February 2014 Images - District 12 Toastmasters


February 2014 Images - District 12 Toastmasters
Ima ge s
Toastmasters International District 12 Newsletter
February 2014
Vol. 25 / No. 8
A Message from District 1 2
Governor - Michael Osur
Lt. Governor Education and
Training - Kent Peterson
Lt. Governor Marketing Esther Phahla
Public Relations Officer Angie Nett
Division BCSU, San Bernardino Club
Gavel Club Roosevelt High School
Message from Michael Osur, DTM
District 12 Governor 2013-2014
District Highlights
D1 2 Happenings
Friendly faces at events
throughout our District
Pages 1 2,1 3
What does Excellence mean to you? We all want to be good, and we
strive to be excellent. We can obtain excellence if we do the following
four activities (as inspired by Coach to the World Champions Patricia
Care More Than Others Think is Wise – Isn’t this why we are in
Check out photos from the bi- Toastmasters? We care about our fellow club members, sometimes more
than they care about themselves. We mentor, we encourage, we
annual training!
Pages 1 4
evaluate, we suggest, all in pursuit of excellence, not just in ourselves
but to help others to become the speakers and leaders we know they
Leadership Breakfast
can be. What is wrong with caring too much?
Highlights from the January
TLI January 1 1
25th event
Pages 1 5, 1 6
In Next Month's Issue:
Speakers Bureau Recap
Risk More Than Others Think is Safe – Think about your first
Toastmasters meeting; walking into the room, scared, not knowing a
soul, but you took that risk, you tried that speech in your club, you
became a club officer, an area governor or even ran for District Office.
You chaired that contest. We feel safe in Toastmasters taking that risk
because we know others have our back. It sure didn’t feel safe in the
beginning, now we welcome that feeling, we have something to say and
Continued from Page - 2
Michael Osur
we take the risk to share ourselves with others. What could be better?
Dream More Than Others Think is Practical – We must dream it
for it to become true. Share those dreams with your friends and
colleagues. Let them know what your hopes and dreams are for the
future. Do you want to compete? Become the District’s representative
this August in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia? Make a living as a professional
speaker? Toastmasters is the key to helping make your dreams become
a reality. What are your dreams?
Michael Osur, DTM
District 1 2 Governor
Expect More Than Others Think is Possible – Expect the best
from others and you will be surprised how often they live UP to your
expectations. I have learned in Toastmasters that no one can be
successful without the help of others. It takes more than 60 Toastmasters
to fill all the positions we need to help run our District. We have high
expectations for all of them, after all, if we don’t think they can do it, who
Strive for excellence: Care more than others think is wise, risk more than
others think is safe, dream more than others think is practical and expect
more than others think is possible.
As we start the last five months of the Toastmasters year we are poised
for success. More than 280 officers attended TLI at California Baptist
University in January. Special thanks to Kent Peterson , LGET, Area
Governor Charlotte Naugle and Lorraine Abate from Club ADP for their
hard work in helping to make TLI such a success.
The Spring Contest season is beginning. Attend your area and division
contests and support your fellow members in Table Topics and in the
International Speech competition. Say yes, when asked to help at the
Our Spring Conference is May 2nd and 3rd at the Riviera Resort in Palm
Springs. 201 2 World Champion of Public Speaking Ryan Avery will be
our special guest and Keynote speaker as we celebrate our District’s
Silver Jubilee.
Do you have an idea or lead on starting a new club? Please contact Lt.
Governor of Marketing Esther Phahla and she and the new club team
will be happy to take the next steps to help start that new club and bring
Toastmasters to a new group of future leaders.
Our District is poised for excellence. Every club can be distinguished,
every member can achieve excellence.
Michael Osur, DTM District Governor
Kent Peterson, DTM
Lt. Governor of Education and Training 2013-2014
Training Highlights
Kent Peterson, DTM
District 1 2 LGET
January 11 th we held our Toastmaster Leadership Institute at California
Baptist University with 300 in attendance. The evaluations from the
various sessions were extremely positive and huge kudos go out to
Lorraine Abate, Chair and Dr. Charlotte Naugle, Educational Chair.
They put together an excellent program. It takes a large group of people
including the trainers, registration people, bookstore workers, and key
note speakers Raymond Brooks and Rosalyn Carter. When it is all
done, information is submitted to TI. A team effort created an excellent
program and my hat is off to all those who helped make this a terrific
event. I would be remiss if I did not also thank ADP for donating the TLI
printed program and all the people who helped put it together.
