here - En Vie fashion magazine


here - En Vie fashion magazine
/ 2014
ア ン ヴィ
w w w. e n - v i e -f a s h i o n . c o m
The Return to
Photographer Aldo Fallai
Spring's Graphic Trend
Vivien Schlueter
shares her passion
WILD & Free
Plus All the Latest Fashion News,
Info and Much More
Get to know
MUA Shannon Miller
co o l
Meet H
at D e s
na Bo
forever youth
Illustration & Concept
Anna Bours
w w
Editorial Give Me a Sari
Makeup Dark Disposition
Photography Lonely City
Trend ReportSporty Chic
Editorial Geek
Trend Report Metamorphosis
Fashion Blowin’ in the Wind
editorial Straight Shooter
Profile The Return to Florence: Aldo Fallai
Trend ReportPocket Advantage
Editorial Le Click
Introduction Stylist Courtney Clayton
Photography Innocent
Profile Hat designer Martina Bohn
Editorial She Wolf
Trend Spring Fringe
Trend White chapel Beau
Fashion P.Y.T.
Label Klash Kouture
Fashion Black Iron
Introduction MUA Shannon Miller
Fashion Pattern Play
Romantic Fresh Polish
Editorial Don’t Tempt Me
Introduction Photographer Jane Schuessler
Editorial Wild & Free
Editorial Colour Your World
Interview Model Dakota Nate
Editorial Alice
Bon Appétit Essentiel
Editor in Chief & Director
AD, Design & Illustration
luisiana ar aujo
Sub Editors
Japanese Editors
yuko osaki
Web & PR Managers
Joonas Lieppinen
A ssistant
En Vie
Disclaimer: Ever y
effor t is made to ensu
re all En Vie media
Please note that opini
is up-to -date .
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nt of
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the copyright holde
To see the full discl
aimer please go to
www.en-vie-fa shion
.com /
march 2014
Text / Aya Igar ashi Translation & Edit / Sar a Ai Coe
ABA Beauty
fair for Industrial Goods in UK on Mar. 26-27th. Formerly
k n ow n a s OEM N e w En g la n d , t h e f a ir w ill s h o w c a s e
broad-based advanced design and manufacturing. They
T h e A lli e d B e a u t y A s s o c ia ti o n ( A B A ) B e a u t y S h o w -
will provide the full spectrum of design, manufacturing,
Montreal, well-known in the beauty industr y, will take
and process solutions highlighting exhibitors that
p l a c e i n C a n a d a M a r. 9 -10 t h . E x h i b i t o r s w ill g e t a n
provide CAD/CAM/PDM systems and software, contract
o p p o r tunit y to sh owc as e th eir in n ovative p ro d u c t s ,
manufac turing and engineering , custom component s,
ser vices an d new techniques linked to the b eaut y
production machinery, materials, and enterprise solutions
i n d u s t r y li ke n a il p r o d u c t s , n a t u r a l c o s m e t i c s , h a i r
to New England's advanced design and manufacturing
coloring, hairdressing equipment and many more. Those
marketplace. Link: http://design-manufac turing-new-
attending the show are from all over the world such as
beauty clinics, spa professionals, estheticians, skincare
professionals, massage therapists, plastic surgeons, chain
salons and many more. Experts shall share their ideas and
skills, be there to get more!
Lineapelle Bologna
Mom Pop & Tots Fair
M o m P o p & To t s Fa i r i s c a l l i n g f o r a l l m o m s ,
dads, and their kids and will take place in Canada Mar.
7- 8th( at Edmonton E XPO Centre).The event will see
the congregation of parents and children, who will enjoy
themselves immensely. There will be loads of fun, games,
Lineapelle Bologna is a leather accessories
activities at the event in which the family can participate
exhibition held in Italy on Mar. 11-13th. The exhibitors will
throughout the day. It will see the presence of many parents
showcase new and attractive designer footwear items,
with their children and it will be a good way to spend time
leather products and other fashion accessories which shall
together. The children at the fair will have a nice time doing
draw the attention of the global attendees coming to this
many activities. Bring your kids if it interests you.
show. If you are a new designer, manufacturer or newly
launched company or brand, it would be to your advantage
to be there. The leading brands who lead in designing and
Baby & Child (Baby & Barn)
Baby & Child is one of the most comprehensive
manufacturing fashionable leather items and other related
public exhibitions focusing on pregnancy and children
products, which are exported in all over the world, shall
u p to six ye a r s o l d . T h e eve nt w ill p rov i d e a p e r f e c t
come together!
platform for mother and child together under one roof at
the Swedish Exhibition Center (Svenska Massan) on Mar.
28-3 0 th. There will be exhibitors, consulting exper ts,
Off Price Show
shopping, entertainment and lots of fun activities to take
Off Price Show is one of the most famous events
part in it. Enjoy unbeatable shopping, expert advice, and
r e l a t e d t o t h e f a s h i o n i n d u s t r y. D i f f e r e n t t y p e s o f
information. This event offers fun for the whole family
innovative products like ladies’, men's and kid's fashion,
and fantastic entertainment. Link: http://www.babybarn.
fashion accessories, classic and contemporary jewellery,
sportswear, formal, sports and casual footwear and workwear shall b e exhibited there . In the O f f Price S how,
many manufacturers of knitwear, sportswear, children's
Cover + following
Photographer / Hanna Kristina
Model / Lizzie @ Profile Model Management
MUA / Carley Burke
wear, footwear, hosiery, night wear, lingerie, bags, belts,
backcover credits
Photographer / Nik a Babayeva
Model / Ellie Knight (BASE Models)
MUA / Ek aterina Novinsk aya
Stylist / Nikki Brown
Top / H&M
Shorts / ZARA
Belt / H&M
Necklace / Top Shop
service and much more which will catch the attention of
jewellery and watches will be participating. There will be
seminars taking place on different topics like the mobile
revolution, the increase of profits through easy customer
the participants who attend the show. Be there on Mar.
