June 21st - St John`s School


June 21st - St John`s School
TERM 2 WEEK 9 – 21 June 2016
Mon 20
Tues 21
Wed 22
Thurs 23
Fri 24
School Board Meeting 6:30pm
Firetruck Incursion - Kindy
Choir Yrs 4-6
Interschool Cross Country
Dear Parents
As part of the sharing of Senior Primary student
responsibilities and enrichment experiences, four of our
Year 6 students were selected to represent St John’s in
an event run by the Art Gallery on Friday called The
WA Art and Philosophy Day. Our students joined with
around 36 other Year 6
students to acquire the skill of
analysing art work and they all
experience. We thank Dana
Samuel Hunt and Emily Lim
for their enthusiastic, whole
hearted involvement on the day
and congratulate them on their
team’s feedback information
during the final session.
Please note that in addition to needing Banking
Coordinators volunteers for
next year we also require
parent volunteers to take over
the helm for Term 3 this year
as our current Coordinators
will all unfortunately be otherwise engaged.
Mon 27
Tues 28
Wed 29
Thurs 30
Reports go home
Interschool Modcrosse - Yr 5
Barking Gecko Excursion - PP
Choir Yrs 4-6
Rugby Union Clinic Yrs 4-6
Students last day Term 2
Fri 1
Mon 18
Tues 19
Students start Term 3
next term when we ‘spring’ a practice
Evacuation Drill on them!
Mary Bizzaca
Loving God,
In our roles as parents and educators,
may we model respect for individuality
and differences.
As we grow in harmony
with You and Your creation
may we love the world we see, Dear Lord,
and the children within our lives.
A child is like a butterfly in the wind,
Some can fly higher than others;
But each one flies the best it can,
Why compare one against the other?
Each one is different!
Each one is special!
Each one is beautiful!
I will take this opportunity to remind you that the last
day of Term 2 is a Pupil Free day. Among other
pertinent educational sessions staff will also be involved
in a further two hour training session on Evacuation
Drills which will then translate back to the student body
Performing Arts
All girls from Years 4, 5 & 6 will need to wear
navy blue tights for the choir's performance at the
festival. They are available at the uniform shop.
Virtues - Year 6
The Year Six students have been writing raps for virtues in
their Religion Education lessons of late. Here are a few of
Fortitude, my favourite virtue,
Trying to overcome the difficulties that you do
Doing what is right for everyone and you,
Also trying again if you fail too.
If you need to overcome habits like lying,
Fortitude is sure to help you
But if you fail you always must keep trying
Always get the best out of you.
The virtue of fortitude, such a beautiful thing!
It makes people want to cry out and sing:
“It’s time to change our life and everything
And achieve the virtue of fortitude to do good things!”
By Dana Langridge
Prudence is one where all students,
Should try it out, don’t you think?
Thinking before acting is an important thing,
Making all the other people sing,
With gratitude and intelligence, don’t even pout,
This is Emily rapping, Peace out!
By Emily Lim.
This is a song about fortitude,
But it’s nothing to do with longitude.
Gossiping and lying are bad habits,
And with bad habits come rabbits.
Try after you fail,
Otherwise you might end up in gaol.
So this was the song about fortitude,
But it’s nothing to do with longitude.
By Andrew Welsh
Art News
A huge congratulations to the very talented Eva Willcock!
Her artwork of a rooster, inspired by Picasso, has been
selected to be exhibited as part of the Shaun Tan art
The expert panel of judges selected the top ten works in each
category to be part of the award exhibition and Eva was
chosen from the middle primary division. The piece will be
on display at Subiaco Library from 18 July to 14 August and
is open to the public. A great opportunity to view some
amazing artworks and the finalists pieces.
Well done to the rest of the students who submitted a piece to
the competition.
Mrs Ndreca
Happy Birthday
Sanna Twite
Evie Dalziell
Thomas Nicol
Andrew Welsh
Jade Robertson
Yr 3
Yr 4
Yr 1
Yr 6
Yr 6
Interschool Cross Country
Good luck to all competitors in the Interschool Cross Country
competition to be held at Dianella Reserve, Light Street this
Spectators are welcome. Please check below for the race
The event starts at 12.10pm.
Race times are not given as races may be adjusted to fit
around the weather.
