Waxahachie ISD BOARD OF TRUSTEES Date: June 14, 2010 Presented By: Subject: Financial Reports Related Page(s) Teresa Thomas Action BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Cash Position: This section contains the cash position of WISD as of May 2010 in addition to the projected cash flow needs of the district for the future based on the TEA State Funding Payment Schedule. Also included is the monthly Investment Report. Revenue and Expenses: A Summary of Activity report for the month of May, 2010, including year-to-date revenues and expenditures for all funds. Revenue Summary Report: A report of revenue totals to date. Budget Summary: A Budget Summary Report by function including adopted budget, amended budget and year-to-date actual for all funds excluding state and federal programs. Proposed Budget Amendments: A report detailing budget amendments for Board approval. Tax Collection Report: A summary of tax collections for General Operating and Interest & Sinking funds for the month of May 2010. Check Register: A check register for the month of May 2010 is presented for the Board’s review. Bid Report: A report of bid information requiring Board approval Purchase Order Approval: Two purchase orders over $25,000 requiring board approval are included. Substitute Report: A report showing expenses related to Substitutes. Interest Income: An analysis of interest income earned this fiscal year. Fund Balance Reconciliation: A report of the Fund Balance Reconciliation is provided for Board review. 21 Request from Fund Balance: Requests from fund balance are included for board approval. The attachment is subject to change as other items are become available. RECOMMENDATION: Consider action as necessary to approve Financial Report. BOARD ACTION REQUIRED: Approve, reject or modify report as presented. 22 GENERAL OPERATING CASH POSITION AS OF MAY 31, 2010 Actual Invested Funds: $33,838,418.01 Actual Cash Balance: $ Total Cash Balance (April 30th): $34,048,776.69 Estimated June Estimated June Estimated June Estimated June 10 Tax Revenue: 10 State/Other Revenue: 10 Payroll Expenses: 10 AlP Expenses: Projected Cash Balance end of June 10: 210,358.68 $ 346,310.00 $ 919,900.00 $ - 3,609,000.00 $ - 845,600.00 $ 30,860,386.69 There are no anticipated cash flow problems for the District. 23 GENERAL OPERATING REVENUE AND EXPENSE PROJECTIONS 2009-2010 (updated monthly with actuals) Projected 2008-09 Cashflow Beginning Balance September $ 23,250,021 October $ 27,773,283 Local Tax Revenue Slale/Other Revenue $ $ $ $ Payroll Expenses Accounts Payable $ (3,471,941) $ $ (632,661) $ Ending Balance $ 27,773,283 69,517 6,558,347 November $ 30,602,857 284,305 $ 7,051,576 $ 2,106,067 1,341,891 $ 29,418,307 24 April $ 40,101,365 May $ 36,924,825 June $ 34,048,777 593,439 884,033 $ 245,733 $ 1,173,361 262,978 $ $ 1,441,903 $ $ January $ 34,279,433 $ $ $ 12,397,582 $ 3,886,699 $ 833,367 $ $ 818,217 $ 8,260,694 971,078 February $ 43,118,845 July $ 30,860,387 346,310 $ 919,900 $ August $ 26,955,107 TOTALS 115,600 $ 26,603,244 234,320 $ 688,900 $ 3,487,066 $ 28,169,659 $ 56,972,903 (3,598,603) $ (3,560,635) $ (3,541,279) $ (3,544,872) $ (3,576,566) $ (3,760,696) $ (3,609,000) $ (3,598,500) $ (3,613,600) $ (43,068,930) (772,043) $ (815,753) $ (1,093,389) $ (1,035,477) $ (1,019,068) $ (820,233) $ (845,600) $ (1,230,000) $ (2,546,000) $ (12,755,802) $ (55,824,732) $ 34,279,433 $43,118,845 $43,204,243 $40,101,365 $ 36,924,825 $ 34,048,777 $ 30,860,387 $ 26,955,107 $ 24,398,193 (3,421,420) $ (3,771,818) $ (1,084,888) $ (860,691) $ $ 30,802,857 March $ 43,204,243 December $ 29,418,307 GENERAL OPERATING REVENUE AND EXPENSE PROJECTIONS 2009-2010 (original projections) (September actual) Projected 2008-09 Cashflow January $28,383,102 February $ 42,532,355 March $ 44,230,208 4,165,452 759,400 $16,689,210 $ 2,228,043 $ 5,011,953 $ 1,448,900 $ $ September $ 23,250,021 $ Local Tax Revenue State/Other Revenue $ $ $ $ Payroll Expenses Accounts Payable $ (3,471,941) $ $ (632,661) $ (3,630,000) $ (3,599,300) $ (965,000) $ (1,235,000) $ Ending Balance $ 27,773,263 30,933,650 69,517 8,558,347 $ OCtober 27,773,283 November $ 30,933,650 December $ 27,963,750 Beginning Balance 402,415 $ 7,352,952 $ 1,004,500 859,900 $ 27,963,750 $ $ 363,420 749,000 April $ 40,888,128 May $ 37,588,448 June $ 35,100,028 293,220 859,900 $ 375,180 $ 1,855,900 $ $ $ $ 346,310 919,900 July $ 31,911,838 $ $ 234,320 688,900 Auguat $ 28,006,358 TOTALS $ 115,600 $ 29,071,097 $ 3,487,086 $ 29,768,228 $ 58,839,325 (3,645,000) $ (3,637,500) $ (3,628,000) $ (3,595,000) $ (3,636,500) $ (3,825,500) $ (3,609,000) $ (3,598,500) $ (3,613,600) $ (43,489,841) (860,500) $ (1,130,500) $ (1,135,000) $ (661,500) $ (816,300) $ (892,000) $ (845,600) $ (1,230,000) $ (2,546,000) S (13,150,061) $ (56,639,902) $ 26,363,102 $ 42,532,355 $ 44,230,206 S 40,886,126 $ 37,586,448 S 35,100,026 $ 31,911,636 $ 28,006,358 S 25,449,444 Projections based on these assumptions: Beginning september balance is based on August Board report ending balance of $23,524,344 with adjustments totaling - $274,323 for add~ional accounts payable posted back to August 31 -making the correc1 beginning cash balance for September 2009 $23,250,021. Tax revenue is based on total taxes budgeted for 09-10 and divided per month based on 08-09 collections. Tax revenue includes General Operation only - not I&S, and indudes budgeted amount for current, delinquent and penanies. Stale/Other revenue based on budgeted revenue for General Operating, FederaVState Special Programs and Enterprise Funds including Child Nutrition, Day Care Center and Lighthouse for Learning. These funds all share the same cash account and bank account and therefore are all part of cash flow projections. Payroll expenses are based on September's actual payroll expense and certain fluctuations anticipated throUghout the 09-10 year including subst~ues and retiree payoffs. Accounts payable includes expenses for General Operation, FederaVStale Special Programs and Enterprise Funds - including Child Nulrilion, Day Care Center and Lighthouse for Learning. 25 WAXAHACHIE INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT CASH POSITION FOR THE PERIOD ENDED MAY 31,2010 I&S LOCAL MAIN. Begimning Balances 04/30/10 CAPITAL TOTAL $ 272,451.13 $ 52,116.67 $ 20,914.41 $ 345,482.21 Deposits $ 4,740,646.84 $ 12.23 $ 40,006.67 $ 4,780,665.74 Less: Disbursements $ (4,802,739.29) $ $ (40,649.50) $ (4,843,388.79) Add: Endi ng Balances 05/31110 Add: Investments TOTALS $ 210,358.68 $ 52,128.90 $ 20,271.58 $ 282,759.16 $ 33,838,418.01 $ 8,374,618.74 $ 2,056,407.00 $ 44,269,443.75 $ 34,048,776.69 $ 8,426,747.64 $ 2,076,678.58 $ 44,552,202.91 PERCENTAGE OF CURRENT YEAR REVENUES General Operating and Interest & Sinking, Stabilization Funds Total Levy (Budgeted) 2008-09 Tax Collections Current $ Prior Yr. Delinquent $ Penalties $ Collections at 5/3112010 Percentage 35,782,679 865,714 441,888 $ $ $ 35,231,025.50 728,330.53 294,609.97 98.45% 84.13% 66.67% 2009-10 Tax Collections Current $ Prior Yr. Delinquent $ Penalties $ $ $ $ 36,156,012.53 570,338.84 315,530.43 97.69% 82.65% 157.76% $ 16,818,261.40 78.41% 75.94% 2008-09 Other Revenue 37,009,127 690,000 200,000 Budgeted $ 21,446,657 2009-10 Other Revenue $ 23,235,529 $ 17,645,283.16 2008-09 Total Revenue $ 58,536,938 $ 53,072,227.40 90.66% 2009-10 Total Revenue $ 61,134,656 $ 54,687,164.96 89.45% 26 .~ \ WAXAHACHIE INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO DATE 5/1/2010 5/1/2010 5/1/2010 51412010 515/2010 516/2010 5/6/2010 51612010 5/612010 516/2010 5/612010 5/612010 5/612010 5/6/2010 5/612010 5/6/2010 5/612010 5/6/2010 5/612010 5/612010 5/612010 5m2010 5m2010 5/10/2010 5/11/2010 5/13/2010 5/13/2010 5/1412010 5/14/2010 5/17/2010 5/19/2010 5/19/2010 5/19/2010 5/20/2010 5/21/2010 5/21/2010 5/2412010 5/2412010 5/25/2010 5126/2010 5/26/2010 5/26/2010 5128/2010 FUND G/O G/O G/O G/O G/O G/O G/O G/O G/O G/O G/O G/O G/O G/O G/O G/O G/O G/O G/O G/O G/O G/O G/O G/O G/O G/O G/O G/O G/O G/O G/O G/O G/O G/O G/O G/O G/O G/O G/O G/O G/O G/O G/O TYPE POOL POOL MUTUAL FUNDS POOL POOL POOL POOL POOL POOL POOL POOL POOL POOL POOL POOL POOL POOL POOL POOL POOL POOL POOL POOL POOL POOL POOL POOL POOL POOL POOL POOL POOL POOL POOL POOL POOL POOL POOL POOL POOL POOL POOL POOL DESCRIPTION TASB LONE STAR TEX-POOL FUNDS MGMT GRP TASB LONE STAR TASB LONE STAR TASB LONE STAR TASB LONE STAR TASB LONE STAR TASB LONE STAR TASB LONE STAR TASB LONE STAR TASB LONE STAR TASB LONE STAR TASB LONE STAR TASB LONE STAR TASB LONE STAR TASB LONE STAR TASB LONE STAR TASB LONE STAR TASB LONE STAR TASB LONE STAR TASB LONE STAR TASB LONE STAR TASB LONE STAR TASB LONE STAR TASB LONE STAR TASB LONE STAR TASB LONE STAR TASB LONE STAR TASB LONE STAR