the May 10, 2016 Council Meeting, Resolution 2016-22 was adopted for Morehead City to sponsor a Shallow Draft Dredging Grant Application from the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality for a $52,000 grant which will be matched with local funds of $26,000 from the Pensacola Yacht Club, LLC. The City was only responsible for the bidding and overseeing of the dredging activity and has no cash outlay. On August 26, 2016, the following bids were received for the above project: T.D. Eure Marine Construction, LLC Brooks Dredging and Marine Construction, Inc. $73,850.00 $74,300.00 The bids were opened after the last Public Works Committee meeting, however, the Committee is aware that there was to be a bid opening on this project. Award the Pelletier Creek Maintenance Dredging Contract to the low bidder, T.D. Eure Marine Construction, LLC in the amount of $73,850.00. 3.1. Adopt FEMA Community Rating System Annual Report Morehead City has been an active participant in FEMA's Community Rating System [CRS] since 1992. As a result, Morehead City citizens are generally eligible for a 5-10 percent discount on their flood insurance premiums. In accordance with RS program requirements a copy of the annual report of Morehead City's floodplain management plan is presented. Morehead City is currently included with Carteret County under the Pam/ico Sound Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan for purposes of meeting floodplain management plan requirements. Adopt the FEMA Community Rating System Annual Report as presented. 3.J. Resolution of Sympathy 2016-40 in Remembrance of Former Police Captain Kenneth R. Long who passed on Sunday, August 28, 2016 Former Police Captain Kenneth Long passed on Sunday, August 28, 2016. The Council will remember him with a Resolution of Sympathy. Adopt Resolution of Sympathy 2016-40 in Remembrance of Former Police Captain Kenneth R. Long who passed on Sunday, August 28, 2016. 3.K. Adopt Budget Ordinance Amendment 2016-29 increase Miscellaneous Revenue by $1,085 Donations and to increase Police by the same Technology by $44,886 for Police Data Center increase Police by the same in the General Fund to for National Night Out and decrease Information previously budgeted and The purpose of Budget Ordinance Amendment 2016-29 is to update the budget as follows: • • To increase Miscellaneous Revenue by $1,085 for the National Night Out donations and to increase the Police by the same. To decrease Information Technology by $44,886 for Police Data Center previously budgeted and to increase Police by the same. The Finance and Administration Committee reviewed the proposed budget ordinance amendment at their last meeting and recommended adoption. Recommended Action: Adopt the CONSENT AGENDA in one [1] motion. item[s] may be removed and discussed separately. Any • Morehead City Council Meeting- Tuesday, August 9, 2016 1. Town Council Minutes Morehead City, North Carolina Tuesday,August9,2016 The Honorable Council of the Town of Morehead City met in Regular Session on Tuesday, August 9, 2016, at 5:30p.m., in the Municipal Chambers located at 202 South 8th Street, Morehead City, North Carolina. Those in attendance were: MAYOR: MAYOR PRO-TEM: COUNCIL: Gerald A. Jones, Jr. William F. Taylor George W. Ballou Demus L. Thomp~on Harvey N. Walke'r, Jr. Diane C. Warrender CITY MANAGER: David S. Whitlow CITY CLERK: Jeanne rvi. Giblin CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE: Derek Taylor OTHERS: John T. Capps; Jane K. Capps; AI Lasko; Lisa Rueh; Steve Miller; Andra Onorio, Sr.; Effie K. Burnham; Colleen Morgan; Brenda Harrison; Dwight Kinton; Jimmie Collins; David Collins; Lt. Tim Guthrie; Code Officer Ethan Brogan; Public Services Director Daniel Williams; Assistant Public Service~ Director Dale Price; Human Resources Officer Susan Nixon; Katrina Smith; Rolland Lewis; IT Manager Jonathan Snyder; Russell Lewis; Larry Lands; Planning Director Linda Staab and several others 1. Regular Meeting Call te> Order, Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Jones called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m., Councilman Thompson gave the invocation and all joined in The ,Pledge ofAIIegiance. 2. Special Presentation: Mayor's PrQclamation In Recognition of International Literacy Day;_ Thursday, September 8, 2016 Mayor Jones presenteo, a Proclamation in recognition of International Literacy Day on Thursday, September 8, 20t6, to AI Lasko of the Carteret Literacy Council. Mr. Lasko thanked the Council and anno,LJriced the fund raiser for the Carteret Literacy Council will be their annual Spelling Bee on Friday, October 21 at The Carteret History Center. 3. Adoption of the CONSENT AGENDA 3.A. Approve the Minutes of: Tuesday, July 12, 2016, Regular Meeting Approved the Council Meeting Minutes of Tuesday, July 12, 2016, Regular Meeting, and dispensed with the reading. 3.8. Approve the Requests for Release of Overpayment of Ad Valorem Taxes for July 2016, in the amount of $2,1 09.42; and Accept the Tax Collector and Finance Director Reports for July 2016 Morehead City Council Meeting- Tuesday, August 9, 2016 2. Approved the Requests for Release of Overpayment of Ad Valorem Taxes for July 2016, in the amount of $2,1 09.42; and accepted the Tax Collector and Finance Director Reports for July 2016 [The Financial Reports are attached to and made a part of these minutes herein by reference.] 3.C. Adopt Resolution 2016-29 to Accept North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources State Revolving Loan in the amount of $2,500,000 for West End Pump Station and Force Main Project Number CS3700567 -04 The North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources in accordance with the North Carolina Clean Water Revolving Loan and Grant Act of 1987 awarded the Town of Morehead City a state revolving loan in the amount of $2.5 million dollars. The Council already adopted a resolution pertaining to seeking funding for this project. The City would not be obligated until t~e loan documents were executed by both parties. The interest rate offered is 1.6 percent. The adoption of Resolution 2016-29 would lock in that interest rate unless it/was lower at the time the documents were executed. The rate study conducted by McDavid Associates did include the amount needed to service the debt for the loan in FY2016/2017 Budget. The Public Utilities Committee reviewed the resolution at their last meeting. Adopted Resolution 2016-29 to Accept North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources State Revolving Loan. in the amount of $2,500,000 for West End Pump Station and Force Main Project Number CS3700567-Q4. [Resolution 2016-29 is attached to and made a part of these minutes herein by reference.] 3.D. Adopt Resolution of Sympathy 2016-30 in Remembrance of Former Morehead City Police Department Lieutenant Paul McGary Fogo who passed on July 14, 2016 . ' Paul Fogo served for 34 years with the Morehead City Police Department retiring as Lieutenant. He served this c;ommunity with loyalty and distinction. He passed on July 14th. The Council adopted a Resolution ofSympathy 2016-30 in his memory. Adopted Resolution of Sympathy 2016-30 in remembrance of former Morehead City Police Department Lieutenant. Paul McGary Fogo who passed on July 14, 2016. [Resolution 2016-30 is attached to and made a part of these minutes herein by reference.] 3.E. Approve the Department Updated Fee Schedule for the Planning & Inspections The proposed updated Fee Schedule for the Planning & Inspections Department was presented for review and adoption. The current fees for Planning & Inspections were placed into effect on August 1, 2013, and since that time there has been no comprehensive fee review. When considering a fee adjustment City Staff reviews the expected staff time from start to finish for a project along with the costs of technology, transportation, supplies and materials. When applicable, Planning Board, Board of Adjustment and Council costs are factored in as well. The Planning Committee of the Council reviewed the revised fee update during the budget process. Morehead City Council Meeting- Tuesday, August 9, 2016 3. Approved the Updated Fee Schedule for the Planning & Inspections Deparlment as presented. [The portion of the Fee Schedule for the Planning & Inspections Department is attached to and made a part of these minutes herein by reference.] 3.F. Adopt Budget Ordinance Amendment 2016 ..25 to Update the Budget in the General Fund for Restricted Intergovernmental Revenue by $52,000 for the Pelletier Creek Dredging Project; Increase Miscellaneous Revenue by $1 ,420 for the Sale of a Surplus Vehicle and $3,000 for Police Sponsorships; to Increase Appropriated Fund Balance by $1,200 for Website Upgrade and $7,500 for Flood Map Study Engineering Fees; In the Fire/EMS Fund to Increase Revenue by $17,615 for Insurance Claim Repairs The purpose of this amendment was to update the General Fund Budget as follows: • • • • • To increase Restricted Intergovernmental Revenue by $52,000 for the grant for the Pelletier Creek Shallow Draft Dredging Project and to increase Transportation by the same. To increase Miscellaneous Revenue by $1,420 for the sale of a surplus vehicle and to increase the Police Budget by the same. To increase Miscellaneous Revenue by $3,000 for Police Sponsorships. To increase Appropriated Fund Balance - Unassigned by $1,200 for website upgrade. To increase Appropriated Fund Balance by $7,500 for the City's portion of the County-Wide Flood Map Study Engineering fees. In the Fire/EMS Fund to increase revenue by $17,615 for insurance claim repairs to Engine #3 and to increase the Fire/EMS expenditures by the same. The Finance and Administration Committee of the Council reviewed the proposed Budget Ordinance AmendJT1ent attheir last meeting and recommended adoption. Adopted Budget Ordinance Amendment 2016-25 to update the Budget in the General Fund for Restricted Intergovernmental Revenue by $52,000 for the Pelletier Creek Dredging Project; Increase Miscellaneous Revenue by $1,420 for the sale of a surplus vehicle and $3,000 for Police Sponsorships; to increase Appropriated Fund Balance by $1,200 for Website Upgrade and $7,500 for Flood Map Study Engineering Fees; in the Fire/EMS Fund to Increase Revenue by $17,615 for insurance claim repairs. [Budget Ordinance Amendment 2016-25 is attached to Ordinance Book #7 in the vault.] 3.G. Adopt Budget Ordinance Amendment 2016-26 to Increase Revenue by $3,465 for the Katherine Davis Park Capital Project Fund The purpose of this Budget Amendment was to increase Revenue by $3,465 for transfer from the General Fund to the Katherine Davis Park Capital Project Fund for title insurance on debt issuance of the N.C. Department of Administration loan. The Finance and Administration Committee reviewed the proposed Budget Ordinance Amendment and recommended adoption. 4. Morehead City Council Meeting- Tuesday, August 9, 2016 Adopted Budget Ordinance Amendment 2016-26 to Increase Revenue by $3,465 for the Katherine Davis Park Capital Project Fund. [Budget Ordinance Amendment 201626 is attached to Ordinance Book #7 in the vault.] 3.H. Adopt Resolution 2016-31 Endorsing the Oyster Festival and Authorizing Actions Necessary for the Event to be held Saturday, November 26, 2016 on the Morehead City Waterfront -- Removed from the CONSENT Agenda. Councilwoman Warrender requested that Item 3.H. be removed from the Consent Agenda and placed as Item 6.E under New Business. The Council concurred. Councilman Taylor MOVED, seconded by Councilwoman Warrender, and carried unanimously, to adopt the CONSENT AGENDA in one [1] motion with the exception of Item 3.H. 4. Public Hearing: Request submitted by The Salvation Army on behalf of Jean R. Wellons etal Joe Beam, to Rezone Property located at 2800 Bridges Street, PIN #6376-1683-6242-000 from CH [Highway Commercial] District and CN [Commercial Neighborhood] District to CH-CU [Highway Commercial Conditional-Use] District - Adopt Resolution 2016-32 and Ordinance 2016-24 Planning Director Linda Staab reported that the applicant submitted a request to rezone an approximately 3.5 acre tract located in the 2700-2800 block on the north side of Bridges Street from CH [Commercial Highway District] and CN [Commercial Neighborhood District] to CH-CU [Highway Commercial Conditional-Use District]. The property is located within the corporate limits. An existing single~family dwelling is located on a portion of the property and the remainder of the property is undeveloped. Surrounding zoning includes R10 {Single-Family Residential) to the north and west, CH-CU and R5 (Residential) across Bridges Street to the south, and R5 and R7 (SingleFamily Residential) to the east. Surrounding land use includes single-family residential to the north, a shopping center (Morehead Plaza) and public park (Piney Park) across Bridges Street to the south; multifamily (Woodbriar Apartments) and single-family residential to the east; and a religious institution (Impact Church) across Church Street to the west. All the setback and parking requirements have been met. At the Planning Board Meeting on July 19, 2016, Curtis Fleshman made the MOTION, seconded by John Creech, to recommend approval of the rezoning request and to approve Planning Board Resolution No. 2016-0007. The motion carried unanimously. Property owners within 300 feet of the property were notified of the Planning Board meeting as well as the date of the public hearing. The property has been posted. The Planning Committee of the Council reviewed the proposed rezoning at their last meeting. Mayor Jones opened the public hearing. 