16-17th in UK. Link:
& Manufacturing
4 Design
New England
Design & Manufacturing New England is a leading trade
S p o r t s wd
S h ow-At ea r
Im p ri n te
d S p o rt sw
lantic Ci
ea r S h o w
b es t ev en
(I S S) - A tl
ts fo r p ro
an ti c C it
fe ss io n
y is o n
e o f th e
al s as so ci
em b ro id er
at ed w it h
y, sc re en
sp o rt sw ea
-p ri n ti n g,
ca n ex p lo
et c. o n M
re n ew b u
ar. 14 -1 6
si n es se s
th . E xh ib
n ew p ro d
th er e as
it o rs
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as th e la u
te d to sc re
n ch o f
em b ro id er
en p ri n ti n
y w it h in ap
g, su b li m
at io n an d
re la te d to
d es ig n . A
s th e la rg
th e sp o rt
es t ev en t
sw ea r se
p ro m o ti o
ct o r, yo u
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w il l se e a
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P ar ti ci p an
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d ig it al d ec
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gr ea tl y th
in te ra ct w
ro u gh th e
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o p p o rt u n
re n o w n ed
Li n k: h tt p
it ie s to
ex h ib it o rs
://w w
ss h o w s. co
m /i n d ex .s
h tm l
En Vie
e dito rial
shoes: deezee / Showroom KHAKI
wrists: Gatta
jeans: J BRAND
Skirt: Vintage Shop
Fur: Charme Gdynia
tuniaka: RadhaShop
Accessories: RadhaShop
give me a sari
Photographer / Mart yn Gumuł a
Models / Natalia - D'Vision & Ver a - United4Models
MUA / Michał Sadowski & Monik a Obukowicz
Hairstyle / Anna Nerko & Michał Sadowski
Styling / Aleksandr a Urbanowsk a
Assist / Róża Stawierej & K arolina Górsk a
Place / Studio Sensi
Production / RebelliusTeam -
Hat: HatHat
Band: Nina Dunin
Tunic: Boutique Mimi
Accessories: RadhaShop
Jacket: Charme
Cap: Charme
Accessories: RadhaShop
Sweater: Simple
Accessories: RadhaShop
Fur: Alberta Ferretti
Necklace: Mimi Boutique
Jeans: J BRAND
Necklace: Lewanowicz
Jacket: Sprieng field / Showroom KHAKI
Blouse: RadhaShop
Accessories: RadhaShop
Handbag: deezee / Showroom KHAKI
Fur coat: HANGER
Sweatshirt: HANGER
Bracelet: RadhaShop
Accessories: RadhaShop
Shorts: Gatta
Suit: Magdalena Kowalczyk
Backpack: HUNGER
Wrists: Gatta
Accessories: RadhaShop
Necklace: Mimi Boutique
Sweater: Vintage Shop
Skirt: RadhaShop
tunic: RadhaShop
Accessories: RadhaShop
En Vie
makeu p
dark disposition
Photographer / Debor a Barnaba
Stylist / Pier a Mat tioni
MUA / Fr ancesca Maffi
Model /
Silk long dress & vest per forated: Ilaria Nistri
Harness: La chambre noir
Shoes: VS2R
he catwalks for this spring and summer were
full of cat-eyes with a twist. The classic look,
which goes up and out from your lash line
creating a larger eye, took on several new forms
on various runways. Modern yet sexy the runways
featured graphic lines with angular shapes and
straight flicks on the models eyes. Step outside the
norm and try the various ways you can take this
season’s latest trend to the next level.
Missoni’s spring 2014 beauty look had a hint from
the Japanese. A natural bare face with a small hint
of graphic eyeliner along the inner eye corners
make for an ultra cool look. Anthony Vaccarello,
presented dramatic triangles on the sides of the
eyes and thick eyebrows. Use a triangle stencil to
make perfectly matching triangles. Hache’s rebel
beauty look featured strong and definite black eyes,
which you can make by smudging black cream along
the lower lash line and then make two lines on your
lash line and a longer one under your eye sockets.
Derek Lam’s show featured small black cubes on the
outside corners of the eyes creating a powerful yet
minimalist statement. The exaggerated but hollow
cat eye was impressive and simple by lining the eye
sockets with graceful lines.
Makeup artist Francesca Maffi, similarly follows suit
with this editorial photographed by Debora Barnaba,
which has black cream smudged along the lower
brow and the outside and upward from the corner of
the eye. This creates a mysterious, geometric, and
bold look. This edgy trend is a wonderful balance to
the lightness of spring. Have fun with your black liner
this season and color outside the lines!
Silk long skirt, knitted cardigan cotton
& leather: Ilaria Nistri
Obi: Renfang Hu
Silk long skirt & shirt: Ilaria Nistri
Harness rope: La chambre noir
En Vie
ph oto g r aphy
lonely city
Photographer / Philip Park
MUA / Kanako Ono
Hair / Junya Nakashima
Model / Ashley Yena
tre n d re po rt
sporty chic
Text / Jen Lomas fashion blogger @
Photographer / Patricia Ferreir a Model / Angelina Pavlishina MUA / Marl a Amastor Styling / Filipe Candeias
En Vie
rop tops. Do those two little words
spring fear in your heart? Well I’m
afraid they’re here to stay, at least for
Spring/Summer 2014. But fear not, there are
ways to wear crop tops to suit any figure.