TASB LONE STAR TASB LONE STAR TASB LONE STAR TASB LONE STAR TASB LONE STAR TASB LONE STAR TASB LONE STAR TASB LONE STAR TASB LONE STAR TASB LONE STAR TASB LONE STAR TASB LONE STAR TASB LONE STAR PUR.AMT. $19,468,448.21 $9,081,671.82 $8,102253.78 $41,542.94 $35,756.27 $27,348.55 $219,495.00 $65,212.73 $4,432.73 $5,348.98 $4,584.62 $4,135.59 $48,848.89 $1,172.40 $168,694.70 $106,041.99 $94,743.12 $443.89 $1,771.60 $3,739.29 $22,203.47 -$150,000.00 $5,915.85 $4,979.28 $1,129.72 $13,905.07 $7,724.86 $2,315.36 -$520,000.00 $88,524.00 $12,927.66 $8,770.58 $3,402.84 $4,550.21 -$3,200,000.00 $9,653.40 $5,822.31 -$200,000.00 $146,446.00 $13,000.00 $9,519.34 $18,998.66 -$250,000.00 YIELD COST PROJ.INT. PAR 0.183 0.193 0.080 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.193 0.080 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 $19,468,448.21 $9,081,671.82 $8,102,253.78 $41,542.94 $35,756.27 $27,348.55 $219,495.00 $65,212.73 $4,432.73 $5,348.98 $4,584.62 $4,135.59 $48,848.89 $1,172.40 $168,694.70 $106,041.99 $94,743.12 $443.89 $1,771.60 $3,739.29 $22,203.47 -$150,000.00 $5,915.85 $4,979.28 $1,129.72 $13,905.07 $7,724.86 $2,315.36 -$520,000.00 $88,524.00 $12,927.66 $8,770.58 $3,402.84 $4,550.21 -$3,200,000.00 $9,653.40 $5,822.31 -$200,000.00 $146,446.00 $13,000.00 $9,519.34 $18,998.66 -$250,000.00 $3,025.88 $1,488.65 $550.51 $5.62 $4.66 $3.43 $27.51 $8.17 $0.56 $0.67 $0.57 $0.52 $6.12 $0.15 $21.14 $13.29 $11.88 $0.06 $0.22 $0.47 $2.78 $0.00 $0.71 $0.52 $0.11 $1.25 $0.70 $0.20 $0.00 $6.21 $0.78 $0.53 $0.20 $0.25 $0.00 $0.48 $0.20 $0.00 $4.41 $0.33 $0.24 $0.48 $0.00 $19,471,474.09 $9,083,160.47 $8,102,804.29 $41,548.56 $35,760.93 $27,351.98 $219,522.51 $65,220.90 $4,433.29 $5,349.65 $4,585.19 $4,136.11 $48,855.01 $1,172.55 $168,715.84 $106,055.28 $94,755.00 $443.95 $1,771.82 $3,739.76 $22,206.25 -$150,000.00 $5,916.56 $4,979.80 $1,129.83 $13,906.32 $7,725.56 $2,315.56 -$520,000.00 $88,530.21 $12,928.44 $8,771.11 $3,403.04 $4,550.46 -$3,200,000.00 $9,653.88 $5,822.51 -$200,000.00 $146,450.41 $13,000.33 $9,519.58 $18,999.14 MATURITY RATE **5/31/2010 **5/31/2010 **5/31/2010 **5/31/2010 **5/31/2010 **5/31/2010 **5/31/2010 **5/31/2010 **5/31/2010 **5/31/2010 **5/31/2010 **5/31/2010 **5/31/2010 **5/31/2010 **5/31/2010 **5/31/2010 **5/31/2010 **5/31/2010 **5/31/2010 **5/31/2010 **5/31/2010 withdrawal **5/31/2010 **5/31/2010 **5/31/2010 **5/31/2010 **5/31/2010 **5/31/2010 withdrawal **5/31/2010 **5/31/2010 **5/31/2010 **5/31/2010 **5/31/2010 withdrawal **5/31/2010 **5/31/2010 withdrawal **5/31/2010 **5/31/2010 **5/31/2010 **5/31/2010 withdrawal ··Pool interest calculated on a per month basis using month end balance. 27 / \. WAXAHACHIE INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO 5/2812010 5/28/2010 5/28/2010 5/28/2010 611/2010 611/2010 61212010 614/2010 G/O G/O G/O G/O G/O G/O G/O G/O POOL POOL POOL MUTUAL FUNDS POOL POOL POOL POOL TASB LONE STAR TASB LONE STAR TEX-POOL FUNDS MGMT GRP TASB LONE STAR TASB LONE STAR TASB LONE STAR TASB LONE STAR SUS-TOTAL: 5/1/2010 5/412010 5/5/2010 5/612010 5m2010 5/10/2010 5/11/2010 I&S I&S I&S I&S I&S I&S I&S I&S I&S I&S I&S I&S I&S I&S I&S I&S I&S I&S I&S I&S I&S I&S I&S I&S POOL POOL POOL POOL POOL POOL POOL POOL POOL POOL POOL POOL POOL POOL POOL POOL POOL POOL POOL POOL POOL POOL POOL POOL TASB-LONE STAR TASB-LONE STAR TASS-LONE STAR TASS-LONE STAR TASS-LONE STAR TASB-LONE STAR TASB-LONE STAR TASS-LONE STAR TASS-LONE STAR TASS·LONE STAR TASB-LONE STAR TASS-LONE STAR TASS-LONE STAR TASS·LONE STAR TASS·LONE STAR TASS·LONE STAR TASS·LONE STAR TASS·LONE STAR TASS-LONE STAR TASB-LONE STAR TASS-LONE STAR TASS-LONE STAR TASS·LONE STAR TASS-LONE STAR 511312010 5/13/2010 5/1412010 5/19/2010 5/19/2010 5/19/2010 5/20/2010 5/21/2010 5/2412010 5/26/2010 5/2612010 5/27/2010 5/28/2010 5/2812010 6/1/2010 6/212010 6/412010 5/1/2010 5/28/2010 5/28/2010 BLDG. BLDG. BLDG. POOL POOL POOL $15,149.07 $2,800.04 $1,624.15 $528.33 $11,922.51 $174,975.17 $54,299.43 $31,643.60 $33,838,418.01 **5/31/2010 **5/31/2010 **5/31/2010 **5/31/2010 **5/31/2010 **5/31/2010 **5/31/2010 **5/31/2010 **5/31/2010 **5/31/2010 **5/31/2010 **5/31/2010 **5/31/2010 **5/31/2010 **5/31/2010 **5/31/2010 **5/31/2010 **5/31/2010 **5131/2010 **5/31/2010 **5/31/2010 SUB-TOTAL: $8,269,800.64 $12,781.65 $10,471.30 $8,391.06 $1,564.37 $1,443.74 $340.32 $4,278.49 $2,376.88 $712.41 $3,977.73 $2,727.25 $1,009.60 $1,400.07 $2,961.69 $1,792.49 $4,000.36 $2,929.07 $5,845.72 $4,405.53 $1,297.31 $3,677.00 $16,707.54 $9,736.52 $8,374,618.74 TASS·LONE STAR TASB-LONE STAR TASB·LONE STAR SUS-TOTAL: $2,096,080.57 -$40,000.00 $326.43 $2,056,407.00 **5/31/2010 TOTAL INVESTED: $44,269,443.75 0.183 0.183 $15,149.07 $2,800.04 $1,624.15 $528.33 $11,922.51 $174,975.17 $54,299.43 $31,643.60 $33,838,418.01 $0.23 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $15,149.30 $2,800.04 $1,624.15 $528.33 $11,922.51 $174,975.17 $54,299.43 $31643.60 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 $0.18 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 $0.18 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.183 $8,269,800.64 $12,781.65 $10,471.30 $8,391.06 $1,554.37 $1,443.74 $340.32 $4,278.49 $2,376.88 $712.41 $3,977.73 $2,727.25 $1,009.60 $1,400.07 $2,961.69 $1,792.49 $4,000.36 $2,929.07 $5,845.72 $4,405.53 $1,297.31 $3,677.00 $16,707.54 $9,736.52 $8,374,618.74 $1,285.33 $1.73 $1.36 $1.05 $0.19 $0.15 $0.03 $0.39 $0.21 $0.06 $0.24 $0.16 $0.06 $0.08 $0.15 $0.06 $0.10 $0.07 $0.12 $0.07 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $8,271,085.97 $12,783.38 $10,472.66 $8,392.11 $1,554.56 $1,443.89 $340.35 $4,278.88 $2,377.09 $712.47 $3,977.97 $2,727.41 $1,009.66 $1,400.15 $2,961.84 $1,792.55 $4,000.46 $2,929.14 $5,845.84 $4,405.60 0.183 0.183 $2,096,080.57 -$40,000.00 $326.43 $2,056,407.00 $325.78 $2,096,406.35 interest interest interest in transit in transit in transit in transit interest in transit In transit in transit withdrawal interest **Pool interest calculated on a per month basis using month end balance. 28 WAXAHACHIE INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO total does not include scholarship investments 1/15/2008 8/25/2009 5/1/2010 9/15/2009 9/15/2009 9/15/2009 5/28/2010 SCH. SCH. SCH. SCH. SCH. SCH. SCH. CD CD POOL CD CD CD POOL CNB CNB TASB·LONE STAR CNB CNB CNB TASB-LONE STAR SCHOLARSHIP TOTAL: $9,539.01 $410,000.00 $31,128.07 $159,338.78 $50,467.68 $42,172.61 $4.86 $702,651.01 4/10/2010 8/25/2010 ....5/31/2010 9/15/2010 9/15/2010 9/15/2010 1.750 1.540 0.195 1.540 1.540 1.540 1.750 1.540 0.195 1.540 1.540 1.540 INTEREST $9.539.01 $410,000.00 $31,128.07 $159,338.78 $50,467.68 $42,172.61 $4.86 $702,651.01 $76.44 $6,310.85 $5.16 $2,453.81 $777.20 $649.45 $9,615.45 $416,310.85 $31,133.23 $161,792.59 $51,244.88 $42,822.06 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS IS A TRUE AND CORRECT SUMMARY OF THE DISTRICTS INVESTMENTS AS OF 5/31/2010. INVESTMENTS REPRESENTED IN THIS REPORT ARE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE ADOPTED WISD INVESTMENT STRATEGY AND POLICY. TOM COLLINS, SUPERINTENDENT WENDY ROSS, GENERAL LEDGER SUPERVISOR /The last section of this report "Fund 829/Scholarships" are investments held by the District for designated scholarship funds. ""Pool interest calculated on a per month basis using month end balance. 29 WAXAHACHIE ISO SUMMARY OF ACTIVITY AS OF MAY 2010 REVENUES 45,976,777.66 49,794,258 52,206,626 88.06% 92.69% EXPENDITURES 35,261,783.16 49,740,460 52,727,070 66.87% 69.08% REVENUES 2,389,493.72 5,530,437 6,015,646 39.72% 44.35% EXPENDITURES 2,756,198.81 5,509,589 6,029,017 45.71% 57.08% REVENUES 8,710,387.30 8,928,030 8,928,030 97.56% 98.13% EXPENDITURES 2,224,505.62 8,579,442 8,579,442 25.92% 26.63% 3,281.96 10,000 10,000 32.81% 62.66% 252,467.30 1,926,651 1,926,651 13.10% 24.67% REVENUES 2,803,201.61 3,219,949 3,223,134 86.97% 77.32% EXPENDITURES 2,386,553.32 3,116,502 3,484,552 68.48% 62.33% REVENUES EXPENDITURES 30 Account Number OBJ SO LOC 2009-10 Encumbered FYTD Activity Amount 2009-10 2009-10 Unencumbered Original BUdget Revised Budget Balance 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 * 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 161 R 00 ---- -- --- - -- --- * 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 161 R -- ---- -- --- - -- --- * 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 161 - -- ---- -- --- - -- --- *LOC TEC 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 161 R 00 5831 00 000 0 00 000 161 R 00 58-- -- --- - -- --- 31 Account Number .o:0::::.B.o:J 181 R 00 5743 00 000 0 00 000 RENT 181 R 00 5752 51 000 0 00 000 ATH ACT _ SO =L~O-,::C _ FOOTBLL 181 R 00 5752 51 000 0 00 051 ATH ACT FOOTBLL PLAYOFF 181 R 00 5752 51 002 0 01 000 ATH ACT FOOTBLL Unencumbered 2009-10 Encumbered 