CALENDAR - James Madison Memorial High School


CALENDAR - James Madison Memorial High School
July 2015 Newsletter
June 22-July 31 Summer School
August 14 Students new to Memorial
8:00-Noon and 1:00-4:00 p.m.
by appointment 663-6054
Enrollment/Registration for All Grades
August 18 11:00 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.
August 21 7:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Save time on enrollment days by going
online at beginning
August 4. If you need user name or
password, follow prompt on-line.
Remember to print and bring on-line
ACT Registration Deadline
Early Release at 2:31 p.m .- PCT
Autumn Begins
22-23 Yom Kippur (begins at sunset)
23-24 Eid al-Adha (begins at sunset)
9/27-10/4 Sukkot (begins at sundown)
Early Release at 2:31 p.m.- PCT
Spirit Bowl/Cancer Walk
Oct. 3
July 30 Spartan Sports Kick-Off,
Sept. 1 9th Grade Only-First Day of
School, 8:30-3:36
Students New to Memorial,
1:30-3:36 p.m.
July 2015
201 S. Gammon Road, Madison, WI 53717-1499
Telephone: 663-5990
Fax: 442-2203
Homecoming Dance
SAT Exam
Shemini Atzeret (begins at sundown)
Early Release at 2:31 p.m.- PCT
Go To School Night
Photo Retake Day, 7:00 am-3:00 pm
Youth Court, 5:00 p.m.
Junior Parent Night, 7:00pm-9:00pm
Early Release at 2:31 p.m.- PCT
Scholarship Night (How to Apply)
7:00 p.m.
A Principal Experience
Symphonic Band/Wind Ensemble
Concert, 7:30 p.m., Auditorium
Concert Bands I & II Concert
Latino Parent Meeting, 6:00 p.m.,
Fox Neighborhood Center/Rm. 506
All Students Report to School,
Labor Day
Senior Parent Night,
7:00-9:00 p.m.
ACT Exam
Rosh Hashanah (begins at sunset)
Early Release at 2:31 p.m.- PCT
Hispanic Heritage Month Begins
Latino Parent Meeting, 6:00 p.m.,
Fox Neighborhood Center/Rm. 506
Black Parent Council, 6:00 p.m.,
Wisconsin Neighborhood Ctr.
Black Parent Council, 6:00 p.m.,
Wisconsin Neighborhood Ctr.
Fall Play, “Diary of Anne Frank”,
& 22-24
7:30 p.m.
Blood Drive
Early Release at 2:31 p.m.- PCT
Choir Concert, 7:30 p.m.,
ACT Exam
Early Release at 2:31 p.m.- PCT
Q & A with Jay
Orchestra Concert, 7:30 p.m.
2015-2016 Phone Contacts
General Information 663-5990
Building Principal & Secretary
Jay Affeldt, Principal
Liz Contrucci, Secretary
Assistant Principals & Secretaries
Fox Neighborhood
Matt Hendrickson, Principal
Peggi Dahmen, Secretary
Rock Neighborhood
Lorie Wesolek, Principal
Betty Loeffler, Secretary
Wisconsin Neighborhood
Jennifer Donatelli, Secretary
Wolf Neighborhood
Ben Radloff, Principal
Betty Loeffler, Secretary
Important information: All Attendance calls
should be made to the appropriate Neighborhood
Student Services Department
Sherry Zander, Registrar
Deb Kosloske, Clerical Asst.
Troy Arneson, Dept. Chair
Counselors by Neighborhood & Alphabet
Troy Arneson, Wolf A-O
Joe Hamel, Wisconsin A-O
Sherry Lucille, Rock & Fox P-Z
Dan Maloney, Rock A-O
Len Mormino, Wisconsin & Wolf P-Z 663-6061
Amy Olson, Fox A-O
Ying Vang, ELL Counselor
Multicultural Services Coordinator
JoAnne Brown
School Improvement/Professional Development
Spanish Translation
Richard Hildner
Hmong Translation
Neng Xiong
Dean of Students
Memorial Alternative Achievement Program
Nick Schmidt
Nursing Staff
Project Road
Katy Ainslie-Wallace
MSCR High School Specialist
Roxanne Rios
Special Education Department
Si necesita ayuda en español, llame a Richard Hildner al 442-2246.
Yog koj xav tau tus neeg hais lus Hmoob hu rau Neng Xiong xov tooj yog 442-2342.
From the Desk of Jay Affeldt
Dear Memorial Community,
Graduation is always such a powerful experience, and it was an honor to
see yet another amazing group of Spartans head off to take on the world.
The Class of 2015 is a very special group, and they will be missed by all of
us. We wish them the best as they take their next steps and take on new
As we ease into July, this is the time of year when we reflect on the past
school year. As a school community, we think back on what worked well
and what did not, making adjustments hoping to always work towards a
better outcome for every single student. This is also the time to celebrate
all of the accomplishments throughout the year, from State Titles to
amazing performances and award ceremonies. Perhaps the most
important accomplishment though, is to recognize the nearly 2000
students who worked so hard both in and out of the classroom throughout
the year, putting in countless hours and all of the extra effort to overcome
a wide variety of challenges to succeed.
As we begin to shift our thoughts to next school year, I wanted to thank
you again for proving such great feedback throughout the year on our
monthly surveys, and on our School Improvement Plan. When we meet as
a staff in August, we will again work together with a focus on being clear,
every day, with what we want students to know and be able to do. We
will also have a focus on relationships and on effective communication.
We will continue to seek your feedback throughout the coming year, and
will depend on your insights and experiences to guide our improvements.
Ok, now back to summer. Please help keep your students active. We
know from research that a lot of knowledge and skill is lost during the
summer months unless students remain active. Get them out of bed each
morning and send them out to find new challenges to expand their
thinking. This is the time to explore, to find new adventures to inspire their
Thank you all for your support throughout my first year in this new role. As
always, please know you can always call or stop in to talk. Have a great
rest of your summer, and see you in August. We are JMM.
From Memorial’s Counselors
For complete coverage of all of these issues and more, visit the
Memorial Student Services Website:
Registration and Class Schedule Pick Up for Fall 2015:
To be admitted to class on your first day of school you must have gone through this
registration process. Registration for all four grades will be possible on either of the
following two days:
Friday, August 14:
New Students only
8:00-12:00 and 1:00-4:00
Tuesday, August 18:
All Grades
Friday, August 21:
All Grades
Students should be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Be prepared to pay
fees and to have your ID picture taken. Update all contact information, including
your email address. Note: If you are brand new to Memorial and you did not
complete the February registration procedures, be sure to call our registrar, Sherry
Zander, 663-6054, for an appointment, as soon as possible.
Something New This Year!
JMM exists to prepare students for college, career, and community readiness.
We don’t have enough time to focus on these conversations in our current
structure. Advisories will serve as a way for students to connect their education with
their future plans. It will also be a great place to build a sense of community with a
group of 20-25 students you may not have class with throughout your 4 years of high
school. In advisories, you’ll be working through critical information that you will not
be able to experience any other way, including:
-selecting courses
-getting vital information regarding resumes and job searches
-hearing from community leaders and other college and career speakers
-applying and planning for college and other opportunities after high school
-exploring learning experiences beyond the classroom available at Memorial and
Advisories will be led by teachers who stay with their group of students for 4 years.
There will be opportunities for student leadership. Attendance will be taken during
Advisory Period, which means it can affect students’ athletic eligibility and student
record if they do not attend. Advisory will occur on Mondays that are shortened
due to Professional Collaboration time. They will be organized by grade level to
make it easier to develop grade-level lessons and programming that will benefit all
students in the same stage of their high school experience. We are excited to have this opportunity to help students do deeper academic
and career planning, connect with their Memorial Community of students and
staff, and engage to school in a more personal way. Advisory session topics for
each grade level will be available for viewing in late August on an ACP Web
Page in the Memorial Website.
DATES TO REMEMBER: (Mark your calendars now!)
September 1st, 2015: First Day of School for 9th graders only.
September 2nd, 2015: All Students Begin Classes- 9-10-11-12 grades.
September, 2015: Grade 12: Seniors, make an appointment with your
counselor to discuss and receive assistance finalizing your plans for after
September 10th, 2015: Senior Parent Night: You will be briefed on the material
covered in the September Senior Classroom Presentations. Questions & Answer
sessions will be available.
October 5, 2015: All Grades: Go To School Night: Meet teachers and
experience what it is like for your student to go to Memorial Hi.
October 8th, 2015: Junior Parent Night- Counselors will coordinate presentations
on post high school options.
October 12th, 2015: Scholarship Night- A representative from the Great Lakes
Higher Education Board will discuss how to search for and apply to private
scholarships. Juniors and Seniors and their families are welcome.
Board Policy 3540 states: “A student who participates in a WIAA sanctioned
athletic activity during 11th grade, or during the fall sports season of their 12th
grade year, may, upon application and approval, be permitted to complete
an additional one-half credit (.5) in english, social studies, mathematics, or
science in lieu of one half credit (.5) of physical education.” In other words,
students can graduate with 1 credit or 2 semesters of physical education credit
(instead of 1.5 or 3 semesters) if they meet the requirements in the policy stated
above. It needs to be completed and handed into that office on the first
day of practice of the sport/athletic season they intend to use it as a physical
education replacement for.
Juniors and Seniors: ACT and/or SAT test results can be critical to a college
application. You need to give this your attention beginning in January of your junior
year. A more complete summary is available on the Memorial Student Service
Department’s website, including links to the ACT and SAT websites. Don’t forget,
some highly competitive colleges ask that you take several SAT Subject Tests, using
them for admissions, and sometimes course placement.
Seniors: The ACT test can be critical to a college application. If you have not yet
taken the ACT, be aware of the following test dates: September 12th, October
24th, and December 12th. A more complete summary is available on the Memorial
Student Services Website, including links to the ACT and SAT websites. NOTE: If you
are planning on taking the September 12th ACT Test, the registration deadline is
August 7th, (or August 21st if you pay a $23.00 late fee).
Under Memorial’s “Neighborhood” model, counselors are assigned to each of the
four neighborhoods, and then a caseload of students alphabetized by last name.
All students are assigned to a counselor in their assigned neighborhood according
to their last name. (See Neighborhoods list below). That counselor will support that
student for all four years of high school through graduation. Each counselor is
also joined by a psychologist, social worker, nurse, and principal (also organized
by neighborhood). That team meets, collaborates, and supports the students
they share, coordinating services between them as needed and appropriate.
