Ichnology Newsletter 28, October 2011
Ichnology Newsletter 28, October 2011
Ichnology Newsletter Volume 28 Shahin E. Dashtgard and Noelia B. Carmona, Coeditors October 2011 Published October 2011 in Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada Copyright notice Copyright is held by the author(s) of each item in the Ichnology Newsletter. All rights are reserved. Legal disclaimer The current Ichnology Newsletter is not connected in any way with the former Ichnology Newsletter published from 1968 to 1990. We cannot assume responsibility for obligations incurred by the former editors. Taxonomic disclaimer The Ichnology Newsletter is an informal publication and is not valid for taxonomic or nomenclatural purposes under the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature or the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature. Subscription information This newsletter is made available for free online. Editors Shahin E. Dashtgard Applied Research in Ichnology and Sedimentology (ARISE) Group, Department of Earth Sciences, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, Canada V5A 1S6, Phone +1-778-782-5492, email: sdashtgard@gmail.com Noelia B. Carmona Instituto de Investigación en Paleobiología y Geología, Universidad Nacional de Río Negro, Isidro Lobo y Belgrano, (8332) Roca, Río Negro, Argentina, Phone: 0054-2941-427399, email: nbcarmona@iado-conicet.gob.ar Contents 1. Letter from the Editors 2. Ichnia 2012 Announcement 3. 34th International Geological Congress, Applied Ichnology Symposium Announcement 4. Research Article: 3D Reconstruction of Ichnofabrics in Fine-Grained Sediments: Assessment of the Morphological Diversity of Phycosiphoniform Burrows By: Małgorzata Bednarz and Duncan McIlroy 10. Research Article: The Prehistoric Trackways National Monument, Permian of Southern New Mexico, U.S.A. By: Spencer G. Lucas, Sebastian Voigt, Allan J. Lerner, Jerry P. MacDonald, Justin A. Spielmann, and Matthew D. Celeskey 15. Book Review: Ichnology. Organism-Substrate Interactions in Space and Time By: Andreas Wetzel 20. A day at the beach when stormwinds abate – an ichno-photostory By: Andreas Wetzel 23. Summary: Ninth International Ichnofabric Workshop: Calgary, Alberta By: Shahin Dashtgard 24. Summary: Sixth International Bioerosion Workshop: Utah, USA By: Richard Bromley 25 Summary: Tenth International Ichnofabric Workshop: Jiaozuo City, China By: Andreas Wetzel 27. Summary: Workshop on Crustacean Bioturbation: Lepe, Spain By: Noelia Carmona 31.Summary: The Latin American Symposium on Ichnology 2010: Sao Leopoldo, Brazil By: Noelia Carmona and Renata Netto 34. Summary: Eleventh International Ichnofabric Workshop: Colunga, Spain By: Luis Buatois 36. Current Research 43. Ichnological Websites including the new LinkedIn.com group page 45. Bibliographia Ichnologica 2006-2011 53. Ichnological Newsletter Submission Instructions Cover: Rosselia chonoides in the Appaloosa Sandstone, Horseshoe Canyon Formation, Drumheller, Alberta, Canada. This photo was taken during the IIW 9 held in Calgary, Alberta in 2008. Letter From the Editors: Welcome to IN28 with its new editors, Shahin Dashtgard and Noelia Carmona! In this issue , Noelia and I have opted to change the formatting somewhat, mainly in that we have removed the “Friends of Ichnology” section and have replaced that with a Managed Group site on the professional networking site LinkedIn.com. We’re also pleased to include the Ichnological Bibliography again this year. The success of the Ichnology Newsletter is entirely dependent on the support and contributions from the ichnological community. For everyone that submitted articles and reports, we would like to thank you for your contribution. However, there are a couple of people that deserve additional recognition. We would like to extend a special thanks to Andreas Wetzel, Malgorzata Bednarz and Duncan McIlroy, and to Spencer Lucas and co-authors for their contributions. Andreas Wetzel is thanked for submitting three articles: a book review of the new Buatois and Mangano Ichnology book (p. 15-19), a very cool Ichno photostory on Ophiurids (p. 20-22), and a summary of the tenth international ichnofabric workshop (p. 25-26). Malgorzata and Duncan submitted an excellent article on Phycosiphoniform burrows (p. 4-9) that includes an interactive PDF (p. 7). This is a first for the IN and is definitely worth checking out. To rotate the figures, simply click on each figure, and you can rotate the image in 3D! Spencer Lucas and co-authors are also thanked for their research article on the Prehistoric Trackways National Monument (p. 10-14). As with previous years, the IN is freely available in electronic form to whoever wants to download it. A digital copy will be available through the LinkedIn web page and through the International Ichnological Association website (http://ichnologicalassociation.org). Print copies will not be available from the editors, although any print and copy center should be able to produce a hardcopy of the IN if you are interested. We hope you enjoy the new Ichnological Newsletter! It was a pleasure for us to see how committed the community is to advancing the science of ichnology! Our Best Regards Shahin Dashtgard and Noelia Carmona Shahin Dashtgard Noelia Carmona 1 ICHNIA 2012 Memorial University of Newfoundland St. John’s, Canada 11 – 23 August, 2012 SCHEDULE August 11th – 13th: Pre-conference fieldtrip: Ichnology of the Hawke Bay Quartzite and Winterhouse Formation Benthic ecology at the Bonne Bay Research Station 13th: Registration and icebreaker 14th – 15th: Scientific sessions 16th: Intra-conference fieldtrip followed by banquet 17th – 18th: Scientific sessions 19th – 21th: Post-conference fieldtrip: Precambrian-Cambrian Boundary at Fortune, and Ediacara biota. 22st – 23nd: Post-conference core workshop for graduate students. ACCOMMODATION Campus accommodation is available for the 13 – 18th August $50.00per night (single occupancy room) $37.50 per night (shared room). There are also good hotels quite close to the University. REGISTRATION Pre-registration will be available at www.ichnia2012.ichnology.ca Payment by visa will be possible online through the Memorial University conference services office. Chondrites, Winterhouse Formation A thematic volume is proposed, manuscripts to be submitted before the 1st August 2012 (this is a hard deadline!). The volume will be published by the Geological Association of Canada. WWW.ICHNOLOGY.CA 2 Invitation to submit abstracts for the Applied Ichnology Symposium 34th IGC, Brisbane Australia, August 5-10, 2012 Dear Colleagues, You are cordially invited to submit a talk or poster abstract for consideration in a Symposium focused on Applied Ichnology (Symposium 13.5) in Theme 13 (Sedimentation and Sedimentary Processes), at the 34th International Geological Congress, Brisbane, Australia (5-10 August, 2012). http://www.34igc.org/ The Applied Ichnology Symposium will be focused on the role of ichnology in sedimentation and sedimentary processes, particularly in the areas of facies analysis, genetic stratigraphy, and reservoir characterization. The Abstract and Early Bird Registration site is now open and we encourage you to submit abstracts as soon as possible. The closing date for abstracts is 17 February 2012. Kind regards, Kerrie L. Bann and James A. MacEachern (Co-Chairs). Dr. Kerrie L. Bann Ichnofacies Analysis Inc., Calgary Alberta, Canada T3H 2W3 email: kerriebann@ichnofacies.com Dr James A. MacEachern Professor and Chair, Dept. Earth Sciences, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada V5A 1S6 email: jmaceach@sfu.ca 3 3D Reconstruction of Ichnofabrics in Fine-Grained Sediments: Assessment of the Morphological Diversity of Phycosiphoniform Burrows By: Małgorzata Bednarz* and Duncan McIlroy Department of Earth Sciences, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 300 Prince Philip Drive, St. John’s, Newfoundland, A1B * email: m.bednarz@mun.ca 3X5, Canada Abstract Three-dimensional methods in ichnology Three-dimensional visualization of trace fossils has formerly been a challenge to ichnologists owing to the lack of the availability of computational tools required for compilation of a series of two-dimensional cross sections of burrows into a three-dimensional volumetric environment. With computerization, and the availability of tools primarily used in medical science, new technologies for reliable three-dimensional visualizations have become available. Three-dimensional, volumetric rendering of trace fossils is new and has not yet been widely used. Non destructive techniques used include Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Macaronichnus (Gingras et al., 2002); X-Ray analysis of Zoophycos (Wetzel and Werner 1980; Löwemark and Schäfer, 2003), and Monesichnus (Genise and Laza, 1998); vertebrate trackways, footprints and terrestrial trace fossils have also been studied using Multi-stripe Laser Triangulation Scanning (MLT) (Platt et al., 2010). Serial grinding has the advantage of allowing direct observation and measurement of rock properties but has the disadvantage of destroying the original material. The destructive nature of serial grinding precludes its application to most commercial reservoirs, and means that the ichnologist must turn to analogue material. Phycosiphon-like trace fossils have been the first group to which this method has been applied (Naruse and Nifuku, 2008; Bednarz and McIlroy, 2009). Phycosiphon-like trace fossils are some of the most common and important ichnofabric forming trace fossils in marine facies characterized by fine-grained sediments such as mudstones and siltstones. This study aims to reconstruct the three-dimensional morphology of Phycosiphon-like trace fossils from three locations of different geological age in order to test the validity of criteria used to recognize such fossils in vertical cross section. It also presents methodology to create digital volumetric models of trace fossils which geometry was computer-modeled using series of consecutive images obtained by serial grinding and measured in 3D software. Introduction The methodology of serial grinding of rock containing trace fossils in order to obtain series of images that would help to reconstruct spatial geometry of burrows is well known for ichnologists. With recent development in computerization, it is now possible to use the resultant consecutive images to create digital 3D reconstructions as a deterministic and reliable alternative for models created with pen and paper that are based on subjective eye observations. The study presented here introduces methods used to acquire digital 3D reconstructions and results of examination of “phycosiphoniforms” (Bednarz and McIlroy, 2009) from different localities in the light of their spatial geometry. The recognition of Phycosiphon in cross section is usually based on comparison with hypothetical cross sections of bedding-parallel specimens. This study critically reassesses Phycosiphon-like burrows in the light of existing conceptual models, for comparison with 3D reconstructions of Phycosiphon-like trace fossils from the Cretaceous Rosario Formation, Jurassic Staithes Sandstone Formation, and Carboniferous Yoredale Sandstone Formation. Examination of reconstructed three-dimensional burrows suggest that the characteristic “frog spawn” ichnofabric that is usually attributed to Phycosiphon (sensu stricto) can be produced by other similar taxa. Palaeobiological models for the formation of the studied Phycosiphon-like trace fossils can be fundamentally different to that proposed for Phycosiphon, but produce remarkably similar vertical cross sections. This study presents computer generated three-dimensional reconstructions of phycosiphoniform burrows from three different localities. At present, all available nondestructive techniques used to acquire three-dimensional representation of the fossils base on variations in density that characterize the scanned medium (X-Ray CT scanning), or require full exposure of the examined surface of the fossil and do not provide data on the burrow fill (Multi-stripe Laser Triangulation Scanning, Platt et al., 2010). The effectiveness of CT scanning for imaging trace fossil fabrics in mudstones is limited by the minimal density contrast between the burrow fill and the rock matrix (cf. Gingras et al., 2002; Naruse and Nifuku, 2008). The trace fossil samples that form the basis for this study were thus examined using serial grinding and the obtained data were incorporated into the 3D models presented below. 4 Serial grinding Systematic serial grinding has been effectively used in past to obtain three-dimensional models of body fossils (e.g. Baker, 1978; Hammer, 1999; Sutton et al., 2001; Watters and Grotzinger, 2001; Maloof et al., 2010; Schmidtling and Marshall, 2010), as well as endogenic trace fossils (e.g. Genise and Laza, 1998; Wetzel and Uchman, 2001; Naruse and Nifuku, 2008; Bednarz and McIlroy, 2009). The technique of serial grinding involves sequential abrasive removal of a thin layer of material from a planar surface of the rock with maintaining constant displacement (Sutton et al., 2001). It results in exposure of parallel regularly spaced surfaces in order to obtain a sequence of photographs of the resultant vertical cross sections of examined objects. The set of consecutive digital images thus created is the basis for the computerbased 3D reconstructions (Sutton et al., 2001; Naruse and Nifuku, 2008; Bednarz and McIlroy, 2009). 3D modeling, volume measurements and 3D models publication The processed two dimensional photographic images were the basis for three dimensional modelling. After providing information about spatial slices’ displacement, units of measurement and adjustment of color scheme, the image stack was imported into three dimensional rendering software VolView 2.0 and VGStudio MAX 1.2.1. The gray scaled representations of burrow cross sections were converted by the software to a volume that reflects the real size and proportions of the examined volume of the rock. For the purpose of volume measurements, both burrow cores and burrow halos of phycosiphoniform ichnofabric were reconstructed separately from grey scale images containing their distributions in cross section. This approach allowed for detailed 3D reconstruction of geometry of each of the two main parts of phycosiphoniform burrows (core and halo). Image processing Each set of digital images that represents given sample was processed in the 2D image processing software Adobe Photoshop in order to prepare and convert it to a format suitable for importing to 3D image rendering software. This image processing procedure involves manual selection of cross sections of the chosen burrows on each image; image registering; color and contrast manipulation; export of processed images into desired file format (e.g. DICOM, JPEG, PNG). The sets of prepared images, saved in consecutive order within separate locations on a computer hard disc, represent a stack of 2D data suitable for import into 3D rendering software. The analogous technique of image processing procedure prior to 3D reconstruction was successfully employed in the past by Sutton et al. (2001), Naruse and Nifuku (2008) and Bednarz and McIlroy (2009). The methodology of serial grinding and image registration for purposes of 3D reconstructions was described by Sutton et al. (2001). The 3D geometries obtained from the stack of raster images were converted into vector objects in VolView and/or VG Studio and exported into the file format that can be opened and/or edited by any 3D rendering software including (e.g. Stereo Lithography 3D object). The mesh of the generated vector objects reflects ichnofabric structures that are complicated in nature; therefore the resultant mesh is very dense. In order to generate files that are suitable for presenting them on an average computer system and in the Internet, mesh simplification was involved. For the purpose of aiding illustration artificial colors were applied to the specified volumes representing halo or core material. Volumetric binary data obtained through digital reconstruction can be exported to many file types that maintain 3D structure for further examination with additional computer software that is available for free (e.g. Right Hemisphere Deep View, GLC_Player or Cortona3D Viewer), for instance, in order to analyze spatial relation between distinct burrow’s types, presentation of possible cross sections in 3D environment or animations. The files were converted to formats suitable for presentation in the popular digital documents (e.g. PDF, DOC or PPT), as well as in the Internet as movie formats and also interactive 3D files (see www.ichnology.ca). The phycosiphoniform burrows studied are composed of dark grey mud cores surrounded by halos of brighter in color and coarser sediment that is in some cases accentuated by the presence of pyrite. Both of these components of the burrows are in color contrast to the matrix of the rock they are enclosed in and visible on the obtained photographic datasets. The burrow cores and the halos were tracked separately through each consecutive image and manually selected with tablet pen. Created shapes representing cores or halos were filled in with white color and saved on a black background as a binary file. Quantitative ichnological methods Quantitative methods in ichnology and their application in regards to the newly explored 3D reconstructions of trace fossils have been recently reviewed (Platt et al. 2010). Quantitative ichnology has previously been limited 5 to two dimensions due to the lack 3D reconstructions (cf. Taylor and Goldring, 1993; Droser and Bottjer, 1986). Three-dimensional reconstructions such as the one presented herein allow deterministic measurement of several parameters of trace fossils and ichnofabrics, including burrow size and geometry, and the volumes of various components of ichnofabrics. Application of 3D volumetric methods for any trace fossil investigation brings new insight into the ichnological interpretation and understanding of the examined sedimentary fabric. are usually paired as a result of the geometry of this type of phycosiphoniform burrows that is based on lobes. The halo of the phycosiphoniform in this material generally encloses the area between the paired cores - loops are principally entirely infilled with halo material. Where the burrow is composed of a single string, the halo is usually located below the muddy core (Ph 3, Fig. 2). Because of this, the geometry of this type of Phycosiphon-like burrows may be explained by pre-existing palaeobiological models for Phycosiphon incertum (Bromley, 1996; Wetzel and Bromley, 1994). This material may be attributed to Phycosiphon incertum (sensu stricto). Examined Phycosiphoniform Burrow Types and Their 3D Reconstructions Nereites isp. from the Lower Carboniferous Yoredale Sandstone Formation, Northumberland, UK (Ph7) The Phycosiphon-like burrows are hosted in grey parallel laminated siltstone. The ichnofabric ostensibly resembles the phycosiphoniform frog-spawn pattern. Close examination of the cross sections shows that the elliptical, dark grey burrow cores are predominantly isolated (not paired as in Phycosiphon s.s.) and are completely surrounded by light grey silty halo material. The surrounding halo ring is usually thick for at least the length of the minor axis of the core ellipse length. The upper half of the halo ring is commonly concave to bilobed. The bi-lobed upper surface of the burrow invites comparison with Nereites ispp. 3D reconstructions of single burrows show that this phycosiphoniform type is characterized by the least tortuous burrows considered in this study. Slightly bent strings or broadly open loops are the most frequent. Loops are usually widely open and not infilled with halo material (Ph7, Fig. 2). Three examples of Phycosiphon-like burrows were subjects to three-dimensional examination: 1. Upper Cretaceous Rosario Formation, Baja California, Mexico (Ph1). 2. Lower Jurassic Staithes Sandstone Formation, Yorkshire coast, UK (Ph3). 