2012 media kit - Men`s Fitness
2012 media kit - Men`s Fitness
2012 MEDIA KIT PRINT | MF GUY | RATES EDIT CALENDAR MF DIGITAL | MF.COM RATES MARKETING PRINT | MF GUY | RATES | EDIT CALENDAR | MF DIGITAL | MF.COM RATES | MARKETING Men’s Fitness offers everything for every man. MF experts provide the necessary fitness and nutrition advice to achieve peak performance. Our guys also look to MF for the best lifestyle content – touching on everything from grooming and gear to sports and cars – to help better their life outside the gym. More than a magazine, Men’s Fitness is a platform to help men perform at a higher level through improving fitness. MEN’S FITNESS MAGAZINE DEMOGRAPHICS FREQUENCY AUDIENCE (000) % COMPOSITION INDEX TOTAL ADULTS 7,725 100 MEN 6,785 88 182 940 12 24 10X PER YEAR WOMEN RATE BASE MEDIAN AGE 36.5 550,000 AGE 18-24 1,656 21 168 AGE 18-34 3,562 46 150 TOTAL AUDIENCE AGE 18-49 6,158 79 137 7,725,000 AGE 25-34 1,906 25 138 AGE 25-44 3,611 47 131 36.5 ATTENDED ANY COLLEGE 4,853 63 114 EMPLOYED 5,853 76 127 MEDIAN HHI PROFESSIONAL/ MANAGERIAL 1,768 23 101 MEDIAN AGE $71,627 MEDIAN HHI $71,627 HHI $100,000+ 2,616 34 136 HHI $75,000+ 3,666 47 124 HHI $60,000+ 4,541 59 119 LIVE IN A/B COUNTY 5,896 76 106 SINGLE 3,592 46 173 BLACK/AFRICAN AMERICAN 1,735 22 193 SPANISH/HISPANIC ORIGIN 1,362 17 123 SOURCE: MRI FALL 2011, BASE: TOTAL ADULTS PRINT | MF GUY | RATES | EDIT CALENDAR | MF DIGITAL | MF.COM RATES | MARKETING 2011 PSYCHOGRAPHIC PROFILE MF GUYS INDEX RANK TECH-SAVVY I AM AMONG THE FIRST OF MY FRIENDS TO TRY NEW TECHNOLOGY PRODUCTS. 245 1 TRENDSETTERS I AM ALWAYS ONE OF THE FIRST OF MY FRIENDS TO TRY NEW PRODUCTS. 230 1 LEADERS ACHIEVING A HIGHER SOCIAL STATUS IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. 239 1 THRILL SEEKERS I AM ALWAYS LOOKING FOR A NEW THRILL. 220 2 BIG SPENDERS I’D PAY EXTRA FOR A PRODUCT CONSISTENT WITH MY IMAGE. 212 1 203 1 214 1 OPEN MINDED BEING CREATIVE AND IMAGINATIVE IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. 184 1 BRAND CONSCIOUS BRAND NAME IS THE BEST INDICATION OF QUALITY. 193 1 EARLY ADOPTERS PEOPLE OFTEN COME TO ME FOR ADVICE BEFORE A PURCHASE. STYLISH LOOKING GOOD IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT TO ME. SOURCE: MRI FALL 2011, BASE: ADULTS, TARGET APPENDING MEN. COMPETITIVE SET INCLUDES: MEN’S HEALTH, MEN’S JOURNAL, OUTSIDE, RUNNER’S WORLD PRINT | MF GUY | RATES | EDIT CALENDAR | MF DIGITAL | MF.COM RATES | MARKETING 2012 RATES Rate Base: 550,000 PRODUCTION SPECS 4/COLOR Magazine Trim Size: 8.25” w x 10.875” h. Live areas are not intended to bleed and must be .25” from trim. FULL PAGE $73,225 2/3 PAGE $56,410 1/2 PAGE $43,960 2-PAGE SPREAD:* 1/3 PAGE $30,230 SAFETY TRIM BLEED 16” X 10.375” 16.5” X 10.875” 17” X 11.125” 7.625” X 10.375” 8.25” X10.875” 8.5” X 11.125” 16” X 5.125” 16.5” X 5.437” 17” X 5.687” 7.625” X 5.125” 8.25” X 5.437” 8.5” X 5.687” 1/2 PAGE VERTICAL: 3.625” X 10.375” 4” X 10.875” 4.25” X 11.125” 2.25” X 10.375” 2.75” X 10.875” 3” X 11.125” FULL PAGE: 1/2 PAGE SPREAD:* B&W 1/2 PAGE HORIZONTAL: FULL PAGE $58,800 2/3 PAGE $45,285 1/2 PAGE $35,290 1/3 PAGE VERTICAL: 1/3 PAGE $24,255 * .375 TOTAL GUTTER SAFETY ON SPREADS PLEASE SHIP ALL MATERIALS TO: COVERS COVER 2 $84,320 COVER 3 $80,550 COVER 4 $91,610 Kevin Fagan, Production Manager Men’s Fitness Production Department 4 New York Plaza, 2nd Floor New York, NY 10004 P: (212) 743-6635 F: (212) 743-6610 Email: kfagan@amilink.com Please note: Hi Resolution PDF only ADVERTISERS MAY UPLOAD ADS THROUGH THE AMI AD PORTAL AT: https://americanmediainc.sendmyad.com Please sign up to create your account and make sure to check Frequently Asked Questions and view Video Tutorials. With all other questions please