April 29, 2016 - City of Lake City


April 29, 2016 - City of Lake City
City of
Gateway to Florida
The Weekly Report
Week Ending April 29, 2016
Mayor Witt presents Arbor Day Proclamation
Beautification Committee Chairwoman, Bettye Lane
The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The next best time is now!
-Chinese Proverb
Upcoming Dates of Interest:
Monday, May 2
City Council Meeting Cancelled
(next regular meeting May 16th)
Tuesday, May 3
6:30 p.m.
Zoning Board Meeting
Council Chambers
Monday, May 9
5:30 p.m.
Special Called City Council
Meeting-Council Chambers
Assistant City Manager Cason Reports:
Airport (Nick Harwell):
 Performed weekly maintenance checks on airport vehicles and daily foreign object
debris (FOD) checks on all active taxiways and runways.
 Mowed along U.S. Highway 90, around all hangars, and terminal parameter.
 Mowed approach ends of Runway 10-28 & 5-23 around all runways and taxiways
in preparation of annual FDOT Runway Inspection performed on 4-22-16.
 Vendor provided estimate to install new decals on fuel trucks and fuel farm tanks
which will be paid for by the new fuel provider.
 Conference room rented by G&K Nurseries.
 Discussion with Hertz Manager about monthly leasing of the conference room.
 Live Oak Pest Control performed monthly pest control services as well as
application to lawn and shrubs around parameter of the terminal.
 Coordinated with IT Department & Eastern Aviation Fuel the installation of the
Ethernet cable for the Shell point of sale (POS) credit card machine.
 Security Safe and IT Department onsite replacing security cameras with HD
cameras as well as the addition of (3) new cameras. Also installed electronic
components on new door recently installed at the Air Traffic Control Tower.
 Airport personnel replaced bulbs in stairwell of Air Traffic Control Tower and
lobby area of terminal.
 C&S Petroleum onsite replacing butterfly valve on Jet-A tank in the fuel farm.
 Met with Safety Risk Manager regarding the five (4) runway lights
broken/damaged during the airshow event.
 Received executed lease for MEDTRANS lease of Old Terminal building
approved by City Council on 2-16-16 to begin May 1, 2016.
 Airport personnel continues picking up trash and debris on airfield and along US
100 from airshow.
 Airport personnel performing continuing education training through NATA Safety
 The Information Technology Department is working on standardizing gate access
system, new software related to sales activity, and a radio equipment upgrade.
 FAA Orlando office is requesting additional information to be provided regarding
Airport Layout Plan (ALP) aerial photograph that was submitted associated with
the boundary survey to be performed on property owned by the City of Lake City
located near Florida Gateway College (this item was discussed at the Airport
Advisory meeting on 3-7-16) awaiting direction to proceed with FAA regarding
this matter.
Anderson Columbia paving operations for the friction course (final course) of
asphalt for Phases I, II, III to include all remedial asphalt work and striping are
complete and the project has reach substantial completion. Taxiway “A” is now
active and all Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) have been closed all of which are
associated with the rehabilitation, widening, extension, and drainage
improvements. (Contract day 408 of 420)
Trinity Electrical Services onsite continuing to tie in runway edge lights associated
with Taxiway “A”.
Cal-Tech on site conducting field reviews and core samples of Taxiway B.
Engineered Lining Systems onsite performing camera operations of drainage
underneath Taxiway B.
Working with Columbia County Economic Development and Passero Associates
by collecting information associated with EB5 grant application.
Reviewing quote from Hi Lite representative regarding state striping contract
through FDOT.
Corresponding with FDOT representative Barbara Cloud regarding funding for
striping project for Runways 10-28 & 5-23.
Ongoing correspondence from League of Cities legal department and City
regarding the complaint filed through Congressman Ted Yoho’s office to Deandra
Brooks (FAA Specialist Southern Region Airport Compliance Specialist).
Reviewed fencing plan submitted by City Engineer regarding retention pond
located at Lake City Gateway Airport Industrial Park.
Sent e-mail and left voicemail with Ms. Phyllis Carter regarding U.S.D.A. lease
extension. Working with Mr. Lester Harris on the lease extension who has since
taken on Ms. Carter’s responsibilities for the U.S.D.A.
