Lights and Perfections of the Great I AM


Lights and Perfections of the Great I AM
New Year’s Conclave 2014
Delivered by
the Anointed Representatives™ of the Ascended Masters
Monroe Julius Shearer & Carolyn Louise Shearer
Tucson, Arizona
December 27-31, 2013
Lights and Perfections
of the
Great I AM
New Year’s Conclave 2014
Your Presence’s Consciousness as the Great I AM
Discourse – December 27, 2013
Embark upon a journey into the Higher Realms to
acquaint yourself with the nature of the Great I AM and the Great
God Flame. Here you will experience the Divine Attributes and
God Consciousness native to your own Mighty I AM Presence.
You will want to partake of these most practical Teachings
because God’s Consciousness and Divine Qualities must be
reproduced consciously in order to have Perfection manifest
in your life. Your mind must actualize the Perfect Patterns of
the Mind of God. There is more understanding yet to be shared
with you of the interplay between the Great I AM and your own
Individual Presence, unfolding how the Great I AM is intimately
involved in every nuance of your life.
“Let There Be Light!”
Elohim Hercules – December 27, 2013
Elohim Hercules of the First Ray of the Will of God
describes the process of acceleration on the Spiritual Path as
you surrender all that is unreal and allow for the Divine Nature
of God to utilize your outer vehicles — and you decide to be
God. You need not wait until you are ready to take your last
breath to gain the Wisdom, the Will of God, and the sacred tools
of Divine Qualities that are inherent within your own Presence!
Isn’t it time to let the Light of God perform its Perfect Work
and consume the unreality that you have fostered? Hercules
reveals the secret of the Will of God and how it can truly take
precedence in your life. The true transfer of the Power of God
comes over the current of God Love, and the White Light of
Purity accompanies that Will of God.
The Interplay of the Individualization and the
Great I AM
Discourse – December 28, 2013
Do you ever wonder why it is important to know what is
transpiring in the Realm of the Great I AM? You are empowered
to discover why it is so practical and relevant to your life to
know of the nature of The One and The Good. These Inner
Realms are far more permanent, lasting, real, and all-powerful
than you dare imagine. As you trace one world into the next,
you will arrive at the innermost level of The One and The Good,
and there you know that this Godhead is the Prime Mover,
the first cause that comes forth. The more that you discover
about the nature of the Godhead, the more you will be able
to tremble the rafters of Heaven, the highest Realm that is the
Great I AM. The omnipotent, omnipresent Power of God can be
harnessed, tapped, and released by your lifestream while still in
Fulfill Your Fiery Destiny Each Day!
Elohim Apollo – December 28, 2013
Apollo, Elohim of the Second Ray, brings forth the
Divine Mind of God as Illumination’s Flame. He explains that
the Elohim desire you to fulfill your Divine Destiny — to be
God! You must be the example! You must stand in the Flame
of God! You have a Divine Purpose to be outpictured in the
glorious Fabric of God! Your Presence is not limited! Your
Presence knows exactly how to motivate these outer vehicles
through the labyrinth of all that would appear to be a limitation.
You must be constantly vigilant to purify your vehicles and
establish a Current of Light and a Fire of Momentum of God
Reality to shun that which does not hold to the level of the
Vibration of the Christ. Apollo desires for you to embody a
Pillar of Illumination’s Fire so that the Mind of God is never
removed from your conscious awareness.
The Love of God Knits All Into One
Heros & Amora – December 28, 2013
Heros and Amora, the Third Ray Elohim, teach you the
Mastery of Love. God’s Love fuels all of life. It must be present
for there to be life! The One, the Great I AM, so loved that the
multiplication of its own awareness as Love became a Necessity.
Just as the Great I AM loved into Being the Individualization of
your own Presence, your Presence has loved your vehicles of
consciousness and the Threefold Flame upon the Altar of your
Heart. The Presence of God loves you beyond measure. You
are intended to command God Love so that there can be the
Wholeness of God Love at the foundation of all. The closer you
come to your Presence, the more childlike is the expression of
your Heart. Let not one pass you by that does not feel your Love
at some level. Let only God Love be the motive of your every
The Epiphany of Your Own Electronic Body
Discourse – December 29, 2013
The Realms of Divine Perfection are the backdrop to
all of creation. God is active, active, active and at work creating
his Kingdom — from the Realm above the Great Central Sun
through the Realms of Coming-To-Be to the fivefold universe.
