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shalom news - Amazon Web Services
JUNE 2014 TERM 2
Shalom Christian College Confraternity Team 2014
Back Row-L-R: Tom Clarke, Jason Waia , Sean Stanway , Lance Hudson, Raydale Spratt, Nathan Robinson, Ousia Carstein
Middle Row-L-R: Aaron O’Brien-Johnson, Byron Rogers , Chris Hunter , Spencer Anau, Robert Dick, Gilbert Wosomo
Back Row-L-R: Cody Sturt, Levi Wauchope , Jabai Wosomo, Melissa Southern, James Matthew, Nigel Dau, Bryce Maitie-Manning
Coach: Melissa Southern
Management Team: Tom Hughes, Neil Whitley, Katrina Booth, Danny Anua
Tuesday 15th July…...Boarding students Start to travel back to School
Wednesday 16th July…… School Starts-Classes Start
Thursday 18th September……………………..End of Term 3
New Enrolments are currently being taken….Call the Enrolment Officer
Reconciliation Day
Indigenous Health
Trade Training Centre
Sporting Academy News
“The Back Page”
Health Week
Shalom Christian College 190 Hervey Range Rd, Condon, Qld 4815
PO Box 366, Thuringowa Central, Qld 4817 Tel: (07) 4750 3400 Fax: (07) 4750 3429
JUNE 2014
Term 2 has been a very busy term.
We have had winter sports start;
 Netball
 Rugby League
 Boxing has been a feature for some students.
We have had Naplan testing for students in years 3, 5, 7, and 9.
Block Courses for Automotive and Indigenous Health.
The North Queensland Cowboys have run a “Try Time” Drug
Education Programme
Book Fairs have been held in the Library.
Next Term: Please ensure that your
son/daughter/niece/nephew gets on
their plane back to school.
We expect all students to get the
flight that ABSTUDY has booked.
If your son/daughter/niece/nephew
misses the plane their position at the
college maybe reviewed
Mabo day was commemorated on 6 June.
Boarding has had many interesting weekend activities finishing
with the Movies on their last weekend here.
We were very sad to lose the skills of Darryn Butler our local community Liaison Officer.
We welcome to our staff the well-respected local elder Mr. David Smallwood who will fill Darryn’s role.
Chris England
JUNE 2014
Shalom Students were invited to perform at the Reconciliation Day at Riverway.
Aunty Jennifer Baker organised the students to perform.
Shalom also had an Information Stall organised by Ms Jodi McLean
and accompanied by Ms Tanya Salam.
Everyone enjoyed their day!!
JUNE 2014
Deanne Sibley has always had an interest in health. The 17-year-old Aboriginal student, who is completing a Certificate
II in Fitness at Shalom Christian College in Townsville, mentors year 11 and 12 health students in fitness and hopes to
become a fitness instructor after she graduates.
Deanne’s dreams of working in the health sector moved a step closer to reality in March, when she and a fellow student,
James Saul Matthew, 18, a Torres Strait Islander from Cairns, were granted scholarships to attend Congress Lowitja
2014 in Melbourne.
The scholarships, offered by Australia’s national institute for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health research, the
Lowitja Institute, enabled the students to travel to Victoria to attend the two-day event. The biennial Congress Lowitja
2014 attracts hundreds of Aboriginal community representatives, government departments, policy makers and
researchers and informs research strategies, programs and projects to contribute to healthier families and children.
“Attending Congress Lowitja enabled these students to meet national Indigenous health leaders and also other youth in
the area,” Professor Roianne West said.
As Professor of Indigenous Health at Griffith University and the Townsville Hospital and Health Service, Professor
West provides expert advice and strategic leadership on issues of Indigenous health and Indigenous health workforce.
She helped select the two students, who have both completed a Certificate II in Indigenous Health through Connect ’n’
Grow, a federally funded program that aims to develop a pathway from school into careers in Indigenous health.
“This experience has given Deanne and James exposure to role models and leadership, exposure to the opportunities that
can come with working in the area and exposure to the importance of research in improving Indigenous health.”
Though both students struggled with Melbourne’s chilly autumn weather – at least compared to Townsville – they
relished their experience.
“I enjoyed meeting everyone at the congress and getting to know what their roles are within the health industry,”
Deanne said. “It also was pleasant meeting Lowitja O’Donoghue because she is a great role model and a very proud
Indigenous woman.”
Three months later, both hope they can use their experience to deliver benefits in their communities. Deanne hopes to
continue with a Certificate III in Indigenous Health, while James will decide between working as a cook and a job in
community health.
“It has given me a something to think about,” James said. “I love the work as a health worker but I also love cooking.
But then again if I do work in the health industry, I could be a big help in the community.
