what is hydromorphology
what is hydromorphology
Assessing and predicting the effects of hydromorphological alteration and restoration Francesco Comiti Free University of Bozen-Bolzano (Italy) Credits to : Tom Buijse, Angela Gurnell, Massimo Rinaldi, Daniel Hering, Erik Mosselmann OUTLINE OF THE PRESENTATION • What is hydromorphology ? • Overview of the REFORM project • REFORM Hydromorphological framework • Hydromorphological classification methods • Tools for prediction hydromorphological response • Few conclusions (?) 2 WHAT IS HYDROMORPHOLOGY ? Longitudinal 1. Spatial continuity Lateral Channel pattern 2. Morphology Cross-section Substrate 3. Vegetation 4. Flow regime 3 THE RELEVANCE OF HYMO CHARACTERISTICS Unimpaired («natural») hydromorphological conditions Max (high) ecological status (provided water quality is ok) Not necessarily correlated to diversity/abundance of biota ! 4 Hydromorphological pressures highly relevant in Europe (Source: European Environmental Agency) 5 To carry out sound restoration actions on a river, we first need to know/assess: - The «natural» hydromorphological characteristics of that river (without pressures, past/present/future) - The effects of the HYMO pressures on the ecosystem (biota) - What will be the benefits of the restoration and their sustainability in the future - Assess if the benefits are bigger than the costs !! 6 REFORM PROJECT • COLLABORATIVE PROJECT LARGE SCALE INTEGRATING PROJECT • ENV.2011.2.1.2-1 HYDROMORPHOLOGY AND ECOLOGICAL OBJECTIVES OF WFD • GRANT NO. 282656 • DURATION: 2011-2015 7 REFORM Partners 25 partners from 14 European countries No. Participant organisation name Short name Country 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Stichting Deltares (Coordinator) Stichting Dienst Landbouwkundig Onderzoek B.V. – Alterra Aarhus University – National Environmental Research Institute Universitaet fuer Bodenkultur Wien French Research Institute for agricultural and environmental engineering Danube Delta National Institute for Research & Development Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology Ecologic Institut gGmbH Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries European Commission Joint Research Centre Masaryk University Natural Environment Research Council – Centre for Ecology & Hydrology Queen Mary, University of London Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Finnish Environment Institute University of Duisburg-Essen University of Hull Università di Firenze Universidad Politécnica de Madrid VU University Amsterdam, Institute of Environmental Studies Warsaw University of Life Sciences Centro de Estudios y Experimentacion de Obras Publicas Dutch Government Service for Land and Water Management Environment Agency of England and Wales Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale Deltares Alterra AU-NERI BOKU Cemagref DDNI Eawag Ecologic IGB JRC MU NERC-CEH QMUL SLU SYKE UDE UHULL UNIFI UPM VU-IVM WULS CEDEX DLG EA ISPRA Netherlands Netherlands Denmark Austria France Romania Switzerland Germany Germany Italy Czech Republic UK UK Sweden Finland Germany UK Italy Spain Netherlands Poland Spain Netherlands UK Italy 8 Objectives of REFORM APPLICATION 1. Select indicators for cost-effective monitoring 2. Improve tools and guidelines for restoration RESEARCH 1. Review existing information on river degradation and restoration 2. Develop a process-based hydromorphological framework 3. Understand how multiple stress constrains restoration 4. Assess the importance of scaling on the effectiveness of restoration 5. Develop instruments for risk and benefit analysis to support successful restoration DISSEMINATION 1. Enlarge appreciation for the benefits of restoration 9 Interaction with end-users Communication & Dissemination Strategy End-user groups: policy makers, practitioners, scientists Standard – Website, Newsletters (2/yr), Policy Briefs (3) Advanced – – – WIKI linking theory to practice and experience Interactive preparation of end-user workshop Interaction with ECOSTAT Events – – – – Interactive stakeholder workshop (Feb 2013) Local workshops in case study catchments (tbd) Summer school (2015) Final conference (2015) Target groups • General Public Target groups • Universities • River Basin Planners • NGOs • Environmental Agencies • Policy Makers Tools Tools • Policy Briefs • Website • Stakeholder Workshop • Newsletter • Wiki River Restoration • Scientific Papers 10 Cooperation with … make use of earlier research projects (e.g. REBECCA, WISER, FORECASTER) RESTORE (LIFE+ Information & Communication) European Centre for River Restoration (ECRR) WFD Implementation: ECOSTAT common implementation strategy (CIS) Gary Brierley, Johan Kling, Margaret Palmer, Hervé Piégay, Peter Pollard, Advisory Board of REFORM Ursula Schmedtje, Bas van der Wal 11 Natural processes Restoration & Mitigation Degradation Understand how disturbed sediment dynamics and multiple stress constrain restoration WP 4 WP 3 WP 2 Effects of hydromorphological changes on rivers and floodplain ecosystems Hydromorphological and ecological processes and interactions Develop a process-based and ecologically relevant hydromorphological framework * Translate science to practice * Select indicators for costeffective monitoring * Improve tools and guidelines for restoration WP 6 Applications and Effects of river restoration Assess theWP importance of scaling and 5 catchment conditions on the Restoration effectiveness of restoration potential and strategy stakeholders stakeholders participation participation Review existing information on river degradation and restoration WP 7 Knowledge Knowledge dissemination dissemination and and WP 1 Meta-analysis Develop instruments for benchmarking, targets, risk and benefit analysis to tools support successful restoration Enlarge appreciation for the benefits of restoration WP 8 Consortium coordination and management 12 Deliverables REFORM stakeholder workshop Brussels 26-27 Feb 2013 13 REFORM GEO-WIKI Open source web-based knowledge management system Know-How Knowledge Evaluation River typology Measures Case studies of river restoration projects Pressures Hydromorphology Tools (assessment, indicators, models, guidelines, monitoring) Biota Ecosystem goods and services European environmental directives and policies ©REFORM 14 REFORM GEO-WIKI – TOOLS River Characterisation Pressures Measures Tools Case studies Biological Quality HYMO Quality Ecosystem Services EU Directives Database 15 HYDROMORPHOLOGICAL FRAMEWORK (WP2) The hydromorphology of a naturally-functioning river reach is driven by: i.Regional characteristics: particularly climate ii.Catchment characteristics: translate properties of the regional climate into flows of water and sediment, iii.Valley setting: dictates topographic slope and lateral confinement of river reaches, iv.Reach properties that moderate response to flows of water and sediment: e.g. bed-bank-floodplain sediment calibre and structure, aquatic and riparian vegetation. HYDROMORPHOLOGICAL FRAMEWORK THERE ARE COMPLEX MULTI-SCALE CONTROLS ON RIVER-FLOODPLAINS SPATIAL SCALES IN HYDROMORPHOLOGY River basin Channel reach Channel unit Channel element (from Rinaldi et al 2013) 19 CURRENT HYDROMORPHOLOGICAL CLASSIFICATIONS i. ii. iii. iv. v. Rarely record information beyond the channel and immediate margins Give a snapshot of river characteristics that focuses on forms rather than processes Take limited account of the cascade of larger-scale factors and processes that influence hydromorphology and ecology. Rarely take account of time lags between changes at one site / spatial scale and adjustments at another site / scale. Often provide descriptions or counts of features, but little interpretation of them as indicators of reach functioning now, in the past or in the future. “REFORM” HYDROMORPHOLOGICAL FRAMEWORK i. Adopts a multi-scale approach ii. Is open-ended to maximise use of existing information iii. Guides users on information required, how it can be collected – estimated - analysed to explain river character and behaviour. iv. Provides a basis for predicting how a reach might react to changes (e.g. removal of engineering modifications, reinstatement of sediment supply) and... v. Allows definition of site-specific, “reference” conditions against which present condition can be assessed. Region HYDROMORPHOLOGICAL SCALES Catchment Landscape unit PREVIOUS EXAMPLES: Habitat Classification: Frissell et al.