contact: Robert Fenikowski Director of Digital Systems 4 NY Plaza New York, NY 10004 office: 212-545-4875 rfenikowski@amilink.com PRINT | MF GUY | RATES | EDIT CALENDAR | MF DIGITAL | MF.COM RATES | MARKETING 2012 ISSUE AD CLOSE MAT. CLOSE ON SALE MARCH FITTEST AND FATTEST CITIES 12/7/11 12/15/11 1/30/12 APRIL THE RUNNING ISSUE 1/4/12 1/12/12 2/27/12 MAY THE AUTO ISSUE 2/1/12 2/9/12 3/26/12 JUNE ABS FOR SUMMER / THE SEX ISSUE 3/7/12 3/15/12 4/30/12 JULY/AUG 25TH ANNIVERSARY ISSUE / MF FITTEST OLYMPIANS 4/11/12 4/19/12 6/4/12 SEPTEMBER BACK TO SCHOOL / FIT LIFE ON CAMPUS 6/13/12 6/21/12 8/6/12 OCTOBER FOOTBALL SPECIAL 7/18/12 7/26/12 9/10/12 NOVEMBER FASHION ISSUE 8/22/12 8/30/12 10/15/12 DECEMBER HOLIDAY GIFT GUIDE / NUTRITION GUIDE 9/26/12 10/4/12 11/19/12 JANUARY ’13 NEW YEAR GUIDE/NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS 10/24/12 11/1/12 12/17/12 PRINT | MF GUY | RATES | EDIT CALENDAR | MF DIGITAL | MF.COM RATES | MARKETING MF.com is the ultimate online destination to help men achieve peak performance. We deliver fresh content, updated daily, covering everything from interactive training to useful nutritional information to fun and relevant lifestyle content. Through various, cutting edge sponsorship opportunities on Mensfitness.com, your brand can reach a young, active and affluent audience. MF.COM TRAFFIC AVG. MONTHLY PAGEVIEWS: AUDIENCE PROFILE 3,574,730 AVG. MONTHLY UNIQUE VISITORS: 712,955 NEWSLETTER SUBSCRIBERS: 30,000 E-BLAST RECIPIENTS: 20,000 MEN: 71.0% AGE 18-24: 27.5% AGE 25-34: 37.6% AGE 35-44: 13.8% AGE 45-54: HHI $75K+: 15.4% 33.6% HAVE CHILDREN: MARRIED: SPONSORSHIP OFFERINGS 42.8% 38.9% ATTENDED COLLEGE : 41.8% HOMEPAGE ROADBLOCKS CATEGORY TARGETING CUSTOM CONTENT E-BLAST/NEWSLETTER CONTESTS/SWEEPSTAKES SPECIALIZED GALLERIES BLOGS INTERSTITIALS AND PRE-ROLL SOCIAL MEDIA ACTIVATION SOCIAL MEDIA 65,000+ 50,000+ MOBILE EMERGING SOCIAL PLATFORMS AND PARTNERSHIPS: TABLET SUBSCRIPTIONS: 20,000+ WAP SITE IMPRESSIONS: 250,000+ SOURCE: GOOGLE ANALYTICS JAN-MAR 2012 PRINT | MF GUY | RATES | EDIT CALENDAR | MF DIGITAL | MF.COM RATES | MARKETING DIMENSIONS Leaderboard 728x90 $13.00 Newsletter Quantity: 30,000 Medium Rectangle 300x250 $13.00 E-Blast Quantity: 20,000 Interstitial 500x400 $30.00 Frequency: Weekly Takeover Various $20.00 Video Pre-Roll 0:15 to 0:30 $25.00 Wallpaper 1600x1200 Pop Ups Various CPM NEWSLETTER/E-BLAST UNIT UNIT DIMENSIONS CPM Co-branded E-Blast 800x1000 $100.00 $15.00 Newsletter Leaderboard 728x90 $25.00 $15.00 Newsletter Posterboard 300x250 $25.00 GENERAL INFORMATION CPMs based on ROS placements. Exclusive, targeted and homepage placements are available at an additional cost. Advertiser to pay all third party serving fees for rich media. 40k maximum file size. All interstitials and floaters must have a close button. All creative due 5 days prior to campaign launch date. ADVERTISING SPECIFICATIONS FILES HAVE A MAXIMUM FILE SIZE OF 40K GUIDELINES All creative is due 5 business days prior to launch date MensFitness.com accepts Standard Banner, Flash®, iFrame, iLayer, HTML/ DHTML, java, 3rd Party Redirect, Popup/Popunder and Text Link ad formats Third party ad tags are accepted. Please send internal redirects/redirects and iframe/javascript No looping restrictions All ads should be coded so that click-throughs launch a new browser window using target=”_blank” Subject to IAB Terms & Conditions: http://bit.ly/rMlsFs FLASH GUIDELINES FOR DISPLAY A default GIF/JPEG is required All ads should be coded so that click-throughs launch a new browser window using target=”_blank” Flash ads need to have a clicktag encoded rather than a hard-coded click-thru command. The following code needs to be added manually to the .swf