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Pediatric Specialty Care
Volume 8 number 3 | winter 2013
Exceptional Care for Exceptional Kids
The Cornerstone Tradition
[ Emmmanuelle Rondeau ] As the new Shriners Hospitals for Children® – Canada
emerged above ground on September 22, the cornerstone of the new facility was
officially laid. Based on an ancient masonic tradition, this ceremony which is now
practiced for its symbolism was attended by nearly 1000 Masons and Shriners from
across Canada and the US, officials from Shriners Hospitals for Children, government, partners and donors, patients, families and friends.
Most of the ceremonies of the Masons are private. But this special masonic event is
very public. Historically, the laying of a cornerstone for a new building was a very
big, festive celebration. Because of their heritage as builders, freemasons have historically performed a special ceremony at the laying of cornerstones for new buildings.
The cornerstone concept is derived from the first stone set in the construction of a
masonry foundation, important since all other stones will be set in reference to this
stone, thus determining the position of the entire structure.
Following masonic tradition, Grand Master Jean Reed first positioned the cornerstone, after which it was checked, or proven by the Junior Grand Warden, Senior
Grand Warden, Deputy Grand Master and Grand Master respectively. This was
followed by the Masonic Rite of Consecration, a deeply symbolic ceremony during
which the cornerstone, following ancient custom, was anointed with corn, wine and
oil: corn representing abundance; wine the symbol of joy and cheerfulness, while
oil represents peace and unanimity. Salt was then sprinkled on the cornerstone as a
symbol of friendship and fidelity, ensuring peace, happiness and prosperity for all
who will enter the new hospital. | [ continued on page 8 ]
< Cornerstone Laying Ceremony
Grand Master Jean Reed
< The ceremony site.
In this Issue:
from Accreditation Canada p. 4
update p. 5
<More fun equals more success
at the 3rd Annual Golf Tournament p. 6
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Administrator’s Message
We are grateful, very grateful. This past year,
2013, has been a year of firsts, of discovery, of
learning, of preparing for the future, a year of
moments that will forever stay etched in our
We are grateful for all the support that has led to
opportunities to explore and develop better ways
to help our patients and their families. We strive
to do so each and every day through our research
programs as well as continuous evaluation of our
services. This year we were recognized for these
efforts through the accreditation process when we
receive our Accreditation with Commendation
from Accreditation Canada.
We are grateful to have seen the construction
of our hospital progress from a huge hole in the
ground to seeing its final shape begin to take
form as almost 6 floors of concrete will have
been poured by year end. This could not have
happened without the extremely dedicated support of our Home Office and the appointment of
Imperial Sir Jerry Gantt as our official liaison
and shrewd advisor.
We are so grateful for the incredible donations
we have seen for our Exceptional Care for
Exceptional Kids Capital Campaign which was
launched this past May. As we go to print we will
have reached the 114 million dollar mark thanks
to dedicated volunteers working in all areas of
Canada and the northeast US, thanks to our
Shrine Temples and Ladies’ organizations and
especially thanks to the extraordinary support of
our Campaign Cabinet and Co-Chairs Richard &
Carolyn E. Renaud and Peter Letko & Dr Debra
Josephson. The community has also chosen to
support the hospital, their hospital, through a
The Orthopedik is a quarterly publication of
the Shriners Hospitals for Children® – Canada
1529 Cedar Avenue, Montreal, QC, Canada, H3G 1A6
We want to hear from you! If you would like to ask us a question or
suggest a topic for an article in an upcoming edition of the Orthopedik,
please contact us at or 514-282-6990.
The Orthopedik can also be downloaded from
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host of creative and very successful fundraising
We are grateful for the people that help us to
make our hospital what it is. Our very dedicated
staff has been working very hard to ensure that
we give our patients the best care available in
our current facilities while also dedicating themselves to planning for the future. Our Board
members have also embarked on this process and
have offered their time and expertise to support
our transition process to the new hospital and to
fundraise with great success.
