2 - Tutti per uno


2 - Tutti per uno
Nazionale Italiana Bambini Epatopatici Cronici) per sensibilizzare l’opinione pubblica sul trapianto epatico pediatrico e sulla donazione degli
capolavoro di Giovanni Battista Pergolesi, lo Stabat Mater. Attraverso le
Orchestra “Note per Vivere”
Paolo Vivaldi direttore
Marta Vulpi soprano
Maria Grazia Casini contralto
note del maestro di Jesi, il dolore di Maria diviene universale e abbraccia tutte le madri che vivono la malattia di un figlio. Un dolore che non
conosce età né tempo, di cui si fa testimone Francesca Soligo con il rac-
con la partecipazione straordinaria di
Luca Barbareschi, Sebastiano Somma,
Alan Sorrenti, Erica Banchi
e Gilda Buttà al pianoforte
conto “Il filo sottile” letto da Erica Banchi su musiche di Paolo Vivaldi.
Parole e melodia si fondono fino a divenire un'unica soluzione sublime
e potente come il gesto della donazione degli organi. La serata sarà
regia Nadia Baldi
arricchita dalla partecipazione straordinaria di Luca Barbareschi,
Sebastiano Somma, Alan Sorrenti e dalla pianista Gilda Buttà che eseguirà con l’orchestra brani inediti composti da Vivaldi per la colonna sonora del film “Maternity Blues” (regia di Fabrizio Cattani).
Uno Onlus. L’associazione,
nata nel 2006 e presieduta
“Note per vivere”
Giovanni Battista Pergolesi
Stabat Mater
organi. L’Orchestra “Note per Vivere” diretta da Paolo Vivaldi eseguirà il
solidarietà a cura di Tutti per
Domenica 17
Sala Petrassi ore 21
Evento di solidarietà per il trapianto
pediatrico di fegato e la donazione
degli organi
Una serata di musica e letture a favore dell’A.N.I.B.E.C. (Associazione
Quarto appuntamento con la
presenta Iris Peynado
Biglietti: 15 euro. Riduzione bambini 8 euro
Il ricavato andrà interamente devoluto
www.anibec.it | info@anibec.it
Tutti per Uno
Israelitico di Roma, con Nino Frassica come testimonial, offre un contribu-
Sabato 16
Sala Sinopoli ore 21
to concreto per migliorare le condizioni fisiche dei bambini meno fortu-
Spettacolo di beneficenza
da Domenico Riitano, chirurgo plastico e ricostruttivo dell’Ospedale
nati. Quest’anno la serata si propone di raccogliere fondi per
Maddalena Corvaglia
aiutare Radu, un ragazzo rumeno affetto da tetraparesi
spastica; un caso davvero molto complicato che
con la partecipazione di
Renzo Arbore,
Maurizio Battista,
Nino Frassica,
Lino Patruno Jazz Show,
The Blues Willies, Il Mago Heldin,
Giovanni Imparato, Carlo Luberti,
Emanuele Ruvio
necessita di più interventi chirurgici con la speranza di aiutarlo a migliorare e a diventare un po’
più autonomo. La serata, che sarà presentata
da Maddalena Corvaglia, vedrà avvicendarsi
numerosi amici dell’associazione, tra i quali
Renzo Arbore, Maurizio Battista, Nino Frassica,
Per prenotare e acquistare i biglietti
è necessario telefonare
dal lunedì al venerdì, dalle 10 alle 19,
al n. 063233956 - 389.0909090
Lino Patruno, The Blues Willies, il Mago Heldin, il
percussionista Giovanni Imparato, Carlo Luberti,
Emanuele Ruvio.
Un evento unico. Il primo plasma da 85” in 3D al mondo per
il pubblico dell’Auditorium. Toccare, vedere, sentirsi dentro le
immagini, immersi nel film. Video e audio mozzafiato per un
totale coinvolgimento dei sensi. In una cornice unica, quella
dell’Auditorium Parco della Musica, il miglior sistema di intrattenimento audio/video al mondo: Bowers & Wilkins in grande
spolvero, con l’evoluzione del sistema che usa la Lucasfilm di
George Lucas per creare le sue opere d’arte. Sistema 800
Diamond top di gamma, elettroniche Classè per
oltre 2000 watt di potenza, e “il” plasma per
eccellenza, l’85” Panasonic 3D per la prima volta
in Italia a disposizione degli appassionati. Ciliegina
sulla torta, la preview di alcuni film della Eagle
Pictures – ovviamente in 3D - che delizieranno
grandi e bambini insieme ad alcuni spezzoni di
“grandi classici” in 3D che vi lasceranno senza
fiato. Sarà possibile “vedere & sentire” uno spettacolo unico, indimenticabile.
Sabato 16 e domenica 17
Studio 2 dalle ore 10 alle 18
(orario continuato)
“Emozioni in 3D”
Ingresso libero
Info: Giancarlo Valletta
3351021102 - 068175203
MARCH 11, 2011
A M E R I C A N E M B A S S Y R O M E • U . S . M I S S I O N T O I TA LY
U . S . M I S S I O N T O I TA LY W E B S I T E : H T T P : // I TA LY. U S E M B A S S Y. G O V
Italy Off the Beaten Path
If you think Italy can be constrained to
the “golden triangle” created by Venice,
Florence, and Rome, think again. From
regions that are
practically Austrian
south, landscape,
architecture, and
tradition change
drastically, offering
variety to keep
traveling in Italy for
a lifetime.
Here are places in Italy that are truly
“off the beaten track.” Although not
intended as an itinerary but more a list
of suggestions, in fact you could follow
the google map below and create a onemonth driving itinerary using this article.
Friuli: Pordenone and San Daniele
The Friuli region borders with Austria
to its north and Slovenia to the East. Its
full name is Friuli-Venezia-Giulia and
it’s an autonomous region with special
statute that recognizes its unique
history and geography. This unforgiving
mountainous terrain alternates with
plains, is criss-crossed with rivers, and was
dominated for most of the early modern
period by Austria, which left a distinctly
foreign and well-organized imprint on
the area. Throughout the Renaissance,
while central Italy and Venice developed
that consistent artistic style known for
perspective and harmony, the isolated
nature of many
towns meant that
a more medieval
style with local
Dear Readers,
The quest for content is never
complete! Have you been on a
recent trip? We’d love to hear
about it. Your article could be
featured in an upcoming issue of
the Veneto Views. Make sure you
Probably the most
famous artist from
this area is Giovanni
Antonio Pordenone,
whose last name
refers to the town
of his birth. Follow
in his footsteps to see his canvases and
frescoes in the cathedrals of Pordenone,
nearby Spilimbergo, and San Daniele.
submit those fabulous photos too!
The historic center of Pordenone is
extremely pleasant, its main shopping
street flanked by covered archways and
populated with well-dressed citizens
who frequent warm cafés serving heavy
local specialties like the saleti, a cookie
made with polenta flour. Step out from
under the covered spaces, though,
because otherwise you’ll miss one of the
town’s most unusual features: painted
house facades that are some of the bestpreserved examples of a forgotten Italian
If you have suggestions or
comments, we’d love to hear
them. Please drop a line to the
VenetoViews email address below
with your thoughts.
The VenetoViews email is:
As always, submissions for next
week’s issue are due by Tuesday,
(March 15th, 2011) at 5 pm to
the email above. Please ensure
your submissions are on time! !
Head north on the highway (an easy day
trip if you’re staying near Pordenone)
Employment Listings
Appointment Eligible Family Members (AEFMs)
Appointment Eligible Family Members (AEFMs)
Mar 9 – Mar 16
Sarah Hall
RSO Duty Roster
Mar 2 – Mar 8
Antonio Neves
Mar 9 – Mar 15
Jim Bacigalupo
Vatican Duty Roster
American Citizen Candidates Only
DAO Duty Roster
Mar 16 – Mar 22
Christopher Cook
Mar 16 – Mar 23
Laura Kaspari-Hohmann
Mar 9 – Mar 15
Christopher MacLean
Embassy Duty Roster
Funny Stuff with Joe Kohl
Mar 10 – Mar 16
John Degory
Mar 17 – Mar 23
Paolina Milasi
Saint Peter’s Basilica Glows in
the Evening Light
photograph by Stephanie Millner
solutions page 19
3/ !45657
06.4674.2610 x2334 | CLOROME@STATE.GOV
Save the Date!
+2011 Annual Tri-Mission Reception and Auction
A spectacular evening of sparkling wine,
delicious hors d’oeuvres, silent/live auction
and fond new memories
The evening of:
Saturday, May 7, 2011
It’s your chance to shine!
