Chetana Women`s Skill Development Project


Chetana Women`s Skill Development Project
Fair Pricing
Chetana is a registrated not for profit NGO
Our products have fixed prices and 100% of
our profit is used to fund the education of
disadvantaged youth.
Visit our website
Our pricing formula is simple.
Materials + Overheads + Wages + 5% profit
= The price of goods
Our wages are fair.
We train and pay local Nepali women a fair
Chetana WSDP
SWC Reg # 24895/2065
Kaski DAO Reg. # 1996/2065
Lakeside - Pokhara-6 - Nepal
Phone : +977-16-463600
Mobile : +977-9804109401
E-mail : or
Skill Development
Handmade Products
From start to
Loom Weaving and Sewing
Help for children.
Chetana Women’s Skill Development Project
helps children for study. On this moment, we
are paying the schoolfee for 6 children. They
can do their study for a better future. You can
e-mail us for information, or help us with
buying our products.
All of our products are handmade by local
Nepali women who are trained with many
skills such as cotton dying, weaving and
sewing. The women at Chetana play an integral role in each step of the process to
create the unique products you see in our
shop. Purchasing products from Chetana
enables us to keep empowering the women
of Nepal and education their children.
Be the change you want to see in the world.
Your support contributes towards the
empowerment of women, creating
sustainable livelihoods.
Woman CREATE Change..
Yoga bag
Educate women and girls, empower them to
contribute to their country as a labour and
intellectual force of everybody benefits.
If women prosper, their family prospers.
When the family prospers, the village
When the villages prospers, eventually so
does the whole country.
Focus on Women in a meanful way
and development will create change.
Dying and preparing the cotton
Micro Finance Program - Our Micro Finance
Program is a financal service that is offered to
low income women in Nepal, that are not able to
access format banking & financial institutioning.
Micro Finance is the oppertunity for thes women
to rise above poverty and become self sufficent.
Please e-mail us for further details on this program.
Our Mission.
Share necessary skills and employment to
The exploited and poor women of Nepal
to become self sufficient.
Provide the finest handmade products
using high quality raw materials
Preserve Traditional skills art and design
of Nepali Handicraft.