Record 2009-10 - Lincoln College


Record 2009-10 - Lincoln College
Lincoln Record (2010) [6]:Layout 2
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Lincoln Record (2010) [6]:Layout 2
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From the Editor
Rector’s Report
The Fellowship
Farewells and Arrivals
The Senior Common Room
Research and Teaching News
Bursar’s Report
Director of Development's Report
Honour Roll of Donors
Murray Society Honour Roll
Lincoln College Chapel and Choir
Library Report
The College Archives
Schools Liaison Officer’s Report
Senior Tutor’s Report
Scholarships and Exhibitions
Special Awards
JCR and MCR Officers
Sports Colours and Captains
Undergraduate Examination Results
Graduate Examination Results
Undergraduate Prizes
Graduate Prizes
Undergraduate Freshers
Graduate Freshers
Lincoln Record (2010) [6]:Layout 2
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From the Editor
back I always hear / Time’s winged chariot’ &c!).
There is also pleasure in how, with the assistance
of Emily Newson in the Development Office and
the cooperation of officers and Fellows of the
College, we are able to bring this issue of The
Record to you in a timely fashion (and with the
added benefit to us of having it off into
production before the onset of term).
...a happy place,
proud of our
our uniqueness,
and our social,
financial, and
Sitting down to write this piece each year, in the
dusky glow of autumn, usually summons a rather
ruminative mood – proud of the year’s
achievements, but conscious too of the passing of
time. I write this year, though, with more spring
in my fingers. Part of this, I must admit, has
something to do with the prospect of a sabbatical
year before me (though, thanks to Andrew
Marvell’s talent with metre and rhyme, ‘at my
But more than anything else, there is the honour
of assembling, for present readers and for
posterity, a summary account of a year in the life
of the marvel that is Lincoln College. It is terribly
easy to keep our heads down so close to the
demands of the place – whether it be studying,
writing, researching, managing – that we forget to
look up and appreciate the privilege it is to be here
doing those very things. The pressure of present
duties, the weight of our long history, the urgent
responsibility to plan for the very distant future,
can pull us away from an appreciation of the
present. We are, and should be a happy place,
proud of our independence, our uniqueness, and
our social, financial, and academic integrity. The
following pages not only record, but also celebrate,
what remarkable things can be achieved in such a
place. Floreat Collegium Lincolniense. I
Dr Peter McCullough
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Rector’s Report
Rector’s Report
The most important financial activity of
the last two years has been a novel project
intended to advance the College’s long
term resources. For the first 500 years of
Lincoln’s history, it was consistently
among the least wealthy of the University’s
colleges, despite its early foundation.
Three times in the 19th and 20th century
there were attempts for Lincoln to be
associated with its sister college Brasenose.
In the end they (fortunately) failed.
Thanks to Keith Murray as Bursar and
Rector from 1937 to 1953, a major
financial advance on numerous fronts was
achieved. During the following years
Lincoln gradually found itself well into the
top third of colleges, comparable with
Corpus Christi, and Trinity. From the
second half of the 20th century and into
the 21st century Lincoln has greatly
improved its reputation, quality and
achievements. Both University and
colleges have in recent decades received
relatively little support from government,
as the overall size of higher education has
steadily increased student numbers while
reducing the taxpayer’s commitments, for
understandable reasons. The vital
development at present and beyond is to
unleash the independence, or at any rate
self-sufficiency, of Oxford and its colleges;
to maintain the increasingly unique
tutorial system; and also to improve its
support of graduate students. Lincoln
College is only one college, of course.
Even so, our intention is to match the
relatively larger endowments of richer
colleges, bearing in mind the lesser
numbers of students and fellows that
Lincoln intends to maintain. The purpose
is quality, not numbers.
The project is called the Lincoln 2027
Trust. It has now been established as a
major tool for our future endowment. It
has three key features. Firstly it is being
managed by a small number of trustees.
These are well-known alumni: Robert
Pickering (1978), the Chairman, formerly
Chief Executive of Casenove; David Reid
Scott (1966), formerly Chief Executive of
Hawksmoor; David Graham (1978),
formerly of UBS in Hong Kong, and now
global counsellor of UBS in London. In
addition the Rector (or alternative Fellow
nominated by the Governing Body) will
act as a further trustee to make the link
between the Trust and the College.
Secondly, the funds accumulated by the
Trust will return in due course to the
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Rector’s Report
College. They currently include a major
donation by Hugh Sloane (1977), a
further matching donation by the
Governing Body, and in time additional
contributions, sufficient to lay the longterm basis for effective accumulation.
The Inland Revenue allows for such
accumulation without taxable
consequences for a period of up to 21
years. Equally important was the recent
decision of the Charity Commission to
ensure taxable relief for the purposes of
the College.
Thirdly the Trust will depend not only on
good management. It will also owe much
to the working of compound interest over
a long period. Equally there will be no
drawdown or interest payable to the
College until trustees determine when to
convey portions of the endowment, or the
total return of their endowment, at some
point near 2027. It is this emphasis on
accumulation that is the novel and
important aspect of the Trust. Other
colleges in Oxford and Cambridge have
created trusts involving alumni with a view
to fundraising, which is normally passed
on to their Governing Bodies from the
outset. In this case the object is entirely for
At present Lincoln College’s endowment is
approximately £60m. The ten richest
colleges each have more than £100m. St
John’s, the wealthiest college, has an
endowment value well over £300m. If
Lincoln was able to match St John’s
endowment with due allowance for our
smaller numbers of fellows and students,
we would reckon at today’s prices that
£200m would achieve a similar proportion
of overall capital for the requirements of
the College. As government reduces its
financial support for higher education, the
independence of the University and its
colleges will become ever more essential, as
is the case in the similar situations in other
international universities. Global
competition is already intense. Long-term
endowment is crucial to this process.
College duly requires. That would be
unduly simplistic. We would welcome
major benefactors who wish to contribute
major donations or loans for the Lincoln
2027 Trust. But we would not expect
more than a small number of these to do
so. The short and medium-term of
fundraising is crucial to the further
development of the College between now
and our 600th anniversary in 2027. Many
features of our future purpose depend on a
great range of requirements as we move
towards relative self-sufficiency. Buildings
and facilities, scholarships and bursaries to
ensure that the best students are supported
according to their needs, fellows to sustain
teaching and research, funding for salaries
— all of these are important to develop
well ahead of the eventual long-term
endowment. Nothing is for sure in any of
these matters. Nonetheless the new trust
for 2027 is one unprecedented in the past
and potentially important for our 600th
anniversary and beyond. We are extremely
grateful to have the support of our
benefactors and the alumni who assist us
with our Trust. I
It is tempting to suppose that the outcome
of the 2027 Trust will achieve all that the
Professor Paul Langford
the improved enhancement of the
endowment of the College as a whole and
in the long term. It is worth noticing that
universities in the United States do not
have the tax provision that we have in the
United Kingdom which allows for
compound interest without taxable relief.
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The Fellowship 2009-10
Langford, Paul, MA DPhil Oxf, FBA
Brice, Benjamin John BA Sheff, MPhil DPhil Oxf
Tutor in English Literature
Brigden, Susan Elizabeth BA Manc, MA Oxf, PhD
Camb Reader and Tutor in History, Sub-Rector and
Fellow for Alumni Relations
Chongchitnan, Sirichai BSc MSc National
University of Singapore, Part III Maths Tripos PhD
Camb Darby Fellow, Tutor in Mathematics
Coldèa, Radu BA Babes Bolyai, DPhil Oxf Tutor in
Cook, Peter Richard MA DPhil Oxf E P Abraham
Professor of Cell Biology
Drummond, Anne-Marie Rose MA DPhil Oxf
Professorial Fellow and Divisional Secretary of the
Humanities Division
Dullens, Roel Petrus Angela MSc PhD Utrecht
GlaxoSmithKine Fellow, Tutor in Chemistry
Durning, Louise MA Oxf, MA St And, PhD Essex
Senior Tutor
Emptage, Nigel John BSc East Ang, MA Oxf, PhD
Camb Nuffield Research Fellow, Tutor in Physiology
and Pharmacology, Senior Dean
Gardner, Simon BCL Ma Oxf Tutor in Jurisprudence
Gauci, Peregrine Lee MA DPhil Oxf V H H Green
Fellow, Tutor in History, Fellow Librarian and Archivist
Gümbel, Alexander MA MPhil Oxf, PhD EUI, Dipl
Karlsruhe Tutor in Management
Gur, Noam LLB Jerusalem, BCL MPhil Oxf Shaw
Foundation Fellow in Law
Harrison, Susan MA Oxf Development Director
Hills, David Anthony MA DSc Oxf, PhD Trent
Polytechnic, CEng, FIMechE Professor and Tutor in
Engineering Science
Hobolt, Sara Binzer BA Lond, MA Oxf, MPhil PhD
Camb Tutor in Politics
Jelley, Nicholas Alfred MA DPhil Oxf Professor
and Tutor in Physics
Knowles, Timothy Michael MA Oxf Bursar
McCrudden, John Christopher LLB Belf, MA
DPhil Oxf, LLM Yale, FBA Professor of Human Rights
Law, Tutor in Law
McCullough, Peter Eugene BA California, MA
Oxf, PhD Princeton Sohmer Fellow, Tutor in English
Norbury, John BSc Queensland, MA Oxf, PhD
Camb Tutor in Mathematics
Nye, Edward Michael Jacques BA Leic, MA
Leeds, MA DPhil Oxf Elf Fellow, Tutor in French
Payne, Frank Phillip MA PhD Camb, MA Oxf
Tutor in Engineering Science
Proudfoot, Nicholas Jarvis BSc Lond, MA Oxf,
PhD Camb, FRS Brownlee-Abraham Professor of
Molecular Biology
Raff, Jordan BSc Bristol, PhD Imp London César
Milstein Professor of Cancer Cell Biology
Roversi, Pietro BSc PhD Milan EPA Fellow, Tutor in
Rudolf, Winfried MA PhD Jena Darby Fellow, Tutor
in English Literature
Saunders, Robert Anthony Ma MSt DPhil Oxf
Darby Fellow, Tutor in History
Smith, Roland Ralph Redfern MA DPhil Oxf
Lincoln Professor of Classical Archaeology and Art
Stamatopoulou, Maria BA Athens, MSt DPhil Oxf
Tutor in Classical Archaeology and Art
Stevens, Margaret Jane MA MSc MPhil DPhil Oxf
Tutor in Economics
Vaux David John Talbutt BM BCh MA DPhil Oxf
Nuffield Research Fellow in Pathology, Tutor in Medicine
Waldmann, Herman MB MA DSc(Hon) PhD Camb,
MA Oxf, MRCP, FRCPath, FMedSci, FRS Professor of
Willis, Michael Charles BSc Lond, MA Oxf, PhD
Camb, MRSC, CChem Tutor in Chemistry
Wood, Jennifer Gertrude BSc Manc, MSc Lough,
CEng, MICE, MAPM Extraordinary Fellow and University
Director of Estates
McElwee, Brian MA Glas, MLitt PhD St And
Praelector in Philosophy
Nitschke, Claudia MA PhD Tübingen DAADMontgomery Praelector in German
Roberts, Mark Andrew James MBiochem DPhil
Oxf Praelector in Biochemistry
Acuto, Oreste Dip Liceo Scientifico, Dott Rome
Senior Research Fellow, Professor of Pathology
Ata Nurcan, Husniye Nur BSc Hacettepe, MA
Bilkent, MA Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona CEBR
Postdoctoral Fellow in Economics
Fröding, Barbro Elisabeth Esmerelda BA MSc
Lond, PhD KTH Stockholm Hardie Post-Doctoral
Fellow in Humanities
Greenfield, Susan Adele, The Baroness
Greenfield CBE, MA DPhil Oxf, FCRP (Hon), Ordre
National de la Légion d’Honneur Senior Research
Fellow, Professor of Pharmacology
Harris, Alana Gaye BA/LLB Melbourne, MDiv
Melbourne College Divinity, MSt DPhil Oxf Hardie
Post-Doctoral Fellow in Humanities
Holmes, Christopher Charles de Lance BSc
Brighton, MSc Brun, PhD Lond Senior Research Fellow
in Statistical Genomics, Professor of Statistics
Joyce, Dominic David MA DPhil Oxf Senior
Research Fellow in Mathematics, Professor of
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Lindvall, Johannes BA MA PhD Gothenburg
Samuel Finer Postdoctoral Fellow in Comparative
Rose, Peter William MB BChir MA MD Camb,
FRCGP, DCH, DRCOG Senior Research Fellow in
General Practice
Schroeder, Marie Allen BSE Duke, DPhil Oxf PostDoctoral Fellow in Medical Sciences
Simelidis, Christos BA Thessaloniki, MPhil DPhil
Oxf British Academy Posdoctoral Fellow and Dilts
Research Fellow in Greek Palaeography
Stamatakis, Christopher Theo MA MSt DPhil
Oxf Leverhulme Early Career Fellow and Oakeshott
Junior Research Fellow in English
Wee, Chze Ling BEng BSc Warw, MPhil Camb,
DPhil Oxf Kemp Post-Doctoral Fellow in Medical
Wentworth, Paul BSc PhD Sheff, FRSC Senior
Research Fellow in Chemistry and Professor of
Platten, Gregory Austin David BA MTh Oxf
Sullivan, Greg Bryan Montgomery Visiting Fellow in
Sculpture (Hilary term)
Atkins, Peter William MA Oxf, PhD Leic
Bird, Richard Simpson MA Camb, MA Oxf, PhD
Brownlee, George Gow MA PhD Camb, MA Oxf,
FRS, FMedSci
Child, Graham Derek MA Oxf
Cowey, Alan MA PhD Camb, MA DPhil Oxf, FRS
Edwards, David Albert MA DPhil Oxf
Gill, Stephen Charles BPhil MA Oxf, PhD Edin
Goldey, David Baer BA Cornell, MA DPhil Oxf
Kenning, David Blanchard Robert MA Oxf, PhD
Camb, CEng, MIMechE
Shorter, John Michael Hind MA Oxf
Wilson, Nigel Guy MA Oxf, FBA
Anderson, Sir (William) Eric Kinloch KT, MA
MLitt Oxf, MA St And, FRSE
Ball, Sir Christopher John Elinger MA Oxf
Boardman, Sir John MA Camb, MA Oxf,
Clementi, Sir David Cecil MBA Harvard, MA Oxf
Clothier, Sir Cecil Montacute KCB, QC, BCL MA
Cohen, (Johnson) David CBE, MB BS Lond, MA
Cook, Stephanie Jayne MBE, BA Camb, BM BCh
Cornwell, David John Moore (John le Carré) BA
Craig, David Brownrigg, the Lord Craig of
Radley GCB, OBE, MA Oxf
Donoughue, Bernard, the Rt Hon Lord
Donoughue of Ashton DL, MA DPhil Oxf, FRHistS
Dwek, Raymond Allen BSc MSc Manc, MA DPhil
DSc Oxf, CChem, FRSC, CBiol, FIBiol, FRS, Hon FRCP
Eddington, Sir Roderick Ian BEng, MEngSc
DLaws(Hon) Western Australia, DPhil Oxf
Goff, Robert Lionel Archibald, the Rt Hon
Lord Goff of Chieveley PC, DCL Oxf, FBA
Gowans, Sir James Learmonth CBE, MB BS
Lond, MA DPhil Oxf, FRCP, FRS
Harris, Sir Henry BA MB BS Sydney, MA DPhil DM
Henderson, (Patrick) David CMG, MA Oxf
Klein, Lawrence Robert BA California, MA Oxf,
Kornicki, Peter Francis BA Msc DPhil Oxf, FBA
Lloyd, Timothy Andrew Wigram, the Rt Hon
Lord Justice Lloyd PC, QC, MA Oxf
Longmore, Andrew Centlivres, the Rt Hon
Lord Justice Longmore PC, QC, MA Oxf
Lucas, Sir Colin Renshaw MA DPhil Oxf, FRHistS
Miller, Sir Peter North MA Oxf, DSc City
Richards, Sir Rex Edward MA DPhil DSc Oxf, FRS,
Shock, Sir Maurice Kt, MA Oxf
Simpson, (Alfred William) Brian MA DCL Oxf,
Thomas, Swinton Barclay, the Rt Hon Sir
Swinton Thomas PC, QC, MA Oxf
Watson, James Dewey, Hon KBE, BS Chicago,
PhD Indiana
Li, Theresa June BA Toronto, MA Pennsylvania
Li, Simon Kwokcheang MS Columbia, MA Oxf
Murray, Susanne, The Marquise de Amodio
Polonsky, Leonard Selwyn BA New York, PhD
Shaw, Harold MA Oxf
Taylor, Neville Jeremy MA Oxf
Zilkha, Michael MA Oxf
Dilts, Mervin MA PhD Indiana
Greenwood, Nicola Regan BA Oxf, MSc PhD
Mitchell, Peter Carew MA Oxf
Myers, Peter Briggs DPhil Oxf
Sewards-Shaw, Kenneth MA Oxf
Sohmer, Stephen MA Boston, DPhil Oxf
Tucker, Audrey MB MS Lond, FRS, FRCR
van Diest, Patricia MA Oxf
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The Fellowship
Farewells and
new arrivals
There were, as ever,
goodbyes to be said.
John Norbury, who joined
the College as Tutor in
Mathematics in 1984, retired
at the end of the academic
year. His good humour and
dedication to the College and its students
have been highly valued over the years. In
particular, College will gratefully remember his
years of service as Bursar – the last tutorial
fellow to hold the post before the
appointment of a professional, non-tutorial
Bursar in 2000. As Bursar, John gave great
energy and vision to the Kitchen Project
(completed in 2000); the new Kitchen, Buttery,
Montgomery Room, and Deep Hall – fit for
modern purpose, but sensitive to their rich
past - are an impressive legacy at the heart of
College life.
It was with a mixture of
great sadness and great
pride that Lincoln received
the resignation of Keith
Gull (Ogunlesi Senior
Research Fellow in
Molecular Parasitology and
Professor of Molecular Microbiology) to
become Principal of St Edmund Hall. It is of
course no small consolation to have such a
great friend of Lincoln still nearby. Keith was a
stalwart of Lincoln, a model of the Professorial
Fellow, and will no doubt be a stellar head of
house. Teddy Hall’s gain is certainly Lincoln’s
New career opportunities and family
commitments have taken Alex Gumbel
(Tutor in Management) to a new home in
Toulouse. Alex's charm and dedication to the
College - as a solid member of the Finance
Committee, and as Senior Dean - will be
missed by all.
Younger colleagues on fixed-term
appointments went out from Lincoln to
pursue excellent academic careers: Robert
Saunders (Darby Fellow in History), Christos
Simelidis (Dilts Research Fellow in Greek
Palaeography), Claudia Nitschke (DAADMontgomery Praelector in German), Brian
McElwee (Praelector in Philosophy),
Johannes Lindvall (Samuel Finer
Postdoctoral Fellow in Comparative Politics),
Marie Schroeder (Post-Doctoral Fellow in
Medical Sciences), Barbro Fröding (Hardie
Post-Doctoral Fellow in the Humanities), Chze
Ling Wee (Kemp Post-Doctoral Fellow in
Medical Sciences), and Nur Ata Arcan (CEBR
Post-Doctoral Fellow in Economics). Ben
Brice (Tutorial Fellow in English) also left the
College at the end of the academic year.
These will all be missed, and go with heartfelt
best wishes from Fellows, students, and staff
But the academic year 2009-10 saw a bumper
crop of distinguished additions to the
College was proud to elect four new Honorary
Fellows from among its many distinguished
alumni who serve at the very top of their
respective professions: Sir Philip (Roy)
Hampton, Chairman, Royal Bank of Scotland
Group (BA English, 1972); Philipp
Hildebrand, Chairman of the Governing
Board, Swiss National Bank (DPhil International
Relations, 1990); The Rt Rev Gregory
Kenneth Cameron, Bishop of St Asaph (BA
Law,1977); and The Rt Rev (Christopher)
Richard Yeo, OSB, Abbot President, English
Benedictine Congregation (BA Law, 1966).
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Andrew Bassim Hassan
joined the College as TO
Ogunlesi Senior Research
Fellow and Professor of
Oncology, and continues
the College’s rich
association with the Sir
William Dunn School of Pathology, where he
trained and completed his DPhil (1994) in the
laboratory of EP Abraham Professor Peter
Cook. After stints in Cambridge and
Southampton, Professor Hassan joined
Lincoln from a professorship at Bristol. His
research presentation to the Fellows will
always be remembered for the combination
of compassion and brilliance that he brings to
his work on the genes and proteins which
regulate tumour growth, and his commitment
to research that may benefit patients.
Rachel Buxton has joined
the College as Fellow and
Domestic Bursar, marking a
welcome new phase in the
professional management
of the College’s growing
domestic facilities. No
stranger to academia, Rachel holds a first
degree in English from Adelaide, as well as a
DPhil in English and an MBA from Oxford
Alana Harris returns to
these pages for a second
year running, having been
appointed first to a Hardie
Post-Doctoral Fellowship in
the Humanities (2008), and
last spring elected Darby
Fellow and Tutor in History. With degrees from
Melbourne (BA, LLB, Mdiv) and Oxford (DPhil),
Alana specialises in the religious history of
modern Britain, with particular focus on
London’s East End and its migrant populations.
Noam Gur (BCL, MPhil, DPhil
and LLB Hebrew University,
Jerusalem) was elected Shaw
Foundation Fellow and Tutor
in Law. Both his research and
teaching focus on
jurisprudence and tort law;
he is particularly interested in the relationship
between law and practical reason. As Shaw
Foundation Fellow, Noam heads the College’s
academic outreach programme in Singapore.
Christopher Stamatakis
(MSt, DPhil) is the Oakeshott
Junior Research Fellow in
English Literature, and holds
a prestigious Leverhulme
Early Career Development
Fellowship. No stranger to
Lincoln, Chris was admitted from Magdalen
College School in 2001, going on to take a first
in Schools, an MSt with distinction, and the
DPhil. The book from that thesis, forthcoming
from OUP, will be a ground-breaking study of
the poetry of the great Renaissance poet and
diplomat, Sir Thomas Wyatt.
