Personal Training Workbook
Personal Training Workbook
COERVER ® C O A C H I N G Coerver® Coaching is the No. 1 soccer skills training Method in the world. This workbook is one of many tools used in skills development. For more information and training material visit: $10.00 US Personal Training Workbook This book is designed to assist coaches and players develop soccer skills by using the Coerver® Coaching method. Copyright© 2009 by Sportsmethod Northwest Inc Written by TR Stoneback and Rick Moss For additional training tools and information visit: or contact: TR Stoneback at Notice of Rights All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the proper written permission of the publisher. Training methods and technical instructions are by Coerver® Coaching Notice of Liability The information is this book is distributed on an “As is” basis, without warranty. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, neither the author, publisher, or Coerver® Coaching shall have any liability to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the instructions contained in this book or by the methods described in it. Purpose of this Book This book is designed to assist Player, Parents, and Coaches in development of soccer skills. All skills used in this book can be viewed on the DVD set “Improve Your Game” by Coerver® Coaching. For more information contact This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without written permission. Training methods by Coerver® Coaching all rights reserved. The word Coerver and the Coerver Coaching Logo are registered trademarks of Sportsmethod Ltd. Copyright © Coerver® Coaching 2009. All rights reserved 20 CENTERS OF EXCELLENCE TABLE OF CONTENTS If youth players are trained using the most effective soccer training methods in the world starting at the age of 7 years old, they will develop the sound technical foundation necessary to become exceptional players. This is the foundational belief of Coerver® Coaching, and to help out players get there, we off the Coerver® Centers of Excellence, tiered, structured player-development program that’s been designed to foster a competitive, challenging training environment for talented young players. The program stimulates young players to develop at an accelerated rate, while allowing them (and their families) to enjoy the benefits of playing with their friends on their existing club teams. Players are identified for the COE either from their participation in Coerver Club Academies, Camps, Clinics, Player Academies, or after the four-week identification period that kicks off each COE program. 19 Coerver® Coaching 1-2 Personal Workbook Getting Started 3 Personal Information and Goals 4 Initial Assessment 5 Weekly Logs 6-8 Individual Moves 9 - 10 Personal Training Log I 11 - 12 Personal Training Log II 13 - 14 Personal Training Log III 15 - 16 Coerver® Coaching DVD’s 17 Final Assessment 18 Coerver® Coaching Centers of Excellence 19 COERVER ® COACHING ASSESSMENT Coerver® Coaching, the world’s number 1 soccer skills teaching method and their international sponsor Adidas®, stands at the forefront of the youth soccer coaching with its player camps, soccer schools, coaches’ clinics and educational products available in Europe, North and South America, Africa, Asia and Oceania. Give yourself a beginning and ending assessment. This will help you focus on your needs and improvement. Ask your coach to make an assessment also. Use 1 to 5 with 1 as the lowest and 5 as the best. Assess your skills compared to personal goals and your teams skill level. At the end of your workbook fill out the assessment form again and see how much you have improved. Coerver® Coaching has become the largest and most respected soccer education program in the world, with an unmatched list of endorsements from national federations, professional clubs, star players and leading coaches. 