5. Morehead City Council Meeting- Tuesday, August 9, 2016 Lt. Rolland Lewis of The Salvation Army stated that the organization has outgrown their present site at 1700 Arendell Street and the campus-like setting of the proposed site will make it much easier to serve the community. Larry Lands, Lands End Road, Morehead City and on behalf of the property owners, when questioned about water runoff from the site reported that Stroud Engineering designed the property with a retention pond on the site. He demonstrated the directions of the surface water runoff on the map. Dwight Kinton, 212 Church Street, Morehead City commented that there is already a storm water runoff problem in the area. He was concerned that when the site was paved, it will contribute to increased storm water on his property. Ron Cullipher of Stroud Engineering reported that the water will be channeled onto the site and kept on the site as the water would be forced to the retention pond. The development of the site should not impact Church Street. He continued that this particular plan is minimal for the site as to what could be developed in thatzoning district. His firm has started the preliminary work and will move forward with the design. The project would not exasperate the water runoff situation as the water will flow out to the northeast of Waldron Drive. Jimmie Collins, 208 Waldron Drive, Morehead City commented that the drainage in the area should be corrected. The water comes around and goes between the alleys. There was also water coming from Church Street continuing around the corner to Waldron Drive. He requested that the water issues be addressed so the area will not be flooded. He continued that the area has been dealing with these issues for a long time and that the drainage ditch was a big concern. Effie Burnham, 209 Waldron Drive, Morehead City stated that water comes down Church Street and drains onto her property. If vicinity property was further developed more water will be entering the neighborhood property. Back a few years ago, the residents were told that the continued flooding was their problem. She commented that there is only one municipal drain in the entire neighborhood. Jimmie Collins commented that he placed piping in his yard to defer the water. Colleen Morgan, 212 Waldron Drive, Morehead City stated that she has water coming into her garage. Upon a question from Councilman Ballou, Ron Culliper stated that the proposed use of the site is 50 percent less impervious surface than what could be built according to the zoning. Dave Collins, 204 Church Street, Morehead City questioned if the retention pond was to be aerated? Ron Cullipher replied that it was not a requirement. The capacity was one [1] year 24 hour storm; 3.88 inches of water would be retained on site. 6. Morehead City Council Meeting- Tuesday, August 9, 2016 Jimmie Collins commented that when there is a storm the ditches fill up, and that the proposed holding pond will overflow contributing to a worse flooding situation. Katrina Smith, 2807 Myrtle Street, Morehead City was concerned with the storm water runoff. When it rains, water comes into the driveway. She would like the City to alleviate the water runoff and that ditches on the side of the road would help. She also expressed her concern with increased traffic in that area. There are nice oak trees on the property to be developed and she requested that as many as possible be saved. Lt. Lewis replied the developers will try to keep as many trees as possible. John Capps, 41 02 Plantation Road, Morehead City speaking on behalf of The Salvation Army, requested that the City review the drainage situation. He was a proponent of the organization and stated he served with The Salvation Army. He spoke about the Worship Center as a place of refuge. Dwight Kinton questioned the site having a driveway to ingress/egress onto Church Street. He was concerned this would contribute to increased traffic. Ron Cullipher replied that the two entrances to the site are for emergency vehicles, refuse removal, etc. Two [2] ingresses/egresses were necessary for a development of this size. Dave Collins spoke in favor of the Salvation Army. Planning Director Staab described all the possible screening/fencing for the ten [1 0] foot buffer on the eastern side of the property. Jimmie Collins stated that if a fence were to be the buffer, it needed to be strong enough to stay upright during storms. Mayor Jones closed the public hearing. Councilwoman Warrender addressed the issue of increased traffic onto Church Street. She was under the impression that The Salvation Army would not be contributing a high volume traffic area regarding the church services. Lt. Lewis reported that most of the traffic during the week was to the store. The Worship Center would contain social services, administration, classrooms as well as a worship area with approximately 50 seats. With regard to increased traffic, John Capps commented that The Salvation Army utilizes three [3] buses which are used to drop off worshippers. Councilman Walker stated he supported The Salvation Army but was of the opinion that the City should fix the drainage problems in the vicinity. Public Services Director Daniel advised the citizens that he would assess the flooding situation. He was not sure if the City could fix all the problems, as Bridges Street 7. Morehead City Council Meeting- Tuesday, August 9, 2016 was a North Carolina Department of Transportation [NCDOT] roadway and the City has minimal responsibility for its maintenance. The City can only work with the streets, not private property. He also contended that any chance of routing more water into Calico Creek would need a CAMA permit and meet further requirements. City Manager Whitlow advised that many of the ditches are on private property. The area is one of the more mature areas of the City and when developed no thought was given to stormwater runoff at that time. The City would need permission from private property owners to work on private properties. He continued that he has been out with Jimmie Collins and walked his property. This is just one piece of storm water management. Many of the areas need engineering work. Councilman Walker MOVED, seconded by Councilman Taylor, and carried unanimously, to adopt Resolution 2016-32 and Ordinance 2016-24 granting the request submitted by The Salvation Army on behalf of Jean R. Wellons eta/ Joe Beam, to rezone properly located at 2800 Bridges Street, PIN #6376-1683-6242-000 from CH [Highway Commercial] District and CN [Commercial Neighborhood] District to CH-CU [Highway Commercial Conditional-Use] District. [Resolution 201632 is attached to and made a part of these minutes herein by reference. Ordinance 201624 is attached to Ordinance Book #7 in the vault.] 5. Citizen Requests/Comments: [2 Minute Time Limit] Save Church Street, don't let us wash away!!! G.A. New Business: Appointments to the Morehead City Planning Board and Board of Adjustment and Recommendations to the Carteret County Board of Commissioners for Appointments for the Extra-Territorial Jurisdiction [ETJ] Vacant Seats Planning Director Staab reported that there are vacancies in the Planning Board and Board of Adjustment member rosters which are set to expire August 2016. The Council appoints the In-City Seats and the Carteret County Board of Commissioners appoints the Extra-Territorial Jurisdiction [ET J] Seats, usually following a recommendation from the Morehead City Council. The Planning Committee of the Council reviewed the vacancies. Planning Board: In-City: Vacancy ETJ: Two [2] vacancies, no recommendations. Councilman Thompson stated that Katrina Smith would like to apply for the In-City position. Councilwoman Warrender MOVED, seconded by Councilman Ballou, and carried unanimously, to appoint Andrea Smith to the In-City Planning Board vacant position. Morehead City Council Meeting -Tuesday, August 9, 2016 8. Councilman Ballou MOVED, seconded by Councilman Walker, and carried unanimously, to recommend to the Carteret County Board of Commissioners the appointment of Vernon Small to the ETJ Morehead City Planning Board position. Councilman Ballou MOVED, seconded by Councilwoman Warrender, and carried unanimously, to recommend to the Carteret County Board of Commissioners the appointment of Frank Eastman to the ETJ Morehead City Planning Board position. Board of Adjustment: In-City: Dick Gambill is eligible and desires reappointment. In-City: Vacant In-City Alternate: In-City Alternate: Gina Sanderson is eligible and desires reappointment. Vacant ETJ: ETJ Alternate: Bill Stompf is eligible and desires reappointment. Terry Senich is eligible and desires reappointment. Councilman Ballou MOVED, seconded by Councilwoman Warrender, and carried unanimously, to reappoint Dick Gambill as an In-City Member of the Board of Adjustment; to appoint Charles Sewell as an In-City Member of the Board of Adjustment; to reappoint Gina Sanderson as an In-City Alternate Member of the Board of Adjustment; to appoint Katrina Smith as an In-City Alternate Member of the Board of Adjustment to recommended to the Carteret County Board of Commissioners to reappoint Bill Stompf as an ETJ Member of the Morehead City Board of Adjustment; and to recommend to the Carteret County Board of Commissioners to reappoint Terry Senich as an ETJ Alternate Member to the Morehead City Board of Adjustment. 6.8. New Business: Device Policy Adopt the Morehead City Employee Personal Mobile City Manager Whitlow reported that the Finance & Administration Committee of the Council reviewed the proposed Morehead City Personal Mobile Device Policy. The purpose of the policy was to provide for the use and reimbursement of employee owned or personal mobile devices that are used for City business. There are currently 58 phones on the City's account. In many. instances employees are using their own devices. If an employee agrees, they would have to sign the agreement to receive the $30 a month stipend. If this policy were adopted, the City would not pay any more money than what is currently being charged. There would not be a proliferation of phones, the employee usage would have to be agreed upon by City Manager and Department Heads. The employee would also have to understand that the phone then would come under the public records law of the state. The Finance & Administration Committee recommended that the Council review the policy. Councilman Taylor MOVED, seconded by Councilman Ballou to adopt the Morehead City Employee Personal Mobile Device Policy as presented. 9. S.C. Morehead City Council Meeting- Tuesday, August 9, 2016 Adopt Resolution 2016 ..31 Endorsing the Oyster Festival and Authorizing Actions Necessary for the Event to be held Saturday, November 26, 2016 on the Morehead City Waterfront We- Pints for a Purpose, Inc., a 501[c]3 corporation requested to hold an Oyster Festival at the Big Rock "Jib" Landing Site as well as the Deck at Ottis Landing in order to provide a family-friendly event that raises awareness for Wild Caught as well as farmed oysters. The Festival will also provide musical entertainment which will be free to the public. The Festival will sell VIP tickets for preferred access, alcohol, food and merchandise. The Public Works Committee of the Council reviewed the proposed concept and recommended that a resolution be prepared for adoption in order that this event may proceed. Councilwoman Warrender questioned if the applicant had contacted the Fire Marshal to which Russell Lewis, the applicant, replied not yet at this stage. When Councilwoman Warrender questioned the extra time allotted in the resolution, Mr. Lewis replied that extra time was needed for setup and breakdown of equipment. Mr. Lewis continued that he will leave the site clean, he has already contacted Robert Purifoy and has not as yet spoken to Sammy Boyd or the Red Fish Grill about the event. He has contact NC Fisheries about disposal of the oyster shells and the jib will be roped off during the event for the sale of beer. The concept, according to Mr. Lewis, was to have this as a free event and to charge for consumption. It is a fundraiser for the N.C. Shellfish Growers Association to provide sustainable oyster stocks. Councilman Taylor MOVED, seconded by Councilman Thompson, and carried unanimously to adopt Resolution 2016-31 endorsing the Oyster Festival and authorizing actions necessary for the event to be held Saturday, November 26, 2016 on the Morehead City Waterlront. [Resolution 2016-31 is attached to and made a part of these minutes herein by reference.] 6.0. New Business: Approve the Amendment to the Personnel Policy Section "Law Enforcement Officer's Separation Allowance" Human Resources Officer Susan Nixon reported that after further review of the new Personnel Policy which was adopted by the Council on June 22, 2016, City staff recommended that Division VI, Section 13 Law Enforcement Officers' Separation Allowance be amended to mirror the language in the General Statutes that regulates this provision. This separation allowance is mandated by the General Statutes for police officers. The referring General Statute section is defined in NCGS 143-166.42 Special Separation Allowances for Local Officers. This amendment will eliminate any inconsistencies with the General Statute so as not to decrease or increase the benefit provisions in any capacity. The Finance & Administration Committee of the Council reviewed the recommended change. Councilman Ballou MOVED, seconded by Councilman Walker and approved unanimously, to approve the amendment to the Personnel Policy Section "Law Enforcement Officer's Separation Allowance". 10. 6.E. Morehead City Council Meeting- Tuesday, August 9, 2016 New Business: Approval of a Morehead City Logo to be Utilized on the Morehead City Website IT Manager Jonathan Snyder reported that on August 2, 2016, the Finance & Administration Committee had the opportunity to review the potential logo designs for the Town of Morehead City's website. There were a total of 15 design templates that were provided from the Graphics Design Team at ZION Technologies. This logo is going to be used to anchor the mobile friendly website currently under construction with ZION Technologies. An initial concern was that this logo would replace the official Seal of the Town of Morehead City, however, that is not the case. The Committee recommended that the proposed designs be reviewed and chosen by the entire City Council. IT Manager Snyder explained that the Morehead City website needed to be updated to become mobile friendly. With the proposed update of the website, it was recommended to design a logo to anchor the page. This logo could also be used for posters, ball caps, etc. The basis for the proposed design came from an employee contest which was won by Sarah Collins. Her design was submitted to Zion for their remodeling. Zion will sign off on the sole property rights to the logo. IT Manager Snyder was seeking an approval for a design for the website. City Manager Whitlow further advised that the current City Seal will remain as the official seal on paperwork and City vehicles. Councilman Walker MOVED, seconded by Councilman Taylor, and carried unanimously, to approve the logo on the last page bottom left corner to be used for marketing and advertising purposes. [The approved City logo is attached to and made a part of these minutes herein by reference.] 7 .A. Cit~ Manager's Report:- Sale of City Owned Property located at 304 North 25t Street [Former EMS Building] City Manager David Whitlow reported that in the fall of 2014, the City went through the process of advertising for the acceptance of bids on several surplus properties. One of the properties was the North 25th Street site of the old rescue squad building. Following the procedures specified in the General Statutes, the City went through an upset bid process, resulting in a final high bid on the North 25th Street property of $27,500. The Council rejected this bid and indicated that it would go through the process again at some time in the future in hopes of receiving a higher price. During the last week in July, Andrew Onorio submitted an unsolicited bid for the North 25th Street property in the amount of $67,500 to conduct a boat repair business on the site. The property is presently zoned R-5 which would not permit a business operation of this type. When Mr. Onorio first indicated an interest in submitting a bid he was informed that the City could not accept a bid on a contingent basis and that he would be bidding on the property "as is", with any rezoning action requiring a separate and distinct consideration involving the Planning Board and Council. The Finance Committee reviewed the bid at its meeting on August 2, 2016, and after much discussion, forwarded it on to the full Council without a recommendation. The 11. Morehead City Council Meeting- Tuesday, August 9, 2016 Committee felt uncomfortable considering bids on a property that might not support the proposed use due to the current zoning. Subsequent to this, yesterday a second bid was received for $55,000 with no contingency attached to it. Both bids were presented to the Council and could begin the upset bid process. The higher bid would need to be received in the correct form. City Manager Whitlow reminded the Council that nothing regarding the zoning process should be attached to the bid. In order for the bid to be valid, the City needs a willing purchaser to accept the property as is, where is, with no guarantees. The second bid of $55,000 complied with the General Statutes. City Attorney Derek Taylor advised that acceptance of the bid could not be predicated on the use of the property. The property consists of one and one-half (1 %) lots comprising .18 acres, with a tax assessed value of $50,654 for the land and $115,392 for the building. Should the Council determine this to be a sufficient bid for consideration, the next step would be to request a 5°/o refundable deposit, followed by the publication of a notice for the upset bid process per § 160A-269 of the North Carolina General Statutes. Councilman Walker MOVED, seconded by Councilman Ballou, and carried unanimously, to move forward and follow the procedures of G.S.160A-269 to conduct the upset bid process. 