We now need to make sure we follow-up with our make-up sessions so
we can get officers trained that did not go to TLI. The Division and Area
Governors will get the information out once locations, dates and times
have been decided. The District 1 2 website will also post the information.
Also, we are about 60 days away from our dues needing to be submitted
for the April-September time frame.
I am looking forward to the new Revitalized Education Program that TI is
incorporating the tail end of 201 4. As the Chief Ambassador gets the
information it will be passed on to the Ambassadors and they will bring
the information to the clubs. Stay tuned.
Clubs will start having their Speech Contests in the next 30 days. This
cycle it is the International Speech contest and Table Topics. The more
people who participate as contestants the more energy the district enjoys
and competition helps us grow stronger. If you haven't been a contestant
give it a try and see how you grow as a speaker and as a Toastmaster.
Kent Peterson, DTM
District 1 2, Lt. Governor Education and Training
lget@d1 2toastmasters.org
Division "A" Officer makeup training:
Date: Wednesday, February 1 9, 201 4
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Location: Coco's Bakery Restaurant, 60 W Foothill Blvd, Upland, CA 91 786
Contact: Kay Mellen, DTM @ 1 .909.984.4784 or
1 .951 .236.7035, tmkmellen@gmail.com
Cost: FREE
Esther Phahla, DTM
Lt. Governor Marketing 2013-2014
Open House Challenge and Talk Up Toastmasters
The Toastmasters Leadership Institute (TLI) was a great event for all of
us to reconnect and revive our Toastmasters Educational goals after the
Esther Phahla, DTM
District 1 2 LGM
Holding an Open House is one way to share the benefits of the
Toastmasters Education program by inviting others to our clubs. Most of
us joined Toastmasters because someone invited us to a meeting in
order to give us the same opportunity to learn and grow that someone
else once offered to them.
When your club holds an Open House between January 1 and March
31 st and adds 3 new members, it will receive $25 credit from the district
store. Allow at least a few weeks to plan and publicize the event. Here
are some suggestions on what to consider in planning your Club’s Open
1 0.
11 .
1 2.
The date to hold the Open House
The Guest speaker or speakers within the club to talk about how
Toastmasters contributed to their growth as speakers and leaders
Who will prepare the flyer
What other publicity media will the club use to promote the event
The Food Coordinator (Yum!)
Invite your friends and colleagues in advance
The agenda (with all meeting roles filled)
Assign a sparkling host as Toastmaster of the day
Schedule a variety of speakers, from beginners to experts
Make Table Topics fun (with easy questions for the
Schedule friendly evaluators
Put on a great show!
Assign greeters on the day of the event to welcome guests
Have name tags
Have a guest book
Prepare guest packets (include a Toastmaster magazine, benefits
of Toastmasters sheet, brochures on Confidence: The Voice of
Leadership/Find Your Voice and a membership application)
Most of all Have Fun! (“We learn best in moments of enjoyment”,
Ralph C. Smedley)
In addition to your Open House, if your club adds 5 members, new, dual
or reinstated between February 1 to March 31 st it will be eligible to
participate in the Talk Up Toastmasters membership building contest.
Continued from Page 4 -
Esther Phahla
Your Club will receive a Talk Up Toastmasters ribbon and 1 0% discount
from Toastmasters International for their club order.
We can do it District 1 2. Let’s all challenge ourselves and join together
in holding Open Houses and having fun in our clubs.
Here’s to You the Member!
Esther Phahla, DTM
District 1 2 Lt Governor Marketing
lgm@d1 2toastmasters.org
Angie Nett, DTM
Public Relations Officer 2013-2014
Angie Nett, DTM
District 1 2 PRO
District 1 2 Toastmasters: if you are interested in attaining professional
speaking skills, then be sure to come to District 1 2 Speakers Bureau. The
next meeting will be on February 5, 201 4 at the Jerry L. Pettis Veteran's
Medical Center at 11 201 Benton Street, Loma Linda. The Speakers
Bureau contains qualified, experienced and professional speakers. The
February meeting will have two special guest speakers: Tom McKerlie
and Susan Nelson . Tom will share his knowledge and experience as an
evaluator as he imparts information that will help everyone become a
better evaluator to their club membership. Susan Nelson , District 1 2’s
Chief Judge will be sharing with us the difference between judging and
evaluating a speech. I hope to see you there!