3. Lower Carboniferous Yoredale Sandstone Formation, Craster, Northumberland, UK (Ph7). The 3D reconstructions presented herein include (Fig. 1): 1. Reconstruction of bioturbated prism enclosing all burrows present in selected volume; 2. Selected individual burrows reconstructed separately. Phycosiphoniform burrows from the Upper Cretaceous Rosario Formation, Mexico (Ph1) The Phycosiphon-like burrows from Rosario Formation are hosted in laminated turbidite siltstone (see Bednarz and McIlroy, 2009). In vertical cross section the ichnofabric presents the characteristic “frogspawn texture” of phycosiphoniform burrows. Conclusions Three-dimensional reconstructions in ichnology become more popular thanks to computational tools being now available to almost all scientists. The scope of advantages that spatial geometry of examined burrows can offer is huge, offering interactive model manipulation by any ichnologist of once created and then shared 3D model (e.g., availability of all possible cross sections examination, hiding or showing selected parts of burrows). Considering the fact that the resultant 3D models of burrows or 3D representations of whole ichnofabrics are deterministic and thus allow for volumetric approach makes this method of ichnological research important not only for strictly ichnological-taxonomic studies but also as a tool for petroleum industry (if the examined form is frequently present in petroleum bearing facies). The burrow halo is principally located below each black muddy core and also entirely infills the area between lobe arms. All burrow lobes are essentially perpendicular to the paleohorizontal plane (vertical loops), usually around 2 cm in vertical extent (burrow depth) and bent in horizontal plane (Ph1, Fig. 2). No horizontal loops were observed in the examined sample volume. Phycosiphon s.s. from the Lower Jurassic Staithes Sandstone Formation, Yorkshire coast, UK (Ph3) The Phycosiphon-like trace fossils are hosted in a fine grained siltstone. The sample was found to contain a second type of Phycosiphon-like burrows with the characteristic phycosiphoniform frogspawn texture identified. In the cross sections studied, the core ellipses Figure 1 (Next Page) - Interactive (click on each figure to rotate it) three-dimensional reconstruction of burrows and ichnofabric present in examined samples (Ph1, Ph3, Ph7). Dark grey color represents core material; orange color represents halo material. 6 Phycosiphoniform burrows from the Upper Cretaceous Rosario Formation, Mexico (Ph1) Scale: 15 mm Scale: 15 mm Phycosiphon s.s. from the Lower Jurassic Staithes Sandstone Formation, Yorkshire coast, UK (Ph3) Scale: 5 mm Scale: 2 mm Nereites isp. from the Lower Carboniferous Yoredale Sandstone Formation, Northumberland, UK (Ph7) Scale: 20 mm Scale: 20 mm Figure 2 - Idealized cross sections of the three types of studied phycosiphoniform burrows. Schematic cross sections are based on the observations of reconstructed three-dimensional geometry of the burrows. Dark grey color represents core material; orange color represents halo material. The three-dimensional models of studied phycosiphoniform burrows presented herein revealed that not all ichnofabric showing frogspawn texture can be associated uncritically with Phycosiphon incertum, and that there are several vivid differences between the phycosiphoniform burrows. These differences are: 1) the overall burrow structure is based or not on loops; 2) the vertical and/or horizontal geometry of the loops; 3) the zone between loop arms is or is not infilled with halo material; 4) the location of the halo material in relation to the core string (below or around), and its shape in vertical cross section (e.g., concaved/bilobed/rounded); 5) the loop shape (e.g., widely open); 6) volumetric relation of halo to core material. In the light of these characteristics, the three types of phycosiphoniform burrows examined here were analyzed and the results are shown in the Table 1 below. This method has considerable potential to improve the understanding of many ichnotaxa, if you feel your own work could benefit from this approach, just get in touch. Ph1 - Phycosiphoniform burrows (Mexico) Ph3 - Phycosiphon s.s. (Yorkshire, UK) Ph7 - Nereites isp. (Craster, UK) “Frog spawn” texture in vertical cross section “Frog spawn” texture in vertical cross section “Frog spawn” texture in vertical cross section Loops vertical Loops vertical and/or horizontal Loops horizontal, widely opened Zone between loop arms infilled with halo Zone between loop arms infilled with halo Zone between loop arms never infilled with halo Halo always present below each loop arm or straight burrow core Halo enclosed and bounded by the loop arms or present below the straight burrow core Halo present around burrow core. Upper half of the halo ring is commonly concave to bilobed Table 1 - Differences and similarities between the three examined types of phycosiphoniform burrows. 8 References Naruse, H. and Nifuku. K. 2008. Three-dimensional morphology of the ichnofossil Phycosiphon incertum and its implication for paleoslope inclination, Palaios. 23(5): 270-279. Platt, B.F., Hasiotis S.T., and Hirmas, D.R. 2010. Use of lowcost multistripe laser triangulation (MLT) scanning technology for three-dimensional, quantitative paleoichnological and neoichnological studies. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 80(7): 590-610. Schmidtling R.C. and Marshall C.R. 2010. Three-dimensional structure and fluid flow through the hydrospires of the blastoid echinoderm, Pentremites rusticus. Journal of Paleontology, 84(1): 109-117. Sutton, M.D., Briggs, D.E.G., Siveter, D.J., and Siveter, D.J. 2001. Methodologies for the Visualization and Reconstruction of Three-dimensional Fossils from the Silurian Herefordshire Lagerstätte. Palaeontologia Electronica, 4(1): 17 p. (http:// palaeo-electronica.org/2001_1/s2/issue1_01.htm). Taylor, A. and Goldring, R. 1993. Description and analysis of bioturbation and ichnofabric. Journal of the Geological Society, London, 150: 141–148. Watters, W.A. and Grotzinger, J.P. 2001. Digital reconstruction of calcified early metazoans, terminal Proterozoic Nama Group, Namibia. Paleobiology, 27(1): 159-171. Wetzel, A. and Bromley, R.G. 1994. Phycosiphon incertum revisited: Anconichnus horizontalis is junior subjective synonym. Journal of Paleontology, 68: 1396-1402. Wetzel, A. and Uchman, A. 2001. Sequential colonization of muddy turbidites in the Eocene Beloveza Formation, Carpathians, Poland, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 168(1-2): 171-186. Wetzel, A. and Werner, F. 1980. Morphology and ecological significance of Zoophycos in deep-sea sediments off NW Africa. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 32: 185-212. Baker, P.G. 1978. A technique for the accurate reconstruction of internal structures of micromorphic fossils. Palaeontology, 19: 565-584. Bednarz, M. and McIlroy, D. 2009. Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of “Phycosiphoniform” Burrows: Implications for Identification of Trace Fossils in Core. Palaeontologia Electronica, 12(3): 15 p. (http://palaeo-electronica. org/2009_3/195/). Bromley, R.G. 1996. Trace fossils: biology, taphonomy and applications. Chapman and Hall, London, United Kingdom. Droser, M.L. and Bottjer, D.J. 1986. A semiquantitative classification of ichnofabric. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, 56: 558-569. Genise, J.F. and Laza, J.H. 1998. Monesichnus ameghinoi Roselli: a complex insect trace fossil produced by two distinct trace makers. Ichnos, 5: 213-223. Gingras, M.K., Macmillan, B., Balcom, B.J., Saunders, T., and Pemberton, S.G. 2002. Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging and petrographic techniques to understand the textural attributes and porosity distribution in Macaronichnusburrowed sandstone. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 72(4): 552-558. Hammer, Ø. 1990. Computer-aided study of growth patterns in tabulate corals, exemplified by Catenipora heintzi from Ringerike, Oslo Region. Norsk GeologiskTidsskrift, 79: 219226. Löwemark, L., and Schäfer. P. 2003. Ethological implications from a detailed X-ray radiograph and 14C study of the modern deep-sea Zoophycos. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 192: 101-121. Maloof, A., Rose, C.V., Beach, R., Samuels. B.M., Calmet, C.C., Erwin, D.H., Poirier, G.R., Yao, N. and Simons, F.J. 2010. Possible animal-body fossils in pre-Marinoan limestones from South Australia. Nature Geoscience, 3: 653 - 659. 9 The Prehistoric Trackways National Monument, Permian of Southern New Mexico, U.S.A. By: Spencer G. Lucas*, Sebastian Voigt, Allan J. Lerner, Jerry P. MacDonald, Justin A. Spielmann, and Matthew D. Celeskey New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, 1801 Mountain Road N.W., Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87104-1375 U.S.A. *email: spencer.lucas@state.nm.us assemblages made by invertebrates and vertebrates that lived on and near tidal flats of the Early Permian Hueco seaway. Nearly two decades of scientific research have identified the Robledo trace fossils as one of the most scientifically significant ichnofossil records known, a true trace-fossil Lagerstätte. This significance derives from documentation by Robledo traces of the: (1) presence of many organisms, especially arthropods, not known from coeval strata in New Mexico; (2) new ichnotaxa, not previously known from the ichnofossil record; (3) complex apterygote insect behaviors, including some of the oldest records of jumping; (4) diversity, inferred trophic dynamics and paleoecology of the Early Permian tidal flat biota; (5) extramorphological variation in tetrapod footprint morphologies, allowing comprehensive ichnotaxonomic revisions; and, (6) composition of ichnofossil assemblages, ichnocoenoses and ichnofacies that are a pivotal part of modeling spatial variation in Early Permian red-bed terrestrial communities. The Prehistoric Trackways National Monument (PTNM) is ~5000 acres of land administered by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM, an agency of the U.S. Government) in the Robledo Mountains of Doña Ana County, southern New Mexico, USA. In 2008, the U.S. Congress created the national monument, primarily because of the worldclass Early Permian trace-fossil assemblages preserved in the Robledo Mountains. One of us (JPM) discovered these assemblages in the 1980s and brought them to scientific attention. The Robledo Mountains are a horst block along the western margin of the southern Rio Grande rift that exposes a 500-m-thick section of upper Paleozoic, carbonate-dominated strata (Fig. 1). Near the top of this section, red-bed siliciclastic strata of the Robledo Mountains Formation of the Hueco Group (late Wolfcampian, Artinskian) contain extensive trace fossil The degree of scientific study of the Robledo ichnofossils is reflected by two volumes of collected scientific articles, one monograph, dozens of articles in scientific journals and numerous abstracts of presentations at scientific meetings (see bibliography below). Despite intensive collecting and study, much new information about Robledo ichnofossils continues to be discovered. Recent discoveries include the identification of a new assemblage that preserves limulid and anemone traces together with chondrophorine body impressions, and demonstrate that ongoing research and collecting of the Robledo ichnofossils will continue to advance our understanding of the Early Permian tidal flat communities documented by ichnofossils in the PTNM. The PTNM tetrapod tracks have served as a “Rosetta Stone” for rewriting global Permian tetrapod footprint ichnotaxonomy, Figure 1 - Simplified geological map of the Robledo Mountains of southern particularly of the ichnogenera Batrachichnus New Mexico, USA, showing the location of the Prehistoric Trackways (Fig. 2), Dromopus and Dimetropus and their National Monument. various synonyms. The large sample sizes 10 Figure 2 - Temnospondyl amphibian making Batrachichnus tracks. allowed extensive documentation of extramorphological variation in Permian tetrapod footprints that made it clear that numerous named ichnotaxa are based on such variants and thus are useless “phantom taxa.” Among invertebrate traces, the PTNM sites have provided several new ichnotaxa (such as Augerinoichnus, Fig. 3) as well as a better understanding of variation in several known ichnotaxa. Trace fossil assemblages from the PTNM were central to new concepts of tetrapod footprint ichnofacies. Indeed, the tetrapod footprints from the PTNM are the archetypal example of the Batrachichnus Ichnofacies, known from a wide range of trace-fossil assemblages of Carboniferous-Triassic age (Fig. 2). Local paleogeography of the Early Permian shoreline can also be better interpreted with the aid of the PTNM trace fossils. The PTNM trace fossil assemblages are preserved as part of a national monument administered by the BLM. This guarantees protection of the fossil sites from vandalism, unauthorized collection or other human-induced damage/ destruction. It also guarantees future opportunities for research and interpretation of the trace fossil sites. Beginning in the 1990s, the results of scientific research on the trace fossils began to be published. Since then, at least 65 scientific books, articles and abstracts have been dedicated primarily to the paleontology of the Lower Permian strata in the southern Robledo Mountains. Here, we compile these publications through 2010, as well as some articles published on the paleontology of the Lower Permian of the Robledo Mountains prior to the 1990s. The PTNM trace fossils are integral to interpretation of the tidal flat paleoenvironments in which they were preserved. Particularly significant are questions regarding the amount of salinity of the Early Permian tidal flats. Presumably, several of the tracemakers were animals that could not tolerate much salinity, such as terrestrial insects. Figure 3 - Augerinoichnus (scale bar = 1 cm). References Braddy, S.J. 1995. A new arthropod trackway and associated invertebrate ichnofauna from the Lower Permian Hueco Formation of the Robledo Mountains, southern New Mexico. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, Bulletin, 6:101-105. Braddy, S.J. 1998. An overview of the invertebrate ichnotaxa from the Robledo Mountains ichnofauna (Lower Permian), southern New Mexico. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, Bulletin, 12: 93-98. 11 Braddy, S.J. 1999. Terrestrial trace fossils from the Robledo Mountains ichnofauna (Lower Permian) of southern New Mexico. Geoscientist, 9: 5-6. Braddy, S.J. and Briggs, D.E.G. 2002. New Lower Permian non-marine arthropod trace fossils from New Mexico and South Africa. Journal of Paleontology 76: 546-557. Braddy, S.J., Morrisey, L.B. and Yates, A.M. 2003. Amphibian swimming traces from the Lower Permian of southern New Mexico. Palaeontology 46: 671-683. Breithaupt, B.H., Matthews, N.A., Hester, P.M. and Lucas, S.G. 2010. High-tech digital photography of world-class fossil footprints: Photogrammetric, ichnological documentation of the Prehistoric Trackways National Monument, New Mexico. In A Decade of Discovery: National Landscape Conservation System Bureau of Land Management Science Symposium, p. 18. Cook, C.W., Lucas, S.G. and Estep, J.W. 1998. Stratigraphy of Upper Pennsylvanian-Lower Permian rocks in New Mexico: An overview. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, Bulletin 12: 9-27. Hannibal, J.T., Rindsberg, A.K., Lerner, A.J and Lucas, S.G. 2005. A complex, chambered ichnofossil from redbeds of the Lower Permian Robledo Mountains Formation of the Hueco Group. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, Bulletin 30: 100. Haubold, H., Hunt, A.P., Lucas, S.G. and Lockley, M.G. 1995. Wolfcampian (Early Permian) vertebrate tracks from Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, Bulletin 6: 135-165. Hunt, A.P., Lockley, M.G., Lucas, S.G., MacDonald, J.P., Hotton, III, N. and Kramer, J. 1993. Early Permian tracksites in the Robledo Mountains, south-central New Mexico. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, Bulletin 2: 23-31. Hunt, A.P. and Lucas, S.G. 1998. Ichnological evidence for vertebrate predation in the Paleozoic: Is there any? New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin 12: 59-62. Hunt, A.P. and Lucas, S.G. 1998. Implications of the cosmopolitanism of Permian tetrapod ichnofaunas. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, Bulletin 12: 55-57. Hunt, A.P. and Lucas, S.G. 1998. Vertebrate ichnofaunas of New Mexico and their bearing on Lower Permian vertebrate ichnofacies. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin 12: 63-65. Hunt, A.P. and Lucas, S.G. 1998. Vertebrate tracks and the myth of the belly-dragging, tail-dragging tetrapods of the late Paleozoic. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin 12: 67-69. Hunt, A.P. and Lucas, S.G. 2005. Tetrapod ichnofacies and their utility in the Paleozoic. Alabama Paleontological Society, Monograph 1: 113-119. Hunt, A.P. and Lucas, S.G. 2006. Permian tetrapod ichnofacies. Geological Society of London, Special Publication 265: 137156. 12 Hunt, A.P. and Lucas, S.G. 2007. Tetrapod ichnofacies: A new paradigm. Ichnos 14: 59-68. Hunt, A.P., Lucas, S.G., Cotton, W., Cotton, J. and Lockley, M.G. 1995. Early Permian vertebrate tracks from the Abo Formation, Socorro County, central New Mexico: A preliminary report. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, Bulletin 6: 263-268. Hunt, A.P., Lucas, S.G., Haubold, H. and Lockley, M.G. 1995. Early Permian (late Wolfcampian) tetrapod tracks from the Robledo Mountains, south-central New Mexico. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, Bulletin 6: 167-180. Hunt, A.P., Lucas, S.G., Haubold, H. and Lockley, M.G., 1995, Tracksites from the Robledo Mountains of New Mexico: Rosetta Stone for Early Permian ichnology. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 27(4): 15. Hunt, A.P., Lucas, S.G. and Lockley, M.G. 1995. Paleozoic tracksites of the western United States. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, Bulletin 6: 213-217. Hunt, A.P., Lucas, S.G., Lockley, M.G., Haubold, H. and Braddy, S.J. 1995. Tetrapod ichnofacies in Early Permian red beds of the American Southwest. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, Bulletin 6: 295-301. Hunt, A.P., Lucas, S.G. and Spielmann, J.A. 2005. Early Permian tetrapod tracksites in New Mexico. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, Bulletin 31: 46-48. Kietzke, K.K. and Lucas, S.G. 1995. Some microfossils from the Robledo Mountains Member of the Hueco Formation, Doña Ana County, New Mexico. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, Bulletin 6: 57-62. Kozur, H. and LeMone, D.V. 1995. The Shalem Colony section of the Abo and upper Hueco members of the Hueco Formation of the Robledo Mountains, Doña Ana County, New Mexico: Stratigraphy and new conodont-based age determinations. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, Bulletin 6: 39-55. Kozur, H. and LeMone, D.V. 1995. New terrestrial arthropod trackways from the Abo Member (Sterlitamakian, late Sakmarian, late Wolfcampian) of the Shalem Colony section, Robledo Mountains, New Mexico. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, Bulletin 6: 107-113. Krainer, K. and Lucas, S.G. 1995. The limestone facies of the Abo-Hueco transitional zone in the Robledo Mountains, southern New Mexico. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, Bulletin 6: 33-38. Krainer, K., Lucas, S.G. and Kues, B.S. 2000. Stratigraphy and facies of the Pennsylvanian-Permian transition at Robledo Mountain, Doña Ana County, New Mexico. New Mexico Geology 22: 51. Kues, B.S. 1995. Marine fauna of the Early Permian (Wolfcampian) Robledo Mountains Member, Hueco Formation, southern Robledo Mountains, New Mexico. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, Bulletin 6: 63-90. LeMone, D.V., Klement, K.W. and King. W.E. 1971. AboHueco facies of the Upper Wolfcampian Hueco Formation of the southeastern Robledo Mountains, Doña Ana County, New Mexico. Permian basin section of the Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Publication 71-13: 137174. LeMone, D.V., Simpson, R.D. and Klement, K.W. 1975. Wolfcampian Upper Hueco Formation of the Robledo Mountains, Doña Ana County, New Mexico. New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook 26: 119-121. Lerner, A.J, Lucas, S.G. and Krainer, K. 2009. Exceptionally preserved hydrozoans (chondrophorines) from the Lower Permian Robledo Mountains Formation of south-central New Mexico. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs 41 (7): 630. Lerner, A.J, Lucas, S.G. and MacDonald, J.P. 2010. Additional invertebrate ichnotaxa from the Lower Permian Hueco Group, Robledo Mountains, South-Central New Mexico. New Mexico Geology 32: 68. Lerner, A. J, Lucas, S. G., MacDonald, J. P. and Spielmann, J. A. 2010. A new association of Early Permian invertebrate trace and body fossils from Prehistoric Trackways National Monument of south-central New Mexico. In A Decade of Discovery: National Landscape Conservation System Bureau of Land Management Science Symposium: 21-22. Lucas, S.G. 1993. Geological context of Permian tracksite, Robledo Mountains, Doña Ana County, New Mexico. New Mexico Geology 15: 103. Lucas, S.G. 1998. Toward a tetrapod biochronology of the Permian. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, Bulletin 12: 71-91. Lucas, S.G. 2007. Robledo footprints. In Aubele, J.C., Babcock, L., Babcock, J., Connealy, S., Lucas, S.G., Morris, L. and Pate, B. (eds.), Docent guidebook to the New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science. Albuquerque, New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science: AO-15. Lucas, S.G., Hunt, A.P. and Lockley, M.G. 1994. Preliminary report on Permian tracksite, Robledo Mountains, Doña Ana County, New Mexico. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs 26(6): 27. Lucas, S.G. and Heckert, A.B. 1995. Early Permian footprints and facies. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, Bulletin 6: 301. Lucas, S.G., Anderson, O.J., Heckert, A.B. and Hunt, A.P. 1995. Geology of Early Permian tracksites, Robledo Mountains, south-central New Mexico. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, Bulletin 6: 13-32. Lucas, S.G., Heckert, A.B., Anderson, O.J. and Hunt, A.P. 1995. Early Permian tracksite, base-level changes, and depositional cyclicity of intertongued Abo-Hueco strata, Robledo Mountains, New Mexico. New Mexico Geology 17: 24. Lucas, S.G., Hunt, A.P., Heckert, A.B. and Haubold, H. 1995. Vertebrate paleontology of the Robledo Mountains Member of the Hueco Formation, Doña Ana Mountains, New Mexico. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, Bulletin 6: 269-277. 13 Lucas, S.G., Estep, J.W. and Hunt, A.P. 1998. Road log to Early Permian tracksites in the Robledo Mountains, Doña Ana County, New Mexico. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, Bulletin 12: 1-7. Lucas, S.G., Estep, J.W. and Hoffer, J.M. 1998. Permian stratigraphy and paleontology of the Robledo Mountains, New Mexico. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, Bulletin 12: 98. Lucas, S.G., Heckert, A.B., Estep, J.W. and Cook, C.W., 1998, Stratigraphy of the Lower Permian Hueco Group in the Robledo Mountains, Doña Ana County, New Mexico. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, Bulletin 12: 43-54. Lucas, S.G., Heckert, A.B., Estep, J.W., Hunt, A.P. and Anderson, O.J. 1998. Stratigraphy, paleontology and depositional environments of the Lower Permian Robledo Mountains Formation of the Hueco Group, Robledo Mountains, New Mexico. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, Bulletin 12: 29-42. Lucas, S.G., Krainer, K., Spielmann, J.A, Zeigler, K.E. and Hunt, A.P. 2005. The Permian of south-central New Mexico: Albuquerque to the Joyita Hills, Derry Hills, Las Cruces and Robledo Mountains. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, Bulletin 31: 1-15. Lucas, S.G., Lerner, A.J., Spielmann, J., Voigt, S. and MacDonald, J. 2010. Scientific significance of the Early Permian vertebrate and invertebrate ichnology of the Prehistoric Trackways National Monument, Robledo Mountains, Doña Ana County, New Mexico. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs 42(5): 254. Lucas, S.G., Lerner, A.J, MacDonald, J.P. and Spielmann, J.A. 2010. Scientific significance of early Permian trace fossils, Prehistoric Trackways National Monument, New Mexico. In A Decade of Discovery. National Landscape Conservation System Bureau of Land Management Science Symposium 22-23. MacDonald, J.P. 1992. Earth’s first steps: Footprints from the dawn of time. Science Probe 2: 32-47. MacDonald, J.P. 1994. Earth’s first steps: Tracking life before the dinosaurs. Johnson Books, Boulder, 290 pp. MacDonald, J.P. 1995. History of the discovery of fossil footprints in southern New Mexico. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, Bulletin 6: 1-12. MacDonald, J.P., Lucas, S.G., Lerner A.J and Spielmann, J.A. 2010. The history of Prehistoric Trackways National Monument: Evolution of the discovery and recognition of a world famous fossil deposit. In A Decade of Discovery: National Landscape Conservation System Bureau of Land Management Science Symposium: 23. Minter, N.J. and Braddy, S.J. 2006 The fish and amphibian swimming traces Undichna and Lunichnium, with examples from the Lower Permian of New Mexico, USA. Palaeontology 49: 1123-1142. Minter, N.J. and Braddy, S.J. 2006. Walking and jumping with Palaeozoic apterygote insects: Palaeontology 49: 827-835. Spielmann, J.A., Lucas, S.G., MacDonald J.P. and Lerner, A.J. 2010.The Jerry MacDonald Paleozoic Trackways Collection from Prehistoric Trackways National Monument, Robledo Mountains, southern New Mexico. In A Decade of Discovery: National Landscape Conservation System Bureau of Land Management Science Symposium: 26. Tidwell, W.D. and Munzing, G.E. 1995. Gymnospermous woods from the Lower Permian Hueco Formation of southcentral New Mexico. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, Bulletin 6: 91-100. Tucker, L. and Smith, M.P. 2004. A multivariate taxonomic analysis of the Late Carboniferous vertebrate ichnofauna of Alveley, southern Shropshire, England. Palaeontology 47: 679-710. Voigt, S. and Lucas, S.G. 2010. Early Permian tetrapod ichnofauna from the Robeldo Mountains, New Mexico – revisory notes after two decades of collection and research. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 42(5): 253. Minter, N.J. and Braddy, S.J. 2009. Ichnology of an Early Permian intertidal flat: The Robledo Mountains Formation of southern New Mexico, USA. The Palaeontological Association, Special Papers in Palaeontology 82: 1-107. Minter, N.J., Buatois, L.A., Lucas, S.G., Braddy, S.J. and Smith J.A., 2006, Spiral-shaped graphoglyptids from an Early Permian intertidal flat. Geology 34: 1057-1060. Minter, N.J., Lucas, S.G., Lerner, A.J and Braddy, S.J. 2008. Augerinoichnus helicoidalis, a new helical trace fossil from the nonmarine Permian of New Mexico. Journal of Paleontology 82: 1201-1206. New Mexico Museum of Natural History & Science. 1994. Studying footprints and trails in New Mexico’s Robledo Mountains. Timetracks 15(3): 6-7. Schult, M.F. 1995. Comparisons between the Las Cruces ichnofauna and other Permian ichnofaunas, including inferred trackmakers. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, Bulletin 6: 127-133. Schult, M.F. 1995. Vertebrate trackways from the Robledo Mountains Member of the Hueco Formation, south-central New Mexico. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, Bulletin 6: 115-126. 14 Book Review: Ichnology. Organism-Substrate Interactions in Space and Time By: Andreas Wetzel Geologisches Institut, Universität Basel, Bernoullistrasse 32, CH-4056 Basel, Switzerland; email: Andreas.Wetzel@unibas.ch Ichnology. Organism-Substrate Interactions in Space and Time By: Luis Buatois and Gabriela Mángano of specific trace fossils in terms of size and geometrical pattern is not dealt with in detail, but it is essential for active ichnologic work. To be honest, to relate bioturbation structures to ichnotaxa is beyond the scope of the book and hence, cannot be seen as shortcoming. To overcome the "ichnotaxonomic barrier" readers not familiar with the determination of trace fossils should look on Gerard and Bromley (2008) or – Portuguese speaking people – on Fernandes et al. (2002), but the latter book has some flaws in taxonomy. Cambridge University Press 2011, Cambridge, 358 pages 82.00 US$ (hardbound), E-book version 49.90 US$ During the last years, several books about ichnology have been published; Dolf Seilacher's "Trace Fossils" in 2007, Gerard and Bromley "Ichnofabrics in Clastic Sediments" in 2008, and the 2nd edition of MacEachern et al. "Applied Ichnology" in 2009. For the small field of science that ichnology represents, it is a considerable number of books, especially when taking into account some 'collected papers' volumes, such as the anthologies edited by McIlroy (2004), Miller (2007) and Bromley et al. (2007), not to mention ichnology-related special issues of scientific journals. Thus, it has to be asked "Is there a need for another book on ichnology?" After having looked through all these publications and after having compared them with "Ichnology" by Buatois and Mángano, my answer is a clear "Yes"! "Ichnology" really differs from all the other books and represents a nice source of additional information about the use of trace fossils, especially for those having some ichnologic background. In the Introduction the authors clearly delineate their intention when writing the book: They want to find a "balance between personal experience and a comprehensive synthesis of previous and current research", they emphasize "invertebrate ichnology rather than vertebrate ichnology, bioturbation rather than bioerosion", and the examples are based on the authors' own work … what is quite impressive in terms of time range and environments covered. Based on this guide line, the book consists of three parts; I – Conceptual tools and methods (120 pages), II – Spatial trends (104 pages), and III – Temporal trends (60 pages); References (50 pages !) + Index (11 pages). These 3 parts are arranged in 14 chapters. I Conceptual tools and methods 1 – Basic concepts. It is said clearly that producers of numerous trace fossils are not known. Therefore, their behaviour is interpretation, inference or even imagination. Ethology of trace fossils (that would be better called ethology of burrowers or what ichnologists believe for which purpose a burrow was formed), is still a highly subjective matter. For whom this book was written is outlined in the Preface as well as on the Backcover, " … for researchers and graduate students in paleontology as well as in sedimentology and sequence stratigraphy, …[and] oil industry professionals working in reservoir and exploration geology." Yes, for such colleagues it is an "invaluable resource". However, I have the feeling that potential readers should have some background in trace fossil recognition. For newcomers to the field of ichnology who want to apply the concepts and ideas described in the book "Ichnology", it can easily become a real challenge to work with. I remember when I started with ichnology I faced the severe problem to assign a bioturbational structure to an ichnotaxon; it became even worse while working with cores. How to work with trace fossils, which are the rules of ichnotaxonomy, what imply the different ichnotaxa in terms of ethology (or what the ichnologists believe, it could imply), and how to interpret trace fossil assemblages, is described in the book. How to call a burrow in terms of ichnotaxonomy, can only be derived from the many photographs, but it is essential to name ichnologic objects properly. Also the variability 2 – Taxonomy of trace fossils. Basic approaches are outlined; they are restricted to ichnotaxonomic rules and ichnotaxobases including aspects like burrow wall, lining, spreite and so on. 15 3 – Paleobiology of trace fossils. Ethologic considerations are related to the inferred, deduced, or observed modes of life. It is trivial to mention, but the reader should be aware that neoichnological studies represent observations, whereas for extinct burrowers like trilobites, the living mode is deduced, as long as not the movement of legs is considered, and for unknown organisms even inferred. 4 – Ichnofacies. It is described how the ichnofacies paradigm evolved with time and how it became fruitful in application. In fact, the occurrence of common trace fossils belonging to the main ichnofacies are listed, the general characteristics of the ichnofacies are described, and each one is supplemented by a block-diagram. Photographs are few. The captions are short, so it is necessary to read the explaining text to get an idea on which data, papers, and observations the ichnofacies and related diagrams are based. The step from single studies to synoptic schemes is a large one, but very well accomplished. 5 – Ichnofabrics. The essentials of ichnofabric, tiering, cross-cutting relationships, penetration depth, burrow abundance, etc., are addressed to show how to unravel the dynamics of burrow production from a bioturbated sediment. On the 'ichnofabric'-scale it is shown how bioturbation affects permeability and reservoir characteristics of rocks. 7 – 11 General depositional settings. In a set of 5 chapters the ichnologic characteristics of sedimentary depositional environments are described: 7 – Shallow marine clastic environments (from shore to outer shelf areas not affected by rivers), 8 – Marginal marine environments (mainly river-mouth-related settings), 9 – Deep-marine clastic environments (form shelf to the abyss, including (hemi)pelagic and turbidite settings), 10 – Continental environments (from lake to desert), 11 – Carbonate environments, rocky shorelines, and volcanic terranes (just a basket for the overleft). For all these settings, which are further differentiated into sub-settings, the response of burrowers to environmental parameters within a habitat is outlined based on neoichnologic observations as well as studies in the fossil record. The text represents a very useful summary of the current knowledge and ideas. When going through these chapters I enjoyed the schematic drawings that illustrate the differentiation into sub-environments, providing a very good representation of the possible ichnological variability. In addition, the schematic diagrams attempt to reflect the typical degree of bioturbation and association with primary sedimentary structures, although the latter are often somewhat oversimplified. Diagrams and text are supplemented by a large number of very nice photographs. I would call the visualization excellent. Assuming that people who will use this book already have some background in ichnology, the chapters of Part I represent a comprehensive and useful 're-vaccination'. II. Spatial trends 6 – Paleoecology of trace fossils. Chapter 6 is a must to read as it forms the base to understand the next set of environment-related chapters. Although the chapter is called " Paleoecology of trace fossils", a considerable amount of neoichnology information has been integrated. With respect to the effects of environmental parameters on burrowing organisms the reader, once again, has to differentiate carefully: Are they based on neoichnologic observations or do they represent deductions from findings in the sedimentary record? The authors thoroughly reviewed and summarized the literature with respect to 10 parameters, hydrodynamic energy, substrate, oxygenation, salinity, sedimentation rate, food supply, bathymetry, turbidity, climate, and the water table. However, factor by factor is considered, but in reality complicated interrelationships, including positive and negative feed-back loops are only partly mentioned. To give an example, the effects of sedimentation rate on organic matter content of deposits certainly affect bioturbation. A short addition similar to the diagram provided by Savrda and Bottjer (1994; fig. 8), and some explaining text would have been helpful. The reader will find some of the interrelationships being addressed in the section ecosystem engineering. Furthermore, interrelated, but not always explicitly unravelled interrelationships between environmental parameters are outlined in Chapters 7 to 12. Nonetheless Chapter 6 represents a very nice and comprehensive summary of the current knowledge. III Temporal trends 12 – Trace fossils in sequence stratigraphy. This chapter provides a good summary how burrows accentuate discontinuities and how trace fossils can be used to decipher the formation of such surfaces. A few diagrams and photographs are similar to those published by MacEachern et al. (2009b). Once, the same trace fossils has been figured in both books (Fig. 12.5b in "Ichnology" = Fig. 15D in "Applied Ichnology"), but was photographed by the different authors. 13 – Trace fossils in biostratigraphy. The use of trace fossils in biostratigraphy is somewhat contradictory to the 'rules' of ichnology (see sections 1.2.3 and 1.2.8). In some instances not the evolution of behaviour is recorded, but the evolution of the anatomy of the trace fossil producer. Therefore, trace fossils in biostratigraphy need to meet two requirements, evolving trace fossil producers and suitable substrate for fossilization. Therefore, it seems that such seldom cases are somewhat overemphasized. Furthermore, to apply trace fossils in biostratigraphy a very deep knowledge in ichnology appears to be necessary. 16 14 – Trace fossils in evolutionary palecology. This chapter covers the ichnologic record of the Cambrian explosion, mass extinctions, colonization of continents, shelf seas, the abyss and hard substrates. This summary provides valuable information for people interested in general aspects of Earth history and evolution. or the ichnofabric approach. This book pronounces the strength of both, the recurrent pattern, but also the details of tiering and so on, not only to classify a setting in a more general sense, but also to unravel the dynamics of burrow production and the factors regulating it. 15 – Ichnology in paleoanthropology and archaeology. On only 4 pages a short description of the new, but nonetheless intriguing field of ichnology is given. References are listed on 50 pages and this extent list covers mainly the literature of the last decades. The reader should have in mind that all these publications have been used when the book was written, how amazing. The Index occupies 11 pages (what a tremendous work, even in times of word processing!) and is quite detailed and hence, very useful. After so much praise is there anything to criticize? Of course, nobody is perfect, and no book is perfect, of course, too, but my complains are minor. For me it starts with the cover photograph. It is not very well reproduced while being a little dark. There are certainly, more eye-catching trace fossils or ichnofabrics than that. Some typing errors occur, but not too many. A few photographs are little dark or not completely in focus. What I really missed is a CD with high-resolution photographs and facies diagrams (or even additional material), this should be a standard for books published today. Although an E-book version is available, it would be nice if an affordable soft-bound edition would be made available for students. The main body of text is supplemented by 'boxed' case studies, each one occupying roughly half a page. Specific studies related to the topic addressed in a section are outlined in a concise way. These examples are based on single papers or summarize the main findings of several publications for a specific topic, for instance, the ethology of the Zoophycos producer or the "Cambrian explosion" as documented in sandstones in southern Sweden. Roughly, for each chapter, there are two 'boxed case studies'. The essence of case studies is definitely beyond the contents of an abstract. Personally I like this supplementary information very much and find it very useful. In conclusion, the book "Ichnology" represents a nice compendium that summarizes the field of ichnology in a coherent and comprehensible way. In contrast to Seilacher's book (2007) that mainly consists of drawings of trace fossils in the inimitable artistic "Dolf style", "Ichnology" is illustrated by schemes of depositional settings and many mostly high-quality photographs of trace fossils. For me having attended the International Ichnofabric Workshops and other ichno-sessions of sedimentologic congresses, these photographs of ichnofabrics reminded me of exciting meetings. "Ichnology" represents a good supplementary text to Gerard and Bromley (2008) atlastype book that is so instructive for naming bioturbation structures and to decipher the depositional environment by applying the ichnofabric concept, because "Ichnology" provides a deep background about the paleo-ecological interpretation and paleo-environmental significance of trace fossils. The same is true with respect to "Applied Ichnology" by MacEachern et al. (2009a) who addressed similar objectives as Gerard and Bromley, but from the perspective of the 'ichnofacies' approach, provide more text and many interesting, well documented case studies from oil industry. "Ichnology" captivates by its coherent, balanced contents, not (over)emphasizing one or the other concept in the analysis of bioturbated sediments. So the reader has the choice what she/he prefers the ichnofacies Finally, I would like to congratulate Luis Buatois and Gabriela Mángano for providing such a fine book to the members of the ichno-community. The book is also a good advertisement for so-far non-ichnologists to use trace fossils as an additional tool for paleo-environmental analysis. I am very glad to have my personal copy of "Ichnology" on my book shelf. For people interested in ichnology, it is a "strong buy". In economically troubling times the investment into "Ichnology" is far better than keeping the money in a bank account. References 17 Bromley, R.G., Buatois, L.A., Mángano, G., Genise, J.F. and Melchor, R.N. (Eds.), 2007. Sediment-Organism Interactions: A Multifaceted Ichnology. SEPM Special Publication, 88, 393 p. Fernandes, A.C.S., Borghi, L., de Souza Carvalho, I. and de Abreu, C.J. 2002. Guia dos Ichnofósseis de Invertebrados do Brasil. Editora Interciência, Rio de Janeiro, 260 p. Gerard, J. and Bromley, R., 2008. Ichnofabrics in Clastic Sediments. Jean R.F. Gerard, Madrid, 100 p. MacEachern, J.A., Bann, K.L., Gingras, M.K. and Pemberton, S.G. 2009a. Applied Ichnology. SEPM Short Course Notes, 52, 380 p. MacEachern, J.A., Gingras, M.K., Bann, K., Dafoe, L.T. and Pemberton, S.G., 2009b. Applications of ichnology to high-resolution genetic stratigraphic paradigms. In: MacEachern, J.A., Bann, K., Gingras, M.K. and Pemberton, S.G. (eds.), Applied Ichnology (Revised Edition). SEPM Short Course Notes, 52, pp. 95-129. McIlroy, D.E. 2004. The Application of Ichnology to Palaeoenvironmental and Stratigraphic Analysis. Geological Society Special Publication, 228, 490 p. Miller, W., III. (Editor), 2007. Trace Fossils - Concepts, Problems, Prospects. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 611 p. Savrda, C. and Bottjer, D.J. 1994. Ichnofossils and ichnofabrics Seilacher, A. 2007. Trace Fossil Analysis. Springer, Berlin, in rhythmically bedded pelagic/hemi-pelagic carbonates: Heidelberg, New York, 226 p. recognition and evaluation of benthic redox and scour cycles. In de Boer, P.L. and Smith, D.G. (eds.), Orbital Forcing and Cyclic Sequences. International Association www.cambridge.org/earth of Sedimentologist Special Publication, 19: Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 195-210. www.cambridge.org/earth Ichnology Ichnology Organism-Substrate Interactions in Space and Time Organism-Substrate Interactions in Space and Time Now Now Available Available By Luis Buatois and M. Gabriela Mángano University of Saskatchewan, Canada By Luis Buatois and M. Gabriela Mángano University of Saskatchewan, Canada About the Book Ichnology is the study of traces created in the substrate by living organisms. This is the first book to systematically cover basic concepts and applications in both paleobiology and sedimentology, bridging the gap between the two About the Book main facets of the field. It emphasizes the importance of understanding ecologic controls on benthic fauna distribution Ichnology is the of traces createdininchanging the substrate by living organisms. This isofthe book of to asystematically and the role study of burrowing organisms their environments. A detailed analysis thefirst ichnology range cover basic concepts and applications in both paleobiology and sedimentology, bridging the gap between of depositional environments is presented using examples from the Precambrian to the recent, and the use of trace the two main facets the field. It emphasizes importance of understanding ecologic controls on benthic fauna distribution fossils of in facies analysis and sequencethe stratigraphy is discussed. The potential for biogenic structures to provide valuinformation and solve problemsininchanging a wide range of environments. fields is also highlighted. An invaluable resource for researchand theable role of burrowing organisms their A detailed analysis of the ichnology of a range ers and graduate students in paleontology, sedimentology and sequence stratigraphy, this book will also be of interest of depositional environments is presented using examples from the Precambrian to the recent, and the use of trace professionals in petroleum geoscience. fossilstoinindustry facies analysis andworking sequence stratigraphy is discussed. The potential for biogenic structures to provide valu- able information and solve problems in a wide range of fields is also highlighted. An invaluable resource for researchFeatures ers andKey graduate students in paleontology, sedimentology and sequence stratigraphy, this book will also be of interest • Covers the ichnologyworking of all depositional environments from Precambrian to recent, giving readers a comprehensive to industry professionals in petroleum geoscience. picture of paleoenvironmental and evolutionary controls • Presents a balanced treatment of the two dominant schools of thought: ichnofabric approach and ichnofacies practiallowing readers to obtain an accurate picture of their strengths and weaknesses Key tioners, Features • Combines case studies general models, providing a balance between general synthesesgiving and thereaders complexities of • Covers the ichnology of alland depositional environments from Precambrian to recent, a comprehensive specific examples picture of paleoenvironmental and evolutionary controls • Presents a balanced treatment of the two dominant schools of thought: ichnofabric approach and ichnofacies practi18 tioners, allowing readers to obtain an accurate picture of their strengths and weaknesses • Combines case studies and general models, providing a balance between general syntheses and the complexities of www.cambridge.org/earth Contents Part I. Conceptual Tools and Methods: 1. The basics of ichnology; 2. Taxonomy of trace fossils; 3. Paleobiology of trace fossils; 4. The ichnofacies model; 5. The ichnofabric approach; Part II. Spatial Trends: 6. Trace fossils and paleoecology; 7. Ichnology of shallow-marine clastic environments; 8. Ichnology of marginal-marine environments; 9. Ichnology of deep-marine clastic environments; 10. Ichnology of continental environments; 11. Ichnology of carbonate environments, rocky shorelines and volcanic terrains; Part III. A Matter of Time: 12. Trace fossils in sequence stratigraphy; 13. Trace fossils in biostratigraphy; 14. Trace fossils in evolutionary paleoecology; 15. Trace fossils in paleoanthropology and archeology; References; Index. 20% Discount Order Form Ichnology by Buatois and Mángano October 2011 | 400 pages | 222 color illus. Hardback | 9780521855556 | List Price: USD 82.00 | Discount Price: $65.60 TERMS OF THE OFFER: All individual orders must be prepaid by check or money order or charged on American Express, Visa card or MasterCard (libraries excepted). The use of a credit card will expedite your order. Canadian residents, add 5% GST. Shipping and handling charges for North America are $6.00 for the first book and $1.75 for each additional book. Outside North America (only credit card orders are accepted) - $9.00 for the first book, $5.00 for each additional book (surface mail). *All prices are in US dollars and subject to change. Name__________________________________________________ Address ________________________________________________ City______________________________ State ______ Zip______ Institution ______________________________________________ [ ] Payment Enclosed $ ______ [ ] Visa [ ] Mastercard # of Copies $ ________ Total prices from above $ ________ Add NY/CA Sales tax $ ________ Canadians add 5% GST $ ________ Add shipping charges $ ________ [ ] American Express Net Total Credit Card Number ______________________________________ Expiration Date_____________ $ ________ Signature _______________________________________________ Return to: Order Dept. • Cambridge University Press • 100 Brook Hill Drive • West Nyack, NY 10994 More Ways to Order: Phone: 800.872.7423 (US & Canada) or 55.5519.59.39 (Mexico) | Fax: (845) 353-4141 | www.cambridge.org/9780521855556 Promotional Code: BUATOIS11 19 A day at the beach when stormwinds abate – an ichno-photostory By: Andreas Wetzel 1 - Shoaling storm waves 4 - but not all of them are dead, some are still alive. 2 - erode sediment and ophiures. 5 - There are different strategies to survive, crawl back to the sea or 3 - Masses of ophiures are washed onto the shore, 6 - wait for the next tide and hide, 20 7 - but just run is certainly the wrong strategy. 10 - and started looking for prey. 8 - Here a bonus picture because the traces are so nice. 11 - Predators success is ophiures death. 9 - Hard times for ophiures begin, when a predator landed. 12 - However, also hiding is not a superior strategy. 21 13 - A two times wrong strategy. 16 - look at the details of the regurgitated ball. 14 - The predator ate to hastily to form a stable coprolite. 17 - The next tide is coming up, waves rework the regurgitated ball. 15 - The meal was a little too “boney” … 18 - All these actions have been initiated by waves, now they are wiped out by waves. 22 The Ninth International Ichnofabric Workshop August 12-18, 2007, Calgary, Alberta, Canada By: Shahin E. Dashtgard The 9th International Ichnofabric Workshop was held at the University of Calgary in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. The conference was well attended with a worldwide representation of ichnologists. Following 3 days of talks, the participants went on a 3-day field trip to sites in the foothills of Alberta, and to the badlands near Drumheller. 23 The Sixth International Bioerosion Workshop July 13—20, 2008, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA By: Richard G. Bromley The 6th IBW was organized at the University of Utah, Salt Lake City this summer, by Leif Tapanila and Tony Ekdale, both experienced ichnoworkshop convenors. There were 19 participants, including palaeontologists and zoologists, from Germany (2), Italy (1), Portugal (1), Japan (1), USA (7), Denmark (1), Hungary (2), Spain (2), New Zealand (1) and the Czech Republic (1). Areas of bioerosion research were widely covered by the oral sessions and posters, including bioerosion by sponges, bioerosion of Pleistocene coral reefs, dinosaur bites in bone, predation on trilobites, bioerosion by giant tree roots, Jurassic insect borings in wood, bioclaustration in live echinoids, and microboring algae, fungi and bacteria. Salt Lake City lies amid spectacular geomorphology. An afternoon visit was made to Antelope Island in the Great Salt Lake, where close views were had of a herd of buffalo and several pronghorn antelopes, and the modern brine ooid sediments and hardgrounds were studied at the lake edge. Picnic dinners were enjoyed in Millcreek and Cottonwood Canyons along the Wasatch Front amid spectacular geology. Following the meeting, a 6-day post-workshop field trip showed us some of the greater glories of Utah plus much delightful detail. A side trip was made into Nevada. During the last days, the air temperature rose to 45 degrees Celsius, but in the low humidity there were no casualties. Ichnological highlights included the following. At Skull Rock Pass in the central House Range, Lower Ordovician Gastrochaenolites isp. were seen in hardground surfaces of the Fillmore Formation. A few specimens have been found that contain the preserved remains of body fossils of unknown organisms. At Steamboat Pass, southern House Range, where the Upper Cambrian Notch Peak Limestone contains large columnar stromatolites riddled with Thalassinoides, there are also the body fossil remains of the supposed polyplacophore, Matthevia. This group of molluscs are important bioeroders today, but radulation trace fossils by Matthevia have yet to be described. Examination of the shell surfaces of the common archaeogastropod Matherella, cohabiting the same bed as Matthevia, was made in vain. The extensive hardrounds in the Middle Jurassic Carmel Formation at Gunlock State Park NW of St. George, yielded not only nice Gastrochaenolites as expected, but also well preserved acrothoracic barnacle borings, Rogerella isp. Near Hiko, Nevada, we took in two localities exposing rocks affected by the Late Devonian Alamo Impact Event. In this dramatic setting, Leif showed us the famous sponge boring, Entobia devonica. The earliest good representative of sponge bioerosion, it is strangely far removed from the chronologically next borings of this type, which are Cretaceous in age! It seems we still have some work to do! But it was great to see this very first of entobians “on the rocks”, very common in stromatoporoid substrate, and at two nearby localities, too. Another highlight was the Dinosaur Discovery Site at Johnson Farm, St. George, Utah. Discovered in 2000, this is being preserved as a city facility for public access. A roof has been constructed over a large area of trackways, including the trace of a seated dinosaur, and exceptional specimens of tracks and skeletons, found locally, are being assembled on display, age Early Jurassic. Many other sedimentary features are present, including invertebrate trace fossils, raindrop impressions, ripple marks, mud cracks, etc. Jerry Harris gave us an excellent tour over the collection. The final day was devoted to the two most stupendous of Utah’s national parks, Zion and Bryce Canyon. Rain followed by sunshine enhanced the colours; an amazing climax following this excellent workshop. 24 The Tenth International Ichnofabric Workshop August 23 to September 3, 2009, Jiaozuo City, China By: Andreas Wetzel The Tenth International Ichnofabric Workshop in China was a great experience in many different ways. It was perfectly arranged with respect to everything: the scientific program, field trips and logistics. This workshop was organized by the well-known group of Chinese ichnologists led by Prof. Bin Hu, Yi-Ming Gong, YongAn Qi, and Guo-Cheng Zhang. They did an excellent job. About 15 foreign and 20 Chinese ichnologists came to the workshop (Fig. 1). We had three days of interesting and very well prepared talks supplemented by two intracongress field trips, for example, to see fascinating Permian Zoophycos (Fig. 2). The talks covered a wide range of environments, from continental, glaci-lacustrine, shallow-marine deposits to deep-marine siliciclastics and carbonates, and a wide time span, from neoichnologic observations to Cambrian and even Precambrian rocks. Besides the “regular” participants, numerous Chinese graduate students showed up in the lecture hall. They listened attentively and kept the discussions lively. During coffee breaks we had the opportunity to discuss the poster contributions and material from the ichnologic collection of the institute’s museum. After the congress, two field trips took place: Trip #1 for 5 days and Trip #2 for 4 days. Field trip #1 was from Jiaozuo to Xi’an and was attended by all the workshop ichnologists. We saw excellent outcrops and exciting trace fossils and ichnofabrics, for example, diagenesis of Cambrian limestones permeated by burrows (Fig. 3), as well as breath-taking historical and natural monuments (Fig. 4), such as the legendary terra cotta army and the museum of dinosaur nests. Field trip #2 was attended by only 3 foreign ichnologists: Tony Ekdale, Alfred Uchman and me. That trip was led by Guo-Cheng Zhang and two of his students in the area of Chengdu. Superb outcrops, amazing ichnology and deep discussions made it a really exciting tour (Figs. 5, 6). Fig. 1 IIW X group photo. Fig. 2 Permian Zoophycos ichnofabric. 25 For most of the attendants from abroad, it was the first time in China. So we took many deep impressions home with us: fascinating historical and natural monuments, an explosively growing economy, excellent outcrops, and extremely friendly and hospitable people. Therefore, the language barrier was not so difficult as initially supposed. But not all the foreigners were well prepared to fill the time while travelling from one locality to the next during the field trips in this large country, not all of us could sing songs typical of their country. Hu Bin and several Chinese students serenaded us with their favourite songs (Fig. 6), Gabriela Mángano sang some children songs from Argentina, and Al Curran and Tony Ekdale offered a few folk songs from America. Food in China was a very interesting experience. However, we were lucky that our Chinese hosts helped us to taste everything from (voluntary) adventurous dishes to conventional Europeanstyle food. Our gracious hosts gave us an excellent professional and personal experience in China, and I feel sorry for all those who could not attend this very exciting workshop. Fig. 5 Spiral Triassic Rhizocorallium at Leshan City. Fig. 3 Diagenesis of Cambrian limestone affected by burrows (Longmen Grotto outcrop). Fig. 6 Prof. Bin Hu singing a traditional Chinese song during field trip bus drive. Fig. 4 Statues at Longmen Grotto. 26 Workshop on Crustacean Bioturbation - Fossil and Recent May 31 to June 4, 2010, Lepe, Spain By: Noelia Carmona The main objective of this Workshop was to bring together paleontologists and biologists interested on crustacean bioturbation. This event provided the opportunity to interact, share our research and understand better our different approaches to this common and important subject. The workshop took place in the town of Lepe, Huelva province, southwest of Spain, between May 31st and June 4th. This meeting was organized by Jordi M. de Gibert, Fernando Muñiz, Eduardo Mayoral and Zain Belaústegui. Participants from different countries (Spain, Argentina, USA, Japan, Singapore, Austria, Slovakia, Canada, Poland, Portugal and Germany) contributed with 26 oral and poster presentations, covering diverse aspects such as burrow morphology (biotaxonomic signatures, ichnotaxonomy, etc.), burrow construction, burrow function, evolution of burrows and burrowers, and environmental and paleoenvironmental significance of crustacean burrows. In addition to the presentations, we also had the chance to visit Miocene-Pliocene outcrops of the Guadalquivir Basin, with marginal marine deposits, which have excellent specimens of diverse crustacean burrows. Additionally, we visited the Flecha de Nueva Umbría, a 12-km-long sand barrier at the mouth of the Piedras River in Lepe, where we observed modern fiddler crab bioturbation. In conclusion, the Workshop on Crustacean Bioturbation made considerable progress in our understanding of the relevant role of burrowing crustacean both in recent and fossil benthic ecosystems (see the FINAL CONCLUSIONS below). Discussing about different crustacean burrow morphologies. Evening boat trip along the Rio Piedras estuary. Enjoying typical Spanish food! 27 Final Conclusions of the Workshop n Crustacean Burrowing This report represents the summary of a roundtable chaired by Al Curran as summarized by Tony Ekdale and Jordi M. de Gibert from the contribution of the attendants to the workshop, which was organized by Jordi M. de Gibert, Fernando Muñiz, Eduardo Mayoral and Zain Belaústegui. On June 4th 2010, Al Curran chaired a roundtable under the title “Final Wrap-up of Biology & Paleobiology of Crustaceans & Crustacean Trace Fossils”. This roundtable intended to put a final closure to the “Workshop on Crustacean Bioturbation” held in Lepe, Spain and reach some final conclusions. The chair divided the attendants in two sub-groups, one of biologists/paleobiologists and another one of paleontologists/geologists, which were asked to discuss the following questions: 1) What new methods/technologies offer best possibilities for the future? 2) Which are the best future applications of crustacean ichnology? 3) How can we make better trace-tracemaker correlations? 4) Where do we go from here? Which are the best new ideas from the workshop? Group photo. Later both groups shared their ideas and comments. The following text brings together the results of this discussion as summarized by Tony Ekdale (paleontologist/geologist subgroup) and Jordi M. de Gibert (biologist/paleobiologist subgroup): 1. Methods/ Technologies Paleontologist/Geologist Sub-group: a) CT (Computed Tomography) scans are the most exciting & useful new technique for studying both modern traces & ancient trace fossils, but CT is an expensive method (several thousand dollars US per specimen) that is difficult for academic researchers to afford with meager research budgets. b) DOI (Digital Optical Imaging) tool is a wonderful tool for down-hole studies in drill holes, but the instrument is prohibitively expensive (about $150,000 US). c) NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) can be helpful for imaging samples to simulate fluid flow through porous rock in hydrology and petroleum engineering studies, which have some ichnologic relevance, but the technique is not helpful for most other ichnologic studies. d) GPR (Ground-penetrating Radar) is not too useful in ichnology because of its shallow penetration depth and low image resolution. In the sand barrier, studying modern burrowers. 