January 2016 - Green Valley Recreation


January 2016 - Green Valley Recreation
y o u
b e l o n g
h e r e !
January 2016 | Vol. 2, Num. 1
Heard it Through
the Grapevine
gvr information for you, about you
Engage! Program Offers Adult Day
Services and Caregiver Relief
Caring for a loved one
can be stressful and exhausting. You want them
to have the best care and
meaningful activities, yet
also need some time for
A new partnership between Casa Community
Services and Green Valley
Recreation, Inc. addresses
both of these needs
through Casa’s Adult Day
Program, which is offered
through the new Engage!
The Engage! program
offers options for GVR
members whose health
prevents them from taking advantage of GVR’s
social and recreational
offerings. GVR members
may choose 10 full days
of care plus transportation at a discounted rate.
Offered on the La Po(cont. pg. 3)
Kent J. Blumenthal, GVR CEO
t’s that time of year to think about friends and
family, sharing and caring. About now, I usually
set some personal goals. They aren’t earth-shattering goals, like taking a round-the-world cruise (I
get motion sickness rather easily) or skydiving (I’m
acrophobic). They’re more like just staying in better
touch with friends and family, getting regular exercise,
and keeping-up with filing records and receipts on the
home front.
(cont. pg. 2)
green valley
recreation, inc.
providing recreational, social and leisure
education opportunities that enhance the
quality of our members’ lives.
3rd Annual GVR Fit&FunDay Jan 31
Public invited to this free event at GVR’s Las Campanas Center
Green Valley Recreation, Inc.
is opening its doors to the public
and encouraging all area residents
to come and enjoy the 3rd Annual
Fit&Fun Day from noon-3 pm on
Sunday, Jan. 31 at GVR’s Las Campanas Center.
This year’s event will feature
CEO Blumenthal visits with the Chess
demonstrations, exhibits and inforClub at last year’s event.
mation by GVR clubs, instructors,
dance groups and personal trainers.
as day trips and tours, classes, and
The open house showcases all of
live performances at GVR’s West
GVR’s programs and activities, many Center.
of which are open to the public, such
Volunteers from the GVR Founda-
tion will be on hand as will participants in the new Engage! collaboration between GVR, the GVR
Foundation, and Casa Community
The event also features drawings
for prizes at the end of the open
house, and you need not be present to win. Attendees may enter
the drawing as may times as they
wish, but may win only one prize.
Refreshments will be available for
purchase from the Optimist Club of
Green Valley.
www.gvrec.org • January 2016
Kent’s Corner
(cont. from page 1)
Some people refer to this as
setting their New Year’s Resolutions, but not me. I've come up
short on that sort of thing for
some years now, and I haven’t
been resolved enough for any of
my past resolutions to happen at
the high-level I intended when I
first made them.
Much of what people who
care about us want to know is
what we’ve been up to. Sure,
there’s Facebook™ and an
assortment of other social media
mechanisms, ostensibly created
to help make this happen, but
there’s a rub to this technology.
If you don’t commit to putting
the time into social media on
the front end, there is no backend. If you don’t take time to
post every day occurrences, then
all the social media in the world
isn’t going to help you stay in
touch at the high-level you
desire. To be fair, I don’t have a
Facebook™ account, nor do I
use Twitter™ (following people
around and hanging on their
every word just isn’t my thing)
even though there is some merit
to these social media outlets.
The last thing I want to do in
my leisure time is spend more
time on the computer since I’m
conducting GVR business every
day on my desktop or smart
Maybe I'm not alone in that
sentiment. But I also know that
keeping friends and family up
to speed on a regular basis will
ultimately save time and reduce
a bit of the guilt I feel when I’m
out-of-touch for too long. Now,
with little or no effort, you can
let GVR help you keep in touch
with your friends and family
who live outside of Green Valley
and let them know what you’re
up to – or at least what’s going
on in and around your world.
Invite your friends and family
members to ‘opt-in’ to GVR’s
eBlast distribution list!
GVR’s regular eBlasts have
taken our communications with
members to a whole new level.
Each eBlast is chock-full of information about performing arts,
classes, lectures, tours special
events, volunteer opportunities,
and even governance activities.
By encouraging your friends
and family to join our eBlast
distribution list, you relieve some
of the pressure, (maybe even
some of the guilt) of not having
regular contact with them. Their
engagement with your world
through eBlasts may also incent
them to designate the GVR
Foundation as their Amazon
Smile™ nonprofit-of-choice
that benefits the Foundation.
All eBlast subscribers know that
GVR does not share its mailing
lists, and that they can unsubscribe at any time.
Here’s how to get it done:
Easiest way: Go to GVR’s website at www.gvrec.org . On the
right-hand side of the Homepage
is a red box. Simply have your
friend or relative add their name
and email address, then press
SUBMIT. Poof! They are in!
Less easy way: Text ‘GVR’ to
22828. You will receive a reply
via text requesting your email
address. Once that happens,
you’re in!
Stay in touch, and best wishes
for a fun, safe, and purposeful
New Year!
New Member Orientation January 14
Learn about everything GVR offers its members at our
monthly New Member Orientation, scheduled from 9-10:30
a.m. Thursday, Jan. 14 in West Center Room 2. Advance registration is required as seating is limited to 50. Light breakfast
treats and coffee are served. To register, call (520) 344-3440 or
visit any staffed GVR center office.
How Can I Contact A Staff Member?.
Website: www.gvrec.org
If you would like to contact any member of the GVR staff, please call (520) 625-3440 and enter the appropriate extension number.
You also may contact staff at the email address listed below. Any written correspondence should be mailed to
P.O. Box 586, Green Valley, AZ, 85622. Website address: www.gvrec.org
Chief Executive Officer.................................Ext. 7203................Kent J. Blumenthal, Ph.D., CAE���������������� hotline@gvrec.org
Chief Operating Officer................................Ext. 7209................Jim Conroy.....................................................jimc@gvrec.org
Chief Financial Officer..................................Ext. 7205................Cheryl Moose..............................................cheryl@gvrec.org
Manager, Executive Office...........................Ext. 7204................Jen Morningstar...............................................jen@gvrec.org
Marketing/Communications Specialist........Ext. 7228................Sherri Cadeaux........................................... sherri@gvrec.org
Administrative Assistant..............................Ext. 7213................Kate McCormick........................................... kate@gvrec.org
Human Resources Associate.......................Ext. 7218................Nancy Mackel.............................................nancy@gvrec.org
Monthly Payment Plan &
Member Assistance Program (MAP)............Ext. 7221................Gina Peters.....................................................gina@gvrec.org
Supervisor....................................................Ext. 7229................Melanie Stephenson................................melanie@gvrec.org
(Administrative & fitness equipment, other repair or maintenance requests)
Maintenance Supervisor..............................Ext. 7212................David Jund................................................... djund@gvrec.org
Custodial Supervisor....................................Ext. 7358................Dan Freeman..............................................danny@gvrec.org
Landscape & Pool Supervisor......................Ext. 7234................David Coy................................................... davidc@gvrec.org
Information Technology Manager................Ext. 7223................Randy Cheatham.......................................randyc@gvrec.org
Senior Customer Service Supervisor...........Ext. 7208................Rosita Studevan.......................................... rosita@gvrec.org
Senior Clubs & Events Supervisor................Ext. 7216................Karen Rans.................................................. karen@gvrec.org
Senior Supervisor Classes & Tours..............Ext. 7226................Kris Zubicki.................................................... krisz@gvrec.org
Senior Volunteer & Safety Supervisor..........Ext. 7224................Maureen McCarthy................................ maureen@gvrec.org
Senior Performing Arts Supervisor..............Ext. 7225................Julie Vance................................................... juliev@gvrec.org
Facility Reservations....................................Ext. 7202................Jody Crawford................................................jody@gvrec.org
Lead Sound & Lighting Technician...............Ext. 7219................Shelly Freeman.......................................... shellyf@gvrec.org
MEMBER SERVICES...............................................................Toll Free: (844)693-2116�����������������������������������625-3440
Membership Accounting Clerk....................Ext. 7220................Tina Edwards................................................. tina@gvrec.org
Membership Accounting Clerk....................Ext. 7254................Cindi Miller-Newman....................................cindi@gvrec.org
Center Operations Assistants (COA)........................................................................................................................... 343-2440
(For help and immediate assistance anywhere in GVR from 5:30 am to 9 pm 365 days a year)
GVR FOUNDATION................................... Ext. 7213..............Kate McCormick..................................... kate@gvrec.org
WEST CENTER BOX OFFICE.................................................................................................................... (520) 625-0288
ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT EVENT LINE.................................................................................................. (520) 547-3974
If you have an emergency and/or maintenance issue after normal business hours, please call (520) 547-5390.
GVR Social Center Office Hours:
Member Services Center (Admin)......................625-3440
1070 S. Calle de Las Casitas
Canoa Hills Social Center....................................625-6200
3660 S. Camino del Sol
(Closed for lunch from 11:30am to 12:30pm)
East Social Center.................................................625-4641
7 South Abrego Drive
(Closed for lunch from 12:30pm to 1:30pm)
West Center and Box Office................................625-0288
1111 W Via Arcoiris
(Closed for lunch from 11:30am-12:30pm)
Open weekends and holidays 10am-2pm
The following are open 8am to 4pm Mon. - Fri.
