NCCCO Written Exam Scheduled
NCCCO Written Exam Scheduled
ATTENTION OPERATING ENGINEERS NCCCO Written Exam Scheduled For First Time Testers and Recertifications Saturday, August 27, 2016 @ IUOE Local 181 Boston Training Site 1450 Wilson Creek Rd – Boston, KY 40107 Prep Sessions will be held at the Boston Training Site: Friday & Saturday, August 19th & 20th Additional Load Chart Instruction Friday, August 26th Application deadline is Tuesday, August 9, 2016 Class size is limited Call 502-833-2358 for an Application Packet or Download from our website Testing for IUOE members only International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 181 JOINT APPRENTICESHIP AND TRAINING PROGRAM IUOE Local 181, Indiana Construction Association, Building Division - ICA, Inc. And Highway Contractors, Inc. From the Office of: From the Office of: ■ Boston Training Site P.O. Box 78 1450 Wilson Creek Rd. Boston, KY 40107 Phone: 502-833-2358 Fax: 502-833-3224 □ Lynnville Training Site 722 E. S.R. 68 Lynnville, IN 47619 Phone: 812-922-5541 Fax: 812-922-5018 □ Master Records and Bookkeeping Office P.O. Box 34 ● Henderson, KY 42419-0034 Phone: 270-826-2704 ● Fax: 270-827-2014 All forms were revised in June 2016. Previous revisions will not be accepted by NCCCO. If you need the new forms please call us or access the new forms on the Internet at and click on Handbooks & Forms or at Local 181’s website click on Apprenticeship & Training, see NCCCO Testing Information. Mail Completed Applications to: IUOE Local 181 JATC PO Box 78 Boston KY 40107 Checks / Money Orders are to be made payable to: NCCCO Lodging – If mileage from your home to the training site (one way) is over One Hundred (100) miles, you qualify for a motel room. General Nelson Inn in Bardstown or Days Inn in Elizabethtown – Please submit the enclosed NCCCO Prep Session & Motel Reservation Questionnaire with your completed Application. (To make changes to your reservation call the Boston Training Site 502-833-2358 during Business hours 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. EST) PLEASE NOTE THAT THE TRAINING PROGRAM “REIMBURSEMENT POLICY” HAS BEEN AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: If the member has asked for a room reservation that he/she cannot fulfill, he/she must call the motel to cancel the reservation. If the reservation is not cancelled and the Program is billed for the “no show”, the hotel charges will be deducted from future reimbursements due to the member. The test is scheduled as follows: Application Deadline Completed Applications & Exam Fees due in Boston by Noon on Tuesday, August 9, 2016. Prep Classes – Boston Training Site Friday and Saturday, August 19th & 20th starting at 7:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time *Please note that the following 4 load charts only will be covered during the Prep Session: Manitowoc (for Lattice Boom Crawler and Truck), Grove (Large Telescopic-Swing Cab), and Shuttlelift (Small Telescopic-Fixed Cab) *Additional Load Chart Instruction will be available Friday, August 26th Written Test – Boston Training Site Saturday, August 27, 2016 at 8:00 a.m. EST – Site will be open for members by 7:00 a.m. EST Test Site # - KY21736 Recertification applications must include a color photo without hat/sunglasses and a copy of your current NCCCO certification card. The training site may have a useable photo on file, please call ahead to verify. Applicants adding specialties must include a copy of your current NCCCO certification card. All applications must include payment. Per IAI: Candidates will be charged an additional $30 fee if: your application form is incomplete; you do not send in full payment, you do not select a load chart option on specialty exam; or if you change load chart options after packet is sent in; or if you decide to add a specialty after packet is sent in; or if your check or credit card charges are declined. There is a $50 late fee for applications sent in after the application deadline and the late fee must be included with the application. CCO Reminders Please Read & Follow all enclosed Directions Completed Applications and exam fees are to be returned to the Local 181 training site hosting the test. Please Print Legibly More information about the National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators (NCCCO) is available online at Candidate Handbooks and other forms are also available at Make sure that you are familiar with all of NCCCO’s policies and procedures. Seat Time Required: The JATC Board approved the following August 14, 2009: A candidate must have at least 1000 hours of documented seat time in the past four years before applying for the Practical (hands on) Examination. As of February 11, 2011 seat time acquired at either Local 181 training site, at the discretion of the site manager, can count towards the 1000 hour requirement. Physical Examinations: Certified crane operators must continue to meet ASME B30 physical requirements throughout certification and you attest that you are in agreement with this requirement when you sign your application. Means of compliance with ASME physical requirements include, but are not limited to, the following: NCCCO Physical Examination form – valid for three years A current Department of Transportation (DOT) Medical Examiner’s Certificate – valid for two years To Receive Reimbursement - You Must Submit a Copy of Your NCCCO certification card*: Please be advised that the JATC Board revised the NCCCO Reimbursement Policy May 23, 2011 as follows: Reimbursement will be processed when the training site has received notification that a passing grade has been awarded for both the written and practical exams and the member has provided a copy of their NCCCO certification card to the training site. *Only Local 181 Members in good standing are eligible for reimbursement. Tower Crane / Overhead Crane Notice: Written exams for the Tower Crane and Overhead Crane can be taken at either training site at a regularly scheduled NCCCO Written Exam however, please be advised that neither Local 181 Training Site is able to give the Practical Exam for these 2 specialties at this time. You will need to make arrangements with another Local to take the Practical Exam for the Tower and Overhead Cranes. The chosen test site must be approved by a Local 181 Training Site Manager. To receive reimbursement for your Tower / Overhead Crane Exam you will need to provide the training site with written documentation of a passing grade received for both the written and practical tests and a copy of your NCCCO certification card. Members may also be eligible for mileage and motel reimbursement to and from the practical exam test site. *Only Local 181 Members in good standing are eligible for reimbursement. Prep Session Topics: Day 1 – Standards and Core Questions Day 2 – Load Charts The following Load Charts ONLY will be covered during the Prep Session: Manitowoc – (LBC) Lattice Boom Crawler Manitowoc – (LBT) Lattice Boom Truck Grove (Truck Mount) – (TLL) (Large) Telescopic Boom - Swing Cab **NEW** Shuttlelift (Carry Deck) – (TSS) (Small) Telescopic Boom - Fixed Cab **NEW** Anyone interested in load charts for any other cranes will need to call the Training Site at 502-833-2358 to schedule training. Please return completed applications with requested documents by August 9, 2016 to: IUOE Local 181 JATC PO Box 78 Boston KY 40107 Applications received after the application deadline are subject to a $50 late fee which must be included with the application APPLICATION CHECKLIST All Candidates: □ Prep Session & Motel Reservation Questionnaire First Time & Retest Applicants: □ Completed and Signed Application Revised 06/16* □ Load Charts Selected □ Payment (Made Payable to: NCCCO) No Cash Accepted □ Signed Hold Harmless Agreement □ Completed Experience Form Applicants Adding Specialties: All items listed