The Enchantment Flyer - Tin Lizzies of Albuquerque


The Enchantment Flyer - Tin Lizzies of Albuquerque
The Enchantment Flyer
Official Publication of the
Tin Lizzies of Albuquerque
Article deadline is last Friday of each month.
Next meeting is June 28, 2012 at 7:00 PM
Please email Editor: Robbi Ross at
At the VINEYARD CLUB HOUSE or call 293-1676
2012 Elected Officers:
President- Dean Van Doren
Vice President- Stan Gauna
Directors- Larry Azevedo
Kirk Peterson
Treasurer- Janice Gauna
Secretary- Lorna Azevedo
Russell Dilts
Volume 34 No. 6
June 2012
Make new friends - but keep the old - some are silver and the others gold.
As we reflect on this time of memorials let us not forget our members who are no longer
with us:
Bob Blase
Warren Bentley
Lou Bedoin
Gene Cues
John Cunningham
Nancy Harvey
Marge Hutchins
Harry Navarre
June Rinehart
Elmo Rinehart
Frances Riel
Roy Young
President’s Letter / Around our club
Page 2
2012 Committee Contacts
2012 Tin Lizzie Elected Officers
Vice President
Dean Van Doren
(h) 883-9585 (c) 450-6600
Stan Gauna
(h) 296-0799 (c) 321-8221
Lorna Azevedo
(h) 898-7700
Janice Gauna
(h) 296-0799 (c) 321-8221
Larry Azevedo
h) 898-7700
Kirk Peterson
(h) 505- 438-2603
Russell Dilts
(h) 897-2011
The Tin Lizzies of Albuquerque is an official Chapter
of the Model T Ford Club of America. Individual
membership is strongly encouraged and available for
$35.00 per year, which includes the
Vintage Ford Magazine.
Send your membership to:
119 West Main St
Centerville, IN 47330
(798) 855-5248
Email Committee
Kirk & Susan Peterson
Telephone Committee
Linda Riel
Robbi Ross
Web Master
Mark Wing
Mark & Sharon Dominguez
Larry Azevedo
T N Vittles/Refreshments
Linda Riel
Program Coordinators
Marilyn Duncan
Irene Navarre
Car Council
John Hayne
Marilyn Duncan
Nancy Rodriguez
National Business Committee
Bernice Young
Official Tin Lizzie Mailing Address
PO Box 30473
Albuquerque, NM 87190-0473
Page 3
Tin Lizzie Events
Work day at Azevedo’s June 30
TN’Vittles - June 2 @ the Vineyard for
our annual pancake breakfast and
June 16 - New Mexico’s 100 anniversary Car Show at Summerfest in Albuquerque. $10 entry fee. Call Dean if
you are interested
July 4 Corrales Parade and Picnic decorate your cars and join us in the
parade in Corrales to celebrate our
countries Independence. Picnic to follow at Azevedo’s. Bring a side dish to
share. Burgers and hot dogs will be
provided by our hosts.
June 8-10 Valencia County 15th Annual Summerfest - Carnival, Vendors
DJ, Activities, BBQ Cook off, Live
bands and Car Show on Sat. June 9
June 9 10:00 - 3:00
Cleveland High School Band Boosters
2nd annual Car Show - 1640 Hwy 528
Hilltop Plaza Rio Rancho - $25 Entry
Fee lots of
food and family fun
August 14 - All Car Clubs picnic at
Oak Flats on South 14 $ 5 each person
Sept 29-30 NM Car Council - Swap
meet in Los Lunas. See John Hayne for
more information
August 4 - Rich Ford EdgewoodAugust 16 - Tin Lizzie Ice Cream Social
August - Annual Tour to Las Vegas, NM
and Mora - details in this newsletter
September - State Fair Ford Day
October- Balloon Fiesta Car Show
October 20 - Member Appreciation
Dinner @ POST 49 RSVP to Linda by
December - Christmas Parade and
Page 4
Hello Fellow Tin Lizzies,
Chicken Chicken Chicken – who has the Chicken. Now let me see, that would be me. I think that I have
had it long enough, and the reason that I have had it this long can only mean 1 of 2 things. Either someone
has had a mishap and not said anything about it, or we have not had the T’s out enough in order for this
cherished time honored tradition to change hands.
