Untitled - National Tile Contractors Association
Untitled - National Tile Contractors Association
TABLE OF CONTENTS About Us.......................................................................................................................4 Code of Ethics.............................................................................................................5 NTCA Executive Officers.............................................................................................7 NTCA Staff....................................................................................................................7 NTCA Board of Directors............................................................................................8 NTCA Regional Map.................................................................................................10 Committees...............................................................................................................11 NTCA Technical Committee....................................................................................14 Advanced Certification for Tile Installers (ACT) Program.....................................18 Five Star Contractor Program..................................................................................19 Five Star Contractors................................................................................................21 Certified Tile Installers................................................................................................24 Recognized Consultants..........................................................................................33 Trade Associations....................................................................................................34 Contractor Members................................................................................................35 Affiliate Members......................................................................................................93 Affiliate Members by Category.............................................................................109 Index of Advertisers.................................................................................................121 Marketplace............................................................................................................123 P.O. Box 13629 Jackson, MS 39236 ph: 601-939-2071 fx: 601-932-6117 www.tile-assn.com Publisher’s Notice: No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced, or transmitted in any other form or by any other means, electronic or mechanical, to any information storage or retrieval system without the expressed written consent of the National Tile Contractors Association. Any use other than for what it was intended, or reproduction of materials in the publication, must be with written consent of the NTCA. While every effort has been made to avoid mistakes in this publication, the publishers, NTCA, and their agents assume no liability whatsoever to anyone for any error or omission or for any damages of any kind which may arise from the publication or use of this directory. Please contact the NTCA office at 601-939-2071, so that we can make the necessary changes to our database. 2 ABOUT US Organized and chartered in 1947, the National Tile Contractors Association (NTCA) is a non-profit trade association serving every segment of the tile and stone industry and is recognized as the largest and most respected tile contractors association in the world. GROWTH AND LONGEVITY: The entire industry benefits from our efforts. We include manufacturers, distributors, contractors, architects, designers and builders in our programs. We firmly believe that manufacturers producing quality products, sold by trained and reputable distributors and professionally installed by qualified contractors for satisfied customers, result in growth and longevity for our industry. EDUCATION - DEDICATION: NTCA members take pride in being a part of an association that has spearheaded education for the professional installation of ceramic tile and allied products. We have dedicated our Association, people and resources to the betterment of the ceramic tile and allied industries and are engaged in a wide variety of activities on behalf of our members and our industry. SERVICE TO OUR MEMBERS: NTCA’s goal for our members is to assist them in growing their business. NTCA’s member products and services speak to each area of the tile contracting business from the installation side to the business side. Our real time technical assistance can give the contractor real time advice on the job. NTCA has a jobsite safety program. NTCA also offers marketing programs, insurance programs and best business practice programs. Become an NTCA member and see what we can do for you. 4 CODE OF ETHICS The American Subcontractors Association is credited with developing a Model Code of Ethics for professional subcontractors. NTCA Contractors are urged to modify and adopt this model for their own use. COMPETITION: NTCA Contractors compete fairly for contracts, avoiding any practice that might be construed to be in violation of the letter or spirit of the antitrust laws. The firm avoids any activity that could be construed as bid shopping or peddling. The firm does not knowingly violate any law or regulation governing the competitive process. QUALIFICATIONS: NTCA Contractors seeks to perform contracts only for projects for which the firm has technical competence and experience. The firm does not accept contracts for which it is not qualified. The firm assigns staff to projects in accordance with their qualifications and commensurate with the demands of the services to be provided under the contract. STANDARDS OF PRACTICE: NTCA Contractors provides materials and services in a manner consistent with the established and accepted standards of the construction industry and with the laws and regulations that govern it. The firm performs its contracts with competence, reasonable care and diligence. The firm establishes prices that are commensurate with its services. It serves its customers with honesty and integrity. CONFLICTS OF INTEREST: NTCA Contractors endeavors to avoid conflicts of interest, both corporate and individual. Where a corporate conflict exists, NTCA Contractor will disclose such conflict to its customer or prospective customer. NTCA Five Star Contractors regularly educates its staff about personal conflicts of interest and has established a procedure for internal disclosure. PUBLIC SAFETY: NTCA Contractors assures that the safety of its employees, the employees of others on the job site, and the general public is protected during the provision of its services. 5 CODE OF ETHICS SERVICE PROVIDERS AND SUPPLIERS: NTCA Contractors treat their service providers and suppliers in an equitable manner, assuring that they are provided clear direction and prompt payment for service provided. The firm does not knowingly violate any law or regulation governing such relationships. EMPLOYEES: NTCA Contractors comply with the letter and spirit of laws relating to working conditions, equal employment opportunities and pay practices. The firm does not knowingly violate any law or regulation dealing with employment. PUBLIC INFORMATION: NTCA Contractors assure that all public statements and disclosures it makes are truthful. The firm also protects the proprietary interests of its customers. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS: NTCA Contractors do not knowingly violate any law or regulation. IMAGE OF THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY: NTCA Contractors avoid actions that promote their own self-interest at the expense of the construction industry and upholds the standards of the construction industry with honor and dignity. INTERNAL PROCEDURES: NTCA Contractors have established internal procedures under which their failure to conform to the above practices will be handled. Each year, the firm reviews this code of ethics and its internal procedures with each of its employees. If an employee, customer or other individual becomes aware of a circumstance in which NTCA Contractor or an employee of the firm fails to conform to the above standards, he/she should immediately report such circumstances. NTCA Contractor will initiate an investigation of and otherwise resolve the reported issue. PUBLIC SAFETY: NTCA Contractors assures that the safety of its employees, the employees of others on the job site, and the general public is protected during the provision of its services. 6 NTCA Executive Officers Chairman of the Board – Dan Welch, danw@welchtile.com President – James Woelfel, tile@artcraftgmt.com First Vice President – Martin Howard, mhoward@davidallen.com Second Vice President – Chris Walker, cpwalker@davidallen.com Executive Director – Bart Bettiga, bart@tile-assn.com Board Advisor – John Cox, john@coxtile.com Board Advisor – Nyle Wadford, nyle@neusetile.com Assistant Executive Director – Jim Olson, jim@tile-assn.com NTCA Staff Executive Director – Bart Bettiga, bart@tile-assn.com Assistant Executive Director – Jim Olson, jim@tile-assn.com Education & Training Coordinator – Becky Serbin, becky@tile-assn.com Trainers – Mark Heinlein, mark@tile-assn.com, Robb Roderick, robb@tile-assn.com Accountants – Sandy Bettiga, sandy@tile-assn.com, Lisa Murphy, lisa@tile-assn.com Office Manager – Tricia Moss, tricia@tile-assn.com Editor TileLetter – Lesley Goddin, lesley@tile-assn.com Assistant Editor/Production Manager and Designer TileLetter – Michelle Chapman, michelle@tile-assn.com TileLetter Advertising Sales – Mary Shaw-Olson, mary@tile-assn.com 7 NTCA Board of Directors CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD: BOARD ADVISOR: PRESIDENT: DISTRIBUTOR REPRESENTATIVE: FIRST VICE PRESIDENT: MANUFACTURING REPRESENTATIVE: SECOND VICE PRESIDENT: ALLIED MANUFACTURING REPRESENTATIVE: Dan Welch Welch Tile & Marble 13864 Eagle Ridge Kent City, MI 49330-9123 Ph: 616-675-4740 Fx: 616-675-4177 danw@welchtile.com John Cox Cox Tile, Inc. 111 East Turbo San Antonio, TX 78216-3314 Ph: 210-340-1122 Fx: 210-340-2637 john@coxtile.com James Woelfel Artcraft Granite Marble & Tile 557 South Robson Mesa, AZ 85210-5266 Ph: 480-829-9197 Fx: 480-350-9139 tile@artcraftgmt.com Danielle Hunsicker Dal-Tile Corporation 7834 C F Hawn Freeway Dallas, TX 75217 Ph: 214-309-4135 C: 412-354-2114 danielle.hunsicker@daltile.com Martin Howard David Allen Company P.O. Box 27705 Raleigh, NC 27611-7705 Ph: 919-821-7100 Fx: 919-821-4847 mhoward@davidallen.com Real Bourdage MAPEI Corporation 1144 East Newport Center Drive Deerfield Beach, FL 33442 Ph: 954-246-8678 Fx: 954-246-8825 rbourdage@mapei.com Chris Walker David Allen Company 7950 Gainsford Court, Suite #101 Bristow, VA 20136 Ph: 703-690-4422 Fx: 703-368-1576 cpwalker@davidallen.com Greg Schad H.B. Fuller Construction Products 1105 South Frontenac Street Aurora, IL 60504 Ph: 630-862-2539 C: 847-971-3464 Fx: 630-952-1284 greg.schad@hbfuller.com NTCA-EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR/TREASURER: DIRECTOR REGION 1: Bart A. Bettiga Ph: 601-939-2071 bart@tile-assn.com NTCA-ASSISTANT EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Jim Olson Ph: 601-939-2071 jim@tile-assn.com Chris Dalene Dalene Flooring 45 Nutmeg Road South South Windsor, CT 06074 Ph: 860-289-4305 Fx: 860-289-3774 cdalene@daleneflooring.com BOARD ADVISOR: DIRECTOR REGION 2: Nyle Wadford Neuse Tile Service Inc. 70-B Weathers Street Youngsville, NC 27596 Ph: 919-570-7400 Fx: 919-570-7401 nyle@neusetile.com Buck Collins Collins Tile & Stone 40405 Lehan Run Circle Aldie, VA 20105 Ph: 703-965-2090 Fx: 703-957-4631 buck@collinstileandstone.com 8 NTCA Board of Directors DIRECTOR REGION 3: DIRECTOR REGION 8: DIRECTOR REGION 4: DIRECTOR REGION 9: DIRECTOR REGION 5: DIRECTOR REGION 10: Rod Owen CC Owen Tile P.O. Box 625 Jonesboro, GA 30237 Ph: 770-478-5111 Fx: 770-478-5124 rodowen@ccowentile.com Tave Baker Holmes Tile & Marble Co. 1202 Falls Street Jonesboro, AR 72401 Ph: 870-932-8011 Fx: 870-932-9730 holmestile@sbcglobal.net Gregory Michael Michael’s Custom Tile 2770 Chesterbrook Court Jacksonville, FL 32224 Ph: 904-631-6310 Fx: 904-223-8804 gregsmichael@comcast.net Jesse Deason Rubenstein’s Flooring 501 South Lucile Street Seattle, WA 98108 Ph: 206-762-5610 Fx: 2006-762-2409 jesse@rubensteins.com Kevin Insalato California Flooring Ltd. 11480 North 1000E Road Manteno, IL 60950 Ph: 815-468-9400 kevininsalato@gmail.com Dan Lambert Lambert Tile & Stone 770 Lindbergh Drive, #505 Gypsum, CO 81637 Ph: 970-328-4411 Fx: 970-328-2016 info@lambert-tile.com DIRECTOR REGION 6: DIRECTOR REGION 11: Brad Denny Nichols Tile & Terrazzo 5835 Eatons Creek Road Joelton, TN 37080 Ph: 615-876-2114 bdtile21@gmail.com Richard Galliani Galliani Tile Company P.O. Box 1143 Novato, CA 94948 Ph: 415-798-0388 rich@gtileco.com DIRECTOR REGION 7: DIRECTOR REGION 12: Joe Kerber Kerber Tile, Marble & Stone, Inc. 1420 West 3rd Avenue Shakopee, MN 55379 Ph: 952-445-7392 Fx: 952-445-7302 joekerber@comcast.net John Wirtz Wirtz Quality Installations, Inc. 7932 Armour Street San Diego, CA 92111 Ph: 858-569-3816 Fx: 858-569-3821 jwirtz@wirtzquality.com 9 NTCA Regional Map 10 COMMITTEES METHODS AND STANDARDS COMMITTEE BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Chairman: Chairman: kevin@foxceramictile.com john@coxtile.com Kevin Fox John Cox Members: Members: lambert@eagleranch.com nyle@neusetile.com Dan Lambert Nyle Wadford Jan Hohn Paige Smith Martin Howard Anthony Jung Chris Walker Dan Welch Nyle Wadford Dave Rogers Joe Kerber Sean P. Boyle Dan Welch Staff Support: hohn.hohn@comcast.net paige@neusetile.com mhoward@davidallen.com anthony@jungtile.com chriswalker@davidallen.com dan@welchtile.com nyle@neusetile.com rogerstilestone@yahoo.com joekerber@comcast.net spboyle@laticrete.com Jim Olson danw@welchtile.com jim@tile-assn.com Anthony Jung Bart Bettiga anthony@jungtile.com bart@tile-assn.com Martin Brookes marbleguy@earthlink.com Consultants: Tom Vaughn tom@tmvaughn.com Dave Gobis dave@ceramictileconstultant.com Manufacturer Support: Stephanie Samulski ssamulski@tileusa.com Staff Support: Bart Bettiga bart@tile-assn.com Mark Heinlein mark@tile-assn.com Robb Roderick robb@tile-assn.com 11 COMMITTEES TRAINING AND EDUCATION COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE Chairperson: Martin Brookes Chairman: Jan Hohn marbleguy@earthlink.com hohn.hohn@comcast.net Members: Danielle Hunsicker Members: Martin Howard danielle.hunsicker@daltile.com mhoward@davidallen.com Brad Denny Danielle Hunsicker bdtile21@gmail.com danielle.hunsicker@daltile.com Chris Dalene Dan Welch cdalene@daleneflooring.com dan@welchtile.com Kevin Insalato Nyle Wadford kevininsalato@gmail.com nyle@neusetile.com John Cox Dave Rogers john@coxtile.com daver@welchtile.com Greg Schad Rod Owen greg.schad@hbfuller.com rodowen@ccowentile.com Sean P. Boyle Greg Michael spboyle@laticrete.com gregsmichael@comcast.net Real Bourdage rbourdage@mapei.com Staff Support: Jim Olson Staff Support: jim@tile-assn.com Jim Olson jim@tile-assn.com CONVENTION PLANNING COMMITTEE Nyle Wadford Chairman: Bart Bettiga nyle@neusetile.com bart@tile-assn.com Real Bourdage Staff: rbourdage@mapei.com Jim Olson Dave Rogers jim@tile-assn.com daver@welchtile.com Members: James Woelfel Dan Welch John Cox Martin Howard tile@artcraftgmt.com danw@welchtile.com john@coxtile.com mhoward@davidallen.com Dan Lambert lambert@eagleranch.com 12 COMMITTEES FINANCE COMMITTEE MARKETING COMMITTEE Chairman: Chairperson: bart@tile-assn.com paige@neusetile.com Bart Bettiga Paige Smith Staff: Members: jim@tile-assn.com john@coxtile.com Jim Olson John Cox Dan Welch dan@welchtile.com Members: Martin Howard mhoward@davidallen.com Staff Support: John Cox john@coxtile.com Jim Olson jim@tile-assn.com Nyle Wadford Bart Bettiga nyle@neusetile.com bart@tile-assn.com@davidallen.com Dan Welch dan@welchtile.com James Woelfel tile@artcraftgmt.com Anthony Jung anthony@jungtile.com Chris Walker cpwalker@davidallen.com 13 NTCA Technical Committee JAMES WOELFEL Chairman (contractor) Artcraft Granite Marble & Tile 557 South Robson Mesa, AZ 85210-5266 Ph: 480-829-9197 Fx: 480-350-9139 tile@artcraftgmt.com NYLE WADFORD Vice Chairman (contractor) Neuse Tile Service, Inc. 70-B Weathers Street Youngsville, NC 27596 Ph: 919-570-7400 Fx: 919-570-7401 nyle@neusetile.com CONTRACTORS (19) EARL ANDERSEN Grazzini Brothers Co. 1175 Eagan Industrial Boulevard Eagan, MN 55121 Ph: 651-452-2700 C: 907-360-0544 eandersen@grazzini.com DANIEL BOONE Daniel K. Boone & Company, Inc. 1515 North Federal Highway, Suite #300 Boca Raton, FL 33432-1994 Ph: 561-445-4759 Fx: 561-338-4840 danielkboone@hotmail.com MARTIN BROOKES Heritage Marble & Tile Inc. P.O. Box 2164 Mill Valley, CA 94942 Ph: 415-383-1489 Fx: 415-888-2020 marbleguy@earthlink.net BUCK COLLINS Collins Tile and Stone 40405 Lehan Run Circle Aldie, VA 20105 Ph: 703-965-2090 Fx: 703-348-7487 buck@collinstileandstone.com TOMMY CONNOR Superior Tile & Stone 2300 Plovorsa Avenue San Francisco, CA 94577 Ph: 510-895-2700 Fx: 510-895-6700 tconner@corpofficemail.com JOHN COX KENT KLASER Klaser Tile Co., Inc. 1595 Jayken Way Chula Vista, CA 91911-4674 Ph: 619-628-8282 Fx: 619-628-8118 kent@klasertile.com Cox Tile, Inc. 111 East Turbo San Antonio, TX 78216-3314 Ph: 210-340-1122 Fx: 210-340-2637 john@coxtile.com DAN LAMBERT TODD G. DUHE PHILIP MAIURI Performance Tile & Marble 3009 New Highway 51, Suite A LaPlace, LA 70068 Ph: 985-561-6531 Fx: 985-651-6535 todd@performance tileandmarble.com MIKE GILLETT Commercial Ceramic, Inc. P.O. Box 1093 Peoria, AZ 85380 Ph: 623-910-2675 Fx: 623-776-2278 comceramics@aol.com JAN HOHN Hohn & Hohn, Inc. 1190 Summit Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55105-2649 Ph: 651-224-8877 Fx: 651-224-0162 hohn.hohn@comcast.net MARTIN HOWARD David Allen Company, Inc. P.O. Box 27705 Raleigh, NC 27611 Ph: 919-821-7100 Fx: 919-821-7137 mhoward@davidallen.com JOE KERBER Kerber Tile, Marble & Stone, Inc. 1420 West 3rd Avenue Shakopee, MN 55379-1013 Ph: 952-445-7392 Fx: 952-445-7392 joekerber@comcast.net 14 Lambert Tile & Stone 253 North Penstemon Lane Eagle, CO 81631 Ph: 970-328-4411 info@lambert-tile.com Shores Tile Co., Inc. 29975 Little Mack Avenue Roseville, MI 48006 Ph: 586-293-5540 C: 586-615-7885 pmaiuri@gmail.com DAVE ROGERS Rogers Tile & Stone 11545 Waterville Swanton Road Whitehouse, OH 43571 Ph: 419-877-9791 C: 419-392-6592 rogerstilestone@yahoo.com DIRK SULLIVAN Hawthorne Tile 1410 SE Clinton Street Portland, OR 97202 Ph: 503-810-9120 Fx: 503-231-9799 hawthornetile@msn.com BRAD TROSTRUD Trostrud Mosaic & Tile 779 North Dillon Drive Wood Dale, IL 60191 Ph: 630-595-3700 btrostrud@trostrudtile.com DAN WELCH Welch Tile & Marble 13864 Eagle Ridge Kent City, MI 49330 Ph: 616-675-4740 Fx: (616) 675-4177 dan@welchtile.com NTCA Technical Committee JOHN WIRTZ Wirtz Quality Installations 7932 Armour Street San Diego, CA 92111 Ph: 858-569-3816 Fx: 858-569-3821 jwirtz@wirtzquality.com MARK PENNINE BEN SZELL MANUFACTURERS (11) ARDEX 400 Ardex Park Drive Aliquippa, PA 13001 Ph: 724-203-5352 C: 724-777-0466 mark.pennine@ ardexamericas.com European Tile Masters 27 Copper Ridge Road Trout Creek, MT 59874 Ph: 954-917-3599 Fx: 954-917-3539 C: 954-224-3945 benszell@ europeantilemasters.com TIM BOLBY TOM PLASKOTA, CSI, CDT DISTRIBUTION (2) Crossville, Inc P.O. Box 1168 Crossville, TN 38557-1168 Ph: 931-456-3908 Fx: 931-456-3993 tbolby@crossvilleinc.com NOAH CHITTY Crossville, Inc P.O. Box 1168 Crossville, TN 38557-1168 Ph: 931-456-3908 Fx: 931-456-3993 nchitty@crossvilleinc.com TONY FULLER H.B. Fuller /TEC 1105 South Frontenac Street Aurora, IL 60504 O: 800-552-6225 x4375 Ph: 630-952-1214 C: 630-240-3816 Fx: 651-355-9124 tom.plaskota@hbfuller.com ROD SIGMAN Custom Bldg Pdts/Aqua Mix 12061 Noelle Way Fort Worth, TX 76179 C: 817-602-7762 rods@cbpmail.net National Gypsum Company 2001 Rexford Road Charlotte, NC 28211 Ph: 800-628-4662 Fx: 704-365-7319 abfuller@ nationalgypsum.com JIM WADAGA SEAN GEROLIMATOS JIM WHITFIELD Schluter Systems, L.P. 194 Pleasant Ridge Road Plattsburgh, NY 12901-5841 Ph: 800-472-4588 Fx: 800-477-9783 sgerolimatos@schluter.com MIKE MICALIZZI Custom Building Products 13001 Seal Beach Boulevard Seal Beach, CA 90740-2753 Ph: 562-598-8808 Fx: 562-799-0943 mmicalizzi@cbpmail.net ART MINTIE Laticrete International Inc. 1 Laticrete Park North Bethany, CT 06525 Ph: 800-243-4788 x326 Fx: 203-393-1684 amintie@laticrete.com Noble Company 7300 Enterprise Drive Spring Lake, MI 49456 Ph: 800-878-5788 C: 616-648-8281 jim@noblecompany.com Mapei 1144 East Newport Center Drive Deerfield Beach, FL 33442 Ph: 954-246-8645 C: 719-339-1052 jwhitfield@mapei.com INDEPENDENT MFG. REPRESENTATIVE (2) STEVE YOUNG Steve Young & Associates 1190 Tal Lewis Road White Plains, GA 30678 C: 770-331-1981 Fx: 706-467-3135 s.young@windstream.net 15 JOSHUA LEVINSON Artistic Tile Wholesale 520 Secaucus Road Secaucus, NJ 07094 Ph: 201-864-7000 Fx: 201-864-0466 joshlevinson@artistictile.com JAMES NEEL Dal-Tile Corporation 7834 C.F. Hawn Dallas, TX 75217 Ph: 214-309-3364 Fx: 214-309-4337 james.neel@daltile.com CONSULTANTS (4) DAVE GOBIS Ceramic Tile Consultant 7630 Douglas Avenue Racine, WI 53402 Ph: 262-639-2262) C: 262-994-1175 dave@ceramictile consultant.com RICHARD GOLDBERG Professional Consultants Int. LLC 30 Tower Lane Avon, CT 06001 Ph: 860-673-9529 x233 C: 860-604-0635 Fx: 860-674-8104 rgoldberg@proconweb.com GARY RODEBUSH SR Tile & Stone Council of N. CA 15091 Wicks Boulevard San Leandro, CA 94577 Ph: 415-989-1175 Fx: 510-632-8456 grodebushsr@tscnc.org NTCA Technical Committee TOM VAUGHN TM Vaughn LLC Consulting 16801 88th Avenue North Maple Grove, MN 55311 C: 612-991-9130 tom@tmvaughn.com ASSOCIATIONS (7) ERIC ASTRACHAN Tile Council of North America 100 Clemson Research Boulevard Anderson, SC 29625 Ph: 864-646-8453 Fx: 864-646-2821 eastrachan@tileusa.com SCOTT M. CAROTHERS Ceramic Tile Edu. Foundation 5326 Highway 76 Pendleton, SC 29670 Ph: 864-222-2131 Fx: 864-222-1299 scott@tilecareer.com MIKE HAWTHORNE IUBAC 22759 Jeffrey Avenue Chisago City, MN 55013 Ph: 202-288-5060 Fx: 248-620-3707 mhawthorne@bacweb.org DALE KEMPSTER TTMAC 163 Buttermill Avenue, Unit B Concord, ON L4K3X8 O: 800-667-8746 Ph: 514-912-3253 dkempster@schluter.com DENNIS MCLENNAND D&B Tile Distributor 14200 NW 4th Street Sunrise, FL 33325 C: 561-756-1025 dmac@dbtile.com CHUCK MUEHLBAUER Marble Institute of America 5743 Spruce Street St. Cloud, MN 56303 Ph: 320-230-0728 Fx: 440-250-9223 cmuehlbauer@ marble-institute.com CHRISTOPHER WALKER JIM OLSON Asst. Executive Director C: 601-942-2996 jim@tile-assn.com ROBB RODERICK Trainer C: 417-840-4180 robb@tile-assn.com MARK HEINLEIN Trainer C: 906-361-8821 mark@tile-assn.com TECHNICAL COMMITTEE EMERITUS (2) LEIGH HIGHTOWER 3861 North Farm to Market 1486 Montgomery, TX 77356 C: 713-503-7118 resq7uum@gmail.com Chairman ANSI A108 David Allen Company 7950 Gainsford Court, #101 Bristow, VA 20136 Ph: 703-690-4422 Fx: 703-368-1576 chriswalker@davidallen.com BUTCH WOELFEL NTCA STAFF (4) NATIONAL TILE CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION BART BETTIGA Executive Director C: 601-506-1609 bart@tile-assn.com 16 Artcraft Granite Marble & Tile 557 South Robson Mesa, AZ 85210-5266 Ph: 480-829-9197 Fx: 480-350-9139 tile@artcraftgmt.com P.O. Box 13629 Jackson, MS 39236 Ph: 601-939-2071 Fx: 601-932-6117 17 Advanced Certification for Tile Installers (ACT) Program Industry recognized certification in Mudwork, Large Format Tile and Substrate Preparation, Showers and Membranes. For more information contact Bart Bettiga: bart@tile-assn.com or visit www.tilecertifications.com 18 FIVE STAR Contractor Program The National Tile Contractors Association Five Star Contractor Program was created by the Board of Directors as a way to recognize companies in our association with a proven track record of excellence in our trade. Five Star Contractors complete a rigorous peer-approval process, demonstrating commitment to training, service, quality, safety, fiscal responsibility and superior job performance, and are recommended in the Tile Council of North America Handbook language stressing, “matching installer ability to the project at hand requires close evaluation of their experience, training, state licensing...and certification/credentials.” More strict qualifications for applicants in 2012 included certifying a minimum of 10% of installers through the Ceramic Tile Education Foundation (CTEF) Certified Tile Installer program. To see the list of Five Star Contractors, please go to the Tab marked “Five Star Contractor” 19 20 FIVE STAR CONTRACTORS/CERTIFIED TILE CONTRACTORS/RECOGNIZED CONSULTANTS/TRADE ASSOCIATIONS FIVE STAR CONTRACTORS/CERTIFIED TILE CONTRACTORS/RECOGNIZED CONSULTANTS/TRADE ASSOCIATIONS Five Star Contractors FIVE STAR A+ Tile & Stone Russell Laird 608 Widgeon Court Roseville, CA 95661-4827 Ph: 916-240-0473 Fx: 916-773-7158 lairdrussell@comcast.net www.thebluebook.com/ iproview/806864/a-tile- Artcraft Granite, Marble, & Tile Co. James Woelfel 557 South Robson Mesa, AZ 85210-2442 Ph: 480-829-9197 Fx: 480-350-9139 tile@artcraftgmt.com www.artcraftgmt.com Battles & Battles Linette Brown 4660 Holston Drive Knoxville, TN 37914 Ph: 865-525-7008 linette@bbtiletn.com California Tile Installers Larry Bloom 1696 Rogers Avenue San Jose, CA 95112-1105 Ph: 408-436-0600 Fx: 408-436-1126 larry@cti-usperma.com http://cti-usperma.com Canto Tile Frank Canto 10317 Tarragon Drive Riverview, FL 33569 Ph: 813-677-7444 frank@cantotile.com CC Owen Tile Co. Inc. Rodney Owen P.O. Box 625 Jonesboro, GA 30237-0625 Ph: 770-478-5111 Fx: 770-478-5124 rodowen@ccowentile.com www.ccowentile.com Christian Brothers Flooring Josh Castelli 12086 Woodside Avenue Lakeside, CA 92040-2916 Ph: 619-443-9500 Fx: 619-938-0900 josh.c@cbfloorsinc.com www.cbfloorsinc.com Collins Tile and Stone, LLC Buck Collins 40405 Lenah Run Circle Aldie, VA 20105-3472 Ph: 703-965-2090 Fx: 703-957-4631 dana@ collinstileandstone.com www.collinstileandstone.com Cox Tile Inc. David Allen CompanyVA Branch #25 Christopher Walker 7950 Gainsford Court, Suite #101 Bristow, VA 20136-5108 Ph: 703-690-4422 Fx: 703-368-1576 chriswalker@davidallen.com www.davidallen.com De Anza Tile Co., Inc. Richard Papapietro 45755 Northport Loop West Fremont, CA 94538-6460 Ph: 650-424-0356 Fx: 650-424-1072 rich@deanzatile.com www.deanzatile.com John Cox 111 East Turbo Drive San Antonio, TX 78216-3314 Ph: 210-340-1122 Fx: 210-340-2637 john@coxtile.com www.coxtile.com Elite Tile Setters, Inc. Dalene Flooring F. D. Berardino Tile Company Chris Dalene 45 Nutmeg Road South South Windsor, CT 06074-3467 Ph: 860-289-4305 Fx: 860-289-3774 cdalene@ daleneflooring.com www.daleneflooring.com David Allen Company Martin Howard P.O. Box 27705 Raleigh, NC 27611-7705 Ph: 919-821-7100 Fx: 919-821-4847 mhoward@davidallen.com www.davidallen.com 21 Stan Platt 8535 South 700 West, Unit H Sandy, UT 84070 Ph: 801-232-6814 stan@elitetilesetters.com www.elitetilesetters.com Frank Fazi 17551 East 9 Mile Road Eastpointe, MI 48021-2560 Ph: 586-777-5932 Fx: 586-777-1637 frank@fdbtile.com www.fdbtile.com Filling Marble & Tile, Inc. Tom Ade P.O. Box 956 Cologne, NJ 08213-0956 Ph: 609-965-0303 Fx: 609-965-7476 fillingmarble@aol.com www.fillingmarble.com Five Star Contractors Fox Ceramic Tile, Inc. J & R Tile, Inc. Grazzini Brothers & Co. JP Phillips, Inc. Kevin Fox P.O. Box 97 Saint Marys, KS 66536-0097 Ph: 785-437-2792 Fx: 785-437-6008 kevin@foxceramictile.com www.foxceramictile.com Allen Grazzini 1175 Eagan Industrial Road Eagan, MN 55121-1205 Ph: 651-452-2700 Fx: 651-452-2701 agrazzini@grazzini.com www.grazzini.com Hawthorne Tile Dirk Sullivan 1410 SE Clinton Street Portland, OR 97202-1128 Ph: 503-231-1340 Fx: 503-231-9799 hawthornetile@msn.com www.hawthornetile.com Heritage Marble & Tile Martin Brookes 17 Crown Court Mill Valley, CA 94942 Ph: 415-383-1489 martin@heritage marbletile.com Heuler Tile Company Mike Holbus W237 N2872 Woodgate Road Pewaukee, WI 53072-4042 Ph: 262-513-3900 Fx: 262-513-3910 sales@heulertile.com www.heulertile.com Hohn & Hohn, Inc. Jan Hohn 1190 Summit Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105-2649 Ph: 651-224-8877 Fx: 651-224-0162 hohn.hohn@comcast.net www.hohnandhohntile.com Erin Albrecht 73 Kinder Drive San Antonio, TX 78212-1042 Ph: 210-349-8145 Fx: 210-349-0947 jrtile.ea@gmail.com www.jandrtile.com J. Mark Phillips 601 Technology Drive, Suite #150 Canonsburg, PA 15317-9537 Ph: 724-746-2424 Fx: 724-746-6545 peggy@jpphillipsinc.com www.jpphillipsinc.com Jung Tile Services, Inc. Anthony Jung 5208 NE Zac Lentz Parkway Victoria, TX 77904-3645 Ph: 361-573-7068 Fx: 361-573-5101 anthony@jungtile.com www.jungtile.com Kemna Tile, Inc. Barry Kemna 2132 Cindy Lane Dallas, TX 75229-2002 Ph: 972-488-8222 Fx: 972-488-8226 barry@kemnatile.com www.kemnatile.com Kerber Tile, Marble & Stone Inc. Joe Kerber 1420 3rd Avenue West, Suite #2 Shakopee, MN 55379-1037 Ph: 952-445-7392 Fx: 952-445-7392 joekerber@comcast.net www.kerbertile.com Klaser Tile Co., Inc. Kent Klaser 1595 Jayken Way, Suite A Chula Vista, CA 91911-4674 Ph: 619-628-8282 Fx: 619-628-8118 kent@klasertile.com www.klasertile.com 22 Lambert Tile & Stone Elizabeth Lambert P.O. Box 3960, 253 North Penstemon Lane Eagle, CO 81631-3960 Ph: 970-328-4411 Fx: 970-328-2016 info@lambert-tile.com www.lambert-tile.com Lippert Tile Company, Inc. Jeff Lippert N89 W14260 Patrita Drive Menomonee Falls, WI 53051-2355 Ph: 262-437-9300 Fx: 262-437-9695 jeff@lipperttile.com www.lipperttile.com Memphis Tile & Marble Tommy Cox 3676 Air Park Street Memphis, TN 38118-6006 Ph: 901-794-4636 Fx: 901-366-1331 ricky@memphis tileandmarble.com www.memphis tileandmarble.com Michael’s Custom Tile, Inc. Gregory Michael 2770 Chesterbrook Court Jacksonville, FL 32224-4850 Ph: 904-631-6310 Fx: 904-223-8804 gregsmichael@comcast.net http://michaels customtile.com Neuse Tile Service, Inc. Nyle Wadford 70 Weathers Court, B Youngsville, NC 27596-7801 Ph: 919-570-7400 Fx: 919-570-7401 nyle@neusetile.com www.neusetile.com Five Star Contractors Performance Tile & Marble Co., Inc. Todd Duhe 425 West Airline Highway, Suite A La Place, LA 70068-3818 Ph: 985-651-6531 Fx: 985-651-6535 todd@performance tileandmarble.com www.performance tileandmarble.com Precision Tile Company Scott Heron 149 Queen Parkway West Columbia, SC 29169-4647 Ph: 803-796-4863 Fx: 803-796-4867 scott@precision tilecompany.com Rheinschmidt Tile & Marble Larry Rheinschmidt, Jr. 1100 Agency Street Burlington, IA 52601-4304 Ph: 319-754-4738 Fx: 319-754-5012 larry@rheinschmidt.com www.rtmiowa.com Rimrock Design, Inc. Joel Phinney 343 NW Cole Terrace, Suite #201 Lake City, FL 32055-7294 Ph: 386-755-1586 Fx: 386-752-5381 joel@rimrockdesign.com www.rimrockdesign.com Superior Tile & Stone Welch Tile & Marble Syverson Tile & Stone, Inc. Wirtz Quality Installations, Inc. Tommy Conner P.O. Box 2106 Oakland, CA 94621-0006 Ph: 510-895-2700 Fx: 510-895-6700 tconner@corpofficemail.com www.superiortilestone.com Steve Syverson 4015 South Western Avenue Sioux Falls, SD 57105-6540 Ph: 605-336-1175 Fx: 605-336-1179 ssyverson@syversontile.com www.syverson tileandstone.com Terra-Mar, Inc. Mike DeGiusti 4825 NW 10th Street Oklahoma City, OK 73127-5815 Ph: 405-943-7746 Fx: 405-601-9383 michael@terramarok.com www.terramarok.com Vallefuoco Contractors, LLC Gianna Vallefuoco 11620 Danville Drive Rockville, MD 20852-3716 Ph: 301-881-8483 Fx: 301-881-2985 gianna@vallefuoco.com www.vallefuoco.com Visalia Ceramic Tile, Inc. Michael Martinho 917 North American Street Visalia, CA 93291-9336 Ph: 559-651-2925 Fx: 559-651-2982 mikem@vctile.com http://vctile.com 23 Daniel Welch 13864 Eagle Ridge Drive Kent City, MI 49330-9123 Ph: 616-675-4740 Fx: 616-675-4177 dan@welchtile.com www.welchtile.com Frank Echo 7932 Armour Street San Diego, CA 92111-3718 Ph: 858-569-3816 Fx: 858-569-3821 jwirtz@wirtzquality.com www.wirtzquality.com WM Erath & Son, Inc. Scott Erath 51 Ranick Drive East Amityville, NY 11701-2821 Ph: 631-842-2244 Fx: 631-842-4267 scott@erathtile.com www.erathtile.com Youngstown Tile & Terrazzo Co. Jeff Mason P.O. Box 7 Canfield, OH 44406-0007 Ph: 330-533-4125 Fx: 330-533-5062 jeff@yttinc.com www.youngstowntile.com Certified Tile Installers CERTIFIED TILE INSTALLERS A.D. Ceramic Tile Albert Biccari 15 Bush Street Marlborough, NH 03455-2105 Ph: 603-876-4689 Fx: 603-876-4689 adtile@myfairpoint.net www.adceramictile.com A+ Tile & Stone Russell Laird 608 Widgeon Court Roseville, CA 95661-4827 Ph: 916-240-0473 Fx: 916-773-7158 lairdrussell@comcast.net www.thebluebook.com/ iproview/806864/a-tile- All American Design and Construction LLC Karl Parker 7415 Menaul Boulevard NE Albuquerque, NM 87110-3635 Ph: 505-463-7630 Fx: 505-508-5189 kp@aadnc.com www.aadnc.com American Tile Company, Inc. Jewell Mattingly 1335 Payne Street Louisville, KY 40204-1127 Ph: 502-585-4497 Fx: 502-584-8140 jewellm@americantileky.com www.americantileky.com Artcraft Granite, Marble, & Tile Co. James Woelfel 557 South Robson Mesa, AZ 85210-2442 Ph: 480-829-9197 Fx: 480-350-9139 tile@artcraftgmt.com www.artcraftgmt.com Artisan Tile Inc. Bentley Flooring Artistic Tile Bluewave Tile & Stone Jennifer Panning 9864 East Grand River Avenue, Suite #110-132 Brighton, MI 48116 Ph: 810-220-2370 Fx: 810-220-3762 jenp@artisantileinc.com http://artisantileinc.com Heyward Thomas 207 Hill Trace Trail Irmo, SC 29063-8967 Ph: 803-407-7990 artistictileofsc@gmail.com Baja Tile & Stone Inc. Rob Hann 2536 Rimrock Avenue, Suite #400-121 Grand Junction, CO 81505-8667 Ph: 970-260-9046 Fx: 970-256-7137 bajatileco@yahoo.com Battle Creek Tile & Mosaic Co., Inc. Rusty Burke 3844 NW 8th Street Oklahoma City, OK 73107-6062 Ph: 405-235-6471 Fx: 405-235-1855 rusty@bentleyflooring.com www.bentleyflooring.com Mark Sutton 3169 Spottswood Avenue Memphis, TN 38111-3139 Ph: 901-485-5505 Fx: 901-327-7221 mark@bluewavetile.com www.bluewavetile.com Bonitz Flooring Group Inc. Harold Chapman 1200 Woodruff Road, Building D