7.8. Receipt of a Downtown Revitalization/Award from the Rural Economic Development Division of the N.C. Department of Commerce in the amount of $94,340 City Manager Whitlow explained that the City received an unsolicited award of $94,340 from the N.C. Department of Commerce, however, the stipulation is that the City must submit a form to the state by September 1, 2016, on how the money would be used and the project must be completed by March 31, 2017. He suggested using the funding for Katherine Davis Park or to improve the corner lot at 4th and Evans Street that was recently acquired from the N.C. Railroad. The suggestions on how to spend the funds were landscaping and making permanent public parking at 4th and Evans Streets, permanent restroom facilities at Katherine Davis Park, a gazebo on the Jib property, canvas over the Ottis Landing dock, etc. After much discussion, the Council concurred that the best use of the funding with the limited amount of time for submission and completion was to improve the parking area at 4th and Evans Streets. Lisa Rueh, Director of the Downtown Morehead City Revitalization Association [DMCRA] commented that the DMCRA had aesthetic designs available and can forward ideas to the City Manager. 12. Morehead City Council Meeting- Tuesday, August 9, 2016 Council Requests/Comments Councilwoman Warrender requested the status of the new Dock Master position. City Manager Whitlow commented that the new hire will report on August 18th. With regard to the Charles Wallace Building Structural Analysis, the architect and engineer a week ago reviewed the Charles Wallace Building. A draft report should be available in a few weeks. Councilman Ballou asked about the proposed audio-visual updates to the Council Chambers to which City Manager Whitlow advised that the original projectors ordered were no longer available, and the new projectors were on backorder. City staff is waiting on receiving all the equipment so as to update the entire infrastructure at one time. Public Services Director Williams reported that the installation of the new elevator will take a few weeks. The order has been placed. Demolition will be done by in-house staff, and the vendor will install the elevator. 9. Adjournment There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m. Gerald A. Jones, Jr., Mayor Attest: Jeanne M. Giblin, City Clerk II PAGE 1 OF 1 TOWN OF MOREHEAD CITY REQUESTED REFUNDS AS OF 8/31/16 PREPARED BY SHIRL MEADOWS, TAX COLLECTOR Tax Year Payee/Taxpayer 2014 JEAN D LAWRENCE 2015 JOHN P LUDDEN ETUX DONNA F 2014 RUSSELL KING REF: FREDRICK W KING 2014 S. LAMONT WOOTEN Parcel No. and/or Account No. Requested by/Refund to 488460 JEAN D LAWRENCE 3403 SNEAD ST MOREHEAD CITY, NC 28557 374087.00 JOHN P AND DONNA F LUDDEN 5007 BOGUE AVE MOREHEAD CITY, NC 28557 Amount of Tax & Interest Paid 4.51 302.01 Amount of Interest Due Total Refund 302.01 OVERPAYMENT DUE TO QUALIFYING EXEMPTION 26199 RUSSELL KING 20161 NC HWY 32 N PLYMOUTH, NC 27962 13.14 13.14 OVERPAYMENT 352803 S.L. WOOTEN 225 COUNTRY CLUB DR GREENVILLE, NC 27834 18.49 18.49 OVERPAYMENT 338.15 DATE BOARD APPROVED REMARKS CITY CLERK Reason 4.51 OVERPAYMENT Gerald A. Jones, Jr., Mayor MORJEHJEAD CITY --co_u_N_C-IL_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ N 0 R T H C A R 0 L I N A ------1 202 South 8th Street Morehead City, North Carolina 28557-4234 TEL (252) 726-6848 FAX (252) 222-3082 www. William F. Taylor, Mayor Pro Tern George W. Ballou Demus L. Thompson Harvey N. Walker, Jr. Diane C. Warrender TO: Honorable Mayor and Town Council FROM: Shirl Meadows, Tax Collector SUBJECT: Tax Collection Report DATE: September 2, 2016 David S. Whitlow City Manager TOWN LEVIED TAXES: The following taxes were collected for the month of August 2016: 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 $ 3,513,393.48 3,769.06 $ $ 245.64 469.28 $ $ 79.39 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 $ $ $ $ $ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2006 $ 0.00 OTHER PENALTIES $ 693.26 The following is fiscal year to date tax information through August 31 8 \ 2016 with comparatives to 2015: Tax Scroll (Net Levy) Taxes collected (incl. discounts, net of refunds) Balance due on taxes Percentage of tax collected to date Prior year taxes collected to date (net of refunds) Prior year taxes outstanding Interest and penalties collected to date (net of refunds) 6,623,116.91 3,521,504.00 3,101,612.91 53.17°/o 11,328.02 69,848.21 1,510.23 6,476,166.34 3,419,221.70 3,056,944.64 52.79o/o 10,907.94 67,002.58 736.32 Notes: 1. Overpayments for August 2016 totaled $4,645.14. Refunds requested totaled $338.15. 2. Attachments and garnishments are used as a means of collection on delinquent taxes. ADA/EOE/P Equal Opportunity Employer Provider 1 MOTOR VEHICLE TAXES: Carteret County collected the following taxes for the fiscal year through June 30th, 2016 with comparative information for 2015. The County collects and remits these taxes to the Town, net of a 1%%> collection fee. 6/30/16 Fiscal year to date tax levy Interest billed on taxes Total billed Current year taxes collected Prior year taxes collected Interest collected Collection fee charged (Both systems) Percentage of tax collected to date 285,787.99 212.57 286,000.56 285,787.99 145.15 1,985.73 16,154.78 100.35o/o 6/30/15 241,176.57 149.57 241,326.14 242,433.18 6,251.74 2,702.94 14,883.95 100.52o/o A B c D E F G H The above figures for 2015 are a combination of the old County motor vehicle billing/collecting system and the new Tax & Tag system run by the Department of Revenue. The method of calculating the collection percentage for motor vehicles changed with the new Tax & Tag system. The expected collection percentage is at or near 100%. The Town has not received any motor vehicle tax money for July or August at the time of this report. 2 Gerald A. Jones, Jr., Mayor MOREHEAD CliTY CAROLINA-----William F. Taylor, Mayor ProTem George W. Ballou Demus L. Thompson Harvey N. Walker, Jr. Diane C. Warrender 202 South 8th Street Morehead City, North Carolina 28557-4234 TEL (252) 726-6848 FAX (252) 222-3082 www. moreheadcitync. org TO: Honorable Mayor and Town Council FROM: Jewel Lasater, Finance Director SUBJECT: Finance Report DATE: Wednesday, September 07, 2016 David S. Whitlow City Manager Repotied below are cash and investment balances and interest rates for the Town of Morehead City for July 2016. Also, reported are prior year comparative balances for the same period: Central Depository Funds August-15 Unrestricted Fund Accounts Branch Banking & Trust-General Disbursement Acct. Branch Banking & Trust-Money Rate Acct. Notih Carolina Capital Management Trust Cash Account Term Account Finistar Total Unrestricted Cash & Investments (A) $ 0.10% 0.26% 0.53% 0.17% 4,518,430.82 4,314,262.81 August-31 July-31 August-31 $ 4,013,771.45 5,159,687.07 115,418.99 10,855,434.99 2,167,902.51 21,971,450.12 158,209.88 7 ,932,161.95 2,162,793.71 19,426,624.06 65,191.82 243,879.44 22,139.00 331,210.26 42,603.32 186,978.70 22,139.00 251,721.02 22,302,660.3 8 18,908,488.66 3,394,171.72 7,260.09 12,712.75 19,678,345.08 16,528,326.25 3,150,018.83 1,528.97 2,840.90 Restricted Fund Accounts Branch Banking & Trust-Employee Reimbursement Acct. Branch Banking & Trust-USDA Required Restricted Acct. Branch Banking & Trust-USDA Required Restricted CD Total Restricted Cash & Investments Total Cash & Investments Total Cash & Investments Increase (Decrease) Interest Received Interest Received Fiscal Year to Date $ $ (A) The Town began maintaining a $2,500,000 minimum blance in the general disbursement account to reduce bank service charges in April 2014. The interest rate equivalent on the service charge reduction is approximately .25%. ADAJEOE/P Equal Opportunity Employer Provider c. MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Mayor and Town Council David Whitlow, City Manager FROM: Linda V. Staab, Planning Director RE: Barfield Properties LLC Annexation Request DATE: August 25, 2016 A. The Parcel Identification Number under consideration for annexation (636609150894000) is contiguous to the present city limits. The parcel contains approximately 0.91 acres and is zoned CH (Highway Commercial District). B. The site in question is part of a recently improved minor subdivision which is currently fragmented as the northern portion of the subdivision is currently located within the corporate limits. C. The current tax value of the property is $153,395. Based on a 35-cent tax rate, $536.88 in tax revenues would be generated. D. Water and sewer will be accessed from Highway 70 or Highway 24. All costs associated with extending the water/sewer service to the newly annexed property will be the responsibility of the owner. LVS/sw CERTIFICATE OF SUFFICIENCY To the Town Council of the Town of Morehead City, North Carolina I, Jeanne M. Giblin, City Clerk, do hereby certify that I have investigated the petition attached hereto and have found as a fact that said petition is signed by all owners of real property lying in the area described therein, in accordance with G.S. 160A-31 (c), as amended. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Seal of the Town of Morehead City, this the 30th day August, 2016. RESOLUTION NO. 2016-33 RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE CLERK TO INVESTIGATE A PETITION RECEIVED UNDER G.S. 160A-31 WHEREAS, a petition requesting annexation of an area described in said petition has been received by the Town Council of the Town of Morehead City; and WHEREAS, G.S. 160A-31(c) provides that the sufficiency of the petition shall be investigated by the City Clerk before further annexation proceedings may take place; and WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Morehead City, deems it advisable to proceed in response to this request for annexation; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Council of the Town of Morehead City: That the City Clerk is hereby directed to investigate the sufficiency of the abovedescribed petition and to certify as soon as possible to the Town Council the result of her investigation. Gerald A. Jones, Jr., Mayor ATTEST: Jeanne Giblin, City Clerk ADOPTED: ------------------ RESOLUTION NO. 2016-34 RESOLUTION FIXING DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON QUESTION OF ANNEXATION PURSUANT TO G.S. 160A-31, AS AMENDED WHEREAS, a petition requesting annexation of the contiguous area described herein has been received; and WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Morehead City has by resolution directed the City Clerk to investigate the sufficiency of said petition; and WHEREAS, certification by the City Clerk as to the sufficiency of said petition has been made; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Town Council of the Town of Morehead City, North Carolina; Section 1. That a public hearing on the question of annexation of the contiguous area described herein will be held at the Council Chambers, 2nd floor, 202 South 8th Street, Morehead City, at 5:30 o'clock p.m. on the 11th day of October, 2016. Section 2. The area proposed for annexation is described as follows: Exhibit "A" Lying and being situated in Morehead Township, Carteret County, North Carolina and being more particularly described as follows; Beginning at an existing iron pipe in the northern right of way of N.C. Highway 24, said point also being at the southwest corner of that property owned by Jacqueline Bell as recorded in deed book 1007 page 250 of the Carteret County Registry, said beginning point also being located N82-2308W 305.48 feet from the centerline intersection of N.C. Highway 24 and Hodges Street, thence from said beginning point and following said right of way S88-15-32W 189.04 feet to an existing iron pipe, thence leaving said right of way and following the eastern and northern lines of H & M Farms, LLC as recoded in deed book 1290 page 73 the following bearings and distances; N01-333 8E 30.50 feet, S88-15-32W 21.50 feet to an existing iron pipe in the eastern line of the property owned by CP Alabama, LLC as recorded in deed book 1454 page 227, thence along said eastern line N01-33-38E 165.62 feet to an existing iron pipe, thence leaving said eastern line S89-20-43E 211.40 feet to an existing iron pipe at the southwest corner of the property owned by KAL Enterprises, LLC as recorded in deed book 1395 page 362, said point also being the northwest corner of that property owned by Larry Darnell as recorded in deed book 627 page 467, thence following the western line ofthe Darnell and Bell properties S01-55-22W 187.34 feet to the point and place of beginning containing 0. 91 acres. Gerald A. Jones, Jr., Mayor ATTEST: Tax Parcel# 636609150894000 Barfield Properties LLC Annexation Page 2 RESOLUTION NO. 2016-34 Jeanne Giblin, City Clerk ADOPTED: ------------------------- Contiguous Annexation Request Corporate Limits w~t~E Gerald Barfield Pending N J'Z~ ~· 156 Highway 24 Prepared by: Town of Morehead City Planning Department August 2016 Contiguous Annexation Request w.JSta...E Gerald Barfield )7~ N ~· 156 Highway 24 Corporate Limits Pending Prepared by: Town of Morehead City Planning Department August 2016 i!: a: 0 z w' N/F BARFIELD PROPERTIES. LLC D.B. 1538 PG. 143 NCPIN 636609160076000 M. B. 33 PG. 322 ,, ',/-, 1) ,-, <.:) (J_ ...,..., co ::::E -- - ~ M.S.~ ~~::~",;'~~? :~. ,l';'~ Osil: "oo 290 f.':w DB PC pp LP OHE ELEC TRANS TEL ~TV co SSWH SDWH wv CB 01 IIW WH SP FO 2e:~iN EXISTING IRON ROO EXISTING IRON PIPE EXISTING PK NAIL EXISTING CQNC. WON. EXISTING R/R SPIKE SET IRON ROO CALCULATED POINT MEAN HIGH WATER NOW OR FORWERL Y MAP BOOK DEED BOOK PACE POWER POLE LICHT POLE OVERHEAD ELECTRIC ELECTRICAL PEDESTAL ELEC. TRANSFORIER TELEPHONE PEDESTAL CABLE TV PEDESTAL WATER WEYER CLEAN OUT SAN I TARY SEWER IIANHOLE STORM DRAIN MANHOLE WATER VALVE CATCH BASIN DROP INLET MONITORING WELL IIANHOLE SERVICE POLE FIBER OPTIC ~ ~ , ' . .v~ ~~v ~ ~%a~: •• 00 N/F H&M FARMS, LLC D. B. 1290 PG. 73 NCP IN 636609059793000 M.B. 30 PG. 447 S88' 15' 32 "w 21.50 .' ' ,' CD1 ' .' BE "'""" = ""'" / /. , !I '" """ 0 , r~/ ! // I' ' ~:~.':~6 :~g~ ~ ~ 1o o / ,. • ' ~ ,~~, ' 02 . / tln :! • ""' LLC c: N/F /F KAL ENTERPRISES. LLC/ N 395 PG. 362 / 1636609162037ooo/ / ! ~~; ~~~' ~ ~~· FLEXI~6Ep~?' 4 ~~CESS EASEMENT~~~~~' ~ 118 '/ ,:/ --·-·-'!l:~.'.!.J.:L'V/),/' -EIP~~Pm ~~'~ ·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·~'.L!&,_,_·-·-f.- -----__ 7/ N N ..., EIR EIP EPK ECM ERRS SIR I / 1 1 / .. ,~ w~~ !~: Mlm~ONLOTLI"' INGR~Shs~~~~fS !~r ~~ ·~ N/F JACQUELINE BURNETTE BELL D.B. 1007 PG. 250 NCPIN 636609152857000 EIP~]lli~~~~~~:~~~~-~~~: :~ •·-·-·-·lT~oc : .c: : ·: ~- ~ -·- .! ~£:?.l:.Jl~t:~ E I P • • ' iW ~ ·-·-·-r~.'l>• • !_ • ' --. ' ' - 1 ____ -- f.. N01"33' 38"E 30.50 : , . ! 26' ' ; 1 I S88"• 15 32 W . NOTE: II THIS MAP IS OF AN EXISTING PARCEL OF LAND 21 AREA BY COORDINATES. 31 ALL DISTANCES ARE HORIZONTAL GROUND DISTANCES UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 41 IIIPROVEIIENTS AND UTILITIES MOT SHOWN. 51 LOT AREA • 39,753.51 S.F. OR 0.91 ACRES. ·31:: . / - -·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-r ' -. ::/.::]. . '·-""'-·-·-·-·-·-·- 1. • THE CITY CLERK OF MOREHEAD CITY. DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE MOREHEAD CITY TOWN COUNCIL APPROVED THIS MAP AND THE SITE HAS BEEN APPROVED FOR ANNEXATION AND RECORDING IN THE OFFICE OF THE REGISTER OF DEEDS: . 