Parama Chaudhury is
Lincoln’s Research Fellow and
Tutor in Economics, and
specialises in the economics
of labour, growth, and wage
inequality. Educated in India
(BSc Presidency College,
Calcutta) and the US (MA Notre Dame, PhD
New York University) she brings to Lincoln
exceptional teaching experience from
appointments in the economics departments
of Yale University and Dartmouth College.
Andrew Zeitlin (MPhil,
DPhil) holds a Research
Fellowship in Applied
Microeconomics at Lincoln,
and is also Research Officer at
the Centre for the Study of
African Economies in the
University’s Department of Economics. His
work applies microeconomic and econometric
theory to the economies of developing
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Senior Common Room
The Senior Common Room
Senior Common Room news from this
past year has an unusual degree of
reference to the place itself. Michaelmas
saw the reopening of the Burgis Room
(Upper SCR), after closure during the
preceding Trinity Term and Long
Vacation for its first refurbishment since
conversion from a Fellow’s set in 1972.
(The ‘new’ SCR was made possible by a
1967 legacy from Miss Isobel Burgis, sister
of old member Sir Edwin Burgis, for ‘the
adorning of the College’.)
For this present project, College called
upon the astute advice and expertise of
Rodney Melville and Partners, and the
designer-decorator Mr Andrew Barber of
the National Trust. Before beginning
their design work, Mr Melville’s team
carried out a detailed structural and
historical survey of the room - originally
the College Chapel (1427-1630), then the
Library (1660-1906), and then a Fellow’s
set last occupied by Mr Nigel Wilson.
Their report, informed by extensive
research by Lincoln’s Archivist, Mr
Andrew Mussell, constitutes a major
contribution to our understanding of the
palimpsest that is this most ancient part of
College. Particularly gratifying was the
identification of all the windows in the
north range (overlooking Brasenose Lane)
as being intact survivals from the very early
18th, or even late 17th century. These no
doubt survived because they were boardedup by College order in 1828 to
accommodate more book shelves (the
windows on the south range, with their
tell-tale larger panes, were part of the same
early Victorian ‘improvements’). Also
discovered were some fine chamfered
medieval beams and the remains of the
wooden stair which had led to garrets
above; these were carefully left exposed or
(in the latter case) accessible inside the
SCR pantry.
Very little structural work was required for
the refurbishment, though the opportunity
was taken to introduce (for the first time!)
central heating, in keeping with the
College’s policy of doing so throughout the
central ‘old site’ on a rolling basis as
occasion permits. The pantry was given
better modern fittings, and more efficient
cupboarding, and the installation of an ondemand coffee machine saves the Buttery
staff from negotiating the treacherous
staircase balancing so many trays. The
unobtrusive period-style radiators under
the windows in the south range allowed an
increase in seating space by screening them
with turned-wood balusters with attractive
window seats over. The imposition (in
1906) and then removal (in 1972) of the
two large partition walls for the threeroom Fellow’s set had unfortunately
disturbed much of the original oak
flooring, and left behind large passages of
modern pine. The College’s own expert
joiner, Paul Green, oversaw the careful
salvage of what original oak boards
remained, as well as their relaying around
the perimeter of the room where their
character can still be enjoyed; modern oak
of similar width was used to fill the central
space, and stained to match.
The decoration brief was simply to
refurbish, at minimum cost, the existing
space. Over 30 years, the paint had faded
to a disagreeable brown, the curtains were
literally in tatters, and the furniture was
looking rather sorry for itself. Most of all,
College wished to preserve the room’s
unique combination of dignity and
comfort, and to exploit the natural beauty
of its five bays of south-facing windows
and the fine doric columns at its east end
(purchased by Walter Oakeshott in 1972
from a country house sale – originally, it is
said, taken from a rather grand garden
building). Mssrs Melville and Partners and
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Senior Common Room
Andrew Barber presented to the Bursar,
Sub-Rector and Steward several schemes
(of varying degrees of boldness), and this
sub-committee was unanimous in its
choice of the ensemble which now graces
the room. Central to Barber’s vision to add
depth and richness to such a naturally
bright room was to paint all of its
woodwork (panelling and architraves as
well as the ‘Oakeshott columns’, all of
which date from 1972) in wood-grain or
marbling, to replace the stark white gloss.
This highly skilled work was carried out
The SCR pre-refurbishment...
by Mr Paul Knibbs & Son of Waddesdon.
The plaster walls were painted a deep
National Trust green. The sub-committee
was particularly pleased that all of the fine
furniture from the 1972 bequest of
Christopher Gamble was repaired and
recovered, providing both continuity and
economy. Mr Barber chose
complimentary fabrics in a range of
patterns and textures in deep reds and
taupes. Area rugs show the historic floor
boards to better effect than the previous
fitted carpet, and help to define the various
...and post-refurbishment
casual seating areas around the room.
And the whole is unified by festoon
curtains in deep red.
The SCR is now fit for purpose for many
more generations – as a place of
sometimes quiet and sometimes convivial
refuge for Fellows, as a fitting place to
welcome and entertain College guests,
and as a fine setting for the termly
exchanges of learning between the SCR
and MCR, the ‘Conversazione’, instituted
by Rector Anderson. I
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Research and Teaching
Research and Teaching News
Peter Atkins reports that ‘I have been
using my retirement reasonably
fruitfully. This year I have published four
books (the ninth edition of Physical
Chemistry, the fifth edition of Inorganic
Chemistry, the fifth edition of Chemical
Principles, and The Laws
of Thermodynamics in OUP’s Very Short
Introduction series). Three more are in
production. I have given invited lectures
in the USA, India, Japan, Belgium, and
Russia, and have been awarded an
honorary DSc by Kazan State
Technological University. I have also
received a lifetime achievement award
from the International Conference on
Chemical Education, which was
presented in Taiwan.’
Richard Bird, supernumerary Fellow in
Computation, continues to enjoy a
productive retirement. His new book,
Pearls of Functional Algorithm Design,
has been published by Cambridge
University Press. Richard explains that,
‘in this book I take a radically new
approach to algorithm design, namely,
design by calculation. These 30 short
chapters each deal with a particular
programming problem drawn from
sources as diverse as games and puzzles,
intriguing combinatorial tasks, and more
familiar areas such as data compression
and string matching.‘
Susan Brigden writes with both brevity
and eloquence that, ‘I have been on leave
for the past year, seemingly more in the
16th century than in the 21st. I have
finished my book - Thomas Wyatt: in
Kent and Christendom - and it has
finished me.’
Sirichai Chongchitnan continues his
research in cosmology. His latest work
explains what the observed distribution
of galaxy clusters tells us about the
statistical distribution of primordial
seeds laid down in the first microsecond
of the universe. If this primordial
distribution is non-Gaussian (i.e. if it
deviates from the bell curve), this would
be a truly remarkable discovery that
would challenge the present paradigm of
cosmology. His paper, published in
Astrophysical Journal, was presented at
the Cosmo 2010 conference in Tokyo.
Outside research, he is part of the
(unofficial) Lincoln string quartet which
made its debut entertaining alumni at
the Lincoln Society Garden Party in
May. He also continues to oversee the
Lincoln website and would very much
welcome any suggestion for
Alan Cowey, Emeritus Professor, and
now a supernumerary Fellow of Lincoln,
continues to carry out research on the
brain. In May 2010 he was awarded a
Leverhulme Emeritus Fellowship that
will enable him to complete several
research projects over the next two years.
In June he was elected to an Honorary
Fellowship of the Hungarian Academy
of Sciences for his international services
to neuroscience and will deliver a lecture
to the academy in Budapest next year. In
July he was awarded the annual British
Psychological Society Lifetime
Achievement Award, which he will
receive at the annual meeting in Glasgow
next year.
Roel Dullens‘ teaching slate was full
with tutorials for all three years of
Lincoln chemists, acting as college
advisor for four Lincoln graduate
chemists, and lecturing and
demonstrating in the department. He
continues his laboratory research on
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colloidal crystals; and co-authored
articles for Physical Review Letters and
Nano Letters; and participated in
seminars and poster sessions at
conferences in Nara and Tokyo,
Lausanne, London and Obergugl.
Nigel Emptage this year published
papers in Neuron, Biophysical Journal,
and Cell Science, and was an invited
speaker at neuroscience conferences and
symposia in the UK, The Netherlands,
and Austria. His laboratory minted two
new DPhils, and two MScs with
distinctions. A new research student
will join the team this year with one of
the University’s prestigious Clarendon
Awards for non-EU nationals.
Simon Gardner writes, ‘I have been
mainly on leave from teaching this year,
my tutorials being given in my place by
former Lincoln law students Christina
Walton (Land Law and Trusts) and
Beatrice Krebs (née Dafft; Criminal Law).
Another alumnus, Tom Worthen, has for
some years taught Roman Law to our first
years. I have used my leave principally to
work on a new (third) edition of
my Introduction to the Law of Trusts,
OUP Clarendon Law Series. As well as
providing necessary updating, I have
rewritten large sections where the
12 .
surrounding frame of reference and/or my
own thinking has changed. In particular, I
have made a special effort to identify the
various messages for the subject as a whole
of the trustee’s liability to account, and
also to consider what lies beneath this set
of often surprising rules and ideas. And I
have refined much of the treatment of
constructive trusts, partly so as to reflect
and develop my own evolving view that
several kinds of these may be best
understood as reliance-based (as
discussed in chapter two of Constructive
and Resulting Trusts, ed C Mitchell, Hart
Publishing 2010), and partly to deal with
major new developments in the areas of
proprietary estoppel and family homes. I
had already engaged with the latter quite
recently in the new (second) edition of
my Introduction to Land Law, Hart
Publishing 2009, but there has been yet
further activity as regards family homes,
the litigation in Jones v Kernott requiring
fresh thought again about this topic. The
first fruits of this fresh thought should
appear in the Law Quarterly Review, in a
casenote which I have had the pleasure of
writing jointly with another former
Lincoln law student, Katharine Davidson,
now of the family bar. The publication of
the new edition of my Trusts book itself
may be delayed so as to be able to report
and consider the eventual disposal of this
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case by the Supreme Court, possibly
giving this area of the law yet another
change of orientation. Connecting with
my work in College, I have become an
academic member of the Chancery Bar
Perry Gauci notes that ‘amid the usual
flurry of undergraduate teaching, research
and administration, the past 18 months
have been particularly rewarding in terms
of graduate supervision.’ Several of his
students have gained their doctorates, or
made significant research discoveries, and
a brace of recent leavers from Lincoln have
received their first book contracts. He
observes that their enthusiasm and insight
have sustained him in his own scholarly
endeavours, and that their success merely
underlines the central importance of
graduates to the College community.
Stephen Gill delivered a lecture on
‘Wordsworth and the Creation of the
Lake District’ in Grasmere on ‘World
Environment Day’ and has published
with OUP a completely revised edition
of his (already classic standard) edition
of Wordsworth's selected poetry and
prose. A reception to mark the occasion
of its publication was hosted by OUP in
the Senior Common Room in May.
Susan Greenfield‘s busy academic year
has included speaking at conferences
related to science, entrepreneurship, and
future directions in education. She coauthored a dozen publications in
journals such as The Neuroscientist,
Biological Chemistry, and Neuroscience.
Baroness Greenfield was also elected an
Hon. Liveryman of The Clothworkers’
Company and a Fellow of the Science
Museum, and received a Medal from the
Australian Society for Medical
Alana Harris is preparing her doctoral
dissertation for publication by
Manchester University Press, under the
title Faith in the Family: Transformations
in English Catholic Spirituality and
Popular Religion, 1945-82, as well as coediting with Jane Garnett (Wadham,
formerly British Academy Fellow at
Lincoln) a volume on migration and
religion. Six further journal articles and
chapters in books on modern aspects of
faith and culture will appear in the next
year. Readers of The Tablet will also
have enjoyed Alana’s pieces on
contemporary issues facing the Roman
Catholic Church. She is pleased to
record her gratitude for funding from
the Zilkha Trust of Lincoln College
which made possible her participation in
an international seminar on ‘The Cult of
St Thérèse in the Modern World’ in
Sydney in July 2010.
David Hills writes that ‘this has been
my first year as Director of the RollsRoyce UTC (University Technical
Centre) and this has brought with it
duties and responsibilities which have, to
some extent, displaced original research.
On the upside, I have been invited to
applied mechanics meetings on both
sides of the Atlantic, and my work on
the fundamentals of contact mechanics
continues at full speed, partly joint with
Imperial College, and also in
collaboration with Jim Barber from the
University of Michigan. Jim visited the
College for another five-week spell in
Trinity term 2010, during which time he
contributed to Lincoln undergraduate
teaching. He is a popular tutor and
welcome frequent visitor.’ Professor
Hills notes with pleasure that the 201011 academic year brings with it
sabbatical leave, and the opportunity to
summarise progress with a monograph.
Nick Jelley is now head of the Physics
Teaching Faculty and is looking at ways
that physicists can improve not only
their grasp of physics but also their
presentational and experimental skills.
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He is also still giving and organising
lectures on Energy Science and has been
working with colleagues at the
Engineering Department on developing
a solar concentrator for use with a
PhotoVoltaic cell or with a
Stirling Engine as a low
carbon generator of electricity for
both the developing and the developed
world. He co-authored with Art
McDonald and Hamish Robertson a
review of the Sudbury Neutrino
Observatory experiment which
appeared in Annual Reviews of Nuclear
and Particle Physics last November.
Johannes Lindvall‘s book, Mass
Unemployment and the State will be
published by OUP in December;
Johannes has also published “Power
Sharing and Reform Capacity” in the
Journal of Theoretical Politics.
Christopher McCrudden has been
writing a book with colleagues
in Sociology on the effectiveness of
affirmative action in Northern Ireland.
As a recently qualified barrister, he also
appeared (‘on the losing side’, he notes)
in the widely-publicised December 2009
case in which the Supreme Court found
the Jewish Free School guilty of race
discrimination for refusing places to
14 .
pupils it did not consider to be
ethnically Jewish.
Peter McCullough received from the
Arts and Humanities Research Council
(AHRC) a Major Research Grant of
£540k to fund (over five years) the work
of an international team of scholars on
The Oxford Edition of the Sermons of John
Donne, a 16-volume project of which he
is General Editor. He has been involved
in several television and museum
projects now underway to commemorate
the 400th anniversary of the publication
of the ‘King James’ Bible (1611) next
year. In addition, he has completed two
large publication projects which will
appear in 2011, and given several major
conference papers in the US and
Oxford. In July, he was elected to the
governing Chapter of St Paul’s
Cathedral, as Lay Canon with portfolio
for history.
Nur Ata Nurcan‘s paper, “Self-control
and debt: evidence from data on credit
counselling”, has recently appeared in the
Oxford Department of Economics
Discussion Paper Series (August 2010).
Edward Nye is delighted to have
submitted to Cambridge University
Press final copy for his monograph,
Mime, Music, and Drama on the
Eighteenth-Century Stage and is now
considering what his next research
project should be.
Mark Roberts published two articles on
bacterial chemotaxis, as well as giving a
number of talks at biochemistry and
biophysics conferences. Other
highlights of the year included
organising the Biochemistry UNIQ
summer school for students from the
state sector. He has also written an
article for ‘The Biochemist’ on the
STEM (Science, Technology,
Engineering and Maths) Ambassador
Scheme - a national project to encourage
young people to study STEM subjects
and to enrich the curriculum through
greater involvement by academics and
researchers in schools. Mark has been a
STEM ambassador for the past four
years. He also gave what was no doubt a
popular talk for the British Science
Association on ‘The Science of Beer’.
Capping off the year, Mark was the
winner of the ‘I’m A Scientist’
competition, a public event in which
scientists communicate with school
children who then vote for their
favourite scientist. He reports that the
children’s ‘possibly better’ description of
it is: "I'm a Scientist is like school science
Lincoln Record (2010) [6]:Layout 2
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Research and Teaching
lessons meet the X Factor!" Students
choose which scientist gets a prize of
£500 to communicate their work.
Peter Rose finds time to teach Lincoln
medics clinical practice while working
full-time at the University’s Department
of Primary Health Care. He reports that
his ‘main teaching commitment has been
the further development of a course to
get research evidence into practice in
primary care. The course is proving very
successful and 4000 GPs attended the
course last year.’ He continues to
specialise in cancer follow-up and the
health needs of long-term cancer
survivors, and contributes to the
National Cancer Survivors Initiative.
This year he was asked by the
Department of Health to chair a module
of the International Benchmarking
Initiative, a programme to improve
diagnosis and treatment of cancer. Peter
notes that ‘the UK is way down the
international league table of cancer
mortality and we are trying to learn from
other countries how outcomes can be
improved. I chair the module which is
trying to understand ways to improve
earlier diagnosis.’ Peter co-authored no
fewer than seven articles on these
subjects for leading medical journals this
past year.
Pietro Roversi reports that ‘after six
years of effort (which I could break
down as: 15 ten-day long purification
experiments with 30 litres of human
plasma, and about 2500 crystallisation
droplets and countless X-ray photons
shone on my crystals), my Dunn School
colleagues and I have succeeded in
determining the crystal structure of
human complement Factor I. Factor I
regulates innate immunity, and first
appeared in vertebrates around 500
millions years ago and has stayed the
same ever since. The crystal structure of
Factor I reveals that the enzyme
circulates in inactive form in the blood
and is activated by contact with its
protein substrate. The known human
Factor I genetic deficiencies that affect
hundreds of patients worldwide are
explained by our structure, and may be
of help in the clinic, especially in
transplantation.’ On the teaching front,
Pietro and fellow tutor Mark Roberts
have benefited from purchase of an
interactive whiteboard made possible by
the Zilkha Fund. Pietro twice travelled
to Lincolnshire schools with Alice
Wilby, Schools Liaison Officer, to
encourage sixth formers to apply to
Oxford. Pietro also reports that he has
lectured in crystallography in the
Wellcome Trust and BCA summer
graduate schools, and co-authored three
scientific publications (in Biochemistry,
PNAS and Acta Cristallographica D).
Pietro’s volume of poetry, mentioned in
the most recent Imprint, is receiving
excellent early reviews.
Winfried Rudolf has completed
publications on annotating hands in
Worcester Cathedral manuscripts and on
the 'spiritual islescape' of the AngloSaxons. He was also invited by the Society
for the Study of Anglo-Saxon Homiletics
to present newly discovered preaching
resources of the tenth century, and by the
Italian Chamber of Commerce in London
for a talk on book travel across the Alps in
the early Middle Ages. Together with a
team of Oxford graduate students he
discovered an English prayer book from
the 15th century in Italy earlier this year.
Under his aegis, a collection of essays on
this manuscript is close to publication by
Silvana Editoriale in Milan.
RRR Smith, Lincoln Professor of
Classical Archaeology and Art, and
Curator of the Ashmolean’s Cast
Gallery, was elected Fellow of the British
Academy in summer 2010. With
Milena Melfi and Olympia Bobou, he
worked on the display, the panels, and
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Research and Teaching
the labels for the re-opening of the Cast
Gallery. During the academic year, he
lectured and organised graduate
seminars on various aspects of Greek
and Roman art and archaeology, and
chaired the Masters exams in Classical
Archaeology. January 2009 saw work
begin on a major new AHRC-funded
research project on The Last Statues of
Antiquity (with Bryan Ward-Perkins,
Trinity), which had its first workshop in
Oxford in December 2009. Smith gave
invited lectures and conference papers in
Berkeley, London (UCL), Oxford, New
York (NYU and Columbia),
Regensburg, and Thessaloniki, and a
series of lectures at the Scuola Normale
in Pisa, and directed two further seasons
of archaeological fieldwork at
Aphrodisias in SW Turkey. Bert’s
publications included Aphrodisias: City
and Sculpture in Roman Asia (with
Ahmet Ertug, Istanbul 2009).
Chris Stamatakis has presented papers
on Sir Thomas Wyatt’s psalm
paraphrases and early Tudor literature at
several Oxford seminars in the last year.
In revising his doctoral thesis on Wyatt
for monograph publication, he has
enormously valued opportunities ‘to
discuss, refine and savage ideas with
Lincoln’s resident Wyatt virtuoso and
16 .
Tutor for History, Dr Brigden.‘
Currently, he is working on a digital
edition of Wyatt’s poetry manuscripts
and researching 16th-century English
re-workings of Italian poetry: forays into
la bella lingua have proven a welcome
counterpoint to the rigours of hypertext
mark-up tagging.
Maria Stamatopoulou‘s research took
her for two months to Greece’s National
Archaeological Museum, where she
participated in linking various jewellery,
bronzes, ancient glass and terracottas to
specific burial groups based on old
drawings and photos; most of the
material was either un-provenanced or
thought lost, and the team was able to
identify an important burial complex
from western Thessaly. While
examining boxes unopened since 1960
they found some 500 fragments of
figurines and vases belonging to three
major sanctuaries of the Hellenistic
period. This work will continue from
March 2011. Maria was asked to
participate in a publication project on
ancient fortified farmhouses in the
Sporades (northern Aegean). Evidently
not an Abba fan, she notes that ‘the tacky
movie Mamma Mia was filmed there’,
and, in an obvious riposte to Meryl
Streep, adds that the islands’ ‘real
importance is due to their being on the
ancient sea route from Athens to
Macedonia’. She has also been
appointed to co-run a project to publish
the old (1907) and recent (1990s)
studies of a major civic sanctuary in
eastern Thessaly. Maria delivered
conference papers in Istanbul, Athens,
and Thessaly. Back in College, she is
proud that Classical Art and Ancient
History continues to deliver outstanding
results and that Lincoln attracts an
enviably strong pool of applicants.