Tri-Mission Rome’s first ever
April 8, 2011
A talent show for everyone
Rome’s Piazzas are beautiful, but have you wanted
to learn more about them?
Join the Walking Tour of Rome’s Piazza’s
with Nancy Deconciliis - PART II
Sat. March 19th, 10am.
This second part of the tour will include strolls through
Largo Argentina and the Crypta Balbi museum
(additional cost – you will pay when we get there) and
then we will all finish with an informative walk through
the ghetto area.
€15 per person for the tour plus cost of museum •
Children 15 years old and younger free
Sign Up in the CLO Lounge no later than
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Please have cash on hand to pay Nancy directly and an
extra €9 for entrance to the museum
One Grand Prize... plus...
Prizes will be awarded to all contestants!
Do you sing, dance, act or play an instrument? Are
you in a band, can you play the spoons, whistle
or lip-sync? Are you a gifted comedian, juggler,
acrobat performance artist, etc…?
Start practicing now for Roma’ s Got Talent!
Please see CLO for more details
Calling all masters of arcane information!!!
CLO/USO Trivia Night
Marine House
Friday, March 25th , 2011
5:30pm, trivia 6:30pm SHARP!!!
1st Place – Movie Night Baskets
(filled w/ DVDs - baskets valued over €200 each!!!)
2nd Place – Hard Rock Café gift cards for a Free
The embassy is closed on March 17. Italy is
celebrating the 150th anniversary of the unification
and any banks and many shops will be closed,
but most major tourist sites and museums should
remain open. Turin, the first capital of unified
Italy, already has special exhibits and celebrations
planned and there will likely be special events
throughout the country! Go and explore, see what
you can find that is new and report to the CLO. We
would love to hear about what you discover!
3rd place – Opera Concert tickets!!!
There are also prizes for the “Best Dressed Team”
and the “Best Team Name”... and even more?!
10 Rounds: (1) Current Events, (2) Sports, (3) Famous
Faces - Photos, (4) Arts Entertainment & Literature, (5)
Music - Song Clips, (6) Champions Round, (7) Science
& Nature, (8) Word Clues, (9) History & Geography,
and (10) Odds & Ends - Potpourri.
Big Prizes = smaller teams, limited to 3 members!
Questions? Please contact CLO or Kevin O’Brien.
Start studying now!
How to Obtain Your Tax Refund
Capital gains and losses
Almost everything owned and used
for personal or investment purposes is
a capital asset. Examples are a home,
household furnishings, and stocks or
bonds held in a personal account. When
a capital asset is sold, the
difference between the basis
in the asset and the amount it
is sold for is a capital gain or a
capital loss. If you received the
asset as a gift or inheritance,
refer to Publication 551 for
information about your basis.
You have a capital gain if you
sell the asset for more than
your basis. You have a capital
loss if you sell the asset for less than your
basis. Losses from the sale of personaluse property, such as your home or car,
are not deductible.
Capital gains and losses are classified as
long-term or short-term. If you hold the
asset for more than one year before you
dispose of it, your capital gain or loss is
long-term. If you hold it one year or less,
your capital gain or loss is short-term.
To determine how long you held the
investment property, begin counting on
the date after the day you acquired the
property. The day you disposed of the
property is part of your holding period.
Capital gains and deductible capital
losses are reported on Form 1040,
Schedule D. If you have a net capital
gain, that gain may be taxed
at a lower tax rate than the
ordinary income tax rates. The
term "net capital gain" means
the amount by which your net
long-term capital gain for the
year is more than the sum of
your net short-term capital loss
and any long-term capital loss
carried over from the previous
year. Currently net capital gain
is generally taxed at rates no higher than
15%, although, for 2008 through 2010,
some or all net capital gain may be taxed
at 0%, if it would otherwise be taxed at
lower rates. There are three exceptions.
See Publication 17 for details.
If you have a taxable capital gain, you
may be required to make estimated
tax payments. Refer to Publication 505,
Tax Withholding and Estimated Tax, for
additional information.
If your capital losses exceed your capital
gains, the amount of the excess loss
that can be claimed is the lesser of
$3,000, ($1,500 if you are married filing
separately) or your total net loss as shown
on line 16 of the Form 1040 Schedule
D, Capital Gains and Losses. If your net
capital loss is more than this limit, you
can carry the loss forward to later years.
Use the Capital Loss Carryover Worksheet
in Publication 550, to figure the amount
carried forward.
Additional information on capital gains
and losses is available in Publication
Expenses, and Publication 544, Sales and
Other Dispositions of Assets. If you sell
your main home, refer to Publication 523,
Selling Your Home.
Deemed Sales by Expatriates. If you
give up your U.S. citizenship after June
16, 2008, you may be treated as having
sold all your property for its fair market
value on the day before you gave up
your citizenship. This also applies to
long-term U.S. residents who cease to be
lawful permanent residents. For details,
exceptions, and rules for reporting these
deemed sales, see Publication 519 and
Form 8854. !
FREE EXHIBITION BOOTCAMP class on Friday 3/18 10-11am in the
Dance room beside the gym. Class is limited to the first 6 people who
email Coach G to register (gerard.burley@gmail.com). Those who attend
the Bootcamp class will receive a discount for the next Coach G class!
The Health
Unit will be
hosting a Ear
Nose and Throat
Day on March
24th. As this is
your chance to
consult with our
ENT specialist,
Dr Pafundi, we
would like to
know what your
issues are.
(ext. 2150)
Regular Hours (by appt):
Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri:
09:00 - 12:30 and 14:15-16:30
Thurs: 9 am-12:30 pm
Drop-in Hours
(for “quick sick” visits):
!""#$ %&'())*+($ ,(+-*&./0/$ 123$ 045/'*&'/$ 6$ ($ 748)*9
(:(';/;$ </;$ ='&7$ >7*8*(9<&7(-+($ ?@A/0)$ *+$ 38(00B$ ()$
CD,3$ !""E$ (+;$ !"F"GH$ <*IJ$ '&4+;/;$ ='4*)$ &+$ )J/$ 5(8()/K$
U&7OW4-/'X%&'())*+(O*)$ $
Monday and Friday only:
Vaccination Clinics (by appt):
Wednesday, 14:15-16:30
Friday, 09:00-12:30
Italy Off the Beaten Path
to San Daniele del Friuli, as far into the
mountains as you’d want to go. The name
is synonymous with Prosciutto di San
Daniele, considered the country’s best
cured ham. In June the “Aria di Festa” sagra
town into a tasting
center, but at any
time of year you
can arrange visits
to local artisanal
producers who will
offer samples.
On Italy’s Adriatic
is known for its
mosaics, the tradition of which thrived
in the fifth and sixth centuries and still
continues today. Eight of its buildings
have been added to the UNESCO World
Heritage List so it’s not exactly “unknown”,
but rarely is Ravenna included in regular
tourists’ itineraries (it is, however, a big
pilgrimage destination).
Ravenna was the stronghold of
Byzantine rule in Italy under the emperor
Justinian (527-65); the architecture and
decoration of Ravenna’s churches are
thus of the Eastern type, modeled after
Constantinople. The most important
church is San Vitale – the apse mosaics
that show Emperor Justinian and his
wife Theodora and their attendants are
reproduced in most art history survey
textbooks. San Vitale is a centrallyplanned church, very different from
the basilican tradition of western
Christianity that we
see in Ravenna’s other
famous churches (such
as Sant’ Apollinare
in Classe and Sant’
Apollinare Nuovo) and
in fact different from
anything else you’ll
see in Italy.
Neonian Baptistery is
also decorated with
mosaics and it sparked a collective vision
in the 1930s: the famous psychoanalyst
Carl Jung and his traveling companion
discussed and distinctly recalled a bluetoned mosaic of Peter sinking that they
later realized didn’t actually exist. The
strong emotions that connect present,
real events and past or subconscious
images can be yours, too, with a visit to
this magical city of colors enclosed in
little glass tesserae.
Urbino is not easy to get to. There is no
train station, few
buses, and it’s
served by a small
If you think it’s
isolated now, you
ought to have seen
it in the fifteenth
is why it’s all the
more remarkable
that an important
Renaissance court
was established here. Under Federico
da Montefeltro, an important mercenary
soldier with a particular love for books,
this court was the model of perfection on
which Baldassare Castiglione based his
The Courtier, a kind of
how-to book of social
niceties for upper-class
men and women of
the time.
