File - Metropolitan Strata Reports
File - Metropolitan Strata Reports
001 BOX662Y (AE406601) NEW SOUTH WALES CERTIFICATE OF TITLE REAL PROPERTY ACT, TORRENS TITLE 1900 REFRRENCR 1{) flOUO OF THE R!lGl~'TER lDBIITWIER CP/SP971 0AT£0FlllSIJK 60l1'10N 2 22/12/2008 CtiRTIFl('ATE AlJTHENTlCKMON COOK N5W2,.FC-HFD9 I certify that the person described in the First Schedule is the registered proprietor of an estate in fee simple (or such other estate or interest as is set forth in that Schedule) in the land within described subject to such exceptions, encumbrances, interests and entries as appear in the Second Schedule and to any additional entries in the Folio of the Register. REGISTRAR GENERAL THE COMMON PROPERTY IN THE STRA'l'A SCHEME BASED ON STRATA PLAN 971 WITHIN THE PARCEL SHOWN IN THE TITLE DIAGRAM AT NARRABEEN. LOCAL GOVERNMJ<:NT AREA: WARRINGAH. PARISH OF MANLY COVE COUNTY OF CUMBERLAND TITLE DIAGRAM: SHEET 7 SP971 >~ ~ FIRST SCHEDULE ?:!; THE OWNERS~ STRATA PLAN NO. 971 ADDRESS FOR SERVICE OF NOTICES: 1204 PITTWATER ROAD NARRABEEN 2101 SECOND SCHEDULE 1. 2. 4. 5. RESERVATIONS AND CONDITIONS IN THE CROWN GRANT(S) ATTENTION IS DIRECTED TO BY-LAWS SET OUT IN SCHEDULE 1 STRATA SCHEMES MANAGEMENT ACT 1996 F21886 EASEMENT FOR SEPTIC TANK AND SULLAGE PIT AFFECTING THE SITE DESIGNATED (A) IN THE TITLE DIAGRAM AB726824 CHANGE OF BY-LAWS - A1{' (' ;::,,nu, ,, AE406601 CHANGE OF BY-LAWS i SCHEDULE OF UNIT BNTITLEMENT STRATA PLAN 971 LOT ENT 1 80 5 - 31 9 - 31 13 - 34 17 - 35 **** LOT 2 6 10 14 18 - ENT 35 31 32 35 36 END OF CERTIFICATE WARN!Nfl· HFFORF nFAUN{l WITH THIS LANI) (AGGREGATE: 705) LOT ENT 3 50 7 - 45 11 - 32 15 - 44 LOT 4 ENT 30 8 - 46 12 - 44 16 - 34 **** SFARCl!THr:crnnrnNT FOLIO OFTrlE REGISTER ,.., f"'....,,... #'\ r. '"I 002 W> E > A8t'-4 77 (;79 l 7J ·194 Action list Item number ! Details l Oate actioned . ----·· Moderate hazards I We recommend that the missing palings are replaced N.,,,.--~--~~-m--,,~,me,--=v-N··~~"''"'=~-----=Nm~~~-~,-~-,,,_~---~--"•---·-·-_,_,, 4 I as soon as possible as this represents a security I · · - · - - - - - - ~rsonal inj~ry hazard. Minor hazards 9 Twe recommencfthat the pavers obstructing the pathway I is removed as soon as possible as this represents a LtrippingJfir.~ ~r.!'C:!r.9~".'~Y LP~r.~<:>nctl inj1Jry ~cl:Zctrc:I: 10 We recommend the surface between fence and I pathway right hand side is filled to be level with the pathway surface as soon as possible as this ........................ , rElp~~~~11!~ §1Yipping(fc1lling ~c1:zc1r.c:1: ........................................... 11 I We recommend that the stored items obstructing the I right hand side pathway are removed as soon as · possible as this represents a tripping I fire .......... emergency.I.personal injury . hazard ..__ -·-·12 We recommend grates are installed at the right hand I side pathway dish drain as soon as possible as this f·········-···---····················•'"···+i·__re ...,...r...e.~E~D!~ ?..tri p_p!n9..~c1:zc1r.ct:... .. ·-- ···- ·-· ... .,... ....... . . -· -- . . 16 We recommend that you re-lay the uneven pavers in the l driveway along the right hand side as soon as possible I ,................................................, as . thisrepresents . .atripping . hazard ....................................................................................... · We recommend that you reseat the uneven drain grates I near the driveway entry to be flush with the adjacent ..... L~tJrtc:ic:El ..~~<?<?" ..~ P<?~~i~IC:!: . . I I I NEW SOUTH WALES Level 6, 115 Pitt St Sydney 2000 PO Box A72 Sydney South NSW 1235 QUEENSLAND 18 Park Rd Milton 4064 PO Box 1584 Milton 4064 I PO Box 2253 Southport 4215 PO Box 726 Maleny 4552 VICTORIA Level 1, 1 Queens Rd Melbourne 3004 GPO Box 3025 Melbourne 3001 I 20 January 2010 Strata Plan 971 Ref No. 544789 Building Details & Report Inputs Supplied information Building Address 1204 Pittwater Road, Narrabeen NSW 2101 971 Strata Plan 1964 Registered Plan DateNear of Construction 705 Number of Unit Entitlements 18 Number of Units $87,000 Estimated Starting Sinking Fund Balance 1/01/2010 Starting date of Financial Year for Report Not Registered for GST GST Status $27.80 Current Sinking Fund Levy per Unit Entitlement Report assumptions & information Assumed Interest Rate on invested funds (For funds over $10,000) 5.20% Company Taxation Rate 30.00% Interest on Invested Funds - Based on Assumed Interest Rate minus Company Taxation Rate. Calculated only on sinking fund balances over $10,000. 3.64% 12% Contingency Allowance • For minor and/or unforeseen expenses Assumed Rate of Inflation for Building Maintenance Costs - Based on average annual building cost increase between 1985 and 2007 4.70% 15 years Plan Period - Number of years the plan forecasts. 15 Year Levy Table Year Year To Total Contribution Contribution per Unit Entitlement Quarterly Contribution 1 31/12/2010 21024.00 29.82 7.46 2 31/12/2011 22012.13 31.22 7.81 3 31/12/2012 23046.70 32.69 8.17 4 31/12/2013 24129.89 34.23 8.56 5 31/12/2014 25263.99 35.84 8.96 6 31/12/2015 26451.40 37.52 9.38 7 31/12{2016 27694.62 39.28 9.82 8 31/12/2017 28996.27 41.13 10.28 9 31/12/2018 30359.09 43.06 10.77 10 31/12{2019 31785.97 45.09 11.27 11 31/12/2020 33279.91 47.21 11.80 12 31/12/2021 34844.07 49.42 12.36 13 31/12/2022 36481.74 51.75 12.94 14 31/12/2023 38196.38 54.18 13.55 15 31/12/2024 39991.61 56.73 14.18 © 2009 Solutions IE Ptv Ltd v2 Section 1 Page 2 003 004 20 January 201 O Strata Plan 971 Ref No. 544789 15 Year Anticipated Expenditures Table This table shows when expenses will occur in the next 15 years. From left to right the columns are:'Expenditure Items' - lists the different areas and items of expenditure. 'Current Cost' - shows the current maintenance expenditure costs in today's dollars. 'Year 1' to 'Year 15', shows the costs ln the year in which they occur including the 'Assumed Rate of Inflation' compounded annually until the cost is due. At the bottom on each column there are three lines. Firstly, a 'Sub Total (Inc. GST)' followed by a line calculating the 'Contingency Allowance {Inc. GST)' for unforeseen and minor expenses and finally 'Total Expenses (Inc. GST)' for that year. Please note: This page rounds figures to the nearest whole dollar. . Expenditure Item Current Cost Year 1 (2010) Year 2 (2011) Year 3 (2012) Year 4 (2013) Year 5 (2014) Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 (2015) _ (2016) ___ (2017) Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12 Year 13 Year 14 Year 15 (2018) (2019) (2020) (2021) (2022) (2023) (2024) 'l~~f§:~: ~~·· · · ~· · · .· . tE i •. ·.•...'. rni.. . . ·.·.i ···, ..•·. :.•.••..•. :.•~·..••:...•.:} _.•. :. .·t~r . 2 2 •_ RepaintBalconyCejli11gs ····-···············-·······-·-···-······--··---- .. ----2,816• ····-·······-·-----• ------------~ ____ 3,08T _________ - __________ -'-···-··--···-------- ______ - ·······--·····--·····- -: _______________ :_ ·---------· - ________ 4,458: ···-·--- . - .... M!:!ii:!!~.i°-_8-1JJ~r.til'.!?.I~.. !r:i:it ........ , ........ ?.?.§: . . . ...................?:1:?L __ ... ::....._....... , ____ . - .... ___ ..; ..........-.::............. ,...........::....... }?~.:...... (.~~ir:itc1.in_!?9.\.'{E:1p)p~(I()Ja_l____ ?.Q _li:nL. .. 3~0' _______ ···-······'····. ---~~-9.;_ ·-· -· --·. - . 57\L.... • Scaffolding Allowance _ _ . . 9,850 . . . • _ - 10, 798 __. -: __ ~' _ ~' 15,592 . ........ .. ::............. _. -' :.~:tt~t$~t~u:~:-~;~: ·- . . . . . . . - - ·:. tJ~~-:-__ · · · ---· . . . . _:~~:: i~~i~r:·~-~:-· ·: ·_·:~~,-~~~-:.: ·.:-· ·-- . . . . ·-· ·-·-.:~:.: ·: .: _-:~:~- ~ . . - ~:. _ _ .t.71: .3,;.: .•:=:L_ (:=.:~·~I·: -; =;.