Received and forwarded lease renewal intent letter associated with Champion
Homes (term 4) to Procurement Department.
Picked up National Arbor Day brochure from printer for upcoming National Arbor
Day event scheduled for 4-29-16.
100 LL
$ 997.07
Finance (Donna Duncan):
 153 invoices were scanned into the On Base data imaging system for the period April
 Processed 110 invoices for payment in the amount of $424,995.40 for period April 2027.
Finance Director and Assistant Finance Director attended annual meeting of North
Central Florida Government Finance Officer Assn. in Gainesville on April 20. Each
participated in continuing education receiving 8 hours of CPE hours. Topics included
GASB Update, Single Audit Update, Investment Analyst, Policy and Cash Flow and
Internal Controls. GASB is Governmental Accounting Standards Board whose mission
is to establish and improve standards of state and local governmental accounting and
financial reporting. This will result in useful information for users of financial reports
and guide and educate the public and users of financial reports. GASB Statement # 67
& 68 was implemented in 2015 audit report and deals with financial reporting for
pension plans.
Alice participated in P-Card Kick-Off meeting, the group will be meeting each
Wednesday during the implementation.
Invoiced property taxes for two lease facilities in the amount of $11,705.35. Setup in
New World lease billing to Med Trans for the old Airport terminal building. Med
Trans will be billed monthly in the amount of $3278 commencing May 1 through
April 30th, 2017.
Staff continues to work on draft financial statements provided by Purvis Gray and
Company, City’s external auditors. The Management Discussion and Analysis was
sent to them on Tuesday, the final draft is expected to be completed this week. It will
be presented to Council in May.
Human Resource (Gene Bullard):
 Receiving applications for the following openings:
o Police Officer
o Police Officer Part-Time
o School Crossing Guard
o CAD/GIS Analyst
o Distribution Technician I
o Youth Club Leader-PPT
o Youth Club Leader-summer program
o Bus Driver- summer program
o Maintenance Worker-summer temp.
 Miscellaneous HR filing and other duties.
 Scheduled Evidence Clerk PT interviews to be held on May 4, 2016.
 Scheduled CAD/GIS interview for Friday April 28, 2016.
 Worked with our Recreation Department in arranging the Cities participation in the
Corporate Cup Challenge held on Saturday April 23rd.
Information Technology / Communications (Zack Moss):
 Disaster Recovery site nearing completion for Virtual Infrastructure.
 Exchange 2013 upgrade/migration is underway.
 Continued to deploy Dell Kace system management/service desk solution.
 Planned Network Infrastructure replacement project.
 Started LCPD In-Car Video Solution project.
 Continued development and design of the new website.
Continued development/research of Work Order system
Began discussions to implement a new customer utility portal.
Procurement (Laurette Burks):
 Scanned and indexed three hundred seventy five (375) documents into the OnBase
Imaging System.
 Continued contacting vendors to obtain current insurance compliance documentation.
 Obtained tags for three (3) leased Enterprise vehicles.
 Requested and received one (1) replacement fuel card.
 Issued addendum #2 on Invitation to Bid (ITB) 013-2016 50 Ton Paver Style Lowboy
Trailer. Responses are due no later than 11 a.m. on May 3, 2016.
 Responses on Request for Quote (FQ) 017-2016 Annual Contract for Monthly Pest
Control Services for all city locations are due no later than 4 p.m. on April 27, 2016.
 Obtaining quotes on a 15’ aluminum boat, motor and trailer for the Fire Department.
 Received and distributed executed copies of the Memorandum of Understanding with
the Florida Department of Law Enforcement for participation within the Florida
Regional Law Enforcement Exchange System.
 Received and distributed executed copies of the agreement with Florida Department of
Corrections for establishing and maintain support during an actual or anticipated
emergency at the Columbia Correctional Institution or the Lake City Work Release
 Received and distributed executed contracts from Hatch Mott MacDonald for Task
Assignment #4 for the preparation of the Capacity Analysis Report and the Operation
and Maintenance report for the renewal of the existing St. Margaret Wastewater
Treatment Facility FDEP Operation Permit.
 Issued Notice to Proceed to Hatch Mott MacDonald for Task Assignment #4.