(1986) Segment Reach River Scaling Concept: Habersack et al. (2000) Eco-geomorphic Characterization: González del Tánago and García de Jalón (2004) River Styles Framework: Brierley & Fryirs (2005) Geomorphic unit Hydraulic unit River element Stream Evaluation and Hydromorphological Classification (Morphological Quality Index): Rinaldi et al. (2013) Region Catchment Landscape unit CONTROLS ON RIVER BEHAVIOUR (confinement; gradient; delivery of WATER, SEDIMENT, PLANT PROPAGULES, WOOD to river reaches) Segment REACH RIVER AND FLOODPLAIN TYPE, DYNAMICS, SENSITIVITY Geomorphic unit Hydraulic unit River element DYNAMIC SUITE OF RIVER AND FLOODPLAIN FEATURES (PHYSICAL HABITATS) UPSTREAM AND LATERAL CONTROLS: SEDIMENT AVAILABILITY, SEDIMENT SIZE, FLOW REGIME, SEDIMENT TRANSPORT REGIME VEGETATION. DIFFERENT TYPES OF REACH PROVIDE: (i) DIFFERENT LANDFORM (HABITAT) ASSEMBLAGES (ii) DIFFERENT LANDFORM (HABITAT) STABILITY sediment size fine sand sand gravel Church, 2006 boulders sediment supply BRAIDED ANASTOMOSED decreasing channel stability cobbles bed material dominated WANDERING MEANDERING suspended sediment material dominated decreasing channel stability channel gradient STEP-POOL, CASCADE silt DIFFERENT TYPES OF REACH PROVIDE: (i) DIFFERENT LANDFORM (HABITAT) ASSEMBLAGES (ii) DIFFERENT LANDFORM (HABITAT) STABILITY (iii) DIFFERENT PIONEER LANDFORMS CREATED BY PLANTS AND WOOD Gurnell et al., 2012 Pioneer vegetated landforms / habitats in different reach types: • indicate hydro morphological dynamics • influence threshold behaviour DIFFERENT TYPES OF REACH PROVIDE: (i) DIFFERENT LANDFORM (HABITAT) ASSEMBLAGES (ii) DIFFERENT LANDFORM (HABITAT) STABILITY (iii) DIFFERENT PIONEER LANDFORMS CREATED BY PLANTS AND WOOD (iv) DIFFERENT FLOODPLAIN LANDFORM (HABITAT) ASSEMBLAGES Nanson & Croke, 1992 CURRENT STATE Region Catchment Landscape unit Segment REACH Geomorphic unit Hydraulic unit River element Stage 1: DELINEATION Draft methods to define spatial units Stage 2: CHARACTERISATION Draft recommendations on data sources and methods for characterising units Stage 3: INDICATORS Preliminary set of indicators at each scale. Preliminary approaches to linking scales (downscaling) and to inferring processes from forms (upscaling) Conceptual model of ecohydromorphological interactions (in progress) Stage 4: FROM PAST TO FUTURE (in progress) River Frome, UK: DELINEATION Catchment –Landscape Unit –Segment Catchment delineation -5m NextMAP DTM Landscape unit delineation -3 units based on bedrock (supported by elevation and Land cover) Segment delineation -7 based on catchment area (+ >0.5km2) LU 1 S1 L U2 S2 S1 S2 L U3 S3 S1 S2 S3 Rivers Magra – Vara, Italy: DELINEATION Segment – Reach Delineation segments reaches M. Rinaldi, B. Belletti Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale Università di Firenze REACHES IN THE MAGRA-VARA BASIN Reach Length (m) Confine ment degree (%) Confine ment index Confinement Morphology Si Bi Ai Slope (%) Width (m) Dominant sediment calibre n.a. n.a. n.a. 10.31 8 n.a. M1.1 3685 >90 n.a. Confined Magra river Single thread M2.1 4780 >90 n.a. Confined Single thread n.a. n.a. n.a. 5.65 8 Cobble M2.2 2977 70 4 Partly Confined Sinuous 1.11 1 1 2.45 12 Cobble M2.3 M2.4 M2.5 1390 957 2603 52 43 47 3 7 4 Partly Confined Partly Confined Partly Confined Sinuous Sinuous Sinuous 1.02 1.08 1.07 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.80 1.78 1.42 13 18 18 Cobble Cobble Cobble M3.1 1012 20 4 Partly Confined Straight 1.03 1 1 1.58 32 Cobble M3.2 3188 47 3 Partly Confined Sinuous 1.1 1.2 1 0.88 69 Cobble M3.3 1259 0 5 Unconfined Sinuous 1.07 1.2 1 1.11 97 Gravel/Cobble M3.4 2628 <10 5 Unconfined Braided 1.03 1.6 1.1 0.88 180 Cobble/Gravel M3.5 4211 <10 4 Unconfined Braided 1.04 2.15 1.6 0.85 190 Cobble/Gravel M3.6 4518 33 2.5 Partly Confined Sinuous 1.06 1.16 1 0.54 82 Cobble/Gravel M3.7 1776 20 3.3 Partly Confined Wandering 1.31 1.14 1 0.48 163 Cobble/Gravel M3.8 4038 <10 5.7 Unconfined Wandering 1.05 1.33 1 0.52 99 Cobble/Gravel M3.9 