Greenville, SC 29606 Ph: 864-288-3771 Fx: 864-254-0145 haroldchapman@bonitz.com www.bonitz.us John Zanetti 1338 West Michigan Avenue Battle Creek, MI 49037-1921 Ph: 269-962-8779 Fx: 269-962-0620 bctile@tds.net www.battlecreektile.com California Tile Installers Battles & Battles Tile Inc. Canto Tile & Stone, LLC Maseena Battles 4660 Holston Drive Knoxville, TN 37914-4243 Ph: 865-525-7008 Fx: 865-637-2209 maseena@bbtiletn.com www.bbtiletn.com 24 Larry Bloom 1696 Rogers Avenue San Jose, CA 95112-1105 Ph: 408-436-0600 Fx: 408-436-1126 larry@cti-usperma.com Frank Canto 10317 Tarragon Drive Riverview, FL 33569-4158 Ph: 813-677-7444 Fx: 813-677-7511 frank@cantotile.com www.cantotile.com Certified Tile Installers Carpet One Floor & Home John Shepard 2804 West 23rd Street Panama City, FL 32405-2353 Ph: 850-785-4983 Fx: 850-785-0930 jshepard@mycarpetone.com www.carpetone panamacity.com CBW Remodeling Claude Bouchard 3071 Chelsea Lane Acworth, GA 30102-1277 Ph: 770-318-7252 Fx: 770-592-3212 cbwremodeling@gmail.com CC Owen Tile Co. Inc. Rodney Owen P.O. Box 625 Jonesboro, GA 30237-0625 Ph: 770-478-5111 Fx: 770-478-5124 rodowen@ccowentile.com www.ccowentile.com Charles Eckard & Sons Inc. Jason Eckard 1942 Bethel Road Finksburg, MD 21048-1149 Ph: 410-751-3844 Fx: 410-386-1174 jeckard38@gmail.com Christian Brothers Flooring Josh Castelli 12086 Woodside Avenue Lakeside, CA 92040-2916 Ph: 619-443-9500 Fx: 619-938-0900 josh.c@cbfloorsinc.com www.cbfloorsinc.com Chudy Tile & Carpentry, Inc. Frank Chudy 107 Bobcat Court Carbondale, CO 81623-8738 Ph: 970-379-5710 Fx: 970-670-4060 fjchudy@comcast.net CI Select Ellen Zucker 11840 Westline Industrial Drive, #100 Saint Louis, MO 63146-3313 Ph: 314-909-1990 Fx: 314-909-1911 ezucker@ciselect.com www.ciselect.com Classic Stone & Tile Inc. John Porter P.O. Box 288, 25800 Routt Street Phippsburg, CO 80469-0288 Ph: 970-846-4933 john@ classicstoneandtile.com www.classicstoneandtile.com Cody Flooring & Tile Inc. Steve Barrow 15850 West 6th Avenue Golden, CO 80401-5020 Ph: 303-271-1071 Fx: 303-271-1074 steveb@codyflooring.com www.codyflooring.com Collins Tile and Stone, LLC Buck Collins 40405 Lenah Run Circle Aldie, VA 20105-3472 Ph: 703-965-2090 Fx: 703-957-4631 dana@ collinstileandstone.com www.collinstileandstone.com Colorado Design Inc. Tile and Terrazzo Stephen Titony 7245 Gilpin Way, Suite #250 Denver, CO 80229-6535 Ph: 303-288-9688 Fx: 303-286-1126 stephen@cdtat.com http://colorado tileandterrazzo.com Commercial Flooring Services Inc. Corey Werner 13100 Albrook Drive, Suite #800 Denver, CO 80239-4714 Ph: 303-289-4462 Fx: 303-289-5607 corey@commflooring.com www.commflooring.com Corona Marble & Tile Ltd. Mike Corona 15814 Old Frederick Road Woodbine, MD 21797-8738 Ph: 410-549-3146 Fx: 410-549-3146 mikecoronatile@gmail.com www.corona marbleandtile.com Countryside Carpets & Interiors Rich Cooper 1305 Tom Ginnever Avenue O Fallon, MO 63366-4400 Ph: 636-978-6466 Fx: 636-978-3683 richc@faofmo.com www.countryside carpets.com Cox Tile Inc. John Cox 111 East Turbo Drive San Antonio, TX 78216-3314 Ph: 210-340-1122 Fx: 210-340-2637 john@coxtile.com www.coxtile.com Creative Tile Michael Blasko P.O. Box 95 Scotland, CT 06264-0095 Ph: 860-428-2658 creativetileeasternct@ yahoo.com Custom Tile & Marble Inc. Arsenio Blanco, Jr. 11001 SW 60th Avenue Pinecrest, FL 33156-4920 Ph: 305-667-8453 Fx: 305-667-8330 ablanco@customtile.com www.customtile.com 25 Certified Tile Installers Custom Tile Designs & Renovations/ Chad Thurlo Inc. Chad Thurlo 233 North Pino Road Mocksville, NC 27028-4865 Ph: 336-830-3347 cthurlo.ct@gmail.com Da Vinci Marble and Granite David Allen CompanyVA Branch #25 Christopher Walker 7950 Gainsford Court, Suite #101 Bristow, VA 20136-5108 Ph: 703-690-4422 Fx: 703-368-1576 chriswalker@davidallen.com www.davidallen.com Alex Romo P.O. Box 4037 Gypsum, CO 81637-4037 Ph: 970-300-8102 Fx: 970-300-8102 davincimarbleandgranite@ hotmail.com David Pearson, Inc. Dalene Flooring DC Tile and Stone David Pearson 18019 46th Court North Loxahatchee, FL 33470-2389 Ph: 561-792-5399 Fx: 561-792-1990 davidpearsoninc@aol.com Chris Dalene 45 Nutmeg Road South South Windsor, CT 06074-3467 Ph: 860-289-4305 Fx: 860-289-3774 cdalene@ daleneflooring.com www.daleneflooring.com Derek Kahn 6366 Commerce Boulevard, #356 Rohnert Park, CA 94928-2404 Ph: 415-533-7700 derek.dctilencal@ yahoo.com www.tileand stone-sanrafael.com Dave Hu Construction Decker Ceramic Tile Dave Hu 1011 NE Newton Creek Road Roseburg, OR 97470-6647 Ph: 541-580-2438 Fx: 541-673-0414 davehu@charter.net David Allen Company Martin Howard P.O. Box 27705 Raleigh, NC 27611-7705 Ph: 919-821-7100 Fx: 919-821-4847 mhoward@davidallen.com www.davidallen.com David Allen Company Chad Love 5541 Powder Plant Lane Bessemer, AL 35022-6196 Ph: 205-322-9910 Fx: 205-322-9936 chadlove@davidallen.com www.davidallen.com EJT Contracting Eric Tetreault 9 Claires Road Saugerties, NY 12477-4307 Ph: 845-750-0831 Fx: 845-810-5524 eric@ejtcontracting.com http://ejtcontracting.com Eldorado Tile and Marble Jack DiGiovanni 6506 Cotter Avenue Sterling Heights, MI 48314-2148 Ph: 586-685-9750 Fx: 586-685-9753 tileandbaseball@ hotmail.com Elite Flooring of Naples, Inc. Scott Billings 2350 J and C Boulevard Naples, FL 34109-2021 Ph: 239-405-1643 Fx: 239-597-5573 scott@ eliteflooringofnaples.com www.elite flooringofnaples.com Christopher Decker 408 Lore Avenue Wilmington, DE 19809-3232 Ph: 302-250-1369 Fx: 302-250-1369 cdecker@deckertile.com www.deckertile.com Elite Tile Setters, Inc. Dura Tile & Stone, Inc. European Construction LLC Judith Herguth 18 Washington Avenue Ossining, NY 10562-5508 Ph: 914-944-4470 Fx: 914-944-4470 judy@duratileandstone.com www.duratileandstone.com Eddy O Flooring Chip Orlikowski 6596 Ort Drive Rhinelander, WI 54501-8480 Ph: 715-579-8499 Fx: 715-362-1757 eddyoflooring@yahoo.com 26 Stan Platt 7730 Oak Street, Unit #3 Midvale, UT 84047 Ph: 801-232-6814 stan@elitetilesetters.com www.elitetilesetters.com Emanuel Strateanu 106 Fort Jackson Road Morrisville, NC 27560-7803 Ph: 865-306-2944 Fx: 865-306-2944 europeanconstruction@ yahoo.com Certified Tile Installers F. D. Berardino Tile Company Frank Fazi 17551 East 9 Mile Road Eastpointe, MI 48021-2560 Ph: 586-777-5932 Fx: 586-777-1637 frank@fdbtile.com www.fdbtile.com FBT Tile & Marble Frank Brennan 17885 Fraley Boulevard Dumfries, VA 22026-2487 Ph: 703-580-6618 Fx: 571-492-7906 frank@fbttileandmarble.com www.fbttileandmarble.com Floor U Installation Ray McNamara 8085 Neshoba Road Germantown, TN 38138-3027 Ph: 901-517-9444 flooru@bellsouth.net www.flooruinstallation.com Flooring Design Group Greg Kenith 3230 Oakcliff Industrial Street Atlanta, GA 30340-2904 Ph: 770-454-7110 Fx: 770-452-7940 gkenith@fdg1.com www.flooring designgroup.com Floorlayers Training Program Eric Kastner 8300 Valcour Avenue Saint Louis, MO 63123-2332 Ph: 314-457-8301 Fx: 314-457-8309 ekastner@cjtf.org http://floor layers-local1310.com Fox Ceramic Tile, Inc. Kevin Fox P.O. Box 97 Saint Marys, KS 66536-0097 Ph: 785-437-2792 Fx: 785-437-6008 kevin@foxceramictile.com www.foxceramictile.com Gerald Madison Contruction Co. Gerald Madision P.O. Box 27015 Macon, GA 31221-7015 Ph: 478-447-5467 Fx: 888-843-6079 gerald.madison@cox.net http://geraldmadison construction.com Goedecke Flooring & Design Herb Goedecke 284 Route 101 Bedford, NH 03110-5101 Ph: 888-472-5221 Fx: 603-637-1330 herb@goedecke decorating.com www.goedecke decorating.com Grant Professional Services, LLP Daniel Grant 10800 FM 1565 Terrell, TX 75160-8656 Ph: 469-964-3969 daniel@danielgrant.us www.grant professionalservices.com Great Plains Tile & Stone, Inc. Tim Coffman 8833 J Street, Suite #9 Omaha, NE 68127-1528 Ph: 402-934-0728 Fx: 912-381-0895 tim@greatplains tileandstone.com http://greatplains tileandstone.com Greger Custom Flooring Inc. Nick Greger 11459 Walkinshaw Road North Battle Creek, MI 49014-8100 Ph: 269-317-5482 Fx: 269-317-5482 gregerflooring@yahoo.com 27 Griffin Tile & Marble, Inc. David Griffin 11128 Business Lane Mint Hill, NC 28227-6911 Ph: 704-545-6670 Fx: 704-545-8516 dgriffin@griffintile.com www.griffintile.com Hantel Construction Company, LLC Ed Hantel 2914 Berry Hill Drive Nashville, TN 37204-3122 Ph: 615-292-3070 Fx: 615-292-8119 hantelkitchens@yahoo.com www.hantel kitchensandbaths.net Hawthorne Tile Dirk Sullivan 1410 SE Clinton Street Portland, OR 97202-1128 Ph: 503-231-1340 Fx: 503-231-9799 dirk@hawthornetile.com www.hawthornetile.com Heritage Marble & Tile Martin Brookes P.O. Box 2164 Mill Valley, CA 94942-2164 Ph: 415-383-1489 Fx: 415-888-2020 martin@ heritagemarbletile.com www.heritage marbletile.com Heritage Tile Co. LLC Mark Nichols P.O. Box 187 Pleasant View, TN 37146-0187 Ph: 615-456-7663 Fx: 615-285-8220 heritagetilecollc@gmail.com www.heritagetilecollc.com Heuler Tile Company Mike Holbus W237 N2872 Woodgate Road Pewaukee, WI 53072-4042 Ph: 262-513-3900 Fx: 262-513-3910 sales@heulertile.com www.heulertile.com Certified Tile Installers Higher Standard Tile & Stone Isaac Homza 915 Puiki Place Lahaina, HI 96761-1529 Ph: 808-214-4364 Fx: 808-214-5131 ihomza@ higherstandardtile.com www.higherstandardtile.com Hinshaw Custom Tile, Inc. Richard Hinshaw 199 Woods Edge Drive Dunn, NC 28334-1815 Ph: 910-922-0072 Fx: 910-216-2229 hinshawcustomtile@ gmail.com www.hinshawcustomtile.com Hohn & Hohn, Inc. Jan Hohn 1190 Summit Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105-2649 Ph: 651-224-8877 Fx: 651-224-0162 hohn.hohn@comcast.net www.hohnandhohntile.com Holland Bath and Spa, Inc. Davis Leichsenring 6907 Breezewood Terrace North Bethesda, MD 20852-4323 Ph: 240-372-0513 Fx: 301-926-6786 davis@hollspa.com www.hollspa.com Hugh J. Keany Hugh Keany 2724 Colston Drive Chevy Chase, MD 20815-3037 Ph: 301-922-1485 hkeany@verizon.net www.keanytile.com Hyland Tile and Marble Inc. Patrick Hyland 853 Las Pavadas Avenue San Rafael, CA 94903-3309 Ph: 707-580-6424 Fx: 415-499-0621 hylandtm@sbcglobal.net http://hylandtm.com Ideal Flooring & Remodeling, Inc. Kevin Pennington 3010 SW 14th Place, Suite #12 Boynton Beach, FL 33426-9032 Ph: 561-523-9643 Fx: 561-736-9971 idealtile2000@gmail.com IHN Services Don Nusbaum 7925 North Hudson Avenue, Suite A Oklahoma City, OK 73114-3133 Ph: 405-550-7530 Fx: 405-767-6247 ihnservices@gmail.com Infinite Ceramic & Stone LLC Joe Lenner P.O. Box 224 Emmaus, PA 18049-0224 Ph: 610-504-0147 joe@infiniteceramic.com www.infiniteceramic.com Inlet Tile & Marble, Inc. Daniel Boulter 115 Rivinia Drive Jupiter, FL 33458-2707 Ph: 561-215-7253 Fx: 561-691-0270 inlettile@yahoo.com http://inlettile.com J & B Tile William Baptista 60-A Hillcrest Acres Westport, MA 02790-1403 Ph: 508-326-8083 bill@myjbtile.com www.myjbtile.com 28 JD Tile Jon A. Donmoyer 350 West Queen Street Annville, PA 17003-1728 Ph: 717-821-5009 Fx: 717-867-2003 jondontile@aol.com www.jondontile.com JJJ Floor Covering, Inc. Rick Barba 4831 Passons Boulevard, Suite A Pico Rivera, CA 90660-2173 Ph: 916-233-9814 Fx: 562-692-5979 rbarba@jjjfloorcovering.com www.jjjfloorcovering.com Joe’s Tile and Stone Joe Garofalo 1408 Anderson Avenue Maryville, TN 37803-3114 Ph: 865-318-9362 joestileandstone@gmail.com www.joestileandstone.com John Trent/Schluter John Trent 1691 Philips Manor Road Fernandina Beach, FL 32034-5340 Ph: 904-742-3945 jtrent@schluter.com www.schluter.com JP Flooring Systems, Inc. Dan Nease 9097 Union Centre Boulevard West Chester, OH 45069-4861 Ph: 513-346-4300 Fx: 513-346-4308 dnease@jpflooring.com www.jpflooring.com JP Phillips, Inc. J. Mark Phillips 601 Technology Drive, Suite #150 Canonsburg, PA 15317-9537 Ph: 724-746-2424 Fx: 724-746-6545 peggy@jpphillipsinc.com www.jpphillipsinc.com Certified Tile Installers JRB Tile & Stone LLC John Burke 628 Longfellow Lane Highlands Ranch, CO 80126-3002 Ph: 303-501-0122 Fx: 303-501-0122 jrbtileandstone@gmail.com Jung Tile Services, Inc. Anthony Jung 5208 NE Zac Lentz Parkway Victoria, TX 77904-3645 Ph: 361-573-7068 Fx: 361-573-5101 anthony@jungtile.com www.jungtile.com Keller Tile & Hardwood Eric Keller 800 Edgewood Road Beaver Falls, PA 15010-4926 Ph: 724-843-7456 Fx: 724-843-6312 eric@kellertilewood.com www.kellertilewood.com Kelly’s Karpeting & Floorcovering Jim Kelly 1073 Le Amron Drive Kingsport, TN 37665-2132 Ph: 423-392-0888 Fx: 423-392-4588 jakelly12@charter.net Kemna Tile, Inc. Barry Kemna 2132 Cindy Lane Dallas, TX 75229-2002 Ph: 972-488-8222 Fx: 972-488-8226 barry@kemnatile.com www.kemnatile.com Kerber Tile, Marble & Stone Inc. Joe Kerber 1420 3rd Avenue West, Suite #2 Shakopee, MN 55379-1037 Ph: 952-445-7392 Fx: 952-445-7392 joekerber@comcast.net www.kerbertile.com Kimo Tile & Marble, LLC Sasha Kissoondath 7 Fowler Avenue Millville, NJ 08332-4904 Ph: 856-506-8065 Fx: 856-506-8965 sasha.ktmllc@comcast.net Klaser Tile Co., Inc. Kent Klaser 1595 Jayken Way, Suite A Chula Vista, CA 91911-4674 Ph: 619-628-8282 Fx: 619-628-8118 kent@klasertile.com www.klasertile.com Lacasse Tile Inc. Steven Lacasse 756 Hawthorne Drive Lake Park, FL 33403-2525 Ph: 561-319-1028 Fx: 561-319-1028 lacassetile@bellsouth.net Lambert Tile & Stone Elizabeth Lambert P.O. Box 3960, 253 North Penstemon Lane Eagle, CO 81631-3960 Ph: 970-328-4411 Fx: 970-328-2016 info@lambert-tile.com www.lambert-tile.com Lippert Tile Company, Inc. Jeff Lippert N89 W14260 Patrita Drive Menomonee Falls, WI 53051-2355 Ph: 262-437-9300 Fx: 262-437-9695 jeff@lipperttile.com www.lipperttile.com Mach & Rico Tile Inc. Melvin Rivera - Machado 3809 Pickett Road Fairfax, VA 22031-3605 machricofloors@gmail.com www.machrocotile.com 29 Marino Tile and Marble, Inc. Blake Rutkowski 932 Elkton Drive Colorado Springs, CO 80907-3536 Ph: 719-471-2857 Fx: 719-471-9857 brutkowski@marinotile.com www.marinotile.com Maris Tile PRO Ulas Maris 60 Mill Pond Lane East Moriches, NY 11940-1222 Ph: 631-384-3418 Fx: 631-813-4662 ulas@maristile.com Mark Heinlein Surfaces Mark Heinlein 12 Krooks Road Negaunee, MI 49866-9506 Ph: 906-361-8821 mark@tile-assn.com www.mhsurfaces.com Master Tiler, LLC Jose Erilio Silva 13036 West 79th Street Lenexa, KS 66215-2552 Ph: 913-244-2009 Fx: 913-322-1686 mastertilerkc@hotmail.com McSwain Carpets & Floors Kevin Carnes 2430 East Kemper Road Cincinnati, OH 45241 Ph: 513-771-1400 Fx: 513-326-4270 kcarnes@ mcswaincarpets.com www.mcswaincarpets.com Memphis Tile & Marble Tommy Cox 3676 Air Park Street Memphis, TN 38118-6006 Ph: 901-794-4636 Fx: 901-366-1331 ricky@memphis tileandmarble.com www.memphistile andmarble.com Certified Tile Installers MESA Floorcoverings, Inc. Danny Maldonado 729 East High Street Grants, NM 87020-2449 Ph: 505-287-2631 Fx: 505-287-8553 danny@ mesafloorcoverings.com http://mesa floorcoverings.com Michael’s Custom Tile, Inc. Gregory Michael 2770 Chesterbrook Court Jacksonville, FL 32224-4850 Ph: 904-631-6310 Fx: 904-223-8804 gregsmichael@comcast.net http://michaels customtile.com Migala Carpet One Lori Ruimveld 5400 West Michigan Avenue Kalamazoo, MI 49009-1908 Ph: 269-217-9380 lori@migalac1.com www.migalacarpetone.com Nelson Tile and Stone Chris Nelson 1841 NE Division Street Bend, OR 97701-3545 Ph: 541-410-5090 Fx: 541-389-2759 chris@ nelsontileandstone.com www.nelsontileandstone.com Neuse Tile Service, Inc. Nyle Wadford 70 Weathers Court, B Youngsville, NC 27596-7801 Ph: 919-570-7400 Fx: 919-570-7401 nyle@neusetile.com www.neusetile.com Nicholson Flooring LLC Mike Nicholson 2796 NW 97th Avenue Waseca, MN 56093-6251 Ph: 507-456-1822 Fx: 507-451-2257 nicholsonflooring@gmail.com Ornamental Tile, Inc. Shawn Roewer 2505 Horse Pasture Road, Suite #108 Virginia Beach, VA 23453-2995 Ph: 757-631-7700 Fx: 757-631-7704 shawn@ornamentaltile.com http://ornamental.com Performance Tile & Marble Co., Inc. Todd Duhe 425 West Airline Highway, Suite A La Place, LA 70068-3818 Ph: 985-651-6531 Fx: 985-651-6535 todd@performance tileandmarble.com www.performance tileandmarble.com Pompei Tile Company, Inc. Drew Forrest 733 Blue Crab Road Newport News, VA 23606-2548 Ph: 757-873-0819 Fx: 757-873-8851 dforrest@pompeiinc.com www.pompeiinc.com Precision Surfaces LLC Jay Zurn 160 Glen Hill Drive Slinger, WI 53086-9652 Ph: 262-388-3730 Fx: 262-297-1730 jayzurn@ precision-surfaces.com http://precision-surfaces.com Precision Tile Company Scott Heron 149 Queen Parkway West Columbia, SC 29169-4647 Ph: 803-796-4863 Fx: 803-796-4867 scott@precision tilecompany.com 30 Precision Tile Works Inc. Larry Burkholder 66 West Main Street Newville, PA 17241-1011 Ph: 717-776-5254 Fx: 717-776-3970 precisiontile@comcast.net www.precisiontileworks.net R & T Installation Thomas Benke 3831 Lighthouse Lane Lakeland, TN 38002-8159 Ph: 901-488-7536 Fx: 901-384-0052 tabenke@aol.com Ray’s Flooring Specialists, Inc. Gerald Lucero 7401 Los Volcanes Road NW Albuquerque, NM 87121-9015 Ph: 505-883-1967 Fx: 505-883-3256 gerald@raysflooring.com www.raysflooring.com RC Custom Contracting Inc. Ryan Carrasquillo 1107 West Magnolia Street Clermont, FL 34711-2850 Ph: 352-636-9352 ryan8376@yahoo.com Rheinschmidt Tile & Marble Larry Rheinschmidt, Jr. 1100 Agency Street Burlington, IA 52601-4304 Ph: 319-754-4738 Fx: 319-754-5012 larry@rheinschmidt.com www.rtmiowa.com Rogers Tile & Stone Dave Rogers 11545 Waterville Swanton Road Whitehouse, OH 43571-9342 Ph: 419-392-6592 Fx: 419-877-9791 rogerstilestone@yahoo.com Certified Tile Installers Rubenstein’s Contract Carpets LLC Jesse Deason 501 South Lucile Street, Suite #100 Seattle, WA 98108-2518 Ph: 206-762-5610 Fx: 206-762-2409 jesse@rubensteins.com www.rubensteins.com SB Flooring Spectra Contract Flooring David Sutton 6684 Jimmy Carter Boulevard, Suite #500 Peachtree Corners, GA 30071-1722 Ph: 770-729-2700 Fx: 770-263-8812 david.sutton@spectracf.com www.spectracf.com Steve Brace 414 Wallace Avenue Machesney Park, IL 61115-2859 Ph: 815-519-3040 stevebrace@hotmail.com www.facebook.com/pages /steve-brace-flooring/ 150-189-498379339 Studio Tile & Stone Schoenberger Tile & Marble, Inc. Justin Ray 7385 Spartan Boulevard West North Charleston, SC 29418-8462 Ph: 843-606-5456 officemanager@ sunrayflooring.com http://sunrayflooring.com Chris Schoenberger 16 West Pleasant Street Reading, OH 45215-3412 Ph: 513-733-3399 Fx: 513-733-8733 schoenbergertile@ cinci.rr.com Service All Inc. Anthony Bogo 395 Pineda Court Melbourne, FL 32940-7508 Ph: 321-242-5780 Fx: 321-242-4656 info@studiotileandstone.com www.studiotileandstone.com Sunray Flooring Company Superior Tile & Stone Joshua Nwaokeocha 12138 Central Avenue Bowie, MD 20721-1910 Ph: 301-772-2900 Fx: 301-772-2904 joshua@servallinc.com Tommy Conner P.O. Box 2106 Oakland, CA 94621-0006 Ph: 510-895-2700 Fx: 510-895-6700 tconner@corpofficemail.com www.superiortilestone.com Shores Tile Company Syverson Tile & Stone, Inc. Michael Maiuri 29975 Little Mack Avenue Roseville, MI 48066-2240 Ph: 586-293-5540 Fx: 586-293-3810 karen@shorestile.com www.shorestile.com Simon & Simon Tilemasters, LLC Eric Simon 425 Geraldine Drive Coventry, CT 06238-1333 Ph: 860-742-2700 Fx: 860-742-2699 itileright@sbcglobal.net Steve Syverson 4015 South Western Avenue Sioux Falls, SD 57105-6540 Ph: 605-336-1175 Fx: 605-336-1179 ssyverson@syversontile.com www.syverson tileandstone.com T and C Tile L.T. Chong 1082 Rs County Road 4250 Point, TX 75472-5576 Ph: 903-258-3462 tiletiki@tandctile.net www.tandctile.net 31 Teri’s Tile Teri Taylor-Heron 513 Wallace Way Lexington, SC 29073-8040 Ph: 803-513-3268 stileladysc@bellsouth.net Terra-Mar, Inc. Mike DeGiusti 4825 NW 10th Street Oklahoma City, OK 73127-5815 Ph: 405-943-7746 Fx: 405-601-9383 michael@terramarok.com www.terramarok.com The Bouma Corporation Rusty Hibma 4101 Roger B Chaffee Mem Drive SE Grand Rapids, MI 49548-3443 Ph: 616-538-3600 Fx: 616-538-0143 rhibma@boumacorp.com www.boumacorp.com The Carpet Shoppe Inc. David Arita 4478 Malaai Street Honolulu, HI 96818-3134 Ph: 808-832-2007 Fx: 808-842-0439 david.arita@tcs-hawaii.com The Gallegos Corporation David Little P.O. Box 99 Wolcott, CO 81655-0099 Ph: 970-926-3737 Fx: 970-926-3889 dave@gallegoscorp.com www.gallegoscorp.com The Professionals Marco Morello 8190 Hidden Valley Court Amelia Court House, VA 23002-3874 Ph: 804-683-5958 professionalstile@gmail.com Certified Tile Installers Tiger Mountain Tile, Inc. Tileish, LLC Turner Ceramic Tile Tile Art Tony Prince Company, Inc. Unique Designs Tile & Stone Torino Mosaic Flooring Vallefuoco Contractors, LLC Tremain Cer.Tile & Floor Covering, Inc. Wayne Olivier Tile & Remodeling, LLC Jim Upton 1420 NW Gilman Boulevard, Suite #2-2733 Issaquah, WA 98027-5333 Ph: 206-200-8934 jim@tigermountaintile.com www.tigermountaintile.com Roger Lodwig 530 Nokomis Court Fort Collins, CO 80524-5410 Ph: 970-213-3682 roger@tileartcenter.com http://tileartcenter.com Tile by Lyle Lyle Kelly 2716 Keystone Avenue Knoxville, TN 37917 Ph: 828-774-1368 tilebylyle@gmail.com www.tilebylyle.com Tile Dynamics Corp. Joseph Bariatti 26 Bogart Street Huntington Station, NY 11746 Ph: 631-494-9590 info@tiledynamicsny.com www.tiledynamicsny.com Tile Fusion LLC Dave Karp 830 7th Avenue East Shakopee, MN 55379-2513 Ph: 952-367-6500 tilefusion@gmail.com Tile Installations Matt Vyverberg 2910 East 57th Avenue, Suite #5, #106 Spokane, WA 99223 Ph: 509-953-9154 Fx: 509-315-9041 prestigetile@comcast.net www.prestige tilespokane.com Eric Maki 78 10th Street East, Suite #3103 Saint Paul, MN 55101-2251 Ph: 651-968-6890 Fx: 651-968-6890 eric@tileishmn.com www.tileishmn.com Tony Prince 1531-A Fairview Avenue Saint Louis, MO 63132-1323 Ph: 314-567-4666 Fx: 314-567-1969 tprince@princefloors.com www.princefloors.com Tim Frappa 5178 Keller Road Hamburg, NY 14075-7047 Ph: 716-941-3622 Fx: 716-941-3633 tim@torinomosaic.com http://torinmosaic.com Steve Winter 8105 East 47th Street Indianapolis, IN 46226-2970 Ph: 317-542-1491 Fx: 317-542-1508 swinter@tre-main.com www.tre-main.com Trendsetter Tile & Stone Michael Weaver 455 Shadow Wood Lane Coral Springs, FL 33071-6965 Ph: 954-448-8018 Fx: 954-969-1362 mike@floridatrendsetter.com http://southflorida tilesetter.com 32 Josh Turner 11535 Kaw Drive Kansas City, KS 66111-1111 Ph: 913-441-6161 Fx: 913-441-0508 josh@turnerceramictile.com www.turnerceramictile.com Butch Berlin 802 Heritage Drive Middlebury, IN 46540-9279 Ph: 574-825-6188 Fx: 574-825-6188 theberlins3@msn.com Gianna Vallefuoco 11620 Danville Drive Rockville, MD 20852-3716 Ph: 301-881-8483 Fx: 301-881-2985 gianna@vallefuoco.com www.vallefuoco.com Wayne Olivier 1740 Haywood Road Hendersonville, NC 28791-2236 Ph: 828-808-8473 Fx: 828-707-9446 waynetile@gmail.com www.wayne tileandwood.com Welch Tile & Marble Daniel Welch 13864 Eagle Ridge Drive Kent City, MI 49330-9123 Ph: 616-675-4740 Fx: 616-675-4177 dan@welchtile.com www.welchtile.com Certified Tile Installers/Recognized Consultants Wirtz Quality Installations, Inc. Frank Echo 7932 Armour Street San Diego, CA 92111-3718 Ph: 858-569-3816 Fx: 858-569-3821 jwirtz@wirtzquality.com www.wirtzquality.com Youngstown Tile & Terrazzo Co. Jeff Mason P.O. Box 7 Canfield, OH 44406-0007 Ph: 330-533-4125 Fx: 330-533-5062 jeff@yttinc.com www.youngstowntile.com RECOGNIZED CONSULTANTS Ceramic Tile and Stone Consultants Inc. Forensic Tile Consultants Canto Tile & Stone, LLC GACA Group Donato Pompo P.O. Box 965 Jamul, CA 91935-0965 Ph: 619-669-2967 donato@ctasc.com www.ctasc.com Frank Canto 10317 Tarragon Drive Riverview, FL 33569-4158 Ph: 813-677-7444 Fx: 813-677-7511 frank@cantotile.com www.cantotile.com Greg Mowat 9541 Vervain Street San Diego, CA 92129-3523 Ph: 858-484-8118 Fx: 813-677-7511 tile4n6@aol.com www.forensic tileconsultants.com Nyle Wadford 70 Weathers Court, B Youngsville, NC 27596-7801 Ph: 919-570-7400 Fx: 972-226-5423 nyle@tileconsult.com www.tileconsult.com Daniel Boone Consulting Gerald Zakim Associates LLC Dave Gobis - CTC, LLC Inspectile Daniel K. Boone 1515 North Federal Highway Boca Raton, FL 33432-1994 Ph: 561-395-2292 Fx: 561-338-4840 danielkboone@hotmail.com Dave Gobis 7630 Douglas Avenue Racine, WI 53402-9718 Ph: 262-639-2226 dave@ceramic tileconsultant.com www.ceramic tileconsultant.com Gerry Zakim 10406 Warrens Way Wanaque, NJ 07465-1643 Ph: 973-633-1130 srzakim@optonline.net www.gerald zakimexperts.com Todd Duhe 425 West Airline Highway, Suite A La Place, LA 70068-3818 Ph: 985-651-6531 Fx: 860-674-0094 todd@permance tileandmarble.com www.performance tileandmarble.com 33 JG Woelfel & Associates, LLC James Woelfel 557 South Robson Mesa, AZ 85210-2442 Ph: 480-829-9197 Fx: 919-570-7401 tileconsultant@jgwoelfel.com www.jgwoelfel.com Professional Consultants International, LLC Richard Goldberg 30 Tower Lane, 4th Floor Avon, CT 06001-4211 Ph: 860-673-9529 Fx: 808-248-8034 rgoldberg@proconweb.com www.proconweb.com Tom D. Lynch, CSI Tom Lynch 181 Sunnyside Drive Jefferson, NC 28640 Ph: 336-877-6951 Fx: 336-846-3310 tommydlynch@gmail.com http://tomlynch consultant.com Trade Associations TRADE ASSOCIATIONS Ceramic Tile Distributors Association Tile & Stone Council of North California TTMAC Ceramic Tile Education Foundation Tile Council of North America TCAA Rick Church 800 Roosevelt Road, C-31L Glen Ellyn, IL 60137-5839 Ph: 630-545-9415 Fx: 630-790-3095 rickc@conservices.com www.ctdahome.org Scott Carothers 5326 Highway 76 Pendleton, SC 29670-9139 Ph: 864-222-2131 scott@tilecareer.com www.tilecareer.com Marble Institute of America Joani Woelfel 2300 Polvorosa Avenue San Leandro, CA 94577 Ph: 415-757-8447 Fx: 510-632-8456 jwoelfel@tscnc.org http://tscnc.org Eric Astrachan 100 Clemson Research Boulevard Anderson, SC 29625-6548 Ph: 864-646-8453 Fx: 510-632-8456 eastrachan@tileusa.com http://tileusa.com James Hieb 380 East Lorain Street Oberlin, OH 44074-1252 Ph: 440-250-9222 jhieb@marble-institute.com www.marble-institute.com 34 Rick Keeper 163 Buttermill Avenue, Unit #8 Concord Ontario, ON L4K 3X8 Canada Ph: 905-660-9640 Fx: 630-942-6599 rick@ttmac.com www.ttmac.com Carol D. 10434 Indiana Avenue Kansas City, MO 64137-1532 Ph: 800-655-8435 Fx: 816-767-0194 caroled@tcaainc.org www.tcaainc.org CONTRACTOR MEMBERS CONTRACTOR MEMBERS CONTRACTOR MEMBERS 1 and 1 Tile Alejandro-Saturnino Armenta 1030 42nd Court NE Auburn, WA 98002-0005 Ph: 206-423-7866 Fx: 206-274-9905 alex_armenta2@msn.com 3D Stone & Tile John Netto 1790 South 4490 West Salt Lake City, UT 84104-4704 Ph: 801-541-8773 john@3dstoneandtile.com www.3dstoneandtile.com A & B Flooring Systems, Inc. Phillip Miller 5401 Erdman Avenue Baltimore, MD 21205-3335 Ph: 410-485-6790 Fx: 410-485-6844 phil@abflooringmd.com www.abflooringmd.com A & D Tile Drew Finch 17 Herbster Street Columbiana, OH 44408-1144 Ph: 330-507-4737 Fx: 330-507-4737 drews01ninja@hotmail.com A & G Tile Andrew Gradillas 5955 South Placita Picacho El Diablo Tucson, AZ 85706-5057 Ph: 520-979-9202 andy.agtile@gmail.com www.agtile.net A-Ward Tile, Inc. Joanna Ward 6100 West Pioneer Parkway, Suite #112 Arlington, TX 76013-2859 Ph: 817-654-0081 Fx: 817-654-9203 joanna@awardtile.com http://awardtile.com A.D. Ceramic Tile Albert Biccari 15 Bush Street Marlborough, NH 03455-2105 Ph: 603-876-4689 Fx: 603-876-4689 adtile@myfairpoint.net www.adceramictile.com A+ Tile & Stone Accent Tile Rick Davis 71 East Yolo Street Orland, CA 95963-1935 Ph: 530-865-2264 Fx: 530-865-2264 rdtile84@yahoo.com Ace Custom Flooring Russell Laird 608 Widgeon Court Roseville, CA 95661-4827 Ph: 916-240-0473 Fx: 916-773-7158 lairdrussell@comcast.net www.thebluebook.com/ iproview/806864/a-tile- Chris Edwards 6008 North Oakland Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46220-5161 Ph: 317-607-5997 Fx: 866-558-5230 chris@ acecustomflooring.com www.acecustom flooring.com Abbey Flooring & Design Acierno & Company LLC Edward Barann 17200 Farmington Road Livonia, MI 48152-3151 Ph: 734-427-7120 Fx: 734-427-3543 ebarann@ abbeyfloordesign.com www.livonia.abbey carpet.com Able Tile & Stone Brent Gathwright 7522 30th Street West University Place, WA 98466-4135 Ph: 253-255-4805 abletile2@gmail.com Abel’s Renovations LLC Charles Abel 11451 Newberry Drive Ward, AR 72176-8292 Ph: 501-2594996 abelsrenovations@gmail.com http://abelsrenovations.com ABS Floor Covering Terry Murphy 1430 North 29th Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85009-3525 Ph: 602-415-1919 Fx: 602-415-9020 terry@absflooring.com www.absflooring.com 35 Cheryl Acierno 436 Lincoln Street Denver, CO 80203-3412 Ph: 303-839-1448 Fx: 303-839-1449 cheryl@acierno-boyer.com http://acierno-boyer.com Acme Ceramic Tile Co. Daniel Winn 5702 Mount Hermon Church Road Salisbury, MD 21804-2789 Ph: 410-341-4300 acmeceramictileco@ gmail.com Adams Tile & Stone Lynn Haigh 1198 Grand Avenue Marion, IA 52302-5276 Ph: 319-377-0231 Fx: 319-377-1858 adamstileandstone@ gmail.com www.adamstile andstone.com Agnes Tile Company John Agnes 1310 West 4th Street Pueblo, CO 81004-1203 Ph: 719-545-8453 Fx: 719-546-8453 agnestile@gmail.com CONTRACTOR MEMBERS AHolt Construction Jeff Aholt 1112 Parkside Drive Washington, MO 63090-1641 Ph: 314-581-6291 jeff_aholt@yahoo.com www.aholtconstruction.com Ajami Floorings & Granite Raffoul Ajami 7860 NW 58th Street Doral, FL 33166-3504 Ph: 305-592-7272 Fx: 305-592-9663 raffoul@ajamidesign.com www.ajamidesign.com Alexander Brothers Tile & Marble Inc. John Alexander 1446 South Cooper Street Memphis, TN 38114-3526 Ph: 901-278-9626 Fx: 901-276-9626 anglinjeff@aol.com Alexanders Carpet One Floor & Home Doris Garza 5510 Williams Drive Corpus Christi, TX 78411-4643 Ph: 361-991-8383 Fx: 361-883-8877 doris@alexanders carpetone.com www.alexanders carpetone.com All American Design and Construction LLC Karl Parker 7415 Menaul Boulevard NE Albuquerque, NM 87110-3635 Ph: 505-463-7630 Fx: 505-508-5189 kp@aadnc.com www.aadnc.com All Commercial Floors Inc. Allen Tile Company Joe Kepler 727 Overhead Drive Oklahoma City, OK 73128-1217 Ph: 405-604-9577 Fx: 405-604-9570 jkepler@acfteam.com www.allamericanfloors.com Lucien St. Cyr P.O. Box 344 South Dennis, MA 02660-0344 Ph: 781-654-6039 lucien@ allentilecompany.com www.allentile company.com All Tile & Design Inc. Allfloors Carpet One Dwayne Martin 50811 US Highway 60 89 Wickenburg, AZ 85390-1596 Ph: 602-762-6502 dwaynemartin222@ gmail.com Michael Henry 12220 SW 129th Court Miami, FL 33186-6486 Ph: 305-234-3000 michael@allfloors.com www.allfloors.com AllBright Allmyer Tile Company Micky Lee 1550 20th Street West, Space #21 Rosamond, CA 93560-6179 Ph: 661-220-0473 Fx: 818-786-8373 finobozz1983@gmail.com Gary Allmyer 8628 Kinglet Drive West Chester, OH 45069-3438 Ph: 513-779-1136 Fx: 513-779-1710 gallmyer@cinci.rr.com www.allmyerltd.com Allegheny Contract Flooring Allstate Commercial Flooring James Burke 36 Holton Street Winchester, MA 01890-1128 Ph: 781-935-1077 Fx: 781-932-3330 jburke@ alleghenycontract.com www.allegheny contract.com Allen Feathers Tile & Stone LLC Allen Feathers 10718 Hillsboro Drive NW Silverdale, WA 98383-8138 Ph: 360-551-2533 allentile@hotmail.com www.featherstile.com All American Remodeling Rachel Lubay 10625 East Knowles Avenue Mesa, AZ 85209-1574 Ph: 780-721-8500 rlubay@aarphx.com www.aarphx.com 36 Gary Sharpe P.O. Box 1674 Spring, TX 77383-1674 Ph: 281-350-8400 Fx: 281-350-8403 gary@allstatefloor.com www.allstatefloor.com Alvarez Marble & Tile Ramiro Alvarez P.O. Box 9441 San Rafael, CA 94912-9441 Ph: 415-408-8957 ralvarez311@sbcglobal.net Amarillo Floor Co. Robert Laminack, Jr. 4825 South Western Street Amarillo, TX 79109-6136 Ph: 806-355-0111 Fx: 806-354-2465 rlaminack@amarillofloor.com CONTRACTOR MEMBERS American Tile & Marble Co., Inc. Apex Tile LLC Sid Menard 6969 Fern Loop, Suite #401 Shreveport, LA 71105-4164 Ph: 318-865-1945 Fx: 318-865-1948 smenard@ americantileco.com Karim LaKhani 100 Prestige Park Road, Suite #1 East Hartford, CT 06108-1920 Ph: 860-291-0546 Fx: 860-291-0612 klakhani@apextilect.com www.apextileonline.com American Tile & Terrazzo Co., Inc. Appleby & Horn Tile Company American Tile Company, Inc. Architectural Stone & Tile Clyde Martin 124 North Meadow Street Metairie, LA 70003-5931 Ph: 504-887-3233 Fx: 504-887-2997 info@atterrazzo.com www.atterrazzo.com Jewell Mattingly 1335 Payne Street Louisville, KY 40204-1127 Ph: 502-585-4497 Fx: 502-584-8140 jewellm@americantileky.com www.americantileky.com Anderson’s New Carpet Design Mary Anderson 7685 Main Street NE Fridley, MN 55432-3119 Ph: 763-571-4846 Fx: 763-571-9492 ancd@earthlink.ne Andy Yoder Contractor Andy Yoder 33170 County Road 12 Millersburg, OH 44654-9513 Ph: 330-763-3031 andyyoder491@gmail.com Angelini Tile Company Randy Tronu P.O. Box 2223 Pensacola, FL 32513-2223 Ph: 850-432-6768 Fx: 850-433-9721 randy@angelinitileco.com http://angelinitileco.com Walt Okerland P.O. Box 1545 Cedar Rapids, IA 52406-1545 Ph: 319-364-4131 Fx: 319-364-2808 sglew@iowadsl.net Alicia DiMarco P.O. Box 6710 Jackson, WY 83002 Ph: 307-732-1819 Fx: 307-732-1820 alicia@astjh.com www.astjh.com Arnold’s Flooring America Barry Stanton 7619 Cantrell Road Little Rock, AR 72227 Ph: 501-225-3840 Fx: 501-225-3679 barry@arnolds flooringamerica.com www.arnolds flooringlittlerock.com Arsha Corporation/ Lifetime Flooring Asante Bayrooti 23 Costa Del Sol Dana Point, CA 92629-4039 Ph: 949-355-9514 Fx: 949-429-5819 asante@lifetime-flooring.com www.lifetime flooringcalifornia.com 37 Artcraft Granite, Marble, & Tile Co. James Woelfel 557 South Robson Mesa, AZ 85210-2442 Ph: 480-829-9197 Fx: 480-350-9139 tile@artcraftgmt.com www.artcraftgmt.com Artelye, Inc. Joe Kim 10116 Bacon Drive Beltsville, MD 20705-2101 Ph: 301-931-6616 Fx: 301-931-6615 jkim@artelye.com www.artelye.com Artisan Granite & Tile LLC Robert Smeton 16326 North Sagewood Road Nine Mile Falls, WA 99026-9469 Ph: 509-342-6364 rsmeton@yahoo.com Artisan Tile & Mosaic Kirk Gruber 352 NE Tiger Way West Belfair, WA 98528-5038 Ph: 360-275-0352 Fx: 360-275-0352 artisantileandmosaic@ gmail.com Artisan Tile and Stone, Inc. Pete Tsesmelis 2363 2nd Avenue North Saint Petersburg, FL 33713-8824 Ph: 727-741-1533 Fx: 727-323-0989 artisantileandstone01@ gmail.com Artisan Tile Inc. Jennifer Panning 9864 East Grand River Avenue, Suite #110-132 Brighton, MI 48116 Ph: 810-220-2370 Fx: 810-220-3762 jenp@artisantileinc.com http://artisantileinc.com CONTRACTOR MEMBERS Artisan Tilework LLC William Sutphen 2439 Chof Trail Flagstaff, AZ 86005-3734 Ph: 