 Staff attended the Purchasing Card implementation kick-off meeting with Bank of
 Received seven (7) new Enterprise leased vehicles.
 Released seven (7) end of lease vehicles to Enterprise Fleet Management.
 Issued six (6) new Enterprise leased vehicles to various departments.
 Received six (6) end of lease vehicles to be returned to Enterprise Fleet Management.
 Issued two hundred twelve (212) items to all departmental employees.
Risk Management (Steve Roberts):
Activities Completed This Week
 Delivered Certificate of Insurance for Recreation Department.
 Visited several work sites.
 Continued review of Arc Flash requirements.
 Requested Arc Flash training quotation.
Inspected 2 lease vehicles
 Continued work on Safety Manual.
Submitted Workman’s Compensation Claim.
 Submitted General Liability Claim.
 Met with Claims Adjuster on General Liability Claim.
 Distance learning approved for training.
 Held meeting with Case Worker on WC case.
Activities to Be Started Next Week
 Continued work on draft Self-Inspection Checklist.
Continued work on draft Vehicle Policy.
 Requested Emergency Action Plan for review.
Long Term Projects
 Reviewing online training.
 Draft a Job Safety Analysis Report.
 Draft an Incident Investigation Report.
 Safety Program.
 Vehicle Inspection Report.
 Vehicle Policy.
CRA Administrator Kite Reports:
Lake DeSoto Farmers Market: You will find the Lake DeSoto Farmers Market, in the
parking lot at the corner of Marion Avenue and Highway 90 (Duval Street) across from
the Courthouse Annex, every Saturday from 9:00am – 1:00pm. The frontage along
Highway 90 offers a heightened visibility to motorist traveling on Highway 90. From this
strategic location the vendors invite the community to come out weekly and check out all
their Seasonal goodies. The Lake DeSoto Farmers Market is a project of the Lake City
Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA). For more information about the Lake
DeSoto Farmer Market call 386-719-5766 or visit market.lcfla.com.
Staff is assisting with the planning and organizing of The 7th Annual Derby Dash Car &
Truck Show scheduled for Saturday, May 7, 2016. This event is expected to bring several
thousand people to downtown and provide a variety of entertainment to the community.
Staff has been working with the consulting firm of Fred Fox Enterprises, Inc. to prepare a
CDBG Application expected to be submitted to the State sometime in April 2016.
The Lake DeSoto Waterfront and Wilson Park Recreation Area Redevelopment Project
Conceptual Master Plan has been approved. After further consideration staff will work
with various Departments to Design plans for this project. Engineering services for the
project will be sought for specific project components to include; landscaping, parking and
electrical. Once the Engineering and Design has been completed staff will determine what
components can be done in-house and which components of the project we will need to
solicit Request for Bids for. It is projected to begin demolition and construction by early
summer 2016.
Fire Chief Armijo Reports:
The Lake City Fire Department responded to 30 Emergency calls for service, with an
average response time of 4 minutes and 53 seconds, including good intent calls that only
require a non-priority response (no lights or siren).
Fire Inspections/Plans Review
Pre-Fire Plans
Fire Prevention/Education
 Staff participated in Get Fit Champion Cup event
Growth Management Director Hathcox Reports:
 Zoning statements issued
 Land Files maintenance
 Received and processed special exception petition application for a
 Prepared May Planning & Zoning Board agenda 2 Variances, 1 Special
Exception, 3 Site Plan Reviews
 Assisted developer with due diligence for proposed commercial
Development on Hwy 90 West
 Assisted with the compilation of documentation necessary for the CDBG
FY15 grant package application
 Sent notification letters for May 3rd Planning & Zoning Board meeting
3 SPR, 2 Variances, & 1 Special Exception
 Assisted developer with Special Assessment calculations for new
Commercial development
 Sent Mortgage Deeds for Satisfaction on 9 grant fund recipients
 Attended staff Site Development Review Meeting
4 Hrs.
6 Hrs.
2 Hrs.
12 Hrs.
4 Hrs.
1 Hr.
2 Hrs.
4 Hrs.
Active New Site Developments and Additions/Renovations:
Denny’s Diner Restaurant
Kicklighter Water/Sewer Plant
Chef’s Steakhouse
Ronsonet Buick Dealership
East Duval
Sugarmill Apartments Phase II
SW Grandview Avenue
VOA Living Center
Lake Jeffery Road
Dr. Asad Qamor-build out of two suites
SW Stone Gate Terrace
GooGoo Car Wash
West Duval Street
Site Plan Review in Progress
Under Construction
Certificate of Occupancy Issued
Under Construction
Under Construction
Pending Permit
Under Construction
Under Construction
Columbia Bank
Hwy 90 West
Rountree KIA Car Dealership
Highway 90 West
Gateway Crossing Commercial
Subdivision-HWY 90 & I 75
Players Corner Commercial Site
Hwy 90 West & Real Road
Dunkin Donuts
Players Corner Site
Blanche Hotel Renovation
Aldi Food Store
Hwy 90 West & Hwy 247
Cali Road Hotel
NW Cali Road
Kountry Kids Daycare Addition
1481 South Marion Avenue
Pregnancy Crisis Center
NW Hilton Avenue
Wal-Mart Renovations
Martin Orthodontics
Waffle House
Newland Way Parking
Under Construction
Under Construction
Signatures Completed
Under Construction
Plans Review Completed
Site Plan Review in Process
Site Plan Review in Process.
Site Plan Review in Process
Under Construction
Site Plan Review in Progress
Plan Review Completed
Site Plan Review In Progress
Site Plan Review In Progress
Site Plan Review In Progress
Building Inspections:
 Permit applications received
 Permits issued
 Building inspections
 Plumbing inspections
 Electrical inspections
 Mechanical Inspections
 Inspections approved
 Sign inspection
 Demolition inspections
 Update of Contractor requirements (10)
 Notary services for Citizen/Customer Service (1)
 Permits Fees & Information Log
Current period (WK)
# permits/$ amount
14- $5,023.51
Prev Yrly Period
# permits/$ amount
19- $3,512.16
Year to Date
#permits/$ amount
1 Hr.
.3 Hr.
1 Hr.
Prev YTD
# permits/ $ amount
175- $67,634.44
Code Enforcement:
 Complaints received
 Property inspections performed
 Meeting with responding property owners/customers (9)
 Cases brought into voluntary compliance
 Notices of violations issued
 Notice of Hearing
 Warning Notices issued
 Public records request /lien (11)
 Removal of snipe signs from right of ways (14)
 Letters to property owners (1)
 New World Training/updating & adding ordinances
 Fill in for Permit Tech
45 Hrs.
5 Hrs.
2 Hrs.
1 Hr.
.25 Hr.
2 Hrs.
4 Hrs.
Pending Foreclosures, Submitted to Mr. Darby’s Office:
Anders: Parcel 31-3S-17-05986-000 915 NW Eadie
Tunsil: Parcel 00-00-00-12032-000 463 NE Hernando pending Bankruptcy
Crosley: Parcel 00-00-00-12051-000 Railroad Street
Business Tax Receipts:
 Applications reviewed and ready to issue (2)
2 Hrs.
Police Chief Gilmore Reports:
Major Executive Summary:
Lake City Police Departments Command Staff, CID, and Honor Guard will be
participating in the Annual Law Enforcement Memorial Ceremony on Monday May 2nd in
Tallahassee. Each year Law Enforcement throughout the State assemble in Tallahassee to
pay respect to all the fallen officers who lost their life in the line of duty.
The day will begin for all Law Enforcement Officers with a continental breakfast for
everyone to enjoy. Then everyone will line-up for the Memorial Processional that begins
at Call Street proceeding up to Monroe Street to the Courtyard of the State Capitol
building. Included in the Processional will be Honor Guards, Motor Units, Bicycle Units,
Drum and Pipes, Mounted Horses, and vehicles from all different Law Enforcement
The week of May 15th through 21st is designated as a week of remembrance for all fallen
Law Enforcement officers who lost their lives during the line of duty.Mayor Witt will sign
the Proclamation for National Law Enforcement Memorial week on Monday May 16th
during City Council meeting.