•.• . ?~I: =i 1;0~-=-...f: . :. . ~·~71 '· ~;7~~==:.: :· ::.~i,ii 1 ?·?. ~it~~=~foi>s·· · · . . 9 ~; -, ::.::____ -······- :: ... ~:::~}• •3._Stairwells ....... ·---·--···········-···········--····--·········-··-··- ··-····.- ·····-···--·-··-··-·------'• -·-··-·-·--·-·-····---·····-·-··--·------ ·······-···-···--·-·····---- ......• ·----·-·---··'····----·- ----·--'-·-·--·--· _________________ ·······-···-·--··-··------- __________ _ .:1})f34, • Repaint Underside of Stairs & Ceilings _. ___ 2,580 . __ . _ _ - _ 2,828' •.. · · .-Rei,ia.cecaipet____ ·:-·-:··---··--------···_--·· ·-·-·:·-···i.9715 ___ ··-··-- ... ---. -~· ·a:1:ifa·;··_ ····-······· .... _ ....... _..... _. Repaint walls .... _ 9,312 :Repaintsaiusiraeies····- - · ::. .... -- . - __ - 10,208i - _. __ • _. ............. --·-···- ....... . -· __ _: . -· ·f.ssd'-· -_·_ . ___ ._-- -------~ · ·{a4i·-··- =·- - --·-· ···-··-· ·· ------------_______ . ---··----· ,------·--,---- · •·-·· _ ........... ···--· . _ J..~?Qi.. . __ ....::____ 1,776__ __ Maintain_Floor_Tiles(Iotal 28 __ m2)____________________ ........ 4~5 ................. ~· ........ _.. ____ :___________ 477!____ ~~\["== ==·== • Repaint Walls ~J ' _ -· _~• 1,368 1,650 -' 1,728 197 ............. soo•.. . · ... ··-···-······-- _.. .· . . ·---·--------- 855_1_______________ ·.______________ ··--··'----------------· -·---· . 709' 1,976 I: ~J~~:ifi~ .~i=J~11g~ . .. . :-· -· . _ _ - ·- - - -·- :.~:::r·=: :-: ·: ·: ·:;: ·: :~- -: :·. : :~-: : :·~~~-- . . . ·:.: : : : ·: ·: _~ ......... --- . . . - . • Ught Allowance . Repaint Meter Room [)oors/MDF .. .. . faci ."lt_§,t()r~gE:l_Q(?<)r LJ_ride.r.?t~i~en . . -.. . .. . . . ... . . ..... !:>Q: Replace Letterboxes ·6oor ~:farciware · · · ·-· · · s:koof - - . . ._._. _- ¥e.rr.i~-r~11~ _tv1§1iriten~n-~ Pt<>grarn © 2009 Solutions IE Pty Ltd .· . - -.-•.. 2,612 .'.f._983 ·-··aar-· ·- _·-·--· 8J945 001 - '"' .~: .. . .1..?.9~---· ·-· - ". . -· · · · · ······ -: 2,998' . 285' 95:····· 13,425 ......... ,...... ,.. --,····· - - 1Q,?'69: ~.f3?f v2 J?;•I~' . . . . .....:: ................. -····--·- _ , ......... ______ ··-··--··- __ , __ >· : :~fr . . . . . . . 1,248 ::JI= .·} section 2 Page4 15,551__________ _ -: 005 Strata Plan 971 20 January 2010 . Expenditure Item 7. Fence Maintenance Current Cost Year1 (2010) Year2 (2011) • Year3 (2012) • Ref No. 544789 Year4 (2013) Years _(2_014) Year6 (2015) • Year7 (2016) Year8 (2017) Year9 Year10 Year11 Year12 Year13 Year14 Year15 (2018) (2019) (2020) (2021) (2022) (2023) (2024) , ..F'.§l~~gE~r.!~ _([e>,~a,L -~? .r.n.~~c1Jf:? _ s9ro)_ L 200• .. ____:____................... : .............: ....... ?.10___ .... ::.~ .................:i......... -· ... >......... -~:. ___ . . . _................................ ~?. _____ .......... , ..............., ;~1:11>_I()?:IJlr.ic:1:.~!!L.............. ......................... :........................ _..___ JL .. J.??t_J1?.!!54? ...... __ Q... t?,?±f __ . . . . ?..~t3.: ________.__Q.: _ _?.,J!~~··· _ .~:4~'.J_8,8~~L122,QQ{3• 14:,;3.~ ___J".1-,.~_t ......?. ~~- ?:4,~~Q ContingencyAUowance(lncl.GST) . _: _ .• . 0 207 11,105 . o: 2,069 88 O _ 621 101' 2,268 14,641 1,727 1,793 360 2,987 Je>".lc:1.'._c;_~-n .....,... ----·-····· ........... J>......... ~.~~§J()~ ..£?47........... 9:...__ ~_!},.~.1~----·· ~?4:......... . . O_•_ 5,800' 946 -· ?1,16T.1.~!3._~z .. __ 1_!:>,J2?: _ 1s;7.3.:4:; _ ._.~. ~?.~'.. ?tS.?.t © 2009 Solutions IE Pty Ltd v2 section 2 Page 5 006 Schedule of Insurance Clas~ of Poi icy: Residentictl $trata . •. .• ... . The Insured: Thepwri~rs Of Strata Plan(9'l1 F'oUcy t,fo: ·• J..NG;;STR~103794 · 1~voi~eNo: .10$14s··. · ··. · Our:Ref: , ~71SP LONGITUDE RESIDENTIAL STRATA POLICY SUMMARY Situation: 1204 Pittwater Road Percentage of building occupied by Commercial Occupants: 0.00% SECTIONS SECTION 1- PROPERTY: PHYSICAL LOSS, DESTRUCTION OR DAMAGE Costs incurred by the Body Corporate 5,709,600 ./ $ Building 57,096 ,1 $ Common Contents Lot Owners Contents $ Not Insured Costs incurred by the Lot Owner All subsections 5.16 (a)- (i) combined Lot Owners fixtures and fittings (per lot) Temporary Accommodation & Loss of Rent $ $ $ Lot Owners Additional Benefits Paint & Wallpaper (applies to NSW & ACT only) Floating Floorboards Not Insured Insured Catastrophe Cover (sub section 5.1) Buildings Common Contents Costs Incurred by the Lot Owner Additional Benefits Flood Cover Endorsement Does this policy cover Flood Limited of Liability If yes, refer to attached endorsement 0% 0% 0% 0% $ SECTION 2 - VOLUNTARY WORKERS PERSONAL ACCIDENT Death & Disablement $ Weekly Benefits $ All per Policy Table of Benefits Deductible/ Excess Excluded period of Claim All per Table of benefits SECTION 3 - OFFICE BEARERS LIABILITY Limit of Liability Optional Additional Benefits Defence Costs (in accordance to limit of Liability) 1,427,400 300,000 856,440 I Not Insured 0 200.000 2,000 I 7 Days $ $ SECTION 4 - FIDELITY GUARANTEE Limit per person and in the Aggregate $ SECTION 5 - EQUIPMENT BREAKDOWN Limit of Liability $ 2,000,000 ./ Not Insured 100,000 ./ Not Insured 007 Schedule of Insurance Class of Policy: Re.sidential Strata The lnsurec:I;; Page 3 of 5 Policy No: LNG"'.STR-103794 . .lny()ic::e No: . 109145 :Our Ref: 971SP ·. the Ovmers OfStrata,Plan971. SECTION 6 - PUBLIC LIABILITY Limit of Liability $ 20,000,000 I SECTION 7 - GOVERNMENT AUDIT COSTS, WORKPLACE HEALTH & SAFETY BREACHES &LEGAL EXPENSES (a) Government Audit Costs Limit of Liability $ 25,000 (b) Health & Safety Breaches Limit of Liability $ 100,000 {c) Legal Defence Expenses Limit of Liability $ 50,000 Excesses: Earthouake Excess Section 1 - Water Damaqe/Burst Pipe Claims Section 1 - Other Claims Section 7 - Gov't Audit Costs and OH & S Expenses Section 7 - Legal Defence Expenses Contribution: All Other Claims: $ $ $ $ $ As per Policy 1,000 500 250 1,000 20% 500 Endorsement I Conditions: Endorsements and Conditions - As outlined in the Product Disclosure Statement Longitude is a corporate Authorised Representative of Austagencies P/L: ABN 76 006 090 464 AFSL 244584 L13, 141 Walker Street North Sydney NSW 2060, PO Box 1813 North Sydney NSW 2059 This policy has been written through: All Limited Trading as Vero Insurance- ABN 48 005 297 807 GPO Box 3999, Sydney, NSW, 2001 This is a summary only. Full Terms and Conditions are as per the Insurer's Product Disclosure Statement/Policy Wording. Building Details: Year Built: No. of Lots: No. of Storeys: No. of Pools: 1964 19 3 0 External Walls: Floors: Roof: No. of Lifts: Concrete/Brick Concrete Tile 0 Please contact your strata manager or BCB for more information. % of Commercial Lots: % of Holiday Let: Common Property Only Other: 0% 0% NIA 008 MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE OWNERS STRATA Pl.AN No 971 12.04 PITIWATER ROAD, NARRABEEN HELD ON 19 FEBRUARY 2015 AT MASON AND BROPHY STRATA MANAGEMENT PTY LTD SUITE 13/818 PITTWATER ROAD, DEE WHY 6. CARRIED 7. PRESENT Margaret Comber POA for Mr & Mrs J Morrison RA Mitchell Lot 14 Mary Tesoriero wt 17 PROXIES K Kamm1nga HA Wark r Babich w COMPLIANCE - FIRE That tile o·~vners Corporation confirms that a suitably qualified person curr-enty undertakes testing and maintenance of its fire safetv measures and obtains an Annual Fire Saf(.,ty Statement as required under the Env! Planning 2\nd Assessmem: kegulatlons :?.OOO. . COMPLl'.ANCE - WH&S ANO ASBESTOS (i) Lot 5 AD Byles Lot 16 That the Owners ('.orporal:ion appoint a s,,;tably qualified person to urdate a SafeW Report of the stratei scr.