SCREENING - Ojai Film Society
SCREENING - Ojai Film Society
Fall 2012 Sept. 8 - Dec. 2 SCREENING S C H E D U L E F i r s t Po s i t i o n The Intouchables Beasts of the Southern Wild Bernie T h e We l l D i g g e r ’ s D a u g h t e r A Message from the President Board of Directors President Jim McEachen Vice President Christy Sebastian Treasurer Stephen Miller Secretary Gillian McManus Directors John Adair Corinne Bourdeau Bret Bradigan Hon. Fred Bysshe Connie Campbell Jim Christiansen Nicole Haggard Anthony T. Hirsch Bill Paterson Dear Movie Lovers, As we begin our final season of films for 2012, I am thrilled to report that filmgoers in Ojai now have a state-of-the-art Digital Cinema Projector. This is a goal we as a board have been working toward for the past two years— and it is a credit to the theater’s owner, Khaled Al Awar, and his generous commitment to this community. As a business, film exhibition is a pretty marginal business model, particularly in a community as small as ours. As Jim McEachen many of you know, the projection we now have is absolutely flawless; no President more scratches, missing frames, blisters and jumping frames. Every Digital Cinema Print (DCP) is 100% free of these imperfections that are common with 35mm prints. In addition to the much improved picture quality, the sound quality has taken an enormous step forward with far better channel separation, clearer dialogue and much fuller sound over all. Going forward, our commitment to you is to screen as many of our films on DCP as is possible. Some films will continue to only be available on 35mm film and some of our documentaries will only be available on Blu-ray. In the future, we will note in our program which format we are screening for each of our selections. As with all technological improvements, particularly ones as dramatic as those represented by this new system, costs are incurred. In addition to the very significant expense of the actual projector, which has required the management of the Ojai Playhouse to raise their rental rates across the board, there are also other new fees added by distributors. These fees range between $100 and $300 per title we screen. As a result, we have been forced to raise our Subscriber rate for the coming 2013 Season that begins in January. Our new Subscriber rate will be $160 per year and will help offset some of these very significant increases. Finally, as some of you may have noticed, we are beginning to offer a Saturday screening of our films, the day before our traditional Sunday screening. We feel this will give more Ojai residents and guests an opportunity to see some of our more popular films. Initially, only a few films every season will have two screenings. Look for details in our program for screening times and dates. As always, we want to thank all of our subscribers, underwriters and patrons for your attendance and support. None of this would be possible without all of you! See you at the movies on Sunday. And some Saturdays now too! Jim McEachen, President Ojai Film Society Underwriters The Ojai Film Society thanks the following individuals and businesses for underwriting our films: Joan Roberts Terry Twichell Joan White Program Committee Connie Campbell Jim Christiansen Bill Paterson Office Manager Elise DePuydt Advertising Sales Andi Bloom Jim McEachen & Doreen Palermo John & Lisa Adair George Berg & Gail Topping Gillian McManus & Christopher Newell Bryant Street Health & Fitness Stuart Meiklejohn & Mary Ann O’Connor Fred & Judy Bysshe Ojai Academy for the Arts Ojai Community Bank Ferguson Case Orr Paterson, Ojai Valley Directory, Attorneys at Law Ren & Victoria Adam The Granada Theatre, Santa Barbara David & Agnes Olson Valerie & Alan Greenberg John & Stephanie Orr Roderick & Joyce Greene Osteria Monte Grappa & La Fonte Tony & Barbara Hirsch Bill Paterson Carolyn Huntsinger Laura & Bill Peck Film Society Ticket Prices $10.00 general admission $ 7.00 seniors (65 & over) / students (with ID) F R E E admission for 2012 OFS Subscribers 2 Ojai Film Society Erick & Gail Peterson Ron & Linda Phillips Joan Roberts, Coldwell Banker Property Shoppe Christy Sebastian & John Kuney Paula Spellman & Ken Crosby Rick Thompson, Tennis Pro Topa Topa Taxi Terry & Cricket Twichell Thomas & Esther Wachtell Justin & Katherine Zackham Generous Friends (2) The mission of the Ojai Film Society is to present quality independent, classic and foreign films to the Ojai Valley community and to assist aspiring filmmakers. 