Thursday May 5th is National Day of Prayer and the theme this year is “Wake Up
America.” It is a day that local officials, pastors, and citizens come together to worship
and pray for guidance as our leaders within our community and nation make decisions.
The event will be held at Olustee Park from 12:00 to 1:00 pm. Chief Gilmore will lead us
in prayer among other officials and pastors who will speak and pray. Please join us.
Saturday April 30th from 10:00 am to 2:00pm citizens can bring in unused, unwanted and
expired prescription medications for disposal to Lake City Police Department. Drug
Enforcement Agency (DEA) designates local collection areas throughout the United States
for all citizens to bring in unused, unwanted and expired prescription medications for
disposal. DEA is continuing their effort to keep prescription drugs off our streets.
Quarterly Breakfast with the Chief will be Saturday, April 30, 2016 from 10:00 am till
11:30am at the First Presbyterian Church in Lake City. Please join Chief Gilmore and staff
for a complimentary breakfast, along with Mayor Stephen Witt and City Manager Wendell
Johnson who will be presenting a “State of the City” address. Any questions please
contact the Community Relations Coordinator, Mrs. Crista Thomas at (386) 719-5742 or
e-mail thomasc@lcflapd.com, or Officer Mike Lee at (386) 758-5489, or email
leem@lcflapd.com for more information.
Mark your calendar for the Annual Policeman’s Ball to be held on Saturday June 4, 2016
beginning at 7:00 p.m. at Robert B. Harkness Armory (Florida National Guard) Lake City,
Florida. Back by popular demand casino style entertainment will be provided.
Sponsorships are now available; if you are interested please contact Crista Thomas, LCPD
Community Relations Coordinator at (386) 719-5742 or by email at
thomasc@lcflapd.com, or Pam Howland at (386) 758-5483 or by email at
howlandp@lcflapd.com .
Evidence Facility/Substation:
 The Lake City Police Department’s evidence/substation facility located on MLK
Blvd. A project meeting has been scheduled.
Community Relations:
 We are accepting applications for Citizen’s Police Academy beginning Session 8,
beginning in August, and spots are filling fast. Please contact Lake City Police
Department if you are interested in attending.
 SAVE THE DATE! Policeman’s Ball is June 4, 2016….YOU DON’T WANT TO
Crime Prevention Report:
Crime Prevention / Education:
 Attended Public Safety Meeting at FHP.
 Attended Crime Stoppers meeting.
 Attended City Planning meeting.
Community Relations / Events:
 Contacted Businesses for Ball Sponsorship.
 Attended to the ribbon cutting at 1000 Degrees Pizza.
 Active shooting training was conducted at the Lake Shore Hospital involving
LCPD Officers and Hospital Staff.
 Conducted a Public Safety Building tour with the Five Point Elementary School.
 Attended United Way Kick Off Dinner at FGC.
 Attended Corporate Cup Business Field Day.
Criminal Interdiction Unit:
The Task Force utilized a Confidential Source and made two separate purchases of illegal
narcotics. The Task Force continues to investigate an area of complaint where illegal
narcotics are being sold / used.
Traffic Stops: 6
Warnings: 3
Citations: 3
Misdemeanors: 1
Arrests: 1
Complaint Affidavits: 1
Narcotics Seizures:
Synthetic Marijuana – 1.3 grams
Methamphetamine – 5.07 grams
Property Check: 11
Assisted Shift: 9
 Disturbance: 3
 Battery: 1
 Disturbance: 3
 Traffic Stop:1
 Suspicious Person/Vehicle: 1
 Assist: 2
Offense Report: 2
 Narcotics: 2
K-9 Utilization: 1
K-9 Bites: 1
Patrol: 1
Area of Focus by Unit:
 Madison Street, Westside Hotels
Cases Worked on by Unit:
 Arrested: Suspect charged with Possession of Methamphetamine, Possession of
Drug Paraphernalia.
 Arrested: Suspect charged with Possession of Methamphetamine, Possession of
Drug Paraphernalia.