-eme to id:2ntify any risks or hazards that may affect the cornrnon ar(!aS, Date of last Report: March 2014 LOST NB: Antishp enlranceway:s and iaundry l.ot 2 Lot 7 Lot 15 Proxy to R Mitchell Lot 14 Proxy to Mason & Brophy Strata Mgt rty Lt,l Proxy to chairperson (ii) That the Owners Corporation, for buildings constructed prior to 31" December 2003, appoint a suitably qualified person to undertake an Asbe,'tos Suivey, including an Asbestos Register and Management Plan if asbestos is found ia the scheme. Date of Repo,t: March 2014 APOLOGIES I Addinseli Lot3 LOST IN ATTENDANCE Vicki &,mes Lot 5 Cathy Quattroville of Mason & Brophy Strata Management pty Ltd, who acted as Chairperson by consent. The Meeting commenced at 6.00 pm. 8. GSTSTATUS That the Owners Corporation resolved to confirm its current GST registration. CARRIED 9. RESOLUTIONS FINANCIAL STATEMENT ANO BUDGET (i} That t!ie Annual Statement of Accounts be confirmed and adopted. (ii) That the Budget attached to this notice be adopted and the levies under Section 76 (1) "Administrative Fund" be determined as $42,000.00 per annum; payable quart.eriy in advance by unit entitlement and due on the 1st day of April, July, October and January and payable on a continuing basis until re,,deterrrined. {iii) That the Budget attached to this notice be adopted and the levies under Section 76 (1) "Sinking Fund' be determined as ;134,200.00 per annum; payable quarterly in advance by unit entitlement and due on the 1st day of April, July, October and January and payable on a continuing basis until re-determined. MINUTES CARRIED That the MINUTES of the last General Meeting held on 11 February 2014 be confirmed and adopted. CARRIED 2. INSURANCE n T!1at the Owners Corporation c.onflrms the current insurances. CARRIED CARRIED (ii) That the insurance of the Owners Corporat:-on be vaned at the im,-urers suggested values. (iii) That the Owners Corporation determines that no additionai insurances of the kind referred to in Sedion 88 (2) of the Strata Schemes Management Act 1996, Offa:e Bearers and Fidelity Gwarant:ee1 are to be considered. CARRIED CARRIED 3, VALUATION Date of vatuation: LOST AUDIT l.EVlES lN ARREARS • COLLECTION PROCEDURES (a) lrnc,:J.."XlllllsrJ):it!:r,.1; issue a reminder ievy notice; (b) (c} Ui.Y..Y. ..B;KQY.t~Ci $.I£'!}_£°: issue 1s! !evy recovery letter; tJ!V'.i ll~JZ.~$tt"J1-:L issue 2M levy re-....-overy letter; , .ru-;u.Jvt;:l)L::)l£:J.,ix 96 days after the ongina! date the was due and where the debt is >(Cess ()f $2,000.00} appoint the setv!Ci:S of a debt agency, cbtaln !egal advice and/or retain legal representat;on of so!ici1nrs1 barristers and/or experts on behalf of the owners to issue a letter of demand and/or to comme11ce1 pursue, continue or defend any court:1 tribunal or any other proceedings against any lot ov,1r1er; mortgagee in possession andjcr former iot owner ln relation to ail matters arising out of U1e recovery of levy contributions and the recovery of other debts, !ncludlng penalties 1 interest1 legal and other (d) That an auditor be appointed, LOST s. HL fhat the Owners Corporation for tt1e purpose of collecting levy c:ontr!but!onsf interest am! recovery costs and pursuant to the Strata Schl'irJes r1~uN19erm::nt Ad 1996 (incJuciing section &OD of the Act), authodse the strata managing agent and/or the executive c<muntttee to cto mw of the following: That t!ie property of the Strata Scheme f'...e renva!ued for insurance purposes. 4. CARRIED SINKING FUND FORECAST That a consultant be appointed to update the actuai and expected Sinking hmd r~,quirements in accordance with Section 751\(2) of tile Strata Schemes Management Act 1996. costs; Date of Last Ropo,t: CARRIED MASON & BROPHY STRATA MANAGEMENT P/l Suite 13/818 Pittwater Road, Dee Why 2099 - PO Box 567, Dee Why 2099 Ph: 8978 3000, Fax 9982 5357, E-mail: AGMMlN SP ;'>71 !9 f!!-1'.>r,;,1ry :tO!:': MASON & BROPHY STRATA MANAGEMENT P/l Suite 13/818 Pittwater Road, Dee Why 2099 - PO !lox 567, Dee Why 2099 Ph: 8978 3000, Fax 9982 5357, E-mail: l:>f'e,tw1,,;wy:>1us (e) Enforce any judgement obtained in tt1e coi!ection of levy contributions including commencing and maintaining banh;ptcy or winding up proceedings; (f) fHing an appeal or deft::nd!ng an appeal against any judgement concerning the co!!ecticn of levy contributions; and (g) Uaise1 instruct and prepare an matters with the Owners Corporation's debt coHec'don agents, !a,..vyers andior experts in relation to any !evy recovery proceedings, CARRIED 11. EXECUTIVE COMMIITEE RESTRICTIONS That the Owners Corporatio11 confirm that there are no restrictions placed on the Executive Committee other than ti,ose in ac.cordance with Section 21(2)(b) of the Strata Schemes Management Act 1996. CARRIED 12 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (i) That tl1e Ormers Cornorction take written and oral nominations for the Executive Committee in accordance with the Strata Schemes Management i\(;t t996 & Reguiatlons 2010 Rebecca Mitchell Mary Tesoriero Lot 14 Andrew Byles Lot 16 Lot 17 CARRIED (ii) That the Owners Corporation dctermine the number of members of the Executive Committee to be THREE. (iii) That the Owners Corporation elects the Executive Committee. CARRIED Rebecca Mitchell Mary Tesoriero Lot 14 Lot 17 Andrew Bv!es · Lot 16 CARRIED (iv) That the Owners Corporation appolnt a building representative and substitute representative from the Execut,ve Committee to be the contact person for the Strata Manager. Andrew Bvles Rebecca ~11tchell Lot 16 Lot 14 Building R.epresentative Substitute Building Representati,-e CARRIED The fol!owing Motion was put forward by the owner of Unit 3. 13. UNIT 3 PROPOSED RENOVATION That the Owners Corporation consider our pian to renovate and lrnprove Unit 3, The changes we want to make are: 1.) remod<.:i the kitchen/ ilv!ng area by removing part of a dividing waH. 2) remodel the bathroom/ toiiet into a single room and move things around in it,;.~ as to be aUe to add a bath. 3) remodel the main Oe{froom to give rnore wardrobe/ storage space, 4) add a srnail en~sulte bathroom to the main bedroom, The changes wdl require the insE.·rtion of steel beams to cornpen&1te for the removal of existing bnck walb. This has required a Structural Engineers Report. Vie anticipate that a have been agreed to wm b(~ drafted for approval by the Owners Corporation once the changes principle. The works, if approved, are antic/pated to be done over the coming winter. Ali Owners wlil have been sent lti!ler details including plans and a mpy of ti1e Engineers Report by post prior to the rneetirg. LOST The Meetlng closed at 6.50pm. DATE CHAIRPERSON, MASON & BROPHY STRATA MANAGEMENT P/l Suite 13/818 Pittwater Road, Dee Why 2099 - PO Box 567, Dee Why 2099 Ph: 8978 3000, Fax 9982 :;JS7, F-mJ;!: mail@masonbrophv, :l.9ft:t.:,t<-ry.'.nl'> 009 010 MINUTES OF A RESOLUTION OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF "THE OWNERS STRATA PLAN No 971" 1204 PITTWATER ROAD, NARRABEEN MADE PURSUANT TO SCHEDULE 3 HELD ON 27 NOVEMBER 2014 ,··-·==-·······=····-·-······=·'"' ~·=====~· PROXIES RECEIVED R Mitchell U14 M Tesoriero U17 IN ATTENDANCE Cathy Quattroville of Mason & Brophy Strata Management Ply Ltd who acted as Chairperson by consent. The Meetin9 commenced at 11.00 am. MOTIONS IT WAS RESOLVED THAT 1. MINUTES The Minutes of the last Executive Committee meeting held on 11 February 2014 be confirmed as a true record of that meeting. CARRIED 2. FIRE ORDER That The Fee Proposal from Building Code Group for Management of the Year 4 Wori<s for the Fire Safety Upgrade set out in The Fire Order of 30 March 2011 be accepted. CARRIED As there was no further business the Meeting closed al: 11.2() ,,.m. CHAIRMAN ..,," ....................................... .. MASON &. BROPHY STRATA MANAGEMENT P/L Suite 13, 818 Pittwater Road, D">e Why 2099 - PO Box 567, Dee Why 2099 Ph: 8978 3000, Fax 9982 5357, E·mail: 011 MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE OWNERS STRATA PLAN No 971 1204 PITTWATER ROAD, NARRABEEN HELD ON 25 FEBRUARY 2013 AT MASON AND BROPHY STRATA MANAGEMENT PTY LTD SUITE 13/818 PITTWATER ROAD, DEE WHY PRESENT Mr K Kamminga R Mitchell A & M Tesoriero U2 U14 U17 MrR Morison I Babich PROXIES MrN Hobart U12 Proxy to R Mitchell IN ATTENDANCE MWark U7 C Babich U9 UIS UIS Ms Cathy Quattroville of Mason & Brophy Strata Management Pty Ltd, who acted as Chairperson by consent. The Meeting commenced at 6.05 pm. MOTIONS IT WAS RESOLVED THAT: 1 The Minutes of the last General Meeting held on 1 February 2012 be confirmed as a true record of that meeting. 