For this season’s crop tops think more fitted
than baggy. Long sleeves are definitely a
good way to ride out the difficult transseasonal period from winter to spring. Try
teaming a high-waisted pencil skirt with
a form-fitting crop top. To keep the look
sleek, hitting two trends in one, wear a
monochrome ensemble. Wearing matching
separates can add an air of sophistication
to what can be a more casual piece. For the
final touch throw on an oversized jacket or
coat to add an element of slouchy and undone
If you’re unsure about flashing your abs,
channel Chanel couture Spring Summer 2014
and wear a crop top over a bodycon vest.
Team with a cute above-the-knee length
skirt and your glitziest trainers; although
you might want to leave the knee pads to the
models on the runway. This sporty element
works well with crop tops. Why not try one
with some high waisted shorts, or a top with
zip details?
If you don’t want to flash too much flesh, the
key to crop tops is to keep the bottom half
of the silhouette high-waisted. However, if
you are happy to bare-it-all but don’t want to
feel too exposed, an oversized coat or blazer
makes for the perfect cover up.
Admittedly still a little chilly to be showing off
too much skin to the outside world, wearing
a crop top over a shirt or body-con dress is a
great way to wear your crop tops now.
If you really can’t bring yourself to buy a
stomach baring top, a cropped jacket is a
great way to get into this trend.
En Vie
e dito rial
Le Geek
c’est chic
Photographer / Anderson
Hair / Samantha Gunn
MUA / Veronica Hernandez - Zapata
Model / Becca Dawson - Factor Atl anta
Wardrobe Stylist / Jabe Marbry
En Vie
tre n d re po rt
Text / Gemma Dorling, Fashion Writer
Fashion Director / ROSE DIFERDINANDO
Wardrobe Stylist / PAM HANER
Dress: Vintage
Shoes: Betsey Johnson
One piece: Vintage
Shoes: Betsey Johnson
Dyl an:
Wool turtle neck,
long drape button vest
& harem pants: Deepstyle
Combat Boots: 21Men
he graphic trend was
huge on the fashion
runway and it is popping
up ever y where right now.
This trend mixes minimalism
and geometric prints for a relaxed
easy-to- wear style. If maths was not your
strong point at school do not let that worry
you, as it is time to go back to geometr y
If you are tired of florals or polka dot s
but have a love of patterned prints then
you have come to the right place. With
ge o m etric p rint s in clu din g s q ua re s ,
circles, triangles, hexagons and many
more you have the choice of a headto-toe look or using the trend to
accessorise, either way you will end up
with a seriously stylish outcome.
Get The Look
Do you want to add a little geometry into
your everyday look? Consider standing out
from the crowd in a dress with an all-over
print. A jumpsuit is also perfect for this
look; just make sure the top has quite a
classic silhouette, which means that you
can go for a wide leg style trouser. Pair
with some wedges to add height to the
ensemble and to refine the overall look.
If your style is more minimalist then go
down the accessories route. Why not try
wearing a geometric print scarf or opt
for sunglasses with edgy oversized
frames? Jazz up a monochrome outfit
with bracelets or a clutch bag.
You can even use geo prints to accentuate
or minimise certain areas of your body. If
you have a petite frame then a smaller print
will work better. If you are curvier and have
larger features th en yo u c an get away
with wearing a bolder, larger pat tern .
Try wearing a diamond print around your
wais t , which will highlight your wais t
giving you more of an hourglass shape.
Sweat shirt: Cult Baltimore (
Sheer skirt (worn underneath): Vintage
Leather & tweed skirt: Panache Boutique ( )
Shoes: Great Wall
Dyl an:
Flight Suit & T-Shirt: Cult Baltimore (w w
Vintage Air Jordans: Pedx Baltimore
Sunglasses: RayBans
En Vie
fa s hio n
Jumpsuit: QUÉ JEANS Vintage
Shoes: ALDO
Dress: Vintage
in the wind
Photographer & Creative director / Tina Picard
Stylist / Amy Scarlet t Donovan
MUA / Natalie Peachy
Hair Stylist / Kirst y Macdonald
Models / Anastasia & Marinell a from Models International Management
Top: Julianne Buchholz / Black shale: Vintage / Shorts: Julianne Buchholz / Shoes: MARC FISHER
Head scar f: H&M / Flow y top: Vintage / Pants: Julianne Buchholz / Shoes: ALDO
En Vie
e dito rial
En Vie
pro file
the return to florence:
Aldo fallai
Photographer / ALDO FALLAI
Text / Cristina Vannuzzi L andini
lorence never ceases to amaze us. They own
the music and art themes of this edition of
the 85th edition of Pitti Uomo international
fair of clothing that presents the world premiere
collections of 1,044 brands from abroad. The most
striking and elegant event was the retrospective
exhibition of photographer Aldo Fallai at Villa
Bardini, “From Giorgio Armani to the Renaissance:
Photographs 1978-2013” a "return" to Florence for
the Florentine photographer who studied at the
School of Art at Porta Romana.
Aldo Fallai conquered the fashion world at the end
of the seventies thanks to the collaboration with
Giorgio Armani. This collaboration helped to create
the most important campaigns of recent decades,
and some of the most exciting chapters in the
history of Made in Italy. The exhibition allows you
to discover the creations and the interests of the
artist in fashion and beyond. For this reason it is
appropriate that the festival took place in Florence,
the birthplace where Fallai continues to live , to
work and to explore the streets , corners , works and
characters in adventurous and exciting discoveries.
The images of Aldo Fallai allow the visitor to
rediscover the excellence of Italian fashion in its
most beautiful and innovative era, the eighties. It
was when Giorgio Armani invented an elegant and
vaguely androgynous woman and man with a refined
Playing with roles and situations, with the most
beautiful, expressive and seductive models, Aldo
Fallai reconstructed a world that goes beyond the
dress to portray an entire society and a generation
with his feelings, moods, places, and seasons.
