March 2014 Images - District 12 Toastmasters


March 2014 Images - District 12 Toastmasters
Ima ge s
Toastmasters International District 12 Newsletter
March 2014
Vol. 25 / No. 9
A Message from District 1 2
Governor - Michael Osur
Lt. Governor Education and
Training - Kent Peterson
Lt. Governor Marketing Esther Phahla
Public Relations Officer Angie Nett
Division B-4
Division C-6
Message from Michael Osur, DTM
District 12 Governor 2013-2014
District Highlights
District 1 2 Adventures
To World Headquarters and
welcoming visitors
Page 9
District Executive
Leadership, Learning and
Friends - Page 1 0
Saturday Morning
Photos from the Open House
event Page 1 1
Poised for Success
Our District continues on its path to success. We have new clubs
starting, officers trained and members achieving their goals as we Make
a Difference every day.
On February 8, 201 4 our District Executive Committee (DEC) met for
the third time this Toastmasters year. The DEC is comprised of the Top 3
(District Governor, Lt. Governor Education and Training, Lt. Governor
Marketing), the District Public Relations Officer, Treasurer, Secretary,
Parliamentarian, Sgt. at Arms, the five Division Governors and the 27
Area Governors as well as our Immediate Past District Governor.
We had the honor of having our Region 1 0 Advisor Rose Beeson and
Past International Director Tim Swearingen attend and present excellent
training sessions for our District leaders. Tim presented his “Bayonet
Leadership” session. The key points of Bayonet Leadership include:
Having a Vision, Keeping it simple, Make it motivating, Be inclusive, Use
W-U-O statements, Be aware of generational differences and Admit your
Continued from Page - 1
Michael Osur
Michael Osur, DTM
District 1 2 Governor
I want to emphasize the importance of the W-U-O statements. W-U-O
statements are statements that include the words: “we”, “us”, “our”. For
example, we can make a difference as we help our members, District 1 2
is our district, it is up to us to make a difference to our members and
clubs. Tim also shared some of the keys to the success of his district (#3
in Arizona) when he was District Governor a few years ago. He shared
his vision and helped his members visualize success. Our vision this
year is to Make a Difference – for our members, our clubs and our
community. We are successful when we start new clubs to bring
Toastmasters to ever more people, when our members achieve their
goals as communicator and leaders and when we are recognized for our
clubs achieving distinguished or better status by Toastmasters
A concrete example of visualizing our success will be when we are
recognized on stage in August 201 4 for reaching District Distinguished or
better status in Kuala Lumpur (KL), Malaysia. Please join us in KL, be
sure your passport is current.
On February 20th, I had an opportunity to have dinner with Region 11
International Director (ID) Khaled Matlagaitu from Saudi Arabia. The
Toastmasters International Board was meeting that week in Orange
County. As all IDs do, his first question to me was “how is your District
doing?” What are our challenges and what level of distinguished will we
be? We discussed some exciting strategies to helping clubs keep and
get new members and how we can improve our member experience.
After dinner when I dropped Khaled off at his hotel, I met five other IDs
as they were finishing their dinner: Mike Barsul (Region 2), Patricia
Hannan (Region 4), Lori Lococo (Region 6), Richard Peck (Region 9)
and our own Region 1 0 Director, Don Griffith . What an honor to spend
just a few minutes with such dedicated and focused leaders in our
organization. They are all genuinely interested in how we are doing, what
they can do to help and how we can help our members succeed. They
were thrilled to hear about the new clubs we have started, our leads for
more new clubs and how we are working to improve our member
retention. Their parting words to me: “See you on stage in KL!”
Speaking of new clubs: Congratulations to Division D, Talented Talkers
(#3483333) in Palm Desert, Area D4 and to Division E, Social Media (#
371 01 86) in Corona, Area E1 . Area D4 Area Governor Margaret Seeley
and E1 Governor David Carpenter (with a major assist from his wife
Cindy Carpenter) are to be congratulated for all their hard work in
getting these clubs started.