The Palazzo Ducale
that was the seat of
this court can now be
visited, and is in fact
the main reason to
come to this town. It looms above the
visitor parking lot, built into the side
of the mountain, but despite seeming
fortified from this angle, its façade
embraces a wide piazza in the center of
town. The Palazzo is now the National
Gallery of Urbino
and the Marches (the
region in which it’s
located) and it houses
some real jewels of
Renaissance art. Don’t
miss the paintings by
Piero della Francesca,
Raphael, and Paolo
Uccello. But the real
treat is the building
itself that allows you
to imagine yourself transported back 600
years. Note the Renaissance courtyard
and well, the wood-intarsiated doors and
sculpted fireplaces, the tiny “studiolo”
and the private chapel.
If you arrive at Urbino early enough in
the morning, you can have lunch here
and move on to your next stop (it’s hardly
known for nightlife). Lunch ought to
consist of a crescione (or cresce), a flaky
wrap served with your choice of filling
(though traditionally with stracchino, a
soft cheese).
Grotte di Frasassi
Underground in the Marche region is
the Frasassi caves [13], which are the
closest you can get to being on another
planet while still being on Earth. For
safety reasons, “regular” tourists are
accompanied on group visits that take 70
minutes and include a 1.5 kilometer walk
on easy terrain. More adventurous types
can pre-book a two- or three-hour trail
– equipment and guide provided. The
temperature in the grotto is 14 degrees
Celsius year-round, making it a “cool”
place in the summer (pack a sweater!).
The guides are well-informed and tell
stories about key areas in the grotto
– each dramatically-lit “room” has
individual characteristics that piqued
the imaginations of
them. See stalactites
and stalagmites of
unusual shapes, like
the so-called “organ
pipes”, or the “Sword
of Damocles” which is a 7.4 meterhigh stalactite. Wonder at the largest
underground room in the world, the
“Abyss” of 2 million cubic meters – it’s
hard to grasp just how huge this is
without something recognizable in there
for scale. (Check out a video here [14].)
Consider a hike or at least a picnic in
the 9000 hectare regional park in which
the grottoes are located. Otherwise,
there isn’t a whole lot to see in the
immediate vicinity, though on your way
out you might stop at the seldom-visited
Benedictine Abbey of San Vittore; there’s
also a museum of archaeology and
paleontology if you haven’t had enough
geographic oddities for the day. From
here, explore some of the Marchegian
hilltowns – Jesi, Cingoli, or Recanati – or
visit nearby Fabriano, the first place in
Italy to produce paper on a large scale.
This article is an excerpt. Read below!
Originally Published by BootsnAll.com
What’s New
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!" is a first-appearance ad. !" is an ad with an
accompanying image on our Facebook Fan Page. The
number in the corner of your ad will indicate how many
more weeks (including the current issue) your ad will run.
All ads (classifieds & blocks) only run for 4 weeks (unless
renewed early). Please resubmit the full ad and the
contact information for a 4-week renewal. Keep classifieds
to 75 words or less, and remember to have all submissions
in by Tuesday at 5pm. Thank you for your cooperation.
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already sell?
Please remember to email the
VenetoViews to let us know to
pull your ad if it’s sold before the
end of your ad term (4 weeks)!
Thank you!
Health & Wellness Tidbits De Niro’s
Italian Films
Stay ALL Smoke-Free
Recent Finding: Long-term incense use
is linked wiht an increase in cancers of
the upper respiratory tract (nose, tongue,
mouth and larynx). Fine particles from
incense smoke can be inhaled. The
smoke contains the pollutants benzene,
toluene, and formaldehyde - carcinogens
that also are found in tobacco smoke.
(UC Berkeley Wellness Letter)
When to Take Asprin
“The best time to take aspirin for heart
health is bedtime”, says David Sherer,
MD. Aspirin counters the clot-promoting
effects of cortisol, a hormone whose
levels are highest in the morning. It takes
aspirin time to reach peak clot-fighting
effectiveness, so taking aspirin at a typical
bedtime - 10 pm - means that it will reach
its peak effectiveness when cortisol
production peaks. Also, aspirin may be
less likely to cause stomach irritation
when taken at night, after dinner. - David
Sherer, MD, co-auther of Dr. David Sherer’s
Hospital Survival Guide
Fire Safety & Prevention
Do not put smoke alarms in laundry
rooms, kitchens, and garages. Fumes
and steam can cause the alarms to go
off unnecessarily. or maximum safety: a
smoke alarm should be on every level of
your home. Install smoke alarms inside
each bedroom and outside each sleeping
area. in the basement (on the ceiling at
the bottom of the stairs) and in the attic
if it is used as a living space. Smoke
alarms should be mounted on ceilings
(at least 4 inches away from the walls) or
high on walls (no more than 12 inches
below the ceiling). Loraine Carli - VP of
Communications, National Fire Protection
Association, Quincy, MA
The 3rd Annual
Rome Conference on
Emotional Well-Being
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Robert De Niro’s first Italian film in 30
years has recently been released in Italian
theatres. The American actor, who speaks
fluent Italian, appears
on the big screen in
Manuale d’Amore 3.
The first two Manuale
d’amore films proved
successful, making 14
million and 19 million Euro in Italian
theaters. Writer and director Giovanni
Veronesi hopes that De Niro’s role in the
third episode of the romantic series will
create a box office hit.
The film focuses on
three love stories taking
place at the same time.
De Niro stars in one of
the vignettes, playing
a divorced professor
living in Rome. His love
interest? None other than the stunning
Monica Bellucci. !
Originally published by ItalyMag.co.uk
Milan to
Host Epic
Since 2008 there has been a remarked
resurgence in the interest of Caravaggio’s
art with a series of high-profile exhibitions
all over the world. Now it’s time for Milan
to step in and give its own contribution.
From March 11
will have the unique
get a deep insight
into Caravaggio’s
world and the
who majorly influenced his art; from
Giorgione and Titian to Tintoretto and
Lorenzo Lotto, the exhibition, curated by
Vittorio Sgarbi and taking place at the
Museo Diocesano, will put on display
more than 60 works. Don’t miss it! !
Originally published by BlogDolceVita.com
Rome Race for the Cure
FOR THE CURE is taking place on May
22, 2011 Stadio Terme di Caracalla,
The race is a leisure walk or run either
5K or 2K to raise funds, promote
awareness, education and early
detection of breast cancer. The
itinerary of the race will develop
in the enchanting Scenery
the ancient Rome from the Circus
Maximus to the Colosseum. It will be a full
immersion in the eternal city, breathing
the air of history and
the majesty of the
Roman ruins.
The race is also open
Instructions on how
to compete in a later
Team USA has been awarded largest
Embassy Team every year since 2006.
We want to continue this tradition
and we are asking your help and
your cooperation again in making
this event even more memorable
than last year. This is a call for your
generosity and your sensitivity to the
breast cancer prevention. All you
have to do is to come to the Health
Unit, complete the registration
form, and donate a minimum fee
of 13 Euro which will include a
Komen T-shirt and a bag of
Friends and family
welcome to register
and join the fun:
achieve our goal.
Depending on budget
available, buses will
be provided to take
you from the Embassy to the race and
back again for a well earned Barbeque
feast organized by CLO on the Embassy
Premises. !
Rome Events
Rossini: Orchestra Sinfonica di Roma
Francesco La Vecchia, conducting; flute
soloist Laura Mingussi, clarinet soloist
Giammarco Casani
Sunday, March 26, 5:30 pm; Monday,
March 27, 8:30 pm
Rossini: L’ Italiana in Algeri (Overture)
Busoni: Divertimento for flute and
Rossini: La cenerentola (Overture)
Busoni: Concertino for clarinet and
Rossini: Il Barbiere di Siviglia (Overture)
Mahler: Orchestra Sinfonica di Roma
Francesco La Vecchia, conducting
Sunday, March 6, 5:30 pm; Monday,
March 7, 8:30 pm
Mahler: Symphony n. 9
Auditorium della Conciliazione
Via della Conciliazione (near the Vatican)
tel 899 5000 55 | €20 www.greenticket.it
“Your Community Convenience Store... And More!”
Did you know...?
...that as a Member of the Commissary,
you are welcome to attend the
AECA Board monthly meetings? The
monthly meetings entail reports of
the Association’s operations, financial
condition, committee reports and
other non- sensitive business issues as
determined by the Board. The last 15
minutes of the meeting are reserved for
Community Members for questions or
Monthly meetings are held the last
Monday of every month at 11:30 a.m. in
the Round Conference Room.
The AECA Bylaws and Handbook
are now available for any Community
Member to review. They are available
outside the Commissary Area on the
*** Please take the time to complete the
Commissary Survey: http://bit.ly/gltJHz
We value and need your input to make
changes you are seeking! ***
Note: There will be NO delivery from
Livorno the week of the 14th. The next
delivery will be March 23rd.