Margaret Stevens began a three-year
term as Director of Undergraduate
Studies in Economics. She writes that
‘this is a demanding role at present, since
the Economics Department is coping
with the twin challenges of strong
competition - especially from US
universities - for academic economists,
and controversial questions about how
economics should be taught and
whether the more formal and
mathematical modern approach to the
subject can address current policy
problems.’ About her own research, she
writes, ‘I am working on a project in
which I use a formal model of the labour
market to demonstrate how the
decisions of individual employers and
employees to invest in different types of
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Research and Teaching
vocational training depend critically on
the decisions made by other employers
and employees. Understanding this
interdependence is important for the
effectiveness of economic policies to
increase workforce skills.‘
David Vaux writes that during this year
he and his laboratory research team ‘have
completed the development of a new
method for identifying candidate small
molecules that can block the early stages
of abnormal protein folding that produces
toxic aggregates that kill cells.’ He adds:
'The approach is relevant to many
chronic degenerative diseases, ranging
from Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s
disease to type II diabetes. Most recently
we have shown that potential drugs found
in this search are protective in an animal
model of Alzheimer’s disease, which is a
hugely exciting result even though the
animals are only tiny worms!’
Michael Willis was a guest editor for a
special issue of the journal Tetrahedron
on “Modern Applications of Transition
Metal Catalysis in Heterocycle
Synthesis”. His research group also
published ten research papers during the
year, and was awarded a grant from the
EPSRC to investigate alkene
hydroacylation chemistry. I
. 17
Lincoln Record (2010) [6]:Layout 2
Zilkha Fund Grants
Fellows Awarded
Grants from the
Zilkha Fund
Dr Sirichai Chongchitnan
Professor Peter Cook
Dr Roel Dullens
Dr Nigel Emptage
Dr Barbro Froding
Dr Perry Gauci
Professor Stephen Gill
Dr Alana Harris
Professor David Hills
Dr Johannes Lindvall
Professor Christopher McCrudden
Dr Peter McCullough
Dr John Norbury
Dr Edward Nye
Dr Pietro Roversi
Dr Winfried Rudolf
Professor Bert Smith
Dr Maria Stamatopoulou
Dr David Vaux
Professor Herman Waldmann
Dr Michael Willis
18 .
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Bursar's Report
Bursar’s Report
Much of the talk among Oxford’s
bursars at the present time is focused on
the short-term. What is the likely
impact of reductions in government
spending on universities? What sort of
investment returns can we expect in the
next year or so; and will these and our
other sources of income be sufficient to
keep us out of operating deficit?
And yet, notwithstanding the great
importance of these immediate issues,
for Lincoln’s Bursar the past year has
seen more of an emphasis on the longerterm. Without doubt the current
economic and political environment will
pose some serious challenges over the
next few years. But it is a sign of
Lincoln’s underlying confidence in itself,
a confidence derived from nearly 600
years of continuous existence, that we
are able to think beyond the near-term
and to respond to the need to look
further into the future. With that
thought in mind, the major items of
work recently and at present on the
Bursar’s “to do” list have a distinctly
longer-term feel about them.
In the first place there is the Lincoln
2027 Trust, about which the Rector
writes in his report. The creation of this
innovative vehicle, with its aim of
boosting the College’s endowment and
preparing us for the next several
hundred years, has been a most
interesting and exciting project following
many diverse strands. Not least of these
have been the negotiations with the
Charity Commission, during which
process the College took advice from
leading counsel, and which has resulted
in the Trust being duly registered as a
charitable entity. I take this opportunity
to record my thanks to Hugh Sloane
(1977) for his development of the
concept and for his donation to the
Trust; and to my colleagues on the
Governing Body for their support for
the project.
A project of an altogether different kind
that has occupied the Bursar’s attention
in recent months is the proposed work
on the Garden Building and its environs.
The College and its advisors have
developed a scheme for a redeveloped
and refurbished Garden Building which
includes a new dining/board room
space; a refurbished Oakeshott Room to
provide high quality performance and
lecture space; a new lecture hall to
replace the Lower Lecture Room; two
music practice rooms; and other
facilities. We go into this project with
our eyes open, for we know it will be
complex. The space within which the
work will be done is very tight and is
hedged with obstacles, not least the
complicated above – and below –
ground infrastructure (which we know a
great deal about) and the likely
archaeological considerations (about
which, at present, we know very little).
But successful completion of this
building will have a transforming effect
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Bursar's Report
on the College, not least by removing
what is probably the most untidy corner
of Lincoln, along the Library corridor,
and providing us with excellent facilities
for the College in general and for
humanities studies in particular.
Before the work on the Garden Building
I am hoping that we shall have
commenced and completed our planned
redevelopment of the Turl Tavern. As I
have mentioned in earlier
communications with alumni, the
student accommodation in the Mitre
and the adjacent Staircase 16 represents
one of the biggest problem areas for the
College: to refurbish these rooms will
require a capital outlay which the
College cannot at present afford and of
which there is no realistic prospect of
recovery. We have considered a number
of different schemes to solve the
problem, including a potential joint
venture with our tenant, Whitbread.
This latter course having fallen victim to
the economic downturn, we have
decided instead to embark on a smallerscale scheme whereby the College
recovers from Whitbread the Turl
Tavern and converts it and the
surrounding area into teaching, meeting
and social rooms – in effect, a new quad
for the College. Our request for planning
20 .
permission is currently under
consideration; with a fair wind we could
be starting construction work in the
spring of 2011.
These various projects, both financial
and building, are undertaken with a view
to consolidating and enhancing the
College’s resources for the fulfillment of
its academic mission for hundreds of
years to come. Clearly this aim will be
jeopardised if we are not careful
stewards of our resources in the here
and now, and for all the attention given
to long-term projects there has to be
careful (though hopefully not too
restrictive) management of the College’s
finances on an ongoing basis. In an
improvement over the previous two
years, the College managed its
operations (just) within the selfimposed restriction of a three per cent
drawdown from the endowment; and
taking investment income into account
the College’s published financial records
show a surplus for the year of £354k
(2009 : £566k). The return on the
College’s investments in 2009-10 was
+10.2% (2009 : -4.8%). This investment
performance is in line with the MSCI
World index (+10.1%), though is a little
disappointing in the light of the +14.1%
capital return from the UK’s own FTSE
index. In the first year of our new
investment management arrangements
one of our two managers out-performed
the indices by a wide margin but the
other took a more cautious view of the
world economy and his performance
lagged behind the rising market. In
addition, we continue to take a prudent,
conservative approach to the valuation of
the College’s commercial property assets
which comprise approximately half of
the endowment: the independentlyassessed valuation of the College’s
property portfolio rose by just 5.1%.
All in all, this has been a year of constant
activity, for the most part laying
foundations for the College’s future
prosperity and success. And the
highlight? Without doubt, the triumphs
of the Lincoln College Boat Club in this
year’s summer Eights. This success owes
much to the re-equipping of the
boathouse as a training facility, a project
financed by the generous support of
alumni via donations to the Annual
Fund. That, and the unwavering support
of LCBC’s Senior Member, who just
happens to be the Bursar. I
Tim Knowles
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Development Director’s Report
Director's Report
A series of remarkable weather-related events
provided the backdrop to this year. It will remain in
my mind as the year of fire and ice, with snowball
fights during the Telethon and volcanic ash exile
providing the highlights.
The Rector has explained in some detail the
establishment of the 2027 Trust, which was by
some margin the most significant development of
the year. Of course, as it is a fully independent
Trust, we shall not be including this in the financial
round-ups that I produce. However as the Rector
has noted, we view the creation of the 2027 Trust
as an essential element in the drive for selfsufficiency by the eponymous year in which we
celebrate our 600th anniversary.
In the meantime, Lincoln faces very immediate
funding requirements, in particular with respect to
student support and teaching. This will be the
focus of our fundraising in the years ahead, and it is
encouraging to note some positive developments.
As I mentioned last year, thanks to the generosity
of its alumni and friends, Lincoln has one of the
most generous scholarship provisions in the
University. This year, we have further enhanced
this. Dr Leonard Polonsky (1950), already a most
generous benefactor through the Polonsky awards
22 .
to graduate students, has established a new
scholarship scheme, the Thomas Jefferson
Scholarships, to encourage undergraduate
applications from the brightest students in the US,
initially from the New York area. Sir Rod
Eddington (1974) has agreed to lead an appeal to
our Australian alumni to fund a Lincoln
scholarship under the umbrella of the OxfordAustralia Scholarship Scheme. On the teaching
side, I am delighted to report that after many years,
we have nearly reached our target for endowing the
Hanbury Fellowship in Law.
Our Annual Fund remains the bedrock of our
fundraising, and the Telethon, in which current
students engage with alumni, has been increasingly
effective, not only in raising regular income, but
also as a means of exchanging news and feedback
on College events and publications. This January in
Oxford, our callers had an eerily silent winter
wonderland to themselves. Many alumni were also
snowed in, and perhaps as a result the calls were
particularly warm this year. Between the Telethon
and associated mailings, the Annual Fund has
raised nearly £250k this year, a very significant
increase on 2008-09. Particular thanks are due to
John Rux-Burton (1990) of Rux Burton
Associates, whose firm provides the software and
training for the Telethon. Nearly 1000 alumni and
friends made a contribution, and in spite of the
difficult financial climate we were able to launch the
Rotherham Circle, which recognises those who
make leadership-level gifts. As usual the Annual
Fund Working Group has allocated part of the
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Development Director’s Report
unrestricted gifts, with support this year helping
the refurbishment of both the JCR and MCR, the
Boat Club, the purchase of some badly needed new
keyboards, and a grant to support a stair-lift giving
access to Deep Hall. It is wonderful to be able to
provide this level of support without having to
draw down from the already stretched endowment.
The tables (right) illustrate how alumni allocate
their donations to the Annual Fund.
Our events programme is one of the most extensive
in the University, and endeavours to appeal to all
alumni, regardless of age or location. In addition to
our standard Gaudy and Year Dinner programme,
we hold a number of overseas receptions, most of
which are very generously hosted by alumni. The
Rector and I are enormously grateful to these
volunteers who make fellow Lincoln alumni so
welcome in their homes, offices and clubs. This
year, we also held a special 30th anniversary dinner
to celebrate the admission of women to Lincoln.
We wish to continue to offer an inclusive
programme of events, and to that end the
Development Committee has commissioned an
analysis of attendance at events to ensure that we
are able to continue to provide a range of receptions
and dinners at appropriate cost. You will also notice
that we have started to send out follow-up
questionnaires after events. Do please take the time
to complete these, even if it is only to say that your
pillow was too flat. We are using the information
we receive to improve events and, where feasible,
As always, I would like to thank the many
volunteers who help us by hosting events and by
providing leadership and support in the
Development Committee and Rector’s Council. I
Susan Harrison
Table 1
New Cash pledges
£335, 043
New Bequest pledges
£116, 250
Donations received (cash)
Donations received
...thanks to the
generosity of its
alumni and friends,
Lincoln has one of
the most generous
provisions in the
Table 2
Non-endowed and fixed
term funding (£353,374)
Endowment, including
Fellowships (£1,028,066)
Student support and
activities (£394,655)
Buildings and fabric
Table 1 provides a
breakdown of gifts by type
for 2009-10 compared with
the previous year.
Table 2 shows where
donations are to be directed,
at the request of the donor.
. 23
Lincoln Record (2010) [6]:Layout 2
Page 24
Honour Roll
of Donors
August 2009 to
July 2010
The College is grateful for the generosity of the
following alumni, friends, parents, corporations,
foundations and trusts, who have made gifts or
pledges between
1 August 2009 and 31 July 2010.
The following is a list of donors
by matriculation year.
Please do not hesitate to contact the
Development Office to inform us of any
omissions or errors.
The Honour Roll does not purport to list
every donor to Lincoln College, but only
those who have done so within the dates
and parameters outlined above.
Note also that donors who have requested
that their gift be made anonymously will
NOT be listed (although the number of
anonymous donors per year is marked).
Those wishing to change their status to
appear in this list in future should contact
the Development Office.
24 .
Lincoln Record (2010) [6]:Layout 2
Page 25
The Marquis John J de
Amodio CBE +
Mr Peter DJ Campbell
Professor George F Hanson
Revd Canon John C
Blair-Fish +
Mr Dick Taylor
Mr Charles Holloway
Mr John A Salter
Dr Humphrey B Calwell +
Mr Martin L Cotton
Mr Peter D Robinson CB
Mr Peter Halsall
Mr John R Hooley DL
Mr John D Hughes
Mr Gerald Lumb
Mr Graham Rees
Mr Kenneth AE Sears
Mr John R Wilson
Mr Bob Blake
Mr Alan M Hodson
The Revd John B Langdon
Professor Clifford H Lawrence
Mr Paul H Matthews
Sheriff James V Paterson
Dr Peter Smith
Mr Clifford JC Angell +
Mr Hugh M Austin
Mr Brian E Basden
Mr David GR Bentliff
Mr Trevor Clayton
Mr John Davis
Dr Andre N Dellis
Mr John D Empson +
Dr Roger D Marsh
Dr Peter B Myers
Mr Hugo C Pigou
Mr Frank B Saundry
Rt Hon Sir Geoffrey Johnson
Mr Graham AG Anderson
Mr Neil Falkner
Dr Anthony J Hampshire
The Revd Canon John W
Mr Roger B Hunt
The Revd Canon Donald A
Mr Nicholas Jonas OBE
Dr John P Leaver
Mr Antony H Pippet
Dr Frederick W Wright
Mr David L Cannon
Mr Michael WG Coldham
Professor Joseph S
Mr William OB Doherty
Mr William G Edwards
Mr Christopher J England
Dr Ernest C Foulkes
Mr Michael W Hill
Mr John M Hollingsworth +
Mr Nigel A Lindsey-Renton
Dr Ian M Lockhart
Mr David Martinson
Mr David JG Sells
Mr Kenneth E Sewards-Shaw
Mr Simon R Ward
Mr Rodney Allen
Professor Edward J Burge
Mr Michael Butler
Dr David Cohen CBE
Mr Anthony R Goodman +
Sir Peter N Miller
Mr Michael O’Hagan
Mr Raymond Perryman
Dr Leonard S Polonsky
Mr Stephen A Shell
Mr Gerald J Walker MBE
Mr Christopher DC Willy
Mr Patrick Wood
Mr Mungo Aldridge
Mr Robert S Burns
Mr Christopher JM Cutcliffe
Mr Bruce A MacMillan
Mr John H Marshall
Dr John W Mellor
Mr Donald J Newton
Mr Christopher HG Pearson
Mr Richard M Stobart
Mr Timothy GT Taylor
Mr John R Walsh
Mr George H Willett
Professor Newton Garver
Professor Harvey Glickman
The Revd Raymond A Moody
Mr Bruce H Ramsden
Mr William O Simpson
Mr Stephen WF Wright
Dr John Bertalot
The Rt Hon Lord Donoughue
Mr Colin M Fenning
Mr Richard H Finn
Mr David L Jones
Mr John S Longden
Mr Robert WG Moberly
Dr Elman W Poole
Mr John NW Preston
Mr Peter AW Roberts
Dr Roy W Yorke
Mr Hamish C Adamson OBE
Mr Michael R Blease
Mr Manfred Brod
Mr Graham L Copson
The Revd Professor Kenneth
R Cracknell
Mr Michael J Culham
Mr KG Dickenson
Mr Francis MB Fisher +
Dr Donald Gamble
Mr Robert M Greenshields
Dr Peter Newbould
Mr Ronald W Pickering
Mr Jeremy CJ Waddell
Mr Patrick K Wheare
Mr Dudley H Wheeler
Mr David WD Ainger TD
Mr Peter Barratt
Dr Barry Dumughn
The Revd Mark Everitt
Mr Philip J Goddard
The Revd Harvey S Griffiths
Mr James B Lawson
Mr Howard T Lyle
Mr George R Northern
Mr William P Ridley FCA
Dr Anthony JE Smith
Mr Colin D St Johnston
Professor JP Sullivan +
Mr David L Allen
Mr Thomas W Atkinson
Mr John L Boatman
Mr Stephen N Cook
Mr Martin Denny
Mr Wyndham Freyer
Mr Michael A Gerrard
Mr Jonathan Hall
Mr Reginald W Hemmings
Mr Francis J Lamport
Dr Alan W Lees
Mr David CA Leggatt
. 25
Lincoln Record (2010) [6]:Layout 2
Page 26
Mr Trevor Luesby
Mr Ewen M Moir
Mr Sydney Morris
Mr Alan M Pearson
Mr Geoffrey Phillips
Mr David Rear
Mr Timothy R Shaw
Mr Deputy Robin Sherlock
Mr David G Swaine
Mr Ieuan J Thomas
Mr Allan L Bayliss
Mr Charles E Bell
Revd Christopher BlissardBarnes
Dr Anthony FM Brierley
Mr Anthony P Chard
Mr Philip J Combes
Mr Victor C Earl
Mr Anthony E Fisher
Mr David R Hamer
Mr Simon H Keith
Dr Simon Kenwright
Dr Peter L Kolker
Mr John M Parish
Mr Geoffrey B Priest
Dr Andrew M Pritchard
Dr Christopher T Sennett
Professor Graham J Sharman
Mr Harold Shaw
Mr Mark Skilbeck
The Very Revd Michael S Till
Mr Thomas G Whittaker
26 .
Mr Ian DM Burns
Mr Robert Corry
Dr William R Dunham
Mr Peter Duskin
Mr Anthony G Gibson TD
Mr C Richard Gregson
Mr Detmar A Hackman
Dr Peter R Hatherley
Mr Robert JE Henrey
Professor John G Kenworthy
Mr Ian D McFarlane
Mr John D Payne
Dr Guy D Peskett
Mr Timothy HW Piper
Mr Derek W Rogers
Mr Anthony B Swanwick
Mr Malcolm Townsend
Mr David L Tozer
Mr David Beattie CMG
Mr Derek W Blades
Mr Stuart Brewer
Mr Nicholas H Chamberlen
Mr Russell P Elliott
Mr John F Hickman
Mr David T Johnson
Mr Graham Kinsman
Mr Kevin B Lavery
Mr Henry S Law
Professor Malcolm S Mitchell
Mr John R Paine
Dr Keith Pattison
Mr Terence L Pendred
Dr Michael Roberts
Mr David I Senton
Mr Andrew W Sherwood
Mr Alan J Skeels
The Revd Michael A Smith
Professor John Tiley
Mr Michael GM Watkins
Mr Nicholas Bardswell
Professor Christopher F Black
Mr Peter A Davis
Dr David J Frost
Mr Anthony T Glass QC
Mr Anthony S Hacking QC
Mr Nigel GDL Harvie
Professor Michael Holman
Professor Harold Luntz
Professor John P McInerney
Dr Eugene MJ Pugatch
Dr Anthony N Stanton
Mr Christopher BF Walker
Mr Michael J Welsh
Mr Frederick Allen
Professor Roger MA Allen
Dr Terence H Cannon
Mr Noel J Coghlan
Mr Brian J Doyle
Mr Thomas C Drucker
Mr Duncan S Lawrie
Mr Peter H McKay
Mr Jeremy Osborne
Mr Pradeep Rao
Mr Charles F Sands
Dr Ian Sharp
Professor Daniel L Stewart
Mr Peter B Sutherland
Mr Jeremy Taylor
Dr Michael S Udal
Dr Thomas G Waldman
Mr Michael R Walton
The Revd Ronald N
Mr Jeremy TM Williams
Dr Peter G Bolton
Mr Patrick MO Garbutt
The Rt Hon Lord Justice
Mr Robert MacLean
Dr Christopher EC May
Professor David Milner
Professor Brijraj Singh
Mr Howard FF Ridgewell
Professor Geoffrey Walton
Dr Jonathan Wilkinson
Mr Douglas O Woods
Mr Richard GI Armishaw
Mr Peter F Berry
Mr Raymond F Busbridge
Dr Lionel KJ Glassey
Mr Robert J Goundry
Mr William E Holland
Mr James Kirsop
The Revd Dr Ernest C Lucas
Mr Ian FR Much
Dr Jeffrey P Roberts
Mr Martin P Schofield
Mr Malcolm G Shaw
Mr Michael Slocock
Mr David A Stuart
Dr John A Tosh
Mr Martin J Wilson
Mr Allan Crosbie
Professor John W Deathridge
Professor Peter B Farmer
Mr Peter H Lapping
Dr Tony Luxton
Mr Michael Noakes
Mr Bill Ridsdale
Mr Peter N Sedgwick
Mr Alan B Summerscales
Professor Peter J Barack
Professor Thomas P Barwise
Mr Graham Binks
Mr John T Davey
Dr Kevin F Donnelly
Dr Peter EB Duncan
Mr Stephen C Evans
Mr John A Hall
Mr Philip N Hewitt
Mr Colin J Hickey
Mr Martin C Hockey
Mr Dick Newman
Mr Michael Onwood
Mr Dileep Rao
Mr John Rigby
Mr Richard J Robinson
Mr Steven R Rose
Mr Richard WB Ruffin
Dr Antony C Shepheard
Mr Jonathan GT Thornton
Mr Keith Uff
Dr Peter M Blair-Fish
Lincoln Record (2010) [6]:Layout 2
Page 27
Mr Jeremy Gibbs
Dr Anthony D Ginns
Dr Robert C Gurd
Mr Christopher D Honer
Mr Simon KC Li
Mr Clive Mather
Mr John A Pickup
Professor David J Sharp
Mr David P Stretton
Mr John N Thompson
Mr Roger E Thompson
Dr Jolyon Cox
Mr Christopher M Farrar
Mr Richard WJ Hardie
Dr Joel J Milner
Dr David L Pearce
Mr Hugh F Richardson
Mr David F RichmondCoggan
Mr Paul Stockton
His Honour Judge Patrick A
Thomas QC
Mr Peter Varley
Mr John C Young
Mr David F Badenoch
Mr Thomas L Blockeel
Mr Raymond F Clarke
The Revd Charles A Cotton
Mr Alexander Duncan
Mr Alan B Gibbins
Mr Jeremy B Josephs
Professor Peter F Kornicki
Mr Michael HA Lewis
Mr Richard C Perkins
Dr Louis Pozo
Mr John W Reddish
Mr Graham Russell
Mr Stephen R Baker
Mr Anthony J Coll
Mr Martin G Cope
Mr Paul WD Hatt
Dr Steve D Hoath
Professor Andrew S Kull
Mr Paul P Marley
Mr Douglas F McWilliams
Mr Timothy Saloman QC
Mr Max Thorneycroft
Mr Robin EJ Warne
Mr David C Watt
Dr Peter C Webb
Mr Michael J Wilkinson
Mr Martin R Brough
Sir Charles D Burnett
Mr David N Drummond
Mr Shane F Fane-Hervey
Mr Keith Henderson
Dr Martin DJ Kenig
Mr Timothy R Lamb QC
Dr Ian F Lane
Mr Francis R Little
Mr John V MacLean
Mr Conrad Myers
Mr Andrew JH Pearce
Dr John E Stannard
Justice Sir Roderic LJ Wood
Mr David J Norris
Mr Adebayo O Ogunlesi
Mr Anthony AH Palmer
Dr Jeremy SJ Thomas FRCP
Mr Graham A Weale
Mr Thomas R Young
Revd Canon David C Bailey
Mr Trevor H Caldecott
Mr Stephen N Cope
Mr Chip Elitzer
Mr Roger W Fay
Mr Mark A Firrell
Mr Peter J Harbord
Mr Paul Harris
His Honour Judge John M
Mr Nicholas L Josephy
Mr Perry DCN Kitchen
Dr Roger H Martin
Dr Robert W McGurrin
Mr Richard Pertz
Mr David A Smith
Mr Edward CA Sparrow
Mr Ian D Stowe
Professor Anthony Wright
Mr Simon H Brilliant
Professor David M Clark
Mr John R Ellis
Mr Peter A Gerstrom
Mr Peter J Green
Mr Jonathan S Lauffer
Dr Nelson Ong
Mr William J Senior
Mr Dennis N Sharpe
Mr John J Shires
Dr Graham C Wilson
Mr Raphael D Wittenberg
Mr Shaun M Brogan MC
Mr Nigel J Boulding
Mr Michael R Forrest
Mr Robert D Gower
Mr Paul A Hickman
Mr Jeremy W Hind
Mr Duncan Moynihan
Mr Mohsen Aghahosseini
Mr Philip E Barstow
Mr Paul D Bayliss
Mr John S Bowers QC
Dr John FB Cahill
Dr John Dain
Sir Roderick I Eddington
Mr Duncan G Ingram
Mr Peter AJ Lickiss
Mr Graham W Obeney
Mr Andrew Paterson
Mr Clive T Porter
Mr Philip Richards
Professor Gary S Rubin
Mr Michael P Skirrow
Dr Nicholas Spoliar
Mr Michael J Atkin
Mr Ian A Barr
Dr Ian F Cunliffe
Air Commodore Robert B
Cunningham MBE
Mr Robert H Faber OBE
Mr Michael DG Fitton QC
Mr John MN Gleave
Mr Stephen J Hewitt
Mr Andrew J Hunn
Mr Andrew RF Lenon QC
Mr Anthony F Lock
Mr Robert V McDonald
Mr Simon P McKie
Mr Nigel K Meek
Mr Robert Reynolds
Mr David J Ridgus
Mr Robert G Robinson
Mr Ian Schofield
Mr Philip JA Simpson
Mr Nigel R Titley
Mr Krirk Vanikkul
Mr Nung S Wong
Dr Keith Woo
Mr Graham P Allen
Dr Richard Y Ball FRC Path
Mr Andrew A Blit
Dr Michael J Brigg
The Revd Jonathan J Clark
Mr John Gardner
Mr Mark J Godden
Mr Michael D Hood
Mr Ian Hudson
. 27
Lincoln Record (2010) [6]:Layout 2
Page 28
Mr Peter S Humphreys
Mr Oliver R Johnson
Dr Peter Lin
Dr Alex MacLeod
Professor Christopher
Dr Peter Millican
Mr Jeremy Moody
Mr Nicholas Patton
Mr Charles S Prescot
Mr Keith S Roberts
Mr Craig G Sephton QC
Mr Dominic CA Simon
Mr David P Bowler
Mr Andrew B Clarke QC
Professor Peter V Coveney
Mr Patrick C Cowie
Mr Jonathan P Dagley
Mr Simon M Featherstone
Mr Sean J Figov
Professor Alistair D Fitt
Mr George W Hobica
Mr Graham F Humphrey
Mr Simon T James
Mr Duncan J Livsey
His Honour Judge Martin N
Mr Nicholas D Morrill
Mr Timothy J Parker
Professor Simon R Phillpot
Mr Hugh P Sloane
Mr Michael PD Stearns
Mr Richard J Wills
Mr Marc JQ Wright
28 .
