Bellerose Composite High School
Bellerose Composite High School
BELLEROSE COMPOSITE HIGH SCHOOL W e l c o m e to all! July 2015 Newsletter First Operational Day (no students) is Thursday, August 27. On Friday, August 28, all Grade 10 students and any Grade 11 & 12 students new to Bellerose are invited to a “Bulldog Welcome” session between 10.00 and 11.30am. Labour Day (no school) is Monday, September 7. First day of classes is Monday August 31. Regular classes, 8.00am – 2.30pm. Students are expected to have completed any necessary timetable adjustments prior to the first day of school and should be in classes as of 8.00am. Included in this package: Student Handbook July Newsletter Code of Conduct Drug Free Protocol 2014/15 Yearbooks and Grad DVDs will be available to pickup starting in October. Watch for date & time! A special welcome to Grade 10 and new families who are joining us at Bellerose. We hope everyone is enjoying a great summer but looking forward to a positive and rewarding year ahead. Bellerose offers a variety of programs, activities, and great opportunities for participation. A dedicated staff, over 100 strong, support students in their Jyoti Mangat learning activities, and also provide thousands of hours to ensure that student activities, athletics, and leadership are valuable experiences during the high school years. At Bellerose we value our focus on student participation and leadership, school and community spirit, recognition of accomplishments, and the celebration of achievements. We encourage students to plan for an exciting and successful year: set yourself strong goals for academic achievement and plan to get involved in student activities. We invite parents to join us in providing a supportive learning community for all students in the 2015/2016 school year. In the upcoming year Bellerose celebrates 27 years in the making and will see our school community continue to build great programs and traditions: International Baccalaureate, Sports Academy, CTS, Bike A Thon, competitive Athletic Teams, Musical Theatre Production, Mentoring Programs, Art Shows, and the list goes on. We look forward to you joining in the variety of activities and events that will highlight your High School memories and support many worthwhile causes. We invite students and parents to join the Bellerose staff as we head into the 2015—2016 school year with a renewed focus on learning and growing. 49 Giroux Road, St. Albert, AB T8N 6N4 Phone: (780) 460-8490 Fax: (780) 459-0798 Page 1 MARKS GRADE 10 TIMETABLES St. Albert Public Schools is moving from our current Student Information System (SIRS) to a new provider, PowerSchool. This transition is already in progress and the change will take place for parents in the fall of 2015. Within this package of materials students will find their 2015-16 timetable. Grade 10 students will find a form entitled “Course Change Request Form – Grade 10”. The instructions on the form make every effort to outline the procedure to be followed to make course changes at the Grade 10 level. Students in Grades 11 and 12 have already had the opportunity to submit change forms. Currently you are able to access your child’s attendance and marks through HomeLogic. As of July 31, 2015 you will no longer be able to access HomeLogic. Please make sure you check marks prior to that date. To Grade 10 parents and students, please understand that there is no staff at the school to consider these possible changes until after August 24th. There is a box in the general office of the school where changes can be submitted. The school is open in the mornings until July 24. As our teachers make the transition from the current system to PowerSchool in the fall, we need to provide them time to become familiar with how the product works. As a result, you will be able to view your child’s attendance at the beginning of September, but student grades will not be made public through the PowerSchool Parent Portal until sometime into the month of September. We hope this transition at Bellerose will be a speedy one. We will communicate with you once we have our grade books up and running, so you will then be able to view your child’s marks. IB changes should be directed to J. Bossio-Arlia at starting August 24th. POWER SCHOOL At the beginning of September you will be provided with access information and ID’s for using the PowerSchool Parent Portal. Through the Parent Portal you will be able to view your child’s attendance and fee balances, and you will have the ability to pay fees and make purchases. And, later in the month of September (date TBA) you will have access to viewing your child’s marks. If you have more than one child attending school in our district, you will be able to view each of your children through the same login. Students will be able to access final marks through Alberta Education’s new system called myPass. If your child has not already done so, please have them register to create their login and password and receive their confidential PIN number. Go to Here you will be able to view marks, track graduation progress and order transcripts. TIMETABLES FOR 2015-2016 STUDENT PARKING is in the WEST LOT ONLY. Students must fill out an application in September and submit a $20.00 fee to obtain a parking pass. Students going into grades 11 and 12 have already picked up their timetables and submitted their course request forms. If you did not pick up your timetable in June, it will be in this mail out. If you see a “hole” in your timetable, it is because we were unable to schedule all of your course requests. Based on your final marks, you may need to alter the courses you are taking. Timetable request forms need to be submitted by Thursday, August 27, 2015. Students are expected to maintain safe and appropriate judgment when using the parking lot. Inappropriate use or inappropriate behavior in parking areas will be reported to the R.C.M.P. In September, your timetable may change even if you did not request a change. If this is the case, you should find that the courses are the same, but where they are placed on your schedule is different. These changes are a result of the need to balance class sizes, changes to teaching assignments or the addition of sections of a course to the school schedule. Please note that student vehicles are parked at YOUR OWN RISK. Student parking is not permitted in the EAST LOT, which is for Staff & Visitor Parking only. Parents picking students up in the Staff Parking area are reminded to please use caution and not block roadways and staff parking. Page 2 STUDENT PHOTOS STAFF MEETINGS Student photos will be taken September 3 & 8. All Students must have a photo taken for the yearbook and student ID cards. On the first Wednesday of the month (except in September), staff will attend morning staff meetings and professional development workshops. On staff meeting days, students will begin school at 9.30am. Buses will run accordingly. A complimentary ID