As this year comes to a close, we must however say goodbye to members of our Board of
Governors who are leaving us as their mandate has come to an end. We would like to
express our most sincere thanks to Chairman
Paul Frank (Halifax, Nova Scotia) for his exceptional leadership during this time of planning,
building and transition, to Frederick Clarke,
Secretary (Campbelford, Ontario) and to William
H. Harrington (South Hero, Vermont). We will
welcome a new Executive as of January 2014,
Gino Berretta (Montreal, Quebec) has been
appointed as Chairman of the Board and Bill
Miller (Calgary, Alberta) Vice-Chair, David
Merrett (Ste-Adèle, Québec) Secretary and Jean
Baptiste Djigounian (Montreal, Quebec) will
continue as Treasurer. Our Board members lead
with their hearts and their expertise, we are so
very grateful for their guidance. |
Céline Doray
Editor Emmanuelle Rondeau
Conception Le Groupe Flexidée ltée
Art Direction and Design Marc Rodrigue communication graphique
Photography Denis Alves | Guylaine Bédard | Benoît Desjardins
Editorial Board Sharon Brissette | Céline Doray |
Catherine Dubé | Dr François Fassier | Kathryn Fournier |
Nancy Gionet | Dr Francis Glorieux | Dr Reggie Hamdy |
Kathleen Montpetit | Susan Takahashi
13-12-10 12:15
A Fond Farewell
From the Chairman
of the Board of Governors
Over the last two years our hospital and the Shriners Hospitals for
Children healthcare network in which we operate has seen its fair share
of challenges. Yet, all of these challenges set before us have helped us
to readjust and realign with the new reality of healthcare and they have
helped us to become stronger and more focused than ever on providing
the best care possible for the children serve, for our philanthropy.
For me, the last two years as Chairman of the Board of Governors of Shriners
Hospitals for Children® – Canada have been all about meeting the challenges and
moving forward. Within the time of my mandate as Vice-chair and then Chair, we
announced the building of the new hospital in Montreal, broke ground, went to
tender, construction began this past spring, we held the cornerstone laying ceremony
and as I write these words today it is clear that the entire structure of the hospital
will be completed by the end of January 2014. That’s not all, with the leadership
of an outstanding volunteer Cabinet, we also launched the Exceptional Care for
Exceptional Kids Campaign. Oh! How we have moved forward.
As an architect I have overseen the construction of many projects in many different
fields including the healthcare sector. This one, by far, has meant the most to me. I
hope that you share my pride, sense of accomplishment and gratitude towards all
those who played vital role in making this dream come true.
We are building an exceptional hospital on an exceptional site. But at Shriners
Hospitals for Children® – Canada, the exception goes beyond bricks and mortar,
steel and beams… it is part of the fabric of each and every staff member, specialist,
teacher and researcher who dedicate themselves to our cause, allowing our philanthropy to shine.
The time has come for me to say goodbye. I do so with a dose of sadness, much pride
and a lot of gratitude towards my fellow members on the Board of Governors who
have made the experience unforgettable, the dedicated hospital staff and all of the
patients that I have had the opportunity to meet and who have inspired me to serve
with even more conviction.
I leave the hospital in the capable hands of Gino Berretta who bring much enthusiasm
and fundraising experience to the table. He will have the support of an incredibly
dedicated Board.
It has been an honour and a privilege. I thank you for the exceptional memories. |
Paul E. Frank
Chairman of the Board of Governors
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< Chairman Paul E. Frank
with patient Khadidja
earlier this year.
13-12-10 12:15
Accreditation Canada Report
Team Effort Results in Top Quality Care
[ Maurice Crossfield ] The Shriners Hospitals for Children® – Canada has undergone a rigorous evaluation process
by Accreditation Canada, and has been Accredited with Commendation for its continuing commitment to excellence in health care. Evaluated against national standards of excellence in health care, Canada Shriners Hospital
has met over 97% of them.