Also assigned to all neighborhoods are the ELL Counselor and Minority Services
Fox River Neighborhood
Mrs. Amy Olson (A-P)
Mrs. Sherry Lucille (Q-Z)
Phone #
Rock River Neighborhood
Mr. Dan Maloney (A-P)
Mrs. Sherry Lucille (Q-Z)
Wisconsin River Neighborhood
Mr. Joe Hamel (A-P)
Mr. Len Mormino (Q-Z)
Wolf River Neighborhood
Mr. Troy Arneson (A-P)
Mr. Len Mormino (Q-Z)
Mr. Ying Vang
All ELL students
Fox River
Ms. Imholte
Rock River
Ms. Dietrich
Ms. Dietrich
Mrs. Suzanne
Mrs. Suzanne
Mr. Marques Flowers
Mrs. Deb Conway
Mrs. Deb Conway
Mr. John Rummel
Wolf River
Ms. Dietrich
Mr. Marques Flowers Mr. John Rummel
Ms. Dietrich
Mrs. Rosemary
Mrs. Deb Conway-663-6066
Barrientos- Social
Mr. John Rummel-663-6053
Mrs. Imholte
Worker- 663-6051
Multicultural Services Coordinator- Ms. JoAnne Brown- (608) 663-6168
For email addresses, go directly to the Memorial Student Services website @ https://
Students are encouraged to meet regularly with their counselors, and to establish a
good working relationship to assist in helping student work towards their graduation
and post HS goals. In addition, the rest of their student service team including the
nurse, social worker, and psychologist are available daily for support. Confidentiality
is respected, and all issues are open for discussion and problem solving. Given the
heavy traffic that is typical in the Student Services office, students wanting to speak
with their counselor are encouraged to make an appointment by seeing Deb
Kosloske or Sherry Zander in Student Services. Choose a meeting time that will not
cause class time to be missed; counselors cannot excuse students who come during
class time without written teacher permission.
“Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance, order, rhythm and harmony.”
Thomas Merton
It’s easy to get swooned by competitive college admissions standards, the idea
of “resume-building”, “looking good on paper” for scholarships, and maybe even
the old notion of “keeping up with the Jones’s”. These things, or plain ambition
and a thirst to “do it all” can sometimes land us overcommitted to a class schedule
and extra-curricular life that is too strenuous. Most college admissions counselors
and employers will tell you it’s quality, not quantity, when it comes to reviewing
Deeper levels of involvement with fewer activities shows more commitment than
surface level involvement with many activities. To understand this, think of how you
might describe an acquaintance vs. a good friend. Which relationship will make a
better story? As well, what we would define as a “rigorous” course load is different
for every student. “Rigor” doesn’t have to mean the hardest class offered in EVERY
subject. In a more humane sense, it means a course selection in EACH subject that
challenges a student to work hard towards mastery with the following caveats:
1)the student’s mental and physical health needs are not compromised to meet
course demands
2)the student’s overall course schedule is still “manageable” within the time and
energy they have to give, and
3)the student’s commitments and passions out of school are not compromised.
In other words, they can be at their best both in and outside of the classroom,
and are happy with the balance, and getting sleep!
It will take discipline to not load a schedule up beyond what is healthy, and often,
some support! If your student is concerned about under-challenging themself in their
course selections, or perhaps having over-challenged themself, have them share
their feelings about it. It can also help to have them talk to their teacher of the
subject in question, or their counselor. If they are trying to map out an overall load
(in and outside of the classroom) that makes sense, their counselor can also help.
The world will usually ask more of us than we can give, and finding the boundaries
and balance is an art that takes a lifetime to master. The habits to take care of
ourselves that we practice in high school can follow us into the college and work
setting. We want to support you in helping students practice habits they can rely
on to find the balance in life when they leave home. Beyond the transcripts and
resumes, our students are human beings with full lives, and different temperaments,
skills, and life situations. They can only be themselves, and through learning how to
fully be that, they WILL shine.
We are ALL creative. Every last one of us! If you know someone who likes to say
“I’m just not one of those creative people” (including yourself), tell them it’s not true.
Many of us limit our concept of creativity to “the arts”, but that is only one expression
of creativity. Some think about creativity as anything you use your imagination with.
Howard Gardner might have touched on more diverse ways of considering creativity
when he identified multiple intelligences that he felt each of us have a preference
toward. Remember these?
-Musical/Rhythmical-Intrapersonal/ self-aware
-Naturalistic/ Nature Connection
-Logical/ Mathematical
-Visual/ Spatial-Interpersonal/ People Sense
-Verbal/ Language
-Bodily/ Kinesthetic Awareness
-Existential/ Big-Picture/ Deeper Meaning Sense
How does your student express their creativity? One way to tell is how they choose
to spend their free time, or feel naturally good at. Do some of their hobbies, extracurriculars, classes, and “goof around” activities give them an outlet to be creative?
Do their future plans involve their preferred ways being creative? On that note, do
yours? If not, why not? Something to think about.
Counselors at Memorial High School follow recommendations from research in using
career exploration to help guide students in selecting their courses and learning
experiences beyond the classroom.
The 16 National Career Clusters are helpful in exploring the world of work in a way
that’s easy to understand. The 16 National Career Clusters are:
Agriculture, Food, & Natural Resources
Human Services
Architecture and Construction Hospitality and Tourism
Arts, A/V Technology, and Communication Info. Technology
Business Management and Administration
Law, Public Safety, and Security
Education and Training
Government and Public Administration
Health Sciences
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Transportation, and Logistics
Which clusters interest you the most? You can learn more about the 16 clusters
on . You can also explore your interests, the clusters,
careers and related programs of study, Memorial Classes, and colleges on Career
Cruising, a powerful internet tool that MMSD has contracted for every student to
have access to. We will also host career speakers from a variety of the clusters this
1-Go to the JMM student services web page at:
3-Scroll down to the link “CAREER CRUISING Login”
4-To log on: - Username is “MMSD-student ID”- I.E.- MMSD-75454
- Password is “6 digit birthday + your first and last initial”- I.E.- 061295lm
5-When you see the homepage on Career Cruising, click on “Careers” in the top
center of the page
6-Click on the “Career Clusters” tab underneath
7-Ask your Memorial Counselor if you have questions
December 1st, 2015 is the deadline Student Services Department sets for timely
processing of college apps to be delivered to college campuses by the Holiday
Break. Students should submit any college materials that need to go through their
counselor no later than this date. If you are just beginning this process please read
the guidelines below.
1. ELECTRONIC/ONLINE APPLICATIONS: When applying online, download and
print the “Counselor” portion only if the school requires it (this is no longer
common). Bring this part to your counselor so they can fill out and send any
necessary information to that campus. These can also be emailed to client via
the application website.
2. Order your transcript to be sent to the schools you wish to apply to. Please note
that our process has changed.
The First Step to ordering a transcript is to create an account at ww.parchment.
com. As you move through the registration process, please note that MMSD
does not issue “registration codes” to students. Simply leave this item blank and
continue with the account process. Also, when designating the high school, JMM
is listed as “Memorial High School”, not “James Madison Memorial High School.”
Once registered, the website will provide additional instructions for ordering your
transcripts. This electronic service allows you to order transcripts online at any time
and track the status of the transcripts that have been sent. You can send your
transcripts directly to colleges, the NCAA, the Common Application and other
destinations of your choice
Current Students and their parents may download and print a copy of a transcript
from Infinite Campus for your own personal use. Personal transcripts are not
considered official and will not be accepted for admission purposes to colleges and
universities, the Common Application, or the NCAA. Most athletic offices, employers,
and some scholarship applications will accept a printed copy of the personal
Transcripts needed for scholarship purposes are free. In order to request an official
transcript for scholarship purposes, please contact Students Services or your
3. PAPER APPLICATIONS: These are not common or available at most schools
anymore. If you are completing one, bring the completed paper copy of an
application to your counselor for processing. Attach application fee check,
additional attachments, etc..
Your counselor will need a “Student Brag Sheet” and “Parent Brag Sheet” plus a
resume of your activities in order to write a recommendation for you. Give or
email “Teacher Report Form” to teachers who you have requested letters of
recommendation from, and fill out a “Teacher Brag Sheet” if they would like one
(they can be obtained in Student Services). Make sure to give your teacher a
stamped, addressed envelope to each campus you would like their letter sent to.
School staff like at least 2 weeks notice when asked to complete a
5. SENDING ACT/SAT TEST RESULTS: All test scores (ACT, SAT I and SAT Subject
Tests) must be sent directly from the testing agency. This means that YOU contact
the testing company. The Counseling Department cannot do this for you. You
may request to have your results sent to colleges on the registration form for either
test, as a limited number are free of charge at that time. Don’t forget to consider
whether you need or would benefit from taking the SAT Subject Tests.
6. CHECK NCAA ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS: It is student athletes’ responsibility
to check NCAA eligibility requirements and make sure they have met them
through their coursework taken and gpa. Requirements can be viewed at this
The Youth Options Program permits any 11th or 12th grade student to attend a
Wisconsin institution of higher education for the purpose of taking
nonsectarian courses. The school district is required to pay for the course(s) under
certain conditions.
Parents and/or students should see the counselor for further information. By March
1 for the fall semester, and October 1 for the spring semester, students must notify
the school board of their intent to participate in the program. The application for
participation must arrive in the office of the District Director of Alternative Programs
by the deadline dates. No exceptions to the deadline dates will be granted. A
separate application must be processed for each semester that a student applies to
participate in the Youth Options Program. Applications may be obtained in Student
Services Office. An envelope addressed to the Director of Alternative Programs is
also provided.
In SOME cases high school credit will be granted for pre-approved educational
experiences undertaken outside the MMSD. In ALL cases students must receive prior
approval from both their Neighborhood principal and the chair of the Memorial
department to which the non-MMSD educational experience is related.
NOTE: Requesting a course via the Youth Options Program and having that request
denied by MMSD does not constitute prior approval. Students must obtain prior
approval as outlined above before the grade and credit for the course can be
included on their transcript; grades will not be counted in your GPA.
Students who do not receive prior approval may request to have educational
experiences listed on their transcripts, but no credit will be granted for these
Credits earned for graduation will consist of Carnegie Units awarded by MMSD high
schools or other accredited high schools in which students were physically enrolled.