The importance of his work is fundamental in the last
30 years of fashion and can be followed at http://
En Vie
ru nway
Photographer / Alessandro Antonini
En Vie
tre n d re po rt
Text / Jen Lomas fashion blogger @
Photographer / Lynzi Judish
Wardrobe provided / Crème de l a Couture
Wardrobe Stylist / Nicole Scha ap
Hair / K adie Murphy
MUA / Sar a Macias
Model / R aquel Lenae Gl akeler
Pants: Vintage Calvin Klein
Jacket: Marc Jacobs
Hat: Anna Sui
Top & Boots: Unlabeled Vintage
ide open spaces. Panoramic views.
Wild horses. And denim, lots and lots
of denim. That’s right, cowgirl is in! But
let’s avoid looking like an extra from Deadwood
shall we? The modern take on cowgirl does indeed
call for leather and denim, but not so much for plaid
shirts and a Stetson.
First of all lets switch the Stetson for a wide
brimmed fedora or extra wide brimmed sun hat.
Neutral colours or animal print both work well. Wear
this with wide legged 70s flares and platforms.
Denim jackets are a staple in any cowgirl’s wardrobe,
but if you’re not into double denim, team with
leather trousers tucked into some killer embroidered
cowboy boots. Functional yet a little subversive.
For the warmer months dig out those daisy duke
shorts and team with cowboy boots. To avoid the
‘Jessica Simpson in Dukes of Hazzard’ look wear a
three quarter length trench coat over the top with
the sleeves ruched up just so.
For a more feminine-take try a black jersey maxi
skirt, wide leather belt and white shirt. Wear the
shirt buttons as low as you dare, throw a widebrimmed fedora onto your tousled hair and you’re
good to go.
As any good cowgirl knows, belts are a necessity.
Stack wide leather belts with large, ornate buckles
around your waist. The bigger the better.
Cowboy boots; tall, short, brown, tan, ornate,
embroidered, plain and simple. Whichever way you
want to wear them, you’ll need a pair for this Spring.
They work with anything; jeans tucked-in, jeans
tucked-out, sundresses, shorts, leather trousers,
miniskirts, maxi skirts; you name it, it’ll work. If you
pick one cowgirl element make it one of these.
The modern cowgirl is cool, relaxed, chic and, above
all, seriously awesome.
Jacket: Gucci
Boots: Unlabeled Vintage
Vest: Prada
Dress: Maeve
Belts, hat,
& jewelr y: Unlabeled Vintage
Pants: Oscar de la Renta
Blouse: Marc Jacobs
En Vie
e dito rial
le click
Photographer / Mauro Lopes
Model / Luiza Anacleto
Beauty / Gr a zie Almeida
Styling / K arina Pagliuca
intro d u c tio n
En Vie
Photographer / Lorenzo J Martinez (50 0px .com/ljmphotogr apher)
Stylist / Courtney Cl ay ton
Model / Chelsea Noelle (The Campbell A gency)
MUAH / Lindy Livingston
ourtney Clayton, stylist extraordinaire
who first started styling six years ago
at a modeling agency in Dallas, Texas
discusses her love for styling and shares her
advice for aspiring stylists.
En Vie: When did you first begin styling and what
led you to this career choice?
Courtney Clayton: Fashion has always been a
huge obsession for me and I was an artist growing
up, so I guess it just came naturally.
EV: Who inspires you in terms of fashion
designers and stylists?
CC: I don't really get inspired by specific
designers. I get inspired more by fabrics, texture,
and color. However, if I had to choose, one of
my favorites, it would probably be Vivienne
Westwood. She's quirky and I'm absolutely in
love with her!
EV: Who are some of the people you have worked
CC: I've had a chance to work with a lot of very
talented people in Dallas. Photographers Wade
Livingston, Grace Hill, Matt Simmons, Clay
Hayner, Moses Olmos, Edwin Watson. MUAHS
Alexandria Dixon-Wiggans, Amber Lynne, Walter
Fuentes, Ladonna Stein, Cheryll Smith are some
of the best. I've also worked with some amazing
models: Chelsea Noelle, Hayley Nail, Loren Kavo,
Kristie Mays, Roxanna Redfoot, Laura New
Myers, Autumn Leppla, & Remy Ryan.
EV: What is the most interesting part of your job?
CC: My favorite part of the job is being on set and
watching everyone's magic come to life!
EV: What is your advice for aspiring stylists?
CC: If you want to be a stylist I'd say contact
a modeling agency let them know you are
interested in doing some test shoots and dive
right in! You only get better with experience and
Check out Courtney’s portfolio work on her
Instagram: courtneyclaytonstylist.
En Vie
ph oto g r aphy
Photographer / David Garcia (Samo Photography) www.ddggsamo.wix .com/samophotogr aphy
Stylist / Marta París
MUA / Héctor Carva jal
Hair / Manel Hidalgo -
Models / Julia Pintos, Alex andr a Balvey & Primitiva Jiménez
(5Th Avenue Model Management/ Trend Models) -
Location / El Jardí del Bosc (Barcelona)
Dress: Otaduy
Crown: Otaduy
Dress: Otaduy
Crown: Stella Blasi's
pro file
Julia / Alex andr a:
Dress: Sayan
Text / Millie K ana Sl aby
Photographer / MO Photography
(Mindaugas Orl ausk as)
Model / Rina Mylovydova
MUA / Jovita J-Orl auske
Clothing / Code Le Vush
Jeweller y / Liron Kliger
Hat design / Martina Bohn
En Vie
Clothes: Ersalina Lim
Fun, vibrant and interesting describes Martina Bohn’s st yle and it definitely
shows when she puts her passion into designing various creations.
he artistry involved with her talent and
know-how, the decisions she makes on the
perfect colours or materials, can be seen in
the character she implements into each of her hats,
whether it be an adorable cocktail hat or a classic
black beret. There is a hat for each occasion; casual
or formal or if you are at a party or on a fashion
shoot. Her hats always manage to add a brightness
that would be lacking otherwise.