1 2 3 4 5 Beginning needs work Needs work compared to your team Average within your team Above average compared to your team Excels TECHNICAL ABILITY Receiving YOU COACH YOU Expansion Support Runs in the Box Ability to Combine Ground Balls Air Balls Heading To Clear Winning Balls "It is essential that players 15 and under get the best teaching available so we can develop a higher standard of player for the future. In this regard I admire the Coerver® Coaching program very much. It is an important part of our youth development at Arsenal." - Arsene Wenger, Head Coach, Arsenal "Coerver Coaching helps us produce the kind of technical players that can give our teams the winning edge. I first brought Alfred Galustian (Coerver® Coaching International Director) to work with the French Federation regional coaches 4 years ago, and the results and reaction since have been excellent." - Gerard Houllier, Head Coach, Lyon; Former Head Coach of Liverpool and France; Technical Director, FFF "I believe that youth coaches who attend Coerver® Coaching courses will benefit from learning one of the world's leading coaching method and ultimately, this will help that country to become more successful." - Aime Jacquet, 1998 Coach of France World Cup Champions "We at Arsenal are strong believers in the Coerver® Program; we want all our young players to be exposed to it, so we invited Alfred Galustian (Coerver® Coaching International Director) to be our Academy Technical Coaches Instructor." - Liam Brady, Arsenal Academy Director "I wish the Coerver® Coaching Program had been available when I was young - it would certainly have made me a better player." - Juergen Klinsman, World Cup Legend, Head Coach of Germany 1 Defending Pressure Cover Balance Reading the Game Knowledge Anticipation Communication Dribbling Beat an Opponent Solve Tight Spaces Passing Short Distance Driven Intangibles Finishing Coachable Commitment Confidence Consistency Courage Discipline Honesty Leadership Mental Toughness Physical Toughness Will to Win Work Ethic PHYSICAL ATTRIBUTES Speed Strengths Explosiveness Quickness/Agility Endurance Power Composure Volleying Heading Defending Deny/Anticipation 1v1 Defending Tackling Clearing TACTICAL ABILITY Attack With Ball Vision Decision Making Creativity Speed of Play Attack Without Ball Understanding Runs Timing 18 COACH COERVER® COACHING The mission of Coerver® Coaching is to provide the world’s best youth soccer educational services and products to its players through Coerver® Camps, Schools, and Coaches’ Clinics. Coerver wants to make the benefits of Coerver® Coaching available worldwide through its network of Coerver ®Coaching licensees. Our goals are to: Develop good habits, flexibility, and strength Develop skilled, confident and creative players Make the game fun to practice and play Teach good sportsmanship and respect for all Value winning but no more than character and performance Utilize the latest methods & technologies Create a professional environment in which young players can develop Provide a safe & educational experience for all participants Coerver® Coaching Worldwide Family Asia Web-site Europe Web-site USA Web-site For information about Coerver® Coaching programs and Coerver® Coaching products, log on to 17 2 COERVER ® COACHING PERSONAL WORKBOOK This workbook is designed for self improvement. There are areas to assess and compare yourself to the goals you have set forth. Use this book as a guideline for improving your soccer skills record every time you train. Keeping track of what you do will help balance which drills need work. Use the workbook daily, let it motivate you to learn all the skills listed. DATE BALL MASTERY JUGGLING RIGHT/LEFT JUGGLING ALTERNATE JUGGLING HEAD JUGGLING SEQUENCE PASSING STRIKING Put data here Exercise Number/s Consecutive Juggles Consecutive Juggles Consecutive Juggles Completed Sequences Successful Passes Successful Strikes 8/27/09 10-12 24/21 23 17 14 25 14 BALL MASTERY JUGGLING RIGHT/LEFT JUGGLING ALTERNATE JUGGLING HEAD JUGGLING SEQUENCE PASSING INSTEP STRIKING BALL MASTERY JUGGLING RIGHT/LEFT JUGGLING ALTERNATE JUGGLING HEAD JUGGLING SEQUENCE PASSING INSTEP STRIKING WEEK 3 DATE Always start your training with a warm up. For information on warming up refer to the Science DVD on Coerver® Coaching’s “Improve Your Game” DVD set. After warming up, spend a minimum of 5 minutes on air juggling and 5 minutes on ground juggling (ball mastery). Once you have completed the warm up, pick a skill you want to master and go to work. Its is always good when mastering a new skill to learn the technique before working on speed. This keeps bad habits to a minimum. Mix up your personal training with skills you know and skills you want to learn. Always keeping focus on techniques and speed. The drills will improve your confidence and flexibility with the ball. As you touch improves, space will increase for creativity and enjoyment of the game. Use your personal training session for strength and