above plus □ Copy of current NCCCO Certification Card Recertification Applicants and Lift Director Applicants: □ Completed and Signed Application Revised 06/16* □ Load Charts Selected □ Color Photo – full face, no sunglasses, no hat The Training Site may have a useable photo on file, please call ahead to verify A digital photo may be emailed to □ Copy of current NCCCO Certification Card □ Payment (Made Payable to: NCCCO) No Cash Accepted □ Signed Hold Harmless Agreement *All application forms were revised June 2016. Previous revisions will not be accepted by NCCCO. □ Copy of your IUOE Registration Card if you are a member of another local. You will also need to provide a letter from your home office stating that you are a member in good standing with the Local. NCCCO Prep Session & Motel Reservation Questionnaire NCCCO Test August 27, 2016 Print Name: Please check all that apply □ I will not attend any NCCCO Prep Sessions □ I will attend the NCCCO Prep Sessions □ *Friday, August 19th only (Core Exam Questions) □ **Friday and Saturday, August 19th & 20th □ ***Saturday, August 20th only (Load Chart Instruction) □ ****Additional Load Chart Instruction Friday, August 26th □ I do not live 100 miles (one way) from the training site and do not qualify for a motel room □ I am a member of another Local and do not qualify for a motel room □ I live 100 miles (one way) from the training site and will need a motel room CHOICE - I prefer to stay at the (Please Circle One): General Nelson Inn in Bardstown Days Inn in Elizabethtown For the Prep Session: □ *Arriving Thursday, August 18th – Check Out Friday, August 19th □ **Arriving Thursday, August 18th – Check Out Saturday, August 20th □ ***Arriving Friday, August 19th – Check Out Saturday, August 20th For the Test & Additional Load Chart Instruction (Friday before the test): □ ****Arriving Thursday, August 25th – Check Out Saturday, August 27th □ Arriving Friday, August 26th – Check Out Saturday, August 27th (Test only) □ Special Instructions (i.e. you qualify for a motel room but plan to drive):____________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Notes: Only Local 181 members are eligible for motel rooms paid for by the training fund Reservations must be made by Training Site Personnel PLEASE NOTIFY THE TRAINING SITE OF ANY CHANGES TO YOUR RESERVATIONS PLEASE NOTE THAT THE TRAINING PROGRAM “REIMBURSEMENT POLICY” HAS BEEN AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: If the member has asked for a room reservation that he/she cannot fulfill, he/she must call the motel to cancel the reservation. If the reservation is not cancelled and the Program is billed for the “no show”, the hotel charges will be deducted from future reimbursements due to the member. To Cancel Your Reservation Call: Boston Training Site 502-833-2358 during business hours Mon-Fri 7:00am – 3:30pm EST - After Hours Call: General Nelson Inn 502-348-3977 / Days Inn 270-769-5522 AND call the Training Site ASAP and notify us of any changes! Operating Engineers Local 181 Apprenticeship and Training Program NCCCO CRANE CERTIFICATION WAIVER AND HOLD HARMLESS AND INDEMNIFICATION AGREEMENT The undersigned enters into this Waiver and Hold Harmless and Indemnification Agreement based upon the following Agreement: The undersigned person, hereby waives any right he/she may have to take any action against the I.U.O.E. Local 181 and the Joint Apprenticeship and Training Programs of the I.U.O.E., Local 181 as a result of the information release described below, and the undersigned person hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the I.U.O.E., Local 181 and the Joint Apprenticeship and Training Programs of the I.U.O.E., Local 181, in Indiana and Kentucky, their Agents, Representatives and Trustees against any and all claims or demands or causes of action made by anyone, including the undersigned, growing out of or in any manner attributable to any injuries or damages that may be sustained or incurred by said person or anyone on his behalf arising from injuries incurred from any employment or activity resulting from said release of information which may arise in the future and any expenses incurred by I.U.O.E., Local 181 and the Joint Apprenticeship and Training Programs of the I.U.O.E., Local 181 in defending any such action brought by any person whatsoever, whether such claim or action arises direct, by subrogation, assignment or otherwise. I hereby acknowledge that no promise, inducement or agreement not herein expressed has been made to me and that this Hold Harmless Agreement contains the entire Agreement between the parties hereto and that this Agreement is contractual and not a mere recital. The undersigned has read the foregoing Agreement of Indemnification and fully understands it. I, herein grant permission to the I.U.O.E. Joint Apprenticeship and Training Program to release my CCO Crane Certification Test Scores and information pertaining to my CCO Crane Certification. Dated this day of , 2016 . (Signature) LOCAL 181 OPERATING ENGINEERS EXPERIENCE FORM FOR CCO TESTING Operators Name ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SS #: ________________________________ Date of Birth: ____________________________________ A candidate must have had at least 1000 hours of documented experience in the past four years before applying for the Practical (hands on) Examination.1 For practical examination purposes, experience is defined as any crane or hoisting operating experience. On this basis, please list below the employment dates, employing company or organization and specific job responsibilities applicable to the experience gained in crane operation. NOTE: Photocopy this page to document additional positions held. Please make sure you enclose the Experience form with your completed application. DO NOT STAPLE form to your application. I. Company/Organization: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Job Title: ________________________________________Dates: From_______________________ To _____________________ Supervisor: __________________________________ Title: _______________________ Phone: ( ) ______________________ Describe your specific job responsibilities and experience: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Approximate number of hours of crane operation: __________________ II.Company/Organization: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Job Title: ________________________________________Dates: From_______________________ To _____________________ Supervisor: __________________________________ Title: _______________________ Phone: ( ) ______________________ Describe your specific job responsibilities and experience: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Approximate number of hours of crane operation: __________________ The attestation statement below must be signed by the candidate. I hereby attest that the information provided above is accurate, complete and truthful, and that I have accomplished the required experience in crane operation. I understand that it is the policy of IUOE to conduct random audits of applications and that falsification of any information in the application may result in denial to take the certification examination and and/or revocation of certification. Signature: __________________________________________________ Date: ______________________________________ 1 Individuals whose crane operating experience did not occur within the past four years, and who have more than 1000 hours of experience may petition the Local 181 Certification Committee to sit for the examination. Call 812‐922‐5541 or 502‐833‐2358. Candidate Application WRITTEN EXAMINATION—MOBILE, TOWER, & OVERHEAD CRANE OPERATOR (PAPER/PENCIL TESTS ONLY) Please type or print neatly. FULL LEGAL NAME (as shown on driver’s license) First Middle CCO CERTIFICATION NUMBER (if previously certified) Last DATE