Although now she mainly works with vintage styles
and timeless pieces such as the bowler hat or beret,
she is constantly using innovative ways to change
the piece by adding vivid colours, buttons, or other
She constantly expresses her imaginative ideas with
new techniques. Her handmade hats are easy to
wear, ready to be propped on your head to add some
dazzle to whatever you are wearing.
Originally from Germany, she has travelled the
world, finding unique materials in different places,
and allowing each country she has worked in, such
as Australia or Belgium, to influence her work. Not
only has she collaborated with many professionals
in many photo shoots and projects, but was chosen
to represent contemporary millinery, and be part of
a major design exhibition, Head to Toe which is her
millinery business ranging from creations to training
Modern or traditional, the creator of these
fabulously fun hats puts her colourful, quirky style
into them. She creates them for women who want to
spice up an outfit or add a rich pop of colour to their
wardrobe; women who want to have fun with their
personal style, and Martina’s creations are able to
accomplish just that.
Clothes: Ersalina Lim
En Vie
e dito rial
she wolf
Photographer / Jorden Keith Model / Mak ael a Mar an @ BRAND MODEL & TALENT AGENCY
Creative Stylist / Gillian Sandoval
Wardrobe Stylist / Gillian Sandoval
MUA / Missy Lovet t
Hair Stylist / Josh Davis
En Vie
tre n d
Text / Erik a Maio
Photographer / Shyn Midili
Model agencies / TCM/AMI
TCM/SMG / Vanessa Horn
Wardrobe styling / Kim Brooks St yle
MUA & Hair / Yessie Libby
tre n d
he end of the 1920’s is when fringes made
their first appearance in popular fashion. A
typical feature of the American cowboy and
Indian, they were used by dancers and actors to
attract attention body movements. These long thin
stings of cloth emphasized and accentuated the
movements with grace and elegance.
During the 1930’s this trend spread and became
a world-fashion reality. We could find fringes in
accessories such as bags, purses, or belts, and of
course in every kind of style, and even boots. It is a
staple from the classical leather jacket to the colored
skirt or trousers. Materials and textiles used to
produce them ran the gamut: cotton, satin, leather,
linen, and even real feathers.
Long or short, narrow or wide, these stripes which
were even seen on Elvis Presley in the ‘60’s, are
appearing again now for the spring-summer 2012
season. It will be a fresh, natural and playful season
with vivid ponchos and voluptuous skirts. Fringes
provide the perfect light touch that brings to mind
spring breezes, sunny days spent sitting outside a
cafè with friends, summer laughing and chatting until
late and the freedom of walking with bare foot on a
carpet of green grass.
If you would like to feel like a modern Pocahontas or
if you just want to stand out, you should not miss this
trend of the moment. Boots, bags, skirts, dresses,
coats or whatever you decide to wear make sure to
spice it up with fringes.
Text / Jane Polubotko
Photographer / Peny Giannakou
Fashion Editor / Nikos Zanas
MUA / Dionissia Konstantinou
Hair Stylist / Eleni Moungouli
Model / Marlen Suzanne Fjeldstad (ACE models)
Blouse: La Vaca Loca (This ‘n That)
Skirt: La Vaca Loca (This ‘n That)
Necklaces: Art Wear Dimitriadis
Gaiters: Akira Mushi
Glasses: Stylist’s own
Belt: Stylist’s own
white chapel
En Vie
On this page:
Blouse: suncoo (Mystique)
Shirt: Yesterday’s Bread
Earrings: Art Wear Dimitriadis
Belt: Stylist’s own
Gloves: Stylist’s own
Right page / Up
Coat: Athina Korda
Blouse: Twenty-29 (Mystique)
Leggings: Athina Korda
Cap: Stylist’s Own
Glasses: Stylist’s own
Shoes: Ash Boutique
Right page / Down
Blazer: Athina Korda
T-shirt: Twenty-29 (Mystique)
Necklaces: Art Wear Dimitriadis
Ring: Art Wear Dimitriadis
Glasses: Stylist’s own
pring is in the air! Say goodbye to
freezing snowstorms, wet shoes and grey
skies. Give a warm welcome to a flash of
spring. In contrast to the boring monotonous
winter lifestyle, spring brings us drive, action
and speed; as reflected in the spring runway
shows. Sports clothes and accessories inspired
by the first outbursts of sunny weather appear
in trendsetters looks.
At first glance, it seems hard to believe that
mixing sporty details with one of elegance
can create such a glamorous look. However,
the sportswear fashion history dating back
to the beginning of 20th Century, the history
of Sportswear fashion stems from one of the
designers, Gabriel Chanel whom promoted her
own active and financially independent lifestyle
through her relaxed jersey suits and uncluttered
dresses. Considered as clothes suited to resort
wear or for some sporting activities at that time,
this has in turn inspired designers to collaborate
with sport brands nowadays, creating signature
collections and their very own lines. A fine
example is British designer Stella McCartney
who is famous for collaborating with Adidas
to launch a sports performance collection for
women entitled “Adidas by Stella McCartney.”
Sport clothes themselves, especially those that
are functionally athletic, creates an impression
of action, motion, lightness and flight, exactly
what is needed to jump-start the spring mood.
Versatile, the sports trend is easily mixable with
a variety of other styles, even from bohemian to
vintage to elegant.
Knitted long gaiters are an ideal addition to
a fitted pencil skirt covered with a flowing
organza skirt on top and an abstract print
blouse. From one perspective, the gaiters
make the look more complete, balancing
the lower romantic airy half with the tough
knitted material. Easily replaceable with black
leggings, gaiters also double as comfortable leg
warmers that equally compliment a statement
dress. Brands such as Akira Mushi and Athina
Korda offer a wide variety of sport-inspired
accessories, but if you want to accentuate the
athletics side of your look, nothing could be
better than a bold pair of Nike shoes or any
other branded pair for that matter.