Bellissima Boutique
Jewelry by Doranellys Patton
The Embassy tailor, Giampaolo Sanna,
will be in the Commissary on Monday
21 and Tuesday 22 to take orders for
Italian tailor-made suits, and present
his company, Sartoria Stelletta.
Valentine’s Day candy and paper goods:
50% OFF!!
Next BBQ:
Wednesday, March 24th
New ceramics from Sicily
Olive wood from Umbria
Lace items from Treviso
Anna’s Italy Tips:
Adding Cell Phone Minutes
One way to add minutes to your cell
phone is using a BANCOMAT (Italian
ATM). This can be easily done at
the BNL ATM machine inside
the Embassy. You can also go
to a Tabaccheria, (a shop where
they sell cigarettes and stamps)
and ask to have your phone
“RICARICATO”. In Italian, the
phone card that adds minutes
is called RICARICA, which can
be confusing since ricaricare=
If you make the mistake to translate
“add minutes” or “aggiungere minuti” in
Italian, it could be misinterpreted and
they might think you want to change
your phone plan! In some tabaccherie
you simply need to give them
your phone number and it will
be done automatically, in
others and in supermarkets
as well, they will give you a
card with a pin number on
it and you will have to do it
yourself, which is not very
simple if you don’t speak
Remember that if you are in
Italy, you pay for the phone
calls you make and not for those
you receive. This means that if you have
zero minutes/zero balance you can still
receive phone calls.
Quick Tip from Anna: Safety Vests
Some of you may not be aware that it is mandatory to have and wear a high visibility
reflective safety vest (giubbotto catarinfrangente) before exiting your vehicle in case
of accident or if your car brakes down. Also bikers need to wear it after sunset. If you
do not have one, you can purchase it at the Commissary.
SAT Prep for
Washington D.C.’s premier SAT
prep company will hold two courses
in Rome this spring.
sOutstanding test results
(Ask for our list of parent references.)
sDetailed written critiques of each
student’s writing exercises
sEach course limited to 12 students
sCourses will be held in Parioli.
Visit honorstestprep.com to view
course schedules and register.
Bulgari Brand Sells About Trastevere
for €3.7 Billion
Italian luxury brand Bulgari has sold for a tidy sum. The designer
jewelry firm has been acquired by LVMH for 3.7 billion Euros.
LVMH, a French Luxury group, was willing to pay the high price
to obtain Bulgari’s rival share of the high-end jewelry market.
LVMH already owns 60 of the world’s leading brands including
Louis Vuitton, Givenchy, Fendi and Sephora.
Bulgari was established in 1884 and was family-controlled until
this week’s sale. The Italian brand hopes to be able to benefit
from LVMH’s large marketing and distribution network.
It is only fitting that the sale of the iconic Italian brand was
finalized over dinner in Rome. The Bulgaris plan to maintain
their jewelry house’s personality and independence under the
new French ownership.
Despite seeing the Italian
designers lose their
autonomy, the new deal
means that in addition
to the €3.7 billion
payday, the Bulgari
family will become large
stake holders in LVMH’s
fashion empire.
Originally published by ItalyMag.co.uk
Trastevere, a classic spot on the far bank of the Tiber (hence the
name), has for the past decades attracted a cluster of Romans
and foreigners that love walking around the little medieval alleys
and enjoy the dozens of restaurants, pubs and cocktail bars
spread around the neighbourhood, especially on weekends.
Among the many touristy bars, there are classic spots as well as
some pleasant new places. Hordes of youngsters can be found
at Freni e Frizioni (Via del Politeama 4), Il Baretto’s summer
garden (Via Garibaldi 27f ) and amid the topsy-turvy decor
of Pucci Bar (Piazza Mastai 1) for their aperitifs. One can find
typical Roman pizza, thin and crunchy, at Ivo (Via S. Francesco
a Ripa 158), Panattoni (Viale Trastevere 53), better known as
`L’Obitorio’ (the morgue) because of its marble tables, and Dar
Poeta (Vicolo del Bologna 45). There is also traditional Roman
cuisine in `proper’ taverns, such as Enzo (Via dei Vascellari 29),
Lucia (Via del Mattonato 2b), Paris (Piazza S.Callisto 7a), and at
the refined L’Antica Pesa (Via Garibaldi 18). Via Benedetta has
recently become a Mecca for real ale thanks to the pizzeria
Bir&Fud (at no. 23) and the pub Ma Che Siete Venuti a Fà (no.
25), which has been voted the world’s Best Beer Bar in 2010
in a specialist magazine. Sophisticated cuisine, so much so as
to place its restaurants in the city’s circle of top dining places,
can be found at the Glass Hostaria (Vicolo del Cinque 58) and
an aperitif bar, restaurant and food & wine shop is available at
the Enoteca Ferrara (Piazza Trilussa 41). For a touch of ethnic
food there is Indonesian cuisine at Bali (Via del Mattonato 29) or
Indian food at Jaipur (Via S. Francesco a Ripa 56) and Japanesefusion at Somo (Via G. Mameli 5).
Originally published by Yahoo.com Groups (Email)
John Paul II Beatification at Vatican
No Tickets Required, So Plan Early
Around 2.5 million people are expected
to descend upon Rome for the May 1
beatification ceremony for the late Pope
John Paul II. The Holy See announced
that it will not issue tickets for the event
and “everyone is welcome.”
Seating will be reserved
delegations, such as heads
of state.
Since no tickets are
required, we expect the
ceremony to create major
logistical challenges for
Rome and Vatican City.
The crowd will be similar
in size – if not larger – than
that which attended his
funeral in 2005. In order
to accommodate such a
large crowd, all streets to
and around Vatican City will be closed. To
add to the expected chaos, Italian labor
unions and organizations traditionally
host a major rock concert in Rome on
May 1st – International Labor Day.
April 21, Holy Thursday
If you are interested in attending the
ceremony, we encourage you to arrive
at St. Peter’s Square as early as possible –
even up to several hours in advance – and
prepare for extremely large crowds and
to view the ceremony on
the large screens that will
be placed in and around
the square.
Embassy Vatican will send
out more guidance as the
date of the beatification
Holy Week and Easter
Ceremonies – Requesting
All employees and family
members of tri-Mission
Rome who wish to attend
the Easter ceremonies at
the Vatican should sign up for tickets
with the CLO no later than Wednesday,
March 9. Employees can request tickets
to the following events:
Chapelle Papale (commemorates the
Last Supper)
Basilica of St. John Lateran
(N.B. This ceremony does not take place in
Vatican City.)
5:30 p.m.
April 22, Good Friday
Commemoration of the
Passion of the Lord
St. Peter’s Basilica
5:00 p.m.
April 23, Holy Saturday
Easter Vigil celebration
St. Peter’s Basilica
9:00 p.m.
April 24, Easter Sunday
Easter Sunday Mass
St. Peter’s Square
10:15 a.m.
Pope Benedict XVI will preside over each
Exercise & Wellbeing Tips
by Gerard Burley,
This is a product of Life Changing Fitness
Hey Coach G. Family! I have made it
through 2 weeks of vegetarianism and I
must say it ain’t that bad! As with any
healthy living plan, you must focus on
the things that you can eat and not the
ones that you can’t. I have had so many
fresh fruits and veggies - now my body
feels great! Has anyone else decided to
take me up on challenging themselves
nutritionally? I haven’t heard from
Today I thought we could touch on some
ways to help you stay disciplined with
any new diet or nutritional plan. Follow
these key tips and you’ll find yourself
successful with all your new nutrition
Birds of a Feather Flock... You
know the rest of the saying. It applies
in all aspects of life including your health.
Associate with people who are also living
healthy lifestyles. This way, you can make
healthy eating part of your social calender.
If you have decided that eating healthy and
incorporating exercise is a priority in your
life, you need to find others who are
thinking likewise. Your group will support
and encourage each other, and you’ll find it
easier to reach those goals together.
Cook It and Eat It So you want to
gain control over what you put in
your body? The best way is preparing your
own food. Stop going out so much to eat.
Make Breakfast. Pack a lunch. Cook dinner.
It’s nearly impossible to control what you
Personal Trainer
are eating if you put the power in others’
hands. Studies show that the most
successful dieters eat at home more than
often than non-successful ones. Stop
depending on others to provide a healthy
lunch for you – instead step up a make your
own. (This also will leave more euros in
your pocket!)
I am currently accepting new personal training
clients so if you’re ready to stop reading about
it and start living it, send me an email to setup
up a free consultation.
“Take the step today
for your body tomorrow!”