Credits will also be granted for the state-mandated extensions of MMSD credit, such
as Youth Options Program credits or Youth Apprenticeship Program credits. Credits
awarded by any other institutions or because of a court mandate may continue to
be listed in an appropriate fashion on the summary of courses taken. However, no
credit will be granted by the District, and the grade will not be calculated into the
For complete coverage of all of these issues and more visit the Memorial Support
Services Website:
From the Health Office: We hope you are enjoying the Summer safely. Please remember to schedule sports physicals and obtain Doctors orders for school medications. This includes daily medications and those needed for potential emergencies.
We NEED new orders every year as always.
Our FAX # is 608-442-2196. PLEASE also remember that the beginning of the school
year is not a good time to try to have your student with ADHD function without medication. It is probably the most important time to have focus, be organized, and start
strong! See you in September!!
PSAT Testing 2015/16
Who should take the PSAT? There are two reasons to take the PSAT, First, students
who plan on taking the SAT, this serves as a practice test. Second, this is the qualifying test for the National Merit Scholarship Program. Any test taker who receives a
score in the 99 percentile will become a National Merit candidate and can apply to
become a National Merit Scholar.
The 2015 PSAT exam will be given on October 14th. We normally give this test on a
Saturday in October but because the College Board is rolling out a redesigned SAT
test they will not offer an option for Saturday testing in 2015. Saturday testing will resume in 2016.
Registration for the PSAT will start on September 8th and end on September 24th. The
cost for the test will remain at $25. Because of limited space and poor testing conditions the PSAT will be given off campus, place to be announced later. Students/
families will be responsible for transportation to and from the testing site. Students
should arrive by 7:30 a.m. to check in and be ready to start by the required start time
of 8:00 a.m. Any student arriving after 8:00 a.m. will not be allowed to test. Testing will
end at approximately 11:15 and students will be expected to return to school for the
remainder of their 4th period class if the student has 2nd lunch for students who have
1st lunch they are expected to be in their 4th period class by 12:00. All students will
be excused from school, periods 1 – 3 for testing and for the first part of 4th period for
those who have 2nd lunch.
Information on registration and testing site will be available when school starts in September.
For questions contact Joe Hamel after September 1st at
or 663-6064.
2015-16 Daily Schedule
1st Period
2nd Period
3rd Period
4th Period
5th Period
6th Period
7th Period
(9/14, 9/21, 9/28, 10/5, 10/12, 10/19, 10/26, 11/2, 11/30, 12/7, 12/14, 1/4,
1/11, 2/8, 2/15, 2/22, 2/29, 3/7, 3/14, 4/4, 4/18, 4/25, 5/2, 5/9, 5/16, 5/23)
1st Period
2nd Period
3rd Period
4th Period
5th Period
6th Period
7th Period
Achievement Connections Math Tutoring Program
We are recruiting 12 full-time AmeriCorps tutors and four fulltime AmeriCorps tutor liaisons for our Achievement Connections high
school math tutoring program to serve at Memorial high school August
2015 - July 2016.
Serving with Achievement Connections is a great opportunity to gain
professional development skills, network with like-minded individuals,
and to give back to the community. Program benefits include a $12,530
living allowance, a $5,730 education award upon successful
completion of service, health care coverage, and child care assistance,
if eligible.
To apply to become an AmeriCorps member and part of the
Achievement Connections team, please submit an application on-line
via the AmeriCorps web site and select the
Achievement Connections High School Tutoring program in Wisconsin.
Applicants must be 18 or older. You can also submit a resume and
cover letter to Elisabeth Marx, Senior Director of Strategic
Collaborations, United Way of Dane County, 2059 Atwood Avenue,
Madison, WI 53704 or via email at
Our program is a partnership of the United Way of Dane
County, AmeriCorps/ Corporation for National and Community Service,
the Madison Metropolitan School District, Middleton-Cross Plains Area
School District, and the University of Wisconsin-Madison Morgridge
Center for Public Service.
¡Pura Vida!
Viaja a Costa Rica en el verano de 2017
Travel to Costa Rica in the summer of 2017
Exlore Costa Rica on a 10 day Spanish language-immersion trip with
Rustic Pathways. Students will live with families in a rural community;
earn service hours; explore the rain forest; ride a zip line and play
some soccer. Approximately $2000. Contact Senora Stangel for more
School enrollment day for the 2015-16 school year
Mark your calendars for school enrollment days on August 18 from 11:00 a.m. to
6:30 p.m and August 21 from 7:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the Cafeteria. Be there to
enroll your child for the 2015-16 school year.
1. Locate your Infinite Campus username and password to access the online
enrollment system.
 Your password is available from your school secretary before the end of
the school year.
 Or visit to fill out a form to receive an email with
your username and/or password
2. Fill out the yearly enrollment information and pay fees online by visiting beginning on August 4.
3. Complete the process at your school during the enrollment dates in August.
What to bring:
 Verification signature page and fee receipt, printed at the end of the
online enrollment process.
 Free/reduced lunch application number if you have one.
 Verification of your address (gas/electric bill, lease or mortgage) if your
address has changed.
Or contact the enrollment office:
Thursday = El jueves
Friday = El viernes
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * article begins below this line * * * * * * * *
Matriculación escolar para el ciclo escolar 2015-16
Marque su calendario para el día de la matriculación el 18 de agosto de las
11:00 a.m. a las 6:30 p.m. and el 21 de agosto de las 7:30 a.m. a la 1:00 p.m. en
la Cafeteria. Venga para matricular a su hijo para el ciclo escolar 2015-16.
1. Encuentre su nombre de usuario y contraseña para ingresar al sistema de la
matriculación en línea.
 Puede pedir esta información de la secretaria de su escuela antes del
último día de clases este año.
 O visite para recibir un correo electrónico
con su nombre de usuario y/o contraseña.
2. Llene los formularios y pague las cuotas en línea en a
partir del 4 de agosto.
3. Visite su escuela en agosto para completar el proceso.
¿Qué debe llevar?
 Un formulario de verificación y recibo de pago, que imprimirá al final del
proceso de la matriculación en línea.
 Número de solicitud para el almuerzo gratuito o a precio reducido, si es
que lo tiene.
 Comprobante de su dirección (factura del gas/electricidad, contrato de
renta, hipoteca) si su dirección ha cambiado
O comuníquese con la oficina de
Year-End Contributions to Memorial Endowment
A warm thank-you to the following Memorial students and families who donated generously to the
Foundation for Madison’s Public Schools – Memorial Endowment in honor of Memorial staff:
Marisa Hetzler and Family, Hannah Cryer and Family, Greta Larget, Casey Perez-Guerra
The contributions were made in honor of the following staff members:
Kevin Borchardt
Heidi Bowe
Ann Comins
Carrie Determan
Heather Dwyer
Debora Gil R. Casado
Tom Hardin
Becky Hay DeGarcia
Tom Kellogg
Karen Lange-Leung
Dan Maloney
Len Mormino
Josh Newland
Dave Olson
Michael O'Shea
Deborah Polster
William Richardson
Ben Voss
Kristin Voss
Brett Wheeler
The Foundation for Madison’s Public Schools’ School Endowments provide each school with
annual income that is used to fund creative and innovative programs and projects which are not
funded within the core school budget.
Memorial High School will have $3,878 in endowment income available to use in the 2015/16
school year to award grants for imaginative programs and projects that propel student learning.
If you would like more information about the Memorial School Endowment, please contact Mary
Bartzen at the Foundation for Madison’s Public Schools at 608-237-7723 or
Welcome to Memorial Athletics
Below is information for all students interested in participating in WIAA interscholastic athletics at Memorial
High School during fall, winter, or spring seasons. There is also specific information regarding fall sports at
the end. We look forward to having another successful year with our student athletes. Please make sure to
complete all requirements prior to the season to insure full participation opportunities. We do have a few
sports that have limited spots so it is important that student-athletes are prepared to start on the first day
and do not miss time in-season.
1. The Spartan Sports Kick-off meeting will be July 30th, 5-7:00pm, at Mansfield Stadium and Memorial High School. At
this time we will go through the required forms for participating in the 2015-16 school year and meet with coaches
for sport specific information. The meeting will cover the Athletic Code as well as student-athlete and parent
responsibilities to the Code, school, and team. Failure to attend this meeting will require a make-up meeting before
athletic eligibility is granted. All Memorial students who wish to participate in a WIAA sport during the 2015-16
school year must attend with a parent.
2. Everyone who participates in interscholastic athletics, cheerleading, or pom pon must have a physical examination
the first year out and then on alternating years thereafter. This examination must be attested to with the signature
of a licensed physician or nurse practitioner or physician’s assistant on the green WIAA physical examination card. Physicals should be obtained as soon as possible, BUT MAY NOT BE TAKEN BEFORE APRIL 1 for any upcoming school
year. The reverse side of the green physical card is the parental permission form, which must be signed by parents to
allow athletic participation for their children.
On alternate years a yellow card is all that is required.
As has been indicated above, all cards require more than one signature and cannot be accepted with less than the
required number. You must also indicate the county and state in which you were born—very important for eligibility.
Properly completed cards must be turned in to your coach at the July 30th meeting.
The green WIAA card is for freshman should have been picked up from the Athletic Director at the eighth grade
information meetings in the spring. However, they may be obtained from the main office during summer office
hours of 7:30 am-3:30 pm.
3. It is also required that you remit an athletic participation fee for EACH sport, which is paid after final rosters have
been determined and before the first date of competition. As of this printing, fees will be $115 for all sports with the
following surcharges: Golf - $118.00; Gymnastics - $100.00; Wresting - $100.00; and Hockey - $800.00. There is a
family cap of $500.00 not including surcharges. No refunds after the first date of competition.
Madison Metropolitan School District
Memorial High School
201 S Gammon Road
Madison, WI 53717
Jeremy Schlitz – Athletic Director
JMM High School Fall 2015 Sports Information
There will be a Spartan Sports Kick-off on Thursday, July 30th, 5-7:30pm at Memorial High School for card collection, code meeting, concussion education, and Blitz Card pick-up. Mark your calendars now if you plan on
playing athletics at Memorial in 2015-16 during any season. Athletes must attend with a parent.
Boys Cross Country – Coach Hopp –
Practice begins Monday, August 17. Report to the lower locker room at 8:00 am for organizational meeting.