Criminal Investigations Division:
 Total Cases Investigated: 15
 Total Solved: 2
 Total Unsolved: 13
 Assault: 2
 Burglaries: 3
 Sex Offense: 1
 Theft: 4
 Other: 5
Patrol Division:
 Aggravated Battery: 1
 Aggravated Assault: 1
Attaching Tag Not Assigned: 1
Baker Act: 1
Battery: 5
Burglary: 2
Child Abuse: 1
Counterfeiting: 1
Driving While License Suspended/Revoked: 4
Fraud: 5
Harassing Phone Calls: 1
Hit & Run: 3
Larceny Grand: 10
Larceny: 2
Passing a Counterfeit Bill: 1
Possession of False Bank Bill: 1
Possession of Methamphetamine with Intent to Sell: 2
Possession of Less Than 20 Grams of Marijuana:2
Possession of Narcotic Equipment: 3
Property Damage: 2
Retail Theft: 2
Sexual Predator Registered: 1
Trespassing: 1
Uttering a Uncurrent Bill: 1
Violation of Domestic Violence Injunction: 1
Warrants (Felony): 5
Violation of Probation: 2
Traffic Warnings: 16
Traffic Stops: 37
Accidents: 13
Citations: 24
Arrests: 5
Warrants for Arrest: 18
Affidavit Warrants: 16
Public Works Director Henry Reports:
 Locates
 Trouble Calls
 Replaced one “Stop” sign and post
 Three vinyl stop bars and five speed humps
 Made twenty signs for Water plant
Street and Storm water:
 Filled in a wash out on Gurley Street
 Checked out an area on Summertime that is holding water
 Taking down trees at United Way building
 Repairing sidewalks on Hernando Street and Isabella Park
 Repaired ice machine
 Helping clean up tree debris at United Way building
 Mowing the parks
 Spraying weed killer
 Picking up trash
 Edging
 Cleaning drains
 Cleaning the parks
 Sweeping streets
Tree and Asphalt:
 Patched holes on Chambers, Webster, Anderson, Massey / Webster, Jaguar, Prince
/ Joe Coney, Jackson, Brown, Zinnia Way, Murphy, Murphy / Division, Camp /
Division, Huntsboro / Hall of Fame, Labonte, Shelby , Butler Ridgewood and
Anderson Streets
 Open cuts on Prince/Coldwater and Ridgewood
 Hauling off trees at United Way Building
Fleet Shop:
 Serviced three vehicles
 Replaced tire/tires on two vehicles
 Replaced battery on one vehicle
 Replaced hydraulic hose on one piece of equipment
 Fueling and greasing equipment
Recreation Director Phillips Reports:
If you are interested in obtaining an entry card to the Lake City Recreation Departments
Racquetball Facility, just stop by the Teen Town Center. You must have a photo
ID/Driver’s License and complete a usage agreement application. The Recreation
Department has processed one City Event Application: Altrusa Color Run at the Fair
Grounds on May 7.
The City of Lake City Participated in the 1st Annual Corporate Cup Challenge and brought
home a 2nd place finish in the large business division. What a fun time our employees had!
I would like to thank each of the participants for coming out and participating. Finishing
2nd place shows how team work can accomplish great things. I was proud of the
determination and enthusiasm displayed by all team members. Directors, I encourage
each of you to get involved next year as this was a fun time to build morale and comradery
within our departments. It was a great opportunity for our employees to put faces with
names as many times we only communicate via phone/email. Many laughs, fun times, and
friendships were formed during this event. Once again thank you for your participation.
Staff Photos
Girls Club Center:
Our summer program is currently being planned. We will be taking the members to Chuck
E Cheese, Camp Kulaqua River Ranch, Adventure Landing, bowling, skating, swimming,
and to the movies weekly along with other field trips being scheduled and reserved for our
program. Pelican Sno Balls will be visiting once weekly for the opportunity to purchase a
cool treat on a hot summer day. Library activities are provided by our local Columbia
County children’s librarians. More detailed information about our special field trips can be
provided upon request. The hours of operation during the summer is Monday – Friday
7:30am to 5:30pm. The program is nine weeks long and the fee is $275.00 per member.
Starting and ending dates for the summer are Tuesday June 7th – Friday August 5th. Girls
Club will be closed on Monday July 4th in observance of Independence Day. Members
will be registering during the weeks of May 2nd- May 17th. The general public and non
members may register on May 18th at 8:00am. Please arrive early to ensure your daughter
a reserved spot in our program. We cannot hold checks or spaces and membership is on a
first come first served basis.