Our Lt. Governor Marketing, Esther Phahla and our new club extension
chair Lois Sicking PDG are working hard as they strive to qualify new
Continued from Page - 2
Michael Osur
club leads and help new clubs get started. Lt. Governor Education and
Training, Kent Peterson is helping ensure all our club officers are trained
and that our Silver Jubilee Spring Conference at the Riviera Resort in
Palm Springs on May 2 and 3 is the best one yet.
Thank you all for Making a Difference to our members and our community
every day.
Michael Osur, DTM District Governor
gov@d1, 951 -31 3-631 3
Kent Peterson, DTM
Lt. Governor of Education and Training 2013-2014
Training Highlights
Being responsible for Education and Training for the district I’m
constantly looking for material to enhance what we do and incorporate
items in new training, educationals and supporting members and clubs.
Kent Peterson, DTM
District 1 2 LGET
I recently read the book the 5 Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick
Lencioni . He talks about: Trust, Conflict, Commitment, Accountability
and Results. Wow-This ties directly into what we do in Toastmasters.
Here is what I mean:
Trust - If we trust the intent of what Toastmasters asks us to do and when
we prepare our speeches with the objectives being followed our
members and clubs will progress and excel.
Conflict - This is a positive step to help clubs and members grow if it is
done constructively and honestly always with the thought of helping the
club and the member and not being something that is designed to be
destructive. In other words if meetings or clubs are off track, don’t be
afraid to have the officers and members get together and see what can
be done to improve things.
Commitment - We have many committed members (and some that
should be - joking!) at all levels of Toastmasters. Some members are
committed to their clubs and have no desire to step out of this role and
are dedicated to making them and their club successful. Others seek to
work through the various levels of Toastmasters following the Leadership
and Communication tracks and they obtain the Distinguished
Toastmaster rating.
Accountability- Are individual goals being met? Are manuals brought to
meetings? Are strong evaluations part of your meetings? Are
Continued from Page - 3
Kent Peterson
educationals presented? Do members attend TLI and other educational
programs? Do you prepare your speeches and make them the best they
can be? Are meetings enjoyable, exciting, varied, Etc.
Results-When we work the program successfully the end results are
magnificent and serve the member and the club. If you enjoy reading self
awareness or leadership books here are few, from a list of many that are
recommended reading:
It’s Your Ship - D. Michael Abrashoff
The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership - John C. Maxwell
Strengths Finder 2.0 - Tom Rath
How Full is Your Bucket - Tom Rath & Daniel O. Clifton
Lean In: Women, Work and the Will to Lead - Sheryl Sandberg
Good to Great - Jim Collins
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Stephen R. Covey
Do you have a passion for leadership or self improvement? Think about
how you can do a presentation for your club and share your passion.
Kent Peterson, DTM
District 1 2, Lt. Governor Education and Training
Esther Phahla, DTM
Lt. Governor Marketing 2013-2014
Renew, Recruit and Retain: A Warm Welcome to our New Clubs
This February, love was in the air throughout District 1 2. We continued
to share the benefits of the Toastmasters Education Program by
chartering two new clubs in the last month. Go District 1 2! Welcome
Social Media Toastmasters in Division E, Area E1 ; Talented Talkers in
Division D, Area D4. These clubs have earned $100 credit in the District
Esther Phahla, DTM
District 1 2 LGM
Store and one new member in each club gets a ticket to the Spring
Conference by starting a new Club between December 1, 2013 and
April 30, 2014. Don’t miss out, It could be You.
Congratulations and Great Job to our Area Governors, Sponsors and
Mentors who led the efforts in Building these new Clubs:
Area E1 Governor – David Carpenter
Area D4 Governor – Margaret Sealy
Club Sponsors:
Cindy Carpenter - Social Media Toastmasters
Continued from Page 4 -
Esther Phahla
David Carpenter - Social Media Toastmasters
Paula Sommers-Applebaum – Talented Talkers
Penny Olender – Talented Talkers
Club Mentors:
Rose Nguyen - Social Media Toastmasters
Leo Sopicki - Social Media Toastmasters
Carole Stephen - Talented Talkers
Margaret Seeley – Talented Talkers
The Open House Challenge and Talk Up Toastmasters are still on
until March 31 st. Opportunities are bound to earn Free $$$ for your club
at the District store, don’t miss out.
