"Attention Seniors", If you purchased graduation announcements
"Attention Seniors", If you purchased graduation announcements
Thursday, May 05, 2016 ANNOUNCEMENTS "Attention Seniors", If you purchased graduation announcements from Jostens and did not pick them up on Tuesday, April 26th, please pick them up in the main office/switchboard. Thursday, May 05, 2016 ANNOUNCEMENTS THERE ARE EXTRA POST PROM T-SHIRTS AVAILABLE AT THE MAIN OFFICE/SWITCHBOARD. THEY ARE FREE SO PLEASE STOP DOWN WHILE SUPPLIES LAST Thursday, May 05, 2016 ANNOUNCEMENTS NHS: Attention ALL NHS members: Our next full member meeting is Wednesday, May 11th in the Little Theater during PRIDE period. This meeting is MANDATORY for all NHS juniors and seniors. Attention NHS juniors! There is a JUNIORS ONLY meeting on Wednesday, May 25th in the Little Theater during Pride Period. This meeting is MANDATORY for all NHS JUNIORS. Thursday, May 05, 2016 ANNOUNCEMENTS SENIORS: Please check your school email for a mandatory senior exit survey that needs to be completed before your senior exit meeting on Monday! You will NOT be able to get your cap and gown until this survey is completed!! Get it done!! Thursday, May 05, 2016 ANNOUNCEMENTS This week is Teacher Appreciation week! Stop by the table in the main hallway to sign or write a quick note to your favorite teachers! These notes will be delivered to teachers at the end of the week! Otherwise, give a high five or just say thank you to your teachers! Thursday, May 05, 2016 ANNOUNCEMENTS ART STUDENTS: Mr. Rumohrs classes – please come to room 207 and pick up your art pieces by Friday, May 6th! Thursday, May 05, 2016 ANNOUNCEMENTS STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE: The OAC box office will be open during Pride and lunch (10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.) from Monday, May 9TH – Friday, May 13TH for staff and students to purchase tickets to the OHS production of “Streetcar Named Desire”. Thursday, May 05, 2016 ANNOUNCEMENTS VOLUNTEEN AT OCONOMOWOC MEMORIAL HOSPITAL: If you are 14-18 years old, become a Volunteen at Oconomowoc Memorial Hospital. Registration packets are now available in the Guidance Office. As a Volunteen you will: Meet people and make new friends Assume new responsibilities Learn and practice clerical and office skills Meet health care professionals and observe them at work Obtain references for college and future jobs Provide service to your community Below is a list of deadlines and training dates: Thursday, May 12 Final deadline for the registrations to be turned in. Monday, May 23 Parent-Teen Orientation meeting at the hospital. It is required that a parent or guardian attend this meeting. The meeting is in the evening from 6:00 – 7:30 pm. Tuesday, June 14 Mandatory Training Day for students only from 9:00 am –approximately Noon Thursday, May 05, 2016 ANNOUNCEMENTS The 2016 National Honor Society Spring Induction Ceremony’s date has changed! The induction will now take place on June 2nd with a reception starting at 6:30 p.m. and the ceremony starting at 7:30 p.m. in the OAC. There will be a meeting for ALL juniors and seniors during Pride on Wednesday, May 11th. Thursday, May 05, 2016 ANNOUNCEMENTS OHS COLOR GUARD: If you are interested in being a member or want to know what it is all about please come to the upper gym every Friday during Pride. You will learn all about what it means to be a color guard member! Sign up with Kramer under English and be a part of this awesome team! Thursday, May 05, 2016 ANNOUNCEMENTS Attention Tri- M Music Honor Society Members… Seniors that are members of Tri- M, your volunteer hour timesheets are due on Friday, May 6TH. Please turn in forms to Mrs. Kauffeld. Students that were inducted into Tri-M in April, membership dues were assigned to Family Access. Please make that payment by Friday, May 6TH. Thursday, May 05, 2016 ANNOUNCEMENTS Lake Country Dance Theatre offers performance and training opportunities to all area residents and students of the 4 lake country school districts. Thursday, May 05, 2016 ANNOUNCEMENTS WELLNESS TIP OF THE WEEK: Sometimes, if you get hit with a ball in the belly or fall on your back, it can feel like you can’t breathe normally for a little bit. People call this “getting the wind knocked out of you.” It’s not actually the wind (air) that’s the problem, it’s your diaphragm (the muscle under your lungs). The diaphragm can spasm. This is what causes the feeling that you cannot breathe well for a short time. If this happens, take some deep breaths and you should feel better in a short while. If you are still not feeling better, talk to a parent or adult about getting checked out by a doctor. http://kidshealth.org/en/kids/winded.html?WT.ac=ctg#cataches Thursday, May 05, 2016 ANNOUNCEMENTS Have fun photos? Want them in the yearbook? Upload your images to ReplayIt.Com! We're especially looking for photos from Spring Breaks, OHS siblings, then & now friend photos, and celebrity look alikes. Upload to ReplayIt today for your chance to be in the Yearbook! Thursday, May 05, 2016 ANNOUNCEMENTS Attention Class of 2016! Auditions for music performances for Graduation will occur in the Choir Room during PRIDE on Thursday, May 5. Please plan accordingly as you schedule for PRIDE. If you have questions about music auditions, see Mrs. Kauffeld in the Choir Room, room 256. Thursday, May 05, 2016 ANNOUNCEMENTS ATTENTION SENIORS: Seniors you have a MANDATORY exit meeting with the counselors and the senior administrator on MONDAY, May 9, at 10:20 am (during Pride Period) in the OCONOMOWOC ART CENTER, please bring a writing utensil, your Chromebook and your ID to check in. This exit meeting will discuss end of the year responsibilities, graduation, and distribution of the final transcript, senior honors night and completion of a senior survey required by the state of Wisconsin. Seniors will attend this meeting instead of their Pride Period. After this meeting, Jostens will be distributing graduation caps and gowns. All FEES AND FINES INCLUDING SODEXO PAYMENTS must be paid before picking up your cap and gown (check your family/student access). Thursday, May 05, 2016 ANNOUNCEMENTS “UPDATED BE GREAT, NOT LATE”: The "Be Great, Not Late" tardy challenge has begun! First hour classes with the best on time attendance advance to the next round, and the winning class at the end of the 6 week competition will win breakfast! Thursday, May 05, 2016 ANNOUNCEMENTS Thursday, May 05, 2016 ANNOUNCEMENTS NATIONAL BUSINESS HONOR SOCIETY: National Business Honor Society will be a new honor’s organization that will begin in the 2016-17 school year. To be eligible you need to have taken 3 Business or Marketing classes, have a 3.5 GPA (not weighted), and have a 3.5 GPA in Business or Marketing classes. If you would like to apply, stop by Mrs. Tillema (room 234), Mrs. Stefan (room 213), or Mrs. Starke-White (room 216) for an application. Application are due by May 6. Thursday, May 05, 2016 ANNOUNCEMENTS REMINDER: All students must present their school ID for rental of a chromebook or ipad from the Library. Thursday, May 05, 2016 ANNOUNCEMENTS Online Ordering Through Sodexo **New Menu Items Now Available at OHS! Who Can Order? All OHS Students & Staff How Do I Order? Go To: m-oasd.sodexomyway.com from your mobile device. Click on the home screen then click on “Grab and Go” and complete the order form. What Can I Order? Salads, Subs & Wraps & Sandwiches are available to order! You can add chips, snacks, soda, juice, bottled water or milk. **Your order needs to be placed by 9:30 AM** CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE Thursday, May 05, 2016 ANNOUNCEMENTS CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE Where Do I Pick Up My Order? Your order will be waiting for you to pick up during the lunch period at the Ticket Booth located by the exit doors in the Lower Main Cafeteria Lobby. This window will be marked *Online Order PickUp Only* How Do I Pay For My Lunch? Your lunch account will be charged by the Foodservice Office after ordering. NO CASH TRANSACTIONS What is the Cost? Price varies from $1.95 - $7.00 depending on what you order from our new ala carte menu items. Reduced Lunches - $0.40 **Menus can also be viewed at m-oasd.sodexomyway.com with your mobile **Please email us at FoodService@oasd.org if you have any questions device! Thursday, May 05, 2016 ANNOUNCEMENTS HONOR ROLL CERTIFICATES: Term 3 Honor Roll Certificates are now available at the main office/switchboard. High Honor is 3.7 and above and Honor is 3.33.69 GPA. Thursday, May 05, 2016 ANNOUNCEMENTS PRIDE SCHEDULE: Term 2 has begun with our new pride schedule Thursday, May 05, 2016 ANNOUNCEMENTS BREAKFAST CART: We have a breakfast cart being run by Phillip & Brady. The hours are 7 a.m.-8:30 a.m. Monday-Friday. They are serving all sorts of pastries, coffee, bagels, granola bars, fruit cups & yogurt parfaits. Thursday, May 05, 2016 ANNOUNCEMENTS SIGN OF THE WEEK (SOTW) HOME Thursday, May 05, 2016 ANNOUNCEMENTS SENIORS: You MUST have a current 2015-16 OHS ID to leave during One Lunch! Thursday, May 05, 2016 ANNOUNCEMENTS COLLEGE VISITS: MARINES: Every third Thursday of the month ARMY: Every first Thursday of the month Thursday, May 05, 2016 ANNOUNCEMENTS PARKING SIGN IN: If you do not have a parking permit, you are allowed to park up to 5 times “free” during the 1st Semester which ends January 22nd and an additional 5 “free” times during the 2nd Semester. You MUST sign your vehicle in on the clipboard at the switchboard if you do not have a Permit. Thursday, May 05, 2016 ANNOUNCEMENTS Please only use the locker that has been assigned to you. If you are unsure of your assignment, feel free to stop by the main office/switchboard to find out your locker number. Also please only use DISTRICT ISSUED LOCKS OR YOUR LOCK WILL BE CUT OFF. Thursday, May 05, 2016 ANNOUNCEMENTS 2014-15 YEARBOOKS: If you purchased a 2014-15 Yearbook and did not pick it up at our Material Pick Up day, please stop by the switchboard/main office and pick it ASAP. 2015-16 YEARBOOKS: 2015-2016 Yearbooks can be purchased online through the Webstore. Thursday, May 05, 2016 ANNOUNCEMENTS ACT TEST PREP CLASSAre you looking to prepare for the ACT test? Do you wish to improve upon your score from a previous test? Seniors, do you want to improve your score for college applications and/or scholarship opportunities? ACT Test prep classes will be starting soon!! Sign up now!!! The Wisconsin Test Prep course consists of seven sessions that focus on all four ACT® test subject areas. Because our curriculum uses actual ACT® test problems, students gain a distinct competitive edge on test day. Stop by Student Services to pick up a brochure with registration information or go to www.wisconsintestprep.com for more information. Thursday, May 05, 2016 ANNOUNCEMENTS