All this belongs to God. It is one unified whole, embraced in the
Consciousness of God, embraced by the Limitless Light. The
Presence, out of its own Heart’s devotion, desires to lavish its
Love throughout the entire universe. The Divine Plan is for the
Individualizations of God to command that very Presence. God
says, “Command ye me.” Then the process of creation comes
to pass. As you encounter this Reality, seeing it, sensing it, as it
becomes a firsthand experiential constant in your life, you will
be able to accept in full faith the ability of your Mighty I AM
Presence to outpicture in your world the Perfection that is there
in the Higher Realms.
Prepare to Receive the Charge of Elohim Purity
Mother Mary – December 29, 2013
Holding the Immaculate Conception of your Divinity,
Mary, the Mother of Heaven, anchors the Mother Light to
prepare you to receive the Charge of Elohim. This Light of the
Mother Flame has always been the perfect garment for you to
wear! Mother Mary brings you practical Teachings to manifest
health, wholeness, Joy, Harmony, and Love. Your Heart Flame
is always worthy. And the Heart Flame is the open door through
which your consciousness must elevate into the Oneness of
God — accepting for yourself the Healing, the Illumination,
the Will, the Love, and the Purity that is the Divine Nature of
your Presence. Take those moments in each day to fix your
consciousness in Holy Communion with that Presence, moving
in the figure-eight flow of the Heart of God where you are bathed
in the Mother Light, and then you will have the Listening Grace
of God holding you in God’s Will.
Guard Well the Citadel of Light
Elohim Purity – December 29, 2013
Elohim Purity of the Fourth Ray teaches you Purity’s
great importance. When Purity streams forth, it can be in all
Qualities of God, but at the core of that Purity is the White
Fire. This Rod of Purity allows for Life to move in cosmic
dimensions and cycles. For the co-creative process with God
to take place, there must be Purity. Purity allows you to be free!
All of the respective Rays of God Consciousness and their
Quality; all of the Christ Virtues that you are to impress upon the
Elemental Forces of Nature; all that comprises the very Body
Consciousness of God is determined by Purity. Wherever your
eye lands, it should embrace Purity, telegraphing back to you
the Perfect Matrixes of the Patterns of God. Strive mightily to
practice the disciplines of invocation; Decrees and Affirmations;
and prayer and meditation. And strive to fulfill the Christ Virtues
to bring forth greater Purity in your life.
How the Individualizations Reflect the Great I AM
Discourse – December 29, 2013
The Presence, out of its own blessed nature as The
One, pours forth all of the Excellences and Perfections of
God Good that are inherent within it, unfolding them from
its highest nature. The Infinite Presence, the Great I AM, acts
and controls everything in the universe through its very own
Individualizations. This is how creation takes place. As God
Individualized, your Mighty I AM Presence is in fact the
Individualization of The Good and The One. Your ability to
know “I AM” is because that Consciousness is presently being
afforded you by your Presence. You have the certitude, the
comfort, and the conviction of knowing “I AM” by the action of
the Thinking Flame upon the Altar of your Heart.
The Activity of the Emerald Ray
Elohim Cyclopea – December 29, 2013
The Elohim of God’s Fifth Ray, Cyclopea, the AllSeeing Eye, commends you to the Truth of your God Identity. He
unfolds for you the nuances and actions of the Emerald Ray for
your highest and best use. The Emerald Ray is creation, Truth,
Wholeness, Purity, God Love, and God Wisdom. The Emerald
Ray desires to multiply all that is like the nature of God and thus
reflects the Presence of God, the Allness of God — the Great
I AM! The Perfection of the Mind of God as Truth should be
that sword that you behold. And when you have a Necessity that
must be drawn into actualization, call upon the Emerald Matrix,
allowing for the Ray of your own Presence to release the full
weight and measure of the Emerald Fire into your consciousness
to clarify your vision, purify your feeling world, and allow for
the fulfillment of what you require in that hour.
Elements of the Consciousness of Your Individual
Discourse – December 30, 2013
Your Individual Presence comes down as a Ray of Light
out of the Great I AM into the Realm of the Great Central Sun. The
Consciousness of your Presence is absolute Divine Perfection, Beauty,
and Power. The Presence is a Craftsman, able to propagate its own
innate Oneness and Goodness and cause creation to manifest through
its ability to make things One. It pours forth its Life into Creation
through the templates that are the Patterns in the Mind of God. The
Presence is Self-individualized, Self-constituted, Self-actualized, and
able to know itself as its own Source of all Good. It possesses a lawful
sense of taking command, being in charge, and having at its disposal
everything in the Great Central Sun. It is incapable of cognizing
opposition or accepting anything less than Perfection. Each Individual
I AM Presence wields Omnipotent Power.