card, two proofs, and an order form will be handed out to each student approximately one week after photos are taken. CLASS ATTENDANCE STUDENT LOCKERS are assigned for use during the high school years. Students are reminded that lockers are school property and must be used appropriately. Grade 11 and 12s will use the same locker as last year. Grade 10s will have their locker information included in this mail out. Students may access their lockers starting Thursday, August 27th. DAILY SCHEDULE STUDENT: Classes begin at 8.00am each day and end at 2.30pm Monday to Thursday, but end at 1.30pm on Friday. A Daily Bell Schedule is on our website (Resources Page) for your reference GMAIL ACCOUNTS The student Gmail accounts are all going to be reset to the STUDENT ID Numbers over the summer. This will mean the Student Gmail accounts will be disabled for a week at the end of August and then enabled and reset for August 27th. Students are expected to be in all scheduled classes, to arrive on time and BE PREPARED for class. If, for some reason, a student does not have a scheduled class, he/she is expected to be attending to a course-related activity in the school library or cafeteria or to be off school campus until their next scheduled class. Students are reminded that Bellerose is a learning environment with the expectation for respectful, appropriate and cooperative behavior from all students. PARENT TEACHER INTERVIEWS take place between Progress & Mid-Term, and parents can book their interview times online. Semester I Interviews: October 21-22, 2015, Semester II Interviews: March 22-23, 2016. Question/concerns regarding your son/daughter’s progress between reporting periods can be directed to the appropriate teacher, a counselor, or an administrator. EXTENDED STUDENT ABSENCE Parents/guardians sometimes choose to take students out of school for extended periods such as vacations, visits to relatives, assistance to the family, and so on. In such situations, the school does not grant permission for the absence. Parents/guardians must accept responsibility for the detrimental academic effects the absence may have. SCHOOL SUPPLY LISTS are not issued for High School students. Students should bring paper and pens for the first day of classes and will be given information regarding necessary items from course teachers on the first day of classes. STUDENT BUSING is handled at District Office or the District online website. Questions should be directed to Transportation Services at 460-3712 or at 60 Sir Winston Churchill Avenue. TEXT AND LIBRARY BOOKS All lost or damaged texts and library books are assessed for replacement and students are charged a fee accordingly. Regular class attendance is important to achievement. If an absence is planned during the school year, the student or parent should let both the school administration and the various subject teachers know well before the absence. Within reason, the teacher will advise the student of what work will be covered during the absence. Teachers may give guidance and assignments that will reduce the negative effects of the absence. Students are responsible for making up the work missed within a reasonable amount of time. Please note that in virtually all situations, significant absences will have a detrimental effect on achievement. Page 3 F INSURANCE & WAIVER FORMS Staff members/coaches are required by District Policy to have Waiver Forms completed and signed for student activities/athletics. From time to time, please expect that your son/daughter will require a waiver form be signed and returned to the school to allow participation in an activity/event. Your cooperation is appreciated in ensuring that waiver forms are returned as quickly as possible. REPORTING STUDENT ABSENCES To report student absences phone the school office at 460-8490. If you phone outside regular school hours you will be directed to the appropriate voice mail. Messages are taken off and noted for staff and for attendance recording each morning. It is also recommended by the district that students carry STUDENT ACCIDENT INSURANCE, particularly if the student is involved in activities and athletics. INDUSTRIAL ALLIANCE PACIFIC INSURANCE FORMS will be available at the Front Office on the first day of school. BELLEROSE CAFETERIA The school-operated cafeteria is open at appropriate times between 7.45am until 12.15pm. Meals are prepared daily including “Specials of the Day”, soups, salads and sandwiches. Bagels, chips, cookies & snacks are also available. FALL FOOTBALL CAMP—AUGUST 17 To register for Jr/Sr Training camp go to the Bulldogs Football website, at! Equipment pick-up for both Senior and Junior players is August 16 starting at 10 am in the BCHS Large Gym. For more info contact Chad Hill at Students are reminded that the Cafeteria Service is a privilege we enjoy having available in our school. There is an expectation that everyone will use respectful behavior and participate in maintaining a clean and appropriate facility. Absolutely NO CREDIT will be given! ATM & Vending machines are available throughout the school. Once again, students are expected to use the vending machines in a respectful manner to ensure we can maintain these services. (PLEASE NOTE: there will be no change available in the front office or finance office.) Find us on Facebook & Twitter! SCHOOL FEES FOR 2015-16 Fees: Fees will be available for payment starting in October. Methods of Payment: Online, by phone using Visa/MasterCard, or in the Finance Office with cheque, cash, money order, Interact, Visa/MasterCard. Make cheques payable to St. Albert Public School District #5565 Fees must be paid no later than October 31, 2015. Please contact the Finance Office at 780 -460-8490 ext. 124 if you need to make other arrangements. (For a more detailed explanation of fees please refer to our website.) PLEASE NOTE: Student participation in such activities as athletic teams, ski club trips, travel clubs and the purchase of grad tickets may be jeopardized if school fees remain unpaid without some arrangement for payment being established. Basic Fees Learning Resource Fee .................................................................................................................................... $110.00 Communication Fee .............................................................................................................................................. 12.00 Student Union Fee ................................................................................................................................................ 30.00 Commencement Fee - Grade 12 students ............................................................................................................. TBD *Grade 12 candidates for graduation (includes grad gown rental, cap, diploma cover, Shaw Conference Centre rental fees) ***Option and Sports fees are varied, please check the BCHS website under Registration for more details Page 4