Las Campanas Center..........................................648-7669
565 W. Belltower Drive
(Closed for lunch from 11:30am to 12:30pm)
Santa Rita Springs Center Office........................393-0360
921 W. Via Rio Fuerte
Office Open 8 am-1 pm (Dec. 14, 2015-April 29, 2016)
Desert Hills enter Office......................................625-5221
2980 S. Camino del Sol
About GVR Now!: gvrnow@gvrec.org
GVR Now! is owned by Green Valley Recreation, Inc. and is published for GVR, Inc. by the Green Valley News and is inserted into the
4th Wednesday of the month’s issue of the newspaper. For advertising information or questions about deadlines, please call the
Green Valley News at (520) 625-5511 or by fax at 625-8046. The Green Valley News & Sun does not produce and is not responsible for
the content of GVR Now! The deadline for all news items is the last Friday of each month. News items and articles will be published
as space permits. GVR does not endorse any of the products or services advertised in this newsletter.
Do you have big or small ideas for improving GVR’s
centers and how we use our space? If you could
improve the space in our centers, what would you do?
Here is your opportunity to contribute your thoughts
and ideas!
Representatives from Green Valley Recreation and
Calling All Senior
Games Contestants!
The time is finally
here to register for the
2016 GVR Foundation
Southern Arizona Senior
Games! Registration for
the March competition
begins Wednesday, Jan. 6.
Forms are available at any
GVR center.
GVR and the GVR
Foundation are gearing up
for the 32nd year of this
Green Valley competition.
The medals and volunteer tee shirts have been
ordered, and competitors
no doubt have been busy
training for their events.
Each year, nearly 1,000
participants from nearly
all US states as well as
Canada compete in this
event. This year’s official
Senior Games tee shirt
was designed by Jim
Fitzgerald, whose entry
received the most votes.
The games, which take
place during March, are
open to members and
the general public with
a variety of events for
active seniors aged 50
and older. Some of the
events include pickleball
and tennis tournaments,
a 5k run and 2k walk,
bean bag toss, weight and
powerlifting, bicycling,
golf skills, chess and card
Applications will be
available at all GVR
recreation centers and
information on-line at
www.gvrec.org, follow the
sports link. The deadline
for registration is Feb. 18.
WSM Architects, the firm hired to conduct a compre—8-10 am at Canoa Hills Center
hensive assessment of our facilities and develop a long
—1-3 pm at West Center (Madera Vista & Conrange Master Facility Plan, will host two additional
tinental Vista Centers also will be addressed at this
“listening” sessions on Jan. 8 and 22. If you have ideas meeting)
to contribute, plan on attending one of these meetings: •Friday, January 22
•Friday, January 8
—9-11 am at Desert Hills Center
(cont. from page 1)
sada campus, Casa Community Services’ Adult
Day Services program
provides a variety of activities for participants in
a safe, supervised setting.
The typical day includes
socializing, playing stimulating games, enjoying
a nutritious lunch and
snacks, and sharing activities with children from
the adjacent preschool.
Nurses provide medical oversight, ensuring
medications are given as
prescribed and monitoring participants’ general
well-being. Program staff
keep participants busy in
their preferred activity,
such as woodworking,
singing, jewelry-making
or puzzles.
Just as importantly, the
Adult Day Services give
caregivers responsible for
caring for an older adult
at home some needed
time for themselves,
which helps prevent
burnout and compassion
fatigue. They can use
this time to visit GVR’s
centers, participate in
clubs or programs, keep
appointments, shop, tend
to home projects, or just
The GVR benefit for
Casa’s Adult Day Services is open to a limited
number of enrollees and
some restrictions apply.
For more information,
persons may contact
Program Director Rosanna Nelson at (520)
In addition to the Adult
Day Services, the Engage!
program offers free classes
open to the public that
are designed to promote
well-being and planning
for aging at all stages of
health. The first class
is scheduled for 9 am
Tuesday, Jan. 12 at GVR’s
Desert Hills Center auditorium. GVR members
also may participate in
Casa Community Center’s senior lunch program
and activities.
The Engage! program is
being funded by a grant
from the Freeport McMoRan Community Investment fund. To learn more
about Engage! opportunities and to register for
program classes, contact
GVR Senior Recreation
Supervisor Maureen McCarthy at (520) 838-0160
or at maureen@gvrec.org.
It doesn’t matter if you saved money in 15 minutes.
What matters right now is the quality of your
independent insurance agent and the company
that stands behind them.
www.gvrec.org • January 2016
Facility Planning ‘Listening’ Sessions Continue Jan. 8 & 22
Board matters
GVR Board of Directors Meeting Highlights
Below are highlights from the Nov. 18 GVR Board of Directors Meeting held at Santa Rita Springs
Complete minutes from the meeting are posted on GVR’s website: http://www.gvrec.org/your-board-members/board-and-committee-minutes/
President’s Report New Business
President Joe Gunton suggested GVR establish a
A. Strategic Master Planning Update: WSM Architects
Security Task Force to ensure GVR facilities remain safe President Paul Mickleberg provided an update on the
and secure for members, employees and visitors. Director Strategic Master Planning project, stating that it is on
Leslie Shipley was appointed to head the task force.
schedule. For the first phase, WSM toured all facilities
to assess their condition. The firm has started the second
phase, which involves member outreach for input and
suggestions for improving GVR’s facilities. CEO’s Report
B. Verizon Wireless Land Lease Amendment: The
Kent Blumenthal provided several highlights:
board approved an amendment to its Land Lease Agree• The upcoming departure of two key managers,
ment with Verizon Wireless to allow the company right
Facilities Director Guy Sundvik, and Human Resources of way on property owned by GVR and by the Green
Specialist Nancy Mackel was announced. Both were
Valley Community Complex Association to obtain an
recognized and wished well.
underground fiber optics connection. • The Nov. 7 and 14 Open Houses at four GVR cenC. Reserve Study Recommendation: The board apters resulted in six new homeowners voluntarily joining
proved a recommendation by the Fiscal Affairs CommitGVR.
tee to hire Browning Reserve Group of Calif., to conduct
• GVR is selling advertising in its Course Catalogs to
a new financial reserve study, which was recommended
help generate additional revenue for GVR and offset
by GVR’s independent auditors. operations costs, consistent with the board-approved
D. Legal Audit of GVR Governing Documents: The
work plan.
board approved a recommendation by the Board Affairs
• Blumenthal noted that with 10,000 Americans turn- Committee to accept GVR legal counsel’s offers to coning 65 years old every day, senior centers are rebranding duct a legal audit of all governing documents and identhemselves to meet the expectations of more active Baby tify any potential conflicts or inconsistencies in language. Boomers. GVR is preparing to meet these needs and atE. Facility Use Policy: The board approved clarification
tract more active adults and retirees through its Strategic and revisions to the Facility Use Policy as recommended
Long Range Facility Plan. by the Board Affairs Committee.
• GVR leaders met with a group of area real estate broF. GVR Non-discrimination Policy: The board
kers to discuss GVR’s Initial, Member and Transfer Fees approved and adopted a Non-Discrimination Policy
and how these affect homes sales by realtors. Blumenthal recommended by the Board Affairs Committee that will
will give a presentation to the Green Valley/Sahuarita
apply to all aspects of the Corporation, including facility
Association of Realtors on Nov. 23.
use, club participation, or any other GVR sponsored
Live the way you want to live.
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program or activity. The policy states: It is the policy of
Green Valley Recreation, Inc. to treat all people with dignity,
respect and equality regardless of age, race, color, ancestry,
country of origin, disability, ethnicity, marital status, family
status, veteran status, gender, religion, sexual orientation or
gender identity.
Board of Directors
John Arnold
Gunnar Bonthron
Joe Gunton (President)
John Hadley (Treasurer)
Richard Kidwell (Asst. Secretary)
Barb Mauser (Secretary)
Vicky Mournian (Asst. Treasurer)
Jim Nelson
Kathy Palese
Leslie Shipley
Ron Sills
Tony Zabicki (Vice President)
Board E-Mail address:
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Board matters
Four Candidates, Four Open Board Positions
vying for four open seats.
To minimize election
costs, GVR hopes to
reduce election expenses
by sending postcard-sized
ballots with the slate of
candidates for our 2016
Look for more information on the 2016
Silver Sneaker Classes
Every Monday-Friday at 8:30am &
Every Monday, Wednesday & Friday at 10am & 12:30pm
elections and the slate of
candidates in upcoming
eBlast announcements
and the February issue of
GVR Now!
two board members and
two GVR regular members in good standing.
This committee then
reviews the applications
and interviews the candidates.
Since only four individuals submitted applications to fill the four
expiring director terms in
next year’s election, a legal opinion was requested
to find out if there is an
alternative to conducting
a costly election when
the outcome could be
predetermined. GVR’s
legal counsel confirmed
that an election would
be required even though
there are four candidates
to the board and to the
general membership at
least 90 days prior to the
Annual Meeting.