2 The Annual Statement of Accounts as presented be confirmed and adopted. 3 The Budget as presented be adopted and that the Levies under Section 76 (1) "Administrative Fund" be $45,000.00 per annum and "Sinking Fund" be $24, 130.00 per annum, and that both levies are payable by unit entitlement quarterly in advance and due by the I st day of April, July, October and January and to continue on a quarterly basis until re-determined. 4 A consultant has already completed an assessment of the actual and expected Sinking Fund requirements in accordance with Section 75(2) of the Strata Schemes Management Act 1996. 5 No auditor to be appointed. 6 The Insurances be confirmed and that the Insurances referred to in Section 88(2) are already in place. 7 The Owners Corporation already complete regular fire safety maintenance and have obtained their Annual Fire Safety Statement as required under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulations 2000. 8 Work Health & Safety (WH&S) Legislation The Owners Corporation a. Acknowledge the introduction of the Work Health & Safety (WH&S) Legislation and its duty of care to its owners, residents, contractors and others to ensure that their property is in as safe a condition as reasonably practicable. In order to fulfil their duty of care the Owners Corporation engage a consultant to complete a WH&S Report; and b. Engage a consultant to carry out an Asbestos Survey of the building having been constructed prior to 31 December 2003 (or confirm its construction after that date) in order to identify any asbestos or Asbestos Containing Material (ACM) within the scheme, and if necessary obtain any sample for analysis. Properly identify and indicate, by signage if necessary, any asbestos or ACM as required in accordance with WH&S Act and Regulations and prepare an Onsite Asbestos Register (OAR), and prepare an onsite Asbestos Management Plan (AMP) that the Owners Corporation update as required; and 012 AGM SP/971 25 February 2013 Page - 2 c. Install a document storage box at the complex to hold the required documentation (Documents must be available to all workmen, contractors and others); and Refer to Executive Committee for location. d. Authorise the Executive Committee and/or their Building Representative to arrange for and/or plan any repairs and maintenance of any items identified in the WH&S and/or Asbestos Reports, and e. Recognise that as a result of the introduction of the WH&S Act, Mason & Brophy Strata Management Pty Ltd will be required to liaise with the inspectors, contractors, owners and residents, etc, in matters relating to the inspections, reports and remedial work and in accordance with the Strata Management Agency Agreement, an additional hourly fee will be charged for all work in excess of the first hour. 9 The Owners Corporation rescind any and all previous determinations and confirm that there are no matters or types of matters to be determined by the Owners Corporation in a general meeting in accordance with Section 21 (2)(b) of the Strata Schemes Management Act 1996. 10 The number of Executive Committee Members be FIVE and that the below mentioned candidates nominated by the meeting being eligible be elected as the Executive Committee of the Owners Corporation: U2 Ul2 U14 Ul7 Mr K Kamminga MrN Hobart R Mitchell A Tesoriero One Position Vacant 11 Substitute Building Representative Building Representative Warringah Council Fire Order The Owners Corporation accept the following recommended tenders from Building Code Group to complete works required under Warringah Council Fire Order. i. 11. 111. 12 Electrical Upgrade Work R.L. Gray Electrical $17,709.49 + GST Fire Stopping and Sealing Passive First - estimate based on 100 vents throughout building $11,000.00 + GST Please note that Building Code advise this option is for plastic vent covers. Carpet Nosings Staircare Australia Pty Ltd $ 3,840.00 + GST The Owners - Strata Plan No.971 RESOLVES to raise a Special Levy of $20,000 payable quarterly in four instalments, by unit entitlement to start from 1 April 2013 to fund upcoming works required under the fire order by Warringah Council. The Meeting closed at 7.00 pm. DATE ................................ .. CHAIRPERSON ........................................................... .. MASON & BROPHY STRATA MANAGEMENT P/L Suite 13/818 Pittwater Road, Dee Why 2099 -PO Box 567, Dee Why 2099 Ph: 8978 3000, Fax 9982 5357, E-mail: 013 MINUTES OF EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE THE OWNERS - STRATA PLAN No 971 1204 PITTWATER ROAD, NARRABEEN HELD ON 25 FEBRUARY 2013 AT MASON AND BROPHY STRATA MANAGEMENT PTY LTD SUITE 13/818 PITTWATER ROAD, DEE WHY PRESENT Mr K Kamminga A Tesoriero U2 U17 R Mitchell U14 U9 M Tesoriero U17 IN ATTENDANCE MrR Morison Ms Cathy Quattroville of Mason & Brophy Strata Management Pty Ltd who acted as Chairperson by consent. The Meeting commenced at 7 .10 pm. MOTIONS 1 It was resolved that the Minutes of the last Executive Committee Meeting held on 12 December 2012 be confirmed as a true record of that meeting. 2. The Election of Office Bearers for the Executive Committee be as follows a) Chairperson Vacant b) Secretary R Mitchell c) Treasurer Vacant OTHER BUSINESS NIL As there was no further business the Meeting closed at 7 .15 pm. DATE ................................................... CHAIRMAN ........................................................... . MASON & BROPHY STRATA MANAGEMENT P/L Suite 13, 818 Pittwater Road, Dee Why 2099 - PO Box 567, Dee Why 2099 Ph: 8978 3000, Fax 9982 5357, E-mail: 014 MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE OWNERS STRATA PLAN No 971 1204 PITTWATER ROAD, NARRABEEN HELD ON 1 FEBRUARY 2012 AT MASON & BROPHY STRATA MANAGEMENT PTY LTD SUITE 13/818 PITTWATER ROAD, DEE WHY PRESENT Mr K Kamminga MrNHobart Mr A Byles J Makin U2 U12 U16 U18 MrH Wark R Mitchell A & M Tesoriero U7 U14 U17 IN ATTENDANCE I Addinsell & T Devine U3 F Guerinoni U7 Ms Cathy Quattroville of Mason & Brophy Strata Management Pty Ltd who acted as Chairperson by consent. The Meeting commenced at 6.05 pm. MOTIONS IT WAS RESOLVED THAT: 1 The Minutes of the last General Meeting held on 10 May 2011 be confirmed as a true record of that meeting. 2 The Annual Statement of Accounts as presented be confirmed and adopted. 3 The Budget as presented be adopted and that the Levies under Section 76 (1) "Administrative Fund" be $45,000.00 per annum and "Sinking Fund" be $23,046.70 per annum, and that both levies are payable by unit entitlement quarterly in advance and due by the 1st day of April, July, October and January and to continue on a quarterly basis until re-determined. 4 A consultant has already completed an assessment of the actual and expected sinking fund requirements in accordance with Section 75(2) of the Strata Schemes Management Act, 1996. 