928-600-3417 artisantileworks@gmail.com Artista Tile and Construction Vicente Vargas 2756 NE Rainier Drive Bend, OR 97701-7671 Ph: 541-390-9753 vvargas1981@gmail.com Artistic Tile Carl Dubberly 650 Amherst Street, Unit #17 Nashua, NH 03063-4017 Ph: 603-886-1920 Fx: 603-821-7334 carl@theperfecttile.com www.theperfecttile.com Artistic Tile Heyward Thomas 207 Hill Trace Trail Irmo, SC 29063-8967 Ph: 803-407-7990 artistictileofsc@gmail.com Artistic Tile & Stone Inc. Todd Evanoff 1330 East 1300 South Salt Lake City, UT 84105-1943 Ph: 801-694-1070 evanoffet@comcast.net Associated/ACC International Ltd. Richard Goodman 32 Morris Avenue Springfield, NJ 07081-1407 Ph: 908-686-6011 Fx: 908-686-1622 rgoodman@assocint.com www.assocint.com Atlanta Commercial Flooring Rich Thieme 2145 Barrett Park Drive NW, Suite #105 Kennesaw, GA 30144-3675 Ph: 770-428-7455 Fx: 770-429-7471 rich@atlflooring.com http://atlflooring.com Atlanta Flooring Design Centers Frank Winter 3665 Swiftwater Park Drive Suwanee, GA 30024 Ph: 770-476-8306 Fx: 770-476-0519 frank@atlanta flooringdesign.com www.atlantaflooringdesign Atlas Floors Carpet One Billy Mahone 2411 Brockton Street San Antonio, TX 78217-4908 Ph: 210-734-5007 Fx: 210-737-3746 b.mahone3@atlasfloors.com www.atlasfloors.com Augusta Tile Crafters, Inc. Wayne Guilfoyle 1067 Franke Industrial Drive, Suite A Augusta, GA 30909-9852 Ph: 706-796-3444 Fx: 706-560-2800 augustatile@knology.net www.augustaga.gov Avalon Flooring Chris Pfeiffer 2030 Springdale Road, Suite #400 Cherry Hill, NJ 08003-2052 Ph: 856-489-4996 Fx: 856-489-8520 cpfeiffer@ avalonflooring.com www.avalonflooring.com 38 Avanti Tile and Stone LLC Hector Cardona 3020 Highway 21 Fort Mill, SC 29715 Ph: 803-547-9677 Fx: 803-547-9678 hector@avantitilestone.com www.avantitilestone.com Axis Interior Systems, Inc. Michael Ansari 8216 Princeton Glendale Road West Chester, OH 45069-1675 Ph: 513-645-4275 Fx: 513-645-4270 mansari@ aiccontracting.com www.axisinteriorsystems.com Axis Tile & Stone Consultants LLC Frank Gorman 845 Arnold Avenue, Unit #4 Point Pleasant Boro, NJ 08742-2462 Ph: 848-203-6037 fxgorman@aol.com B & B Tile Installations, Inc. Burl F. Stricker, II 1300 Harris Creek Road McDonald, TN 37353-5139 Ph: 423-421-6552 Fx: 423-373-0100 bbtile.burl@gmail.com http://facebook.com/bbtile Baer’s Rug & Linoleum Co., Inc. Al Baer 275 Edison Avenue, Suite A West Babylon, NY 11704-1043 Ph: 613-392-1073 Fx: 613-392-1076 abaer@baersrug.com www.baersrug.com Baja Tile & Stone Inc. Rob Hann 2536 Rimrock Avenue, Suite #400-121 Grand Junction, CO 81505-8667 Ph: 970-260-9046 Fx: 970-256-7137 bajatileco@yahoo.com CONTRACTOR MEMBERS Balzano Tile Inc. Antonio Balzano 26750 Hampton Woods Drive Elkhart, IN 46514-6080 Ph: 574-361-5777 aantonio5@comcast.net Baptista Tile Manuel Baptista 611 SE Business Way, Suite #101 Bend, OR 97702-2603 Ph: 541-382-9130 Fx: 541-382-8140 manuel@baptistatile.com www.baptistatile.com Barall & Konover Floors, Inc. David Konover 714 Blue Hills Avenue Hartford, CT 06112-1213 Ph: 860-242-5200 david@bkfloors.com Barber’s Floors and More Ken Barber 2321 South US Highway 27 Saint Johns, MI 48879-9166 Ph: 989-224-9530 Fx: 989-224-8917 ken@barbers floorsandmore.com http://barbers floorsandmore.com Barefoot Flooring John Bretzloff 2901 Castle Hayne Road Castle Hayne, NC 28429-5430 Ph: 910-772-1735 Fx: 910-772-9272 barefootfloor@ec.rr.com www.barefootflooring.com Bareville Flooring & Tile Susan Fickes P.O. Box 321 Leola, PA 17540-0321 Ph: 717-661-6522 Fx: 717-661-6525 sfickes@barevilleflooring.com Battle Creek Tile & Mosaic Co., Inc. Bensley Construction John Zanetti 1338 West Michigan Avenue Battle Creek, MI 49037-1921 Ph: 269-962-8779 Fx: 269-962-0620 bctile@tds.net www.battlecreektile.com Patrick Bensley 1328 Damyien Arch Chesapeake, VA 23320-5110 Ph: 570-650-1759 patwah55@msn.com www.pbensley construction.com Battles & Battles Tile Inc. Bentley Flooring Maseena Battles 4660 Holston Drive Knoxville, TN 37914-4243 Ph: 865-525-7008 Fx: 865-637-2209 maseena@bbtiletn.com www.bbtiletn.com Bearden Carpet Don Bearden 618 North Stewart Avenue Springfield, MO 65802-2238 Ph: 417-883-7669 Fx: 417-889-6934 donbearden@ beardencarpet.com www.beardencarpet.com Bellissimo Stonework and Design Inc. Dustin Heiner 10 Hakoi Place Kihei, HI 96753-7301 Ph: 808-214-4880 Fx: 808-879-5073 dustin@bellisimo-tile.com www.bellissimo-tile,com Bennett Pool & Spa, Inc. Greg Bennett 13953 Polk Street Sylmar, CA 91342-2219 Ph: 818-364-1600 Fx: 661-702-1833 bennettpools@gmail.com www.bennettpools.com Bennington Ceramic Tile Stephen “Benny” Bennington 11 Discovery Lane Selbyville, DE 19975-9642 Ph: 302-436-5544 Fx: 302-436-5508 bennytile@verizon.net www.bennington tilesolutions.com 39 Rusty Burke 3844 NW 8th Street Oklahoma City, OK 73107-6062 Ph: 405-235-6471 Fx: 405-235-1855 rusty@bentleyflooring.com www.bentleyflooring.com Berry Ceramic Tile & Stonework Inc. Berry Agolli 3402 East Mallory Avenue Cudahy, WI 53110-2221 Ph: 414-482-7464 Fx: 414-482-7466 berryceramic@usa.com www.berryceramic.com Beyond Basics Tile & Stone Van Sutton P.O. Box 250 Danville, CA 94526-0250 Ph: 925-743-8138 Fx: 925-743-8138 mindmarble@aol.com BFC, Ltd. Bernadette Baumgardner 207 West Parkway Drive Egg Harbor Township, NJ 08234-5105 Ph: 609-645-2808 Fx: 609-645-9790 bbaumgardner@bfc-ltd.com www.bfc-ltd.com BGT Interior Solutions Patrick Galvan 5310 Glenmont Drive Houston, TX 77081-2008 Ph: 713-668-5151 Fx: 713-668-4803 pgalvan@bgtis.com http://bgtinterior solutions.com/splash CONTRACTOR MEMBERS Big City Tile & Stone Scott Lambert 646 Elm Street NE Lonsdale, MN 55046-3439 Ph: 612-221-8135 scott@ bigcitytileandstone.com www.bigcitytile andstone.com Big Red’s Marble & Tile Mario Gallegos 5934 Lindley Avenue Encino, CA 91316-1047 Ph: 818-232-7748 Fx: 818-232-1111 marioflooring@yahoo.com Bill Jarvis Tile & Stone Inc. Bill Jarvis P.O. Box 493522 Redding, CA 96049-3522 Ph: 530-305-7737 Fx: 707-725-2633 cathy181712@yahoo.com Bill Yarborough Tile LLC Cody Yarborough P.O. Box 566 Clifton, TX 76634-0566 Ph: 817-247-3040 Fx: 817-247-3040 cody@bytile.com http://bytile.com Bird Ceramic Tile LLC Kory Bird 2853 Merced Drive Des Moines, IA 50310-4200 Ph: 515-577-3123 sara.bird3300@hotmail.com Bluegrass Flooring Tom Smith 868 Meadow Lane Lexington, KY 40505-3626 Ph: 859-963-8666 tom@bluegrassflooring.com www.bluegrassflooring.com Bluewave Tile & Stone Mark Sutton 3169 Spottswood Avenue Memphis, TN 38111-3139 Ph: 901-485-5505 Fx: 901-327-7221 mark@bluewavetile.com www.bluewavetile.com BMK Construction LLC Bowtile Company Boatman & Magnani, Inc. Boyle Tile Ryan Cutwright 2222 Kamehameha Highway Honolulu, HI 96819-2308 Ph: 808-792-1870 Fx: 808-841-0970 rcutwright@ partnersinstone.com John Magnani 600 Ritchie Road Capitol Heights, MD 20743-3716 Ph: 301-336-7700 Fx: 301-336-4463 office@boatman andmagnani.com www.boatman andmagnani.com Bob Zoni, Inc. Bob Zoni P.O. Box 6217 Hamden, CT 06517-0217 Ph: 203-248-5650 noemail1234@gmail.com Bonitz Flooring Group Inc. Kathy Case 2251 Dabney Road, Suite B Richmond, VA 23230-3329 Ph: 804-278-8742 Fx: 804-278-8743 kathycase@bonitz.com Bonitz Flooring Group Inc. Esty Marom 7755 Densmore Avenue Van Nuys, CA 91406-1920 Ph: 818-997-7997 Fx: 818-779-0717 esty@bowtile.com www.bowtile.com Henry Boyle 6144 Barman Road Waunakee, WI 53597-9378 Ph: 520-5592068 Fx: 520-5592068 henrygreenboyle@ gmail.com BPH Tile and Stone Inc. Bryan Hyland 217 Scenic Road Fairfax, CA 94930-1550 Ph: 415-299-4917 Fx: 415-299-4917 bryan.sendy@gmail.com www.bphtileandstone.com Bramalea Tile Ltd. Patrick Grillo 3045 South Creek Road, Unit #51 Mississagau, ON L4X 2X7 Canada Ph: 905-568-2797 Fx: 999-999-9999 bramaleatile@rogers.com Harold Chapman 1200 Woodruff Road, Building D Greenville, SC 29606 Ph: 864-288-3771 Fx: 864-254-0145 haroldchapman@ bonitz.com www.bonitz.us Breegle Building Products, Inc. Borremans Tile Brekhus Tile & Stone, Inc. Bill Borremans 11910 Kitten Trail Hudson, FL 34669-1142 Ph: 727-862-2709 Fx: 727-868-7653 mborremans@ tampabay.rr.com 40 Bobby Diltz 2213 Grant Street Wichita Falls, TX 76309-4333 Ph: 940-322-3129 Fx: 940-322-3414 bobby@breegle.com www.breegle.com Jeff Brekhus 860 South Jason Street Denver, CO 80223-2818 Ph: 303-494-9255 Fx: 720-257-7880 jbrekhus@brekhustile.com www.brekhustile.com CONTRACTOR MEMBERS Breslin’s Floor Covering Patrick Breslin 63 North Seminary Street Galesburg, IL 61401-4813 Ph: 309-342-9197 Fx: 309-342-7103 pbreslin@breslins.com www.breslins.com Brian Dye Tile Brian Dye 7815 West 96th Street Overland Park, KS 66212-2315 Ph: 816-863-7142 briandyetile@gmail.com www.briandyetile.com Brian’s Carpet & Commercial Flooring Timothy Blash 5401 North Haverhill Road, Unit #113 West Palm Beach, FL 33407-7005 Ph: 561-242-9500 Fx: 561-242-9502 tim@brianscarpetwpb.com www.brianscarpet andcommercial.com Brooks Tile Mat Brooks 7844 Glen Field Court Citrus Heights, CA 95610-2410 Ph: 916-721-1232 Fx: 916-745-3943 mbrooks@brookstile.com www.brookstile.com Bruce Tile Company Jean Bruce 1482 Concord Boulevard Columbus, GA 31904-4441 Ph: 706-323-1822 Fx: 706-327-7922 jeanbruce@brucetilecol.com Brush Floor Covering, Inc. Bob Brush 1934 Robert C. Byrd Drive Beckley, WV 25801-7800 Ph: 304-575-8453 Fx: 304-252-9292 bob@brushfloor.com www.facebook.com/ brushfloor Bryan’s Flooring Inc. Monty Dolph 601 West I 240 Service Road Oklahoma City, OK 73139-4640 Ph: 405-308-5999 Fx: 405-634-6589 monty@bryansflooring.com www.bryansflooring.com Business Interiors Floor Covering, Inc. Bob Broda 16 Everberg Road Woburn, MA 01801-1019 Ph: 781-938-9994 Fx: 781-938-8833 bbroda@bifloor.com www.bifloor.com C & D LaFace Domenico LaFace 3721 New Court Avenue Syracuse, NY 13206-1654 Ph: 315-471-6964 Fx: 315-471-3405 dlaface@cdlaface.com www.cdlaface.com C D Tile & Stone, Inc. Jeff Durant 3103 103rd Lane NE, Suite #160 Minneapolis, MN 55449-5179 Ph: 763-746-2290 Fx: 763-746-2505 jeffd@cdtileandstone.com www.cdtileandstone.com Cabot & Rowe Paul Luccia 1237 Oxford Street Houston, TX 77008-7002 Ph: 713-459-6215 Fx: 999-999-9999 cabotandrowe@gmail.com www.cabotandrowe.com California Flooring Ltd. Kevin Insalato 11480 North 1000E Road Manteno, IL 60950-3155 Ph: 815-468-9400 Fx: 815-352-9076 californiaflooringltd93@ gmail.com www.california flooringltd.com 41 California Tile Installers Larry Bloom 1696 Rogers Avenue San Jose, CA 95112-1105 Ph: 408-436-0600 Fx: 408-436-1126 larry@cti-usperma.com Camarata Masonry Systems Ltd. Kevin Camarata 16465 West Hardy Road Houston, TX 77060-6226 Ph: 281-876-1111 Fx: 281-876-1120 kcamarata@ camaratamasonry.com www.camarata masonry.com Campbell Tile Company, Inc. Greg Rogers P.O. Box 25399 Greenville, SC 29616-0399 Ph: 864-288-3371 Fx: 864-234-4902 greg@campbelltile.com www.campbelltile.com Campbells Tile Concepts Chris Campbell 3263 NW 29th Avenue Portland, OR 97210-1711 Ph: 503-517-0698 deanna.campbell@ comcast.net http://campbells tileconcepts.com Cam’s Carpet LLC Russell Caminiti 127 Wason Road Hudson, NH 03051-5123 Ph: 603-560-7878 Fx: 603-218-6146 camscarpet@yahoo.com CONTRACTOR MEMBERS Canto Tile & Stone, LLC Frank Canto 10317 Tarragon Drive Riverview, FL 33569-4158 Ph: 813-677-7444 Fx: 813-677-7511 frank@cantotile.com www.cantotile.com Cape Cod Tileworks Tom Meehan 705 Main Street Harwich, MA 02645-2751 Ph: 508-432-7346 Fx: 508-432-8315 tmeehan6357@comcast.net www.capecodtileworks.com Carlo Tile & Marble Company Jason Chioini 24690 Telegraph Road Southfield, MI 48033-3062 Ph: 248-232-3322 Fx: 248-353-2890 jcchioini@carlotile.com www.carlotile.com Carpet & Tile Warehouse, Inc. Robert Winter 770 8th Court Vero Beach, FL 32962 Ph: 772-770-2488 Fx: 772-770-4920 floors4u@gate.net www.carpetand tilewarehouse.com Carpet Barn Randy Drewry 9313 Maumelle Boulevard North Little Rock, AR 72113-6609 Ph: 501-771-2122 Fx: 501-771-2951 randy@carpetbarn.net www.carpetbarn.net Carpet Fair Commercial Flooring Steven Plunkert 7100 Rutherford Road Baltimore, MD 21244-2701 Ph: 410-265-6633 Fx: 410-298-5347 stevep@ carpetfairflooring.com www.carpetfairflooring.com Carpet One Floor & Home John Shepard 2804 West 23rd Street Panama City, FL 32405-2353 Ph: 850-785-4983 Fx: 850-785-0930 jshepard@ mycarpetone.com www.carpetone panamacity.com Carpet One of San Ramon Leah Leonard 1985 San Ramon Valley Boulevard San Ramon, CA 94583-1203 Ph: 925-837-3716 Fx: 925-820-6759 lleonard@carpet1sr.com www. carpet1sr.com Carpet Specialists Scott Patrick 400 Lakeshore Drive Ishpeming, MI 49849-1363 Ph: 906-361-7023 scottp@ carpetspecialists.com www.carpetspecialist.com Carpet Weaver’s Inc. Steve Scott 902 South Eldorado Road Bloomington, IL 61704-6006 Ph: 309-834-3606 Fx: 309-834-3607 sscott@carpetweavers.net Carroll Development LLC Randy Carroll P.O. Box 3571 Johnson City, TN 37602-3571 Ph: 423-773-2444 carrolldev@hotmail.com 42 Carrolls Commercial Floors Steve Carroll 11408 East 19th Street Tulsa, OK 74128-6409 Ph: 918-376-9885 Fx: 918-376-9818 ccfsteve@gmail.com Castellan Tile, Terrazzo & Stone, Inc. Robert Castellan 1602 Saemann Avenue Sheboygan, WI 53081-2463 Ph: 920-458-3049 Fx: 920-458-3084 info@castellantile.com www.castellantile.com CB Flooring LLC Chuck Bode 9515 Gerwig Lane, Suite #130 Columbia, MD 21046-2911 Ph: 410-381-5400 Fx: 410-381-7687 chuckbode@cbflooring.com www.cbflooring.com CBW Remodeling Claude Bouchard 3071 Chelsea Lane Acworth, GA 30102-1277 Ph: 770-318-7252 Fx: 770-592-3212 cbwremodeling@gmail.com CC Owen Tile Co. Inc. Rodney Owen P.O. Box 625 Jonesboro, GA 30237-0625 Ph: 770-478-5111 Fx: 770-478-5124 rodowen@ccowentile.com www.ccowentile.com CCA Floors and Interiors Ralph Grove 430 South Pickett Street Alexandria, VA 22304-4706 Ph: 703-212-6393 Fx: 703-823-8503 rgrove@ccafloors.com www.ccafloors.com CONTRACTOR MEMBERS Cen Cal Tile, Inc. Chris Mortensen 2727 North Sunnyside Avenue, Suite #103 Fresno, CA 93727-1352 Ph: 559-930-7036 Fx: 559-970-3084 calitilechris@gmail.com http://cencaltile.com Centerline Contracting LLC Chris Klesch 4620 North Braeswood Boulevard, #424 Houston, TX 77096 Ph: 281-656-6547 Fx: 281-656-6547 chris@ centerlinehouston.com www.centerline houston.com Centerline Tile and Stone Wes Hook 6692 Blue Heron Drive Lino Lakes, MN 55014-3300 Ph: 651-336-3742 wes@centerlinetile.com http://centerlinetile.com Ceramic Designs Midwest Inc. Charles Eckard & Sons Inc. Ceramic Tile Plus Charles McCandless Tile Contractors George Martina P.O. Box 9597 Rapid City, SD 57709-9597 Ph: 605-342-5543 Fx: 605-341-2386 ceramicdesignsmidwest@ msn.com James James 25 Kahului Beach Road Kahului, HI 96732-1250 Ph: 808-871-8674 Fx: 808-871-5649 jrdoran@ ceramictileplus.com www.ceramictileplus.com Certified Floorcovering Services Inc. Harry Milli 5150 West 84th Street Indianapolis, IN 46268-1512 Ph: 317-872-7926 Fx: 317-876-1015 hmilli@certifiedfloor.com www.certifiedfloor.com Certified Tile Inc. Richard Bragniani 5180 South 9th Street Kalamazoo, MI 49009-9503 Ph: 269-375-1660 Fx: 269-375-4522 info@centraltile.net www.centraltile.net Shay Yokobi 7769 Lemona Avenue Van Nuys, CA 91405-1137 Ph: 818-785-4088 Fx: 818-785-4059 info@certified tileandmarble.com www.certified tileandmarble.com Century Floor Space CFS Interiors & Flooring Central Tile & Terrazzo E. Boender 719 Century Avenue SW Grand Rapids, MI 49503-4906 Ph: 616-988-4524 Fx: 616-235-0310 trent@century-gr.com www.century-gr.com Mike Marden 940 Apollo Road, Suite #110 Saint Paul, MN 55121-2154 Ph: 651-256-0210 mmanden@cfs-floors.com www.cfs-floors.com Chance Brothers Marble & Tile Dave Chance, Jr. 114 West McCarty Street Indianapolis, IN 46225-1208 Ph: 317-635-7531 Fx: 317-636-8976 tiletyc@gmail.com 43 Jason Eckard 1942 Bethel Road Finksburg, MD 21048-1149 Ph: 410-751-3844 Fx: 410-386-1174 jeckard38@gmail.com Mike Choate 636 North Poinsettia Street Santa Ana, CA 92701-3939 Ph: 714-542-4433 Fx: 714-542-0628 mike@mccandlesstile.com www.mccandlesstile.com Checker Tile Limited J. Andrew Carlson 241 Summit Avenue Darlington, WI 53530-1552 Ph: 608-776-3340 checkertile@gmail.com http://checkertile.com Choice Floor Specialists Kevin Ruden 2822 North Nebraska Avenue York, NE 68467-8096 Ph: 402-362-7778 kruden1@gmail.com www.choicefloorsinc.com Christian Brothers Flooring Josh Castelli 12086 Woodside Avenue Lakeside, CA 92040-2916 Ph: 619-443-9500 Fx: 619-938-0900 josh.c@cbfloorsinc.com www.cbfloorsinc.com Chudy Tile & Carpentry, Inc. Frank Chudy 107 Bobcat Court Carbondale, CO 81623-8738 Ph: 970-379-5710 Fx: 970-670-4060 fjchudy@comcast.net CONTRACTOR MEMBERS CI Select Ellen Zucker 11840 Westline Industrial Drive, #100 Saint Louis, MO 63146-3313 Ph: 314-909-1990 Fx: 314-909-1911 ezucker@ciselect.com www.ciselect.com Cincinnati Mosaic, Inc. Nick Rusche 4817 Glenshade Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45227-2419 Ph: 513-271-2125 Fx: 513-271-5573 nick@thwinston.com Cinderella Carpet One & ProSource Cheryl Talbott 3510 South Broad Street San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Ph: 805-781-2657 Fx: 805-541-3762 ctalbott@cshow.net Ciro Errico Tile Installations Ciro Errico 7765 De Soto Avenue Canoga Park, CA 91304-5142 Ph: 818-704-9830 Fx: 818-704-9830 tilebyciro@gmail.com CKB Design Group LLC Eugene Brannon 75 Shenot Road, Suite B Wexford, PA 15090-7470 Ph: 724-935-0364 Fx: 724-935-5491 accounting@ copperleafdesign.com www.copperleafdesign.com Classic Flooring Justin Savage 178 VT Route 103 South Chester, VT 05143-4447 Ph: 802-875-8453 Fx: 802-875-5255 classicflooringvt@ comcast.net www.classicflooringvt.com Classic Stone & Tile Inc. John Porter P.O. Box 288, 25800 Routt Street Phippsburg, CO 80469-0288 Ph: 970-846-4933 Fx: 970-none john@ classicstoneandtile.com www.classic stoneandtile.com Classique Floors Judith Huck 14127 SE Stark Street Portland, OR 97233-2147 Ph: 503-255-6775 Fx: 503-255-6776 judith@classiquefloors.com www.classiquefloors.com CMalagisi Tile Collins Tile and Stone, LLC Buck Collins 40405 Lenah Run Circle Aldie, VA 20105-3472 Ph: 703-965-2090 Fx: 703-957-4631 dana@ collinstileandstone.com www.collinstileandstone.com Color Tile Randy Reed 3520 North Highway 97 Bend, OR 97701-5729 Ph: 541-410-2420 Fx: 541-317-8517 colortile@ bendbroadband.com Colorado Design Inc. Tile and Terrazzo Chuck Malagisi 1414 Crisfield Drive Columbus, OH 43204-3903 Ph: 614-390-8463 Fx: 614-390-8463 cmalagisi@tilecm.com http://tilecm.com Stephen Titony 7245 Gilpin Way, Suite #250 Denver, CO 80229-6535 Ph: 303-288-9688 Fx: 303-286-1126 stephen@cdtat.com http://colorado tileandterrazzo.com Coast Floors, Inc. Colorado Slab & Tile Lance Kennedy 18019 Sky Park Circle, Suite F Irvine, CA 92614-6587 Ph: 714-754-6356 Fx: 714-754-6455 lance@coastfloorsinc.com www.coastfloorsinc.com Coastal Custom Tile Jacob Harris 182 Steep Hill Drive Swansboro, NC 285847710 Ph: 252-327-5259 ilisha_n06@yahoo.com Cody Flooring & Tile Inc. Steve Barrow 15850 West 6th Avenue Golden, CO 80401-5020 Ph: 303-271-1071 Fx: 303-271-1074 steveb@codyflooring.com www.codyflooring.com 44 Jason Kaples 0032 Eagle Park East Drive Eagle, CO 81631 Ph: 970-328-0557 Fx: 970-n/a jason@colorado slabandtile.com www.colorado slabandtile.com Columbia Tile & Grout Services Bruce Wilson 134 Broadreach Road Lexington, SC 29072-9267 Ph: 803-447-7342 bwilson@columbia tileandgrout.com www.columbia tileandgrout.com CONTRACTOR MEMBERS Commercial Carpet Consultants Jerry Watson 893 North Industrial Drive Elmhurst, IL 60126-1117 Ph: 847-456-1530 Fx: 999-999-9999 jwatson@commcpt.com www.commcpt.com Commercial Ceramic Inc. Mike Gillett P.O. Box 1093 Peoria, AZ 85380-1093 Ph: 623-826-4281 Fx: 623-776-2278 comceramics@aol.com www.ccitile.com Commercial Floor Distributors, Inc. Kevin Sutherland 210 South River Street Seattle, WA 98108-3246 Ph: 206-767-3077 Fx: 206-767-4434 kevin@cfloor.com www.cfloor.com Commercial Flooring Concepts Harry Attianese 350 Addison Road Windsor, CT 06095-2347 Ph: 860-683-0673 Fx: 860-683-1093 hta@ commercialflooring.com http://commercial flooring.com Commercial Flooring of Toledo Mike Rajner 9672 Oak Haven Court Perrysburg, OH 43551-3540 Ph: 419-720-6337 mike@cf-toledo.com www.cf-toledo.com Commercial Flooring Services Inc. Willie Walker 303 Williams Avenue SW, Suite #1131 Huntsville, AL 35801-6087 Ph: 256-722-9302 Fx: 256-722-9706 william@commercial flooringservices.com www.commercialf looringservices.com Commercial Flooring Services Inc. Corey Werner 13100 Albrook Drive, Suite #800 Denver, CO 80239-4714 Ph: 303-289-4462 Fx: 303-289-5607 corey@commflooring.com www.commflooring.com Commercial Flooring Systems James Vanhauer 11008 John Galt Boulevard Omaha, NE 68137-6307 Ph: 402-592-4383 Fx: 402-592-5134 karen@cfsomah.com www.cfsomaha.com Commercial Flooring, Inc. Curtis Namanny 5001 Highway 80 West Jackson, MS 39209-4655 Ph: 601-922-9164 Fx: 601-922-9071 curtis@ commercialflooring.net www.commfloorinc.com Commercial Surfaces Inc. Pete Soto 3453 North Panam Expressway, Suite #304 San Antonio, TX 78219-2336 Ph: 210-223-2712 Fx: 210-223-2467 pete@commercial surfacesinc.com www.comercial surfacesinc.com 45 Construction Management Consulting Group, Inc. Stuart Gregory P.O. Box 3269 Saint Augustine, FL 32085-3269 Ph: 904-823-8592 Fx: 904-823-8507 sgregory@const-mgmt.com Continental Marble, Inc. Christopher McConnell 1361 Lincoln Avenue, Suite #2 Holbrook, NY 11741-2279 Ph: 631-285-7265 Fx: 631-285-6569 chris@ continentalmarble.com www.continental marble.com Contract Interiors Mark Kolkman P.O. Box 11018 Fort Wayne, IN 46855-1018 Ph: 260-423-3674 Fx: 260-422-3804 dianacastleberry@ yahoo.com www.contract interiorsflooring.com Contractors Tile Company, Inc. William Longworth 4401 Michigan Avenue Nashville, TN 37209-2215 Ph: 615-383-4863 Fx: 615-383-0690 william@contractorstile.com Contractors Tile Plus, Inc. Javier Murguia 5519 East Paisano Drive El Paso, TX 79905-1747 Ph: 915-545-2000 Fx: 915-545-2195 javiermctp@sbcglobal.net http://tilesplusinc.com CONTRACTOR MEMBERS Conway Tile Co., Inc. Tony Horness 5401 East 29th Street Tucson, AZ 85711-6542 Ph: 520-747-9636 Fx: 520-790-9276 tonyh@conwayinc.com www.conwayinc.com Cornerstone Commercial Flooring Shelly Jones 10125 Mammoth Avenue Baton Rouge, LA 70814-4421 Ph: 225-270-0749 Fx: 225-262-0944 shelly@ cornerstoneflooring.net http://cornerstone commercialflooring.com Corona Marble & Tile Ltd. Mike Corona 15814 Old Frederick Road Woodbine, MD 21797-8738 Ph: 410-549-3146 Fx: 410-549-3146 mikecoronatile@gmail.com www.corona marbleandtile.com Corporate Floors Inc. Thomas Holland 1713 Minters Chapel Road, #100 Grapevine, TX 76051 Ph: 817-601-2250 Fx: 817-601-2285 tholland@ corporatefloors.com www.corporatefloors.com Countryside Carpets & Interiors Rich Cooper 1305 Tom Ginnever Avenue O’Fallon, MO 63366-4400 Ph: 636-978-6466 Fx: 636-978-3683 richc@faofmo.com www.countryside carpets.com Cox Tile Inc. John Cox 111 East Turbo Drive San Antonio, TX 78216-3314 Ph: 210-340-1122 Fx: 210-340-2637 john@coxtile.com www.coxtile.com CraftCroswell Inc. Craig Miller 116 Ridgeland Plaza Ridgeland, MS 39157-3411 Ph: 601-856-8861 Fx: 601-856-9475 craig@craftcroswell.com www.craft croswell.com/index.html Creative Interiors Carpet One William Dukes 1404 Boundary Street Beaufort, SC 29902-3944 Ph: 843-524-2612 william@ creativecarpetone.com www.creative interiorsbeaufort.com Creative Tile Michael Blasko P.O. Box 95 Scotland, CT 06264-0095 Ph: 860-428-2658 creativetileeasternct@ yahoo.com Craig Harimon Tile Setters Creative Tile & Hardwood Floors Cravillion Tile & Stone LLC Creative Tile Solutions Craig Harimon 3934 North 66th Street Omaha, NE 68104-2551 Ph: 402-686-7419 Fx: 402-555-5555 craigharimon@gmail.com Tom Cravillion 101 Edna Street Plymouth, WI 53073-1209 Ph: 920-893-3064 Fx: 920-893-3064 cravilliontile@yahoo.com Creative Countertops, Inc. Bill Wyman 22285 NE Stottlemeyer Road Poulsbo, WA 98370-8957 Ph: 360-598-3106 Fx: 360-598-6224 bill@creativecounters.com www.creativecounters.com Creative Floors Roger Wollaston 105 Sandy Drive Sandy Brae Industrial Park Newark, NJ 19713 Ph: 302-455-9045 Fx: 302-455-0145 rogerwollaston@ creativefloors.org 46 Steve Aqius 1853 Trade Center Way Naples, FL 34109-1863 Ph: 239-513-0200 Fx: 239-513-0158 steve@ctc-naples.com http://ctc-naples.com Sidney McClelland 1501 NW 44th Street Lawton, OK 73505-3618 Ph: 580-695-1812 scmcclelland95@gmail.com Crown Tile Inc. Vitaly Kovalev P.O. Box 80427 Portland, OR 97280-1427 Ph: 503-522-7499 info@crowntileinc.com www.crowntileinc.com CS Floors Alan VanCleave 8803 State Route 16 NW Gig Harbor, WA 98332-8441 Ph: 253-853-5833 Fx: 253-857-7367 al@csfloors.net www.csfloors.net CONTRACTOR MEMBERS Custom Installations CSM Tile Co. Inc. Chris Kimberly 1530 Fyler Road Chittenango, NY 13037-9435 Ph: 315-687-5095 Fx: 315-687-5080 chris@csmtile.com www.csmtile.com CTL Group Terry Willems 5400 Old Orchard Road Skokie, IL 60077 Ph: 847-965-7500 Fx: 847-965-6541 twillems@ctlgroup.com www.ctlgroup.com CTS Flooring Joe Purcell 319 West Ridge Pike Limerick, PA 19468-1717 Ph: 610-831-5125 Fx: 610-489-3221 jpurcell@ctsflooring.com www.ctsflooring.com Custom Expressions Edward Minneman 2506 Flint Drive Wilmington, NC 28401-7767 Ph: 910-264-7092 Fx: 910-264-7092 ed3minneman@gmail.com Custom Installations LLC Brent Posusta 412 Main Street West Silver Lake, MN 55381 Ph: 320-327-2300 Fx: 320-327-2300 brent@flooring-mn.com www.flooring-mn.com Custom Spaces LLC Justin Ernst 4616 Deerwood Drive Minnetonka, MN 55343-8679 Ph: 612-807-4923 jernst47@gmail.com Custom Tile & Flooring Kenneth Radford 19060 Aydell Lane French Settlement, LA 70733-2011 Ph: 225-328-2458 Fx: 225-698-3911 customtileandfloorllc@ gmail.com Aaron Tritt 2207 Spencer Street Longmont, CO 80501-0939 Ph: 720-980-6070 athena@ customexpressions.org http://custom expressions.org Custom Tile & Marble Inc. Custom Floor Design Custom Tile and Stone Doug Taylor 9310 South Eastern Oklahoma City, OK 73160 Ph: 405-794-2729 Fx: 405-794-8726 doug@cfd-inc.com Custom Floors by Clint Clint Owen 2206 East 24th Street Owen and Jaime Story Texarkana, AR 71854-4011 Ph: 903-908-3933 noemail022901@gmail.com Arsenio Blanco, Jr. 11001 SW 60th Avenue Pinecrest, FL 33156-4920 Ph: 305-667-8453 Fx: 305-667-8330 ablanco@customtile.com www.customtile.com Jessie Alvarez 1280 Longmeadow Drive Gilroy, CA 95020-7730 Ph: 408-476-3577 Fx: 408-476-3577 jessie@ customtileandstone.biz www.customtileandstone.biz 47 Custom Tile Designs & Renovations/ Chad Thurlo Inc. Chad Thurlo 233 North Pino Road Mocksville, NC 27028-4865 Ph: 336-830-3347 cthurlo.ct@gmail.com Custom Tile of Austin Steve Smith 4902 Manchaca Road Austin, TX 78745-2802 Ph: 512-440-1970 Fx: 512-440-7385 customtileofaustin@ yahoo.com www.custom tileofaustin.com Custom Tile Service Lance Mayfield 9220 Omega Lane Redding, CA 96002-9208 Ph: 530-222-4676 mayf5redding@gmail.com Custom Tile Works Justin Kulow 116 Forest Avenue Plymouth, WI 53073-1218 Ph: 920-360-9530 Fx: 999-999-9999 justinkulow@gmail.com Cutting Edge Stone & Tile LLC Stephen Sutton 136 South 300 East Farmington, UT 84025-3412 Ph: 801-842-6327 cutting_edge801@ yahoo.com Cutting Edge Tile Inc. Carl Leonard 4 River Bank Drive Roebling, NJ 08554-1513 Ph: 609-456-8648 Fx: 609-456-8648 cleonard@ cuttingedgetilenj.com https://www.cutting edgetilenj.com CONTRACTOR MEMBERS D & J Tile Company, Inc. David Newman 1045 Terminal Way San Carlos, CA 94070-3226 Ph: 650-632-4000 Fx: 650-632-4006 linc@djtile.com www.djtile.com D.M. Tile Donny Micken 2119 Ruthsburg Road Centreville, MD 21617-1906 Ph: 443-988-1459 donnymicken@gmail.com D’uva Renovations Frank D’uva 14 Clearspring Lane Brampton, ON L6R2B9 Canada Ph: 905-793-2627 Fx: 905-793-2627 fduva@sympatico.ca Da Vinci Marble and Granite Alex Romo P.O. Box 4037 Gypsum, CO 81637-4037 Ph: 970-300-8102 Fx: 970-300-8102 davincimarbleand granite@hotmail.com Dakota Tile Tim Malo P.O. Box 521 Hixson, TN 37343-0521 Ph: 423-580-1304 timrm580@gmail.com Dalar Contracting LLC David Lardieri 5 Nuko Terrace Randolph, NJ 07869-4105 Ph: 973-769-0953 dvl8256@optonline.net Dale Tile Co. Chris Dale 6007 Culligan Way Minnetonka, MN 55345-5918 Ph: 952-540-4240 Fx: 952-472-2206 cdale@daletileco.com http://daletileco.com Dalene Flooring Chris Dalene 45 Nutmeg Road South South Windsor, CT 06074-3467 Ph: 860-289-4305 Fx: 860-289-3774 cdalene@ daleneflooring.com www.daleneflooring.com Dalton Carpet One Mike Blanton 3690 Atlanta Highway Athens, GA 30606-3173 Ph: 706-353-0547 Fx: 706-354-0058 mblanton@ daltoncarpetone.com www.daltoncarpetone.com Dan J. Sheehan Company Brendan Sheehan P.O. Box 8104 Savannah, GA 31412-8104 Ph: 912-236-4423 Fx: 912-234-8310 brendan@sheehan contracting.com www.sheehan contracting.com Dan Territo Tile Dan Territo 1712 Longmeadow Street Longmeadow, MA 01106-2230 Ph: 413-567-4576 revelation55@msn.com Daniel Boone Consulting Daniel K. Boone 1515 North Federal Highway Boca Raton, FL 33432-1994 Ph: 561-395-2292 Fx: 561-338-4840 danielkboone@hotmail.com Daniel K. Boone & Company, Inc. Daniel Boone 1515 North Federal Highway, Suite #300 Boca Raton, FL 33432-1994 Ph: 561-395-2292 Fx: 561-338-4840 danielkboone@hotmail.com 48 Dave Gerhardt Tile LLC Dave Gerhardt P.O. Box 1555 Bend, OR 97709-1555 Ph: 541-815-7287 Fx: 541-508-4209 dtgerhardt@msn.com Dave Hu Construction Dave Hu 1011 NE Newton Creek Road Roseburg, OR 97470-6647 Ph: 541-580-2438 Fx: 541-673-0414 davehu@charter.net Dave the Marble Guy/ESP David Bonasera 434 Roberson Lane San Jose, CA 95112-1125 Ph: 408-436-0470 Fx: 408-573-7946 dave@ davethemarbleguy.com http://dave themarbleguy.com Dave’s Floor Trends, Inc. Dave Olson 700 East 53rd Street Davenport, IA 52807-2609 Ph: 563-386-7626 Fx: 563-391-5547 dolson@floor-trends.com www.floor-trends.com David Allen Company Martin Howard P.O. Box 27705 Raleigh, NC 27611-7705 Ph: 919-821-7100 Fx: 919-821-4847 mhoward@davidallen.com www.davidallen.com David Allen Company Chad Love 5541 Powder Plant Lane Bessemer, AL 35022-6196 Ph: 205-322-9910 Fx: 205-322-9936 chadlove@davidallen.com www.davidallen.com CONTRACTOR MEMBERS David Allen CompanyVA Branch #25 Christopher Walker 7950 Gainsford Court, Suite #101 Bristow, VA 20136-5108 Ph: 703-690-4422 Fx: 703-368-1576 chriswalker@davidallen.com www.davidallen.com David L. Wilbers Floor Covering Inc. David Wilbers, Jr. 2921 East McCarty Street, Suite A Jefferson City, MO 65101-4431 Ph: 573-635-1464 Fx: 573-635-6093 dlwilbers@hotmail.com David LaFleur Tile and Flooring Contractor David LaFleur 21 Allengate Avenue Pittsfield, MA 01201-2801 Ph: 413-281-3965 Fx: 413-445-5991 lafleurtileandflooring@ gmail.com David Pearson, Inc. David Pearson 18019 46th Court North Loxahatchee, FL 33470-2389 Ph: 561-792-5399 Fx: 561-792-1990 davidpearsoninc@aol.com David Woodard Tile Inc. David Woodard 3301 Jones Sausage Road, Suite #135 Garner, NC 27529-7281 Ph: 919-329-9570 Fx: 919-329-9572 woodardtile@ mindspring.com DC Tile and Stone Derek Kahn 6366 Commerce Boulevard, #356 Rohnert Park, CA 94928-2404 Ph: 415-533-7700 derek.dctilencal@ yahoo.com www.tileand stone-sanrafael.com De Anza Tile Co., Inc. Richard Papapietro 45755 Northport Loop West Fremont, CA 94538-6460 Ph: 650-424-0356 Fx: 650-424-1072 rich@deanzatile.com www.deanzatile.com Dearman’s Flooring Jeramie Dearman 36345 Page Drive Denham Springs, LA 70706-8563 Ph: 225-938-8010 jeramiedearman@ gmail.com Decker Ceramic Tile David Pelletier 14150 SE Flora Avenue Hobe Sound, FL 33455-9742 Ph: 772-545-0872 Fx: 772-545-0952 pelletile@bellsouth.net Christopher Decker 408 Lore Avenue Wilmington, DE 19809-3232 Ph: 302-250-1369 Fx: 302-250-1369 cdecker@deckertile.com www.deckertile.com DC Tile Deep South Designs David Pelletier, Inc. Danny Becerra 645 Eastwood Drive Oxnard, CA 93030-4014 Ph: 805-340-3111 becerradanny@aol.com Arthur Prater 2533 Quail Run Lane Orange Park, FL 32073-6121 Ph: 904-638-3053 Fx: 904-638-3056 deepsouthdesigns@att.net 49 Degol Carpet David Degol 851 Plank Road Duncansville, PA 16635-9432 Ph: 814-695-1111 Fx: 814-695-2181 jwarner@degol.com www.degolcarpet.com DEKEL Inc. Yehuda Rubin 18750 Oxnard Street, Suite #412 Tarzana, CA 91356-5913 Ph: 818-996-7554 Fx: 818-996-0865 dekel@dekelinc.com Dekor Construction LLC Metin Gungor 135 Farnsworth Avenue Bordentown, NJ 08505-1343 Ph: 609-577-5964 Fx: 609-291-9238 farnsworthhouse@ verizon.net Del Turco Bros., Inc. Bruce Del Turco 25 Verona Avenue Newark, NJ 07104-4409 Ph: 973-483-5770 Fx: 973-483-5773 brucedt@ delturcobros.com www.delturcobros.com Delano’s Flooring Chuck Fultz 18140 Garrett Highway Oakland, MD 21550-7103 Ph: 301-387-0398 Fx: 301-387-0372 delanosflooring@gmail.com www.delanos.com Delta Flooring Inc. Neal Bridges P.O. Box 847 Bay Minette, AL 36507-0847 Ph: 251-937-0506 Fx: 251-937-0560 nealbridges@bellsouth.net CONTRACTOR MEMBERS DeMarco Bros. Co. Arvin DeMarco 1324 Leavenworth Street Omaha, NE 68102-3216 Ph: 402-341-7349 Fx: 402-341-0102 demarcobros@gmail.com Dennett Tile & Stone Inc. Richard Dennett 3310 Industrial Drive Santa Rosa, CA 95403-2056 Ph: 707-586-5390 Fx: 707-586-5396 rick@dennett-tile.com www.dennett-tile.com Dependable LLC Dan Panchura 5885 Landerbrook Drive, Suite #140 Mayfield Heights, OH 44124-4031 Ph: 440-605-1020 mat@keenebuilding.com www.floorprep.com Design and Direct Source Ann Sacks 1532 SW Morrison Street, Suite #1000 Portland, OR 97205-1942 Ph: 503-525-0600 Fx: 503-228-7170 ssanning@designand directsource.com www.designand directsource.com Design Cooperative, LLC Kelly Holmes P.O. Box 429 Salado, TX 76571-0429 Ph: 254-947-8021 Fx: 254-853-4219 kelly@ design-cooperative.com Design Tile, LLC Andrew Boettcher 204 North Broadway Street, P.O. Box 144 Stanley, WI 54768-0144 Ph: 715-644-5243 Fx: 715-644-5243 andy@designtilellc.com www.designtilellc.com Designer Furniture Cody Mangum 170 North 400 East, Suite A Saint George, UT 84770-7101 Ph: 435-680-2307 mandic@ designerfurniture.com Details of Sonoma Inc. David Lucas 200 Helman Lane Cotati, CA 94931-9709 Ph: 707-703-1650 david_lucas@ detailsofsonoma.com www.detailsofsonoma.com DFS Flooring Angel Barros 10178 Willow Creek Road San Diego, CA 92131-1636 Ph: 858-630-5200 Fx: 858-630-5201 evelynl@dfsflooring.com www.dfsflooring.com DH Tile & Stone David Hoover 6815 North Smith Street Portland, OR 97203-2540 