“I also want to travel the country and see the Aboriginal peoples’ land and culture and learn about how their medicines,
healthy foods and how what they did to survive in their country.”
The Lowitja Institute is Australia’s only national institute for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health research, and
brings together world-leading researchers, policy makers, community representatives, and other experts in Aboriginal
and Torres Strait Islander health. For more information, visit
JUNE 2014
L to R; Warren Mundine, Dr Lowitja O’Donoghue, Deanne Sibley, Pat Anderson
and James Matthew
L to R; Deanne Sibley, James Matthew and Roianne West
For further information contact:
Greta Donaldson at Greta Donaldson Publicity (03) 9696 3234, 0427 658 638 or
JUNE 2014
Over four weeks some of our students have been privileged to be
involved in a program offered by the NQ Cowboys and YWAM. The
sessions include substances; drugs, alcohol, smoking and social
media. All students involved have been active contributors to
some great discussions on these relevant topics for teenagers.
The theme students have been asked to think about is “only Dead
Fish Go with the Flow”. Students have come up with some
wonderful ideas on how they can make good choices, even if it
means going against the flow. Edrick pictured above was one of
the many happy students who got to meet some of the up and
coming Cowboy’s players who shared some of their own
experiences with the students.
School Students with Disability
School across Australia are taking part in a new National Data Collection on school students with
The aim of this data collection is to have better information to enable governments to better target their
resources. It will help put the right supports in place for students with disability so that they have the
same opportunities for a high quality education as students without a disability. Shalom is taking part
in the collection this year.
If you have a son or daughter who has a disability and wish for them to be excluded from the register ,
please contact the College and complete a consent form, otherwise no action is required.
JUNE 2014
Every Tuesday lesson 2, our Lit2 Young Men go off to an Outreach church to pray for Shalom College
and their home communities. The young men have turns playing the drums and trying to play the guitars.
There are many old Aboriginal people who have never heard choruses sang in language so our young men
are a blessing to the Indigenous people of Townsville when they sing their choruses in their Northern Territory community language.
Judah Toby has now just completed his Certificate 2 in Agriculture as part of the North Queensland
Cowboys “Learn to Earn” Program. Judah lived in at the Toomby’s Rural Training Centre for a full month
undertaking his study and will progress to a paid position in the rural industry within the next few months.
Judah Toby
JUNE 2014
Shalom Christian College Trade Training Centre
Semester one 2014 has come and gone and students at Shalom Christian College
are in a position to reap the benefits of a fully functional Trade Training Centre.
It’s been a long time coming but the school is now offering and delivering a range of skills that can be used to enhance
employment opportunities for Shalom Students. The areas Shalom is focusing on at present are Certificate I in
Automotive Vocational Preparation and Certificate I in Agri-Food Operations (formerly Horticulture).
Students have worked on tasks involving refurbishment of a bush house involving installation of an automated
irrigation system, maintenance of landscaped areas involving machinery and equipment, various Automotive jobs
such as clutch replacement, brake repairs, rectify vehicle not starting, suspension repairs, electrical repairs and
some simple construction jobs within the centre.
Approximately 116 students have had access to this great facility with skills being delivered by qualified tradespeople
with 20 years’ working experience in trade areas. Students at Shalom through the Trade Training Centre have also
commenced a Certificate II in Resources and Infrastructure Workplace Preparation. This is a qualification designed
explicitly towards the mining industry and the various career pathways within it. The course is being delivered in
partnership with TECNQ and the Queensland Minerals and Energy Academy.
This centre is a great opportunity for students at Shalom, one that helps to develop skills and expectations for success
in a working environment that can only get bigger and better. Please encourage your students to take full advantage
of this facility to further improve their future while here at Shalom.
Workshop space
JUNE 2014
Welding Bays
Dawson Gaykamangu
Freddy Wosomo
Manny Smallwood
Arthur Delta
Workshop Space
JUNE 2014
Kevin Toby
Engineering work area with 1 x metal lathe
Term 2 Boarding
Term 2 is now over and it has been very busy. Our numbers in boarding have increased over the term to
122 on 6 June. We all went to the AFL Indigenous round for the games of the University Hawks on 31
May. Three of our young men (Gorden, Ananias and Brendan) were playing with the reserve grade team
(that won, with our players in the votes for Best On Ground). At this game an Indigenous design jumper
was worn by the Uni Hawks (designed through a competition among our students and won by
Soraya Rankine). This was a big deal statement and investment by the Uni Hawks. I then accompanied two
of these students to a celebration dinner that night for the 20th anniversary of the Hawk's and Shalom
Christian College were very much appreciated for the partnership that is in place with them.
Other Sport – AFL, Rugby, Basketball and Netball have all been training and playing games which is
keeping boarding busy with running students around, but it is also tiring them out more and giving students
the satisfaction of competition.
