THE FREE PRESSJOURNAL 4 MUMBAI | THURSDAY | MAY 5, 2016 RASMECC, NAVI MUMBAI NEXT MEDIAWORKS LIMITED BANKING COMPLEX, SECTOR 19-C, OPP. DANA BAZAR, VASHI-TURBHE, NAVI MUMBAI- 400 703. (Tel # 022-2784 4450, 2783 4451-54) Registered Office: 156, D.J Dadajee Road, Behind Everest Building, Tardeo Mumbai-400 034. Tel No:022-67527038 Fax:022-67015701 CIN:L22100MH1981PLC024052 Website: E-mail id: POSSESSION NOTICE (For Immovable property) Whereas The undersigned being the Authorised Officer of the State Bank of India under the Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Asset and Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002 and in exercise of powers conferred under section 13 (12) read with rule 3 of the Security Interest (Enforcement) Rules, 2002 issued a demand notice to borrowers to repay the amounts mentioned in the notices further interest as mentioned below, within 60 days from the date of the said notice. The borrowers having failed to repay the amount, notice is hereby given to the under noted borrowers and public in general that undersigned has taken Symbolic possession of the properties described herein below in exercise of powers conferred on him under section 13 (4) said Act read with rule 9 of the said rules on the under mention date. The borrowers in particular and the public in general are hereby cautioned not to deal with the properties and any dealings with the properties will subject to charge of State Bank of India for the amounts and further interest thereon mentioned against each account herein below: Sr. No. 1 2 Date of 13(2) notice /Amount Name of the Borrower/ guarantors Description of properties NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Clause 29(1)(a) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations And Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on Friday, the 13th day of May 2016, inter alia, to consider and take on record Audited Financial Results (Standalone & Consolidated) of the Company for the year ended 31st March, 2016. Kindly note that further details regarding the said Board Meeting shall be available on the Company’s website viz. and also on the websites of the Bombay Stock Exchange and National Stock Exchange. Date of possession Bhoskar Super market Pvt. Ltd., 38/39, Shanti Centre, Plot No.8, Sec.-17, Vashi, Navi Mumbai & Shri Shivaji Dattatray Bhoskar & Shri Dattatray Namdeo Bhoskar, Plot No.-207, E lane, Sec.-8,Vashi, Navi Mumbai. 26.03.2015 & Rs. 13,52,418/- (Rupees Thirteen Lacs Fifty Two Thousand Four Hundred Eighteen Only) further interest, cost thereon Plot No. 15-15/1, Ground 04.05.2016 Floor, Bhoskar Bhavan, Sector - 3 (subsector "B"), Airoli, Navi Mumbai400 708 admeasuring 3301.787 Sq. Mtrs. & bounded as follows: Mr. Akbar Hussain M. A. Nagundi & Mrs. Shakeela Begum, Apartment No. 204, Santosh CHS Ltd., Plot No. 21, Sector-3E, Kalamboli, Navi Mumbai. 