3os ., 100' PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY CITY CLERK: _ _ _ _ _ __ REFERENCES: OWNER: N/F BARF I ELD PROPERTIES, LLC D.a. 1538 PG. 143 NCP IN 6366091 50894000 M.B. 33 PG. 322 ,..,..S: 156 HIGHWAY 24 ADDR .. ., ADOPTED BY THE TOWN OF IIOREHEAD CITY TOWN COUNCIL ORDINANCE NO. DATE: _ _ __ EFFECTIVE DATE OF ORDINANCE: REVIEW OFFICER CERTIFICATION STATE OF NORTH CAROL INA PRELIMINARY PLAT NOT FOR RECORDATION. CONVEYANCE OR SALE. FOR REV lEW ONLY. 1. • REVIEW OFFICER OF CARTERET COUNTY CERTIFY THAT THE MAP OR PLAT TO IOIICH THIS CERTIFICATION IS AFFIXED MEETS ALL STATUTORY REOUIREIIENTS FOR RECORDING. --olTE: ANNEX AT I ON SURVEY FOR BARFIELD PROPERTIES I• E. GLENN CORBETT. CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT WAS DRAWN BY liE FROM INFORMATION TAKEN FROM MAP BOOK 33 PACE 322 CDEED OESCR I PT I ON TOWNSHIP, CARTERET COUNTY, ll6~ 0 ~Bft~Ef~D8 2~ 5 c~m~iNy~g 1~A ~aT A~HM~N~~~~ES REGISTER OF DEEDS CERTIFICATE BARFIELD PROPERTIES, LLC INFORMATION FOUND IN BOOKS REFERENCED ON THE FACE OF THIS PLATJ THAT THE RATIO OF PRECISION AS CALCULATED IS UN/A I THAT THIS PLAT WAS PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH C. S. H-30 AS AIENDED. WITNESS MY ORIGINAL SIGNATURE, LICENSE NUIIBER, AND SEAL THIS 10TH DAY OF AUGUST. 2016. FILED FOR REGISTRATION AT O'CLOCK ON THE _ _ _ DAY OF • 2016. RECORDED IN MAP BOOK _ _ _ PACE--~ JERRY HARDESTY. REGISTER OF OEEOS P.O. BOX 534 MOREHEAD CITY, NC 28557 PHONE: ASS(SIARI DEPUTY 3~0 PROJECT No. PM1457-004 ,..,...,., ''""" N.C. HIGHWAY 24 DATE: _ _ __ BY: ~·-·-·-·-·-·~------·-·-·-·., 00 ~~·-·--~~'l'm,o: ~ SCALE: 1" = 30 252-560-1515 STROUD ENGINEERING, •DA . L-3407 L I CENSE NUIIBER 151-A NC HIGHWAY 24 MOREHEAD CITY. N.C. 28557 12521 247-7479 LICENSE E. GLENN CORBETT. P.L.S. Sample Letter for Request for Voluntary Annexation David Whitlow, City Manager Town of Morehead City 706 Arendell Street Morehead City, NC 28557 RE: Voluntary Annexation Request Dear Manager: As the owner(s) of the below-referenced property, I (we) would like the Town Council to consider my (our) (street address with lot request for annexation. The property in question is located at l SC. H....., eloped, explain and block numbers, if applicable). The property is currently developed undevelo e i how) and is zoned c:: H . The size ofthe tract is o . Cf 1 acres and it is contiguou /non-contiguous to the city limits (if non-contiguous to the city limits, please indicate how many miles it is to the city limits). A) The tax evaluation data for the property is as follows: 1. Tax Parcel Number(s) ~ :3~ ~ D'=t I 5o B 9 '{ ooo 2. Owner(s) as listed on Deed /.3 9 r£icdct' Prof)e.r .f.1e. s I LL C 3.TaxV~ue(byparcel)~-~~~~3~,~' ~ '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ B) The anticipated impact to City services is as follows: 1. Water/Sewer (estimated gallons per day) -------< ~ <-r-o -=----o _ o_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ C) The anticipated impact fee is $_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Utilities Department) D) Enclosed, please find the following information: (Figure may be obtained from the Public 1. Copy of Annexation Survey (suitable for recording) and Legal Description of Property; 2. Copy of All Deeds for the Area to Be Annexed to verify ownership; 3. Flat fee of$·%~ (In addition to the application fee, the applicant is responsible for advertising and recording?bsYPassociated with the annexation request.) Sincerely, ~ Applicant(s)' Signature / ' ' - - (Notarized) , ~\\0\o,~ ~LhO(\ pcY'!SO~ o\ ~U<jU'2,\- Q.O\L9 · m~ (,{)(Yim•YY1o'0 fxpY-t>¥ /C ?--- MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Mayor and Town Council David Whitlow, City Manager FROM: Linda V. Staab, Planning Director RE: Pelican Point Properties LLC Annexation Request DATE: August 25, 2016 A. The Parcel Identification Number under consideration for annexation (635612963393000) is contiguous to the present city limits. The parcel contains approximately 1.16 acres and is zoned CH (Highway Commercial District). B. The portion of the parcel proposed to be annexed is part of a parcel that is currently fragmented. Annexation of the remainder of the parcel would result in the parcel being located entirely within the corporate limits. C. The current tax value of the property is $832,744. Based on a 35-cent tax rate, $4,413.54 in tax revenues would be generated. D. Water and sewer will be accessed from Highway 70. All costs associated with extending the water/sewer service to the newly annexed property will be the responsibility of the owner. LVS/sw Gerald A. Jones, Jr., Mayor MORJEHJEA D CITY ------------ N 0 COUNCIL William F. Taylor, Mayor Pro Tem George W. Ballou Demus L. Thompson Harvey N. Walker, Jr. Diane C. Warrender R T H CAR 0 L IN A - - - - - -t 202 South 8th Street Morehead City, North Carolina 28557-4234 TEL (252) 726-6848 FAX (252) 222-3082 . DavidS. Whitlow City Manager CERTIFICATE OF SUFFICIENCY To the Town Council of the Town of Morehead City, North Carolina I, Jeanne M. Giblin, City Clerk, do hereby certify that I have investigated the petition attached hereto and have found as a fact that said petition is signed by all owners of real property lying in the area described therein, in accordance with G.S. 160A-31 (c), as amended. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Seal of the Town of Morehead City, this the 30th day August, 2016. _j~anne M. Giblin, ADAIEOE/P Equal Opportunity Employer Provider ity Clerk RESOLUTION NO. 2016-35 RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE CLERK TO INVESTIGATE A PETITION RECEIVED UNDER G.S. 160A-31 WHEREAS, a petition requesting annexation of an area described in said petition has been received by the Town Council of the Town of Morehead City; and WHEREAS, G.S. 160A-31(c) provides that the sufficiency of the petition shall be investigated by the City Clerk before further annexation proceedings may take place; and WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Morehead City, deems it advisable to proceed in response to this request for annexation; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Council of the Town of Morehead City: That the City Clerk is hereby directed to investigate the sufficiency of the abovedescribed petition and to certify as soon as possible to the Town Council the result of her investigation. Gerald A. Jones, Jr., Mayor ATTEST: Jeanne Giblin, City Clerk ADOPTED: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - RESOLUTION NO. 2016-36 RESOLUTION FIXING DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON QUESTION OF ANNEXATION PURSUANT TO G.S. 160A-31, AS AMENDED WHEREAS, a petition requesting annexation of the contiguous area described herein has been received; and WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Morehead City has by resolution directed the City Clerk to investigate the sufficiency of said petition; and WHEREAS, certification by the City Clerk as to the sufficiency of said petition has been made; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Town Council of the Town of Morehead City, North Carolina; Section 1. That a public hearing on the question of annexation of the contiguous area described herein will be held at the Council Chambers, 2nd floor, 202 South 8th Street, Morehead City, at 5:30 o'clock p.m. on the 11th day of October, 2016. Section 2. The area proposed for annexation is described as follows: Exhibit "A" Lying and being situated in Morehead Township, Carteret County, North Carolina and being more particularly described as follows; Beginning at an existing iron pipe at the southwest comer of that property owned by Wadsworth Properties, Inc., as recorded in deed book 1311 page 144 of the Carteret County Registry, said beginning point also being located S14-21-45W 232.04 feet from an existing iron pipe at the northwest comer of said Wadsworth property, said point also being in the southern right ofway of U.S. Highway 70, thence from said beginning point and following the property line of Lot 2 Tripp Betty Peter MHC as recorded in map book 33 page 316 the following bearing and distances; S14-21-45W 123.07 feet; N80-31-06W 333.22 feet to an existing iron rod in the eastern line of USPG Portfolio Five, LLC as recorded in deed book 1443 page 410, thence along said eastern line N06-09-06E 172.92 feet an existing iron rod, thence leaving said eastern line S72-28-18E · 3 57.23 feet to the point and place of beginning containing 1.16 acres. Gerald A. Jones, Jr., Mayor ATTEST: Jeanne Giblin, City Clerk ADOPTED: ------------------------ Contiguous Annexation Request N w~f/J;>E Pelican Point Properties, LLC ~f'>t 5133 Highway 70 (southern portion) Corporate Limits Pending Prepared by: Town of Morehead City Planning Department August 2016 100 Contiguous Annexation Request N w~f~E Pelican Point Properties, LLC ~~~ 5133 Highway 70 (southern portion) Corporate Limits Pending Prepared by: Town of Morehead City Planning Department August 2016 i= a: 0 z / ' ;;; (~~) ~ ,..,,.., E I P AT SOUTHERN RIGHT OF WAY OF U.S. HIGHWAY 70 N/F WADSWORTH PROPERTIES. INC. DB. 1 311 PG. 14 4 N.C.PIN# 635612966299000 5121 HIGHWAY 70 LEGEND E!A E!P EPK ECM ERRS SIR CP NHW N/F liB DB PG pp LP OHE ELEC TRANS TEL CATV co "" SS!a! SOla! wv CB 01 "" MH SP FO EXISTING !RON ROD EXISTING !RON PIPE EXISTING PK NAIL EXISTING CONC. NON. EXISTING RIA SPIKE SET IRON ROD CALCULATED POINT WEAN HIGH WATER NOW OR FORMERlY UAP BOOK DEED BOOK PAGE POWER POlE liGHT POlE OVERHEAD ElECTRIC ElECTRICAl PEDESTAL ElEC. TRANSFORMER TElEPHONE PEDESTAl C4BlE TV PEDESTAL WATER METER CLEAN OUT S4N!TARY SEWER MANHOlE S TORN ORA IN MANHOLE WATER VAlVE CATCH B4S!N DROP INLET MONITORING WEll MANHOLE SERVICE POLE FIBER OPTIC CD ! i i --- ----------..1 CLEARED AREA TO BE ANNEXED = 1. 16 ACRES i 0 i M.S. 33 PG 316 N/F USPG PORTFOLI 0 FIVE, LLC DB. 1443 PG. 410 N.C. PIN# 635612961130000 20'UTILITY EASEMENT I• • THE CITY ClERK OF MOREHEAD CITY. DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE MOREHEAD CITY TOliN COUNCil APPROVED THIS MAP AND THE SITE HAS BEEN APPROVED FOR 4NNEXAT!ON 4ND RECORDING IN THE OFFICE OF THE REGISTER OF OEEDSI DATE: _ _ __ NOTE: 1 I THIS MAP IS OF AN EXISTING PARCEl OF lAND 21 AREA BY COORDINATES. l I ALL DISTANCES ARE HORIZONTAl GROUND DISTANCES UNlESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 41 IUPROVEMENTS AND UTILITIES NOT SHOWN. 5 I LOT AREA = 1.16 ACRES. 61 ZONING - CH E!R ® CITY CLERK: _ _ _ _ _ __ M.B. 33 PG 316 ADOPTED BY THE TOWN OF MOREHEAD CITY TOWN COUNCIL ORDINANCE NO. _ _ _ __ DATE: _ _ __ EFFECTIVE DATE OF ORDINANCE: _ _ _ _ __ REFERENCES: OWNER: N/F PELICAN POINT PROPERTIES. LLC D.B. 1547 PG. 58 NCP IN 635612963393000 M.B. 33 PG. 316 ADDRESS: FORMERLY 51 33 HIGHWAY 70 ANNEXATION SURVEY FOR [. E. GlENN CORBETT, CERTIFY THAT THIS PlAT WAS DRAWN BY liE FROII !NFORIIAT!ON TAKEN FROII MAP BOOK 33 PAGE 322 IOEEO DESCRIPTION n~l~PJied~o~S c~~~NifiR ~~.fM~TA~HijR~~~~~ES ~,,,~~~~~~1(!/t'''''r. f~~~i:::~~g\ REGISTER OF DEEDS CERTIFICATE FilED FOR REGISTRATION AT ON THE _ _ _ OAY OF RECORDED IN NAP SOOK _ _ _ PAGE JERRY HARDESTY. REG !STER OF DEEDS O'ClOCK , 2016. 3~0 BY: _ _ _...,AS""S'"'IS~Il"'R'r'l"'0£""PO""I'V"Y- - - PROJECT No. PM1457-005 SCALE: 1" = 30' \z~i;~~~i INFORMATION FOUND IN BOOKS REFERENCED ON THE FACE OF THIS PLATI THAT THE RATIO OF PRECISION AS CAlCULATED IS 1:NIA I THAT THIS PlAT WAS PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH G.S. ~7-lD AS AMENDED. WITNESS IIY ORIGINAl SIGNATURE. LICENSE NUMBER. ANO SEAL THIS 18TH DAY OF AUGUST, 2016. c::~~cACJLANU ~uRvtvoA l-3~07 llCtNSYN!lii!ER REVISIONS: No. I 81' I DATE I DESCRIPTION PELICAN POINT PROPERTIES9 LLC REVIEW OFFICER CERTIFICATION STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA 1. , REVIEW OFF !CER OF CARTERET COUNTY CERTIFY THAT THE NAP OR PLAT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATION IS AFF !XED MEETS ALL STATUTORY REOUIREUENTS FOR RECORDING. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! MOREHEAD TOWNSHIP, CARTERET COUNTY, CLIENT: PEL I CAN POINT PROPERTIES. LLC ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 534 MOREHEAD CITY, NC 28557 PHONE: 252-560-1515 ~ STROUD ENGINEERING, P.A. ~ ~JR~H~~DH~~:.AJ./ia557 <2521 247-7479 t LICENSE NO. C-064 E. GLENN CORBETT, P.L.S. 1" = 3~' Sample Letter for Request for Voluntary Annexation David Whitlow, City Manager Town of Morehead City 706 Arendell Street Morehead City, NC 28557 RE: Voluntary Annexation Request Dear Manager: As the owner(s) of the below-referenced property, I (we) would like the Town Council to consider my (our) request for annexation. The property in question is located at I '3 w 70 (street address with lot and block numbers, if applicable). The property is currently develope undevelo e loped, explain how) and is zoned C H . The size of the tract is /. J ~ acres and it is ontiguou non-contiguous to the city limits (if non-contiguous to the city limits, please indicate how many miles it is to the city limits). A) The tax evaluation data for the property is as follows: l.T~~~elNum~«~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ e. ll c.ern r oo .c.r fJ cs L L C. 3.T~v~~~y~~n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2. Owner(s) as listed on Deed B) ~-=~~~~~~~~~~,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- The anticipated impact to City services is as follows: 1. Water/Sewer (estimated gallons per day) ~~~---o~ o_o ~~~~~~~~~ C) The anticipated impact fee is $_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Utilities Department) D) Enclosed, please find the following information: (Figure may be obtained from the Public 1. Copy of Annexation Survey (suitable for recording) and Legal Description of Property; 2. Copy of All Deeds for the Area to Be Annexed to verify ownership; 3. Flat fee of $300.00 (In addition to the application fee, the applicant is responsible for advertising and recording costs associated with the annexation request.) . Any additional informa~Qf} may.b.~ ? ,btained by contacting~------- at~~~~~(znsert phone number). ,,'' ~ F Osty :"~ . ._:... .<t-~ <:-(f:'"'··.... ~- ~ 2.:::> %_. \'\OTAR -<:;(' PUaL \ C ~(1 \ te.vh~ %\ r ~~ . ~-· 0 ><l: ~~ ..~;~ _ eev<iw;~\'o Sincerely, ~ ... :/ Applicant(s)' Signature ~~,., ~ (Notarized) . \)~~ ' ..(:t.ppecved \x~ve me:_ ~ f\UJJls~ '2o\1.9 • 0-f'd ex. c iL fYOvu\cdgec\ t\)e_ c\L.te2-~L\t\~ 0\ ~ \Ove_go'r'Lj \X'S\vu~nt ~ ~ Q. ~JJku &y_ ~~'),- wei or . ~o.xL) \>u'o\,c.. : tCU~ \exd Qo\J(\~ .w~ \"\\\) LB'f'f'fl\1 ~()'(\ C~\ (e.