1890 32 2.9 Partly Confined Wandering 1.008 1.33 1 0.37 121 Gravel M4.1 6925 39 3.2 Partly Confined Sinuous 1.05 1 1 0.29 63 Gravel M5.1 4750 <10 5.8 Unconfined Wandering 1.07 1.6 1.2 0.29 127 Gravel M6.1 4881 <10 13.2 Unconfined Wandering 1.003 1.5 1.08 0.10 189 Gravel M6.2 4546 <10 15.6 Unconfined Sinuous 1.11 1.3 1 0.11 151 n.a. M6.3 5985 <10 18.7 Unconfined Sinuous 1.11 1 1 0.10 211 n.a. HYDROMORPHOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT METHODS (D1.1) Hydromorphological assessment methods – Existing published reviews (Raven et al., 2002; Weiss et al., 2008; Fernandez et al., 2011) • 1. Physical habitat assessment – Methods to identify, survey and assess physical habitats • 2. Riparian habitat assessment – Previous type but more specific for riparian habitats and vegetation • 3. Morphological assessment – Methods performing a more general evaluation of ‘morphological conditions’ (pressure-response) • 4. Hydrological regime alteration assessment – Methods specific for the assessment of the hydrological regime • 5. Longitudinal fish continuity assessment – Methods specific for continuity of fish communities Summary of reviewed methods for each category Total: 139 Methods implemented by EU countries for the WFD (total 21) Type of assessment Country Name of the method Key references Austria Hymo status assess guidelines Mühlmann, 2010 Czech Republic HEM - Hydroecological Monitoring method Langhammer, 2007 Morphological Denmark DHQI - Danish Habitat Quality Index Pedersen & Baattrup-Pedersen, 2003 Physical habitat England & Wales RHS - River Habitat Survey Raven et al., 1997 (and follows) Physical habitat France CarHyCe – Hydrological characterization of rivers ONEMA, 2010 Physical habitat France SYRAH-CE & AURAH-CE – Hydromorphology auditing Chandesris et al., 2008; Valette et al., 2010 Morphological ONEMA, 2010 Longitudinal continuity France ROE – National database on barriers to flow continuity ICE - Information on ecological continuity Germany LAWA-FS - Stream habitat survey - field survey method LAWA, 2000 Physical habitat Germany LAWA-OS - Stream habitat survey - overview survey method LAWA, 2002 Physical habitat Ireland RHAT - River Hydromorphology Assessment Technique Murphy & Toland, 2012 Physical habitat Italy CARAVAGGIO - Core assessment of river habitat value and hydromorphological conditions Buffagni et al., 2005 Physical habitat Italy MQI - Morphological Quality Index Rinaldi et al., 2011 Morphological Latvia Methodology for the assessment of Hydromorphological changes PPT from Sigita Šulca, 2012 Morphological The Netherlands Handboek HYMO - Manual for hydromorphology Dam et al., 2007 Physical habitat Poland MHR - River Hydromorphological Monitoring Ilnicki et al., 2009 Physical habitat Portugal Adaptation of RHS Ferreira et al., 2011 Physical habitat Scotland MImAS - Morphological Impact Assessment System UKTAG, 2008 Morphological Slovakia Hydromorphological Assessment Protocol for the Slovak Republic NERI & SHMI, 2004; Lehotský & Grešková, 2007 Physical habitat Slovenia Indices for assessment of hymo alteration of rivers Tavzes & Urbanic, 2009 Physical habitat Spain IHF - Index for the assessment of fluvial habitat in Med. rivers Pardo et al., 2002 Physical habitat Spain QBR - Riparian Forest Quality Index Riparian habitat Munné & Prat, 1998 Physical and riparian habitat assessment (RHS, LAWA, CARAVAGGIO, CarHyCe, RHAT, DHQI, IHF, QBR, RQI, etc.) • Strengths – Provide accurate inventory useful to characterize the range of physical and riparian habitats and link them to biological conditions Limitations Detailed site-specific data collection: application to large number of water bodies impracticable – Limited consideration on processes – Inherent tendency to define high status/reference conditions on the basis of the presence and abundance of features – Gaps in the terminology used to describe morphological units in physical habitat surveys – Morphological assessment (MImAS, MQI, SYRAH, etc.) • Strengths – Use of a more robust geomorphological approach, with consideration of physical processes at appropriate spatial and temporal scales – Such an approach