1. Year 5 Girls
5. Year 3 Girls
2. Year 5 Boys
6. Year 3 Boys
3. Year 4 Girls
7. Year 6 Girls
4. Year 4 Boys
8. Year 6 Boys
Interschool Lightning Carnival
Last Friday the Year 5 and 6 students attended a lightning
carnival for netball, soccer and football. We had wonderful
weather for the day and a good time was had by all. Many
thanks to Mrs Wigley, Mrs Pavlinovich, Mrs Huggins and
Mrs Hyde who coached the netball teams and to the many
parents who attended the day to support our children and St
John’s School.
Well done to everyone involved.
Interschool Lightning Carnival Results
Netball Division 1
1st St John’s
2nd St Thomas'
3rd OLGC
3rd Holy Spirit
4th St Dominic’s
5th St Paul's
6th Sacred Heart
Netball Division 2
1st St John’s
2nd OLGC
3rd Holy Spirit
4th St Thomas’
5th Sacred Heart
5th St Dominic’s
6th St Paul’s
1st St Dominic's
2nd OLGC
3rd St John's
4th St Paul's 1
5th St Thomas' 1
6th Holy Spirit
7th Sacred Heart
8th St Thomas' 2
9th St Paul's 2
AFL Football
1st St Thomas’
2nd St John’s
3rd Holy Spirit
4th St Dominic’s
5th OLGC
6th Sacred Heart
The victorious
Yr 5 Netball Team
Yr 6
Interschool soccer team at last
week's interschool lightning
carnival. A great day at Nedlands
against 7 schools. St John’s came
St John’s Football Team
Weekend Netball Results
Newman def St John’s 4 - 0
A great defensive game. Girls tried really hard with a lot of
running, jumping and smiling. Good effort by all.
St John’s Yr 4 def Dalkeith Primary 11 - 4
What a game! The girls remembered everything
we practiced, put it into action and displayed
excellent teamwork. Well done girls!
Yr 5 - St John’s def St Mary’s 11 - 7
The girls played a fantastic game against a
strong opposition. The entire team tried very
hard in all their positions on court. Well done girls!!
North Cottesloe def St John’s Sapphires 14 – 7
A really fast paced contest where the Sapphires fought hard
to stay in the game. Some great defensive play kept the score
down in the second half.
Volunteer Roster:
Wednesday 22 June
URGENTLY NEED 2 volunteers from
Year 4 please.
NEED 2 volunteers from Year 2 to help
Kerryn Alvaro for the first week back (20
July) in Term 3 as I will be away on my
family holiday in New Zealand.
If you can help, please notify me on 0438 010 801.
***DID YOU KNOW that if you volunteer in the canteen your
child receives a FREE ice cream after lunch and the
volunteer is supplied with lunch. Your child/children look
forward to seeing you working in the canteen. So if you can
help out please put your name down to volunteer.
A big thank you to Roger and Kate Fitzpatrick for your help
last week.
 Online Orders—Lunch Bags - Could you please
supply a lunch bag with your child’s name and year
level. The order which you placed online then
matches the bag, eg. Johnny Smith, Yr 2 ordered
Chicken Nuggets and Chocolate Milk.
 Online Orders - PLEASE MAKE SURE that your
online order matches what is on your insulated lunch
bags as we have had a lot of confusion with drink
 Insulated Lunch Bags are available to purchase
from the school office for $10 per bag.
 Canteen Ordering now on school website in Quick
Links section - look for the apple symbol.
 If you have any questions, please contact me on
0438 010 801.
Many thanks
Sam Haslam
Mobile: 0438 010 801
Banking Volunteers needed ASAP
St John’s School Banking requires Banking Coordinators
as the current volunteers are unable to continue in
Term 3.
Please contact Lexy Hyde - lexyk@hotmail.com
Kate Fitzpatrick - ka.fitzpatric@hotmail.com
Ang Pavlinovich - angpavlino@westnet.com.au
Under the BIG TOP!
Kids Wonderland is back in the July school holidays and are
offering a 10% Discount on Tickets along with a $3.50
Donation to St John’s School P&F for every child ticket
The School Discount Code is 1166
Buy Tickets at www.kidswonderland.com.au
For more information see Kids Wonderland Ad on next page
or visit the website.
One time entry fee and you ride for FREE!
A 10% DISCOUNT is offered to St John’s School
students & family members.
The 10% DISCOUNT Coupon code is 1166.
When purchasing tickets online under ‘Have a Coupon’
enter: 1166. The 10% discount will apply & you can
complete the transaction.