2009-10 2009-10 FYTD Activity Amount Original Budget Revised Budget 16,541.00 0.00 3,000.00 3,000 111,859.26 0.00 125,000.00 125,000 13,140.74 53,437.81 0.00 0.00 21,250 -32,187.81 0.00 0.00 0.00 o 0.00 5,000 3,038.50 Balance -13,541.00 181 R 00 5752 51 042 0 00 000 ATH ACT FOOTBLL 1,961.50 0.00 5,000.00 181 R 00 5752 51 043 0 00 000 ATH ACT FOOTBLL 3,454.50 0.00 0.00 o -3,454.50 5,000 -44,637.50 -136.90 181 R 00 5752 52 002 0 00 000 ATH ACT BBSKTBL 181 R 00 5752 52 002 0 00 052 ATH ACT BBSKTBL BBASKPO 181 R 00 5752 52 042 0 00 000 ATH ACT 49,637.50 0.00 5,000.00 136.90 0.00 0.00 o 1,500.00 1,500 349.00 -845.00 574.50 1,151.00 BBSKTBL 0.00 181 R 00 5752 52 043 0 00 000 ATH ACT BBSKTBL 845.00 0.00 0.00 o 181 R 00 5752 53 002 0 00 000 ATH ACT GRLBSKT 4,425.50 0.00 5,000.00 5,000 181 R 00 5752 53 002 0 00 053 ATH ACT GRLBSKT PLAYOFF 0.00 o 0.00 1,500 1,075.00 0.00 0.00 181 R 00 5752 53 042 0 00 000 ATH ACT GRLBSKT 425.00 0.00 1,500.00 181 R 00 5752 53 043 0 00 000 ATH ACT GRLBSKT 500.00 0.00 0.00 o -500.00 4,000 -1,981.00 181 R 00 5752 54 002 0 00 000 ATH ACT BSEBALL 5,981.00 0.00 4,000.00 181 R 00 5752 54 002 0 00 001 ATH ACT BSEBALL 0.00 0.00 0.00 181 R 00 5752 54 002 0 00 054 ATH ACT BSEBALL PLAYOFF 0.00 0.00 0.00 181 R 00 5752 55 002 0 00 000 ATH ACT BTRACK 0.00 0.00 0.00 181 R 00 5752 56 002 0 00 000 ATH ACT GTRACK 0.00 0.00 0.00 181 R 00 5752 57 002 0 00 000 ATH ACT TENNIS 0.00 0.00 0.00 181 R 00 5752 58 002 0 00 000 ATH ACT BGOLF 0.00 0.00 0.00 o o o o o o 3,000 -4,551.00 -738.42 181 R 00 5752 59 002 0 00 000 ATH ACT VOLLEBL 181 R 00 5752 59 002 0 00 059 ATH ACT VOLLEBL VBALLPL 181 R 00 5752 59 042 0 00 000 ATH ACT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7,551.00 0.00 3,000.00 738.42 0.00 0.00 o 1,500.00 1,500 34.00 -1,085.00 -33.84 1,466.00 VOLLEBL 0.00 0.00 0.00 181 R 00 5752 59 043 0 00 000 ATH ACT VOLLEBL 1,085.00 0.00 0.00 o 181 R 00 5752 61 000 0 00 000 ATH ACT BSOCCR 2,033.84 0.00 2,000.00 2,000 0.00 o 0.00 2,000 -605.00 181 R 00 5752 61 000 0 00 061 ATH ACT BSOCCR BCOMPT 181 R 00 5752 62 000 0 00 000 ATH ACT GSFTBAL 181 R 00 5752 62 000 0 00 063 ATH ACT GSFTBAL girls soft 0.00 0.00 2,605.00 0.00 2,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 o 0.00 -446.16 181 R 00 5752 69 002 0 00 000 ATH ACT GSOCCR 2,446.16 0.00 2,000.00 2,000 181 R 00 5752 69 002 0 91 000 ATH ACT GSOCCR 0.00 0.00 0.00 o 0.00 181 R 00 5752 69 002 0 91 069 ATH ACT GSOCCR 0.00 o 0.00 181 R 00 5752 69 002 0 99 069 ATH ACT GSOCCR 0.00 181 R 00 57- - -- - - -- *LOC/INT GIRL SOCCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 o 268,281.39 0.00 160,500.00 181,750 -86,531.39 181 R 00 5831 00 000 0 00 000 27,162.23 0.00 34,142.00 34,142 6,979.77 181 R 00 58- 27,162.23 0.00 34,142.00 34, 142 6,979.77 295,443.62 0.00 194,642.00 215,892 -79,551.62 GIRL SOCCE 181 R 00 --- - -- - - -- 32 Account Number .:::O-=B-=J _ so LOC 181 R - --- - -- - - -- 181 - - --- - -- - - -- *ATH 33 Unencumbered 2009-10 Encumbered 2009-10 2009-10 FYTD Activity Amount Original Budget Revised Budget 295,443.62 0.00 194,642.00 215,892 -79,551.62 295,443.62 0.00 194,642.00 215,892 -79,551. 62 Balance Account Number 199 R 00 5711 00 000 199 R 00 5711 01 000 199 R 00 5712 00 000 199 R 00 5716 00 000 199 R 00 5719 00 000 199 R 00 5719 01 000 199 R 00 5729 00 000 199 R 00 5735 00 000 199 R 00 5735 00 000 199 R 00 5736 66 981 199 R 00 5739 00 000 199 R 00 5739 00 000 199 R 00 5739 01 000 199 R 00 5739 09 000 199 R 00 5739 21 000 OBJ a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a 199 R 00 5744 00 000 199 R 00 5744 00 981 199 R 00 5744 01 981 199 R 00 5745 00 000 199 R 00 5749 00 000 199 R 00 5749 00 000 199 R 00 5749 00 000 _ 2009-10 Encumbered 2009-10 2009-10 Unencumbered FYTD Activity Amount Original Budget Revised Budget Balance 22,908,311.71 0.00 28,301,097.00 22,908,311 -0.71 00 000 TAXES 4,740,403.09 0.00 0.00 5,392,786 652,382.91 00 000 PY/TXES 443,759.12 0.00 600,000.00 600,000 156,240.88 TX LIEU 0.00 0.00 0.00 a 0.00 245,624.67 0.00 170, 000. 00 170,000 -75,624.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 a 0.00 60,732.41 0.00 86,767.00 98,162 37,429.59 1,076.00 0.00 0.00 a -1,076.00 0.00 112, 000. 00 112,000 12,433.38 0.00 0.00 a 0.00 4,710.00 0.00 4,500.00 4,500 -210.00 5,720.00 0.00 5,000.00 5,000 -720.00 a a a 0.00 00 000 00 000 P & 00 000 P & I 00 576 SVCS 00 000 TUITION 22 000 00 000 DR ED TUITION 00 202 TUITION 00 000 TUITION 00 000 TUITION 00 000 SAPE 99,566.62 TUITION 00 000 TUITION 0.00 DR ED SAT SCH Enrich G/T INT. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 41,957.76 0.00 200,000.00 50,000 8,042.24 -4,073.00 0.00 RENT 19,073.00 0.00 15,000.00 15,000 00 000 RENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 00 000 GIFTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 00 000 GIFTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 a a a 0.00 375 0.00 -271.00 199 R 00 5743 00 000 0 00 000 a a a a a a a a a =LO=C~ TAXES 00 000 199 R 00 5742 00 000 0 00 000 199 R 00 5743 01 000 _SO 00 000 375.00 GIFTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 00 000 INS REC 271.00 0.00 0.00 a 00 000 OTH/LOC 35,304.71 0.00 10,000.00 10,000 -25,304.71 0.00 5,000.00 5,000 -12,967.36 0.00 a 0.00 5,000 -1,135.15 00 026 00 031 INS COMMIS OTH/LOC AP SUPPLIE OTH/LOC 17,967.36 0.00 0.00 00 950 OTH/LOC 1. D. Badge 6,135.15 0.00 5,000.00 199 R 00 5749 00 000 0 00 995 OTH/LOC Cell Phone 11,265.25 0.00 5,500.00 6,029 -5,236.25 0.00 1,000.00 1,000 -359.68 0.00 a 0.00 264.91 199 R 00 5749 00 000 199 R 00 5749 00 000 0 00 996 199 R 00 5749 00 000 199 R 00 5749 00 000 199 R 00 5749 01 000 199 R 00 5749 28 000 199 R 00 5749 76 000 199 R 00 5753 22 000 199 R 00 5761 00 000 a a a a a a a 00 998 LIBRARY FI OTH/LOC GALA OTH/LOC 00 999 OTH/LOC 00 000 OTH/LOC D/WTXBK 1,359.68 0.00 0.00 735.09 0.00 1,000.00 1,000 0.00 0.00 0.00 00 000 OTH/LOC SUM ACT 0.00 0.00 0.00 00 000 OTH/LOC MENTOR 0.00 0.00 0.00 00 000 EX/CURR OIL 0.00 0.00 0.00 a a a a 487.49 00 000 199 R 00 57- 'LOC/INT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.51 0.00 500.00 500 28,644,360.13 0.00 29,522,364.00 29,384,663 740,302.87 311,478.00 0.00 987,671.00 678,334 366,856.00 00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 199 R 00 5811 01 699 0 00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 a a 199 R 00 5811 00 000 0 00 000 199 R 00 5811 01 000 a 34 0.00 Account Number OBJ SO LaC 2009-10 Encumbered 2009-10 2009-10 Unencumbered FYTD Activity Amount Original Budget Revised Budget Balance 199 R 00 5811 02 000 0 00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 199 R 00 5812 00 000 0 00 000 13,617,293.00 0.00 16,867,563.00 17,726,724 4,109,431.00 199 R 00 5812 01 000 0 00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 199 R 00 5829 00 000 0 00 000 6,878.00 0.00 0.00 6,878 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 199 R 00 5829 08 000 0 00 000 199 R 00 5829 65 000 0 00 000 ALT ED 199 R 00 5831 00 000 0 00 000 199 R 00 5831 00 000 0 00 576 SAPE 199 R 00 5839 00 000 0 00 000 STATE REVENUE 199 R 00 58- - -- - - -- * 0.00 0.00 6,819.00 6,819 6,819.00 1,648,383.67 0.00 2,185,199.00 2,220,228 571,844.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 15,584,032.67 0.00 20,047,252.00 20,638,983 5,054,950.33 199 R 00 5929 01 000 0 00 000 0.00 0.00 30,000.00 30,000 30,000.00 199 R 00 5931 00 000 0 00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 30,000.00 30,000 30,000.00 199 R 00 5932 00 000 0 00 000 MAC 199 R 00 5949 00 000 0 00 000 199 R 00 59- - -- - - -- * 0.00 0.00 199 R 00 6146 01 981 0 00 000 TRS/CAR 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 199 R 00 61- - -- - - -- * 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 -535.20 199 R 00 7912 01 000 0 00 000 SALE/PR 535.20 0.00 0.00 0 199 R 00 7915 00 000 0 00 000 TRAN/IN 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 199 R 00 79- - -- - - -- *OTHER 535.20 0.00 0.00 0 -535.20 199 R 00 --- - -- - - -- * 44,228,928.00 0.00 49,599,616.00 50,053,646 5,824,718.00 199 R - --- - -- - - -- * 44,228,928.00 0.00 49,599,616.00 50,053,646 5,824,718.00 199 - - --- - -- - - -- *GENERAL 44,228,928.00 0.00 49,599,616.00 50,053,646 5,824,718.00 35 Account Number OBJ so LOC Grand Revenue Totals 2009-10 Encumbered 2009-10 2009-10 Unencumbered FYTD Activity Amount Original Budget Revised Budget Balance 44,524,371. 