Please remember to send me your publicity information for The Chuck
Weck Publicity Award by March 31 st. This award is given in recognition
to a Club for superior publicity achievement in promoting their
Toastmasters Club! It is named in honor of Chuck Weck, a past District
1 2 Governor. The winning club receives a traveling trophy to display until
the next Chuck Weck Publicity Award Contest. The winning club also
receives a plaque that remains with the club. Recognition is also given to
the second and third place winners. Clubs are recognized at the District
1 2 annual Spring Conference.
The Chuck Weck Publicity Award is achieved by accumulating the
most publicity points by various media during the period from July 1
through April 1 each Toastmaster year. See the Chuck Weck Award
checklist on page 1 5 of this newsletter or on the District 1 2 website at
http://www.d1 2toastmasters.org/docs/201 3-201 4-Chuck-Weck-Award.pdf
Continued from Page 5-
Angie Nett
Please send you publicity information to Angie Nett, District PRO by mail
to 30885 Sutherland Drive, Redlands, CA 92373 or email to
pro@d1 2toastmasters.org by March 31 , 201 4.
Angie Nett, DTM
District 1 2 Public Relations Officer
pro@d1 2toastmasters.org
Join District 1 2's
Facebook page:
/D1 2toastmasters
Join District 1 2's LinkedIn
groups/District-1 2Toastmasters1 953436/about
Hamalot, a humor based Toastmaster 'Specialty' Club, in Banning
will be co-hosting an Open House with the Wind Talkers club in
Beaumont. Come join us for An Evening of Entertaining
Speeches, on February 9, 201 4, 6:00 - 8:00p, held at the Four
Seasons community's Ballroom.
Everyone is invited. If you would like to join us for one of our
meetings, they are held the 4th Sunday of every month, 5:00 6:30p at Carrows Restaurant, 2034 W. Ramsey St. Banning.
Come on over and share in some of the fun with us.
For more information, contact Lisa Stanners , Vice President of
Education at 909/653-6490 or via email at locrowe@gmail.com
“Pride and Pleasures” from Division B
Happy New Year to all my fellow Toastmasters in District 1 2, and to all
the future Toastmasters on route to finding a club to join hopefully in
Division B. The following article written by the California State U. San
Bernardino Toastmaster Club should help you in your endeavors to find
and join a Toastmasters International where Leaders are made club.
Read, enjoy and pass it on to your family and friends. Welcome.
Marilyn Nepkie,
Division B Gov.
Marilyn Nepkie, DTM
Division B Governor 201 3-201 4
“Afraid you will freeze, choke or faint during a speech?”
So begins our CSUSB campus marketing flyer - and it reaches right to
the core of almost every student’s fears of public speaking, classroom
presentations, and job interviews.
Early History
In January of 2011 , two or our professors, one from Taiwan and the other
from Tanzania, told me how Toastmasters had been of immense benefit
to them when they were college students back in their home countries. It
was then that the three of us committed to bring Toastmaster’s
International to California State University, San Bernardino. We
chartered on March 1 5, 2011 .
“Toastmasters has given me the time and place I needed to practice my
public speaking and gain leadership skills outside of my MBA program,
where these skills are essential.”
– Rusty P. VP of Membership
Club Profile
Our club officers have always been some of the most exceptional
students here because of their commitment, enthusiasm, courage, and
service orientation. They coordinate campus-wide marketing campaigns,
speak to classes, pass out flyers, and post PowerPoint slides about our
CSUSB Toastmaster’s Club on huge flat screens around campus.
Our members and guests range in age from freshmen to adult graduate
students and come from Japan, Viet Nam, India, Africa, Taiwan, and
Europe. We are truly multi-cultural and global. English is the second
language for over half of our speakers and guests. They work really hard
to prepare their speeches and take the feedback to heart. Watching
them grow and improve is fantastic.
“I joined Toastmasters to network with people. I also joined to gain more
self-confidence while speaking.”
– John K. , Club Secretary
Club Dynamics
Our club and our campus are on the quarter system, which means that for
3 quarters, we meet for 1 0 weeks and then have a 2 week break. We
don’t meet during the summer yet. That gives us 30 meetings in which to
accomplish a lot!
We do not have the luxury of having long-time members or any old timers
around. So we are in constant recruiting, training, and replacement mode
as our students graduate and move on.
Also, many of our members and guests come from low income areas or
are on financial aid, so paying the Toastmaster’s dues is hard for them.
Our club only collects TM dues for now but we have plans to do
fundraising so we can purchase supplies and maybe scholarship some
One of our professors is granting extra credit for attending a
Toastmaster’s meeting – how’s that for motivation?
“Toastmaster's International has opened up the opportunity to network
with core members not only in District 12 but also around the region. The
amount of enthusiasm that I have experienced with other Toastmaster's
members has created inspiration and self-confidence in my developing
communication skills.”