First running session will follow the meeting. For more information visit the team website at
Girls Cross Country – Coach Chellevold –
Practice begins Monday, August 17. Report behind the high school near the entrance of the training room,
at 8:00 am, for organizational meeting. First running session will follow the meeting. More information can be found at
the team website
Football – Head Coach Adam Smith –
Equipment issue, testing, and practice begins Monday, August 3rd, 4-8pm. All grade levels will meet
in the JMM field house, prepared for all activities, prior to 4 pm start. Any questions please contact
Head Coach Adam Smith. Program information can be found at
Girls Golf – Coach Packer –
Organizational meeting Monday, August 10, 10:00 am-12:00 pm, in room 500. Nine and eighteen hole rounds along with
practices Tuesday and Wednesday along with rules clinics.
Boys Soccer – Coach Voss –
Boys Soccer Tryouts are August 17-21 from 7:30 - 10:30am. All players (grades 9-12) are to report to
tryouts. Players will also participate in a scrimmage on Saturday, August 22.
Girls Swimming & Diving – Coach Johansson –
Tryouts will start Tuesday, August 11, at 6:30 am.
Girls Tennis – Coach King –
First practice will be Tuesday, August 11th from 8:30-11am. Meet on the JMM courts. Email Coach King for dates and
times of pre-season summer opportunities.
Boys Volleyball – Coach Collins –
First practice will be August 24 and 25th, at Noon -3:00 pm, in the main gym and fieldhouse, for all levels.
JV/Varsity Girls Volleyball – Coach Burcum –
Tryouts will be August 17-19, 6-9 pm, in the fieldhouse. Practice/Informational meeting will be Thursday, August 20.
Freshmen Girls Volleyball – Coach Burcum –
Tryouts will be August 17-19, 4-6 pm, in the fieldhouse. Practice/Informational meeting will be Thursday, August 20.
Memorial Athletic Online Information
Eligibility forms:
All required forms for athletic participation are now available on the web. You can access the site at https:// or through the link on JMM’s website in the Athletics
section. Parents and students will both login using their Infinite Campus User Name and password. There is
a separate process for both students and parents, please make sure that both complete. You may complete all
this time for all anticipated sports throughout the school year. This step must be completed prior to reporting for
Online Spirit store:
You can now order spirit wear for all your needs at The site will be
available 365 days a year/24 hours a day to shop for and purchase a variety of clothing and other options with
Memorial logos. If there are items you hope to see, please contact the Athletic Office and we will work to get
those added as options.
You can sign up for schedule notifications at which will allow you to have up to the minute
information on schedules, postponements, and cancellations and will send alerts via email or text. On twitter,
athletics information is shared via @SpartanJMM
If you have additional questions or concerns please feel free to contact the athletic office:
Athletic SecretaryAthletic Director
Kelsey Heck
Jeremy Schlitz, CAA
Madison Memorial HS
Madison Memorial HS
Phone: (608) 663-6191
Fax: (608) 442-2199
Twitter: @SpartanJMM
When: Wednesday, August 12th, 2015; 6:00-9:00pm
Last Names A-I (arrive at 6:00pm)
J-R (arrive at 7:00pm)
S-Z (arrive no later than 8:00pm)
Where: Access Community Health Center
2202 S. Park St. Madison, WI
(use main entrance and follow signs)
Free immunizations by Public Health-Madison and Dane County
for uninsured children or children with Badger Care. A parent
MUST be present. Please bring immunization records with you.
If you cannot attend these clinics, contact the athletic
trainer at your high school.
La Follette H.S.: Pat Hills-Meyer (608-204-3672)
Memorial H.S.: Bre Braun (218-349-0837)
Edgewood H.S.: Danielle DeSerano (319-610-2072 or
608-257-1023 x184)
East H.S.: Mandy Louderback (715-864-2345)
West H.S.: Allison Schwarz (608-204-3079)
Other Dane County Schools: John Fowler (608-263-7185)
QUESTIONS: Call Joe Greene (608-220-6196)
¿Cúando? Miércoles el 12 de Agosto de 2015 a las 6:00-9:00 de la noche
Los apellidos: A-I (llegue a las 6:00 de la noche)
J-R (llegue a las 7:00 de la noche)
S-Z (llegue antes de 8:00 de la noche)
¿Dónde?: Access Community Health Center
2202 S. Park St. Madison, WI
(entre por la entrada principal y siga los letreros)
Vacunas gratis por Public Health-Madison and Dane County para niños sin
seguro o niños con Badger Care. Para que el atleta pueda recibirlas, será
necesario que uno de los padres esté presente. Traiga los registros de
vacunación por favor.
Atletas Femininas: Favor de usar camisetas
sin mangas para el examen físico
Si usted no puede asistir a una de estas clínicas, llame al entrenador
atlético de su escuela secundaria.
La Follette H.S.: Pat Hills-Meyer (608-204-3672)
Memorial H.S.: Bre Braun (218-349-0837)
Edgewood H.S.: Danielle DeSerano (319-610-2072 or
608-257-1023 x184)
East H.S.: Mandy Louderback (715-864-2345)
West H.S.: Allison Schwarz (608-204-3079)
Otras Escuelas: John Fowler (608-263-7185)
¿Preguntas?: Llame a Joe Greene (608-220-6196)
Important Yearbook
& Parents/Guardians
of 2016
grads :
1. Getting your senior photo into the yearbook--The deadline to have your senior
picture into the JMMHS Olympian yearbook staff is Friday, October 2, 2015.
The photograph should be a vertical head and shoulder shot. The image can
be sent in to the school on a disk as a high resolution digital image (at least
2”X3” at 300 dpi, .tif or .jpg) or one traditional 2”X3” wallet size printed photo
(attention Olympian/TPF); or (preferred) you can email the digital file to us at: Make sure the image is sent as a high resolution
digital image that is at least 2”X3” at 300 dpi, as a .tif or .jpg file. Please keep
in mind the MMSD dress code when getting the pictures taken. The Olympian
reserves the right to refuse publication of any image that does not meet yearbook
requirements and dress code policies.
If a photo is not supplied by October 2nd, the student’s Lifetouch ID photo will
be used if they had one taken at the beginning of the year. In order to have the
picture in to the Olympian by the deadline, we strongly recommend that you
have the picture taken by mid-July. This is one deadline that cannot be missed,
as yearbook staff has its own deadlines that must be met in order to get the
yearbook out on time at the end of the school year. The senior section will be
completed before the end of first semester and to press by winter break; so don’t
hesitate or your senior photo will not be in the book!
If you have financial concerns with getting your senior a professional photo taken,
please contact Teri Parris Ford at so that we can
arrange to have a professional photographer take your students picture at Memorial
in mid-September. There is no cost to the family and a CD will be supplied so that
you can have pictures made.
2. Purchasing a yearbook… It is important to make sure that you purchase a
yearbook at registration in August, as the chances of getting one later are limited.
This is due to a reduced number of “extra” yearbooks purchased at the end of the
school year. As a senior, this will be the last historical document you will take with
you when you leave high school.
3. Senior Tributes… Don’t forget to recognize your senior student in our Senior Tribute
section of the Olympian! Space is limited so you can send in your ad as early as
this summer to get your spot. The deadline is December 11, 2015. A “tribute”
will offer you an opportunity to recognize special seniors and/or send a lasting
message to your JMMHS soon to be grad as they leave high school. Your message
will be placed in the senior section of the yearbook. To reserve your space, please
follow these guidelines:
1. Select a tribute size. See pricing schedule below.
2. Create a photo collage or presentation using any digit editing program and
submit your digital tribute the size chosen at 300 dpi, OR
3. Create a rough sketch of the layout for your tribute and submit photos and text
to our staff to design a simple layout for you. Label photos.
4. All tributes will be printed in color. No price reduction will be granted for printing
in black and white. Photos for all tributes must be submitted in a JPEG or TIFF
format with a resolution of at least 300dpi. Printed photos must not be cut, glued
or taped. Do not send irreplaceable prints. Sending a combination of both digital
and printed images is permitted.
5. Submit your digital tributes to with “Tribute” in the
subject line. Submit your paper photos and text by mail to JMM with payment.
6. Make checks out to: JMM, do not mail cash.
7. Mail payment and/or printed photos to Olympian Yearbook Tribute, attn: Teri
Parris Ford, 201 S Gammon Rd., Madison, WI 53717.
8. Provide a self-addressed stamped envelope for any photos that you would like
returned. Photos will not be returned until after January 2016. If no self-addressed,
stamped envelope is provided, pictures will be returned to your student.
9. All questions can be directed to Teri Parris Ford, yearbook advisor, tparrisford@
Prices/Sizes: Color Tributes
Color tributes are available in the following sizes for the prices shown:
• Eighth page: horizontal, (4 1/8” wide x 2 5/8”) = $45
• Quarter page: Vertical (4 1/8” wide x 5.5”) = $75
• Half Page: Horizontal (8.5” wide x 5.5”) = $150
• Full Page: Vertical (8.5” wide x 11 1/8”) = $275
Photo Submission Guidelines
>>The school, yearbook staff, or the publishing company does not
accept responsibility for lost or damaged photos. Do not send original,
irreplaceable prints.
>>Select vertical photos for vertical spaces and horizontal photos for
horizontal spaces.
> >The yearbook staff can enlarge or reduce photos to fit the layout.
>>Please attach a label to the back of the photos with your name and
>>The yearbook staff reserves the right to reject photos or text or ask for
the customer to make changes to confirm staff’s standards.
>>Tributes are sold on a first come first served bases and space is limited.
Adler , Michelle A
Alt , Madelyn Ann
Alvarez , Karina Angelica
Andringa , Carson Christine
Annyapu , Evanka
Anthony , Lauryn A
Arifin , Lucas T
Arora , Kiran O
Baumbach , Chloe E
Bloomer , Olivia Bryce
Bohm , Scott Alan
Braun , Elliot Olson
Broihahn , Jacob F
Brooks , Margaret Anne
Cai , Dorothy
Carl , Elise T
Casanova , Maya Catherine
Cattapan , Lauren B
Chakilam , Nishchith R
Chang , Yahan
Chu , Annalisa
Crooks , Stryder Benjamin
DeMars , Logan M
Despain , Meghan T
Donkle , Natalie R
Eggers III, Kurt H
Esry , Michael D
Fennessy , Erin Aideen
Ferguson , Sophia Rose
Fitzpatrick , Margaret R
Franz-Bawden , Olivia Joyce
Frey , Mikael N
Fruit , Andrea Kristine
Gessler , Nicole M
Grays , Elliott
Groves , Emmalina Rae
Hansen , Sierra A
Niergarth , Harper Jacob
Hartmann-Snyder , Adia R
Patel , Akhil J
Herman , Sally J
Peterson , Sydney L
Hoffmann , Anna Christina
Prudent , Katherine Jane
Huang , Ian
Puglielli , Lorenzo
Hunt , Riley C
Rajesh , Amit
Indukuri , Sai Srr
Renken , Benjamin E
Iyer , Akshay Rajaram
Richter , Zoey N
Jefferds , Jack R
Riggins , Daine K
Jensen , Grant J
Robinson , Simmone B
Jones , Quinnlan Jane
Roby , Elizabeth C.