Club Dues Renewal: Another renewal cycle is upon us on April 1 st.
Thank you for your continued membership in District 1 2. Earn $25
Credit in the District store by renewing at least July 1 st membership
base by March 30th (minimum of 10 members for clubs with July base
less than 11 ). Club Treasures, please start sending out the invoices and
collecting dues to allow time to renew your members by March 30th and
earn the $25 credit. I smell cha-ching coming your way.
Here’s to You the Member!
Esther Phahla, DTM
District 1 2 Lt Governor Marketing
Toastmasters Factoids
- More than 292,000 members in more than 1 4,350 clubs in 1 22
- 52% Female
- Average age of members is 46
- Top Reasons for joining: Improve communication, increase
confidence and overcome fear
- More than 25,000 worldwide obtained their Competent
Communicator (CC) last year
- 1 ,200 obtained their Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) last year.
Angie Nett, DTM
Public Relations Officer 2013-2014
Angie Nett, DTM
District 1 2 PRO
Prepare yourself for the spring contest season! Speakers Bureau will be
hosting Lance Miller, Toastmasters 2005 World Champion of Public
Speaking, on March 5th at 6:59 pm at the Jerry L. Pettis Veteran's
Medical Center at 11 201 Benton Street, Loma Linda. Lance will be
sharing his knowledge and experience as a World Champion Speaker.
He will evaluate the top speeches from the 2013 International Speech
Contest Finals in Cincinnati. Come to Speakers Bureau and learn…
What makes a winning speech; The difference between the winner and
everyone else, What not to do in a speech contest and The 3 mistakes
most speakers make. I hope to see you there!
This month is my last reminder to send me your publicity information for
The Chuck Weck Publicity Award by March 31 st. This award is given
in recognition to a Club for superior publicity achievement in promoting
their Toastmasters Club! It is named in honor of Chuck Weck, a past
District 1 2 Governor. The winning club receives a traveling trophy to
display until the next Chuck Weck Publicity Award Contest. The winning
club also receives a plaque that remains with the club. Recognition is
also given to the second and third place winners. Clubs are recognized
at the District 1 2 annual Spring Conference.
The Chuck Weck Publicity Award is achieved by accumulating the most
publicity points by various media during the period from July 1 through April 1 each Toastmaster year. See the Chuck Weck Award checklist on
the District 1 2 website at http://www.d1 3/D1 2toastmasters
201 4-Chuck-Weck-Award.pdf
Join District 1 2's
Facebook page:
Join District 1 2's LinkedIn
groups/District-1 2Toastmasters1 953436/about
Please send you publicity information to Angie Nett, District PRO by mail
to 30885 Sutherland Drive, Redlands, CA 92373 or email to
pro@d1 by March 31 , 201 4.
Be sure to save May 2nd and 3rd for the District 1 2 Spring Conference!
The conference will be in Palm Springs at the Riviera Resort, with a
keynote by Ryan Avery, Toastmasters 201 2 World Champion of Public
Speaking. You won’t want to miss this event!
Angie Nett, DTM
District 1 2 Public Relations Officer
District 1 2 Contests are scheduled as follows:
Greetings from Division B
We are headed into contest season, and Area B-4 would like to take a
moment and remind you, o Reader, of the upcoming International
Speech contests, and of the Table Topics contests for Area B.
Jonathan Albin,
Area B-4 Gov.
On the very date of this publication, March 1 st, B3 is hosting its contest
at the Apple Valley Council Chambers, located at 1 4955 Dale Evans
Parkway, in Apple Valley. This contest will open registration at 8:30 am,
and begin at 9:1 5 am, and Kathie Martin is the Contest Chair.
Areas B1 and B2 have a combined contest slated for March 29, and is
Chaired by Michael Zlaket, Area B1 governor with his assistant
Christine Ferrera, area B2 governor. This event will be held at the
Colton Library, 656 N. 9th Street, and will open for registration at 1 0:00
A.M., and will begin at 1 0:45.
The contests for Areas B4 and B5 will round out the area contests. The
Contest Chair for this combined event is myself, J onathan Albin , and
assisted by Area B5 governor, Reggie Crosby This event is being
hosted at the Mountain Shadows Mobile Home Community Center,
located at 4040 E. Piedmont Drive, in San Bernardino. Registration will
open at 1 :30 P.M. and the contest will start at 2:1 5 P.M.