Now you know what this means, we need some additional outings planned. We have our
monthly breakfast scheduled each month and a busy August coming up, so go ahead and
put on your thinking caps and come up with some sort of day trip for us to do. Perhaps
someone wants to schedule a luncheon somewhere (along the same idea as our breakfast)
on a weekend not already taken.
Remember, it does not have to be anything extravagant -- pick a place for a lunch, or map
out a route then choose a day and place and put it all into motion.
For months, our club members have worked on rebuilding a Canadian engine that was donated to us for
the sole purpose of raising money for the MTFCA Museum. Raffle tickets were sold at the Annual Meeting and are still available from MTFCA Officers and Tin Lizzie Members. Only 500 were printed, they are
still just $10 each. Neil and Mary Ann O’Brien delivered the engine complete to the Museum in May. The
drawing will be held in August in Albuquerque. The following pictures were sent via Mary Ann
The engine on its shipping
Crate after being delivered
To the Museum
Our engine that could - on display at the museum
Page 5
108 Rear axle halves. Call John 294-4434
Linda has furniture and household goods for
sale including a king size bedroom suite
Many Happy Returns !
John Hayne is looking for a high radiator shell
Don Gaines
Tim O’Brien
Vern Willan
Robbi Ross
Dannie King
Clarence Schritter is looking for a low radiator
Thank you’s have been received from the National
Officers and Directors of the MTFCA for our hard
work on the business meeting;
Sophisticated Ladies and gent ; Kay Bull and Sara Kimball both for the
MTFCA Annual Meeting ; the Roadrunner Food Bank for our continued
donations and Don Mitchell to everyone who worked on getting his car
up and going again
Betty Housholder
Vineyard (our meeting place) @ 6118 Edith NE
Stan & Janice Gauna
El Charrito @ 4703 Central NW
Mark & Susan Wing
Range Café @ 4401 Wyoming (Wyoming & Montgomery)
Bernice Young
Tim's Place @ 8050 Academy NE (Academy & Wyoming)
Dean & Linda
Bruce Daniel
Holiday Party - no breakfast
Jimmy's Café @ 7007 Jefferson NE (just north of Osuna)
Fran Gurule
Paul & Marilyn Duncan
Stan & Janice Gauna
Mark & Susan Wing
Tin Lizzies Ice Cream Social
Tin Lizzies Ice Cream Social
Vaughn Rockafellow
Dean & Linda
Irene Navarre
Guys With Pies
Guys With Pies
Holiday Party - no meeting
Holiday Party - no meeting
Page 6
Minutes of our last meeting
May 24, 2012
President, Dean Van Doren, called the meeting to order at 7:10 PM. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by the membership. Robbi & Bob Ross introduced their daughter, Rose, who was our only guest. Dean announced that tonight’s
refreshments are provided by Mark & Susan Wing & Bob & Robbi Ross Dean advised that since our late August tour
begins the same night as our meeting, the August meeting will be held the week before on the 16th of August, which is
the 3rd Thurs of the month. Dean also told us about the NM Centennial Car Show on June 16. It’s $10 to show your
car. He has the detailed information if folks are interested. He also said that the raffle engine was delivered to the Museum in Richmond about 3 days ago. Per Tom Miles, it is in the Museum now. We still have raffle tickets to sell
here. Also, we can’t really call it a raffle, but a generous donation to the Museum. Tom said Dean will draw the winning ticket here in Alb, & the winner will be announced in Richmond.
Vice President, Stan Gauna encouraged everyone to buy raffle tickets this evening, & showed what was to be raffled.
Secretary’s Report: Lorna Azevedo gave the Secretary’s Report. There were no corrections or additions to the minutes
from the April newsletter. She read “Thank You” cards & letters from individuals who enjoyed the Business Meeting
held in Alb in March. Also, she read a letter from the Roadrunner Food Bank.
Treasurer’s Report: Janice Gauna gave the Treasurer’s Report.
Committee Reports:
E-Mail: Kirk Peterson said he is sending emails out. If members are not getting email notifications, please let Kirk
Telephone: Linda Riel advised that if there are any changes to the call list, let her know.
Newsletter: Robbi Ross said if there is any new information on upcoming tours, please let her know so she can put the
information in the next newsletter.