Mr Martin N Briggs
Mr Neil K Clayton
Dr Anthony Cocker
Mr David Cocker
Professor Claudio Cuello
Mr Hugh M Davies
Mr Paul N Dickson
Mr Jim J Durkin
Mr Ian J Forrest
Mr Mark M Foulon
Mr Jeremy N Gould
Mr Neil A Gow
Mr David Graham
Dr David WR Green
Mr Commander Nicholas S
Mr Peter D Hunter
Mr Mark E Jerome
Professor Gideon Lack
Mr Stephen J Marson
Mr Philip M Martineau
Mr Nicholas J McCulloch
Mr James J McNeil
Mr Francis L Pratt
Mr Richard J Sadler
Professor Athan J Shaka
Dr David R Sorensen
Mr John L Sunnucks
Mr Michael D Bishop
Dr Robert J Breen
Mr Graham Brough
Mrs Elaine F Dean
Mr Paul D Dean
Dr Regan Greenwood
Mrs Annabel K Haddock
Dr William J Macklin
Ms Madeleine MC Parker
Lieutenant Iain JM
Dr Scott A Bader
Mr Mark RN Cannon QC
Miss Sarah J Caygill
Mr Stephen F Craven
Mr Michael J Dowden
Mr Graham J English
Father Richard K Harrison
Ms Alison Hartley
Mr Richard B Hughes
Dr Angela M Jones
Mr Timothy J Livett
Mrs Janice Y Patton
Mr Giles J Toogood
Mr Jonathan M Williams
Mrs Anne C Angus
Dr Peter D Brown
Mr Rupert Burne
Mrs Diana F Carr
Dr Monica M Chambers
Mr John R Chessher
Mr David G Cox
Mr Simon JR Halliday
Mr Alan RA Huse
Dr Dinah Jayson
Mr Christopher R Milton
Mr Andrew C Nichol
Mrs Victoria J Nye
Dr Caroline M Pannell
Mrs Patricia Powell
Mr Stephen G Richards
Mr Neville Salkeld
Professor Michael V
Mr Christopher M Wood
Miss Elizabeth A Wright
Lady Emma L Barnard
Professor Thomas C Berg
Mr Jim G Bretell
Miss Serena R Van Buskirk
Dr Michael P Chan
Mr Andrew Clutterbuck
Mr Timothy D Gebbels
Mr Nigel Hankin
Mrs Ella L Hood
Dr Gordon Jayson
Mr Paul E Kelly
Mr Neal J Kimberley
Mrs Gillian K Lacey-Solymar
Dr Sharona A Levy
Mr Kevin E Lloyd
Mrs Emma C Nichol
Ms Anne P Procter
Dr Anisur Rahman
Mr Stuart S Rolland
Mrs Catharine M Searle
Mr Richard Webster
Mr Angus RL Bogle
Mrs Mary E Harpley
Mr Andrew JM Spokes
Mrs Joanna Sutton
Mr Mark D Sutton
Dr Valerie Udale
Ms Josephine M Webb
Mr Peter F Whiting
Mr Donald P Campbell
Dr Jeremy A Crang
Professor David Finkelstein
Mr Andrew E Gardner
Ms Alison J Hague
Mr Phillip Halliday
Dr Geoffrey Hassall
Mr Larry W Hunter
Mr Stephen H Keen +
Mrs Keltie Mierins
Ms Kathryn L Tabner
Mrs Sarah C Turner
Mr Simon C Turner
Ms Gwyneth Vernon
Dr Julia M Black
Dr Deborah A Budden
Dr Philip M Budden
Mrs Jeanette M Cotterill
Mr Antony A Harris
Mr Paul F Kearney
Ms Helen Rayner
Mrs Alexia S Ring
Mr Jeremy J Scarlett
Mr Duncan K Scattergood
Dr Cole Woodcox
Mr Gary M Attle
Dr Gillian Austen
Dr Gordon Blower
Lincoln Record (2010) [6]:Layout 2
Page 29
Dr Timothy JT Chevassut
Mr Christopher J Coulter
Mr Will Dove
Miss Charlotte A Fuller
Mrs Susan Gutierrez
Dr David NJ Hall-Matthews
Mr Richard J Hunter
Mr Nicholas RR Rawlinson
Miss Su-Shan Tan
Mr Paul R Turnbull
Mr Michael A Webb
Mr Richard SB Williams
Mr Steffan R Williams
Mr Martyn P Atkins
Dr Joanna L Bayley
Mr John E Bedford
Ms Virginia JA Bourgeois
Dr Mark AE Bowman
Dr Marc Cellier
Mrs Kathryn M Greenberg
Mrs Amanda HamiltonStanley
Mr Paul E Hilsley
Mr Christopher J Lee
Mr Jeremy G Martin
Mr Mark SM Ouweleen
Mrs Heidi Purvis
Mr Robert KB Purvis
Ms Catherine G Redshaw
Dr Rosemary H Sweet
Dr James D Wicks
Mrs Gillian E Williams
Mrs Janice E Williams
Dr Christopher J Aldridge
Ms Sophie E Bridges
Dr Andrew Clark
Mrs Fiona G Dunford
Mr Robert N Fielden
Mr Christopher M GormanEvans
Ms Dorothy G Graham
Mr Ashley Greenbank
Mr Patrick W Hawke-Smith
Mr Philip JR Pearl
Mr Neil O Percival
Mr Jeremy C Prime
Mr Harish H Sabharwal
Mrs Sophie C Saunderson
Ms Katherine E Smith
Mr Nicholas PM Watkins
Mrs Sophy M Boyle
Mrs Alison Brake
Miss Gail Cobley
Mr Ivor W Collett
Mr Gerhard C Cruywagen
Mr Andrew R Dean
Mrs Prem Dunford
Mr Adrian G Gannon
Mr Timothy M Grace
Ms Sarah K Harding
Miss Donna D Matchett
Miss Banefsheh Poostchi
Mr Michael C Regnier
Mr Robin Von Schmidt
Mrs Miranda H Sharp
Mr Oliver RP Smith
Mr Matthew V Bradby
The Revd Dr Stuart Dunnan
Mr Dominic CE Geer
Mr Behrouz Guerami
Ms Katherine EF Mendelsohn
Mr Michael J Potts
Mrs Tania Jane Rawlinson
Mr James WH Royan
Professor Paul KH Tam
Mr Mark E Thompson
Mr Mark E Barnes
Mr Richard T Gillin
Mr Jamie Heath
Dr Sabine J Jaccaud
Mr Benjamin Pilling
Miss Indira Rao
Dr Geofrey P Stapledon
Mr Alexander DC Chaplin
Mr Simon D Crown
Mrs Andrea L Finn
Mr Richard MR Guest
Mr Adam S Hamdy
Mrs Elizabeth S Hurles
Mr Matthew E Hurles
Mrs Sarah J Hyde
Mr James P Keeton
Mr Henry S Kim
Mr Jon P Marsden
Mrs Amy J McLellan
Ms Alison E Rooney
Mr John H Roscoe
Mr John C Rux-Burton
Mr Edward P Scharfenberg
Dr Stephen T Sohmer
Mr Timothy L Starkey
Miss Li Ping Tan
Mr James R Bacchus
Mr Samuel Beacock
Mr Gregory S Chernack
Mr Juan J Jimenez Coelho
Mr Richard M Evans
Mrs Meredith RE Guest
Mrs Sarah Howell
Mrs Katharine Keen
Dr Fenella G Maggs
Dr Richard Marwood
Mr Bob Newby
Mr Sacha AJ Reeves
Mr Adam Shergold
Mr Matthew GR Vaight
Mr Christian M Bailey
Mr James Barr
Mr James E Denyer
Miss Olivia C Gillan
Miss Alison Lea
Mr Christopher A MacFarlane
Dr Lucy H MacFarlane
Mr Paul Meredith
Miss Elizabeth M Sinclair
Mr Simon J Tysoe
Mrs Rachel Alexander
Mrs Louisa EJ Allen
Mr Graham D Child
Mr Michael Goldby
Miss Fiona Graneek
Mr Richard W Greenwood
Mr Gavin A Maggs
Mr Benjamin P Marchant
Dr Benoit Merkt
Dr Seamus P Perry
Mr Daniel Pounder
Mr Anthony Short
Dr Paul D Williams FIMtP,
Ms Farhana A Ahmed
Mr John RG Drummond
Mr Liam J Ellison
Miss Rhiannon A Evans
Mr Jonathan A Kirsop
Ms Harriet R Newby
Mr Nicholas I Chalmers
Mr Mark A Chiverton
Mr David G Cocks
Mr Paul J Frost
Mrs Sarah E Frost
Mrs Rosalind L Godber
. 29
Lincoln Record (2010) [6]:Layout 2
Page 30
Miss Emily C Howard
Mr Christopher L Hunwick
Mr Michael J Jewell
Mr Isa Khan
Mrs Hannah RI Kirsop
Mr Alastair R Mackay
Mr James E Metcalfe
Mr Michael JF Radford
Dr Tara Swart
Mr Nicolas Burdett von
Mrs Amanda L Alsop
Mr Liam Alsop
Mr Charles ER Banner
Mr Andrew HL Choong
Mr Christopher W Dunsmore
Mr Edmond J Hayes
Mr James A Larcombe
Miss Fiona E Macdonald
Mr William J Pavia
Miss Rebecca L Pearse
Mr Neil M Ross
Mr Kushal D Shah
Mr Philip MR Smith
Mr Charles F Caher
30 .
Mr Nicholas E Day
Mr Jerome AP Glass
Mr Edward J Johnson
Mrs Jennifer S Knowlson
Miss Nicola O’Donoghue
Mr Matthew RJ Radley
Mr Rhodri G Thomas
Mr Daniel M Watts
Mr Jonathan M Cooke
Miss Natalie J Dawkins
Miss Elizabeth Galloway
Mr Jayme M Johnson
Mrs Lauren V Clabby Moore
Miss Tara L Ryan
Mr Jonathan A Scherbel-Ball
Mrs Jenny LL Stewart
Dr Arnaud Bonnet
Mr Timothy Brown
Miss Melanie R Clayton
Miss Rachel A Harrington
Mrs Charlotte L Hill
Miss Monica I Popa
Mr Andrew J Stewart
Mr Adam L Camilletti
Mr Raj K Chall
Mr Anthony WF Curl
Dr Emma R Disley
Revd Alexander RS Faludy
Mr Christopher J Paterson
Mr Rupert Webber
Mr William TB Whistler
Mr Watt Boone
Mr Benjamin P Bradley
Mr Lyle Deitch
Mr Aaron Espin
Miss Helen MR Gardiner
Mr Michael R Guentner
Ms Jenifer Schneeweiss
Mr Oliver A Munn
Miss Caroline Murphree
Mr Robin M Rotman
Miss Katrin Tanzhaus
Ms Willa Brown
Miss Annabel J Jenner
Ms YA Wang
Mr Thomas J Culetto
Miss Tamara LL Towbin
Miss Xin Hui S Chan
Miss Elizabeth LR Grant
Ms Christine McLain Simpson
Fellows and Friends
Mrs L Belsey
Mrs Maureen Calwell
Mrs Catherine Cannon
Mr W Curtis Chaloner
The Marquise de Amodio
Mr Ron Dennis CBE
Professor Mervin Dilts
Dr Anne-Marie Drummond
Professor Anthony LP ElliottKelly
Mrs Zorica Erler
Mr Roy Fulljames
Mrs Zmira Goodman
Mrs Brenda Hartley
Dr Katharina Heller
Mrs Janet A Hollingsworth
Mrs Gael M Howie
Mrs Maria el Khoury
Mr Wilfried Lamers
Mrs Anne G Langton
Mr Robert N Langton
Mr Mackenzie
Dr Joanna McDonnell
Dr John Norbury
Mr Jonathan Peck
Mr Peter Rae
Dr Carlos Rotman
Mr Peter Ruska
Mrs Schmickler
Miss Hannah Thomas
Mr Peter Thomas
Mr John T Wardrope
Mrs Noelle Wright
Foundations, Trusts and
Americans for Oxford
The Barness Charity Trust
BHP Billiton
British Schools and
Universities Foundation
Crewe Trust
Friends of Lincoln College
The Lauffer Family Charitable
Merck Company Foundation
Morrison and Foerster (UK)
The Sloane Robinson
Unilever United States, Inc
University of Oxford, Chest
+ now deceased
Lincoln Record (2010) [6]:Layout 2
Page 31
Murray Society
Honour Roll
August 2009 to July 2010
The Murray Society was established in
the mid-1990s in order to provide
official recognition and stewardship
for those who have made a bequest
to Lincoln College in their wills. The
society is named after Keith Murray,
who served as both Bursar and
Rector of the College, and is
credited with pulling Lincoln
out of the financial
doldrums between 1938
and 1955.
The Society, whose current President is Professor
Stephen Gill, holds two annual events for its
members and publishes two annual editions of its
newsletter, The Grove. Those who make bequests of
£1m or more are invited to become Murray Fellows.
The College is grateful for the generosity of the
following alumni and friends whose bequests
were received between 1 August 2009 and
31 July 2010.
The following is a list of bequests
by matriculation year. Please do not hesitate to
contact the Development Office to inform us of
any omissions or errors.
The Murray Society Honour Roll does not purport
to list every bequest made to Lincoln College, but
only those received within the dates and
parameters outlined above.
The Revd G Duckworth
The Rt Revd Mark Green MC
The Revd Canon Eric W Jones
Mr Allan K Stewart
Mr Bryan Montgomery
Fellows and Friends
Mrs Frances Drucker
Lady Maia M Frank
Mr Julian D Johnston
. 31
Lincoln Record (2010) [6]:Layout 2
Page 32
The following alumni died between
1 August 2009 and 31 July 2010.
If you would like further information or advice on submitting obituaries,
please contact the Development Office.
Mr Arthur W Lyall (1929)
– died 1 February 2010
Mr Peter DA Clarke (1935)
– died 10 February 2010
The Rt Revd Mark Green (1937)
– died 2 August 2009
Sir Cecil (Spike) M Clothier (1938)
– died 8 May 2010
Mr Maurice E Cooke (1946)
– died 25 May 2010
Mr Michael OP Francis 1946)
– died 22 May 2010
Mr John F Hewish (1946)
– died 13 January 2010
Mr Paul W Cowling (1947)
– died 22 September 2009
Mr John H Poole (1948)
– died May 2010
Mr Allan K Stewart (1948)
– died October 2009
Mr Tony Bentall (1949)
– died 14 July 2010
Dr Derek S Henderson (1949)
– died 7 August 2009
Mr John M Hollingsworth (1949)
– died 24 January 2010
Dr William E Haviland (1950)
– died 20 August 2009
The Revd Stanley G Strachan (1950)
– died 31 December 2009
Mr David A Rees (1951)
– died 25 March 2010
32 .
Dr Malcolm J Ruel (1951)
– died 14 April 2010
Mr Neville E Bean 1952)
– died 20 May 2010
Mr Colin LM Bell (1952)
– died 27 January 2010
Professor Brice N Fleming (1953)
- died 23 March 2010
The Revd Maxwell S Fargus (1954)
– died 4 October 2009
Mr Francis MB Fisher (1954)
– died 19 March 2010
Dr Arthur H Hayes (1955)
– died 11 February 2010
Mr William Miller (1955)
– died 5 November 2009
Mr David E Palmer (1955)
– died 5 January 2010
Mr Anthony WR Burton (1957)
– died 1 September 2009
Mr Paul M Wigmore (1958)
– 30 November 2009
Mr Iain C Murray (1959)
– died 6 January 2010
Dr Robin G Cooke (1965)
– died 16 June 2010
Mr Tim Squires (1974)
– died 29 January 2010
Mr Stephen H Keen (1984)
– died 18 July 2010
Lincoln Record (2010) [6]:Layout 2
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Peter David Alston Clarke (1935)
Born 23 July 1917 in Bury St Edmunds, Peter died on
10 February 2010. He was the seventh and youngest
child of a brewer, and educated at Eversley School,
Southwold and Charterhouse (where his five sons
were also educated). He matriculated for his BA in
Law at Lincoln in 1935.
From the Territorial Army, he joined the 5th Suffolk
Regiment in the Second World War. After two weeks
of action in Singapore, the allies surrendered on 15
February 1942, and he became a prisoner of the
Japanese. In his words it was “1400 days and nights
with a staple diet of rice, days of humiliation under
terrible sun, and relentless tropical storms”. For many
years after, he continued the link with those who
survived, organising and attending the 5th Suffolk’s
annual reunion.
After completing his Articles in Bury St Edmunds he
worked for Freshfields in London before moving on
to Pearson in 1952, initially as a company solicitor
and latterly for the extended Pearson family. He was
involved in the purchase of The Financial Times,
Chateau Latour, Longman, Penguin, Ladybird,
Madame Tussauds and Royal Doulton, and played an
active role in the public listing of Pearson in 1969.
He married Elizabeth at St John’s College, Cambridge
on 11 April 1953. Nearly all of their married life was
spent in Much Hadham, where they saw six children
grow up, get married and have families of their own.
On retirement he became a Parish Councillor.
Possibly his biggest village achievement was, in
1982, to combine his role as Churchwarden with his
legal training to draw up a legal agreement for the
medieval church to be shared between Anglicans
and Catholics.
He remained active and in early years ran for Thames
Hare and Hounds, where he made many longstanding friendships. He played squash until he was
73. Above all Peter Clarke was a gentleman; both a
man who was gentle and also a gentleman.