30.04.2015 & Rs. 3,29,712/- (Rupees Three Lacs Twenty Nine Thousand Seven Hundred Twelve Only) plus further interest, cost from thereon. Apartment No. 204, Santosh CHS Ltd., Plot No. 21, Sector-3E, Kalamboli, Navi Mumbai. By Order of the Board of Directors For NEXT MEDIAWORKS LIMITED Sd/MANDAR GODBOLE COMPANY SECRETARY Place: Mumbai Dated: 5th May, 2016 04.05.2016 Administration of Dadra & Nagar Haveli Office of the Director Medical & Health Services Silvassa Authorised Officer, State Bank of India. Date : 04.05.2016 Place : Navi Mumbai. GOVERNMENT OF INDIA No. DMHS/Med.Edu./2016/99/2794 Ministry of Road Transport & Highways Office of the Executive Engineer, National Highway Division, Ratnagiri Ph. No. 02352 222394 NOTICE INVITING e-TENDER (Ilnd call) NIT No. 04/EENHD/RTN/2016-17/ CIRCULAR Date : 28/04/2016 Bid for the works detailed in the table given below is invited online (e-tender) on Government of India Ministry of Road, Transport & Highways (MoRT&H) through website or by the EXECUTIVE ENGINEER NATIONAL HIGHWAY DIVISION RATNAGIRI on the item rate basis from the bidder meeting the basic eligibility criteria as stated in the bid document. The bidder is advised to examine carefully all instructions including addendum/amendments to ITB, conditions of contract, contract data, forms, terms, technical specifications, bill of quantities etc. in the bid Document. Sr. Name of Work No. 1 Periodical Renewal in km 41/000 to Km. 51/000 OF Ratnagiri Kolhapur Road N.H.-166 (204) In the State of Maharashtra. Approximate value of work Rs. 3,85,81,615/- Bid Security Rs. 7,71,650/- Cost of Document Rs. 10,000/- Class of Contractor Class Ilnd & Above The Supreme Court of India has fixed the timeline for conducting the Common All India Medical Entrance Test for admissions to MBBS & BDS courses and has clarified that its directive will supersede all other orders relating to medical admissions. The examination is called NEET and according to the schedule the AIPMT scheduled for May 1st, 2016 will be treated as first round of NEET and for those who have not applied for AIPMT will be given opportunity in second round on 24th July 2016. All the students who want to compete for the reserved seats of DNH are advice to follow the Supreme Court guidelines. Sd/(Dr. V. K. Das) Director Medical & Health Services No. IP/DNH/198/2016 Dadra & Nagar Haveli Silvassa Dt. : 4/5/2016 Silvassa Period of completion 06 months including rainy season 1) Period of Downloading of bid documents :- 04/05/2016 to 18/05/2016 (From 10.00 Hrs. to 17.30 Hrs.) 2) Last Date of Online submission of bid documents :- 20/05/2016 Upto 17.30 Hrs. 3) Last Date of Submission of quarries by email :- 12/05/2016 Upto 16.00 Hrs. 4) Pre bid conference Date and Place :- 12/05/2016 at 16.00 Hrs. In the office of the Chief Engineer, National Highway (P.W.), Room No. 526, 5th floor, Navi Mumbai-400 614. 5) Submission of bid fee, documents (Hard Copy) etc. Date : 30/04/2016 Bid security and other :- In sealed envelope strictly by RPAD/Postal Speed/in person on or before 23/05/2016 Upto 17:30 Hrs. to the offices stated in the IFB of the bid document. 6) Online opening of Technical bid :- Probably on date 25/05/2016 at 16:00 Hrs. in the office of the Chief Engineer, National Highway (P.W.) Room No. 526, 5th floor, Navi Mumbai-400 614. 