28 e) Portable gamma ray spectral tool (as used at University of Valencia) can be useful for getting geochemical data of different parts of a burrow in outcrop, but its broader applications in ichnology have not yet been widely attempted. knowledge of intra-burrow and inter-burrow porosity studies, as well as investigating the role of burrows as permeability conduits in water and petroleum reservoir rocks. f) Traditional x-ray radiography still is useful for imaging burrows in lithologically heterogeneous sediments and rocks, but it hasn’t been used as much by ichnologists in recent years as it was in the 1960’s and 1970’s. Biologist/Paleobiologist sub-group: a) The study of crustacean burrows may be of help in the field of conservation biology, particularly in those areas where human activity is quickly modifying environmental conditions. g) Thin section petrography of burrows may have some importance in looking at burrow linings, grain orientation, selectivity of grain shapes or gain mineralogy, etc. b) Burrow studies are an integral part of crustacean zoology. c) The study of the fossil record of crustacean burrows should contribute in macroevolutionary studies. There is a potential to contribute in the dating of major adaptations and the evolution of ecosystems. Biologist/Paleobiologist sub-group: a) The methods to study modern burrows are in general well established. We need to obtain more burrow casts as there are many species whose burrow morphology is not known yet. This should provide a wider scope of the diversity of burrow architectures. 3. Identification of Trace-Makers b) It is particularly important to study burrows in deeper settings as most casts have been obtained in intertidal or shallow subtidal environments. We know almost nothing about modern deep-sea crustacean burrows. Box-coring could help in that purpose. Paleontologist/Geologist Sub-group: a) Neoichnology is important! It is crucial to be able to link descriptive information of modern burrowers and their burrow architectures with trace fossils that exhibit similar (if not identical) geometric forms and morphologic attributes. Thus, cooperation and communication between biologists and paleontologists are really valuable, and paleontologists have a lot to learn from ichnologic studies in the modern realm. c) It is necessary to examine also the sediment surrounding the open burrows in order to fully understand the activity of the burrowers. b) The “how” of trace fossil production is important! In the trace fossil record, there are many ichnogenera for which there are no obvious modern analogues, so paleoichnologists have to begin by asking different questions than biologists may ask. For example, it is most useful to first ask what are the (a) anatomical characteristics (appendages, body shape, etc.) and (b) behavioral skills (mobility, grasping ability, etc.) that are required to create a particular trace fossil. By answering those questions first (without jumping to conclusions based on modern analogues), the identity or possible affinity of the trace-maker can be facilitated. Again, cooperation and communication between biologists and paleontologists are really valuable, and biologists have a lot to learn from ichnologic approaches that are applied in the ancient record. c) The behavior of burrowing crustaceans needs to be further analyzed in the lab in order to learn more about digging techniques, feeding behavior, etc. d) Serial sectioning of crustacean trace fossils is a promising technique if we want to reconstruct 3-D configuration of fossil burrow systems. 2. Applications in Broader Fields Outside Ichnology Paleontologist/Geologist Sub-group: a) Paleoclimate research can be aided by studying the trace fossil assemblages that reflect latitudinal distributions of burrowing organisms (e.g., crustacean trace fossils are most abundant and diverse in the tropics) as well as recognizing trace fossil marker units in paleoclimatic cycles (e.g., repetitive changes in ichnofabrics in Milankovich obliquity cycles that reflect climatic oscillations). b) Sequence stratigraphic interpretations depend in large part on ichnofabric and ichnofacies that indicate sequence boundaries, parasequences, maximum flooding surfaces, etc. Biologist/Paleobiologist sub-group: a) Improving our knowledge of modern burrow morphology is important to try to correlate those with fossil counterparts. c) Reservoir characterization in both hydrology and petroleum geology can be benefited greatly from b) A greater effort is needed in order to describe the complete configuration of burrow systems either by digging or serial sectioning or by using non-destructive geophysical methods. 29 Biologist/Paleobiologist sub-group: c) Increasing attention should be paid into burrow wall micromorphology which has revealed as a very important tool in other fields of ichnology (i.e. insect ichnology). 4. Best new ideas from this Workshop, which paleontologists can benefit from the work of biologists a) Decapods are not the only crustaceans that produce burrows that may be preserved in the fossil record. Other taxa have to be taken into consideration. Paleontologist/Geologist Sub-group: a) “Ecologic time” is an important perspective. Speed of organism activity, rate of sediment processing, sequence of animal activity in the same sediment, numbers of individual animals occupying a burrowing population at any given time, etc., are all aspects that need to be understood in real time. Paleontologists deal with timeaveraged situations in virtually all cases, so it is crucial for paleontologists to have the perspective of what amounts of absolute time are involved in the production of burrows and bioturbated sedimentary sequences. b) Ichnologists need to communicate with biologists and explain them what kind of information can be obtained from modern burrows and burrowers which may be useful to better understand the fossil record. c) The study of the fossil record of crustacean burrows has a type of information that cannot be obtained from the study of modern burrows, that is “deep time”. The history of crustacean burrowers is long and the only way to get new information is to study the fossil record. b) Geochemical raw data from modern sediment in which burrowers are active is useful to know, but it is important to recognize the transitory nature of the geochemistry in sediments (e.g., diurnal and seasonal variations) as well as the patchy nature of the geochemistry in sediments (e.g., variations over very small distances spatially and vertically) at any given time. Thus, it is somewhat tenuous to regard particular trace fossils as geochemical indicators in the fossil record or (vice-versa) to make ichnologic interpretations based mainly (or especially solely) on geochemical studies of burrowed rocks. d) It is good for ichnology students to be trained both in neo- and paleoichnology. Looking at both sides of the problem should be of great benefit for them and for the progress of our science. c) Facies distributions of sedimentary structures made by burrowing organisms in modern settings are crucial for refining paleoenvironmental interpretations in the geologic record. d) Bioturbation and bioerosion structures in a broad array of modern environments (terrestrial and marine) that may have a very poor preservation potential in the geologic record, such as upland forest floors, rocky shorelines, wood substrates, etc., give paleontologists a wider perspective of what ancient life (and life habits) may have been like. This type of knowledge enables paleoecologists to make more informed and more sophisticated interpretations of ancient ecosystems. 30 The Latin American Symposium on Ichnology 2010 (SLIC 2010) October 30 to November 7, 2010, Sao Leopoldo, Brazil By: Noelia Carmona and Renata Netto Organizing Committee President: Renata G. Netto. Vice-president: Ricardo N. Melchor. Secretaries/Treasurers: Noelia Carmona and Francisco Tognoli. Scientific Committee: M. Gabriela Mángano, Luis A. Buatois and Jorge Genise. The Latin American Symposium on Ichnology 2010 (SLIC 2010) replaced the Argentinean Meeting of Ichnology, and the Ichnologic Meeting of the MERCOSUR, both of which are organized every three years since 1993. SLIC 2010 was held from October 30 to November 7 in Sao Leopoldo, south of Brazil. field-trip, participants visited Devonian shallow-marine deposits (Furnas and Ponta Grossa Fms.), and PermoCarboniferous glacial and marine deposits (Mafra and Rio do Sul Fms.) of the Paraná Basin. The post-symposium field trip was focused in Mesozoic-Cenozoic non-marine trace fossils from the Paraná Basin, and Proterozoic deposits with microbially induced sedimentary structures (MISS) from the Camaquã Basin. Two minicourses were also offered to the SLIC participants, one focused on Continental Ichnology (organized by the Ichnology Group from MACN/CONICET, Argentina), and the other focused on Bioerosion, organized by Dr. Silvio Casadío (Universidad Nacional de Río Negro/ CONICET, Argentina). Eighty ichnologists attended the conference (most of them students and scientists, although there were also people from the petroleum industry, see Fig. 1), representing 21 institutions from South America, 1 from Central America, 3 from North America, 3 from Europe, and 1 from Asia (Fig. 2). Two field trips were offered to the participants to examine shallow-marine, marginal-marine and continental deposits bearing trace fossils. During the pre-symposium Program Summary: November 02 Conference: Exploring the potential of Ichnology in unravelling taphonomy and ecology of Burgess Shaletype deposits. Dr. María Gabriela Mángano November 03 Conference: From “quantum” ichnology to “ichnosphere” evolution: looking into the paleobiological significance of trace fossils. Dr. Jordi María de Gibert Bioerosion Structures and other Marine Invertebrate Trace Fossils Vertebrate Trace Fossils: Footprints, Burrows and Coprolites Round Table: New Frontiers in Ichnology November 04 Conference: Paleoecological ichnology: Bringing trace fossil producers to life. Dr. Masakazu Nara, Arthropod Trace Fossils in Aquatic Environments, Paleosols and Plants Conference: Perspectives on continental freshwater ichnology. Dr. Ricardo Melchor November 05 Conference: Ichnology of Quaternary tropical carbonates with emphasis on ichnogenic porosity and permeability. Dr. H. Allen Curran Workshop: Applications of Ichnology to Stratigraphy Conference: Perspectives on the applications of ichnology in facies analysis and sequence stratigraphy: Gaps, grey zones and opportunities. Dr. Luis A. Buatois Poster Session Figure 1 – Distribution of the SLIC 2010 participants. Figure 2 – Countries represented in the SLIC 2010. 31 Opening ceremony of SLIC 2010. Poster Sessions. Technical Sessions. Workshop on applied ichnology. 32 Field Trips. Group Photo. 33 The Eleventh International Ichnofabric Workshop June 30 to July 5, 2011, Colunga, Spain By: Luis Buatois Let us start this report with a simple question: what are the requirements that a scientific meeting, such as a workshop with a strong field component, needs to fulfill in order to be successful? First, it has to be well organized, and the selection of the locale plays in this case a significant role. Second, the scientific level should be reasonably high (that includes not only the quality of talks and posters presentations, but also the quality of the outcrops, planning and leadership of fieldtrips). Third, we have the social aspects, including the overall setting of the meeting, the evening activities, and the general human environment. Because neither of us works for a marketing agency, we have not conducted any systematic opinion pool among the participants, but our perception based on individual talks with colleagues is that everyone who attended the XI International Ichnofabric Workshop would agree that the meeting excelled in these three previously outlined aspects. The Asturias meeting was really GREAT and the three organizers, José Carlos García Ramos, Laura Piñuela and Francisco Rodríguez Tovar, did an amazing job in setting up a highly successful, memorable workshop. The workshop was held in the town of Colunga, on the Asturias coast, with the scientific sessions taking place at the Museum of the Jurassic of Asturias (MUJA). The MUJA, which came to reality thanks to José Carlos’ continuous efforts for more than a decade, is an ideal venue for scientific meetings. The participants were able to attend the sessions, but also to visit the museum and spend time looking at the marvellous trace-fossil collections. Together with the customery conference proceedings (this time including extended abstracts) and fieldtrip guides, additional material was presented, including two beautifully illustrated volumes: an atlas of the Jurassic of Asturias and an atlas of the modern invertebrate faunas of the Cantabrian Sea. After an icebreaker party at the museum on the evening of Thursday June 30th (where the participants had their first contact with Asturian cuisine, a real treat!), the first day of sessions took place during the whole Friday July 1st, including the first set of talks and posters. trace fossils. This was an excellent opportunity to discuss about a number of ichnologic and sedimentologic topics, from tiering structure to the envisaged depositional mechanism. Later in the afternoon, we visited preRomanesque monuments, near the city of Oviedo and the town of Valdedios. One of these sites, the Santa Maria del Naranco monument, was declared a World Heritage Monument by UNESCO in 1985. (Woody Allen’s statue is also in Oviedo, but it is more recent and was not included in the tour.) In the evening, we visited the cider factory El Gaitero (“famosa en el mundo entero”). The second day of scientific sessions took place on Sunday during the morning, again including both posters and talks. Overall, the two days of scientific sessions covered a wide variety of topics, including the role of bioturbation in permeability, crustacean burrows, new techniques in neoichnology, the interactions of bioturbation and diagenesis, bioturbation through time, and applications in archaeology, to name just a few. In the afternoon we had the opportunity to explore and admire the Tito Bustillo Cave, another UNESCO World Heritage Monument since 2008. This karstic cave developed in Carboniferous limestone offers outstanding views of paintings of Magdalenian (Paleolithic) age. The post-conference field trip took place during July 4–5th. The first day we visited Lower Jurassic outcrops of marl-limestone rhythmites along Vega Beach in the morning. This was an astounding opportunity to examine ichnofabrics from a depositional setting which is commonly overlooked in textbooks. The Chondrites-Phymatoderma ichnofabrics were particularly outstanding. We spent the afternoon looking at the Villar sea cliffs near the town of Villaviciosa, looking at Lower Jurassic hardgrounds and nodular limestones; what a great opportunity to learn about bioerosion! The intra-congress field trip took place on Saturday, when we visited Middle Devonian shallow-marine deposits of the Naranco Formation along coastal cliffs of El Tranqueru section. The outcrops are spectacular, and we all gathered around extensive bedding planes densely covered with 34 On Tuesday, we visited El Puntal cliffs, also near Villaviciosa, this time to look at spectacular specimens of Rhizocorallium in Lower to Middle Jurassic limestones. One of these discontinuity surfaces contains some of the most amazing firmground ichnofabrics that we have ever seen—two years before the meeting we visited this outcrop with Laura and José Carlos, and took a photo that we included in our Ichnology book to illustrate this topic. In the afternoon, we went to La Griega beach to look at Upper Jurassic continental to marginal-marine deposits containing both invertebrate and vertebrate trace fossils. Deciphering the sauropod trackways guided by Laura’s expertise was a real treat. The social atmosphere of the meeting was exceptional; we were really spoiled by our hosts who cared about every little detail during the event. Evening dinners with exquisite Asturian food and panoramic views of the Cantabrian sea, are among the best memories. The ichnofabric workshops continue to rank among the best venues for sharing experiences and exchange ideas for the simple love of doing research in a topic that we all enjoy, far away from the “show business” mindset that unfortunately dominates so many large scientific conferences nowadays. The workshop was very well attended (probably the largest since the beginning of these meetings in 1991), with 57 participants from 20 countries (Argentina, Austria, Brazil, Canada, China, Czech Republic, France, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Norway, New Zealand, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, and United States). Interestingly, approximately 50 % of the participants were new to the ichnofabric workshops, showing that interest in ichnology is growing and the location and fieldtrips were attractive and appropriate for the venue. José Carlos, Laura and Francisco should be congratulated for having organized such a wonderful, and unforgettable (for good reasons!) meeting! Group photo at Tranqueru Beach. Group photo at the Jurassic Museum. 35 Current Research Małgorzata Bednarz Department of Earth Sciences, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada 3D reconstruction of ichnofabrics in fine-grained sediments: assessment of the morphological diversity of phycosiphoniform burrows. Link to download pdf file (Figure 1 in the manuscript, 7.18 MB): Phycosiphoniforms3D_IN.pdf: http://www.ichnology.ca/ index.php/download-zone/file/32-ph3d Patrick Getty (University of Connecticut) and I will be co-convening a session on ichnology for the upcoming 2012 GSA Northeastern Section Meeting in Hartford, CT (March 18-20). We intend to focus on new trace fossil research in New England, the cradle of ichnology. We intend to offer a one-day field trip to Mesozoic trace fossil localities nearby. Luis A. Buatois Geological Sciences, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan, Canada Jacob Benner Dept. of Geology, Tufts University, Massachusetts, USA Richard Knecht, Michael Engel (University of Kansas) and I recently finished up work on a full body impression of a Carboniferous flying insect that was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) v. 108 no. 16, 6515-6519. We are continuing, albeit slowly, to work through the diverse assemblage of vertebrate and invertebrate trace fossils discovered by Richard at this same site in southeastern Massachusetts. Glacial varve ichnology is still an interest as well (with Tufts colleague Jack Ridge) and I recently worked with Renata Netto (Unisinos) and others to review the subject for Elsevier in an upcoming book chapter edited by Dirk Knaust and Richard Bromley: Netto, R.G., Benner, J.S., Buatois, L.A., Uchman, A., Mángano, M.G., Ridge, J.C., Kazakauskas, V. and Gaigalas, A. in review. Ichnology of Glacial Environments (working title), in Trace Fossils as Indicators of Sedimentary Environments (working title), Elsevier. Ilya Buynevich (Temple University) and I co-convened a session on ichnology for the joint GSA Northeastern/ Southeastern section meeting in March 2010 in Baltimore, MD, sponsored by the eastern section of the SEPM entitled Eastern Ichnology: Advances in Paleoenvironmental Applications of Trace Fossils. This very successful session had both oral and poster presentations and focused on trace fossil research performed in the eastern United States. Ilya Buynevich (Temple University), Stephen Hasiotis (University of Kansas) and I co-convened a session on ichnology, Life’s Footprint: New Frontiers in Field and Experimental Trace Fossil Research, in March 2011 for the GSA Northeastern and North-Central Section Meeting in Pittsburgh, PA. This session was well attended and had an excellent slate of presentations that focused on new and alternative techniques in trace fossil analysis. Since my arrival to the University of Saskatchewan (Canada), I have been involved in a number of ichnologic projects. Part of my recent work was focused on a general book on Ichnology that Gabriela and myself have just published with Cambridge University Press. In addition to older projects, I am interested on the ichnology of the Precambrian-Cambrian transition. This project involves the construction of a large database and field work in a number of places, including northwest Argentina, western Canada, northern Spain (with Sören Jensen), South Africa and Namibia (with John Almond). A paper documenting a shallow-marine occurrence of the ichnogenus Oldhamia and associated ichnotaxa in the Puncoviscana Formation of Argentina is in press in Journal of Paleontology. A more general paper dealing with paleoegeographical patterns in Cambrian trace fossils (together with Sören and Gabriela) is at present under review. I am also interested in the existence of recurrent patterns related to the exploitation of underutilized ecospace (what Gabriela and myself have called “the Déjà vu effect”). A paper on this topic will be published in the last issue of Geology this year, and a general review on the interactions between organisms and matgrounds will be included as a chapter of an SEPM book on microbial mats (edited by N. Noffke and H. Chafetz). I am also working on a number of projects that involved applications of ichnology in facies analysis and sequence stratigraphy. A substantial part of this research involves the study of deltaic deposits, including Neogene tropical deltas in Venezuela, Cretaceous deltas affected by hyperpycnal flows in Argentina (with Lucas Saccavino and Carlos Zavala) and Utah (with Simon Pattison), and Jurassic deltas showing a mixed participation of river processes, waves and tides in the northern Australian shelf (with Fiona Burns and Bruce Ainsworth). Some of the results of this research will be published in the journal Sedimentology and AAPG Studies in Geology. 