62 0.00 49,794,258.00 50,269,538 5,745,166.38 ************************ End of report ************************ 36 Account Number OBJ SO LOC 266 R 00 5929 00 000 0 00 000 2009-10 Encumbered 2009-10 2009-10 FYTD Activity Amount Original Budget Revised Budget 0.00 0.00 1,452,406.04 1,937,088 Unencumbered Balance 484,681.96 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 266 R 00 59-- -- --- - -- --- * 1,452,406.04 0.00 0.00 1,937,088 484,681.96 266 R 00 ---- -- --- - -- --- * 1,452,406.04 0.00 0.00 1,937,088 484,681.96 266 R -- ---- -- --- - -- --- * 1,452,406.04 0.00 0.00 1,937,088 484,681.96 266 - -- ---- -- --- - -- --- *SFSF 1,452,406.04 0.00 0.00 1,937,088 484,681.96 266 R 00 5929 00 000 1 00 000 37 Account Number OBJ so LOC Grand Revenue Totals 2009-10 Encumbered 2009-10 2009-10 Unencumbered FYTD Activity Amount Original Budget Revised Budget Balance 1,452,406.04 0.00 0.00 1,937,088 484,681.96 ************************ End of report ************************ 38 _ so 2009-10 Encumbered 2009-10 2009-10 Unencumbered FYTD Activity Amount Original Budget Revised Budget Balance 0.00 0.00 0.00 o 0.00 16.25 0.00 0.00 16.25 0.00 o o o -456.50 Account Number "O:::BJ"- 701 R 00 5742 00 000 0 00 000 INT. 701 R 00 5749 00 000 0 00 000 OTH/LOC 701 R 00 5749 00 042 0 00 000 OTH/LOC 0.00 0.00 0.00 701 R 00 5751 00 000 0 00 000 FD SERV 456.50 0.00 WC 0.00 701 R 00 5751 00 001 0 00 000 FD SERV 129,281.27 0.00 123,000.00 123,000 -6,281. 27 701 R 00 5751 00 002 0 00 000 FD SERV 240,814.49 0.00 330,000.00 330,000 89,185.51 701 R 00 5751 00 003 0 00 000 FD SERV 0.00 0.00 0.00 o 0.00 701 R 00 5751 00 004 0 00 000 FD SERV 38,924.93 0.00 27,000.00 27,000 -11,924.93 701 R 00 5751 00 041 0 00 000 FD SERV 0.00 0.00 0.00 o 0.00 701 R 00 5751 00 042 0 00 000 FD SERV 100,063.27 0.00 120,000.00 120,000 19,936.73 701 R 00 5751 00 043 0 00 000 FD SERV 120,850.60 0.00 120,000.00 120,000 -850.60 -3,846.26 701 R 00 5751 00 044 0 00 000 FD SERV 98,846.26 0.00 95,000.00 95,000 701 R 00 5751 00 103 0 00 000 FD SERV 0.00 0.00 0.00 o 0.00 701 R 00 5751 00 104 0 00 000 FD SERV 59,781.08 0.00 110,000.00 110,000 50,218.92 701 R 00 5751 00 105 0 00 000 FD SERV 0.00 0.00 0.00 o 0.00 36,711. 86 701 R 00 5751 00 106 0 00 000 FD SERV 63,288.14 0.00 100,000.00 100,000 701 R 00 5751 00 107 0 00 000 FD SERV 74,948.33 0.00 100,000.00 100,000 25,051.67 31,253.13 701 R 00 5751 00 108 0 00 000 FD SERV 73,746.87 0.00 105,000.00 105,000 701 R 00 5751 00 109 0 00 000 FD SERV 34,414.11 0.00 87,700.00 87,700 53,285.89 701 R 00 5751 00 110 0 00 000 FD SERV 72,164.83 0.00 105,000.00 105,000 32,835.17 701 R 00 5751 00 998 0 00 000 FD SERV 18,475.60 0.00 0.00 o -18,475.60 701 R 00 57- - -- - - -- *LOC/INT 1,126,040.03 0.00 1,422,700.00 L 422, 700 296,659.97 701 R 00 5829 00 000 0 00 000 0.00 0.00 15,529.00 15,529 15,529.00 701 R 00 5831 00 000 0 00 000 15,526.44 0.00 76,160.00 76,160 60,633.56 15,526.44 0.00 91,689.00 91,689 76,162.56 701 R 00 5919 00 000 0 00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 701 R 00 59- 0.00 0.00 0.00 o o 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 2,000 2,000.00 701 R 00 58- 701 R 00 7912 01 000 0 00 000 SALE/PR 0.00 701 R 00 7952 00 000 0 00 000 NSLP/BR 295,411.00 0.00 350,000.00 350,000 54,589.00 701 R 00 7953 00 000 0 00 000 NSLP/LU 1,196,019.00 0.00 1,100,000.00 1,100,000 -96,019.00 701 R 00 7954 00 000 0 00 000 USDA/CO 0.00 0.00 86,637.00 86,637 86,637.00 701 R 00 7955 00 000 0 00 000 TEMP/DP 1,449.00 0.00 4,000.00 4,000 2,551.00 701 R 00 79- *OTHER 1,492,879.00 0.00 1,542,637.00 1,542,637 49,758.00 701 R 00 --- - -- - - -- 2,634,445.47 0.00 3,057,026.00 3,057,026 422,580.53 701 R - --- - -- - - -- 2,634,445.47 0.00 3,057,026.00 3,057,026 422,580.53 39 Account Number "Oc:B~J 701 - - --- - -- - - -- *N3BLP _ 30 LOC 2009-10 Encumbered 2009-10 2009-10 FYTD Activity Amount Original Budget Revised Budget 0.00 3,057,026.00 2,634,445.47 40 3,057,026 Unencumbered Balance 422,580.53 2009-10 Encumbered 2009-10 2009-10 Unencumbered FYTD Activity Amount Original Budget Revised Budget Balance 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 OTH/LOC 137,840.65 0.00 137,665.00 140,850 3,009.35 *LOC/INT 137,840.65 0.00 137,665.00 140,850 3,009.35 5,640.83 0.00 7,234.00 7,234 1,593.17 5,640.83 0.00 7,234.00 7,234 1,593.17 Account Number OBJ 711 R 00 5729 00 000 0 00 000 SVCS 711 R 00 5749 00 000 0 00 000 711 R 00 57- - -- - - -- SO LOC 711 R 00 5831 00 000 0 00 000 711 R 00 58- - -- - - -- * 711 R 00 7915 00 000 0 00 000 TRAN/IN 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 711 R 00 79- - -- - - -- *OTHER 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 711 R 00 --- - -- - - -- * 143,481. 48 0.00 144,899.00 148,084 4,602.52 711 R - --- - -- - - -- * 143,481.48 0.00 144,899.00 148,084 4,602.52 711 - - --- - -- - - -- * 143,481. 