The election process
is directed by the GVR
Nominations & Election
Committee, co-chaired
by Directors Vicky
Mournian and Tony Zabicki. The committee follows GVR Bylaws, which
state that the committee
“shall conduct a search of
regular members and select
for nomination a slate of
Board candidates then
present an application
and credentials to the
Nominations & Election
committee made up of
1060 W BETA ST • 520-777-3645
The GVR Board of Directors will have four director seats open in 2016
as terms are expiring for
Gunnar Bonthrom, Joe
Gunton, John Hadley
and Ron Sills. GVR
received applications
from four GVR members interested in serving
on the voluntary board,
the names of which will
be announced later this
GVR Bylaws stipulate
that “Each year the term
of office of four Directors
shall expire and four Directors shall be elected...”
and also require that
candidates for director
positions be presented
Green Valley's
Best Kept
www.gvrec.org • January 2016
Serving Green Valley Since 1975
150 N. La Cañada • Green Valley, AZ 85614 • (520) 625-0178
around gvr
Get your Ticket to Travel at
GVR’s Passport Day Jan. 27
Coggins Named December
GVR Employee of the Month
Member Services
Coordinator Ashley
Coggins has been
named GVR’s
Employee of the
Month for December.
Each day, Ashley
arrives at GVR
ready to work and
is self-directed in
completing her
tasks. She is often the first person members come into contact
with when phoning GVR or
visiting the MSC. She greets everyone with a friendly smile and
“How can I help you today?” During last summer’s boundary
expansion referendum, Ashley
fielded an enormous influx of
calls and questions
about the ballot
issue. In December, Ashley handled
many questions
about dues as well
as walk-in member
payments. Ashley
is always willing to
help with administrative tasks, and
recently assisted
with preparing a mail merge list
so that address labels could be
created. We appreciate Ashley’s
hard work and patience in difficult situations. Ashley was nominated by Jen
Morningstar, Sherri Cadeaux,
and Elizabeth Hernandez. Congratulations, Ashley!
Having a US Passport can
make traveling abroad so much
easier as it’s a single document
that will verify your identity for
entry into most countries around
the world.
It’s more convenient and less
risky than carrying original
birth certificates and other legal
documents that could be lost or
destroyed. If you plan to travel
outside the US – or even visit
ports on a cruise ship – you’ll
need a passport or legal documentation to ensure your reentry
to the US.
If you need a passport or need
to renew yours, all area residents
are welcome to attend Green
Valley Recreation’s Passport Day
from 10 am-3 pm Wednesday,
Jan. 27 at GVR’s West Center.
US Department of State passport specialists from the Western
Passport Center will be on hand
to accept applications and answer
your questions. To obtain forms
and information, visit www.
travel.state.gov and bring these
forms along with your evidence
of citizenship and a passport
photo with you on Jan. 27.
Why Do You Have to Act That Way?!?
An Overview of Pet Behavior
www.gvrec.org • January 2016
Do you ever wonder what in the world your pet is thinking? It might be more complicated than you think!
Behavior problems are common, and are the top reason why pets are brought to the shelter. Sometimes,
behavior issues are actually the result of illness. Our next workshop aims to answer questions such as these:
1) How can I find a good trainer?
2) Can any supplements or medications help my pet’s behavior problems?
3) My pet has become extremely aggressive, and has bitten/attacked me. Is there any hope?
The answers range from simple to complex. We firmly believe YOU are your pet’s best advocate and the
most likely person to see early changes in behavior. Addressing these changes early is the easiest way
to treat these problems, as well as catch the early onset of disease.
January 26, 2016 WORKSHOP – Open to ALL pet owners
(Please leave pets at home.)
Jean Huang, DVM
Time: 5-7 p.m.
Animal Care Center of Green Valley, 555 White House Canyon Rd.
To reserve your seat, email or call us at:
Contact@animalcarecenter.com or 520-625-0433
Suggested Donation:
$10 – 100% goes to The Animal League of Green Valley
around gvr
Break Out of that Workout Rut in 2016
High Intensity Interval Training Revs your Metabolism
A New Year and
a new you, right?
If you’re stuck in
a workout rut and
not seeing results,
it’s time to change
up your cardio and
strength training
fitness strategy by
using High Intensity Interval Training
Research shows that short bursts of
high-intensity exercise results in more
significant improvement to risk factors
than traditional low to moderate level
continuous training. HITT shakes up
your metabolism, working your cardio,
respiratory, and metabolic system in a
different way that leads to more efficient
and smarter fitness training.
The American Heart Association reports
that guidelines calling for 30 minutes of
exercise of moderate intensity may be too
general “for people with metabolic syndrome,” according to Arnt Erik Tjonna,
MSc, of the Norwegian University of
Science. Findings indicate that this type
of interval training has a significant effect
on improving HBA1c levels in Type II
Studies show that just 10 minutes of
HIIT as your full workout or part of one
may be enough time to make significant
Medicare Plans
East Center
M–F 8am-4pm (Closed
from 12:30pm-1:30pm)
Santa Rita Springs
Open Dec 14-April 30,
M-F 8 am-1 pm
Please note these services
are not available at the
Member Services Center.
at moderate intensity. Repeat for 10
On the Elliptical Trainer: Warm-up
for 5-10 minutes, then do a 10 minute
HIIT training at 15-30seconds high level
interspersed with 30-45 seconds of recovery at your warm-up level.
On the Treadmill: Try 3 minute
intervals of fast walking (7-9 out of 10
max) alternating with recovery period of
3 minutes of walking slow (4-5 out of 10
The New Year is a great time to mix up
your workout to see improved results. For
more information on HIIT, talk with a
personal trainer at one of GVR’s Fitness
Center Orientations, or contact Fitness
Specialties at (520) 349-3037.
Nourish yourself in our Organic Spa!
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Green valley, aZ 85614
HoMe ConSUltatIonS aVaIlaBle Free InItIal ConSUltatIon
el, Jennifer
ichael, Isab
te & Jess
Berry Annet
3290 S Camino Del Sol
www.gvrec.org • January 2016
For the peak season,
GVR will again offer additional staff and workstations to expedite processing
of tenant and member
transactions January 2-6
at West Center. Services
available at West Center’s
Service Office include
tenant and guest cards,
class registrations and
tickets for performances,
dances and movies. Hours
are weekdays 8 am-4 pm
and weekends and holidays
10 am-2 pm.
Members also may visit:
Canoa Hills
M–F 8am-4pm (Closed
from 11:30am-12:30pm)
Las Campanas
M–F 8am-4p (Closed
from 11:30am-12:30pm)
health improvements. It may sound too
good to be true, but you may be able to
decrease exercise time to 10-20 minutes of
cardio and have equal to better cardiovascular and metabolic results This appears
to be especially effective in lowering blood
glucose levels in diabetics.
To add this “burst” to your workouts
outdoors, walk at a low to moderate level
for 45 seconds, and then speed up your
walk to a level 8-9 out of a maximum intensity of 10 for 15 seconds. Repeat these
one-minute intervals of 15 seconds high
intensity and 45 seconds low to moderate
level for 10 minutes. You can adapt this
technique to different workouts:
Outdoors: In your neighborhood, walk
one block at a high intensity, then 1 block
by Shelley Whitlatch, MS, Exercise Physiologist
Fitness Specialties Personal Training
around gvr
Renewal Centers Presents ‘Life Enriching’
Mental Health Workshops
Jan. 28 & Feb. 25 at East Center
While older adults experience many joys at this stage
in their life – grandchildren, travel and hobbies – aging
also can bring on some unique and difficult challenges
and emotional issues. Mature adults may experience
depression, suffer the loss of a spouse or close friends, or
face greater mental and physical limitations, which can
be troublesome.
Green Valley Recreation, Inc. is teaming up with
Renewal Centers, Inc. to present two free workshops facilitated by licensed therapists that are designed to help
older adults cope with some of some of these mental
health issues specific to aging.
Renewal Centers, Inc. is non-profit counseling
center that has offered “hope and healing” throughout
Southern Arizona for more than 30 years by providing
affordable counseling services to the community. Their
evidence-based practices address the well-being of a
person’s mind, body and spirit to produce life-enriching
Subscribe to GVR’s eBlast
Stay informed of current news, happenings and events
at GVR and let your friends know what you’re up to
by signing up for our weekly eBlasts! Visit www.gvrec.
org and sign up for the e-newsletter by entering your
name and email into the “Sign Up for our Newsletter”
box. You’ll receive a verification email that you must
complete. Or sign up by texting “GVR” to 22828. You
can unsubscribe at any time, and GVR does not share its
mailing lists.
The topics for these workshops will be determined
by a community poll, with the topics ranked highest in
interest to the community being presented. Both Renewal Center workshops will be held at 2 pm at GVR’s
East Center auditorium on Thursday, Jan. 28 and Feb.
25. Residents in the greater Green Valley/Sahaurita area
are invited to attend these free workshops.
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ROC# 046649, 077735 & 252049 • Licensed • Bonded • Insured
www.gvrec.org • January 2016
Serving The Green Valley Area Since 1968
For your convenience GVR’s Santa Rita
Springs Center office, located at 921 W. Via Rio
Fuerte, opened on Monday, Dec. 14 with the
hours of 8am-1pm. The SRS office will be open
for peak season until April 29, 2016. Services available at this office include tenant
cards, guest passes, class registrations, concert
and movie tickets, replacement cards and dues
payments. V.I.P. MORTGAGE, INC.
Your Dream Home Awaits You...
It’s no mirage!