Division B’s Contest, wherein all Area B contest winners will engage their
wits and their words, is scheduled to be held at the Trinity Lutheran
Church, 2900 N. E Street, in San Bernardino. Marilyn Nepkie, Division
B Governor is this contest’s Chairperson.
This is going to be an exciting season, and I can hardly wait to hear all
those speeches! I hope you’ll join me to encourage our competitors, and
to share in the excitement.
Jonathan Albin, ACS
Area B-4 Governor 201 3-201 4
Everyone in District 1 2 is invited to the
new club “launch” in Area 6 of Division
C. The "Professional Speakers"
launch meeting is scheduled for
Monday, March 24th at 6:30pm. If you
have earned the Toastmasters
Competent Communicator (CC)
Achievement, then you can be one of
the Charter Members of this exciting
advanced Toastmasters club! The new
Toastmasters club will meet from
6:30pm to 8:00pm, two times per
month on the second and fourth
Monday of the month. The location is
easily accessible from the #21 5 and
#1 5 freeways (Murrieta Hot Springs
Road exist), located in Murrieta just
east of Winchester Road (Hwy #79) at
29995 Technology Drive, Suite 203,
Murrieta, California 92563.
The minimum credentials for club membership is for members to
have a CC achievement or better to join, and officers of the club
will have at least a Competent Leadership (CL) achievement. The
focus of the club is for Toastmasters who speak for their work or
career, speak in sales and/or marketing, speak at professional
events in their field (including keynote speaker), as well as those
competing in speech competitions. The Professional Speakers
club serves Toastmasters committed to mastering advance
speaking skills both professionally and competitively in a positive,
supportive, and educational environment.
Experienced Toastmasters, all from President’s Distinguished Clubs in
Division C, are dedicated to launching the only advanced club in the
division. Toastmasters Joe Wilson (VPE, Twin Cities Business
Leaders, #1 6681 29) and Linda Berry (Area C6 Governor, VP PR,
Millennium Toastmasters, #41 4) will serve as the sponsors of the new
club. Jim McLaughlin (President, Twin Cities Business Leaders,
#1 6681 29) and Kathleen Lynch (President, Temecula Toastmasters,
#1 677) are the new club mentors. Contact Linda Berry to join the
club, attend the launch meeting, and for further information at 951 Linda Berry, ACS
665-7600 or
Area C-6 Gov.
District 12 Adventures
Kathryn and Michael in Dr. Smedley's Study
Toastmasters World
Clockwise from
above: Region 1 0
Advisors Joyce
Persichilli , Rose
Beeson and Ede
D'Angelo; Khaled
Matlagaitu Region
11 International
Director; District 1 2
representing at an
Ontario Reign game.
District Executive Committee
Pictured top-left: Michael Osur and Tim
Swearingen ; mid-right photo: Esther
Phahla, Marilyn Nepkie, and Michael
Osur; lower-left: Angie Nett, Esther
Phahla, and Kent Peterson ; lower-right:
Esther Phahla and Rose Beeson .
Saturday Morning Toastmasters
Open House
Officer Installation
Chuck Weck Publicity Award
The Chuck Weck Publicity Award is given in recognition to a Club for superior publicity achievement in promoting their
Toastmasters Club! It is named in honor of Chuck Weck, a past District 12 Governor. The winning club receives a traveling
trophy to display until the next Chuck Weck Publicity Award Contest. The winning club also receives a plaque that remains
with the club. Recognition is also given to the second and third place winners. Clubs are recognized at the District 12 annual
Spring Conference.
The Chuck Weck Publicity Award is achieved by accumulating the most publicity points by various media during the period
from July 1 through April 1 each Toastmaster year.
Qualifications: Clubs must send dated proof (news clippings, electronic files, videotape, DVD or photograph of any and all
publicity, displays, interviews, etc.) to the District 12 Public Relations Officer (PRO). The PRO and Committee determine the
Chuck Weck Award. The following list of criteria and points describes the many ways your club can earn this Award:
TV or Radio on air interview/appearance
TV or Radio announcement/community calendar
Newspaper media release
Newspaper community calendar
Newspaper feature article
Photo with caption in newspaper
Article in newsletters (Rotary, community, college, Chamber
of Commerce, etc.)