Embody the Peace of Elohim
Elohim Peace – December 30, 2013
Peace, the Elohim of the Sixth Ray, instructs you on the
nature of Peace: what will bring you Peace and allow for Peace
to reign upon the Earth. He also reveals why your Presence took
embodiment and the steps you must take to win your Victory! You
are charged with the commandment to have Peace instilled in your
life so that God’s Power may flow through you. Right upon your
Heart’s Altar is the Peace that will allow all that you require in that
moment to flow to you from your Presence. All of God’s Cosmos
waits to respond to your every need. But the Law of Octaves
requires that you must ask. You must invoke that Light! You must
set in motion a figure-eight flow that allows for the Light, the
Body Consciousness of your Presence, to enter into your vehicles.
You are charged to remember the Responsibility that you have to
embody the Peace of Elohim!
The Nature of the Gods
Discourse – December 30, 2013
Your Mighty I AM Presence has the power to extend
itself and bring together the elements to mix creation from the
highest to the lowest levels of Coming-To-Be. Your Presence
projects the life pattern your body is built upon into the world.
All things are bound up in the Gods and deeply rooted in them.
Should anything become separated from the Gods, it falls into
nothingness. When you take out The One, everything goes
back to the Universal. Ascended Master Consciousness is
uncompromising in holding to the Perfection of God and God
alone. You will rejoice in the knowledge that your Presence is
waiting to give of itself, extending itself to your Heart.
All Is Possible with the Violet Flame
Elohim Arcturus & Victoria – December 30, 2013
Arcturus and Victoria, the Seventh Ray Elohim, seal the
Earth in the Violet Flame. They instruct that the greatest Freedom
of all is the Freedom to be the expression of God. This is the
lesson of all lifetimes — how to allow God to be free where you
are. You are here to create in God! For you to be the Chalice of
the Most High, your invocations to the Violet Flame are essential
to your Victory. Your understanding of how to utilize the Rays
of God Light, calling them forth, establishing momentums of
their right use in your life, will give you greater opportunity.
The Violet Flame is a miracle worker! With the Violet Flame, all
things are possible! The Violet Flame can consume, even within
the most resistant consciousness, all which is unreal. Remember
your experience with each Elohim. Treasure it. Rehearse over
and over again the Teaching and Instruction given during this
Communing with the Great I AM
Discourse – December 31, 2013
Above all else, the Ascended Masters during this
Conference seek to lift your heart and open your crown, the
combined vehicles you need to elevate into the Consciousness
of the Presence of God. It is imperative that you cultivate a
relationship with the I AM THAT I AM, as well as a relationship
with the Ascended Masters and your own Mighty I AM
Presence, for truly that God of Very Gods does enter into the
equation of how you are to gain your mastery. Know that the
I AM Presence is the doer, and divest yourself of the sense of
outwardly being the one who is performing the work. The Christ
Presence mediates between the Perfection of the Selfhood of the
I AM Presence and the four lower bodies. The formula I, plus
AM, plus Presence is explained.
Choose to Be in the Presence of God
Snow King & Snow Queen – December 31, 2013
The Snow King and Snow Queen come by Dispensation
from the Lords of Karma to release the White Fire of their Heart
and their Momentum to guide you into the White Fire Core of
your own Being. This White Essence of God can act as a magnet
for the Mother Light within you to spiral up the spinal altar.
And in the White Fire, you recognize the I AM, the Great and
Glorious One God. You are required to let go. Take your outer
will and release it so that you might receive the Light of God
flowing into all of your life, filling it with Light. Your Threefold
Flame is there to fire, to consume, to direct, to heal, to prosper!
Let your Heart be so filled with the White Fire that you are sure
that every day it is snowing, filling your world with the Purity of
your Mighty I AM Presence.
Home Is Right within Your Heart
Lord Gautama – December 31, 2013
There are many dynamics that enter into the equation
of God, but there is always Harmony at the core, for it takes
Harmony to knit together the core aspect of the Power of God.
Your Presence knows your history, knows the shortcomings, but
likewise knows the momentums of Victory in your Causal Body
capable of streaming forth when Harmony is present. Gautama
treasures your Heart. Thus, when he is in contemplation upon
the Sons and Daughters of God upon the Earth, it is the most
sublime activity imaginable, for the Rays from his Heart are
touching every lifestream upon the Earth. In the Allness of God
we are all one. The Flame of God knows no separation, borders,
cultures, language. The only language the Heart Flame knows
is the language of God Love, God Harmony, God Peace, God
Purity, God Sanctity, and God Holiness.