4:30 p.m. at the Ojai Playhouse • 145 E. Ojai Ave. • OFS office: 805-646-8946 • Sept. 8 & 9 - Bernie USA 2012 (1 hr., 44 min.) Rated PG-13 DCP Who would have thought that a film based on a reallife murder in Carthage, Texas would be one of the year’s best comedies? Bernie owes this honor to a top-notch script and pitch-perfect performances by Jack Black, Shirley MacLaine and Matthew McConaughey. These Hollywood luminaries are all given a run for their money, however, by the interviews of the actual citizens of Carthage. Their steady stream of wry observations on life in small town Texas are but one of the many comic delights of the film. Bernie (Jack Black) is the assistant director of a funeral home. He is both a marketing master and the town’s most admired publicspirited citizen. In his most selfless act, he befriends Marjorie Nugent (Shirley MacLaine), a misanthropic widow who is the most hated woman in town. Finally even the saintly Bernie can no longer endure life as Marjorie’s 24/7 lackey. He snaps and Marjorie is off to meet the grim reaper. Bernie’s elaborate cover up works until he finds himself in the gun sights of Danny Buck (McConaughey), the local prosecutor and consummate media hound. What happens next is not what you would expect from the law-abiding folks of Carthage. In the tradition of Fargo, this is black comedy at its best. “A true-life Texas tale so perfectly told it seems more like eavesdropping than movie going.”—Betsy Sharkey, Los Angeles Times Joan Roberts Broker Associate Realtor,® GRI, ABR (DRE Lic # 00953244) 805-223-1811 Coldwell Banker Property Shoppe International President’s Circle 23 Years Real Estate Experience For the sale or acquisition of your property Residential Land Investment With my services mention this ad for a $200 credit at close of escrow Sept. 16 - Sound of Noise Sweden 2011 (1 hr., 42 min.) Rated R DCP From Ola Simonsson and Johannes Stjarne Nilsson, the writer/directors, comes “a truly original comedy that is so confident of what it’s doing that I can’t think of a single movie to compare it to,” writes Chris Hewitt of the St. Paul Pioneer Press. You’re the scion of talented classical musicians. Your parents are well known. Your brother is a celebrated composer and conductor. Your parents had such high hopes for you they named you Amadeus. No pressure. The bad news: You’re tone deaf. So you become a police officer. You head the antiterrorist squad. One day a group of musical anarchists launch an “assault” on your city, staging musical happenings in odd venues: an operating room, a bank, and the like. Naturally, you’re assigned to investigate, bringing you right back to what you hate the most: music. The “terrorists” comprise six percussionists. As you pursue them, you become attracted to their leader, a comely blonde expelled from the music conservatory. That’s the premise of Sound of Noise, expanded from the 2001 short, Music for One City and Six Drummers. “What follows is a character study mixed with outlandish crime procedural. Everyone’s quite serious about the joke, without a moment of Adam Sandler-style ‘look at how cute we are’ that would only dilute the film’s appeal. Sound of Noise is a dry treat— a solid, self-aware cult pleasure.”—David DeWitt, New York Times Sept. 23 - First Position USA 2011 (1 hr., 30 min.) Not Rated DCP Director Bess Kargman will be in Ojai for a Q & A after the film. See ad on page 7. If you think a documentary on a youth ballet competition could never be as exciting as a nail-biting athletic contest, the young contestants in First Position will change your mind. Who are these talented dancers? Aran is a pensive 11-year-old who gives new definition to the word “dedicated”. Miko is bottled sunshine. Joan is from Colombia and hopes a win will help him reach his cherished goal of joining the Royal School of Ballet. Rebecca is a blond and willowy young woman who is afraid she will come up short. Michaela, who was adopted by an American couple after her parents were murdered