OF BIRTH Suffix (Jr., Sr., III) SOCIAL SECURITY # CITY MAILING ADDRESS PHONE CELL COMPANY/ORGANIZATION FAX IUOE Local 181 COMPANY MAILING ADDRESS STATE E-MAIL PHONE CITY PO Box 34 ZIP 270-826-2704 STATE Henderson KY ZIP 42419 I AM REQUESTING TESTING ACCOMMODATIONS IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICAN WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA). (For details on NCCCO’s Testing Accommodations policy, please see WRITTEN EXAMINATION(S) FOR WHICH YOU ARE APPLYING FILL IN the circle next to the crane type(s) for which you are applying; for Mobile Cranes, CHECK ☑ the load chart you want to use for that crane type. Also FILL IN the appropriate circle(s) below for correct fees. NOTE: If you are registering for Mobile Crane exams, you must register for the Mobile Core Exam and at least one Specialty Exam (unless you are a Retest Candidate). If you are recertifying, please use separate Recertification Written Examination Application Form. WRITTEN EXAMS LOAD CHARTS PP Mobile Core Exam 652603 (Check one for each Specialty Exam) PP Lattice Boom Crawler 652620 Terex/American (LBC)652607 Manitowoc PP Lattice Boom Truck (LBT) 652609 Link-Belt 652610 Manitowoc PP Telescopic Boom— 652612 Grove (Truck Mount) Swing Cab (TLL) 652613 Link-Belt (Rough Terrain) PP Telescopic Boom— 652616 Manitex (Boom Truck) Fixed Cab (TSS) 652660 Shuttlelift (Carry Deck) PP Boom Truck—Fixed 652671 Manitex (Boom Truck) Cab (BTF) PP Tower Crane 654601 PP Overhead Crane 653601 OTHER FEES WRITTEN EXAM/RETEST FEES MOBILE CRANE EXAMS PP Core Exam plus one Specialty Exam............................... $165 PP Core Exam plus two Specialty Exams.............................. $175 PP Core Exam plus three Specialty Exams............................ $185 PP Core Exam plus four Specialty Exams............................. $195 RETEST or ADDED SPECIALTY FEES PP Core Exam only or Core plus one Specialty (Retest)......... $165 PP One Specialty Exam (Retest or Added Specialty)................ $65 PP Two Specialty Exams (Retest or Added Specialty).............. $75 PP Three Specialty Exams (Retest or Added Specialty)............ $85 PP Four Specialty Exams (Retest)........................................... $95 TOWER CRANE EXAMS PP Tower Crane Written Exam (new Candidate)................... $165 PP Tower Crane Written Exam (current CCO-certified Mobile Crane Operator, or new candidate taking exam same time as Mobile Crane exams)......................... $50 OVERHEAD CRANE EXAMS PP Candidate Late Fee (if applicable).................................... $50 PP Incomplete Application Fee (if applicable)......................... $30 PP Updated/Replacement Card............................................. $25 PP Overhead Crane Written Exam (new Candidate)............. $165 PP Overhead Crane Written Exam (current CCO certified Mobile Crane Operator, or new candidate taking exam same time as Mobile Crane exams).............. $50 ADD TO TOTAL AMOUNT AT RIGHT TOTAL AMOUNT DUE . . . . . . . . . . . $ Copyright 1996–2016 National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators. All rights reserved. MCO CH REV 06/16 27 CANDIDATE APPLICATION (CONT’D) WRITTEN EXAMINATION—MOBILE, TOWER, & OVERHEAD CRANE OPERATOR TEST SITE AT WHICH YOU INTEND TO TAKE THE WRITTEN EXAMINATION TEST SITE NAME TEST SITE ADDRESS CITY TEST SITE COORDINATOR IUOE Local 181 JATC Michael T. Embry PO Box 78, 1450 Wilson Creek Rd STATE Boston TEST ADMINISTRATION NUMBER ZIP KY 40107 DATE YOU INTEND TO TAKE THE CCO EXAMINATION KY21736 August 27, 2016 I declare that the foregoing statements and those in any required accompanying documentation are true. I understand and agree that my failure to provide accurate and complete information or abide by NCCCO’s policies and procedures, including the Code of Ethics, shall constitute grounds for the rejection of my application, or denial or revocation of my certification. I understand that NCCCO reserves the right to verify any information in this application or in connection with my certification. I consent to NCCCO’s release of any information regarding this application and my examination administration to third parties, consistent with NCCCO’s Information Release policy. I have received a copy of the NCCCO Candidate Handbook, have read it, and agree to be bound by it. I also agree to be bound by all NCCCO policies and procedures, as they may be amended from time to time, including without limitation those posted at I attest that I have passed a substance abuse test conducted by a recognized laboratory service and agree to comply with NCCCO’s substance abuse policy. I have passed a physical exam that complies with the ASME B30 standard for my certification designation and I will continue to comply with those requirements. I understand that if at any point during my certification period I fail to meet any of the requirements outlined above, or if matters arise that can affect my capability to continue to fulfill certification requirements, I must report it to NCCCO immediately and agree to cooperate with any subsequent investigation regarding such matters. CANDIDATE SIGNATURE DATE METHOD OF PAYMENT FOR CANDIDATE EXAMINATION FEES Personal check Employer check enclosed enclosed Do not send cash. Money Order enclosed Please do not staple your check or money order. If paying by credit card, complete the following information: EXPIRATION DATE CREDIT CARD NUMBER NAME (Print as it appears on card) SIGNATURE (on card) SECURITY CODE* * Three- or four-digit code located on the card. Checks and money orders should be payable to: NCCCO Please send application and payments to: IUOE Local 181 JATC PO Box 78 Boston, KY 40107 Phone: 502-833-2358 Fax: 502-833-3224 Email: 28 Copyright 1996–2016 National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators. All rights reserved. MCO CH REV 06/16 Recertification Application WRITTEN EXAMINATION—MOBILE, TOWER, & OVERHEAD CRANE OPERATOR (PAPER/PENCIL TESTS ONLY) Please type or print neatly. FULL LEGAL NAME (as shown on driver’s license) First Middle CCO CERTIFICATION NUMBER Last DATE OF BIRTH Suffix (Jr., Sr., III) SOCIAL SECURITY # CITY MAILING ADDRESS PHONE CELL STATE FAX ZIP E-MAIL COMPANY/ORGANIZATION PHONE IUOE Local 181 COMPANY MAILING ADDRESS 270-826-2704 CITY PO Box 34 STATE Henderson KY ZIP 42419 I AM REQUESTING TESTING ACCOMMODATIONS IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICAN WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA). (For details on NCCCO’s Testing Accommodations policy, please see WRITTEN EXAMINATIONS FOR WHICH YOU ARE APPLYING This application is for recertification only. You may ONLY recertify for the designation(s) in which you are currently certified. FILL IN the circle next to the crane type(s) for which you are applying for recertification. If you would like to take Additional Examinations for cranes that you are not currently certified on, then FILL IN the examinations of your choice and CHECK the load chart you want to use for that crane type. EXAMINATIONS RECERTIFICATION EXAMS LOAD CHARTS PP Core Exam 652605 (Check one for each Specialty Exam) PP Lattice Boom Crawler 652625 Terex/American (LBC)652608 Manitowoc PP Lattice Boom Truck 652611 Link-Belt (LBT) 652635 Manitowoc PP Telescopic Boom— 652614 Grove (Truck Mount) Swing Cab (TLL) 652645 Link-Belt (Rough Terrain) PP Telescopic Boom— 652656 Manitex (Boom Truck) Fixed Cab (TSS) 652665 Shuttlelift (Carry Deck) PP Tower Crane 654602 PP Overhead Crane 653602 ADDITIONAL EXAMINATIONS LOAD CHARTS (Check one for each Specialty Exam) PP Lattice Boom Crawler 652620 Terex/American (LBC)652607 Manitowoc PP Lattice Boom Truck 652609 Link-Belt (LBT) 652610 Manitowoc PP Telescopic Boom— 652612 Grove (Truck Mount) Swing Cab (TLL) 652613 Link-Belt (Rough Terrain) PP Telescopic Boom— 652616 Manitex (Boom Truck) Fixed Cab (TSS) 652660 Shuttlelift (Carry Deck) PP Boom Truck—Fixed 652671 Manitex (Boom Truck) Cab (BTF) PP Tower Crane 654601 PP Overhead Crane 653601 RECERTIFICATION EXAM FEES/RETEST FEES PP Mobile Core Exam plus one Specialty Exam.................... $150 PP Mobile Core Exam plus two Specialty Exams.................. $155 PP Mobile Core Exam plus three Specialty Exams................ $160 PP Mobile Core Exam plus four Specialty Exams.................. $165 PP Tower Crane (only)........................................................ $150 PP Tower Crane (with Mobile Crane)..................................... $50 PP Overhead Crane (only)................................................... $150 PP Overhead Crane (with Mobile Crane)............................... $50 PP Mobile Core Exam or Core plus one Specialty Exam (Retest)......................................................................... $150 PP One Mobile Specialty Exam (Retest)................................. $50 PP Two Mobile Specialty Exams (Retest)................................ $55 PP Three Mobile Specialty Exams (Retest).............................. $60 PP Four Mobile Specialty Exams (Retest)............................... $65 ADDITIONAL EXAM FEES* (*ONLY for candidates adding to existing Mobile certifications; for candidates adding Mobile to Tower or Overhead certifications, use standard Written Exam Candidate Application form.) PP One Mobile Specialty Exam.............................................. $65 PP Two Mobile Specialty Exams............................................ $75 PP Three Mobile Specialty Exams ......................................... $85 PP Tower Crane Exam........................................................... $50 PP Overhead Crane Exam..................................................... $50 PP Candidate Late Fee (if applicable).................................... $50 PP Incomplete Application Fee (if applicable)......................... $30 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Copyright 1996–2016 National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators. All rights reserved. MCO CH REV 06/16 $ 31 CANDIDATE RECERTIFICATION APPLICATION (CONT’D) WRITTEN EXAMINATION—MOBILE, TOWER, & OVERHEAD CRANE OPERATOR TEST SITE AT WHICH YOU INTEND TO TAKE THE WRITTEN EXAMINATION TEST SITE NAME TEST SITE ADDRESS CITY TEST SITE COORDINATOR IUOE Local 181 JATC Michael T. Embry PO Box 78, 1450 Wilson Creek Rd Boston ZIP STATE KY TEST ADMINISTRATION NUMBER DATE YOU INTEND TO TAKE THE CCO EXAMINATION KY21736 40107 August 27, 2016 SS I do NOT have 1,000 hours of documented crane-related experience and must take an CCO Practical Exam for each designation for which I wish to be recertified. I declare that the foregoing statements and those in any required accompanying documentation are true. I understand and agree that my failure to provide accurate and complete information or abide by NCCCO’s policies and procedures, including the Code of Ethics, shall constitute grounds for the rejection of my application, or denial or revocation of my certification. I understand that NCCCO reserves the right to verify any information in this application or in connection with my certification. I consent to NCCCO’s release of any information regarding this application and my examination administration to third parties, consistent with NCCCO’s Information Release policy. I have received a copy of the NCCCO Candidate Handbook, have read it, and agree to be bound by it. I also agree to be bound by all NCCCO policies and procedures, as they may be amended from time to time, including without limitation those posted at I attest that I have passed a substance abuse test conducted by a recognized laboratory service and agree to comply with NCCCO’s substance abuse policy. I have passed a physical exam that complies with the ASME B30 standard for my certification designation and I will continue to comply with those requirements. I further affirm either that I have maintained at least 1,000 hours of crane-related experience in the past five years or, if I have not maintained this experience, I have checked the box above this panel indicating that before my certification expires I will take and pass a practical exam for each designation for which I wish to be recertified. I understand that if at any point during my certification period I fail to meet any of the requirements outlined above, or if matters arise that can affect my capability to continue to fulfill certification requirements, I must report it to NCCCO immediately and agree to cooperate with any subsequent investigation regarding such matters. CANDIDATE SIGNATURE DATE METHOD OF PAYMENT FOR CANDIDATE EXAMINATION FEES Do not send cash. Personal check Employer check enclosed enclosed Money order enclosed Please do not staple your check or money order. If paying by credit card, complete the following information: EXPIRATION DATE CREDIT CARD NUMBER NAME (Print as it appears on card) SIGNATURE (on card) SECURITY CODE* Checks and money orders should be payable to: NCCCO Please send application and payment to: * Three- or four-digit code located on the card. IUOE Local 181 JATC PO Box 78 Boston, KY 40107 Phone: 502-833-2358 Fax: 502-833-3224 Email: CANDIDATE APPLICATION CHECKLIST SS I have completed and signed the Candidate Application. SS I have provided credit card information or a check or money order for the correct amount due. SS I have submitted a color digital photo (full face, no sunglasses, no hat). A passport photo may be substituted for a digital photo. For additional information regarding recertification, contact: National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators (NCCCO) 2750 Prosperity Avenue, Suite 505 Phone: 703-560-2391 Fairfax, VA 22031 Fax: 703-560-2392 32 Attach Color Passport Photo Here 1-3/8” W x 1-3/4” H Copyright 1996–2016 National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators. All rights reserved. MCO CH REV 06/16 Candidate Application WRITTEN EXAMINATIONS—LIFT DIRECTOR (PAPER/PENCIL TEST ONLY) Please type or print neatly. FULL LEGAL NAME (as shown on driver’s license) First Middle Last Suffix (Jr., Sr., III) CCO CERTIFICATION NUMBER (if previously certified) SOCIAL SECURITY # CITY MAILING ADDRESS PHONE CELL COMPANY/ORGANIZATION COMPANY MAILING ADDRESS IUOE Local 181 DATE OF BIRTH STATE FAX EMAIL PHONE CITY PO Box 34 ZIP 270-826-2704 STATE Henderson ZIP KY 42419 I AM REQUESTING TESTING ACCOMMODATIONS IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA). (For details on NCCCO’s Testing Accommodations policy, please see ARE YOU A CURRENTLY CCO-CERTIFIED CRANE OPERATOR IN GOOD STANDING? Yes No If you checked "yes" above, what is your CCO operator certification number? ____________________________ Also please indicate the cranes you are certified to operate: Mobile Cranes Tower Cranes WRITTEN EXAMINATION(S) FOR WHICH YOU ARE APPLYING FILL IN the circle next to the crane type(s) for which you are applying. Total the amount due at bottom. WRITTEN EXAMS WRITTEN EXAM/RETEST FEES PP Lift Director Core Exam 811101 LIFT DIRECTOR EXAMS PP Lift Director Mobile Crane Specialty 811201 PP Lift Director Tower Crane Specialty 811301 PP Lift Director Core Exam.................................................. $150 PP Lift Director Mobile Crane Specialty............................. $150 PP Lift Director Tower Crane Specialty............................... $150 PP Mobile Crane Operator LOAD CHARTS Core Exam 652603 (Check one for each Specialty Exam) PP Lattice Boom Crawler 652620 American LBC Specialty 652607 Manitowoc LBC PP Lattice Boom Truck Specialty 652609 Link-Belt LBT 652610 Manitowoc LBT PP Telescopic Boom— Swing Cab Specialty 652612 Grove TLL (Truck Mount) 652613 Link-Belt TLL (Rough Terrain) PP Telescopic Boom— Fixed Cab Specialty 652616 Manitex TSS (Boom Truck) 652660 Shuttlelift (Carry Deck) PP Tower Crane Operator 654601 PP Rigger Level II 652802 OTHER FEES PP Candidate Late Fee (if applicable).................................... $50 PP Incomplete Application Fee (if applicable)......................... $30 PP Updated/Replacement Card............................................. $25 ADD TO TOTAL AMOUNT AT RIGHT MOBILE CRANE OPERATOR EXAMS PP Core Exam plus one Specialty Exam (Initial or Retest)..... $165 PP Core Exam plus two Specialty Exams (Initial or Retest).... $175 PP One Specialty Exam (Retest or Added Specialty)................ $65 PP Two Specialty Exams (Retest or Added Specialty).............. $75 TOWER CRANE OPERATOR EXAM PP Tower Crane Written Exam (new Candidate)................... $165 PP Tower Crane Written Exam (current CCO-certified Mobile Crane Operator, or new candidate taking exam same time as Mobile Crane exams)......................... $50 RIGGER LEVEL II EXAM PP Rigger Level II Written Exam (new Candidate).................. $95 PP Rigger Level II Written Exam (current CCO certified card holder or new candidate taking exam same time as Lift Director exams)................. $75 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE . . . . . . . . . . . $ For logistical reasons, and in fairness to each candidate, it is not recommended that a candidate schedule written exams totaling more than six hours of testing time on the same day. Copyright 2013–2016 National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators. All rights reserved. LDCH REV 06/16 19 CANDIDATE APPLICATION (CONT’D) LIFT DIRECTOR WRITTEN EXAMINATION(S) TEST SITE AT WHICH YOU INTEND TO TAKE THE WRITTEN EXAMINATION TEST SITE NAME TEST SITE COORDINATOR IUOE Local 181 JATC Michael T. Embry TEST SITE ADDRESS CITY PO Box 78, 1450 Wilson Creek Rd STATE Boston ZIP KY TEST ADMINISTRATION NUMBER 40107 DATE YOU INTEND TO TAKE THE CCO EXAMINATION KY21736 August 27, 2016 I declare that the foregoing statements and those in any required accompanying documentation are true. I understand and agree that my failure to provide accurate and complete information or abide by NCCCO’s policies and procedures, including the Code of Ethics, shall constitute grounds for the rejection of my application, or denial or revocation of my certification. I understand that NCCCO reserves the right to verify any information in this application or in connection with my certification. I consent to NCCCO’s release of any information regarding this application and my examination administration to third parties, consistent with NCCCO’s Information Release policy. I have received a copy of the NCCCO Candidate Handbook, have read it, and agree to be bound by it. I also agree to be bound by all NCCCO policies and procedures, as they may be amended from time to time, including without limitation those posted at I have passed a substance abuse test conducted by a recognized laboratory service and agree to comply with NCCCO’s substance abuse policy. I attest that I am in good physical health, as verified by a medical professional, sufficient enough to handle the physical demands that directing lifts requires. I understand that if at any point during my certification period I fail to meet any of the requirements outlined above, or if matters arise that can affect my capability to continue to fulfill certification requirements, I must report it to NCCCO immediately and agree to cooperate with any subsequent investigation regarding such matters. CANDIDATE SIGNATURE DATE CCO CERTIFICATION CARD Candidates who meet all the requirements for certification in any one designation are issued a certification card at no charge. Replacement and updated cards are available for an additional fee; see panel below. Attach Color Passport Photo Here Please coordinate with the Test Site Coordinator/Practical Examiner for the submission of a digital color photo (without hat or sunglasses) and enclose with your application form any required payment based upon the information listed below. 1-3/8” W x 1-3/4” H A passport color photo may be substituted for a digital photo. METHOD OF PAYMENT FOR CANDIDATE EXAMINATION FEES Do not send cash. Personal check Employer check enclosed enclosed Money Order enclosed Please do not staple your check or money order. If paying by credit card, complete the following information: EXPIRATION DATE CREDIT CARD NUMBER NAME (Print as it appears on card) SIGNATURE (on card) SECURITY CODE* * Three- or four-digit code located on the card. Checks and money orders should be payable to: NCCCO Please send application and payments to: IUOE Local 181 JATC PO Box 78 Boston, KY 40107 20 Email: Phone: 502-833-2358 Fax: 502-833-3224 Copyright 2013–2016 National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators. All rights reserved. LDCH REV 06/16 Change of Address Form Please use this form to advise of any changes of address. Please mail, fax, or email this completed form to: NCCCO 1960 Bayshore Blvd. Dunedin, Florida 34698 Phone: 727-449-8525 Fax: 727-461-2746 Email: Please type or print neatly. NAME First Middle CCO CERTIFICATION NUMBER (IF PREVIOUSLY CERTIFIED) Last SOCIAL SECURITY # OLD ADDRESS MAILING ADDRESS CITY PHONE COMPANY / ORGANIZATION COMPANY MAILING ADDRESS CITY ZIP STATE FAX IUOE Local 181 EMAIL PHONE 270-826-2704 PO Box 34 STATE Henderson KY ZIP 42419 NEW ADDRESS MAILING ADDRESS CITY PHONE COMPANY / ORGANIZATION COMPANY MAILING ADDRESS CITY ZIP STATE FAX IUOE Local 181 PO Box 34 Henderson EMAIL PHONE STATE 270-826-2704 KY ZIP 42419 EFFECTIVE DATE OF CHANGE Copyright 2010–2016 National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators. All rights reserved. ACO CH REV 06/16 37 Physical Examination Form All OPERATOR programs Please type or print neatly. NAME First Middle SOCIAL SECURITY # Last DATE OF EXAMINATION MAILING ADDRESS phone cITY STATE zip HEALTH HISTORY Yes No SS SS SS SS SS SS SS Asthma Kidney Tuberculosis Diabetes Nervous stomach Rheumatic fever Over-the-counter drug Yes No SS SS SS SS SS SS SS Yes No Muscular disease Psychiatric Cardiovascular disease Gastrointestinal ulcer Ethanol use Rx drug use Head or spinal SS Seizures, fits, convulsions, or fainting SS Extensive confinement by illness or injury SS Any other nervous disorder SS Suffering from any other disorder SS Permanent defect from illness, disease, or injury If answer to any of the above is yes, please explain GENERAL APPEARANCE AND DEVELOPMENT: Good Fair Poor VISION: For distance Right/20 Left/20 Both/20 Without corrective lenses With corrective lenses Evidence of disease or injury: Right ____________________ Left _____________________ Color test: Right ____________________ Left _____________________ Horizontal field of vision: Right ____________________ Left _____________________ HEARING: Right ear_ _________________________________ Evidence of disease or injury: AUDIOMETRIC TEST: 500 HZ Left ear __________________________________ Right ear_ ________________ Left ear___________________ 1000 HZ 5000 HZ 3000 HZ 7000 HZ 2000 HZ 6000 HZ 4000 HZ 8000 HZ THROAT: _____________________________________________________________________________________ THORAX: Heart:_________________________________________________________________________________ If organic disease is present, is it fully compensated? _____________________________________________ Blood pressure: Pulse: Lungs:_ _______________________________________________________________________________ Systolic_ _____________________ Diastolic ______________________ Before exercise_ ____________________ Immediately after _ _________________________ ABDOMEN: Scars______________________ Abdominal masses _ ___________________ Tenderness______________ Copyright 1996–2013 National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators. All rights reserved. TSCH-W REV 07/13 39 Physical examination form (Cont’d) HERNIA: Yes No If so, where? _________________________ Is truss worn? __________________ GASTROINTESTINAL: Ulceration or other