7) Online opening of Price bid :- The date of opening of financial bid will be notified later. Chief Engineer, National Highway (P.W.), Room No. 526, 5th floor, Navi Mumbai-400 614 � Bid documents are available on or � Bidders have to submit Technical bid as well as Price bid in electronic format only on or till the last date and time for submission. � Submission of Bid fee. Bid security and other documents etc. in hard copies to the mentioned address by R.P.A.D./Speed Post/in person only. The authority shall not be responsible for any Postal delay. � Right is reserved to reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason thereof by the authority. Sd/Executive Engineer D.G.I.P.R./2016-2017/504 National Highway Division, Ratnagiri. GOVERNMENT OF INDIA ADMINISTRATION OF U.T. OF DAMAN & DIU, OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER, PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT, WORKS DIVISION NO. I, MOTI DAMAN E-TENDER (ONLINE) INVITATION NOTICE NO. 07 OF 2016-2017. The Executive Engineer, P.W.D., Works Div.I, Daman invites, on behalf of the President of India, the sealed item rates Tenders from the Specialist/consultants/Approved Registered Contractors of C.P.W.D., State P.W.D.'s or MES, Railways, and also, with the Service Tax Department and VAT Department of U.T. of Daman & Diu for the following works. Details of each works i.e. name of work, estimate cost, amount of EMD, tender fees, time limit etc. is available on:*On line downloading of tender documents Upto 17/05/2016, 15:00 hrs. *Last date & Time for Receipt of Bid On 21/05/2016, up to 15:00 hrs. *0n line Opening of Price Bid On 21/05/2016, 16:00 hrs. (if Possible) Physical submission of tender fees, EMD, Experience Certificate from the Executive Engineer/Municipal Engineer of satisfactory completion of Similar Types of Govt. works i.e. one work of 80% estimated cost OR two works of 60% estimated cost OR three works of 40% estimated cost put to tender, Registration as approved contractor, VAT Registration from VAT Deptt. as detail given in the tender document, Pan Card and other document etc. in hard copy in the office of the tender inviting authority by RPAD/speed post/Courier. However in case of Physical submission through RPAD/speed Post/Courier, the Tender inviting Authority shall not be responsible for any postal delay or loss of documents. *Bidders have to submit price bid in electronic format only on website till the last date and time for submission. Price Bid in physical format shall not be accepted in any case. Submission of Tender fees, EMD and other documents etc. in hard copy to above mentioned addressed by RPAD/Speed Post, however, Tender Inviting Authority shall not be responsible for any postal delay. The said documents can also be deposited in Tender box kept at the office of the undersigned. On or before 20/05/2016 upto 15:00 Hrs. The Tender Inviting Authority reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the tender to be received without assigning any reasons thereof. Bidder shall have to post their queries on E-mail Address: In case bidder needs any clarification or if training required for participating in online tender, they can contact the following office :"(n) Code Solution - A Division, GNFC Ltd" 403, GNFC Info Tower, Bodakdev, Ahmedabad - 380054, Gujarart (India) E-Mail:- nprocure@gnvfc. Net Fax + 91 79 26857321 Website : Sd/(G. N. Jadav) No. PWD/DMN/AB/TC/1660 I/c. Executive Engineer, No. IP/DMN/2/5/16-17/41 P.W.D., W.D.