180 W Continental Rd #150
Green Valley, AZ 85622
*Certain restrictions apply. This is not an offer to enter into an agreement. Not all customers will qualify. Information, rates, and
programs are subject to change without notice. All products are subject to credit and property approval. Not all products are
available in all states or for all loan amounts. Other limitations may apply.
(520) 399-0900
V.I.P. Mortgage, Inc. does business in accordance
with federal fair lending laws.
V.I.P. Mortgage, Inc. NMLS #145502 BK0909074
(520) 481-0459
The Money Lady Team
Irene Mattingley
Loan Officer
around gvr
SRS Office Now Open
190 W. Continental Rd, #220, Green Valley, AZ 85622
www.gvrec.org • January 2016
gvr foundation
GVR Foundation Recipient of Rose Society Gift
The GVR Foundation
has received a legacy gift
of $4,000 from the Rose
Society of Green Valley.
Founded in 1986 and
unfortunately dissolving
in 2015, the Rose Society
of Green Valley focused on
providing education and
fellowship for its members
and providing useful information on rose care for our
community. Green Valley
“Strengthening community well-being”
GVR Foundation Sees
Success in First Year
As the GVR Foundation completes
its first year, the nonprofit 501 (c)(3)
organization already has many impressive accomplishments under its belt
with more initiatives planned for 2016.
Shortly after its formation, the foundation received a grant from the Greater
residents have for many
den at East Center that they Green Valley Community Foundation
(GGVCF) to develop a Strategic Plan
years enjoyed the rose gar- so beautifully maintained.
to provide focus and guidance for the
foundation’s efforts.
Adopt-A-Highway Cleanup Jan. 30
Among the foundation’s success in
Join GVR and the GVR Foundation
vests and litter sticks to pick up roadside 2015 included its participation in the
for our next Adopt-A-Highway cleanup debris along I-19 and Frontage Rd. It’s Adopt-A-Highway litter pickup proday on Saturday, Jan 30. All first time
only a 90-minute investment of your
gram, administration and expansion
and repeat volunteers are invited! Meet time, and you can make a real difference of the Member Assistance Program
us at the Member Services Center
in keeping Green Valley green and clean! (MAP), and the launching of its first
at 7:30 a.m. for training, coffee and
For information, please email melanie@ annual campaign in November.
donuts. Then off we go with our safety
As of Dec. 11, 2015, the foundation
had received over 60 donations ranging
from $20 to $1,000, along with many
notes of appreciation from those who
received MAP assistance.
In December, the Country Fair
301 W. Camino Casa Verde • Hours 8 to 3 • www.fid-gv.org White Elephant also awarded the foundation $6,000 to support the MAP and
…is having a Silent Auction
$1,500 to go towards the 32nd Annual
for this gently used Motorized Southern Arizona Senior Games. The
Power Chair equipped with
foundation also was the recipient of
$250 from Kent Blumenthal, GVR’s
car lift/carrier
chief operating officer, who donated
Bids to be in by 3:00 PM on
his prize money from winning the
Wednesday January 27, 2016 GGVCF’s 2015 Celebrity Waiter event
for receiving the most tips.
“Celebrity X” 3-wheel Scooter by Pride Mobility Scooters
Comes with Lift/Carrier for your automobile
J.R.’s Salon
of Green Valley
1451 S. LaCañada,Suite #9
FRIENDS IN DEED is an “all” Volunteer Organization
operating since 1971
We Loan Durable Medical Equipment and Provide Transportation
and Weekly Blood Pressure Clinics for Our Community
For Information on Weekly Shopping/Social Van Trips,
Medical a/o Personal Appointments call: 520-625-4424
For Meeting Rooms, Special Events and General Information call: 520-625-1150
From left to right: Terry Whitmer, Geri DeBuhr,Jan Rimbey and Mary Ann Spagnoletti
• Expert Cuts
• Facial Waxing
• Sets and Blow Styles
• Perms • Color • Highlighting
• Whirlpool Spa Pedicures & Manicures
• Parrifin Dip • Reflexology
• Full Service for Natural Nails
• No Acrylic Chemicals
www.gvrec.org • January 2016
Chair is on display at…Friends In Deed
Or call us at 625-1150 ext. 103
The GVR Foundation also was
successful in building partnerships
with businesses to raise funds for the
foundation and provide GVR members with value-added benefits. GVR
members now can enjoy special pricing
on new and used vehicles as well as a
15 percent discount on service/repairs
at Jim Click Automotive. To date, the
foundation has received $300 in contributions from Jim Click for vehicles
purchased by GVR members.
Through Fry’s and AmazonSmile’s
charitable programs, customers of these
retailers can designate the foundation
as their charity of choice. The foundation then receives a percentage of the
Going forward, the foundation is
supporting the new Engage! program, a
collaborative effort between GVR and
Casa Community Services that provides life-enriching services to benefit
older residents. As the new sponsoring
organization of the Southern Arizona
Senior Games, the foundation also will
be gearing up for the month-long event
in March.
The GVR Foundation expresses its
appreciation to the many members,
individuals, groups and businesses that
helped contribute to a very successful
first year, and intends to build on that
good work in 2016.
Sherif f ’s Auxiliary Volunteers
of Green Valley
Thank You!
for your continued support.
Enjoy the holidays!
Our hope is 2016 is safe
& your happiest year ever!
Free Services
Traffic Control  Neighborhood Patrol
Patrolling White Elephant  Home Security Checks
Bailiff for Justice Court  Mall Patrol
Neighborhood Watch  Fingerprinting  Speaker’s Bureau
Staff Sheriff’s Front Desk  Scam Squad
Citizen Care & Alzheimer's  TeleCare  Vehicle Etching
Sheriff’s Auxiliary Volunteers
601 N. La Cañada Drive
Green Valley, AZ 85614
520-351-6744  www.gvsav.org
To be sure, we’re proud of our 27 years of
experience in senior living. But, to us, what really
matters is your experience at our communities.
We do everything with that idea clearly
in mind. So, go ahead, enjoy yourself with great
social opportunities and amenities. Savor fine
dining every day. And feel assured that assisted
living services are always available if needed.
We invite you to experience Silver Springs
for yourself at a complimentary lunch and tour.
Please call 520.829.3912 to schedule.
In depen den t & A ssist ed Li v i ng R esi dences
Green Valley Sheriff’s Auxiliary Volunteers is a 501(c)(3) tax-deductible
organization funded by Green Valley community contributions
We do NOT receive any Pima County funding
500 West Camino Encanto • Green Valley, AZ
SRGseniorliving.com • 520.829.3912
www.gvrec.org • January 2016
100% Volunteer Operated
100% Funded by Donations
Ultimately, it’s
your experience
that matters.
volunteer roundup
Volunteer Staff
January 13
The Volunteer Staff Coordinator (VSC) meeting
is scheduled for 9 am,
Wed., Jan. 13, in the East
Center Auditorium. VSCs
act as a liaison between the
volunteers at their facilities and GVR’s Volunteer
Free AED Class
Jan. 11
Anyone can save a life by
combining continuous chest
compressions with the use
of an AED. No certification is required! Come and
learn how to use the AED
machines, which are available at all GVR centers.
The next training class is
at 2 pm Mon., Jan. 11 in
Desert Hills Auditorium.
Please register at any staffed
center, call (520) 838-0160
or email maureen@gvrec.
org. Please reference CR
January ‘Table Talks’ Help GVR Improve
its Volunteer Program
There is still time to register for
GVR’s annual “Table Talk” workshops Jan. 5-16 at 10 centers for
current or previous volunteers,
and those interested in becoming
a GVR volunteer.
GVR members are encouraged
to participate one of the sessions
Package or Split AC
14 - Seer
INSTALLED PRICE 3 - Ton - $4,200.00
4 - Ton - $4,700.00
5 - Ton - $4,950.00
www.gvrec.org • January 2016
Heating & Cooling
will share information about the
new Engage! program, GVR’s
collaboration with Casa Community Services. The program
provides lunches and free classes,
and provides resources aimed at
helping older members improve
their well-being by engaging
socially, physically, mentally and
GVR members must register to
participate in Table Talks at any
center or by contacting Volunteer
Supervisor Maureen McCarthy
at (520) 838-0160 or maureen@
Table Talks Schedule
and offer their suggestions on
how GVR could improve the
recruiting, training, retention
and recognition of volunteers
throughout the organization.
Refreshments and prizes will be
During these talks, GVR also
CR #
Madera Vista
Jan 5
9:00 am
Continental Vistas
Jan 5
2:00 pm
Santa Rita Springs
Jan 6
9:00 am
Abrego South & North
ABS Recreation
Jan 6
2:00 pm
Desert Hills
Room A
Jan 8
9:00 am
Canoa Ranch
Jan 8
2:00 pm
Las Campanas
Jan 9
9:00 am
West & East Centers
West Center Rm 2
Jan 9
2:00 pm
Casa Paloma 1 & 2
CP1 Recreation
Jan 16
9:00 am
Canoa Hills
Jan 16
2:00 pm
GVR Hosts Annual Volunteer Showcase Jan. 21
Green Valley Recreation will once again
host the 9th Annual
Green Valley/Sahuarita
Volunteer Showcase at
GVR’s West Center from
10 am- noon on Thurs.,
Jan. 21. Representatives
from over 50 Southern
Arizona organizations will
be exhibiting to provide
information on volunteer of worthwhile volunteer
opportunities and answer opportunities for you to
questions. There are plenty contribute your time and
talents, and this event will
help you find some that
interest you.