Josvai , Mitchell Benjamin
Ruiz , Brenda Citlalli
Kalluri , Manasa H
Sandhu , Simran Kaur
Kenitz , Grace M
Sandireddy , Anurag
Kerkhoff , Jenna Rae
Sauer , Maia June
Khan , Aisha Safiya
Schmidt , William Adam
Kraemer , Jaden Catherine
Schmitt , Ryan D
Krumbach , Gage
Sheibani , Sara N
Krupenkin , Nina Timofei
Silvers , Sarah E
Lee , Helena W.
Stalsberg , Anna Louise
Levi , Eve M
Statz , Nicholas F
Li , Catherine Ann J
Swartz , Nathan D
Lisowski-Semb , Nolan R
Taber , Andrew James
Liu , Katherine M
Tan , Xinpiao
Lundal , Roark D
Tang , Sydney
Lutfi , Emily A
Tatooles , Kevin J
Luu , Kelly Tuyet Ngoc
Tegtmeier , Colton J
Ma , Leo Grant
Thao , Kong Meng Colin
Mann , Tejvir Singh
Tolentino , Andrea Lizbeth L
Mathur , Priya Kusum
Tonelli , Tommaso Pietro
Menningen , Jared
Treves , Ryan
Mesdjian , Noah A
Truong , Andy H
Metzger , Hannah Ruth
Turgeson , Alexander James
Milicic , Nikola
Turnbull , Alana M.V.
Mockert , Samuel Douglas
Underwood , Kayla J
Moulis , Miranda L
Vieth , Megan E
Murphy , Caitlin Julia
Vo , Michelle L
Nelson , Brian S
Wangchuk , Thutop
Nennig-Kniaz , Kayla C
Wegner , Sophie Adeline
Wenzel , Meghan E
Wiegmann , Elizabeth Grace
Wolters , Olivia Nicole
Wong , Alexis R
Wong , Naomi
Worman , Natalie M
Wu , Audrianna J
Wu , Kelly S
Xu , Angie Enyi
Xu , You-Cun
Yee , Michael Riley
You , Kevin
Zach , Alexandra Rose
Zarov , Ethan T
Zarzycki , Alan V
Zweifel , Adelaide A
10th GRADE
Adler , Samantha J
Anderson , Mary Kate
Aylward , Sebastian Alexander
Barge , Lindsey A
Barrett , Natalie Faye
Barta , Sarah Jane
Bergman , Caroline Jane
Blackmore , Cedric R
Blank , Deborah L
Cagnazzo , Noah
Caldecourt , Samantha M
Center , Victoria A
Chen , David
Chubaty , Alyssa K
Cryer , Hannah Cydney
Dolkar , Tsewang
Elmes , Kelly A
Erickson , Kristen L
Fass , Elizabeth A.
Frey , Nicole H
Goetz , Nicholas A
Proctor , Jade K
Goetzka , Charlotte Mary
Quandt , Grace A
Gonring , Zachary B
Quintana , Rosalie Marie
Greene , Thomas Joseph
Robbins , Elizabeth Mikayla
Gregorich-Trevor , Casey C
Sanyal , Ameya
Han , Minseon
Schewe , Edward R
Hefty , Jansen R
Schumacher , Sara K
Heidinger , Thomas L
Shampo , Mary T.
Hubbard , Emma Jordan
Slawny , Danielle L.
Hundal , Guramritpal Singh
Sleeth , Margaret L.
Kaldenberg , Emily A
Smith , Lukas J.
Kaldor , Grace M
Snellman , Lillibeth C
Kenj Halabi , Dima
Srinivasan , Aniruddh
Kiehn , Nathaniel James
Sun , Claire
Krantz , Rebecca Jordan
Trueman , Jacob L.
Kruzan , Haley Jean
Umamaheswaran , Rupa Priyadharsini
Kulkarni , Ameya N
Vaccaro , Sophia Rose
Kumar , Sanjana
Vallon , Eliciane S
Larget , Greta N
Vander Meer , Luke A
Liebau , Jessica R
Votava , Jack Christian
Liu , Jessica
Walters , Isabella R
Lopez , Andrea
Wang , Mengqian
Ma , Stella V
Watson , Gabrielle M
Mann , Christopher Kenneth
Webb , Erin R
Martin , Khariyhana
Webber , Nathan R
McMahon , Molly C
Woodruff , Jeremiah E
Meyer , Tina N
Wu , Isabella Shiuan
Nguyen , Kristine
Xie , Beining
Norton , Georgia L
Xu , Christopher H.
Ortalo-Magne , Benoit E
Yang , Peter Jie
Ortalo-Magne , Chloe M
Zhou , Zhantuo
Osborn , Nicole Meredith
Osborne , Adam J.
11th GRADE
Owca , Isabella Anne
Andringa , John Robert
Percy , Benjamin D
Bartig , Kelly Ann
Peters , Hunter J
Becker , Hannah N
Peterson , Miranda E
Blumenstein , Joshua Aaron
Pham , Nicole T
Canela , Ana I.
Pierick , Emma S.
Cao , David Y
Polkinghorn , Vivian Anne
Cao , Edward
Center , Alexandra D
11th GRADE
Chang , Sihan
Chubaty , Julie D
Cibula , Sam Z
Cole , Hannah M
Denlinger Drumm , Benton Earl
Dent , Alexander Phillip
Doll , Alec P
Dolma , Sonam
Donkle , Julia A
DuRussel , Abigail R A
Eckerle , Claire E.
Eckerle , Mary C
Epstein , Juliana N
Esser , Nicole Ashley
Fruhling , Kyle W
Genskow , Jacob A
Gerbig , Madeline Ann
Golovkina , Maria I
Gomez , Kelsey S
Gomez , Maya I
Gottlieb , Andrea L
Griepp , Julianne Mary
Hahn , Katherine Maria
Hall , Michael Q
Halverson , Benjamin Alan
Hanauer , Kevin C
He , Zheyu Klevin
Hershberger , Jesse M
Higgins , Katherine Nicole
Hubbard , Sarah E.
Huggins , Carly E
Hung , Camille F.
Jacobson , Taylor Ann
Jensen , Calvin Austin
Jones , Connor Stephen
Kale , Alekh Niranjan
Kasimatis , Alaina Marie
Kim , Minjae James
Kishter , Benjamin B
Voichick , Finnegan Shown
Kurth , Abigail Marie
Wallace , Peter R
Lancaster , Illissa J
Wang , Elizabeth L
Lawrence , Desmond Ray
Weitz , George William
Leith , Emma R
Weller , Annika Rose
Li , Diana Miao
Wilson , Austin D
Lor , Majestica
Wolkoff , Nathaniel Jacob
Lukas , Cassandra L
Wollin , Lily Louise
Maglio , Ashley M
Wood , Samuel Grayson
Makesa , Naomi C
Yang , Yeming Michael
Matsuoka , Miyu
Yde , Donald Wallman
McCarthy , Emma Catherine
Yee , Ryan T
Mesdjian , Dominick A.
Zarov , Samuel D
Meyer , Sarah Marie
Zhai , Aileen Jiayao
Paker , Gwyneth Anne Flood
Zhen , Estiven
Patro , Shalini
Phan , Tu Minh
Piotrowski , Bryce R
Puglielli , Alessandro
Radomski , Rachel L
Rajesh , Amol
Ransom , Rachel
Robertson , Macrae C
Schigiel , Daphne Frayda
Senson , Braxton J
Shea , Johannah Belle
Sheridan , Molly F
Siad , Mahad A
Slaughter , Paul R
So , Jonathan A
Spatola , Morgan L
Stein , Jacob G
Stringfellow , Tristan Alexander
Szetu , Daniel
Talwar , Aikum Kaur
Tautges , James Dhuey
Thomas , Zachary T
Townsend , Benjamin Coltrane
Trask , Allison Rae
Vance , Dauntrea Monay
12th GRADE
Ali , Munira Yusuf
Aly , Islam Ezzatt
Ayen , Alyssa Marie
Barge , Nathan Eric
Blanchard , Benjamin Whalen
Blumenfeld , Rebekah Sarah
Blumenstein , Mara Rose
Bookstaff , Chandra Lynn
Boyd , Serene Shanece
Brady , Valentina Alexandra
Cancienne , Breanna Carol
Carter , Benjamin Wallace
Casanova , Siena Grace
Chard , Ally Rae
Clear , Naomi Michelle
Collins , Travis Robert
Cornwell , Eva Anne
Cory , Evan William
Das , Ryan Peter
Disch , Paige Elizabeth
Eichorst , Shannon Nicole
Endres , Theodore Alan
Essie , Joseph Patrick
Kharbush , Samir Jamal
Scarlett , Caleb Olin
Kielley , Baye C
Schlenker , Benjamin Karl
Knauth , Teo W
Schram , Hannah Marie
Exum , Silas Thomas
Kneifel , Aleck Joel
Schumacher , Megan Nicole
Ezra , Laela
Knutson , Kylie Rose
SeBlonka , Lauren Elizabeth
Fallon , Ellen Rosalia
Koebke Barsic , Paul Michael
Sengstock , Nicholas Scott
Franken , Claire Margaret
Koval , Colleen Louise
Shou , Changning
Freese , Christine D
Lang , Peter Thomas
Sleder , Anastasia Richardovna
Gerdes , Katherine Maria
Larson , Nathan Andrew
Stec , Melissa Helen
Giesler , Amanda Suzanne
Lemberger , Megan Christine
Supple , Shane Michael
Godfrey , Adrian Andrew
Lemkuil , Gabrielle Lee
Sutherland , Abigail Mary
Gomes , Laura Sopena
LePinske , Andrew Quinten
Syreini , Lisa Ann
Gonring , Jacob
Li , Derek Wenzao
Tauber , Brett Randall
Goulette , Matthew Thomas
Li , Eric Yinglin
Thao , Houachoua
Green , Candace Lee
Llamas III, Franco Alfonso Tugano
Van Buskirk , Alexander Dewey
Green , Madison Lois
Lomack , Sequoia Lanee
Vodyanyk , Mariya M
Gregory , Leigh Hannah
Lombardino , Jonathan Mathew
Wakefield , Alana Grace
Grout , Katelyn Suzanne
Luo , Brian Jiaxing
Walsh , Halley Elise
Gustafson , Jacob R
McAleavy , Liam Thomas
Walsh , Megan Margaret
Haerr-Hartmann , Geordi Kristian
McCarthy , Sam William
Wang , Nathan Ben-En
Hahn , Jonathan Paul Vincent
Miller , Eden Julliene
Watkins , Gabrielle A
Hamers , Kaitlyn Jeanette
Miller , Shomari Unique
Webber , Caila Lauren
Hanlon , Maia Xing
Mortensen , Dana Morgan
White , Catriona Margaret Lindsay
He , Xinyu
Mortensen , Grace E.