Our registration for our spring session is currently open. The spring session began on
March 15th and will end on June 2nd. We currently have limited spaces available and
would be honored to have your daughter join our club! The cost for a nine week after
school session is $250.00. All members must be enrolled in kindergarten through 8th
grade. Transportation is provided from all public schools excluding Fort White. Our hours
of operation for afterschool care are 2:30 until 5:30pm Monday - Friday. Girls who attend
any other schools are welcomed to join our program, with parental/private drop off
provided to our facility. For more information about our after school program, please call
us at 386-719-5840. We look forward to serving you and encourage you to tour our
What? Sidewalk chalk, crafts, kickball, hula hoops and more!! Yes, that is the fun we are
having here at Girls Club! We realize our girls are in Florida State Assessment testing
currently at school. It is our privilege to provide leisure activities to let the members be
active and free in a structured environment. Our program is based on community
happenings, school activities, holidays and we strive to stream line affective events that fit
in our member’s daily routine. Developing the total child socially and building positive
self-esteem is one of our mission goals. Our leaders are trained to make a difference in a
child’s life.
Athletics – Teen Town Center:
We have completed our fifth week of our spring session for the after school boys program.
We currently have 18 boys enrolled. Each day the boys enjoy playing football, ring toss,
connect four, video games, “lava”dodge ball”, scooters, archery, baseball and floor
hockey. The boys check and water their raised gardens everyday. They planted:
cucumbers, tomatoes, bannana peppers and bell peppers. The plants look like they are
doubling in size each week. All the boys are excited to see daily how the plants are
growing. This weeks movie selection was “Second Hand Lions” served up with fresh
popcorn. We provide homework assistance daily for the members of our program. For
more information, please call the Teen Town Center at 386-754-3607.
Staff Photos
Zumba classes are being held on Tuesday and Thursday at 5:30pm at the Teen Town
Facility. Line Dancing Classes are being held on Monday at 7:00pm at our Teen Town
Our newly renovated Teen Town is available to rent. If you would like more information,
please contact the Teen Town office at 754-3607.
Utilities Executive Director Dyal Reports:
Distribution & Collections (Brian Scott):
 Locates
 Repairs complete on 6” water main located on 441 S. Marion Avenue
 Exchanged three - 2” water meters at 164 Madison Street, 1152 SW Business
Point, and 1301 NW Labonte
 Exchanged a 3” water meter at 173 NW Albritton
Distribution Maintenance
 Service Orders
 Turn-On’s
 Initial Reads
 Final Reads
 Various Assorted Service Orders
 Consumption Reports
 Meter Exchanges
o Completed cycle 1 manual reads
o Completed repairs on a 6” and 2” water main at the Forestry division
o Completed repairs on the 2” water main at S & S on South US
Highway 41
o Completed the cut and cap on 2” – Saint Margaret’s Street
o Completed the tap for 369 Silver Palm
 Call-Outs
 Water
 Sewer
 Maintenance
Collection Maintenance
 Responded/Repaired-Sewer Calls
 Responded/Repaired Lift station Calls
 Pulled Pumps to Remove Debris
 Cleaned roots out of line on 369 Hillsboro Street
 Worked on electrical problem at Windsong Lift station
 Cleaned the mains on Joe Coney Way
Natural Gas (Steve Brown):
 Locates
 (Gas) Service Orders
 Odorant Complaint
 Continuing the 2016 Commercial Survey:
 440 of 973 meter have been surveyed
 82 services have been atmospherically maintained
 24 risers have been tagged with Lake City Natural Gas information
 66 Lake City Natural Gas informational stickers applied to meters
 Excavated, exchanged valve box, and completed maintenance on valve 176 at
 Installed test station on a 6” main at HAECO.
 Audited BTU information for meter sizing for Goo Goo Carwash.
 Audited meter usage and corrector at HAECO.
 Changed out valve box on College Way for Florida Gateway College
 Exchanged gas meter, and flex to heater at 346 Harrison Place.
 Welding pipe for gas line maintenance on El Prado Drive.