supports the development of a better understanding of cause-effect relationships Limitations – Physical processes generally difficult to assess, and application by public agencies needs specialists – Limited attention to morphological units Hydrological regime alteration assessment (IAHRIS, IARI, QM-HIDRI, etc.) • Strengths – Use of robust indicators based on quantitative, statistical or physically-based models Limitations – Requires large data sets and long- time series, which are often not available – Hydrological alterations at short time scales, such as hydropeaking, is normally not assessed – Groundwater alterations are generally not included Fish continuity assessment (ROE-ICE, RDB-DRN, etc.) • Strengths – Most of these methods are based on a basic inventory of existing barriers: they provide a straightforward information relatively simple to obtain Limitations – Provide some basic information, but while relatively few of them carry out any deeper assessment – Few standardized protocols/structured methods exist Methods implemented for WFD – – Consideration of physical processes remains the main gap Integrated use of different components of the assessment is limited but is recently increasing Relevance for WFD 1. Need for a more comprehensive hydromorphological assessment – Consideration of physical processes should be enhanced in hydromorphological assessment methods Core of hydromorphological assessment – A. Morphological assessment – B. Hydrological assessment Integrated characterization – C. Physical habitats (in-channel and riparian) (selected sites) – D. Fish continuity 2. Need for initial screening tools – First characterization and selection of potential critical reaches at catchment scale, based on remote sensing and available information on existing pressures HYDROMORPHOLOGICAL CLASSIFICATION Hydromorphological condition of a reach depends on dynamic interactions between water, sediment and plants. Therefore: 1. Needs to be placed in a catchment context (to capture impact of catchment process cascade and human interventions) 2. Needs to be evaluated over time (to capture sensitivity, dynamics and trajectories of change) The outputs of WP2 will benefit users of WFD implementation by: 1. 2. 3. 4. Providing a flexible assessment framework Providing indicators of hydromorphological condition that can be derived from commonly measured or freely available data sets Improving understanding of linkages between hydrology, channel and floodplain morphodynamics, and ecology. Informing sustainable approaches to ecohydromorphological management and restoration of river reaches REFERENCE CONDITIONS FOR ASSESSING HYMO ALTERATIONS ? • Problematic ! Referring to a “pristine” or “historical” and “static” condition is neither feasible nor worthwhile • Long hystory of human-induced river adjustments • But rivers change pattern and size even without human pressure (climatic variations, tectonic) ! REFERENCE CONDITIONS FOR ASSESSING HYMO ALTERATIONS ? Static reference state concept should be replaced by a ’guiding image’ of an ‘ecologically dynamic state’ (e.g. Palmer et al., 2005) corresponding to ‘dynamic equilibrium’ in terms of physical processes (at the short term scale !). We must emphasize the uncertainty in our morphological predictions rather than to hide it !! ? 42 TOOLS FOR HYMO VARIATIONS 1. Conceptual models (still quite relevant) !! 2. Evolutionary trajectories (Lane, 1955) (Surian et al 2009) 3. Empirical/statistical (useful only if applied to similar conditions) 4. Numerical models to refine the assessment (but only if properly used, e.g. running different scenarios for initial/boundary conditions) 43 WHICH DIRECTIONS TO GO IN THE RESTORATION ? (from Rinaldi, 2013) 44 TAKE HOME MESSAGES (CONCLUSIONS ?) • Rivers are dynamic in nature, and we have to bear that in mind when planning restoration actions • At present our knowledge of river dynamics and of cause-effects relations is very weak • The prediction of HYMO variations related to pressures/restoration is subject to huge uncertainty • Several tools together must be used for such predictions, different scenarios always tested 45