5 No auditor to be appointed. 6 The Insurances be confirmed and that the Insurances referred to in Section 88 (2) are already in place. 7 The Owners Corporation already complete regular fire safety maintenance and have obtained their Annual Fire Safety Statement as required under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulations 2000. 8 The Owners Corporation have already completed a risk assessment of the common property for the Strata Scheme as required by the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000. 015 AGM SP/971 1 February 2012 Page-2 9 The Owners Corporation rescind any and all previous determinations and confirm that there are no matters or types of matters to be determined by the Owners Corporation in a general meeting in accordance with Section 21(2)(b) of the Strata Schemes Management Act 1996. 10 The number of Executive Committee Members be SIX and that the below mentioned candidates nominated by the meeting being eligible be elected as the Executive Committee of the Owners Corporation: Mr K Kamminga I Addinsell MrNHobart RMitchell Mr A Byles A Tesoriero 11 U2 U3 U12 U14 U16 U17 Substitute Building Representative Building Representative Warringah Council Fire Order (i) The Owners Corporation accepted the tender from Zenite Fire & Electrical to install emergency lighting. Tender price $9,490.00 + GST. (ii) The Owners Corporation accepted, in principle, the tender from Star Fire Systems NSW Pty Ltd for $45,495.00 + GST (includes the fire rating of enclosure under stairs). The Executive Committee is to make the final decision once the status of existing fire doors is researched and they are satisfied the doors require replacement. 12 The Owners - Strata Plan No.971 RESOLVES to raise a Special Levy, for $17,000.00 payable by unit entitlement in 2 instalments due 1 April and 1 July, 2012. 13 The Owners Corporation resolves to engage a locksmith to access the storage area utilized by an unknown person. 14 The Owners Corporation resolved that should personal items be found in the storage area, the Executive Committee are authorized to remove the personal items after all residents and owners are given 30 days notice The Meeting closed at 7.40 pm. DATE........................................ . CHAIRPERSON.............................................. . MASON & BROPHY STRATA MANAGEMENT P/L Suite 13, 818 Pittwater Road, Dee Why 2099 - PO Box 567, Dee Why 2099 p1,. R07R 1000 Fi:iY QQR? 'i1'i7 E-mail: 016 MINUTES OF EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING THE OWNERS - STRATA PLAN No 971 1204 PITTWATER ROAD, NARRABEEN HELD ON 1 FEBRUARY 2012 AT MASON & BROPHY STRATA MANAGEMENT PTY LTD SUITE 13/818 PITTWATER ROAD, DEE WHY PRESENT Mr K Kamminga MrN Hobart Mr A Byles IN ATTENDANCE TDevine U2 Ul2 U16 U3 U3 U14 U18 I Addinsell R Mitchell J Makin A & M Tesoriero U17 Ms Cathy Quattroville of Mason & Brophy Strata Management Pty Ltd who acted as Chairperson by consent. The Meeting commenced at 7.42 pm. MOTIONS 1 It was resolved that the Minutes of the last Executive Committee Meeting held on 1 November 2011 be confirmed as a true record of that meeting. 2. The Election of Office Bearers for the Executive Committee be as follows a) Chairperson Vacant b) Secretary Mr A Byles c) Treasurer Vacant OTHER BUSINESS 1 Coope Building to quote on concrete spalling about Unit 18 balcony. As there was no further business the Meeting closed at 8.00 pm. DATE ................................................... CHAIRMAN ........................................................... . MASON & BROPHY STRATA MANAGEMENT P/L Suite 13, 818 Pittwater Road, Dee Why 2099 - PO Box 567, Dee Why 2099 Ph: 8978 3000, Fax 9982 5357, E-mail: 017 MINUTES OF A RESOLUTION OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF "THE OWNERS STRATA PLAN No 971" 1204 PITTWATER ROAD, NARRABEEN MADE PURSUANT TO SCHEDULE 3 HELD ON 1 NOVEMBER 2011 PROXIES RECEIVED Mr K Kamminga Mr A Byles J Makin U2 U16 U18 MrN Hobart A Tesoriero U12 U17 IN ATTENDANCE Ms Cathy Quattroville of Mason & Brophy Strata Management Pty Ltd who acted as Chairperson by consent. The Meeting commenced at 10.30 am. MOTIONS 1. That the Minutes of the last Executive Committee meeting held on 19 October 2011 be confirmed as a true record of that meeting. 2. That the Executive Committee on behalf of the Owners Corporation engages Building Code Group as specified in the attached fee proposal, to obtain tenders and project manage Year 2 works required by the Warringah Council Fire Order No. 6 issued 30 March 2011. MOTION PASSED As there was no further business the Meeting closed at 11.00 am. DATE ................................................... CHAIRMAN ........................................................... . MASON & BROPHY STRATA MANAGEMENT P/L Suite 13, 818 Pittwater Road, Dee Why 2099 - PO Box 567, Dee Why 2099 Ph: 8978 3000, Fax 9982 5357, E-mail: 018 MINUTES OF A RESOLUTION OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF "THE OWNERS STRATA PLAN No 971 1204 PITTWATER ROAD, NARRABEEN MADE PURSUANT TO SCHEDULE 3 HELD ON 19 OCTOBER 2011 PROXIES RECEIVED Mr K Kamminga Mr A Byles U2 U16 U12 U17 MrN Hobart A Tesoriero IN ATTENDANCE Ms Cathy Quattroville of Mason & Brophy Strata Management Pty Ltd who acted as Chairperson by consent. The Meeting commenced at 10.00 am. IT WAS RESOLVED THAT: 1. The Minutes of the last Executive Committee meeting held on 19 April 2011 be confirmed as a true record of that meeting. 2. The Executive Committee on behalf of the Owners Corporation accepts the following tenders provided by Building Code Group for year 1 upgrading works required under the Fire Order by Warringah Council. *See Tender Report attached. a. Smoke Alarms/Local Fire Detection & Alarm System Zenite Fire & Electrical Services $20,210.00 + GST QUOTE ACCEPTED b. Portable Fire Extinguishers Zenite Fire & Electrical Services Additional Break Glass Cabinets $ 1,814.00 + GST $ 1,480.00 + GST QUOTE ACCEPTED As there was no further business the Meeting closed at 10.30 am. DATE ................................................... CHAIRMAN ........................................................... . MASON & BROPHY STRATA MANAGEMENT P/L Suite 13, 818 Pittwater Road, Dee Why 2099 - PO Box 567, Dee Why 2099 Ph: 8978 3000, Fax 9982 5357, E-mail: 019 \Al WARRINGAH COUNCIL 7 July 2015 ~ fC;E ~\ffE ID) Od JUL The Owners Sp 971 Cl- Mason & Brophy 13/818 Pittwater Road DEE WHY NSW 2099 2Ut) --------------- Dear Sir/Madam BLD2015/00502 - Alleged unauthorised land use 1204 Pittwater Road NARRABEEN I refer to a complaint received by Council on 26 May 2015 relating to the alleged unlawful land use at the above premises. Thank you for your advice regarding parking, littering and dumped rubbish and also your assurance that no holiday rentals are occurring at Unit 14 however, Council requires further assurances or other advice in relation to Units 1, 12 and 8. Please provide this information in writing to Council within 7 days of the date of this letter, should no reply be received a determination will be made based on the information available at the time. I hope this information is of assistance and if you require any further information regarding the process, please contact me weekdays on 9942 2478 or via Yours faithfully ( Terry Jones Building Investigations Coordinator ~·-~~-c-,.-,... '--'-"""\-~ \ CcQ WARRINGAH COUNCIL Civic Centre 725 Pittwater Road Dee Why NSW 2099 DX9118[)eeWhyNSW ABN31565068406 T 02 9942 2111 F 02 9971 4522 --.~--·- ..•.•.J ............... _,.....,, !