En Vie
fa s hio n
p. y. t.
Photographer / Dannie Dan-Ir abor - The Luxed Agency
Model / Jentri Hullinger - Hoffman International Models
Hair & MUA / Erica Johnson - The Luxed Agency
Wardrobe / Phil Keophaphone
Pink top: Elle
Pant: Vera Wang
En Vie
l ab e l
klash kouture
Text / Esper anza Urbaez
Photographer / Mat thias Holst
Couture / Vivien Schlueter - Kl ash Kouture
H&M / K aya Mitchell
Model / Cristina Maria Sar acut
A gency / Inst yle Models Munich
fa s hio n
Photographer / Antonio Guzzardo - www.
Stylist / Valeria Gaetano -
MUA / Valentina Pintus -
Hair stylist / Vincenzo Panico
Hair stylist's assistant / Stefano L anterni
Models / Maryana@yourwaymanagement
Thanks to / Of ficine Ferri Abbigliamento, via Appia Nuova, 232 .
Location / Roma 2013
Studded leather outer wear: Nue 19.04
Top: Nue 19.04
Pants: Masnada
Footwear: Elisa Nero
orn on the Northern Sea in Germany, in a
small town called Bremerhaven, couture
designer Vivien Schlueter found her passion
in fashion design. Although, not having any form
training in fashion design she decided to “fight for
[her] dream” and pursue it. After spending years as
a seamstress on photo shoots and fashion shows
she started her own business, Klash Kouture. She
considers the opening of her business as her most
proud moment.
Klash Kouture was born in France in 2010. Schluter
took some time to decide on a name for her brand.
She started as ZündSTOFF in 2005 but another
business had that name already. One morning with
croissant in hand and some brainstorming, she made
puns with the word "Couture". She loved "Clash
Couture". A French friend suggested spelling both
words with "K".
Schluter , who loves the timeless elegance and cuts
of couture, always begins her creative process with
the visualization of an idea. She then with much
enthusiasm and ambition collects materials and
researches topics that inspire her.
Something that makes Klash Kouture unique is that
it offer fashion for people with handicaps. Schluter
is currently designing individual outfits for people in
wheelchairs such as wedding dresses for brides who
want their dream dresses and extravagant evening
dresses for special occasions.
The creator of Klash Kouture believes that true
beauty comes from the inside. “ A smiling bride is
more beautiful than a bride who is not okay with
her dress,” says Schluter. She believes pure beauty
opens a door to fantasy and lets you dream. She
describes it as looking at a beautiful picture and
it allowing it to take you on a journey or like a
wonderful garden that invites you to linger. True
beauty lets you feel good and comfortable.
Check out Klash Kouture’s designs at:
Willkommen.html and
En Vie
Dustcoat: Sakink
Leggings: Masada
Footwear: Elisa Nero
Hood: Malloni
Dress: Malloni
Footwear: Malloni
Coat: Daniela Bizzi
Shirt: Masada
Vest: Malloni
Pants: Malloni
Shoes: Of ficine Creative
En Vie
intro d u c tio n
glitterati girl
Photographer / Kristia Knowles
Hair & MUA / Shannon Miller
Model / Olvia ashton@mega models miami
Wradrobe stylist / yours truly private collection
iercing blue eyes, jet-black wavy
hair, colorful tattoos of roses and
hearts cover her arms, and a sly
smile full of determination and passion.
Her work is sexy, fun, and gorgeous. Her
artistry has improved and continues to
improve over the span of her career.
Ever since American makeup artist Shannon
Miller was a child, her heart was in the
beauty industry. At 17 years of age, she
began to work at Safire McMillan Canale
Salon in Malibu, California. Shannon soon
realized that her passion was not hair but
skin and makeup. At 19, Shannon travelled
to attend college in Australia and work as a
freelancer. Soon after, she returned to the
U.S. and joined MAC in South California
where she continued to develop her skills.
Always looking to grow and learn, Shannon
headed to Florida to attend Florida College
of Natural Health to obtain an Esthetician
She has since enjoyed helping women
look the best with make-up, but it also
educating her clients on how to maintain
beautiful skin. Shannon focuses on Daytime,
Nighttime, Professional, and Bridal makeup.
Shannon created her own company called
Faces By Shannon which is a representation
of the knowledge and experience she has
gained through the years and around the
world. Shannon’s experience includes work
with models through commercials, photo
shoots, makeup lessons and work with
talent agencies.
Shannon’s work can be found at http://
En Vie
fa s hio n
pattern play
Photographer / Leah Perry
Model / Gwen V. @Factor
Styling / Darryl Anderson
MUA / Veronica Sit terding for Sweat Pea and Fay Cosmetics
Hair / K atie Whitney for Paul Mitchell
Make up assistant / Anna Harwood
Left: Hat: Stylist own / Top: RD Style
Right: Jacket: GREYLIN / Top: RD Style / Bracelets: C . A .K .E . by Ali Khan
Headband: Troo
Earrings: Stylist own
Top: I.Madeline
Skirt: I.Madeline
Shoes: BCBG Paris
Bracelets: BCBG
Scar f belt: Troo
Belt: Elise M.
Bracelet: INC .