in Sierra Leone, refuses to concede anything to injuries that would sideline a lesser soul. Along with the pleasure of being in the company of these aspiring young dancers comes insight into the world of ballet competition. The relentless practice leaves little time for anything else in their lives and the strain on their bodies takes a toll. However graceful they look on stage, ballet is an arduous athletic performance. First Position is a compelling film about what it takes to succeed at the very highest level. “Bess Kargman’s debut documentary is a marvelous way to spend 94 minutes, provided you’re willing to spend them with your heart in your mouth.”—Joe Morgenstern, Wall Street Journal Ojai Festivals Women’s Committee presents Celebrating the Art of Living November 17 & 18, 2012 Plus, shop at the Holiday Marketplace for an array of holiday gifts! 805.646.2094 NOTE: All dialog in films from non-English-speaking countries will be presented in its original language accompanied by English subtitles. Fall 2012 3 SAKURA OJAI Teppan Yaki & Sushi 11:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. (M - F) 5:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. (7 days) 11400 N.Ventura Ave. 805-649-5555 Com Connect NORTEL TOSHIBA PANASONIC Phone Systems & Cabling Commercial & Residential License No. 780852 email: Member Ojai Valley Chamber of Commerce GEORGE T. PUTH 16068 Maricopa Hwy Ojai, CA 93023 Tel: 805.640.0638 Fax: 805.646.3057 Cell: 805.698.5808 Sept. 30 - Farewell, My Queen France 2012 (1 hr., 40 min.) Rated R DCP Farew ell, My Queen takes us to Versailles just at the start of the French Revolution. The 18th century aristocracy is facing an end to their power and wealth. Sidonie (Lea Seydoux) lives in the servants’ quarters at the grand palace and sleeps in a small room where she is plagued by mosquitos and must constantly watch for rats. Her most prized possession is a clock. Sidonie loves her job of selecting books and reading aloud to Queen Marie Antoinette (Diane Kruger) who has earned the ire of the people with her unpredictable antics. The stunningly beautiful queen cherishes Sidonie’s youthful energy and devotion. It is the curious and loving eyes of Sidonie that center the story and provide us with an overview of the early days of the French Revolution. Lea Seydoux is an alluring and intriguing actress who gives a tour de force performance as the lower-class beauty who has no idea what the Queen has in store for her. Diane Kruger is also impressive as the self-centered hedonist Marie Antoinette, who dominates those around her. “Watch Sidonie’s eyes as she gazes at the Queen, takes in the cowardice of the fleeing blue-bloods and then demonstrates her own special brand of courage under pressure. Then reflect upon the following: Henri Matisse said that to look at something as though you had never seen it before requires great courage.”—Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat, Oct. 6 & 7 - The Intouchables France 2012 (1 hr., 52 min.) Rated R DCP An irreverent, uplifting comedy about friendship, trust and human possibility, The Intouchables has broken box office records in its native France and across Europe. Based on a true story of friendship between a handicapped millionaire, Philippe (Francois Cluzet), and his street-smart ex-con caretaker, Driss (Omar Sy), The Intouchables depicts an unlikely camaraderie rooted in honesty and humor between two individuals who would seem to have nothing in common. Written and directed by Eric Toledano and Olivier Nakache, this character-driven drama opens the door to some interesting ideas about the informal, spontaneous and playful dimensions of caregiving. Among the adventures this creative caregiver shares with Philippe are speeding down the highway, smoking marijuana, talking to his daughter about losing her bad attitude and listening to Earth, Wind, and Fire. On his part, Philippe introduces his new friend to modern art and the opera. While Driss can’t stop laughing during the latter, he paints an abstract piece that Philippe sells on the art market. In one of his most tender and kind acts Driss encourages Philippe to reach out for the companionship of a woman. “The performances by Francois Cluzet and Omar Sy are both top-drawer. His stunning physical presence, buoyant laughter and sexy dance moves help make Omar Sy one of 2012s breakout actors.”