Environmental Management System
Environmental Management System
Environmental Site Report Environmental Management System 2013 Contents 1.- President Message ----------------------------------------------------- 2 2.- Summary of Company’s Business -------------------------------- 3 3.- Environmental Policy -------------------------------------------------- 4 4.- Environmental Management System ---------------------------- 5 5.- Environmental Objectives ------------------------------------------- 8 6.- Environmental Impacts ----------------------------------------------- 12 7.- Environment Social Contribution Activities ------------------ 13 2 Period and Items Covered Period covered: Fiscal 2013 (April 2013 to March 2014) Coverage: Environmental SEMEX aspects. 1 President Message Message from the President of SEMEX Hisashi Okayama "Continuously achieving the higher standers of our Mission of CSR" Sharp Electronica Mexico (SEMEX) was established 1997 at Rosario City State in Baja California ,Mexico. We had been contribute to engaged to our Green Mission of environmental awareness and environmental protection awareness of our employees and their families, as well also community of Rosarito City in 17-years. We had been contribute to keep our Green Mission to save the our natural resources to reducing the use of water, electricity, Gas and CO2 Emission to keep maintain the Super Green Factory level with in all environmental regulatory requirement. To SEMEX is looking to have Eco-Friendly product and to keep good environmental to our Factory and as well our community City of Rosarito Mexico. 2 2 Summary of Company’s Business SHARP ELECTRONICA MEXICO, S.A. de C.V. SHARP ELECTRONICA MEXICO S.A. de C.V. is part of Sharp Corporation it was established in Rosarito on November 1997 with the objective to become a manufacturer of TV’s sets and vacuum cleaner. Company Name: SHARP ELECTRONICA MEXICO S.A. de C.V. (SEMEX) President: Hisashi Okayama Products: LCD Module & Televisions Employees 2,780 (Dated August 2013) Sales: USA, Canada, Mexico, Central & South America. Land: 199,000 ㎡ Building: Plant 1: 65,000 ㎡. Plant 2: 55,000 ㎡. SEMEX 4 3 Environmental Policy Here at SHARP we are committed to meet our corporate environmental expectations by means of a management system that through objectives and goals, promotes continual improvement of the environment, pollution prevention, and compliance with the legal regulations currently in force based on the philosophy of “Creating an environmental conscious company with sincerity”. 2 4 Environmental Management System Status of ISO 14001 Certification SEMEX is a company committed to the environment and processes, procedures and practices is certified since 2003 and for this year 2014 was recertified in ISO 14001. 5 Environmental Management System SEMEX EMS Structure TOP MANAGEMENT Hisashi Okayama President ADVISING COMMITTEE Y. Fukumitsu, CS Sr. General Manager INTERNAL AUDITORS 15 persons T.Okada, QRC General Manager (One for each Department) ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT REPRESENTATIVE (EMR) Marco Esponda, Personnel & General Affairs GM EMS COORDINATOR Lizeth del Toro, QC Specialist MS WORKING COMMITTEE R. Diaz A. Figueroa P. E./ Maint. MIS M. Sanchez Accounting Jesus Chan Production A. Alba Training Juaquín Bautista Prod. Control Personnel GA M. Rivera. A.Mang. Production I Eyra Ruiz. Eng. QRC L. Adame, Spe. Accounting K. Vazquez, Spe. Production II H. Lopez. Admin. PQA C. Leon, Admin MIS Raul Falcon Eng. P.E. L. Sevilla, Eng. Engineering M. Angulo, Eng. Prod. Control A. Guzman Admin L. Murillo Purchasing Maintenance Anael Guerra, Eng. Custom & Trade Complaince B. Rodriguez. A.Mang. Purchasing M. Vazquez, Sup. Sales, Shipping T. Barrios, Admin -Top Management is responsible for establishing the organization environmental policy and approving objectives and goals. - EMR is responsible for ensuring that company establish, implement and maintain in accordance to ISO 14001:2004 standards and report it to Top Management. 6 Environmental Management System Environmental Education 2012 Fiscal Period (April 2012 – March 2013) PARTICIPANTS 2012 PARTICIPANTS 2013 WASTE MANAGEMENT 206 473 CHEMICAL CONTROL 376 300 DOCUMENTATION CONTROL 45 78 WATER SAVINGS 116 267 ENERGY SAVING 122 288 RECYCLE PROGRAM 30 458 MANAGEMENT AND USE OF EXTINGUISHER 47 301 3048 2068 COURSE INDUCTION ISO-14001 7 Environmental Management System Environmental Objectives and Achievements Electricity 2012F 2013F 2012L 2013L kWh / Production Amount 12.87 11.84 9.16 15.47 8 Environmental Management System Environmental Objectives and Achievements 2012F 2013F 2012L 2013L 89.45 84.93 84.72 86.33 9 Environmental Impacts and Reduction Measures Water Consumption Control Unit: m³ Year Domestic water consumption (City water) Ground Water Enhancement water