Car Council: John Hayne gave the Car Council report. He said the All Clubs Picnic is Aug 14 at thOak Flats. On June 9
there is a car show sponsored by the Cleveland H.S. Band Boosters in Rio Rancho. Also the 34 annual Swap Meet will
be on Sept 28 thru 30 in Los Lunas. It’s $20 per space.
Hospitality: Janice Gauna said nothing was sent out in May.
Librarian: Mark Dominguez let us know he has an updated list of the books & movies. He has 2 versions of the lists so
everyone should be able to access them on line. He said he could shrink it to put in the newsletter & could be put on
the website. He said the books & movies are ready to be checked out.
Program Co-Coordinator: Marilyn has the program tonight, & is combining the Program & History committees tonight
in her program.
Historian: See above
Quartermaster: Larry Azevedo gave the quartermaster report. There will be a Work Party this Sat, May 26, 9AM.
Webmaster: Mark Wing said he has added the Business Meeting photos & has moved our Club contact information to
the home page. He also has added photos of the engine’s arrival in Richmond, the May 12 breakfast at the Duncan’s, &
added to the list of favored suppliers. He also has an acquaintance that has a Model T & might be interested in join-
ing our Club.
Tours: See Old Business.
T’n Vittles & Refreshments: Linda Riel needs a volunteer to help provide refreshments in Sept.
State Fair: Vaughn announced the State Fair is still in Sept.
Page 7
Follow-up on Previous Events:
May Breakfast hosted by Paul & Marilyn Duncan: Marilyn reported that we had a small turnout for the breakfast, but
everyone had a lovely time, & it turned into a neighborhood event when her neighbors joined in the fun.
Unfinished Business:
Los Alamos Tour: Dean received a write up from Skip Dunn about the Tour he has planned for Aug 9-12. Discussion
was held about the tour, & Dean is going to call Skip to clarify some of the information. See more details in the newsletter.
Club Tour the End of August: Larry gave an update of the plans for the “Rough Rider Tour”, August 23-26. This tour will
be held in Las Vegas, NM, headquartered at the Plaza Hotel. We have reserved rooms there for the Tin Lizzies of Albuquerque with room rates of $78 single, & $88 double occupancy. We will tour the Mora area as well as local points of
interest. See more details in the newsletter.
Member Appreciation Evening: Linda Riel reported on the event which will be held Saturday, Oct-20, 6:00 P.M. at the
American Legion Post 49 at Elizabeth & Eubank NE. Linda made a motion to have this as a Club sponsored event, Bruce
Daniel seconded it, & the membership voted in favor of the motion.
We had our break & visiting time
New Business:
Ice Cream Social in August: Linda Riel proposed that we have an ice cream social at our Aug 16 meeting. It was agreed
that she will bring the ice cream & everyone else will bring toppings.
Lorna Azevedo advised that there are still openings for the Nebraska National Tour June 17-22. Anyone wanting to
attend can still sign up. They only have 51 cars & had planned for 100.
Linda Riel still has shirts & hats for sale.
Don Mitchell thanked everyone who helped work on his T at the last work party.
Betty Housholder advised those that will attend the breakfast at the Vineyard on June 2 to park close together & show
up at 800A. Robbi Ross said she’s researched games that we can enjoy with our T’s following the breakfast.
Program: Marilyn Duncan gave the program. Two songs from the early era were played on her laptop. They were
“Henry’s Made a Lady Out of Lizzie” from 1928, & “The Little Ford Rambled Right Along” from 1915. We had printed
words to follow along as the songs were playing. It was a very interesting program.
Raffle & Prize Drawing: The raffle prizes were won by Bob Ross, Linda Riel, Mark Dominguez, Betty Housholder, Mark
Wing, Vaughn Rockafellow, & Larry Azevedo.
Lorna Azevedo asked everyone who helped with the Business Meeting to please take one of the plastic pitchers (that
we used for the raffle) home with them.
In honor of Memorial Day, Dean was given a list compiled by Bernice Young & Tom Miles of members who are no
longer with us. The list included: Bob Blaze, Warren Bentley, Gene Cue, John Cunningham, Nancy Harvey, Elmo
Rinehart, June Rinehart, Harry Navarre, Francis Riel, Roy Young, & Lou Bedouin. We miss them all.
Wanted: John Hayne needs a high radiator shell. Clarence Schritter needs a radiator shell…not sure if high or low.