—Frederic and Mary Ann Brusset, Oct. 14 - Pink Ribbons, Inc. Canada 2012 (1 hr., 37 min.) Not Rated Blu-ray What cause is more noble and popular than ridding the world of the hideous disease of breast cancer? It is not surprising that corporations align themselves publicly with breast cancer research—in great numbers. But who cares that the corporate motives are mixed, based largely on the bottom line? In the words of Aristotle, “all that we do is done with an eye to something else.” To quibble about motives in this context seems rather petty, doesn’t it? The important thing is the good deed, right? But what if all this corporate philanthropy is misdirected? What if the fundraising actually diverts vital resources away from research areas where it is most needed, such 4 Ojai Film Society as environmental causes? What if, in some cases, corporations divert attention from their own contribution to the very disease itself, breast cancer? What if, in short, for all their public posturing, the corporations are part of the problem, not the solution? Such questions, among others, lie at the heart of filmmaker Lea Pool’s provocative documentary, based on the book by Samantha King. “A righteously outraged study of how health-related fundraising is circumscribed by the profit motive, Pink Ribbons, Inc. makes illuminating connections between the ubiquitous symbol of breast cancer awareness and the network of corporate entities that sustains—and carefully engineers the priorities of—the cross-marketing of the cause.”—Bill Weber, Slant Magazine 4:30 p.m. at the Ojai Playhouse • 145 E. Ojai Ave. • OFS office: 805-646-8946 • Oct. 21 - The Matchmaker Good Fixins Served with a Smile Mon-Sat, Open 7am Closed Wednesday Sunday, 7am-2:30pm Israel 2011 (1 hr., 52 min.) Not Rated DCP The Matchmaker is a film about love and loneliness. The year is 1968 and Yankle, a Romanian Holocaust survivor, operates a matchmaking business in a seedy part of Haifa. Arik is a teenager who Yankle hires to spy on clients to insure they are who they say they are. Another part-time employee is Clara, a fellow survivor, who teaches men who are seeking a match the social niceties of dating. One of Yankle’s clients is Mier, a mild mannered and socially awkward librarian. Yankle, who believes his clients should get “what they need and not what they want,” thinks a perfect match for Meir is Sylvia, an elegant dwarf who operates a nearby theater devoted to showing vintage romance films. But Mier has his heart set on Clara and when she is not receptive he sets in motion a series of events that will change all of their lives. No short review can fully capture this rich and powerful character study. As two lonely souls trapped by a past they cannot shake, Adir Miller and Maya Dagan’s portrayals of Yankle and Clara justifiably earned them best actor and actress awards from the Israeli Film Academy. Make a date to see The Matchmaker. “A compelling dramatic mosaic...about the vagaries and perplexities of the human heart.” —Kenneth Turan, Los Angeles Times Ojai Film Festival Thursday, October 25 – Sunday, October 28, 2012 Nov. 4 - Safety Not Guaranteed USA 2012 (1 hr., 26 min.) Rated R DCP In the Arcade 328 E. Ojai Ave.,Ojai 805-646-0207 All Ojai Visitors like the Ojai Retreat Ojai’s ONLY Hilltop Getaway Premier Site for: • COMMUNITY EVENTS • OJAI CELEBRITY SERIES • NON-PROFIT FUND RAISERS Non-Profit Org., 501,c,3 An ad in the Seattle classifieds seeks someone to travel back in time, with the admonition, “safety not guaranteed.” A local paper dispatches a team to investigate. One of them is an intern, Darius (Aubry Plaza ), an emotionally catatonic young woman. The ad’s author Kenneth (Mark Duplass) is another misfit who is either a mental case or a scientific genius. While Darius’s goal is to burnish her reportorial credentials, as she learns more about Kenneth she discovers they have something profound in common. Soon the story takes a back seat to her interest in Kenneth and the first gleam of romance appears. From their conversations we learn why they are each so desperate to go back in time. What we only gradually learn is why and whether there really is an actual time machine. Playing a shy and shambling outsider, Mark Duplass has captured the spirit of the outsider who yearns to connect. As Darius, Plaza gives the kind of charismatic performance that insures we will be seeing more of her on the screen. They, the rest of the cast, the screenwriter and the director can take pride in bringing us one of the most original and engaging comedy/romances of the year. “Sometimes a movie comes out of nowhere and wins you over. Safety Not Guaranteed is that kind of unexpected gift.”