Shoes: BCBG Paris
Hat: Nine West
Earrings: C . A .K .E . by Ali Khan
Bracelets: C . A .K .E by Ali Khan
Top: I.Madeline
Pants: I.Madeline
En Vie
ro mantic
Text / Whitney Litz
Photographer / Danielle Ford Photogr aphy
Model / Alysson King
Hair & MUA / Alysson King
Wardrobe & Props / Danielle Ford
nna sold the house but not the guitar. When
pressed for a reason she said “Priorities?” like
it was a question still unanswered. After that they
saw her head to the riverbank with her acoustic in
tow, dressed for the July heat and weighed down
with enough silver to ward off bears while still
charming the birds.
at the river? The top-heavy cedar tree where she
stole her first kiss with the lanky neighborhood
girl? That girl had always been somewhere close
until the car accident. Anna’s mum and dad offered
their sympathies, but they were as greedy with their
emotions as Scrooge during the season of almsgiving.
She would not find a welcoming home with them.
On the water’s edge, they all imagined she would
sing songs with that dear acoustic friend. The two of
them would remember childhood through the screen
of soft haze—the screen highlighted in pastels— that
adults use when, feeling the pang of nostalgia, look
into an innocent and all-too-cherished past.
When Anna played the guitar, she’d play until the
polish of her nails chipped away. When she left for
the river, they say she had a new coat of polish. The
label read as “Cherry Chapstick” though Anna called
it “Just Red”. All the polish was left at home, in the
drawer second from the top in the dresser in the
spare bedroom, to be exact.
Her memories held hands; each would pass by in
a slow progression. What did she see while gazing
Anna never came back for fresh polish.
En Vie
e dito rial
Model / Narumi Nak akita
(a xone model Agency )
www. a x1. jp
tempt me
Model / K aoru Hiromur a
(a xone model Agency )
www. a x1. jp
En Vie
intro d u c tio n
Model / Leona Pint
ersonal, intimate, and innocent
describe the work of German
photographer Jana Schuessler. Her
ability to portray the raw emotional seeded
in the eyes of her models is impressive.
Although she is a young photographer, she
has risen quickly in the industry and shows
no sign of stopping. Her passion is palpable
and talent unquestionable.
more than
Photographer / Jana SchüSSler
Model / Sar ah Jülich
MUA / Harry Epp
Location / Der Naschl aden
Since she was a child, the 22-year-old
Jana Schuessler discovered her interest in
photography and since then she never let go of
her father’s SLR. She describes her work with
the camera as liberating. For her it is a way to
express feelings which cannot be described
with words. Photography allows the possibility
to capture special moments and to see the
world from a different perspective. In 2009,
her passion became her profession and she
started her apprenticeship as a photographer
near Cologne, which she finished in 2012.
Soon after, she travelled to the fashion capital,
New York City to learn more about the fashion
photography and to assist some established
photographers. At this time she took pictures
for some newcomer designers and published
her photographs in magazines in Seattle,
Canada and the UK. Since December 2013
Jana has worked in Zurich for a successful
fashion photographer in order to improve her
knowledge and skills.
Schuessler’s work can be seen at http://
Model / Amanda Kongshaug
En Vie
e dito rial
wild & Free
Model / Fr ancina van Riel
MUAH, Styling & Photography / Cassie Yusofi
En Vie
e dito rial
your world
Photographer / Hanna Kristina
Model / Lex @M+P Models
MUA / Nuria
Stylist / Olivia Wright
inte rvie w
Photographer / Sar a Melot ti
Model / Dakota Nate MUA / Sue Pine
Hair / Lisa Ortiz
Stylist / Jodi Peretz
En Vie
orn and raised in America’s own Sin City,
Las Vegas, Nevada, she briefly lived in the
City of Angels. Dakota Nate, 20, has been
modeling since the age of 16. A long-time fashion
lover who confesses to have played “dress up” up
until her teens, Nate discovered an intense passion
for modeling after her first photo shoot. She says
being in front of the camera “sparks a complete
lack of inhibition” in her. En Vie caught up with the
gorgeous American model to learn more about her
rising career.
En Vie: What is your life's motto?
Dakota Nate: Keep running up the hill that leads you
to your dreams, and once there, stay humble. Never
forget the ones who helped along the way. There
are many women in the industry that either give up
the second things get rough, or hit a certain point
of success where they let their head surpass their
talent. Arrogance is one of the most hideous traits
you can carry.
EV: What was the most fun modeling shoot?
DN: I LOVE shooting on location. Any time that
I have been able to frolic through a field or play
around on a beach whilst on a photo shoot, I've been
as happy as can be. I feel like I'm completely in my
element when I'm outside.
EV: What is the most challenging part about
DN: Most definitely, how competitive and
discouraging it can get. It's very easy to let yourself
get down when there are so many other talented
individuals in your field. Sometimes people will tell
you that you don't have the right look. But you have
to remember that what's "in", changes nearly every
week. If you're passionate and driven enough, you'll
get past all of the negativity. You get out of it what
you put in. It's all up to you as an individual.
EV: What are your short and long term goals?
DN: Recently I was able to move back to Los Angeles
to dig deeper for a more serious modeling career and
to pursue acting. I signed up for a casting network
out here and it has gotten me quite a bit of work. I've
been in a couple of commercials and several music
videos. The next step is to put together a reel for
myself and to find an agent. I would love to begin
starring in feature films. Right now, the sky is the
EV: Advice for aspiring models?
DN: Don't let anyone else tell you who or what you
are. Stay healthy inside and out, book shoots with
local photographers that you trust and build yourself
a portfolio. Gain exposure through technology.
Never stop networking. Remember, when you do
arrive at your destination, be grateful for every
second of the struggle you've endured. This is what
will define you in the end.
En Vie
e dito rial
Photographer / Hanna Kristina
Model / Antonia @M+P Models
MUA / Lucy Jayne Parker
En Vie
Simple Natural
Serve vegetables individually to
really experience the unique flavors.
Romanesco broccoli, flower of turnip, shallots,
artichoke, black radish, celeriac, rutabaga,
turnip, butternuts squash and baby carrots.
