Ushers: Greeter: Sunday School Teacher Today 8/18/2013 Assisting in Worship Today: Dick and Doris Guenther Bud Smith Margaret Dufeny 10:30 am Traditional Worship/ Children’s Sunday School Sun BAYSHORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH A congregation of the Presbyterian Church USA August 11th, 2013 10:30 AM 10:30 am Traditional Worship/Children’s Sunday School Assisting in Worship Next Sunday: Ushers: Gordon and Cathy Knapp Greeter: Ken Cooley Sunday School Teacher Margaret Dufeny This week we are praying for: Those struggling with illness, grief, unemployment, homelessness and hunger . Bayshore Presbyterian Church 2515 Bayshore Blvd. Tampa, FL 813-253-3771 Rev. Kaaren S. Nesmith, Interim 727-389-6397 Welcome to Bayshore Today is the Twelthth Sunday after Pentecost We thank you for remembering to silence your Cell Phone Worship Leaders Lay Leader: Elder Linda Johnson Musician: Mrs. Carolyn Heagey CHIMES WELCOME to BAYSHORE Join us after worship for coffee in the Dining Room * indicates to Stand if you are able CONGREGATIONAL LIFE @ BAYSHORE PRELUDE: Let us prepare our hearts for worship “Air” *CALL TO WORSHIP: Leader: All: Leader: All: Pastor Rev. Kaaren S. Nesmith Interim Minister Handel Our soul waits for the Lord, who is our help Our hearts are glad, because we trust in God Let your steadfast love, O Lord, be upon us, for we hope in you Let us sing your praises and worship your Holy Name. *OPENING PRAISE: Come Sing O Church in Joy # 430 The Heidelberg Catechism The H.C. was composed in the midst of controversy over the Lord’s Supper: how Christ is present in the sacrament. Following Luther some argued that Christ’s body and blood are really present in the substance of the bread and wine. Zwingli insisted the Lord’s Supper celebrated the memory of Christ’s presence. Calvinists maintained that in the Supper we have a real and spiritually nourishing communion with Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit. Gloria Patri Glory be to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be; world without end. Amen, amen. *AFFIRMATION OF FAITH: a portion of The Heidelberg Catechism FIRST SCRIPTURE LESSON Leader: Q 32 But why are you called a Christian? All: Because through faith I share in Christ and thus in his anointing, so that I may confess his name, offer myself a living sacrifice of gratitude to him, and fight against sin and the devil with a free and good conscience throughout this life and hereafter rule with him in eternity over all creatures. THE WORD IN MUSIC “The Shepherd Psalm” Kim Morris and Candy Hodgson PRAYER OF CONFESSION: Forgiving God, you promise us a life full of blessing, but we do not always believe. You invite us to hope, but we fall back into fear. You urge us to give freely, but we cling to what we have. You call us to watch at all times for you, but we grow self-absorbed. Forgive us. Increase our hope, and keep us alert to the wonders you work every day. Hear now our silent prayers of confession... SILENT PRAYERS OF CONFESSION ASSURANCE OF PARDON: One: Hear the good news! By faith we have been saved. Refreshed, revived and renewed empowered by the Holy Spirit. All: May we live as ones forgiven and freed through Jesus Christ. Amen. Carter SECOND SCRIPTURE LESSON AND MESSAGE Luke 12: 22-34 One: *Gloria Patri (Glory to the Father) (Please be seated) Psalm 33: 12-22 The WORD of the Lord All: Thanks be to God! THE LORD’S PRAYER Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power and the glory forever. Amen. RESPONDING TO THE WORD PASTORAL PRAYER AND THE LORD’S PRAYER OFFERTORY Invitation to Share our Blessings Offertory “Variation #1” *Give Thanks *Prayer of Dedication *CLOSING HYMN Spirit Song Handel (See Insert) *CHARGE & BLESSING *PASSING THE PEACE OF CHRIST One: Peace be with you All: And Also with You One: Let us Pass the Peace of Christ to one another (CHILDREN’S MESSAGE) POSTLUDE WELCOME VISITORS! Our hope is that you will find renewed life and joy in God’s presence. Join us for fellowship after worship, and please sign the guest book in the foyer so that we will have a record of your visit. There are also welcome /attendance folders located in the sanctuary. Restrooms are located down each hall, to the right and the left of the sanctuary. The Nursery is in the last room to the left of the sanctuary. Children who are in 5th grade and younger may go to Sunday School; children 5 years and younger may go to the nursery after the Anthem. Throughout history, the advancement of knowledge and technology has been met with varying degrees of enthusiasm…as evidenced by: They Said What…? “640K ought to be enough for anybody.” Bill Gates, 1981 Check out the list of “Honey Do” homeimprovement projects in the foyer. Bayshore Presbyterian Church offers a warm welcome to any MacDill AFB personnel choosing to worship with us. We thank you for your service to our country, and hope you find a friendly, spiritual and uplifting experience here on the Bayshore. We would be honored to be your church home away from home. Please come and worship with us again! Don’t forget to pick up this week’s article, “Common Myths of the Contemporary Church” on the table in the foyer. FOOD OF THE MONTH This month’s feature food is: Gatorade! ( Did you know that Gatorade was developed at the University of Florida,…hence the name?) Bayshore has done itself proud over the past several months with demonstrations of inspiring generosity. Let’s keep up the good work! Men’s Breakfast Group will try a new restaurant in August. We will meet at Molly Malone’s Restaurant, located at 304 E. Davis Blvd. on 17 Aug., at 8:00 am. All male church members and their guests are cordially invited to attend. Please join us. This summer, through scripture, we have been following Jesus on the road to Jerusalem. On Sunday August 25 the worship committee invites everyone to bring a picture or souvenir from their summer on-the-road adventure! Choose your favorite and sign up to share a few words about why you liked your vacation spot! Help us fill our bulletin board in the dining room with pictures from our time on the road ! The "sermon" on 8/25 will be our time to share - sign up in the foyer or contact Lona ! "Tact is the ability to describe others as they see themselves." - Abraham Lincoln Our soul waits for the Lord; He is our help and shield. Psalm 33:20