Photo with caption in newsletters
Feature display in public place (library, school, business, etc.)
includes flyers and brochures
Working booth at business fair, community fair or other
business or public place
Keep social media venues current (includes branding and
content) such as Facebook, web pages and/or Linkedin –
Link from Club Web Page to District 12 Web Page
Organize and conduct an Open House or Oratory Platform or
Provide club newsletter on Club Web Page
75 points
50 points
25 points
25 points
100 points each
50 points each
50 points each
Points earned
50 points each
100 points per location
100 points for each event
150 pts per month site(s) is
50 points each
150 points each
50 points each
(Website Link to District 12 Web
Page required).
a) 100 points each
b) 150 points each
Participate in a Parade
a) Your club in a community parade with banner
b) An organized group of more than one Toastmasters Club
with banners, in a parade.
Please print this checklist, fill-in date and points next to each item completed and attached dated proof of news clipping, electronic
file (video/audio), videotape, DVD or photograph on any and all publicity, displays, interviews, etc. Sign and mail to Angie Nett,
District PRO at 30885 Sutherland Drive, Redlands, CA 92373 by March 31, 2014.
Club Name: _______________________________Club #________________Division ________ Date: ____________
Submitted by _____________________ Contact Phone #__________________Print Name: _____________
If you have any questions regarding submittals please contact Angie Nett at
Date Received: ______________________ Total Points: _____________________
Time Period: from _____________________to ____________________________
(start date)
(end date)
Spring 2014 Area/Division B
International Speech and Table Topics
Area B3
Sat. March 1, 2014
Reg: 8:30am Gavel: 9:15am
Apple Valley Council Chambers
14955 Dale Evans Parkway
Apple Valley, CA 92307
Contact: Kathie Martin (760)490-3488
Division B Contest
Sat., April 12, 2014
Reg: 1:30pm Gavel: 2:15pm
Trinity Lutheran Church
2900 N. E. St.
San Bernardino, CA 92408
Contact: M. Nepkie (951)264-1191
Area B1/B2
Sat. March 29, 2014
Reg: 10:00am Gavel: 10:45am
Colton Library
656 N. 9th St
Colton, CA 92324
Contact: Michael Zlaket (909)883-2498
Share your
Toastmaster spirit!
Be a contestant!
Invite guests!
Cheer on your fellow
Area B4/B5
Sat. April 5, 2014
Reg: 1:30pm Gavel: 2:15pm
Mountain Shadows Mobile Home Park
4040 E. Piedmont Dr.
Highland, CA 92346
Contact: J. Albin (310)529-6221
AREA C5 & C6
Date: March 22, 2014
Time: 2pm Registration
2:30 Judge and
3pm Competition
Admission: $10.00
Includes: Food , Drawing
Prizes, Exceptional
Speakers, Educational
Topics, and Leadership
Location: IVAR
Inland Valleys
of Realtors
3690 Elizabeth Street
Riverside, CA 92506
Area C5 & C6 of District 12 Toastmasters International is
proud to present the Spring 2014 Speech Competition including the International Speech Contest and the Table Topics
Contest. This competition represents the best speakers of nine
Toastmasters clubs in these two areas. Speakers from
Temecula, Murrieta, Menifee, Hemet/San Jacinto, Moreno
Valley, and Riverside are represented in this professional
Toastmasters event. It’s a day of food, fun, & entertainment!
Highlights of this Toastmasters Event
Speakers Compete to Represent Area C5
and C6 in Division C Speech Competition
Enjoy food and refreshments as well as a
chance to win exciting Drawing Prizes
which include valuable Gift Baskets & Gift
Cards and well as special Grand Prizes!
