Full Packet - Sacramento County Office of Education
Full Packet - Sacramento County Office of Education
Sacramento County Board of Education Regular Meeting Tuesday / May 5, 2015 / 6:30 P.M. PLEASE NOTE: Curriculum Committee Meeting will begin at 5:00 p.m. Conference Room A 10474 Mather Boulevard P.O. Box 269003 Sacramento, CA 95826-9003 916.228.2410 SACRAMENTO COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION 10474 Mather Boulevard P.O. Box 269003 Sacramento, California 95826-9003 TO: Members, County Board of Education FROM: David W. Gordon, Secretary to the Board SUBJECT: Agenda – Regular Meeting – Tuesday, May 5, 2015 Regular Session: 6:30 p.m. NOTE: The Sacramento County Office of Education encourages those with disabilities to participate fully in the public meeting process. If you need a disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, to participate in the public meeting, contact the Superintendent’s Office at 916.228.2410 at least 48 hours before the scheduled Board meeting so that we may make every reasonable effort to accommodate you. [Government Code § 54953.2; Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, § 202 (42 U.S.C. § 12132).] I. Call to Order and Roll Call II. Pledge of Allegiance III. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of April 10, 2015 Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of April 21, 2015 IV. Adoption of Agenda V. Official Correspondence VI. Visitor Presentations A. General Public B. Employee Organizations NOTE: Anyone may address the Board on any item that is within the Board's subject matter jurisdiction. However, the Board may not take action on any item not on this agenda except as authorized by Government Code section 54954.2. Anyone may appear at the Board meeting to testify in support of or in opposition to any item being presented to the Board for consideration. If possible, notify the Board President or Board Secretary in writing prior to the meeting if you wish to testify. VII. Superintendent’s Report NOTICE: The agenda packet and supporting materials, including materials distributed less than 72 hours prior to the scheduled meeting, can be viewed at the Sacramento County Office of Education – Reception Desk, located at 10474 Mather Boulevard, Mather, CA. For more information please call 916.228.2410. Agenda – Regular Meeting – May 5, 2015 Page 2 A. Recognition of the June 2015 Employees of the Month Classified Employee: Nikki Brindle, Administrative Assistant, Special Education Department Certificated Employee: Nicholas Papagiannopoulos, ED Teacher, Special Education Department B. Recognition of the 2015 Classified School Employee of the Year – Julie Evans VIII. New Business A. Adoption of Consent Agenda – David W. Gordon 1. Accept Report on Personnel Transactions – Effie Crush 2. Award Diplomas to Special Education, Court, and Community School Students – Dr. Matt Perry/Dr. Robin Pierson 3. Declaration of Equipment Listed as Surplus Property and Authorization to Dispose of Equipment Pursuant to Education Code – Tammy Sanchez B. Approval of Contracts – Tammy Sanchez C. Authorization to Submit Grant Applications/Service Contracts and Accept Funding if Awarded; and Approval of Contracts, Positions, and Other Expenditures Associated with the Grants as Outlined in the Proposed Budgets – David W. Gordon 1. $521,846 Friday Night Live and Club Live/Friday Night Live Mentoring/ State Incentive grant from the Sacramento County Behavioral Health Services, Alcohol and Drug Services for the period July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016 – Mark Vigario 2. $20,000 Kaiser Community Benefit grant from the Kaiser Permanente Foundation for the period July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016 – Mark Vigario 3. $525,000 MHSA Bullying Prevention and Youth Mental Health First Aid Programs grant from the Sacramento County Division of Behavioral Health Services for the period July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016 – Mark Vigario 4. $90,000 Prevention Coalition grant from the Sacramento County Behavioral Health Services, Alcohol and Drug Services for the period July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016 – Mark Vigario 5. $9,300,000 Transitional Kindergarten Professional Development grant from the California Department of Education/Early Education and Support Agenda – Regular Meeting – May 5, 2015 Page 3 Division (CDE/EESD) for the period May 6, 2015 through June 30, 2017 – Mark Vigario D. Adoption of Resolution No. 15-03 – Declaring May 13, 2015 as California Day of the Teacher – Tim Herrera E. Adoption of Resolution No. 15-04 – Declaring May 17-23, 2015 as Classified School Employees’ Week – Tim Herrera F. Court and Community Schools Local Accountability System Update – Dr. Matt Perry G. Board Report – Foster Youth – Mark Vigario IX. Board Reports, Comments, and Ideas A. Board Members B. Board President C. Committees X. Items for Distribution A. May/June Events B. May/June Site Visits XI. Schedule for Future Board Meetings A. May 19, 2015 – Operation Recognition B. June 9, 2015 – Year In Review, 2015-2016 LCAP and Budget Public Hearings C. June 23, 2015 – 2015-2016 LCAP and Budget Adoptions XII. Adjournment Unapproved SACRAMENTO COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION Minutes of the Regular Meeting of April 10, 2015 Agenda I. Call to Order and Roll Call II. Pledge of Allegiance III. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of March 3, 2015 Approval of the Minutes of the Board/Superintendent Study Session of March 17, 2015 IV. Adoption of Agenda V. Official Correspondence VI. Visitor Presentations A. General Public B. Employee Organizations VII. Superintendent’s Report VIII. New Business A. Adoption of Consent Agenda 1. Report on Personnel Transactions 2. Award Diplomas to Court and Community School Students B. Approval of Contracts C. No Authorization to Submit Grant Applications/Service Contracts D. Award Bid for External Financial Auditing Services IX. Board Reports, Comments, and Ideas A. Board Members B. Board President C. Committees X. Items for Distribution A. April/May Events B. April/May Site Visits XI. Schedule for Future Board Meetings A. April 21, 2015 – Sly Park B. May 5, 2015 – Foster Youth C. May 19, 2015 – Operation Recognition XII. Adjournment I. Acting President Brown called the meeting to order at 12:30 p.m. in the cafeteria of the Leo A. Palmiter Jr./Sr. High School, 2040 Ethan Way, Sacramento, California. Board members present were Eleanor Brown, Harold Fong, Greg Geeting, Thomaysa Glover, Jackie Levy, and John Scribner. Also present were David Gordon, Superintendent and Secretary to the Board; Sue Stickel, Deputy Superintendent; Elizabeth Linton, Associate General Counsel; Robin Pierson, Mark Vigario, Matt Perry, Tammy Sanchez, and John Fleischman, Assistant Superintendents; Judy Holsinger, SELPA Executive Director; Effie Crush, Chief Administrator-Human Resources; Tim Herrera, Director of Communications; Bill Mullen, CSEA; other staff and visitors; and Carla Miller, Recording Secretary. President Rivas was absent. 15-28 II. Mr. Fong led the Pledge of Allegiance. III. On a motion by Mr. Geeting and seconded by Ms. Glover, the revised minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of March 3, 2015 were approved. Motion carried 5 ayes, 2 absent (Rivas, Scribner). On a motion by Ms. Levy and seconded by Ms. Glover, the minutes of the Board/Superintendent Study Session of March 17, 2015 were approved. Motion carried 4 ayes, 1 abstention (Brown), 2 absent (Rivas, Scribner). IV. Mr. Fong moved and Ms. Levy seconded the motion to adopt the agenda. Motion carried 5 ayes, 2 absent (Rivas, Scribner). V. Superintendent Gordon distributed a letter from Dr. Hazel Mahone regarding her presence at a previous Board meeting. VI.A. The Board heard a public comment from Frederick Gayle, who commented on Black History Month and encouraged the Board to attend Black churches to gain understanding about closing the achievement gap; he noted that district schools do not seem to be analyzed as closely as charter schools; and he asked about when prizes given to district staff are considered district property. VI.B. There were no requests for presentations from employee organizations. Principals Lauren Roth and Lisa Alcalá expressed appreciation for Sacramento County Office of Education’s facilities, support services, CNTS, students, communications, and administration for making this possible and for providing them a beautiful campus. They noted that their presentation will explain how their programs are developed through collaboration and building on the LINKS core values: leadership, navigating choices, keeping promises, and superior preparation. Mr. Scribner arrived at 12:47 p.m. Acting President Brown recessed the meeting at 1:00 p.m. for a tour of the campus. Mr. Scribner was excused to return to work. Acting President Brown reconvened the meeting at 1:45 p.m. Student leaders, Sabre Jackson from Leo A. Palmiter Jr./Sr. High School, and Alyssia Furtado, from Elinor Lincoln Hickey Jr./Sr. High School, addressed the Board. Acting President Brown congratulated and thanked Ms. Jackson and Ms. Furtado. She also thanked Chef Wheeler, who provided the lunch. VII. Superintendent Gordon reported on the following: 15-29 • He asked everyone to attend the Seal of Biliteracy celebration on Monday, April 20, 2015 when official Seals of Biliteracy will be awarded to local high school students for attaining a high level of proficiency in English and another language. The ceremony will begin at 4:00 p.m. in the Mather Room. • He invited everyone to the open house at Leo A. Palmiter on Wednesday, April 22, 2015 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. • He thanked staff for assisting in today’s meeting set-up. VIII.A. Ms. Glover moved and Mr. Geeting seconded adoption of the consent agenda. Motion carried 5 ayes, 2 absent (Rivas, Scribner). By such action, the Board: 1. Accepted report on Personnel Transactions 2. Awarded diplomas to Court and Community School Students Dr. Matt Perry, Assistant Superintendent, announced that the following students will be awarded a diploma: 3 candidates from El Centro Jr./Sr. High School; Anthanisha Foster from Elinor Lincoln Hickey Jr./Sr. High School; and Ranelle Howard from Gerber Jr./Sr. High School. VIII.B. Ms. Levy moved and Mr. Geeting seconded approval of the contracts as listed. Motion to approve the contracts carried 5 ayes, 2 absent (Rivas, Scribner). VIII.C. No Authorization to Submit Grant Applications/Service Contracts VIII.D. Mr. Geeting moved and Ms. Glover seconded the approval of the contract with James Marta & Company, LLP, in the amount of $91,800 as the external auditor for the years ending June 30, 2015, June 30, 2016, and June 30, 2017. Motion carried 5 ayes, 2 absent (Rivas, Scribner). IX.A. Mr. Fong – no report. Mr. Geeting reported that he has enjoyed accompanying Trustees Glover and Levy as they meet with and listen to groups of students at SCOE’s school sites; a formal report will be forthcoming. He shared that it was a pleasure to