These are delicacies from Hokkaido, Shizuoka,
Shiga and Awaji Island.
Rutabaga is a very delicious type of
turnip, with an interesting texture
and naturally sweet taste. It is also
known as a “Swedish turnip”.
Combination of spring vegetables with sherry vinegar and fleur de sel
Chef / Kazuhiko Daito/ESSENTIEL (
Writer / Mari Negishi (
Translator / Chiharu K . Prokop
Photographer / K i i T (w w
nly a little water is needed to
stew the vegetables so as not
to destroy the taste of the
vegetables. Keep simmering the broth
and mix it with the vegetables. Each
vegetable will add a distinct taste to
the broth.
Acidity of vinegar and fleur de sel to
finish will really make for a delicious
Sauté raw vegetables in olive
oil and steam them with a small
amount of bouillon.
Add some butter, sherry vinegar,
pepper and flower of salt (fleur de
sel) as seasoning.
The most important thing is “simplicity”.
“The simpler the cuisine is, the more
beautiful and delicious it is.”
Chef Ka zuhiko daito
Drizzle on some olive oil to serve.
Our sommelier recommends “2011
Macon Verze Domaine Leflaive”.
This wine has a
The spring is a welcome relief after the severely cold winter!
Vegetables begin to awaken from their long winter sleep
and living things slowly come back to life again.
tender flavor like
white flowers and
The taste is
very fruity and
beautifully clear.
This elegant wine
blends minerals
and acidity to
enhance the flavors
of the vegetable
B o r n i n19 76 i n Fu k u o k a , h e t h e n
m ove d to th e Fran ch e - Comté region
f o r a y e a r, a t t h e a g e o f 24 t o w o r k a t
the French restaurant , Chateau de
Va u c h o u x . H i s r e s u m e i n c l u d e s s t i n t s
at Le Violons d'Ingres, Le Taillevent and
in 20 03 , worke d with A lain D uc asse at
Hotel Plaza Athenee. Back in Japan , he
worke d for B en oit as a s o us- ch ef. In
20 0 8 h e was ap p ointe d exe cutive ch ef
at Le Comptoir de Benoit in Osaka in
Forecast from the Stars
by Hepzibah
Illustration / Anna Jasinski
w w
Aries March 21 - April 19
ams, you feel as though the
world is your oyster and so
it is. Your personal power is at
its maximum right now and you
have all th e en erg y an d m o re
to see through any projects
you have in mind, so avoid
impatience and rushing. A foot
massage could do you the world
of good.
Taurus April 20 - May 20
ou have the confidence
and assertion necessary to
make a push in your career this
month, but be careful you don’t
c a us e co nflic t in th e p ro ce ss .
Something you do may provoke
an unexpected response, so
take prec autions to prevent
causing any heartache,
especially to your loved ones.
Gemini May 21 -June 20
hings are going slow
right now but after the
20th your love and social
lif e w ill b l o o m . T h e re may b e
the opportunity for foreign
travel; especially accept
any invitations for group
outing s! H ealth an d energ y
will increase too and it is an
excellent time to try a new diet
or exercise routine.
Cancer June 21 -July 22
his is a good month for
money and career matters.
Support for your ambitions will
co m e f ro m f a mil y a n d el d e r s ,
helping to bring prosperity and
success. A pay rise could be in
the offing. After the 20th make
s u re yo u t a ke e n o u g h re s t o r
your health an d energ y levels
could suffer.
Libra September 23 - October 22
his month the emphasis is on
home and family. A time to
review, to stand back and work
out what you want and how to
achieve it, but this is not the time
for action. Take your time and
delay important decisions until
you feel you can see the situation
as it really is.
Scorpio October 23 - November 21
osmic power surrounds
you this m onth an d could
b r in g l ove in a f o r m t h a t f e w
may experience. The emphasis
is on fun and happy events.
However, be careful with your
spending, especially on leisure
ac tivities and treating others,
or you may have to work
overtime to compensate.
Leo July 23 -August 22
ith the water element
strong this month,
fier y Lions may be wanting
to head for the sun. This is
a n e xc e ll e n t tim e f o r f o re i g n
travel, especially if it involves
something educational. Singles
may want to wait until the 26th
when an important romantic
meeting is highly likely.
Sagittarius November 22 - December 21
any are hypersensitive at
the moment so this month
will be a good exercise for Saggis
in tempering your words. Speak
the truth by all means, but be
gentle in your honesty. If all else
fails run for the hills! Or at least
get plenty of physical exercise, it
will invigorate you.
Capricorn December 22 - January 19
o u r c o m m u n i c ati o n s k ills
are very strong this month
a n d i t is a n e xc e ll e n t t im e to
focus on the written word; be it
letters to friends or making your
thought s known to the world.
But keep in mind that these are
sensitive times so take care not
to cause any unnecessary hurt
with your words.
Aquarius January 20 – February 18
ince your birthday the
plan et s have b e en gaining
momentum and there has never
been a better time to begin new
projec t s an d ventures . Water
Bearers are shining and you will
draw love and wealth towards
you and feel yourself attracted
to s o m e o n e w h o c a n p rov i d e
f o r y o u – w h a te v e r t h a t m a y
Virgo August 23 - September 22
espite a busy social life
an d success at work , it is
not all plain sailing this month.
Make sure you fo cus on any
s tresses that may arise in the
family and home continued
f ro m t h e p rev i o u s m o n t h . B e
gentle and patient as it is a
s e n sitive tim e fo r ma ny rig ht
Pisces February 19 - March 20
ater water ever y where.
F is h e s , yo u a r e i n yo u r
e l e m e n t t h i s m o n t h . Yo u
feel comfortable and your
emotional energ y is p ower ful
and focused. As a result be
very careful what you wish for;
the month ahead could be a
dream come true or your worst
nightmare. It is up to you.