disease? GENITO-URINARY: Yes____________________ No_ ___________________ Scars_ __________________________ Urinal discharge _________________________ REFLEXES: Rhomberg_ _________________________________________________________________________ Pupillary_____________________ Light: Right___________________ Left ________________________ Accommodation____________________ Right___________________ Left ________________________ KNEE JERKS: Right Normal_ ______________ Increased__________________ Absent______________________ Left Normal_ ______________ Increased__________________ Absent______________________ REMARKS: _ __________________________________________________________________________________ EXTREMITIES: Upper_____________________ Lower_ _____________________ Spine_________________________ LABORATORY & OTHER SPECIAL FINDINGS: Urine Spec. Gr._ _____________________ Alb._ ___________________ Sugar___________________ Other Laboratory Data (Serology, etc.) _ _________________________________________________ Radiological Data__________________ Electrocardiograph________________________________ GENERAL _ __________________________________________________________________________________ COMMENTS: _ __________________________________________________________________________________ _ __________________________________________________________________________________ NAME of examining doctor (Please print) Signature ADDRESS of examining doctor cITY STATE zip MEDICAL EXAMINER’S CERTIFICATE (ONLY TO BE COMPLETED IF OPERATOR IS FOUND QUALIFIED) MEDICAL EXAMINER’S CERTIFICATE MEDICAL EXAMINER’S CERTIFICATE I certify that I have examined I certify that I have examined CRANE OPERATOR’S NAME CRANE OPERATOR’S NAME with the knowledge of his/her duties, I find him/her qualified under the regulations. with the knowledge of his/her duties, I find him/her qualified under the regulations. SS Qualified only when wearing corrective lenses SS Qualified only when wearing corrective lenses SS Qualified only when wearing a hearing aid SS Qualified only when wearing a hearing aid SS Qualified—see Accommodation Statement attached SS Qualified—see Accommodation Statement attached A complete examination form for this person is on file in my office: A complete examination form for this person is on file in my office: ADDRESS DATE OF EXAMINATION 40 ADDRESS name of examining doctor DATE OF EXAMINATION name of examining doctor Signature of examining doctor Signature of examining doctor Signature of operator Signature of operator Address of operator Address of operator Copyright 1996–2013 National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators. All rights reserved. TSCH-W REV 07/13 Physician Instructions Please give these instructions to the examining physician PHYSICAL QUALIFICATIONS AND EXAMINATIONS OF OPERATORS amounts), look-alike drugs, designer drugs, or any other substance that may have the effect on the human body of being a narcotic, depressant, stimulant, or hallucinogen. An exception to this ruling is that an operator may use such a substance or drug if the substance or drug is prescribed by a licensed medical practitioner who is familiar with the operator’s medical history and all assigned duties and who has advised the operator that the prescribed substance or drug will not adversely affect the operator’s ability to safely operate a crane/digger derrick. The treating physician will also provide a waiver to the Medical Examiner. (See waiver statement.) A person is physically qualified to operate a crane/digger derrick if that person: 1. Has no loss of a foot, a leg, a hand, or an arm, or has been granted a waiver 2. Has no impairment of the use of a foot, a leg, a hand, fingers, or an arm, and no other structural defect or limitation, which is likely to interfere with his/her ability to control and safely operate a crane/digger derrick or has been granted a waiver upon a determination that the impairment will not interfere with his/her ability to control and safely operate a crane/digger derrick 3. Has no established medical history or clinical diagnosis of diabetes mellitus currently requiring insulin for control 4. Has no current clinical diagnosis of myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, coronary insufficiency, thrombosis, or any other cardiovascular disease of a variety to be known accompanied by syncope, dyspnea, collapse, or congestive cardiac failure 5. Has no established medical history or clinical diagnosis of respiratory dysfunction likely to interfere with his/her ability to control and operate a crane/digger derrick safely 6. Has no current clinical diagnosis of high blood pressure likely to interfere with his/her ability to operate a crane/digger derrick 7. Has no established medical history or clinical diagnosis of rheumatic, arthritic, orthopedic, muscular, neuromuscular, or vascular disease that interferes with his/her ability to control and operate a crane/digger derrick safely 8. Has no established medical history or clinical diagnosis of epilepsy or any other condition that is likely to cause loss of consciousness or any loss of ability to control a crane/digger derrick 9. Has no mental, nervous, organic, or functional disease or psychiatric disorder likely to interfere with his/her ability to operate a crane/digger derrick 10. Has distant visual acuity of at least 20/40 (Snellen) in each eye without corrective lenses or visual acuity separately corrected to 20/40 (Snellen) or better with corrective lenses, distant binocular acuity of at least 20/40 (Snellen) in both eyes with or without corrective lenses, field of vision of at least 70 degrees in the horizontal median in each eye, and the ability to recognize the colors of traffic signals and devices showing standard red, green, and amber 11. When tested by use of an audiometric device, does not have an average hearing loss in the better ear greater than 40 decibels at 500 Hz, 1,000 Hz, 2,000 Hz, 3,000 Hz and 4,000 Hz with or without a hearing aid when the audiometric device is calibrated to American National Standard (formerly ASA Standard) Z24.5-1951 12. Does not use a prescribed or over-the-counter substance, including ethanol, which would impair the operator’s performing safe operation of a crane/digger derrick. These include illegal drugs, controlled substances (including trace INSTRUCTIONS FOR PERFORMING AND RECORDING PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS The examining physician should review these instructions before performing the physical examination. Answer each question yes or no, where appropriate. The examining physician should be aware of the rigorous physical demands and mental and emotional responsibilities placed on operators. In the interest of public safety, the examining physician is required to certify that the operator does not have any physical, mental, or organic defect of such a nature as to affect the operator’s ability to operate a crane/digger derrick safely. General Information. The purpose of this history and physical examination is to detect the presence of physical, mental, or organic defects of such a character and extent as to affect the applicant’s ability to operate a crane/digger derrick safely. The examination should be made carefully and at least as completely as indicated by the attached form. History of certain defects may be cause for rejection or indicate the need for making certain laboratory tests or a further, and more stringent, examination. Defects may be recorded that do not, because of their character or degree, indicate that certification of physical fitness should be denied. However, these defects should be discussed with the applicant and he/she should be advised to take the necessary steps to ensure correction, particularly of those which, if neglected, might lead to a condition likely to affect his/her ability to operate safely. General