recognize and celebrate the achievements of the finalists for SCOE's 2015 Classified Employee of the Year Award and congratulated Julie Evans for receiving the honor. He noted that March 21 was the Super Quiz for the state Academic Decathlon and congratulated Los Angeles County's Granada Hills Charter High School for coming in first statewide with slightly over 59,000 points and El Camino Real Charter High School, which came in second with nearly 58,400 points. He also congratulated Sacramento County's Bella Vista High School, which came in 14th among the Division 2 schools; Folsom High School, which came in 18th in Division 2 schools; and Pleasant Grove High School, which came in 5th among the Division 3 schools. He stated that the SCOE Wellness Fair on March 25 was a terrific event. He shared that on March 26, he joined a number of school district board 15-30 members, city council members, and other officials for a tour of the union apprenticeship schools for mechanical trades, including electricians, sheet metal workers, and plumbers. He underscored that these schools are terrific examples of cooperation and collaboration between business and labor. On April 8, he attended part of the state Advisory Commission on Charter Schools (ACCS) meeting. The ACCS heard the appeal of the Paramount Collegiate Academy charter petition, which SCOE’s Board denied on February 17, and which had earlier been denied by the San Juan Unified School District. The ACCS voted 5-4 to recommend that the State Board of Education deny the charter. He stated that Sue Stickel and Tammy Sanchez represented SCOE at the ACCS hearing, and he felt they did an excellent job explaining the Board’s concerns with the petition. The CDE staff recommended denial of the petition. He noted that the student performances at the state Poetry Out Loud finals, held on March 15 and 16, were the highlight. The winner was Levi Lowe from Sonora Union High School in Tuolumne County, and Falyn Lazarus from Nevada Union High School (Nevada County) was runner-up. He added that the keynote speaker, Dana Gioia, was also quite memorable. Ms. Levy thanked everyone for preparing for today’s meeting. Ms. Glover – no report. Acting President Brown – no report. IX.B. President Rivas was absent. IX.C. There were no committee reports. X.A. There was no distribution of the April/May Events item. X.B. There was no distribution of the April/May Site Visits item. XI. Schedule for Future Board Meetings: A. April 21, 2015 – Sly Park B. May 5, 2015 – Foster Youth C. May 19, 2015 – Operation Recognition XII. Ms. Levy moved to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Geeting seconded the motion, which carried 5 ayes, 2 absent (Rivas, Scribner). The meeting adjourned at 2:11 p.m. Respectfully submitted, David W. Gordon Secretary to the Board Date approved: 15-31 Unapproved SACRAMENTO COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION Minutes of the Regular Meeting of April 21, 2015 Agenda I. Call to Order and Roll Call II. Pledge of Allegiance III. No Approval of Minutes IV. Adoption of Agenda V. Official Correspondence VI. Visitor Presentations A. General Public B. Employee Organizations VII. Superintendent’s Report A. Recognition of the May 2015 Employees of the Month B. 2015 Principal Arts Leadership Award VIII. New Business A. Adoption of Consent Agenda 1. Accept Report on Personnel Transactions 2. Award Diplomas to Court and Community School Students B. No Approval of Contracts C. Authorization to Submit Grant Applications/Service Contracts and Accept Funding if Awarded; and Approval of Contracts, Positions, and Other Expenditures Associated with the Grants as Outlined in the Proposed Budgets 1. $320,001 Quality Child Care Collaborative grant from First Five Sacramento for the period July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2018 2. $450,742 Seeds of Partnership: Family Engagement and Professional Development in Special Education grant from the California Department of Education for the period July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016 3. $170,847 Transition Partnership Program grant from the Department of Rehabilitation for the period July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2018 D. Adoption of Resolution No. 15-01 – Authorizing the Temporary Interfund Transfer of Funds E. Adoption of Resolution No. 15-02 – Early Head Start – Child Care Partnership Grant F. First Reading of Board Policy 6130 – Student Use of Technology G. Second Reading and Adoption of Board Policy 3515 (Renumbered 1330) – Use of Facilities H. Board Report – Sly Park IX. Board Reports, Comments, and Ideas A. Board Members B. Board President C. Committees X. Items for Distribution A. April/May Events B. April/May Visits XI. Schedule for Future Board Meetings 15-32 XII. A. May 5, 2015 – Foster Youth B. May 19, 2015 – Operation Recognition C. June 9, 2015 – Year-in-Review Adjournment I. President Rivas called the meeting to order at 6:34 p.m. in the Board Room of the David P. Meaney Education Center, Sacramento County Office of Education, 10474 Mather Boulevard, Mather, California. Board members present were Eleanor Brown, Harold Fong, Greg Geeting, Thomaysa Glover, Jackie Levy, and Brian Rivas. Also present were David W. Gordon, Superintendent and Secretary to the Board; Sue Stickel, Deputy Superintendent; Teresa Stinson, General Counsel; John Fleischman, Matt Perry, Robin Pierson, Tammy Sanchez, and Mark Vigario, Assistant Superintendents; Judy Holsinger, SELPA Executive Director; Effie Crush, Chief Administrator-Human Resources; Tim Herrera, Director of Communications; other staff and visitors; and Carla Miller, Recording Secretary. Mr. Scribner was absent. II. Superintendent Gordon led the Pledge of Allegiance. III. No Approval of Minutes IV. Ms. Levy moved and Ms. Glover seconded the motion to adopt the agenda. Motion carried 6 ayes, 1 absent (Scribner). V. There was no official correspondence. VI.A. There were no requests for visitor presentations from the general public. VI.B. There were no requests for presentations from employee organizations. VII.A. Kelly Bernier-Mun, Custodian, Support Services, was recognized and honored as the classified employee of the month for May. Karen George, Teacher, Project TEACH, was recognized and honored as the certificated employee of the month for May. Superintendent Gordon reported on the following: • He congratulated the more than 850 high school seniors in Sacramento County who received the State Seal of Biliteracy, which is awarded to those who have demonstrated competency in English and at least one other language. • He invited everyone to attend the Open House at Leo A. Palmiter Jr./Sr. High School on April 22, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. • He noted that in place of open houses, Hickey and North Area community schools will be holding student-led conferences, which will include award 15-33 ceremonies and lunch. The North Area program is at noon on April 22, 2015, and the program at Hickey is scheduled for noon on April 29, 2015. • He shared that from May 1-3, 2015, SCOE is hosting a special camp, called S.T.A.R. (SCOE Technology And Recreation) Camp, at Sly Park for ten students enrolled in the Project MOVE program. Students with severe disabilities will be able to use their adaptive equipment to enjoy the outdoors. Students and parents will stay in a cabin. Activities will include art, animal room exploration, and opportunities to explore nature. • He reminded everyone that SCOE will be honoring the 2015 Sacramento County Teachers of the Year during a River Cats game at Raley Field on Friday, May 1, 2015. SCOE Teacher of the Year Oluchi Okemiri and all of the other teachers will be honored during a pregame ceremony on the field, as well as a reception. For more information, please see Tim Herrera. • He noted that SCOE will hold its 5th annual Student Success Day on Friday, May 1, 2015 at the David P. Meaney Education Center from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. This is an opportunity to celebrate the skills and entrepreneurial gifts of SCOE students. There will be a plant sale, farmers market, and a craft fair, as well as student artwork on display. • He shared that there will be a special reception to honor those SCOE teachers who are being nominated for the 2016 Teacher of the Year program. The reception is Monday, May 4, 2015 4:30 p.m. in the Mather Room. SCOE’s 2016 Teacher of the Year will be announced in May. • He reminded everyone that the May 19, 2015 Board meeting is for the annual Operation Recognition ceremony. This year, five individuals will receive their high school diplomas. During the ceremony, a student will receive a $500 college scholarship from SAFE Credit Union. Submissions for the 2015 Operation Recognition Scholarship essay contest are now being accepted. The deadline is April 27, 2015. For more information, please see Tim Herrera. VII.B. Deputy Superintendent Sue Stickel introduced Dr. Steven Winlock, who presented the 2015 Principal Arts Leadership Awards to Kathryn Allaman, Folsom High School; Hilda Fernandez, Ottomon Elementary School; and Brent Givens, John Barrett Middle School. VIII.A. Ms. Glover moved and Ms. Levy seconded adoption of the consent agenda. Motion carried 6 ayes, 1 absent (Scribner). By such action, the Board: 1. Accepted the report on Personnel Transactions 2. Awarded diplomas to Court and Community School Students 15-34 Dr. Matt Perry, Assistant Superintendent, announced that the following students will be awarded a diploma: 2 candidates from El Centro Jr./Sr. High School and Martha Canales-Lagunas from Elinor Lincoln Hickey Jr./Sr. High School. VIII.B. No Approval of Contracts VIII.C. On a motion by Mr. Geeting, seconded by Mr. Fong, and carried 6 ayes, 1 absent (Scribner), the Board authorized staff to submit grant applications/services contracts and accept funding if awarded; and approved contracts, positions, and other expenditures associated with the grants as outlined in the proposed budgets as follows: 1. $320,001 Quality Child Care Collaborative grant from First Five Sacramento for the period July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2018 2. $450,742 Seeds of Partnership: Family Engagement and Professional Development in Special Education grant from the California Department of Education for the period July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016 3. $170,847 Transition Partnership Program grant from the Department of Rehabilitation for the period July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2018 VIII.D. Ms. Glover moved and Ms. Brown seconded the motion to adopt Resolution No. 15-01 – Authorizing the Temporary Interfund Transfer of Funds. Motion carried 6 ayes, 1 absent (Scribner). VIII.E. Mr. Geeting moved and Ms. Levy seconded the motion to adopt Resolution No. 15-02 – Early Head Start – Child Care Partnership Grant. Motion carried 6 ayes, 1 absent (Scribner). VIII.F. President Rivas announced that this was the First Reading of Board Policy 6130 – Student Use of Technology. Chair Brown of the Policy Committee