<), ·. \\-\\9- 2.o'(i j E. SHALLOW DRAFT DREDGING GRANT NARRATIVE August, 2016 Spooners Creek Harbor has been home to Spooners Creek Marina and numerous commercial fishing vessels since the mid-1950's. Although ownership and upland development has changed over the years, the marina continues to operate, selling fuel and providing dockage and a pump-out facility for transient mariners and the commercial fishing vessels continue to exist. The 96 slip marina employs a Dockmaster who mans the diesel and gas pumps seven (7) days a week. There is also an office manager who assists with slip rentals. In addition to the marina, Spooners Creek is home to commercial fishing boats as well as residential boat slips. Spooners Creek also provides water access to a 48 acre tract of land with over 1000 feet of frontage on Highway 24 which is ripe for commercial development. In 2010, a group of the property owners, including Spooner's Creek Marina, formed Friends of Spooner's Creek Association, to jointly address the shoaling issues that were occurring in the approach channel from the ICW in Bogue Sound to Spooner's Creek Harbor. This 501(c)3 corporation's mission is to maintain free and clear navigation in the Spooner's Creek approach channel. The Friends successfully obtained a CAMA Major Permit #125-11 on October 19, 2011 which was renewed on December 11, 2014 and includes a maintenance clause. The CAMA permit allows the Friends to maintain the entrance channel to Spooner's Creek at 8' MLW depths. The Town of Morehead City was recently approached by the Friends of Spooners Creek to sponsor a Shallow Draft Dredging Grant application. Therefore, Morehead City, on behalf of the Friends of Spooners Creek, is requesting Shallow Draft Dredging funds in the amount of $40,000 to dredge the access channel to Spooners Creek from the ICW to the mouth of the creek. The $40,000 would be matched with $20,000 cash for a total project cost of $60,000. Grant funds would be used to conduct maintenance dredging in the entrance channel to Spooners Creek to maintain the 8' MLW depths and acquire an updated hydrographic survey. Data collected from the high resolution multibeam hydrographic survey will be used to assess the existing conditions relative to the permitted depths and calculate the amount of material above the permitted depth to assist with the dredging budget. Collected data can also be used in the future to understand relative shoaling rates for better management of the channel. The Friends have an active Major CAMA permit (#125-11) which allows for maintenance dredging. Spoils will be taken off site via barge. Water Resources Development Project Grant Program Electronic Application Instructions: Download and cmnplete this form through Ite1n I. Email the form as an attachment, along with Items II through V, to L Pt·oject Narne: Spooner' Creek Shallow Draft Dredge Project 2016 Water Body: Bogue Sound to Spooner's Creek County: I CARTERET River Basin: Coordinates in Decimal Degrees (36.12345, -78.12345) Eligible Purpose: I. L_ _34_4_3.3_o_3N_ __ WHITEOAK 76 42.723W JC===================G=E=NE:•R:A:L=N=A:\:'I:GA:T:I:O:N==================~ Amount Requested: $ 4oooo Is the amount being '"jquestjd the same as the a1uounts provided in the: Resolution HHy~s ? Budget I YES J? Sponsor and Primary Contact Information - (ft is the applicant's responsibility to update this information as necessarv.) Project Sponsor (from Resolution) Unit of Local Governntent Town of Morehead City -------------------------------------------Signatory (Name and Title) _o_av_id_W_I_tit_lo_w_,c_ity __ M_a,_ta_ge_r---------------------------U.S. Postal Mailing Address _7o_6_A_re_nd_e_u_st_re_et__________________________________ Morehead City, NC 28557 Ten-digit Telephone Number E1nail Address _<2_S2_)-_72_6_-6_s4_s_x_t_l3_________________________________ -------------------------------------------Primary Contact Na1ne u.S. Postal Mailing Address Linda Staab -------------------------------------------_70_6_Ar_e_nd_e_u_st_re_et_______________________________ Morehead City, NC 28557 Ten-digit Telephone Num her Entail Address I I Date: t\ug .25, 2016 ____ I _<2_52_)-_72_6_-6_s4_s_x_I_2I______________________________ --------------------------------------- II. Official Resolution: III. Project Narrative: IV. Pt·oject Plan and Location Map: V. Project Budget: VI. No Conflict of Interest Certification: Project Name: SPOONER'S CREEK SHALLOW DRAFT DREDGING GRANT 2016 Other Non-Federal Match Local Match DWR Federal Contribution Match Total Category Total 0.00% Administration 0.00% Design In-~~~: Cash I In-kind, I I I I I I I I ~ I -_ I ~ I -_ I 0.00% Permitting c~ In-kind-'~~~------~-------------r------------~------------~----------------------~r-------------------------~ 9.17% Survey 0.00% Construction Oversight Cash. In-kind~~~~~~t------------t-----------1------------+-------------------~~--------------------~__J 90.83% Construction 0.00% Construction Materials 0.00% Plant Materials 0.00% Education 0.00% Monitoring 0.00% Land TOWN OF MOREHEAD CITY Resolution #2016-37 Resolution to Sponsor the Friends of Spooner's Creek Shallow Draft Dredging Grant WHEREAS, the Morehead City Council desires to sponsor the Friends of Spooner's Creek for a shallow draft dredging grant to dredge the access channel from the Intracoastal Waterway to the mouth of Spooner's Creek. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: 1) The Council requests the State of North Carolina to provide financial assistance to Morehead City for the Spooner's Creek Shallow Draft Dredging Project in the amount of $40,000 or 66% of project construction costs, whichever is the lesser amount; 2) The Council will collect the matching funds for the grant from the Friends of Spooner's Creek and, upon collection, will assume full obligation for payment of the balance of project costs; 3) The Friends of Spooner's Creek have obtained all necessary State and Federal permits; 4) The Council will comply with all applicable laws governing the award of contracts and the expenditure of public funds by local governments; 5) The Council will oversee the Friends of Spooner's Creek supervision of construction of the project to assure compliance with permit conditions and to assure safe and proper construction according to approved plans and specifications; 6) The Council, with the assistance of the Friends of Spooner's Creek, will obtain suitable spoil disposal areas as needed and all other easements or rights-of-way that may be necessary for the construction and operation of the project without cost or obligation to the State; 7) The Council will assure that the project is open for use by the public on an equal basis with no restrictions; 8) The Council will hold the State harmless from any damages that may result from the construction, operation and maintenance of the project; 9) The Council will insure that the Friends of Spooner's Creek accepts responsibility for the operation and maintenance of the completed project. 10) The Council will cause the Town to enter into a contract with Friends of Spooner's Creek for assurance of that organization's payments from any costs and liabilities in excess of Resolution 2016-37 the grant amount, and no grant funds will be accepted or expended until such contract has been approved by the Town Council and executed by both parties. ADOPTED, by the Morehead City Council, this the 13th day of September, 2016. Gerald A. Jones, Jr. Mayor Attest: Jeanne M. Giblin, City Clerk F. Gerald A. Jones, Jr., Mayor MOREHEAD CITY ------------ N 0 couNCIL William F. Taylor, Mayor Pro Tem George W. Ballou Demus L. Thompson Harvey N. Walker, Jr. Diane C. Warrender R T H C A R 0 L I N A------ 202 South 8th Street Morehead City, North Carolina 28557-4234 TEL (252) 726-6848 FAX (252) 222-3082 PROC DavidS. Whitlow City Manager TION PROCLAIMING CONSTITUTION DAY AND CITIZENSHIP DAY CONSTITUTION WEEK 2016 IN THE TOWN OF MOREHEAD CITY WHEREAS, our Founding Fathers, in order to secure the blessings of liberty for themselves and their posterity, did ordain and establish a Constitution for the United States of America and at the culmination of months of deliberation, debate and compromise, on September 17, 1787, the Constitution of the United States of America was signed; and WHEREAS, September 17, 2016, marks the 229th anniversary of the signing of the Constitution of the United States of America by the Constitutional Convention; and WHEREAS, through all its changes over the years, the Constitution's foundation has endured and adapted; and it is the supreme law of our land; and WHEREAS, Constitution Day and Citizenship Day are celebrated on September 1ih each year during the celebration of Constitution Week, September 1ih through September 23rd; and WHEREAS, the adoption of the Constitution and the independence guaranteed to American citizens, whether by birth or by naturalization, should be celebrated by appropriate ceremonies and activities during Constitution Week. NOW, THEREFORE, I, Gerald A. Jones, Jr., Mayor of the Town of Morehead City do hereby proclaim September 17, 2016, as Constitution Day and Citizenship Day, and September 17 through September 23, 2016, as Constitution Week. I encourage governmental leaders, as well as leaders of civic, social and educational organizations, to conduct ceremonies and programs that bring together cornmunity members to reflect on the importance of active citizenship, recognize the enduring strength of our Constitution, and reaffirm our commitment to the rights and obligations of citizenship in this great Nation. FURTHERMORE, I urge all citizens of the Town of Morehead City to reflect during this week on the many benefits of our Federal Constitution and the responsibilities and privileges of American citizenship. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 13th day of September 2016. /J ,;:/"" / ' ) yor r1ea ADA/EOE/P Equal Opportunity Employer Pn)vi r G. Engineers • Planners • Land Surveyors ' CORPORATE OFFICE GOLDSBORO OFFlCE (252) 753-2139 • Fax (252) 753-7220 E-mail: 3714 N. Main Street • P.O. Drawer 49 Farmville, NC 27S28 (919) 736-7630 • Fax (919) 735-7351 E-mail: 109 E. Walnut Street• P.O. Box 1776 Goldsboro, NC 27533 August 15, 2016 Mr. Daniel Williams Town of Morehead City 706 Arendell Street Morehead City, NC 28557 SUBJECT: Recommendation of Award Contract No. 93 - Pump Station 9/Calico Creel<;. Force Main Replacement Town of Morehead City Carteret County, NC Dear Mr. Williams: The following bids (Bid Tabulation attached) were received August 15, 2016 for subject Contract No. 93: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Herring-Rivenbark, Inc. KBS Construction Company Thomas Simpson Construction T &H Construction T .A. Loving Company Keen Plumbing Company $ $ ·$ $ $ $ 227,080.00 261,325.00 397,295.00 459,172.50 525,525.00 641,572.00 Award is hereby recommended to the low bidder, Herring-Rivenbark, Inc. in the amount of $227,080.00 contingent on receipt ofCAMA General Permit. The project budget is as follows: Construction Budget Contingency @ 10% Engineering@ 10.447% Inspection Allowance Other TOTAL $ 227,080.00 $ 22,708.00 $ 23,707.15 $ 12,000.00 $ 4,504.85 $ 290,000.00 If you have any questions concerning this~ please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, /~AVID A~:~' INC. /)~ {/Lpc::_s . D.E. "Trei' Gurley, III, P.E. Goldsboro Office DEG: Attachments \\G~G4S\D 1005\DEG\20 16 MHC-CN93-PS9-CALICO-CREEK-ROA.doc 160815 BID TABULATION PUMP STATION 9/CALICO CREEK FORCE MAIN REPLACEMENT CONTRACT NO. 93 TOWN OF MOREHEA'D CITY AUGUST 15,2016-2:00 PM CONTRACTOR _B e(r ~(\5- 'R\ ve\'\bo..rtG \\\35 Co f\s-\::(tA-C.A'loV\ \1\0mQS Si: 1¥\.fSO"' GJI'L<t,-l « / -\-!_3___;,._97-+-;_2.......:....::45:_._.cP __--~/ ~~ 8 GnilitAY±ld~ -cA- l-.nv~n:J Co. ~ €eV\V\1Am\ot~ ~. *Bid Item No. 8 shall not be less than $10/CY ($200.00) Total Bid $227,080.00 Herring-Rivenbark \\G-PCJ \J) 1005\SEC\20 16 MHC-CN93-CNTRS-BIDS.DOC 160815 H. TOWN OF MOREHEAD CITY- BID TABULATION Pelletier Creek Maintenance Dredging CONTRACTOR NAME Date: Time: BID TOTAL T.D. Eure Marine Construction, LLC $73,850.00 Brooks Dredging and Marine Construction, Inc. $74,300.00 8/26/2016 2:00PM I. MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Mayor and Town Council Mr. David Whitlow, City Manager FROM: Sandi Watkins, Senior Planner/CRS Coordinator RE: FEMA Community Rating System Annual Report DATE: September 2, 2016 Morehead City has been an active participant in FEMA's Community Rating System (CRS) since 1992. As a result, Morehead City citizens are generally eligible for a 5-10°/o discount on their flood insurance premiums. In accordance with CRS program requirements, please find attached a copy of the annual report of Morehead City's floodplain management plan. Morehead City is currently included with Carteret County under the Pamlico Sound Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan for purposes of meeting its floodplain management plan requirements. The plan can be accessed via the Morehead City Planning and Inspections documents page: M(OREHEAD CITY -co~ UN -C-IL--------- William F. Taylor, Mayor Pro Tem George W. Ballou Demus L. Thompson Harvey N. Walker, Jr. Diane C. Warrender N 0 R T H C A R 0 L I N A Gerald A. Jones, Jr., Mayor - - - - - --1 706 Arendell Street Morehead City, North Carolina 28557-4234 TEL (252) 726-6848 FAX (252) 726-2267 David S. Whitlow City Manager CRS 510 Floodplain Management 2016 Progress Report for Floodplain Management/Hazard Mitigation Plan 1. Name of Plan: Pamlico Sound Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan Date Adopted: June 9, 2015 Locations where copies are available for review: Morehead City Town Hall 706 Arendell Street Morehead City, NC 28557 2. Review of Action Plan: Please see attached Mitigation Strategy table. 3. Implementation: Mitigation strategy CA9 was not met due to a primary focus of aligning the hazard mitigation planning process with the four phases of hazard mitigation planning outlined in the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000, rather than the tenstep CRS planning process outlined in the 2013 CRS Coordinator 's Manual. 4. Recommendations: Staffplans to develop a flood mitigation plan in an effort to satisfY all objectives of Mitigation Strategy CA9. 5. Dissemination: The annual report of the Morehead City components of the Pamlico Sound Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan was adopted by the Morehead City Town Council during a public meeting held on Tuesday, September 13, 2016, at 5:30p.m. at 202 South 8th Street PAMLICO SOUND REGIONAL HAZARD MITIGATION PLAN SECTION 6. MITIGATION STRATEGIES Table 67. Carteret County Mitigation Strategies Goal Addressed (see page 6-3) Hazard Addressed (see page 3-1) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 Carteret County, Atlantic Beach, Beaufort, Bogue, Cape Carteret, Cedar Point, Emerald Isle, Indian Beach, Morehead City, Newport, Peletier, Pine Knoll Shores High 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 Carteret County, Atlantic Beach, Beaufort, Bogue, Cape Carteret, Cedar Point, Emerald Isle, Indian Beach, Morehead City, Newport, Peletier, Pine Knoll Shores High Number Strategy CAl Address the sheltering needs of County residents. Continue to work on improving the preparedness of all existing shelter facilities, including the installation of on-site transformers at all shelter locations. Maintain updated information regarding all shelters on the County website. Continue support of the NC Coastal Region Evacuation and Sheltering (CRES) plan aimed at providing inland sheltering resources for coastal counties and preparation and adoption of a county sheltering plan. 1, 2, 4, 7, 8 Provide information regarding evacuation procedures and routes through County and municipal websites, as well as other means when feasible. These efforts will involve assisting the Towns of Atlantic Beach, Cape Carteret, Indian Beach, Morehead City, and Pine Knoll Shores with efforts relating to bridge closures and re-entry policies and procedures. As part of these efforts, the County will make handouts available for citizens and visitors outlining evacuation routes and procedures. 1, 2, 4, 7, 8 CA2 Applicable Jurisdictions Priority Responsible Party/Dept. • Carteret County Emergency Services Funding Sources • Carteret County Social Services GF, NCDPS, ARC • Carteret County Emergency Services GF, NCDPS • NC Highway Patrol • Atlantic Beach Administration • Cape Carteret Administration • Indian Beach Administration • Morehead City Administration • Pine Knoll Shores Administration Morehead City continues to maintain links to the Carteret County evacuation information page on its flood and emergency webpages. CA3 Continue to maintain the County's Continuity of Operations Plan in an effort to ensure ongoing governmental operations following a natural or man-made disaster event. The County, in conjunction with all participating municipal jurisdictions, will review this plan annually and update as deemed necessary. DRAFT: jANUARY 19~ 2015 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,8 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 PAGE Carteret County, Atlantic Beach, Beaufort, Bogue, Cape Carteret, Cedar Point, Emerald Isle, Indian Beach, Morehead City, Newport, Peletier, Pine Knoll Shores 6-16 High • Carteret County Emergency Services GF, NCDPS • Municipal Administrations Since the initial mitigation action planning meetings held during the development of the Pamlico Sound Regional HMP, Morehead City has developed an individual COOP specific to Morehead City operations. SECTION 6. MITIGATION STRATEGIES PAMLICO SOUND REGIONAL HAZARD MITIGATION PLAN SECTION 6. MITIGATION STRATEGIES Strategy Number Goal Addressed (see page 6-3} Hazard Addressed (see page 3-1} Applicable Jurisdictions Priority CA4 Annually review and update the County's Emergency Operations Plan (EOP} to ensure compliance with all NCEM and NCOEMS procedures and policies. Through these updates, the County will work closely with all participating municipalities to ensure that all jurisdictions continue to be educated and prepared for activation of the EOP in the event of a disaster event. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,8 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Carteret County, Atlantic Beach, Beaufort, Bogue, Cape Carteret~ Cedar Point, Emerald Isle, Indian Beach, Morehead City, Newport, Peletier, Pine Knoll Shores High CAS Maintain, and where necessary, establish backup generators at all identified critical facilities. Additionally, County Emergency Services will evaluate the equipment on a regular basis to assure it continues to meet operational demands at county facilities. 4,6 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Carteret County, Atlantic Beach, Beaufort, Bogue, Cape Carteret, Cedar Point, Emerald Isle, Indian Beach, Morehead City, Newport, Peletier, Pine Knoll Shores High Carteret County, Atlantic Beach, Beaufort, Bogue, Cape Carteret, Cedar Point, Emerald Isle, Indian Beach, Morehead City, Newport, Peletier, Pine Knoll Shores High CA6 Maintain a contract with a qualified post-disaster recovery service provider. This contract w ill include the provision of essential services and equipment, including generators, and will include documentation required for reimbursement from FEMA/NCEM. 2,4, 7,8 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Responsible Party/Dept. Funding Sources • Carteret County Emergency Services GF, NCDPS • Carteret County Emergency Services GF, NCDPS, NCDOT, HMGP • Independent Facility Operators • Town Public Utilities Morehead City continues to maintain backup generators at City buildings, including all three Fire Stations and City Hall. • Carteret County Governing Board GF, HMGP • Municipal Governing Boards Morehead City maintains a contractor for generators and storm cleanup. -- DRAFT: jANUARY 19J 2015 PAGE 6-17 SECTION 6. MITIGATION STRATEGIES PAMLICO SOUND REGIONAL HAZARD MITIGATION PLAN SECTION CA7 6. MITIGATION STRATEGIES Hold a public information meeting (once annually) aimed at educating the public and elected officials about the jurisdictions' overall vulnerability to natural and man-made hazards, and the jurisdictions' hazard mitigation efforts. 1, 2, 4, 6 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Carteret County, Atlantic Beach, Beaufort, Bogue, Cape Carteret, Cedar Point, Emerald Isle, Indian Beach, Morehead City, Newport, Peletier, Pine Knoll Shores Medium • Carteret County Emergency Services GF • Carteret County Planning • Municipal Administrations Public officials were invited to meetings concerning flooding and other hazards (e.g. hurricanes) during an NCEM meeting held in May and have been invited to a meeting to be held in September. Morehead City discussed flooding and other hazards with the Morehead City Planning Board and Council during public meetings held in April. In addition, Morehead City has met with the Homebuilders Association, the Electrical Contractors Association, the Crystal Coast Women's Realtors Association, and the Coastal Chapter of the NC Surveyors Association to discuss hazard vulnerability. DRAFT: jANUARY 19/ 2015 PAGE 6-18 SECTION 6. MITIGATION STRATEGIES I I PAMLICO SOUND REGIONAL HAZARD MITIGATION PLAN SECTION 6. MITIGATION STRATEGIES Goal Addressed (see page 6-3) Hazard Addressed (see page 3-1) Maintain the County's Mitigation Advisory Committee (MAC) in an effort to coordinate implementation and update of the Pamlico Sound Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Continue to work on the five-year implementation of the HMP. At the end of this five-year period, the County will undertake efforts to update the plan including the following ten {10) steps: (1) Organize to prepare the plan, {2) Involve the public, (3) Coordinate with other agencies, (4) Assess the hazard, (5) Assess the problem, (6) Set goals, (7) Review possible activities, (8) Draft an action plan, (9) Adopt the plan, and (10) Implement, evaluate, and revise. 1, 2,3, 4, 5, 6, 7,8 Continue to maintain the County's Crisis Management System in an effort to efficiently deal with emergency situations. These efforts will involve training for officials and relevant staff regarding use of the program. 2, 4, 6, 7 Strategy Number CA8 CA9 CAlO DRAFT: JANUARY 19~ 2015 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Applicable Jurisdictions Priority Carteret County, Atlantic Beach, Beaufort, Bogue, Cape Carteret, Cedar Point, Emerald Isle, Indian Beach, Morehead City, Newport, Peletier, Pine Knoll Shores High Carteret County, Atlantic Beach, Beaufort, Bogue, Cape Carteret, Cedar Point, Emerald Isle, Indian Beach, Morehead City, Newport, Peletier, Pine Knoll Shores High Responsible Party/Dept. • Carteret County MAC Funding Sources GF,NCDPS ! • Carteret County Emergency Services • Carteret County MAC • Municipal Administrations Morehead City staff is currently working GF, NCDPS, HMGP, PDM, UHMA on the development of a stand-alone flood mitigation plan which will address all ten planning steps. The plan will be funded by a CAMA Planning and Management grant ($15,000) and local match ($5,000). Staff continues to implement the mitigation strategies of the HMP in which it is identified. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 PAGE Carteret County, Atlantic Beach, Beaufort, Bogue, Cape Carteret, Cedar Point, Emerald Isle, Indian Beach, Morehead City, Newport, Peletier, Pine Knoll Shores 6-19 High • Carteret County Emergency Services GF, NCDPS • Carteret County Planning Although Crisis Track has not been field deployed in an emergency situation, Morehead City staff has attended county trainings and continues to review its damage assessment procedures annually or more freauentlv. SECTION 6. MITIGATION STRATEGIES PAMLICO SOUND REGIONAL H AZARD MITIGATION PLAN SECTION 6. MITIGATION STRATEGIES Goal Addressed (see page 6-3) Hazard Addressed (see page 3-1) Meet annually with all electric service providers operating within the County prior to hurricane season, in preparation for the effects of severe weather, and will provide the preliminary planning steps required for effective post-disaster recovery. 1, 4, 5, 6, 7 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 Maintain all property acquired within the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) as undisturbed open space in perpetuity. Continue to proactively establish open space within the floodplain and floodway as HMGP grant funds become available to carry out this initiative. 2, 5, 6, 7, 8 Integrate, when feasible, new greenway and public park improvements into comprehensive planning and capital improvement efforts (including coordination with the County's certified CAMA Land Use Plans). 1, 2, 6, 7 Strategy Number CAll CA12 CA13 1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 10 Applicable Jurisdictions Priority Carteret County, Atlantic Beach, Beaufort, Bogue, Cape Carteret, Cedar Point, Emerald Isle, Indian Beach, Morehead City, Newport, Peletier, Pine Knoll Shores High Carteret County, Atlantic Beach, Beaufort, Bogue, Cape Carteret, Cedar Point, Emerald Isle, Indian Beach, Morehead City, Newport, Peletier, Pine Knoll Shores High Carteret County, Morehead City Medium 1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 10 Responsible Party/Dept. • Carteret County Emergency Services • Municipal Administrations Morehead City Public Services meet with electrical service providers prior to major Funding Sources GF, NCDPS, Electric Se rvice Providers storm events. • Carteret County Planning GF, NCDPS • Municipal Administrations Morehead City will maintain property within the SFHA acquired with FMA or HMGP funding as undisturbed open space. • Carteret County Parks and Recreation GF,NCDENR • Carteret County Planning • Morehead City Parks and Recreation Morehead City continues to incorporate public park into capital improvement efforts and seeks opportunities to develop additional greenway areas. CA14 Maintain reciprocal mutual aid agreements with all neighboring communities in an effort to ensure adequate fire protection throughout the County. Additionally, all jurisdictions will provide preventive maintenance efforts to ensure the fire hydrants and equipment are working properly. 1,2,4, 7 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Carteret County, Atlantic Beach, Beaufort, Bogue, Cape Carteret, Cedar Point, Emerald Isle, Indian Beach, Morehead City, Newport, Peletier, Pine Knoll Shores High Carteret County Emergency Services Municipal Administrations GF,NCDPS Volunteer Fire Departments The Morehead City Fire Department has mutual aid agreements with all surrounding fire departments. Hydrants are maintained annually. This includes lowing the hydrant and lubricating the hreads. In October 2015, NC DOl tvalidation of the hydrant maintenance program contributed to lowering of the lfire insurance rating from a five to a three. DRAFT: jANUARY 19, 2015 PAGE 6-20 SECTION 6. MITIGATION STRATEGIES PAMLICO SOUND REGIONAl HAZARD MITIGATION PLAN SECTION 6. MITIGATION STRATEGIES I I Strategy Number CA15 CA16 CA17 CA18 Review and update respective Flood Damage Prevention Ordinances as deemed necessary. Once annually, all jurisdictions will conduct a review to ensure that the current FDPO is compliant with all FEMA and NCEM mandates. Maintain and map GIS-based data related to floodplain management and mitigation. These efforts will involve maintaining the most recent Flood Insurance Rate Maps {FIRMs}, as well as GIS locations for each property either acquired or mitigated under current or prior year mitigation grant projects. Repetitive loss areas will also be mapped through this process. Continue to require a finished floor elevation certificate for all development within the Special Flood Hazard Area {SFHA} in both incorporated and unincorporated portions of the County. All elevation certificates will be submitted on an official FEMA elevation certificate. All elevation certificates shall be kept on file by the County or municipalities. Establish and/or maintain reconstruction policies that include procedures for issuance of building permits after a natural disaster. DRAFT: JANUARY 19/ 2015 Goal Addressed {see page 6-3} Hazard Addressed {see page 3-1} 1, 2,4, 5 1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 10 2,4, 7,8 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 1,2,4, 7 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 10 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 PAGE Applicable Jurisdictions Priority Carteret County, At Ia ntic Beach, Beaufort, Bogue, Cape Carteret, Cedar Point, Emerald Isle, Indian Beach, Morehead City, Newport, Peletier, Pine Knoll Shores High Carteret County, At Ia ntic Beach, Beaufort, Bogue, Cape Carteret, Cedar Point, Emerald Isle, Indian Beach, Morehead City, Newport, Peletier, Pine Knoll Shores High • Carteret County Planning Funding Sources GF, NCDPS • Municipal NFIP participants Morehead City has conducted a comprehensive review of its FDPO. Amendments are proposed; however, staff is awaiting the release of the revised coastal model prior to initiating any amendments. • Carteret County Planning GF, NCDPS • Carteret County Information Technology Department • Carteret County Tax Department • Municipal Administrations Morehead City continues to maintain FIRMs and to map its repetitive loss properties annually. Carteret County, Atlantic Beach, Beaufort, Bogue, Cape Carteret, Cedar Point, Emerald Isle, Indian Beach, Morehead City, Newport, Peletier, Pine Knoll Shores High Carteret County, At Ia ntic Beach, Beaufort, Bogue, Cape Carteret, Cedar Point, Emerald Isle, Indian Beach, Morehead City, Newport, Peletier, Pine Knoll Shores High 6-20 Responsible Party/Dept. • Carteret County Inspections GF • Municipal Building Inspections Morehead City requires and maintains all under construction and finished construction elevation certificates. • Carteret County Planning GF • Municipal Administrations Morehead City continues to maintain its Storm Reconstruction Policy and to review and evaluate its windshield survey processes annually. SECTION 6. MITIGATION STRATEGIES PAMLICO SOUND REGIONAL HAZARD MITIGATION PLAN SECTION 6. MITIGATION STRATEGIES Strategy Number CA19 CA20 CA21 Strive to maintain respective CRS ratings through implementation of a comprehensive floodplain management program. Goal Addressed (see page 6-3} Hazard Addressed (see page 3-1) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,8 1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 10 Maintain a map information service involving the following: (1} Provide information relating to Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) to all inquirers, including a provision of information on whether a given property is located with a flood hazard area; (2} Provide information regarding the flood insurance purchase requirement; (3} Maintain historical and current FIRMs; (4} Advertise once annually in the local newspaper the availability of FIRMs; and (5} Provide information to inquirers about local floodplain management requirements. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,7,8 Mail a notice annually to all property owners in an effort to educate citizens about dangers associated with flooding in low-lying coastal areas. 1, 2, 5, 7 DRAFT: jANUARY 19J 2015 1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 10 1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 10 PAGE Applicable Jurisdictions Priority Carteret County, Atlantic Beach, Beaufort, Cape Carteret, Cedar Point, Emerald Isle, Morehead City, Newport, Pine Knoll Shores High Carteret County, Atlantic Beach, Beaufort, Cape Carteret, Cedar Point, Emerald Isle, Morehead City, Newport, Pine Knoll Shores High Carteret County, Atlantic Beach, Beaufort, Cape Carteret, Cedar Point, Emerald Isle, Morehead City, Newport, Pine Knoll Shores High 6-21 Responsible Party/Dept. • Carteret County Planning • Municipal Administrations Staff continues to provide required CRS recertification documentation on an Funding Sources GF, NCDPS, HMGP, PDM, UHMA annual basis and to conduct credited activities to maintain its CRS Rating Class 8. Morehead City's next CRS cycle visit will be held in 2017. • Carteret County Planning GF,NCDPS • Municipal Administrations Morehead City continues to provide a map information service. • Carteret County Planning GF, NCDPS • Municipal Administrations A mailing is sent annually to all residents, including those in the SFHA. Staff also sends separate notices to owners of property in identified repetitive loss areas. SECTION 6. MITIGATION 5TRA TEGIES PAMLICO SOUND REGIONAL HAZARD MITIGATION PLAN SECTION 6. MITIGATION STRATEGIES Strategy Number Goal Addressed (see page 6-3) Hazard Addressed (see page 3-1) Applicable Jurisdictions Priority Responsible Party/Dept. Funding Sources CA22 Continue to work with local real estate agencies to ensure that agents are informing clients when property for sale is located within a SFHA. The County will provide these agencies with brochures documenting the concerns relating to development located with the flood prone areas and ways that homeowners may make their home more disaster resistant to strong winds, lightning, and heavy rains. 