Ph: 503-8300885 Fx: 503-8300885 dhtileandstonepdx@ gmail.com Diamond Edge Tile Inc. Justin Hewitt 865 Lexington Parkway South Saint Paul, MN 55116-2366 Ph: 952-994-1869 jesse@diamondedgetile.com www. diamondedgetile.com Diaz Marble & Tile Alessandra Diaz 4060 Peachtree Road NE, Suite D Brookhaven, GA 30319-4567 Ph: 678-858-4628 Fx: 770-755-1442 diazmt@yahoo.com 50 Dick Tile & Marble Co., Inc. Steve James 1006 Saint Vincent Street Utica, NY 13501-3130 Ph: 315-724-7755 Fx: 315-738-1267 steve.james.dtm@gmail.com Dino & Son Tile Inc. Yuri Ciabattoni 1908 Newport Gap Pike Wilmington, DE 19808-6136 Ph: 302-999-0333 Fx: 302-999-7998 sales@dinoandson.com www.dinoandson.com Distinctive Tile & Design Larry Stoddard 334 Forest Avenue, Suite A Portland, ME 04101-2031 Ph: 207-772-4344 Fx: 207-772-4333 distinctivetiles@aol.com www.distinctive tileanddesign.com Division 9 Commercial, Inc. Cheryl Montour 2010 Cobb International Boulevard NW, Suite K Kennesaw, GA 30152-4364 Ph: 770-919-9941 Fx: 800-991-4551 cmontour@division9inc.com www.division9inc.com Division Pro’s, LLC Rick Mitchell 50 West Broadway, Suite #300 Salt Lake City, UT 84101-2044 Ph: 801-550-1700 801usa@gmail.com www.divisiopros.com Dixie Contract Carpet, Inc. Leo Jacobson P.O. Box 24808 Jacksonville, FL 32241-4808 Ph: 904-296-0023 Fx: 904-296-9689 ljacobson@dixiecc.com www.dixiecc.com CONTRACTOR MEMBERS Do It All Tile Brian Winsor 3450 West 7900 South Benjamin, UT 84660-4042 Ph: 801-318-4577 doitalltile@gmail.com DTI of Illinois, Inc. Brian Castro 2511 Molitor Road Aurora, IL 60502-9682 Ph: 630-978-0400 Fx: 630-978-0008 ortsac@ameritech.net Dugan’s Paint and Decorating Center Brian Kenniston P.O. Box 1118 Osage Beach, MO 65065-1118 Ph: 573-348-9017 Fx: 573-302-7264 brian@duganpaints.com www.duganpaints.com Dura Tile & Stone, Inc. Judith Herguth 18 Washington Avenue Ossining, NY 10562-5508 Ph: 914-944-4470 Fx: 914-944-4470 judy@duratileandstone.com www.duratileandstone.com DW Sanders Tile & Stone Contracting Inc. Early’s Carpet EE Wilson Floor Covering East Coast Tile EF Marburger Fine Flooring Eastern Design Tile & Marble EJ Flooring Solon Betts P.O. Box 21 Amissville, VA 20106-0021 Ph: 540-937-5500 Fx: 540-937-5572 earlyscarpet_solon@ comcast.net http://earlyscarpetinc.com Mike Bradford 7830 Gumboro Road Pittsville, MD 21850-2020 Ph: 410-835-3566 Fx: 410-835-2166 eastcoasttile@hotmail.com www.eastcoasttileinc.com Kevin O’Shea 26 Valley Place Larchmont, NY 10538-1944 Ph: 914-633-3900 Fx: 914-633-3917 koshea@easterndesign.net http://easterndesign.net Eastside Kitchen & Bath Drew Bauer 820 213th Street SE Bothell, WA 98021-7633 Ph: 425-686-4043 thetilewizard@hotmail.com www.eastsidekb.com Woody Sanders 1700 Cumberland Point Drive SE, Suite #3 Marietta, GA 30067-9202 Ph: 770-644-0071 Fx: 770-644-0072 woody@dwstile.com Eddie Cummings Tile, Inc. Dynamic Commercial Flooring Systems Inc. Eddy O Flooring John Chapman 3308 Orange Grove Avenue North Highlands, CA 95660-5808 Ph: 916-830-1030 Fx: 916-830-1039 john.chapman@dcfsinc.com www.dcfsinc.com Eddie Cummings 11708 Jefferson Street Kansas City, MO 64114-5580 Ph: 816-918-4807 Fx: 913-262-5060 ecummingstile@aol.com Chip Orlikowski 6596 Ort Drive Rhinelander, WI 54501-8480 Ph: 715-579-8499 Fx: 715-362-1757 eddyoflooring@yahoo.com 51 Tom Sarette 1725 Cotton Grove Road Lexington, NC 27292-5717 Ph: 336-357-5555 Fx: 336-357-5234 floors@eewilson.com http://eewilson.com Cathy Boso 9999 Allisonville Road Fishers, IN 46038-2006 Ph: 317-841-7250 Fx: 317-841-7260 cboso@efmarburger.com http://efmarburger.com Eric Blumer 308 North Route B Hallsville, MO 65255-9406 Ph: 573-289-1044 eric@ejflooring.com www.ejflooring.com EJT Contracting Eric Tetreault 9 Claires Road Saugerties, NY 12477-4307 Ph: 845-750-0831 Fx: 845-810-5524 eric@ejtcontracting.com http://ejtcontracting.com Elardo Tile and Marble Vincent Elardo 792 Fischer Boulevard Toms River, NJ 08753-4667 Ph: 732-270-2794 Fx: 732-270-2796 velardo@comcast.net Eldorado Tile and Marble Jack DiGiovanni 6506 Cotter Avenue Sterling Heights, MI 48314-2148 Ph: 586-685-9750 Fx: 586-685-9753 tileandbaseball@ hotmail.com CONTRACTOR MEMBERS Elite Flooring & Tile LLC Norman Yoder 3909 Township Road 371 Millersburg, OH 44654-7706 Ph: 330-893-3377 Fx: 999-999-9999 normanyoder1234@ gmail.com Elite Flooring of Naples, Inc. Scott Billings 2350 J and C Boulevard Naples, FL 34109-2021 Ph: 239-405-1643 Fx: 239-597-5573 scott@elite flooringofnaples.com www.elite flooringofnaples.com Elite Tile Setters Matt Newbold 3284 East Kittiwake Court Eagle Mountain, UT 84005-4107 Ph: 801-633-1674 matt@elitetilesetters.com www.elitetilesetters.com Elton Bolin Elton Bolin 4940 Dickens Drive Baton Rouge, LA 70812-4117 Ph: 225-405-9081 Fx: 225-355-2929 eltonbolin@cox.net Emerson Carpet One Lee Emerson 11031 Coursey Boulevard Baton Rouge, LA 70816-4025 Ph: 225-291-2787 Fx: 225-293-1483 lemerson@ emersoncarpetone.com www.emerson carpetone.com EmpireTile & Marble Co. Executive Stone Eye Tile Escorza Tile, Inc. Salvatore DiBlasi 42 Doonan Street Medford, MA 02155-1333 Ph: 339-221-0711 Fx: 978-685-7757 saldibs@elitetileco.com Sergiu Costisor 7528 Courtyard Run East Boca Raton, FL 33433-3055 Ph: 954-448-2330 europeanflooringinc@ gmail.com Eric Ross Tile Co. Elite Tile Setters, Inc. Elite-Tile Company European Flooring Noah Tal 7402 Varna Avenue North Hollywood, CA 91605-4010 Ph: 818-765-0900 Fx: 818-765-0999 info@executivestone.com www.executivestone.com Jeffrey Platt 2060 East 3035 South Salt Lake City, UT 84109-2405 Ph: 801-598-8152 jeff@proplumbing.biz Stan Platt 8535 South 700 West Sandy, UT 84070 Ph: 801-232-6814 stan@elitetilesetters.com www.elitetilesetters.com Emanuel Strateanu 106 Fort Jackson Road Morrisville, NC 27560-7803 Ph: 865-306-2944 Fx: 865-306-2944 europeanconstruction@ yahoo.com Roy Bianchini 17255 Stephens Drive Eastpointe, MI 48021-1765 Ph: 586-7775264 Fx: 586-7772171 info@empire tileandmarble.com Eric Ross 1864 Keystone Court, Suite A Redding, CA 96003-4872 Ph: 530-221-0605 Fx: 530-221-7856 erosstile@gmail.com www.ericrosstile.com Elite Tile Setters European Construction LLC Celso Escorza 1100 Howard Street Elk Grove Village, IL 60007-2210 Ph: 847-593-7172 Fx: 847-593-7175 celso@escorzatile.com Eugene Sias Tile Contracting Eugene Sias 3516 Hilton Drive Mesquite, TX 75150-2127 Ph: 214-437-0942 e-sias@live.com 52 Ronald Collins 55 Community Place, Suite #3 Long Branch, NJ 07740-6508 Ph: 973-789-6858 Fx: 732-943-2084 eyetilenj@gmail.com http://eyetilenj.com F L Crane & Sons, Inc. James Bowen P.O. Box 428 Fulton, MS 38843-0428 Ph: 662-862-2172 Fx: 662-862-0269 jbowen@flcrane.com www.flcrane.com F. D. Berardino Tile Company Frank Fazi 17551 East 9 Mile Road Eastpointe, MI 48021-2560 Ph: 586-777-5932 Fx: 586-777-1637 frank@fdbtile.com www.fdbtile.com CONTRACTOR MEMBERS Fabris Pearce Tile & Terrazzo Todd Pearce 2099 James Street Burton, MI 48529-1303 Ph: 810-742-5225 Fx: 810-742-2941 todd@fabrispearce.com http://fabrispearce.com Family Flooring America Gary Titiner 2015 Dean Street, Suite #1 Saint Charles, IL 60174-1577 Ph: 630-701-1500 Fx: 630-897-1190 garyt@wefloor.com www.wefloor.com Fantasy Tile Justin Howell 223 Perrys Corner Road Grasonville, MD 21638-1164 Ph: 410-829-1589 fantasytile1985@gmail.com Fantin Flooring Inc. Michael Fantin 611 Duquesne Way Rankin, PA 15104-1193 Ph: 412-271-8519 Fx: 412-271-1826 fantinflooring@verizon.net Fashion Floors Doug McBee 427 North Riverside Avenue Medford, OR 97501-4602 Ph: 541-779-0996 Fx: 541-773-4535 floors@fashionfloors.net www.fashionfloors.net Fazio Floors LLC Dustin Mayfield 4343 Industrial Center Drive San Antonio, TX 78217 Ph: 210-910-6640 Fx: 888-277-2331 dustin@faziofloors.com www.faziofloors.com FBT Tile & Marble Frank Brennan 17885 Fraley Boulevard Dumfries, VA 22026-2487 Ph: 703-580-6618 Fx: 571-492-7906 frank@fbttileandmarble.com www.fbttileandmarble.com FCA, Inc. Robert Hill 1000 Brook Forest Avenue Shorewood, IL 60404-8609 Ph: 815-436-7416 Fx: 815-436-4951 bhill@fcainc.com www.fcainc.com Featherstone Tile & Marble Robert Featherstone 5051 Club Road Haverhill, FL 33415-1227 Ph: 561-478-2806 Fx: 561-478-2806 featherstonetile@ bellsouth.net Filling Marble & Tile, Inc. Fletcher Tile LLC Wes Fletcher 2808 West Cavett Drive Shreveport, LA 71104-3912 Ph: 318-865-3546 fletchertilellc@aol.com Flipside Renovations LLC Jeremiah Warzynski 6715 SW Lily Place Beaverton, OR 97008-5022 Ph: 503-380-1973 Fx: 503-380-1973 flipsiderenovations@ gmail.com Floor Coverings International Flagstaff James Brooks 1 South Milton Road Flagstaff, AZ 86001-5514 Ph: 928-526-2280 j.brooks@floorcoverings international.com http://floorcoverings international.com Floor Show Companies Tom Ade P.O. Box 956 Cologne, NJ 08213-0956 Ph: 609-965-0303 Fx: 609-965-7476 fillingmarble@aol.com www.fillingmarble.com F. James Kolf 1475 Associates Drive Dubuque, IA 52002-2263 Ph: 563-557-9952 Fx: 563-557-9988 jkolf@floorshow companies.com www.floorshow.com Fineline Tile and Stone Floor Solutions LLC Lesli Piercy 3809 South Ainsworth Avenue Tacoma, WA 98418-1727 Ph: 253-948-8489 finelinetile@live.com Fischer Tile & Marble, LP Jay Fischer 1800 23rd Street Sacramento, CA 95816-7112 Ph: 916-452-1426 Fx: 916-452-9204 jay@fischertile.com www.fischertile.com 53 Patrick Johnson 2121 NW Front Avenue Portland, OR 97209-1833 Ph: 503-295-2070 Fx: 503-224-9252 tracij@floorsol.com www.floorsol.com Floor U Installation Ray McNamara 8085 Neshoba Road Germantown, TN 38138-3027 Ph: 901-517-9444 flooru@bellsouth.net www.flooruinstallation.com CONTRACTOR MEMBERS FloorCraft Floor Covering Debbie Hamlin 44700 Reynolds Drive Clinton Township, MI 48036-1247 Ph: 586-468-9900 Fx: 586-468-0450 fcfc@mich.com www.floorcraftinc.net Floorhaus Virgil Klaus 12105 South Memorial Drive Bixby, OK 74008-2541 Ph: 918-369-1450 Fx: 918-369-1451 vklaus@floorhaus.com FloorMasters Bob Molsick 9581 North US Highway 301 Wildwood, FL 34785-7615 Ph: 352-748-7444 Fx: 352-748-0225 bmolsick@floormastersfl.com http://floormastersfl.com Flooring Creations, Inc. Billy Hale 1812A Horneytown Road High Point, NC 27265-9279 Ph: 336-886-4306 Fx: 336-886-4311 flooringcreations@ northstate.net Flooring Design Group Greg Kenith 3230 Oakcliff Industrial Street Atlanta, GA 30340-2904 Ph: 770-454-7110 Fx: 770-452-7940 gkenith@fdg1.com www.flooring designgroup.com Flooring Discounters Inc. Joe Lucas 4400 Airport Freeway Ft Worth, TX 76117-6207 Ph: 817-831-3113 Fx: 817-831-8118 flooringdiscounters@ gmail.com http://atyourservice floors.com Flooring Services, Ltd. Larry Woodall 2020 Valley View Lane Farmers Branch, TX 75234-8909 Ph: 800-803-6277 Fx: 972-888-5480 larry.woodall@ stoneresources.net www.flooringservices.net Flooring Solutions, Inc. Dominic Marra P.O. Box 30000 Wilmington, DE 19805-7000 Ph: 302-655-8001 Fx: 302-655-7213 dmarra@flooringsolutions.us www.flooringsolutions.us Flooring Solutions, Inc. Ed Woolley 1018 Van Buren Avenue Indian Trail, NC 28079-5541 Ph: 704-234-5001 Fx: 704-234-5007 ewoolley@ flooringsolutions.com www.flooringsolutions.com Flooring Systems of AZ Victor Corella 3501 East Golf Links Road Tucson, AZ 85713-5318 Ph: 520-745-0292 Fx: 520-745-0929 vcjr@flooringsystems.net http://flooringsystemsaz.com Flooring World of Florida Daniel Brumback 6580 East Rogers Circle Boca Raton, FL 33487-2655 Ph: 561-826-1515 Fx: 561-826-1516 dan@flooringworldfl.com www.flooringworldfl.com Floorlayers Training Program Eric Kastner 8300 Valcour Avenue Saint Louis, MO 63123-2332 Ph: 314-457-8301 Fx: 314-457-8309 ekastner@cjtf.org http://floorlayers-local 1310.com 54 Floorology Kelly Knipper 10209B Market Street Rothschild, WI 54474-7953 Ph: 715-393-4019 kelly@floorology.com http://floorology.com Floors and More, Inc. Dan Billingsley P.O. Box 2560 Benton, AR 72018-2560 Ph: 501-316-0267 Fx: 501-316-2533 dan@floorsandmorear.com www.floorsandmorear.com Floors by Beckers John Becker 805 1st Street NW Saint Paul, MN 55112-7354 Ph: 651-636-1100 Fx: 651-636-8753 jbecker@ floorsbybeckers.com www.beckerbrothers.com Floors Etc. John Ginsburg 9603 Deereco Road, Suite #200 Lutherville Timonium, MD 21093-2188 Ph: 410-329-9680 jginsburg@floors-etc.com www.floors-etc.com Focal Point Kathy Smith 24030 98th Street NW Elk River, MN 55330-4511 Ph: 763-497-6381 kathys@ focalpointflooring.com www.focalpointflooring.com Fonseca Marble and Tile, Inc. Rolando Fonseca 1845 Alemany Boulevard San Francisco, CA 94112-3217 Ph: 415-333-5949 Fx: 415-333-5949 rolandofonseca@ hotmail.com www.fonseca marbleandtile.com CONTRACTOR MEMBERS Foulk’s Flooring America Brian Smith 15627 Conneaut Lake Road Meadville, PA 16335-4724 Ph: 814-337-2230 Fx: 814-333-6389 flooringamerica@gmail.com www.foulks flooring-america.com Fowler & Dillard Inc. Steve Dillard 929 North 48th Street Muskogee, OK 74401-1104 Ph: 918-441-2061 Fx: 918-577-6077 fowler.dillard@yahoo.com Fox Ceramic Tile, Inc. Kevin Fox P.O. Box 97 Saint Marys, KS 66536-0097 Ph: 785-437-2792 Fx: 785-437-6008 kevin@foxceramictile.com www.foxceramictile.com From Frame to Finish Kevin Pence 58 Meadowlark Lane Beecher, IL 60401-9715 Ph: 815-693-5127 fromframe2finish@ yahoo.com Futrell Tile, Inc. Carrie Wilson 1215 Phillips Drive Hazel, KY 42049-8865 Ph: 270-492-8158 Fx: 270-492-8412 futrelltileinc@wk.net www.wisebuying mall.com/futrelltileinc G.E.S. Custom Remodel LLC George Sanford 201 Center Park Drive Knoxville, TN 37922-2105 Ph: 865-805-5714 Fx: 865-675-6007 eddie@eddiesanford.com www.eddiesandord.com Galliani Tile Company Richard Galliani P.O. Box 1143 Novato, CA 94948-1143 Ph: 415-798-0388 rich@gtileco.com www.gtileco.com Garvey’s Carpet, Vinyl and Tile Mandy Neidig 1021 Point Township Drive Northumberland, PA 17857-8793 Ph: 570-473-3699 Fx: 570-473-7882 angarveyscarpet@aol.com www.garveyscarpet.com Gavagni Tile & Marble Inc. Angelo Gavagni 4960 82nd Street North Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418 Ph: 561-626-1853 Fx: 561-626-5555 gavagnitileandmarble@ gmail.com Gegare Tile Inc. Teresa Gegare 1337 Russett Court Green Bay, WI 54313-8903 Ph: 920-434-3106 Fx: 920-434-1824 teresa@gegaretile.com www.gegaretile.com/ index.html General Property Construction Co. Erik Dreke 9448 NW 13th Street, Unit #63 Doral, FL 33172-2822 Ph: 305-592-9570 Fx: 305-592-9571 info@gpconstructionco.com www.gpconstructionco.com 55 Gerald Madison Contruction Co. Gerald Madision P.O. Box 27015 Macon, GA 31221-7015 Ph: 478-447-5467 Fx: 888-843-6079 gerald.madison@cox.net http://geraldmadison construction.com Gerry E. Meyle Tile & Marble Gerry Meyle P.O. Box 83 Line Lexington, PA 18932 Ph: 215-822-1929 gemline1@verizon.net Giant Floor and Wall Covering Co. Inc. Mark Rubando 1345 Highway 315 Boulevard Wilkes Barre, PA 18702-7007 Ph: 570-760-1761 mrubando@giantfloor.com www.giantfloor.com Gil Persicketti LLC Gil Persicketti 415 Church Street Reading, PA 19601 Ph: 610-858-4271 flooringinstall82@gmail.com Gino Rinaldi, Inc. Gino Rinaldi, Sr. 51 Fremont Street Royal Oaks, CA 95076-5213 Ph: 831-761-0195 Fx: 831-761-0197 suem@rinaldi tileandmarble.com http://rinaldi tileandmarable.com Global Stone Jason Larsen 421 North Rawhide Drive Olathe, KS 66061-3636 Ph: 913-764-9409 jl.globalstone@ rocketmail.com CONTRACTOR MEMBERS Goal Enterprises, Inc. Mary Zimand P.O. Box 590 Farmingdale, NY 11735-0590 Ph: 718-335-4625 Fx: 718-899-7238 goalentinc@aol.com Goedecke Flooring & Design Herb Goedecke 284 Route 101 Bedford, NH 03110-5101 Ph: 888-472-5221 Fx: 603-637-1330 herb@goedecke decorating.com www.goedecke decorating.com Gordon’s Carpet & Tile Etc. Bunny Johnson 901 West Miracle Mile Tucson, AZ 85705-3709 Ph: 520-292-1167 Fx: 520-293-1313 bonesej@gmail.com http://gordons carpetandtileaz.com Got Wood, Inc. Joseph Zloch 489 North Babcock Street Melbourne, FL 32935-6805 Ph: 321-729-9950 Fx: 321-956-0030 gotwoodinc@cfl.rr.com Grabow Tile Inc. Mike Grabow 407 East Summit Street Normal, IL 61761-1463 Ph: 309-825-2972 grabowtile1@gmail.com Grady’s Superior Inc. Troy Bryant 218 South Berkeley Circle Fullerton, CA 92831-4512 Ph: 714-447-1474 Fx: 714-447-3474 troy@gsi-contracting.com www.gsi-contracting.com Grand Teton Floor & Window Coverings Great Lakes Ceramic Tile Council Grant Professional Services, LLP Great Plains Tile & Stone, Inc. Jim Schulz P.O. Box 11961 Jackson, WY 83002-1961 Ph: 307-200-4195 Fx: 307-200-4795 jschulz@gtfw.co www.tetonfloors.com Daniel Grant 10800 FM 1565 Terrell, TX 75160-8656 Ph: 469-964-3969 Fx: 972-0 daniel@danielgrant.us www.grantprofessional services.com Grazzini Brothers & Co. Allen Grazzini 1175 Eagan Industrial Road Eagan, MN 55121-1205 Ph: 651-452-2700 Fx: 651-452-2701 agrazzini@grazzini.com www.grazzini.com Great Floors Kurt von Koss 8289 Blue Jay Drive Ypsilanti, MI 48197-6219 Ph: 248-476-5559 Fx: 734-622-9468 kurt@beavertile.com http://glctc.us Tim Coffman 8833 J Street, Suite #9 Omaha, NE 68127-1528 Ph: 402-934-0728 Fx: 912-381-0895 tim@greatplains tileandstone.com http://greatplains tileandstone.com Greer Tile Company Richard Parker 3020 Eunice Avenue Orlando, FL 32808-3106 Ph: 407-296-4600 Fx: 407-296-4606 rparker@greertile.com www.greertile.com Will Osborne 524 East Sherman Avenue Coeur D Alene, ID 83814-2731 Ph: 509-921-6500 w.osborne@greatfloors.com www.greatfloors commercial.com Greg Harrison Great Lakes Carpet & Tile, LLC Nick Greger 11459 Walkinshaw Road North Battle Creek, MI 490148100 Ph: 269-317-5482 Fx: 269-317-5482 gregerflooring@yahoo.com Darren Hearns 13553 North US Highway 441 Lady Lake, FL 32159-8906 Ph: 352-753-7502 Fx: 352-753-6443 darren@ greatlakescarpet.com www.greatlakescarpet.com 56 Greg Harrison 6710 Woodlake Avenue West Hills, CA 91307-3422 Ph: 818-326-0539 tymylrd@att.net Greger Custom Flooring Inc. CONTRACTOR MEMBERS Griffin Granite and Stone James Simmons P.O. Box 142072 Fayetteville, GA 30214-6544 Ph: 404-408-0488 Fx: 678-817-7845 jamaica4ever@bellsouth.net Griffin Tile & Marble, Inc. David Griffin 11128 Business Lane Mint Hill, NC 28227-6911 Ph: 704-545-6670 Fx: 704-545-8516 dgriffin@griffintile.com www.griffintile.com Griffin Wake Inc. Timothy Griffin 6622 Old Wake Forest Road Raleigh, NC 27616-1812 Ph: 919-878-5835 Fx: 919-878-5836 tim@griffinwakeinc.com www.griffinwakeinc.com Grima Tile & Stone Vince Grima 1325 Airport Road Cotati, CA 94931-9701 Ph: 707-792-1889 Fx: 415-962-4151 geoff@ grimatileandstone.com www.grimatile andstone.com GSI Global Stone Inc. Robert Hiatt 425 East 1600 North, Suite #2 Vineyard, UT 84057-5512 Ph: 801-671-7105 rob.hiatt@ globalstoneinc.com www.globalstoneinc.com Gudbrandsson Tile & Flooring Gudbrandur Gudbrandsson 213 Winterton Avenuenue Winnepeg, MB R2K 1J9 Canada Ph: 204-494-0217 brandur@live.com Gulf Coast Remodeling and Property Maintenance Alex Lopez 1031 Lillian Street Venice, FL 34285-7134 Ph: 941-254-1741 Fx: 941-254-1741 alexgcrpm@gmail.com http://gulfcoastrpm.com H. Sims Services LLC Keith Sims 118 Service Drive, Suite #2 Brandon, MS 39042-2429 Ph: 601-506-4393 Fx: 601-591-0902 haroldsims2@gmail.com Habegger Flooring Distributor Hanover Floors, Inc. Jim Nesbitt 8718 Gardner Road Tampa, FL 33625-3719 Ph: 813-920-0706 Fx: 813-926-0552 jfn@hanoverfloors.com www.hanoverfloors.com Hantel Construction Company, LLC Ed Hantel 2914 Berry Hill Drive Nashville, TN 37204-3122 Ph: 615-292-3070 Fx: 615-292-8119 hantelkitchens@yahoo.com www.hantel kitchensandbaths.net Harms Carpet One Lynn Habegger 1337 Village Green Drive Decatur, IN 46733-2193 Ph: 260-724-2180 Fx: 260-724-8599 lynn@habeggerfloors.com http://habeggerfloors.com Jake Harms 1007 Key Street Maumee, OH 43537-2940 Ph: 419-891-0900 Fx: 419-891-1571 jake@harmscarpetone.com www.harmscarpetone.com Halifax Flooring Harrison Tile Co., Inc. Rowe Hakes 28 North 1330 West Orem, UT 84057-4483 Ph: 801-802-7277 rowe@halifaxflooring.com www.halifaxflooring.com Hallowell Bros. Enterprises David Hallowell 6655 Mockingbird Road Cumming, GA 30028-4710 Ph: 770-205-7880 Fx: 770-205-7881 c.hallowell@ hallowellbros.com Halsey Tile Co. Glenn Lemmon 23643 Old US 20 Elkhart, IN 46516-5501 Ph: 574-293-1414 Fx: 574-296-9999 glenn@halseytile.com www.halseytile.com 57 Cameron Shelton P.O. Box 37 Snow Hill, NC 28580-0037 Ph: 252-747-2663 Fx: 252-747-2793 cameron@ harrisontileinc.com www.harrisontileinc.com Hawthorne Tile Dirk Sullivan 1410 SE Clinton Street Portland, OR 97202-1128 Ph: 503-231-1340 Fx: 503-231-9799 dirk@hawthornetile.com www.hawthornetile.com Hayes Quality Construcction Jason Hayes 2084 Cardinal Avenue SE Stayton, OR 97383-9205 Ph: 503-559-1336 jason@hayesquality construction.com www.hayesquality construction.com CONTRACTOR MEMBERS Hearth Creation Marion Otto 1251 County Road 2150N Lovington, IL 61937-6011 Ph: 217-685-6475 hearthcreation@gmail.com Hecox Construction Inc. Dan Hecox P.O. Box 141 York, NE 68467-0141 Ph: 402-366-6303 danhecox@gmail.com Heritage Marble & Tile Martin Brookes P.O. Box 2164 Mill Valley, CA 94942-2164 Ph: 415-383-1489 Fx: 415-888-2020 martin@ heritagemarbletile.com www.heritage marbletile.com (415) 383-1489 Heritage Marble & Tile Inc are proud NTCA 5 Star Contractors employing CTEF tile installers to serve the San Francisco Bay Area. Delivering excellence since 1996. CSLB # 737416 Heritage Custom Tile Tom Brizzell 945 Watervliet Shaker Road Albany, NY 12205 Ph: 518-253-2462 Fx: 518-555-5555 tom@ heritagecustomtile.com http://www.heritage customtile.com Heritage Tile Co. LLC Hillman Flooring Heuler Tile Company Hinshaw Custom Tile, Inc. Mark Nichols P.O. Box 187 Pleasant View, TN 37146-0187 Ph: 615-456-7663 Fx: 615-285-8220 heritagetilecollc@ gmail.com www.heritagetilecollc.com Mike Holbus W237 N2872 Woodgate Road Pewaukee, WI 53072-4042 Ph: 262-513-3900 Fx: 262-513-3910 sales@heulertile.com www.heulertile.com HFI Tile Sean Hagerty 1938 North Batavia Street, Suite Bataroa Orange, CA 92865-4140 Ph: 714-323-2029 sean@hfitile.com www.hfitile.com High Country Tileworks Todd Rol 4752 Moonshine Ridge Trail Parker, CO 80134-5144 Ph: 303-618-1905 toddrol@msn.com High-Tech Carpet Michael Patino 2510 Rutland Drive Austin, TX 78758-5243 Ph: 512-834-0110 Fx: 512-834-9035 mpatino@htflooring anddesign.com www.high-techcarpets.com Higher Standard Tile & Stone Isaac Homza 915 Puiki Place Lahaina, HI 96761-1529 Ph: 808-214-4364 Fx: 808-214-5131 ihomza@ higherstandardtile.com www.higherstandardtile.com 58 Jose Trabazo 201 Peachtree Industrial Boulevard Sugar Hill, GA 30518-4782 Ph: 770-271-0902 Fx: 770-271-7729 jose@hillmanflooring.com www.hillmanflooring.com Richard Hinshaw 199 Woods Edge Drive Dunn, NC 28334-1815 Ph: 910-922-0072 Fx: 910-216-2229 hinshawcustomtile@ gmail.com www.hinshaw customtile.com Hinson Tile Company Randy Hinson 5710 General Industrial Drive Charlotte, NC 28213-6395 Ph: 704-596-1738 Fx: 704-596-1680 r.hinsontile@yahoo.com HJ Martin & Son Inc. Gary Vandenlangenberg 320 South Military Avenue Green Bay, WI 54303-2202 Ph: 920-494-3461 Fx: 920-494-4177 amy@hjmartin.com www.hjmartin.com Tile Toddler Heath Wood 34212 East 687 Drive Locust Grove, OK 74352-5738 Ph: 918-506-9276 heathwood.phd@gmail.com HMD Contracting LLC Hope Duplechain P.O. Box 56314 New Orleans, LA 701566314 Ph: 504-541-1265 hmdcontracting@live.com CONTRACTOR MEMBERS Hohn & Hohn, Inc. Jan Hohn 1190 Summit Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105-2649 Ph: 651-224-8877 Fx: 651-224-0162 hohn.hohn@comcast.net www.hohnandhohntile.com Holland Bath and Spa, Inc. Davis Leichsenring 6907 Breezewood Terrace North Bethesda, MD 20852-4323 Ph: 240-372-0513 Fx: 301-926-6786 davis@hollspa.com www.hollspa.com Holmes Tile, Ltd. Micah Miller 2143 Stark Street Dundee, OH 44624-9669 Ph: 330-763-0849 holmestile@gmail.com Holmes Tile & Marble Co. Tave Baker 1202 Falls Street Jonesboro, AR 72401-5460 Ph: 870-932-8011 Fx: 870-932-9730 holmestile@sbcglobal.net http://holmestile.com Home Masters International Mark Guirguis 2232 South Vineyard Avenue Ontario, CA 91761-7761 Ph: 909-923-4663 Fx: 909-923-4688 mark@homemastersintl.com www.homemastersintl.com Homeport Supply Steven Frey 597 Route 1, Suite #1 Newcastle, ME 04553-3860 Ph: 207-563-3770 Fx: 207-563-1913 eva@homeportsupply.com www.flooring-professionals. com/profiles/hom Homesmith Remodeling Kevin McKernan 23038 NE 19th Drive Sammamish, WA 98074-6582 Ph: 206-972-8358 Fx: 425-868-0440 kevinm@homesmith remodeling.com www.homesmith remodeling.com Hoosier Floor Covering, Inc. Mark Dougherty 1180 South Liberty Drive, Suite #160 Bloomington, IN 47403-5120 Ph: 812-323-0100 Fx: 812-323-0263 markd@cpct.us www.cpct.us House Improvements Curtis House 112 South Troy Avenue Stanford, KY 40484-8528 Ph: 859-854-6060 Fx: 859-854-6062 housetile4u@bellsouth.net www.houseimprovement.us House of Color, Inc. Brad Bosch 2100 East Broadway Avenue Bismarck, ND 58501-4928 Ph: 701-223-2381 Fx: 701-223-7067 bradb@houseofcolorinc.com www.houseofcolorinc.com Howard’s Rug Company Jesse Hailey 6110 Nancy Ridge Drive San Diego, CA 92121-3223 Ph: 858-558-3939 Fx: 858-558-1953 aasaro@howardsrug.com www.howardsrug.com Hubby Helper Ltd. Cary Smiler 821 Triumphe Way Warrington, PA 18976-2244 Ph: 215-343-3235 Fx: 215-918-0895 hubbyhelperltd@ comcast.net 59 Hudson Everly Commercial Flooring Kyle Everly 2548 Industrial Boulevard Orlando, FL 32804-4210 Ph: 407-296-8770 Fx: 407-296-8771 keverly@hudsoneverly.com www.hudsoneverly.com Hugh J. Keany Hugh Keany 2724 Colston Drive Chevy Chase, MD 20815-3037 Ph: 301-922-1485 hkeany@verizon.net www.keanytile.com Hughes Tile Co. Inc. Dan Hughes 4652 Otisco Road Tully, NY 13159-3041 Ph: 315-696-4610 Fx: 315-696-6430 dhughes82@twcny.rr.com Huss Tile Inc. Shari Huss 8550 South 137th Circle, Suite #10 Omaha, NE 68138-6601 Ph: 402-596-0320 Fx: 402-964-2097 shari@husstile.com www.husstile.com Hutcheson Tile & Stone Don Hutcheson 9505 Puffin Circle Eagle River, AK 99577-8636 Ph: 907-242-8453 dhutcheson.ak@gmail.com Hyland Tile and Marble Inc. Patrick Hyland 853 Las Pavadas Avenue San Rafael, CA 94903-3309 Ph: 707-580-6424 Fx: 415-499-0621 hylandtm@sbcglobal.net http://hylandtm.com CONTRACTOR MEMBERS Ideal Flooring & Remodeling, Inc. Infinity Floors, Inc. Kevin Pennington 3010 SW 14th Place, Suite #12 Boynton Beach, FL 33426-9032 Ph: 561-523-9643 Fx: 561-736-9971 idealtile2000@gmail.com Marci Miller 95 Hoffman Lane, Suite D Islandia, NY 11749-5020 Ph: 631-232-1500 Fx: 631-232-1529 marcim@ infinityfloorsinc.com http://infinityfoorsinc.com Ideal Tile & Stone Inlet Tile & Marble, Inc. Timothy Callaway 434 Hickory Street SW Social Circle, GA 30025-2918 Ph: 770-713-3574 timbcallaway@gmail.com IHN Services Don Nusbaum 7925 North Hudson Avenue, Suite A Oklahoma City, OK 73114-3133 Ph: 405-550-7530 Fx: 405-767-6247 ihnservices@gmail.com Impressions in Stone and Tile Glen Belt 3436 Foothill Boulevard, #247 La Crescenta, CA 91214-1826 Ph: 818-913-8453 glen@ impressionsinstone.net Indiana Flooring Carpet One Tony Jackson 313 East 14th Street Anderson, IN 46016-1844 Ph: 765-643-6635 Fx: 765-640-0719 tjackson@indc1.com www.indianacarpetone.com Infinite Ceramic & Stone LLC Daniel Boulter 115 Rivinia Drive Jupiter, FL 33458-2707 Ph: 561-215-7253 Fx: 561-691-0270 inlettile@yahoo.com http://inlettile.com Inside Edge Commercial Interior Services Jeff Sankiewicz 2700 Blue Water Road, Suite #400 Eagan, MN 55121 Ph: 651-389-4224 Fx: 651-389-3901 jsankiewicz@iecis.com http://iecis.com Installation Services Curt Richardson 107 Arthur Avenue Des Moines, IA 50313-4953 Ph: 515-208-9686 Fx: 515-243-0425 curt@flooring installationsservices.com www.flooring installationsservices.com Int’l Union of Bricklayers & Allied Craftworkers Candice Dubberly 620 F Street NW Washington, DC 20004 Ph: 202-288-5060 Fx: 248-620-3707 cdubberly@bacweb.org www.bacweb.org Joe Lenner P.O. Box 224 Emmaus, PA 18049-0224 Ph: 610-504-0147 joe@infiniteceramic.com www.infiniteceramic.com 60 Intense Cleaning Inc. dba Looney’s Tile and Grout Michael Looney 2511 East Broad Street Richmond, VA 23223-7130 Ph: 703-431-0985 Fx: 703-431-0985 mike@looney stileandgrout.com www.lclean tileandgrout.com Interior Surface Enterprise LLC Tim Porter 19940 West 161st Street Olathe, KS 66062-2700 Ph: 913-397-8100 Fx: 913-397-8104 tim@interiorsurface.com www.interiorsurface.com Intertech Commercial Flooring Paul Amaral 1106 Smith Road, Suite #100 Austin, TX 78721-3560 Ph: 512-385-4574 Fx: 512-385-4598 pamaral@ intertechflooring.com www.intertechflooring.com Island Flooring Brent Shimokawa 411 Alakawa Street Honolulu, HI 96817-5763 Ph: 808-847-6577 Fx: 808-847-6570 galen@islandfl.com www.islandfl.com iTile Vancouver Jorge Aguilar 8-2665 Cape Horn Avenue Coquitlam, BC V3K 6B8 Canada Ph: 778-227-5127 Fx: 778-227-5127 jorge@itilevancouver.com www.itilevancouver.com CONTRACTOR MEMBERS J & A Stone and Tile, Inc. James Capossela, LLC JJJ Floor Covering, Inc. J & B Tile James Floorcoverings Inc. Joe Aguirre Tile, Inc. Alex Blair 3425 Gravenstein Highway South Sebastopol, CA 95472-5254 Ph: 505-473-5533 Fx: 575-438-3422 ablaire@jastoneinc.com www.jastoneinc.com William Baptista 60-A Hillcrest Acres Westport, MA 02790-1403 Ph: 508-326-8083 bill@myjbtile.com www.myjbtile.com J & J Interiors Inc. Jay Crump 2608 Grissom Drive Nashville, TN 37204-2842 Ph: 615-742-3939 Fx: 615-742-3886 jay@jnjinteriors.com www.jnjinteriors.com J & R Tile, Inc. Erin Albrecht 73 Kinder Drive San Antonio, TX 78212-1042 Ph: 210-349-8145 Fx: 210-349-0947 jrtile.ea@gmail.com www.jandrtile.com J M Carpets Jerry Mooren 107 South Main Street Fort Atkinson, WI 53538-2013 Ph: 920-563-0820 Fx: 920-563-0830 service@jmcarpets.net http://jmcarpets.net J S Mosaic Works Joe Schroeder 26197 Ebenezer Road Concordia, MO 64020-6118 Ph: 660-815-5656 joe@jsmosaicworks.com www.jsmosaicworks.com Jim Capossela 59 Chalmers Avenue Bridgeport, CT 06604-1904 Ph: 203-383-2608 Fx: 203-111-2222 james@caposselas.com www.caposselas.com Samuel Dodson 1124 Weisstown Road Boyertown, PA 19512-8945 Ph: 484-3665461 Fx: 484-4159089 jamesfloorcoverings.sam@ gmail.com www.james floorcoverings.com JD Tile Jon A. Donmoyer 350 West Queen Street Annville, PA 17003-1728 Ph: 717-821-5009 Fx: 717-867-2003 jondontile@aol.com www.jondontile.com JDS Flooring Associates LLC Albert Allen 5 Commerce Avenue Londonderry, NH 03053-4402 Ph: 603-471-1921 Fx: 603-471-9282 j.bourne@floornh.com www.floornh.com Jeff Putjenter Contractor Jeff Putjenter 7806 Shirley Street Omaha, NE 68124-1445 Ph: 402-880-6151 jeffputjenter@yahoo.com JFK and Associates Josef Kremlacek 34 Los Cedros Drive Novato, CA 94947-3754 Ph: 415-898-8831 Fx: 415-898-8831 jfkmarble@comcast.net www.jfkmarble.com 61 Rick Barba 4831 Passons Boulevard, Suite A Pico Rivera, CA 90660-2173 Ph: 916-233-9814 Fx: 562-692-5979 rbarba@jjjfloorcovering.com www.jjjfloorcovering.com Anthony Rios 1228 Harborside Drive Galveston, TX 77550-2672 Ph: 409-762-6027 Fx: 409-762-7655 joe@aguirretile.com www.aguirretile.com Joe Mitchell Tile Contractor Joe Mitchell 5710 Woodsetter Court Arlington, TX 76017-4043 Ph: 817-205-6363 Fx: 817-572-0760 joe@joemitchelltile.com http://joemitchelltile.com Joe’s Tile and Stone Joe Garofalo 1408 Anderson Avenue Maryville, TN 37803-3114 Ph: 865-318-9362 joestileandstone@gmail.com www.joestileandstone.com John Roberts Designs LLC John Roberts 39 Haven Court Chatsworth, GA 30705-5393 Ph: 404-956-8420 Fx: 706-517-9426 john.roberts173@gmail.com John Trent/Schluter John Trent 1691 Philips Manor Road Fernandina Beach, FL 32034-5340 Ph: 904-742-3945 jtrent@schluter.com www.schluter.com CONTRACTOR MEMBERS Johnson Floor Company Inc. Jeff Johnson 9690 West 55th Street Countryside, IL 60525-3627 Ph: 708-354-5510 Fx: 708-354-9205 jeff@johnsonfloor.com www.johnsonfloor.com Jones-Schlater Flooring LLC Matthew Schlater 57 Klema Drive North Reynoldsburg, OH 43068-9690 Ph: 740-964-7000 Fx: 740-964-7001 matt.schlater@jones schlaterflooring.com www.jones schlaterflooring.com Jousma Flooring Andy Jousma P.O. Box 266 Lowell, MI 49331-0266 Ph: 616-889-2026 ajousma@outlook.com www.jousmaflooring.com JP Flooring Systems, Inc. Dan Nease 9097 Union Centre Boulevard West Chester, OH 45069-4861 Ph: 513-346-4300 Fx: 513-346-4308 dnease@jpflooring.com www.jpflooring.com JP Phillips, Inc. J. Mark Phillips 601 Technology Drive, Suite #150 Canonsburg, PA 15317-9537 Ph: 724-746-2424 Fx: 724-746-6545 peggy@jpphillipsinc.com www.jpphillipsinc.com JRB Tile & Stone LLC John Burke 628 Longfellow Lane Highlands Ranch, CO 80126-3002 Ph: 303-501-0122 Fx: 303-501-0122 jrbtileandstone@gmail.com JSG Tile and Stone Keller Marble and Tile Jung Tile Services, Inc. Keller Tile & Hardwood Just Floored, Inc. Kelly Flooring Products Inc. Stephen Belyea 460 Thicket Street Weymouth, MA 02190-1259 Ph: 781-844-9402 wefan93@comcast.net Anthony Jung 5208 NE Zac Lentz Parkway Victoria, TX 77904-3645 Ph: 361-573-7068 Fx: 361-573-5101 anthony@jungtile.com www.jungtile.com Rick Lassiter 707 Howmet Drive Hampton, VA 23661-1034 Ph: 757-325-8962 Fx: 757-325-8966 rick@justflooredinc.com http://justflooredinc.com JV Ceramic Tile Daniel Keller 1408 Sylvia Avenue Metairie, LA 70005-1136 Ph: 504-236-0189 keller710@gmail.com Eric Keller 800 Edgewood Road Beaver Falls, PA 15010-4926 Ph: 724-843-7456 Fx: 724-843-6312 eric@kellertilewood.com www.kellertilewood.com Dean Kelly 3196 Marginal Road Charleston, SC 29414-5138 Ph: 843-571-0013 Fx: 843-571-0903 dean@carpet-baggers.com www. carpet-baggers.com Jack Vivonetto 50 Riverhead Road Westhampton Beach, NY 11978-1401 Ph: 631-288-8114 Fx: 631-288-8037 jack@lamodaceramic.com www.lamodaceramic.com Kelly’s Karpeting & Floorcovering K_Nardone Custom Tilework Kemna Tile, Inc. Kris Nardone 4765 Shallow Ridge Road NE Kennesaw, GA 30144-5304 Ph: 678-8580969 Fx: 678-8580969 k_nardonecustomtilework@ yahoo.com Katwyk General Builder Rod Katwyk 11236 South Autumn View Court South Jordan, UT 84095-8404 Ph: 801-541-8773 katwyk@comcast.net www.3dstoneandtile.com 62 Jim Kelly 1073 Le Amron Drive Kingsport, TN 37665-2132 Ph: 423-392-0888 Fx: 423-392-4588 jakelly12@charter.net Barry Kemna 2132 Cindy Lane Dallas, TX 75229-2002 Ph: 972-488-8222 Fx: 972-488-8226 barry@kemnatile.com www.kemnatile.com Kerber Tile, Marble & Stone Inc. Joe Kerber 1420 3rd Avenue West, Suite #2 Shakopee, MN 55379-1037 Ph: 952-445-7392 Fx: 952-445-7392 