-I., Daman. dtd. :- 04/05/2016. Dated :-03/05/2016. PUBLIC NOTICE Shri Shankar Pundlik Varde and Smt. Indirabai Shankarrao Varde as Joint Tenants are the Lessees on the record of Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai in respect of Plot No. 38, Shivaji Park Estate, which is more particularly described in the Schedule hereinunder written. WHEREAS the Applicant Shri Mohan Shankar Varde vide letter dated 26.03.2015 and 18.05.2015 addressed to the Assistant Commissioner (Estates) has requested to transfer the lease of Plot No. 38, Shivaji Park Estate in the following names :1) Shri Mohan Shankar Varde 2) Shri Madhav Shankar Varde 3) Smt. Kusum Madhavrao Badani 4) Smt. Jyotsna Hari Paranjape 5) Shri Kapil Hari Paranjape 6) Smt. Kanak Arun Varde 7) Smt. Sheetal Arun Varde 8) Shri Sameer Arun Varde 9) Shri Vinod Raghunath Karande 10) Shri Pranav Vinod Karande AND WHEREAS Affidavit Cum Indemnity Bond is executed by (1) Shri Madhav Shankar Varde, (2) Smt. Kusum Madhavrao Badani, (3) Shri Mohan Shankar Varde, (4) Smt. Jyotsna Hari Paranjape, (5) Shri Kapil Hari Paranjape, (6) Smt. Kanak Arun Varde, (7) Smt. Sheetal Arun Varde, (8) Shri Sameer Arun Varde, (9) Shri Vinod Raghunath Karande and (10) Shri Pranav Vinod Karande, thereby declaring that, the Lessees on record Shri Shankar Pundlik Varde and Smt. Indirabai Shankarrao Varde died intestate and Shankar Pundlik Varde predeceased his Wile Smt. Indirabai Shankarrao Varde on 16.06.1975. AND WHEREAS Smt. Indirabai Shankarrao Varde died at Mumbai on 04.03,1991, leaving behind her five children i.e. three sons viz. (1) Shri Prabhakar Shankar Varde, (2) Shri Madhav Shankar Varde & (3) Shri Mohan Shankar Varde and two daughters viz. (1) Smt. Manak Hari Paranjape (Daughter of Shri Shankar Pundlik Varde) & 2) Smt. Kusum Madhavrao Badani (Daughters of Shri Shankar Pundlik Varde ) as her only heirs and legal representatives according to the Hindu Succession Act, by which she was governed at the time of her death in respect of her estates, effects, properties and credits thereof. AND WHEREAS one of the son of Shri Shankar Pundlik Varde i.e. Shri Prabhakar Shankar Varde died intestate on 15.01.1983 and his Wife Smt. Maina Prabhakar Varde also died intestate on 16.08.1997, leaving behind them one son Shri Arun Prabhakar Varde and one daughter Smt. Pramila Vinod Karande, as their only heirs and legal representatives according to the Hindu Succession Act, by which they were governed at the time of their deaths in respect of their estates, effects, properties and credits thereof. AND WHEREAS Shri Arun Prabhakar Varde, Grandson of Shri Shankar Pundlik Varde also dies on 02.03.2003, leaving behind him Wife, Widow of Shri Arun Prabhakar Varde, son Shri Sameer Arun Varde and daughter Smt. Sheetal Arun Varde, as his only heirs and legal representatives according to the Hindu Succession Act, by which he was governed at the time of his death in respect of his estates, effects, properties and credits thereof. AND WHEREAS Smt. Pramila Vinod Karande (Daughter of Prabhakar Shankar Varde) also died intestaet on 20.04.2009, leaving behind her husband Shri Vinod Raghunath Karande and one son Shri Pranav Vinod Karande, as her only heirs and legal representatives according to the Hindu Succession Act, by which she was governed at the time of her death in respect of his estates, effects, properties and credits thereof. AND WHEREAS Smt. Manak Hari Paranjape (Daughter of Shankar Pundlik Varde) died