recommended that Board Policy 6130 – Student Use of Technology move forward to a Second Reading at a future meeting. VIII.G. President Rivas announced that this was the Second Reading and Adoption of Board Policy 3515 (Renumbered 1330) – Use of Facilities. Chair Brown of the Policy Committee moved on behalf of the Committee that the Board adopt Board Policy 3515 (Renumbered 1330) – Use of Facilities. Motion carried 6 ayes, 1 absent (Scribner). VIII.H. Assistant Superintendent Mark Vigario introduced Director Kris Pamintuan, who provided a report on Sly Park to the Board. IX.A. Mr. Fong reported that he attended a presentation on a home visits program through Sacramento City Unified School District and was very impressed. He wondered if SCOE could do something similar for SCOE students. He shared that he had an 15-35 opportunity to speak at the Legislative Health Committee supporting vaccination of children. He asked if there would be an opportunity for SCOE to pass a resolution in support of or in opposition to Senator Richard Pan’s bill. Mr. Geeting expressed his appreciation to SCOE staff for the extra work entailed by holding the April 10 Board meeting at the Palmiter/Hickey campus. He noted that Sabre Jackson, the Palmiter student representative, and Alyssia Furtado, the Elinor Hickey student representative, were exceptional in their poise and the compelling nature of their comments. On April 16, he participated in a meeting of the California County Boards of Education (CCBE) Legislative Committee. He reviewed three of the bills that were discussed: AB 787, by Assemblymember Roger Hernández, is sponsored by the California Teachers Association and is intended to draw authorizing entities more closely into the operation of the charter schools they authorize by requiring that the authorizers appoint the members of the charters' governing boards from prepared lists of candidates. The California School Boards Association (CSBA) did not take a position on the bill, but CCBE chose to take an "oppose" position. The bill is contrary to longstanding advice provided at CSBA workshops that authorizers should maintain an arm's length relationship with the charters they authorize, so as to remain objective regarding the schools' operations and to minimize the authorizers' liability for errors that may be made by the schools' governing boards and staff. CCBE joined CSBA in supporting AB 1391, authored by Assemblymember Jimmy Gomez, which would bring complaints about failure to provide the minimum required physical education (PE) minutes under the Uniform Complaint Procedure, rather than continue to allow complainants to proceed directly to court. The bill responds to a 2010 appeals court ruling that found it unclear whether there was an administrative remedy related to PE minutes. And, lastly, Senator Pan's SB 277, which would eliminate the exemption from immunization requirements for students based upon personal beliefs. CSBA took a "support" position on the bill. However, the members of the CCBE Legislative Committee were sharply divided, so no position is being taken on the bill at this time, given that it appears likely that Senator Pan will need to amend the legislation substantively in order to keep it moving through the legislative process. The next meeting of the CCBE Legislative Committee is May 1, 2015. He said it was a pleasure to join Trustees Brown and Levy at yesterday's Seal of Biliteracy ceremony at Rosemont High School. Countywide, more than 800 students earned the Seal of Biliteracy this year in sixteen languages other than English, from Arabic to Vietnamese. It was a wonderful event, and special thanks to Jan Mayer and the keynote speaker, News 10 reporter Bianca Graulau. He also reminded everyone that the National Safety Council has proclaimed April as Distracted Driving Awareness Month. Ms. Brown reported that the Policy Committee met this evening. The Committee has reviewed the Graduation Requirements policy, and feel very strongly about making certain that SCOE students graduate with the assurance that they are qualified. She noted that the Seal of Biliteracy program demonstrates a cultural change in education, and she commended the schools for making opportunities available to students. Ms. Glover – no report. Ms. Levy – no report. 15-36 IX.B. President Rivas thanked Ms. Brown for presiding in his absence at the April 10 meeting. He also thanked the team that fixed the food situation at Gerber. IX.C. There were no committee reports. X.A. There was no distribution of the April/May Events item. X.B. There was no distribution of the April/May Site Visits item. XI. Schedule for Future Board Meetings A. May 5, 2015 – Foster Youth B. May 19, 2015 – Operation Recognition C. June 9, 2015 – Year-in-Review XII. Ms. Levy moved to adjourn the meeting. Ms. Brown seconded the motion, which carried 6 ayes, 1 absent (Scribner). The meeting adjourned at 8:07 p.m. Respectfully submitted, David W. Gordon Secretary to the Board Date approved: 15-37 SACRAMENTO COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION 10474 Mather Boulevard, P.O. Box 269003 Sacramento, CA 95826-9003 Subject: June 2015 Employees of the Month Agenda Item No.: VII.A. Enclosures: 1 Reason: Action From: David W. Gordon Prepared By: Tim Herrera Board Meeting Date: 05/05/15 BACKGROUND: CLASSIFIED Nikki Brindle, Administrative Assistant, has been nominated by Special Programs/Infant Development Program Director Andrea Lemos, Ed.D., for her contributions to the Sacramento County Office of Education (SCOE). Ms. Brindle provides support to the Director of Special Programs and the Special Education Department, assisting with MediCal and MAA support, taking meeting minutes, organizing the agenda and paperwork related to Medi-Cal meetings, and working with SCOE partners. She arranges student transportation to support SCOE programs, as well as translation and interpretation services. Among her other responsibilities are assisting special education staff as needed and handling accounting for the SCOE Student Body Fund. Her supervisor remarks, "Ms. Brindle takes initiative and is thorough in her research when questions arise. She is very organized and conscientious. She is calm, positive, innovative, and takes initiative." Ms. Brindle is highly regarded for her organizational skills, the ability to plan ahead, her responsiveness in providing support to staff, and her follow-through with assigned tasks. One of her colleagues commented of Nikki: “She has a willingness and drive to get work done! Her attention to detail and her completion of work are what make the department successful. Her scheduling gets students where they need to be, and her work ethic supports teachers in the classroom.” Concludes Ms. Brindle's supervisor, "This description truly summarizes the exemplary work that Nikki does each day." Ms. Brindle additionally serves SCOE as a member of the Employee Recognition Day Committee and the Mather Employee Events Team (MEET). Ms. Brindle has been employed by the Sacramento County Office of Education since August 2009. CERTIFICATED Nicholas Papagiannopoulos, ED Teacher, was nominated by Principal Lauren Roth for his contributions to the Sacramento County Office of Education. Known as "Mr. Pappas" to his students, he teaches the 12th grade Transition Partnership Program (TPP) Class at SCOE's Leo A. Palmiter Jr./Sr. High School. Students enrolled in this class, which is coordinated in partnership with the California Department of Rehabilitation, are working on meeting goals that lead to employment. His supervisor comments, "When working with students, Mr. Papagiannopoulous is calm, encouraging, and is able to provide relevant life VII.A.1. lessons to help students transition smoothly from high school to post-secondary activities. During instruction, his students are engaged in the learning process and on task. He is creative and brings current events to life, often connecting them to historical events." He offers resources and community connections to enable students to undertake internship experiences, and he organizes industry/career tours for Palmiter's seniors. In addition to his work in the classroom, Mr. Pappas works with middle school students as one of Palmiter's Check In/Check Out Mentoring Program mentors. In 2014, he served as a Sacramento History Day coach for two students, and for the last two years, he has been both Student Council Advisor and coach of Palmiter's Academic Bowl team—winner of the countywide competition both years. Mr. Papagiannopoulous also leads the Project Wisdom character education program and plays a major role at the campus Culinary Arts Café where he coaches students on their customer service skills. Concludes his supervisor, "Nick is a team player and is always willing to help out. He genuinely cares about the well-being of our students and their success, and he always has a positive attitude and outlook." Mr. Papagiannopoulos has been employed by SCOE since August 2013. SUPERINTENDENT'S RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board approve commendation of the individuals named as Sacramento County Office of Education Classified and Certificated Employees of the Month for June 2015, and that the Board present Certificates of Recognition to these employees. VII.A.2. SACRAMENTO COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION 10474 Mather Boulevard, P.O. Box 269003 Sacramento, CA 95826-9003 Subject: SCOE 2015 Classified School Employee of the Year Agenda Item No.: VII.B. Enclosures: 1 Reason: Recognition From: David W. Gordon Prepared By: Tim Herrera Board Meeting Date: 05/05/15 BACKGROUND: Julie Evans has been selected as the Sacramento County Office of Education (SCOE) Classified School Employee of the Year. Ms. Evans, Payroll Analyst, serves in SCOE's Internal Payroll Department providing support to employees with their health and welfare benefits. Ms. Evans is considered the “go-to” person when employees experience issues with health, dental, or vision coverage. Ms. Evans also handles all of SCOE’s benefits processing and billing through My CalPERS and other providers. Her supervisor says, "Julie is the driving force behind SCOE's annual Health and Wellness Fair. She is especially effective at finding and engaging vendors to attend this event. Julie is a big part of its success." Ms. Evans serves on SCOE's Employee Recognition Day Committee, arranging for health and wellness vendors to participate and provide information to employees. She recently expanded the number of vendor participants. Ms. Evans assists in other areas of the Payroll Department when the need arises, as evidenced last winter, when changes in SCOE employee contracts necessitated considerable additional paperwork. "Ms. Evans went above and beyond to accommodate the heavy workload," comments her supervisor, "and she has done so while maintaining the positive attitude for which she is so well known by SCOE employees." Ms. Evans, who has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Social Science from California State University, Sacramento, has been employed by the Sacramento