joekerber@comcast.net www.kerbertile.com CONTRACTOR MEMBERS Kevin’s Custom Tile Kevin Johnson 8321 Friden Court Norfolk, VA 23518-2110 Ph: 757-285-2731 Fx: 757-285-2731 tileman151@hotmail.com Kimo Tile & Marble, LLC Sasha Kissoondath 7 Fowler Avenue Millville, NJ 8332 Ph: 856-506-8065 Fx: 856-506-8965 sasha.ktmllc@comcast.net Kissinger Floor & Wall Kirk Bower 101 West Front Street Berwick, PA 18603-4701 Ph: 570-759-8091 kirk@kissingersfloor.com www.kissingersfloor.com Kitchen & Bath On The Isle Allen Duyn 113 Milan Avenue East Venice, FL 34285-2413 Ph: 941-488-2284 al@kbontheisle.com www.kbontheisle.com Klaser Tile Co., Inc. Kent Klaser 1595 Jayken Way, Suite A Chula Vista, CA 91911-4674 Ph: 619-628-8282 Fx: 619-628-8118 kent@klasertile.com www.klasertile.com Koester’s Linoleum Shop Jon Delleman 1353 West 3rd Street Davenport, IA 52802-1346 Ph: 563-323-3301 Fx: 563-323-2300 jondell56@hotmail.com Krehbiel Tile Inc. Rick Krehbiel P.O. Box 20654 Keizer, OR 97307-0654 Ph: 503-463-1393 Fx: 503-463-1391 krehbieltile@gmail.com www.krehbieltile.net Kwikfit Tile Systems Daniel Wallis 2520 South Fairview Street, Suite A-2 Santa Ana, CA 92704-5334 Ph: 714-848-7303 danny@wallistile.com www.wallistile.com Kyle’s Tile LLC Justin Kyle 38525 Reservation Trail Ocean View, DE 19970-2704 Ph: 302-536-8453 jkyle@kylestile.com www.kylestile.com L & M Carpet One Floor & Home Renton Arkesteyn 6156 Mechanicsville Turnpike Mechanicsville, VA 23111-4576 Ph: 804-730-3016 Fx: 804-730-3638 rarkesteyn@comcast.net L. P. Enterprises Lionel Paynter P.O. Box Wk566 Warwick, WK08 Bermuda Ph: 441-236-1472 Fx: 441-236-1475 lpenterprise@logic.bm Lacasse Tile Inc. Steven Lacasse 756 Hawthorne Drive Lake Park, FL 33403-2525 Ph: 561-319-1028 Fx: 561-319-1028 lacassetile@bellsouth.net Lakeshore Contracting Service Jim Wright 502 South 30th Street Manitowoc, WI 54220-3608 Ph: 920-684-4460 Fx: 999-999-9999 lcsjim@msn.com www.lcsjim.com 63 Lakeside Stoneworks, LLC Jim Swernoff 5333 West Beaver Creek Parkway Brown Deer, WI 53223-2304 Ph: 414-354-6100 Fx: 414-354-6107 jswernoff@lakeside stoneworks.com www.lakeside stoneworks.com Lambert Tile & Stone Elizabeth Lambert P.O. Box 3960, 253 North Penstemon Lane Eagle, CO 81631-3960 Ph: 970-328-4411 Fx: 970-328-2016 info@lambert-tile.com www.lambert-tile.com Lane’s Floor Coverings & Interiors, Inc. Umberto Aponte 30 West 26th Street, Floor #6 New York, NY 10010-2073 Ph: 212-532-5200 Fx: 212-685-7626 umberto.aponte@ lanes-carpets.com www.lanes-carpets.com Larry’s Interiors Larry Odom 5717 Old Highway 135 North Kilgore, TX 75662-1986 Ph: 903-983-3466 Fx: 903-984-2661 larry@larrysinteriors.com www.larrysinteriors.com Lavin Tile & Stone Inc. Thomas Lavin 3300 East Yellowstone Highway Casper, WY 82609-1919 Ph: 307-234-3841 Fx: 307-234-8161 tom@lavintile.com CONTRACTOR MEMBERS LCD Commercial Flooring Clint Dozier 2801 Technology Drive, Suite #101 Plano, TX 75074-3729 Ph: 972-578-5111 Fx: 972-578-5113 cdozier@lcdflooring.com www.lcdflooring.com Legacy Floors LLC Jeremy Waldorf 2640 Crooked Lake Road Howell, MI 48843-8898 Ph: 810-599-0706 legacyfloors1@gmail.com www.facebook.com/ legacyfloors Leonard’s Carpet Service, Inc. Peter Segaar 1121 North Red Gum Street Anaheim, CA 92806-2515 Ph: 714-630-1930 Fx: 714-630-4826 psegaar@ leonardsservices.com www.leonards carpetservice.com Level Plane Tile & Stone Erik Trexel 4606 NE Cleveland Avenue Portland, OR 97211-2712 Ph: 503-568-2289 erik.trexel@gmail.com Liberty Contracting Inc. Troy Ingersoll 2808 SE Cooke Road Milwaukie, OR 97267-5523 Ph: 503-740-1543 Fx: 503-305-7346 findtroy@comcast.net Lindhardt Tile Travis Lindhardt P.O. Box 622 Riverton, UT 84065-0622 Ph: 801-638-0219 Fx: 801-253-2729 lindhardt_tile.trav@ yahoo.com London Tile Lippert Tile Company, Inc. Jeff Lippert N89 W14260 Patrita Drive Menomonee Falls, WI 53051-2355 Ph: 262-437-9300 Fx: 262-437-9695 jeff@lipperttile.com www.lipperttile.com Founded in 1949, Lippert Tile Company, Inc. is a full service commercial flooring installation contractor. Services include furnishing and installing carpet and carpet tile, resilient flooring of all types, wood flooring, ceramic and stone tile, and concrete moisture testing and mitigation systems. Lippert recycles 100% of its carpet waste. Livengood Tile James Livengood 501 NE Park Drive Lees Summit, MO 64086-3030 Ph: 816-616-5807 Fx: 816-434-8024 livtile@yahoo.com www.livengoodtile.com Lofthouse Tile & Mosaic Randy Lofthouse 7988 Vann Road Newburgh, IN 47630-8681 Ph: 812-604-2171 randy@lofthousetile.com www.lofthousetile.com Lomax Tile & Marble, Inc. Walter Hannah P.O. Box 561585 Charlotte, NC 28256-1585 Ph: 704-388-9573 Fx: 704-377-0269 benyow@lomaxtile.com http://lomaxtile.com 64 Mick Griffin P.O. Box 416 Mill Valley, CA 94942-0416 Ph: 415-302-1489 Fx: 415-302-1489 londontile@gmail.com www.londontileco.com Lowcountry Tile Contractors Jeffrey Singletary P.O. Box 31665 Charleston, SC 29417-1665 Ph: 843-763-2161 Fx: 843-763-1098 jeff@lowcotile.com http://lowcountry tilecontractors.com LP Innovations LLC Larry Price 12990 Prince Court Broomfield, CO 80020-5419 Ph: 303-887-1373 larry@lpinnovationsllc.com http://lpinnovationsllc.com Lundberg Legacy Flooring Arlen Lundberg 10 Carlin Drive Lincoln, ND 58504-9143 Ph: 701-202-7809 allx006@juno.com Luquin Tile & Stone Edgar Luquin 301 Kelton Drive Salinas, CA 93906-1324 Ph: 831-262-5218 Fx: 831-443-4372 luquintileandstone@ gmail.com Luxurious Living Surface Solutions Inc. Jorge Hernandez 5019 Foothills Road, Apartment A Lake Oswego, OR 97034-3200 Ph: 661-547-2199 luxuriouslivingss@gmail.com www.luxuriouslivingss.com CONTRACTOR MEMBERS Lyons Pride Tile and Marble Michael Lyons 684 Field Street Naugatuck, CT 06770-2321 Ph: 860-970-1875 Fx: 860-970-1875 mike@lyonspridetile.com https://www.facebook. com/michaellyons ceramicandmarbletile M. Frank Higgins & Co. Inc. Stephen Cloud 780 North Mountain Road Newington, CT 06111-1415 Ph: 860-953-6826 scloud@mfhiggins.com www.mfhiggins.com MAC Construction Company John Ivory 705 East Fayette Street Syracuse, NY 13210-1511 Ph: 315-491-8391 Fx: 315-446-0135 macconstruction@msn.com Mach & Rico Tile Inc. Melvin Rivera-Machado 3809 Pickett Road Fairfax, VA 22031-3605 Ph: 703-973-1446 Fx: 703-636-2654 machricofloors@gmail.com www.machricotile.com Mack Tharpe Installation Mack Tharpe 126 Bailey Circle, Apartment C Greenwood, SC 29646-2257 Ph: 864-992-5914 Fx: 864-223-5809 macktharpe@yahoo.com Made New Again Blake McCormick 2904 Park Bend Drive Friendswood, TX 77546-5292 Ph: 832-477-6233 Fx: 281-332-9319 blake@madenewagain.com www.madenewagain.com Main Street Tile & Bath Brad Willis 407 West Main Street Mechanicsburg, PA 17055-3242 Ph: 717-329-0100 bewillis65@gmail.com Majek Tile and Marble Co., Inc. Steve Majek P.O. Box 271607 Corpus Christi, TX 78427 Ph: 361-241-1619 Fx: 361-241-3801 steve@majektile.com Malisani, Inc. Art Malisani 1101 8th Avenue North Great Falls, MT 59401-1117 Ph: 406-761-0108 Fx: 406-727-8539 art@malisaniinc.com www.malisaniinc.com Mango Tile Inc. Randy Messamore 2010 Touhy Avenue Elk Grove Village, IL 60007-5320 Ph: 630-517-4499 Fx: 630-517-4495 randy@mangotile.com www.mangotile.com Mann Tile, Inc. Robert Mann 3542 Unit B North Access Road Englewood, FL 34224 Ph: 941-681-2641 Fx: 941-423-4204 rob@manntile.com www.manntile.com Marchand’s Interior & Hardware Brentley Marchand 214 North Alexander Avenue Gonzales, LA 70737-3103 Ph: 225-647-4076 Fx: 225-647-4077 brentley@marchands.net www.marchands.net 65 Marino Tile and Marble, Inc. Blake Rutkowski 932 Elkton Drive Colorado Springs, CO 80907-3536 Ph: 719-471-2857 Fx: 719-471-9857 brutkowski@marinotile.com www.marinotile.com Marion Tile & Flooring, Inc. Tim Marion 4719 Pleasant Garden Road Pleasant Garden, NC 27313-9527 Ph: 336-674-8839 Fx: 336-674-3685 tmarion@mariontile.com www.mariontile.com Maris Tile PRO Ulas Maris 60 Mill Pond Lane East Moriches, NY 11940-1222 Ph: 631-384-3418 Fx: 631-813-4662 ulas@maristile.com Mark Heinlein Surfaces Mark Heinlein 12 Krooks Road Negaunee, MI 49866-9506 Ph: 906-361-8821 mark@tile-assn.com www.mhsurfaces.com Marquardt Tile Ryan Marquardt 15743 Spruce Avenue Mason City, IA 50401 Ph: 641-420-3986 marquardttile@gmail.com http://marquardttile.com/ home.html Marquis Tile, Inc. Bobby Drain P.O. Box 160 Holly Springs, GA 30142-0003 Ph: 770-345-1009 Fx: 770-345-2013 bdrain@marquistile.net www.marquistile.net CONTRACTOR MEMBERS Martina Brothers Company Dino Martina 300 Scott Street Lexington, KY 40508-3133 Ph: 859-255-3602 Fx: 859-255-2075 dinomartina@ martinabros.com http://martinabros.com Martins Custom Tile John Martin 3924 North Warren Street Decatur, IL 62526-1851 Ph: 217-5193999 Fx: 217-5193999 john@martinscustomtile.com Marvel Interior Construction Inc. Steven Rodriguez 1122 East Madison Street Lombard, IL 60148-3119 Ph: 630-546-3701 marvelinterior construction@gmail.com www.marvelinteriors.com Marz Tile Company Inc. Michael Rodriguez 602 West Rhapsody Drive San Antonio, TX 78216-2607 Ph: 210-654-7512 Fx: 210-654-7511 michael@ marztilecompany.com www.marztilecompany.com Mason Tile and Marble Todd Mason P.O. Box 32 Iron Gate, VA 24448-0032 Ph: 540-968-3373 masontileandmarble@ gmail.com www.masontile andmarble.com Master Craft Flooring John Regan 4189 Crosstowne Court Evans, GA 30809-3664 Ph: 706-860-6379 Fx: 706-855-7167 john@mastercraftflooring.net www.mastercraftflooring.net Master Craft Floors James Judd 15001 Fogg Street Plymouth, MI 48170-6029 Ph: 313-387-7000 Fx: 313-387-0266 jjudd@mcfloors.net www.mastercraftcarpets.com Masterpiece Inc. Jon Gillespie 905 Columbine Lea Sevierville, TN 37862-6089 Ph: 865-257-4035 Fx: 865-774-0152 jdgill123@gmail.com Matthew Blood Tile & Carpentry Matthew Blood 255 Ann Street Cumberland, RI 02864-7219 Ph: 401-3690783 Fx: 401-3690783 matthewblood78@ gmail.com Maxx Tile Max Gant 33 Hamilton Drive, Suite M Novato, CA 94949-5620 Ph: 415-269-1594 mmgant@comcast.net Mazzei Marble Richard Robinson 13214 South 2700 West Riverton, UT 84065-6321 Ph: 801-637-7824 mazzeimarble@aol.com http://mazzeimarble.com MC Tile & Stone Inc. Martin Carbajal 68704 Perez Road Cathedral City, CA 92234-7218 Ph: 760-656-0626 mctile1@yahoo.com McClary Tile, Inc. Maureen L. Campbell 5918 Farrington Avenue Alexandria, VA 22304-4824 Ph: 703-751-5430 Fx: 703-751-5370 mcclarytile@aol.com 66 McDermott Tile & Marble Corp. Matthew McDermott 260 NW Eller Street Deerfield Beach, FL 33441 Ph: 954-420-0200 Fx: 954-698-9984 matt@mcdermott-tile.com http://mcdermott-tile.com McKinney Construction Inc. Todd McKinney 641 North Brady Street Ridgecrest, CA 93555-8636 Ph: 760-382-0300 Fx: 760-111-1111 mcconst60@msn.com McSwain Carpets & Floors Kevin Carnes 2430 East Kemper Road Cincinnati, OH 45241 Ph: 513-771-1400 Fx: 513-326-4270 kcarnes@ mcswaincarpets.com www.mcswaincarpets.com Memphis Tile & Marble Tommy Cox 3676 Air Park Street Memphis, TN 38118-6006 Ph: 901-794-4636 Fx: 901-366-1331 ricky@memphis tileandmarble.com www.memphis tileandmarble.com Mercado Tile & Stone Peter O. Mercado 969 Curtner Avenue San Jose, CA 95125-2708 Ph: 408-293-2521 Fx: 408-292-4913 pete@ mercadotilestone.com www.mercadotilestone.com CONTRACTOR MEMBERS Merrimac Tile Company Thomas Indoccio 59 Londonderry Turnpike Hooksett, NH 03106-2013 Ph: 603-432-2544 Fx: 603-432-0853 tomi@merrimactile.com www.merrimactile.com MESA Floorcoverings, Inc. Danny Maldonado 729 East High Street Grants, NM 87020-2449 Ph: 505-287-2631 Fx: 505-287-8553 danny@ mesafloorcoverings.com http://mesa floorcoverings.com Metro Floors Inc. Victor Lake 11678 Millpond Avenue Burnsville, MN 55337-7248 Ph: 612-275-7131 Fx: 612-275-7131 metrofloorsmn@gmail.com www.metrofloorsmn.com Metro Tile Inc. George Powers 9115 Digital Drive, Suite #12 Manassas Park, VA 20111-8273 Ph: 703-393-0491 Fx: 703-393-0495 npowers@metrotileinc.com MGK Services Inc. Michael Kinney 1107 Green Ridge Drive Severance, CO 80615-8620 Ph: 970-227-9686 mgnmjkinney@aol.com Michael Heath Construction Michael Heath 7431 Falcon Street New Tripoli, PA 18066-3958 Ph: 484-951-4995 mheath61@live.com Michael’s Custom Tile, Inc. Gregory Michael 2770 Chesterbrook Court Jacksonville, FL 32224-4850 Ph: 904-631-6310 Fx: 904-223-8804 gregsmichael@comcast.net http://michaels customtile.com Mid State Tile Bo Lancaster 2201 Murfreesboro Pike, Suite D-107 Nashville, TN 37217-3599 Ph: 615-479-7653 bo@midstatetile.com www.midstatetile.com 67 Mid-Valley Tile & Design, Inc. Bert Schoenfeld 907 NW Sycamore Avenue Corvallis, OR 97330-1530 Ph: 541-745-5304 Fx: 541-745-5497 mvtcorvallis@gmail.com www.mid-valleytileinc.com Midtown Tile Mike Sima 1811 Ridgewood Drive Papillion, NE 68133 Ph: 402-871-3678 Fx: 555-555-5555 midtowntile@gmail.com Midwest Mosaic Inc. Malcolm Campbell 2268 Robinwood Avenue Toledo, OH 43620-1019 Ph: 419-377-3894 Fx: 419-434-9001 mwmtoledo@yahoo.com www.midwestmosaic.us Migala Carpet One Lori Ruimveld 5400 West Michigan Avenue Kalamazoo, MI 49009-1908 Ph: 269-217-9380 lori@migalac1.com www.migalacarpetone.com CONTRACTOR MEMBERS Mike Payne & Associates, Inc. Mike Payne 33370 Mission Trail Wildomar, CA 92595-8426 Ph: 951-674-8377 Fx: 951-674-7828 mike@payneterrazzo.com http://payneterrazzo.com Mike Reed Tile Mike Reed 18300 Calvert Street Tarzana, CA 91335-7003 Ph: 818-708-1128 mikereedtile@aol.com www.mikereedtile.com Mike’s Custom Tile Co. Inc. Mike Gwizdala 3200 Old Kawkawlin Road Bay City, MI 48706-1524 Ph: 989-686-5975 Fx: 989-686-5975 mjgwiz1@yahoo.com Millcreek Tile & Stone Dale Butler 3200 South Eldredge Street Salt Lake City, UT 84115-3418 Ph: 801-484-3188 Fx: 801-484-0669 dbutler@millcreektile.com http://millcreektile.com Miller’s Flooring America Julie Perry 4325 East Market Street Logansport, IN 46947-2355 Ph: 574-722-4155 Fx: 574-732-1746 jperry@millers flooringamerica.com MLS Tile Mike Schubert P.O. Box 751511 Petaluma, CA 94975-1511 Ph: 707-584-5476 Fx: 707-584-0307 schubbie@comcast.net MLT System James Hoffman 3550 270th Avenue Keokuk, IA 52632-9826 Ph: 319-524-4441 Fx: 319-524-1638 jamesphoffman@aol.com www.mltsystem.com Modern Tile Company Clint Bunch P.O. Box 5550385 Dallas, TX 75355 Ph: 972-230-0770 Fx: 972-230-2770 clint@moderntile.com www.moderntile.com Monmouth Marble Inc. Jim Roberts P.O. Box 8475 Red Bank, NJ 07701-8475 Ph: 732-787-3700 Fx: 732-681-0829 jim@monmouth marbleinc.com www.monmouth marbleinc.com Moody Flooring Services, LLC Matt Biagiotti 13803 Kellerton Lane Cypress, TX 77429-2396 Ph: 281-758-5591 mattb@moodyflooring.com Moralex Flooring Gallery Luis “Tony” Morales 832 Mulberry Street Loudon, TN 37774-1309 Ph: 865-657-9214 Fx: 865-657-9276 moralexoffice@gmail.com http://moralexflooring.com More Than Tile Inc. Tracy Regan 847 Redstone Drive Inman, SC 29349-7190 Ph: 864-384-228 tracy@morethan tileshowroom.com www.morethan tileshowroom.com 68 Moser Construction Kevin Moser 6247 Gray Hawk Way Billings, MT 59106-2243 Ph: 406-690-1718 moser.construction@ yahoo.com Moss Building & Design Steve Lohmann 4125 Lafayette Center Drive, Suite #100 Chantilly, VA 20151-1242 Ph: 703-961-7707 Fx: 703-961-7710 slohmann@moss buildinganddesign.com www.moss buildinganddesign.com Mourelatos Tile Pro John Mourelatos 659 South Watering Hole Place Tucson, AZ 85748-6435 Ph: 520-245-9748 Fx: 520-245-9748 mourelatostile@msn.com www.mourelatostile.com Moyer Marble & Tile Company J. Greig Moyer, Jr. 6727 Phillips Industrial Lane Jacksonville, FL 32256 Ph: 904-260-7573 Fx: 904-260-0771 pmoyer@ moyercompany.com www.moyercompany.com Mr. David’s Flooring International Ltd. Leonard Zmnewski 865 West Irving Park Road Itasca, IL 60143-2021 Ph: 630-215-5056 leonardz@mrdavids.com www.mrdavids.com CONTRACTOR MEMBERS Mr. Tom’s Countertops Tom Hilliard 4990 Traffic Way Atascadero, CA 93422-4379 Ph: 805-801-7394 tom@ mrtomscountertops.com www.mrtoms countertops.com Mullett Tile Company John Mullett 6703 North Canal Road Lockport, NY 14094-9680 Ph: 716-439-9117 Fx: 716-439-9117 mullettile@aol.com MWA Design Mark Adolph 1281 Blue River Parkway Silverthorne, CO 80498 Ph: 970-486-0195 mwadesign@comcast.net http://mwainteriors.com Namba Services, Inc. Jon Namba 2547 West 5780 South Taylorsville, UT 84129-1929 Ph: 714-653-2130 Fx: 801-982-9479 namba.dr@gmail.com National Carpet Inc. dba Carpet One Tucson David Lucas 1857 West Grant Road Tucson, AZ 85745-1203 Ph: 520-884-0003 dlucas@ carpetonetucson.com www.carpetone.com National Decor Inc. Tom Lowe 46 Antares Drive, Unit #1 Ottawa, K2E-7Z1 Canada Ph: 613-224-3536 Fx: 613-224-5290 tlowe@nationaldecor.ca www.nationaldecor.ca Nazareth Carpentry Shop Inc. Malcolm Bain 37047 Chickadee Lane Farmington Hills, MI 48335-4802 Ph: 248-660-6483 Fx: 248-442-2133 mjbain8206@sbcglobal.net www.nazareth carpentryshopinc.com Nelson Tile and Stone Chris Nelson 1841 Ne Division Street Bend, OR 97701-3545 Ph: 541-410-5090 Fx: 541-389-2759 chris@ nelsontileandstone.com www.nelson tileandstone.com Neuse Tile Service, Inc. Nyle Wadford 70 Weathers Court, B Youngsville, NC 27596-7801 Ph: 919-570-7400 Fx: 919-570-7401 nyle@neusetile.com www.neusetile.com Nevada Contract Carpet Steve Bucher 6840 West Patrick Lane Las Vegas, NV 89118-2514 Ph: 702-362-3033 Fx: 702-362-5455 sbucher@nccfloors.com www.nccfloors.com New England Carpet King & Tile Chad LaDuke 294 West Street Keene, NH 3431 Ph: 603-352-1760 Fx: 603-352-1750 chad@ carpetkingandtile.com www.carpetone.com 69 New Era Contracting, LLC Joseph Keate 3601 South Memory Lane Meridian, ID 83642-6849 Ph: 208-501-3855 Fx: 208-501-3855 jk.newera@gmail.com New Era Tile & Stone Inc. Greg Colgate 9950 Scripps Lake Drive, Suite #101 San Diego, CA 92131-1082 Ph: 858-751-0464 Fx: 858-751-0465 gcolgate@neweratile.com www.neweratile.com New Life Marble & Granite, Inc. Rei Parusel 3834 SW 30th Avenue Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312-6824 Ph: 954-581-2226 newlifemarbleandgranite@ yahoo.com www.newlife marbleandgranite.com Newport Ceramic Design Inc. Thadius Daniels 120 Tustin Avenue, Suite C Newport Beach, CA 92663-4729 Ph: 949-689-5966 Fx: 949-722-8063 stoneman798@yahoo.com Nichols Tile & Terrazzo Co., Inc. Brad Denny 5835 Eatons Creek Road Joelton, TN 37080-7907 Ph: 615-876-2114 Fx: 615-876-1758 bdtile21@gmail.com Nicholson Flooring LLC Mike Nicholson 2796 NW 97th Avenue Waseca, MN 56093-6251 Ph: 507-456-1822 Fx: 507-451-2257 nicholsonflooring@gmail.com CONTRACTOR MEMBERS North Shore Architectural Stone Maggie Tanchuck 66 Glen Head Road Glen Head, NY 11545 Ph: 212-777-3081 maggie@nsastone.com www.nasastone.com North York Tile Grace Tari 330 Edgeley Boulevard Vaughn, ON L4K 3Y3 Canada Ph: 905-660-7684 x139 Fx: 999-999-9999 info@northyorktile.ca http://northyorktile.ca/ Northeast Flooring and Kitchens George Amenabar 233 Kennedy Drive, B Putnam, CT 06260-1628 Ph: 860-928-6111 Fx: 860-928-6118 george@nefk.com www.nefk.com Northern California Tile & Stone, Inc. Jeff Pettit 6341 Sky Creek Drive, Suite #400 Sacramento, CA 95828-1044 Ph: 916-853-9090 Fx: 916-853-1506 jeffp@nctscorp.com www.northern californiatile.com Northern Illinois Terrazzo & Tile Co. John D’Agnolo 1125 North 2nd Street Rockford, IL 61107-3008 Ph: 815-964-8541 Fx: 815-965-5515 john@niterrazzo.com Northern Tile Company Richard Denver P.O. Box 808 Sanbornville, NH 03872-0808 Ph: 603-522-8987 Fx: 603-522-8687 vet77l82@hotmail.com Nova Interiors Omar Ortiz 7521 Mission Palm Street Las Vegas, NV 89139-5627 Ph: 702-371-8674 novainteriorslv@gmail.com NW Flooring Solutions Tim Buller 6101-B East 18th Street Vancouver, WA 98661-6992 Ph: 360-253-9878 Fx: 360-253-9867 timb@ nwflooringsolutions.com www.nwflooring solutions.com NW Tile Guy Kevin Cease 20007 112th Avenue NE, Apartment H-203 Bothell, WA 98011-7720 Ph: 818-461-4375 Fx: 818-461-4375 kevin@nwtileguy.com www.nwtileguy.com Oduin Construction LLC Joshua Oduin 0544 SW Florida Street Portland, OR 97219-2338 Ph: 541-490-4085 Fx: 541-490-4085 j_oduin@yahoo.com http://www.joshua shane.com Old World Stone Creations LLC Ales Kaspar 129 Long Lake Drive Miramar Beach, FL 32550-8243 Ph: 850-642-0595 aleskaspar@hotmail.com 70 Old World Tile & Marble LLC Jason Deleonardis 2503 New Scotland Road Voorheesville, NY 12186-5019 Ph: 518-281-9612 owtm.jd@gmail.com Old World Tileworks Inc. Daniel DiFrancesco 2602 Grendon Drive Wilmington, DE 19808-3806 Ph: 302-563-7226 Fx: 302-384-8405 oldworldtileworks@ yahoo.com www.oldworldtileworks.com Omar’s Custom Flooring Inc. Omar Delacruz 3450 North Lawndale Avenue Chicago, IL 60618-5302 Ph: 773-809-2380 Fx: 773-809-2380 omar60618@gmail.com https://m.facebook.com/ omars-custom-flooring inc-992528067424258 Ombeha Tile Design and Install Dan Fendryk 10700 West Venture Drive, Unit D Franklin, WI 53132 Ph: 414-254-5157 Fx: 999-999-9999 dan@ombeha.com www.ombeha.com On All Floors LLC P. Joseph Dantro 3115 Balsa Street York, PA 17404-8329 Ph: 717-855-5588 Fx: 717-855-5588 onallfloorsyork@hotmail.com CONTRACTOR MEMBERS Orlando Flooring Store Matt Manning 3836 Commerce Loop Orlando, FL 32808-3818 Ph: 25-337-4055 matt@orlando flooringstore.com www.orlando flooringstore.com Ornamental Tile, Inc. Shawn Roewer 2505 Horse Pasture Road, Suite #108 Virginia Beach, VA 23453-2995 Ph: 757-631-7700 Fx: 757-631-7704 shawn@ornamentaltile.com http://ornamental.com Overbrook Tile Co., Inc. Chris George 520 James Street King of Prussia, PA 19406-1632 Ph: 610-239-1701 Fx: 610-239-1702 chris@overbrooktile.com www.overbrooktile.com Owen M. Bastian, Inc. Robert Cantone P.O. Box 3616 Allentown, PA 18106-0616 Ph: 610-798-9910 Fx: 610-798-9919 rcantone@bastians.org www.bastian commercialfloors.com P.G.C. Construction, Remodeling and Design Phil Green 555 Kilkenny Court Gilberts, IL 60136-8902 Ph: 847-809-2806 Fx: 847-622.8085 phil@edgestripkits.com Pacetti Tile Dennis Pacetti 1330 Huntingdon Pike Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006-8329 Ph: 215-207-3223 Fx: 215-207-3223 pacettitile@gmail.com Pacific Floors & Interiors Alex Kanarskiy 720 132nd Street SW, Suite #207 Everett, WA 98204-9359 Ph: 425-787-9889 alexkanarskiy@ rocketmail.com Pacific Stone & Tile LLC Greg Weisman 531 Southern Boulevard West Palm Beach, FL 33405-2607 Ph: 954-895-1780 pacificstone@earthlink.net Pacific Tile Marble Tom Rodriguez 1573 Chukar Court NW Salem, OR 97304-2001 Ph: 503-930-1487 trod5785@gmail.com Palm Beach Cast Stone, Inc. Steve Ford 809 North Railroad Avenue West Palm Beach, FL 33401-3301 Ph: 561-835-4085 Fx: 561-835-8780 steve@pbcaststone.com http://pbcaststone.com Palmer Marble & Tile, Inc. David Palmer 6599 Wallis Road West Palm Beach, FL 33413-1638 Ph: 561-683-5115 Fx: 561-478-7006 carmen@palmermarble.com www.palmermarble.com Palo All Contractors Paulo Lopes 2626 Spain Street New Orleans, LA 70117-7930 Ph: 504-872-9910 Fx: 504-208-9295 paloallcontractors@ gmail.com www.paloallcontractors.com 71 Paramount Installations, Inc. George Eizenga 1148 229th Street Steger, IL 60475-6001 Ph: 708-757-0608 paramountinstallations@ comcast.net www.paramount installations.com Parham Tile USA, Inc. Craig Parham 1881 County Street 2820 Chickasha, OK 73018-7950 Ph: 405-823-9013 Fx: 405-222-0413 parhamtileusa@aol.com Parker Tile Greg Parker 1100 Inyo Street Bakersfield, CA 93305-4220 Ph: 661-322-8240 Fx: 661-322-8218 parkertilegreg@gmail.com Parkland Carpet One Robert Grain 1600 8th Avenue Regina, A4R 1ES Canada Ph: 306-525-9125 Fx: 306-525-0677 robertgrain@sasktel.net www.carpetone.com Pasadena Carpet Oswaldo Gonzalez 3814 Fort Street Lincoln Park, MI 48146-4107 Ph: 313-388-8186 Fx: 313-388-6836 pasadena.carpet@ yahoo.com Paterson Contract, LLC Joseph Paterson 131 Alder Street Everett, WA 98203-3254 Ph: 425-501-2042 jgpaterson@gmail.com CONTRACTOR MEMBERS Paul G White Tile Co. Inc. Paul White 50 Allen Avenue Portland, ME 04103-3742 Ph: 207-797-7949 Fx: 207-797-5605 paulgwhite@paulgwhite.us www.paulgwhite.us PCI FlorTech Inc. Mike O Connell 910 West National Avenue Addison, IL 60101-3125 Ph: 630-458-0760 Fx: 630-458-0772 mike@pciflortech.com www.pciflortech.com Pennacchio Tile, Inc. Leo Pennacchio 655 Carlson Court Rohnert Park, CA 94928-2038 Ph: 707-588-8952 Fx: 707-588-9049 leo@pennacchiotile.net www.pennacchiotile.com Performance Tile & Marble Co., Inc. Todd Duhe 425 West Airline Highway, Suite A La Place, LA 70068-3818 Ph: 985-651-6531 Fx: 985-651-6535 todd@performance tileandmarble.com www.performance tileandmarble.com Petersen Flooring, Inc. Shane Petersen 21 Milestone Drive Belgrade, MT 59714-7210 Ph: 406-388-1778 Fx: 406-388-2312 petersenflooringinc@ yahoo.com Pfeffer Floor Covering Inc. Arlene Pfeffer P.O. Box 503 Bay Minette, AL 36507-0503 Ph: 251-937-2189 Fx: 251-937-0988 arlenepfeffer@bellsouth.net http://bay minette.floorstogo.com Phillips Flooring Center Rodney Phillips 1904 Judson Road Longview, TX 75605-5606 Ph: 903-236-4900 rodney@phillipsflooring.com http://phillipsflooring.com Picasso Tile & Design Inc. Carolyn Karbo 1700 West Drake Drive Tempe, AZ 85283-4315 Ph: 602-225-0525 Fx: 602-225-0925 carolyn@picassotile.com www.picassotile.com Piedmont Contract Jonathan Williams 580 Burbank Street, Unit #150 Broomfield, CO 80020-7168 Ph: 720-537-7076 jwilliams@ piedmontcontract.com Pierce Flooring & Design Pittsburg Basement Company Jeff Fulara 3044 Industrial Boulevard, Suite #2 Bethel Park, PA 15102-2687 Ph: 412-253-4646 jeff@pittsburgh basementcompany.com www.pittsburgh basementcompany.com Poindexter Flooring Inc. Brian Poindexter 2913 North Jefferson Way Indianola, IA 50125-9450 Ph: 515-255-6366 Fx: 515-961-0620 brian@ poindexterflooring.com www.poindexter flooring.com Pompei Tile Company, Inc. Mike Chouinard 1204 7th StreetSouth Great Falls, MT 59405-4311 Ph: 406-727-3832 Fx: 406-761-7127 mchouinard@pierce.biz http://pierce.biz Drew Forrest 733 Blue Crab Road Newport News, VA 23606-2548 Ph: 757-873-0819 Fx: 757-873-8851 dforrest@pompeiinc.com www.pompeiinc.com Pieri Tile & Marble Company Pool Brothers Flooring Joseph Pieri 3622 Toulouse Street New Orleans, LA 70119-4909 Ph: 504-488-1509 Fx: 504-488-0496 pieritile@gmail.com www.pieritile.com Pioneer Floors Carpet One Alden Palmer 326 2nd Avenue South Twin Falls, ID 83301-6401 Ph: 208-734-6015 Fx: 208-734-7945 pioneerf@cableone.net www. pioneer carpetonetwinfalls.com 72 Keith Pool 617 Fussell Road Leesburg, GA 31763 Ph: 229-888-0886 Fx: 229-888-6744 keith@poolbrosflooring.com www.poolbrosflooring.com Port Morris Tile & Marble Vincent DeLazzero 1285 Oakpoint Avenue Bronx, NY 10474-6914 Ph: 718-378-6100 Fx: 718-328-1074 vdelazzero@ portmorristile.com http://portmorristile.com CONTRACTOR MEMBERS Precision Ceramic Tile William Cunningham 12130 Clavel Court Riverside, CA 92503-6756 Ph: 951-351-8660 Fx: 951-352-6208 prct1@sbcglobal.net http://precision ceramictile.com Precision Flooring Thomas Kapinos, Jr. 106 Evans Street, Suite C Hamburg, NY 14075-6169 Ph: 716-578-5412 precision_flooring@live.com www.percision floorcovering.com Precision Stone Tile & Wood Aaron Winsor 2724 East 1600 South Spanish Fork, UT 84660-2633 Ph: 801-822-1027 aaronlwinsor@gmail.com Precision Surfaces LLC Jay Zurn 160 Glen Hill Drive Slinger, WI 53086-9652 Ph: 262-388-3730 Fx: 262-297-1730 jayzurn@ precision-surfaces.com http://precision-surfaces.com Precision Tile & Granite, Inc. Marcel Sousa 200 Valley Drive, Suite #6 Brisbane, CA 94005-1261 Ph: 650-472-3722 Fx: 650-472-3714 marcel@tgwork.com www.tgwork.com Precision Tile Company Scott Heron 149 Queen Parkway West Columbia, SC 29169-4647 Ph: 803-796-4863 Fx: 803-796-4867 scott@precision tilecompany.com Precision Tile Works Inc. Larry Burkholder 66 West Main Street Newville, PA 17241-1011 Ph: 717-776-5254 Fx: 717-776-3970 precisiontile@comcast.net www.precisiontileworks.net Premier Carpet Alan Comins 9609 Canoga Avenue Chatsworth, CA 91311-4115 Ph: 818-772-8880 Fx: 818-772-0033 alan@premiercarpet.com www.premiercarpet.com Premier Tile John Mendenhall 363 East Arlington Road Arlington, VT 05250-8610 Ph: 802-375-6134 jwmendenhall55@gmail.com Premier Tile Design Inc. Nicolaie Ilisei 30303 Julius Boulevard Westland, MI 48186-7334 Ph: 313-505-6200 nilisei90@gmail.com Prestige Floors Inc. Sean Vermillion 361 Edwin Drive Virginia Beach, VA 23462-4522 Ph: 757-217-0400 Fx: 757-217-1888 seanv@prestigefloors.com www.prestigefloors.com Pride Tile Company, Inc. Tony Gadlage 657 South Hurstbourne Parkway, Suite G Louisville, KY 40222-5095 Ph: 502-585-4585 Fx: 502-585-1256 cyndi@pridetile.com www.pridetile.com 73 Pristine Tile LLC Justin Hisle 304 Primrose Lane Winchester, KY 40391-8220 Ph: 859-595-5225 Fx: 859-595-5225 justinhisle@pristinetile.com Prodigy Flooring Rodney Williams 5515 Pioneer Park Boulevard Tampa, FL 33634-4456 Ph: 873-971-8300 rodney@prodigyflooring.com www.prodigyflooring.com ProFast Commercial Flooring LLC Kevin Killian 10082 Tyler Court, Suite C Ijamsville, MD 21754-8709 Ph: 301-663-8808 Fx: 301-378-2632 dvain@profastflooring.com Professional Diversified Flooring Jake Hoffnagle 4 Vanderbilt, Suite A Irvine, CA 92618-2035 Ph: 949-457-8660 Fx: 949-699-1900 jake@pdfinc.net www.pdfinc.net ProFloors, Inc. Cedric Eckenrode 3060 Tamiami Trail North, Suite #101 Naples, FL 34103-2749 Ph: 239-597-0077 Fx: 239-597-0022 cedric@profloors.biz www.profloors.biz Progressive Flooring Solutions Melvin P. Hancock 5003 West Nassau Street Tampa, FL 33607-3814 Ph: 813-250-9500 Fx: 813-258-9558 mhancock@proflooring.com www.proflooring.com CONTRACTOR MEMBERS Quattro Construction, LLC Vincent Quattrocchi P.O. Box 2696 Oregon City, OR 97045-0218 Ph: 503-956-6816 iiii_76@yahoo.com R & R Tile and Carpet Deckard Melott 9528 East 51st Street Tulsa, OK 74145-9048 Ph: 918-664-8923 Fx: 918-664-9051 deckard@rr-tulsa.com www.rrcarpetandtile.com R & T Installation Thomas Benke 3831 Lighthouse Lane Lakeland, TN 38002-8159 Ph: 901-488-7536 Fx: 901-384-0052 tabenke@aol.com R-Square Tile Company LLC Robb Roderick P.O. Box 9773 Springfield, MO 65801-9773 Ph: 417-840-4180 robbroderick20@gmail.com Rainwood Interiors Kelly Krueger 3231 South 14th Street Lincoln, NE 68502-4533 Ph: 402-420-6868 kelly.rainwood@gmail.com www.rainwoodinteriors.com Ramirez Tile Stone, LLC Angel Ramirez 4064 South Himalaya Way Aurora, CO 80013-6078 Ph: 720-6481511 angel.ramireztile@ gmail.com Ray Vasquez Ceramic Ray’s Flooring Specialists, Inc. ReSource Arizona RC Custom Contracting Inc. ReSource Colorado Gerald Lucero 7401 Los Volcanes Road NW Albuquerque, NM 87121-9015 Ph: 505-883-1967 Fx: 505-883-3256 gerald@raysflooring.com www.raysflooring.com Ryan Carrasquillo 1107 West Magnolia Street Clermont, FL 34711-2850 Ph: 352-636-9352 ryan8376@yahoo.com RCC Flooring Mark Royerre 2901 Ridgelake Drive, Suite #217 Metairie, LA 70002-4934 Ph: 504-833-6331 Fx: 504-833-6354 mark@rccflooring.com www.rccflooring.com RD Weis Companies Randall Weis 200 Clearbrook Road, Suite #142 Elmsford, NY 10523-1328 Ph: 914-937-9337 Fx: 914-937-9620 rdweis@rdweis.com www.rdweis.com Residential Tile Contractors Association Ross Savatti 221 Rayette Road, Unit #5 Vaughn, ON L4K 2G5 Canada Ph: 905-761-9449 Fx: 905-761-9450 ross@restile.ca Greg Frey 4140 North 44th Street, Suite #100 Phoenix, AZ 85018-4235 Ph: 602-256-2862 Fx: 602-269-3477 greg.frey@ resourcearizona.com www.resourcearizona.com John Stanfield 700 West Mississippi Avenue, Unit C-4 Denver, CO 80223-4508 Ph: 303-756-7100 Fx: 999-999-9999 jstanfield@ resourcecolorado.com www.resourcecolorado.com Retile Jesse Boswell 1555 East Kael Street Mesa, AZ 85203-2007 Ph: 602-363-6414 Fx: 555-555-5555 jesse@theretilestore.com http://theretilestore.com Revision Tile and Stone Jien An P.O. Box 1423 Spring Hill, TN 37174-1423 Ph: 615-812-2758 jien15@hotmail.com Rheinschmidt Tile & Marble Larry Rheinschmidt, Jr. 1100 Agency Street Burlington, IA 52601-4304 Ph: 319-754-4738 Fx: 319-754-5012 larry@rheinschmidt.com www.rtmiowa.com RHI, Inc. Dale Stevens 7397 Washington Boulevard, Suite #106 Elkridge, MD 21075-6345 Ph: 410-540-9494 Fx: 410-540-9498 dale602@mac.com www.rhiflooring.com Tile Contractor Ray Vasquez P.O. Box 9368 Moreno Valley, CA 92552-9368 Ph: 951-236-1547 Fx: 951-300-9637 rayvasqueztile55@ hotmail.com 74 CONTRACTOR MEMBERS Rice’s Capitol Carpet LLC Rock Solid Flooring Inc. Richard-Foley Rodgers Floor Covering Brad Lenz 1313 West Veterans Parkway Marshfield, WI 54449-1703 Ph: 715-305-0858 Fx: 715-387-0783 tile.lenz@gmail.com Richard Foley 21 State Street Phoenix, NY 13135-2317 Ph: 315-416-2800 Fx: 315-422-3259 richard.foleyii@yahoo.com http://www.tiles doneright.com Right Touch Interiors Tommy Adams 807 Post Street Greensboro, NC 27405-7262 Ph: 336-378-0033 tommy@ righttouchinteriors.com www.righttouchinteriors.com Riley’s Custom Tile LLC Don Riley 1853 West 2250 North Lehi, UT 84043-5036 Ph: 801-623-2450 dtdnriley@yahoo.com Rimrock Design, Inc. Joel Phinney 343 NW Cole Terrace, Suite #201 Lake City, FL 32055-7294 Ph: 386-755-1586 Fx: 386-752-5381 joel@rimrockdesign.com www.rimrockdesign.com Ritter Tile Shop, Inc. Mike Ritter 912 West North Street Salina, KS 67401-2029 Ph: 785-827-3081 Fx: 785-827-3081 rittertile1@att.net http://rittertileshop.com Rocky Garvey 15208 South Lakeside Court Plainfield, IL 60544-2123 Ph: 708-277-5745 rockysolidflooring@ hotmail.com Mike Verhey 119 Crossfield Drive Versailles, KY 40383-1444 Ph: 859-873-3311 Fx: 859-873-4760 mike.verhey@yahoo.com Rodrigues Tile Co. Ken Rodrigues 41060 High Street, Suite F Fremont, CA 94538-4366 Ph: 510-490-6995 Fx: 510-490-7076 ken@rodriguestile.com www.castbiz.net Rogers Tile & Stone Dave Rogers 11545 Waterville Swanton Road Whitehouse, OH 43571-9342 Ph: 419-392-6592 Fx: 419-877-9791 rogerstilestone@yahoo.com Roman Mosaic & Tile Company Paul Trevisan P.O. Box 1567 West Chester, PA 19380-0049 Ph: 610-692-3100 Fx: 610-430-7739 ptrevisan@ romanmosaic.com www.romanmosaic.com Ronald’s Custom Tile LLC Ronald Stalvey 1015 Rosehaven Drive Conway, SC 29527-5610 Ph: 843-340-5078 Fx: 843-340-5078 ronaldscustomtile@ gmail.com 75 Rosa Mosaic & Tile Anna Tatman 4006 South Brook Street Louisville, KY 40214-1716 Ph: 502-368-5893 Fx: 502-368-5894 atatman@rosamosaic.com www.rosamosaic.com Rubenstein’s Contract Carpets LLC Jesse Deason 501 South Lucile Street, Suite #100 Seattle, WA 98108-2518 Ph: 206-762-5610 Fx: 206-762-2409 jesse@rubensteins.com