—Peter Travers, Rolling Stone 805.646.2536 • 160 Besant Road, Ojai • Tap House 20 Beers on Tap – Gourmet Food • Wine Tasting Room • Local Wines • Rare & Vintage Wines & Spirits 655 E. Ojai Avenue • (805) 646 -1700 Nov. 11 - The Well Digger’s Daughter France 2012 (1 hr., 47 min.) Not Rated DCP Twenty-five years after rising to international acclaim in two of Marcel Pagnol’s films, Jean de Florette and Manon of the Spring, Daniel Auteuil returns to the world of Pagnol for his directorial debut with this celebrated remake of the 1940s classic, The Well Digger’s Daughter. Auteuil also stars as the hardworking well-digger Pascale Amoretti, a widower living with his six daughters. The film takes you back in time to the start of World War I, where Auteuil infuses this tale of love and class conflict with luscious, lingering shots of the Provence countryside. The film boasts top-drawer performances by the lead characters including Auteuil’s memorable depiction of Amoretti, whose love and anger towards his daughter Patricia are at war in his besieged soul; Astrid Berges-Frisbey’s enchanting performance as the lovely and sweet Patricia, who falls in love with the wrong man; and Jan-Pierre Darroussin’s (Le Havre) moving role as the rich store owner who steps outside his pride and prejudice. The final scenes contain several surprising twists and turns as the characters draw out the best in each other. In the process, the film demonstrates the rewards of love, forgiveness and the transformations that come from the heart. “The Well Digger’s Daughter marks a return to old-school French moviemaking, the kind of classically well made endeavor that unrolls before us like a beloved tapestry.”— Kenneth Turan, Los Angeles Times We Celebrate Life INDEPENDENT • ASSISTED LIVING 701 N. MONTGOMERY ST. OJAI, CA 93023 PHONE: FAX: 805.646.1446 805.646.3720 RCFE Lic. #565800551 NOTE: All dialog in films from non-English-speaking countries will be presented in its original language accompanied by English subtitles. Fall 2012 5 Nov. 18 - Starbuck Gourmet Coffee Select Tea Special Gifts 323 E. Matilija St. #105, Ojai 805-646-3138 Canada 2012 (1 hr., 43 min.) Rated R DCP Back in his 20s, David (Patrick Huard) donated sperm for money. Under the code name “Starbuck”, he gave—and gave—and gave. A couple of decades later, he’s a likeable slacker, with a job in the family butcher shop, a pregnant girlfriend and a large debt owed to thuggish creditors. Out of the blue, matters get more complicated. David learns that the sperm bank’s records show that he fathered 533 children. They’ve come of age. And 142 of them have joined in a class action suit to learn their father’s identity. His attorney friend Paul assures David that he will fight the lawsuit and protect his privacy. But then David himself grows curious. Who are these people he helped bring into the world? What are their lives like? So while the suit proceeds, resourceful David quietly begins his own random investigation to answer such questions. Not surprisingly, his offspring comprise a cross-section of humanity. And, as he learns more about them David’s sense of connection—even responsibility—grows. Still keeping his identity secret, he becomes a covert guardian angel. Directed by Ken Scott, from a script cowritten with Martin Petit, Starbuck is, quite simply, an irresistible blend of comedy and drama. “Starbuck is smart throughout, uproariously funny at times and unexpectedly tender at others. You might just call it a big daddy of a comedy.”