James Clarke
Sir Cecil (‘Spike‘) Clothier (1938)
Cecil Montacute Clothier was born in Liverpool, the
son of a dental surgeon. He was sent to Stonyhurst;
in his own words, ‘the religious indoctrination failed
to take.’ In 1938 he was awarded a scholarship to
Lincoln to read Law, and here he was first called
‘Spike’. He was elected Honorary Fellow of the
College in 1984. Clothier came to prominence as
the Parliamentary and Health Ombudsman (197984) and as the first Chairman of the newly formed
Police Complaints Authority (1985-89). These two
roles were the culmination of one distinguished
career at the Bar and the start of another in the
public service. Clothier was awarded KCB in 1982,
and remained professionally active well into his 80s.
In autumn 1939, after just one year at Lincoln, he
joined up. He served in the 51st (Highland) Divisional
Signals and became Lieutenant Colonel in the Royal
Signals; he fought at El Alamein and in Sicily. In 1944
Clothier was posted to the British Army staff in
Washington DC; he retained a lasting love of the
Clothier was called to the Bar by Inner Temple in
1950 and took silk in 1965; he was called to the
Bench in 1973 and became well known for cases
involving adverse reactions to drugs. He was a
member of the Royal Commission on National
Health (1976-78), and chaired the Committee on the
Ethics of Gene Therapy (1990-92); he was elected an
Honorary Anaesthetist, Honorary Fellow of the Royal
College of Physicians and Honorary Pharmacist. His
preface to the third edition of The Oxford Textbook of
Medicine became in the fourth edition its first
chapter. Clothier energetically supported Sir Magdi
Yacoub’s Harefield Hospital. The new research
laboratories at Harefield, opened in 2002 by Prince
Michael of Kent, were named, in his honour, The
Clothier Laboratories.
Clothier was a man of great diversity and unfeigned
modesty. He would say that he had ‘a second-class
first-class brain’. Those who knew him saw in him a
first class brain tout court and a graciously
unassuming man. His interests were legion. He built
a clavichord and a bent-side spinet, and played
them both. He spoke French, Italian and ‘Army’
German and made speeches in all three.
After the death of his first wife Elizabeth, he married
Diana Stevenson, née Durrant, who cared for him in
his last illness. Knowing the end was near, he insisted
nonetheless on voting in the General Election; hours
before his death, he responded robustly to the news
that Gordon Brown was still in Downing Street. He is
survived by his wife, by a son and two daughters
from his first marriage, and by three step-sons.
Adapted from The Times
Dr Anthony Richard Dismorr
Tony was born in Gravesend in
1920. He was the son of a
doctor and the fourth of five
brothers, all of whom became
doctors. He went to Streete
Court Preparatory School, then Cranleigh, and up
to Lincoln to read Physiology. He was a member of
the College’s D’Avenant Society, re-founded the
University Food and Wine Society, and was ViceOBITUARIES
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President of the 1755 Club, whose undergraduate
members dressed in 18th-century clothing, and on
one occasion hired a stagecoach to take them
from outside the Mitre to Woodstock for dinner. He
was a keen sportsman and played squash for the
University. He completed his medical training at St
George’s Hospital, London, and returned to Oxford
in 1946 where he was a GP in New Marston until
1980. As a young doctor he mixed socially with
undergraduates at Lincoln, many of whom had
resumed their education following the war and
were of a similar age to him. It was at this time that
he captained a scratch cricket team, the Trundlers,
for which a number of Lincoln men played,
including Kenneth Reid and Tony Bland. He
married Valerie in 1955. They had two sons: Edward
and Stephen. His long retirement was spent in the
Forest of Dean and then, after Valerie died in 1992,
with Stephen and his family in Stanford Dingley in
Berkshire. He was very attached to the College and
continued to attend Gaudies into his 80s.
Edward Dismorr
estate for the school for £50k in 1972, which The
Daily Telegraph described as the purchase of the
Humphrey Calwell (1944)
Humphrey Calwell (29 March
1925 - 8 April 2009) read
medicine at Lincoln College
where he passed his exams
with distinction. After qualifying
at the Middlesex Hospital in
1951 he took over our father’s practice before
going to the City of London where he was chief
medical officer to many insurance companies.
Paul Cowling (1947)
Paul Wilfred Cowling was born
in 1925 and brought up in
south west London. After
boarding school he joined the
army just before his 18th
birthday and took part in the DDay + 10 Liberation actions. Following his
discharge he read law at Lincoln. He was articled
to Durham & Co in Kingston. He then moved to
Blundell Baker in Bedford Row, which later become
Roche Son and Neale, and eventually
amalgamated with the Bristol firm Osborne Clarke
to become their London office. He retired in 1992
following a successful legal career in London of
over 40 years.
He was a Freeman of the City of London and at
one time an Elder of the Presbyterian Church. He
became Chairman of Governors of Port Regis
Preparatory School at Motcombe Park near
Shaftesbury for 20 years and purchased a 128 acre
34 .
He played golf, sailed both in Ireland and France
and had a life-long interest in cars with his own
personalised number plate, also a motorbike
which he occasionally rode to the school to attend
governors’ meetings!
His alma mater was, of course, Lincoln, to which he
was devoted and where he was a member of the
Murray Society. He is survived by his wife Maureen
and his brother Perry.
Dr Perry Calwell (1948)
Maurice Edward Cooke (1946)
Maurice Edward Cooke died on 25 May 2010, aged
94. He read History at Lincoln. He held a
lectureship in the Department of History at Bangor
University from 1949-82, and was a Senior Lecturer
in the History of Art from 1963 until his retirement.
He had a wide range of interests, including opera,
literature and golf, but his passion was for painting,
which he took up in the early 1960s. He soon
joined the Law Society Art Group and was a
regular exhibitor at their annual exhibitions. He
became Chairman and took part in the many
painting trips organised by the group in this
country and abroad. He died in 2009 and is
survived by his wife June, a son and daughter and
six grandchildren.
Sir Geoffrey Johnson Smith (1947) Geoffrey
Johnson Smith was born in Glasgow (a city of which
he was always proud) on 16 April 1924, the son of
an electrical engineer. He joined the Royal Artillery
straight from Charterhouse in 1942, and after war
service was demobilised as a captain. At Lincoln he
read PPE. Contemporaries remember him as
Oxford’s best-dressed socialist, though he always
insisted he never joined the Labour Party. In his final
year he and Robin Day toured the United States
with the Union’s debating team. From Oxford he
joined the British Information Services, serving in
San Francisco, where he met his wife, an American
doctor. Johnson Smith was one of a clutch of
Oxford Union debaters who graduated to television
as it took off as a popular medium in the early
1950s, reckoning it a stepping stone to Parliament.
A party vice-chairman under Edward Heath,
Johnson Smith was unfailingly loyal to the leader
of the day. He served for more than 20 years on
the 1922 Committee executive, keeping Margaret
Thatcher, John Major and William Hague in touch
with backbench feeling. When Mrs Thatcher lost
the leadership in 1990, he held the line for her until
the last minute; and when Major came under
attack from rebellious Euro-sceptics, he found his
task depressing. The most humane of Tories, he
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once appealed in vain to the party’s Central
Council not to vote to bring back the birch. He was
a consistent opponent of capital punishment, and
one of the first MPs to defend the banned novel
Fanny Hill. He was consistently, but not
provocatively, pro-European. From 1980 to 1996 he
chaired the Select Committee on Members’
Interests, and specialised increasingly in defence.
From 1985 he chaired the military committee of
the North Atlantic Assembly, and from 1987 to
1997 he led the British delegation. For six years he
chaired the Conservative backbench defence
He was knighted in 1982 and sworn of the Privy
Council in 1996. He died on 12 August 2010, and is
survived by his wife, Jeanne, and their two sons
and one daughter.
Adapted from The Daily Telegraph
Allan Stewart (1948)
Allan Stewart, who died in December 2009, was
born in 1928 at Moulton in Northamptonshire,
where his father, a distinguished agriculturalist,
was principal of the agricultural college. He spent
his childhood there, and in due course went to the
Dragon School and then to Oundle. He did
National Service in the Army, being commissioned
in the Gordon Highlanders, after which he came
up to Lincoln in 1948. He had a good career at
Lincoln, including rowing for the College for three
years. He left with a good degree in Law in 1951.
On leaving Oxford he took a job with Courtaulds in
London. After a year or two he was transferred to
Les Filets de Calais, a Courtauld subsidiary in
France, where he worked for six years. He learnt a
great deal about textiles, and their manufacture,
but more importantly he learnt to speak fluent
French, which was to stand him in good stead in
his next appointment. In 1957 he married Jane
Fellowes, with whom he had two daughters.
In 1959 he was recruited by McKinsey & Co, where
he worked for over 20 years. He was one of the first
Englishmen to be recruited by McKinsey in
London, and he joined them at a very early stage
of their new enterprise. He worked for them in
London until 1968, and was then transferred to the
Paris office, where he spent 13 years. He spent
those years travelling widely, principally in France
and northern Africa. He was engaged in helping
and advising boards of major companies in solving
managerial or financial problems, at which task he
excelled. He had a distinguished career in
McKinsey, becoming a Partner in 1968 and a
Director in 1972. In 1981 he became a Partner in
Spencer Stuart in London, where he was involved
in boardroom recruitment at the highest level,
both for the recruiting companies and for the
individuals concerned. He was once again very
successful. He retired in 1995.
He was always ready to help young people with
their business problems if asked, and he gained
something of a reputation in this field. His friends
will remember him with great affection.
R B Hunt
John Michael Hollingsworth (1949)
After National Service in the Royal Army Education
Corps, John came up to Lincoln from
Northampton Grammar School, where he had
been Head of School, to read PPE. He was a wellliked and active member of the College, especially
of the Boat Club for whom he rowed bow in the
1951 1st Torpid which achieved four bumps. After
taking a good Second he joined the Inland
Revenue and in 1956 was headhunted by ICI with
whom he remained for the rest of his career,
initially in the Tax Department, finally as Finance
and Personnel Director of the Paints Division. He
married Janet in 1954 and they had two sons and
three grandchildren.
He took early retirement in 1982 and kept busy
with a number of activities, inter alia as the first
Secretary of the Lincoln Boat Club Society, and he
and Janet were both enthusiastic gardeners and
keen sports spectators. In 2000 they moved to a
retirement village in Hertfordshire but soon
thereafter John was diagnosed with incipient
Alzheimer’s. He declined rapidly and his last years
were spent in care, though he retained a good
deal of his long-term memory and enjoyed
reminiscing about his days at Lincoln. He derived
much pleasure from knowing that his grandson is
reading Maths at Queen’s and that his elder
granddaughter had just obtained a conditional
place at Lincoln to read History. He died on 24
January 2010 having been pre-deceased by his
younger son Andrew who died of lymphoma in
1993. He is survived by his wife Janet, their elder
son Peter and three grandchildren.
Peter Hollingsworth and Bob Bascombe (1950)
The Rev Mr Stanley Strachan (1950)
The eldest of eight children brought up on an
Aberdeenshire farm, Stanley’s love of the land never
left him. After National Service in the RAF, he
graduated with an MA in Economics at Aberdeen in
1950 and brought his new wife Iris with him to
Lincoln where he gained his Diploma in Agricultural
He returned to Edinburgh in 1951 to work firstly for
the National Farmers’ Union, then the Department
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of Agriculture, but moved north to Montrose in
1957 to take over his father-in-law’s potato
merchant business. He never much liked the dealmaking side of the business but he loved the
product. For him the main course was potatoes;
everything else was an accompaniment. And he
had a keen sense of pastoral care for his
employees, leaving home before breakfast daily to
see them off to whichever field they were to be
working in and always happiest when sharing their
experiences. Stanley’s strong vocational instincts
– he was a student’s representative council
president in Aberdeen, a town councillor and
convenor of the harbour board in Montrose, an
elder and lay reader in the Church of Scotland –
meant that it was almost inevitable he would
eventually seek ordination, and he spent the last
decade of his working life in the rural Perthshire
parish of Muthill.
He is survived by his second wife Jenny, with
whom he enjoyed 15 years of happy retirement,
his son, three daughters, and eight grandchildren.
Lewis Dudley Hawken (1951)
Born 23 August 1931, Lewis was
educated at Harrow County
Grammar School for Boys and
Lincoln, where he read History.
He went on to a distinguished
career with HM Customs and
Excise, working in many areas including policy,
budget, and revenue duties. During the first
Wilson government, Lewis witnessed the activities
of colourful politicians such as George Brown,
Richard Crossman and Tony Benn. In 1980, he
became Deputy Chairman, where he remained
until his early retirement to look after his beloved
wife, Bridget, who had terminal cancer and died in
36 .
1989. He was recognised for his dedication and
hard work with the CB which he received at
Buckingham Palace in 1983.
In 1990 he was elected as Chairman of the Ruislip
Residents Association, a post he held for 18 years.
The expertise gained in the Civil Service was
clearly demonstrated when he chaired General
Meetings, particularly when controversial matters
were being discussed.
A keen sportsman in his youth, Lewis played
rugby, cricket, and tennis and ran the 400m; he
was a long-time member of the Marylebone
Cricket Club and enjoyed watching test and
county matches at Lords from the long room in
the Pavilion. He was also a great collector of
books, antique maps and wood engravings.
Lewis died 9 April 2010, and leaves behind two
sons, Christopher and Nicholas, one daughter,
Sarah, and four grandchildren.
Sarah Hawken
David Alexander Rees (1951)
David Rees died on 25 March 2010. Born in
Penarth, he went to Llandovery College where he
distinguished himself on both the rugby and
cricket fields. He came up to Lincoln in 1951, after
a National Service Commission in the Royal Signals
and service in West Germany, to read law. He
played a full part in College activities and served as
Vice-Captain of the Rugby XV.
On going down he was articled to solicitors in
Cardiff whom he joined on passing the Law
Society’s examinations in 1957. He practised
successfully in the City until retirement in 1997 as a
Senior Partner.
In retirement, he and his wife Christine, whom he
had married in 1962, moved further west to
Pembrokeshire, to a village and property which had
had family associations for many years. There he
had tried to improve his golf, enjoyed working with
wood, laboured in their garden and embarked with
some success on viticulture. In his spare time he
and Christine continued to support Glamorgan
County Cricket Club, their local church and
community, and kept meeting and tracking the
many cousins living in the county, hitherto
unknown, because of a recently discovered family
quarrel and consequent split which had occurred
in the early part of the last century. Christine, and
their three children and grandchildren survive him.
Graham Rees
Colin Bell (1952)
Colin Bell was born on 5 December 1931. He won a
place at Chichester Grammar School, where he
shone at mathematics, and a State Scholarship to
read chemistry at Oxford where he studied with Sir
Rex Richards, who was working on nuclear
magnetic resonance, between 1952 and 1956.
Colin’s National Service in the RAF working on radar
was useful in this endeavour.
Colin was recruited by the British Rubber Producers’
Research Association in Welwyn Garden City by
another Oxford-trained physical chemist, Peter
Allen, and Colin was to spend his entire working life
with the natural rubber industry in laboratories
located in Hertfordshire, apart from a brief interlude
of a year at Princeton University working with John
Gillham on automating the torsional pendulum.
Colin’s achievements in the design of scientific
instruments is covered in a chapter entitled
‘Physical Testing and Automation‘ in Natural Rubber
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Science and Technology, edited by AD Roberts
(Oxford University Press, 1988). The book was
produced to celebrate the Golden Jubilee of the
Association, and this chapter encapsulates much of
Colin’s work, notably on the automation of testing
tensile strength and in the design of simple
temperature controlled ovens to measure raw
rubber properties. His contribution to the industry
was recognised in his being awarded the Malaysian
Rubber Board’s Gold Medal in 1993.
Colin also contributed to advanced information
retrieval systems which incorporated features from
linguistics and led to MORPHS (Minicomputer
Operated Retrieval, Partially Heuristic, System).
Much of the programming was in machine code or
FORTRAN 4 and Colin greatly enjoyed the
intellectual stimulus of designing very economical
code. He did not approve of more recent systems
which exploit “brute force methods” and
considered MORPHS to be far in advance of
Google. He died in Hatfield on 27 January 2010
leaving a widow, Hazel, and three children.
Kevin Jones
Brice Noel Fleming (1953)
Brice Fleming was born in 1928;
after Harvard (BA, 1950) and
service in the US Army, he
matriculated at Lincoln for
postgraduate work, and took his
DPhil in Philosophy in 1961.
After teaching appointments at Manchester and
Yale, he was a Professor in the Philosophy
Department at the University of California, Santa
Barbara until retirement in 1991. He published on
the philosophy of the mind, and edited works by
Plato and Hume. Brice Fleming died 23 March 2010,
in Santa Barbara.
Information from Harvard College Class of 1950
25th Anniversary Report
Michael Fisher (1954)
Michael Fisher passed away on 19 March 2010 in
Cape Town where, for 38 years, he taught at the
Diocesan College, generally known as Bishops. He
joined the staff there in 1958 straight after going
down from Oxford where he had been a member
of Authentics and Vincents. He was the complete
schoolmaster. Tributes to his dedication to every
aspect of Bishops life have poured in and the
school chapel was filled to overflowing as past
pupils, colleagues and friends paid their respects,
acknowledging his integrity, loyalty,
sportsmanship and enthusiasm.
He was a Housemaster, first XI cricket coach,
second XV rugby coach, founded the Judo Club
and was himself an International Table Official. He
formed no fewer than five school societies, was OC
Cadets for three years, directed staff plays, was a
member of the school orchestra and choir,
Choirmaster of the St Michael’s (Catholic) church
choir in Rondebosch, and a leading member of the
Cape Magic Circle. One of the tributes from the
Cape Town Owl Club read “For the period of just
over half a century Michael Fisher greatly
influenced the cultural life of Cape Town”.
He was delightfully eccentric – when he found a
shirt he liked he bought a dozen. He had 52
sports coats – one for each week of the year. His
love of accurate pronunciation and correct speech
was legendary. As first XI coach he had numerous
unique theories including an obsession with
taking suicidal singles. His quick wit is exemplified
in the following: once, at a dinner party, his hostess
was commenting that the new candles she’d
bought didn’t fit into the candlesticks. Without a
blink, Michael said “Yes, they’re the very Dickens,
these thick wick tapers.” Yet he was modest, self
effacing, efficient, multi-talented and wholly
dedicated to his chosen vocation – and he will be
sorely missed.
Michael Matthews (1957)
Arthur Hull Hayes (1955)
Dr Arthur Hull Hayes Jr, former Commissioner of
the US Food and Drug Administration and a
professor of clinical pharmacology, died on 11
February 2010.
Hayes was born in Michigan in 1933, received his AB
in philosophy magna cum laude from Santa Clara
University in 1955, and came to Lincoln as a Rhodes
Scholar, taking a degree in PPE in 1957. He returned
to the US to study medicine at Georgetown and
Cornell, graduating from the latter in 1964. After
service in the United States Army Medical Corps, he
became Professor of Medicine and Pharmacology
and Director of Clinical Pharmacology at
Pennsylvania State University Medical School. In
1981, he was appointed Commissioner of the Food
and Drug Administration by President Ronald
Reagan. During his years at the agency, he directed
the FDA’s response to the Tylenol tampering cases,
called for a voluntary moratorium on direct-toconsumer advertising of prescription medicines and
weathered criticism on the FDA’s approval of the
sweetener aspartame. After leaving the FDA, Dr
Hayes worked as Provost and Dean at New York
Medical College and, in 1986, was appointed
President of EM Pharmaceuticals, a division of the
German company E Merck. Five years later, he
founded MediScience Associates, a consulting firm,
part of Nelson Communications, Inc, and stayed
there until 2005, when he retired.
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Hayes was ordained a permanent deacon in the
Roman Catholic Church in 1978 and served in
parishes in Pennsylvania, Maryland and New York.
He is survived by his wife, Barbara Anne, three
children, two sisters, a brother, and eight
Adapted from The Washington Post
David E Palmer (1955)
David E Palmer died in January 2010 aged 74. Born
in Portsmouth in October 1935, he was evacuated
to rural Devon in 1939 and enjoyed a country
childhood. Severe asthma prevented him from
attending the village school regularly but his sister
taught him to read, an event he called ‘the turning
point in my life’. The written word always remained
of great importance to him. Returning to
Portsmouth, he embraced formal education with
huge enthusiasm. His school reports reveal
exasperation over the patchy nature of his
education but his head teacher, with whom he
later worked as a colleague, was immensely proud
when David got his place at Oxford.
He loved being an undergraduate at Lincoln,
where he read English. He made many good
friends and enjoyed participating in the
idiosyncratic proceedings of the D’Avenant
Society. It was in Oxford that he met his future
wife, Edna Irene.
His career as an English teacher was spent in
Portsmouth. He was an innovative and inspiring
teacher, cultivating an appreciation of literature,
encouraging serious creative writing, and
producing excellent school plays. As Head of the
Sixth Form he was known as ‘Brainbox’ by his
charges for his apparently effortless understanding
of every subject studied for A-level.
38 .
Meanwhile he continued to write, publishing in
England and Wales and becoming a minor
member of the ‘Anglo Welsh’ poets of the 1970s.
He won – to his great pride – the English poetry
prize in the Porthcawl Miner’s Eisteddfod in 1974.
In his retirement he studied Roman history, and
passed on his knowledge and enthusiasm in
teaching adult education classes. The end of term
picnic, complete with recipes from Apicius, was
one of the highlights of the course.
To his friends, he was a man with bright eyes, a
quick temper and a famously bushy beard, always
ready for a prolonged discussion about any
favourite subject. At the millennium he and Irene
moved to a village near Aberystwyth where he
spent the last decade studying the Romans in
Wales, and participating with unabated
enthusiasm in the rural life. He is survived by his
wife and daughter.
Helen Palmer
William Miller (1955)
William Miller, who died on 5
November 2009, came up to
Lincoln in 1955. He was born in
Gravesend, although both his
parents’ families came from
Wick, in Caithness. His father
had been a chief engineer with Clan Line and had
died at sea during the War. William was educated
at Christ’s Hospital, the bluecoat school at
Horsham. Before coming to Lincoln he did two
years national service in the Royal Navy,
completing the Russian language course and then
going into the intelligence branch.