Commitment to quality
The report published by Accreditation
Canada reads almost like Shriners
Hospitals for Children ® – Canada’s
mission statement: “The collaborative
leadership style at Shriner’s is evident
and contributes to a calm and smooth
care environment,” it says. “Leaders
promot e a nd s up p or t le a r n i ng
environment evidence by the high
level of program collaboration and
professional development available
for staff. The leadership team has a
commitment to quality and safe care.”
The accreditation is a thorough and
demanding process that includes a
comprehensive self-assessment, plus
an evaluation by health care experts
from across Canada who came to the
hospital to see for themselves. These
experts looked at everything from how
the hospital is managed to how satisfied
the clients are with their experience.
One among encouraging signs of note
was in the patient safety category,
which overall received a score of 88%,
compared to the national average of 70%
in health care institutions. A positive
working environment is considered to
be a contributing factor.
“The leadership team is encouraged
to continue to foster an open and
transparent dialogue to ensure a just
culture. The delivery of care and services
revolve around the needs of the children
as they present. There is an authentic
patient and family centered approach to
all care and services provided.”
In fact when looking at Canada Shriners
Hospital’s work environment, the
evaluators found a dedicated team, from
the volunteer Board members who are
actively involved in the management
of the hospital to the staff on the floor
who have chosen it as the place to build
their careers. Job satisfaction scored an
overall 86%, compared to a national
job satisfaction rating for health care
institutions of 67%.
“Overall, the patients and their families
are very satisfied with the service
provision at the hospital,” the report says.
“The families easily express gratitude;
they love the hospital and often describe
it as having a family feel to it.”
The report also notes the Canada
Shriners Hospital ties to the community,
both in terms of partnerships with other
health organizations in Montreal to
provide a seamless patient experience as
well as through its wide-ranging support
within the wider Shriners Hospitals for
Children network.
Kath r y n Fou r nier, in charge of
Shriners Hospitals for Childen-Canada
Performance Improvement and Risk
Management, says the evaluation is yet
another opportunity to improve quality
of care. While the accreditation itself is
valid through 2017, the self-evaluation
is ongoing.
“We are always listening to the patients,
checking our numbers, and identifying
areas for improvement, which are
addressed as quickly as possible,” she
said. “We don’t wait for an exercise like
this to work on improving an aspect of
our care.” |
Dedicated team
“The organization enjoys long-term
staff commitment with low turnover and
high levels of morale,” the report says.
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Valid through 2017,
the certification by
Accreditation Canada
acknowledges the
hospital’s philosophy
of continuous improvement in providing high
quality health care
13-12-10 12:15
Countdown Towards 2015
Progress Report: Construction of
the new Shriners Hospitals for Children® – Canada
1. Week of April 15, 2013
The new hospital’s first piles went into the ground.
2. May 26, 2013
The new hospital’s first crane was erected.
The second crane was installed on July 6, 2013.
3. July 2, 2013
Steel workers installing horizontal and vertical
reinforcement steel bars on an elevator shaft.
4. September 22, 2013
Imperial Sir Jerry Gantt with Imperial Sir John Cinotto
on the viewing deck for visitors at the construction site.
5. November 30, 2013
Work has begun on the 6th floor of the new hospital.
[ Jerry Gantt ] The construction project for the new Shriners Hospitals for Children®
– Canada is moving along at a rapid pace. As of the week of November 25th we have
started to build the formwork for the 6th floor above ground while we continue to
pour concrete on floor 5 of the 6 floors above ground. We expect the entire concrete
structure to be completed by the end of January 2014.
There have been challenges along the way, but our construction manager and the
workers on site are determined to deliver on time in 2015. On weekdays there are
about 100 workers on site and most Saturdays there are anywhere from 6 to 35 workers on site for 6 to 8 hours.
Each floor is built in three concrete slab sections, and each section requires 300 cubic
meters of concrete, which translates to about 30 trucks. In total, more than 11,000
cubic meters of concrete will be required to erect the structure of the building.