New Year’s Acropolis 2014
Delivered by
the Anointed Representatives™ of the Ascended Masters
Monroe Julius Shearer & Carolyn Louise Shearer
Tucson, Arizona
January 1-7, 2014
The Pathway to the Great Central Sun
Elohim Surya – January 1, 2014
As it streams forth from the Heart of The One, the
Intonation of God establishes currents, filling the space and the
dimensions of the physical, emotional, mental, and memory
bodies so you might play upon the Pranic Breaths with specific
detail. Realize that within your own consciousness is the
opportunity to give birth to the Mind of God, knowing only that
which is whole, perfect, and beneficial to life. The great Pranic
Breaths only respond to the Light upon the Altar of your Heart.
The key is what is filtered through these outer vehicles as that
Light stretches forth and begins to activate the Pranic Breaths. It
is not enough to know that your Mighty I AM Presence exists.
The Great I AM desires to stretch forth the Mind of God through
your consciousness and expand your horizons.
You Are Part of the Whole of God
Elohim Hyperion – January 2, 2014
Hyperion, Elohim of the Air Element, comes to
announce your Christ Consciousness to the world and prepare
the way for you to fulfill it. There must be an active Threefold
Flame transferring the Consciousness of the Mind of God to
activate the very beating heart of the physical body. The holy
purpose of incarnation is that the Threefold Flame might ignite
the Consciousness of God from within out, and receive the
high ideals born out of the pure design of the Great I AM. It
is not enough to wait for something to happen; you must make
it happen by drawing forth the Mind of God and allowing that
Consciousness to enter into your vehicles. You are part of the
whole of God. This is something the Elohim understand most
intimately as they draw forth the Momentum that creates worlds
through the Holy Communion with the Allness of God.
Unfolding the Nature of the Godhead
Discourse – January 3, 2014
We can think of the Great Central Sun as the One Heart
and the One Mind of God. All Mighty I AM Presences have the
sense of a shared and common inheritance of all that is there in
the Great Central Sun. Each one has the full and limitless access
to all that the Great Central Sun is. The Mighty I AM Presence
acts upon the universal nature of the Great Central Sun, adding
the unique Life of its own individuality, blending it with the
qualities of the Universal. In this way we have the coming-to-be
of creation. The process of creation necessarily takes place as
Individualizations of the Godhead add the impetus of their own
Heart. All of the world within the Mind of God is available to
your Mighty I AM Presence!
I AM Your Defender of the Right to Be God
Elohim Kronos – January 3, 2014
Elohim Kronos ignites the Ruby Fire of God’s Love in
your world so that you might step forth and proclaim the Divine
Destiny of your lifestream. All of God streams forth in answer
to the great magnet of the Heart of God Love. When you initiate
Love from your own Heart Flame, it is important to have the
fullness of your attention upon the Desire of God. The vehicle
of consciousness that is tested the most is the nature of your
Heart Flame coming-to-be as God Love. There is no substance
on the Earth that can stand in opposition to the Ruby Fire. What
remains is your ability to hold fast to that Fire as it is released.
You must elevate your vehicles into the Christ Mind and allow
the Mighty I AM Presence to issue forth the action of the Ruby
Fire, all the while drawing upon the Flame of God Love upon
the Altar of your Heart.
The Realities of the Mind of God
Discourse – January 3, 2014
The Thousand-Petaled Lotus of the Mind of God is the
expression of the devotion of the Heart as well as the blossoming
of the Crown. For in the Great Central Sun and in the purified
consciousness, the Heart and mind operate as one. When the
Lotus begins to respond to the warmth and luminous nature of
God, gently it starts to open to the glories which pour forth from
the God Presence. As it unfolds, it conveys the power of the
Mind of the Presence, engaging in countless activities all at one
time. Each individual petal is a separate thought and outpouring
of the Mind of God engaged in simultaneously as part of the
whole of the one Lotus. Be inspired by the beauty of the Mind
of God — enter into the connectivity, the eternal existence, the
Good, the Forms — all within the Thousand-Petaled Lotus of
the Mind of the Presence of God.
Receive the Ruby Chalice of Our Communion
Maha Chohan – January 3, 2014
The Maha Chohan offers you the Ruby Chalice of his
Heart to assist you in communing with the Heart of your Presence.