endurance also. This can be accomplished by doing drills back to back without a break and with as many touches as possible for each drill. WEEK 6 DATE Your development will only work with honesty and consistency when using this personal training workbook. You will be able to do all the drills alone but of course it’s always fun to have others train with you. It’s time to get started learning soccer skills and recording your progress. Take a moment and think about you soccer goals for today and even years to come. On the next page write your goals and then assess yourself to start your training. When you have completed the days of training, assess yourself again in the back of the workbook. During the days of training revisit your goals so you keep a clear picture of what you are trying to achieve. 3 16 PERSONAL TRAINING PROGRAM LOG (PART III) PERSONAL INFORMATION & GOAL SETTING Refer to the COERVER® COACHING INDIVIDUAL MOVES on pages 9 and 10 for the different moves to complete the following log. Record all personal training each day by following the directions below and log example. Name _________________________________________________ Phone _________________________ BALL MASTERY: Pick one Ball Mastery activity and write down the activity when you have completed 5 minutes of practice Practice the move slowly and then gradually speed up Try to do the move in combination without stopping Soccer Team Name ________________________________________________ Jersey Number ________ Coach _________________________________________________ Phone ________________________ When Goal setting be as specific as possible, allow yourself to think of where you want to be in soccer. Once this is done you can start working toward your goals! JUGGLING RIGHT AND LEFT ONLY: This means keep the ball off the ground with your right or left foot only. Record number of consecutive juggles. JUGGLING ALTERNATE: This means keep the ball off the ground using the feet only and going from left to right and so on. From time to time use thighs only. Goals: What is your daily goal: example: (train 5 days a week for 45 minutes, Monday—Friday) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ JUGGLING HEAD: This means to keep the ball off the ground using only your head. Record number of consecutive juggles. JUGGLING SEQUENCE THREE: This means that to complete a circuit, that must be in this order while kept off the ground. Right Foot, left foot, right thigh, left thigh. Left foot, right foot, left thigh, right thigh. Record number of completed sequences. PASSING: Using a wall or a friend with a distance of 10-15 yards, practice passing using two-touch and one touch passes. Record consecutive accurate passes in a row. STRIKING: Using a wall, goal, or friend with a distance of 20 - 30 yards, practice striking the ball. Use the striking zone. Draw a line from the big toe to the middle of your ankle, This is your striking zone. Record consecutive accurate and properly struck balls in a row. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What is your monthly goal: example: (50 shuffles in 10 seconds) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What is your annual goal: example: (200 juggles without dropping the ball) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What is your long term goal: example: (Make a college soccer team) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 15 4 ASSESSMENT Give yourself a beginning and ending assessment. This will help you focus on your needs and improvement. Ask your coach to make an assessment also. Use 1 to 5 with 1 as the lowest and 5 as the best. Assess your skills compared to personal goals and your teams skill level. At the end of your workbook fill out the assessment form again and see how much you have improved. 