We are beginning to enclose the structure and shortly thereafter we expect to start of
mechanical, electrical and plumbing work. |
You can follow weekly updates on Twitter: ShrinersCanada or have a look for yourself thanks to the webcam
that you will find on by clicking on the camera icon then Live Stream.
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13-12-10 12:15
Community Support Rises to Help our n
Tournament raises $1,200,000 over 3 years!
[ Caroline Guimont ] Presented by MEGA Brands, the 3rd edition of the Annual Golf Tournament of Shriners
Hospitals for Children® – Canada was held at ElmRidge Country Club on Ile Bizard on August 8th. Altogether,
the 3 first editions of this event, to benefit the hospital construction project, have raised $1,200,000.
This event combines fun and serious fundraising! It is thanks to the involvement of the outstanding members of
the Organizing Committee who care and are devoted to the health and wellbeing of our patients that the event
can reach such phenomenal results. |
Hold the date!
The 4th edition will be held on
August 11th, 2014 at ElmRidge
Country Club.
For more information,
call 514-282-6990 or email
All players were spoiled with premium
gifts as they arrived. A gift bag, a pair of
Calvin Klein sunglasses and a golf glove.
The silent and live auctions raised nearly
Luisa and her son Benjamin shared their
experience at the hospital. Luisa credits
the hospital with giving Benjamin the
ability to walk.
Players were offered back massages,
shoe shining and hairdressing services.
Our sponsors allow us to offer these fun
Special recognition is owed
to our major sponsors:
MEGA Brands
Club Fiat Alpha Romeo
Desmeules Chrysler
J. E. Hanger
La Fondation Air Canada
pour l’enfance
Château Vaudreuil
Willow Inn
Tunis Shriners
BMO Banque de Montréal
Appareils Orthopédiques BBG Inc.
SNC Lavalin
Forensic Technologies
Candev construction Inc.
To view the highlights of the
tournament or to have a look at
the album for the 3rd Annual Golf
Tournament presented by
MEGA Brands visit our Facebook
page at
Each golf tee was marked with a giant
golf ball entirely made of Mega Blocks, a
special gift offered by MEGA Brands.
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Vic Bertrand of MEGA Brands with the
Executive of the Organizing Committee,
Michel Poirier, Benito Migliorati, Gino
Berretta and Robin Burns.
13-12-10 12:15
ur new Hospital Grow
Donors in Action
Games for Hope
Club Fiat Alfa Romeo
du Québec and
Desmeules Chrysler
strike again!
< Roberto Natale from Laval, proud
winner of the Fiat Spider 2000, 1979
edition, receives the keys from
Salvatore Migliara and Éric Corso,
both representing the Fiat Alfa
Romeo Club of Quebec. The raffle of
the vintage car and the closing celebration event at Château Vaudreuil
raised $90,000 this year.
Team work that makes hearts beat
You are inspired by these success stories and wish to get involved or
organize your own fundraiser? Contact the Public Relation Department of
Shriners Hospitals for Children® – Canada at or at 514-282-6990. Our team will
support your efforts and help you to obtain all the necessary approvals.
< Members of the Board of Directors of
Games for Hope proudly pose next to one
of the six cardiac monitors bought thanks to
the $45,000 collected in the context of their
multi-sport event held last May in Brossard:
Kevin Giffert, Nadine Pereira and Samila
Moonoosamy from Games for Hope and
Sylvain Deslauriers, Buyer at the hospital.
To register your team for the 2014 edition
or to donate, visit
Shaharah gives back
Tim and Brenda’s Place
She raises $3,500 to benefit
the construction project
A generous couple put their
passion to profit great causes
My Friend Huggles – the gift
of unlimited hugs
< Shaharah performed the tribute song
Stronger – inspired by her experience has
a patient at the Shriners Hospitals for
Children­® – Canada when she was a child.