He read history but much of his time at Oxford was
spent with others of a left-wing tendency and he
was heavily involved in undergraduate journalism,
contributing to Isis and eventually becoming its
political editor. The misadventure into which this
association led him was the subject of an article in
the 2009 edition of Imprint.
After going down in 1959 William worked for three
years for The Financial Times before joining Panther
Books which eventually became part of Granada
Publishing under Sidney Bernstein, from whom
William learned that “good books could be made
popular and popular books could be good.” These
were words which he continued to repeat with
approval for the rest of his life. In 1972 William left
Granada to found Quartet Books which published
both hardback and paperback editions under the
same imprint and achieved notoriety by
publishing The Joy of Sex.
In 1976 William met his partner, Toshitane Bamba,
and moved to Tokyo to found what became The
English Agency, Japan. This has thrived to become
one of the leading literary agencies in that country.
William was always a convivial person; David
Peace, in an obituary for William in The Guardian,
summed this up well by observing that he was “at
his best in a bar or a restaurant, in London or in
Tokyo. These were his courts and his classrooms
where he both taught and learned. An evening
with William was always an education”.
Ewen Moir (1956)
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Anthony Burton (1957)
Anthony Burton was at school
at Downside where he was
outstanding academically
though not entirely happy. But
when he came up to Lincoln in
1957 on a Classics Exhibition,
Anthony flowered. His room on the then newly
refurbished staircase 13 became one of the centres
of College life: discussions on everything into the
early hours and lively parties – and being the
incurable romantic that he was he always invited a
seemingly endless number of members of the
ladies’ colleges.
His love for Lincoln never faded. He was a constant
presence at Gaudies and alumni gatherings including a memorable 50th anniversary dinner in
college for the year of 1957 which he organised
with Denis Woodfield. He relished the chance of
making speeches on Lincoln occasions - and
indeed on any occasion - which he always did with
panache, humour and erudition. One of his last
and most moving speeches was on Ascension Day
2009 at the unveiling of the statues of Our Lady
and St Mildred above the College entrance to
which he had been a generous donor.
It was not long after going down that Anthony
met and married his beloved Julia. I was one of the
first people to know of their engagement and was
living in Rome. I well recall celebrating their
announcement over a bacon and eggs breakfast in
a bar in one of the most elegant streets in Rome
(typical Anthony!) to which I recall he hailed
passers by with great gusto to join the celebration.
Julia and his daughters Alexandra and Katharine
were always the loves of his life. But their London
home in Campden Hill was always an open house
to their many friends and the scene of many
happy gatherings – not least because Anthony
had the special gift of making everyone feel they
were special with his greeting smile, arms aloft in
welcome and a booming “hellooo”.
To many people’s surprise Anthony became a
Chartered Accountant after leaving Lincoln and his
work career was varied, many years being in
different forms of consultancy. But his generous
spirit soon expanded to putting his accounting
skills to good use in numerous charitable ventures,
among which his work with prisoners was
particularly important to him.
In many ways Anthony was a Renaissance man
with amazingly wide interests. He was cultured,
never lost his love of the Classics, was a prodigious
reader and a lover of art. His intellectual alertness
and never ending enthusiasm was symbolised by
his starting a theology degree in his 60s at
Heythrop College. He loved all things European,
especially Italian and French, and indeed lived his
last years in France after Julia’s death.
Despite his extrovert charm, Anthony was a deeply
sensitive person and had an unobtrusive but
profound Catholic faith. The more one got to know
him, the more one sensed his deep spirituality.
Nothing expressed this more than in over 50 years
of close friendship I never once heard him
complaining about his physical disability.
His funeral mass at the Jesuit Church in Farm Street
was on the very day that he was going to have his
70th birthday party. The church was packed and
this great crowd represented the catholicity of his
friends and interests. The mass was celebrated
with Mozart’s Requiem with four part choir. Despite
its sadness it was somehow a very joyous
celebration which Anthony would have loved. It
did not take much imagination to picture Anthony
smilingly looking down on it all and pronouncing
one of his favourite phrases: ‘Splendid and thank
you for coming’, to which his many friends would
want to respond by saying ‘thank you for your
example and your friendship. We are all the richer
for having known you’.
Tim Firth (1957)
Iain Charles Murray (1959)
Iain Charles Murray died on 6 January 2010 (Born
on 30 October 1937). He was the nephew of Keith
Murray, Rector of Lincoln (1944-53), later Baron
Murray of Newhaven.
Iain went to Edinburgh Academy and then Stirling
High School. He then did a degree in Classics at St
Andrews University followed by a Dip Ed at Lincoln
in 1959-60. He married Susan Wedderburn in 1960.
His first teaching job was at Abingdon School, for
five years, before moving back to Scotland to
the Edinburgh Academy for seven years and then,
as Head of the Classics Department, to George
Watsons College in Edinburgh until 1988. He loved
the mountains and completed his Munros in 1972.
On his retirement at 50, Iain and Sue moved to
Boat of Garten where they converted an old mill
and he became a joiner, which he enjoyed hugely.
He became Chair of the Village Hall Committee
and with a great team managed to raise the funds
to build an attractive new hall, suitable for
modern use.
He is survived by Sue and their three children.
Sue Murray
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Robin Cooke (1965)
Robin passed away at home in
Biddulph, Stoke on 16 June
2010 after a long deterioration
in health.
He gained a scholarship to
Oxford and came up to Lincoln to read Physics.
After his degree he went to Stoke to complete a
PhD in thermal shock resistance of Zirconia-based
ceramics. From Stoke, Robin went as Lecturer in
Materials Science to Bath University between 1973
and 1997. He travelled to many parts of the world
because of his expertise in his field but his heart
quickly fell for the North West Highlands of
Scotland. From early on he delighted in fell
walking, rock climbing and mountaineering all
over Britain.
Robin was an individual, a character. He was
passionate, intelligent, immensely well read and
highly opinionated. He liked music at full blast,
vindaloo curries, Round the Horn and Sherlock
Holmes. He was a deeply private, independent and
sensitive man.
He mastered living in his own company, though
he remained a fiercely loyal friend and member of
our family. Ill health forced an early retirement and
he enjoyed north Wales near Rydal again. Over
recent years he faced profoundly difficult
challenges with failing health. A memorial was
held at Torridon in Scotland on 4 September.
Maddy James
40 .
Steve Keen (1984)
Steve Keen passed away at the
all too young age of 44 on 18
July 2010, after a short but
valiant fight against melanoma.
Steve is survived by his wife
Karen and daughter Emily.
Steve went up to Lincoln in 1984 to study PPE
from Westcliff Grammar School, Southend, and
was the first person in our family to attend
He participated fully in Lincoln social life and
played rugby, football and rowed for the College.
His penchant in his early years for Gothic dress,
earrings and indie music was a somewhat curious
paradox for the typical rugby / Goblin mindset.
A very social person, Steve loved life and he always
strived to live it to the full. He was never happier than
when enjoying a few beers with work colleagues,
friends or rugby mates, invariably keen to start a singalong or lead some karaoke thanks to a talent for
remembering verses.
Many Lincoln alumni, covering the period from
1984-92, attended the funeral service in Mortlake.
Phil Halliday (1984) gave an excellent speech of
personal recollection and stories. Karen and the Keen
family have gratefully received the condolences and
well wishes of many Lincoln friends.
After Lincoln Steve qualified as a chartered
accountant with Cooper and Lybrand. He moved
into banking working in equities, successively at
Rothschild, NatWest Markets, RABO Bank and,
latterly, eight years at ABN Amro/RBS.
After his memorial service there was a social
gathering at The Depot in Mortlake. It was a fine day
by the Thames; the wine was flowing, as were the
stories. With a rugby crowd present, as Steve would
have wanted, there were also a few impromptu
songs. It was a fitting send-off. One of the tributes
Steve would have particularly appreciated was a
former colleague telling me that it was the best
funeral they had ever attended!
Paul Keen (1987)
Steve continued his rugby career joining Ealing,
with the club winning three Middlesex Cups in the
early 90s. Under the generous benefaction of Mike
Gooley, founder of Trailfinders, the club climbed
the national leagues in the 2000s and now plays in
National 2 South. There is a tribute page on the
Ealing RFC website.
EDITOR’S NOTE: The Record will gladly include
short obituaries submitted by friends or
family. They should be sent, preferably
electronically, to the Development Office
Aside from his passions for rugby and sport in
general, Steve’s interests ranged broadly from an
encyclopaedic knowledge of indie music to an
intellectual hinterland of chess, modern art and
Notices should not be longer than 250 words;
although the Editor endeavours to respect
the wishes of those submitting obituaries, he
may reserve the right to edit in light of
constraints of space and uniformity.
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Lincoln College Chapel and Choir – 2009-10
When Pope
Benedict XVI
came to Great
Britain this past
summer, his
cantus firmus
was the
of religion in
public life.
Whilst there is
no doubt that recent public policy has,
either deliberately or carelessly, made it
more difficult for voices of faith to speak
out in the public square, the picture is a
little bit more complicated than His
Holiness made out. Such complexity is
shown in chapel life here at Oxford, and
in Lincoln, where people still congregate
in numbers during the weeks of fullterm.
Various motivations draw people into
the orbit of chapel life and worship: it is
a place to sing corporately some of the
most numinous and important choral
repertoire of the western tradition; in a
world where public discourse is giving
way to media interpretation, it offers a
42 .
rare space for public reflection, where
imagination, memory and conscience
can be provoked and stimulated. It is, of
course, a place where Christianity is still
practised in traditional worship amongst
some of the first generations not to
know the Church as a cultural or
spiritual way-of-life. Other than Hall, in
College life, Chapel is a rare place where
the community is practised in its
broader forms, with the religious, ethical
and social aspects that such community
practice engenders.
Music is at the heart of the Chapel, and
William Thomas (Hollingsworth Organ
Scholar 2009-10) and his colleague Tom
Daggett have achieved great things, both
through their musical prowess, and
through a fruitful professional
partnership, enabling the choir to
produce excellent music, as well as
national and international touring. The
choir has sung well, and consistently so.
Few will forget some of their finest
offerings, heard in S.Maria Maggiore,
S.Giovanni Laterano and the Basilica
S.Pietro on their tour of Rome last
summer. As I write this, they are about
to depart on a generously funded
journey to Japan, in cooperation with
our friends at Aoyama Gakuin
University in Tokyo City. Whilst
William Thomas is staying on as a
graduate music student, Tom Daggett
takes over as the senior, Hollingsworth
Scholar, with Joe Mason as his junior.
Things look exciting for the coming year
as we look forward to further choral
excellence and new beginnings.
Preaching also forms a vital part of the
community, and we have many visiting
preachers each term, in turn offering
new perspectives and approaches. Many
commented on Fr Roger Dawson’s
(Oxford University Roman Catholic
Chaplain) moving Remembrance
Sunday address, which not only called to
mind his father’s service in World War
II, but asked fundamental questions
about the difference between vocation
and duty. Sculptor, former soldier and
priest, Toddy Hoare, gave the address to
the Turl Street Arts Festival combined
Evensong. Dr Peter McCullough, Senior
Fellow in English, engaged us with the
eternally challenging call of the
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Incarnation, whilst The Revd Dr
Angus Ritchie (Director of the
Contextual Theology Centre in
London) reminded us of the work of
Fr Basil Jellicoe for the poor in East
London. He went on to introduce us
to the flowering work of Community
Organising (made famous by a young
Barack Obama) emergent in the East
End, in which it is hoped Lincoln
Chapel may play a growing part.
Indeed, Tom Daggett worked on one
of the Citizens UK projects this year,
initiating Lincoln Chapel’s link with
this important work of the social
Rather than seeming increasingly
marginalised, Chapel here at
Lincoln would suggest that
contemporary religion is
challenged, engaged,
wrestled with, but also
For that I give
thanks, as I do
for all those who have
generously supported
chapel life, either through
scholarships, donations or
support in kind.
For all this
and for that is
yet to be:
Deo Gratias. I
Our weekly discussion group, meeting
over sandwiches on a Friday
lunchtime has been particularly
interesting and is a flowering part of
the sort of discourse emerging from
chapel life. Discussing a great variety
of subjects, from Terry Eagleton’s
Reason, Faith and Revolution to
Gödel’s ‘ontological argument’, it has
been, and hopefully will continue, to
be a vigorous and lively forum for
debate and encounter.
The Revd Gregory Platten
Lincoln College Chaplain
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The College
Library - 2009-10
The College Library has been increasingly
popular this year. Again during Trinity Term, we
added extra tables and chairs to allow more
students to study in the Library when preparing
for their exams and a great spirit of camaraderie
was fostered.
The overhaul of the College website gave us the
opportunity to completely rethink the Library
pages. Rather than having a single page of
information, we have approached it by
introducing different pages for current members,
external visitors, and alumni, with step-by-step
instructions to help them to make the most of
the Library. This has given us a wonderful
opportunity to share more images of our
beautiful building on the web.
This year we prepared two exhibitions in the
Senior Library. The first was for the Murray
Society meeting in October 2009, illustrating a
talk given by Dr Peter McCullough on new
evidence concerning the building of the College
Chapel. The second exhibition was for the
Society of Bibliophiles, a student-run society. Mr
Nigel Wilson addressed the group, and a wide44 .
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range of material was displayed, including some
incunabula. The exhibition cases in the Library
corridor were used to display a series of
exhibitions, covering Memorable Benefactors,
Lincoln College Chapel Choir, the Old Members’
Collection, Ascension Day, and to mark the
success on the river of Lincoln’s crews in Eights
At Christmas, in order to prepare for the
summer’s upgrades to the heating and lighting in
the Library, and for reasons of health and safety
of maintenance and other staff, the main
electrical panel was changed. The Library was
plunged into darkness while the original panel
from the early 1970s was removed and Library
staff were temporarily forced to seek heat and
light in other parts of College.
The Library was once again struck by lightning
during a summer storm. This was followed by an
invasion of pigeons who found the multiple
recesses, cornices and carvings at high level a
perfect penthouse. They were finally removed
through the ingenuity of our scout who worked
very hard to keep the Library beautiful during
their occupation. The vacuum cleaner proved to
be an excellent deterrent. Unfortunately this has
meant we have had to keep the Library windows
closed to prevent their return.
We are delighted, at last, to be able to offer
printing and photocopying services to Lincoln
students in the Library. Many students have
requested this over the years and a
reconfiguration downstairs has allowed us to
provide a separate photocopying, printing and
scanning room. At the same time, the facilities
have been renovated to provide separate male and
female cloakrooms. It has been a surprisingly
major upheaval. We had to close the downstairs
part of the Library while building work took
place over the summer vacation: the bookcases
were swathed in dustsheets while the floor was
wrapped in protective material to protect the
collections and furnishings from demolition and
plaster dust which has, nevertheless, invaded
every nook and cranny! Pipes, porcelain and
partitions were temporarily stored in the Law
section but all was returned to working order
ready for 0th week! I
Fiona Piddock
The Library is
grateful to the
following current
members and
alumni who have
donated works
which they have
either published or
written, or which
relate to Lincoln
Prof PW Atkins
Dr Gillian Austen
Patrick O Cohrs
Anthony P Cowie
The Rt Hon The Lord
Markos Dragoumis
Anthony Fowles
Dr Anthony Geraghty
Prof Stephen Gill
Prof JS Gouws
Michael Izzo
George Lambrick
Thomas Mannack
Prof Ritchie Robertson
Gavin Selerie
Michael Steiner
EP Trani
Christopher Walker
Geoffrey Whittaker
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College Archives
The College Archives 2009-10
Following the construction of the new College
archive at the EPA Centre in Museum Road, this
academic year has seen the considerable challenge
of transferring the College’s records from an array
of repositories scattered around the main College
site. After centuries of residence, these materials
required careful handling in transit, and much
credit must be given to the local firm of removal
men for their care and efficiency. Their skills were
tested to the uppermost as they tottered up the
vertiginous spiral staircases of the College’s
ancient tower-rooms, and plumbed the depths of
the basements beneath the Rector’s Lodgings –
and even the SCR toilets. The inaccessibility of
these stores had been one of the principal reasons
for the decision to build a new archive, and the
removal teams cheerfully acknowledged the
superior access of the new site!
Although fraught, the transition has already
proved its worth, and it has been a delight to see
the steady unification of the College’s records on
one site. The new facility is split into two halves,
one housing the more modern records, while the
other holds the historical materials. Already,
members of College staff have begun to use the
46 .
new shelving to store their yearly collections of
records, and for the first time in years there has
been ample space to receive them. Other new
accessions include the very generous gift of
photographs and papers by Charles Lepper
(1947), which cast light on his dramatic career
and student life in general. We would also like to
thank Mrs Hazel Bell for her gift of the
chemistry notebooks of her late husband, Colin
(1952), and all those who have responded so
helpfully to the various appeals for photographs,
memorabilia and so on: the gaps are slowly
As we go to press, the new archive office is the
next target, which will soon be able to offer far
superior facilities to visitors. As ever, the College’s
maintenance team has provided splendid support
through all of this upheaval, and there is no
doubt that the archive will be a superb facility,
providing a secure environment for the College’s
historical memory for generations to come.
Andrew Mussell College Archivist
Perry Gauci Fellow Archivist
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Schools Liaison
Schools Liaison Officer’s Report
This year has been the busiest yet for Lincoln’s
schools liaison work. From September 2009 to
August 2010 I have been involved in over 80
events on behalf of Lincoln (20 or so of which
were held jointly with Exeter College). These
include visits to individual schools across the
country, visits to Lincoln from schools, regional
conferences in Lincolnshire and Bath, teachers’
events and interview workshops.
The 2009-10 academic year has seen some
changes in the way that work with schools is
coordinated across the country, with each college
taking on a particular area on behalf of all
colleges. Naturally, Lincoln has retained its links
with Lincolnshire, and we have also taken on
responsibility for Bath, Bristol, North Somerset
and South Gloucestershire. Consequently, the
year has been spent consolidating links with
schools in Lincolnshire, whilst building links
with schools in our new areas.
The year also saw the beginning of some large
cross-college events for schools with little history
of sending students to Oxford. Lincoln has led
the way in the design and organisation of these
events, and has an excellent reputation within the
University for innovative events. The initial event
held in September 2009 attracted 140
participants from 80 schools, many of whom
went on to make successful applications to
Oxford. Several new events for this group of
schools, including mentoring and study days, are
planned for 2010. Lincoln is also continuing its
‘aspiration raising’ work with under-16s,
including taster days which give 14-15 year olds a
chance to experience Lincoln and Oxford life.
The 2010-11 academic year looks likely to be
even busier than last year, with around 25 events
already booked, and plans for conferences in
Peterborough, Lincolnshire, Bath and Bristol, as
well as a teachers’ conference in March, study
days, e-mentoring, and of course, visits to schools
and colleges. I
Lincoln has led
the way in the
design and
organisation of
these events,
and has an
within the
Alice Wilby
Schools Liaison Officer
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Schools Liaison
Schools visited
September 2009 – August 2010
Adams’ Grammar School, Newport (G)
Alperton Community School, Wembley (C)
Arthur Mellows Village College,
Peterborough (C)
Backwell School, Bristol (C)
Beechen Cliff School, Bath (C)
Beths Grammar School, Bexley (G)
Bexley Grammar School, Bexley (G)
The Bishop’s Stortford High School, Bishop’s
Stortford (C)
Brookfield Community School and Language
College, Southampton (C)
The Castle School, Thornberry (C)
Chew Valley School, Bristol (C)
Chislehurst and Sidcup Grammar School,
Sidcup (G)
Cleeve School, Cheltenham (C)
Colfes School, London (I)
Concord College, Shrewsbury (I)
Erith School, Erith (C)
Frederick Bremer School, London (C)
The Gladys Aylward School,
London (C)
Hayesfield School Technology College, Bath
The Henry Box School, Witney (C)
Itchen College, Southampton (FE)
48 .