intestate at Pune on 03.01.2014 and her husband Shri Hari Krishna Paranjape died intestate on 18.01.1993, leaving behind her two children i.e. one daughter Smt. Jyotsna Hari Paranjape and one son Shri Kapil Hari Paranjape, as their only heirs and legal representatives according to the Hindu Succession Act, by which they were governed at the time of their death in respect of his estates, effects, properties and credits thereof. AND WHEREAS (1) Shri Madhav Shankar Varde, (2) Smt. Kusum Madhavrao Badami, (3) Shri Mohan Shankar Varde, (4) Smt. Jyotsna Hari Paranjape, (5) Shri Kapil Hari Paranjape, (6) Smt. Kanak Arun Varde, (7) Smt. Sheetal Arun Varde, (8) Shri Sameer Arun Varde, (9) Shri Vinod Raghunath Karande and (10) Shri Pranav Vinod Karande, are the only surviving heirs and legal representatives of the deceased Lessees on record Shri Shankar Pundlik Varde and Smt. Indirabai Shankarrao Varde and entitled to succeed to the property being leasehold Plot No. 38, Shivaji Park Estate, more particularly described in the Schedule thereunder written and no other person has any right claim, title or interest in the said property or any part thereof. AND WHEREAS Another Affidavit Cum Indemnity Bond that, the said Affidavit Cum Indemnity Bond is executed by (1) Shri Kapil Hari Paranjape, (2) Smt. Jyotsna Hari Paranjape, (3) Smt. Kusum Madhavrao Badami through C.A. Mohan Varde and (4) Shri Mohan Shankar Varde, thereby declaring that, the Lessees on record Shri Shankar Pundlik Varde and Smt. Indirabai Shankarrao Varde died intestate and Shri Shankar Pundlik Varde predeceased his Wife Smt. Indirabai Shankarrao Varde on 16.06.1975 and retreating similar facts as that of above Affidavit Cum Indemnity. Any person or persons having any claim/ objection in the aforesaid property or having any objection to delete the name of the deceased lessees Shri Shankar Pundlik Varde and Smt. Indirabai Shankarrao Varde and recording the names of their legal heirs (1) Shri Madhav Shankar Varde, (2) Smt. Kusum Madhavrao Badami, (3) Shri Mohan Shankar Varde, (4) Smt. Jyotsna Hari Paranjape, (5) Shri Kapil Hari Paranjape, (6) Smt. Kanak Arun Varde, (7) Smt. Sheetal Arun Varde, (8) Shri Sameer Arun Varde, (9) Shri Vinod Raghunath Karande and (10) Shri Pranav Vinod Karande in respect of Plot No. 38, Shivaji Park Estate may lodge claim/ objection alongwith the relevant documents within 14 days from the date of publication thereof in the office of the Law Officer, Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai whose office is situated at Legal Department, Municipal Head Office, 2nd Floor, Room No. 200, Annex Building, Mahapalika Marg, Fort, Mumbai- 400 001. If no claim or objection is made as required hereinabove. Corporation will delete the name of deceased lessees Shri Shankar Pundlik Varde and Smt. Indirabai Shankarrao Varde and recording the names of their legal heirs (1) Shri Madhav Shankar Varde, (2) Smt. Kusum Madhavrao Badami, (3) Shri Mohan Shankar Varde, (4) Smt. Jyotsna Hari Paranjape, (5) Shri Kapil Hari Paranjape, (6) Smt. Kanak Arun Varde, (7) Smt. Sheetal Arun Varde, (8) Shri Sameer Arun Varde, (9) Shri Vinod Raghunath Karande and (10) Shri Pranav Vinod Karande in respect of Plot No. 38, Shivaji Park Estate on the Estate record, without any reference or regard