Appearance and development. Not marked overweight. Not any posture defect, perceptible limp, tremor, or other defects that might be caused by alcoholism, thyroid intoxication, or other illnesses including sedating or habit-forming drugs. Head—eyes. When other than the Snellen chart is used, the results of such test must be expressed in values comparable to the standard Snellen test. If the applicant wears corrective lenses, these should be worn while applicant’s visual acuity is being tested. If appropriate, indicate on the Medical Examiner’s Certificate by checking the box Qualified only when wearing corrective lenses. In recording distance vision, use 20 feet as normal. Report all vision as a fraction with 20 as a numerator and the smallest type read at 20 feet as denominator. Note ptosis, discharge, visual fields, ocular muscle imbalance, color blindness, corneal scar, exophthalmos, or strabismus uncorrected by corrective lenses. Contact lens wear may not be allowed in many work areas where mandatory eye protection disallows contact lens wear. The applicant Copyright 1996–2013 National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators. All rights reserved. TSCH-W REV 07/13 41 must be made aware that safety glass eye wear may routinely be required at job sites and must also pass vision testing protocols with safety eye glasses specified and approved ANSI Z89. Ears. Note evidence of mastoid of middle ear disease, discharge, symptoms of aura vertigo, or Meniere’s Syndrome. When recording hearing an audiometer is used to test hearing. Record decibel loss at 500 Hz, 1,000 Hz, 2,000 Hz, 3,000 Hz, and 4,000 Hz. Throat. Note evidence of disease, irremediable deformities of the throat likely to interfere with eating or breathing, or any laryngeal condition that could interfere with the safe operation of a crane/ digger derrick. Thorax—heart. Stethoscopic examination is required. Note murmurs and arthythmias and any past or present history of cardiovascular disease of a variety known to be accompanied by syncope, dyspnea, collapse, enlarged heart, or congestive heart failures. An electrocardiogram is required when findings so indicate. Blood Pressure. Record with either spring or mercury column type of sphygmomanometer. If the blood pressure is consistently above 160/90mm. Hg., further tests may be necessary to determine whether the operator is qualified to operate a crane/digger derrick. Lungs. If any lung disease is detected, state whether active or arrested; if arrested, your opinion as to how long it has been quiescent. Gastrointestinal system. Note any diseases of the gastrointestinal system. Abdomen. Note wounds, injuries, scars, or weakness of muscles of abdominal walls sufficient to interfere with normal function. Any hernia should be noted if present. State how long and if adequately contained by truss. Abnormal masses. If present, note location, if tender, and whether or not applicant knows how long they have been present. If the diagnosis suggests that the condition might interfere with the control and safe operation of a crane/digger derrick, more stringent tests must be made before the applicant can be certified. Genitourinary. Urinalysis is required. Acute infections of the genitourinary tract, as defined by local and state public health laws, indications from urinalysis of uncontrolled diabetes, symptomatic albuminurea in the urine, or other findings indicative of health conditions likely to interfere with the control and safe operation of a crane/ digger derrick will disqualify an applicant from operating a crane/ digger derrick. Neurological. If positive Rhomberg is reported, indicate degrees of impairment. Pupillary reflexes should be reported for both light and accommodation. Knee jerks are to be reported absent only when not obtainable upon reinforcement and as increased when foot is actually lifted from the floor following a light blow on the patella; sensory vibratory and positional abnormalities should be noted. Extremities. Carefully examine upper and lower extremities. Record the loss or impairment of a leg, foot, toe, arm, hand, or fingers. Note any and all deformities, the presence of atrophy, semiparalysis or paralysis, or varicose veins. If a hand or finger deformity exists, determine whether sufficient grasp is present to enable the operator to secure and maintain a grip on the controls. If a leg deformity exists, determine whether sufficient mobility and strength exists to enable the operator to operate pedals properly. Particular attention should be given to, and a record should be made of, any impairment 42 or structural defect that may interfere with the operator’s ability to operate a crane/digger derrick safely. Spine. Note deformities, limitation of motion, or any history of pain, injuries, or disease, past or presently experienced in the cervical or lumbar spine region. If findings so dictate, radiologic and other examinations should be used to diagnose congenital or acquired defects, spondylolisthesis, or scoliosis. Recto-genital studies. Diseases or conditions causing discomfort should be evaluated carefully to determine the extent to which the condition might be handicapping while lifting, pulling, or during periods of prolonged operation that might be necessary as part of the operator’s duties. Laboratory and other special findings. Urinalysis is required, as well as such other tests as the medical history or findings upon physical examination may indicate are necessary. A serological test is required if the applicant has a history of luetic infection or present physical findings indicate the possibility of latent syphilis. Other studies deemed advisable may be ordered by the examining physician. Diabetes. If insulin is necessary to control a diabetic condition, the operator is not qualified to operate a crane/digger derrick. If mild diabetes is noted at the time of examination and it is stabilized by use of a hypoglycemic drug and a diet that can be obtained while the operator is on duty, it should not be considered disqualifying. However, the operator must remain under adequate medical supervision. General. The physician must date and sign his findings upon completion of the examination. The medical examination shall be performed by a licensed doctor of medicine or osteopathy. A licensed ophthalmologist or optometrist may perform examinations pertaining to visual acuity, field of vision, and ability to recognize colors. If the medical examiner finds that the person he/she examined is physically qualified to operate a crane/digger derrick, the medical examiner shall complete the Medical Examiner’s Certificate and furnish one copy to the person examined and one copy to the employer. The medical examiner must attach all treating physician, ophthalmologist, or optometrist medical information pertaining to the applicant. Waiver acceptance is up to the medical examiner when waiver is attached to applicant application. The medical examiner is expected to verify the waiver provided by treating physician and qualify or disqualify applicant because of his examination of the applicant. The medical examiner is expected to perform testing as needed of all applicants and may submit an accommodation statement, if applicable, about an applicant’s physical limitations to aid an employer with ADA guidelines. Any accommodation statements must be attached to medical artifaction. Waiver by physician. Treating physicians must provide signed statements disclosing disease state and/or medication and state, “I have examined the aforementioned operator applicant and within medical certainty I find the applicant at no greater risk than the general population as a result of any physical, mental, or organic defects, and can safely operate a crane/digger derrick with the aforementioned diagnosis and treatment regimen subject to passing the CCO