Free Water Aerobics!
Water aerobics classes are free drop-in activities for GVR members.
No registration needed. Pools usually are closed during a scheduled water aerobics class. You may use the spa during the class. The two far lap lanes at Canoa
Ranch remain open to non-class members. Please plan your use of the swimming pool to avoid conflicts with the start or conclusion of water aerobics classes.
PoolDays of the WeekTime
Abrego South
Mon and Thurs
8:30 am
Mon and Thurs
9:40 am
Casa Paloma II
Mon through Sat
9:00 am
Canoa Ranch
Tues, Thurs and Sat
8:30 am
6:00 pm
Continental Vistas
Mon, Wed and Fri
10:00 am
Tues, Thurs and Sat
9:00 am
Desert Hills
Mon, Thurs & Sat
8:45 am
Mon and Thurs
10:00 am
East Center
Mon and Thurs
10:00 am
Las Campanas
Mon through Fri
9:00 am
Santa Rita Springs
Mon through Sat
9:00 am
volunteer roundup
Conducted by Certified Personal Trainers, these fitness orientations offer the
value of exercise, instruction on proper
use of equipment, and a personal assessment. Sessions can last up to two hours.
Please wear your “workout” clothing and
shoes. If you only wish to learn about
how to use the equipment, arrive 45 minutes after the class start time. Registration is required, and may be done at any
staff center or by calling (520) 625-3440.
If you are interested in one-on-one or
small group personal training, please contact Fitness Specialties at (520)349-3037
or shelley@fitnessspecialties.com.
Fitness FacilityDateMeeting RoomTimeCR #
Canoa Ranch
Mon., Jan. 4
2 pm
Canoa Hills
Thurs., Jan 7
Palo Verde
2 pm
East Center
Fri., Jan. 8
10 am
Las Campanas
Mon., Jan. 11 Juniper
2 pm
Santa Rita Springs
Fri., Jan. 15
Santa Cruz
10 am
Desert Hills
Mon., Jan 18
2 pm
Las Campanas
Tues., Jan. 19 Agave
10 am
Santa Rita Springs
Tues., Jan 19
2 pm
Canoa Hills
Mon., Jan. 25 Mesquite
10 am
Canoa Ranch
Tues., Jan. 26 Amado
11:30 am 33363
East Center
Wed., Jan. 27 Auditorium
2 pm
Schedule is subject to change. You must register in advance to be assured a spot in the
On Esperanza next to El Rodeo in the Green Valley Village
Call Today For An Estimate!
• Trees, Shrubs, Cactus
• Decorative Pots & Accessories
• Custom Potting of Your Selections
• Frost cloth available to protect
your plants!
www.gvrec.org • January 2016
classes & tours
Welcome to GVR’s Winter Semester!
For those of you just returning to Green
Valley, welcome back! We have been working
diligently to provide you with a wide offering
of tours, health, leisure and enrichment classes
this semester.
Our 2016 Winter Course Catalog is
available online and in all GVR centers. This is
GVR’s largest course catalog ever, featuring 295
subjects with 656 class sessions with more than
50 new classes offered. The winter semester runs
from January through April 2016. Registration
began on December 7, but there are still plenty
Class Change
their way to the Sulphur Springs Valley each winter. Learn
about these interesting, giant birds as they fly across the
sky in massive formations. We will enjoy a box lunch at
this location, and then travel to the Amerind Foundation
Museum located in scenic Texas Canyon. The Amerind
houses one of the finest private collections of Native
January Trips & Tours
American art and artifacts in the country. Come along and
Sandhill Cranes and Amerind Foundation Tour
explore with us! Bring your binoculars and don’t forget
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
your walking shoes.
This tour is a great way to see the birds that make their
Cost: GVR members $100/Guests $105. Includes
way to the marshlands at Whitewater Draw Wildlife area. transportation, tour director, box lunch, admission to
We begin our day with a journey to the Whitewater Draw, Amerind, bus refreshments, and driver tip. Bus departs
which is a favorite feeding and loafing area for waterfowl. from Desert Hills Social Center UPPER parking lot at 8
We are on the lookout for the Sandhill Cranes that make
am and returns at 4:30 pm. Please arrive 30 minutes prior
• Step Intervals Plus – Intermediate CR# 34048
on pg. 28 will take place on 1/28. Class will run for 4
weeks from 1/7-1/28. Updated price is $28/24.
Mon - Fri • 9am - 4pm
50 E. Duval Rd., Green Valley
Santa Catalina Island Tour - April to ,
Utah National Parks Tour - April
to ,
Creative Jewelry Classes
• Learn new jewelry techniques
• Make and take home same day
• Small class size (4-6)
• Classes from January-April
• Have fun...meet new friends!
• No GVR required
See class schedule and description at
to April ,
to departure for check-in and seating.
Deadline to purchase tickets 1/14/16. No refunds
after 1/14/16. CR# 34082
Chase Field and Sea Life Aquarium
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
We’re off to downtown Phoenix to enjoy a guided tour
of Chase Field, home to the Arizona Diamondbacks. Built
in 1998, this state-of-the-art facility, with a retractable
dome and natural grass playing field, is fascinating to visit.
Learn about one of the largest high definition video scoreboards in the MLB, the swimming pool in right field, and
many other behind-the-scene tidbits! (Note: The tour lasts
2 hours and requires walking about 1 mile in total.)
We will wrap up the tour with lunch at Friday’s Front
Row Sports Grill, before traveling to the Arizona Mills
Mall for a self-guided visit to the Sea Life Aquarium. You
will be transported into the amazing ocean world, featuring over five thousand remarkable creatures in more than
30 displays. Get up close and personal with sea horses,
sharks, rays, tropical fish and more! Join us for this informative and fun outing.
Cost: GVR members $107/Guests $112. Includes
roundtrip transportation, admissions, lunch (tax and tip),
bus refreshments, services of a tour director, and driver tip.
Bus departs from Desert Hills Social Center UPPER parking lot at 7:45 am and returns at 5:30 pm. Please arrive 30
minutes prior to departure for check-in and seating.
Deadline to purchase tickets 1/15/15. No refunds
after 1/15/15. CR# 34368
When you are serious about hearing better, please choose Arizona Hearing Specialists
www.gvrec.org • January 2016
Black Canyon/Colorado River Float Tour - March
of classes open!
Please help GVR be more eco-friendly and
reduce our printing costs by registering online,
using and reusing one catalog, and sharing one
with a friend. To access the catalog online, please
visit GVR’s home website page at www.gvrec.org.
Janis Gasch, Au.D.
We were the first and we are the oldest audiology practice in Southern Arizona
Live and Learn
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Not available holidays or concert nights.
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• Enjoy Your Summer
travel tours, world-class outdoor recreation,
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to learn about our program.
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Available December 1 – 31. Management reserves the right to alter/cancel this offer without notice.
Must be 21 to enter bars and gaming areas. Please play responsibly. An Enterprise of the Tohono O’odham Nation.
summercitizens.usu.edu | 800.538.2663
www.gvrec.org • January 2016
tuesday, January 12, 2016
9:00 am – 10:00 am
All lectures in GVR’s Lecture Series are free and open to the general public and no reservations are necessary.
More information on these lectures is found on the bulletin boards at GVR centers.
Jan. 6 - Arizona Oncology Center, “Palli- Jan. 13 - Whipple Observatory, “Rare
wide, and his latest research. Canoa
Views of Extraordinary Galaxies.” Dr.
Hills, 10 am
Brenda Frye, University of Arizona. West
Jan. 27 - Passport Day in Green Valley.
Neighborhood Watch.” This educational
Center, 9 am
“PropGVR’s annual event in which you can
class will cover the process of starting,
apply for a new passport or renew your
organizing, and maintaining your Neigh- agation, Nature’s Give Away.” Tony Sarah, Jan. 14 - Green Valley Gardeners,
“Care of Roses.” Les Hayt, retired Green existing US Passport. West Center, 10
borhood Watch Program. Karen Gidley, horticulturist, Magic Garden Nursery.
Belt Nursery. Desert Hills, 9 am
Desert Hills, 9 am
SAV Officer. Desert Hills, 1:30 pm
Jan. 7 - Pima Council on Aging, “MorJan. 27 - Whipple Observatory, “DeJan. 5 - Green Valley Council presents
Jan. 20 - Whipple Observatory, “Pluto
tality.” Arizona Public Media will be
tecting and Characterizing Brown
an overview of the “U.S. Border Patrol.”
screening the video “Passing On.” Canoa – Lots of Cool Images.” Dr. Tod Lauer,
Dwarfs and Exoplants.” Dr. Jennifer
Agent Ben Braker, U.S. Border Patrol
NOAO and University of Arizona. West Patience, Arizona State University. West
Hills, 10 am
Community Liaison. Las Campanas, 2 pm
Center, 9 am
Center, 9 am
Jan. 8 - Parkinson’s Group, “H&R
Jan. 6 - Northwest Medical Center,
Jan. 21 - Sarver Heart, “Improving Sud- Jan. 28 - Green Valley Gardeners, “PrunBlock.” This session offers timely infor“Who’s Looking Over Your Shoulder?”
den Cardiac Survival and Outcomes.”
ing, the Good, the Bad and the Ugly.”
mation medical factors and changes to
Dr. Michael Amini, orthopedic surgeon.