to any such purported claim or interest, which shall be deemed to have been waived for all intents and purpose and not binding on the Corporation. THE SCHEDULE ABOVE REFERRED TO :All that pieces or parcels of leasehold land bearing Plot No.38 Shivaji Park, C.S. No. 1748,Mahim Division in the Registration District and Sub-District of Mumbai City and Mumbai Suburban, containing by admeasuring 647.67sq. Yards thereabout and bounded as follows:on or towards the North by : Plot No.35 On or towards the West by : 50 Feet Road On or towards the South by : Plot No. 40 On or towards the East by : Plot No. 39 Dated this 4th day of May 2016. Sd/(Shri N.A. Shaikh) Advocate and Law Officer (I/c.) For Municipal Corporation PRO/200/ADV/16-17 of Greater Mumbai. Cleanliness is next to Godliness 4 ‘w§~B©, Jwédma, 5 ‘o 2016 peenerj veesìerme meJe& ueeskeÀebvee ³ee veesìermeerJoejs keÀUefJeC³eele ³esles keÀer, Deece®es DeefMeue Þeer. efveuesMe legkeÀejece HeJeej, ns HeÌue@ì veb. S/301, efyeu[eRie veb.3, ve³eve DeekeÀeMe keÀ³eìer, yeeyee mebkegÀue, DeesmeJeeue veiejer, ieeJe - ceesj,s meJnx veb. 34 Je 36, veeueemeesHeeje - HegJe&, leeuegkeÀe JemeF&, efpeune HeeueIej 401209 ®es ceeuekeÀ Demet v e l³eeb ® es meoj HeÌ u e@ ì ®³ee ceg U omleeJespeebHewkeÀer SkeÀe keÀjejveec³ee®eer cegU Òele Je cegU veeWoCeer®eer HeeJeleer ieneU / njefJeueer Deens. meoj keÀjejveecee efyeu[j - ces. ³eeefmekeÀe kebÀvmì^keÌMeve DeeefCe efoHeefmebn KegMeeueefmebn vesieer ³eeb®³eele efoveebkeÀ 25/11/2004 jespeer Peeuee neslee. l³ee®ee veeWoCeer ¬ebÀ. JemeF&-3-8030/2004 Demee Deens. lejer keÀesCeeueener meoj cegU omleeJespe meeHe[u³eeme efkebÀJee p³eeuee keÀesCeeuee meoj HeÌue@ì yeeyele efkebÀJee keÀjej veec³eeyeeyele keÀesCel³eener ÒekeÀejs nkeÌkeÀ,oeJee, veeceeefOekeÀej,ueeYe,efJe¬eÀer,ieneCe,ye#eerme, Yee[sHeìdìe, HejJeevee, Yeeieeroejer Je Flej keÀesCel³eener ÒekeÀejs oeJee Demeu³eeme l³eebveer efueKeerle ©Heele keÀeieoesHe$eer HegjeJ³eemen Keeueerue mener keÀjCeeN³ee J³ekeÌleeruee Keeueerue Hell³eeJej meoj veesìerme Òeefme× Peeu³eeHeemegve 14 efoJemeeb®³ee Deele meeoj keÀjeJes Dev³eLee lemee kegÀþu³eener ÒekeÀej®ee keÀesCee®eener nkeÌkeÀ Jee efnlemebyebOe veener Demes mecepeC³eele ³esF&ue. mener/vetleve ÒekeÀeMe HeJeej (JeefkeÀue) 9, keÀuHevee keÀe@cHueskeÌme, mìesMeve jes[, SeqkeÌmeme yeBkesÀmeceesj, veeueemeesHeeje - (He), efpeune HeeueIej 401203. Omhra gyMZm gm¡. H m§MZ~oZ gwH ZamO qgKr Am{U lr. ‘h|Ð gwH ZamO qgKr Am{U gm¡. ‘rZm Za|Ð qgKr ho ¶oWrb Imbrb {b{hboë¶m n[a{eï mV d{U©b oë¶m âb°Q À¶m hñVm§VaUmgmRr Am‘À¶m A{ebm§gh dmQmKmQr H arV AmhoV. H moUrhr 춺 s qH dm 춺 s¨ Á¶m§Mm {dH« s, AXbm~Xb, JhmU, à^ma, ^mSonÅm, YmaUm{YH ma, XoI^mb, H ãOm, ~jrg, {dídñV, gw{dYm{YH ma, qH dm AݶWm ‘mJm©Zo gXa âb°Q qH dm ˶mÀ¶m H moU ˶mhr ^mJmda H moUVmhr Xmdm Agë¶mg gXa à{gÜXr VmaIonmgyZ Mm¡Xm {XdgmV boIr ñdénmV ˶m~m~V Amåhmbm H i{dʶmMr {dZ§Vr H aʶmV ¶oV Amho. darb gXa H mbmdYrZ§Va àmá Pmbobm Xmdm {dMmamV KoVbm OmUma Zmhr Am{U Agm H moUVmhr Xmdm ˶m{JV Ho ë¶mMo ‘mZʶmV ¶oB©b. Omhra gyMZm n[a{eï ‘w§~B© ehamÀ¶m {Oëhm Am{U Cn{Oëhm Zm|XUrVrb 39, Zonr¶Z gr amoS , ‘w§~B© 400036 ¶oWo pñWV ‘b~ma Am{U H§ ~mbm {hb {d^mJmMm ^yH a{df¶H gìh} H« . 