media kit 2014-2015
media kit 2014-2015
MEDIA KIT 2014-2015 is the home of The Electronic Urban Report. Founded in 1996, we were a front-runner in digital media and have grown our spectrum to include entertainment, breaking news, lifestyle reporting, sports, fashion, politics, music, movies and more. Our popular platform reaches consumers daily on desktops and mobile devices as a trusted global media brand. We are able to promote your product, event or service across all screens. We are pleased to be your destination for digital, mobile and social media & marketing and a prime source for your content strategy. The Electronic Urban Report The EUR Audience o o o o o 63% 29% 02% 05% 02% African-American Caucasian Asian Hispanic Other o 70% Female o 30% Male o o o o o 19% 10% 18% 25% 28% under 18 ages 18-24 ages 25-34 ages 35-44 ages 45+ o o o o 53% 56% 29% 16% have children make $50k or less make $50-$100k annually make $100k or more o 51% graduated college o 17% attended grad school o Our audience enjoys arts, entertainment, news, food & drink, travel, fashion, health, beauty, business, finance & technology. The Electronic Urban Report Total Monthly Visits To Site – (Data according to Quantcast 4th Quarter 2014) LAST MONTH OCT 19, 2014 - NOV 17, 2014 Web UNIQUES 1,067,830 PAGE VIEWS PEOPLE VISITS 960,618 1,415,258 4,505,672 Mobile Web 670,554 --- 884,741 2,617,383 Online 397,276 --- 530,517 1,888,289 Updated Nov 18, 2014 • Next: Nov 19, 2014 by 9AM PST The Electronic Urban Report IAB Standard Traffic Report 10/2/14 - 11/1/14 DATA GLOBAL Events Received 5,433,419 Multi-Events 263,030 Estimated Robot Events 23,956 Net Page Views 5,146,433 Estimated Auto-Refresh Events 0% Net Sessions 2,105,588 Unique Cookies 1,111,285 Data Source: Black households control $131 billion in discretionary income. African Americans control a larger share of discretionary income than any other minority group. According to this report the average black household had $8,388 of discretionary dollars to spend—meaning money left over after paying taxes and buying necessities. The $131 billion in aggregate discretionary income controlled by African Americans far surpasses the $122 billion controlled by Asians and the $81 billion controlled by Hispanics. Data Source: The Electronic Urban Report EURweb's Sponsored Content Maximize Your Content Strategy The Electronic Urban Report SEO from EURweb's Sponsored Content 'I Am Entitled' – Celebrating Curvy Women - Poetic Justice Jeans "Love Your Curves" *Poetic Justice Jeans believe that women with curves deserve equal access to stylish. | Facebook 'I Am Entitled' – Celebrating Curvy Women ... Since the launch of Poetic Justice Jeans women from across the globe have marveled ... | Facebook 'I Am Entitled' – Celebrating Curvy Women. *Poetic Justice Jeans believe that women with curves deserve equal access to stylish attire that ... 'I Am Entitled' – Celebrating Curvy Women News | EURweb ... 14 hours ago - NEWS: 'I AM ENTITLED' – CELEBRATING CURVY WOMEN. *Poetic Justice Jeans believe that women with curves deserve equal access to ... National News | Atlanta Daily World 'I Am Entitled' – Celebrating Curvy Women. December 16, 2014. EURweb*Poetic Justice Jeans believe that women with curves deserve equal access to stylish ... Freaky Friday Radio 'I Am Entitled' – Celebrating Curvy Women. December 16, 2014. EURweb*Poetic Justice Jeans believe that women with curves deserve equal access to stylish ... Your #1 Radio Station For RNB, R&B, Soul, Disco, Funk ... THE (12-16-14) EURweb Free-4-All Page/Board ... 'I Am Entitled' – Celebrating Curvy Women. Posted On 15 Dec, 2014 - Comments Off. By LaRita Shelby *Poetic Justice Jeans believe that women with curves deserve equal access to stylish ... | Front Page The Electronic Urban Report Social Media: Our Facebook traffic has grown 30% every year and our Twitter traffic grows at about 15%. 45 percent of our Facebook user likes are between the ages of 35-54. Our Facebook traffic has grown 46 percent in the last year. Our Facebook mobile traffic has grown 329 percent in the last year. Our Twitter traffic has grown 20 percent year over year. Relationships: EURweb's content has been regularly picked up by, Huffington Post, MSN News, Google News, Yahoo News, NY Daily News and among many others. Our news goes viral with immediate SEO and is used for show prep for radio outlets and as a global newswire service. The Electronic Urban Report has also been quoted by OWN in a TV promo for one of their (Tyler Perry produced) TV shows. The Electronic Urban Report The Electronic Urban Report is a credible source of news and information. From breaking headline news on major stars to music releases and movie reviews, is a brand that is recognized and respected around the world, especially among fans of urban lifestyle and culture. We offer banner ad space above the headlines and across the pages of We also publish an EURweb html newsletter twice daily. For maximum results we offer ad space at our website and in our newsletter. We only send our newsletter to opt in subscribers who rely on our information and appreciate our services. All of our news is published on our Social Media pages and RSS feeds. We generate an average of 35k unique visitors per day, plus another 24k views via our newsletter. The Electronic Urban Report Multi-Media Packages Your marketing and promotional campaign at can include: Ad Space Sponsored Content Embedded Video Run your EURweb multi-media campaign for 2 weeks, 4 weeks or ongoing. Customize your package to suit your budget. Special price packages range from $5k and up. Affordable rates for any size budget. Advertising Rates (cost per thousand) 970 x 250 160 x 600 125 x 125 $19.00 cpm $14.00 cpm $05.00 cpm 728 x 90 300 x 250 300 x 50 $15.00 cpm $15.00 cpm $08.00 cpm 468 x 60 $08.00 cpm 120 x 90 $06.00 cpm The Electronic Urban Report Our Specs are consistent with AdGroups (our banner server). These are our banner size limits: This is our Blaze Ad our biggest and best 970 x 250 30k size limit This is our 728 x 90 Leader board banner ad. This size appears above the headlines. This is our 468 x 60 and it typically appears above our feature stories. This is our 300 x 50 ad which appears on mobile apps We also have the 125 x 125 This is our 300 X 250 ad We also have the 160x600 Skyscraper -file size 30k We can allow about 5k overage on all sizes The Electronic Urban Report We are the heart and soul of the people you want to reach. Your customer... Your voice.... Your media partner! The Electronic Urban Report CEO, Publisher: Lee Bailey (323)254-9599 Director of Digital Strategy LaRita Shelby (818)623-0995 The Electronic Urban Report