—Bruce DeMara, Toronto Star Nov. 25 - Headhunters Norway 2012 (1 hr., 40 min.) Rated R DCP “Oh, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.” Sir Walter Scott said it. Roger Brown, the antihero protagonist of Headhunters, certainly would agree. Roger makes a good living at his day job, as a corporate headhunter. Better yet, personal information gleaned from job applicants enables him to practice his other trade, art theft. Synergistically, his two jobs enable him to finance his lovely wife Diana, mistress Lotte and his overall luxurious lifestyle. A clever fellow, Roger. Too clever by half. Enter Clas Greve, a retired corporate CEO who looks like a perfect match for Roger’s client—and who, serendipitously, possesses a precious Rubens painting. Roger, of course, decides to steal it. Bad idea. Learning that Clas is having an affair with Diana, Roger deep-sixes Clas’s job prospects. Worse idea. Going forward, Roger will learn more about Clas than he ever wanted to know—including the fact that Clas, a former commando and mercenary, is a clever fellow himself. Not to mention a headhunter of a very different sort from Roger. Based on Norwegian crime writer Jo Nesbø’s novel and directed by Morten Tyldum, Headhunters is a “transgenre thriller that glides effortlessly from crisp social commentary through off-kilter comedy to paranoid terror, it’s on my short list of the most enjoyable movies in recent memory.”— Joe Morgenstern, Wall Street Journal Dec. 1 & 2 - Beasts of the Southern Wild USA 2012 (1 hr., 33 min.) Rated PG-13 DCP Beasts of the Southern Wild is a masterpiece with a stunning performance by a wise and visionary 6-year-old; a movie whose telling transports us to a world wrapped in poetry, magic and wonder. Director/writer Behn Zeitlin and co-writer Lucy Alibar have crafted a small miracle—a delicate mix of hardscrabble fact and childish fantasy. This hypnotic fable tells the journey of a girl named Hushpuppy, played with exceptional force by Quvenzhane Wallis. Hushpuppy not only carries the story, she narrates it. Hushpuppy and her father Wink (Dwight Henry) live in a soggy landscape outside of New Orleans called the Bathtub. Their patch 6 Ojai Film Society of land is scattered with dogs, pigs and chickens and the two live in separate makeshift dwellings. When a major storm threatens their existence, instead of fleeing they fight it. Hushpuppy is a true mystic with a remarkable awareness of the world around her and an ability to embrace it with fearlessness. She sees the way things are: “The whole universe depends on everything fitting together just right.” She connects with what created her and when things get broken, she takes up the challenge of repairing the world. And after all that, “I see that I’m a little piece of a big universe, and that makes things right.” “Do not miss this performance, or this quietly astonishing, life-affirming masterpiece.” —Lisa Kennedy, Denver Post 4:30 p.m. at the Ojai Playhouse • 145 E. Ojai Ave. • OFS office: 805-646-8946 • Judith Oberlander Educational Consultant JUDITH OBERLANDER Pathways to Successful College Admission PO Box 1693 Ojai, CA 93024 805-844-4018 The Ojai Film Society wishes to thank the following people for writing and editing this season’s Screening Schedule: Doug Adrianson, Connie Campbell, Jim Christiansen, Elise DePuydt, Jim McEachen and Bill Paterson. NOTE: All dialog in films from non-English-speaking countries will be presented in its original language accompanied by English subtitles. Fall 2012 7 If you no longer wish to receive this program by mail please call 805-646-8946 or email RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED P.O. Box 545 Ojai, CA 93024 THIRD CLASS MAIL U.S. POSTAGE PAID NON-PROFIT PERMIT #347 OJAI, CA Screening Schedule design and layout by e.D Brooks Design NOTE: All dialog in films from non-English-speaking countries will be presented in its original language accompanied by English subtitles. Ojai Playhouse 4:30 p.m. Dec. 1 & 2 Beasts of the Southern Wild Nov. 25 Headhunters Nov. 18 Starbuck Nov. 11 The Well Digger’s Daughter Nov. 4 Safety Not Guaranteed Oct. 28 Ojai Film Festival – No OFS screening Oct. 21 The Matchmaker Oct. 14 Pink Ribbons, Inc. Oct. 6 & 7 The Intouchables Sept. 30 Farewell, My Queen Sept. 23 First Position Sept. 16 Sound of Noise Sept. 8 & 9 Bernie SCREENING SCHEDULE Fall 2012
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