36 Some of these projects include graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. Nic Minter had a productive year as a postdoc working on nonmarine ichnofacies and the process of terrestrialization. Patricio Desjardins (now with Shell, Houston) finished his PhD on the sedimentology, ichnology and sequence stratigraphy of the Lower Cambrian Gog Group in the Canadian Rocky Mountains. A couple of papers have been published already (Lethaia, Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology) and many more are in press. Jenni Scott (now a postdoc at the University of Alberta) finished her PhD on the ichnology of saline lakes (the Kenya Rift and the Eocene Green River Formation of western USA). Her work has been published in a number of journals (Palaeo-3, Ichnos) and some other papers are at present in preparation. Maria Daniela Rangel finished her MSc on the Upper Cretaceous of the Furrial field in Venezuela. Other graduate students have their theses in progress. PhD candidate Solange Angulo is studying shallow- to marginal-marine reservoirs of the Devonian-Carboniferous Bakken Formation of subsurface Saskatchewan. Papers based on her PhD have been accepted in Palaeo-3 and AAPG Bulletin. Luis Quiroz is studying Miocene deltaic deposits of the Urumaco region in Venezuela. An innovative paper discussing tropical occurrences of Macaronichnus was published last year in Geology. Cecilia Pirrone is looking at bioeorosion in dinosaur bones for her PhD thesis. PhD student Sudipta Dasgupta is analyzing the ichnology and sedimentology of Pliocene shelf-edge deltas in Trinidad. Pablo Alonso is doing his PhD on the ichnology of Carboniferous postglacial deposits of western Argentina. MSc student Williams Rodriguez is doing an integrated study of the marginal-marine Oficina Formation in the Orinoco Belt of Venezuela. Finally, I am involved as coauthor in a number of chapters for the book on trace fossils as indicators of sedimentary environments edited by Dirk Knaust and Richard Bromley. Nacional del Sur, Bahía Blanca). Also, I have started some analysis on modern microbial mats from the Bahia Blanca estuary (Buenos Aires province), and also from the Rio Negro Formation (Miocene-Pliocene), in collaboration with Diana Cuadrado (IADO), Constanza Bournod (PhD student, Universidad Nacional del Sur), Juan José Ponce and Andreas Wetzel. Studies on the modern tidal flats of the Bahia Blanca estuary focus on the bioturbation patterns associated to the microbial mats, and also, on the preservation potential of different vertebrate tracks observed in these flats (e.g. Cuadrado et al., 2011 – Sedimentary Geology; Carmona et al., in press – SEPM Special Publication on Microbial Mats). Also, I collaborated with Renata Netto and Francisco Tognoli in the organization of the SLIC 2010 held in Brazil last year. This was a great meeting, where we had the opportunity to discuss and interchange new ideas on different aspects of ichnology (see report of this meeting). Finally, I am very glad to co-edit the Ichnology Newsletter with Shahin! Shahin E. Dashtgard Dpt. of Earth Sciences, Simon Fraser University, British Columbia, Canada For the past 5 years, I have been building my research group at SFU. It’s been an enjoyable experience! Highlights include working with James MacEachern to establish the Applied Research in Ichnology and Sedimentology (ARISE) Group, training 8 graduate students, and having the opportunity to teach classes in Petroleum Geology, Paleontology, Sedimentary Petrology, Ichnology, and Scientific Writing. I’m actively working to build upon and expand the ARISE group with the addition of international and national collaborators, and to advance my neoichnological and sedimentological research as analogs to the rock record. Highlights of my career over the past 5 years: Noelia Carmona Instituto de Investigación en Paleobiología y Geología Universidad Nacional de Río Negro - General Roca, Río Negro, Argentina -Started at SFU in January 2007. Last year I moved to Río Negro province, where I am teaching General Biology at University and doing research at the Instituto de Investigación en Paleobiología y Geología. I am currently working on different ichnologic projects, primarily dealing with shallow-marine ichnofaunas through the Mesozoic and Cenozoic, in Patagonia and in the Neuquén Basin in collaboration with Juan José Ponce and the PhD student Nerina Canale (Universidad 37 -Co-founder (with James MacEachern) of the Applied Research in Ichnology and Sedimentology (ARISE) Group at SFU (www.sfu.ca/ARISE) - Actively advancing the fields of Process Ichnology, and developing the facies model for Tidal Shorefaces -Graduated 2 MSc students. Presently supervising or co-supervising 3 MSc and 3 PhD students - Associate Editor for the Journal of Sedimentary Research and Ichnos. Co-Editor of the Ichnology Newsletter -2012 recipient of the James Lee Wilson Medal (awarded by the SEPM (Society for Sediment Geology) for “Excellence in sedimentary geology by a young scientist” Dirk Knaust Statoil ASA Trace fossils as indicators of sedimentary environments (Elsevier, 2012): Together with Richard G. Bromley I am currently working on a comprehensive volume about “Trace fossils as indicators of sedimentary environments” to be published in Elsevier’s book series “Developments in Sedimentology”. The book is planned for publication in 2012 and will consist of about 30 chapters and ca 700 pages written by more than 80 internationally recognised authors from different schools. In addition to history, concepts and methods, it is covering all major depositional environments from glacial to deep sea, as well as aspects of characterisation of hydrocarbon reservoir and aquifers by means of trace fossils. Beside that, I have been working on several aspects of ichnology, including the following ones: Reservoir characterisation based on slabbed cores of deep-sea sediments and carbonate deposits Hydrocarbon reservoirs in deep-sea deposits are poorly understood by means of ichnology. This is because most analogue studies deal with trace fossils on beddingplanes, whereas information about ichnofabrics in vertical core sections is almost absent (Knaust, 2009b). A comprehensive field study dealing with ichnological aspects of confined turbidites serves as an outcrop example for the interpretation and calibration of subsurface (well core) data. Similarly, reservoirs in carbonates are inadequately addressed in terms of ichnology compared with their siliciclastic counterparts. Based on material from the Permian-Triassic Khuff Formation in the Middle East, it can be demonstrated how to utilise ichnological methods in reservoir zonation, facies reconstruction and the impact of bioturbation on reservoir quality (Knaust, 2009c). 38 The end-Permian mass extinction and its aftermath on an equatorial carbonate platform A semi-quantitative analysis of the endobenthic activity across the Permian-Triassic boundary was carried out on a ca. 445 m thick well core interval in the Middle East by logging the degree of bioturbation, trace fossil distribution and ichnodiversity (Knaust, 2010a). This data enables for the first time the evaluation of recovery of endobenthic organisms after the end-Permian mass extinction by direct comparison of post-extinction (Lower Triassic) with preextinction (Upper Permian) units. Benthic organisms and their traces preserved from a Middle Triassic mud flat A new Fossil-Lagerstätte is reported from the Middle Triassic (Muschelkalk) of Germany, preserving Foraminifera, Nematoda, Platyhelminthes, Nemertea, Annelida and a range of Arthropoda together with their traces (Knaust, 2010c). The rare preservation of the benthic associations together with their traces is unique; especially the abundant occurrence of different phyla as meiofauna provides an insight into the palaeoecological conditions of a 240 Ma old muddy tidal flat (Knaust, 2007a). The preservation of benthic animals at the termination of their traces offers the exclusive opportunity to assign producers to the trace fossils. Balanoglossites and related trace fossils from the Muschelkalk (Middle Triassic) of Germany The review of the ichnofauna in the German Muschelkalk (Knaust, 2007b) has been extended by treating with certain ichnotaxa. A re-description of the ichnogenus Balanoglossites Mägdefrau, 1932 from its type area shows that it is part of a complex trace fossil comprising both burrow and boring components (Knaust, 2008). The ichnofamily Coprulidae has been established for associated faecal pellets with a rounded shape and a homogeneous texture (such as Coprulus oblongus). Based on the numerous fingerprints preserved in the complex trace fossil, polychaete worms are identified as possible tracemakers. Zoophycos from the Middle Permian of Oman and other findings in the Middle East Polychaetes are interpreted as the likely producers of a complex (compound) trace fossil that comprises two integrated elements (Knaust, 2009a): (i) irregular galleries with straight to gently curved tunnels and interconnected shafts, and (ii) simple planar to complex spreiten structures with a marginal tube (Zoophycos). Further findings in the Middle East include the study of Pleistocene ichnofabrics Ludvig Löwemark in alluvial and beach deposits (Fig. 1), a miniature Thalassinoides ichnofabric in the Later Permian (Knaust, 2010b), as well as neoichnological observations. Department of Geological Sciences, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden Neoichnology of mammal burrows in snow and caddisfly bioerosion in freshwater streamlets During my fieldwork in mountain areas after the winter season I became impressed by the activity of the Blind Mole and the Norway Lemning which both create extensive burrow systems along the snow-soil interface. Once the snow melts, the partly grass-stuffed burrow elements become visible and reveal a fascinating architecture otherwise greatly unknown from the subsurface. Likewise, bioerosion in freshwater environments is poorly studied and I am not aware of any trace fossil from there. Again during field work I was surprised to find plenty of etching traces on limestone surfaces within an ephemeral mountain streamlet. The roughly circular features with an irregular outline were potentially produced by caddisflies (Fig. 2), although detailed descriptions of such bioeroding activity are beyond my knowledge and information about it would be much appreciated! I primarily work with late Quaternary sediments from the Arctic Ocean. Trace fossils obtained in piston and gravity cores during icebreaker expeditions contain a sparse ichnofauna but some interesting observation could be made on Zoophycos, Nereites, and a few other trace fossils. I also continue to study SE Asian occurrences of Schaubcylindrichnus. James A. MacEachern Dpt. of Earth Sciences, Simon Fraser University, British Columbia, Canada Figure 1 - Bedding plane expression of Holocene beach sand (intertidal) with bioturbation and incipient cementation (beach rock), Abu Dhabi. Image with is approximately 10 cm. The ARISE (Applied Research in Ichnology and Sedimentology) Group at Simon Fraser University (www. sfu.ca/ARISE) is the outgrowth of the research focus of Dr. Shahin Dashtgard and Dr. James MacEachern. The ARISE research group comprises a closely knit cadre of 8 excellent young scientists who profit from the ready availability of supervisory support, as well as the distinct, but complementary, approaches of Dashtgard and MacEachern to sedimentology, genetic stratigraphy, subsurface analysis, and ichnology. Students play an integral role in all areas of research. Research is divided evenly between modern animal-sediment studies that link neoichnology and process sedimentology for the purpose of evaluating animal-sediment responses, and more traditional facies-based applied ichnologicalsedimentological-stratigraphic analyses of ancient successions. Figure 2 - Modern bioerosion on limestone exposed in a desiccated mountain river bed, probably produced by algaefeeding caddis flies. Pre-Alps, SE-France. Image height is approximately 11 cm. Dr. Shahin Dashtgard spearheads the modern depositional environment research, focused on deltaic, shoreface and estuarine complexes along the west coast of British Columbia. Much of the research deals with the Fraser River Delta, a mixed river-tide dominated delta setting. Students are conducting studies on the character of IHS development in deltaic distributaries, and details of prodeltaic and delta-front deposition. These modern environmental studies are applied to several reservoir intervals, most notably the McMurray Formation oil sands deposits. 39 Dr. James MacEachern focuses his research on ancient successions, both in the subsurface and in outcrop. Ongoing studies are addressing mixed-influence delta deposits. He and his graduate students are evaluating mixed riverwave asymmetric delta deposits of the basal Belly River Formation, low-accommodation mixed influenced deltas of the Viking Formation, and the mixed river-wave-tide deltaic complexes of the Horseshoe Canyon Formation. Ichnological applications to sequence stratigraphy remain an integral part of all research projects, with the aim of differentiating autogenic surfaces from allogenic discontinuities. Dr. M. Gabriela Mangano The second project deals with the ichnology of the Sirius Passet of Greenland and is in cooperation with Richard Bromley (Natural History Museum of Denmark), and a team of specialists coordinated by David Harper. For the last 10 years, I have also focused a lot of attention on the Ediacaran-Cambrian boundary, in order to develop a better understanding of Ediacaran ichnofaunas and their palaecological context in order to compare/contrast them to Cambrian ichnofaunas. Luis and I have been constructing a large database that we are using to analyze changes across the Ediacaran-Cambrian boundary. This is a long-term project that highlights how trace fossils can provide crucial information to illuminate questions at macroevolutionary level. I am also looking at the ichnology of shallow-marine younger rocks, including the Ordovician of northwest Argentina (with Beatriz Waisfeld and coworkers) and the Eocene of Patagonia, southern Argentina (with Eduardo Olivero and Mariza Lopez C.) Geological Sciences, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan, Canada I am currently working on a variety of projects, quite diverse at first sight, but all them providing me different perspectives and expanding my understanding of trace fossils through geologic time and across different environmental settings. In the last few years, I have been particularly interested on the paleoecologic and evolutionary significance of ichnofaunas associated with Cambrian Burgess Shale-type faunas. Body fossils have traditionally captured most of the interest of paleontologists focusing on systematics and phylogenetic affinities, as well as on their unique taphonomy. The absence of burrowing due to anoxic conditions has been proposed to explain the exceptional preservation of soft tissues, but very little attention has been devoted to investigate the actual absence of biogenic structures. My ongoing research demonstrates that trace fossils are locally quite abundant in these deposits, but very tiny and mostly restricted to the sediment-water interface. In short, an intricate interplay of oxygen fluctuations and taphonomic processes played a major role. At present, I am involved in two projects dealing with this topic. One of these projects is in cooperation with Jean-Bernard Caron (Royal Ontario Museum) and Bob Gaines (Pomona College), and focuses on the biogenic structures from the Middle Cambrian Burgess Shale and Stephen Formation of western Canada. As a result of this project, one paper was published last year documenting a new fossil site (Caron et al., 2010, Geology). A more detailed analysis of the Stanley Galcier ichnofauna is now in press (Mángano, Palaeontographica Canadiana, Special Issue on the Cambrian Explosion). Also, a manuscript documenting the first arthropod trackways in the Burgess Shale together with Nic Minter (who spent a very productive year with Luis and myself as postdoc) has been accepted for publication (Minter et al., Proceedings of the Royal Society, Biological Sciences). 40 In the last five years, my research has also been enriched by the lively interaction with my PhD, MSc students, and former students. Veronica Krapovickas finished her PhD at the University of Buenos Aires, focused on the integration of invertebrate and vertebrate ichnology datasets in order to refine ichnofacies models. A paper on the ichnology of Neogene anastomosed fluvial deposits from western Argentina was published (Krapovickas et al., 2010; Palaeo-3), and a number of manuscripts are in preparation. A series of papers have been published or accepted for publication summarizing the results of Patricio Desjardins PhD thesis on the Gog Group (see Luis Buatois current activities). Richard Hofmann finished his Diplomat thesis at the University of Freiburg; his research topic was the ichnology of the Middle Cambrian Hanneh Member of the Burj Formation of Jordan. One paper is in the processes of being submitted, and a second ms. is close to completion. Terri Graham finished her MSc at the University of Saskatchewan (co-supervised by Elizabeth Nesbitt, University of Seattle), working on the ichnology of the Lower Cambrian Addy Quartzite of NW United States. A manuscript summarizing her findings is in preparation. PhD student Nadine Pearson is working on the ichnology of Paleogene marginal-marine deposits of Patagonia, southern Argentina; three papers highlighting different aspects of the analyzed units are in progress. Master student Elizabeth Schatz is focusing on the ichnology of Holocene fjords of Baffin Island in Arctic Canada. This is a very exciting project in collaboration with Alec Aitken; preliminary results have been presented in GeoHydro, 2011 and a paper is in preparation. I am also having a lot of fun with the “Macaronichnus project”, collaborating with Luis Quiroz (see Current Activities Luis Buatois). I am involved in several projects with Noelia Carmona, dealing with animal-microbial mat interactions and Miocene ichnofaunas from the Chenque Formation of Patagonia. Finally, I have just published a textbook with Cambridge University Press together with Luis (Ichnology: The role of organism-substrate interactions in space and time). In addition, I am working on a new book provisionally entitled The Trace Fossil Record of Major Evolutionary Events which will be published by Springer as part of their Topics in Geobiology series. Further, I carry out (statistical) analyses on trackway parameters in order to better understand their variability and their relationships with the locomotion capabilities and paleoecology of the trackmakers. I am highly interested to set up collaborations or research projects in order to compare our data with other Late Jurassic/Early Cretaceous material, and also to use the track data in Dr. Duncan McIlroy Department of Earth Sciences, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada Research Interests Daniel Marty -Ichnofabrics and Reservoir Characterization. -Organism-Sediment-Mineral interactions. -Sedimentology & Sequence Stratigraphy of shallow to non-marine deposits. -Palaeobiology of the Neoproterozoic-lower Cambrian. Hosting Ichnia 2012 (see www.ichnology.ca). Section d’archéologie et paléontologie, Office de la culture, Switzerland In October 2008, I finished my PhD thesis at the University of Fribourg (Switzerland), which is mainly focusing on the sedimentology, taphonomy, and ichnology of dinosaur tracks from the Transjurane highway (NW Switzerland, Canton Jura), and in particular from the socalled Chevenez—Combe Ronde tracksite. Furthermore, a chapter is dedicated to the neoichnology of human footprints in microbial mats of Recent (sub-) tropical tidalflat settings. My thesis (GeoFocus, volume 21, 278 pp) can be ordered at the Department of Geosciences of the University of Fribourg (http://www.unifr.ch/geoscience/ geology/Publications/geofocus.html) or you may write me to get a CD with a PDF file. Besides my thesis, I am still leading dinosaur track excavations along the future course of the Transjurane highway (www.paleojura.ch), which are funded by the Swiss federal highway authorities. So far, these excavations resulted in the (partial) excavation of six tracksites revealing on multiple superimposed paleosurfaces within Late Jurassic (Kimmeridgian) interto supratidal biolaminites tracks of mainly saurischian dinosaurs (sauropods and theropods). To date, more than 5000 tracks and 350 trackways have been excavated and documented in detail (including high-resolution laserscanning and close-range photogrammetry for most of the tracks). The largest of the tracksites, which is currently under excavation, has a surface of about 4500 m2 and at present it exhibits particularly long (up to nearly 100 m) sauropod trackways. Current Graduate Students -Nikki Tonkin (Ph.D. Candidate) -Malgorzata Bednarz (Ph.D. Candidate) -Dario Harazim (Ph.D.Candidate) -Alex Liu (Ph.D., U. Oxford, UK-cosupervisor) -Latha Menon (Ph.D., U. Oxford, UK-cosupervisor) -Jack Matthews (Ph.D., U. Oxford, UK- cosupervisor) -Allison Moore (M.Sc. Candidate) -Mary Leaman (MSc Candidate) -Christopher Boyd (MSc Candidate starting fall 2011). Recent Graduate students -Dr. Chris Phillips (Ph.D.) -Dr. Michael Garton (Ph.D.) -Barry Mapstone (MSc.). Current Postdoctoral Researchers -Richard Callow (Slopes 2 and PEEP funded). Recent Postdoctoral Researchers -Dr. Liam Herringshaw (PRAC/NSERC funded) -Dr. Owen Sherwood (PRAC/NSERC funded) Radek Mikuláš Institute of Geology, Academy of Science of the Czech Republic, Rozvojová, Czech Republic My current research is focusing on the huge track database of the Transjurane excavations. Thereby, I am especially interested in preservational (sedimentological and taphonomical) aspects of vertebrate tracks and their use in the exposure index (reconstruction of the paleoenvironment) and vertebrate ichnofacies concepts. I am working on trace fossils from the Cambrian of the Czech Republic that represent a key of trophic relationships within the benthic communities (e.g. direct evidence of scavenging, or determinable paleontological objects in coprolites/active backfill of feeding traces). I continue with the interpretation and description of trace fossil assemblages from the Lower Paleozoic of north-western Russia and Siberia (with Andrei Dronov, Ervins Luksevics 41 and others). I am trying to continue with numerous other topics (e.g., Holocene bioturbation in floodplains, fossil and modern terrestrial wood bioerosion). Renata Guimarães Netto attention. Lectures about the useful of palaeontology and ichnology in environmental reconstructions have been given at Süleyman Demirel University, Turkey. This is related to a common project by Prof. Muhittin Görmüş, Kubilay Uysal and me, where the aim is stratigraphical mapping of Paleocene to Miocene trace fossil assemblages preserved in inner shelf and shelf slope deposits. Geology Graduation Program – PPGeo - Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, São Leopoldo, Brazil I dedicate my attention to invertebrate ichnology, in special to the ichnological content of the deposits of the Paraná Basin (south of Brazil), and Cenozoic deposits from the Rio Grande do Sul coastal plain (south of Brazil). My main interest is applied ichnology, chiefly to paleoecology and sedimentary geology. I have been working with Luis Buatois and Gabriela Mángano in the Lower Permian marginal-marine and shallow marine deposits of the Rio Bonito/Palermo Formations, using ichnofossils and ichnofabrics to recognize stratigraphic surfaces and to review paleoenvironmental interpretations. We are also studying the Gondwana Permo-carboniferous glacially-influenced sedimentary deposits generated in distinct sedimentary basins, trying to understand how far the deglaciation influenced the benthic invertebrate distribution in these basins. I just finished a review with all information referred to trace fossils from glacial and glacially-influenced environments, together with Jacob Benner, Luis Buatois, Alfred Uchman, Gabriela Mángano, Vaidotas Kazakaukas and others. Website: http://ichnology.tripod.com Dr. Andreas Wetzel Geologisches Institut. Universität Switzerland Basel, Basel. As over the past years my main ichnologic interest is focused on the ichnology of modern to Pleistocene deposits in the South China Sea, on the one hand the bathyal continental slope setting of central Vietnam and on the other hand the adjacent shelf of Vietnam. I am still working in a review of the Ediacaran biota preserved in the Camaquã Basin (Rio Grande do Sul State), which was formerly connected with the Nama Basin, in SW Namibia. The study of microbially-induced sedimentary structures (MISS) was under my focus during the last years, in special its record in the glaciallyinfluenced deposits of the Paraná basin, as well as the records from the Proterozoic units of the Camaquã Basin. Bathyal continental slope of Vietnam: Today the area off central Vietnam is heavily affected by upwelling and a large amount of organic material settles to the seafloor. There the benthic organisms experience some lowered oxygenation; today and during interglacial times the bottom water circulation is rapid, but the oxygen saturation of the bottom water reaches only ¼ of the full saturation value. During glacial times upwelling slowed down, but increased fluvial discharge from the Mekong and the Molengraaff River draining the emerged Sunda Shelf provided nutrients and hence, a pronounced oxygen minimum developed. The ichnofabrics reflect these conditions clearly. In the field of neoichnology, I study coastal areas with graduate and undergraduate students. Our main objective is to use the modern biogenic record as analogues to marginal- and shallow-marine trace fossil recorded in the sedimentary record. Vietnam shelf: The Vietnam shelf was exposed during the last glaciation and the Mekong River incised a number of valleys during that time. Later on, during sealevel rise these valleys were flooded. Within the incised valleys as well as on the shelf, Glossifungites surfaces developed in response to marine flooding. I am now going to study in detail these Glossifungites surfaces and the processes affecting their formation. Web Page: http://unisinos.academia.edu/RenataNetto In 2012 it is planned to investigate a transect from the prodelta of the Red River in the Gulf of Tonkin to the upper continental slope of the northern South China Sea ichnologically, once again studying sediment cores by means of X-ray radiography. Dr. Jan Kresten Nielsen Other ichnologic work includes small studies about a new ichnogenus of Cladichnus (in cooperation with Alfred Uchman) and the some shallow-water trace fossils in Patagonia (in cooperation with Noelia Carmona and Juan Ponce). StatoilHydro ASA, Stjørdal, Norway The research has included a number of topics during 2008. In particular, the characterization of rock properties through multi-disciplinary studies involving sequence stratigraphy, sedimentology and ichnology has been given 42 Ichnological Websites ichnologicalassociation.org The website ichnologicalassociation.org is the official website of the International Ichnological Association. The IIA is the host organization for the Ichnia conferences, and it supports two publications: the international journal Ichnos and the Ichnology Newsletter. Please visit this website for up-to-date information on meetings, membership, news, and to download the Ichnological Newletters. Membership in the IIA, includes receiving print copies and online access to Ichnos. Soon, the website will provide information about oncoming ichnological conference Ichnia 2012 that will be hosted in Memorial University of Newfoundland. Also, the website is going to offer in near future the possibility to see three dimensional models of burrows and ichnofabric that the group is working on currently. The format of shared models will allow for interactive examination of reconstructed burrow geometry in three dimensions. www.sfu.ca/ARISE The IIA also supports an online group (Ichnological Association) through the professional networking site: LinkedIn.com. The LinkedIn site is a venue for members to pose questions to other ichnologists, for members to keep their status and address information up to date, and is a venue for members to advertise jobs, books, and upcoming meetings. Please see the next page for information on the page, and PLEASE sign up! It’s free!! www.ichnology.ca The website www.sfu.ca/ARISE is the home page for the Applied Research in Ichnology and Sedimentology (ARISE) Group. ARISE members conduct field-based research investigating sedimentological, ichnological, and stratigraphic aspects of siliciclastic depositional environments and deposits. The group’s focus is on integrating the results of modern research with rockrecord studies. Much of the research is aimed at the Petroleum Industry, where the results of the various projects are directly applicable to geological questions faced by the industry. The website www.ichnology.ca shares information on the ichnological and related studies conducted by the MUN Ichnology Research Group. Research focuses on the theme of reservoir ichnology: application of ichnology to study of paleoenvironmental/facies analysis and the impact of burrowing on all types of hydrocarbon reservoirs from conventional sandstones to shale gas. Website offers articles about publications by MUN Ichnology Research Group members, short ichno-articles and news on the group activity in the field of the ichnology research and also image gallery that contains pictures from neo- and paleoichnology field. The website provides links to the personal pages of all of the ARISE membership. Permanent members include Shahin Dashtgard, James MacEachern, Kerrie Bann, Cindy, Hansen, and Bruce Ainsworth. We are working to improve the site by adding links to the research programs being carried out and to papers published by the members. 43 The Ichnological Newsletters will be made available through this site in the near future. The Ichnological Association Group Site on LinkedIn.com We strongly encourage all members of the ichnological community to join the “Ichnological Association” on the professional networking site LinkedIn.com. Membership in this site is 100% free, and it offers a forum for discussions, updates, and advertising. This site also provides members with the means to keep the community up-to-date with their research, and contact details. Ichnological Association | LinkedIn http://www.linkedin.com/groups/Ichnological-Association-38297... Account Type: Basic Home Profile Contacts Add Connections Shahin Dashtgard Groups Jobs Inbox Companies News More Groups Search... Ichnological Association Members Discussions NEW Promotions Jobs Search Manage More... Share group Groups in the LinkedIn app for iPhone and Android. Latest Updates Take a minute to set up your open group for success. Modify write permissions in Group Settings » James MacEachern has joined the group. Edit your Group Rules » Send message Start a discussion or share something with the group... Shahin Dashtgard sent invitations to this group. Maximum length is 200 characters. Share Attach a link Your Activity What's Happening 18 days ago Show all RSS discussions NEW Most Popular Discussions Does anyone have any information pertinent to this trace fossil? I'm looking for a possible name or other stratigraphic occurrences. Thanks. Invite people you know 18 days ago Ronald McDowell and 1 more commented on: Does anyone have any information pertinent to this trace fossil? I'm looking for a possible name or other stratigraphic occurrences. Thanks. 6 comments 1 month ago HAVE YOU SEEN THIS FOSSIL? wvgs.wvnet.edu See all updates » Request for information on Unknown Trace... posted 1 month ago Follow Ronald Ads by LinkedIn Members Ronald McDowell 1 month ago • Lothar, I am currently doing bedrock mapping in the same general area where I recovered the original trace in 2009. I will have to ... » Check for Plagiarism Check written work for originality and attribution before publication! See all 6 comments » Like Comment Follow Learn More » More The Vancouver MBA Tour Fresh/Brackish environment fossils Anyone know where I can find some descent information (as a resource) for fossils that are found in a fresh/brackish water environment. ... posted 2 months ago Matthew Unfollow Meet top business schools at the Vancouver MBA Tour, Thursday Nov. 3, 2011 Learn More » Matthew Levesque 2 months ago • Thanks mate. Will look them up. ... See all 3 comments » Hello all ichnofriends in Linkedin. A question for discussion: have you seen pelleted crustacean burrows in marsh deposits? posted 6 months ago Renata Unfollow Shahin Dashtgard 3 months ago • Hi Renata, sorry for the slow reply. I was going through volume 27 of the Ichnology Newsletter, and on page 8, there are photos of ... » See more » 2011 Ichnology Newletter: Call for Submissions Ichnology Newsletter Shahin E. Dashtgard and Noelia Carmona, Co-editors Number 28 Call for Submissions April 2011 Shahin Dashtgard of ... posted 6 months ago 1 of 2 44 11-10-04 8:01 AM Bibliographia Ichnologica Angulo, S. and Buatois, L.A. 2009. Sedimentological and Ichnological Aspects of a Sandy Low-Energy Coast: Upper Devonian – Lower Mississippian Bakken Formation, Williston Basin, Southeastern Saskatchewan, Canada. Summary of Investigations 2009, Saskatchewan Industry and Resources: 1-17. Angulo, S. and Buatois, L.A. 2010. Sedimentary Facies Distribution of the Upper Devonian – Lower Mississippian Bakken Formation, Williston Basin, Southeastern Saskatchewan: Implications for Understanding Reservoir Geometry, Paleogeography, and Depositional History. Summary of Investigations 2010, Saskatchewan Industry and Resources. Angulo, S. and Buatois, L.A. 2011. Petrophysical Characterization of Sedimentary Facies from the Upper Devonian-Lower Mississippian Bakken Formation in the Williston Basin, Southeastern Saskatchewan. Summary of Investigations 2010, Saskatchewan Industry and Resources. Angulo, S. and Buatois, L.A. in press. Integrating depositional models, ichnology and sequence stratigraphy in reservoir characterization: the middle member of the Upper DevonianLower Mississippian Bakken Formation of subsurface southeastern Saskatchewan revisited. AAPG Bulletin. Angulo, S. and Buatois, L.A. in press. Ichnology of an Upper Devonian - Lower Mississippian low-energy seaway: the Bakken Formation of subsurface Saskatchewan, Canada: Assessing paleoenvironmental controls and biotic responses. Palaeogeography, Palaeclimatology, Palaeoecology. Angulo, S., Buatois, L.A. and Halabura, S. 2008. Paleoenvironmental and sequence-stratigraphic reinterpretation of the Upper Devonian – Lower Mississippian Bakken Formation of subsurface Saskatchewan: Integrating sedimentologic and ichnologic data. Summary of Investigations 2008, Saskatchewan Industry and Resources, p. 1-24. Bann, K.L., Tye, S.C., MacEachern, J.A., Fielding, C.R., and Jones, B.G. 2008. Ichnological signatures and sedimentology of mixed wave- and storm-dominated deltaic deposits: examples from the Early Permian, southern Sydney Basin of southeastern Australia. In Hampson, G., Steel, R., Burgess, P., and Dalrymple, R. (eds.), Recent Advances in Models of Siliciclastic Shallow-Marine Stratigraphy, SEPM Special Publication 90: 293-332. Bednarz, M., and McIlroy, D. 2009. Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of “Phycosiphoniform” Burrows: Implications for Identification of Trace Fossils in Core. Palaeontologia Electronica Vol. 12 (3) 13A: 15p. http://palaeo-electronica. org/2009_3/195/index.html Benner, J.S., Ekdale, A.A. and de Gibert, J.M. 2008. Enigmatic organisms preserved in early Ordovician macroborings, western Utah, USA. In Wisshak, M. and Tapanila, L. (eds.), Current Developments in Bioerosion. Springer-Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg, p. 55-64. Benner, J.S., Ridge, J.C. and Taft, N.K. 2008. Late Pleistocene freshwater fish (Cottidae) trackways from New England (USA) glacial lakes and a reinterpretation of the ichnogenus Broomichnium Kuhn. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 260: 375-388. Benner, J.S. and de Gibert, J.M. 2009. Cochlea archimedea: Hitchcock’s fish trail. Ichnos, 16(4): 274-280. Benner, J.S., Ridge, J.C and Knecht, R.J. 2009. Timing of postglacial reinhabitation and ecological development of two New England, USA, drainages based on trace fossil evidence. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 272: 232-239. Bromley, R., Buatois, L.A., Mángano, M.G., Genise, J. and Melchor, R. (eds.). 2007. Sediment-Organism Interactions: A multifaceted ichnology. SEPM Special Publication 88. 393 p. Bromley, R., Buatois, L.A., Mángano, M.G., Genise, J. and Melchor, R. 2007. Ichnology: Present trends and some future directions. In Bromley, R., Buatois, L.A., Mángano, M.G., Genise, J. and Melchor, R. (eds.), Sediment-Organism Interactions: A multifaceted ichnology. SEPM Special Publication 88: 3-6. Bromley, R.G., Buatois, L.A., Genise, J.F., Labandeira, C.C., Mángano, M.G., Melchor, R.N., Schlirf, M. and Uchman, A. 2007. Comments on the paper “Reconnaissance of Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation ichnofossils, Rocky Mountain Region, USA: paleoenvironmental, stratigraphic, and paleoclimatic significance of terrestrial and freshwater ichnocoenoses” by Stephen T. Hasiotis. Sedimentary Geology 200: 141-150. Buatois, L.A. and Mángano, M.G. 2007. La colonización de los fondos marinos en la transición Proterozoico-Cámbrico. In Benedetto, J.L. (ed.), Los fósiles del Proterozoico Superior y Paleozoico inferior de Argentina. Publicación Especial Ameghiniana Nº 11, 9-12. Buatois, LA. and Mángano, M.G. 2007. Invertebrate ichnology of continental freshwater environments. In Miller, W. III (ed.), Trace Fossils: Concepts, Problems, Prospects. Elsevier, p. 285-323. Buatois, L.A. and Mángano, M.G. 2008. Trazas fosiles. In Camacho, H. (ed.), Invertebrados Fosiles, p. 751-785. Buatois, L.A. and Mángano, M.G. 2009. Applications of ichnology in lacustrine sequence stratigraphy: Potential and limitations. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology Special Issue 272: 127-142. Buatois, L.A. and Encinas, A. 2011. Ichnology, sequence stratigraphy and depositional evolution of an Upper Cretaceous rocky shoreline in central Chile: Bioerosion structures in a transgressed metamorphic basement. Cretaceous Research 32: 203-212. Buatois, L.A. and Mángano, M.G. 2011. Ichnology: The role of organism-substrate interactions in space and time. Cambridge University Press, 358 p. 45 Buatois, L.A. and Mángano, M.G. in press. The trace-fossil record of organism-matground interactions in space and time. In Noffke, N. and Chafetz, H. (eds.), Microbial mats in Siliciclastic Sediments. SEPM Special Publication. Buatois, L.A. and Mángano, M.G. in press. The Déjà vu effect: Recurrent patterns in the exploitation of ecospace, the establishment of the mixed layer, and the distribution of matgrounds. Geology. Buatois, L.A. and Mángano, M.G. in press. An Early Cambrian shallow-marine ichnofauna from the Puncoviscana Formation of northwest Argentina: The interplay between sophisticated feeding behaviors, matgrounds and sea-level changes. Journal of Paleontology. Buatois, L.A., Netto, R.G. and Mángano, M.G. 2007. Ichnology of Permian marginal-marine to shallow-marine coal-bearing successions: Rio Bonito and Palermo Formations, Parana basin, Brazil. In MacEachern, J., Bann, K.L., Gingras, M.K. and Pemberton, S.G. (eds.), Applied Ichnology. SEPM Short Course Notes 52, 167-177. Buatois, L.A., Uba, C.E., Mángano, M.G., Hulka, C. and Heubeck, C. 2007. Deep bioturbation in continental environments: Evidence from Miocene fluvial deposits of Bolivia. In Bromley, R., Buatois, L.A., Mángano, M.G., Genise, J. and Melchor, R. (eds.), Sediment-Organism Interactions: A multifaceted ichnology. SEPM Special Publication 88, 123-136. Buatois, L.A., Santiago, N., Parra, K. and Steel, R. 2008. Animal-substrate interactions in an Early Miocene wavedominated tropical delta: delineating environmental stresses and depositional dynamics (Tácata field, eastern Venezuela). Journal of Sedimentary Research 78: 458-479. Buatois, L.A., Mángano, M.G., Brussa, E., Benedetto, J.L. and Pompei, J. 2009. The changing face of the deep: Colonization of the Early Ordovician deep-sea floor, Puna, northwest Argentina. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 280: 291-299. Buatois, L.A., Macsotay, O. and Quiroz, L. 2010. The trace fossil Sinusichnus in the Cretaceous of Antarctica and the Oligocene-Miocene of Venezuela: Expanding the dataset of crustacean burrows. Lethaia 42: 511-518. Buatois, L.A., Netto, R.G. and Mángano, M.G. 2010. Ichnology of late Paleozoic postglacial transgressive deposits in Gondwana: Reconstructing salinity conditions in coastal ecosystems affected by strong meltwater discharge. In LópezGamundi, O.R. and Buatois, L.A. (eds.), Late Paleozoic Glacial Events and Postglacial Transgressions in Gondwana. Geological Society of America, Special Paper, 468: 149-174. Buatois, L. A., Saccavino, L.L. and Zavala, C. in press. Ichnologic signatures of hyperpycnal-flow deposits in Cretaceous river-dominated deltas, Austral Basin, southern Argentina. In Slatt, R.M. and Zavala, C. (eds.), Sediment transfer from shelf to deep water—Revisiting the delivery system: AAPG Studies in Geology 61. Callow, R. and McIlroy, D. Salter’s Longmyndian fossils and the first recognition of the Ediacara fauna. Ichnos. Accepted. Callow, R. and McIlroy, D. Ichnofabrics and ichnofabric forming trace fossils in Phanerozoic turbidites, Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology. Accepted. Castelltort, S., Nagel, S., Mouthereau, F., Lin, A.T.-S., Wetzel, A., Boris Kaus, B., Willett, S., Chiang, S.-P. and Chiu, W.Y. 2011. Sedimentology of early Pliocene sandstones in the south-western Taiwan foreland: Implications for basin physiography in the early stages of collision. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 40: 52-71. Carmona, N.B., Mángano, M.G., Buatois, L.A. and Ponce, J.J. 2007. Bivalve trace fossils in an early Miocene discontinuity surface in Patagonia, Argentina: Burrowing behavior and implications for ichnotaxonomy at the firmground– hardground divide. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 255: 329-341. Carmona, N.B., Buatois, L.A., Mángano, M.G. and Bromley, R.G. 2008. Ichnology of the Lower Miocene Chenque Formation, Patagonia, Argentina: Animalsubstrate interactions and the Modern Evolutionary Fauna. Ameghiniana 45: 93-122. Carmona, N.B., Buatois, L.A., Ponce, J.J. and Mángano, M.G. 2009. Ichnology and sedimentology of a tide-influenced delta, Lower Miocene Chenque Formation, Patagonia, Argentina: Trace-fossil distribution and response to environmental stresses. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 273: 75-86. Carmona, N.B., Mángano, M.G., Buatois, L.A. and Ponce, J.J. 2010. Taphonomy and paleoecology of the bivalve trace fossil Protovigularia in deltaic heterolithic facies of the Miocene Chenque Formation, Patagonia, Argentina. Journal of Paleontology 84: 730-738. Carmona N.B., and Ponce J.J. in press. Ichnology and sedimentology of Miocene hyperpycnites of the Austral Basin foreland (Tierra del Fuego, Argentina): trace-fossil distribution and paleoecological implications, 2011. In Slatt, R. and Zavala, C. (eds.), AAPG-SEPM Special Publication “Sediment transfer from shelf to deepwater-revisiting the delivery mechanisms”. Carmona, N.B., Bournod, C.N., Ponce, J.J., and Cuadrado, D.G. in press. The role of microbial mats in the preservation of bird footprints: a case study from the mesotidal Bahia Blanca estuary (Argentina). In Noffke, N. and Chafetz, H. (eds.), Microbial mats in Siliciclastic Sediments. SEPM Special Publication. Caron, J.B., Gaines, R., Mángano, M.G., Streng, M. and Daley, A. 2010. A new Burgess Shale–type assemblage from the “thin” Stephen Formation of the Southern Canadian Rockies: Expanding the paleoenvironmental settings and geographic range of the Burgess Shale biota. Geology 38: 811-814. 46 Coates, L., and MacEachern, J.A. 2007. The ichnological signatures of river- and wave-dominated delta complexes: differentiating deltaic from non-deltaic shallow marine successions, Lower Cretaceous Viking Formation and Upper Cretaceous Dunvegan Formation, west-central Alberta, In MacEachern, J.A., Bann, K.L., Gingras, M.K., and Pemberton, S.G., (eds.), Applied Ichnology, SEPM Short Course Notes 52, p. 227-254. Cuadrado, D.G., Carmona, N.B. and Bournod, C.N. 2011. Biostabilization of sediments by microbial mats in a temperate siliciclastic tidal flat, Bahia Blanca estuary (Argentina). Sedimentary Geology 237: 95-101. Dashtgard, S.E., and Gingras, M.K. in press. Neoichnology. In Trace Fossils as Indicators of Sedimentary Environments, Elsevier. Dashtgard, S.E., MacEachern, J.A., Frey, S.E. and Gingras, M.K. in press. Tidal effects on the shoreface: Towards a conceptual framework. Sedimentary Geology. (Invited) doi: 10.1016/j.sedgeo.2010.09.006. 21 p. Dashtgard, S.E. 2011. Linking invertebrate burrow distributions (neoichnology) to physicochemical stresses on a sandy tidal flat: implications for the rock record. Sedimentology 58: 1303-1325. Dashtgard, S.E. 2011. Neoichnology of the lower delta plain: Fraser River Delta, British Columbia, Canada: Implications for the ichnology of deltas. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 307: 98-108. Dashtgard, S.E., Gingras, M.K., and MacEachern, J.A. 2009. Tidally Modulated Shorefaces. Journal of Sedimentary Research 79: 793-807. Dashtgard, S.E., Gingras, M.K., and Pemberton, S.G. 2008. Grain-size controls on the occurrence of bioturbation. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 257: 224-243. Davison, J.E.A., and MacEachern, J.A. 2007. Ichnological variations in brackish-water central basin complexes of wavedominated estuarine incised valley fills, Lower Cretaceous Viking Formation, central Alberta. In MacEachern, J.A., Bann, K.L., Gingras, M.K. and Pemberton, S.G. (eds.), Applied Ichnology, SEPM Short Course Notes 52, p. 273289. Desjardins, P.R., Buatois, L.A., Limarino, C.O. and Cisterna, G. 2009. Latest Carboniferous-earliest Permian Transgressive Deposits in the Paganzo Basin of Western Argentina: Lithofacies and Sequence Stratigraphy of a coastal plain to shallow-marine succession. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 28: 40-53. Desjardins, P.R., Buatois, L.A., Mángano, M.G. and Limarino, C.O. 2010. Ichnology of the latest Carboniferous – earliest Permian transgression in the Paganzo Basin of western Argentina: The interplay of ecology, sea-level rise, and paleogeography during postglacial times in Gondwana. In Lopez Gamundi, O. and Buatois, L.A. (eds.), Late Paleozoic glacial events and postglacial transgressions in Gondwana. Geological Society of America Special Paper 468: 175-192. 47 Desjardins, P.R., Mángano, M.G., Buatois, L.A. and Pratt, B.R. 2010. Skolithos pipe rock and associated ichnofabrics in the Fort Mountain Formation, Gog Group: Colonization trends and environmental controls in an Early Cambrian subtidal sandbar complex. Lethaia 43: 507-528. Desjardins, P.R., Pratt, B., Buatois, L.A. and Mángano, M.G. 2010. Stratigraphy and sedimentary environments of the Lower Cambrian Gog Group in the southern Rocky Mountains of western Canada: Evolution of transgressive sandstones on a broad continental margin. Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology 58: 403-439. Desjardins, P.R., Buatois, L.A., Pratt, B.R. and Mángano, M.G. in press. Forced-regressive tidal flats: Response to falling sea level in tide-dominated settings. Journal of Sedimentary Research. Dronov, A.D., and Mikuláš, R. 2008. Ordovician trace fossils from the Irkutsk basin, Siberian Platform. Second International Congress on Ichnology, Cracow, Poland, Abstracts, p. 32-38. Encinas, A., Buatois, L.A. and Finger, K.L. 2008. Paleoecological and paleoenvironmental implications of a high-density Chondrites association in slope deposits of the Neogene Santo Domingo Formation, Valdivia, south-central Chile. Ameghiniana 45: 225-231. Encinas, A., Finger, K.L., Nielsen, S.N., Lavenu, A., Buatois, L.A., Peterson, D.E. and Le Roux, J.P. 2008. Rapid and major coastal subsidence during the late Miocene in south-central Chile. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 25: 157-175. Frey, S.E. and Dashtgard, S.E. 2011. Sedimentology, ichnology, and hydrodynamics of straight-margin, sand and gravel beaches and shorefaces: Juan de Fuca Strait, British Columbia, Canada. Sedimentology 58: 1326-1346. Gandini, R., Netto, R.G., Kern, H.P., and Lavina, E. 2010. Assinaturas icnológicas da sucessão sedimentar Rio Bonito no bloco central da jazida carbonífera de Iruí, Cachoeira do Sul (RS). Gaea – Journal of Geoscience, 6: 21-43. Gani, M.R., Bhattacharya, J.P. and MacEachern, J.A. 2007. Using ichnology to determine relative influence of waves, storms, tides and rivers in deltaic deposits: examples from Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway, U.S.A. In MacEachern, J.A., Bann, K.L., Gingras, M.K. and Pemberton, S.G. (eds.), Applied Ichnology, SEPM Short Course Notes 52, p. 209-225. Gibert, J.M. de and Buatois, L.A. (eds.). 2009. Lacustrine Bioturbation and Ichnofacies. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology Special Issue. Gibert, J.M. de and Buatois, L.A. 2009. Lacustrine Bioturbation and Ichnofacies: An Introduction. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology Special Issue 272: 125126. Gibert, J.M. de, Moratalla, J.J., Mángano, M.G. and Buatois, L.A. in press. Palaeoichnology. In Poyato-Ariza, F., Buscalioni, A.D. and Fregenal-Martinez, M.A. (eds.), Las Hoyas: a Cretaceous wetland. A multidisciplinary synthesis after 25 years of research on an exceptional fossil deposit from Spain. Honoring Prof. J. L. Sanz, Dr. Pfeil Verlag, Munchen. Gingras, M.K., MacEachern, J.A., and Dashtgard, S.E. in press. The potential of trace fossils as tidal indicators. Sedimentary Geology. Gingras, M.K., and MacEachern, J.A. 2011. Tidal ichnology of shallow clastic seas, In Dalrymple, R. and Davis, R.A., (eds.), Principles of Tidal Sedimentology, Springer, New York, doi: 10.1007/978-94-007-0123-6_4, 20p. Gingras, M.K., MacEachern, J.A. and Dashtgard, S.E. 2011. Process ichnology and the elucidation of physico-chemical stress. Sedimentary Geology 237: 115-134. Gingras, M.K., Zonneveld, J.-P. and MacEachern, J.A. (editors). 2010. Applications of Ichnology to Petroleum Exploration, Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology 58: 201p. Gingras, M.K., Dashtgard, S.E., MacEachern, J., and Pemberton, S.G. 2008. Biology of shallow-marine ichnology: a modern perspective. Aquatic Biology 2: 255-268. Gingras, M.K., Pemberton, S.G., Dashtgard, S.E., and Dafoe, L. 2008. How fast do invertebrates burrow? Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 270: 280-286. Gingras, M.K., Bann, K.L., MacEachern, J.A., and Pemberton, S.G. 2007. A conceptual framework for the application of trace fossils, In MacEachern, J.A., Bann, K.L., Gingras, M.K., and Pemberton, S.G. (eds.), Applied Ichnology, SEPM Short Course Notes 52, p. 1-26. Gingras, M.K., Pemberton, S.G. and MacEachern, J.A. 2007. Applications of ichnology to fluid and gas production in hydrocarbon reservoirs. In MacEachern, J.A., Bann, K.L., Gingras, M.K., and Pemberton, S.G. (eds.), Applied Ichnology, SEPM Short Course Notes 52: 131-145. Görmüş, M., Nielsen, J.K. and Uysal, K. 2008. Ichnology of Tertiary deposits from the Lake District, southwestern Turkey: sedimentation dynamics and oxygenation. 33rd International Geological Congress, Oslo. Abstract CD-ROM, 1 p. Halabura, S., Buatois, L.A., Angulo, S. and Piche, L. 2007. 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Stratigraphy, depositional environments and ichnology of the lower Paleozoic in the Azul Pampa area (Jujuy province, Argentina). Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina 62: 331-344. Tonkin, N.S., McIlroy, D., Meyer, R. and Moore-Turpin, A. 2010. How does bioturbation influence reservoir quality? A case study from the Cretaceous Ben Nevis Formation, Jeanne d’Arc Basin, Offshore Newfoundland, Canada. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, 94: 1059–1078. Tonkin, N.S. The ichnology of deltas. In Knaust, D. and Bromley R.G. (eds.) Trace fossils as indicators of sedimentary environments, Elsevier. Accepted. Uba, C., Plessen, B., Buatois, L.A., Hasler, C.A. and Schmitt, A. 2009. Isotopic, paleontologic, and ichnologic evidence for late Miocene pulses of marine incursions in the Bolivian central Andes. Geology 37: 827-830. Uchman, A. and Wetzel, A., 2011. Deep-sea ichnology: The relationships between depositional environment and endobenthic organisms. In Hüneke, H. and Mulder, T. (eds.), Deep-Sea Sediments. Developments in Sedimentology, 63. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 517-556. Virtasalo, J.J., Löwemark, L., Papunen, H., Kotilainen, A.T., Whitehouse, M.J. 2010. Pyritic and baritic burrows and microbial filaments in postglacial lacustrine clays in the northern Baltic Sea. Journal of the Geological Society, 167: 1185-1198. Wetzel, A. 2008. Recent bioturbation in the deep South China Sea: A uniformitarian ichnologic approach. Palaios, 23: 601615. Wetzel, A. 2009. The preservation potential of ash layers in the deep-sea: the example of the 1991-Pinatubo ash in the South China Sea. Sedimentology, 56: 1992-2009. Wetzel, A. 2010. Deep-sea ichnology: Observations in modern sediments to interpret fossil counterparts. Acta Geologica Polonica, 60: 125-138. Wetzel, A. and Reisdorf, A.G. 2007. Ichnofabrics elucidate the accumulation history of a condensed interval containing a vertically emplaced ichthyosaur skull. In Bromley, R.G., Buatois, L.A., Mángano, M.G., Genise, J.F. and Melchor, R.N. (eds.), Sediment-Organism Interactions: A Multifaceted Ichnology. SEPM Special Publications, 88: 241-251. Wetzel, A., Blechschmidt, I., Uchman, A. and Matter, A. 2007. A highly diverse ichnofauna in Late Triassic deep-sea fan deposits of Oman. Palaios, 22: 567-576. Wetzel, A., Werner, F. and Stow, D.A.V. 2008. Bioturbation and biogenic sedimentary structures in contourites. In Rebesco, M. and Camerlenghi, A. (eds.), Contourites. Developments in Sedimentology, 60. Elsevier, Amsterdam, p. 183-202. Wetzel, A., Uchman, A., Blechschmidt, I. and Matter, A. 2009. Omanichnus and Vitichnus -- two new graphoglyptid ichnogenera from Upper Triassic deep-sea fan deposits in Oman. Ichnos, 16: 179-185. Wetzel, A., Tjallingii, R. and Stattegger, K., 2010. Gyrolithes in Holocene estuarine incised-valley fill deposits, offshore southern Vietnam. Palaios, 25: 239-246. Editors note: The completeness and accuracy of the Bibliographia Ichnologica is based on submissions from the ichnological community. This is by no means a complete list of ichnological publications, but it does provide a starting point for learning what advances have been made in our science. 52 The Ichnology Newsletter Shahin E. Dashtgard and Noelia B. Carmona, Co-editors Ichnology Newsletter: Information and Style for Contributions Shahin E. Dashtgard Department of Earth Sciences, Simon Fraser University, 8888 University Drive, Burnaby, British Columbia, CANADA V5A1S6 Phone: +1-778-782-5492, sdashtga@sfu.ca Noelia Carmona Instituto de Investigación en Paleobiología y Geología. Universidad Nacional de Río Negro. Isidro Lobo y Belgrano, (8332) Roca, Río Negro, Argentina. Phone +54-2941-427399, nbcarmona@criba.edu.ar Kinds of submissions The Ichnology Newsletter is a publication of about 60 pages. It is an informal work distributed mainly among ichnologic researchers. All researchers are encouraged to submit research articles, interesting ichnological observations, and book reviews. We also encourage you to send information on your references for the Bibliographia Ichnologica, and announcements and reports on meetings and other events. The format of the Newsletter has change somewhat. The “Friends of Ichnology” address list is moved to the LinkedIn webpage (www.linkedIn.com Group name: Ichnological Association). We encourage researchers to announce upcoming events through the LinkedIn page, as the site will be updated much more regularly than the Newsletter. There will be 7 sections to the IN: 1) Upcoming Events 2) Articles: on current research or perspectives on Ichnology. Articles should be submitted with colour photos and figures. Please include the figures as separate files (.jpg) and submit the text as a Word file (.doc). 3) Book reviews/ Interviews/ Biographies. 4) Photo Gallery: if you have any interesting shots that you wish to share with the community, please submit them with an explanation of the image. 5) Recent Events – summaries (photos welcomed) 6) Current Research 7) Ichnological Websites 8) Bibliography We therefore request: · news items and advertisements: new finds, websites, ichno-parks, etc. · articles of a topical nature · interviews and reminiscences of ichnologists · obituaries and biographies of ichnologists · historical papers pertaining to ichnology · reviews of meetings, short courses, and other events in ichnology · reviews of ichnologic books, films, websites, and other media · ichnologic art or photos, for the volume cover and photo gallery · Website addresses 53 The following recommendations will take some of the burden of producing the Newsletter off the shoulders of the coeditors and help to ensure that it will be distributed on time. The Newsletter is truly a community effort. General All submissions (including new citations for papers) should be sent by email to sdashtga@sfu.ca. Word processor: MS Word. Please do not send PDF files. Font: Times New Roman, font size 11. Page size: US letter. Margins: we will format margins. Page numbers: we will paginate. Text of most articles: pitch (font size) 11, single-spaced, fully justified. One space after periods, not two. Title and Byline Title of article: pitch (font size) 14; capitalize as sentence (e.g., ‘This Author of article: pitch 12, italics Affiliation, address and email address of author (s): pitch 10. Research is Super Cool’) Headings Primary Headings: centered, pitch 11, boldface; no blank line after headings. Secondary Headings: centered, pitch 11, italics; no blank line after headings. Figures The Ichnology Newsletter will be primarily available as full-color pdf. Electronic submissions are desired (JPG files are preferred but other types may be more appropriate for some uses). Please do not send files larger than 15 Mb. Figure Caption Example (Times New Roman, pitch 11) Figure 1—Rosselia socialis trace fossil and its modern analogue. A) Longitudinal section of Rosselia socialis showing concentric laminations tapering to central shaft. B) Cross section of R. socialis showing concentric laminations around burrow core. C) Example of in situ (left) and transported (right) Rosselia socialis burrows from Horseshoe Canyon Formation, Alberta, Canada. D) Cirriformia luxuriosa, a modern terebellid polychaete that produces a Rosselia-like burrow. E) Reconstruction of Rosselia tracemaker in burrow (from Pemberton et al., 2001). References References and acknowledgments: pitch 10. References are indented after first line, using Ichnos style for the most part, but include issue numbers if possible. Please use the journal name as it appears on the cover of the journal, and do not abbreviate. No space between initials in author’s names. Place of publication may be added after reference (encouraged for museum publications). Punctuation: Italicize commas, colons, and semicolons after italicized words. Do not boldface punctuation after boldfaced words. Use single ‘quotation marks’. Examples: Abbassi, N. & Momeni, I. 2001. Utility of Ophiomorpha in the sedimentary environment interpretation, Roksha Unit (Miocene), Makran Range, SE Iran. Journal of Science of the University of Tehran, 27(1): 27-38. [In Persian, English abstract.] Abbott, S.T. 2000. Detached mud prism origin of highstand systems tracts from mid-Pleistocene sequences, Wanganui Basin, New Zealand. Sedimentology, 47(1): 15-29. Ambrose, W.G., Jr., Dawson, M., Ledkovsky, P., O’Leary, S., Tassinari, B., Vogel, H. & Wilson, C. 1998. Effects of baitworm digging on the soft-shelled clam, Mya arenaria. Abstracts, 27th Benthic Ecology Annual Meeting, Melbourne, Florida, 1: 15. Andrews, C. & Williams, R.B.G. 2000. Limpet erosion of chalk shore platforms in southeast England. In Robinson, D.A. (ed.), Weathering Processes, Products and Environments. Wiley & Sons, Chichester, p. 1371-1381. 54 Buatois, L., Mángano, G. & Aceñolaza, F. 2002. Trazas Fosiles: Señales de Comportamiento en el Registro Estratigráfico. Museo Paleontologico Egidio Feruglio, Editión Especial, 2: 350 pp. Trelew, Argentina. Elbroch, M. & Marks, E. 2001. Bird Tracks & Sign: a Guide to North American Species. Stackpole Books, Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, 456 pp. Bibliographia Ichnologica References: We prefer Ichnos style with no abbreviations. If your list is long, please put references in pitch 10. Please do not include keywords or abstracts. We will accept publications that are in press, but not those that are in preparation or in review. Please only include reviewed and refereed publications only from the last time the IN was published. For example, for IN 29, we will publish references for papers from 2012 onward. 55