www.rubensteins.com Rug Beaters of Florida Richard Fortune 4290 NW 72nd Avenue Miami, FL 33166-6842 Ph: 305-592-6220 Fx: 305-477-7725 rugbeatersoffla@yahoo.com Ruggieri Brothers David Ruggieri 1191 Pontiac Avenue Cranston, RI 02920-7942 Ph: 401-463-9100 Fx: 401-463-7922 dave@ruggieribros.com www.ruggieribros.com Russell S. Lee Floor & Tile Co. Kenneth Lee 915 31st Avenue Tuscaloosa, AL 35401-2221 Ph: 205-345-1735 Fx: 205-349-3567 wyoung@rslee.com www.rslee.com RX Tile & Stone Solutions Patricio Hochnadel 5340 NW 52nd Street Coconut Creek, FL 33073-3758 Ph: 954-254-6862 rxtileandstonesolutions@ hotmail.com CONTRACTOR MEMBERS Ryan Carpet Sales & Service, Inc. Maryann Eickelman 70 Victoria Road Youngstown, OH 44515-2022 Ph: 330-792-1442 Fx: 330-792-8568 maryann@ryancarpet.com www.ryancarpet.com S & W Tile Wes O’Connor 383 Crescent Street, #2 Waltham, MA 02453-3862 Ph: 617-785-5128 sandwtile@gmail.com www.sandwtile.com Sammamish Tile & Granite Installations Sarai McCarty 704 228th Avenue NE, #208 Sammamish, WA 98074-7222 Ph: 425-313-1516 joe@joetile.com www.joetile.com Sample Tile and Stone Curtis Sample 1260 Dodson Way Riverside, CA 92507-2004 Ph: 951-776-8562 Fx: 951-776-1776 curt@ sampletileandstone.com San Diego Bath & Tile Josh Fischer 13446 Poway Road Poway, CA 92064-4714 Ph: 760-5058453 Fx: 760-5058453 sdbathandtile@gmail.com http://sandiego bathandtile.com Sanders Hyland Corp. Michael Sanders P.O. Box 6039 Mobile, AL 36660-0039 Ph: 251-661-1952 Fx: 251-666-0631 mdsanders@ sandershyland.com www.sandershyland.com Sandia Ceramics SCI Floor Covering SB Flooring Sergenian’s Floor Coverings Ryan King 7949 Gainsford Court Bristow, VA 20136-1100 Ph: 703-490-4959 Fx: 703-490-5372 rking@sandiaceramics.com www.sandiaceramics.com Steve Brace 414 Wallace Avenue Machesney Park, IL 61115-2859 Ph: 815-519-3040 stevebrace@hotmail.com https://www.facebook.com/ pages/steve-brace flooring/150-189-498379339 Schneider’s Flooring America Paul Deschenes 400 Talcottville Road Vernon, CT 06066-7032 Ph: 860-870-0055 Fx: 860-871-1743 pdeschenes@att.net www.flooring americavernon.com Schoch Tile & Carpet, Inc. Dennis Bley 5282 Crookshank Road Cincinnati, OH 45238-3306 Ph: 513-922-3466 Fx: 513-347-2315 vbschochtile@fuse.net http://ww.schochtile.com Schoenberger Tile & Marble, Inc. Chris Schoenberger 16 West Pleasant Street Reading, OH 45215-3412 Ph: 513-733-3399 Fx: 513-733-8733 schoenbergertile@ cinci.rr.com Schul Tile & Stone Bryan Schul 5658 Eagle Nest Court West Chester, OH 45069-1914 Ph: 513-615-4944 bryan@schultile.com www.schultile.com 76 Mark Zappa 21440 Melrose Avenue Southfield, MI 48075-5631 Ph: 586-876-0610 mzappa@ scifloorcovering.com Dick Eddy 2001 Fish Hatchery Road Madison, WI 53713-1255 Ph: 608-663-2528 Fx: 608-273-6305 dicke@sergenians.com http://sergenians.com Service All Inc. Joshua Nwaokeocha 12138 Central Avenue Bowie, MD 20721-1910 Ph: 301-772-2900 Fx: 301-772-2904 joshua@servallinc.com SGI, Inc. Dean Shaffer P.O. Box 8299 Fort Wayne, IN 46898-8299 Ph: 260-489-2537 Fx: 260-490-9706 deans@sgiinc.com Shannon Brothers Tile Michael Shannon 1309 Putman Drive NW Huntsville, AL 35816-2221 Ph: 256-837-6520 Fx: 256-837-1847 mike@sbtile.com http://sbtile.com Sheehan Tileworks Garrett Sheehan 43 Gilford East Drive Gilford, NH 03249 Ph: 603-528-TILE Fx: 603-528-8450 info@sheehantile.com CONTRACTOR MEMBERS Sherman-Loehr Custom Tile Works James Loehr 5691 Power Inn Road, Suite A Sacramento, CA 95824-2361 Ph: 916-386-0417 Fx: 916-386-0239 jim@shermanloehr.com www.shermanloehr.com Shores Tile Company Michael Maiuri 29975 Little Mack Avenue Roseville, MI 48066-2240 Ph: 586-293-5540 Fx: 586-293-3810 karen@shorestile.com www.shorestile.com Siemering Tile Company, Inc. Joseph Albert 3160 Beekman Street Cincinnati, OH 45223-2422 Ph: 513-681-5011 Fx: 513-681-5053 siemeringtile@fuse.net Signature Carpet One John Shea 41215 Albrae Street Fremont, CA 94538-3153 Ph: 510-651-9494 Fx: 510-651-9594 john@signaturec1.com www.signaturec1.com Silver Stone Contracting Co. Ira Silverstone 200 Henry Street Lakewood, NJ 08701-4710 Ph: 732-489-0553 Fx: 732-942-4511 ira@silverstone contracting.com Simon & Simon Tilemasters, LLC Eric Simon 425 Geraldine Drive Coventry, CT 06238-1333 Ph: 860-742-2700 Fx: 860-742-2699 itileright@sbcglobal.net Singleton and Associates Tiling and Remodeling Source One Christian Singleton 575 Old Highway 13 South Linden, TN 37096-6416 Ph: 270-2821134 csingleton@singleton andassociates.net Michael Hearn 1201 Embassy Court Powder Springs, GA 30127-5428 Ph: 404-384-8705 Fx: 770-423-1864 mjhearn@msn.com Skaug Bros Carpet One Souris River Designs John Wilson 222 East 3rd Avenue Moses Lake, WA 98837-1773 Ph: 509-765-0633 Fx: 509-765-1942 jwilson@skaugbros.com Skiles Custom Tile Eric Skiles 19577 County Road 46 New Paris, IN 46553-9213 Ph: 574-202-3127 skilescustomtile@yahoo.com Sliwinski Floor Covering Services Inc. Jack Sliwinski 421 Pike Road, Suite #4 Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006-1623 Ph: 215-364-9661 Fx: 215-364-9667 jack@sliwinski floorcovering.com www.sliwinski floorcovering.com Smith Brothers, LLC Daniel Smith 9660 Victoria Lane, Apartment #108 Naples, FL 34109-8620 Ph: 239-513-1737 smrdansmith@aol.com Snake River Stone Mike Norton 1412 Sandal Creek Nampa, ID 83686-5288 Ph: 208-284-3650 mike@snakeriverstonellc.com 77 David Lebrun 405 4th Avenue NE Minot, ND 58703-3215 Ph: 701-852-7605 Fx: 701-839-2071 dave@ sourisriverdesigns.com www.sourisriverdesigns.com Southeastern Commercial Flooring Mickey Burton 193 Stockwood Drive Woodstock, GA 30188-3868 Ph: 770-591-9980 Fx: 770-516-8941 mburton@scfga.com http://scfga.com Southern Edge Tile, Inc. David Magnani 15546 Paseo Jenghiz San Diego, CA 92129-1124 Ph: 760-891-0725 Fx: 760-891-0438 dmagnani@ setileandstone.com www.setileandstone.com Southwestern Carpets, Inc. Chris McCoppin 2525 East State Highway 121 Lewisville, TX 75056 Ph: 972-395-7370 Fx: 972-395-7250 cmccoppin@swcarpets.com http://swcarpets.com Southwestern Remodeling Chad Bryan 134 North Elizabeth Street Wichita, KS 67203-6126 Ph: 316-263-1239 Fx: 316-263-6230 jayhawkrmdlr@aol.com http://southwestern remodeling.com CONTRACTOR MEMBERS Spaniard Tile Company Inc. Porfirio Costillo 758 Cottonwood Court Salinas, CA 93905-4612 Ph: 831-970-1595 spaniardtile@sbcglobal.net Sparks Tile Collin Sparks 2900 Bellamah Drive Santa Fe, NM 87507-5311 Ph: 505-471-3291 Fx: 505-471-5714 sparkstile@gmail.com Specialized Tileworks Inc. Steven Isaman 501 Honey Suckle Drive New Castle, CO 81647-9443 Ph: 970-984-2098 Fx: 970-984-2098 specializedtileworks@ msn.com Specialty Tile Company Ronald Defazio 210 Pine Road Pittsburgh, PA 15237-4960 Ph: 412-364-2431 ronald.defazio@gmail.com Spectra Contract Flooring David Sutton 6684 Jimmy Carter Boulevard, Suite #500 Peachtree Corners, GA 30071-1722 Ph: 770-729-2700 Fx: 770-263-8812 david.sutton@spectracf.com www.spectracf.com Sposato Floor Covering Co. Patrick Tucci 109 7th North Street Liverpool, NY 13088-6719 Ph: 315-422-1489 ptucci@sposatoflooring.com www.sposatoflooring.com SRW Contracting Steve Blunt Masonry St. Clair Tile And Stone Steve’s Supreme Flooring, Inc. Steve White 475 Amsler Ridge Road Sewickley, PA 15143-8201 Ph: 412-897-7996 Fx: 999-999-9999 srwcontracting@gmail.com www.srwcontractinginc.com Andy St. Clair 1915 Hendricks Lane Bakersfield, CA 93304-5622 Ph: 661-8659291 Fx: 661-8659291 stclairtileandstone@ yahoo.com Standard Tile Associates Paul MacPhail 1375 5th Street Sarasota, FL 34236-4929 Ph: 941-915-6172 pmacphail5@gmail.com https://www.standard tilecompanysarasota.com Star Flooring Josh Hardin 401 East Memorial Road, Suite #100 Oklahoma City, OK 73114-2282 Ph: 405-425-9335 Fx: 405-748-4659 jhardin@starlumber.com www.starlumber.com Star Lumber & Supply Chad Mohr 325 South West Street Wichita, KS 67213-2105 Ph: 316-641-0030 Fx: 316-946-1680 cmohr@starlumber.com www.starlumber.com Sterling Floor Designs Ilene Herz 82 Modular Avenue Commack, NY 11725-5706 Ph: 631-993-3000 Fx: 631-993-3060 iherz@ sterlingfloordesigns.com www.sterling floordesigns.com 78 Steven Blunt 105 Hilldale Avenue South Hampton, NH 03827-3520 Ph: 603-394-7089 steveblunt21@icloud.com Steve Karterouliotis 3751 Arnold Avenue, Unit A Naples, FL 34104-3384 Ph: 239-262-1300 Fx: 239-262-3757 info@supremeflooring.net http://supremeflooring.net Steven Robinson Tile & Stone Steven Robinson 106 West Crestland Drive Austin, TX 78752-2426 Ph: 206-214-7099 stevenprobinson@gmail.com STG Enterprises, Inc. Shea Goodman 7322 South Rainbow Boulevard, #16 Las Vegas, NV 89139-0400 Ph: 702-262-0188 Fx: 702-262-0190 stgenterprises@gmail.com Stone Works International, Inc. Dana Naylor P.O. Box 2176 Eugene, OR 97402-0058 Ph: 541-343-7522 Fx: 541-343-7538 dana@stoneworksintl.com www.stoneworksintl.com Stoneman Jason McDaniels P.O. Box 3 Tualatin, OR 97062-0003 Ph: 503-201-8377 stoneconstruction503@ gmail.com CONTRACTOR MEMBERS Strategic Contract Brands, Inc. Suburban Enterprises Terazzo & Tile Co. Superior Interiors & Floors, Inc. Stuart & Associates Commercial Flooring Suburbia Tile & Floors Ltd. Superior Tile & Marble, Inc. Barry Wells 3309 Matrix Drive Richardson, TX 75082-2736 Ph: 214-393-4875 Fx: 214-292-9387 barry@autostoneusa.com www.autostoneusa.com Kimberly Gibson 4611 West Harry Street Wichita, KS 67209-2737 Ph: 316-267-0743 Fx: 316-267-7819 kim@stuart andassociates.com www.stuart andassociates.com Stuart Tile Company Janet Kozey 51194 Romeo Plank Road, Suite #453 Macomb, MI 48042-4111 Ph: 586-630-2336 Fx: 586-749-7075 thestuartcompany@ gmail.com www.thestuart company.com Christopher Claudy 206 Kirkbrae Road Kennett Square, PA 19348-1759 Ph: 610-277-2300 Fx: 610-277-7448 cclaudy@suburbantile.net http://suburbantile.net John Geissinger 204 20381 62nd Avenue Langley, BC V3A5E 6 Canada Ph: 604-533-2081 Fx: 604-533-2086 john@suburbiatile.ca Sun Country Floors Bob Seiter 1743 South Horne, Suite #200 Mesa, AZ 85204-6505 Ph: 602-757-8407 Fx: 480-497-5104 bob@suncountryfloors.com www.suncountryfloors.com Sunray Flooring Company Justin Ray 7385 Spartan Boulevard West North Charleston, SC 29418-8462 Ph: 843-606-5456 officemanager@ sunrayflooring.com http://sunrayflooring.com 79 Juan Moretti 123 South Dixie Highway Lake Worth, FL 33460-4132 Ph: 561-493-4305 Fx: 561-493-4309 juanmoretti@bellsouth.net www.superior interiorsandfloors.com Robert Herman 4305 Polaris Avenue Las Vegas, NV 89103-4152 Ph: 702-303-7600 rherman@superior tileandmarble.com www.superiortile andmarble.com Superior Tile & Stone Tommy Conner P.O. Box 2106 Oakland, CA 94621-0006 Ph: 510-895-2700 Fx: 510-895-6700 tconner@corpofficemail.com www.superiortilestone.com Surface Bright Serge Tahij 33 Rockland Road Greenfield, MA 01301-1140 Ph: 413-535-8831 Fx: 413-535-8831 surfacebrightinfo@ gmail.com www.surface-bright.com CONTRACTOR MEMBERS Surface Systems, Inc. Jake Giardina 2619 Tchoupitoulas Street New Orleans, LA 70130-2030 Ph: 504-947-7825 Fx: 504-944-2988 giaj@surfaceinc.com http://surfaceinc.com Surfaces 15 Greg Twarog 555 Rogers Street Downers Groe, IL 60515 Ph: 630-418-1999 surfaces15@gmail.com Swan Tile & Marble Inc. Dean Swan, Sr. 598 Macintosh Drive Rochester, NY 14626-4425 Ph: 585-723-8910 Fx: 585-458-4055 dswan@ swantileofrochester.com www.swan tileofrochester.com Syverson Tile & Stone, Inc. Steve Syverson 4015 South Western Avenue Sioux Falls, SD 57105-6540 Ph: 605-336-1175 Fx: 605-336-1179 ssyverson@syversontile.com www.syverson tileandstone.com T and C Tile TAC Ceramic Tile Company, Inc. Thomas Callaway P.O. Box 105 Manassas, VA 20108-0105 Ph: 703-690-2556 Fx: 703-368-3498 lblackmore@ tacceramictile.com www.tacceramictile.com Tandem Tile and Stone, LLC Steve Digiuseppe P.O. Box 1424 Ann Arbor, MI 48106-1424 Ph: 734-277-7475 Fx: 866-832-7926 steve@tandemtile.com www.tandemtile.com Tarkus Tile Mark Christensen 1085 East 900 North Lehi, UT 84043-1410 Ph: 801-310-1516 tarkustile@gmail.com http://tarkustile.com TC Flooring & Cleaning Services Tyson Carter 1842 Andina Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45237-6016 Ph: 513-300-0588 tcservicesinohio@gmail.com www.tcflooringservices.com L.T. Chong 1082 Rs County Road 4250 Point, TX 75472-5576 Ph: 903-258-3462 tiletiki@tandctile.net www.tandctile.net TCT Marble & Tile Inc. T.H. Winston Company Teal Tile & Carpet, Inc. Nick Rusche 4817 Glenshade Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45227-2419 Ph: 513-271-2123 Fx: 513-271-5573 nick.rusche@thwinston.com Tyler Montgomery 4 Bearce Avenue Lewiston, ME 04240-5911 Ph: 207-837-1987 tctmarbleandtile@gmail.com Ken Teal P.O. Box D Starke, FL 32091-1288 Ph: 904-964-7423 Fx: 904-964-9156 kteal@tealtilecarpet.com www.tealtilecarpet.com 80 Tecnomarmol, Inc. Juan Gallo P.O. Box 4691 Carolina, 00984-4691 Puerto Rico Ph: 787-752-2795 Fx: 787-769-0335 empresasgallo@gmail.com Teri’s Tile Teri Taylor-Heron 513 Wallace Way Lexington, SC 29073-8040 Ph: 803-513-3268 stileladysc@bellsouth.net Terra-Mar, Inc. Mike DeGiusti 4825 NW 10th Street Oklahoma City, OK 73127-5815 Ph: 405-943-7746 Fx: 405-601-9383 michael@terramarok.com www.terramarok.com Terrible Tile LLC Frank Granata 145 High Street Etna, PA 15223-1930 Ph: 412-973-2668 terribletile@gmail.com Texan Walls & Floors LLC Elias Guadalupe 15610 Cascading Brook Way Cypress, TX 77433-5502 Ph: 713-219-9476 texanfloors@sbcglobal.net Texas Tile Contractors Chase Johnson P.O. Box 248 Kennedale, TX 76060-2413 Ph: 817-478-3462 Fx: 817-478-0939 cjohnson@ texastilecontr.com www.texastilecontr.com Texas Tile Services Edward Garay 4501 Campbell Road Houston, TX 77041-9104 Ph: 713-774-0727 Fx: 999-999-9999 edward@tts.us.com CONTRACTOR MEMBERS The Art Mosaic & Tile Co. The Floor Show The Professionals Rusty Hibma 4101 Roger B Chaffee Mem Drive SE Grand Rapids, MI 49548-3443 Ph: 616-538-3600 Fx: 616-538-0143 rhibma@boumacorp.com www.boumacorp.com The Floor Show The Tile and Grout King, Inc. The Builder LLC The Floor Store & More Inc. The Tile Shop, Inc. Gary Lovisa 844 Rush Street South Bend, IN 46601-3244 Ph: 574-287-8131 Fx: 574-287-4863 artmosaic1@aol.com The Bouma Corporation Solomon Clark 221 Crystal Lake Road Groton, CT 06340-2501 Ph: 860-857-0682 Fx: 860-857-0682 cabinmaker@gmail.com The Cape Girardeau Tile Co. Dustin Gross 787 West Rodney Drive Cape Girardeau, MO 63701-4244 Ph: 573-579-4400 capetileco@gmail.com The Carpet Shoppe Inc. David Arita 4478 Malaai Street Honolulu, HI 96818-3134 Ph: 808-832-2007 Fx: 808-842-0439 david.arita@tcs-hawaii.com The Ceiling & Floor Shop, Inc. Mike Simpson 105 Keystone Place Charlottesville, VA 22902-6200 Ph: 434-971-9999 Fx: 434-977-0845 msimpson@ ceilingandfloor.com www.ceilingandfloor.com Chase DeWitt 20695 Timberlake Road Lynchburg, VA 24502-7206 Ph: 434-237-6233 Fx: 434-239-9768 chase@floorshow.net www.floorshow.net Dan Schille 1042 Walverley Street Winnipeg, MB R3T-OP3 Canada Ph: 204-226-4298 Fx: 204-956-9729 dans@thefloorshow.ca www.thefloorshow.com David Iles 2540 Florida Boulevard SW Denham Springs, LA 70726-4951 Ph: 225-664-5361 Fx: 225-664-3563 ds@floorstorecarpetone.com The Gallegos Corporation David Little P.O. Box 99 Wolcott, CO 81655-0099 Ph: 970-926-3737 Fx: 970-926-3889 dave@gallegoscorp.com www.gallegoscorp.com The Grout Doctor Reggie Fischer 12928 Excelsior Boulevard Minnetonka, MN 55343-4548 Ph: 612-432-8453 reggie@groutdoctor.com http://groutdoctor.com The Grout Medic Brett Repass 2241 East Continental Boulevard, Suite #150 Southlake, TX 76092-9782 Ph: 817-416-7600 Fx: 817-416-7654 brepass@ thegroutmedic.com www.thegroutmedic.com 81 Marco Morello 8190 Hidden Valley Court Amelia Court House, VA 23002-3874 Ph: 804-683-5958 professionalstile@gmail.com Hany Louis 1902 Lafayette Street, Suite C Santa Clara, CA 95050-3947 Ph: 408-930-8453 Fx: 408-916-1777 hany@ tileandgrooutking.com www.tileandgroutking.com Office Manager 701 Howmet Drive Hampton, VA 23661-1001 Ph: 757-826-2802 Fx: 757-826-5502 administration@ tileshopva.com Thirsty Lake Tileworks Sarah Anderson 701 North Bozeman Avenue Bozeman, MT 59715-2952 Ph: 406-249-8747 Fx: 406-587-5332 sarah@ thirstylaketileworks.com http://thirsty laketileworks.com Tiede-Zoeller Tile Corp. Dan Hull 250 Sonwil Drive Cheektowaga, NY 14225-5516 Ph: 716-901-7362 dhull@tztilewny.com www.tztile.com Tiger Mountain Tile, Inc. Jim Upton 1420 NW Gilman Boulevard, Suite #2-2733 Issaquah, WA 98027-5333 Ph: 206-200-8934 jim@tigermountaintile.com www.tigermountaintile.com CONTRACTOR MEMBERS Tile & Design by Chris LLC Chris Abouarrage 1303 Creek Drive Yukon, OK 73099-5747 Ph: 405-5104113 Fx: 405-3544441 tileanddesignbychris@ gmail.com Tile & Marble Works, Inc. Tony Scavo 510 North G Street Lake Worth, FL 33460-2930 Ph: 561-721-1010 Fx: 561-791-3191 tilemarblework@yahoo.com www.tileand marbleworks.com Tile & Terrazzo, LLC David Russell 1000 Obici Industrial Boulevard Suffolk, VA 23434-5474 Ph: 757-923-9100 Fx: 757-923-9400 derussell@ tileandterrazzo.com www.tileandterrazzo.com Tile Art Roger Lodwig 530 Nokomis Court Fort Collins, CO 80524-5410 Ph: 970-213-3682 roger@tileartcenter.com http://tileartcenter.com Tile Art LLC Nan Bieneman 849 East Washington Avenue, Suite #104 Madison, WI 53703-2965 Ph: 608-255-8453 nan@tileartdesign.com www.tileartdesign.com Tile By Art Arthur Lucero 16933 Enadia Way Lake Balboa, CA 91406-3602 Ph: 818-371-3680 arthur.lucero@sbcglobal.net Tile by Lyle Tile Creations Roger Kleinsasser 235 Pennington Avenue SW Huron, SD 57350-1760 Ph: 605-354-6030 tilecreations@hur.midco.net Tile Design by Edelstein Nadine Edelstein 22032 Dockton Road SW Vashon, WA 98070-7100 Ph: 206-235-8453 Fx: 206-463-2193 nadine@ eworkshopdesign.com Tile Dynamics Corp. Lyle Kelly 2716 Keystone Avenue Knoxville, TN 37917 Ph: 828-774-1368 tilebylyle@gmail.com www.tilebylyle.com Joseph Bariatti 26 Bogart Street Huntington Station, NY 11746-3305 Ph: 631-4949590 info@tiledynamicsny.com www.tiledynamicsny.com Tile Craft Inc. Tile Fusion LLC Richard Guglielmo 1305 Kingstown Road Wakefield, RI 02879-2446 Ph: 401-783-7770 Fx: 401-789-6760 tilealways@aol.com www.tilecraft designcenter.com Tile Crafters LLC Scott Wisniewski 4415 South Sommerset Drive New Berlin, WI 53151-6875 Ph: 414-350-6226 stile45@hotmail.com 82 Dave Karp 830 7th Avenue East Shakopee, MN 55379-2513 Ph: 952-367-6500 tilefusion@gmail.com Tile Innovators Mesharia Rol 4752 Moonshine Ridge Trail Parker, CO 80134-5144 Ph: 303-618-1905 toddrol@msn.com www.tileinnovators.com CONTRACTOR MEMBERS Tile Installations Matt Vyverberg 2910 East 57th Avenue, Suite #5, #106 Spokane, WA 99223 Ph: 509-953-9154 Fx: 509-315-9041 prestigetile@comcast.net www.prestige tilespokane.com Tile Kyle & Company, Inc. Kyle Schnellmann 9969 County Road 74 Severance, CO 80550-2612 Ph: 970-460-8590 Fx: 970-460-8591 kyle@tilekyle.com www.tilekyle.com Tile Lines Darrell Helbling 1531 Central Avenue South Kent, WA 98032-7419 Ph: 253-872-0449 Fx: 253-872-0478 info@tilelines.com www.tilelines.com Tile Masters Inc. Peter Pogrosqewski 2360 Highway 33, Suite #110 Robbinsville, NJ 08691-1416 Ph: 609-259-0055 Fx: 609-223-2488 kate@tilemasters2.com www.tilemasters2.com Tile Mechanics Corp. Shane Gould 5866 Forest Grove Road Parsonsburg, MD 21849-2026 Ph: 410-251-0565 Fx: 443-944-0894 tilemechanicscorp@ gmail.com www.facebook.com/ tilemechanicscorp Tile Meister Randy DiDonato 611 North 1st Street Grand Junction, CO 81501-2233 Ph: 970-244-8453 Fx: 970-244-9034 randy@tilemeister.com www.tilemeister.com Tile Plus Inc. Don Maki 123 East Milner Avenue Dekalb, IL 60115-4467 Ph: 815-758-4197 dmtp8338@gmail.com Tile Solutions Jayme Smith 42 East Tremont Street Glens Falls, NY 12801-4652 Ph: 518-932-9938 tile_solutions@hotmail.com www.transformation withtile.com 83 Tile Solutions, Inc. Robert Richardson 620 Long Pointe Lane Columbia, SC 29229-7551 Ph: 803-422-3139 Fx: 803-865-1981 richtile43@gmail.com Tile Specialties Cato Junge 202 East Mills Street Columbus, NC 28722-8745 Ph: 928-894-7058 Fx: 828-894-6034 tilespecialties@yahoo.com www.tile specialtiescorp.com Tile Synergy Laurent Billaud 10914 Darby Avenue Porter Ranch, CA 91326-2824 Ph: 818-512-2094 Fx: 818-368-1085 frenchman62@hotmail.com Tile Unlimited, Inc. Kevin Nelson 12001 Southwest Highway Palos Park, IL 60464-1252 Ph: 708-361-8453 Fx: 708-361-8453 captaintile95@gmail.com Tile West Inc. Cliff Jacobson P.O. Box 5789 Novato, CA 94948-5789 Ph: 415-382-7550 Fx: 415-382-7558 cjacobson@tilewestinc.com www.tilewestinc.com CONTRACTOR MEMBERS Tile with Style Plus Jeff Stultz 314 East Russell Street Fayetteville, NC 28301-5744 Ph: 910-483-8453 Fx: 910-485-1874 jeff@twspinc.com www.tilewithstyleplus.com Tile-It, Incorporated Derrick Hipp P.O. Box 16365 Asheville, NC 28816-0365 Ph: 828-665-2655 Fx: 828-665-2299 dhipp@tileitinc.net http://tileitinc.net Tilecraft, Inc. Dale Censer P.O. Box 2004 Traverse City, MI 49685-2004 Ph: 231-929-7207 Fx: 231-929-4429 dcensor@tilecraftinc.net http://tilecraftonline.com Tileish, LLC Eric Maki 78 10th StreetEast, Unit #3103 Saint Paul, MN 55101-2251 Ph: 651-968-6890 Fx: 651-968-6890 eric@tileishmn.com www.tileishmn.com TileSetters of Raleigh Eric Lupo 5411 Old Poole Road Raleigh, NC 27610-3153 Ph: 919-231-7420 Fx: 919-231-7405 ericlupo@ tilesettersofraleigh.com http://tilesetters ofraleigh.com Tileworks Tami Riemersma 2138 Berlin Fair Drive Marne, MI 49435 Ph: 616-822-0200 tamitileworks@aol.com www.tileworksusa.com Tileworks by Rich & Sons Richard Hernandez 242 Possum Hollow Road, Suite #2-C Monroe Township, NJ 08831-8258 Ph: 732-967-1450 Fx: 732-967-1450 tileworksbyrich@aol.com www.tileworksbyrich.com Tileworks of Miami, Inc. Jorge Castellanos 6800 SW 133rd Terrace Miami, FL 33156-6961 Ph: 305-238-3335 Fx: 305-252-9452 tileworks@aol.com Tim Hogan’s Carpet & Floors Ryan Barney 50 Clarington Drive Southaven, MS 38671-5649 Ph: 662-349-7474 Fx: 662-536-3190 thcfloors@gmail.com www.timhogans carpetandfloors.com Tingley’s Ceramic Tile Setting Kenneth A. Tingley 3770 Riley Road Terre Haute, IN 47802-9324 Ph: 812-234-4521 Fx: 812-235-4355 kenny@tingleytile.com www.tingleytile.com Toca Flooring LLC Trey Toca 2809 Jefferson Highway Jefferson, LA 70121-3703 Ph: 504-464-7878 Fx: 504-831-7688 trey@tocaflooring.com www.tocaflooring.com 84 Tony Prince Company, Inc. Tony Prince 1531-A Fairview Avenue Saint Louis, MO 63132-1323 Ph: 314-567-4666 Fx: 314-567-1969 tprince@princefloors.com www.princefloors.com Tool Time Home Improvement Inc. Ed Rutter 917 Timbercreek Court Belton, MO 64012-3182 Ph: 913-915-3669 Fx: 816-348-7601 ed@tooltimekc.com Torino Mosaic Flooring Tim Frappa 5178 Keller Road Hamburg, NY 14075-7047 Ph: 716-941-3622 Fx: 716-941-3633 tim@torinomosaic.com http://torinmosaic.com Total Floors Pat Mullin 11665 Fuqua Street, Suite B-200 Houston, TX 77034-4627 Ph: 281-484-4821 Fx: 281-484-4942 tonia@ totalfloorshouston.com www.totalfloorshouston.net Touch of Color Nabeel Hamad 6303 Allentown Boulevard Harrisburg, PA 17112-3302 Ph: 717-939-4390 Fx: 717-370-6333 scott.appel@ tocdesigngroup.com www.tocdesigngroup.com CONTRACTOR MEMBERS Traditions in Tile and Stone Andrew Brown 3065 Trotters Parkway Alpharetta, GA 30004-7703 Ph: 770-569-5232 Fx: 770-569-9383 andrew@traditionsintile.com www.traditionsintile.com Tranquility Builders Inc. Jim Totsch 20 Shore Drive Oswego, IL 60543-9265 Ph: 630-885-7881 jim@tranquilitybuilders.com www.tranquilitybuilders.com TRC Flooring Solutions Sheri Porter-Nelson 3900 Briars Road Olney, MD 20832-1217 Ph: 301-318-9680 Fx: 301-363-1148 estimating@trcfloors.com www.trcfloors.com Tremain Cer.Tile & Floor Covering, Inc. Steve Winter 8105 East 47th Street Indianapolis, IN 46226-2970 Ph: 317-542-1491 Fx: 317-542-1508 swinter@tre-main.com www.tre-main.com Trendsetter Tile & Stone Michael Weaver 455 Shadow Wood Lane Coral Springs, FL 33071-6965 Ph: 954-448-8018 Fx: 954-969-1362 mike@floridatrendsetter.com http://south floridatilesetter.com Tri-Co Floors Tina Anderson 535 Vernon Way El Cajon, CA 92020-1934 Ph: 619-937-0539 Fx: 619-937-0549 tinaa@tri-co.com www.tri-co.com Tri-State Carpet Inc. Thomas Hicken 2 South Poplar Street Wilmington, DE 19801-5052 Ph: 302-654-8193 Fx: 302-654-8678 thickenjr@tristatecpt.com www.tristatecpt.com Triangle Tile & Stone of NC, LLC John Naramore 901 Trinity Road Raleigh, NC 27607-4939 Ph: 919-859-5860 Fx: 919-859-5832 john@triangletile.com www.triangletile.com Trimaco, LLC Charlie Reaves 2300 Gateway Centre Boulevard, Suite #200 Morrisville, NC 27560-9669 Ph: 919-812-8850 Fx: 919-674-3461 charlie.reaves@trimaco.com www.trimaco.com Trostrud Mosaic & Tile Company Inc. Brad Trostrud 779 North Dillon Drive Wood Dale, IL 60191-1273 Ph: 630-595-3700 Fx: 630-595-5395 btrostrud@trostrudtile.com www.trostrudtile.com Trustworthy Tile, Inc. Mike Jones 2660 North Golden West Avenue Tucson, AZ 85749-9349 Ph: 520-241-7804 pepelamar@cox.net TST Construction Services Fred Miller 9806 Brockbank Drive Dallas, TX 75220-2943 Ph: 214-838-2004 Fx: 214-838-2043 fmiller@tstcs.com www.tstcs.com 85 Tucson Commercial Carpet Susan Hoblit P.O. Box 5216 Tucson, AZ 85703-0216 Ph: 520-884-7002 Fx: 520-884-5065 susan@tucsoncarpet.com www.tucson commercialcarpet.com Turner Ceramic Tile Josh Turner 11535 Kaw Drive Kansas City, KS 66111-1111 Ph: 913-441-6161 Fx: 913-441-0508 josh@turnerceramictile.com www.turnerceramictile.com Tuscan Tile & Design Tony Hocevar 4903 Swetland Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44143-1416 Ph: 440-840-8378 tuscantiledesign@att.net Tymeless Flooring Kyle Bowser 1345 Gause Boulevard West Slidell, LA 70460-5765 Ph: 985-641-4342 Fx: 985-641-4396 kyle@tymeless.com www.tymeless.com Union Flooring Installations Mike Aubrie 40 Callender Road Watertown, CT 06795-1628 Ph: 860-274-0202 Fx: 860-274-0071 maubrie@unionflr.com www.unionflr.com Unique Designs Tile & Stone Butch Berlin 802 Heritage Drive Middlebury, IN 46540-9279 Ph: 574-825-6188 Fx: 574-825-6188 theberlins3@msn.com CONTRACTOR MEMBERS VAL Floors, Inc. United Enterprises, Inc. Derek Ruis 3131 Verona Avenue Buford, GA 30518-3574 Ph: 770-904-6984 Fx: 770-904-6988 unitedei@bellsouth.net www.unitedei.com United Stone Crafters Gus Santoro 1699 North Powerline Road Pompano Beach, FL 33069-1622 Ph: 954-968-6262 Fx: 954-968-6261 gus@ unitedstonecrafters.com Universal Flooring Michael Bastien 15573 Commerce Lane Huntington Beach, CA 92649-1601 Ph: 714-373-1136 Fx: 714-373-1165 mbastien@ universalflooring.com www.universalflooring.com Universal Flooring Jerry Begley 17801 Storage Road Omaha, NE 68136-1515 Ph: 402-333-4495 Fx: 402-333-3754 jbegley@ universalflooring.net www.universalflooring.net Universal Metro Dave Triepke 12253 Florence Avenue Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670-3805 Ph: 562-906-8484 Fx: 562-906-8490 dtriepke@ universalmetro.com www.universalmetro.com Terence Byrnes 100 Hollister Road, Unit #1 Teterboro, NJ 07608-1139 Ph: 201-672-9320 Fx: 201-617-0508 tbyrnes@valfloors.com www.valfloors.com Vector Concepts Tim Watkins 9010 North Royal Lane, Suite #110 Irving, TX 75063-2423 Ph: 972-399-1303 Fx: 972-790-7535 tim@vectorconcepts.com www.vectorconcepts.com Venemex Flooring Services, LLC Vallefuoco Contractors, LLC Gianna Vallefuoco 11620 Danville Drive Rockville, MD 20852-3716 Ph: 301-881-8483 Fx: 301-881-2985 gianna@vallefuoco.com www.vallefuoco.com VALLEFUOCO CONTRACTORS, L.L.C THE ITALIAN TILE ARTISANS Since 1990 in Italy, Since 1999 in the USA. European craftsmanship, serving MD, DC, VA, specializing in superior tile installation: NTCA 5 STAR Contractor, CTEF certified. Vasquez Ceramic Tile Co. Inc. Gabriel Vasquez 3045 Tierra Cuervo Drive El Paso, TX 79938-4758 Ph: 915-820-8453 Fx: 915-821-5779 vctile@aol.com Vavasseur’s Flooring Kenneth Vavasseur 3058 Oakland Road Lakeland, LA 70752-3111 Ph: 225-933-4897 Fx: 225-627-4898 kvinspector@yahoo.com www.certified floorinspection.com 86 Alejandro Guerra 5829 West Sam Houston Parkway North, Suite #907 Houston, TX 77041-4741 Ph: 832-486-9731 Fx: 832-850-7059 aguerra@ venemexflooring.com www.venemexflooring.com Victoria Peters Victoria Peters 56 Park Circle Drive Fairport, NY 14450-2537 Ph: 585-414-4670 vickypete56@gmail.com Vintage Tile & Stone Nick Frankovich 23011 Moulton Parkway, Suite B-6 Laguna Hills, CA 92653-1222 Ph: 949-521-6085 Fx: 949-521-6088 nick@vintagetile.co Virginia Tile, Inc. Bruce Van der Linde 1831 Seminole Trail Charlottesville, VA 22901-1129 Ph: 434-817-8453 Fx: 434-817-8454 bruce@e-virginiatile.com www.e-virginiatile.com Visalia Ceramic Tile, Inc. Michael Martinho 917 North American Street Visalia, CA 93291-9336 Ph: 559-651-2925 Fx: 559-651-2982 mikem@vctile.com http://vctile.com CONTRACTOR MEMBERS VVL Industries LLC Vladimir Popov 5914 NE 62nd Street Vancouver, WA 98661-2290 Ph: 360-606-3505 vladimirp@vvlindustries.com www.vvlindustries.com Wagners Flooring Jeremy Wagner 5375 Blue Springs Road Cleveland, TN 37311-8867 Ph: 423-298-6095 wagnersflooring06@ yahoo.com Walker Sales & Distribution Mike Minner 65 Industrial Road Elizabethtown, PA 17022-9426 Ph: 717-361-7373 mike@walker-sales.com www.walker-sales.com Walkers Carpet & Interiors Jay Mashaw 8501 Brook Road Glen Allen, VA 23060-4019 Ph: 804-262-3636 Fx: 804-262-0084 jay@walkerscarpets.com www.walkerscarpets.com Wall 2 Wall Flooring William Bohrer 5200 Sawyer Avenue Garden City, ID 83714-2113 Ph: 208-860-3361 wbohrer@ wall2wallflooring.com www.wall2wallflooring.com Walsh Tile & Marble Co. Marty Walsh 1025 East Lindsay Street Greensboro, NC 27405-7113 Ph: 336-574-0700 Fx: 336-574-0720 martinwalsh@bellsouth.net Ward Ceramic Tile & Stone, Inc. Paul Ward 5463 Southern Maryland Boulevard, Suite #1 Lothian, MD 20711-2204 Ph: 301-627-7040 wardctile@comcast.net Watford Tile Inc. Steve Baker 732 Chapin Road Chapin, SC 29036-8737 Ph: 803-345-3409 Fx: 803-345-3087 watfordtile@aol.com Wayne Olivier Tile & Remodeling, LLC Wayne Olivier 1740 Haywood Road Hendersonville, NC 28791-2236 Ph: 828-808-8473 Fx: 828-707-9446 waynetile@gmail.com www.waynetile andwood.com Wayne Wiles Floor Coverings Weis Ceramic Tile, Inc. Paul Weis 5905 Vickery Avenue East Tacoma, WA 98443-2041 Ph: 253-444-8339 wctile@comcast.net Welch Tile & Marble Daniel Welch 13864 Eagle Ridge Drive Kent City, MI 49330-9123 Ph: 616-675-4740 Fx: 616-675-4177 dan@welchtile.com www.welchtile.com West GA Design/Build Dwight Killmon P.O. Box 339 Turin, GA 30289-0339 Ph: 770-318-0379 reetsn@yahoo.com West Side Tile Gary Fortey 5095 Napilihau Street, #216 Lahaina, HI 96761-8800 Ph: 808-870-5389 garymaui2000@yahoo.com Whalen Tile, Inc. Mark Wiles 7851 Supply Drive Fort Myers, FL 33912-5917 Ph: 239-267-7600 Fx: 239-267-9644 mwiles@waynewiles.com www.waynewiles.com Steve Whalen 3293 Hamlin Avenue Simi Valley, CA 93063-1321 Ph: 310-657-7820 Fx: 805-582-2266 whalentile@pacbell.net WC Carpenter Brad Bergen 8855 North Black Canyon Highway Phoenix, AZ 85021-4107 Ph: 602-248-7878 brad@wholesalefloors.com www.wholesalefloors.com Katherine Hamilton 5890 Thurston Avenue Virginia Beach, VA 23455-3307 Ph: 757-460-1101 Fx: 757-363-9579 lisa@wccarpenter.com www.wccarpenter.com Weichert Tile & Stone LLC Bryan Weichert 9757 West 343rd Street Paola, KS 66071-6269 Ph: 913-744-1543 weichert.tile@yahoo.com 87 Wholesale Floors LLC Wilkerson Tile Co., Inc. Richard Wilkerson 7335 Hixson Pike, B Hixson, TN 37343-1716 Ph: 423-842-6464 wilkerson_tile@comcast.net http://chattanoogatile.net CONTRACTOR MEMBERS Willamette Valley Tile Dave Chrowl 475 Fir Knoll Lane NE Salem, OR 97317-3331 Ph: 503-559-6537 dchrowl@hotmail.com Williams Business Enterprises Carter Williams 7730 Bethany Circle Anchorage, AK 99507-3098 Ph: 907-632-1021 factorydirectak@gmail.com Williams Tile & Marble Co. Greg Sweetin 1870 South Cobb Industrial Boulevard SE Smyrna, GA 30082-4908 Ph: 770-432-2201 Fx: 770-438-7466 gtswtm@bellsouth.net Windisch Tile & Stone LLC Matt Windisch 1351 Kennedy Drive World Headquarters Hartford, WI 53027-9273 Ph: 262-384-0368 twindischtile@yahoo.com Wirtz Quality Installations, Inc. Frank Echo 7932 Armour Street San Diego, CA 92111-3718 Ph: 858-569-3816 Fx: 858-569-3821 jwirtz@wirtzquality.com www.wirtzquality.com Wisenbaker Builder Services Phil Koester 1703 Westfield Loop Road Houston, TX 77073-2705 Ph: 281-960-2341 philk@wisenbaker.com www.wisenbaker.com WM Erath & Son, Inc. Scott Erath 51 Ranick Drive East Amityville, NY 11701-2821 Ph: 631-842-2244 Fx: 631-842-4267 scott@erathtile.com www.erathtile.com Work of Art Tile & Stone Creations Art Greenwood 128 Beverly Drive Niceville, FL 32578-2610 Ph: 850-217-9100 artg114@gmail.com Workplace Services, Inc. Michael Hawley 610 Alpine Way Escondido, CA 92029-1204 Ph: 760-745-6869 Fx: 760-745-2227 mhawley@ workplaceservices.com www.workplace services.com WTG Terrazzo and Tile Inc. Tony Grazzini 12101 Nicollet Avenue Burnsville, MN 55337-1648 Ph: 952-746-9060 Fx: 952-746-9059 tony@wtgtt.com www.wtgtt.com WTS Hard Surfaces LLC Shawn Kinney 1215 Black Hawk Road Eaton, CO 80615-9038 Ph: 970-324-3739 wtshardsurfaces@ yahoo.com Yardley Kitchen and Bath John Carlson 219 West Afton Avenue Yardley, PA 19067-4201 Ph: 215-369-9150 Fx: 215-369-9150 tinkermens@gmail.com http://tinkermens.com 88 Young Brothers, Inc. Dean Young 100 North Classen Boulevard Oklahoma City, OK 73106-7625 Ph: 405-235-3393 Fx: 405-272-1097 deanyoung@ youngbrosinc.com www.youngbrosinc.com Youngstown Tile & Terrazzo Co. Jeff Mason P.O. Box 7 Canfield, OH 44406-0007 Ph: 330-533-4125 Fx: 330-533-5062 jeff@yttinc.com www.youngstowntile.com Yount Tile and Stone LLC Josh Yount 10599 Podunk Avenue NE Greenville, MI 48838-8325 Ph: 616-835-7514 Fx: 616-555-1212 michflooring@gmail.com Zeolla Marble Co. Inc. John Zeolla 5327 Vanalden Avenue Tarzana, CA 91356-3106 Ph: 818-344-3219 Fx: 818-344-3504 info@zeollamarble.com http://zeollamarble.com Zickel Flooring Bob Huesgen 1555 Fenpark Drive Fenton, MO 63026-2915 Ph: 636-343-8663 Fx: 636-343-0975 bob.huesgen@zickel.com www.zickel.com Zielke Homes & Improvement, LLC Jim Zielke 10107 Red Arrow Highway Bridgman, MI 49106-9385 Ph: 269-465-9484 Fx: 269-465-9486 jim@zielkehomes.com www.zielkehomes.com CONTRACTOR MEMBERS Zills Tile Levi Ziller 5601 Elliott Avenue twater, CA 95301-6226 Ph: 209-836-2242 Fx: 209-833-6991 lornaziller@yahoo.com