454 Am{U 455 YmaH O{‘ZrÀ¶m ßbm°Q da ~m§Yboë¶m ‘mV¥ Am{ef Aem kmV B‘maVrÀ¶m 7 ì¶m ‘Oë¶mdarb ‘moO‘m{nV 1496 Mm¡. ’y . qH dm VËg‘ âb°Q H« . ~r-1. gXa {XZm§H 5 ‘o, 2016 Eg. nmRH A°ÊS H§ . H [aVm ghr/(Eg. E‘. nmRH ) ^mJrXma dH sb Am{U gm°{b{gQg© nÎmm : 9E/1, ~wAmoZm H mgm, 3 am ‘Obm, 14, ga nr. E‘. amoS , ’ moQ ©, ‘w§~B©- 400001. am‘oída ‘r{S¶m ������������� ������ ��� ������ ������ ����� ��� ����� �� ��������� �� ������ �� ���� ��������� ���� ��������� ����� �� ��� � ������������ ��������������� ����� ������ �������������� �������� �� ��������� ����� ������ ��� ����������� ����������� ��� ���� ����� � ������ ������ ���������� �������� ������ � ���� ���� ��� �������� ���� ���� ���� �� �������� ��� ��� ���� ����� ������� ����� �� ���������������������������������������� ���� ����� ���� ������� ���� �������� ����������� ����� ���� ������ ����� ��������� ���� �������� �� ������������� ������� ���� ��������� ��� ���� �������� ������ ��� ���� ���������������� ��� ��� ������� ��� ���� ���� ��� ������� ��� ��� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �� ���� �������� ������ �������� ������� �� ���������� ���� ���� ���� ��� ����� �� ��� ��������� ������ �� ������ ���������� ����������������� �������� ������������� �� ���� ��������� ��� ���� ����� ������� ��� ��������� �� ���� ��������� ������ ��� ��� ����������������� ��� ���� �������� �� ���� ���� ���� ����� �� ���� ����������� �� �������� ������ ����� ������������������� �������������������������������������������� ����� ������� ����� ������� �� ����������� ��������� ��� �������� ��� ������������� ������������������� �������� ������� ��� ������� ���� �� ������ ���� ���� �������� �� ���� ������� ��� ��������� �� ���� ���� ��������������� ��������� �� ��������� ������ ��������� �� ���� ������� �� ��������� ������ ���� ��������� ��� ��� �������� ���� ����������� ��������� �� ��� ������� ������ ���� ����������� ������� ��� �������� ���� ���� ������ ���� ������ ��� ���������� ��������� ����� ��� ���� ����� ��� ����� ������� ���� �� ����������� ��� ������� ���� ������ ��� ������� ���� ���� ��� ����������� ��� ��� ������������������ ������������������������������������� ���������������������������������� ������������� ���� �������������� ����������� ���������������� ^maV gaH ma {dÎm ‘§Ìmb¶, {dÎmr¶ godm {d^mJ, ‘w§~B© H O© dgwbr ݶm¶m{YH aU H« .3 6 dm ‘Obm, qg{X¶m hmD g, ZamoÎm‘ ‘moamaOr amoS , Eb A°ÝS Qr hmD gg‘moa, ~°bmS© BñQoQ , ‘w§~B©-400 038. ’ moZ : 2266 5473 ’° ³g : 2266 5472 g‘Ýg Amo. E. H« . 12 gZ 2014 n[a.15 nwwT rb VmarI: 23.06.2015 Xaå¶mZ H moQ H ‘qhÐm ~±H {b. ...AO©Xma {déÕ gm¡. gw{ZVm AmoPm ... à{VdmXr Á¶mAWu darb ZmdmMo AO©Xma ¶m§Zr gXa ݶm¶m{YH aUmV darb C„o{IV AO© XmIb Ho bm Amho. Á¶mAWu gmYmaU ñdénmV g‘Ýg/ gyMZoMr ~OmdUr n[aUm‘H maH Pmbobr Zmhr Am{U Á¶mAWu gXa ݶm¶m{YH aUmÛmao n¶m©¶r ~OmdUrH [aVm AO© g§‘V H aʶmV Ambm Amho. Vwåhmbm gXa ݶm¶m{YH aUmg‘j ì¶{º e… dm d{H bmÛmao boIr {ddaUnÌ /åhUUo XmIb H aʶmgmR r Am{U Amkoà‘mUo AZwVmof H m ‘§Oya H é Z¶o ¶mMr H maUo Xe©{dʶmgmR r 23.06.2016 amoOr g. 11.30 dm. CnpñWV amhʶmMo {ZX}e {Xbo AmhoV. gyMZm ¿¶mdr H s, H gyadma Raë¶mg, Vw‘À¶m AZwnpñWVrV AOm©Mr gwZmdUr hmoB©b Am{U {ZYm©[aV Agob. ‘m¶m hñVo Am{U gXa ݶm¶m{YH aUmÀ¶m {e³³¶mZo 9 ‘mM©, 2016 amoOr {Xbo. (O¶lr EZ.) à~§YH à^mar E‘SrAmaQr-III, ‘w§~B© à{V, gm¡. gw{ZVm A{OW AmoPm (à{VdmXr), âb°Q H« . 03, {~pëS¨J H« . 