Contest Chair: Kristan Lloyd * 951 -265-3820 *
Overall Event Toastmaster: Brain Walker - D12 Area C5 Governor (2013-2014)
International Contest Toastmaster: Rosalyne Carter - D12 PDG (2012-2013)
Table Topics Contest Toastmaster: Tom Jameson - D12 PDG (2008-2009)
Chief Judge: Kathryn Robbins - Division D Governor (2013-2014)
Area Gov’s: Brian Walker, Area C5 Governor & Linda Berry, Area C6 Governor
E-mail: and
Phone: 951-672-3476 and 951-665-7600 *
District 12 – Division C
Area C2 & C4
International Speech
Table Topics Contest
Saturday, Mar. 29, 2014
10:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
Contestants & Judges Briefing
11:00 a.m.
Contest Begins
Ayres Hotel & Spa
12631 Memorial Way
Moreno Valley, CA 92553
For More Information Contact:
Area Governors
Reatha Corbett Justin Soldan High Definition Speakers President
Don McWilliams
Per Person
Keren Olson
APRIL 4, 2014
Food & Drink,
Drawing Prizes,
Speakers, Educational Topics, and
March Air
Reserve Base
AFN Broadcast
David Carpenter, Area E1 Governor
5255 4th Street
Moreno Valley,
CA 92518
Cindy Carpenter, District 12 Toastmaster of the Year 2013
Kathy Lynch, Asst. Area C6 Governor & Temecula TM President
NOTE: Advanced
Registration Required
for Gate Pass. Bring
Drivers License & Car
Registration to enter.
Arlene Blas, Past District 12 Governor 2011-2012
Come out and have fun, learn,
and enjoy food and refreshments
WIN drawing prizes
Hear the BEST of Division C
Sheila Houston * Div C Gov * 909-732-6308 *
Linda Berry * Asst. Div C Gov * 951-665-7600 *
Got Spring Fever? Then come see our new 2014
Division E
All-Areas and Division
International Speech &
Table Topics Contests
Goodbye melatonin, hello serotonin – the “happiness hormone”. With the right dosage
of snacks and opportunity drawings, your Spring Fever is guaranteed to bloom. Take
advantage of this once in a lifetime opportunity. Share Your Toastmaster Spirit with
guests, colleagues, friends, and family.
All-Areas E1-E4
Friday Evening, March 14, 2014
Corona-Norco Unified School
Conference Rooms A, B, C
2820 Clark Ave. Norco, CA 92860
Time - 6:00 PM Registration
Division E Finals
Friday Evening, April 11, 2014
Corona-Norco Unified School
Conference Rooms A, B, C
2820 Clark Ave. Norco, CA 92860
Time - 6:00 PM Registration
6:30 PM Contest Briefings
7:00 PM Contest
6:30 PM Contest Briefings
7:00 PM Contest
Admission: Free
Donation accepted for a chance to win the Grand Prize at the
All-Areas and Division E Finals.
You MUST be present to win.
For more information, please contact:
Rose Nguyen, Division E Contest Chair
(909) 631-0697
Dan Schroff, Division E Governor
(951) 452-3525
Distinguished Club Incentives
Mark Your Calendars
This Month
March 5 : District 1 2 Speakers Bureau
March 8: Contest Judge Training
For contests see page 7 of this issue.
Coming Up:
April 5: DEC Meeting
May 2 & 3: Spring Conference
201 3-201 4 Officers
Michael Osur, DTM
District 1 2 Governor
Kent Peterson, DTM
District 1 2 Lt. Governor
Education and Training
Esther Phahla, DTM
District 1 2 Lt. Governor
Angie Nett, DTM
District 1 2 Public Relations
District Secretary – Mary Carnes, ACS, ALS
District Treasurer – Chris Carnes, CC, ALB
District Sergeant-at-Arms – Jim Henderson, ACB
District Parliamentarian – Jack Nelson, DTM, PDG
Immediate Past District Governor – Rosalyn Carter, DTM
Division A Governor – Shirr'l Griffin, CC, CL
Division B Governor – Marilyn Nepkie, DTM
Division C Governor – Sheila Houston, CC, CL
Division D Governor – Kathryn Robbins, DTM
Division E Governor – Daniel Schroff, CC
Heather Muñoz
District 1 2
Images Editor
The deadline for Images is on the 1 5th of the
month previous to publication on the 1 st of every
Articles and photographs for future issues can be
submitted to
Heather Muñoz at