Painful, nUll1b feet. A new option for a frustrating problen1.
Painful, nUll1b feet. A new option for a frustrating problen1.
Painful, nUll1b feet. A new option for a frustrating problen1. Peripheral neuropathy robs your patients of a normal !"fe, of infrared photo energy using highly efficient Ilight emitting diodes They complain of sleepless nights, burning pain and trouble simply show just how substantial these increases in circulation can be. (LEOs) placed in direct skin contact. The medical images below walking. Peripheral neuropathy is probably one of the most common Will this program provide pain relief for my ti nts? - and most frustrating - conditions you treat. Thousands of patients with neuropathy are now etting relief fro pain eact- 0 th Pain is often the first symptom to improve in our program , while functional improvements may take more therapy. Several pain While the symptoms of peripheral neuropathy and its complications studies involving over 1,000 patients have been done using Anodyne Therapy. have been difficult or impossible to resolve, you can now offer your patients a comprehensive, clinically proven program that may reduce the pain associated with neuropathy and help them recapture the life The first study examined 784 patients with chronic pain they once enjoyed . More than 5,000 therapists, nurses and doctors unresponsive to ultrasound, electrical stimulation, hot packs and are now using and recommending this therapy program. There are pharmacologic interventions. Nearly 89% of the patients had over a thousand Anodyne" Neuropathy Care Centers'" nationwide. excellent to total pain relief within twelve 45-minute Anodyne Therapy sessions. They are located in hospitals and universities, outpatient physical therapy centers , wound care centers, long term care facilities , Pain Reduction - Chronic Pain physician offices and home health agencies , so patients may be (784 patients) referred based on the care setting that is most appropriate for them. 100% - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - -- - - -- -- - - - 80% __8_8_,_8_0/0_ ____________________________________ W at is nodyne era y 60% --____-'--___________________________________ Anodyne emits monochromatic infrared photo energy (MIRETM) 40% ------, ---------___________________________ to substantially increase local circulation and temporarily reduce 20% ------~------_n~~----------------------- pain . Anodyne has been designed io maximize the effectiveness 0% ~~~--------~. . . .------~=1=.== 3 %~--------Excellent to Total Relief Fair to Poor Relief No Relief Brighter area indica e more circulation After 30 minutes with Anodyne Therapy, microcirculation increased 400 % vs . only 40 % with thermal energy alone as shown by the Moor Scanning Laser Doppler. Baseline 400 % increase Anodyne Therapy 40 % increase placebo heat therapy Vasodilation , t'e After 20 minutes with Anodyne Therapy, microcirculation increased 3200 % as shown by the Moor Scanning Laser Doppler. Baseline Anodyne Therapy The second study surveyed 252 patients with diabetes who had experienced chronic foot and leg pain. After receiving Anodyne Therapy, 87% reported substantial reductions in their foot and leg pain. 252 Diabetic Patients with Foot and Leg Pain 87% % Reporti ng Red uction in Pain Place the pads on the area to be treated. Turn the system on and adjust the energy dial to the appropriate setting. Let the patient relax for 30-45 minutes. ats m? Id Most patients say that Anodyne Therapy feels warm and soothing. Others say they feel some tingling and pulsing, which is normal as blood flow returns. Some patients respond very quickly in our comprehensive program, while others take longer based on their degree of impairment . Our therapy centers will work with your patients as long as they are willing to work on their functional limitations and are showing progress toward their goals. Is it really possible for my patients to reduce their f II a of f II Several studies have documented that this comprehensive program can improve balance, Tinetti Gait and Balance Scores, fear of falling and actual fall rates. Since falls are one of the leading causes of injury in the elderly, this can help patients get back to functional levels never thought possible. Data presented at the 2003 American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting demonstrated a 96% reduction in falls in patients with loss of protective sensation after receiving our recommended comprehensive neuropathy therapy protocol. (See Gait and Balance Outcomes chart.) In a survey of 252 diabetic patients who had received a comprehensive therapy protocol that included Anodyne Therapy, 78% reported reduction in the number of falls and 80% reported a reduced fear of falling. More importantly, 72% reported they were able to increase their activities, which improved their quality of life. A"e there ti No side effects or drug interactions have beer. reported as long as Anodyne Therapy is properly used and monitored. Anodyne Therapy should not be used directly over or near the womb of a pregnant woman or over an active malignancy. If your patients have diabetes, they should check their blood sugars often during any change in therapy or activity. °11 0 9 p tmeot be Unfortunately, diabetes and most other causes of neuropathic pain are often chronic conditions. Our therapists recommend home exercises to help patients continue to improve functionally. Your patients may also continue Anodyne Therapy at home to maintain and continue to improve circulation in their extremities and to provide temporary pain relief. Contact us for prescription forms as Medicare or private insurance may cover the Anodyne Therapy Home System for your patients when medically necessary. We also offer an affordable rent-to-own program for patients. Gait and Balance Outcomes "r ge Number Sites 5.07 Monofilament of 3 Tested 2.7 Average Gait and Balance Score (Normal = 28) 21.6 I 15 11.2 98 100--- 80 - - -- ---- 60 10 5 The Anodyne Therapy Home System extends your care. 120 25 20 0.9 Total Falls In 90 Days 40 -~------- I 25 --~~------ 4 0 Before Before After 0--- - - - - = = Before After P < .0001 vs. Before Reduction in falls 80% Increased activity level Anodyne Neuropathy Care Center. These are now 72% 78% for your patients, try prescribing treatment in an open in most major cities and new ones are being % Reporting % Reporting % Reporting Reduction in Fear of Falling Reduction in Actual Falling Increase in Daily Activities added every day. Add a little light to your patients' lives and you will be amazed at how much better they feel. N =252 What is our comprehensive approach to caring for those with eroatr'" Our therapy centers first assess the functional limitations your patients are experiencing, and how they affect their lives. A comprehensive therapy program is then designed to help them reach their personal goals. o t n Therapy may include any or all of the following interventions, depending on the patients' particular needs: • Anodyne Therapy to reduce pain and increase circulation to impaired tissues and nerves • Stretching and strengthening exercises • Dynamic and static balance exercises • Massage and the use of other therapeutic modalities for pain • Sensory integrative techniques to put it all together