www.zillstile.com Zion Stone & Marble Gilbert Cruz 3311 Quail Close Pompano Beach, FL 33064-2038 Ph: 754-264-2983 gilbert@marbleinstallers.com 89 90 91 92 AFFILIATE MEMBERS AFFILIATE MEMBERS AFFILIATE MEMBERS 21st Century Tile, Inc. AMG Promotions Arizona Tile Adhesive Products, Inc. Amorim Industrial Solutions Armaly Brands Mark Terrill 12600 West Silver Spring Drive Butler, WI 53007-1006 Ph: 262-790-8453 Fx: 262-790-8456 m21centile@aol.com www.21stcenturytile.com Shane Bandy P.O. Box 236 Austell, GA 30168-1048 Ph: 770-438-0985 Fx: 405-789-1077 Alpha Professional Tools Mindy Wessel 103 Bauer Drive Oakland, NJ 07436-3102 Ph: 201-337-3343 mwessel@alpha-tools.com www.alpha-tools.com Amendola Marble Joseph Amendola 560 Tarrytown Road White Plains, NY 10607-1316 Ph: 914-997-7968 Fx: 724-857-3081 joe@amendolamarble.net www.amendolamarble.net American Olean Tile Company Paul Hansen - AO 7834 C F Hawn Freeway Dallas, TX 75217-6529 Ph: 214-309-4535 Fx: 214-309-4584 paul.hanson@daltile.com www.daltile.com American Tile Supply dba/Acme Brick Co. Don Koesling 3024 Acme Brick Plaza Fort Worth, TX 76109-4104 Ph: 972-280-0103 Fx: 972-243-4675 d.koesling@ americantilesupply.com www.american tilesupply.com Andrew Giungo 16 Dowling Road Albany, NY 12205-1940 Ph: 518-482-7045 Fx: 213-483-4445 dgiungo@nycap.rr.com Larry Lyons 26112 110th Street, P.O. Box 25 Trevor, WI 53179-9360 Ph: 262-869-9006 Fx: 954-943-2402 llyons.acc@amorimusa.com www.acousticorkusa.com Ann Sacks Tile & Stone Kristy Grey 8120 NE 33rd Drive Portland, OR 97211-2018 Ph: 503-281-7751 Fx: 503-287-8807 kristy.grey@annsacks.com www.annsacks.com Ardex Americas Vernon Vie 1707 Lake Pointe Court Plainfield, IL 60586-5901 Ph: 847-212-6982 Fx: 724-203-5001 vernon.vie@ ardexamericas.com www.ardexamericas.com Ardex Engineered Cements Harrison Gardner 400 Ardex Park Drive Aliquippa, PA 15001-8420 Ph: 724-203-5260 Fx: 518-482-7943 harrison.gardner@ardex.com www.ardex.com Ardex Engineered Cements Jory Geigle 410 West Vine Street Enid, OK 73701-2558 Ph: 405-343-5272 Fx: 724-203-5001 jory.geigle@ ardexamericas.com www.ardexamericas.com 93 Rick Collins 8829 South Priest Drive Tempe, AZ 85284-1905 Ph: 480-763-2808 Fx: 480-753-7694 rcollins@arizonatile.com www.arizonatile.com John Armaly 1900 Easy Street Commerce Township, MI 48390-3220 Ph: 248-669-2100 Fx: 330-223-1414 jwarmaly@ armalybrands.com www.armalybrands.com Artistic Tile Wholesale Joshua Levinson 520 Secaucus Road Secaucus, NJ 07094-2502 Ph: 201-864-7000 Fx: 201-864-0466 joshlevinson@artistictile.com www.artistictile.com Arto Brick California Pavers William Love 15209 South Broadway Gardena, CA 90248-1823 Ph: 310-308-4222 Fx: 310-768-8544 wlove@artobrick.com www.artobrick.com Atlas Minerals & Chemicals, Inc. Scott Gallagher P.O. Box 38 Mertztown, PA 19539-0038 Ph: 610-682-7171 Fx: 562-928-3857 sgallagher@atlasmin.com www.atlasmin.com ATR Resolutions Andy Psaila 1976 South La Cienega Boulevard, #494 Los Angeles, CA 90034 Ph: 323-402-0096 atrleveling@gmail.com www.atrleveling.com AFFILIATE MEMBERS Australian Tile Council Mike Snare 46 Hector Street West Osborne Park Perth, QLD 6017 Australia Ph: 24-821-1480 thorntonsonalpine@ snibi.com Barwalt Tool Company Nancy Young 5171 East Seltice Way Post Falls, ID 83854-9703 Ph: 208-765-3187 Fx: 208-664-6041 nancyyoung@barwalt.com www.barwalt.com BB Tile Products Sandra BartlBettiga 177 Woodlands Green Drive Brandon, MS 39047 Ph: 601-919-3520 sbartlbettiga@yahoo.com Belknap White Group Craig McLean 111 Plymouth Street Mansfield, MA 02048-2073 Ph: 508-337-2700 Fx: 716-662-0417 craig.mclean@ belknapwhite.com www.belknapwhite.com Beno J. Gundlach Company Stephen Gundlach 211 North 21st Street Belleville, IL 62226-6658 Ph: 618-233-1781 Fx: 262-790-2177 steve.gundlach@ benojgundlacho.com www.benojgundlachco.com Best Tile of Charlotte Deborah Webb 2311 South Tryon Street Charlotte, NC 28203-4961 Ph: 704-817-8862 Fx: 980-498-2568 dwebb@besttile.com www.besttile.com Best Tile of Cheektowaga Frank Wittmeyer 2800 Walden Avenue Cheektowaga, NY 14225-4749 Ph: 716-683-0011 Fx: 716-684-0183 fwittmeyer@besttile.com www.besttile.coom Best Tile of Crabtree Erin Crabtree 3123 Cedar Park Road, Unit A Greensboro, NC 27405-9316 Ph: 413-583-4246 Fx: 413-583-5218 ecrabtree@besttile.com www.eastcoasttile.com Best Tile of Dedham Bill Stacy 25 McNeil Way Dedham, MA 02026-2650 Ph: 413-583-4246 Fx: 413-583-5218 bstacy@besttile.com www.besttile.com Best Tile of Durham Justin Starkey 4215 Garrett Road Durham, NC 27707-3429 Ph: 919-401-9420 jstarkey@besttile.com www.besttile.coom Best Tile of East Brunswick Stanley Araneo 270 State Route 18 East Brunswick, NJ 08816-1929 Ph: 732-390-7700 Fx: 732-390-6662 saraneo@besttile.com www.besttile.coom Best Tile of Keyport Nanci McCarthy 3 Cass Street at Highway 35 Keyport, NJ 07735-1425 Ph: 732-739-4660 Fx: 732-739-6383 nanci.mccarthy@ besttile.com www.besttile.coom 94 Best Tile of Lorton George Parent 8196 Terminal Road Lorton, VA 22079-1443 Ph: 703-550-2352 Fx: 703-550-8615 besttilelorton@besttile.com www.besttile.com Best Tile of Pittsburgh Bob Skander 11040 Perry Highway Wexford, PA 15090-8331 Ph: 724-935-6965 Fx: 724-935-2409 bskander@besttile.com www.eastcoasttile.com Best Tile of Raleigh Joseph Sullivan 2017 Raleigh Boulevard Raleigh, NC 27604-2254 Ph: 919-832-1235 Fx: 919-832-8030 jsullivan@besttile.com www.besttile.com Best Tile of Rochester Ralph Propes 380 Empire Boulevard Rochester, NY 14609-4454 Ph: 585-482-1420 Fx: 585-482-1424 ddesimone@besttile.com www.eastcoasttile.com Best Tile of Rockville Lee Davis 11601 Boiling Brook Place Rockville, MD 20852-2370 Ph: 301-984-3399 Fx: 703-319-1602 ldavis@besttile.com www.besttile.coom Best Tile of Schenectady Brian Ford 2241 Central Avenue Schenectady, NY 12304-4379 Ph: 518-344-7000 Fx: 518-344-7008 bford@besttile.com www.besttile.coom AFFILIATE MEMBERS Best Tile of Syracuse Tim Powers 5891 Firestone Drive Syracuse, NY 13206-1102 Ph: 315-437-1606 Fx: 315-437-1920 tpowers@besttile.com www.besttile.coom Best Tile of Wappingers Falls Harry Strang 1659 Route 9 South Bank of New York Plaza Wappingers Falls, NY 12590 Ph: 845-297-0457 Fx: 845-297-0650 ntcanotvalid0402@ gmail.com www.eastcoasttile.com BOE Best of Everything, Inc. Rick Baldini 22362 Gilberto, Suite #215 Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688-2136 Ph: 949-709-5270 Fx: 528-183-4449 rick.baldini@ boe-companies.com www.primo-tools.com Bolick Distributors, Inc. Braxton Bragg Corporation Rich Hassert 4100 Appalachian Way Knoxville, TN 37918-6961 Ph: 800-575-4401 Fx: 868-659-4057 r.hassert@braxtonbragg.com www.braxton-bragg.com Buffkin Ceramic Tile Supply Gary Cannon P.O. Box 15906 Baton Rouge, LA 70895-5906 Ph: 225-927-8016 Fx: 225-906-0048 gary@bolick-distributors.com www.bolick-distributors.com Christina Buffkin 3350 North Courtenay Parkway Merritt Island, FL 32953-8312 Ph: 321-452-2282 Fx: 321-459-2482 buffkintile@aol.com www.buffkintile.com Best Tile of Williston Bonanza Trade & Supply Canto Tile & Stone, LLC Bexel Internacional, S. A. de. CV. Boral IP Holdings LLC Doug Maynes P.O. Box 1641 Williston, VT 05495-1641 Ph: 802-863-5800 Fx: 802-865-2716 dmaynes@besttile.com www.besttile.coom Jorge Zambrano 1209 San Dario Avenue Laredo, TX 78040-4505 Ph: 528-818-1300 Fx: 262-862-2500 ncopado@bexel.com.mx www.bexel.com.mx BJ’s Ceramic Tile Distributing Co. Robert Foreman 6151 Highway 25 Brandon, MS 39047-9303 Ph: 601-829-9110 Fx: 601-939-0114 bob@thestonesource.com www.thestonesource.com Blanke Corporation Dan Holcomb 3631 Clearview Parkway Atlanta, GA 30340-2114 Ph: 770-936-9211 Fx: 770-447-0063 dholcomb@blankecorp.com www.blankecorp.com Daniel Abitboul 6853 Lankershim Boulevard North Hollywood, CA 91605-6109 Ph: 818-765-6577 Fx: 818-765-0686 daniel@stonetooling.com www.stonetooling.com Hamed Lakrout 1922 Dry Creek Way, Suite #116 San Antonio, TX 78259-1840 Ph: 210-503-2634 hamed.lakrout@boral.com www.boralamerica.com Bostik, Inc. Chris Eichman 11320 West Watertown Plank Road Wauwatosa, WI 53226-3413 Ph: 414-607-1265 Fx: 626-443-1435 christopher.eichman@ bostik-us.com www.bostik-us.com Brandon Company Jason Willmon 401 North Vine Street North Little Rock, AR 72114-4871 Ph: 501-374-1271 Fx: 501-372-3292 95 Frank Canto 10317 Tarragon Drive Riverview, FL 33569-4158 Ph: 813-677-7444 Fx: 813-677-7511 frank@cantotile.com www.cantotile.com Centura Montreal Bryan Morin 5885 Chemin de la cote de Liesse, Quebec St-Laurent, QC H4T 1C3 Canada Ph: 514-796-0185 Fx: 514-336-0281 bmorin@centura.info www.centura.info AFFILIATE MEMBERS Ceramic Tool Company Ceramic Tile and Stone Consultants Inc. Donato Pompo P.O. Box 965 Jamul, CA 91935-0965 Ph: 619-669-2967 donato@ctasc.com www.ctasc.com Ceramic Tile and Stone Consultants (CTaSC) provides forensic failure investigations and inspections, architectural specifications and quality control services, quality assurance and product testing, expert witness services, market research and business planning consulting to the tile and stone industries. CTaSC services are available throughout North America and internationally. Ceramic Tile Distributors Association Rick Church 800 Roosevelt Road, C-31L Glen Ellyn, IL 60137-5839 Ph: 630-545-9415 Fx: 630-790-3095 rickc@conservices.com www.ctdahome.org Ceramic Tile Education Foundation Scott Carothers 5326 Highway 76 Pendleton, SC 29670-9139 Ph: 864-222-2131 scott@tilecareer.com www.tilecareer.com Peggy Heuler W237 N2872 Woodgate Road Pewaukee, WI 53072-4042 Ph: 262-522-6334 Fx: 727-784-2972 peggy.heuler@ ceramictool.com www.ceramictool.com CMP Specialty Products Patrick Mullins 1445 Ford Road Bensalem, PA 19020-4503 Ph: 267-522-8000 Fx: 215-638-7949 patrickm@cmpsp.com http://cmpsp.com Compotite Corporation Joan Hutchins 355 Glendale Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90026-5009 Ph: 213-483-4444 Fx: 213-493-4445 cmptite@gmail.com www.compotite.com Conestoga Tile Jim Vogel P.O. Box 4585 Harrisburg, PA 17111-0585 Ph: 717-564-6860 Fx: 717-564-0173 jimvogel@cctd.com www.conestogatile.com Construction Management Consulting Group, Inc. Stuart Gregory P.O. Box 3269 Saint Augustine, FL 32085-3269 Ph: 904-823-8592 Fx: 904-823-8507 sgregory@const-mgmt.com Contractors Direct Contractors Direct 143 Furniture Row Milford, CT 06460-3608 Ph: 203-882-1650 Fx: 203-306-3232 markr@ contractorsdirect.com www.contractorsdirect.com 96 CORONA Bellota Chris Sabbarese 22440 Temescal Canyon Road Corona, CA 92883-4200 Ph: 951-280-2016 Fx: 29-725-5551 chris.sabbarese@ corona.bellota.com www.bellota.com Cosentino North America Carl Harris 2245 Texas Drive, Suite #600 Sugar Land, TX 77479-2190 Ph: 281-494-7277 Fx: 228-158-2202 carlh@cosentino.com Creative Edge Corporation Jim Belilove 601 South 23rd Street Fairfield, IA 52556-4214 Ph: 641-472-8145 Fx: 641-472-2848 jimb@cec-waterjet.com www.cec-waterjet.com Creative Edge designs and fabricates waterjet masterpieces in stone, ceramic tile and porelain. Logo’s, art and patterns. Crescenta Valley Tile & Stone Shawn Robb 1435 South Shamrock Avenue Monrovia, CA 91016-4246 Ph: 626-303-0336 Fx: 626-930-0178 shawn@cvtile.com www.cvtile.com AFFILIATE MEMBERS Crest Norteamerica SA de CV David Benavides Pedro Ramirez Vasquez 200-1 Garza Garcia, 66269 Mexico Ph: 956-605-9219 david.benavides@ crest.com.mx www.crest.com.mx/crest Crossville Flooring Center Steve Smith 820 Highway 70 East Crossville, TN 38555-9729 Ph: 931-787-1118 Fx: 931-374-4378 stevecfc@volfirst.net www.crossvilleflooring.com Crossville, Inc. Mark Shannon P.O. Box 1168 Crossville, TN 38557-1168 Ph: 931-484-2110 Fx: 949-766-4198 mshannon@crossvilleinc.com www.crossvilleinc.com CTL Group Terry Willems 5400 Old Orchard Road Skokie, IL 60077 Ph: 847-965-7500 Fx: 847-965-6541 twillems@ctlgroup.com www.ctlgroup.com Custom Building Products Tony Pasquarelli 7711 Center Avenue, Suite #500 Huntington Beach, CA 92647-3076 Ph: 562-296-9560 Fx: 562-338-0146 apasquarelli@cbpmail.net www.custombuilding products.com D & B Tile Distributors Design Center Solutions Dal-Tile Corporation Dobkin Tile & Stone Harold Yarborough 14200 NW 4th Street Sunrise, FL 33325-6226 Ph: 954-846-2663 Fx: 954-845-1112 harold@dbtile.com www.dbtile.com John Turner, Jr. 7834 C F Hawn Freeway Dallas, TX 75217-6529 Ph: 214-309-4681 Fx: 214-707-5713 john.turnerjr@daltile.com www.daltile.com Daniel Boone Consulting Daniel K. Boone 1515 North Federal Highway Boca Raton, FL 33432-1994 Ph: 561-395-2292 Fx: 561-338-4840 danielkboone@hotmail.com Dave Gobis - CTC, LLC Dave Gobis 7630 Douglas Avenue Racine, WI 53402-9718 Ph: 262-639-2226 dave@ceramic tileconsultant.com www.ceramic tileconsultant.com Dependable Bagging Company Brad Simonson 264 Hord Street New Orleans, LA 70123-4116 Ph: 504-733-8650 brad@dependable bagging.com www.dependable bagging.com Desert Floor Inspections Penny Sures 3739 Robert Randolf Way Las Vegas, NV 89147-6892 Ph: 702-804-5800 Fx: 312-214-1466 rugcop@cox.net www.desert floorinspections.net 97 Jay Flynn 6 Knoll Lane, Suite C Mill Valley, CA 94941 Ph: 415-339-6040 Fx: 415-339-6046 eric@dcspg.com www.dcspg.com Mark Zydel 51 Benbro Drive Cheektowaga, NY 14225-4805 Ph: 716-684-1200 Fx: 716-684-1294 mark@dobkintile.net http://dobkintile.net Dural USA Scott Carroll 711 North Varnell Road Tunnel Hill, GA 30755-9282 Ph: 423-531-7590 Fx: 980-225-7245 scottcarroll@duralusa.us www.dural.com Eagle Tile Brady Wiggins 220 Fernhill Avenue Fort Wayne, IN 46805-1017 Ph: 574-862-2255 Fx: 574-862-4941 brady@eagletileonline.com www.eagletileonline.com East Coast Tile Ben Mednick 6822 Oak Hall Lane Columbia, MD 21045-4882 Ph: 410-381-1169 Fx: 410-381-1169 bmednick@ eastcoasttile.com www.eastcoasttile.com Ecore International Garnet Sofillas 715 Fountain Avenue Lancaster, PA 17601-4547 Ph: 717-327-2954 Fx: 717-314-5179 garnet.sofillas@ ecoreintl.com www.ecoreintl.com AFFILIATE MEMBERS EMAC America LLC Jose Luis Llavata 1970 NW 129th Avenue, Suite #103 Miami, FL 33182-2399 Ph: 305-406-1593 Fx: 561-431-2468 manager@ emac-america.com www.emac.es Emerson Industrial Automation Flex-Guard Products, Inc. Jose Santana 3820 West Happy Valley Road, Suite #141 Glendale, AZ 85310-3292 Ph: 800-279-7600 flexguardproducts@ yahoo.com www.flexguardproducts.com Flextherm Mike Galante 9377 West Higgins Road Rosemont, IL 60018 Ph: 800-621-1506 Fx: 641-472-8664 mike.galante@emerson.com Peter Mitchelides 100 Waxhaw Parkway, Unit #748 Waxhaw, NC 28173-9924 Ph: 888-226-2221 Fx: 713-688-2448 pmitchelides@flextherm.com www.flextherm.com Emser Tile Floor & Decor Tricia Baden 8431 Santa Monica Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90069-4209 Ph: 323-650-2000 Fx: 323-654-3190 triciabaden@emser.com www.emser.com Enco Manufacturing Corp. dba Weco Enid Vidal Cidra, 739 Puerto Rico Ph: 787-739-3751 Fx: 787-739-2242 evidal@encomfg.com www.encomfg.com European Tile Masters Inc. Benjamin Szell 1830 Vista Way Margate, FL 33063-1206 Ph: 954-224-3945 benszell@european tilemasters.com www.european tilemasters.com Fin Pan, Inc. Jeff Ketterer 3255 Symmes Road Hamilton, OH 45015-1361 Ph: 513-870-9200 Fx: 417-831-4067 jketterer@finpan.net www.finpan.com Brad Chicoine 2233 Lake Park Drive SE, Suite #400 Smyrna, GA 30080-8851 Ph: 404-471-1634 bchicoine@ flooranddecor.com www.flooranddecor.com Floor Safety Enterprises/Slip Grip Roger Eden 3301 West Warner Avenue Santa Ana, CA 92704-5316 Ph: 800-430-5485 Fx: 312-335-0533 rod@slipgrip.com www.slipgrip.com Florida Tile, Inc. Sean Cilona 998 Governors Lane, Suite #300 Lexington, KY 40513-1184 Ph: 863-284-4035 Fx: 416-255-1729 sean.cilona@floridatile.com www.floridatile.com Florim USA Stefano Rabaioli 300 International Boulevard Clarksville, TN 37040-5307 Ph: 877-356-7451 Fx: 931-245-7827 srabaioli@florimusa.com www.florimusa.com 98 Forensic Stone and Tile Consultants Lindell Lummer 2761 Triunfo Canyon Road Cornell, CA 91301-3425 llummer@earthlink.net Forensic Tile Consultants Greg Mowat 9541 Vervain Street San Diego, CA 92129-3523 Ph: 858-484-8118 Fx: 813-677-7511 tile4n6@aol.com www.forensic tileconsultants.com Frank Canto Consulting Frank Canto 10317 Tarragon Drive Riverview, FL 33569-4158 Ph: 813-677-7444 Fx: 972-226-2263 frank@cantotile.com www.cantotile.com GACA Group Nyle Wadford 70 Weathers Court, B Youngsville, NC 27596-7801 Ph: 919-570-7400 Fx: 972-226-5423 nyle@tileconsult.com www.tileconsult.com Genesee Ceramic Tile Distributors Linda Leach 1307 North Belsay Road Burton, MI 48509-1602 Ph: 810-743-2000 Fx: 810-742-6670 linda.leach@gctile.com www.gctile.com Georgia-Pacific Gypsum LLC Anne Ksionzyk 2861 Miller Road Decatur, GA 30035-4036 Ph: 404-652-3285 Fx: 404-631-5753 anne.ksionzyk@gapac.com www.gpgypsum.com AFFILIATE MEMBERS Gerald Zakim Associates LLC Gerry Zakim 10406 Warrens Way Wanaque, NJ 07465-1643 Ph: 973-633-1130 srzakim@optonline.net www.gerald zakimexperts.com HeatTech Products Vic Sharov 1204 Avenue U Brooklyn, NY 11229-4107 Ph: 800-470-5685 Fx: 800-476-5102 sales@ heattechproducts.com www.heattechproducts.com Gran Quartz Tom Jones P.O. Box 1469 Norcross, GA 30091-1469 Ph: 678-367-6348 tom.jones@ pearlabrasive.com http://granquartz.com Gulf Tile & Cabinetry Frank Garcia 2318 West Columbus Drive Tampa, FL 33607-1642 Ph: 813-251-8807 Fx: 813-251-8366 frank.garcia@gulftile.com www.gulftile.com H. Winter & Company Herman Winter 890 North Gilmore Street Allentown, PA 18109-1875 Ph: 610-434-4500 Fx: 610-434-7909 hwinter@hwintertile.com www.hwintertile.com H.B. Fuller Construction Products/TEC Tom Plaskota 1105 South Frontenac Street Aurora, IL 60504-6451 Ph: 630-952-1214 Fx: 931-456-3993 tom.plaskota@hbfuller.com www.tecspecialty.com Hamilton Parker Company HPS-North American Inc. Karen Bellinger 515 Wilhite Street Florence, AL 35630-6233 Ph: 855-391-2649 Fx: 256-246-0346 kbellinger@hpsubfloors.com www.hpsubfloors.com Tile installations are at their best when installed on smooth, sound subfloors. Schönox produces primers, repair products, floor leveling compounds, adhesives, and waterproofing materials that take damaged, uneven subfloors through to finished floors ready for use. Our products save time and money with unique advantages delivering better overall flooring projects. Huachang Tools Corp. Andy Ma 2852 Walnut Avenue, Suite G Tustin, CA 92780-7033 Ph: 714-838-8987 Fx: 714-838-5987 huachangdiamond@ gmail.com www.huachang diamondtools.com David Sammons 1865 Leonard Avenue Columbus, OH 43219-4500 Ph: 614-358-7800 Fx: 614-358-2315 dsammons@ hamiltonparker.com www.hamiltonparker.com 99 Husqvarna Construction Products Cate Stratemeier 17400 West 119th Street Olathe, KS 66061-7740 Ph: 913-928-1000 Fx: 504-734-5762 cate.stratemeier@ husqvarnagroup.com www.husqvarnacp.com ID Theft/ LegalShield Associates Keith Smith P.O. Box 2802 Madison, MS 39130-2802 Ph: 601-832-2224 Fx: 601-555-1212 keith@keithsmith insurance.com www.keithesmith.legal shieldassociate.com Innovis Corporation Wade Rompel 3790 Happy Lane Sacramento, CA 95827-9741 Ph: 916-361-2601 Fx: 863-403-0714 wrompel@innoviscorp.com www.innoviscorp.com Inspectile Todd Duhe 425 West Airline Highway, Suite A La Place, LA 70068-3818 Ph: 985-651-6531 Fx: 860-674-0094 todd@permance tileandmarble.com www.performance tileandmarble.com International Masonry Institute David Sovinski 42 East Street Annapolis, MD 21401-1731 Ph: 410-280-1304 Fx: 310-261-2855 www.imiweb.org AFFILIATE MEMBERS Ironrock Capital, Inc. Dianne Young dba Metropolitan Ceramics, P.O. Box 9240 Canton, OH 44711-9240 Ph: 330-484-4887 Fx: 330-484-4880 dyoung@ironrock.com www.metroceramics.com ISC Surfaces Brent Stoller 5100 Kansas Avenue Kansas City, KS 66106-1137 Ph: 816-769-0268 Fx: 913-371-4209 bstoller@iscsurfaces.com www.iscsurfaces.com James B. Batts Distributing Co. James Batts 2146 Stantonsburg Road SE Wilson, NC 27893-8407 Ph: 252-243-2134 Fx: 252-243-1481 jimbatts@gmail.com www.jamesbbatts distributingco.com James Hardie Building Products Lauren Pagano 231 South La Salle Street, Suite #2000 Chicago, IL 60604-1449 Ph: 312-384-9304 lauren.pagano@ jameshardie.com www.hardibacker.com JG Woelfel & Associates, LLC James Woelfel 557 South Robson Mesa, AZ 85210-2442 Ph: 480-829-9197 Fx: 919-570-7401 tileconsultant@jgwoelfel.com www.jgwoelfel.com JLC/Joseph Lundgren Consulting Joseph Lundgren 800 North Watters Road, Suite #150 Allen, TX 75013-5395 Ph: 214-641-7773 Fx: 469-675-3154 joe@jlcconsult.com www.joseph lundgrenconsulting.com John Bridge & Associates, LLC John Bridge 3876 South Highway 304 Rosanky, TX 78953 Ph: 210-863-3269 Fx: 210-555-1212 john@johnbridge.com www.johnbridge.com Johns Manville Craig Swiatek 10100 West Ute Avenue Littleton, CO 80127-5002 Ph: 866-426-5015 Fx: 303-978-2000 craig.swiatek@jm.com www.jm.com KBRS Inc. Brad Paschke 8406 Speedway Boulevard Hardeeville, SC 29927-8218 Ph: 912-352-0442 Fx: 912-352-4204 brad@kbrsinc.com www.kbrsinc.com Klaser Consulting, Inc. Kent Klaser P.O. Box 1319 Bonita, CA 91908-1319 Ph: 619-869-4076 Fx: 619-869-4076 kent@klaserconsulting.com http://klaserconsulting.com Lackmond Products Inc. Ted Skaff 3065 Chastain Meadows Parkway, Suite #200 Marietta, GA 30066-3372 Ph: 770-919-2100 Fx: 619-225-8419 tskaff@lackmond.com www.lackmond.com 100 Laticrete International Maria Oliveira 1 Laticrete Park North Bethany, CT 06524-3444 Ph: 203-393-0010 Fx: 561-241-2830 mfoliveira@laticrete.com www.laticrete.com Laticrete Supercap, LLC Maria Oliveira 1 Laticrete Park North Bethany, CT 06524-3444 Ph: 203-393-0010 Fx: 914-946-3128 mfoliveira@laticrete.com www.laticretesupercap.com Louisville Tile Distributors, Inc. Don Kincaid 4520 Bishop Lane Louisville, KY 40218-4508 Ph: 502-452-2037 Fx: 800-297-8453 dkincaid@louisville-tile.com www.louisville-tile.com Lunada Bay Tile Peter Collier 1661 240th Street Harbor City, CA 90710-1310 Ph: 310-257-1300 peter@lunadabaytile.com www.lunadabaytile.com Mahamnad Souad Hamadah Mohamnad Hamadah Surra-B4-S8-H34 Kuwait City Kuwait Ph: 965-999-96543 hamadah.mohd@gmail.com MAPEI Mallory Williams 1144 East Newport Center Drive Deerfield Beach, FL 33442-7725 Ph: 954-246-8532 Fx: 715-241-0393 mwilliams@mapei.com www.mapei.com AFFILIATE MEMBERS Marazzi USA Paul Hansen - Marazzi 7834 C F Hawn Freeway Dallas, TX 75217-6529 Ph: 214-309-4535 Fx: 214-309-4584 paul.hansen@daltile.com www.marazzitile.com Marble Institute of America James Hieb 380 East Lorain Street Oberlin, OH 44074-1252 Ph: 440-250-9222 jhieb@marble-institute.com www.marble-institute.com Mark E. Industries Mark Kirby 28921 US Highway 19 North Clearwater, FL 33761-2407 Ph: 727-771-9470 Fx: 727-784-2972 mark@markeindustries.com www.markeindustries.com Marshalltown Company Scott Phillips 104 South 8th Avenue Marshalltown, IA 50158-3039 Ph: 641-753-5999 Fx: 877-966-9399 sphillips@marshalltown.com www.marshalltown.com Melcer Tile Co., Inc. Jay Rauton 4965 Dorchester Road North Charleston, SC 29418-5602 Ph: 843-744-5345 Fx: 843-747-7342 jayr@melcertile.com www.melcertile.com Metro Surfaces Keith Cunningham 4000 Will Rogers Parkway Oklahoma City, OK 73108-2036 Ph: 405-943-3400 Fx: 405-943-3405 keith@metrosurfaces.com www.metrosurfaces.com Micro Milling Limited Maurice de Verteuil Claxton Bay P.O. Box 4235 Plaisance Park Industrial Park Port-A-Pierre Trinidad and Tobago Ph: 868-659-4060 Fx: 203-393-1684 noemail061101@gmail.com www.micromilling.org Miles Distributors, Inc. Kathy Sousley 2525 Foundation Drive South Bend, IN 46628-4330 Ph: 574-234-4051 Fx: 574-234-0017 ksousley@milesdist.com www.milesdist.com Minnesota Tile & Stone Bob Kietzman 1797 Xenium Lane North Plymouth, MN 55441-3724 Ph: 763-233-7070 Fx: 763-233-7081 bkietzman@mntile.com http://mntile.com Miracle Sealants Company Al Salvo 12318 Lower Azusa Road Arcadia, CA 91006-5872 Ph: 626-443-6433 Fx: 973-633-6597 asalvo@miraclesealants.com www.miraclesealants.com MK Diamond Products, Inc. Brian E. Delahaut 1315 Storm Parkway Torrance, CA 90501-5041 Ph: 310-257-2000 brian_delahaut@ mkdiamond.com www.mkdiamond.com Morris Tile Distributors, Inc. Harvey Morris 2280 Dabney Road Richmond, VA 23230-3344 Ph: 804-353-4427 Fx: 804-353-7923 harvey.morris.jr@ morristile.net www.morristile.net 101 Mosaic Tile Co. of VA James Burris 3935 Stonecroft Boulevard Chantilly, VA 20151-1032 Ph: 703-451-8805 Fx: 703-451-8151 clopez@mosaictileco.com www.mosaictileco.com MP Global Products, LLC Bob Pratt 2500 Old Hadar Road Norfolk, NE 68701-1122 Fx: 985-350-6392 bpratt@ mpglobalproducts.com www.mpglobal products.com MusselBound, LLC Terry Jones P.O. Box 749 Brewster, MA 02631-0749 Ph: 844-624-6464 Fx: 844-624-6464 tjones@musselbound.com www.musselbound.com National Applied Construction Products, Inc. Dave Hanna 3200 South Main Street Akron, OH 44319-2435 Ph: 330-633-3117 Fx: 330-644-3557 dhanna@nacproducts.com www.nacproducts.com National Gypsum Company Tony Fuller 2001 Rexford Road Charlotte, NC 28211-3415 Ph: 704-365-7319 Fx: 706-467-3135 abfuller@ nationalgypsum.com www.nationalgypsum.com AFFILIATE MEMBERS National Metal Shapes, Inc. John Vogel 425 South Sandusky Street Delaware, OH 43015-3604 Ph: 740-363-9559 Fx: 330-484-4880 info@national metalshapes.com www.national metalshapes.com Nemo Tile Company Bert Karlin 17702 Jamaica Avenue Jamaica, NY 11432-5507 Ph: 718-291-5969 Fx: 718-291-5992 www.nemotile.com Noble Company Nelson Willner P.O. Box 350 Grand Haven, MI 49417-0350 Ph: 231-799-8000 nelson@noblecompany.com www.noblecompany.com Nuheat Industries Limited Jessica Wilson 6900 Graybar Road, Unit #3105 Richmond, BC V6WOA5 Canada Ph: 800-778-9276 Fx: 404-230-7052 jessicaw@nuheat.com www.nuheat.com Oceanside Glasstile Parexdavco Australia Andrew Nunn 67 Elizabeth Street Wetherill Park, NSW 2164 Australia Ph: 29-616-3000 andrewn@ parexdavco.com.au http://parexdavco.com.au Pearl Abrasive Company Rich Berry P.O. Box 1469 Norcross, GA 30091-1469 Ph: 562-927-5561 Fx: 201-337-2216 rich.berry@pearlmangrp.com www.pearlabrasive.com Pembroke Tile & Stone Co., Ltd. William Outerbridge P.O. Box HM 2926 Hamilton HM Bermuda Ph: 441-292-8453 Fx: 441-295-8453 bill@pts.bm www.pts.bm Penrod Company Tim Heidt 272 Bendix Road, Suite #550 Virginia Beach, VA 23452-1393 Ph: 215-266-4800 Fx: 757-498-1075 tim.heidt@thepenrod company.com http://warmset.com David Fatula 5858 Edison Place Carlsbad, CA 92008 Ph: 760-929-4089 dfatula@glasstile.com www.glasstile.com Parex USA Tiffany Awischus 4125 La Palma Avenue, Suite #250 Anaheim, CA 92807 Ph: 714-778-2266 tiffany.awischus@ parexusa.com www.merkrete.com 102 Perfect Level Master Edmund Biec 6215 Kennedy Road Mississauga, ON L5T 2S8 Canada Ph: 905-364-2567 Fx: 905-364-0610 info@perfectlevelmaster.com http://perfect levelmaster.com T-Lock™ tile leveling system by Perfect Level Master™ brings a perfect installation for all tile covered surfaces. It eliminates the stress, frustration and guess work, while eliminating a variation in the height of adjoining tiles creating a perfectly smooth floor surface of any size with minimal effort. Pliteq Inc. Paul Downey 1370 Don Mills Road Toronto, ON M3B-3P3 Canada Ph: 416-449-0049 spayton@pliteq.com www.pliteq.com Pro Tile Distributors, Inc. Lou Giannini 230 East 7th Street Mount Vernon, NY 10550-4602 Ph: 914-664-0654 Fx: 914-668-3416 lgiannini@protile.org www.protile.org AFFILIATE MEMBERS Products 2 Decorate, LLC Armen Najarian 3916 Foothill Boulevard, Suite C La Crescenta, CA 91214-1677 Ph: 818-369-7791 Fx: 818-369-7793 info@ products2decorate.com http://products 2decorate.com Professional Consultants International, LLC Richard Goldberg 30 Tower Lane, 4th Floor Avon, CT 06001-4211 Ph: 860-673-9529 Fx: 808-248-8034 rgoldberg@proconweb.com www.proconweb.com Proflex Products, Inc. Timothy Abbott 2826 Broadway Center Boulevard Brandon, FL 33510-2585 Ph: 863-937-9623 Fx: 863-937-9624 tabbott@proflex.us www.proflex.us Progress Profiles America Inc. Domenico Borrelli 4 Middleburry Boulevard, Suite #14 Randolph, NJ 07869-1121 Ph: 973-584-2650 Fx: 973-584-2657 ppa@progressprofiles.com www.progressprofiles.com Protecto Wrap Company Lance Brown 1955 South Cherokee Street Denver, CO 80223-3914 Ph: 303-777-3001 Fx: 931-647-5974 lance@protectowrap.com www.protectowrap.com ProTile Systems, Inc. Ted Waffa 401 Laurel Hill Road Chapel Hill, NC 27514-4330 Ph: 919-960-0737 Fx: 919-960-0747 tkwaffa@protilesystems.com www.protilesystems.com QEP Co. Inc. Jennie Johnson 1001 Northwest Broken Sound Parkway, Suite A Boca Raton, FL 33487-3532 Ph: 561-994-5550 jjohnson@qep.com www.qepcorporate.com Quarry Tile Company Tom Sawyer 6328 East Utah Avenue Spokane Valley, WA 99212-1400 Ph: 509-536-2812 Fx: 847-279-8845 tsawyer@quarrytile.com www.quarrytile.com Quikrete Company - C - Cure Pat Hurley 8000 Melrose Lane Oklahoma City, OK 73127-4832 Ph: 405-590-7551 Fx: 405-281-6497 phurley@quikrete.com http://quikrete.com RBC Tile & Stone Brian Mark 1820 Berkshire Lane North Plymouth, MN 55441-3723 Ph: 763-559-5531 Fx: 763-559-5520 bmark@rbctile.com www.rbctile.com Rialto Porcelanato Mauricio Schiebe 433 Plaza Real, Suite #275 Boca Raton, FL 33432-3999 Ph: 714-465-8267 mauricio@ rialtoporcelanato.com www.rialtoporcelanato.com 103 Rubi Tools USA, Inc. Gina Guerra 10813 NW 30th Street, Suite #110 Doral, FL 33172-2191 Ph: 305-724-7824 Fx: 770-936-9511 gguerra@rubi.com www.rubi.com Russo Trading Company Inc. Bill Russo 4235 North 127th Street Brookfield, WI 53005-1890 Ph: 262-432-0877 Fx: 480-350-9139 billr@tiletools.com www.rtcproducts.com Satori Japanese Wall Finishes Rosann Allenbaugh 301 North Rampart Street, Suite C Orange, CA 92868-1854 Ph: 510-243-5595 Fx: 714-978-3820 info@satoriwalls.info http://satoriwalls.com Schechner Lifson Corp. Marc Rosenkrantz 4 Chatham Road Summit, NJ 07901-1323 Ph: 908-598-7813 marcr@slcinsure.com www.saferocks.com Schluter Systems, LP Billing Department 194 Pleasant Ridge Road Plattsburgh, NY 12901-5841 Ph: 518-562-2410 Fx: 262-513-9332 info@schluter.com www.schluter.com AFFILIATE MEMBERS Summitville Tiles, Inc. SGM, Inc. Jannet Prussing 1502 SW 2nd Place Pompano Beach, FL 33069-3220 Ph: 954-943-2288 Fx: 740-363-3000 jprussing@sgm.cc www.sgm.cc Stabila Inc. Michael Fraser 332 Industrial Drive South Elgin, IL 60177-1199 Ph: 847-488-0050 Fx: 847-488-0051 mfraser@stabila.com www.stabila.com Steve Rausch Steve Rausch 4098 Jones Bridge Circle Norcross, GA 30092-1214 Ph: 678-942-1203 Fx: 805-577-1375 rauschsteve@comcast.net Steve Young & Associates Steve Young 1190 Tal Lewis Road White Plains, GA 30678-2854 Ph: 770-331-1981 Fx: 312-672-0728 s.young@windstream.net StonePeak Ceramics Rodolfo Panisi 238 Porcelain Tile Drive Crossville, TN 38555-8779 Ph: 312-506-2800 Fx: 302-355-3910 noemail0520@gmail.com www.stonepeak ceramics.com Joe Dutt P.O. Box 73 Summitville, OH 43962-0073 Ph: 330-223-1511 Fx: 231-799-8850 jdutt@summitville.com www.summitville.com TCAA Carol D. 10434 Indiana Avenue Kansas City, MO 64137-1532 Ph: 800-655-8435 Fx: 816-767-0194 caroled@tcaainc.org www.tcaainc.org SunTouch Tracy Hall 4500 East Progress Place Springfield, MO 65803-8816 Ph: 888-432-8932 Fx: 760-929-5860 halltr@watts.com www.sun-touch.com Surfaces and Stone Sal Camera 579 New Park Avenue West Hartford, CT 06110-1334 Ph: 860-231-8356 Fx: 860-231-8607 scamera@ eastcoasttile.com www.eastcoasttile.com Tammy Building Materials Co., Ltd. Judy Xie Room 902, Macro Link Industrial Mansion #5 Jia Chuang Road Tongzhou District, 100111 China Ph: 86-10-6831-5916 Fx: 86-10-6831-8106 judyxie@thmaterial.com www.thmaterials.com Tavy Enterprises LLC Jeff Maguire P.O. Box 2420 Vernon, CT 06066-1820 Ph: 860-646-6373 Fx: 888-839-8921 jeff.maguire@tavytools.com www.tavytools.com 104 Texrite Alan Kin 4000 Pinemont Drive Houston, TX 77018-1104 Ph: 713-682-8411 Fx: 713-688-2448 alan.kin@texrite.com www.texrite.com The Tile Doctor Curtis Rapp 2211 New Market Parkway SE, Suite #156 Marietta, GA 30067-9393 Ph: 770-447-0061 Fx: 402-379-9737 curt@thetiledoctor.com www.thetiledoctor.com The Tile Shop Cabell Lolmaugh 14000 Carlson Parkway Plymouth, MN 55441-5305 Ph: 612-201-2520 Fx: 763-542-0702 cabell.lolmaugh@ tileshop.com www.tileshop.com Thermosoft International Stephen Kaempf 701 Corporate Woods Parkway Vernon Hills, IL 60061-3112 Ph: 847-279-3800 Fx: 770-919-2153 skaempf@thermosoft.com www.thermosoft.com AFFILIATE MEMBERS Tile & Stone Council of North California Joani Woelfel 2300 Polvorosa Avenue San Leandro, CA 94577 Ph: 415-757-8447 Fx: 510-632-8456 jwoelfel@tscnc.org http://tscnc.org Tile Council of North America TileAmerica Mark Douglass 585 New Park Avenue West Hartford, CT 06110-1334 Ph: 860-236-1931 Fx: 860-233-9736 mdouglass@ tileamerica.com www.tileamerica.com TileAmerica TM Vaughn LLC Consulting Tom Vaughn 16801 88th Avenue North Maple Grove, MN 55311-1461 Ph: 612-991-9130 Fx: 702-804-1099 tom@tmvaughn.com Tom D. Lynch, CSI Tom Lynch 181 Sunnyside Drive Jefferson, NC 28640 Ph: 336-877-6951 Fx: 336-846-3310 tommydlynch@gmail.com http://tomlynch consultant.com Eric Astrachan 100 Clemson Research Boulevard Anderson, SC 29625-6548 Ph: 864-646-8453 Fx: 510-632-8456 eastrachan@tileusa.com http://tileusa.com Michele Orzechowski 105 Hamilton Street Hamden, CT 06511-5812 Ph: 203-777-3637 Fx: 203-776-3436 morzechowski@ tileamerica.com www.tileamerica.com Tile Distributors of America, Inc. TileAmerica Jerome Fabian 300 Mundy Street Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702-6819 Ph: 570-822-6123 Fx: 570-824-9225 www.tile-distributors.com Aaron Petillo 760 Kings Highway East Fairfield, CT 06825-5416 Ph: 203-367-6449 Fx: 203-384-6237 apetillo@tileamerica.com www.tileamerica.com Taskin Topcu 1555 Roadhaven Drive Stone Mountain, GA 30083-1315 Ph: 877-814-9393 Fx: 877-814-8442 taskin@topcutile.com www.topcutile.com Tile Redi, Ltd. TileAmerica Jennifer Price 531 Broad Street New London, CT 06320-2517 Ph: 860-439-0627 Fx: 860-439-0630 jprice@tileamerica.com www.tileamerica.com Trending Accessibility Farrell Gerber 4450 NW 126th Avenue, Suite #101 Coral Springs, FL 33065-7604 Ph: 954-323-0125 gerberf@tileredi.com www.tileredi.com TileAmerica TileAmerica Eve Arre 1165 Tolland Tpke Manchester, CT 06042-1653 Ph: 860-649-8222 Fx: 860-649-8766 earre@tileamerica.com www.tileamerica.com Chris Rowan 115 Federal Road, Suite #1 Brookfield, CT 