Want more? www.lifechangingfitness.net
If you missed a Coach G’s Corner or want to be able to review an old fitness tip check out my website
www.lifechangingfitness.net there’s a link to my blog with all of my Coach G fitness tips!!
John Paul II Beatification at Vatican
A sign-up list will be available in the CLO
lounge and the coordinators will forward
the list to the Embassy Vatican Protocol
Assistant no later than Friday, March 11.
If the Vatican does not provide sufficient
tickets to cover all requests, CLO will
conduct a lottery to determine who
receives tickets in a fair and transparent
Community members may request
tickets for both events. However, in the
event of a lottery, each person will receive
tickets for one event only, in order to
ensure equitable distribution.
Please note that requests must be for
employees and their families only. Due to
extremely high demand for these tickets,
requests for friends or guests of embassy
staff cannot be honored.
Please remember that a request for a ticket
does not guarantee one. The Holy See
receives requests from all over the world
and from all diplomatic communities in
Rome, and gives preference to religious
pilgrims. Embassy Vatican has no control
over the number or type of tickets
provided by the Pontifical Household.
Upon receipt of requested tickets,
Embassy Vatican will deliver them to the
CLO for distribution. Tickets may arrive
as late as 24 hours before the events;
therefore, it is important to provide all
requested contact information. Likewise,
if you have been notified that you will
receive tickets and your plans change,
please advise the CLO immediately so
that others may attend. This is not only
common courtesy; it also could affect
the Vatican’s willingness to honor our
requests in the future if tickets go unused.
Next Pub Quiz:
Monday, March 14th
8:00 to 11:00pm
Scholars Lounge
(via del Plebiscito, 101/b)
Reserve your tables weekly at
Those who do receive tickets should
be aware that when attending Mass
and other events at the Vatican, they
are representing the United States. The
Vatican expects guests to dress and
behave in a manner that acknowledges
the solemnity of the occasion and
the presence of Pope Benedict XVI. It
is essential that ticket-holders dress
conservatively and follow guidelines on
entrances and seating times indicated on
their tickets. !
Submitted by David Millner, x2638
Fuori di Taste - Florence
Polpette di Baccalà
Foodies are flocking to Florence to celebrate excellence in
250 g baccala (salted cod) soaked for 24 hours
2 tbsp butter
2 tbsp flour
2 dl (200 ml) milk
2 eggs
2 cloves of garlic
1 cup of bread crumbs
Salt, pepper and fresh chopped parsley
The sixth annual fair, called simply ‘Taste’, will run from 12
to 14 March, 2011 at the Stazione Leopolda in Florence. The
three-day event is a full gastronomic experience, dedicated to
sampling, buying and discovering new culinary goodies.
The mouth-watering program features tasting tours, food
talks and specialty vendors selling kitchen tools. The event will
also showcase photography exhibits, paintings and movies
dedicated to the Italian food tradition.
The stars of the lineup are of course the delicious regional
treats that will be available from 240 Italian food companies.
Visitors will be able to sample gourmet delicacies ranging
from cream of black truffle soup to Pecorino cheese with
saffron and balsamic vinegar chocolates.
To take a break from indulgence, guests can watch a
preliminary heat for chefs trying to qualify for the Pesto World
Give your taste buds a treat and find out more
about the culinary fair at Fuori di Taste’s website.
Boil the baccala in plenty of water for 20-30 minutes. Let it
cool in the water, before you remove skin and bones. Use a
fork to lightly mash the fish.
Boil the garlic in a little milk until sweet and soft enough to
mash with the fish. Heat the butter in a casserole, but don’t
let it change colour. Stir in the flour, and pour in a little of the
milk at a time, whisking constantly, so that you end up with a
thick besciamella.
Add mashed cod and garlic to the casserole and mix
thoroughly. Stir in chopped parsley, pepper and, if
necessary, salt to taste, and leave the mixture
to cool for a few minutes, before you stir in the
eggs. Form into small meatballs, roll in bread
crumbs and fry igolden brown.
Safety Spotlight: Cell Phones & Driving
Notes from POSHO: Do you know why
most states in the US are passing laws
against the use of cell phones while
driving a vehicle? The use of cell phones
while driving has become one of the
main causes of accidents and deaths on
the highways. The safest time to use a
cell phone while driving is when you’re
stopped. Pull over, or wait until you reach
your destination
Cell phones are wonderful things that
can help tremendously when out on
the road. From simply calling when you
are stuck in traffic to say you’ll be late
(and therefore reducing your stress
and tendency to become an aggressive
driver), to reporting a serious accident
immediately. Although cell phones are
helpful, they can also cause problems
when driving. When out on the road and
driving remember these basic safety tips.
Keep Your Eyes on the Road – Learn
how to operate your phone without
looking at it. Memorize the location of all
the controls, so you can press the buttons
you need without ever taking your eyes
off the road. You can even practice at
Use a Hands-Free Model – They allow
you to keep both hands on the wheel
and you eyes on the road.
Stay in Your Lane – If you have to take a
call while driving move to the slow lane
of traffic, that way you’ll only have to deal
with moving traffic on one side of
the vehicle.
Use Speed Dialing –
called numbers and
your local emergency
number into the speed
dial feature of your
phone for easy, onetouch dialing. When
available, use auto
answer or voice-activated
Never Dial While Driving – If you must
dial manually, do so only when stopped.
Pull off the road, or better yet have a
passenger dial for you.
Let the Phone Take a Message – Let
your voice mail pick up your calls in tricky
driving situations. It’s easy to retrieve
your messages later on.
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Know When to Stop Talking – A call
should last no more than one minute
while driving. If you call will take longer,
pull off to the side of the road or return
the call later.
Don’t Take Notes While
Driving. - It’s very difficult
to take messages, keep
your hands on the
wheel, AND you eyes
on the road. Don’t
take messages while
you’re driving a vehicle
and your attention is not on the
road, you’re putting yourself,
vehicles, and pedestrians in
danger. There’s also a difference
between driving while talking
on the phone and driving while chatting
with a passenger. Passengers in the
car often alert drivers to dangerous
situations, in sharp contrast to cell phone
callers who are oblivious to a driver’s
surroundings. If using your cell phone
is a must while driving please use it
responsibly. !
AICR Brindisi & Discussion Sculpture
The American International Club of
Rome (AICR) in collaboration with The
American University of Rome has the
unique opportunity to invite you to
“A Brindisi & Discussion”
Featured Guest Speaker
Sr. Eugenia Bonetti
Friday, March 11, 2011, 6 p.m.
The American University of Rome
via Pietro Roselli 16
Reception to follow
Free event, reservations required.
Reserve here: http://bit.ly/giX7rd
Sr. Eugenia Bonetti is the Director of the
Anti-Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Office of
the Italian Union of Major Superiors, and
an internationally renowned freedom
fighter on behalf of victims of human
In 2004, Sr. Eugenia was named one
of six “Heroes Acting to End ModernDay Slavery” in the annual TIP Report
published by the U.S. Department of
State’s Office to Monitor and Combat
Trafficking in Persons. In March 2007 she
was recognized by the U.S. Department
of State as a “Woman of Courage” in
honor of her leadership in advocating
women’s rights and advancement.
Sr. Eugenia is responsible for the antitrafficking in persons actions of the
Italian Union of Major Superiors. She and
her team of some 200 nuns throughout
Italy working full- time in anti-trafficking
in persons initiatives, have opened more
than 100 convents to provide shelter,
security and care to thousands of victims
of human trafficking. She helps women
and young girls who are enslaved in
prostitution to regain their freedom and
Sr. Eugenia is spreading the antitrafficking in persons message at home
and abroad, in word and in action. Come
hear this special woman who moved
thousands with her message at the
recent “Se non ora Quando” rally in Rome.
All men and women are encouraged to
attend this event held during the month
of International Women’s Day, which
marks a celebration of the economic,
social, cultural and political achievements
of women everywhere.
The discussion will be in English and a
reception will follow. !
FOUNDATION is pleased to announce
BUENING, starting on Saturday , March
The 6 sessions will be held on Saturday
mornings from 10:30 –1:00,
Saturday, March 19th until May 7th, in
the Art Room of St.Stephen’s School, Via
Aventina, 3.
The human figure will be portrayed in
clay, plaster and wire using both the
subtractive method(carving) and the
additive technique (clay modeling and
plaster andburlap technique) to build
solid, dynamic, three- dimensional forms.
Most sessions will have a live model.
Instruction is for students at various
levels so there are no pre-requisites, just
an enthusiasm for learning.