3, ~r qdJ, AmXe© nmH© , H m§~b nmSm, H ë¶mU Sm|{~dbr amoS , E‘Am¶Srgr, Sm|{~dbr (nyd©), {Oëhm RmUo. ¶oWo gwÜXm: ~r/102, AmXe© nmH© , E‘Am¶Srgr, H ë¶mU Sm|{~dbr amooS , RmUo- 421203. ¶oWo gwÜXm: ‘mÌrqgJ ‘°ZoO‘|Q àm. {b., 1/57, ~og‘|Q , ‘wbOr hmD g, XmZm ‘pñOX ~§Xa, ‘w§~B©- 400009. gyMZm ¶mÛmao XoʶmV ¶oVo H s Amåhmbm ¶oWrb Imbrb {b{hboë¶m n[a{eïmV A{YH {deofV: d{U©boë¶m Am{U gZg dmSr Aem kmV Am{U ‘mPJmd {d^mJ-B© dm°S ©, XmXmgmho~ Am§~oS H a amoS , ‘w§~B© 400033 Mm gr.Eg. H« . 761 YmaH ‘moO‘m{nV 6877.98 Mm¡ag ‘rQg© O{‘ZrÀ¶m gd© ˶m ^mJ Am{U {d^mJmgmRr (EH {ÌV ""gXa {‘iH V'' Agm C„oI) Amo‘ em§Vr àm°nQuO, ^maVr¶ ^mJrXmar A{Y{Z¶‘, 1932 À¶m VaVwXrÝd¶o àñWm{nV ^mJrXmar g§ñWm {OMo ì¶dgm¶mMo {RH mU Amho 4 Wm ‘Obm, {damO Qm°dg©, doñQZ© E³ñàog hm¶do, Sãë¶wB©EM ‘oQ´ mo ñQoeZOdi, A§Yoar npíM‘, ‘w§~B©400093 (""g§ñWm'') Am{U g§ñWoMo ^mJrXma åhUyZ (i) lr. nmag nmoadmb Am{U (ii) Oonr dmñVw Soìhbng© àm¶ìhoQ {b{‘QoS ¶m§À¶m Zm‘m{YH mamMm Vnmg H aʶmg gm§JʶmV Ambo Amho. gd© 춺 s Á¶m§Mm gXa {‘iH V qH dm {VÀ¶m H moU˶mhr ^mJmda {dH« s, hñVm§Va, AXbm~Xb, A{^hñVm§H Z, JhmU, à^ma, ~jrg, {dídñV, H ama, å¶w{Z‘|Q , dmagmh¸ , Xmdm, H ãOm, ^moJdQm, ^mSçmZo, ^mSonÅm, nmoQ - ^mSonÅm, nadmZm, YmaUm{YH ma, eoAa, Hw id{hdmQ, nmoQ -Hw id{hdmQ, XoI^mb, gw{dYm{YH ma, ‘¥Ë¶wnÌ, A§Ë¶XmZ, Oár, ~moOm, {dH mg h¸ , E’ EgAm¶/QrSrAma dmna qH dm H m¶ÚmÀ¶m n[aMbZmÛmao qH dm AݶWm ‘mJm©Zo gXa {‘iH V qH dm {VÀ¶m H moU˶mhr ^mJmg§X^m©V H moUVmhr Xmdm, h¸ , ‘Îmm, eoAa qH dm {hVg§~§Y Agë¶mg gXa à{gÜXr VmaIonmgyZ 14 (Mm¡Xm) {XdgmV {ZåZñdmjarH mam§Zm ˶m§Mo H m¶m©b¶ ‘o. dm{S¶m Km§Xr A°ÊS H§ ., dH sb, gm°{b{gQg© Am{U ZmoQ ar, EZ. E‘. dm{S¶m {~pëS¨J, 2 am ‘Obm, 123, ‘hmË‘m Jm§Yr amoS , ’ moQ ©, ‘w§~B©- 400001 ¶oWo H mJXmonÌr nwamì¶m§À¶m à‘m{UV g˶àVtgh boIr ñdénmV H i{dʶmMr ¶mÛmao {dZ§Vr H aʶmV ¶oV Amho, H gyadma Raë¶mg Agm H moUVmhr hoVwnwañga Xmdm qH dm {hVg§~§Y gd© hoVy Am{U CÔoem§H [aVm ˶m{JV qH dm n[a˶m{JV Ho ë¶mMo ‘mZʶmV ¶oB©b Am{U Am‘À¶m A{ebm§da ~§YZH maH amhUma Zmhr. darb C„o{IV n[a{eï (""gXa {‘iH V'') gZg dmSr Aer kmV ‘mPJmd {d^mJ-B© dm°S ©, XmXmgmho~ Am§~oS H a amoS , ‘w§~B© 400033 Mm gr.Eg. H« . 761 YmaH ‘moO‘m{nV 6877.98 Mm¡ag ‘rQg© O{‘ZrMo gd© Vo ^mJ Am{U {d^mJ Am{U Imbrbà‘mUo gr‘m~ÜX: nyd}bm qH dm ˶m {XeoZo : Qr. ~r. H X‘ ‘mJ© (gr.Eg. H« . 1E/760) npíM‘obm qH dm ˶m {XeoZo : Sm°. ~m~mgmho~ Am§~oS H a ‘mJ© CÎmaobm qH dm ˶m {XeoZo : O¶ qhX {gZo‘m (gr.Eg. H« . 770) X{jUobm qH dm ˶m {XeoZo : ‘pñOX (gr.Eg. H« . 762, 763 Am{U 768) gXa {XZm§H 5 ‘o, 2016 ‘o. dm{S¶m Km§Xr A°ÊS H§ . H [aVm Ydb ‘ohVm ^mJrXma Omhra gyMZm Am‘Mo Aerb ‘o. [a{famO {~ëSg© EbEbnr, ¶m§Zr (1) lr. lr{Zdmg {^H mOr {^So, (2) lr. eaX {^H mOr {^So Am{U (3) lr. Or. nÎmm{~am‘Z (""gXa ‘mbH '') ¶m§MoH Sy Z ¶oWrb Imbrb {b{hboë ¶m n[a{eïmV d{U©boë¶m ñWmda {‘iH VrMo {dH mg h¸ g§nm{XV Ho bo AmhoV Am{U Vr {dH {gV H aʶmÀ¶m à{H« ¶oV AmhoV. gd© 춺 s Á¶m§M m {dH« s, hñVm§V a, A{^hñVm§H Z, JhmU, H ãOm, YmaUm{YH ma, ^mSonÅm, {dídñV, ~jrg, à^ma, gw{dYm{YH ma, dmagmh¸ , XoI^mb qH dm AݶWm H moU˶mhr ‘mJm©Zo gXa {‘iH V qH dm {VÀ¶m H moU˶mhr ^mJmÀ¶m g§X^m©V H moUVmhr Xmdm, eoAa, h¸ , Zm‘m{YH ma, {hVg§~§Y qH dm ‘mJUr Agë¶mg gXa à{gÜXr VmaIonmgyZ 14 {XdgmV {ZåZñdmjarH mam§Zm ˶m§Mo H m¶m©b¶ 305-306, 3 am ‘Obm, ¶wgw’ {~pëS¨J, E‘. 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X{jUobm qH dm ˶m {XeoZo : XmXa ‘mQw §Jm ‘ÎmoMm ßbm°Q H« . 700E Ûmao. npíM‘obm qH dm ˶m {XeoZo : 40 ’y . é§X H« . 4 (nmagr H m°bZr Ûmao ). gXa {XZm§H 5 ‘o, 2016. ghr/H X‘ A°ÊS H§ nZr dH sb
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