We adjourned at 8:40 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Lorna Azevedo, Secretary
AUGUST 23-26
This is the tentative schedule for the tour. We will keep you updated as things change.
We are heading to Las Vegas, NM for our yearly adventure.
We will be staying at the Historical Plaza Hotel (on the Plaza)! The rates are $78 single, $88 double occupancy. Check in is 3PM..Check out is 11AM.
Call the hotel to make reservations at 800-328-1882 or 505-425-3591…be sure to refer to the Tin Lizzies of
Albuquerque to get our special rates!
Cancellation Policy is to call 24 hrs prior to the day of arrival by 3:00PM
All rooms come with complimentary hot breakfast each morning in the Landmark Grill downstairs off the
main lobby.
There is high speed internet throughout the hotel, & a complimentary computer located in the lobby.
Check out the Plaza Hotel website for the amenities.
We will have a Hospitality Room located on the lower level. This is our room to have our Happy Hours &
general “get togethers” during our stay. It’s Salon A.
There is not water/sink in the hospitality room, so plan for our snacks accordingly., We will have a small
fridge and a cooler for drinks in the hospitality room. A fridge is available for your room for an extra
charge. There is a microwave in the lobby for our use.
The hotel has a restaurant called the Landmark Grill, open 7 days a week, serving breakfast, lunch, & dinner.
It also has a saloon, Bryon T’s Saloon, open 7 days a week at 12 noon, full bar, food available till 9PM…
music at times…not sure of that schedule.
Parking is open. They recommend the Police Dept parking lot if you don’t have a trailer. It’s located across
the plaza from the hotel. Trailer parking is just down the street from the hotel. Directions will be provided.
Summer often brings music to the gazebo across the street on the plaza.
Vintage clothing is recommended (but not demanded) for our banquet.
Leave Albuquerque & trailer your car to Las Vegas
Go to the Plaza Hotel in downtown Las Vegas. It’s located on the NW corner of the town plaza.
Check in is 300PM
If you are early, you might want to check out the Rough Rider Museum. It’s open 10A-4P Tues thru Sat.
Meet at 5:00P for Happy Hour in Salon A, our hospitality room.
If you need more sustenance, you can eat at the hotel or another restaurant of your choice. (A restaurant
guide will be provided)
(Sequence of events is still under construction, so this may change!)
Leave Las Vegas at 8:00 AM to Mora
Visit the Alpaca Ranch
We won't be having lunch till about 1, so pack a snack.
Back to Mora for the Tapestry Mill
Head to Pendaries for Lunch
Hotel for Happy Hour
At dusk, Drive In Movie & tail gate dinner… after stopping at Sonic. It’s $12 per car for the movie.
(Sequence of events is still under construction..)
Visit Montezuma Castle & the Dwan Light Sanctuary. We are working on getting a tour of the castle. We’ll
find out mid June on that.
Historical sites tour or antique stores possible in the morning if no castle tour.
Lunch in Las Vegas (restaurant guide provided)
National Wildlife Refuge
5:30P wine tasting in gift shop
6-7PM Happy Hour
7PM Our banquet in the Solarium…wear antique clothes if you’d like. We will be able to take pictures though
out the Hotel. The banquet will consist of a choice of meat, salad, veggie of the day, & a side, bread, & tea for
about $25 including tip.
Choices will be Chicken cordon bleu or Roast Beef with Rosemary Gravy.
Dessert in Salon A
Breakfast in the hotel
To the Salman Ranch outside Mora for picking raspberries & visiting their unique store and snack bar . Container are available so you can pick for 5.00 a pound. They don't charge for what you eat while you are picking.. Bring bug spray.
Back to Las Vegas , load your car and head for home.
When : August 16 during our meeting time
Why: Kick off of Annual Tour
We will provide ice cream (3 flavors) hot fudge, hot caramel, chocolate
syrup and cones
You can bring: cookies, other toppings ( pineapple, strawberry etc)
Whipped cream, cake or any other thing you might think of to go with ice
The new Tin Lizzie Roy Young Memorial Library updated as of May 2012
A History of Ford by Marie Cahill
Auto body Repair and Painting by Bill Taboldt 232 pgs.
Automobile Quarterly
Floyd Clymer’s Historical Motor Scrapbook 221 pgs.