file: On (release) { getURL(clickTAG,”_blank); } For more information, consult Macromedia: http://adobe.ly/iJN5mK RICH MEDIA GUIDELINES Flash 8 is preferred EXPANDABLES GUIDELINES 728x90 – expands down to 728x390 300x250 – expands left to 460x250 INTERSTITIAL GUIDELINES 500x400, We will convert video, 15 Second Max WALLPAPER GUIDELINES 1600x1200 layered .psd or .jpg / .gif Suggested image width is 120px for left and right gutters of wallpaper VIDEO GUIDELINES Dimensions – 480x360 (4:3 Full Screen) Video length (30 seconds) Flash version – Flash 8 Frame rate – same as source or ½ of source (15 – 30 fps) Key frame – every 30-60 frames (2 seconds) Video Data Rate – 600kbps Audio Data Rate – 48kbps Total Data Rate – 648kbps It is recommended to crop to TV-Safe Area and de-interlace. Video should not include a leader. Clickable, please supply a click-thru URL EMAIL SPECS FOR ADVERTISER PROVIDED EMAIL CREATIVE All email creative due 8 business days prior to email deployment date. All images must be hosted by client. All image calls must be absolute All creative must be accompanied by a seed/proof list. (If client cannot host images, AMI can host for a fee) HTML FORMAT GUIDELINES Deliverables - we will need from you: Subject line HTML file Formatted no larger than 800w x 1000h pixels, total page weight not to exceed 100k Images must be hosted by client. All image calls should be absolute URLs Maximum of 4 unique links Text version of email (see below for specs) A list of all email addresses that need to receive the email proof and deployed/ final email CODING RESTRICTIONS: CSS (cascading style sheets), Image maps, Javascript, and flash/rich media are not permitted in HTML emails. No formatting should be included in the header of the HTML RECOMMENDATIONS: We do not recommend use of Microsoft FrontPage or Microsoft Word for the creation of HTML emails: doing so results in the creation of extraneous code that doesn’t render properly in email client software. TEXT FORMAT GUIDELINES Deliverables - we will need from you: Subject line Text version of email URLs must be on their own line, preceded by http:// Copy limited to 750 characters, including spaces. Maximum of 2 unique links. list of all email addresses that need to receive the email proof and deployed/ final email CODING RESTRICTIONS: All text files should be delivered in plain text (.txt) format. Hyperlinks / ‘a href’s’ not permitted. RECOMMENDATIONS We recommend creating the text version in Notepad (on Windows’ based machines), SimpleText (on Mac OS9), or TextEdit (on Mac OS10+). CONTACT CRAIG PAVIA, DIGITAL SALES DIRECTOR, AT CPAVIA@AMILINK.COM FOR MORE INFORMATION. PRINT | MF GUY | RATES | EDIT CALENDAR | MF DIGITAL | MF.COM RATES | MARKETING SIGNATURE PROGRAMS: • Fit Man on Campus – Search for America’s Fittest Student • MF 25 – the 25 Fittest Guys • Fitness at your Fingertips – workouts delivered from the magazine to your mobile phone • Annual Transformation Challenges CUSTOM DIGITAL ENHANCEMENTS: • Single-sponsored DigiMags • QR Codes • Customize mobile destinations • Social media integration SAMPLING OPTIONS: PUT YOUR PRODUCTS IN THE HANDS OF YOUNG, ACTIVE MEN: • Regional/National gyms and fitness centers • In-store (drug stores, supermarkets, retail outlets) • Colleges (athletic centers, stadiums , rec centers) • Health and Fitness Expos • Events – Urban Assault Ride IN-BOOK OPPORTUNITIES: • Scoreboard: Men’s Fitness events and promotions page. • Dads and Grads and Holiday Gift Guides • Custom advertorials • Custom special sections (Fall Fashion, Supplement Guide) EVENTS: THE PAGES OF MEN’S FITNESS ARE BROUGHT TO LIFE! • Ultimate Athlete • Mountain Man RESEARCH • Custom reader surveys • Online polls