– Blanca G. , Club President
Our Goals for 201 4 & 201 5
To recruit constantly, enroll 3 new members per month minimum
Keep the quality of our meetings very high, train constantly
Welcome all guests and follow up with them
Become a Distinguished Club
To get all the help we can get from other clubs
“I joined toastmasters to gain leadership, public speaking skills, and
increase my self-confidence. I own my own business and it requires me to
have communication skills. I love it!”
– Erika S.
Pamela Abell, Ph.D, CC
CSUSB Toastmasters Campus Club Liaison
Friends, Learning, Leadership
CSUSB Toastmasters
Campus Club
Fou n d a ti on s for th e Fu tu re: G a vel Cl u b
@ Roosevelt High School
Valerie Kwee
Gavel Club
On January 11 , 201 4, a few of my Gavel Club officers and I had the
privilege of attending the Toastmasters Leadership Institute. It was
such an honor to be able to spend the day with members of our parent
organization - Toastmasters. I was so enthralled in the workshops and it
was a pleasure to be surrounded by charming people who possess a
certain wit and affability that you can only find among Toastmasters. Even
now, the messages portrayed in the workshops and remarkable Keynote
speeches presented by Ms. Roz Carter and Mr. Ray Brooks resonate
clearly in my mind.
My experience at this event is one that I will definitely not forget and will
hold dear to me for the rest of my life. It has inspired me, personally, to
aspire to become not only a better speaker, but a better person. TLI
provided a surplus of valuable information that will definitely help us not
only in our new Gavel Club, but as leaders in all situations and humans in
times of hardship. District 1 2 is blessed to have amazing leadership and
membership that definitely uphold the values of Toastmasters
International - Integrity, Respect, Service, and Excellence. As a student in
high school, I’m ecstatic to join Toastmasters in the future in hopes of
blessing my community as much as Toastmasters have blessed me and
my club.
Uriel Neis
Gavel Club
Alex Tung
Gavel Club
I had joined my Gavel Club on the premise that I would one day build
and hone my own public speaking skills; however, as a high school
student, I found that our education system lacked enough emphasis on
this premise. The Toastmasters Leadership Institute, therefore,
brought forth a wealth of knowledge that was delivered in such an
efficient manner that I felt confident in implementing these skills into my
speech and hopefully to my fellow club members as well. Moreover, the
experience itself was nothing short of wholesome, and despite the
evident age difference, I felt part of a uniform whole.
The workshops were informative and enlightening, and truly opened my
eyes to the diversity of public interaction and the resulting crowd
reaction. The speakers were phenomenal and had such eloquent
rhetoric that I felt compelled to listen to information that was not even
relevant to the average high school student (this being the complexities
of financial interplay). Nevertheless, the experience was unique and
insightful, and I hope that as the years progress, youth involvement does
as well.
The Toastmasters Leadership Institute could not have been any
better of an experience. We were given a valuable opportunity to learn
much more about Toastmasters International and the kindhearted
people who have granted us the honor of setting up our own club and
participating in the organization. Not only was everyone extremely
welcoming towards me and my fellow officers, but the institute also
provided us with invaluable information and resources that can help us
further build our newly-established Gavel Club.
The Keynote speakers delivered spectacular speeches with a particular
deliverance of voice and charisma that left me entranced, and the
workshop leaders enlightened me upon certain facets and
responsibilities that I previously was not aware of. Also, the institute’s
overall emphasis on becoming both better Toastmasters and better
leaders has inspired me to work harder and give my best in all that I do.
I understand that I have much to improve on when it comes to public
speaking and even leadership, so I would like to thank everyone in
District 1 2 who has given me and my acquaintances the opportunity to
really hone these life skills that can help us succeed in life.