Ford Instruction Book T-4 Pollyprint press
Ford Model “A” Album
Ford Model “T” The Car That Put the World on Wheels .. Lindsay Brock
Ford Owners Handbook T&A Clymer Publications 575 Pgs.
Fordlandia The Rise and Fall of Henry Fords Forgotten Jungle City
Fordson Tractor Owner's Manual
Fordson Tractor Parts Price List
From Here To Obscurity by Ray Miller and Bruce McCalley 292 Pgs.
Great American Race Yearbook 1991
Great American Race Yearbook 1992
Henry Ford and Grass-Roots America by Reynold M. Wik
Henry Ford and The Jews
Henry's Wonderful Model T 1908-1927 By Floyd Clymer
How to Restore Your Collection Car by Tom Bromwell 318 Pgs.
Model T Carb Guide. MTFCA Guide
Model T Electrical System MTFCA Guide 47 pgs.
Model T Ford “The Car That Changed the World” by Bruce McCalley
Model T Ford Authentic Accessories 334 pages
Model T Ford Engine Guide MTFCA Guide
Model T Ford Front and Rear Axles MTFCA Guide
Model T Ford Owner by Murray Fahnestock 519 Pgs.
Model T Ford Owner, Best of Murray Fahnstock 519 Pgs.
Model t Ford Owners Guide to Touring by Don Ball 13 pgs.
Model T Ford Service Bulletins essentials 500 Pgs.
Model T Ford Service Manuel 296 pgs.
Model T Ford Specs & Sizes for windshield and closed car glass. T-11 14 Pgs.
Model T Instruction Book (Small Size) 45 Pgs.
Model T Restoration Hand Book
Model T Transmission Guide MTFCA Guide
Morto News Feb 65 to Nov 65 and Jan 66
MTFCA Membership Guide 2005 782 pgs.
MTFCI Membership Directory 2003
The Model t Ford Encyclopedia by Bruce McCalley 181 Pgs.
The Ruckstell Axel by Bruce McCalley 12 pgs.
The Ruckstell Axle MTFCA Manual
The Vintage Auto Almanac, Hemmings Motor News 269 Pgs.
The Worst Hard Time by Timothy Egan
Tinker Tips #1 and #2 by Ted Aschmen
Tire Facts about Early Model T Fords by Floyd Clymer
To check out a book VHS
Tape or DVD call Mark or
Sharon Dominguez
Tapes and DVD’s are listed on
the next page. Due to limited
space in this newsletter I suggest that you visit our web
site and explore all wonders
that our library holds.
Thanks to all who have contributed to the library and to
Mark and Sharon Dominguez
for being our librarians.
Series 4
VHS Tape
Model T Coils Part 1,2,3 Generator 1
Model T Generator Part 2 Starters, Gen and Cutouts
Model T Telephone Vehicle
The Great North American Race ESPN
4-1 Electrical Overview. An overall look at the progression of the Model T elec4-2 Brush Plate Restoration. A closer look at the brush plate restoration on the
4-3 Speedometer Restoration -I. Starts with tips on selecting a used speedometer. Restoration techniques. A restoration of a Stewart- Warner Model 100
Blue Ray
4-4 Speedometer Restoration - II. More restoration techniques as well as res-
Kansas Tech Seminal
4-5 Speedometer Restoration -III. Additional restoration tips, how a speedomeSeries 5
5-1 Restoration of the T Rear End - I Covers the regular T rear axle as well as the
Ruckstell axle. Shows type types of housings used by the Model T trough they
years, disassembly techniques, inspection tips and more.
Great Race 1995 Canada to Mexico City
The Road is ours 100th Anniversary Celebration (2disc)
The Model T Centennial T Party (2disc)
Model T Ford Club Of America "T" Tips DVD's
Series 1
1-1 Balancing Tires.
Using weights to balance the tires on your Model T
1-2 Model T Tires - I . Types of tires used on Model T's tips on repairing
how to mount a tire on a clincher rum.
1-3 Model T Tires - II . Building a tire mounting station; mounting tires on
drop center-type and split rims; tools and tips on repairing rims
1-4 The Model T Fuel Filter. Restoring the different types of fuel filter; installing modern fuel line shut-off valves.