Course fees: 200 euros +30 euros for lab
fee (includes clay, plaster, use of tools,
Date of the sessions: March 19th, 26th,
April 2nd, 9th,30th, and May 7th. !
For more travel tips, visit http://selectitaly.com/insidertips.php
Counseling, Coaching &
Consulting Services
Locations in Ponte Milvio
and Via Aventino
Staff of licensed therapists,
educators and counselors to
assist you.
American Overseas School
of Rome Weekly News
Elementary School Updates
Many events of interest at AOSR ES in the
next two weeks. We hope you enjoy the
coming spring weather!
The next PTO meeting is Monday, 14
March at 9:30 in the Boutique.
Italian Father’s Day will be celebrated
by PreK, K, and Grade 1 on
Wednesday, 16 March. All Fathers are
invited. Also on the 16th, 4th Grade
is going to the RISA Music Concert at
AMBRIT. Many RISA schools will be
in attendance. Students will attend
various sessions during the day
and will meet students from other
Servicing kids of all ages
and adults.
When your child suffers, you
suffer. Call The Ohana Counseling
Center for a confidential phone or
skype consultation
Contact Elisabeth Bettasso for
more information
338 710 4752.
There will be NO SCHOOL on
Thursday, 17 March, to celebrate the
Italian Unification.
Friday, 18 March the 2nd Grade is
going on a field trip to Blera.
(All sessions are confidential)
Saturday, 19 March, AOSR teachers
can attend the RISA Conference at
Marymount, where they, also, will
have the chance to attend various
sessions to improve their classroom
We are here to help.
We are still looking for
mixed-breed cats and dogs
to feature in our upcoming
book LOVEmutts.
you have a mixed-breed
pet you’ve rescued, please
email the studio to set up
an in-studio session.
All sessions must take
place in-studio, as the
lighting needs to remain
consistent. Please make
sure you have time to
come to the session, as
well as a second in-studio
presentation session to
select your print... All
participants will receive
a complimentary 5x7
thank you print for their
Secondary School Updates
Sports Update: The AOSR Falcon
athletes are starting the final season of
sports offered at AOSR. We have boys and
girls soccer as well as Track and Field. The
students were asked to sign up for their
sport last week and practice began this
week. Good luck this season!
The High School Drama Players
presented their annual One-Act Plays this
week on Thursday and Friday, March 1011. Congratulations to Kip Hendry and all
the AOSR Players for their work.
Our grade 7 and 8 Italian students
attended field trips this week to the
Upcoming events:
March 10-11 – HS Drama One-Act Plays
19:00 cafeteria
March 17 – Italian holiday NO SCHOOL
March 19 – RISA Conference at
Marymount International School
March 22 – Italian Field Trip (Italian II)
March 24-26 – GIN Conference (Global
Issues Network) in Luxembourg
March 25 – End of 3rd Quarter
March 28 – Italian Field Trip (Italian I and
March 29 – French National Honor
Society Induction 09:45 cafeteria
March 30-April 1 – IB Italian Trip to
April 1 – Wellness Day for Middle School
April 4-8 – HS Stuco Spirit Week
April 5 – French Field Trip to Theatre
April 6 – Spanish National Honor Society
Induction 09:45
April 7 – Spring concert 19:00
April 8 – Parent and Teacher Conferences
(all day)
April 16-26 – Spring Break !
St. Stephen’s School News
The 3rd Annual Rome Conference on Emotional Well-Being will be hosted at St.
Stephen’s School on Saturday, March 12th from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm.
The Boys JV Soccer team will compete in a tournament at the Deutsche Schule Rom
on Saturday March 12th from 9 am to 12:30 pm. The four teams participating are St.
Stephen’s School, Schweizer Schule, Liceo Classico Statale Orazio and the Deutsche
Schule Rom.
The St. Stephen’s Girls Soccer team will be in the Algarve region of Portugal from
March 17th to March 20th to compete in the ISA Cup. The other schools participating
are the American International School in Abu Dhabi, Sotogrande International School
from Spain, St.Lawrence College from Athens, the International School of Milan and
the American School of Tangiers. The results will be posted on the school website:
St. Stephen’s School will be closed on March 17 for the Italian National Holiday. !
What’s Open When - Italy IRS Updates
[As Americans,] we’re used to things like
banks and restaurants having one or two
days a week when they’re closed, but it’s
easy to forget that even major museums
and attractions in Italy take a day off each
Planning your itinerary so you don’t end
up staring at a “closed” sign on the only
day you have left in a city isn’t difficult, it
just involves a little bit of research.
“The Monday Dilemma”
This isn’t set in stone throughout the
country, but Monday is a common day
for big museums and other attractions to
use as their closed day. Italy doesn’t shut
down completely on Mondays, however,
so it’s relatively easy to find other things
to do on a given Monday when the big
sights are closed.
There’s an excellent list on the Dream of
Italy blog of museums and attractions
in some of the big cities in Italy that stay
open on Mondays. The cities covered
are Florence, Milan, Naples, Rome, and
Venice, and some of the sights that remain
open on Mondays include things like
the Duomo Museum and Giotto’s tower
in Florence, the Duomo roof in Milan,
the Archaeological Museum and Castel
Nuovo in Naples, the Vatican Museums
and Palatine Museums in Rome, and
the Ca’ d’Oro and Peggy Guggenheim
Collection in Venice.
Closed Days for Major Italy Attractions
If there are certain sights that are
important to you on your Italy itinerary –
things you would be disappointed if you
missed seeing – then it’s a good idea to
figure out specifically when those things
are closed so you can plan around that.
Then, rather than making do with a less
exciting attraction on a day when your
preferred one is closed, you’ll know in
advance which days the big attractions
are closed.
Here are some of the biggest attractions
in Italy, and which days each week they’re
closed. However, make sure you check
the appropriate websites before making
your plans. Often, other sites not on
this list frequently close for Italian and
European holidays.
Florence: Accademia & Uffizi are closed
Milan: The Last Supper – closed Mondays
Naples: Archaeological Museum is closed
Rome: Vatican Museums – closed
Sundays (except the last Sunday of every
Electronic Filing
We have recently heard from U.S.
citizens and residents living abroad that
they have been unable to file their tax
returns electronically. However, we have
recently been informed that there are
currently (8) eight software companies
that can eFile 1040 returns with foreign
addresses. When the foreign address is
input, it automatically converts it into
a format that the software can accept.
The following is a list of these software
companies. (Note: The IRS cannot
endorse any specific tax preparation
product or software package)
Online Taxes
H&R Block
eSmart Tax powered by CCH (currently
does not include the form 2555)
Tax Simple
Five of the companies listed above also
offer Free File for Taxpayers with an AGI of
$58,000 or less. Companies offering Free
File include: Online Taxes, TaxSlayer, H&R
Block, TaxAct, and eSmart.
IRS Free File
U.S. citizens and resident aliens living
outside the United States may use IRS
Free File to prepare and electronically file
their federal tax returns, according to the
Internal Revenue Service.
IRS Free File is brand-name software that
does the hard work for taxpayers. It’s
offered exclusively at IRS.gov, through
a partnership with the tax software
To be eligible, taxpayers’ adjusted gross
income in 2010 must be $58,000 or less.
Some overseas taxpayers may exclude
$91,500 of their 2010 foreign earnings,
which would make more people eligible
for IRS Free File.
Free File software generally asks
questions, taxpayers supply the answers.
The software completes the proper tax
forms, does the math and allows for
free electronic filing through IRS e-file.
By filing electronically, taxpayers due
refunds and who have U.S. bank accounts
can opt for direct deposit and get their
refunds in as few as 10 days.
To get started with IRS Free File, go to
www.irs.gov/freefile and select “Pick a
Free File Company.” !
Senigallia: A Tale of Two Seasons
Arriving in Senigallia in mid-August last
year, I was greeted by an Italian coastal
town that appeared to be in the throes
of summer. Having just hosted its annual
Summer Jamboree, paying homage
to 1950s Americana— complete with
live Rock ‘n’ Roll music and a motorcade
of Cadillacs— the walls along Corso 2
Giugno were still adorned with sepiatinged flyers carrying a picture of the
year’s special guest, Chuck Berry.
On that first day, I headed towards the
station, joining the legions of culture
vultures and shutterbugs taking snaps
of the town’s Renaissance-era castle, La
Rocca Roveresca. Continuing through
the station’s underpass, I found myself
along its sprawling seafront.
Despite the velvet sands of the Spiaggia
di Velluto being punctuated by hundreds
of bronzed bodies—including tourists
from across the whole of Europe—and
the bustling main strip of Lungomare
Alighieri with its numerous cafes, bars
and maritime restaurants, I was actually
witnessing the end of the summer.