District 12 Happenings
Contest Chair
A.K. Smiley Library in
Division A - Club 1 2
Social Media
Toastmasters Club
World Champion
of Public Speaking
Presented by
Social Media Club
in Corona
Division E
Brian Walker
Keller Williams Club Charter
Toastmasters Leadership Institute
January 1 1 th, 201 4
Leadership Breakfast
January 25th, Moreno Valley
Photos: Kay Starr
Leadership Breakfast
Past District Governor's Meeting @
Photos: Kay Starr
Dear Tammy,
I have heard some of my fellow Toastmasters talk about the “Better Speaker Series”
What are they talking about? - Wondering Wendy
W.W., the Better Speaker Series are educational speeches designed for 1 0 to 1 5 minutes
to be given in your club. These educational speeches cover such topics as “Beginning
Your Speech” or “Concluding Your Speech” as well as “Organizing Your Speech”. The
Better Speaker Series is filled with practical tips to benefit all members. Giving one of
these speeches also fullfills one of the requirments to earn your Advanced Communicator
Silver designation. A complete set of files to give a great presentation are available at
Questions for Tammy can be sent to images@d1 2toastmasters.org
Chuck Weck Publicity Award
The Chuck Weck Publicity Award is given in recognition to a Club for superior publicity achievement in promoting their
Toastmasters Club! It is named in honor of Chuck Weck, a past District 12 Governor. The winning club receives a traveling
trophy to display until the next Chuck Weck Publicity Award Contest. The winning club also receives a plaque that remains
with the club. Recognition is also given to the second and third place winners. Clubs are recognized at the District 12 annual
Spring Conference.
The Chuck Weck Publicity Award is achieved by accumulating the most publicity points by various media during the period
from July 1 through April 1 each Toastmaster year.
Qualifications: Clubs must send dated proof (news clippings, electronic files, videotape, DVD or photograph of any and all
publicity, displays, interviews, etc.) to the District 12 Public Relations Officer (PRO). The PRO and Committee determine the
Chuck Weck Award. The following list of criteria and points describes the many ways your club can earn this Award:
TV or Radio on air interview/appearance
TV or Radio announcement/community calendar
Newspaper media release
Newspaper community calendar
Newspaper feature article
Photo with caption in newspaper
Article in newsletters (Rotary, community, college, Chamber
of Commerce, etc.)
Photo with caption in newsletters
Feature display in public place (library, school, business, etc.)
includes flyers and brochures
Working booth at business fair, community fair or other
business or public place
Keep social media venues current (includes branding and
content) such as Facebook, web pages and/or Linkedin –
Link from Club Web Page to District 12 Web Page
Organize and conduct an Open House or Oratory Platform or
Provide club newsletter on Club Web Page
75 points
50 points
25 points
25 points
100 points each
50 points each
50 points each
Points earned
50 points each
100 points per location
100 points for each event
150 pts per month site(s) is
50 points each
150 points each
50 points each
(Website Link to District 12 Web
Page required).
a) 100 points each
b) 150 points each
Participate in a Parade
a) Your club in a community parade with banner
b) An organized group of more than one Toastmasters Club
with banners, in a parade.
Please print this checklist, fill-in date and points next to each item completed and attached dated proof of news clipping, electronic
file (video/audio), videotape, DVD or photograph on any and all publicity, displays, interviews, etc. Sign and mail to Angie Nett,
District PRO at 30885 Sutherland Drive, Redlands, CA 92373 by March 31, 2014.
Club Name: _______________________________Club #________________Division ________ Date: ____________
Submitted by _____________________ Contact Phone #__________________Print Name: _____________
If you have any questions regarding submittals please contact Angie Nett at pro@d12toastmasters.org
Date Received: ______________________ Total Points: _____________________
Time Period: from _____________________to ____________________________
(start date)
(end date)
Distinguished Club Incentives
Mark Your Calendars
This Month
February 5 : District 1 2 Speakers Bureau
February 7 : Toastmasters Night Out
February 8: D1 2 Executive Committee Meeting
Next Month
March 8: Contest Judge Training
March 1 5 : Area A1 /A3/A5 Contest
March 22 : Area A2/A4/A6 Contest
201 3-201 4 Officers
Michael Osur, DTM
District 1 2 Governor
Kent Peterson, DTM
District 1 2 Lt. Governor
Education and Training
Esther Phahla, DTM
District 1 2 Lt. Governor
Angie Nett, DTM
District 1 2 Public Relations
District Secretary – Mary Carnes, ACS, ALS
District Treasurer – Chris Carnes, CC, ALB
District Sergeant-at-Arms – Jim Henderson, ACB
District Parliamentarian – Jack Nelson, DTM, PDG
Immediate Past District Governor – Rosalyn Carter, DTM
Division A Governor – Shirr'l Griffin, CC, CL
Division B Governor – Marilyn Nepkie, DTM
Division C Governor – Sheila Houston, CC, CL
Division D Governor – Kathryn Robbins, DTM
Division E Governor – Daniel Schroff, CC
Heather Muñoz
District 1 2
Images Editor
The deadline for Images is on the 1 5th of the
month previous to publication on the 1 st of every
Articles and photographs for future issues can be
submitted to
Heather Muñoz at