Jack Hunt School, Peterborough (C)
Jersey High School for Girls, Jersey (I)
The Judd School, Tonbridge (G)
Kennet School, Thatcham (C)
King Edward VI Five Ways School,
Birmingham (G)
Lady Manners School, Bakewell (C)
Maiden Erlegh School, Reading (C)
The Manchester Grammar School,
Manchester (I)
Nailsea School, Bristol (C)
Oldfield School, Bath (C)
Peter Symonds College,
Winchester (FE)
Pimlico School, London (C)
Ralph Allen School, Bath (C)
Redland Green 16-19, Bristol (FE)
Richmond-upon-Thames College,
Twickenham (FE)
Robertsbridge Community College,
Robertsbridge (C)
Somervale School, Midsomer Norton (C)
St Columba’s Catholic Boys’ School,
Bexleyheath (C)
St Francis of Assisi Catholic Technology
College, Walsall (C)
St John’s School, Porthcawl (I)
St Joseph’s Catholic College,
Swindon (C)
St Mark’s C of E School, Bath (C)
St Mary Redcliffe and Temple School, Bristol
Thomas Deacon Academy, Peterborough (C)
Townley Grammar School for Girls,
Bexleyheath (G)
Walthamstow School for Girls,
London (C)
Warminster Kingdown, Warminster (C)
The Warriner School, Banbury (C)
Wellsway School, Bristol (C)
Weston Road High School, Stafford (C)
Whitehaven School, Whitehaven (C)
Writhlington School, Radstock (C)
(C) – Comprehensive
(FE) – Further Education College
(G) – Grammar
(I) – Independent
Schools participating in
Lincolnshire Access Initiative:
Arthur Mellows Village College,
The Banovallum School, Horncastle
Baysgarth School,
Brumby Engineering College, Scunthorpe
The Boston Grammar School, Boston
Boston High School, Boston
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Schools Liaison
Bourne Grammar School, Bourne
Caistor Grammar School, Caistor
Carre’s Grammar School, Sleaford
Central Technology and Sports College,
The Deepings School, Peterborough
Franklin College, Grimsby
Frederick Gough School - A Specialist
Language College, Scunthorpe
FTC (Foxhills Performing Arts & Technology
College), Scunthorpe
Huntcliff School, Gainsborough
Jack Hunt School, Peterborough
John Leggott Sixth Form College,
Ken Stimpson Community School,
Kesteven and Grantham Girls’ School,
Kesteven and Sleaford High School, Sleaford
The King Edward VI Grammar School, Louth
Lincoln Christ’s Hospital School, Lincoln
Lincoln Minster School, Lincoln
Market Rasen De Aston School,
Market Rasen
North Axholme School, Scunthorpe
North Kesteven School, Lincoln
The Priory LSST, Lincoln
Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar School, Alford
Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar School,
The Queen Elizabeth’s High School,
Robert Pattinson School, Lincoln
The Snaith School, Goole
South Axholme Community School,
Spalding Grammar School, Spalding
St Bede’s Catholic School, Scunthorpe
The St George’s College of Technology,
St Peter and St Paul, Lincoln’s Catholic High
School, A Science College, Lincoln
Stamford High School, Stamford
Stamford School, Stamford
Vale of Ancholme Technology & Music
College, Brigg
The Voyager School, Peterborough
Winterton Comprehensive School with
Specialist Status in Engineering,
William Farr C of E Comprehensive School,
Schools participating in Application
Information Day (September 2009):
Archbishop Ilsley Catholic School,
Aston Comprehensive School, Sheffield
Beaverwood School for Girls, Chislehurst
Belper School, Belper
Bishop’s Hatfield Girls’ School, Hatfield
Bridgnorth Endowed School, Bridgnorth
Caldicot Comprehensive, Caldicot
Caludon Castle School, Coventry
Canon Palmer Catholic School, Ilford
Cardinal Langley Roman Catholic High
School, Manchester
Cardinal Newman Catholic School, A
Specialist Arts and Community College,
Congleton High School, Congleton
Cox Green School, Maidenhead
The Crypt School, Gloucester
Denbigh School, Milton Keynes
Desborough School, Maidenhead
Didcot Girls’ School, Didcot
Dover Grammar School for Boys, Dover
Downend Comprehensive School, Bristol
Easthampstead Park School, Bracknell
Great Barr School, Birmingham
Harry Carlton Comprehensive School,
The Hayfield School, Doncaster
Haslingden High School, Rossendale
Hendon School, London
Holy Family Catholic High School, Liverpool
Hutton Church of England Grammar School,
John F Kennedy Catholic School, Hemel
Leiston Community High School, Leiston
Llandrindod High School, Llandrindod Wells
Lord Lawson of Beamish Community School,
Chester le Street
The Maelor School, Wrexham
Maesteg Comprehensive School, Maesteg
Moulton School and Science College,
. 49
Lincoln Record (2010) [6]:Layout 2
Schools Liaison
New Mills School Business & Enterprise
College, High Peak
North Bromsgrove High School, Bromsgrove
Quintin Kynaston School, London
Rastrick High School, Brighouse
Ridgeway School, Plymouth
Salesian School, Chertsey
Sexey’s School, Bruton
Shelley College, A Specialist Centre For
Science, Huddersfield
Smestow School, Wolverhampton
Somervale School, Midsomer Norton
Springwood High School, King’s Lynn
St Birinus School, Didcot
St Francis of Assisi Catholic Technology
College, Walsall
St Gregory RC High School, Harrow
St Katherine’s School, Bristol
St Mary’s Catholic High School, Chesterfield
St Paul’s Catholic School,
Milton Keynes
St Peter’s School, Huntingdon
St Thomas More Catholic College, Stoke-onTrent
Teesdale School, Barnard Castle
Tendring Technology College,
Tytherington High School, Macclesfield
Warlingham School, Warlingham
Warminster Kingdown, Warminster
The Wensleydale School, Leyburn
Yateley School, Yateley
Ysgol Emrys Ap Iwan, Abergele
50 .
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Senior Tutor’s Report
Senior Tutor’s Report
studies & activities
Lincoln’s undergraduate members have
enjoyed another successful year on all
fronts: academically, culturally and in
sports. It was very pleasing to see an
impressive 26 firsts awarded in Final
Honours Schools, including the top first
in Physiological Sciences and second
place overall in the Law lists. An
admirable clutch of University Prizes
followed, all of which are detailed in the
achievement roll in the following pages.
Among the 55 upper seconds awarded,
many were high-ranking. We
congratulate all our members who
concluded their studies in this last year.
Good results in Mods and Prelims, and
in the various second and third year
examinations undertaken this year,
promise much for years ahead and this
promise is underscored by the very high
number of College and Old Members
Trust Scholarships given this year. No
less than 70 JCR members were awarded
a Scholarship or Exhibition in
recognition of their high academic
achievement and promise. Our OM
laureates combine academic excellence
with significant contributions to College
life, and this year their areas of activity
included sporting and cultural
leadership, service to other members of
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Senior Tutor’s Report
the College community and the
furthering of environmental
responsibility in the College’s day-to-day
affairs. All 70 members were honoured
at the annual award holders dinner in
February, one of the highlights of the
College calendar.
As always, the vigorous academic life of
the JCR is accompanied by an
impressive range of extra-curricular
activities. Highlights of the year
included the spectacular Ball (‘Carnivale
di Venezia’), the highly entertaining
production of The Boy Friend in Hall
during the Turl Street Arts Festival, the
formation of a new Film Production
Society, success in the Football cuppers
for the first time in 20 years, and our
excellent record on the river. As I write
the Choir has just returned, exhausted
but exhilarated, from a triumphant tour
of Japan led by our Organ and Choral
Scholars, further cementing the
international reputation of Lincoln
singing. This year too we saw the
formation of the Lincoln Singers, a more
informal group focussing on popular
secular repertoire. In these, as in many
other areas, the enthusiasm, imagination
and resourcefulness of our
undergraduates continues to enrich the
life of the College Commonwealth.
52 .
Graduate studies &
Last year we noted with great pride the
50th Anniversary of the Lincoln MCR
and now, in its 51st year we have cause
again to reflect on the strength and
vigour of the graduate community here
at Lincoln. As the year began we
welcomed 125 new graduate members to
the College, encompassing 30
nationalities and 50 different subject
areas, drawn from across a wide range of
arts, sciences, social sciences and medical
The generous support given to our
graduates by many alumni and friends of
the College is vital to enabling a
significant number of these new
graduates to realise their dream of
studying at Oxford. It is a source of great
pride to read the list of award holders on
the following pages and to know that
our College is able to offer more
graduate scholarships than any other.
Our accommodation facilities too are
the envy of many colleges. All first-year,
and many second-year graduates are
housed in Bear Lane or Museum Road
– only a few minutes from the central
College site – making it easy for so many
MCR members to participate fully in
College life. Commensality is enjoyed to
its fullest and, every evening, MCR
members are seen in numbers at formal
hall. This pleasure in the friendship of
the table is shared with their peers from
around Oxford through the medium of
‘exchange dinners’ and this year the
MCR entertained members from a
number of colleges.
The remarkable richness of the
communal life enjoyed by the Lincoln
MCR has its academic as well as its
social dimensions. The termly
MCR/SCR Conversazione features
speakers from both Common Rooms
and this year we enjoyed a thought –
provoking talk by our Kenneth SewardsShaw Scholar on the legal complexities
of humanitarian intervention in conflict
zones. The MCR also hosts its own
Lord Florey Talks, where current
members discuss their research, and, in a
new venture this year complemented
these with a series of talks by visiting
speakers. This new series opened with
the visit of Dr George McGavin, the
celebrated filmmaker and entomologist,
who spoke to a packed house of MCR
and JCR members on the challenges of
natural history programming. This
Lincoln Record (2010) [6]:Layout 2
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Senior Tutor’s Report
spirit of cooperation between Middle
and Junior common rooms in a variety
of activities brings a distinctive quality to
Lincoln life. The Choir and the Ball
Committee, not to mention a whole
range of sporting teams, all benefit from
the participation of graduate and
undergraduate members.
At the year’s end we celebrated in Hall
with a leaving dinner for MCR
members. This was a festive occasion for
dressing up, photographs, fine food,
speeches, and for celebration of the
comradeship which all had enjoyed with
each other and which will be carried
forward in to the future. The evening
ended with some impromptu communal
singing… to the accompaniment of a
ukulele! The full list of those members
successfully concluding their studies this
year can be viewed over the following
pages, where, I hope, you will note with
pleasure the remarkable diversity of
intellectual endeavour represented by
this year’s leavers and the roster of
distinctions and prizes awarded to
them. I
Dr Louise Durning
Senior Tutor and Tutor for Graduates
. 53
Lincoln Record (2010) [6]:Layout 2
Page 54
Scholarships and Exhibitions
Scholarships and Exhibitions 2009-10
This list includes all those who held Scholarships and Exhibitions awarded by Lincoln College during the academic year 2009-10.
It does not include awards granted to students by the University or any other body external to the College.
Besse Scholarship
Julie Vatain
Berrow Scholarship
Alain Ausoni
Juliette Vuille
Crewe Graduate Scholarships
Gregory Ariall
Mayank Arora
Christopher Armstrong
Jennifer Barton
Aldo Robles Daneri
Thomas Hargreaves
Alice Herbert
Lionel Leo
Jonathan Short
Katherine Turvey
Rachel Wood
Jermyn Brooks Scholarship in Humanities
Cecilia Piantanida
Keith Murray Scholarship
Daniel Pascoe
Kenneth Sewards-Shaw Scholarship
Nicole Urban
Sloane Robinson Foundation Graduate
Farrah Ahmed
Tapio Berndt
Alex Barker
Asgeir Birkisson
Petr Bouchal
Erin Goeres
Stephanie Roussou
Marlena Whiting
Lincoln College Senior Scholarship
Alexandre Erler
Erin Goeres
Matthew MCarty
Joseph Raimondo
Rhuma Syeda
Richard Webster
Marlena Whiting
Bay Hardie Choral Scholarship
Charlotte Moss
Menasseh Ben Israel Room Grant
Reuven Ziegler
Bob Blake Choral Scholarship
Rachel Wood
E & R Friedman Music Prize
Newton-Abraham Scholarship
Benjamin Ayers
Gluckstein Scholarship
Emily MacKenzie
EPA Scholarship
Janina Baumbach
Hong Sheng Lim
Justyna Zaborowska
Overseas Graduate Entrance Scholarship
Lindsey Meyers
Hanbury Scholarship
Polonsky Foundation Awards
Julie Miller
Yishai Mishor
Jessica Park
Hollingsworth Organ Scholarship
William Thomas
54 .
Supperstone Law Scholarship
Juliet Curtin
Lincoln Record (2010) [6]:Layout 2
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Scholarships and Exhibitions
Junior Organ Scholarship
Thomas Daggett
Wesley Choral Scholarship
Lord Crewe Scholarship
Lawrence Cochran
Mohit Dalwadi
Stephen Dann
Matthew Jones
Josephine Livingstone
James Nutton
Clarice Poon
Marcin Suckiewicz
William Thomas
Emma Warneford
Emily Wingfield
Diana Bowtell
Laura French
Raghav Ghai
Oldfield Scholarship
Old Members’ Exhibition
Oliver Russell
Hannah Sims
Matthew Wood
Old Members’ Scholarship
John Cranley
Jonathan Lain
Jenny May
Peter Atkins Scholarship
Felix Gray
Charlotte Jemmett
Matthew Langton
Valerie Blake Choral Scholarship
Eric Yip
Helen Ackers
Samuel Albanie
Sheharyar Baig
Mark Brand
Susanna Bridge
Samuel Buchdahl
Thomas Bumstead
Daniel Byrd
Edward Cresswell
Thomas Daggett
John Dudding
Christopher Dunn
Emily Gailey
Alice Gardner
Ruth Geen
Josh Gilbert
Hannah Grace
Lucinda Griffiths
Olivia Haywood
Emma Hale
Samantha Ivell
Robert Leek
Jakob Mirzabaigian
Victoria Hore
Georgina Howe
Harriet Hutson
Zain Iqbal
Elizabeth Kahn
Weilin Koh
Francis Lane
Charmaine Lee
Eamon McMurray
Annekathrin Meiburg
Stuart Morten
Alex Mulliner
Stuart Ramsay
Michael Taster
Joshua Thomas
Ioanna Tsakiropoulou
Andrew Tsonchev
Camilla Unwin
Christopher Wallis
Xiye Wen
Eric Yip
. 55
Lincoln Record (2010) [6]:Layout 2
Page 56
Special Awards 2009-10
This list includes all those who held awards granted by Lincoln College during the
academic year 2009-10. It does not include awards given to students by the
University or any other body external to the College.
Felicity Brown Award
Hana Tsuruhara
2027 Award for Medical Students
Sheharyar Baig
Lincolnshire Award
Hannah Booker
Peter Gee
Alexander Hammant
Sarah Moore
Jack Robinson
Lauren Davies
Thomas Hale
Laura Lao
Alex Peplow
Oakeshott Award
Jonathan Hudson
Nick Worsley
Friedmann Music Prize
Will Anscombe
Rachel Wood
Hartley Award
Jonathan Short
56 .
Modern Linguists Travel Grant
Emanuelle Degli Esposti Anthony Geraghty
Ben Glazer
Emma Hall
Harriet Hutson
Thalia Jones
Thomas Lakin
Eleanor Lischka
Celine Maraffa
Mohsin Patel
James Roscoe
Sophie Salamon
Jo Sheldon
Camilla Unwin
Patricia Waszczuk
Vivian Green Awards
Bipana Bantawa
Alice Beckwith
Mark Brakel
Harpreet Dhody
Juliet Gilbert
Alice Herbert
Louise Moss
Christine Simpson
Xiye Wen
Justyna Zaborowska
Anna Barnes
Petr Bouchal
Lara Charkham
Barney Gilbert
James Flewellen
Hattie Huston
Richard Simmons
Camilla Unwin
Eric Yip
Old Members’ Fund Awards
Samuel Albanie
Tanzeel Arif
Alice Beckwith
Guy Edwards
Eugenia Gossen
Lionel Nichols
Michelle Sikes
Patricia Waszczuk
Officers 2009-10
James Meredith President
Joshua Thomas Vice President
Michael Quayle Treasurer
Zain Iqbal Secretary
Camilla Unwin Welfare Officer
Hannah Grace Access and Academic
Affairs Officer
William Johnston Entertainment
Committee Chair
Xavier Droux President
George Song-Zhao Treasurer
Glenn Wilkinson Secretary
James Flewellen Social Secretary
Richard Simmonds Social Secretary
Alex Barker Welfare Officer
Bonnie van Wilgenburg Welfare Officer
Lincoln Record (2010) [6]:Layout 2
Page 57
Sports Colours
The following students were awarded full
colours for the 2009-10 season. These are
awarded “to Captains of Clubs and those
members of clubs whom the captain
recommends to the committee as having
shown outstanding prowess”.
Zain Iqbal
Chris Newman
Stuart Morten
Will Johnston
Daniel Savigar
Stuart Morten
Football (men)
Alex Biggs
Matt Flood
Harry McGahan
Daniel Savigar
Nick Worsley
Guy Edwards
Thomas Hale
Michael Price
Joshua Thomas
Alex Economides
Suzannah Isaac
Rowing (men)
Sam Albanie
Stuart Jones
Toby Virno
Naomi Gibbs
John Dudding
Rowing (women)
Susanna Bridge
Kristin Griffiths
Beatrice Krebs
Alex McFaden
Football (women)
Charlotte Moss
Hannah Booker
Rhea Newman
Matt Heal-Cohen
Ben Ramsden
Sports Captains
Murdo Armstrong Jamie Close
Oliver Russell
Stuart Morten
Joe Sheldrick
Table Football
Robert Leek
Ultimate Frsibee
Gareth Johnson
Barnaby Roberts
Water Polo
Ali Elwen
Will Nicholson
Nick Worsley
Jamie McDonald
Raf Renella
Joshua Thomas - Men’s Football First Team
Charlotte Moss - Women’s Football
John Dudding - Men’s Rowing
Susanna Bridge - Women’s Rowing
Oliver Russell - Men’s Rugby
Jessica Nangle - Women’s Rugby
Stuart Morten - Cricket
Michael Quayle - Croquet
Ben Ramsden - Hockey
Guy Giuffredi - Men’s Squash
Hattie Huston - Women’s Squash; Mixed
Rounders; Mixed Lacrosse
Joshua Gilbert - Athletics
William Johnston - Darts
Mishal Patel - Pool
Phil Hartley - Table Tennis
Helena McMeekin - Ultimate Frisbee
Nathalie Hakim - Netball
Tom Hale - Men’s Tennis
Emma Butler - Women’s Tennis
Will Nicholson - Swimming and Water Polo
Ed Heywood-Lonsdale - Cycling and Triathlon
Jack Robinson - Table Football
Lincoln Record (2010) [6]:Layout 2
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Undergraduate Examination Results
Undergraduate Examination Results: Trinity Term 2010
Biochemistry (MBiochem)
Alex Holehouse
Marcin Suskiewicz
Chemistry (MChem)
Samantha Ivell
Charlotte Jemmett
Michael Juniper
Frederick Tilbrook
Classical Archaeology and Ancient
Lucy Gotham
Computer Science (MCompSci)
Daniel Byrd
Economics and Management
Georgina Smallman
Engineering Science (MEng)
Sean Boyle
Daniel Browne
Xunnan Chen
Thomas Dawnay
Nathalie Hakim
James Nutton
58 .
English Language and Literature
Thomas Bumstead
James Burgess
Hannah Carolin
Lauren Davis
Claire England
Elizabeth Hennah
Suzannah Isaac
Josephine Livingstone
Jenny May
Camille Watts
History (Ancient and Modern)
Sam Kennedy
History (Modern)
Danny Buck
Emily Gailey
William Giller
Matthew Jones
Jennifer Shattock
Mathew Shearman
Joseph Sheldrick
Hannah Sims
History and Politics
William Burgon
Ngu Atanga
Megan Finley
Elizabeth Grant
Hannah Pickworth
Jack Robinson
Law with Law Studies in Europe
Emily MacKenzie
Legal Studies (Diploma)
Martin Binder
Antoine Bouzanquet-Barbou
Tobias Kuntze
Mathematics (BA)
Victoria Hore
Tongyun Kwag
Xiye Wen
Mathematics (MMath)
Mark Brand
Mohit Dalwadi
Georgina Howe
Eamon McMurray
Emma Warneford
Lincoln Record (2010) [6]:Layout 2
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Undergraduate Examination Results
Mathematics and Computer Science
Till Kraemer
Mathematics and Statistics
Chun Lim Ho
Medical Sciences
Richard Berwick
Alistair Brown
John Cranley
Stefan Ebmeier
Modern Languages
Lewis Clark
Thalia Jones
Jennifer Norris
Joanna Sheldon
Patricia Waszczuk
Charlotte Moss
William Thomas
Philosophy, Politics and Economics
Oliver Bridge
Jonathan Date
Matthew Flood
Thomas Ford
Raghav Ghai
Jonathan Lain
Charmaine Lee
Rhys Ravenscroft
James Sills
Physics (MPhys)
Jonathan Clark
Saman Ghannadzadeh
Simon Hughes
Stuart Jones
Helena McMeekin
Physiological Sciences
Sarah Wheeldon
Philosophy and Modern Languages
Emanuelle Degli Esposti
. 59
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Graduate Examination Results
Graduate Examination Results 2009-10
Doctor of Philosophy (DPhil)
Jane Anderson (Archaeology) Gestures, Postures
and Body Actions in Hellenistic Art
Lucy Audley-Miller (Archaeology) Tomb Portraits
under the Roman Empire: Local Contexts and
Cultural Styles
Sarah Baccianti (Medieval English) Telling Stories
in the Medieval North: Historical Writing and
Literary Artistry in Medieval England and
Medieval Scandanavia
Hanaan Balala (Law) A Study of Islamic and English
Common Law on Aspects of Islamic Finance
Natalie Belsey (Inorganic Chemistry)
Electrochemical Investigations of Hydrogenases:
Small Molecule Inhibition and Novel
Technological Applications
Chantal Berna Renella (Clinical Medicine) Neural
mechanisms and cognitive factors involved in the
interaction between negative mood and pain
Christopher Bird (Pathology) Characterisation of
the signal regulatory protein family of myeloid
Tobias Braun (Biochemistry) Searching for RNT-1
Interacting Genes in Caenorhabditis Elegans
Benedict Burnett (Astrophysics) Stellar Parameter
Estimation from Spectrophotometric Data
Nicholas Clarkson (Pathology) Coordination of
Extracellular and Intercellular Interactions in
Immune Regulatio by the CD2/SLAM Family
Leukocyte Surface Proteins
Peter Collingridge (Pathology) Metabolism in
Trypanosomatid Flagella
Simon Davies (Archaeology) The Production and
Display of Monumental Figural Sculpture in
Constantinople, AD 829-1204
60 .