County Office of Education since May 2001. Her supervisor remarks that Ms. Evans is known for her customer service skills, making herself available to talk with employees who have inquiries or concerns about benefits, and “going the extra mile” to make sure they are satisfied. Among the employee comments received regarding Ms. Evans' work are: “great attitude,” “very helpful,” “hard worker,” “wonderful personality,” and "She always has a positive attitude and a ready smile for everyone she encounters. Working with her is a pleasure!" Concludes her supervisor, "It is fortunate that our employees’ first and last impressions are formed by this caring, capable, and positive individual.” VII.B.1. In addition to being recognized as SCOE's Classified School Employee of the Year, Ms. Evans has been honored as SCOE's Classified Employee of the Month twice—in April 2015 and July 2005. Ms. Evans was honored with classified employees representing other Sacramento County Office of Education programs at SCOE's Classified Employee of the Year Nominee Reception on Thursday, March 19, 2015. She will be formally recognized at SCOE's 30th Annual Employee Recognition Day taking place Thursday, August 20, 2015 from 8:30 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. at the Scottish Rite Masonic Center (6151 H Street, Sacramento). SUPERINTENDENT'S RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends that the Sacramento County Board of Education approve commendation of Julie Evans as the Sacramento County Office of Education Classified School Employee of the Year 2015 and that the Board present her with a plaque commemorating this honor. VII.B.2. SACRAMENTO COUNTY OFFICE OF EDUCATION PERSONNEL TRANSACTIONS Board Meeting – May 5, 2015 REGULAR APPOINTMENTS/REAPPOINTMENTS Group (Mgmt/Cert/Class) Dept./ Program Name Status Classification Location Effective Date Salary Placement Management C-SAPA Hatfield, Gretchen Mgmt. Proj. Spec. II, Assessment Research and Evaluation 8 h/d 5 d/w 215 d/y PC # 120018 C-SAPA 04/20/15 MT-29 Management School Readiness Jones, Anjanette Mgmt. Project Specialist II, School School Readiness, Early Care Ed. Readiness 8 h/d 5 d/w 224 d/y PC # 150040 04/20/15 MT-29 Classified Sly Park Joyce, Jason Prob. Cafeteria Assistant 6-7 h/d 5 d/w 244 d/y PC # 000478 04/14/15 CL-9-A Classified SCBC Topete, Maria Prob. SCBC Transition Specialist SCBC-Yolo- 04/20/15 8 h/d 5 d/w 244 d/y Woodland PC # 140017 Sly Park CL-26-C SUBSTITUTES/TEMPORARY APPOINTMENTS Group (Mgmt/Cert/Class) Dept./ Program Status Classification Location Effective Date Salary Placement Certificated Spec. Educ./ Littorno, Jeffrey SPD Sub Teacher As needed 04/15/15 $125.00/day Certificated Sly Park Muehlenhaupt, Nonnie Sub Teacher As needed 04/09/15 $125.00/day Classified Sly Park Corsello, Windy L/Term Cafeteria Assistant As needed 04/15/15 $12.73/hour Classified SPD Norris, DeWayne L/Term Ct. & Comm. School Transition Specialist Boys & Girls 04/17/15Club 06/17/15 $19.30/hour Classified Spec. Educ. Odam-Pea, Jamie L/Term Para-Educator Para-Educator, SH As needed 04/10/15 $15.49/hour Classified SPD Perez, Adelina Prov. Court & Community Schl. Transition Specialist SPD 04/13-16/15 $19.30/hour Classified Sly Park Thompson, Christopher L/Term Maintenance CustodianSly Park As needed 04/09/15 $15.87/hour Name VIII.A.1.1. PERSONNEL TRANSACTIONS May 5, 2015 SEPARATIONS Group (Mmgt/Cert/Class) Type Name Classification Location Effective Date Reason for Leaving Management Resignation Holstege, Sharon Principal, Education Programs Special Education 06/30/15 Resignation Certificated Resignation Gross, Rebecca Teacher, SH Special Education 06/10/15 Resignation Certificated Retirement Valine, Janis Teacher, Juvenile Institutions SPD 07/01/15 Retirement Classified Resignation Rojas, Marcella Speech Language Pathology Assistant Spec. Educ. 04/10/15 Resignation RECAP Management Certificated Classified Regular Appointments/Reappointments 2 0 2 4 Substitutes/Temporary Appointments 0 2 5 7 Separations 1 ----------3 2 ----------4 1 --------8 TOTAL VIII.A.1.2. Total 4 -----15 SACRAMENTO COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION 10474 Mather Boulevard, P.O. Box 269003 Sacramento, CA 95826-9003 Subject: Award of Diplomas Reason: Approval Agenda Item No.: VIII.A.2. Enclosures: 0 From: David W. Gordon Prepared By: Dr. Matt Perry Dr. Robin Pierson Board Meeting Date: 05/05/15 BACKGROUND: The following students are scheduled to graduate from each of their respective schools and they have completed all requirements for high school graduation: El Centro Jr./Sr. High School 1 Candidate Elinor Lincoln Hickey Jr./Sr. High School Alyssa D. Sanchez Gerber Jr./Sr. High School (Boys & Girls Club) Swann Alexander Gary Lamborn Demetrius Mitchiner Salina Walton SUPERINTENDENT’S RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends the Board approve the issuance of a high school diploma to the students listed above who have completed all requirements for graduation. VIII.A.2.1. SACRAMENTO COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION 10474 Mather Boulevard, P.O. Box 269003 Sacramento, CA 95826-9003 Subject: Surplus Property Reason: Declaration of Equipment Listed as Surplus Property and Authorization to Dispose of Equipment Pursuant to Education Code Agenda Item No.: VIII.A.3. Enclosures: 3 From: David W. Gordon Prepared By: Tamara Sanchez Board Meeting Date: 05/05/15 BACKGROUND: During the recession, SCOE programs opted to retain their aging personal computers beyond the normal five-year replacement schedule. Many of SCOE’s student computers were purchased in 2005 and are now over nine years old and cannot be upgraded to support the latest operating systems. With the transition to Common Core and a new standards-based testing program, Court and Community Schools and Special Education are in the process of replacing these computers with virtual computer technology. Most of the items on this list are to surplus those aging computers. CNTS recently replaced 80 desktop computers at El Centro with new virtual computers and the target completion date for the El Centro project is June 2015. Education Code sections 35160, 35160.2, 17545, and 17546 allow for disposal of property no longer needed or that is determined not suitable for school use. The equipment listed below has been identified to be in a condition considered unsuitable for school use and of insufficient value to defray the costs of arranging a sale. It would be in the Sacramento County Office of Education’s best interest to deem these items obsolete and dispose of them. SCOE Tag Number 0222877 0198713 0093633 0200154 0186155 0184259 0094896 0196758 0170977 0184150 Item Description Dell Optiplex 980 HP dc7800 Apple Monitor Dell Optiplex 755 Dell Optiplex GX 620 Dell Optiplex GX 620 Gateway 450 SX4 Dell Latitude D830 Gateway Solo 450 Dell Latitude D810 SCOE Tag Number 0180810 0170308 0172759 0175448 0187112 0190678 0172890 0169466 0170811 0170100 VIII.A.3.1. Item Description Dell Optiplex GX 620 Gateway PC Gateway Profile PC Gateway E6100 Dell Optiplex GX620 Dell Optiplex GX620 NoteVision Projector Gateway Monitor Gateway Monitor Gateway Monitor SCOE Tag Number 0176420 0175042 0185363 0200006 0182428 0172163 0188326 0192104 0191957 0191908 0188169 0188219 0188029 0189589 0198325 0182873 0183186 0180299 0192070 0194506 0197012 0194167 0194860 0194118 0190868 0216341 0198283 0195362 0195370 0195321 0195420 0195412 0195669 0195388 0195560 0195263 0195610 0189811 0195594 Item Description Dell Latitude D505 Apple G5 Dell Optiplex GX280 Dell Optiplex 755 Dell Optiplex GX 620 Gateway 700XL HP dc7800 HP dc7800 HP dc7800 HP dc7800 HP dc7800 HP dc7800 HP dc7800 HP dc5700 HP dc7800 Dell Optiplex GX 280 Dell Optiplex GX 280 Dell Optiplex GX 280 Gateway M465 Macbook Pro Macbook Pro Macbook Pro Macbook Pro Macbook Pro Macbook Pro Elmo Doc Camera HP dc7800 Gateway Profile 6 Gateway Profile 6 Gateway Profile 6 Gateway Profile 6 Gateway Profile 6 Gateway Profile 6 Gateway Profile 6 Gateway Profile 6 Gateway Profile 6 Gateway Profile 6 Gateway Profile 6 Gateway Profile 6 SCOE Tag Number Item Description 0170936 0169441 0169474 0098483 0119800 0039735 0177576 0119982 0119164 0134643 0194910 0175174 0190694 0199414 0176370 0093393 0065060 0176578 0121145 0176529 0176909 0176453 0177097 0183277 0131953 0098731 0127753 0195446 0195230 0195784 0195545 0109041 0191809 0191932 0194902 0194951 0191833 0192054 0191643 Dell Monitor Gateway Monitor Gateway Monitor Martin Yale Check Folder Gateway Profile PC UPS APC HP 2430 Dell Monitor Gateway Profile PC Kodak/Cannon 110 Copier HP Laserjet5550N Apple G-5 Infocus Projector Epson LC Projector Dell Monitor Dell Monitor Dell Monitor Dell Monitor Laserjet Dell Monitor G-5 MAC G-5 MAC G-5 MAC G-5 MAC HP3000 989KS/650 HP LineJet 1500Q Gateway Profile 6 Gateway Profile 6 Gateway Profile 6 Gateway Profile 6 Gateway Profile 6 Gateway 600 YGR HP dc7800 HP dc7800 HP dc7800 HP dc7800 HP dc7800 HP dc7800 HP dc7800 VIII.A.3.2. SCOE Tag Number 0195966 0186676 0187591 0127761 0195727 0209767 0195289 0195644 0195628 0192989 0192195 0198986 0198937 0188185 0192187 0191890 0189530 0198820 0193821 0184705 0181032 0181099 0181669 0183194 0180067 0180380 0182063 0181800 0185330 0179465 0183137 0195222 0172783 0039446 0024042 0188573 0189381 0189480 0171660 Item Description Apple iMac Apple iMac Apple iMac Gateway Profile 6 Gateway Profile 6 Gateway Profile 6 Gateway Profile 6 Gateway Profile 6 Gateway Profile 6 Dell Optiplex 620 HP dc7800 HP dc5800 HP dc5800 HP dc7800 HP DC7800 HP DC7800 HP DC5700 HP DC5700 Dell Latitude D620 Dell Latitude D610 Dell Optiplex 755 Dell Optiplex 755 Dell Optiplex 280 Dell Optiplex 280 Dell Optiplex 280 Dell Optiplex 280 Dell Optiplex 280 Dell Optiplex 280 Dell Optiplex 280 Dell Optiplex 280 Dell Optiplex 280 Gateway Profile 6 Polycom PN4-14XX Dukane 28A4003 3M 9100 HP DC7800 HP DC5700 HP DC5700 Apple iMac SCOE Tag Number 0192039 0191759 0191841 0179226 0191692 0192005 0191858 0191999 0192096 0223222 0201202 0220426 0201962 0130823 0179366 0180224 0181578 0179911 0181925 0180398 0203406 0209916 0195636 0203554 0196923 0195487 0209965 0195255 0195701 0179523 0182964 0181719 0180448 0183160 0181842 0193722 0192864 0192880 0193268 VIII.A.3.3. Item Description HP dc7800 HP dc7800 HP dc7800 Dell Latitude D510 HP dc7800 HP dc7800 HP dc7800 HP dc7800 HP dc7800 Dell Optiplex 960 Dell Optiplex 760 Dell Optiplex 760 Dell Optplex 780 Dell Optiplex 755 Dell Optiplex 280 Dell Optiplex 280 Dell Optiplex 280 Dell Optiplex 280 Dell Optiplex 280 Dell Optiplex 280 Gateway Profile 6 Gateway Profile 6 Gateway Profile 6 Gateway Profile 6 Gateway Profile 6 Gateway Profile 6 Gateway Profile 6 Gateway Profile 6 Gateway Profile 6 Dell Optiplex 280 Dell Optiplex 280 Dell Optiplex 280 Dell Optiplex 280 Dell Optiplex 280 Dell Optiplex 280 Dell Optiplex 620 Dell Optiplex 620 Dell Optiplex 620 Dell Optiplex 620 SCOE Tag Number 0171710 0196774 Item Description SCOE Tag Number Apple iMac Gateway Profile 6 0198945 Item Description HP Color Laserjet 3600n SUPERINTENDENT’S RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends that the Board declare