Jack Kelly, retired, Pima County Cooperafederal and State of Arizona tax laws. East Karl B. Kern, MD, co-director and the
If pain in your shoulder or elbow is hold- Center, 1 pm
Gordon A. Ewy, MD Distinguished
tive Extension. Desert Hills, 9 am
ing you back from the activities you love,
Endowed Chair of Cardiovascular Medi- Jan. 28 - Renewal Centers, Inc.
Jan. 9 - Tucson Audubon Society, “Sky
join us to learn more about conditions
cine, University of Arizona Sarver Heart presents a timely topic that addresses
Island Birds.” Vince Pinto. Desert Hills,
concerns with older adults and the aging
that could be causing your pain. East
Center. Kern discusses sudden cardiac
10 am
Center, 9 am
arrest survival rates statewide and world- process. East Center, 2 pm
Jan. 4 - The Pima County Sheriff’s
Auxiliary Volunteers (SAV) of Green
Valley, “There’s No Place like Home and
ative Care.” Sherri Porterfield and Kathy
Kennel. East Center, 6 pm
Be a GVR A&E Volunteer!
ness to learn and ensure our guests at
performances have an enjoyable experience. Mandatory training is required
for new and existing volunteers. Up-
(520) 344-7705
• Organic
Products Available
• No Contracts
Pest Control Specialists of Southern AZ
training sessions, please call the Program
Volunteer message line at (520) 6253440 ext. 7206, or email programs@
Friends and Admirers of the Tucson Symphony Orchestra
• General Pest, Rodent & Termite Control
• Dependable, Professional & Friendly
• Pet and Family Friendly
www.gvrec.org • January 2016
Lady Bug
coming training dates are 1 pm Jan.
14, 10 am Feb. 13, and 10 am March
10 and will be held at West Center. If
you have questions about the upcoming
Friday, Feb 19, 2016
Jose Luis Gomez, conductor
Lauren Roth, violin
Join FATSO for delightful evenings
of dinner and round-trip bus transportation
to Tucson Music Hall and performances
by the Tucson Symphony Orchestra.
Fountains of Rome
Violin Concerto No 1
Death and Transfiguration
For FATSO membership information
Deborah Leeson, 305-3782 • Email: 1delynn@gmail.com
If you share our passion for the arts,
consider serving as a GVR Arts &
Entertainment program volunteer. No
experience is necessary, only a willing-
GVR Live! Arts and Entertainment
Hear about the upcoming live performances by calling our new
Arts & Entertainment Event Line at (520) 547-3974. Tickets for all
performaces on sale now. All performances and movies take place at
West Center Auditorium.
2015/2016 Performing Arts Season
Tucson Symphony Orchestra Masterworks
Moonstruck: Schumann & Schmidt
George Hanson, Conductor Laureate
6:30 pm Preshow Lecture/7:30 pm Performance,
Thursday, January 7
of singer/actress Joanne O’Brien. Through a cavalcade
of iconic classics including “We’ve Only Just Begun,”
“Top of the World” and “Yesterday Once More,”
O’Brien illuminates the musical diversity and political
climate of that time in history when the world first fell
in love with the magical sound of Karen Carpenter.
Members $26/$22, Guests $29/$25, General Public
In Charles Morey’s acclaimed adaptation, Count
Dracula slips quietly into
Victorian London with a
cargo of his native Transylvanian soil, necessary for
rest between his victims.
The city seems helpless
against his frightful power,
and only one man, the
smart and resourceful Dr.
Van Helsing, can stop the
carnage. But to do this,
he must uncover the vampire’s lair and pierce Dracula’s
heart with a wooden stake, setting up an epic confrontation of good versus evil.
Under the leadership of Producing Director Susan
Albert Loewenberg, L.A. Theatre Works, LATW has
single-handedly brought the finest recorded dramatic
literature into the homes of millions. On the road,
LATW has delighted audiences with its unique live radio
theater style performances in over 300 small towns and
major cities. Theatre Works performance is immediate,
spontaneous, and features a first-rate cast, live sound
effects, and a connection to the audience rarely felt in
a traditional theater setting. This theater… is an event.
Members $40/$36, Guests $43/$39, General Public
Billy McGuigan Yesterday and Today: The
Interactive Beatles Experience
7 p.m. Tuesday, February 2
Rock to the music of the Beatles in an all new interactive concert experience where the audience creates the
playlist for the night… every night! There’s no denying
that everyone has a Beatles song attached to an event in
their life. Through laughter and personal stories, Yesterday and Today: The Interactive Beatles Experience connects the audience and performers in a way like no other.
www.gvrec.org • January 2016
George Hanson, TSO
conductor laureate, returns
to explore the supernatural,
the moon and the romance
of spring! Robert Schumann’s
Manfred Overture, inspired
by Lord Byron’s haunting
poem of the same name, and
Symphony No. 1, Spring, inspired by the “spring of love,”
according to the composer,
are a perfect fit with the world premiere of the orchestral
version of Lunar Reflections by Heather Schmidt. Instead of
five movements, Schmidt says it’s in five “moons,” from the
delicate beauty of a February Snow Moon to the clangorous
energy of a July Thunder Moon. Members $38/$34, Guests
Claire Lynch Band
$41/$37, General Public $46/$42.
7 pm Tuesday, January 19
Close to You: The Sound of Karen Carpenter
Delivering a personable, high energy performance
with Joanne O’Brien
comprised of tender country ballads, hard driving blue7 pm Tuesday, January 12
grass, swing, and even some Southern Appalachian clog
Do you remember the
dancing, the Claire Lynch Band is high on the bluegrass
first time you heard the
world’s A-List. This stellar ensemble is made up of
voice of Karen Carpenmusicians with a long list of accolades including three
ter? Do you remember
International Bluegrass Music Association Female Vocalthe feeling you had the
ist of the Year awards and two Grammy nominations for
first time you experienced
Best Bluegrass Album. The show highlights the iconic
that sound? Let this show
vocal stylings and songwriting of lead lady, Claire Lynch.
take you right back to that
Claire’s seasoned sound is simultaneously unpretentime and make it a yestertious and richly textured. It’s a down-home, front porch
day once more. This is a
sensibility – until you realize that it’s a rare front porch,
celebration of those songs
indeed, that has ever hosted musicians of this caliber.
and “that” sound told
Members $28/$24, Guests $31/$27, General Public
through the velvet voice
L.A. Theatre Works Bram Stoker’s Dracula
7 pm Tuesday, January 26
Mr. Holmes
2 pm (Open Captioning) and 7 pm, Mon., Jan. 11
Each performance is a unique and remarkable event
with the audience requesting the songs each night. The
Beatles music is the soundtrack to our lives, and Yesterday and Today gets to the heart of that.
With dead-on musical precision, audiences will be immersed in the sights, sounds and memories of the 1960s
and their favorite Beatles songs. This is a tribute show
that focuses on the music of the Beatles – there are no
wigs, costumes or accents. GVR Live! fan favorite, Billy
McGuigan returns to play the Beatles songs that you
know and love. Members $28/$24, Guests $31/$27,
General Public $36/$32.
www.gvrec.org • January 2016
Fiddle Faddle with the Tucson Symphony
Lawrence Golan, Conductor and Violin Soloist
6:30 pm. Preshow Lecture, 7:30 p.m.
Performance; Tuesday, February 9
Join multi-talented
conductor and violinist
Lawrence Golan and
the Tucson Symphony
Orchestra for a night of
Fiddlin’ Favorites, including “Fiddler on the Roof,”
“The Devil Went Down
to Georgia,” “The Lord of
the Dance,” and “Orange
Blossom Special.” This night will stir up the dust and
your pulse with bows and fingers flying, showing off
the versatility of the fiddle. Members $38/$34, Guests
$41/$37, General Public $46/$42.
Movies are free to GVR members and their
guests, but tickets are required for admission. It is
recommended that tickets be reserved in advance
as they go fast. Members can obtain tickets at the
West Center Box Office and other major staffed
centers. Concessions available.
The story is set in 1947,
following a long-retired Sherlock Holmes living in a Sussex
village with his housekeeper and
rising detective son. Suffering
from early dementia, Holmes
finds himself haunted by an
unsolved case and the memory
of a beautiful woman. Starring
Ian McKellen and Laura Linney.