This picture was taken at the launch of her
latest album, You&I, at the Galerie 303 in
Montreal. To download the album, go to
< King City, Ontario, car collectors Tim
and Brenda Schmidt (ex-hospital patient),
opened up the doors of their family estate
to the public for a massive charity show ‘n
shine. Frederik G. Clarke, Secretary of the
Board of Governors was with the generous
couple Tim and Brenda at the close of their
event Tim and Brenda’s Annual Cruise for
the cure Show ‘n Shine. This project raised
more than $55,000 to benefit our hospital.
< Thanks to the generosity of greatDIVIDEcorp, we were provided with 300 of
these life size plush dolls, with their heartwarming smiles and inviting eyes. On this
picture: Loretta Drudik, from the Shriners
Hospital for children and from greatDIVIDEcorp, Gary Wechsler, Benefactor, Brenda
Katz, President, Lisa Filipe, Brand Manager
and representatives of Huggles. For more
information go to
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Shriner’s Corner
Laying Ceremony
According to Grand Master Reed,
“Traditionally, the cornerstone
(or dedication stone) was the
first stone set when building
a foundation. The stone was
checked, using ancient tools, to
be certain it is straight and level
because a building constructed
on a poor foundation is not
strong. The stone then acted as
the reference to all other stones
while building the structure.
Today, the cornerstone is mostly
ceremonial, indicating the date of
The ceremony was officially opened by
past and current patients representing 5
of the 9 generations of children who have
been treated at Shriners Hospitals for
Children® – Canada since its opening in
1925 and who will continue to be treated
in the new facilities. Each story was different, but shared a common thread –
hope. From Newfoundland, Jonathan
Roberts shared that he is now able to walk
thanks to the care of the hospital’s expert
staff. From Quebec, Karina Barco, who
is a nurse at the hospital shared how her
treatment inspired her become a nurse.
Also from Quebec, Christian Mailloux
shared how the hospital’s expertise and
research into rickets allowed for his diagnosis and treatment and Jérémy Gabriel
who was born without hearing sang the
national anthems and is pursuing a career
on stage. Finally, six year-old Carter
Brown from Saskatchewan explained
how research and treatment have made
him better.
In addition to the 1000 guests attending
the ceremony, which was overseen by
Grand Master Jean Reed of the Grand
Lodge of Quebec, notable guests included
the Minister of Families of Quebec,
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< Speakers on stage during the official prayer.
To view highlights of the ceremony,
visit the news section on
Nicole Léger, the Speaker of the National
Assembly, Jacques Chagnon, the MNA
for Masson, Diane Gadoury-Hamelin, the
MP for Westmount, Marc Garneau; the
Mayor of Montreal, Laurent Blanchard,
the Mayor of Westmount, Peter Trent
and the Mayor of NDG/Cote-des-Neiges,
Lionel Perez. Representing Shriners,
Richard Brousseau, Potentate of the
Karnak Shriners of Montreal was joined
by officials from Shriners International
represented by Imperial Potentate John
Cinotto; CEO Doug Maxwell, and Jerry
Gantt, Imperial Officer and Liaison for
the construction of the new hospital. Also
in attendance were Shriners Hospitals
for Children® – Canada Administrator
Céline Doray and the Exceptional Care
for Exceptional Kids campaign co-chairs
Peter Letko and Deborah Josephson, M.D
with Rick & Carolyn E. Renaud.
True to custom, a cornerstone often holds
a time capsule; therefore a time capsule
containing items commemorating the era
and hospital’s outstanding achievements
over its 90 years of service will be prepared to be placed inside the cornerstone
when it is installed on the new building
at the hospital’s official opening in 2015.
“This new hospital will help us to continue on with the Shiners Hospitals for
Children mission guaranteeing the best of
care to children no matter their ability to
pay and supporting innovative research
and teaching” shared Imperial Sir John
Cinotto. |
< Volunteers made the site
come to life with fun activities.
Shriners Hospitals
for Children®– Canada
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