this equipment unsuitable for school use and of insufficient value to defray the costs of arranging a sale and authorizes the Procurement Department to dispose of it as authorized under Education Code sections 35160, 35160.2, 17545, and 17546. VIII.A.3.4. SACRAMENTO COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION CONTRACTS FOR COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION APPROVAL May 5, 2015 Expenditure ADMINISTRATION Center for the Advancement of Reading (California State University, Office of the Chancellor) The Sacramento County Office of Education is working with the California Department of Education and California State University (CSU), Office of the Chancellor, to develop Executive Summaries of the new English Language Arts/English Language Development State Framework. Nancy Brynelson, an employee of CSU, was one of the original authors of the new framework and will be collaborating on the new summary. These funds will pay for travel and Ms. Brynelson’s time. New Dates of Service: 05/06/15 – 12/31/15 Source of Funds: Schwab Foundation Grant $7,300.00 STUDENT PROGRAMS 916 Ink Contractor will provide a 12-week writing enrichment course consisting of one session at Elinor Lincoln Hickey Jr./Sr. High School, one session at Gerber Jr./Sr. High School, along with two sessions at El Centro Jr./Sr. High School. The program serves 120 students (30 students per session) with one highly-trained credentialed facilitator and one 916 Ink volunteer. Every young author included in the anthology receives two copies of the book. Each school will receive five copies of the book. All SCOE Board members will also receive a copy of the book. Original contract - $31,832; Amendment #1 - $39,000 to cover additional sessions offered at CARE and Court & Community School sites, making the total contract $70,832 and extending the dates of service through June 30, 2016. Amendment Dates of Service: 04/04/14 – 06/30/16 Source of Funds: Title 1A Funds $39,000.00 VIII.B.1. BUSINESS SERVICES Expenditure Capitol Advisors Group, LLC At the request of school districts in Sacramento County, contractor will provide legislative services for the districts. There is a significant cost savings from the districts working together as a collaborative to secure these services. Contract costs advanced by the Sacramento County Office of Education (SCOE) will be reimbursed to SCOE by participating districts. New Dates of Service: 05/15/15 – 06/30/16 Source of Funds: SCOE Operations/School Districts $100,000.00 Hoffman Holdings LP for Building Lease The Sacramento County Office of Education (SCOE), requiring additional meeting space due to new and growing programs, will enter into a seven-year lease for the building located at 3661 Whitehead Street, Mather, CA 95655. The building will be used as a SCOE Conference Center. Tenant improvements will be necessary and those costs are included in the contract amount. The actual annual lease amount will be off-set by the closing of the Annex building effective December 31, 2015. New Dates of Service: 05/06/15 – 06/30/22 Source of Funds: General Support $1,191,000.00 (over seven years) RECAP Expenditure Administration $7,300.00 Student Programs 39,000.00 Business Services 1,291,000.00 TOTAL VIII.B.2. $1,337,300.00 SACRAMENTO COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION 10474 Mather Boulevard, P.O. Box 269003 Sacramento, CA 95826-9003 Grant/Contract Proposal Abstract Agenda Item No.: VIII.C.1. Enclosures: 3 Board Meeting Date: 05/05/15 Title of Grant/Contract: Friday Night Live and Club Live/Friday Night Live Mentoring/ State Incentive Grant Department/Director: Educational Services/Mark Vigario Funding Source: Sacramento County Behavioral Health Services, Alcohol and Drug Services Amount Requested: $521,846 Approved Budget Dates: July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2016 Program Description: The Sacramento County Division of Behavioral Health Services, Alcohol and Drug Services, will renew its contract with the Sacramento County Office of Education (SCOE) to support the Friday Night Live (FNL), Club Live (CL), Friday Night Live Mentoring (FNLM), and State Incentive Grant programs. FNL and CL programs and services are available to high school and middle school students throughout Sacramento County. These programs include on-campus chapters supported by FNL and CL staff members, leadership training and opportunities for teens, school-wide and countywide events, and professional development opportunities and program support for adult school-site advisors. FNLM is a cross-age mentoring program that matches trained and supervised high school students with middle/junior high school students who are struggling socially and/or academically. Statewide evaluation of the program has demonstrated improved personal, academic, and social outcomes for protégés and mentors. The State Incentive Grant is aimed at reduction of underage and excessive drinking among youth and young adults, age 12 to 25, residing in the City of Folsom. Implemented in collaboration with the Folsom Police Department, the Folsom Cordova Unified School District, and selected schools, the project provides expanded CL and FNL chapter activities, parent and merchant education opportunities, and resources for reducing underage and excessive drinking, including videos, posters, promotional cards and flyers, and student-led events. New Positions: Project Specialist I Subcontracts: • Folsom Police Department in the amount of $12,000 to conduct State Incentive Grant activities Evaluation Component: SCOE will coordinate with participating districts and school sites to prepare and submit progress reports. Detailed Budgets Attached VIII.C.1.1. SACRAMENTO COUNTY OFFICE OF EDUCATION Budget for Grant/Contract for Services Cash Match Total (if applicable) Source of Funds for Cash Match Funds (check boxes that apply) D District/Foundation D Local D State IZJ Federal D New Grant IZJ Continuing Grant Grant Title: Friday Night Live and Club Live Contact Person/Dept./Phone #:_C_he_r_y_lR_a_n_e_y_IP_A_S_S_/_22_0_1_ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Approved Budget Dates: July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016 In-Kind I Cash In-Kind Grant Authorized Budget Category Total Grant Budget Salaries - Certificated (FTE) Salaries - Classified (FTE) 4.24 0 228,762 228,762 Temporary Employees 0 Employee Benefits 83,266 83,266 Books and Supplies 15,506 15,506 Travel and conference 3,500 0 3,500 Professional Services/Other Operating Expenses 7,988 1,500 7,988 1,500 3,000 33,150 3,000 33,150 Subagreements Communications (postage/phones) Printing Services Indirect % 9.65 Other Totals 0 376,672 $ $ Positions included: Title FTE Coordinator Proiect Assistant II Proiect Assistant I Proqram Analyst Project Specialist I 0.45 1.00 1.84 0.70 0.25 Totals 4.24 Range/Step 36M 23F 15F 36F 18M 0 $ 3tO,O/Z Grant Authorized Cash Match/ Amount In-Kind Amount 46467 52 371 63 418 51 510 14,996 228,762 Initials of Grants Financial Staff: 2014 Date: VIILC.1.2. lf./5·15 0 j ~ ·-pp~ iJ7 SACRAMENTO COUNTY OFFICE OF EDUCATION Budget for Grant/Contract for Services Cash Match Total (if applicable) Source of Funds for Cash Match Funds (check boxes that apply) 0 District/Foundation D Local D State D New Grant It] Federal It] Continuing Grant Grant Title: Friday Night Live Mentoring Contact Person/Dept./Phone #:._C_he_r_yi_R_a_n_e_yi_P_A_S_S_/2_2_0_1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Approved Budget Dates: July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016 In-Kind I Cash In-Kind Grant Authorized Budget Category Total Grant Budget Salaries - Certificated (FTE) Salaries - Classified (FTE) 0 63 ,385 1.00 63,385 Temporary Employees 0 Employee Benefits 20,883 20,883 Books and Supplies 4,500 4,500 Subagreements 0 Travel and conference 2,000 2,000 Professional Services/Other Operating Expenses 2,693 500 2,693 1,200 9,183 1,200 Communications (postage/phones) Printing Services Indirect % 9.65 500 9,183 Other Totals 0 104,344 $ $ Positions included: Title FTE Proaram Analvst Proiect Specialist I 0.25 0.75 Totals 1.00 RanQe/Step 36F 18M 0 $ Grant Authorized Cash Match/ Amount In-Kind Amount 18.396 44 989 63,385 Initials of Grants Financial Staff: 2014 Date: VIII.C.1.3. 104,344 Y·/.~·15 0 1n¢ / T-3 r /ttl SACRAMENTO COUNTY OFFICE OF EDUCATION Budget for Grant/Contract for Services Cash Match Total (if applicable) Source of Funds for Cash Match Funds (check boxes that apply) D DistricUFoundation D Local D State IZJ Federal D New Grant IZJ Continuing Grant Grant Title: State Incentive Grant Contact Person/Dept./Phone #:_C_he_r_yi_R_a_n_e_y_IP_A_S_S_/_ 22_0_1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Approved Budget Dates: July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016 In-Kind I Cash In-Kind Grant Authorized Budget Category Total Grant Budget Salaries - Certificated (FTE) Salaries - Classified (FTE) 0 0.26 14,205 14,205 5,155 5,155 676 676 Temporary Employees 0 Employee Benefits Books and Supplies Subagreements 0 Travel and conference Professional Services/Other Operating Expenses Communications (postage/phones) 700 700 14,600 14,600 400 400 Printing Services 1,500 1,500 Indirect% 9.65 3,594 3,594 Other 0 Totals Positions included: Title 0 $ 40,830 $ $ FTE Range/Step Proaram Analvst Coordinator Extra Assiqnment Project Assistant I 0 .05 0 .05 0 .16 Totals 0 .26 Grant Authorized Amount 36F 36M 15F Cash Match/ In-Kind Amount 3 679 5 163 5 363 14,205 0 _Mj_:P.· {J;:;· 1 Initials of Grants Financial Staff:_ Date: 2014 VIII.C.1.4. f'·/ .f -1 5 v tJ(}_/ SACRAMENTO COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION 10474 Mather Boulevard, P.O. Box 269003 Sacramento, CA 95826-9003 Grant/Contract Proposal Abstract Title of Grant/Contract: Kaiser Community Benefit Grant Department/Director: Educational Services/Mark Vigario Funding Source: Kaiser Permanente Foundation Amount Requested: $20,000 Approved Budget Dates: July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2016 Agenda Item No.: VIII.C.2. Enclosures: 1 Board Meeting Date: 05/05/15 Program Description: Kaiser Permanente Foundation has invited Sacramento County Office of Education (SCOE) to apply for a renewal grant under the Community Benefit Grant program. The grant will help support the continuation of the LINKS Group Mentoring program, which is provided to selected community schools and continuation high schools by SCOE’s Prevention and Student Services Department. This grant is targeted to serve students at Calvine Continuation High School. The LINKS Group Mentoring program matches eligible students with adult volunteer mentors and provides structured, facilitated mentoring sessions at selected community schools and continuation high schools. New Positions: None Subcontracts: None Evaluation Component: SCOE will submit progress reports and other required documentation to the Kaiser Permanente Foundation. Detailed Budget Attached VIII.C.2.1. SACRAMENTO COUNTY OFFICE OF EDUCATION Budget for Grant/Contract for Services Cash Match Total (if applicable) Source of Funds for Cash Match Funds (check boxes that apply) GZJ District/Foundation D Local D State D Federal D New Grant IZJ Continuing Grant Grant Title: Kaiser Community Benefit Grant Contact Person/Dept./Phone #:._C _ he_r_yi_R_a_n_e_yi_ P_A_S_S_/2_2_0_1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ Approved Budget Dates: July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016 In-Kind I Cash In-Kind Grant Authorized Budget Category Total Grant Budget Salarie s - Certificated (FTE) Salaries - Classified (FTE) 0 0.20 12 ,143 12,143 500 500 4,384 Temporary Employees Employee Benefits 4,384 Books and Supplies 1,000 1,000 0 213 213 0 Subagreements Travel and conference Professional Services/Other Operating Expenses Communications (postage/phones) 0 0 Printing Services Indirect % 9.65 1,760 1,760 Other Totals 0 $ 0 $ 20,000 $ Positions included: Title FTE Proiect Specialist I 0.20 Totals 0.20 Range/Step 18M Grant Authorized Cash Match/ Amount In-Kind Amount 12 143 12,143 Initials of Grants Financial Staff: 2014 Date: VIII.C.2.2. 