He imparts to you the Divine Mind of God as Illumination and
understanding. In the Fullness of God Love, the Mind of God
imparts to you what you require each moment of your incarnation.
Knowing this should bring you the comfort that you require to
allow for the Flame upon the Altar of your Heart to expand, to
engage in life so you as the Christ may perform all that you have
come to achieve. This is what is meant by taking Authority for your
life: You look within to discover what it is that you will do and
draw it forth. The answer is always announced to you by the Flame
upon the Altar of your Heart, for that is where you know God.
Absorb into Your Consciousness the Necessities of God
Mighty Cosmos – January 4, 2014
You can call to Mighty Cosmos for assistance! In his
Office, he receives your Calls so that you may consciously connect
with the Outpourings of the Divine Essence held by the Elohim
and more easily manifest all that you are required to bring to the
fore. The Ray of Necessity streams forth as the Desire of God
to create and bring forth every good and perfect creation held
within the Mind of the Great I AM. The needle ray action of the
Mind of God streams forth as Patterns of Perfection requiring the
Consciousness of the Flame of God to propel each thought, each
matrix into fulfillment and manifestation. With the Flames of God
Qualities and the Rays of the Pranic Breaths firmly seated as an
outpost within your vehicles, you have access to all you require.
The necessities of God can be revealed and absorbed into your
consciousness even in this moment. This is the fulfillment you are
required to master!
The Eternal Fruitfulness of the Godhead
Discourse – January 5, 2014
The true Source and Fountainhead of all that is going on
within the Great Central Sun comes forth from the Great I AM and
the Presence of The One. For there in that Great I AM, born out
of the exhaustless depths of its own innate Goodness which flows
forth as the Force of Divine Love, comes the desire to enrich every
single part of life. Out of this driving motive of the Wellspring of
Love comes the fifth of the Christ Virtues which is Constancy —
practicality, productivity, and eternal fruitfulness. Discover the
nature of the Godhead as active, active, active! This fruitfulness
can be seen in the Divine Abundance expressed through nature and
in the commandment given to the Sons and Daughters of God — to
be fruitful and multiply the good works of the Lord!
Be in the Constant State of God Reality
Elohim Regulus – January 5, 2014
The Elohim Regulus holds within his Consciousness the
Edenic Blueprint of the Earth that you might draw upon, not
only for your own lifestream but for the entirety of mankind.
The Presence of God requires a Flame anchored in each plane
of consciousness for there to be the actualization of God.
Perhaps your outer consciousness is not aware, but your Christ
Consciousness is always cognizing the Mind of God. Your
Electronic Body is always fashioning, creating, and thinking
about all there is to be accomplished in the Fullness of God. The
missing ingredient is having sufficient Sons and Daughters of
God anchoring the Fire in their own life. That which you sow
into life you are responsible for; it contains the stamp of your
own identity. And thus you have Authority over that which you
are sending forth.
Embrace the Consciousness of Elohim
El Morya – January 5, 2014
El Morya commends the students of Acropolis for
their stalwart Courage, for many have been able to fully
embrace all that the Elohim have desired to release. They have
determined within themselves to hold fast to all that has been
taught, to remember even the slightest detail of how it feels
receive an Elohim. But is this the end? Indeed not. For this
Dispensation is ongoing. The students of the Light must adhere
to certain disciplines if they desire to have the forefront of their
consciousness filled with the Mind of God. For those who are
ready to jump headlong into the Flame — the Allness of God
awaits! There is no limit to what can be accomplished! If it is
the Will of God, it will be done. But all must make the conscious
election to step forward and engage in their Divine Plan, for it
will not happen absent the Flame of God actively participating
in life!
The Presence of God Is All About You
Saint Germain – January 6, 2014
To bring to the fore a Golden Age requires the Perfection
of the Mind of God distilled into a way of life that magnifies the
Divine Essence of God. Saint Germain asks you what you will
do to assist in bringing in the Golden Age. Will you be a Chalice
for the Presence of God? This is what you must be concerned
with first and foremost, for it is the highest priority in life. In
bringing your own God Identity to the fore, you have begun to
recognize the ideal life you desire to live. It is important to have
your surroundings filled with the Charge of Light, but that Light
comes from within you. As the Rays of Light stream forth from
your Presence, you are aware that your Mighty I AM Presence
has the capability of stretching forth the fingers of God to touch
every part of life. Your God Presence has given you the role of
being the Flame of God where you are.