 OQ testing
 Upcoming:
 Cathodic Protection (reads, surveys, maintenance)
 Retirement of services and removal of meters in order to meet compliance
Water Plant (Mike Osborn):
 Gallons Treated (Price Creek WTP)
3.24 MGD
 Gallons Treated (Brandon Brent WTP)
0.017 MGD
 Samples Processed In-House
 Samples Processed Outside Lab
 Hydrants Flushed
 Safety Training: Plant Security- FEMA Security Awareness completed 4/15/2016
 Vendors On Site
 Cintas
 Prax Air
 Ongoing Maintenance
 Shop & Building Maintenance/Housekeeping
 Lawn Maintenance
Wastewater Treatment Plant (Fritz Grady):
 Gallons Treated
2.03 MGD
 Bio-Solid Loads Hauled (H&H)
 Inspected/Serviced Problems at WWTP
 Samples Processed In-House
 Samples Sent to Outside Lab
 Cleaned trash out of transfer pump
 Daily Testing
 Vendors On Site
 Septage Haulers
 Waste Pro
 Cintas
 Completed repairs on chlorine pump #2 at the Wastewater Plant
 Replaced backup batteries in the influent building and the effluent building for
Scada system
 Repaired a wire on west digester motor
 Ongoing Maintenance
 Shop & Building Maintenance/Housekeeping
 Lawn Maintenance
 Preventative Maintenance at WWTP/Service Zone
 Weekly/Monthly/Quarterly Inspections at WWTP/PAR/Plant 2
Sprayfield/Bio-Solids Site
 Ongoing (Sprayfield Operator)
 Grounds Maintenance at Sprayfield, Reclaim Site, Bio-Solid Site & Steadly
 Bio-Solid Site Inspection
 Shop Maintenance at Sprayfield
 Truck Maintenance/Equipment Maintenance/Repairs
 Pumping Down Reservoir Levels at Sprayfield/Changing Laterals/Collected
 Flow Meter Readings/Reservoir Flow Reports
 Swapped out Sludge Trailer (WWTP)
Engineering and GIS Services (Leroy Marshall):
 Public Works Site Assessment Report
 Began ProUCL software training for analysis of sampling data
 Springs Protection and Restoration Grants
 Submitted list for internal review
 Began completion of applications
 Ichetucknee Trace Water Quality Improvement Project
I-75/SR47 Septic Tank Removal Project
 Spoke with land owners within project area
 Ichetucknee Springshed Water Quality Improvements Project (ISWQIP)
 Attended bi-weekly progress meeting and performed site inspection.
 Springs Protection and Restoration Grants
 Began completion of proposed project list application
 Wilson Park Project
 Continued acquisition of design software
 Revised plans
 ISWQIP Start-up Phase Technical Assistance
 Completed application
 Submitted application to SRWMD
 NW Real Terrace Gas Extension
 Completed revisions requested by Columbia County
 Submitted revisions to Columbia County for review
 Kicklighter WWTP Construction
 Attended monthly progress meeting
 GIS/CADD position
 Received 4th application for position
 Martin Orthodontics
 Provided retention pond connection authorization
 On site meeting with engineer
 Provided onsite utility system locations
 Florida Gateway College Gas Expansion
 Provided map of existing and proposed line to the College’s design
 Airport Retention Pond Fence
 Surveyed proposed location of fence
 Completed plans
 Submitted completed plan to Nick Harwell
 Business Point and Beacon Way Gas Expansion
 Continued to revised plans
Additional work not associated with a project
 Finished research on 9 Satisfactions of Mortgages
 Assisted with valve location water main break SE Camp Street and South Marion
 Address verification completed for Sugar Mill Apartments Phase 2
 Researched information and documents as requested
 Produced and printed requested maps, legal descriptions and address verifications
 Meet with landowners and developers about new development and service
Customer Service (Donna Duncan):
 Phone Calls Taken
 Walk-up Customers Assisted
 Bills Generated
 Total Number of Payments Collected
 Total Amount of Payments
 Taps Processed
*Not all phone calls were logged
Service Orders Generated:
 Field Service Orders
 Turn Back On
 Initial Read
 Final Read
Meters Active on Flexnet System (to date):
 Water Meters – all sizes
 Gas Meters