examinations.” Copyright 1996–2013 National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators. All rights reserved. TSCH-W REV 07/13 International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 181 JOINT APPRENTICESHIP AND TRAINING PROGRAM IUOE Local 181, Indiana Constructors, Inc., Associated General Contractors of Indiana (Southwestern Branch), And Highway Contractors, Inc. From the Office of: □ Lynnville Training Site 722 E. S.R. 68 Lynnville, IN 47619 Phone: 812-922-5541 Fax: 812-922-5018 From the Office of: ■ Boston Training Site P.O. Box 78 1450 Wilson Creek Rd. Boston, KY 40107 Phone: 502-833-2358 Fax: 502-833-3224 □ Master Records and Bookkeeping Office P.O. Box 34 ● Henderson, KY 42419-0034 Phone: 270-826-2704 ● Fax: 270-827-2014 Notice to NCCCO Candidate Reimbursement Procedure Dear Local 181 Member: Please be advised that the JATC Board revised the NCCCO Reimbursement Policy May 23, 2011 as follows: Reimbursement will be processed when the training site has received notification that a passing grade has been awarded for both the written and practical exams and the member has provided a copy of their NCCCO certification card to the training site. Please mail a copy of the front side of your NCCCO Certification Card when received to: IUOE Local 181 JATC PO Box 78 Boston KY 40107 Or take a photo/scan and e-mail a copy to: Fax copies are not recommended. All dates and numbers must be legible for reimbursement to be processed. It is recommended that you also send a copy of your test scores. Scores must be included for all exams taken at a location other than either of the Local 181 Training Sites i.e. Computer Based Testing (CBT) Exams and Tower/Overhead Practical Exams taken at another Local in order for mileage reimbursement that may be due to be processed. Please note, all NCCCO Reimbursements are processed by the Boston Training Site. You must be a member in good standing to receive reimbursement. Please call the Boston training site at 502-833-2358 if you have any questions. Thank you in advance, IUOE Local 181 JATC Boston Training Site Directions to IUOE Local 181 Boston Training Site for Members not eligible for motel accommodations: Physical Address: 1450 Wilson Creek Rd, Boston KY 40107 Phone: 502-833-2358 Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. EST From Southern Indiana / Louisville Area: Take I-65 South toward NASHVILLE. Take the KY-61 exit – EXIT 105- toward BOSTON / LEBANON JCT. Take the ramp toward BOSTON. Turn LEFT onto KY-61. Turn LEFT onto US-62 (at caution light, stop sign, road T’s). Follow US-62 ½ mile, turn LEFT onto KY-733 (If you pass the Dollar General, you went too far). Go 1 ½ miles, Training Site will be on your right. From Western KY / Paducah Area: Take Western KY Parkway to I-65 North. Take the KY-61 exit – EXIT 105- toward BOSTON / LEBANON JCT. Take the ramp toward BOSTON. Turn LEFT onto KY-61. Turn LEFT onto US-62 (at caution light, stop sign, road T’s). Follow US-62 ½ mile, turn LEFT onto KY-733 (If you pass the Dollar General, you went too far). Go 1 ½ miles, Training Site will be on your right. From Eastern KY /Ashland Area – through Lexington: Merge onto I-64 W. Take the US-27 / US-68 exit, EXIT 113, toward Paris / Lexington. Turn right onto N Broadway / US-27 S / US-68 W. Turn right onto W New Circle Rd / US-25-BYP N / US-60-BYP W / US-421-BYP N / KY-4 W. Merge onto US-60 W via EXIT 5B toward Martha Layne Collins Bluegrass Parkway. Take the Martha Layne Collins Bluegrass Parkway W ramp toward LAWRENCEBURG / ELIZABETHTOWN. Take the KY-52 exit – EXIT 10- toward NEW HAVEN / BOSTON. Turn RIGHT onto KY-52. Go approx. 2 miles and Turn RIGHT onto US-62. (Go through Boston; pass the Boston Food Mart and 61/62 intersection at the caution light). Turn LEFT onto KY733 (first road on the left after the caution light). (If you pass the Dollar General, you went too far). Go 1 ½ miles, Training Site will be on your right. From South Eastern KY Area – through Danville/Bardstown: US-150-BYP W & US-150 Byp W become US-150 W. Stay straight to go onto US-150-BYP N / S Danville Byp. Turn left onto US-150 / KY-52 / Perryville Rd go ~ 24 miles. Turn left onto KY-555 go ~ 1.5 miles. Turn right onto Bardstown Rd / US-150 go ~ 16.5 miles. Enter roundabout and take the 2nd exit onto W Stephen Foster Ave / US-62. Go approx. 12 miles; turn RIGHT onto KY-733 (first road on the right past the Dollar General). Go approximately 1½ miles and training site will be on your right. General Nelson Inn (formerly Best Western) 411 W Stephen Foster Ave, Bardstown KY 40004 (502) 348-3977 From I-65 South (through Louisville) Take I-65 South to KY-245 via EXIT 112 toward Clermont/Bardstown. Turn left off ramp; follow KY-245 for 15.5 mi. Turn right onto N 3rd St / US-31E (at the Walgreens); follow for 1.2 mi. Enter roundabout and take the 1st exit onto W Stephen Foster Ave. General Nelson Inn is on the left. From Western Kentucky Pkwy E to I-65 North Take the Western Kentucky Pkwy E to I-65 North EXIT 137B toward Lexington/Louisville (2.3 mi). Take the Bluegrass Pkwy via EXIT 93 toward Bardstown/Lexington (19.6 mi). Take US-31E EXIT 21 toward Bardstown/Hodgenville. Keep LEFT to take the ramp toward Bardstown (2.1 mi). Turn LEFT onto W Stephen Foster Ave (US-62W). General Nelson Inn is on the left. From General Nelson Inn to Boston Training Site Turn LEFT out of General Nelson Inn onto US-62, travel approx. 11 miles, turn RIGHT onto KY733 (first road on the right past the Dollar General). Go approximately 1½ miles and training site will be on your right. General Nelson Inn (formerly Best Western) 411 W Stephen Foster Ave, Bardstown KY 40004 (502) 348-3977 From Eastern KY Area – through Lexington Merge onto I-64 W. Take the US-27 / US-68 exit, EXIT 113, toward Paris / Lexington. Turn right onto N Broadway / US-27 S / US-68 W. Turn right onto W New Circle Rd / US-25-BYP N / US-60-BYP W / US-421-BYP N / KY-4 W. Merge onto US-60 W via EXIT 5B toward Martha Layne Collins Bluegrass Parkway. Take the Martha Layne Collins Bluegrass Parkway W ramp toward Lawrenceburg / Elizabethtown. Take the US-150 exit, EXIT 25, toward Springfield / Bardstown. Turn right onto US-150, go ~ 2.2 miles. Enter roundabout and take the 2nd exit onto W Stephen Foster Ave. General Nelson Inn is on the left. From South Eastern KY Area – through Danville US-150-BYP W & US-150 Byp W become US-150 W. Stay straight to go onto US-150-BYP N / S Danville Byp. Turn left onto US-150 / KY-52 / Perryville Rd go ~ 24 miles. Turn left onto KY-555 go ~ 1.5 miles. Turn right onto Bardstown Rd / US-150 go ~ 16.5 miles. Enter roundabout and take the 2nd exit onto W Stephen Foster Ave. General Nelson Inn is on the left. From General Nelson Inn to Boston Training Site Turn LEFT out of General Nelson Inn onto US-62, travel approx. 11 miles, turn RIGHT onto KY-733 (first road on the right past the Dollar General). Go approximately 1½ miles and training site will be on your right. DAYS INN of Elizabethtown 2010 N Mulberry St, Elizabethtown KY 42701 (270) 769-5522 From Louisville Area Take I-65 South to the Elizabethtown exit #94; turn left at end of ramp, Days Inn is on the left by Denny’s and White Castle. From Ashland / Eastern KY Area In Lexington take the Martha Layne Collins Bluegrass Parkway W to I-65 North to the Elizabethtown exit #94, turn right at the end of ramp and motel will be on the left by Denny’s and White Castle. From Paducah Area / Western KY Area Take Western KY Parkway to I-65 North to the Elizabethtown exit #94, turn right at the end of ramp and motel will be on the left by Denny’s and White Castle. From Days Inn to Boston Training Site Turn left out of Days Inn onto US 62, travel approx. 11 miles, turn left onto KY-733. (If you pass the Dollar General, you went too far), go approximately 1½ miles and training site will be on your right.
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