20,000 'f·/5·15 0 ~/ 1};-{ 2J2i} SACRAMENTO COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION 10474 Mather Boulevard, P.O. Box 269003 Sacramento, CA 95826-9003 Grant/Contract Proposal Abstract Agenda Item No.: VIII.C.3. Enclosures: 2 Board Meeting Date: 05/05/15 Title of Grant/Contract: MHSA Bullying Prevention and Youth Mental Health First Aid Programs Department/Director: Educational Services/Mark Vigario Funding Source: Sacramento County Division of Behavioral Health Services Amount Requested: $525,000 Approved Budget Dates: July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2016 Program Description: The Sacramento County Division of Behavioral Health Services (DBHS), with Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) Prevention and Early Intervention funds, will contract with the Sacramento County Office of Education (SCOE) to continue providing school-based bullying prevention programs. In coordination with DBHS, school districts, and the Student Mental Health and Wellness Collaborative, SCOE will (1) maintain and supplement bullying and cyberbullying prevention activities at established elementary demonstration schools; (2) conduct training and evaluation activities; (3) serve as liaison for community-based providers; (4) convene the Student Mental Health and Wellness Collaborative; and (5) sustain the Bullying Prevention Program Web site (www.sactobullyprevention.org). DBHS, with MHSA Workforce Education and Training funds, will contract with SCOE to (1) provide training to district and school staff to implement the Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA) Program and provide training for selected secondary teachers and staff, and (2) provide training of trainers to sustain a cadre of district and SCOE staff qualified to provide YMHFA training. New Positions: Project Specialist I Subcontracts: • Agreements with each of the 13 school districts in Sacramento County in amounts ranging from $6,000 to $19,500 based on district student enrollment and scope of work. • National Council for Behavioral Health in the amount of $35,000 to deliver a five-day Training of Trainers in the YMHFA curriculum to a maximum of 30 selected Sacramento County district and SCOE staff. Evaluation Component: SCOE will coordinate with district leads, demonstration sites, and YMHFA trainers to prepare and submit progress reports. Detailed Budgets Attached VIII.C.3.1. SACRAMENTO COUNTY OFFICE OF EDUCATION Budget for Grant/Contract for Services Cash Match Total (if applicable) Source of Funds for Cash Match Funds (check boxes that apply) D District/Foundation Ill Local D State D Federal D New Grant Ill Continu ing Grant Grant Title: MHSA Bullying Prevention Program Contact Person/Dept./Phone #:._C_he_r_y_lR_a_n_e_y_IP_A_S_S_/_2_20_1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ Approved Budget Dates: July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016 In-Kind I Cash In-Kind Grant Authorized Budget Category Total Grant Budget Salaries - Certificated (FTE) (FTE) Salaries - Classified 0 0.80 59,950 Temporary Employees Employee Benefits Books and Supplies 59,950 400 400 19,104 19,104 920 920 Subagreements 0 Travel and conference 500 500 20,744 20,744 Communications (postage/phones) 1,500 1,500 Printing Services 1,000 1,000 Professional Services/Other Operating Expenses Indirect% 9.65 Other Districts Funds (no indirect) Totals $ Positions included: Title 10,047 10,047 185,835 185,835 0 $ 300,000 $ FTE Range/Step Proiect Soecialist I Proaram Analvst Proiect Specialist II 0.25 0.40 0.15 Totals 0.80 Grant Authorized Amount 18M 36F 29M 300,0 Cash Match/ In-Kind Amount 15 179 32 059 12 712 59,950 Initials of Grants Financial Staff: 2014 Date: VIII.C.3.2. '1·12 .J5 0 ¥ / "5T vfJ SACRAMENTO COUNTY OFFICE OF EDUCATION Budget for GranUContract for Services Cash Match Total (if applicable) Source of Funds for Cash Match Funds (check boxes that apply) D DistricUFoundation Ill Local D State D Federal D New Grant Ill Continuing Grant Grant Title: MHSA Youth Mental Health First Aid Program Contact Person/Dept./Phone #:._C_he_r_yi_R_a_n_e_yi_P_A_S_S_/2_2_0_1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Approved Budget Dates: July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016 In-Kind I Cash In-Kind Grant Authorized Budget Category Total Grant Budget Salaries - Certificated (FTE) Salaries - Classified (FTE) 0.75 0 56,914 56,914 Temporary Employees Employee Benefits 0 17,977 17,977 6,922 Books and Supplies 6,922 0 Subagreements Travel and conference 500 Professional Services/Other Operating Expenses Communications (postage/phones) 1,500 Printing Services 1,500 500 500 13,174 75,313 Indirect% 9.65 Other EGUSD Visiting Educator (no indirect) Is 500 52,200 52,200 $ 13,174 75,313 0 $ 225,000 $ Positions included: Title FTE Project Specialist I Proiect Soecialist II Proaram Analvst 020 0.1 5 0.40 Totals 0.75 Range/Step 18M 29M 36F Grant Authorized Cash Match/ Amount In-Kind Amount 12 143 12 712 32 059 56,914 Initials of Grants Financial Staff: 2014 Date: VIII.C.3.3. 225, Y, I 5-15 0 SACRAMENTO COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION 10474 Mather Boulevard, P.O. Box 269003 Sacramento, CA 95826-9003 Grant/Contract Proposal Abstract Agenda Item No.: VIII.C.4. Enclosures: 1 Board Meeting Date: 05/05/15 Title of Grant/Contract: Prevention Coalition Department/Director: Educational Services/Mark Vigario Funding Source: Sacramento County Behavioral Health Services, Alcohol and Drug Services Amount Requested: $90,000 Approved Budget Dates: July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2016 Program Description: Sacramento County Alcohol and Drug Services (ADS), Behavioral Health Services Division will contract with the Sacramento County Office of Education (SCOE) to develop and support a broad-based countywide Prevention Coalition. SCOE will work in collaboration with ADS, community-based agencies, service providers, and individuals to develop and convene the Prevention Coalition to create and implement activities addressing prevention and reduction of youth alcohol use in Sacramento County. The Coalition will utilize community-based processes, education, information dissemination, and environmental strategies and collaborate across systems and environmental settings to take action to reduce alcohol use and binge drinking by youth. New Positions: Coordinator Subcontracts: None Evaluation Component: SCOE will submit initial strategic plan and quarterly progress reports to County ADS. Detailed Budget Attached VIII.C.4.1. SACRAMENTO COUNTY OFFICE OF EDUCATION Budget for Grant/Contract for Services Cash Match Total (if applicable) Source of Funds for Cash Match Funds (check boxes that apply) D DistricUFoundation D Local D State 0 li] Federal New Grant D Continuing Grant Grant Title: Prevention Coalition Contact Person/Dept./Phone #:,_C _ h_e_r_yi_R_a_n_e_y i_P_A_s_s_/2_2_0_1 _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ Approved Budget Dates: July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016 In-Kind I Cash In-Kind Grant Authorized Budget Category Total Grant Budget Salaries - Certificated (FTE) Salaries - Classified (FTE) 0 0.45 48,297 48,297 13,418 13,418 3,164 3,164 Temporary Employees 0 Employee Benefits Books and Supplies Subagreements 0 Travel and conference Professional Services/Other Operating Expenses 200 200 16,500 16,500 500 500 7,921 7 ,921 Communications (postage/phones) 0 Printing Services Indirect % 9.65 Other 0 Totals $ Positions included: Title 90,000 $ FTE Range/Step Coordinator Proqram Analyst Director II 0.10 0.20 0 .15 Totals 0.45 0 $ Grant Authorized Amount 36M 36F 43M 90,000 Cash Match/ In-Kind Amount 9 355 16 029 22 913 48,297 Initials of Grants Financial Staff: 2014 Date: VIII.C.4.2. 1 {/5·/.'i 0 Jn¢/'f;T~ 417 SACRAMENTO COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION 10474 Mather Boulevard, P.O. Box 269003 Sacramento, CA 95826-9003 Grant/Contract Proposal Abstract Agenda Item No.: VIII.C.5. Enclosures: 2 Board Meeting Date: 05/05/15 Title of Grant: Transitional Kindergarten Professional Development Department/Director: School Readiness/Mark Vigario Funding Source: California Department of Education/Early Education and Support Division (CDE/EESD) Amount Requested: $9,300,000 Approved Budget Dates: May 6, 2015 – June 30, 2017 Program Description: The Transitional Kindergarten Professional Development contract consists of five main components designed to support the implementation of high-quality professional development for transitional kindergarten (TK) teachers and administrators in California’s public schools: 1. Engage stakeholders to guide the development and delivery of professional development for TK 2. Conduct a survey to assess TK professional development needs 3. Develop in-person and online professional development modules for TK 4. Conduct train-the-trainer sessions for professional development providers through the regional structure of the California County Superintendents Educational Services Association (CCSESA) 5. Distribute funds to 11 CCSESA regions for the California Preschool Instructional Network (CPIN) to conduct TK teacher professional development on the Preschool Learning Foundations and Curriculum Frameworks New Positions: Coordinator Project Specialist II Staff Secretary Subcontracts as Specified in the CDE/EESD Contract: • WestEd in the amount of $400,000 to revise and expand upon existing in-person CPIN professional development modules based on the Preschool Learning Foundations and Curriculum Frameworks • Glen Price Group in the amount of $205,238 to develop and administer an online survey, summarize the survey findings, and facilitate steering committee meetings • Iron Mountain Films, Inc. in the amount of $354,585 to videotape and edit video illustrations of TK classrooms and researchers for TK professional development modules Evaluation Component: SCOE will submit quarterly progress reports and other required documentation of regional activities to the California Department of Education. Detailed Budgets Attached VIII.C.5.1. SAl;R~ME:NTO COUNTY OFFICE OF EDUCATION Budget for Grant/Contract for Services Cash Match Total (if a_QJ:llicable) Source of Funds for Cash Match Funds (check boxes that apply) 0 District/Foundation 0 Local !ZJ State 0 Federal ~ New Grant D Continuing Grant Grant Title: Transitional Kindergarten Professional Development Contact Person/Dept./Phone#: Mark Vigario I School Readiness I (916) 228-2653 Approved Budget Dates: May 6, 2015 -June 30, 2016 Grant Authorized Budget Category In-Kind I Cash In-Kind Salaries - Certificated (FTE) 1.19 Salaries - Classified (FTE) 2.25 Temporary Employees Employee Benefits Books and Supplies Subagreements Travel and conference Professional Services/Other Operating Expenses Communications (postage/phones) Printing Services 9 .28 % i n FY 1 4 / 1 5 Indirect% 9.65 124,681 180,647 85,000 99,936 52,300 654,962 13,200 1,300,706 4,450 4,500 189,075 Other Pass thru to other regions 1,573,500 Totals 124,681 180,647 85,000 99 ,936 52 ,300 654,962 13,200 1,300,706 4,450 4,500 189,075 1,573,500 4,282,957 $ $ Positions included: Title FTE Director Director Coordinator Project Specialist II Program Analyst Staff Secretary 0.15 0.04 1.00 1.00 0.25 1.00 Totals 3.44 Total Grant Budget Range/Step 40M 40M 36M 29M 36F 23F 0 $ Cash Match/ In-Kind Amount 305,328 0 Date VIII.C.5.2. ' Grant Authorized Amount 20 046 5 474 116 416 99,161 14,396 49,835 Initials of Grants Financial 2014 4,2 '-I"fl'.r: Staff:~{" ,..