Directed by Bill Condon. Rated
want to dance on into the night. Well-paced and, above
PG for thematic elements, some
disturbing images and incidental smoking. 104 minutes. all, tons of fun, Rhythm Edition reaches out with a
contagious love for the music of the 1960s, ‘70s, ‘80s
Miramax. 2015. CR# 33556/33557.
and beyond. Patrons are welcome to bring your own
The Man from U.N.C.L.E.
adult beverages. Doors open at 6:45 pm. Attendees
2 pm (Open Captioning) and 7 pm, Fri., Feb. 19
are welcome to bring your own adult beverages. Set
Henry Cavill stars as Napoleon
ups provided. GVR Members $10/Guests $12/General
Solo, opposite Armie Hammer
Public $14. (CR# 34496)
as Illya Kuryakin in director
Guy Ritchie’s “The Man from
U.N.C.L.E.,” a fresh take on the
hugely popular 1960s television
series. Set against the backdrop
of the early 1960s, at the height
of the Cold War, “The Man
from U.N.C.L.E.” centers on
CIA agent Solo and KGB agent
Kuryakin. Forced to put aside
longstanding hostilities, the two team up on a joint mission to stop a mysterious international criminal organization, which is bent on destabilizing the fragile balance of
power through the proliferation of nuclear weapons and
technology. The duo’s only lead is the daughter of a vanished German scientist, who is the key to infiltrating the
criminal organization, and they must race against time
to find him and prevent a worldwide catastrophe. Rated
PG-13 for action violence, some suggestive content, and
partial nudity. Warner Bros. 116 minutes. 2015. CR#
Dance with The Kool Band
7-10 pm, Fri., Feb. 12, Canoa Hills, 3660 S Camino
Del Sol
Dance the night away to the music of the 50s, 60s and
Dance with Rhythm Edition
70s. The Kool Band will perform some great rock n’ roll
7-10 pm, Fri., Jan. 22, Canoa Hills, 3660 S Camino tunes with the songs you love from Motown, Do-Wop
Del Sol
and the British Invasion. Their sound is unforgettable
Since 1990, Rhythm Edition has performed for
and will keep you moving all night long. Enjoy an
Arizona audiences in venues as varied as its repertoire,
evening full of fun with this great dance group. Patrons
performing classic songs such as “Shout”, “All You Need are welcome to bring your own adult beverages. Set
Is Love” and “Mustang Sally”. Led by Dennis Fike, the
ups provided. Advance ticket sales only. Doors open
professional musicians who make up Rhythm Edition
at 6:45p.m. GVR Members $10, Guests $12, General
deliver an energetic performance that makes audiences
Public $14. CR#34497.
GVR January Exhibits
Canoa Ranch................................................................ Doug Wood Exhibit
Canoa Hills........................................................................Artists 13 Exhibit
Desert Hills....................................................... Evans & McQuarrie Exhibit
Las Campanas............................................................. Richard Paige Exhibit
East Center.............................................................. Don Mosbarger Exhibit
West Center....................................................Santa Rita Art League Exhibit
Ticket Purchases:
West Center Box Office Hours
Registration for classes, trips, movies, concerts, special events and dances is available to
our members in the following ways: online at www.gvrec.org, in person at any major social
center office during normal business hours (see schedule on page 2); by calling any of the
major social centers. All tickets and registrations are on a first come first served basis.
Members may purchase items on their own account only.
Individual single tickets currently are on sale for the 2015 GVR Live! Summer Performing
Arts Season. Season ticket sales for the 2015/2016 season are available until Aug. 28, 2015.
Individual tickets go on sale Sept. 1. We encourage you to purchase your tickets in advance
at the West Center box office. Tickets to concerts and some special events are available
at the door at the West Service Center and Box Office, one hour prior to the event. Ticket
prices increase $1 at the door. Tickets are not available at the door for sold out events.
Members may purchase up to four guest tickets per household at the guest price.
The West Center Box Office is open 8 am-4 pm weekdays, 10 am-2 pm
weekends and holidays, and one hour prior to all performances for
ticket sales and performance related-issues only. The Box Office phone
is (520) 625-0288.
To hear a prerecorded message of performances, call the new Arts &
Entertainment Event Line at (520) 547-3974.
There are no refunds for season, individual member, guest or general public tickets. All
sales are final. GVR offers season ticket exchanges up to 24 hours prior to an event. Season
tickets may be exchanged for any other performance in the performing arts series. Tickets
must be present in order to process an exchange. Upgrade fees may apply. Refunds will not
be given if exchanging ticket(s) for a less expensive performance. Tickets may be exchanged
in person at the West Center Box Office, 1111 Via Arcoiris Monday-Friday, 8am-4pm. Tickets
can be mailed to GVR Member Services Center, Attn: Season Ticket Exchange, West Center,
1111 W. Via Arcoiris, Green Valley, AZ 85614. Please see Class Catalog for information regarding refunds for classes, trips and tours. If you have questions regarding refunds, please
call 520-625-3440 extension 7225.
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Club Profile
GVR Pinochle Club
The GVR Pinochle Club was originally sanctioned by GVR in 2002 with 67
members after the group had played for nearly 20 years at GVR. The club
now has over 125 members and is growing.
Pinochle Club is
a co-ed social
club that plays
single deck
Pinochle three
times per week
(Tue, Wed, &
Thurs) and
double deck
Pinochle two
times per week
(Wed & Thurs).
The club plays
at East Center on Tuesday and Thursday, and at Las Campanas Center on
Wednesday, offering residents around Green Valley a few locations close to
them to play. Nightly play is 75 cents, which goes towards the prize money.
The more people that play, the more winners there are. If you’re unlucky at
cards and come in last, you’ll even win a consolation prize!
The club’s annual dues are $5 or $2.5 if you join after July 1, which allows
you to play up to three times a week. Any GVR member, tenant or guest is
welcome to join the club with the first visit being free.
Membership also entitles you to participate in the club’s parties held
throughout the year. The largest parties are the Single & Double Deck,
spring party in March at Las Campanas Center, fall party in September at
Madera Vista Center, and the Annual Meeting Party the second Saturday in
December at Las Campanas Center. Two additional Single Deck Pinochle
parties are held in January and April at East Center Auditorium. The club
also participates in GVR’s Fit&Fun Day in January and the GVR Foundation
Southern Arizona Senior Games in March.
To help us grow, the club offers free lessons for people wanting to learn
or brush up on Single Deck Pinochle. The lessons are held from 1-3 pm
every Monday in February and November at Las Campanas.
For more information about the Pinochle Club contact Club President
Dean Capes at (520) 647-9916.
Ceramics Club of GVR
Studio Phone: 399-2818
Cindy Nittinger, Club President (520) 4252901
Provide and operate an equipped facility for
GVR members interested in working with
• Dedicated space club located at Desert
Hills on the upper level
GVR Clay Studio
www.claystudiogvaz.com or 399-2755
Located at Santa Rita Springs
Hobby studio with extensive facilities to
enable and encourage people to create
functional and artistic pieces in clay.
Green Valley Arts & Crafts
Constance O’Brien 625-1353
Yearly Craft Show held in March at West Ctr.
• Meet at Desert Hills first Wednesday of
each month at 1pm
GV Lapidary & Silversmith
For members interested in learning Lapidary,
Silversmithing, Casting, PMC (Precious Metal
Clay), Dichroic Glass, Wire Wrapping and
Chain Making.
• Dedicated Space – Desert Hills 399-2370,
East Center 399-1989, West Center 6481726
• Hours are 8 am-4 pm weekdays, variable
on Saturdays, at East, West and Desert Hills
Desert Scraprats Quilting Club
Green Valley Rubber Stampers
Kay Beaudry 495-4733
Our members design and create greeting
cards. Workshops to develop new ideas
and techniques held the last Tuesday of the
month. Must sign up to attend.
Annual dues $5
• Meet at Desert Hills Art Room Tuesday’s 9 am to 4 pm
La Tienda Gift Shop
Carol Roskey (520) 393-3895
The La Tienda Gift shop sells a wide assortment of beautiful and unique gift items
handmade by GVR members.
• Monday-Friday 9am-4pm
• Saturday 10am-2pm
Santa Rita Art League of
Green Valley
Check www.srart.org
Welcome to artists using all two-dimensional mediums, including beginners,
intermediate and advanced. SRAL offers a
fully-equipped professional studio, gallery
and library for member use. Visit www.srart.
org or check the message monitors at GVR
• Permanent exhibits at Canoa Hills and
Desert Hills.
Woodworkers of Green Valley
Larry Kistler: 400-0172
Woodworking shop for the pleasure and convenience of its members
edicated space located at West Center
• Monday-Saturday 8am-4pm
Abrego South Thursday
Ladies Bridge Club
Betty Nigg 625-6175
Ladies social bridge group
• Meets at Abrego South Thursday at
Desert Hills Ladies Bridge Club
Ladies social bridge group
• Meet at Desert Hills Thursdays at
East Center Monday Ladies
Social Bridge Group
Jody Davison 207-6267
• Meet at East Center Mondays at
Desert Hills Midweek
Progressive Bridge
Cathy Musacchia 648-1373
Co-ed social bridge group
eet at Desert Hills Thursdays at
Five Card Major Bridge
Ladies social bridge group
eet at East Center Tuesday. Check in at
12:15 pm and play starts at 12:30pm
Friday Social Bridge Club
Paul Garcia 648-1120
Co-ed social bridge group
eet at Desert Hills Fridays at 12:30pm
Green Valley Cribbage Club
Co-ed social Cribbage players
• Meet at East Center Mondays at 6pm
Green Valley Duplicate Bridge
John Ziegelbauer 399-0438
Co-ed duplicate bridge players
• Meet at Canoa Hills 1pm
• Mondays, Thursdays & Fridays
GVR Canasta Club
Candi Barrall (520) 883-3422
Co-ed social canasta players
• Meet at East Center
• Fridays and Sundays, sign-in at 12:30pm,
short business at 12:45pm and play
starts at 1pm
GVR Chess Club
Jim Clark 648-9988
Co-ed social chess players
eet at East Center Wednesdays at 1pm
GVR East Center Duplicate
Bridge Club
Ray Austin 400-5327
Non-Sanctioned co-ed bridge players
• Meet at East Center Tuesdays at 1pm
GVR Euchre Card Club
Max Elliot 393-7918
Co-Ed social euchre players
• Meet at Desert Hills Fridays at 6:30pm
GVR Hearts Club
Marty Allen 625-09279
Co-ed social heart players
• Meet at Las Campanas Wednesdays at
GVR Informal Duplicate Bridge
Bob Dahm 777-7827
Co-ed Bridge players
• Meet at Santa Rita Springs Mondays at
GVR Men’s Bridge Club
Charles Koester 625-4054
Social group of men bridge players
• Meet Tuesdays at Desert Hills at 12pm
GVR Men’s Poker Club
Bob Hyden 625-1355,
Bob Northrup 207-6745
Enjoy the game of Poker
• Meet at Desert Hills, Room C on the
lower level
• Monday-Friday, sign in at 12:30pm and
play at 12:55pm
GVR Pinochle Club
Dean Capes 647-9916
Social Group of Co-ed Pinochle Players. Play
Single Deck each night – and Double Deck on
Wednesday and Thursday evenings.