Wilson , Carly Sienna
Hernandez Nunez , Jonathon
Mortensen , Kara Morgan
Wolfe , Newton Powers
Hildebrand , Jacob Erickson
Moy , Shalla Marie
Wood , Daniel Werner
Hodgkiss , Natalie Ann
Murphy , Joseph Ryan
Zarzycki , Oskar Lucas
Hoffmann , Joseph Paul
Narayanaswamy , Vishal
Zhang , Helen Linlu
Horton , Victoria Liz
Nelson , Garrett Christopher
Zhou , Caroline
Houden , Henry Thomas
Newquist , Evan William
Jaehn , Kyra Joelle
Oliva , Adrienne Elizabeth
Jahns-Connell , Kali Sage
Orcutt-Jahns , Brian Thomas
James , Elizabeth Kalin
Owca , Madeline Nicole
Janssen , Samantha Rose
Pan , Siliang
Jing , Aaron Chang
Pelton-Byce , Ty Christian
Johnson , Kyra Elise
Powell , Douglas Patrick
Johnson , Megan Janet
Rehani , Peter Riyadh
Johnson , Michael Neil Moon
Roby , Nicholas Steven
Jordan , Alexander Dylan
Roloff , Price Samuel
Kaur , Manpreet
Rubasch , Emily Anne
Kenj Halabi , Mohammad
Abreu Socorro , Luis Manuel
Andersen , Everett George
Ayag , Adrian Daniel Bautista
Baertlein , Aaron M
Bergum , Brady J
Blanco , Dayana
Brandon , Hailee
Buisch , Malcolm S
Burden , Davis C
Chen , Nancy
Christy , Cassidy A
Dombrowski , Nathaniel Thomas
Dornala , Mayank Reddy
Duppler , Hope Elizabeth
Feiner , Nicole C
Foster , Joel Y
Foster , Naomi K
Gelek , Tenzin
Graper , Elizabeth A
Greene , Owen C
Griffin , Lillian G
Gutweiler , Samantha V
Hei , Alexandra C
Hind , Alexander Neal
Jackson , Abigail R
James , Kendra A
Jiang , Jenny Li
Joottu , Suraj Subramanian
Kethireddy , Shaurya
Kheraz , Leena F
Lancaster , Caitlin I
Larson , Ryan Christopher
Leith , Lily M.s.
McKeon , Maia E
Menningen , Andrew
Montoya , Sophia K
Moore , Grace E
Neiman , Alexandria X
Osman , Mahad A
Pagas , Mariane Gale Cassion
Pangli , Chamanpreet Kaur
Patton , Rosemary D.
Prestine , Veronica R
Rader , Alena D
Radomski , Ethan R
Reinart , Reid J
Jessup , William Walter
Rubasch , Ian R
Johnson , Henry Franklin
Rushiti , Arian Fisnik
King , Katrina M
Schofield , Sarah E
Kwiatkowski , Hannah E
Schraufnagel , Ani J
Lefurgey , Jack Parker
Sieloff , Samuel D
Lemberger , Jackson P
Stephenson , Connor Ronald Maloney
Lotto , Jacob D
Thao , Soua
MacDonald , Brock Alexander
Tripp , Eli Harley
Moran , Perri J
Urso , Madeline
Nellis , Hadley B
Vaughan , Gerald M
Neupert , Emma E
Wohlrab , Haleigh M
Oaks , Olivia Lauren
Yang , Pakou Emily
Rivas-Alvarez , Omar
Yang , Yazi X
Roth , Jennifer Kathryn
Zeng , Chuyin
Saporta , Zoe Alexandra
Schloegell , Lisa
Schroeder , Morgaine E.
Ahuja , Vanshika
Schryver , Noah D.
Alioto , Maggie M
Sharat , Hritik
Amoussou , Victorio Komlan
Sherbeck , Dana J
Anderson-Sarno , Madeline Marie
Siegal , Julia Anne
Ansari , Rahim Ullah
Song , Jane
Besta , Bailey Taylor
Stone , Rebecca Faye
Bhandari , Varsha
Thao , Mai Lia
Bhuti , Tenzin
Tosto , Nicole M.
Blanchard , Allison W
Trinkner , Emily J
Blanchard , Davis J
VonBank , Mina Helene
Caropreso , Matthew Stewart
Vosberg , Emily Lynn
Clearwood , Mason C
Ward , Madeline G
Danielson , Chase T
Wilson , William J
Elder III, Edmund Joseph
Wolenec , Jessica Marie
Eldridge , Marlowe Elizabeth
Woodruff , Ian J
Gentile , Dominic Robert
Zweifel , Jackson A
Greenleaf , Maxwell Lucas
Harrington , Benjamin D
11th GRADE
Hetzler , Marisa L
Anderson , Gustav V
Horton , Drake E
Armenta , Estefany Gonzalez
Hulsey , Lea A
Ayala , Jake Roberto
Jackson , Colin M
Badekas , Rain Yiannis
Jahrling , Kulani R
Ballweg , Gabriel E
Jainga , Andrea Kathryn
Bashir , Omer M
11th GRADE
Bliss , Jena R
Bodway , Olivia E.
Boyer-Groff , Maxwell L
Bratt , Josephine Rachael
Broihahn , Jenna Rose
Butler-Cordova , Alison Yeats
Chavez , Alejandro
Choncholas , Elizabeth Rory
Chung , Anthony
Demick , Rory Josephine
Dominguez , Alanna M
Eagen , Joanna Christina Louise
Eigenberger , Delaney Leah
Fischer , Makayla R
Gebhart , Benjamin Patrick
Goodspeed , Willem David
Goucher , Erik A
GurrEithun , Taylor
Hartlieb , Gretchen Amelia
Hettenbach , Kaitlyn L
Hirata , Kyra Rie
Holmquest , Rebecca L
Hornacek , Sadie R
Houston , Holly A
Hutchinson , Carsyn L
Joottu , Shilpa S.
Kircher , John C
Komplin , Blake Alan
Lehane , Stella Hana
Lorenz , Sydney S
Martinez Rios , Maria Jose
McCarthy , Joan Gilbert
Morgan , Ryan W
Mueller , Caryn E
O'Loughlin , Jacob
Ott , Rebecca
Padley , Jacob E
Patton , Riley J
Ravenscroft , Olivia S
Demos , Annie
Ruplinger , Trevor James
Dennis , Cory Spenser
Salazar , Julian M.
Douglas-Pollard , Nikiedra Rodjane
Sampat , Rohan D
Dyer , Crystal Lan
Sanchez , Rory J
Egleston , Taletha Ann
Schudda , Kaela Jane
Forslund , Andrew James
Shea , Aileen Cana
Franz-Bawden , Gabrielle Alise
Silbernagel , Barbara Lorraine
Fruit , Amanda Elaine
Sobotik , Annabelle
Gonzales , Amelia Angela
Strong , Emma E
Greene , Lilian Blythe
Stroud , Sydney Madison
Guevara , Miriam Ashley
Suazo , Marcela Nicole
Harrington , Jackson Bryan
Sullivan , Kathryn Marie
Hauth , Amelia Grace
Trask , Cassandra J
Hill , Joshua Ray
Vo , Jessica A
Huang , Qinyi
Wall , Trevor J
Huber , Justin Welter
Wang , Linda
Huffman , Elaina Sandra
Weigel , Brett J
Jha , Ankita
Wilkinson , Spencer G.
Ji , Jie
Yang , Phia
Jordan , Spencer Allan
Yi , Ran
Kaldor , Amos Drees
Zahid , Safiya
Kar-Johnson , Renee
Keith-Drake , Mellery Rowan
Kim , Marian Taeyoung
Amundson , Alexa Catherine
Kimball , Nicholas Ryan
Ansari , Hamayail
Knuth , Joshua Lee
Arce-Pineda , Crisanto
Kumar , Shivani
Arora , Maya Coleen
Kysely , Isaac Andrew
Barta , Nathan Thomas
Leung , Ka Yan
Bates , Elizabeth Victoria
Liu , Xiaoxi
Baumgartner , Joshua Robert
Ludtke , Joshua John
Becker , Morgan Kate
Luzzio , David Christopher
Bell , Allison Marie
Martinez , Joanna Pauline Millado
Bethke , Alyssa Marie
Mayer , Sydney Laura
Blanchard , Robyn Rose
Medeiros Simas , Gabriella
Bohorquez , Mateo Alberto
Menninga , Ryan Jacob
Bonazza , Patrick A
Moore , Sydney Jane
Canavan-Randall , Carly Marie
Neider , Caitlyn Elizabeth
Capuano , Emma Elizabeth
Norton , Elizabeth Ann
Chandramouli , Pranav Santosh
Overkamp , Brianna Marie
DeJongh , Molly Frances
12th GRADE
Palmer , James T.S.