~ SACRAMENTO COUNTY OFFICE OF EDUCATION Budget for Grant/Contract for Services Cash Match Total (if applicable) Source of Funds for Cash Match Funds (check boxes that apply) 0 District/Foundation 0 Local IZJ State D Federal Ill New Grant D Continuing Grant Grant Title: Transitional Kindergarten Professional Development Contact Person/Dept./Phone#: Mark Vigario I School Readiness I (916) 228-2653 Approved Budget Dates: July 1, 2016 -June 30,2017 Salaries - Certificated (FTE) Salaries - Classified (FTE) Total Grant Budget 134,117 180,647 105,000 112,393 9,158 304,861 8,800 1,344,127 3,950 1,500 189,990 2,622,500 1.25 2.25 Temporary Employees Employee Benefits Books and Supplies Subagreements Travel and conference Professional Services/Other Operating Expenses Communications (postage/phones) Printing Services Indirect% 9.65 Other Pass thru to other regions Totals In-Kind I Cash In-Kind Grant Authorized Budget Category $ 134,117 180,647 105,000 112,393 9,158 304,861 8,800 1,344,127 3,950 1,500 189,990 2,622,500 5,017,043 $ Positions included: Title FTE Director Director Coordinator Project Specialist II ProQram Analyst Staff Secretary 0.15 0.10 1.00 1.00 0.25 1.00 Totals 3.50 0 $ Range/Step 40M 40M 36M 29M 36F 23F 5,017 ,043 Grant Authorized Amount 20 046 13 686 116 416 100 385 14,396 49,835 Cash Match/ In-Kind Amount 314,764 0 ~ Date:_Y41~.1~!o !~------+47 '-ff----+ Initials of Grants Financial Staff: 2014 VIII.C.5.3. (tr SACRAMENTO COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION 10474 Mather Boulevard, P.O. Box 269003 Sacramento, CA 95826-9003 Subject: Reason: Resolution No. 15-03 – Declaring May 13, 2015 as California Day of the Teacher Agenda Item No.: VIII.D. Enclosures: 1 Adoption From: David W. Gordon Prepared By: Tim Herrera Board Meeting Date: 05/05/15 BACKGROUND: California Day of the Teacher is a special recognition of the important role that teachers play in the lives of students across the state. Day of the Teacher is modeled after Dia del Maestro, a cherished Latin American tradition that formally recognizes educators. Because teachers are held in the highest esteem, everyone, from the youngest school children to the oldest generation of citizens, is asked to take the time to thank the teachers in their lives. The Board is requested to adopt Resolution No. 15-03 – Declaring May 13, 2015 as California Day of the Teacher. SUPERINTENDENT'S RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends that the Board adopt Resolution No. 15-03 – Declaring May 13, 2015 as California Day of the Teacher. VIII.D.1. SACRAMENTO COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION RESOLUTION NO. 15-03 Declaring May 13, 2015 as California Day of the Teacher WHEREAS, today's teachers mold the minds and train the workforce of the future; and WHEREAS, no other profession touches as many persons with such a lasting effect; and WHEREAS, good teaching grows in value and pays dividends far beyond the classroom; and WHEREAS, many times it is the interest and attention of a favorite teacher that steers a student into a career field; and WHEREAS, in addition to teaching academics, teachers provide guidance, support, and encouragement to their students; and WHEREAS, California long ago recognized the immeasurable value of our teachers and has designated the second Wednesday in May to be Day of the Teacher, a special observance that honors teachers and the teaching profession; and WHEREAS, Day of the Teacher has been sponsored by the California Teachers Association, the Parent Teacher Association, the California Federation of Teachers, the Association of California School Administrators, the California School Boards Association, the California Association of School Business Officials, and School Services of California, with the Association of Mexican-American Educators as the first sponsor of Day of the Teacher in 1982; and WHEREAS, Day of the Teacher should be a day for local education agencies, parents, guardians, caregivers, public officials, and the community to recognize the dedication and commitment of teachers who are educating our children; and WHEREAS, the Sacramento County Board of Education is extremely proud of the many exemplary teachers who serve the students in Sacramento County Office of Education programs; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Sacramento County Board of Education proclaims May 13, 2015 as California Day of the Teacher. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Sacramento County Board of Education during its regular board meeting on the 5th day of May 2015 by the following vote: AYES __________ _______________________________ NOES __________ _______________________________ ABSENT __________ _______________________________ ABSTAIN __________ _______________________________ Brian M. Rivas, Board President David W. Gordon, Board Secretary VIII.D.2. SACRAMENTO COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION 10474 Mather Boulevard, P.O. Box 269003 Sacramento, CA 95826-9003 Subject: Reason: Resolution No. 15-04 – Declaring May 17-23, 2015 as Classified School Employees’ Week Agenda Item No.: VIII.E. Enclosures: 1 Adoption From: David W. Gordon Prepared By: Tim Herrera Board Meeting Date: 05/05/15 BACKGROUND: The Sacramento County Office of Education employs more than 300 classified employees and depends daily upon their dedication and capabilities in order for the county office and its schools and programs to run efficiently and effectively. Classified employees work with commitment in forwarding the mission of the county office and thereby provide many benefits to this community, its schools, and the state of California. The many contributions of Sacramento County Office of Education classified staff are being recognized in the month of May. The Board is requested to adopt Resolution No. 15-04 – Declaring the week of May 17 through May 23, 2015 as Classified School Employees’ Week. SUPERINTENDENT’S RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends that the Board adopt Resolution No. 15-04 – Declaring the week of May 17 through May 23, 2015 as Classified School Employees’ Week. VIII.E.1. SACRAMENTO COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION RESOLUTION NO. 15-04 Declaring May 17-23, 2015 as Classified School Employees’ Week WHEREAS, the week of May 17 through May 23, 2015 has been designated as Classified School Employees’ Week throughout California; and WHEREAS, the Sacramento County Office of Education (SCOE) employs more than 300 classified employees who perform services which are vital to the educational process; and WHEREAS, classified employees provide services to students and their families, to teachers, administrators and other staff, and to the general public in the County, services that are essential to the efficient operation of our educational system; and WHEREAS, classified employees support and enhance the educational process by assisting instructors, preparing nutritious meals, maintaining buildings and grounds, and performing all technical business, clerical and secretarial functions; and WHEREAS, SCOE classified employees provide our organization with specialized skills and contribute to the educational excellence in our schools and programs day-in and day-out; and WHEREAS, classified employees provide services that enable the County Office of Education to respond effectively to the needs of students and their families, teachers, administrators, and other staff, and the needs of the greater community; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education extends its sincere appreciation and commendation to SCOE’s classified school employees and proclaims the week of May 17 through May 23, 2015 as Classified School Employees’ Week in Sacramento County. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Sacramento County Board of Education during its regular board meeting on the 5th day of May 2015 by the following vote: AYES __________ _______________________________ NOES __________ _______________________________ ABSENT __________ _______________________________ ABSTAIN __________ _______________________________ Brian M. Rivas, Board President David W. Gordon, Board Secretary VIII.E.2. SACRAMENTO COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION 10474 Mather Boulevard, P.O. Box 269003 Sacramento, CA 95826-9003 Subject: Court and Community Schools Local Accountability System Update Agenda Item No.: VIII.F. Enclosures: 6 Reason: Third Update From: David W. Gordon Prepared By: Dr. Matt Perry Board Meeting Date: 05/05/15 BACKGROUND: May Update We are providing the May Board update, designed to provide information regarding progress toward reaching established targets for the current academic year. This update includes progress on improvement strategies related to action steps presented during the March 17, 2015 SCOE Board Study Session, Promising Practices Supporting Academic Achievement in California Juvenile Court and Community Schools. Due to the design of the NWEA/MAP assessment system, academic progress in English and Math will be reported only twice per year (after each 90-day period). Reporting Calendar Update Our 2015-2016 updates on our Local Accountability System will be provided in: September, 2015 (End of Year 2014-2015 Report) December, 2015 (1st Report) March, 2016 (2nd Report) May, 2016 (3rd Report) VIII.F.1. Accountability System for Court and Community Schools Quarterly Report Accountability System for Sacramento County Office of Education’s Court and Community Schools (CCS) Center for Student Assessment and Program Accountability (C-SAPA) May 2015 The accountability system focuses on continuous improvement for all court and community schools operated by the Sacramento County Office of Education (SCOE) by evaluating multiple measures. The system sets up a methodology to continuously monitor programs. Features of the Accountability System • Relies primarily on existing reporting mechanisms and testing programs in order to minimize the data collection and reporting burden for schools; • Measures performance through multiple indicators that are valid and reliable, yet appropriate for high-risk student populations; • Compares a school’s performance over time to itself rather than to other schools because of the unique characteristics of the court and community schools; • Applies the same indicators to measure the progress of each Juvenile Court and Community School, providing consistency and continuity for students who attend both types of schools. Overall Design and Structure The overall design and structure of the accountability system includes five indicators of school performance – one learning readiness indicator, three academic achievement indicators, and one educational transition indicator: 1. The Learning Readiness indicator will measure student attendance. 