1 2 3 4 5 Beginning needs work Needs work compared to your team Average within your team Above average compared to your team Excels TECHNICAL ABILITY Receiving YOU DATE BALL MASTERY CHANGE OF DIRECTION FAKE FEINTS COMBO JUGGLING BASIC JUGGLING RIGHT/LEFT JUGGLING ALTERNATE JUGGLING SEQUENCE PASSING Put data here Exercise Number/s Exercise Number/s Exercise Number/s Exercise Number/s Consecutive Juggles Consecutive Juggles Consecutive Juggles Completed Sequences Successful Passes 8/27/09 1-4 10, 12 32-34 38 13 9/6 10 11 20 CHANGE OF DIRECTION FAKE FEINTS COMBO JUGGLING BASIC JUGGLING RIGHT/LEFT JUGGLING ALTERNATE JUGGLING SEQUENCE PASSING CHANGE OF DIRECTION FAKE FEINTS COMBO JUGGLING BASIC JUGGLING RIGHT/LEFT JUGGLING ALTERNATE JUGGLING SEQUENCE PASSING WEEK 2 DATE COACH YOU BALL MASTERY COACH Expansion Support Runs in the Box Ability to Combine Ground Balls Air Balls Heading To Clear Winning Balls Defending Pressure Cover Balance Reading the Game Knowledge Anticipation Communication Dribbling Beat an Opponent Solve Tight Spaces Passing Short Distance Driven Intangibles Finishing Coachable Commitment Confidence Consistency Courage Discipline Honesty Leadership Mental Toughness Physical Toughness Will to Win Work Ethic PHYSICAL ATTRIBUTES Speed Strengths Explosiveness Quickness/Agility Endurance Power Composure Volleying Heading Defending Deny/Anticipation 1v1 Defending Tackling Clearing TACTICAL ABILITY Attack With Ball Vision Decision Making Creativity Speed of Play Attack Without Ball Understanding Runs Timing 5 WEEK 5 DATE BALL MASTERY 14 PERSONAL TRAINING PROGRAM LOG (PART II) WEEKLY ACTIVITY LOG Refer to the COERVER® COACHING INDIVIDUAL MOVES on pages 9 and 10 for the different moves to complete the following log. Record all personal training each day by following the directions below and log example. Record as accurately as possible the time you spend every day on each area listed below. At the end of each week add up how much time you spent on each activity. Make sure your hours add up to 24 for each day. This can assist you in managing your time wisely. BALL MASTERY: Pick one Ball Mastery activity and write down the activity when you have completed 5 minutes of practice Practice the move slowly and then gradually speed up Try to do the move in combination without stopping CHANGE OF DIRECTION: Pick one Change of Direction activity and write down the activity when you have completed 5 minutes of practice Practice the move slowly and then gradually speed up Try to do the move in combination without stopping FAKE/FEINT: Pick one Fake/Feint activity and write down the activity when you have completed 5 minutes of practice Practice the move stationary, then moving with a little bit of pressure Try it out on a relative or friend under full pressure COMBO: Pick a Double Moves activity and write down the activity when you have completed 5 minutes of practice Practice the move stationary, then moving with a little bit of pressure Try it out on a relative or friend under full pressure JUGGLING BASIC: This means keep the ball off the ground with a nay part of your body except your arms. Record number of consecutive juggles. JUGGLING RIGHT AND LEFT ONLY: This means keep the ball off the ground with your right or left foot only. Record number of consecutive juggles. JUGGLING ALTERNATE: This means keep the ball off the ground using the feet only and going from left to right and so on. From time to time use thighs only. Record number of consecutive juggles. JUGGLING SEQUENCE TWO: This means that to complete a circuit, that must be in this order while kept off the ground. Right Foot, right foot, left foot, left foot. Record number of completed sequences. PASSING: Using a wall or a friend with a distance of 10-15 yards, practice passing using two-touch and one touch passes. Record consecutive accurate passes in a row. WEEK 1 SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT TOTAL SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT TOTAL Family School Homework Sleep Friends Workbook Personal Training Stretching Team Practice Team Games Free Time Total WEEK 2 Family School Homework Sleep Friends Workbook Personal Training Stretching Team Practice Team Games Free Time Total 13 6 WEEKLY ACTIVITY LOG Record as accurately as possible the time you spend every day on each area listed below. At the end of each week add up how much time you spent on each activity. Make sure your hours add up to 24 for each day. This can assist you in managing your time wisely. WEEK 3 SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT TOTAL DATE BALL MASTERY FAST FOOTWORK CHANGE OF DIRECTION STOP START JUGGLING BASIC JUGGLING RIGHT/LEFT JUGGLING ALTERNATE JUGGLING SEQUENCE PASSING Put data here Exercise Number/s Exercise Number/s Exercise Number/s Exercise Number/s Consecutive Juggles Consecutive Juggles Consecutive Juggles Completed Sequences Successful Passes 8/27/09 2,3,5 17,18 43-45 52 13 9/6 10 11 17 FAST FOOTWORK CHANGE OF DIRECTION STOP START JUGGLING BASIC JUGGLING RIGHT/LEFT JUGGLING ALTERNATE JUGGLING SEQUENCE PASSING FAST FOOTWORK