Sure enough, two weeks later, returning
from a brief stay in Rome, I walked to my
seaside apartment to find the beaches
nearly desolate, barring the residual
smattering of locals fly fishing and
others strolling by La Rotonda. Despite
the weather still being fine—for a Brit,
that is—I was shocked at how a town,
upon first impressions, could change so
Naturally, it’s the same for all seaside
towns where tourism and its turnover are
predominantly determined by sunshine
and blue skies. Tellingly, remarking upon
the exodus in the office the next day, I
was met unanimously by the same reply:
“Ah, Ross, you should have been here at
the beginning of August!”
It’s fascinating to witness an Italian
seaside town like Senigallia during the
intervening months. At the beginning
of September, just as children return to
school, many of the beach hut owners,
who work during the summer months,
recommence their winter jobs.
basketball courts are packed away whilst
a strata of folded up deck chairs lean
alongside each uninhabited beach hut.
It also soon became apparent that I was
the only resident in the entire apartment
However, an Italian seaside town never
truly hibernates. Even in December, my
boss, a member of the town council,
began to attend meetings at the town
hall in central Piazza Roma to discuss
possible tourism campaigns for the
following summer. Not long after,
turning onto Lungomare Alighieri on
my way home one evening, I heard a
babel of accents coming from the terrace
of a hotel. I looked up to see a number
of waiters and waitresses engaged in
fervent conversation, already training for
the high-season.
Whilst I didn’t get to spend much of my
summer in Senigallia, I take consolation
in that I at least got to witness the town
prepare for it!
The seafront soon resembles a ghost
town as temperatures begin to dwindle.
Bars and hotels are boarded up,
Originally Published by ItalyMag.co.uk
Solutions for
Insomnia Workshop
Tues 22nd and Tues 29th March
Old Theatre Aperitivo
Centrale Ristotheatre
(Chiesa del Gesù/
L.go Argentina)
Via Celsa 6
Insomnia can be a vicious cycle that saps your energy and
enthusiasm and reduces your productivity. For many people,
the received wisdom about how to manage it seems to be of
little help.
In this workshop, you will learn:
Latest research on factors contributing to restful sleep
What our real sleep requirements are
How to make use of daytime ultradian rhythms to build
Cognitive techniques for eliminating
assumptions and beliefs... and more!
This workshop is held in Prati near Lepanto metro (Linea A)
over two evenings, Tues 22 March from 18.00 to 20.00, cost €20,
and Tues 29 March from 18.00 to 19.30, cost €15.
For more information, contact Pam Powers on ppowers@
potentiality.net, 06 9799 0452, or see www.potentiality.net.
Pamela Powers is a Rome-based psychotherapist specializing
in mindfulness-based cognitive psychotherapy. She qualified
with NSHAP in London (UKCP certification) and has been in
private practice for the past ten years. Her website can be
found at www.potentiality.net. !
Are You Crazy for Caravaggio?
Michelangelo Merisi, the man who
would become the famed but troubled
artist Caravaggio,
worked extensively
in Rome. Some
paintings - which
are, in turn, some
of the best known
the Baroque Art
period - decorate
Rome’s churches or are located in the
city’s galleries. Following are the places in
Rome where you can spot masterpieces
by the “Bad Boy of the Baroque.”
free, though it will cost you a few euros to
activate the lights to view the paintings.
San Luigi dei Francesi
Capitoline Museums
The best place to find Caravaggios in
Rome is in the small church of San Luigi
dei Francesi near Piazza Navona. Inside
in the Contarelli Chapel you can see the
master’s “Saint Matthew” cycle: “The
Calling of Saint Matthew,” “Inspiration of
Saint Matthew,” and “The Martyrdom of
Saint Matthew.” Entrance to the church is
The Capitoline Museums
contain two paintings by
Caravaggio. “The Fortune
Teller” is a painting that
Caravaggio executed twice. The one in
the Capitoline is the first version while
the second version is in the Louvre in
Paris. Caravaggio’s “John the Baptist (With
a Ram)” is also located in the Capitoline
Santa Maria del Popolo
Museum contains
almost one dozen
paintings. Some
The Cerasi Chapel in Santa Maria del
Popolo, the unassuming church on the
north side of Piazza del Popolo, is where
to go for a free Caravaggio fix. The chapel
contains two paintings: “Conversion of
Saint Paul on the Road to Damascus”
and the very famous “Crucifixion of Saint
Vatican Museums
famous are “Boy with a Basket
of Fruit,” “David with the Head
of Goliath,” and Caravaggio’s
portrait of Pope Paul V.
is located in the Vatican
Museums. As it is located in the
Vatican Museums’ Pinacoteca,
it is often overlooked as
visitors rush through to get
to the Sistine Chapel. But this
well-known, emotive work is
worth seeking out.!
Originally Published by GoItaly.About.Com
Random Thoughts Is David in Danger
Due to Delicate
Email Tips:
Keep business emails brief, and put the most important parts
at the top of the message. This is especially helpful for people
who receive emails on their smartphones. Use bullet points to
organize and simplify lengthy emails. NEVER SEND AN EMAIL
IN ANGER. And done say anything that you wouldnt’ say to
the person directly. Always respond wihtin 48 hours ora t least
acknowlege the email and indicate a response date. Use the
blind carbon copy (BCC) function if you’re sending out a mass
email to people who don’t know one another. - Judith Kallos,
founder, BusinessEmailEtiquette.com
Where NOT to Retire:
The 10 worst states (in America) for retirees, based on taxes,
climate, and sthe states’ fiscal health: Illinois, California, New
York, Rhode Island, New Jersey, Ohio, Wisconsin, Masachusetts,
Connecticut, and Nevada. Examles
of issues these states face: Illinois
has the worst fiscal health of any
state...New Jersey has the higest
property taxes and highest total
tax burden, followed by New York
and Connecticut. Wisconsin has
high property taxes, an overall high
tax burden and cold weather, and Nevada is the foreclosure
capital of he world. - John Brady, presiden, Topretirements.com
Submitted by Liz Vance
Michelangelo’s most famous sculpture, the statue of David,
could be at risk of collapse due to a new modern convenience.
A high-speed tunnel is scheduled to be built soon in Florence,
and the underground tracks will pass with about 600 m
of the statue. Some fear that the updated
transportation could pose a threat to David
and his delicate ankles.
The statue of David is full of micro-cracks and
the sculpture’s ankles are known weak spots.
It has been suggested that the vibrations
from the super train could cause the cracks to
expand and the masterpiece to collapse.
Architect Fernando De Simone presented a
report to the Municipality of Florence, arguing
that the sculpture should be moved from its
current gallery to an underground museum.
Franca Faletti, director of the gallery, says there is nothing to
worry about. The statue of David is constantly monitored and
in excellent health, so fears of collapse could be overstated. !
Originally published by ItalyMag.co.uk
2011 Edition of Inside a U.S.
Embassy Now Available for
FLO’s Unaccompanied Tours (UT) Support team provides emotional support
and administrative guidance to employees and their circle of family and
friends before, during, and after an unaccompanied assignment. For
useful information, resources and articles, please visit the FLO website
http://www.state.gov/m/dghr/flo/c14521.htm and UT blog http://www.
foggybottomrambles.blogspot.com. Don’t forget:
2011 Edition
of Inside a
U.S. Embassy
Available for
Read the profiles, stories and dayin-the-life chronicles from more
than 50 U.S. missions in the latest
edition of Inside a U.S. Embassy
— Diplomacy at Work. Published
by the American Foreign Service
Association (AFSA), this third edition
gives readers an open, honest look
at the challenges and opportunities
of representing America abroad and
includes new sections on Foreign
Service life and the hiring process.
It is essential reading for people
considering a career in the Foreign
Service, a valuable reference guide
for anyone interacting with U.S.
missions overseas, and a fun read for
those already working inside a U.S.
Complete the online contact information form so we can keep in touch with
UT employees and family members
Nominate your child for an Unaccompanied Tour Medal
Order your child an Unaccompanied Tour Handbook
2011 Contests for Foreign Service
Youth Available
The Foreign Service Youth Foundation (FSYF) is offering the following 2011
contests for Foreign Service youth:
Environmental Project Contest (NEW!): Sponsored by the Cultural Center
for Interchange (CCI) in partnership with Greenheart (its environmental and
social initiative), three winners will receive a cash prize of $500.
Community Service Contest: Sponsored by Clements Int’l., two winners will
receive a $1,500 U.S. savings bond. Art Contest: Sponsored by State Department
Federal Credit Union, nine winners (three in each of three age categories) will
receive cash prizes ranging from $100 to $500.