2. The Academic Achievement indicators will measure the academic progress a student makes in the core content areas of reading and mathematics and evaluate the number of credits earned by the student while enrolled in a court or community school. 3. The Educational Transition indicators will measure successful educational accomplishments. Quarter totals for these indicators are cumulative from the beginning of the school year to show progress toward the year-end goals. VIII.F.2. Accountability System for Court and Community Schools Learning Readiness Academic Achievement Educational Transition Successful Transition Attendance Academic Achievement in Reading and Math Credit completion Learning Readiness 1. Attendance Total days of attendance divided by total days of enrollment for all students enrolled during the school year for any length of time. Academic Achievement 2. Reading Achievement Growth data provided by this assessment may only be calculated after 90 instructional days, therefore this measure is provided on a semester basis. Growth Rate: Percentage of students who meet their NWEA 90-day growth target. 3. Mathematics Achievement Growth data provided by this assessment may only be calculated after 90 instructional days, therefore this measure is provided on a semester basis. Growth Rate: Percentage of students who meet their NWEA 90-day growth target. 4. Credit Completion Percentage of students earning 10 credits for every 30 instructional days of continuous enrollment. Educational Transition 5. Successful Transition The percentage of students who exit a SCOE school with a successful transition, such as passing a high school equivalency exam, earning a high school diploma, or re-enrolling at another traditional or alternative school. VIII.F.3. Accountability System for Court and Community Schools Learning Readiness - Attendance Percent Attendance Court Schools El Centro Morgan Court Schools Overall Community Schools Hickey North Area Gerber Boys and Girls Club Community Schools Overall 2013-2014 Target 2013-2014 EOY Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 2014-2015 EOY 2014-2015 Target 98.0% 99.0% 97.4% 97.5% 97.9% 99.6% 98.0% 97.6% 99.5% 97.7% 97.5% 99.5% 97.6% 98.0% 99.0% 80.0% 80.0% 80.0% 80.0% 77.4% 68.1% 72.6% 67.9% 81.5% 74.2% 79.8% 72.9% 76.2% 72.7% 72.5% 72.2% 71.8% 72.3% 66.0% 74.9% 80.4% 71.1% 75.6% 70.9% 78.1% 75.0% 72.7% *2014-2015 Targets: Court schools are set at 0.5 percentage points above 2013- 2014 EOY; Community Schools are set at 3.0 percentage points above 2013-2014 EOY • • • • • • El Centro is 0.5% points below the 2014-2015 Target Morgan in 0.5% points above the 2014-2015 Target Hickey is 8.6% points below the 2014-2015 Target North Area is 1.2% points above the 2014-2015 Target Gerber is 9.6% points below the 2014-2015 Target Boys and Girls Club is 4.0% points above the 2014-2015 Target Improvement Strategies: • SCOE will continue to provide activities and supports at the sites to encourage improved attendance. Examples include: Student-Led Conferences at North Area and Hickey, Community Service Day at St. Johns provided by Gerber, Green Tech Education, 916 Ink, Earth Mama Healing, and the Scholastic Journalism project across our sites. • SCOE is continuing to partner with Probation and is increasing the frequency of home visits designed to engage families regarding the importance of good attendance. • SCOE is partnering with Probation, Mental Health, Child Protective Services, and the Juvenile Courts to implement the Crossover Youth Practice Model (technical support from Georgetown University) to provide wrap-around supports for all Foster Youth in SCOE’s Court and Community Schools. These supports have intentional practices to increase attendance of all foster youth. (03/17/15 SCOE Board CCS Study Session Action Step #4) • Life Skills is under review by the Policy Committee as a future graduation requirement, with components that will support behaviors that increase attendance as an essential skill. (03/17/15 SCOE Board CCS Study Session Action Step #2) VIII.F.4. Accountability System for Court and Community Schools Academic Achievement - Reading Although reading data is only reported twice per year, this is an update on strategies related to action steps presented during the March 17, 2015 Board Study Session. Improvement Strategies (Reading) • • SCOE staff has met with both Odysseyware and Renaissance Learning representatives and is completing the process of choosing an intervention and assessment system designed for SCOE’s student population. (03/17/15 SCOE Board CCS Study Session Action Step #4) SCOE CCS faculty members continue to engage in biweekly professional development that focuses on improving instruction and effective interventions. SCOE staff is designing the 2015-2016 professional development sequence to include effective reading interventions and the integration of student voice into the curriculum. (03/17/15 SCOE Board CCS Study Session Action Steps #1, 3, 4, 5, 6) Academic Achievement - Mathematics Although math data is only reported twice per year, this is an update on strategies related to action steps presented during the March 17, 2015 Board Study Session. Improvement Strategies (Mathematics) • • SCOE staff met with both Odysseyware and Renaissance Learning representatives and is completing the process of choosing an intervention and assessment system designed for SCOE’s student population. (03/17/15 SCOE Board CCS Study Session Action Step #4) SCOE CCS faculty members continue to engage in biweekly professional development that focuses on improving instruction and effective interventions. SCOE is designing the 2015-2016 professional development sequence to include effective math interventions. (03/17/15 SCOE Board CCS Study Session Action Steps #3, 4, 5, 6) VIII.F.5. Accountability System for Court and Community Schools Academic Achievement - Credit Completion Credit Completion - Percent Meeting 10 Credits per 30 Days Court Schools El Centro Morgan Court Schools Overall Community Schools Hickey North Area Gerber Boys and Girls Club Community Schools Overall 20132014 Target 20132014 EOY 32.2% 50.4% 54.8% 40.0% 39.2% 30.0% Quarter 4 20142015 EOY 20142015 Target Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 20.2% 60.0% 33.7% 25.0% 33.0% 36.8% 75.0% 39.5% 32.9% 43.8% 33.6% 30.2% 65.0% 24.2% 31.6% 32.2% 24.6% 39.5% 23.2% 47.4% 30.8% 32.4% 40.4% 13.9% 50.0% 48.0% 31.7% 35.8% 23.5% 33.3% 22.0% 26.3% 34.2% 41.6% 42.2% 34.6% 34.2% 2014-2015 Growth targets were based on 2013-2014 EOY percentages. Schools with 2013-2014 credit completion percentages below 50% have goals set 10 percentage points higher than previous year totals; schools with credit completion percentages above 50% have goals set 5 percentage points higher than previous years’ totals. • • • • • • El Centro is 2.7% points above the 2014-2015 Target; 82/249 students met target Morgan is 21.2% points below the 2014-2015 Target; 7/16 students met target Hickey is 1.6% points above the 2014-2015 Target; 24/67 students met target North Area is 18.1% points below the 2014-2015 Target; 19/81 students met target Gerber is 8.9% points below the 2014-2015 Target; 13/39 students met target Boys and Girls Club is 12.6 points below the 2014-2015 Target; 9/41 students met target Improvement Strategies: • SCOE staff is designing the 2015-2016 professional development sequence to include integration of student voice in the curriculum and effective academic interventions. (03/17/15 SCOE Board CCS Study Session Action Steps #1, 5) • SCOE staff has established a Student Success Plan (SSP) database for El Centro that allows all teachers to view all enrolled students SSPs. Students living in the Youth Detention Facility often have to change housing units and this almost always changes their classroom and teacher(s). In the past, faculty did not have immediate access to a new student’s SSP. VIII.F.6. Accountability System for Court and Community Schools Educational Transition - Successful Transition Successful Transition Percent of Students Court Schools El Centro Morgan Court Schools Overall Community Schools Hickey North Area Gerber Boys and Girls Club Community Schools Overall 20132014 Target 20132014 EOY 90.7% 95.7% 94.9% 90.1% 91.6% 91.6% 20132014 EOY Certified Quarter 4 20142015 EOY 20142015 Target Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 89.0% 87.3% 99.8% 80.0% 99.2% 99.9% 90.5% 99.7% 97.7% 82.9% 97.3% 91.6% 92.3% 96.3% 94.7% 95.4% 87.0% 100.0% 97.8% 95.8% 100.0% 100.0% 96.6% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 99.2% 97.0% 90.8% 85.8% 87.9% 87.9% Annual data is certified by the California Department of Education the following March of each year via CALPADS. Data for 2013-2014 has not been certified yet. *2014-2015 Target is based on 2012-2013 Actual Certified Data. The minimum target was set at 85% for all schools or 3 percentage points above the 20122013 Certified Data. • • • • • • El Centro is 6.1% points above the 2014-2015 Target Morgan is 9.4% points above the 2014-2015 Target Hickey is 5.0% points above the 2014-2015 Target North Area is 10.5% points above the 2014-2015 Target Gerber is 12.1% points above the 2014-2015 Target Boys and Girls Club is 12.1% points above the 2014-2015 Target Improvement strategies: • SCOE is partnering with Probation, Mental Health, Child Protective Services, and the Juvenile Courts to implement the Crossover Youth Practice Model (technical support from Georgetown University) to provide wrap-around supports for all Foster Youth in SCOE’s Court and Community Schools. These supports have intentional practices to improve transitions for all foster youth in SCOE schools. (03/17/15 SCOE Board CCS Study Session Action Step #4) • Life Skills is under review by the Policy Committee as a future graduation requirement, with components that will include essential skills for transition to post-secondary and career. (03/17/15 SCOE Board CCS Study Session Action Step #2) VIII.F.7.