Francesca Fassioli Olsen (Condensed Matter
Physics) Energy transfer in light-harvesting
systems: Implications of structural adaptations,
quantum coherence and correlations
Thomas Flury (Economics) Econometrics of
Dynamic non-linear models in macroeconomics
and finance
Johanna Fridriksdottir (English) Women, Bodies,
Words and Power: Women in Old Norse Literature
Robert George (Law) Reassessing Relocation: A
comparative Analysis of Legal Approaches to
Disputes Over Family Migration After Separation
in England and New Zealand
Maxime Georgen (French Literature) La Jeunesse
en Resistance au Monde Moderne. Le Jeune
Homme dans la Comedie Humaine, de la Fin de
L’Empire a la Restauration (1815-1821) Lambert,
De Marsay, Rastignac
Lucy Graham (English) State of Peril: Race and
rape in South African Literature
Michael Hill (Pharmacology) New Research Tools
for in vitro voltage sensitive dye imaging and their
application in a pharmacological investigation of
the barrel cortex
Jessie Hong (Pathology) Evaluation of HIV-1
Vaccine Efficacy Using a Novel Mouse Challenge
Martinus Kool (Mathematics) Moduli Spaces of
Sheaves on Toric Varieties
Li Phing Liew (Pathology) Characterisation of the
tlhl -4+, telomere-linked RecQ DNA helicase genes
in Schizosacchraomyces pombe
Yee Hwee Lim (Biochemistry) 1. Total Syntheses of
Bisanthraquinones Through Cascade Reactions
18F-Radiochemistry to Advance Cancer Imaging
Solange Mateo Montelcini (Plant Science) AGC
Kinase Sta1 is a Virulence Determinant in the Rice
Blast Fungus
Matthew McCarty (Archaeology) Votive Stelae,
Religion and Cultural Change in Africa
Proconsularis and Numidia, 200 BC-AD 300
Sofia Olego-Fernandez (Pathology) A Calpainlike Multigene Family in Trypanosoma brucei
Guy Perry (History) The Career and Significance of
John of Brienne, King of Jerusalem, Emperor of
Frederico Regateiro (Pathology) Probing the
Mechanisms of Action of Induced Regulatory T Cells
Raffaele Renella (Clinical Laboratory Science)
Molecular and cellular pathogenesis of
congenital dyserythroppietic anaemia type 1
Jean-Marc Rickli (International Relations) The
Evolution of the Military Policies of European
Neutral and Non-Allied States after the Cold War,
Anna Santos (Clinical Medicine) The role of the
transcription factor RUNX1 in the emerging
mouse hematopoietic system
Thomas Walker (English) Louis MacNeice and the
Irish poetry of his time
Master of Philosophy (MPhil)
Jennifer Barton (Medieval English Studies) Pass
Isis Fuchs (General Linguistics and Comparative
Philology) Pass
Zoe James (Development Studies) Pass
Julie Miller (Criminology and Criminal Justice)
Daniel Pascoe (Criminology and Criminal Justice)
Christine Simpson (International Politics) Pass
Kuangyi Wei (Economics) Pass
Lincoln Record (2010) [6]:Layout 2
Page 61
Graduate Examination Results
Master of Philosophy (MPhil) with
Brenda Tronson (Law) A Taxonomy of Judicial
Approaches to Resource Implications in Equality
Jurisprudence under the Human Rights Act 1998
Master of Science (MSc)
Mayank Arora (Pharmacology) Pass
Nimalen Balasingham (Financial Economics) Pass
Srigowthami Kottarakurichi Balasubramanian
(Integrated Immunology) Pass
Stephen Caprio (Financial Economics) Pass
Bo Chen (Financial Economics) Pass
Sha Duan (Mathematical and Computational
Finance) Pass
Juliet Gilbert (Social Anthropology – Research
Methods) Pass
Sveinn Gunnlaugsson (Applied Statistics)
Xiaqu Guo (Applied Statistics) Distinction
Xianrui Liu (Economics for Development) Pass
Shweta Luthra (Criminology and Criminal Justice
– Research Methods) Pass
Farria Naeem (Economics for Development) Pass
Deran Onay (Computer Science) Distinction
Konstantinos Papafitsoros (Mathematical
Modelling and Scientific Computing) Pass
Soo Hyun Park (Global Governance and
Diplomacy) Pass
Natasha Ngosa Phiri (Psychological Research)
George Photiou (Mathematical and
Computational Finance) Pass
Hera Shaikh (Comparative and International
Education) Pass
Glenn Roger Wilkinson (Comparative Social
Policy) Pass
Tong Xie (Applied Statistics) Pass
Master of Science (MSc) by research
Neil Bianchi (Engineering Science) Hybrid
Methods for Solving the Indeterminate Problem in
Biomechanics for the Lower Limb
Joseph Rogel (Biochemistry) Discovery of Small
Molecule Kinetic Stabilizers of nLDL-A New
Therapeutic Approach to Atherosclerosis
Jason Yowei Chang (Biochemistry) Investigating
the role of colesterol oxidative metabolite-induced
protein misfolding in Type 2 Diabetes
Master of Studies (MSt)
William Adkins (Classical Archaeology) Pass
Giovanni Agostinis (Latin American Studies) Pass
Abigail Agresta (Medieval History) Distinction
Gregory Ariail (English 1780-1900) Distinction
Christopher Armstrong (US History) Pass
Alice Herbert (English 1780-1900) Pass
Faye McDermott (English 1900-present) Pass
Lindsey Meyers (English 1550-1780) Pass
Gian Piero Miserotti (Late Antique and Byzantine
Studies) Pass
Hugh Reid (Medieval History) Distinction
Evan Proudfoot (Classical Archaeology) Pass
James Robinson (Greek/Roman History) Pass
Jonathan Short (Classical Archaeology)
Ralph Stevens (Modern British and European
History) Pass
Katherine Strzalkowski (Modern British and
European History) Pass
Katharine Turvey (History of Art and Visual
Culture) Pass
Susan Vavrusa (History of Art and Visual Culture)
Juliette Vuille (English 650-1550) Distinction
Magister Juris (MJur)
Jeanette Ten Cate Pass
Caroline Devaux Pass
Yetkin Inanoz Pass
Iris Pauw Pass
Alejandra Pazos Barbosa Pass
Juliet Curtin Distinction
Nadeem Khadim Pass
Lionel Leo Distinction
Oliver Linch Pass
Julie Maher Distinction
William Szubielski Distinction
Nicole Urban Pass
Medicine Second BM
Xin Hui Chan
Rhiannon D'Arcy
Thomas Hargreaves
Abigail Jonas
Charlotte Sellers
Postgraduate Certificate in Education
Matthew Edwards (Physics) Pass
Daniela Havenstein (Modern Languages) Pass
Clare Quarton (History) Pass
James Stainton Gurung (Mathematics) Pass
Master of Science in Software Engineering
Jeffrey Blight Pass
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Aldo Robles Daneri Pass
Jennifer Tan Pass
Executive Master of Business
Administration (p/t)
Michael Lau Pass
. 61
Lincoln Record (2010) [6]:Layout 2
Page 62
Undergraduate Prizes 2009-10
College Prize for Undergraduates who
achieved a first in their respective
Honours Moderations or a distinction in
the first examination for the BM.
College Prize for Undergraduates who
achieved a first in their respective FHS
Eamon McMurray
Emma Warneford
Xiye Wen
Richard De Vere
Florence Driscoll
Barnaby Roberts
Samatha Ivell
Charlotte Jemmett
Medical Sciences
John Cranley
Stefan Ebmeier
Computer Science
Daniel Byrd
Modern Languages
Jennifer Norris
Engineering Science
James Nutton
William Thomas
English Language and Literature
Josephine Livingstone
Philosophy, Politics and Economics
Raghav Ghai
Jonathan Lain
Charmaine Lee
History (Modern)
Emily Gailey
Matthew Jones
History and Politics
William Burgon
Law with Law Studies in Europe
Emily MacKenzie
Mohit Dalwadi
Victoria Hore
Georgina Howe
62 .
Timur Tankeyev
Thomas Warrener
Barnabas Gilbert
Abigail Taylor
College Prize for Undergraduates who
achieved a distinction in Prelims
Benjamin Partridge
Johannes Walker
Mark Scott
Classical Archaeology and Ancient History
Laura Shell
Saman Ghannadzadeh
Engineering Science
Edward Lambert
Physiological Sciences
Sarah Wheeldon
Henry Golding
Alexander Wright
Anne-Marie Drummond Prize
Emily MacKenzie Law with Law Studies in
Stansbie Prize
Clarice Poon Mathematics and Computer Science
History (Modern)
Eleanor Bell
Lucy Parker
Jack Binysh
Kirsten Macfarlane
Thomas Seaward
Nicholas Worsley
Lincoln Record (2010) [6]:Layout 2
Page 63
Graduate Prizes
College prize for Graduates who achieved
a distinction in their respective
Julie Miller
(Criminology and Criminal Justice)
Abigail Agresta (Medieval History)
Gregory Ariail (English Literature 1780-1900)
Hugh Reid (Medieval History)
Jonathan Short (Classical Archaeology)
Juliette Vuille (English 650-1550)
Sveinn Gunnlaugsson (Applied Statistics)
Xiaqu Guo (Applied Statistics)
Deran Onay (Computer Science)
Juliet Curtin
Lionel Leo
Julie Maher
William Szubielski
. 63
Lincoln Record (2010) [6]:Layout 2
Page 64
Matriculands 2009-10
Row 1 (back):
L Meyers, N Phiri,
S Ainscough, L Wang,
E Lambert, H Dhody,
A Agresta, F Cowdrey,
B Chen, K Papafitoros,
J Ma, A Robles Daneri,
S Kottarakurichi
J Diaz de Valdes,
64 .
H Sheng Lim,
N Balasingham,
F McDermott, J Meakin,
G Photiou, S Caprio,
S Kerridge, P Bouchal,
Y Inanoz, F Holyoak,
C Devaux, J Ten Cate
Row 2:
P Chohan, T Seaward,
J Gibson, F Driscoll,
C Swann, R Newman,
H Nanda, A Gold-Caution,
T Tankayev, H Tsuruhara,
H Golding, M Kostov,
L Leo, S Luthra, T Sun,
G Hughes, K Gajraj,
L Charkham, B Roberts,
H Ang, S Small, L Parker,
T Xie, T Kumtze,
N Hausdorff, M Binder
Row 3:
S Park, Z Mester,
G Agostinis, C Redmond,
O Harrison, C Quarton,
S Bhardwaj, A Grijzenhout,
A Ausoni, S De Cassan,
G O/Ghara, A Checkley,
A Wright, J Zaborowska,
M Edwards, A Baxter,
J Baumbach, A Herbert,
S Walter, R Wyllie, S Sulek,
M Arora, J Vuille, T Wilson,
N Platt, J Tan
Row 4:
A Michoux, N Worsley,
M De Marothy, D Lisak,
A Bruger, K Strzalkowski,
M Scott, W Faulks,
N Taylor, R Knibbs,
J Zanker, J Roscoe,
Lincoln Record (2010) [6]:Layout 2
Page 65
Matriculands 2009-10
S Spranger, E McDonald,
S Baylis, R Cannon,
G Ariail, J Robinson,
S Vavrusa, J Botha,
M Garcia Knight, A Diener,
E Bell, C Garnett, L Moss,
A Gwela
Row 5:
A Redston, K Macfarlane,
H Bright, H McGahan,
E Proudfoot, J Maher,
E Hall, E Zubek,
M Armstrong, M Price,
M Brakel, T Lam,
S Gunnlaugsson,
T Warrener,
A Bouzanquet-Barbou,
S Legg, A Hammant,
S Marshall, M Asaad,
D Tice, X Liu, J Close,
G Edwards, G Johnson,
B Southwood, E Bradley,
C Piantanida
Row 6:
M Petersen, I Pauw,
E Wardle, C Laslett,
D Sturrock, B Coker,
K Smith, C Armstrong, S Xu,
D Onay, J Reich, Z Howe,
J Salmons, B Partridge,
J Walker, B Gilbert, H Van
Schevensteen, M HealCohen, Y Ping, R De Vere,
L Buhl-Nielsen, B Cobb,
P Cruickshank, T Lord,
J Sennett, J Curtin,
W Szubielski, L Shell
Row 7 (front):
S Duan, A Stylianou,
Z O’Shea, R Knott,
G Marciniak, K Turvey,
S Moore, J Binysh,
J Newman, C Liu, N Urban,
A Pazos Barbosa, T Zheng,
M Miller, M Rodriguez,
F Naeem, S George,
L Mullen, S Tan,
A Kallaugher, F McDermott,
J Bright, O Doi, H Booker,
R Patel, E Karouzou, L Lv
. 65
Lincoln Record (2010) [6]:Layout 2
Page 66
New Undergraduate Students
Undergraduate Freshers 2009-10
Sophie Ainscough English Language and Literature
Hwee Han Ang Law
Murdo Armstrong History and Politics
Mina Asaad Medicine
Samuel Baylis Physics
Eleanor Bell History (Modern)
Jack Binysh Physics
Hannah Booker Chemistry
Emily Bradley History (Modern)
Mark Brakel Philosophy, Politics and Economics
Henry Bright Law
Josey Bright English Language and Literature
Luke Buhl-Nielsen Philosophy, Politics and
Lara Charkham Medicine
James Close Biochemistry
Bolanle Coker Law
Paul Cruickshank Mathematics
Richard De Vere Mathematics
Otone Doi Classical Archaeology and Ancient History
Florence Driscoll Mathematics
Guy Edwards Engineering Science
William Faulks Physics
Kimberley Gajraj Modern Languages
Catherine Garnett Music
James Gibson Philosophy, Politics and Economics
Barnabas Gilbert Medicine
Annabelle Gold-Caution Law
Henry Golding English Language and Literature
Emma Hall Modern Languages
Alexander Hammant Biochemistry
66 .
Natasha Hausdorff Law
Matthew Heal-Cohen Classical Archaeology and
Ancient History
Finola Holyoak English Language and Literature
Giselle Hughes Medicine
Gareth Johnson Mathematics
Alice Kallaugher English Language and Literature
Robert Knibbs English Language and Literature
Rebecca Knott English Language and Literature
Derek Lam Mathematics and Statistics
Edward Lambert Engineering Science
Conagh Laslett Modern Languages
Steven Legg Physics
Thomas Lord History (Modern)
Kirsten Macfarlane English Language and Literature
Genevieve Marciniak History (Modern)
Jamie McDonald Engineering Science
Harry McGahan History (Modern)
Sarah Moore English Language and Literature
Louise Moss Philosophy, Politics and Economics
Louise Mullen Mathematics
Hanna Nanda Law with Law Studies in Europe
Janek Newman Medicine
Rhea Newman Philosophy, Politics and Economics
Zoe O’Shea Chemistry
Lucy Parker History (Modern)
Benjamin Partridge Chemistry
Riddhi Patel Mathematics
Michael Price Biochemistry
Amy Redston Chemistry
Jacob Reich Biochemistry
Barnaby Roberts Mathematics
Melissa Rodriguez Philosophy, Politics and
James Roscoe Modern Languages
John Salmons Philosophy, Politics and Economics
Mark Scott Chemistry
Thomas Seaward History (Modern)
Jack Sennett Physics
Laura Shell Classical Archaeology and Ancient
Sophie Small Law
Kevin Smith Law
Benjamin Southwood Philosophy, Politics and
David Sturrock Philosophy, Politics and Economics
Anastasia Stylianou History (Modern)
Caroline Swann Law
Savitri Tan Modern Languages
Timur Tankayev Mathematics
Abigail Taylor Medicine
Nicholas Taylor Physics
Hana Tsuruhara Medicine
Harold van Schevensteen Engineering Science
Johannes Walker Chemistry
Lucy Wang Engineering Science
Edward Wardle Modern Languages
Thomas Warrener Mathematics
Nick Worsley History (Modern)
Alexander Wright English Language and Literature
Robert Wylie Law
Ewa Zubek Modern Languages
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New Graduate Students
Graduate Freshers 2009-10
William Adkins – Classical Archaeology (MSt)
Giovanni Agostinis – Latin American Studies (MSc)
Abigail Agresta – Medieval History (MSt)
Gregory Ariail – English 1780-1900 (MSt)
Christopher Armstrong – History (MSt)
Mayank Arora – Pharmacology (MSc)
Alain Ausoni – Medieval and Modern Languages
Benjamin Ayers – Organic Chemistry (DPhil)
Nimalen Balasingham – Financial Economics (MSc)
Alejandra Pazos Barbosa – Law (MJur)
Alexander Barker – Politics (DPhil)
Janina Baumbach – Pathology (DPhil)
Amy Baxter – Infection, Immunology and
Translational Medicine (DPhil)
Shweta Bhardwaj – Pathology (DPhil)
Asgeir Birkisson – Numerical Analysis (DPhil)
Duncan Bloor-Young – Pharmacology (DPhil)
Emma Bolton – Pharmacology (DPhil)
Jan Botha – Computer Science (DPhil)
Petr Bouchal – Politics: European Politics and Society
Harriet Branford White – Medical Oncology (MSc by
Annika Malin Bruger – Pathology (DPhil)
Stephen Caprio – Financial Economics (MSc)
Anna Checkley – Clinical Medicine (DPhil)
Bo Chen – Financial Economics (MSc)
Pragya Chohan – Biochemistry (DPhil)
Felicity Cowdrey – Psychiatry (DPhil)
Juliet Curtin – Law (BCL)
Aldo Manuel Daneri – Business Administration
Simone de Cassan – Clinical Medicine (DPhil)
Marva de Marothy – English 1550-1780 (MSt)
Caroline Devaux – Law (MJur)
Harpreet Dhody – Business Administration (MBA)
Jose Manuel Diaz de Valdes – Law (DPhil)
Ann-Sofie Diener – Classical Archaeology (MPhil)
Sha Duan – Mathematical and Computational
Finance (MSc)
Matthew Edwards – Physics (PGCE)
Brian FitzGerald – History (DPhil)
Natasha Fewkes – Pathology (DPhil)
Richard Gagen – Medicine (BM and BS)
Steffi Mary George – Mathematics and Foundations
of Computer Science (MSc)
Juliet Gilbert – Anthropology (DPhil)
Geoffrey Gosby – Comparative Philology and
General Linguistics (DPhil)
Ryan Goss – Law (DPhil)
Anne Grijzenhout – Chromosome and
Developmental Biology (DPhil)
Sveinn Gunnlaugsson – Applied Statistics (MSc)
Agnes Gwela – Infection, Immunology and
Translational Medicine (DPhil)
Oliver Harrison – Infection, Immunology and
Translational Medicine (DPhil)
Daniela Havenstein – Modern Languages (PGCE)
Alice Herbert – English 1780-1900 (MSt)
Yetkin Inanoz – Law (MJur)
Srigowthami Kottarakurichi Balasubramanian –
Integrated Immunology (MSc)
Eleni Karouzou – Classical Archaeology (MPhil)
Sophia Kerridge – Latin American Studies (MPhil)
George Klavdianos – Mathematical Finance (MSc p/t)
Miguel Knight – Infection, Immunology and
Translational Medicine (DPhil)
Abhisake Kole – Pathology (DPhil)
Magali Garcia Kostov – Infection, Immunology and
Translational Medicine (DPhil)
Lionel Zhen Wei Leo – Law (BCL)
Hong Sheng Lim – Pathology (DPhil)
Oliver Linch – Law (BCL)
Dmitrij Lisak – Pharmacology (MSc)
Xianrui Liu – Economics for Development (MSc)
Shweta Luthra – Criminology and Criminal Justice,
Research Methods (MSc)
Linlu Lv – Organic Chemistry (DPhil)
Stephen Lyons – Archaeology (DPhil)
Jerome Ma – Structural Biology (DPhil)
Naieya Madhvani – Medicine (BM and BS)
Despoina Magka – Computer Science (DPhil)
Julie Maher – Law (BCL)
David Marshall – Biochemistry (DPhil)
Samuel Marshall – Atmospheric, Oceanic and
Planetary Physics (DPhil)
Iain Mathieson – Genomic Medicine and Statistics
Bernard Maybury – Medicine (BM and BS)
Faye McDermott – English 1900-present (MSt)
James Meakin – Radiobiology (DPhil)
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Lincoln Record (2010) [6]:Layout 2
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New Graduate Students
Zsolt Mester – Economics (MPhil)
Lindsey Meyers – English 1550-1780 (MSt)
Anne-Claire Michoux – English (DPhil)
Janette Mills – Medicine (BM and BS)
Julie Miller – Criminology and Criminal Justice
Megan Miller – Greek/Latin Languages and
Literature (MPhil)
Gian Piero Miserotti – Late Antique and Byzantine
Studies (MSt)
John Blain Moore – Economic and Social History
Farria Naeem – Economics for Development (MSc)
Lionel Nichols – Law (MPhil)
Sophie Nottingham – Modern European History
Geraldine O’Hara – Biomedical and Clinical Sciences
Deran Onay – Computer Science (MSc)
Natalie Pangburn – Medieval and Modern
Languages (DPhil)
Konstantinos Papafitsoros – Mathematical
Modelling and Scientific Computing (MSc)
Soo Park – Global Governance and Diplomacy (MSc)
Daniel Pascoe – Criminology and Criminal Justice
Iris Pauw – Law (MJur)
Mark Petersen – Latin American Studies (MPhil)
Natasha Phiri – Psychological Research (MSc)
68 .
George Photiou – Mathematical and
Computational Finance (MSc)
Cecilia Piantanida – Medieval and Modern
Languages (DPhil)
Yuting Ping – Materials (DPhil)
Nicola Platt – Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics
Evan Proudfoot – Classical Archaeology (MPhil)
Clare Quarton – History (PGCE)
Christopher Redmond – Integrated Immunology
Hugh Reid – Medieval History (MSt)
James Robinson – Greek/Roman History (MSt)
Sergey Shaverdyan – Mathematics (DPhil)
Jonathan Short – Classical Archaeology (MSt)
Michelle Sikes – History (DPhil)
Silja Spanger – Archaeology (DPhil)
James Stainton Gurung – Mathematics (PGCE)
Ralph Stevens – History (MSt)
Marc Stewart – History (DPhil)
Katherine Strzalkowski – History (MSt)
Stefan Sulek – Economics (MPhil)
Tianhao Sun – Applied Statistics (MSc)
William Szubielski – Law (BCL)
Jennifer Tan – Business Administration (MBA)
Jeannette Ten Cate – Law (MJur)
Dane Tice – Atmospheric, Oceanic and Planetary
Physics (DPhil)
Katharine Turvey – History of Art and Visual Culture
Tracy Underwood – Radiobiology (DPhil)
Nicole Urban – Law (BCL)
Susan Vavrusa – History of Art and Visual Culture
Zanna Voysey – Medicine (BM and BS)
Juliette Vuille – English 650-1550 (MSt)
Sarah Walter – Child Development and Education
Glenn Wilkinson – Comparative Social Policy (MSc)
Traci Wilson – Politics (DPhil)
Tong Xie – Applied Statistics (MSc)
Shuo Xu – Materials (DPhil)
Justyna Zaborowska – Pathology (DPhil)
Johannes Zanker – Modern Middle Eastern Studies
Reuven Ziegler – Law (DPhil)
Erasmus Students - Diploma in Legal Studies
Martin Binder
Antoine Bouzanquet
Tobias Kuntze
Visiting Students
Rhoads Cannon – History
Bryant Cobbs – History
Zachary Howe – English
Tracy Liu – Philosophy, Politics and Economics
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