1,2,4, 6 1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 10 Carteret County, Atlantic Beach, Beaufort, Bogue, Cape Carteret, Cedar Point, Emerald Isle, Indian Beach, Morehead City, Newport, Peletier, Pine Knoll Shores High • Carteret County Planning GF, NCDPS CA23 Make information regarding hazards and development regulations within floodplains available through the following: (1)) Ensure that the local library maintains information relating to flooding and flood protection; (2) Provide a link on the county website to FEMA resources addressing flooding and flood protection; (3) Provide a link on all participating municipalities' websites to FEMA resources addressing flooding and flood protection, evacuation procedures, disaster preparedness, and post-disaster recovery; and (4) Provide website links to relevant hazard mitigation websites. 1,2,4, 6 1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 10 Carteret County, Atlantic Beach, Beaufort, Bogue, Cape Carteret, Cedar Point, Emerald Isle, Indian Beach, Morehead City, Newport, Peletier, Pine Knoll Shores High • Carteret County Planning GF, NCDPS Support the efforts of the Carteret County Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) in their effort to address hazards associated with the storage of chemicals, noxious waste material and bulk fuel. 1, 2, 6, 7 CA24 DRAFT: JANUARY 19/ 2015 • Municipal Administrations Morehead City maintains a flood protection documents at the Webb Library. Morehead City maintains links to FEMA resources on its website. Morehead City maintains an emergency preparedness page as well as a flood page with relevant hazard mitigation links. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,8,9,10 PAGE Carteret County, Atlantic Beach, Beaufort, Bogue, Cape Carteret, Cedar Point, Emerald Isle, Indian Beach, Morehead City, Newport, Peletier, Pine Knoll Shores 6-22 High • Carteret County LEPC GF, NCDPS SECTION 6. MITIGATION 5TRA TEGIES I PAMLICO SOUND REGIONAL HAZARD MITIGATION PLAN SECTION 6. MITIGATION STRATEGIES Strategy Number CA25 CA26 CA27 CA28 Continue to support the NC Office of Dam Safety in its efforts to monitor and inspect all dams throughout the state. The County will rely on this agency to ensure that all dam facilities, both public and private, are properly maintained and stable. Goal Addressed (see page 6-3} Hazard Addressed (see page 3-1) 1, 2,4, 6 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 9, 10 Continue to monitor water resources in an effort to mitigate the impacts of drought conditions. These efforts will include maintaining a local water shortage ordinance. This ordinance will be activated in coordination with all utility providers as the need arises. 1, 2, 7, 8 In the event of a substantial flooding event or other natural hazard occurrence, perform damage assessments in coordination with NCEM. These assessments will assist the county in determining the extent of the damage caused by the respective disaster event. This data, in conjunction with the information outlined in this plan, will be utilized as a tool for land use planning and future hazard mitigation plan updates. 1, 2, 4, 7, 8 Review all land use planning and regulatory documents pertinent to hazard mitigation in an effort to: (1} Reduce exposure to natural hazards (2} Promote resource protection (3} Encourage the use of best management practices 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,8 DRAFT: jANUARY 19J 2015 11 1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 10,12 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 PAGE Applicable Jurisdictions Priority Carteret County, Atlantic Beach, Beaufort, Bogue, Cape Carteret, Cedar Point, Emerald Isle, Indian Beach, Morehead City, Newport, Peletier, Pine Knoll Shores High Carteret County, Atlantic Beach, Beaufort, Bogue, Cape Carteret, Cedar Point, Emerald Isle, Indian Beach, Morehead City, Newport, Peletier, Pine Knoll Shores High Carteret County, Atlantic Beach, Beaufort, Bogue, Cape Carteret, Cedar Point, Emerald Isle, Indian Beach, Morehead City, Newport, Peletier, Pine Knoll Shores High Carteret County, Atlantic Beach, Beaufort, Bogue, Cape Carteret, Cedar Point, Emerald Isle, Indian Beach, Morehead City, Newport, Peletier, Pine Knoll Shores Medium 6-23 Responsible Party/Dept. • Carteret County Planning • Municipal Administrations Funding Sources GF, NCDPS, NCDENR Although the Pamlico Sound Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan lists a dam with potential to impact Morehead City, there are no known dams located within Morehead City's jurisdiction. • Carteret County Planning GF, NCDENR • Municipal Administrations Morehead City continues to maintain the Morehead City Water Shortage Response Plan. • Carteret County Planning • Municipal Administrations NF, NCDPS, HMGP Morehead City continues to review its windshield survey process on an annual basis in the event the damage assessment is necessary. • Carteret County Planning GF • Municipal Administrations Morehead City staff continues to review its land use plan and Unified Development Ordinance on a regular basis to help ensure that hazard mitigation and other critical planning goals are met. SECTION 6. M!TIGA TION STRATEGIES PAMLICO SOUND REGIONAL HAZARD MITIGATION PLAN SECTION 6. MITIGATION STRATEGIES Strategy Number CA29 CA30 CA31 CA32 Consider developing a hazardous materials actions plan focused on addressing the potential impacts of hazardous materials spills. Specifically, the plan will identify and address risk associated with known hazardous materials risk areas. Continue to enforce the NC State Building Code. Local government inspections staff will re-certify the NC State Building Code as the adopted local regulation applying to all construction activities on an annual basis. Through enforcement of the NC State Building Code, jurisdictions will work to ensure that all structures, including manufactured homes, are properly anchored to minimize potential impacts stemming from a disaster event. Collaborate to provide education and training to local government officials in an effort to broaden understanding of public policy relating to hazard mitigation. Continue to proactively seek out grant funding through NCEM and FEMA for mitigation of repetitive loss properties (RLP's) from future flooding events. The County will maintain a list of RLP's, and on an annual basis, will apply for funding for all structures that meet cost-benefit thresholds as defined by FEMA. Carteret County will assist all municipal jurisdictions in working through the structural mitigation grant funding process. Goal Addressed (see page 6-3) Hazard Addressed (see page 3-1) 1, 2, 4, 6, 7 Man-made 1, 2, 5, 7 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,8 1, 2,4, 5, 7 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 10,12 Applicable Jurisdictions Priority Carteret County, Atlantic Beach, Beaufort, Bogue, Cape Carteret, Cedar Point, Emerald Isle, Indian Beach, Morehead City, Newport, Peletier, Pine Knoll Shores Medium Carteret County, Atlantic Beach, Beaufort, Bogue, Cape Carteret, Cedar Point, Emerald Isle, Indian Beach, Morehead City, Newport, Peletier, Pine Knoll Shores High Carteret County, Atlantic Beach, Beaufort, Bogue, Cape Carteret, Cedar Point, Emerald Isle, Indian Beach, Morehead City, Newport, Peletier, Pine Knoll Shores Medium Carteret County, Atlantic Beach, Beaufort, Bogue, Cape Carteret, Cedar Point, Emerald Isle, Indian Beach, Morehead City, Newport, Peletier, Pine Knoll Shores High Responsible Party/Dept. • Carteret County Emergency Services Funding Sources GF, NCDPS Morehead City Fire & EMS has Standard Operating Guidelines for hazardous materials and conducts annual trainings related to hazardous material response. Morehead City utilizes theE-Pian database to relevant information pertaining to Tier II haz. material risks. • Carteret County Inspections GF • Municipal Building Inspections Morehead City staff continues to enforce the NC State Building Code and to organize meetings with other county inspectors to ensure consistency in enforcement across county jurisdictions. • Carteret County Emergency Services GF • Carteret County Administration • Municipal Administration Staff attends meetings of the Carteret County Floodplain Administrators group and is supportive of efforts to provide training to local government officials. • Carteret County Planning Department • Carteret County Board of Commissioners • Municipal Administrations GF, NCDPS, HMGP, PDM, UHMA Morehead City continues, annually, to try to obtain funding to mitigate structures through the Flood Mitigation Assistance program. In 2016, staff requested to mitigate four RL properties and was notified that they were not eligible for funding under the FMA RL definition. DRAFT: JANUARY 19J 2015 PAGE 6-24 SECTION 6. MITIGATION STRATEGIES J. Gerald A. Jones, Jr., Mayor MOREHEAD CKTY ------------N 0 COUNCIL William F. Taylor, Mayor Pro Tem George W. Ballou Demus L. Thompson Harvey N. Walker, Jr. Diane C. Warrender R T H CAR 0 LIN A - - - - - - 1 202 South 8th Street Morehead City, North Carolina 28557-4234 TEL (252) 726-6848 FAX (252) 222-3082 www. moreheadcitync. org David S. Whitlow City Manager RESOLUTION OF SYMPATHY 2016-40 In Remembrance Of Former Morehead City Police Captain Kenneth R. Long WHEREAS, the death of Kenneth R. Long on August 28, 2016, leaves our comtnunity with a deep feeling of sorrow for the loss of such an honored and respected citizen; and WHEREAS, Kenneth R. Long began his law enforcement career at the Atlantic Beach Police Department and transferred to the Carteret County Sheriffs Department. He transferred to the Morehead City Police Departn1ent where he retired as Captain; and WHEREAS, Kenneth R. Long, as a law enforcement officer, was the guardian of life and property, defender of the individual right to be free, warrior in the battle against crin1e and dedicated to the presenration of life and property; and WHEREAS, Kenneth R. Long was a devoted husband to K.aren, loving father and proud grandfather; and WHEREAS, Kenneth R. Long was a good friend to many, and his kind spirit touched many people; and WHEREAS, during his lifetime he detnonstrated in countless ways his dedication to the welfare of others and to the community he loved and he has earned the respect and affection of people from all walks of life and all ages. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the Town of Morehead City, speaking on behalf of all our citizens, hereby extends to the metnbers of his fatnily this expression of sincere regret for their loss and hope that they will be consoled by the 1nemories of his life. DATED, this the 13th day of September, 2016. Gerald A. Jones, Jr., Mayor Attest: Jeanne M. Giblin, City Clerk ADA/EOE/P Equal Opportunity Employer Provider TOWN OF MOREHEAD CITY FY 2016-2017 BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT 2016-29 Annual Budget Before Annual Amendment Amended Budget Difference GENERAL FUND The purpose of this amendment is to update the budget as follows: To increase Miscellaneous Revenue by $1,085 for the Naional Night Out donations and to increase • the Police by the same. • To decrease Information Technology by $44,886 for Police Data Center previously budgeted and to increase Police by the same. Revenue Ad valorem taxes $ Other taxes Um·estricted intergovernmental Restricted intergovernmental revenue Permits and fees Sales and services Investment earnings Miscellaneous Other financing sources: Appropriated fund balance-restricted & committe1 Appropriated fund balance-unassigned TOTALGENERALFUNDREVENUE $ 60,169 1,812,456 13,564,806 Expenditures Mayor/Council Administration Finance Cemetery/Building & Grounds Central Services Information Teclmology Garage Community Projects Police Federal Forfeiture Funds Planning & Inspections Transportation Powell Bill Library Recreation Parks Debt Service Transfers to other funds Reimbursements from other funds Contingency TOTAL GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES 123,224 $ 459,834 500,475 574,038 800,460 226,900 574,929 74,977 3,726,561 3,769 625,452 936,298 490,450 206,170 736,526 452,116 709,693 3,024,734 (831,800) 150,000 13,564,806 $ $ $ 6,747,868 25,000 3,849,500 482,193 295,000 258,950 11,000 22,670 $ $ 6,747,868 25,000 3,849,500 482,193 295,000 258,950 11,000 23,755 60,169 1,812,456 13,565,891 $ 1,085 $ 123,224 $ 459,834 500,475 574,038 800,460 182,014 574,929 74,977 3,772,532 3,769 625,452 936,298 490,450 206,170 736,526 452,116 709,693 3,024,734 (831,800) 150,000 13,565,891 $ 1,085 (44,886) 45,971 1,085 This ordinance shall become effective upon adoption. Adopted as submitted this 13th day of September, 2016. TOWN OF MOREHEAD CITY Gerald A. Jones, Jr., Mayor ATTEST: Jeanne M. Giblin, City Clerk TOWN OF MOREHEAD CITY REQUEST FOR TOWN COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA ITEM: 4. DATE: September 13, 2016 TO: The Honorable Mayor and Town Council FROM: David S. Whitlow, City Manager SUBJECT: Citizen Requests/Comments: [2 minute time limit] Background Information Attached: Yes No X TOWN OF MOREHEAD CITY AGENDA ITEM: 5.A. DATE: September 13, 2016 REQUEST FOR TOWN COUNCIL ACTION TO: The Honorable Mayor and Town Council FROM: David S. Whitlow, City Manager SUBJECT: New Business: Morehead City Fire/EMS Presentation on Proposed Alternative Transport for Non-Acuity Patients Background Information Attached: Yes X No The Morehead City Fire/EMS Department will make a presentation on alternative transport options for non-life threatening injuries or illness. The Fire/EMS Department has been researching an alternative transport option for over a year and made a presentation to the Public Safety Committee. The goal of this program is to reduce the use of Advanced Life Support [ALS] ambulances on non-emergent calls. These non-emergent users would receive a voucher for taxi service to the hospital. Fire/EMS Chief Fulk has met with Dr. Mike Lowery, Medical Director of Carteret County, who authorized proceeding with the proposed option for a trial period. Morehead City Fire/EMS Services would respond to every call, however, EMS Technicians would be very clear in the decision of the alternative transport. Patients would have two [2] hours to call using the taxi voucher for free transportation to the hospital. Patients agreeing to alternative transport would also sign a refusal form from the Morehead City EMS Department. Attached is a guide for Fire/EMS Department staff to follow on these type calls for service which will be covered in detail during the presentation. The Public Safety Committee recommended proceeding with the alternative transport with low acuity patients on a trial basis for one [1] year. Recommended Action: If the Council desires, approve the proposed Morehead City Fire/EMS Department Alternative Transport for Non-Acuity Patients Program for a one [1] year trial period. M orehead City Fire & EMS Recommendation 911 ACTIVATION I Alternative transport for patients who meet criteria for NO significant INJURY/ILLNESS injury/illness. NO Significant Injury/Illness Primary/Secondary Assessment Vital Signs/Mental Status Normal Assessment TAXI VOUCHER PATIENT REFUSAL explained and signed Abnormal Assessment *Fall> Sft * MVC with entrapment/intrusion *2nd I 3rd degree burns * Long Bone Fractures *Cardiac I Respiratory *Stroke I Neurological *Overdose * Suicidal * Adolescent *Altered Mental Status TOWN OF MOREHEAD CITY AGENDA ITEM: 5.B. DATE: September 13, 2016 REQUEST FOR TOWN COUNCIL ACTION TO: The Honorable Mayor and Town Council FROM: David S. Whitlow, City Manager SUBJECT: New Business: Adopt Resolution 2016-38 Giving Preliminary Approval to Issuance of Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds to Finance the Acquisition, Construction and Equipping of an Affordable Housing Development [Elijah's landing] and setting the Public Hearing for Tuesday, October 11, 2016 at 5:30 p.m. Background Information Attached: Yes X No East Carolina Community Development, Inc. [ECCDI] has requested that the Town of Morehead City assist in securing financing [multifamily housing revenue bonds] in an amount not to exceed $14,000,000 for the acquisition, construction and equipping of an affordable housing development. The proposed development consists of 168 units on an approximately 13.9 acre site located at 3200 Bridges Street [former Willis Trailer Park] to be known as Elijah's Landing. The financing would be in the form of issuance of tax exempt bonds resulting in an approximate federal tax credit to the Town of Morehead City in the amount of $140,000. The debt and burden rests solely with ECCDI and the City has no risks in this partnership. All expenses associated with the bond issuance, including but not limited to attorney fees, are all paid by the financing. The Finance and Administration Committee of the Council reviewed the proposal at their last meeting and recommended proceeding with securing the financing for the project and to set a public hearing for Tuesday, October 11, 2016 at 5:30 p.m. for the public to review the financing for the project and to further submit comments in writing. Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution 2016-38 giving preliminary approval to the issuance of Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds to finance the acquisition, construction and equipping of an Affordable Housing Development [Elijah's Landing] and setting the Public Hearing for Tuesday, October 11, 2016 at 5:30p.m. TOWN OF MOREHEAD CITY, NORTH CAROLINA RESOLUTION 2016-38 GIVING PRELIMINARY APPROVAL TO ISSUANCE OF MULTIFAMILY HOUSING REVENUE BONDS TO FINANCE THE ACQUISITION, CONSTRUCTION AND EQUIPPING OF AN AFFORDABLE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT (ELIJAH'S LANDING) WHEREAS, East Carolina Community Development, Inc., a North Carolina nonprofit corporation, or an affiliated or related entity (the "Borrower"), has requested that the Town of Morehead City (the "Town") exercise the powers of a housing authority (as permitted by North Carolina law) and provide conduit financing for the acquisition, construction and equipping of a 168-unit affordable housing development to be known as Elijah's Landing Apartments located at 3200 Bridges Street, Morehead City, Carteret County, North Carolina (the "Development"); and WHEREAS, the Borrower has described the benefits of the Development to the Town and the State of North Carolina and has requested the Town to adopt a reimbursement resolution evidencing its willingness to authorize the issuance of its conduit affordable housing revenue bonds to finance a portion of the costs of acquiring, constructing and equipping the Development; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Mayor and Town Council of the Town of Morehead City: 1. It is hereby preliminarily found and determined that the Development will involve the acquisition, construction and equipping of a housing facility to serve persons of low and moderate income, and that therefore, pursuant to the terms and subject to the conditions hereinafter stated and Section 160A-456(b) and Chapter 157 of the North Carolina General Statutes (collectively, the "Act"), the Town agrees to assist the Borrower in every reasonable way to issue bonds to finance the acquisition, construction and equipping of the Development, and, in particular, to undertake the issuance of the Town's non-recourse housing revenue bonds (the "Bonds") in one or more series in an aggregate amount now estimated not to exceed Fourteen Million Dollars ($14,000,000) to provide all or part of the cost of the Development. This initial approval is conditioned upon the Borrower providing such information as is requested by the Town with respect to the Development, allocation of volume cap to the Bonds and the Development by the North Carolina Tax Reform Allocation Committee (at the recommendation of the North Carolina Housing Finance Agency) (collectively "TRAC") and agreement between the Town and the Borrower as to the terms of the transaction. This approval is an expression of the Town's intention and is not an authorization to issue the Bonds. 2. The Town intends that the adoption of this resolution be considered as "official action" toward the issuance of the Bonds within the meaning of the regulations issued by the Internal Revenue Service pursuant to the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"). 3. The Bonds shall be issued in such series and amounts and upon such terms and conditions as are mutually agreed upon among the Town and the Borrower. The Town and the Borrower shall enter into a "financing agreement" pursuant to the Act for a term and upon payments sufficient to pay the principal of, premium, if any, and interest on the Bonds and to pay all of the expenses of the Town in connection with the Bonds and the Development. The Bonds will be issued pursuant to an indenture or security agreement between the Town and a trustee (the "Trustee") or the bondholder which will set fotih the form and terms of the Bonds and will assign to the Trustee for the benefit of the holders of the Bonds, or directly to the bondholder, the Town's rights to payments under the financing agreement. THE BONDS SHALL NOT BE DEEMED TO CONSTITUTE A DEBT OR A PLEDGE OF THE FAITH AND CREDIT OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA OR ANY POLITICAL SUBDIVISION OR AGENCY THEREOF, INCLUDING THE TOWN OF MOREHEAD CITY, BUT SHALL BE PAYABLE SOLELY FROM THE REVENUES AND OTHER FUNDS PROVIDED UNDER THE PROPOSED AGREEMENTS WITH THE BORROWER. 4. The Town will cooperate with the Borrower, upon the prior advice, consent and approval of the Borrower, bond counsel and the Town's counsel, as it seeks to obtain approvals in connection with the issuance and sale of the Bonds, including, without limitation, from TRAC and from the North Carolina Local Government Commission (if such consent is required). 5. It having been represented to the Town that it is desirable to proceed with the acquisition, construction and equipping of the Development, the Town agrees that the Borrower may proceed with plans for such acquisition, construction and equipping, enter into contracts for the same, and take such other steps as it may deem appropriate in connection therewith, provided that nothing herein shall be deemed to authorize the Borrower to obligate the Town without its written consent in each instance to the payment of any monies or the performance of any act in connection with the Development and no such consent shall be implied from the Town's adoption of this resolution. The Town agrees that the Borrower may be reimbursed from the proceeds of the Bonds for all qualifying costs so incurred by it as permitted by Internal Revenue Service Regulations Section 1.150-2. 6. All obligations hereunder of the Town are subject to the further agreement of the Town and the Borrower, to satisfactory review by the Town of the financial capability of the Borrower and satisfactory underwriting of the Development, and mutual agreement to the terms for the Bonds, including the execution of a financing agreement, indenture, or security agreement and other documents and agreements necessary or desirable for the issuance, sale and delivery of the Bonds. The Town has not authorized and does not authorize the expenditure of any funds or monies of the Town from any source other than the issuance of the Bonds. All costs and expenses in connection with the financing and the acquisition, construction and equipping of the Development and the issuance of the Bonds, including the reasonable fees and expenses of the Town's counsel, bond counsel, other counsel and advisors involved in the issuance of the Bonds and any placement agent or underwriter for the sale of the Bonds, shall be paid from the proceeds of the Bonds or by the Borrower, but if for any reason the Bonds are not issued, all such expenses shall be paid by the Borrower, and the Town shall have no responsibility therefor. It is understood and agreed by the Town and the Borrower that nothing contained in this resolution shall be construed or interpreted to create any personal liability of the officers or trustees from time to time of the Town. 7. The officers of the Town are hereby authorized and directed to take all actions in furtherance of the issuance of the Bonds, including calling for a public hearing with respect to the financing of the Development through the issuance of the Bonds. 8. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage. Gerald A. Jones, Jr., Mayor Attest: Jeanne M. Giblin, City Clerk CITY CLERK CERTIFICATION I, Jeanne M. Giblin, the duly appointed City Clerk of the Town of Morehead City, North Carolina, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was properly adopted by the Town Council of the Town at a regular meeting duly called and held on September 13, 2016. (SEAL) By: ____________________________ City Clerk TOWN OF MOREHEAD CITY NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED MULTIFAMILY HOUSING REVENUE BONDS FINANCING BY THE TOWN OF MOREHEAD CITY Notice is hereby given that the Town Council of the Town of Morehead City, North Carolina (the "Town") will hold a public hearing on its proposed plan to issue its multifamily housing revenue bonds in an amount up to $14,000,000 (the "Bonds") for the financing of the acquisition, construction and equipping by East Carolina Community Development, Inc., a North Carolina nonprofit corporation, or an affiliated or related entity (the "Company"), of a multifamily residential rental development to be known as Elijah's Landing Apartments (the "Development"). The Development will consist of 168 units located in eight [8] buildings on an approximately 13.9 acre site at 3200 Bridges Street in the Town of Morehead City, Carteret County, North Carolina. The public hearing, which may be continued or adjourned, will be held on Tuesday, October 11, 2016, at 5:30 p.m. (or as soon thereafter as the hearing is held) in the Municipal Building Auditorium at 202 South 8111 Street, Morehead City, North Carolina. The housing bonds, when and if issued by the Town, will be issued pursuant to Chapter 157 of the General Statutes of North Carolina and shall not be a debt of the State of North Carolina (the "State") or the Town or any political subdivision thereof and none of the State, the Town or any political subdivision thereof shall be liable thereon, nor in any event shall such bonds be payable out of any funds or properties other than those of the Town derived solely from payments made by the Company. Any person interested in the issuance of the Bonds or the Development may appear and be heard at the public hearing. Any person wishing to comment in writing on the Development or the issuance of the Bonds should do so, within fourteen (14) days after the date of publication of this notice to Town Council of the Town of Morehead City, North Carolina, 202 South 8111 Street, Morehead City, North Carolina 28557, Attention: City Clerk. Gerald A. Jones, Jr., Mayor Please publish once: Carteret County News Times Legal Ads, Friday, September 16, 2016. P.O.# TOWN OF MOREHEAD CITY AGENDA ITEM: 6. DATE: September 13, 2016 REQUEST FOR TOWN COUNCIL ACTION TO: The Honorable Mayor and Town Council FROM: David S. Whitlow, City Manager SUBJECT: City Manager's Report: Update on the Sale of City Owned Property Located at 304 North 25th Street [Former EMS Building] Background Information Attached: Yes X No The Town of Morehead City has received a legitimate offer to purchase the Cityowned property at 304 North 25th Street in the amount of $70,925. In accordance with General Statute 160A-269 regarding upset bid procedures, an ad detailing the upset bid amount of $74,521.25 was published on August 31, 2016, in the Carteret County News Times. The public has until 5 p.m. on September 12th to offer the City the upset bid amount of $74,521.25 for the property. If no upset bids are received within that time frame, the Council may consider accepting the bid on the property in the amount of $70,925 from Palm Adventures, LLC and Startled Doe, LLC. The Council at no time is under any obligation to accept the bid. Recommended Action: Receive an update on the sale by upset bid of 304 North 25th Street, Morehead City. Gerald A. Jones , Jr., Mayor MOREHEAD CITY -c-o -UN _C _I_ L--------William F. Taylor, Mayor Pro Tem · George W. Ballou Demus L. Thompson Harvey N. Walker, Jr. Diane C. Warrender N 0 R T H C A R 0 L I N A - - - - - - -1 202 South 8th Street Morehead City, North Carolina 28557-4234 TEL (252) 726-6848 FAX (252) 222-3082 www.moreheadcitync. org David S . Whitlow City Manager TOWN OF MOREHEAD CITY PUBLIC NOTICE The Council of the Town of Morehead City has received an offer to purchase the following property for the sum of $' --TOWN OF MOREHEAD CITY x Parcel #'s 638613020638000 and 63861302071600t 4 PUBLIC NOTICE North 25th Street, former Morehead City EMS Buildin! The Council of the Town of Morehead City has received an offer to purchase the following property for the sum of $70,925.00 for Tax Parcel #'s 638613020638000 and 638613020716000, .18 acres, 304 North 25th Street, former , Morehead City EMS Building. I Persons wishing to upset the offer must subm it a · e City Clerk at 202 South 8th Street, Morehead City, N.C n ·t Monday, September 12, 2016. The person maki r deposit w ith the City Clerk a sum equal to f ive perc wishing to upset d her offer in the form of a cashier's check. Once a qu thePersons offer must submit a written to t~e City Clerk at 202 g has been received that bid w ill become the new off~ bid South 8th Street, Morehead City, N.C. by 5:00 p.m. on S upset bid is received , the new offer wi ll be advertisec Monday, September 12, 2016. person making the bid a contin ued until a ten [1 0] day period has passed w i The must deposit with the City Cieri< a sum equal to five per- II qualifying upset bid. The Council at any t ime may cent [5%) of his or her offer in the form of a cashier's check. offers. To qualify as an upset bid, the offer must be at lea: must be accompan ied by a bid deposit equal to f iv the increased bid in the form of a cashier's check. Inquiries regard ing the sale may be directed to Da Manager at [252] 726-6848, Ext. This notice is published in accordance with G.S. 160. Jeanne M. Gibl in, City Clerk Please publish once: Legal Ads, The Carteret News Ti August 31, 2016 P.O. 64943 Once a qualifying upset bid has been received that bid will become the new offer. If a qualifying upset bid is received, the new offer will be advertised and the process • continued until a ten [1 OJ day period has passed without receipt of a qualifying upset bid. The Council at any time may reject any and all offers. d f y r To qualify as ~n upset bid, I the offer must be at least $74,521 .25 and must be accompanied by a bid deposit equal to five percent [5%] of the increased bid in the form of a cashier's check. Inquiries regarding the sale may be directed to David Whitlow, City Manager at [252) 726-6848, Ext. 113 or David. Whitlow@ . This notice is published in accordance with G.S. 160A269 . Jeanne rvi. Giblin, City Clerk Au31 ADAIEOE/P Equal Opportunity Employer Provider f, TOWN OF MOREHEAD CITY REQUEST FOR TOWN COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA ITEM: 7. DATE: September 13, 2016 TO: The Honorable Mayor and Town Council FROM: David S. Whitlow, City Manager SUBJECT: Council Requests/Comments Background Information Attached: Yes No X TOWN OF MOREHEAD CITY REQUEST FOR TOWN COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA ITEM: 8. DATE: September 13, 2016 TO: The Honorable Mayor and Town Council FROM: David S. Whitlow, City Manager SUBJECT: CLOSED SESSION AS PER G.S. 143.318.11(A)(6) FOR THE ANNUAL EVALUATION OF CITY MANAGER Background Information Attached: Yes No X