Perez , Carlos Alberto
Petersen , Daniel John
Peterson-Weber , Alex Q
Picon , Ninoska Patricia
Pizarro , Deiliz Marie
Radke , Jenna Margaret
Ramanathan , Rasika
Rice-Arnesen , Avery Grace
Rieger , Nicholas James
Thao , Sara
Rosenblum , Aaron Harris
Thayyil , Kevin Shaji
Salupen , Zhaniya Diaz
Turner , Andrew Federico
Schappe-Youens , Lily Pearl
Vaughan , Timothy Ryan
Seppalainen , Timo Nathan
Veldran , Max Seaver
Sheley , Sterling Quinn
Vuong , Thien Huong Thi
Smith , Andrea Elizabeth
Westfall McCoy , Taylor Schae
Steinhoff , McKaila Tillie
Williams , Lejuan Marcel
Swanson , Nathan Eric
Winger , Analise Elizabeth
Swenson , Jack William
Wulfsberg , Margaret Ruth
Temme , Brooke Alexander
Thao , Chingmeng
Adler , Michelle A
Alt , Madelyn Ann
Alvarez , Karina Angelica
Andringa , Carson Christine
Annyapu , Evanka
Anthony , Lauryn A
Arifin , Lucas T
Arora , Kiran O
Baumbach , Chloe E
Bloomer , Olivia Bryce
Braun , Elliot Olson
Broihahn , Jacob F
Cai , Dorothy
Carl , Elise T
Casanova , Maya Catherine
Cattapan , Lauren B
Chakilam , Nishchith R
Chang , Yahan
Chen , Nancy
Chu , Annalisa
Crooks , Stryder Benjamin
DeMars , Logan M
Despain , Meghan T
Dornala , Mayank Reddy
Duppler , Hope Elizabeth
Eggers III, Kurt H
Esry , Michael D
Feiner , Nicole C
Fennessy , Erin Aideen
Fitzpatrick , Margaret R
Foster , Joel Y
Foster , Naomi K
Franz-Bawden , Olivia Joyce
Frey , Mikael N
Fruit , Andrea Kristine
Gessler , Nicole M
Gilbertson-Fabian , Taylor Kaylin
Metzger , Hannah Ruth
Graper , Elizabeth A
Milicic , Nikola
Grays , Elliott
Mockert , Samuel Douglas
Greene , Owen C
Montoya , Sophia K
Groves , Emmalina Rae
Moulis , Miranda L
Hansen , Sierra A
Murphy , Caitlin Julia
Hartmann-Snyder , Adia R
Nelson , Brian S
Herman , Sally J
Olivera , Cameron L
Hoffmann , Anna Christina
Osman , Mahad A
Hunt , Riley C
Pangli , Chamanpreet Kaur
Hurd , Sarah Lee
Peterson , Sydney L
Indukuri , Sai Srr
Prestine , Veronica R
Iyer , Akshay Rajaram
Prudent , Katherine Jane
Jackson , Abigail R
Puglielli , Lorenzo
Jefferds , Jack R
Rader , Alena D
Jensen , Grant J
Rajesh , Amit
Jones , Quinnlan Jane
Richter , Zoey N
Joottu , Suraj Subramanian
Riggins , Daine K
Josvai , Mitchell Benjamin
Robinson , Simmone B
Kalluri , Manasa H
Roby , Elizabeth C.
Kerkhoff , Jenna Rae
Ruiz , Brenda Citlalli
Khan , Aisha Safiya
Rushiti , Arian Fisnik
Kheraz , Leena F
Sandhu , Simran Kaur
Kowalski , Jackson J
Sandireddy , Anurag
Kraemer , Jaden Catherine
Sauer , Maia June
Krumbach , Gage
Schmidt , William Adam
Lancaster , Caitlin I
Schmitt , Ryan D
Lee , Helena W.
Sheibani , Sara N
Levi , Eve M
Silvers , Sarah E
Liu , Katherine M
Stalsberg , Anna Louise
Lundal , Roark D
Statz , Nicholas F
Luu , Kelly Tuyet Ngoc
Swartz , Nathan D
Ma , Leo Grant
Taber , Andrew James
Mann , Tejvir Singh
Tan , Xinpiao
Mathur , Priya Kusum
Tang , Sydney
McKeon , Maia E
Tatooles , Kevin J
Menningen , Jared
Tegtmeier , Colton J
Mesdjian , Noah A
Thao , Kong Meng Colin
Tolentino , Andrea Lizbeth L
Treves , Ryan
Truong , Andy H
Turgeson , Alexander James
Turnbull , Alana M.V.
Underwood , Kayla J
Vieth , Megan E
Virtue , Ian Anthony
Wegner , Sophie Adeline
Wiegmann , Elizabeth Grace
Wolters , Olivia Nicole
Wong , Naomi
Worman , Natalie M
Wu , Audrianna J
Wu , Kelly S
Xu , Angie Enyi
You , Kevin
Zach , Alexandra Rose
Zarzycki , Alan V
Fass , Elizabeth A.
Snellman , Lillibeth C
Frey , Nicole H
Srinivasan , Aniruddh
Goetz , Nicholas A
Sun , Claire
Goetzka , Charlotte Mary
Tosto , Nicole M.
Gonring , Zachary B
Trinkner , Emily J
Greene , Thomas Joseph
Trueman , Jacob L.
Gregorich-Trevor , Casey C
Umamaheswaran , Rupa Priyadharsini
Han , Minseon
Vaccaro , Sophia Rose
Hefty , Jansen R
Vallon , Eliciane S
Heidinger , Thomas L
Vander Meer , Luke A
Hubbard , Emma Jordan
Vang , John
Hundal , Guramritpal Singh
Votava , Jack Christian
Kaldor , Grace M
Wang , Mengqian
Kenj Halabi , Dima
Watson , Gabrielle M
Kruzan , Haley Jean
Webb , Erin R
Kumar , Sanjana
Xie , Beining
Lemberger , Jackson P
Xu , Christopher H.
Ma , Stella V
Yang , Peter Jie
Mann , Christopher Kenneth
Zhou , Zhantuo
Mei , Becky
Nellis , Hadley B
11th GRADE
Nguyen , Kristine
Armenta , Estefany Gonzalez
Oaks , Olivia Lauren
Ballweg , Gabriel E
Ortalo-Magne , Benoit E
Bartig , Kelly Ann
Alcantara , Jocelyn
Ortalo-Magne , Chloe M
Becker , Hannah N
Anderson , Mary Kate
Owca , Isabella Anne
Blumenstein , Joshua Aaron
Ansari , Rahim Ullah
Percy , Benjamin D
Bratt , Josephine Rachael
Barge , Lindsey A
Peters , Hunter J
Broihahn , Jenna Rose
Barrett , Natalie Faye
Peterson , Miranda E
Cao , David Y
Blackmore , Cedric R
Pham , Nicole T
Center , Alexandra D
Blanchard , Allison W
Proctor , Jade K
Chagnon , Steven John
Blanchard , Davis J
Quandt , Grace A
Chang , Sihan
Blank , Deborah L
Quintana , Rosalie Marie
Chubaty , Julie D
Caldecourt , Samantha M
Rivas-Alvarez , Omar
Cibula , Sam Z
Center , Victoria A
Robbins , Elizabeth Mikayla
Cole , Hannah M
Chen , David
Sanyal , Ameya
Denlinger Drumm , Benton Earl
Chubaty , Alyssa K
Schloegell , Lisa
Dent , Alexander Phillip
Dolkar , Tsewang
Schumacher , Sara K
Dolma , Sonam
Erickson , Kristen L
Slawny , Danielle L.
Donkle , Julia A
Eslick , Taylor J
Sleeth , Margaret L.
DuRussel , Abigail R A
Zweifel , Adelaide A
10th GRADE
Eckerle , Claire E.
11th GRADE
Eckerle , Mary C
Epstein , Juliana N
Fischer , Makayla R
Fruhling , Kyle W
Genskow , Jacob A
Gerbig , Madeline Ann
Golovkina , Maria I
Gomez , Maya I
Goodspeed , Willem David
Griepp , Julianne Mary
GurrEithun , Taylor
Hahn , Katherine Maria
Hall , Michael Q
Halverson , Benjamin Alan
Hanauer , Kevin C
He , Zheyu Klevin
Hershberger , Jesse M
Hubbard , Sarah E.
Huggins , Carly E
Hung , Camille F.
Jacobson , Taylor Ann
James , Kiya Cherrel
Johnson , Benjamin J
Jones , Connor Stephen
Joottu , Shilpa S.
Kale , Alekh Niranjan
Kasimatis , Alaina Marie
Kim , Minjae James
Kurth , Abigail Marie
Lancaster , Illissa J
Lawrence , Desmond Ray
Lehane , Stella Hana
Leith , Emma R
Li , Diana Miao
Lor , Majestica
Lorenz , Sydney S
Maglio , Ashley M
Matsuoka , Miyu
McCarthy , Emma Catherine
Zarov , Samuel D
McDaniel , Cailey Noel
Zhai , Aileen Jiayao
Mesdjian , Dominick A.