>11 ~; C Q' s. ~ r e:.L("'~ 020 Inspectors From: Sent: To: Subject: Andy Byles [] Thursday, 28 August 2014 8:03 AM Cathy Quattroville Re: Waterproofing Issue - Seabreeze - 1204 Pittwater Rd, Narrabeen. SP 971. Can we get the locksmith to put a lock on the roof door with push buttons like the laundry. The key gets loaned out and doesn't come back. Do that immediately. I want the access code to be c25684. That matches the laundry. We need to get onto this ASAP. I remember that the previous owners had the same problem with mould. Sent from my iPhone On 27 Aug 2014, at 4:40 pm, Cathy Quattroville <> wrote: Good afternoon 'Executive committee members, Prue in Unit 18 has sent the email below along with photos. They are certain there is a leak from the roof and there is the potential of failed membrane on the roof. Given the information given an engineer would be the most appropriate expert to advise you on this problem. We are waiting on a quote from Vince at Protect Building for the water penetration into Mary's unit in Unit 17 and he requires access to the roof in order to do this. As a first option perhaps Vince can have a look at Unit 18 whilst he is onsite investigating the leak in Unit 17. It may be there is an obvious problem on the roof that Vince can locate. Andrew - I assume you have a key for the roof. Perhaps you can leave it with Mary to make it easier for you. Please review and advise. Thank you everyone. From: Prue Allen [] Sent: Sunday, 24 August 2014 6:58 PM To: Cathy Quattroville Subject: Waterproofing Issue - Seabreeze - 1204 Pittwater Rd, Narrabeen. Hi Cathy; Hope you are well. My fiance Ben Scully called you the other day to talk to you about our mould problem in our unit - 18/1204 Pittwater Rd, Narrabeen. Please see attached photos of our mould problem. We cleaned the mould off our roof about 2 months ago and it is already back to this stage. My fiance works in the building industry and his brother is a qualified builder, and in their opinion it is more than a ventilation issue. They have been on the roof (the door was left open at one stage) and believe the water-proofing has been compromised. Therefore this is allowing moisture to come through the concrete slab once water accumulates on the roof. On another note, Ben also mentioned you would like us to update our details, please see below: 021 Postal address: No longer at 14 Macfarlane St, Davidson. We are now living at 18/1204 Pittwater Rd, Narrabeen 210 I. Phone: Prue Allen 0423 830 494 Ben Scully 0404 828 123 Email: pallen(m, or prueallen( (My work email at Costume Box is the easiest to contact me). Thanks Cathy; Prue Portfolio Manager <imagec4efile.JPG> 13/818 Pittwater Road, Dee Why, NSW, 2099 T: 02 8978 3000 F: 02 9982 5357 <image1ee51e.JPG> <image9e3af0.BMP> Please consider the environment before printing ihis e-mail From: Prue Allen [] Sent: Monday, 25 August 2014 9:37 PM To: cathy Quattroville Subject: Re: Waterproofing Issue - Seabreeze - 1204 Pittwater Rd, Narrabeen. SP 971. <IMG_ 0518.jpeg> <IMG_0519.jpeg> <IMG_ 0520.jpeg> <IMG_0521.jpeg> <IMG_ 0522.jpeg> On 25 Aug 2014, at 9:27 am, Cathy Quattroville <> wrote: Thank you Prue, No photos attached. Can you please resend the email with the photos and we will then forward it to the Executive Committee. Regards, Portfolio Manager <image96df3e.JPG> 13/818 Pittwater Road, Dee Why, NSW, 2099 T: 02 8978 3000 F: 02 9982 5357 022 COO PE BUILDING l 7 I 410 Pittwater Road North Manly NSW 21 00 au T 02 9939 2111 F 02 9939 2110 ABN 65 141038477 Uc 2250l 6C Tax Invoice SP 971 cl- Mason & Brophy 1204 Pittwater Road Narrabeen NSW 2101 Quote#: 00004715 Date: 20/07/2015 Page: 1 Description Amount RE: 05811 dated 21/05/2015 To attend to unit 14 and view water ingress to the front entry door, with in the unit and the common hallway side of the door. To gain access to the rooftop above, to find there to be a parapet wall, running across this area and a flat torch on membrane roof. To flood dye test the torch on membrane roof. To find this to be watertight. To then water test the parapet wall above this area. To find this to be leaking in to the area below. Conclusion of water test; Parapet wall is leaking. Recommendations: To fill all holes and cracks, along the entire parapet wall, with Ember Seal PU40 paintable polyurethane sealant. To then prep and prime the entire wall on both sides and the top, lapping down onto the torch on membrane, with Erner-clad architectural facade paint, to a colour matching existing on site as close as possible. To the clean the site as found, remove all rubbish and dispose of, upon completion of works. Please see attached photographs of the parapet wall to be repaired. All quotes are valid for 90 days from date of quote. Sub Total: $0.00 GST: $0.00 Total: $0.00 Quoted By: 023 COO PE BUILDING Quote S P 971 c/- Mason & Brophy 1204 Pittwater Road Narrabeen NSW 2101 l 7 I 410 Pittwater Road North Manly NSW 21 00 T 02 9939 2111 F 02 9939 2110 ABN 65141038477 Lie 225016C Quote#: 06028 Date: 20/07/2015 Page: Description Amount RE: Work Order #119956 dated 3/6/2015 To attend site and view repairs to the parapet wall above Unit 14, in conjunction with Coope Building report. To repair the parapet wall, with polyurethane sealant and paint with 2 top coats of Erner-clad architectural facade paint, to a colour matching existing on site as close as possible. To supply all labour, materials and tools needed to carry out the works. To the clean the site as found, remove all rubbish and dispose of, upon completion of works. Please view attached photos of all to be repaired. All quotes are valid for 90 days from date of quote. $1,360.00 Sub Total: $1,360.00 GST: $136.00 Total: $1,496.00 Quoted By: Todd 024 lnspector5 From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Follow Up Flag: Due By: Flag Status: Cathy Quattroville Monday, 20 July 2015 5:32 PM Mary Tesoriero (;; Andrew Byles FW: S P 971 - Quote #06028; From Coope Building - $1496.00 ESale.pdf; 2015-06-2214.06.31.jpg; 2015-06-2214.06.13.jpg; 2015-06-2214.06.10.jpg; 2015-06-22 14.06.06.jpg; 2015-06-22 14.06.48.jpg; 2015-06-22 14.06.45.jpg; 2015-06-22 14.06.41.jpg Follow up Thursday, 23 July 2015 9:00 AM Flagged Good afternoon once again, Further to the report just sent to you, please see attached a quote from Coope Building to complete the recommended repairs to the parapet wall above Unit 14. For your convenience and in order to expedite this work, we will accept the attached quote on your behalf unless instructed otherwise by 9am Thursday 23rd July, 2015. Thank you for your attention to the above. Kind regards, -----Original Message----From: [] Sent: Monday, 20 July 201512:24 PM To: Cathy Quattroville Subject: S P 971 - Quote #06028; From Coope Building Please contact us immediately if you are unable to detach or download your Quote. Thank you. 025 Strata Plan No. 971 02100005 Ale No Lot No 5 OwnerNrune Owner Information Contrib. Entitlements Interest Entitlements 31 0 Mr & Mrs J Morrison Unit Number 5 StrataPa No 122604107 Car S ace Telephone (I) Telephone (2) Mobile 041 l 779964Vicki 0403 308 436 M Facsimile Email Account Balance I Administrative Fund Paid to I 0.00 Residential I Business Address I I 30/09/15 mar aretcomber I Sinking Fund Paid to Direct Debit I 30/09/15 Not Set up Levy Notice Address Address for Service of Notices PO Box3377 ASQUITH NSW 2077 POA: Margaret Comber C/0 - Margaret Comber PO Box 3377 ASQUITH NSW 2077 Chadwick Real Estate 215 Mona Vale Road ST IVES NSW 2075 Delivery by Mail Delivery by Mail Delivery by Mail Letting Agent Telephone (I) Chadwick Real Estate 215 Mona Vale Road ST IVES NSW 2075 Telephone (2) Facsimile Email Date 01/01/14 01/01/14 