CHANGE OF DIRECTION STOP START JUGGLING BASIC JUGGLING RIGHT/LEFT JUGGLING ALTERNATE JUGGLING SEQUENCE PASSING WEEK 1 Family DATE School BALL MASTERY Homework Sleep Friends Workbook Personal Training Stretching Team Practice Team Games Free Time Total WEEK 4 SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT TOTAL WEEK 4 Family School DATE BALL MASTERY Homework Sleep Friends Workbook Personal Training Stretching Team Practice Team Games Free Time Total 7 12 PERSONAL TRAINING PROGRAM LOG (PART I) WEEKLY ACTIVITY LOG Refer to the COERVER® COACHING INDIVIDUAL MOVES on pages 9 and 10 for the different moves to complete the following log. Record all personal training each day by following the directions below and log example. Record as accurately as possible the time you spend every day on each area listed below. At the end of each week add up how much time you spent on each activity. Make sure your hours add up to 24 for each day. This can assist you in managing your time wisely. BALL MASTERY: Pick one Ball Mastery activity and write down the activity when you have completed 5 minutes of practice Practice the move slowly and then gradually speed up Try to do the move in combination without stopping FAST FOOTWORK: Pick one Fast Footwork activity and write down the activity when you have completed 5 minutes of practice Practice the move stationary, then moving with a little bit of pressure Try it out on a relative or friend under full pressure WEEK 5 SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT TOTAL SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT TOTAL Family School Homework Sleep Friends Workbook Personal Training Stretching STOP AND STARTS: Pick one Stop and Start activity and write down the activity when you have completed 5 minutes of practice Practice the move stationary, then moving with a little bit of pressure Try it out on a relative or friend under full pressure JUGGLING BASIC: This means keep the ball off the ground with a nay part of your body except your arms Team Practice Team Games Free Time Total WEEK 6 Family JUGGLING RIGHT AND LEFT ONLY: This means keep the ball off the ground with your right or left foot only. Record number of consecutive juggles. School Homework Sleep JUGGLING ALTERNATE: This means keep the ball off the ground using the feet only and going from left to right and so on. From time to time use thighs only. Record number of consecutive juggles. JUGGLING SEQUENCE ONE: This means that to complete a circuit, that must be in this order while kept off the ground. Right Foot, left foot, right thigh, left thigh. Record number of completed sequences. PASSING: Using a wall or a friend with a distance of 10-15 yards, practice passing using two-touch and one touch passes. Record consecutive accurate passes in a row. 11 Friends Workbook Personal Training Stretching Team Practice Team Games Free Time Total 8 COERVER ® COACHING INDIVIDUAL MOVES COERVER® COACHING INDIVIDUAL MOVES BALL MASTERY TECHNIQUES 1 Shuffles 2 Shuffle/Roll-Over 3 Shuffle/Roll Step-Over 4 Inside Outside Roll 5 Inside Outside Rolls In Front and Behind 6 Roll Over 7 Roll Step-Over 8 Roll Ups 9 Roll Out/Shuffles 10 Roll/Scissors 11 Shuffle/Step-Over/Roll Out 12 Shuffle/Roll Out/Drag Behind/Roll Out 13 Roll Out/Drag Behind/Roll Out FEINTS AND FAKES (SINGLE MOVES) 35 Lunge 36 Scissor 37 Step-Over 38 Shimmy 39 Matthews, Inside-Outside 40 Reverse Matthews, Outside-Inside 41 Skip-Take FAST FOOTWORK 14 Shuffles 15 Shuffle Takes 16 Pull Pushes 17 Shuffle Pull Pushes 18 Puskas, V 19 Matthews, Inside-Outside 20 Dribble Cuts Single Foot 21 Dribble Cuts Both Feet 22 Lunge 23 Scissor 24 Step-Over 25 Step-Over/Scissor Single Foot 26 Triple Lunge 27 Triple Scissor 28 Lunge/Lunge/Scissor 29 Scissor/Scissor/Lunge 30 Roll Stops 31 Roll/Step-Over 32 Stop-On/Step-Over 33 Stop-On/Step-Over/Scissor/Scissor 34 Stop-On/Step-Over/Scissor/Scissor/Lunge/Lunge 9 CHANGE OF DIRECTION (SINGLE MOVES) 42 Inside Cut 43 Outside Cut 44 Pull Back 45 Pull Behind 46 Twist Off 47 Spin Turn 48 Pull Drag Behind 49 Conti, Hook Turn 50 Cruyff, Drag Behind STOP AND STARTS (SINGLE MOVES) 51 Stop-On 52 Maradona, Pull Spin 53 High Wave 54 Low Wave 55 Step Around DOUBLE MOVES (COMBINATIONS) 56 Double Lunge 57 Double Scissor 58 Step-Over/Lunge 59 Step-Over/Scissor 60 Matthews/Lunge 61 Matthews/Scissor 62 Matthews/Step-Over 63 Step-Over/Spin Turn 64 Step-Over/Twist Off 10
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