use (Recycle Water) Total 2013F 2013L 23304 23771 9823 8026 15284 14226 48411 46023 -Turning off unused machines in Hiraki - Close water valves Hiraki - Water reuse in Hiraki 10 Environmental Impacts and Reduction Measures Electricity Consumption Electricity /Mwh CO2 /Tons- CO2 2012 2013 20,934,222 20,585,383 10,436 10.167 11 Environmental Impacts and Reduction Measures 2012 Fiscal Period (April 2012 – March 2013) 2013 2012 20,934,222 Mwh 20,585,383 Mwh 303.78 Tons 266.96 Tons Ground water 27,324 m³ 17,849 m³ Water 49,469 m³ 47,075 m³ 23,185.0 m³ 29,510 m³ Hazardous waste 42.36 Tons 41.36 Tons Landfill waste 939.06 Tons 942.02 Tons 10,436 Tons- CO2 10.167 Tons- CO2 3,029.3Tons 3,253.38 Tons Electricity LP Gas Waste water CO2 Valuable Resource LP Gas Electricity Hazardous waste Ground Water Water 12 Environmental Social Contribution Activities Earth Day & Children’s Day April 20 2013 On April 20, employees and their families SEMEX gathered to celebrate Earth Day and the day of the child. This day 100 children will participate in an environmental workshop brought home his old sharp focus and give them a new energy saver focus. The old focus were used for the workshop or by painting and made a creative idea. Children and their families participated raffles and gifts, I give him food, there was music, clowns and fun. The main objective of the event is environmental awareness. 13 Environmental Social Contribution Activities Biodiversity May 18 2013 Biodiversity Day was celebrated on May 18 by employees and their children, fulfilling the goal of environmental awareness, learning to recycle and reuse. The event was attended by an average of 80 people, and participated in workshops of cardboard, plastic and germination. We performed a recycling contest promoting the reuse of materials. Children and their parents adopted 50 trees and 120 plants to plant in your home.. 14 Environmental Social Contribution Activities Beach Clean up Day July 13 2013 On Saturday July 13, Employees, Family and Community Clean we go to the beach in Rosarito Baja California. In this event participate employees, family members, providers, community and significant involvement of the Authority responsible for the Beaches Coordinator Federal Maritime Terrestrial Zone: Luigi Cruz Aguirre, who had the main objective of cleaning the beach. Attended by over 200 people at the beach, many families and tourists came with their children to clean fulfilling the objective of raising community awareness. SEMEX trash cans donated to the Beach. 15 Environmental Social Contribution Activities Animal Fest July 22 2013 SEMEX successfully participated in the event of "Huellitas Tristes" to benefit the animals and the environment by civil associations, animal welfare, which is a public event to raise awareness of the care of dogs and cats community of Rosarito. Sharp employees attended the event which impart a conference on the care of dogs, giving a demonstration of the training we have in Rosarito Sharp vigilant with our dogs. 15 Environmental Social Contribution Activities Family Day August 31 2013 The Family day event, took place in the installations of the factory, we received a total of 450 attendees including employees and family members. This event made a special mark on all the participants since we had the participation of several Japanese members, and our president Okayama San, who prepared a motivational speech for all the families in Spanish. And the rest of the Japanese members made yakisoba for all to taste. We had a variety of activities, games, food stands and family contests, were all had the chance to win prices. However in our event feedback everyone liked the fact that Japanese members participated and interacted with them. Therefore we are considering to make of this event an event were both cultures (Mexican & Japanese) mix and get to experience the differences in order to make stronger connections. 16 Environmental Social Contribution Activities Solar Academy All 2013 . Saturday 2013, Attended sharp SEMEX With Their two families children. Children and Their parents took the Solar Academy workshop, Participated in and care for the planet and to do the activities They protect the planet. Participants SEMEX Attended a tour to learn about the Processes and Their facilities where parents work. were very happy for the invitation to the company and know where Their parents work. 16 Environmental Management System Sharp Electronica Mexico S. A de C.V. SEMEX Blvd. SHARP No 3510 Playas de Rosarito B.C. Parque Industrial Rosarito México. C.P. 22710 Tony.Okada@sharpsemex.com Phone: (661) 613-5510 ext.2277
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on November 1997 with the objective to become a manufacturer of TV’s
sets and vacuum cleaner.
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