Essay Contest: Sponsored by McGrath Real Estate Services, four winners will
receive prizes ranging from $100 to $750. Application deadlines are April
30, 2011.
FSYF is also offering the Kid Vid Contest: Sponsored by Diplomatic Automobile
Sales and organized by the Overseas Briefing Center to challenge FS Youth to
produce DVDs about life at overseas posts, winners will share $1,000 in prize
money. (Application deadline is April 15, 2011.)
For complete information and entry forms, visit http://www.fsyf.org/, email
fsyf@fsyf.org or call (703) 731-2960
embassy! For more information and
to pre-order your copy, visit www.
afsa.org/inside. !
Internet: www.state.gov/m/dghr/flo
Questions for Publications?
FLO Weekly Update is a compilation of news and information from the Family Liaison
Office of the Department of State for U.S. government employees, their family members,
and Members of Household (MOH) who are serving, have served, or will be serving at U.S.
Missions overseas. Visit FLO on the Internet at: www.state.gov/m/dghr/flo. For questions or
more information, email: FLO@state.gov; or call FLO at (800) 440- 0397 or (202) 647-1076.
FLO: Advocacy, Programs, Services. We’re here for you.
10:00 A.M – 12:30 P.M.
Monday, March 14th
banking area of Rome and the streets
on which the banks were located, with a
history of the origin of modern banking.
Meet in front of the Castel Sant’ Angelo
bridge on the opposite side from the
Tuesday, March 22
English College, founded as a hospice
for English pilgrims, and later the center
of instruction for English Catholic priests
returning to proselytize in Protestant
England. After we will continue down via
Monserrato. Meet in front of the College
on via Monserrato, 45.
Monday, March 28
the church of Sant’ Ignazio, with its
extraordinary frescoes, and to the rooms
up under the roof in which San Luigi
Gonzaga died. Meet in front of the church
in the piazza of the same name.
Tuesday, March 15th
Tuesday, March 29
ROME - A visit to the Villa Farnesina in
Trastevere, frescoed by Raphael and
others. We will then cross the Ponte Sisto
and end with a visit to Palazzo Spada.
Meet at the entrance to the Villa on Via
della Lungara, 230.
- A visit by Special Permit to the
chapel, designed by Borromini, of the
Propaganda Fide, the organ of the Vatican
which oversees missionary activity in the
world. After we hope to visit the Palazzo
Monaldeschi, the Spanish Embassy to
the Holy See, to see two beautiful Bernini
sculptures. We will end the walk at the
Church of S. Andrea delle Fratte to see
Bernini’ s angels. Meet at the corner of
Piazza di Spagna and via Frattina.!
Monday, March 21
THE JESUITS IN ROME – A visit to the
Church of the Gesù, followed by a visit
to the Casa Professa to see the rooms in
which St. Ignatius lived. Meet in front of
the church in Piazza del Gesù.
Submitted by David Millner, x2638
The following walks are organizied by
Nancy de Conciliis. To attend, contact
Nancy at Tel/Fax: 06 854 9309. These
walks follow the chronological history of
Rome and Italy through biographies of
personages of the ancient, medieval and
modern world
Jay Stanton Good
Italian Journeys
&'()*+,The PTO at the American
Overseas School in Rome
would like to invite the
public to visit us at The
Boutique. All are welcome
to shop our ever changing
selection of gently used
clothing, sports equipment,
The Boutique is located on
campus at 811 Via Cassia.
Submitted by Barb Lents [fm], x2413
Sudoku Solution
3. Square Dance
5. Splitting Hairs
2. Grown Up
4. Top Hat
1. Odds and Ends
Brain Teasers Solutions
Parting Shots
Cars Race Past the Colosseum at
The Veneto Views is published every
Friday by the Human Resources
Office of the U.S. Embassy in Rome.
Items of interest to the community
are welcome and solicited but are
subject to editing. Recommendations
and ads must be accompanied by a
name, Embassy extension, Embassy
e-mail or Embassy home phone. Ads
from Embassy or Foreign Service
employees for house exchanges
may be accepted. Firms or agencies
offering employment, real estate
or commercial services may not be
published in the Veneto Views.
photograph by Stephanie Millner
March Calendar
Veneto Views Editor
Stephanie Millner
This newsletter is published by:
US Embassy Rome
Via Vittorio Veneto 121
Rome, Italy, 00187
Recommendations for commercial
products/services contained herein
represent the opinions of the author
and do not constitute any sort of
official endorsement.
**Note: Many of the events posted
in this newsletter are NOT official
U.S. Mission events. They are a
combination of events organized by
community members, for community
members, or simply public events
recommended by members of the
Mission community because they may
be of interest. The opinions expressed
in this newsletter do not necessarily
represent official U.S. policy.
Phone: +39-06-46741
©2010 – All rights reserved
Arbore, Frassica, Lino Patruno
per aiutare Radu
Musica e comicità per aiutare Radu. Domani alle 21 nella Sala Sinopoli dell'
Auditorium Auditorium Parco della Musica Renzo Arbore, Maurizio Battista, Nino
Frassica, il Mago Heldin, Giovanni Imparato, Lino Patruno, The Blues Willis
animeranno uno spettacolo a cura della onlus Tutti per Uno, destinato a raccogliere
fondi per Radu, un ragazzo rumeno di 21 anni affetto da tetraparesi spastica.
Presentatrice della serata Maddalena Corvaglia. Momenti di grande comicità si
alterneranno a interventi musicali, numeri di magia e illusionismo. Spazio anche
alle testimonianze di coloro a cui la Onlus ha già restituito un sorriso, e di quelli
che lavorano per compiere ogni giorno piccoli miracoli. «Tutti per Uno» da alcuni
anni si occupa di solidarietà, aiutando in particolar modo i bambini che hanno
bisogno di costose e delicate cure mediche. Grazie all' associazione, i piccoli
pazienti da tutto il mondo vengono seguiti nelle strutture sanitarie italiane.
Prenotazioni dalle 11 alle 19 allo 063233956, o 389.090909.
Pagina 15
(15 aprile 2011) - Corriere della Sera
Auditorium Parco della Musica: spettacolo
per l’”Associazione Tutti per Uno Onlus”
Scritto da Redazione on venerdì, 8 aprile 2011No Comment
Per il quarto anno consecutivo l’Auditorium Parco della Musica alla Sala Sinopoli
ospiterà lo spettacolo-beneficienza per l’”Associazione Tutti per Uno Onlus”. Dalle ore
21 ospiti ed artisti d’eccezione sul palco in nome della solidarietà. L’associazione nasce
nel 2006 presieduta da Domenico Riitano, chirurgo plastico e ricostruttivo dell’Ospedale
Israelitico di Roma. Testimonial il comico e attore Nino Frassica. L’associazione si
muove per offrire un contributo concreto ai bambini con condizioni fisiche gravi. Infatti
quest’anno i fondi saranno devoluti per aiutare Radu un ragazzo rumeno affetto da
tetraparesi spastica. Una terribile malattia che non gli permette di essere autonomo ed
indipendente, ma grazie all’operazione che il Dott. Riitano potrà fare, anche grazie al
nostro contributo, Radu avrà una vita migliore. Al timone della serata da Maddalena
Corvaglia e numerosi comici, attori e cantanti si alterneranno: Renzo Arbore, Maurizio
Battista, il percussionista Giovanni Imparato, il mago Heldin e atanti altri…perciò
affrettiamoci a prenotare i biglietti, un piccolo gesto per un grande scopo.
Associazione Tutti per Uno Onlus
Currently 3.5/5 Stars.
0 voti | 0 commenti
Auditorium Parco della Musica
Viale Pietro de Coubertin, 30
00196 - Roma (RM)
telefono: 0680241281
fax: 0680241211
Vai al sito dell'evento
tel: 063233956
Serata di solidarietà con numerosi ospiti
Quarto appuntamento con la solidarietà a cura di Tutti per Uno Onlus. Quest'anno la
serata si propone di raccogliere fondi per aiutare Radu, un ragazzo rumeno affetto da
tetraparesi spastica; un caso davvero molto complicato che necessita di un intervento
chirurgico con la speranza di aiutarlo a migliorare e a diventare un pò più autonomo. La
serata, che sarà presentata da Maddalena Corvaglia, vedrà avvicendarsi numerosi
amici dell'associazione, tra i quali Renzo Arbore, Maurizio Battista, Nino Frassica, The
Blues Willies, il Mago Heldin, il percussionista Giovanni Imparato, Carlo Luberti,
Emanuele Ruvio.