Be an Agent of Divine Providence
Discourse – January 7, 2014
During the week of Acropolis, you have elevated your
imagination and heart into Great I AM, into the Heart of the
Great Central Sun, realizing all that is divinely intended there
for you. The Elohim and the Ascended Masters have sought
to inspire, educate, and put you in direct experience with the
Godhead. You are now ready to go forward as a clipper ship,
filled with everything you need to be God Victorious. The wind
of the Great Central Sun fills your sails, unfurled and billowing
with the Power of God; your Mighty I AM Presence is the
captain, sailing your ship of state. The overflowing Good of The
One spills into all the realms of creation as Divine Providence.
May you elect to engage in the service of the Divine Plan for the
Earth, and the Hand of Divine Providence will come to your aid!
The Day Elohim Changed the World
Maha Elohim Ouranos – January 7, 2014
The Elohim Ouranos stands in the Earth, proclaiming
the God Consciousness of the Great I AM as the Divine Patterns
that are to take shape, form, fashion, momentum, and reality
right within you, right within the Earth. He is charged with
holding the Immaculate Conception of your Divinity and your
out-picturing of the Allness of God. You have participated
in the Mind of God, for your own Mighty I AM Presence is
filled with that same Substance of God; and thus, right upon
the Altar of your Heart resides the Seed Ideas of the Presence.
You can change your life into God Reality. When you touch
the Consciousness and Momentum of Ouranos with your
Heart Flame, it ignites the Divine Plan that is to come into
manifestation for your lifestream. You can call to your Presence
to reactivate the record of the initial release of Elohim so you
might once more enter into Holy Communion and be reminded
of this Vibration, instruction, and teaching. This is the Divine
Estate granted to you!
DVD Instructions
T hank you for your purchase of this Audio DVD. We trust you will find great Wisdom, Love,
and Comfort in these precious Discourses and Dictations from the Ascended Masters. Below
are general guidelines for installing the audio files on your computer or mobile device. Please
feel free to contact us at 520-751-2039 or if you have any questions.
You can find updated instructions on The Temple’s website on the DVD instructions web page,
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PC Instructions:
Windows Media Player
1.Place DVD into CD/DVD drive on computer.
2.Copy the folder containing the audio files from the DVD and paste into
the My Music folder on your PC. This will automatically add the album to the
music library for Windows Media Player.
Other Music Applications
If you prefer to use a different music player application, then you will
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library. The appropriate action should appear on each application’s File
menu. For example, for iTunes select Add Folder to Library, for WinAmp
select Add media to Library, for MusicBee select Rescan /Add Files, and for
MediaMonkey select Add/Rescan files to the Library. In all cases, make sure
the album folder in the My Music folder is included in the selected folders.
Mac Instructions:
1.Place DVD in CD/DVD drive on computer.
2.In iTunes menu, go to Edit > Preferences > Advanced. Make sure that
Copy file to iTunes Media folder when adding to library is checked.
3.In File menu, select Add Folder to Library > select the folder on the DVD.
Other Music Applications
If you prefer to use a different music player application, make sure the
application is configured to copy files to its media folder on the hard drive
when importing the album from the DVD.
Android Instructions:
1. Insert the DVD into the CD/DVD drive on computer.
2. Make sure the screen is unlocked on the Android device, and
connect it to a PC using a USB cable.
3. In Windows Explorer on the PC, the Android device will be visible.
Browse to the Android Music folder.
4. Copy the album folder and paste into the Android Music folder.
a. If you see a prompt, Do you want to convert ... before it’s
copied to your device? click on No, just copy. Otherwise the files
will be converted to MP3 files, which will be slightly lower quality
than the original M4A files. The M4A files should play properly on
your Android.
iOS (iPhone, iPad,
iPod Touch) Instructions:
Third Party Utility Program
We recommend using a third party utility that allows you to selectively
transfer files from a PC or Mac to an iOS device.
There are a number of such utilities. For the PC, we have found that
CopyTrans Manager works well. It is a free Windows application
available at:
Once the application is installed, these are the steps to transfer the
1. Place DVD into the CD/DVD drive on computer.
2. Connect the iOS device to your PC with the USB cable.
3. In the PC Start Menu, click on CopyTrans Control Center >
CopyTrans Manager > Start > +Add. The Add tracks to library
window should appear.
4. Select the album folder and click on Add.
5. After it has finished adding the files, click on the Update
button. This will transfer the files to the device.
An alternative approach is to import the album into iTunes on your PC
or Mac, and then sync the iOS device with iTunes on the computer. Be
aware, however, that this will erase all media files on the device that
are not found in the iTunes library on the computer.