06804-2554 Ph: 203-740-8858 Fx: 203-740-1405 noemail2345@gmail.com www.tileamerica.com TileAmerica Tileware Products LLC Ryan Coyle 63 Harbor View Avenue Stamford, CT 06902-5913 Ph: 203-323-5922 Fx: 203-323-5988 rjcoyle@tileamerica.com www.tileamerica.com David Scalise P.O. Box 793 Hickory, NC 28603-0793 Ph: 828-322-9273 Fx: 310-257-2873 david@ tilewareproducts.com www.tilewareproducts.com 105 Topcu Tile & Stone Robert Sears 815 Hylton Road, Suite #4 Pennsauken, NJ 08110-1334 Ph: 866-829-8335 Fx: 866-422-1084 info@trending accessibility.com www.trending accessibility.com Trends In Tile Joel Tully 12887 Pennridge Drive Bridgeton, MO 63044-1238 Ph: 314-209-7719 Fx: 314-209-7781 joel@trendsintile.com www.trendsintile.com AFFILIATE MEMBERS Tropical Tile & Marble Distributors, Inc. Juan Suarez 9950 NW 77th Avenue Miami Lakes, FL 33016-2401 Ph: 305-823-2360 Fx: 305-824-9063 jasuarez@tropicaltile.com www.tropicaltile.com Tropical Tile & Marble Inc. Jamey French 3606 Enterprise Avenue, Suite #160 Naples, FL 34104-3670 Ph: 239-643-7904 Fx: 239-659-6454 jamey@ tropicaltilenaples.com www.tropicaltilenaples.com True Value Products Fayaz Mohamed 280-A Galle Road Mt Lavinia Sri Lanka hamdanfayaz@sltnet.lk www.truevalueproducts.net TTMAC Rick Keeper 163 Buttermill Avenue, Unit #8 Concord Ontario, ON L4K 3X8 Canada Ph: 905-660-9640 Fx: 630-942-6599 rick@ttmac.com www.ttmac.com Tuscan Leveling System Christopher Kufner 100 West Burlington Avenue Fairfield, IA 52556-3208 Ph: 641-472-2777 christopherkufner@ tuscanleveling.com www.tuscanleveling.com United Tile Venture Stone & Tile UofCTS Donato Pompo P.O. Box 965 Jamul, CA 91935-0965 Ph: 619-669-2967 info@uofcts.org www.uofcts.org The University of Ceramic Tile and Stone (UofCTS) provides online training, including courses on the basics of ceramic tile and natural stone, ideal for sales professionals, installers and specifiers. The Tile Installer Thin-set Standards (ITS) Verification course teaches industry standards and proper installation methods for tile thin-set applications. Visit www.UofCTS.org. USG Corporation Scott Crandall 550 West Adams Street Chicago, IL 60661-3665 Ph: 312-436-4527 Fx: 800-915-5501 scrandall@usg.com www.usg.com VanHearron Inc. John Van Gorder 410 South Coker Street Greenwood, AR 72936-5423 Ph: 479-255-6101 Fx: 972-226-2263 john@vanhearron.com www.vanhearron.com Ron Cook 3001 East Valley Road Renton, WA 98057-3328 Ph: 425-251-5290 Fx: 425-251-5047 roncook@unitedtile.com www.unitedtile.com 106 Joe Cardoni 1080 Lousons Road Union, NJ 07083-5030 Ph: 908-810-7377 Fx: 908-668-2720 info@venture stoneandtile.com http://venture stoneandtile.com Viking Distributors, Inc. Galen Vicknair 8585 Kiowa Avenue Baton Rouge, LA 70815-8210 Ph: 225-926-4993 Fx: 225-929-6830 galenv@vikingdist.com www.vikingdist.com Villi USA, LLC Brent Eastwood 1340 Stonefield Court Alpharetta, GA 30004-0506 Ph: 678-990-5084 Fx: 678-990-5088 brent.eastwood@villiusa.com http://villiusa.com Virginia Tile Company Bill Stephenson 24404 Indoplex Circle Farmington Hills, MI 48335-2526 Ph: 248-476-7850 Fx: 248-476-8240 stephensonb@ virginiatile.com www.virginiatile.com Vitis Joint Stock Company Hoang Giang 163 Nguyen Cong Tru Street, District #1 Ho Chi Minh City, 17000 Vietnam Ph: 84-8-3824 7287 Fx: 84-8-3824 7288 giangh@vitisco.com http://vitisco.com AFFILIATE MEMBERS Wacker Chemical Corp. Lindsay Simock 6870 Tilghman Street Allentown, PA 18106-9346 Ph: 610-336-2736 Fx: 706-517-6431 lindsay.simock@wacker.com www.wacker.com Walker Zanger Robert Buswell 16719 Schoenborn Street North Hills, CA 91343 Ph: 818-252-4147 Fx: 818-302-1626 bbuswell@walkerzanger.com www.walkerzanger.com WarmlyYours.com, Inc. Nia Grosche 590 Telser Road, Suite B Lake Zurich, IL 60047-1584 Ph: 847-550-2440 Fx: 641-753-6341 ngrosche@warmlyyours.com www.warmlyyours.com Wausau Tile, Inc. Justin Plunkett 9001 Business Highway 51 Rothschild, WI 54474 Ph: 715-359-3121 Fx: 715-359-7456 jplunkett@wausautile.com www.wausautile.com wedi Corp. Bastian Lohmann 171 South Gary Avenue Carol Stream, IL 60188-2095 Ph: 847-357-9815 Fx: 303-755-6799 bastian.lohmann@ wedicorp.com www.wedicorp.com Westside Tile & Stone, Inc. Steve Slutzah 7631 Canoga Avenue Canoga Park, CA 91304 Ph: 818-704-9222 Fx: 818-704-9299 steve@westsidetile.com www.westsidetile.com 107 Wholesale Ceramic Tile, Inc. Kim Blackmon 315 South Westgate Drive, Suite A Greensboro, NC 27407-4983 Ph: 336-292-0130 Fx: 336-292-0131 kblackmon.wct@att.net www.wholesale ceramictileinc.com Zap Diamond Tools, LLC Paulo Lins 2729 NW 19th Street Pompano Beach, FL 33069-5232 Ph: 754-222-6982 Fx: 866-931-8719 paulo@ zapdiamondtools.com www.zapdiamondtools.com 108 AFFILIATE MEMBERS BY CATEGORY AFFILIATE MEMBERS BY CATEGORY AFFILIATE MEMBERS by Category ADDITIVES Adhesive Products, Inc. Shane Bandy Ph: 770-438-0985 Bexel Internacional, S. A. De. Cv. Jorge Zambrano Ph: 528-818-1300 Boral IP Holdings LLC Hamed Lakrout Ph: 210-503-2634 Bostik, Inc. Chris Eichman Ph: 414-607-1265 Crest Norteamerica SA de CV David Benavides Ph: 956-605-9219 Dependable Bagging Company Brad Simonson Ph: 504-733-8650 H.B. Fuller Construction Products/TEC Tom Plaskota Ph: 630-952-1214 Laticrete International Maria Oliveira Ph: 203-393-0010 MAPEI Mallory Williams Ph: 954-246-8532 Parex USA Tiffany Awischus Ph: 714-778-2266 Quikrete Company - C - Cure Pat Hurley Ph: 405-590-7551 ADHESIVES Adhesive Products, Inc. Shane Bandy Ph: 770-438-0985 Ardex Americas Laticrete International Ardex Engineered Cements MAPEI Vernon Vie Ph: 847-212-6982 Jory Geigle Ph: 405-343-5272 Ardex Engineered Cements Harrison Gardner Ph: 724-203-5260 Atlas Minerals & Chemicals, Inc. Scott Gallagher Ph: 610-682-7171 Bexel Internacional, S. A. De. Cv. Jorge Zambrano Ph: 528-818-1300 Boral IP Holdings LLC Hamed Lakrout Ph: 210-503-2634 Bostik, Inc. Chris Eichman Ph: 414-607-1265 Crest Norteamerica SA de CV David Benavides Ph: 956-605-9219 Custom Building Products Tony Pasquarelli Ph: 562-296-9560 Dependable Bagging Company Brad Simonson Ph: 504-733-8650 H.B. Fuller Construction Products/TEC Tom Plaskota Ph: 630-952-1214 HPS-North American Inc. Karen Bellinger Ph: 855-391-2649 109 Maria Oliveira Ph: 203-393-0010 Mallory Williams Ph: 954-246-8532 Micro Milling Limited Maurice de Verteuil Ph: 868-659-4060 MusselBound, LLC Terry Jones Ph: 844-624-6464 Parex USA Tiffany Awischus Ph: 714-778-2266 Quikrete Company - C - Cure Pat Hurley Ph: 405-590-7551 SGM, Inc. Jannet Prussing Ph: 954-943-2288 Texrite Alan Kin Ph: 713-682-8411 ANTI Bexel Internacional, S. A. De. Cv. Jorge Zambrano Ph: 528-818-1300 Floor Safety Enterprises/Slip Grip Roger Eden Ph: 800-430-5485 ARTISAN & DECORATIVE TILE Arto Brick California Pavers William Love Ph: 310-308-4222 Bexel Internacional, S. A. De. Cv. Jorge Zambrano Ph: 528-818-1300 AFFILIATE MEMBERS by Category ARTISAN & DECORATIVE TILE CONT’D wedi Corp. Florim USA Quarry Tile Company BATH Marazzi USA Tom Sawyer Ph: 509-536-2812 BACKERBOARD Amorim Industrial Solutions Larry Lyons Ph: 262-869-9006 Bexel Internacional, S. A. De. Cv. Jorge Zambrano Ph: 528-818-1300 Custom Building Products Tony Pasquarelli Ph: 562-296-9560 Fin Pan, Inc. Jeff Ketterer Ph: 513-870-9200 Bastian Lohmann Ph: 847-357-9815 KBRS Inc. Brad Paschke Ph: 912-352-0442 Trending Accessibility Robert Sears Ph: 866-829-8335 BATH ACCESSORIES Georgia-Pacific Gypsum LLC Anne Ksionzyk Ph: 404-652-3285 Innovis Corporation Wade Rompel Ph: 916-361-2601 Tile Redi, Ltd. Farrell Gerber Ph: 954-323-0125 Stefano Rabaioli Ph: 877-356-7451 Paul Hansen - Marazzi Ph: 214-309-4535 Quarry Tile Company Tom Sawyer Ph: 509-536-2812 CERAMIC TILE UNGLAZED Quarry Tile Company Tom Sawyer Ph: 509-536-2812 CERAMIC UNGLAZED Arto Brick California Pavers William Love Ph: 310-308-4222 CLEANERS Nuheat Industries Limited Beno J. Gundlach Company Anne Ksionzyk Ph: 404-652-3285 Jessica Wilson Ph: 800-778-9276 Stephen Gundlach Ph: 618-233-1781 James Hardie Building Products BORDERS Custom Building Products Georgia-Pacific Gypsum LLC Lauren Pagano Ph: 312-384-9304 National Applied Construction Products, Inc. Dave Hanna Ph: 330-633-3117 National Gypsum Company Tony Fuller Ph: 704-365-7319 Schluter Systems, LP Billing Dept. Ph: 518-562-2410 USG Corporation Scott Crandall Ph: 312-436-4527 EMAC America LLC Jose Luis Llavata Ph: 305-406-1593 CAULKS AND SEALANTS Miracle Sealants Company Al Salvo Ph: 626-443-6433 CERAMIC GLAZED Arto Brick California Pavers William Love Ph: 310-308-4222 CERAMIC TILE GLAZED Florida Tile, Inc. Sean Cilona Ph: 863-284-4035 110 Tony Pasquarelli Ph: 562-296-9560 Floor Safety Enterprises/Slip Grip Roger Eden Ph: 800-430-5485 Miracle Sealants Company Al Salvo Ph: 626-443-6433 Oceanside Glasstile David Fatula Ph: 760-929-4089 CLEANERS & SEALERS VanHearron Inc. John Van Gorder Ph: 479-255-6101 AFFILIATE MEMBERS by Category COUNTERTOP TILE Wausau Tile, Inc. Justin Plunkett Ph: 715-359-3121 SGM, Inc. Jannet Prussing Ph: 954-943-2288 Texrite CRACK ISOLATION MEMBRANES Alan Kin Ph: 713-682-8411 Ardex Americas USG Corporation Vernon Vie Ph: 847-212-6982 Scott Crandall Ph: 312-436-4527 Compotite Corporation CUTTING BLADES Joan Hutchins Ph: 213-483-4444 Dural USA Scott Carroll Ph: 423-531-7590 Ecore International Garnet Sofillas Ph: 717-327-2954 Flex-Guard Products, Inc. Jose Santana Ph: 800-279-7600 National Applied Construction Products, Inc. Dave Hanna Ph: 330-633-3117 Noble Company Nelson Willner Ph: 231-799-8000 Proflex Products, Inc. Timothy Abbott Ph: 863-937-9623 Protecto Wrap Company Lance Brown Ph: 303-777-3001 ProTile Systems, Inc. Ted Waffa Ph: 919-960-0737 QEP Co. Inc. Jennie Johnson Ph: 561-994-5550 Schluter Systems, LP Billing Dept. Ph: 518-562-2410 Barwalt Tool Company Nancy Young Ph: 208-765-3187 BOE Best of Everything, Inc. Rick Baldini Ph: 949-709-5270 Beno J. Gundlach Company Stephen Gundlach Ph: 618-233-1781 Braxton Bragg Corporation Rich Hassert Ph: 800-575-4401 Enco Manufacturing Corp. dba Weco Enid Vidal Ph: 787-739-3751 Lackmond Products Inc. Ted Skaff Ph: 770-919-2100 MK Diamond Products, Inc. Brian E. Delahaut Ph: 310-257-2000 Enco Manufacturing Corp. dba Weco QEP Co. Inc. Lackmond Products Inc. Rubi Tools USA, Inc. MK Diamond Products, Inc. EXPANSION JOINT SYSTEMS Enid Vidal Ph: 787-739-3751 Ted Skaff Ph: 770-919-2100 Brian E. Delahaut Ph: 310-257-2000 Pearl Abrasive Company Rich Berry Ph: 562-927-5561 Rubi Tools USA, Inc. Gina Guerra Ph: 305-724-7824 DIAMOND BLADES & SAWS Jennie Johnson Ph: 561-994-5550 Gina Guerra Ph: 305-724-7824 Ceramic Tool Company Peggy Heuler Ph: 262-522-6334 Dural USA Scott Carroll Ph: 423-531-7590 EMAC America LLC Jose Luis Llavata Ph: 305-406-1593 FABRICATING Alpha Professional Tools Amendola Marble Barwalt Tool Company Braxton Bragg Corporation Mindy Wessel Ph: 201-337-3343 Nancy Young Ph: 208-765-3187 111 Joseph Amendola Ph: 914-997-7968 Rich Hassert Ph: 800-575-4401 AFFILIATE MEMBERS by Category FABRICATING CONT’D Gran Quartz Tom Jones Ph: 678-367-6348 MK Diamond Products, Inc. Vitis Joint Stock Company Hoang Giang Ph: 84-8-3824 7287 GENERAL Adhesive Products, Inc. Brian E. Delahaut Ph: 310-257-2000 Shane Bandy Ph: 770-438-0985 FLOOR TILE Amorim Industrial Solutions Cosentino North America Carl Harris Ph: 281-494-7277 Cosentino North America - Minneapolis Bob Pitsor Ph: 612-270-7042 Crossville Flooring Center Steve Smith Ph: 931-787-1118 Crossville, Inc. Mark Shannon Ph: 931-484-2110 Florida Tile, Inc. Sean Cilona Ph: 863-284-4035 Florim USA Stefano Rabaioli Ph: 877-356-7451 Ironrock Capital, Inc. Dianne Young Ph: 330-484-4887 Lunada Bay Tile Peter Collier Ph: 310-257-1300 Marazzi USA Paul Hansen - Marazzi Ph: 214-309-4535 StonePeak Ceramics Rodolfo Panisi Ph: 312-506-2800 Larry Lyons Ph: 262-869-9006 BOE Best of Everything, Inc. Rick Baldini Ph: 949-709-5270 Ceramic Tool Company Peggy Heuler Ph: 262-522-6334 CMP Specialty Products Patrick Mullins Ph: 267-522-8000 Compotite Corporation Joan Hutchins Ph: 213-483-4444 CORONA Bellota Chris Sabbarese Ph: 951-280-2016 Crest Norteamerica SA de CV David Benavides Ph: 956-605-9219 Ecore International Garnet Sofillas Ph: 717-327-2954 EMAC America LLC Jose Luis Llavata Ph: 305-406-1593 Emerson Industrial Automation Mike Galante Ph: 800-621-1506 112 European Tile Masters Inc. Benjamin Szell Ph: 954-224-3945 Flextherm Peter Mitchelides Ph: 888-226-2221 HPS-North American Inc. Karen Bellinger Ph: 855-391-2649 Husqvarna Construction Products Cate Stratemeier Ph: 913-928-1000 Innovis Corporation Wade Rompel Ph: 916-361-2601 James Hardie Building Products Lauren Pagano Ph: 312-384-9304 Johns Manville Craig Swiatek Ph: 866-426-5015 KBRS Inc. Brad Paschke Ph: 912-352-0442 Laticrete Supercap, LLC Maria Oliveira Ph: 203-393-0010 Mark E. Industries Mark Kirby Ph: 727-771-9470 Marshalltown Company Scott Phillips Ph: 641-753-5999 Miracle Sealants Company Al Salvo Ph: 626-443-6433 MusselBound, LLC Terry Jones Ph: 844-624-6464 AFFILIATE MEMBERS by Category National Gypsum Company Tony Fuller Ph: 704-365-7319 National Metal Shapes, Inc. John Vogel Ph: 740-363-9559 Pearl Abrasive Company Rich Berry Ph: 562-927-5561 Pliteq Inc. Paul Downey Ph: 416-449-0049 Russo Trading Company Inc. Bill Russo Ph: 262-432-0877 Stabila Inc. Michael Fraser Ph: 847-488-0050 Tammy Building Materials Co., Ltd. Judy Xie Ph: 86-10-6831-5916 Thermosoft International Vison Tech Products LLC Sean Le Ph: 832-850-6085 Wacker Chemical Corp. Lindsay Simock Ph: 610-336-2736 Proflex Products, Inc. Timothy Abbott Ph: 863-937-9623 ProTile Systems, Inc. Ted Waffa Ph: 919-960-0737 GLASS TILE Crossville Flooring Center Steve Smith Ph: 931-787-1118 Crossville, Inc. Mark Shannon Ph: 931-484-2110 Oceanside Glasstile David Fatula Ph: 760-929-4089 StonePeak Ceramics Rodolfo Panisi Ph: 312-506-2800 GRANITE Tile Redi, Ltd. Joseph Amendola Ph: 914-997-7968 Trending Accessibility Robert Sears Ph: 866-829-8335 Tuscan Leveling System Christopher Kufner Ph: 641-472-2777 USG Corporation Scott Crandall Ph: 312-436-4527 VanHearron Inc. John Van Gorder Ph: 479-255-6101 Ardex Americas Vernon Vie Ph: 847-212-6982 Armaly Brands John Armaly Ph: 248-669-2100 Atlas Minerals & Chemicals, Inc. Scott Gallagher Ph: 610-682-7171 Bostik, Inc. Chris Eichman Ph: 414-607-1265 Custom Building Products Tony Pasquarelli Ph: 562-296-9560 Dependable Bagging Company Brad Simonson Ph: 504-733-8650 Floor Safety Enterprises/Slip Grip Roger Eden Ph: 800-430-5485 H.B. Fuller Construction Products/TEC Stephen Kaempf Ph: 847-279-3800 Farrell Gerber Ph: 954-323-0125 GROUT Amendola Marble Arto Brick California Pavers William Love Ph: 310-308-4222 Tom Plaskota Ph: 630-952-1214 Laticrete International Maria Oliveira Ph: 203-393-0010 MAPEI GRINDING Mallory Williams Ph: 954-246-8532 Gran Quartz Marshalltown Company Tom Jones Ph: 678-367-6348 MK Diamond Products, Inc. Brian E. Delahaut Ph: 310-257-2000 113 Scott Phillips Ph: 641-753-5999 Micro Milling Limited Maurice de Verteuil Ph: 868-659-4060 AFFILIATE MEMBERS by Category GROUT CONT’D Parex USA Tiffany Awischus Ph: 714-778-2266 Quikrete Company - C - Cure Pat Hurley Ph: 405-590-7551 SGM, Inc. Jannet Prussing Ph: 954-943-2288 Texrite Alan Kin Ph: 713-682-8411 HAND TOOLS Alpha Professional Tools Gran Quartz Tom Jones Ph: 678-367-6348 Lackmond Products Inc. Ted Skaff Ph: 770-919-2100 Pearl Abrasive Company Rich Berry Ph: 562-927-5561 QEP Co. Inc. Jennie Johnson Ph: 561-994-5550 Rubi Tools USA, Inc. Gina Guerra Ph: 305-724-7824 Marshalltown Company Mindy Wessel Ph: 201-337-3343 Scott Phillips Ph: 641-753-5999 Armaly Brands Tuscan Leveling System John Armaly Ph: 248-669-2100 Christopher Kufner Ph: 641-472-2777 Barwalt Tool Company HEAT FLOOR SYSTEMS Nancy Young Ph: 208-765-3187 Beno J. Gundlach Company Stephen Gundlach Ph: 618-233-1781 BOE Best of Everything, Inc. Rick Baldini Ph: 949-709-5270 Braxton Bragg Corporation Rich Hassert Ph: 800-575-4401 Ceramic Tool Company Peggy Heuler Ph: 262-522-6334 Enco Manufacturing Corp. dba Weco Enid Vidal Ph: 787-739-3751 Emerson Industrial Automation Mike Galante Ph: 800-621-1506 Flextherm Peter Mitchelides Ph: 888-226-2221 Nuheat Industries Limited Jessica Wilson Ph: 800-778-9276 LIMESTONE Amendola Marble Joseph Amendola Ph: 914-997-7968 Arto Brick California Pavers William Love Ph: 310-308-4222 MARBLE Amendola Marble Joseph Amendola Ph: 914-997-7968 METALLIC TILE Crossville Flooring Center Steve Smith Ph: 931-787-1118 Crossville, Inc. Mark Shannon Ph: 931-484-2110 StonePeak Ceramics Rodolfo Panisi Ph: 312-506-2800 MOLDINGS Blanke Corporation Dan Holcomb Ph: 770-936-9211 MOLDINGS & TRADITIONAL TRIMS Ceramic Tool Company Peggy Heuler Ph: 262-522-6334 Schluter Systems, LP SunTouch Tracy Hall Ph: 888-432-8932 Thermosoft International Stephen Kaempf Ph: 847-279-3800 WarmlyYours.com, Inc. Nia Grosche Ph: 847-550-2440 114 Billing Dept. Ph: 518-562-2410 MOLDINGS & TRIMS Mark E. Industries Mark Kirby Ph: 727-771-9470 National Metal Shapes, Inc. John Vogel Ph: 740-363-9559 AFFILIATE MEMBERS by Category MORTARS Adhesive Products, Inc. Shane Bandy Ph: 770-438-0985 Ardex Americas Vernon Vie Ph: 847-212-6982 Atlas Minerals & Chemicals, Inc. Scott Gallagher Ph: 610-682-7171 Bostik, Inc. Chris Eichman Ph: 414-607-1265 Crest Norteamerica SA de CV David Benavides Ph: 956-605-9219 Custom Building Products Tony Pasquarelli Ph: 562-296-9560 Dependable Bagging Company Brad Simonson Ph: 504-733-8650 H.B. Fuller Construction Products/TEC Tom Plaskota Ph: 630-952-1214 HPS-North American Inc. Karen Bellinger Ph: 855-391-2649 Laticrete International Maria Oliveira Ph: 203-393-0010 MAPEI Mallory Williams Ph: 954-246-8532 Micro Milling Limited Maurice de Verteuil Ph: 868-659-4060 Parex USA CORONA Bellota Quikrete Company - C - Cure Ecore International Tiffany Awischus Ph: 714-778-2266 Pat Hurley Ph: 405-590-7551 Chris Sabbarese Ph: 951-280-2016 Garnet Sofillas Ph: 717-327-2954 SGM, Inc. Emerson Industrial Automation Texrite European Tile Masters Inc. MOSAIC TILE Fin Pan, Inc. Jannet Prussing Ph: 954-943-2288 Alan Kin Ph: 713-682-8411 Florida Tile, Inc. Sean Cilona Ph: 863-284-4035 Marazzi USA Paul Hansen - Marazzi Ph: 214-309-4535 OTHER Alpha Professional Tools Mindy Wessel Ph: 201-337-3343 Amorim Industrial Solutions Larry Lyons Ph: 262-869-9006 Ardex Engineered Cements Jory Geigle Ph: 405-343-5272 Ardex Engineered Cements Harrison Gardner Ph: 724-203-5260 Barwalt Tool Company Nancy Young Ph: 208-765-3187 CMP Specialty Products Patrick Mullins Ph: 267-522-8000 115 Mike Galante Ph: 800-621-1506 Benjamin Szell Ph: 954-224-3945 Jeff Ketterer Ph: 513-870-9200 Flextherm Peter Mitchelides Ph: 888-226-2221 Floor Safety Enterprises/ Slip Grip Roger Eden Ph: 800-430-5485 Georgia-Pacific Gypsum LLC Anne Ksionzyk Ph: 404-652-3285 HPS-North American Inc. Karen Bellinger Ph: 855-391-2649 Husqvarna Construction Products Cate Stratemeier Ph: 913-928-1000 Johns Manville Craig Swiatek Ph: 866-426-5015 KBRS Inc. Brad Paschke Ph: 912-352-0442 Khyber Marbles Fida Muhammad Ph: 937-800058 AFFILIATE MEMBERS by Category OTHER CONT’D Mark E. Industries Mark Kirby Ph: 727-771-9470 Marshalltown Company Scott Phillips Ph: 641-753-5999 Miracle Sealants Company Al Salvo Ph: 626-443-6433 MP Global Products, LLC Satori Japanese Wall Finishes Rosann Allenbaugh Ph: 510-243-5595 Stabila Inc. Michael Fraser Ph: 847-488-0050 Tammy Building Materials Co., Ltd. Judy Xie Ph: 86-10-6831-5916 Thermosoft International Bob Pratt Stephen Kaempf Ph: 847-279-3800 MusselBound, LLC Tile Redi, Ltd. Terry Jones Ph: 844-624-6464 National Metal Shapes, Inc. John Vogel Ph: 740-363-9559 Nuheat Industries Limited Jessica Wilson Ph: 800-778-9276 Oceanside Glasstile David Fatula Ph: 760-929-4089 Pliteq Inc. Paul Downey Ph: 416-449-0049 Proflex Products, Inc. Farrell Gerber Ph: 954-323-0125 Trending Accessibility Robert Sears Ph: 866-829-8335 VanHearron Inc. John Van Gorder Ph: 479-255-6101 Vison Tech Products LLC Sean Le Ph: 832-850-6085 Wacker Chemical Corp. Lindsay Simock Ph: 610-336-2736 wedi Corp. Bastian Lohmann Ph: 847-357-9815 PATCHING & LEVELING Adhesive Products, Inc. Shane Bandy Ph: 770-438-0985 CMP Specialty Products Patrick Mullins Ph: 267-522-8000 Crest Norteamerica SA de CV David Benavides Ph: 956-605-9219 Custom Building Products Tony Pasquarelli Ph: 562-296-9560 Dependable Bagging Company Brad Simonson Ph: 504-733-8650 HPS-North American Inc. Karen Bellinger Ph: 855-391-2649 MAPEI Mallory Williams Ph: 954-246-8532 Micro Milling Limited Maurice de Verteuil Ph: 868-659-4060 National Applied Construction Products, Inc. Dave Hanna Ph: 330-633-3117 OTHER MEMBRANES PATCHING & LEVELING SYSTEMS ProTile Systems, Inc. Blanke Corporation Ardex Americas Ted Waffa Ph: 919-960-0737 Dan Holcomb Ph: 770-936-9211 Vernon Vie Ph: 847-212-6982 Russo Trading Company Inc. OTHER SPONGES H.B. Fuller Construction Products/TEC Timothy Abbott Ph: 863-937-9623 Bill Russo Ph: 262-432-0877 Armaly Brands John Armaly Ph: 248-669-2100 Tom Plaskota Ph: 630-952-1214 Laticrete International Maria Oliveira Ph: 203-393-0010 116 AFFILIATE MEMBERS by Category Laticrete Supercap, LLC Maria Oliveira Ph: 203-393-0010 Noble Company Nelson Willner Ph: 231-799-8000 Parex USA PORCELAIN TILE SEALERS Cosentino North America Oceanside Glasstile Carl Harris Ph: 281-494-7277 Cosentino North America - Minneapolis Tiffany Awischus Ph: 714-778-2266 Bob Pitsor Ph: 612-270-7042 Quikrete Company - C - Cure Crossville Flooring Center Pat Hurley Ph: 405-590-7551 Texrite Alan Kin Ph: 713-682-8411 Tuscan Leveling System Christopher Kufner Ph: 641-472-2777 PAVER TILE Ironrock Capital, Inc. Dianne Young Ph: 330-484-4887 Quarry Tile Company Tom Sawyer Ph: 509-536-2812 Summitville Tiles, Inc. Joe Dutt Ph: 330-223-1511 Vitis Joint Stock Company Hoang Giang Ph: 84-8-3824 7287 Wausau Tile, Inc. Justin Plunkett Ph: 715-359-3121 POLISHING Alpha Professional Tools Mindy Wessel Ph: 201-337-3343 Gran Quartz Steve Smith Ph: 931-787-1118 Crossville, Inc. Mark Shannon Ph: 931-484-2110 Florida Tile, Inc. Sean Cilona Ph: 863-284-4035 Florim USA Stefano Rabaioli Ph: 877-356-7451 Lunada Bay Tile Peter Collier Ph: 310-257-1300 Marazzi USA Paul Hansen - Marazzi Ph: 214-309-4535 StonePeak Ceramics Rodolfo Panisi Ph: 312-506-2800 QUARRY TILE Quarry Tile Company Tom Sawyer Ph: 509-536-2812 Summitville Tiles, Inc. Joe Dutt Ph: 330-223-1511 ROOF TILE Summitville Tiles, Inc. Joe Dutt Ph: 330-223-1511 Tom Jones Ph: 678-367-6348 117 David Fatula Ph: 760-929-4089 SHOWER KBRS Inc. Brad Paschke Ph: 912-352-0442 Trending Accessibility Robert Sears Ph: 866-829-8335 SHOWER DRAINS & ASSEMBLIES Compotite Corporation Joan Hutchins Ph: 213-483-4444 Fin Pan, Inc. Jeff Ketterer Ph: 513-870-9200 Mark E. Industries Mark Kirby Ph: 727-771-9470 Tile Redi, Ltd. Farrell Gerber Ph: 954-323-0125 wedi Corp. Bastian Lohmann Ph: 847-357-9815 SLIP COATINGS Bexel Internacional, S. A. De. Cv. Jorge Zambrano Ph: 528-818-1300 SLIP COVERAGE Floor Safety Enterprises/Slip Grip Roger Eden Ph: 800-430-5485 AFFILIATE MEMBERS by Category SOUND ABATEMENT STONE Amorim Industrial Solutions Khyber Marbles Larry Lyons Ph: 262-869-9006 Ecore International Garnet Sofillas Ph: 717-327-2954 MP Global Products, LLC Bob Pratt National Applied Construction Products, Inc. Dave Hanna Ph: 330-633-3117 Noble Company Nelson Willner Ph: 231-799-8000 Pliteq Inc. Paul Downey Ph: 416-449-0049 Fida Muhammad Ph: 937-800058 Lunada Bay Tile Peter Collier Ph: 310-257-1300 STONE COUNTERTOPS Amendola Marble Joseph Amendola Ph: 914-997-7968 Wausau Tile, Inc. Justin Plunkett Ph: 715-359-3121 Scott Carroll Ph: 423-531-7590 Tavy Enterprises LLC Jeff Maguire Ph: 860-646-6373 Tuscan Leveling System Christopher Kufner Ph: 641-472-2777 SPACES ATR Resolutions Andy Psaila Ph: 323-402-0096 Flex-Guard Products, Inc. Jose Santana Ph: 800-279-7600 Innovis Corporation Wade Rompel Ph: 916-361-2601 Lackmond Products Inc. Mark E. Industries Justin Plunkett Ph: 715-359-3121 TERRAZZO TOOLS Dural USA Benjamin Szell Ph: 954-224-3945 Wausau Tile, Inc. ProTile Systems, Inc. SPACERS European Tile Masters Inc. Ted Skaff Ph: 770-919-2100 Proflex Products, Inc. Ted Waffa Ph: 919-960-0737 Enid Vidal Ph: 787-739-3751 STONE TILES Wausau Tile, Inc. Timothy Abbott Ph: 863-937-9623 Enco Manufacturing Corp. dba Weco Justin Plunkett Ph: 715-359-3121 Armaly Brands John Armaly Ph: 248-669-2100 Barwalt Tool Company Nancy Young Ph: 208-765-3187 Beno J. Gundlach Company Stephen Gundlach Ph: 618-233-1781 Braxton Bragg Corporation Rich Hassert Ph: 800-575-4401 Ceramic Tool Company Peggy Heuler Ph: 262-522-6334 CORONA Bellota Chris Sabbarese Ph: 951-280-2016 118 Mark Kirby Ph: 727-771-9470 Marshalltown Company Scott Phillips Ph: 641-753-5999 MK Diamond Products, Inc. Brian E. Delahaut Ph: 310-257-2000 Pearl Abrasive Company Rich Berry Ph: 562-927-5561 Rubi Tools USA, Inc. Gina Guerra Ph: 305-724-7824 Russo Trading Company Inc. Bill Russo Ph: 262-432-0877 Stabila Inc. Michael Fraser Ph: 847-488-0050 Tammy Building Materials Co., Ltd. Judy Xie Ph: 86-10-6831-5916 AFFILIATE MEMBERS by Category Tavy Enterprises LLC Fin Pan, Inc. Tavy Enterprises LLC Tuscan Leveling System Flex-Guard Products, Inc. USG Corporation TRIM Georgia-Pacific Gypsum LLC wedi Corp. Jeff Maguire Ph: 860-646-6373 Christopher Kufner Ph: 641-472-2777 Blanke Corporation Dan Holcomb Ph: 770-936-9211 TRIMS & MOLDINGS Dural USA Scott Carroll Ph: 423-531-7590 EMAC America LLC Jose Luis Llavata Ph: 305-406-1593 TRIMS & MOLDINGS TILE Florim USA Stefano Rabaioli Ph: 877-356-7451 National Metal Shapes, Inc. John Vogel Ph: 740-363-9559 Quarry Tile Company Tom Sawyer Ph: 509-536-2812 UNDERLAYMENTS Amorim Industrial Solutions Larry Lyons Ph: 262-869-9006 ATR Resolutions Andy Psaila Ph: 323-402-0096 Braxton Bragg Corporation Rich Hassert Ph: 800-575-4401 Ecore International Garnet Sofillas Ph: 717-327-2954 Jeff Ketterer Ph: 513-870-9200 Jose Santana Ph: 800-279-7600 Anne Ksionzyk Ph: 404-652-3285 James Hardie Building Products Lauren Pagano Ph: 312-384-9304 Laticrete Supercap, LLC Maria Oliveira Ph: 203-393-0010 MP Global Products, LLC Jeff Maguire Ph: 860-646-6373 Scott Crandall Ph: 312-436-4527 Bastian Lohmann Ph: 847-357-9815 WALL Satori Japanese Wall Finishes Rosann Allenbaugh Ph: 510-243-5595 WALL TILE Cosentino North America Bob Pratt Carl Harris Ph: 281-494-7277 National Applied Construction Products, Inc. Cosentino North America - Minneapolis National Gypsum Company Crossville Flooring Center Dave Hanna Ph: 330-633-3117 Tony Fuller Ph: 704-365-7319 Pliteq Inc. Paul Downey Ph: 416-449-0049 Proflex Products, Inc. Timothy Abbott Ph: 863-937-9623 Protecto Wrap Company Lance Brown Ph: 303-777-3001 ProTile Systems, Inc. Ted Waffa Ph: 919-960-0737 Schluter Systems, LP Billing Dept. Ph: 518-562-2410 119 Bob Pitsor Ph: 612-270-7042 Steve Smith Ph: 931-787-1118 Crossville, Inc. Mark Shannon Ph: 931-484-2110 Florida Tile, Inc. Sean Cilona Ph: 863-284-4035 Florim USA Stefano Rabaioli Ph: 877-356-7451 Innovis Corporation Wade Rompel Ph: 916-361-2601 Ironrock Capital, Inc. Dianne Young Ph: 330-484-4887 AFFILIATE MEMBERS by Category WALL TILE CONT’D Lunada Bay Tile Peter Collier Ph: 310-257-1300 Marazzi USA Paul Hansen - Marazzi Ph: 214-309-4535 National Gypsum Company Tony Fuller Ph: 704-365-7319 StonePeak Ceramics Rodolfo Panisi Ph: 312-506-2800 Vitis Joint Stock Company Hoang Giang Ph: 84-8-3824 7287 Fin Pan, Inc. wedi Corp. National Applied Construction Products, Inc. WET SAWS Jeff Ketterer Ph: 513-870-9200 Dave Hanna Ph: 330-633-3117 National Gypsum Company Tony Fuller Ph: 704-365-7319 Noble Company Nelson Willner Ph: 231-799-8000 QEP Co. Inc. Jennie Johnson Ph: 561-994-5550 Schluter Systems, LP WATERPROOFING MEMBRANES Billing Dept. Ph: 518-562-2410 Bostik, Inc. SGM, Inc. Chris Eichman Ph: 414-607-1265 Jannet Prussing Ph: 954-943-2288 Compotite Corporation USG Corporation Joan Hutchins Ph: 213-483-4444 Scott Crandall Ph: 312-436-4527 120 Bastian Lohmann Ph: 847-357-9815 Barwalt Tool Company Nancy Young Ph: 208-765-3187 Beno J. Gundlach Company Stephen Gundlach Ph: 618-233-1781 Enco Manufacturing Corp. dba Weco Enid Vidal Ph: 787-739-3751 Gran Quartz Tom Jones Ph: 678-367-6348 Lackmond Products Inc. Ted Skaff Ph: 770-919-2100 QEP Co. Inc. Jennie Johnson Ph: 561-994-5550 Rubi Tools USA, Inc. Gina Guerra Ph: 305-724-7824 INDEX of Advertisers American Tile Company.................................................................................................................................. 4 Beno J. Gundlach Co....................................................................................................................................... 9 Blanke Corporation......................................................................................................................................... 89 Bolick Distributors, Inc.................................................................................................................................... 107 Brandon Company......................................................................................................................................... 34 Braxton Bragg Corp........................................................................................................................................ 90 Brekhus Tile & Stone Inc.................................................................................................................................... 6 Compotite..................................................................................................................................................... 108 Consentino North America...........................................................................................................Five Star Tab Creative Edge MasterShop, Inc..............................................................................................7, Marketplace Crescenta Valley Tile and Stone................................................................................................................... 19 Crossville............................................................................................................................................................. 1 East Coast Tile/ Best Tile.................................................................................................Affiliate Members Tab Floor & Décor.................................................................................................................................................. 17 Floor Safety Enterprises / Slip Grip ........................................................................................16, Marketplace Fitzgerald & Co...............................................................................................................................Five Star Tab Florim USA.............................................................................................................................. Inside Back Cover HPS-North American Inc.........................................................................................................18, Marketplace Innovis Corporation................................................................................Affiliate Members by Category Tab Johns Manville.................................................................................Contractor Members Tab, Marketplace Lackmond Products Inc........................................................................................................................... 20, 91 Laticrete International...............................................................................................3, Affiliate Members Tab Marble Institute of America.....................................................................................................5, Marketplace Metropolitan Ceramics.................................................................................................................................. 83 Millcreek Tile & Stone..............................................................................................................67, Marketplace MP Global Products LLC..........................................................................................Contractor Members Tab Noble Company.....................................................................................Affiliate Members by Category Tab Parham Tile USA, Inc....................................................................................................................................... 89 Pliteq, Inc.......................................................................................................................................................... 20 Proflex Products, inc.....................................................................................Inside Front Cover, Marketplace Protecto Wrap Company.............................................................................................................................. 91 Sav-On Carpets............................................................................................................................................. 121 Schluter Systems.............................................................................................................................. Back Cover The Tile Shop.................................................................................................................................................... 82 Tile Council of North America........................................................................................................................ 92 Tile Institute of America................................................................................................................................ 120 Tile-It, Inc.......................................................................................................................................................... 79 Universal Metro, Inc........................................................................................................................................ 13 121 NOTES 122 MARKETPLACE 123 MARKETPLACE 124 125
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