01/01/14 12/03/14 12/03/14 12/03/14 20/03/14 20/03/14 20/03/14 11/06/14 11/06/14 17/06/14 17/06/14 18/09/14 18/09/14 01/10/14 01/10/14 10/12/14 10/12/14 18/12/14 18/12/14 12/03/15 12/03/15 27/03/15 27/03/15 12/06/15 12/06/15 15/07/15 15/07/15 Description Brought forward 01/01/14 To 31/03/14 Due 01/01/14 01/01/14 To 31/03/14 01/04/14 To 30/06/14 Due 01/04/14 01/04/14 To 30/06/14 Administrative Fund Admin. Fund Special Sinking Fund 01/07/14 To 30/09/14 01/07/14 To 30/09/14 Administrative Fund Sinking Fund 01/10/14 To 31/12/14 01/10/14 To 31/12/14 Administrative Fund Sinking Fund 01/01/15 To 31/03/15 01/01/15 To 31/03/15 Administrative Fund Sinking Fund 01/04/15 To 30/06/15 01/04/15 To 30/06/15 Administrative Fund Sinking Fund 01/07/15 To 30/09/15 01/07/15 To 30/09/15 Administrative Fund Sinking Fund 9488 5500 Mobile Fund Reference Administrative Fund Admin. Fund Special Sinking Fund Administrative Fund Admin. Fund Special Sinking Fund Administrative Fund Admin. Fund Special Sinking Fund Administrative Fund Sinking Fund Administrative Fund Sinking Fund Administrative Fund Sinking Fund Administrative Fund Sinking Fund Administrative Fund Sinking Fund Administrative Fund Sinking Fund Administrative Fund Sinking Fund Administrative Fund Sinking Fund Administrative Fund Sinking Fund Administrative Fund Sinking Fund 10002183 10002201 10002219 10002237 10002255 10002273 R0001331 RA001331 RB001331 10002291 10002309 R0001351 RA001351 10002327 10002345 R0001379 RA001379 10002363 10002381 R0001397 RA001397 10002399 10002417 R0001419 RA001419 10002435 10002453 R0001448 RA001448 Page Number: 1 9488 5565 m tilocca(a),chadwickrealestate.cor 1.a u Amount -979.80 494.68 219.86 265.26 520.18 164.46 277.74 -520.18 -164.46 -277.74 520.18 277.74 -520.18 -277.74 520.18 277.74 -520.18 -277.74 520.18 277.74 -520.18 -277.74 461.70 375.96 -461.70 -375.96 461.70 375.96 -461.70 -375.96 Balance -979.80 -485.12 -265.26 0.00 520.18 684.64 962.38 442.20 277.74 0.00 520.18 797.92 277.74 0.00 520.18 797.92 277.74 0.00 520.18 797.92 277.74 0.00 461.70 837.66 375.96 0.00 461.70 837.66 375.96 0.00 Strata Plan No. 971 1204 Pittwater Road Narrabeen NSW 2101 BALANCE SHEET AS AT 21 AUGUST 2015 OWNERS FUNDS Administrative Fund Sinking Fund TOTAL ACTUAL ACTUAL 21/08/15 31/12/14 17,855.23 37,715.92 $ 55,571.15 5,540.31 17,509.91 $ 23,050.22 THESE FUNDS ARE REPRESENTED BY CURRENT ASSETS Cash At Bank Security Deposits - No GST Levies In Arrears Other Arrears 55,973.62 (300.00) 1,272.77 29.43 37,544.63 (300.00) 0.00 4.20 TOT AL ASSETS 56,975.82 37,248.83 GST Clearing Account Creditors Levies In Advance 1,404.47 0.00 0.20 212.35 (224.40) 14,210.66 TOT AL LIABILITIES 1,404.67 14,198.61 LIABILITIES NET ASSETS $ 55,571.15 $ 23,050.22 026 Strata Plan No. 971 027 1204 Pittwater Road Narrabeen NSW 2101 STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENDITURE FOR THE PERIOD 1 JANUARY 2015 TO 21 AUGUST 2015 ADMINISTRATIVE FUND ACTUAL BUDGET Ol/01/15-21/08/15 % ACTUAL Ol/01/15-31/12/15 01/01/14-31/12/14 INCOME ;, ~ r ~ ' I Levies - Administrative Fund Special Admin. Fund Levy Inspection Fees Interest On Overdue Levies Bank Charges - Refunded Insurance Claims Refunded Rent Received Section 109 Certificates GST On Income 32,829.94 0.00 74.80 60.95 5.60 1,000.00 832.00 0.00 (3,067.49) 42,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,660.00 0.00 (3,969.09) TOTAL ADMIN. FUND INCOME 31,735.80 39,690.91 Asbestos Report Bank Charges Cleaning Cleaning/ Gardens/Lawns Electricity Fire Safety Upgrade Garden/Lawns Inspection Fees Insurance Premiums Insurance Premiums - No GST Insurance Claims Legal Expenses Management Fees Repairs - Electrical Repairs - Garage Door Repairs - General Repairs - Doors Repairs - Locksmith Repairs - Plumbing/Drainage Repairs - Roof/Gutters Repairs - Windows/Hinges/Glass Section 109 Cert. Schedule B Fees Service Equipment - Fire Equip T. V Antenna Repairs Stratamax Online Fees Trades Compliance Water Usage Charge GST On Expenses 0.00 118.70 0.00 2,898.00 1,170.58 0.00 935.00 74.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 352.00 5,158.74 690.25 363.00 0.00 0.00 872.11 754.60 1,494.90 492.80 0.00 220.00 1,397.00 0.00 162.72 0.00 3,551.00 (1,285.32) 0.00 220.00 0.00 5,200.00 2,000.00 0.00 2,000.00 0.00 9,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 6,878.30 0.00 0.00 6,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,500.00 0.00 280.00 85.00 6,000.00 (3,085.77) TOTAL ADMIN. EXPENDITURE 19,420.88 38,077.53 78.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 50.12 0.00 77.28 46,739.81 8,740.08 37.40 114.34 9.80 3,975.00 1,924.00 117.70 (5,233.52) 56,424.61 EXPENDITURE - ADMIN. FUND SURPLUS I DEFICIT $ 12,314.92 $ 1,613.38 0.00 53.95 0.00 55.73 58.53 0.00 46.75 ****** 0.00 0.00 0.00 ****** 75.00 ****** ****** 0.00 0.00 ****** ****** ****** ****** 0.00 ****** 55.88 0.00 58.11 0.00 59.18 41.65 1,189.00 205.75 (176.00) 5,162.00 1,930.23 5,324.00 3,822.50 37.40 8,545.41 727.84 6,522.50 0.00 6,550.52 1,490.50 693.00 0.00 214.50 0.00 253.00 0.00 0.00 117.70 115.50 2,065.50 99.00 244.08 77.00 5,366.10 (3,432.94) 47,144.09 $ 9,280.52 Strata Plan No. 971 028 1204 Pittwater Road Narrabeen NSW 2101 STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENDITURE FOR THE PERIOD 1 JANUARY 2015 TO 21 AUGUST 2015 EXPENDITURE - ADMIN. FUND (Continued) ACTUAL BUDGET Ol/01/15-21/08/15 Opening Admin. Balance ADMINISTRATIVE FUND BALANCE ****** amount not budgeted for 5,540.31 $ 17,855.23 ACTUAL % Ol/01/15-31/12/15 5,540.31 $ 7,153.69 Ol/01/14-31/12/14 100.00 $ (3,740.21) 5,540.31 Strata Plan No. 971 029 1204 Pittwater Road Narrabeen NSW 2101 STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENDITURE FOR THE PERIOD 1 JANUARY 2015 TO 21 AUGUST 2015 SINKING FUND BUDGET ACTUAL 01/01/15-21/08/15 ACTUAL O/o Ol/01/15-31/12/15 01/01/14-31/12/14 INCOME Levies - Sinking Fund Interest Rec'd On Investment GST On Income 23,416.32 146.54 (2, 128. 76) 34,200.00 0.00 (3, 109.09) TOTAL SINKING FUND INCOME 21,434.10 31,090.91 68.47 0.00 68.47 24,981.20 170.14 (2,271.02) 22,880.32 EXPENDITURE - SINKING FUND Consulting Garage Doors Income Tax Paid Abn/Gst/Tax Returns & Registra Walls Windows GST On Expenses 770.00 283.90 0.00 297.00 0.00 0.00 (122.81) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ****** ****** 0.00 ****** 0.00 0.00 0.00 330.00 0.00 3.60 396.00 2,464.00 4,979.70 (742.70) TOT AL SINK. FUND EXPENDITURE $ 1,228.09 $ 0.00 $ 7,430.60 SURPLUS I DEFICIT $ 20,206.01 $ 31,090.91 $ 15,449.72 Opening Sinking Fund Balance SINKING FUND BALANCE ****** amount not budgeted for 17,509.91 $ 37,715.92 17,509.91 $ 48,600.82 100.00 $ 2,060.19 17,509.91 Strata Plan No. 971 030 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE FOR THE PERIOD 1 JANUARY 2013 TO 31 DECEMBER 2013 ADMINISTRATIVE FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL Ol/01/12-31/12/12 Ol/01/13-31/12/13 BUDGET 01/01/13-31/12/13 BUDGET 01/01/14-31/12/14 INCOME Levies - Administrative Fund Special Admin. Fund Levy Inspection Fees Interest On Overdue Levies Insurance Claims Refunded Rent Received Section 109 Certificates GST On Income 42,687.67 16,999.92 63.00 133.29 1,799.30 2,704.00 228.80 (4,821.65) 45,000.20 15,000.06 0.00 185.50 745.14 2,704.00 0.00 (5,700.39) 45,000.00 20,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (5,909.09) 47,320.00 3,740.