1-5 Model T Bands. Changing the Transmission band linings. Types of transmission bands and linings available; Inspecting and restoring bands; tips and
tools needed
Series 2
2-2 Restoring the "T" Cutout. Types, its function, testing, selecting, disassembly modernizing with a diode, assembly and testing.
2-3 Front End Alignment. Tools needed, special era tools used, how to
align, front end inspection, proper caster, camber and toe-in, also tips on
end alignment
2-4 Restoring the "T" Transmission -I. Disassembly tools need, cleaning,
inspection, methods of checking for cracks plus tips and suggestions.
2-5 Restoring the "T" Transmission -II. Balancing, Tools and special jigs, reassembly secrets, lubrication, repair techniques, old and new clutch plates.
Series 3
3-1 Model T Coils -I. General overview of the evolution of the coil in the
Model T Covers both the Ford-made coils as those produced for Ford by
others manufacturers.
3-2 Model T Coils -II. Repair and rebuilding a coil; How it works. How to select a coil to rebuild. Tips and tricks of the coil rebuilding.
3-3 Model T Coils-III. Adjusting coils, Installing new points. Testing coils. An
overview of various coils testing machines available during Model T era.
3-4 Restoring the Generator. How it Works, repair and rebuild it. Tips for
disassembly / assembly & equipment used in testing.
3-5 Restoring the Starter. How it Works, test and rebuild the starter motor,
Tips on eliminating oil leaks, removing and Installing.
5-2 Restoration of the T Rear End - II Continuation of the inspection techniques,
5-3 Restoration of the T Rear End - III Restoration of the drive shaft, rear end
5-4 The Model T Radiator. View each Model T radiator style from 1906-1927.
Tour the Brassworks manufacturing shop and learn how a radiator cools; causes
of radiator failure; see how a radiator is built.
5-5 Restoration of the Model T Manifold. Don't throw away your bent maniSeries 6
6-1 Restoration of the Model T Fan. Changes during production, restoring the
6-2 Cam Replacement. Replace the cam without removing the engine. Measur6-3 Spoke Tightening. Examines temporary & permanent fixes for loose spokes.
Ever see a T with aluminum spokes? Includes handy, easy re-make tools and
6-4 Restoration of the Model T Steering Column. Details changes from 19091927, types of steering wheels, how to disassemble and restore the column gear
ratios, make a Torpedo column. Special section on era accessories available for
Model T.
6-5 The Model T Frame. Changes during production, what to look for in choosing a frame, how to check a frame for straightness, how to correct a bent frame,
frame members, painting and more.
Series 7
7-1 How to Start and Drive a Model T. Featuring Matt Foye; Learning the
proper way to start and to safely drive a Model T. Starting safety as well as driving tips.
7-2 Model T Accessories. Fred Houston shows us many of the era T accessories
as well as a visit to the Smith collection where "Speedy" Bill Smith shows us
some of his favorites.
7-3 Chassis Alignment. Milt Webb shows us methods to align the chassis so you
will get the most out of your "T". We also take a look at an air conditioned "T".
7-4 Model T Safety. Fred Houston takes us through some great safety tips from
7-5 Safety 2. The MTFCA Safety Check List Matt Foye shows us the best way to
Series 8
8-1 Model T Fashions. Melanie Patton shows us Model T era fashions.
8-2 Metal Work 101. Larry Azevedo demonstrates the basic equipment in mak8-3 Taking a Model T out of Mothballs - I Milt Webb shows just what to do to
get a T running after many years of sitting in a barn. In addition, he shows what
8-4 Taking a Model T out of Mothballs - II More of Milt Webb's tips and demon8-5 Taking a Model T out of Mothballs - III Milt Webb shows us more and we
take a tour of two old Model T's that have been revived from being stored for
long periods of time.
Tin Lizzies of Albuquerque
PO Box 30473
Albuquerque, NM 87190-0473
The Enchantment Flyer
Robbi Ross, Editor
1815 Childers NE
Albuquerque, NM
Phone 505-293-1676
Email :
All submissions should be
emailed by the last Saturday of each month.
Thanks for reading!
The ABQ Tin Lizzies
will meet at
The Vineyard
6118 Edith Blvd NW
7:00 PM on the
4th Thursday
of each month,
Jan thru Oct. The 3rd
Thursday in Nov and a
special event for Dec.
Visitors are
Join us on our