Church on a Friday evening at the school has continued to go very well. There has been some sharing of
song/dance by students and staff and this will be encouraged to develop more. A Christian movie has often
been shown after the service ends. The lessons on Virtues as part of the Christian/Cultural Education
Program continues to go well as we look at virtues such as excellence, integrity and responsibility from a
bible, cultural and nature perspective.
Police Liaison Officers have been visiting the school to give input and build relationships. This has resulted
in 2 “One Punch Can Kill” Seminars being conducted (Robert Lui – Cowboys NRL came and spoke to
students as a part of one of these) and a female officer attended the girls’ Sports Academy Camp in June
(Week 9).
On weekends this term we have also been to the Cowboys home games, Ice Skating, Roller Skating, Ten
Pin Bowling, the Movies and had fun at Saunders Beach, Balgal Beach and Rollingstone.
If that all sounds busy, it was. But the students have enjoyed their time and I know that with some time at
home now will be ready to approach a new term with refreshed enthusiasm and a determination to do their
best in their academic work as well as behaving their best in boarding.
Have a great time at home and see you back here in July.
God bless
Paul Tolliday
Head of Boarding
JUNE 2014
JUNE 2014
On M on day t h e 1 6 t h of Ju n e a t 4: 3 0 i n t h e mo rn ing , 5 0 sl ee py gi rl s s t u mb le d
on t o t h e b u s wi t h t he ir t ea ch e rs t o Kinc ha nt Dam n ea r Pr o s er pi ne fo r t h e
Gi rl s ’ S p or ts Aca d em y Ca mp 2 0 1 4 .
When the bus arrived at the camp, five hours later everyone had to set up their tents.
Afterwards Mr. Burgess divided the girls into three groups for the activities.
On Monday they had mountain biking, climbing wall and flying fox; everyone joined in and had a great
time. In the evening the teachers made a bonfire and all the girls spent some time together.
On Tuesday they went tubing, canoeing, fishing and raft building even though it was pretty cold and
cloudy at the lake.
On Wednesday morning the girls packed up and left camp at about 9 o’clock and stopped for lunch on
the beach in Bowen before heading back to Townsville.
JUNE 2014
JUNE 2014
AFL Townsville
University Hawks - Unite the Community
during Indigenous Round
As you may or may not know, in 2005 the AFL introduced an Indigenous Round to its season of
football. This round was designed to be a celebration of indigenous culture and the contributions
made of indigenous players to this great game. It is also an opportunity to break down the racial and
cultural barriers not only among football clubs but in society as a whole and it is the perfect occasion
to showcase the abundant talent present throughout the AFL.
The University Hawks AFC have been the pioneers of promoting the Indigenous Round of football in
Townsville and have worked tirelessly over the past few years to establish a healthy relationship with the local
indigenous educational facility, Shalom Christian College.
The 2014 season, as a further effort to strengthen the bond between the University Hawks AFC and the Shalom
Christian College, we engaged all enrolled students to create a new and unique Indigenous inspired football
jumper for the club to wear proudly during the Indigenous Round of football each year, which we will proudly
wear as a club for AFL Townsville in the Indigenous round this Saturday the for the 1st time. This initiative was
fully funded by three very generous Sponsors - Health and Wellbeing North Ward; Anti-Discrimination
Commission Queensland; and Play By The Rules.
This Wednesday the 28th May 2014 at 9am at the Shalom College we will be unveiling the winning design to
representatives of the communities of WA, NT & QLD; 2 Elders, sponsors and Shalom colleges Principal. A
jumper will also be presented to the winning student, college and each of contributing sponsors for supporting
this fantastic initiative.
This Saturday is Indigenous Round for the Hawks and will be held at Tony Ireland Stadium from 1pm. Elders
from the College will present the jumpers to the participating Hawks players prior to each of the Reserves and
Seniors matches. The Hawks have extended an open invitation to all staff and students of the College to attend
the match free of charge. On the day two of our Indigenous members will be selected in the respective sides as
Captain’s for the day in both grades, with a traditional Welcome to Country to be performed at 14:30 prior to the
seniors match at Tony Ireland Stadium this Saturday.
Not to mention the biggest event in the Clubs History the 25th Anniversary of the club and with over 190
attending it is sure to big an epic day and night for this magnificent club.
Thanks to Soraya Rankine who designed the Hawkes Match Jersey
for the Indigenous Round.
JUNE 2014
I’m pleased to announce that DEEWR who fund the Sporting Chance Program have agreed to extend the
Sports Academy Program to include the boys at Shalom. This means that they will now have similar funds
available to carry out activities that boost school engagement and improvement employment opportunities.
Watch this space, exciting times ahead.
JUNE 2014
“The Back Page”
JUNE 2014