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (4,641.82) TOTAL ADMIN. FUND INCOME 59,794.33 57,934.51 59,090.91 46,418.18 Bank Charges Cleaning Cleaning/ Gardens/Lawns Electricity Fire Safety Upgrade Garden/Lawns Inspection Fees Insurance Premiums Insurance Premiums - No GST Insurance Claims Insurance Valuation Management Fees Nbn - Registration Repairs - Electrical Repairs - Front Door Repairs - Garage Door Repairs - General Repairs - Doors Repairs - Locksmith Repairs - Plumbing/Drainage Repairs - Roof/Gutters Repairs - Windows/Hinges/Glass Section 109 Cert. Schedule B Fees Schedule D Fees Service Equipment - Fire Equip T.V Antenna Repairs Stratamax Online Fees Trades Compliance Water Usage Charge GST On Expenses 198.40 0.00 6,989.00 989.00 0.00 0.00 66.00 7,948.26 710.38 2,049.30 0.00 6,238.12 0.00 797.50 330.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 280.50 495.00 440.00 0.00 228.80 453.75 0.00 581.43 484.00 244.08 72.60 5,496.45 (1,915.28) 190.00 176.00 4,827.00 1,577.57 54,499.05 4,502.50 0.00 9,133.82 817.09 836.15 55.00 6,238.12 44.00 192.50 330.00 549.00 0.00 192.50 0.00 2,736.25 0.00 709.50 0.00 662.75 189.92 2,638.67 594.00 244.08 74.80 4,981.40 (7,617.25) 220.00 0.00 8,000.00 1,200.00 37,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 8,750.00 800.00 0.00 0.00 6,238.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,800.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 280.00 85.00 6,500.00 (6,850.31) 220.00 0.00 5,000.00 1,800.00 0.00 5,000.00 0.00 10,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 6,550.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,500.00 0.00 280.00 85.00 6,000.00 (3,383.25) TOTAL ADMIN. EXPENDITURE 33,177.29 89,374.42 76,022.81 41,052.25 EXPENDITURE - ADMIN. FUND SURPLUS I DEFICIT $ 26,617.04 $ (31,439.91) $ (16,931.90) $ 5,365.93 ----, 031 Strata Plan No. 971 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE FOR THE PERIOD 1 JANUARY 2013 TO 31 DECEMBER 2013 EXPENDITURE - ADMIN. FUND (Continued) ACTUAL ACTUAL 01/01/12-31/12/12 Opening Admin. Balance ADMINISTRATIVE FUND BALANCE Ol/01/13-31/12/13 1,082.66 $ 27,699.70 $ BUDGET BUDGET Ol/01/13-31/12/13 27,699.70 27,699.70 (3,740.21) $ 10,767.80 Ol/01/14-31/12/14 (3,740.21) $ 1,625.72 032 Strata Plan No. 971 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE FOR THE PERIOD 1 JANUARY 2013 TO 31 DECEMBER 2013 SINKING FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET Ol/01/12-31/12/12 01/01/13-31/12/13 Ol/01/13-31/12/13 Ol/01/14-31/12/14 INCOME Levies - Sinking Fund Interest Rec'd On Investment GST On Income 22,784.97 1,244.84 (1,571.36) 23,859.29 570.15 (2,169.03) 24,130.00 0.00 (2,193.64) 25,265.00 0.00 (2,296.82) TOTAL SINKING FUND INCOME 22,458.45 22,260.41 21,936.36 22,968.18 3,999.60 8,057.50 957.50 27,735.40 526.50 297.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,850.00 (2,561.55) 0.00 12,127.50 0.00 34,886.50 223.50 396.00 1,827.50 1,309.00 5,192.00 5,999.40 (5,537.90) 0.00 8,000.00 0.00 50,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (5,272.73) EXPENDITURE - SINKING FUND Balcony/Balustrades Consulting Electrical Fire Safety Upgrades Income Tax Paid Abn/Gst/Tax Returns & Registra Landscaping Tv Antenna Walls Windows GST On Expenses TOTAL SINK FUND EXPENDITURE $ SURPLUS I DEFICIT $ Opening Sinking Fund Balance SINKING FUND BALANCE 42,861.95 $ (20,403.50) $ 56,626.78 $ 36,223.28 56,423.50 $ (34,163.09) $ 36,223.28 $ 2,060.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $ 0.00 (30,790.91) $ 22,968.18 52,727.27 36,223.28 $ 5,432.37 2,060.19 $ 25,028.37 033 Page No: 2 Strata Plan No. 971 Admin Fund 31/12/12 Description Code Actual Actual Budget Ol/01/12-31/12/12 Ol/01/11-31/12/11 01/01/12-31/12/12 ADMINISTRATIVE FUND INCQME 101 102 107 1095 1106 11095 112 11900000 Levies - Administrative Fund Special Admin. Fund Levy Inspection Fees Interest On Overdue Levies Insurance Claims Refunded Rent Received Section 109 Certificates GST On Income -42,687.67 -16,999.92 -63.00 -133.29 -1,799.30 -2,704.00 -228.80 4,821.65 -35,312.60 0.00 -90.00 -74.58 -3,292.66 -1,820.00 -228.80 0.00 -45,000.00 -17,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,636.37 -59,794.33 -40,818.64 -56,363.63 EXPENDITURE - ADMIN. FUND 122 Bank Charges 12802 Cleaning/ Gardens/Lawns 136 Electricity 1402 Garden/Lawns Garden Supplies 1403 1455 Inspection Fees 14602 Insurance Premiums 146021 Insurance Premiums - No GST 14603 Insurance Claims 14604 Insurance Valuation Major Building 15050 151 Management Fees Petty Cash 154 Repairs - Electrical 161006 Repairs - Front Door 161009 161010 Repairs - Garage Door 161012 Repairs - General Repairs - Doors 161013 Repairs - Locksmith 161014 Repairs - Plumbing/Drainage 161016 161017 Repairs - Roof/Gutters 161019 Repairs - Windows/Hinges/Glass 161020 Repairs - Walls 163 Section 109 Cert. 1643 Schedule B Fees 1644 Schedule D Fees Service Equipment - Fire Equip 16502 170 T.V AntennaRepairs 1704 Stratamax Online Fees 1755 Trades Compliance Water Usage Charge 187 18899999 GST On Expenses 198.40 6,989.00 989.00 0.00 0.00 66.00 7,948.26 710.38 2,049.30 0.00 0.00 6,238.12 0.00 797.50 330.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 280.50 495.00 440.00 0.00 0.00 228.80 453.75 0.00 581.43 484.00 244.08 72.60 5,496.45 -1,915.28 204.94 6,814.50 1,379.12 305.00 818.32 99.00 8,191.34 0.00 3,943.16 49.50 0.00 5,941.12 54.15 1,651.00 0.00 882.30 0.00 198.00 673.96 3,504.60 143.00 1,379.93 424.60 228.80 1,754.50 884.48 1,426.92 416.40 232.92 70.40 6,001.10 0.00 220.00 7,000.00 1,500.00 3,000.00 0.00 0.00 8,900.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 17,000.00 6,238.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,800.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 235.00 75.00 6,500.00 -4,977.11 TOTAL ADMIN. EXPENDITURE 33,177.29 47,673.06 56,490.99 -26,617.04 -26,617.04 6,854.42 6,854.42 127.36 127.36 TOTAL ADMIN. FUND INCOME Page Totals: Report Totals: Number of Records on File: 105 Date: 04/01/13 Time: 09:27:07 User: rosw 034 Page No: 3 Strata Plan No. 971 Admin Fund 31/12/12 Code Description Actual Actual Budget Ol/01/12-31/12/12 Ol/01/11-31/12/11 Ol/01/12-31/12/12 S!lRPLl!S I DEFICIT Opening Admin. Balance 195 -26,617.04 -1,082.66 6,854.42 -7,937.08 127.36 -1,082.66 ADMINISTRATIVE FUND BALANCE -27,699.70 -1,082.66 -955.30 -1,082.66 -27,699.70 -7,937.08 -1,082.66 -1,082.66 -955.30 End Admin Fund Page Totals: Report Totals: Number of Records on File: 105 Date: 04/01/13 Time: 09:27:07 User: rosw 035 Page No: 4 Strata Plan No . 971 Sinking Fund 31/12/12 Code Description Budget Actual Actual 01/01/12-3 J/12/12 Ol/Ol/l l-31/l2/ll Ol/01/12·31/12/12 SINKING Fl!ND IN�QME 201 206 21900000 -22,784.97 -1,244.84 1,571.36 -21,749.87 -3,318.97 0.00 -23,046.70 0.00 2,095.16 TOTAL SINKING FUND INCQME -22,458.45 -25,068.84 -20,951.54 EXPENDITURE - SINKING Fl!ND 22204 Balcony/Balustrades 224 Consulting 228 Electrical 229 Fence & Gates 22% Fire Safety Upgrades 237 Income Tax Paid 238 Abn/Gst/Tax Returns & Registra 239 Landscaping 24101 Painting-Interior 247 Plumbing /Drainage Renewals 2505 Shower Waterproofing 2535 Tv Antenna 258 Windows 28899999 GST On Expenses 3,999.60 8,057.50 957.50 0.00 27,735.40 526.50 297.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,850.00 -2,561.55 0.00 28,159.00 1,166.00 18,162.10 9,185.00 921.30 0.00 7,661.37 3,456.00 847.00 525.00 650.00 3,025.00 0.00 0.00 15,000.00 0.00 0.00 60,485.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -6,862.28 TOTAL SINK. Fl!ND EXPENDITURE 42,861.95 73,757.77 68,622.72 Sl!RPLl!S I DEFICIT 295 Opening Sinking Fund Balance 20,403.50 -56,626.78 48,688.93 -105,315.71 47,671.18 -56,626.78 SINKING FUND BALANCE -36,223.28 -56,626.78 -8,955.60 -36,223.28 -63,922.98 -56,626.78 -57,709.44 -8,955.60 -9,910.90 Levies - Sinking Fund Interest Rec'd On Investment GST On Income End Sinking Fund Page Totals: Report Totals: Number of Records on File: 105 Date: 04/01/13 Time: 09:27:07 User: rosw