Zhen , Estiven
Moser , Marla Joan
Paker , Gwyneth Anne Flood
12th GRADE
Patro , Shalini
Aly , Islam Ezzatt
Phan , Tu Minh
Ayen , Alyssa Marie
Piotrowski , Bryce R
Blumenstein , Mara Rose
Radomski , Rachel L
Bookstaff , Chandra Lynn
Rajesh , Amol
Boyd , Serene Shanece
Ransom , Rachel
Brady , Cecelia Carann
Robertson , Macrae C
Brady , Valentina Alexandra
Schigiel , Daphne Frayda
Casanova , Siena Grace
Schmidt , Honore Marie
Clear , Naomi Michelle
Shea , Aileen Cana
Cornwell , Eva Anne
Shea , Johannah Belle
Cory , Evan William
Sheridan , Molly F
Das , Ryan Peter
Slaughter , Paul R
Disch , Paige Elizabeth
So , Jonathan A
Douglas-Pollard , Nikiedra Rodjane
Sobotik , Annabelle
Dyer , Crystal Lan
Spatola , Morgan L
Eichorst , Shannon Nicole
Stringfellow , Tristan Alexander
Endres , Theodore Alan
Strong , Emma E
Exum , Silas Thomas
Szetu , Daniel
Fallon , Ellen Rosalia
Talwar , Aikum Kaur
Foglestad , Kristin Baylie
Tautges , James Dhuey
Forslund , Andrew James
Thomas , Zachary T
Franken , Claire Margaret
Tobin , Molly Iris
Freese , Christine D
Trask , Cassandra J
Gerdes , Katherine Maria
Tucker , Joseph
Giesler , Amanda Suzanne
Voichick , Finnegan Shown
Godfrey , Adrian Andrew
Wallace , Peter R
Gomes , Laura Sopena
Wang , Elizabeth L
Gonring , Jacob
Wang , Linda
Goulette , Matthew Thomas
Wilson , Austin D
Gray , Taylor Dugan
Wolkoff , Nathaniel Jacob
Green , Madison Lois
Wood , Samuel Grayson
Greene , Lilian Blythe
Yde , Donald Wallman
Gregory , Leigh Hannah
Yee , Ryan T
Grout , Katelyn Suzanne
Zahid , Safiya
Guevara , Miriam Ashley
Gustafson , Jacob R
12th GRADE
Hamers , Kaitlyn Jeanette
Hanlon , Maia Xing
He , Xinyu
Hernandez Nunez , Jonathon
Hill , Joshua Ray
Hodgkiss , Natalie Ann
Horton , Victoria Liz
Houden , Henry Thomas
Huang , Qinyi
Hubbard , Emily Honor
Hyde , Elijah Domenic
Jahns-Connell , Kali Sage
Janssen , Samantha Rose
Jing , Aaron Chang
Johnson , Megan Janet
Kar-Johnson , Renee
Kenj Halabi , Mohammad
Kharbush , Samir Jamal
Knauth , Teo W
Knutson , Kylie Rose
Koval , Colleen Louise
Kumar , Shivani
Kysely , Isaac Andrew
Lanz , Connor Donovan
Larson , Nathan Andrew
Lemberger , Megan Christine
LePinske , Andrew Quinten
Li , Eric Yinglin
Liu , Xiaoxi
Llamas III, Franco Alfonso Tugano
Lomack , Sequoia Lanee
Lombardino , Jonathan Mathew
McAleavy , Liam Thomas
Miller , Eden Julliene
Moreno Aleman , Cynthia Guadalupe
Mortensen , Dana Morgan
Murphy , Joseph Ryan
Neider , Caitlyn Elizabeth
Norton , Elizabeth Ann
Oliva , Adrienne Elizabeth
Orcutt-Jahns , Brian Thomas
Pelton-Byce , Ty Christian
Pesina , Patricia Margarita
Pizarro , Deiliz Marie
Radke , Jenna Margaret
Ramanathan , Rasika
Roby , Nicholas Steven
Rom , Joey P
Rubasch , Emily Anne
Scarlett , Caleb Olin
Schumacher , Megan Nicole
SeBlonka , Lauren Elizabeth
Sengstock , Nicholas Scott
Seppalainen , Timo Nathan
Shou , Changning
Sleder , Anastasia Richardovna
Stec , Melissa Helen
Supple , Shane Michael
Sutherland , Abigail Mary
Swanson , Nathan Eric
Syreini , Lisa Ann
Triplett , Demetrius D
Walsh , Halley Elise
Walsh , Megan Margaret
Wang , Nathan Ben-En
Watkins , Gabrielle A
Webber , Caila Lauren
White , Catriona Margaret Lindsay
Wilson , Carly Sienna
Winger , Analise Elizabeth
Wolfe , Newton Powers
Zarzycki , Oskar Lucas
Zhang , Helen Linlu
Zhou , Caroline
Abreu Socorro , Luis Manuel
Andersen , Everett George
Ayag , Adrian Daniel Bautista
Bergum , Brady J
Blanco , Daryana
Blanco , Dayana
Bohm , Scott Alan
Brandon , Hailee
Brooks , Margaret Anne
Curtin , Isabella M
Donkle , Natalie R
Femrite , Olivia M
Ferguson , Sophia Rose
Foster , Eden M
Gilkison , Piper Elisabeth
Green , Theodore L
Gustafson , William B
Gutweiler , Samantha V
Hei , Alexandra C
Hill , Daniel W
Huang , Ian
Hubbard , Jack R
Jiang , Jenny Li
Kethireddy , Shaurya
Koenig , Nicholas D
Krupenkin , Nina Timofei
Laflash , Saxon O
Laishes , Daniel A
Larson , Ryan Christopher
Li , Catherine Ann J
Lutfi , Emily A
Menningen , Andrew
Moore , Grace E
Neiman , Alexandria X
Nennig-Kniaz , Kayla C
Niergarth , Harper Jacob
Mortensen , Grace E.
Pagas , Mariane Gale Cassion
Mortensen , Kara Morgan
Patel , Akhil J
Patton , Rosemary D.
Elmes , Kelly A
Smith , Lukas J.
Radomski , Ethan R
Faliski , Joel Thomas
Song , Jane
Reinart , Reid J
Friedenreich , Ryan J
Stone , Rebecca Faye
Renken , Benjamin E
Gentile , Dominic Robert
Thao , Mai Lia
Sanchez-Vazquez , Kimberly
Greenleaf , Maxwell Lucas
VonBank , Mina Helene
Seymour-Nahn , Caden Quinn
Harrington , Benjamin D
Walters , Isabella R
Sieloff , Samuel D
Hetzler , Marisa L
Ward , Madeline G
Smith , Michael Anthony
Horton , Drake E
Webber , Nathan R
Sorenson , Emma Isabelle
Jackson , Colin M
Wilson , William J
Stephenson , Connor Ronald Maloney
Jahrling , Kulani R
Wolenec , Jessica Marie
Strauss , Elizabeth Claire
Jajeh , Hamzeh
Woodruff , Ian J
Suresh , Amulya
Jessup , William Walter
Woodruff , Jeremiah E
Thandaserry , Akhilesh S
Johnson , Lauren M
Wu , Isabella Shiuan
Toman , Michael K
Kaldenberg , Emily A
Zweifel , Jackson A
Tonelli , Tommaso Pietro
Kempen , Molleigh G
Tripp , Eli Harley
Kiehn , Nathaniel James
Vaughan , Gerald M
Kulkarni , Ameya N
Wenzel , Meghan E
Larget , Greta N
11th GRADE
White , Callum D.L.
Lefurgey , Jack Parker
Wohlrab , Haleigh M
Liebau , Jessica R
Wong , Alexis R
Liu , Jessica
Wowk , Alexander Paul
Lopez , Andrea
Xu , You-Cun
MacDonald , Brock Alexander
Yang , Pakou Emily
McDermott , Olivia Ann
Yee , Michael Riley
McMahon , Molly C
Young , Erik E.
Meyer , Tina N
Zeng , Chuyin
Miller , Ann Marie
Adler , Samantha J
Aylward , Sebastian Alexander
Barta , Sarah Jane
Bergman , Caroline Jane
Bhuti , Tenzin
Boll , James Cody
Cagnazzo , Noah
Caropreso , Matthew Stewart
Clearwood , Mason C
Cryer , Hannah Cydney
Moran , Perri J
Neupert , Emma E
Norton , Georgia L
Olson , Blake E
Osborn , Nicole Meredith
Osborne , Adam J.
Pierick , Emma S.
Polkinghorn , Vivian Anne
Prestine , Anna T.
Roth , Jennifer Kathryn
Schewe , Edward R
Schryver , Noah D.
Shampo , Mary T.
Adam , John Anthony
Andringa , John Robert
Badekas , Rain Yiannis
Bashir , Omer M
Battaglia , Gary Alex
Bliss , Jena R
Bodway , Olivia E.
Butler-Cordova , Alison Yeats
Cao , Edward
Chavez , Alejandro
Chung , Anthony
Collins , Megan K
Delfosse , Alexander J
Demick , Rory Josephine
Disch , Grant J
Doll , Alec P
Domek , Darian Justice
Eigenberger , Delaney Leah
Flynn , Nicole L
Gottlieb , Andrea L
Goucher , Erik A
Hartlieb , Gretchen Amelia
Heinen , Priya M
11th GRADE
Hettenbach , Kaitlyn L
Higgins , Katherine Nicole
Holmquest , Rebecca L
Hornacek , Sadie R
Houston , Holly A
Jensen , Calvin Austin
Kircher , John C
Kishter , Benjamin B
Weigel , Brett J
Lemus Hernandez , Yobanny Omar
Weitz , George William
Li , Derek Wenzao
Weller , Annika Rose
Ludtke , Joshua John
Wollin , Lily Louise
Martinez , Joanna Pauline Millado
Yang , Phia
Mayer , Sydney Laura
Yang , Yeming Michael
McCarthy , Sam William
Yi , Ran
Medeiros Simas , Gabriella
12th GRADE
Lukas , Cassandra L
Ansari , Hamayail
Makesa , Naomi C
Armbruster , Allan William
Marlow , Molly Anne
Barry , Molly Rose
Martinez Rios , Maria Jose
Barta , Nathan Thomas
McCarthy , Joan Gilbert
Bates , Elizabeth Victoria
Meyer , Sarah Marie
Bell , Allison Marie
Miller , Baird Viggo
Blanchard , Robyn Rose
Morgan , Ryan W
Blank , Mitchell Gene
Mueller , Caryn E
Blumenfeld , Rebekah Sarah
Obright , Levi Chad
Bowen , Aaliyah Ashanti
Ott , Rebecca
Buisch , Calder Martin
Patterson , Elliot Bruce
Capuano , Emma Elizabeth
Puglielli , Alessandro
Collins , Travis Robert
Ravenscroft , Olivia S
Egleston , Taletha Ann
Rehani , Maryann
Ezra , Laela
Ruplinger , Trevor James
Fruit , Amanda Elaine
Salazar , Julian M.
Gille , Derek Michael
Schudda , Kaela Jane
Hauth , Amelia Grace
Sengstock , Isaac D
Hoffmann , Joseph Paul
Senson , Braxton J
Huber , Justin Welter
Sheppard , Danaejuh Montoya
Huemmer , Alima
Siad , Mahad A
James , Elizabeth Kalin
Stroud , Sydney Madison
Jha , Ankita
Sullivan , Kathryn Marie
Ji , Jie
Thao , Angie
Johnson , Kyra Elise
Thao , Houa Kong Meng
Karns , Riley Jacob
Trask , Allison Rae
Kielley , Baye C
Truong , William
Kim , Marian Taeyoung
VanKan , Marcella H
Kite , Samuel David
Walker , Caleb J
Laederach , Michael
Menninga , Ryan Jacob
Miller , Phibi Dyane
Moy , Shalla Marie
Narayanaswamy , Vishal
Newquist , Evan William
Overkamp , Brianna Marie
Owca , Madeline Nicole
Picon , Ninoska Patricia
Rice-Arnesen , Avery Grace
Rieger , Nicholas James
Roloff , Price Samuel
Schlenker , Benjamin Karl
Schneider , Lucy Jo
Schram , Hannah Marie
Smith , Andrea Elizabeth
Statz , Natalie Jo
Steinhoff , McKaila Tillie
Tauber , Brett Randall
Thao , Houachoua
Thao , Sara
Thayyil , Kevin Shaji
Turner , Andrew Federico
Van Buskirk , Alexander Dewey
Vaughan , Timothy Ryan
Vavilakolanu , Alisha
Veldran , Max Seaver
Vodyanyk , Mariya M
Wakefield , Alana Grace
Westfall McCoy , Taylor Schae
White , Reed Carter
Wulfsberg , Margaret Ruth