The Friedmann-Equation - A description of our Universe
The Friedmann-Equation - A description of our Universe
Friedmann’s Equation - A description of our Universe Alexander Merle (Munich University of Technology) ( & Katharina Hübner (LeibnizGymnasium Altdorf) ( Contents: 1. Mathematical Basics 2. Crash Course on General Relativity 3. Friedmann’s Equation 4. Different Solutions 5. The Parameters of our Universe 1. Mathematical Basics What the hell is a tensor??? An ordered set of numbers, which is characterized by its behavior in coordinate new coordinates transformations: Sum convention!!! → sum over ‘i’ and ‘k’ new indices old coordinates old indices The metric tensor Easy and well-known: Pythagorean Theorem more advanced: coefficients depending on the coordinates (these are called ‘metric tensor’) Exemplum gratii: The Minkowski-Metric this gives a flat space (no dependence on the coordinates) → special relativity 2. Crash Course on General Relativity Einstein’s Field Equation ... looks complicated but is not! LHS: geometry g’s and R’s (= functions of the metric g) ↔ gravitation in form of curvature RHS: PHYSICS!!! → T: ‘energy momentum tensor’ (contains the complete energy of the system) → every energy contributes to the gravitation Energy momentum tensor of an ideal fluid pressure density 4-velocity space components time component proper time (time in the rest system ) 3. Friedmann’s Equation The Robertson-Walker-Metric Assumptions: mass distribution in the universe is in average homogeneous and isotropic curvature (-1, 0 or +1) scale factor (‘world radius’) → put this into Einstein’s equation and combine it with the energy-momentum-tensor of an ideal fluid with timeindependent pressure and density ⇒ ‘equation of motion’ for the whole universe further assumption: homogeneity & isotropy ⇒ density and pressure depend only on time time-component (i,k=0) ⇒ space-components (i,k=1,2,3) ⇒ ⇒ ‘BIG’ problem: only 2 equations for 3 variables ⇒ expedient: another equation (equation of state) needed Separate pressure into two parts: pressure by matter and by radiation ⇒ two equations of state ⇒ two equations of state and → combine that with the two previous equations ⇒ two ‘conservation laws’ ⇒ constant quantities → combine that with the physical constant to get rid of the ‘disturbing’ physical units: COMBINATION OF ALL THE COMPLICATED FORMULAS ⇒ THEN AFTER A LOT OF WORK WE FINALLY GET FRIEDMANN’S EQUATION → this is a dynamic (?!?) “equation of motion” for the scale factor / world radius R(t) WHAT’S LEFT????? → POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS AND THE PARAMETERS FOR OUR UNIVERSE PRESENTED BY KATHARINA 4. Different Solutions (Examples) Parameters of Friedmann’s Equation: - Λ : Einstein’s Cosmological Constant → has an influence on the development of the universe for high values of R(t) - k: curvature (+1, 0 or -1) → describes the geometrical properties of the whole space HERE: some examples → for all solutions we get: dR/dt → ∞ as R → 0 ⇒BIG BANG!!! A closed universe ⇒ the universe expands to a certain point, stops and then starts collapsing ⇒ R → 0 again Einstein’s static universe constant radius ⇒ static universe (Λ!), BUT: unstable! The de-Sitter-Universe de-Sitter-Universe ⇒ the universe expands, but the expansion is decelerated and the radius approaches a constant 5. The Parameters of our Universe nothing can stop the expansion acceleration ‘Revival’ of Λ t : NOW flat space Hubble-constant What we believe at the moment ⇒ the universe started with the big bang and expands eternally and even accelerated References: Thorsten Fließbach, Allgemeine Relativitätstheorie, Spektrum Verlag 2003 (all pictures are from this book) Particle Data Group, Particle Physics Booklet, CERN Library, 2004 Langenscheid’s Taschenwörterbuch Englisch, Langenscheid, 1964 BOOKTIP: Kip S. Thorne, ‘Black Holes and Time Warps: Einstein’s Outrageous Legacy’ (German: ‘Gekrümmter Raum und verbogene Zeit: Einsteins Vermächtnis’) → best popular book in this world about general relativity!