• Meet at East Center Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6pm
• Meet at Las Campanas Wednesdays at
GVR Sheepshead Card Club
Bill Worth 269-6844
The Sheepshead Club is looking for both men
and women to join us for friendly games of
eet at Las Campanas Tuesdays at 6pm
GVR National Mah Jongg Club
Madelyn Weig 393-1255 or Barbara Tams
Social group of experienced National Mah
Jongg players. Must bring current Standard
Hands & Rules card.
• Meet at Santa Rita Springs, Fiesta room,
Wednesdays 12:55pm-4pm
Wright-Patterson Mah Jongg
Club of G.V.
Mary Lou Feldt 400-7879 or
Lois Wilhelm 818-1600
Year round social group of co-ed Wright Patterson mah jongg players
• Meet at Las Campanas, Tuesdays
• Observers welcome
Computer Club of Green Valley
Jud Richardson 625-4508
Members share computer interests and
• Classes and Open Lab
• Informative monthly meetings
• Club room at Santa Rita Springs
• Summer Hours: Mon-Fri 8 am-Noon.
Closed Saturdays.
Green Valley Camera Club
Classes, Lectures, field trips, and latest
photo-editing hardware plus software. Visit
www.gvcameraclub.org or call (520) 6481315.
www.gvrec.org • January 2016
The Desert ScrapRats welcomes all
quilters and fiber artists to join Desert
ScrapRats. The meetings are held on the
second and fourth Tuesday of each month
at Las Campanas in the Juniper Room
starting at 1 p.m. All GVR members are
welcome and dues are only 5 dollars per
year. Please join us.
• Meetings at Las Campanas, on the 2 &
4th Tuesdays at 1pm
GVR Fabric Painters Club
Cheryl Walters (419)204-9045
Fabric painting opens up endless opportunities for transforming not only your wardrobe
but also your home.
• Thursday 12:30pm-4:30pm and Friday 9
am-noon - January thru May
club connection
club connection
Located on upper level at Santa Rita Springs.
• Summer Hours: M-W-F 9am – Noon, T &
Th 9am-3pm. Closed Saturdays
Green Valley Forum Club
Norm (520) 393-1412
Weekly presentations and programs that are
mind-expanding, informative, challenging
and quite often just plain entertaining.
• Forum Club does not meet in August.
GVR Travel Club
Ellen Strasser (520) 399-3913
or Geneva Halliday (313) 610-7892
Group of Green Valley residents who love to
travel or enjoy hearing about the adventures
of others.
• Meet at Las Campanas, 3rd Fridays 9am
Valley Players
www.greenvalleyplayers.com or
call (520) 829-2985
Open to GVR members interested in
community theater--on stage, back stage,
singers, musicians, writers. Newcomers or
experienced theater folks, join the fun!
sports CLUBS
Nancy Myers (520) 399-2457
Enjoy and encourage line dancing upon completion of Line Dance I and II
• Meet at Canoa Hills Tuesdays at 2pm
Joyce Finkelstein 393-0317
Promoting synchronized swimming.
Green Valley Line Dancers
Green Valley Aquabelles
Green Valley Squares
Gary Hill at 393-0266, gkhill@cox.net
Local square and round dance club is active
year around.
• Club Dances every Monday night at
6:30pm at Canoa Hills
Green Valley Dance Club
Billiards Club of Green Valley
Marianne Bishop, Secretary, 625-4924
Promoting recreational and competitive
billiard playing, be it pool or snooker.
Billiards rooms located at East Center, West
Center, Desert Hills
Green Valley Shuffleboard Club
Elaine Cederbaum (520) 625-3499
Fun social group. Music from 40’s, 50’s, 60’s.
Come dance with us at Canoa Hills
6:30pm - 9:30pm.
• Monthly dances held Oct - Apr
GVR Argentine Tango Club
Dale Gustafson 429-7794
Promote Argentine Tango dancing and culture
Robert Lisec 396-4953 or
John Tams 625-2226
Shuffleboard is a game of skills, strategy and
fun for all ages. Free lessons Mondays Nov
1-Mar 31. Round Robin (fun play) Thursdays
during League Season. Round Robin continues
in the summer on Thursdays and Saturdays.
Green Valley Table Tennis Club
Horace Puglisi, President (802) 728-5287 or
Wes Minear, Vice President (520) 398-2722
The club has many levels of players and the
club provides all the equipment. The Table
Tennis Club has 8-10 tables and can accommodate 40 doubles players at a time. Beginners are invited and can receive instruction.
Our club dues are $10 per year.
• Meet at West Center 8am
• Check website or call for dates
Green Valley Tennis Club
The Tennis Club promotes tennis for all GVR members, handles court reservations, runs leagues,
drop in tennis and other tennis activities. See
upcoming events on the web site. Events are also
posted on bulletin boards at all tennis courts.
Membership and tournament forms are available
at the West Center Tennis Hut.
• Clinics - Monday, Wednesday-2pm Desert Hills (Oct-March)
• Potlucks 2nd Sunday-5pm Desert Hills
(Oct-April) and West Center Tennis Ramada (May-Sept)
Green Valley Volleyball Club
Doug Bryan (509) 312-0500
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www.gvrec.org • January 2016
A social group of sand, water and wallyball
• Sand - Abrego South Thursdays and
Saturdays 9am
• Water - Abrego South Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays & Saturdays at 9am
• Wallyball - Las Campanas Monday-Friday
2-4pm & Saturdays 1-3pm
GVR Bocce Club
Sally Ryan (520) 399-3580
A group of bocce players who host weekly
games and tournaments
• Meet at Canoa Hills 7:30am Mon, Tues,
Thurs & Fri in Sept.
recreational and competitive play.
Check the website www.greenvalleypickleball.
org for court locations and play schedules.
ssisted Play for beginners – Tuesday
and Thursday at 4pm at East Center
GVR Racquetball Club
Wayne Ferreira (520) 260-1470 Jerry Lowe
(701) 200-2777
Racquetball for fun and competition for all
ages and skill levels
• Las Campanas racquetball courts
• Monday-Saturday 9am-11am
Green Valley Swim Club
GVR Hiking Club
Weekly hikes throughout Southern Arizona,
orientation is required before 1st hike
• West Center Thursday mornings
Green Valley Pickleball Club
Questions? Call Donna Coon 648-1007
We are dedicated to the promotion of
pickleball in the Green Valley Recreation
community. Join fellow pickleball players for
Coach Jan Miller 867-8812
Organized workouts for fitness and master’s
• West Center pool Monday – Friday 8am10:30am
social CLUBS
Canadian Club of Green Valley
(520) 288-4930
Colorado Club
Shirley (719) 660-9361
Fun social group of current and past residents of Colorado.
• Meet 1st Saturday of each month
Eastern States Club
Karen Curtis 625-2394
Social group of current and past residents
Excludes MI & New England States
club connection
entertainment with fellow present and past
Michiganders at 5 pm the first Wednesday of
the month, Nov.-Apr. at West Center.
Minnesota Club
of Green Valley
Tom & Mary Johnson, 207-8408
Social group of current and past residents of
Pacific Northwest Club
Green Bay Packers Club
James Chisolm 777-8334
Social group of the Green Bay Packers football team who watch the games on the big
screen at Las Campanas
GVR Amigas Club
www.GVRamigas.org 334-7807
A wonderful way for women of Green Valley
to meet other women with similar interests,
make new friends and share community.
Fred Taylor 625-2308
Social group of current and past residents of
Oregon, Washington and Idaho.
Singles Club of GVR
Pat Ault (520) 300-4489
Social singles group of GVR members meet
weekly 9:30 am on Mondays at Desert Hills.
Monthly newsletter, social hours, weekend
breakfasts, and more!
New England Club
Michigan Club
Share fun-filled get togethers with food and
Membership is open to all GVR Members who
love the New England states.
Creating Community at a Place Called Home
Coming Soon
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Spring of 2016
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Tuesday - Friday 9 am to 5 pm
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(closed Sunday & Monday)
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