48 0.00 144,899.00 148,084 4,602.52 41 Account Number OBJ 720 R 00 5739 00 000 0 00 000 TUITION 720 R 00 57-- -- --- - -- --- *LOC/INT SO LaC Unencumbered 2009-10 Encumbered 2009-10 2009-10 FYTD Activity Amount Original Budget Revised Budget 25,100.84 0.00 18,000.00 18,000 -7,100.84 25,100.84 0.00 18,000.00 18,000 -7,100.84 Balance 173.82 0.00 24.00 24 -149.82 720 R 00 58-- -- --- - -- --- * 173.82 0.00 24.00 24 -149.82 720 R 00 ---- -- --- - -- --- * 25,274.66 0.00 18,024.00 18,024 -7,250.66 720 R -- ---- -- --- - -- --- * 25,274.66 0.00 18,024.00 18,024 -7,250.66 720 - -- ---- -- --- - -- --- *L FOR L 25,274.66 0.00 18,024.00 18,024 -7,250.66 720 R 00 5831 00 000 0 00 000 42 Account Number OBJ so LOC Grand Revenue Totals 2009-10 Encumbered 2009-10 2009-10 Unencumbered FYTD Activity Amount Original Budget Revised Budget Balance 2,803,201. 61 0.00 3,219,949.00 3,223,134 419,932.39 ************************ End of report ************************ 43 2009-10 ----- -FC OBJ FYTD Activity ______ Encumbered 2009-10 2009-10 Unencumbered Amount Original Budget Revised Budget Balance 2009-10 FYTD % 00 LOCAL/INTER. SOURCES 28,912,641.52 0.00 29,682,864 29,566,413 653,771.48 97.79 00 STATE PROGRAM REV. 15,611,194.90 0.00 20,081,394 20,673,125 5,061,930.10 75.51 0.00 00 FEDERAL PROG. REV. 0.00 0.00 30,000 30,000 30,000.00 00 PAYROLL COSTS 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 535.20 0.00 0 0 -535.20 0.00 00 44,524,371.62 0.00 49,794,258 50,269,538 5,745,166.38 88.57 - Revenue 44,524,371. 62 0.00 49,794,258 50,269,538 5,745,166.38 88.57 00 OTHER RESOURCES 00 PAYROLL COSTS 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 00 OTHER OPERATING EXP. 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 11 PAYROLL COSTS . 19,022,079.10 0.00 27,131,486 27,703,745 8,681,665.90 68.66 11 PRO./CONTRACTED SVC. 221,479.31 24,844.00 300,442 334,527 88,203.69 73.63 11 SUPPLIES 828,080.73 216,001. 92 1,326,229 1,291,133 247,050.35 80.87 38,824.67 9,525.37 73,731 78,857 30,506.96 61. 31 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 20,110,463.81 250,371. 29 28,831,888 29,408,262 9,047,426.90 69.24 250,106.26 0.00 639,830 373,122 123,015.74 67.03 6,100.00 0.00 6,100 6,110 10.00 99.84 104,064.88 14,419.67 118,923 118,905 420.45 99.65 5,753.15 400.00 17,380 17,388 11,234.85 35.39 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 366,024.29 14,819.67 782,233 515,525 134,681.04 73.87 11 OTHER OPERATING EXP. 11 CAPITAL PROJECTS 11 INSTRUCTION 12 PAYROLL COSTS 12 PRO./CONTRACTED SVC. 12 SUPPL IES 12 OTHER OPERATING EXP. 12 CAPITAL PROJECTS 12 INST. RESOURCES & ME 420,322.40 0.00 544,458 544,458 124,135.60 77.20 13 PRO./CONTRACTED SVC. 14,871.22 0.00 27,000 18,650 3,778.78 79.74 13 SUPPL IES 50,208.40 6,033.30 54,000 63,350 7,108.30 88.78 13 OTHER OPERATING EXP. 19,414.24 1,724.74 30,542 28,900 7,761.02 73.15 13 CURRICULUM DEV.& INS 504,816.26 7,758.04 656,000 655,358 142,783.70 78.21 21 PAYROLL COSTS 416,735.84 0.00 577,176 577,176 160,440.16 72.20 13,686.56 13.10 72.91 13 PAYROLL COSTS 21 PRO./CONTRACTED SVC. 21 SUPPLIES 21 OTHER OPERATING EXP. 21 INSTRUCTIONAL LEADER 2,063.44 0.00 20,500 15,750 10,368.74 5,039.05 11,783 21,133 5,725.21 6,650 1,099.33 83.47 620,709 180,951.26 70.85 192.35 5,358.32 5,231.40 434,526.34 44 7,050 616,509 2009-10 _ _ FC OBJ 23 PAYROLL COSTS 23 PRO. I CONTRACTED SYC. 23 SUPPLIES 23 OTHER OPERATING EXP. 23 SCHOOL LEADERSHIP 31 PAYROLL COSTS 31 PRO. I CONTRACTED SYC. 31 SUPPLIES - FYTD Encumbered __ 2009-10 2009-10 Unencumbered Revised Budget Balance 2009-10 FYTD % Amount Original Budget _ _ 2,559,038.70 0.00 3,496,440 3,496,440 937,401. 30 4,427.76 2,513.00 11,457 15,933 8,992.24 43.56 38,192.50 1,367.42 46,844 46,571 7,011.08 84.95 44,437.35 16,310.19 74,273 66,779 6,031.46 90.97 20,190.61 3,629,014 3,625,723 959,436.08 73.54 491,167.14 0.00 1,609,049 760,214 269,046.86 64.61 4,109.00 150.28 5,500 5,500 1,240.72 77.44 Activ~ 2,646,096.31 73.19 -774.76 7,379.66 19,026 20,369 13,764.10 32.43 31 OTHER OPERATING EXP. 914.39 1,091. 75 6,999 4,979 2,972.86 40.29 31 GUIDANCE & COUNSEL IN 495,415.77 8,621.69 1,640,574 791,062 287,024.54 63.72 32 PAYROLL COSTS 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 32 PRO./CONTRACTED SYC. 0.00 0.00 0 a 0.00 0.00 32 OTHER OPERATING EXP. 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 32 SOCIAL WORK SERVICES 0.00 0.00 0 a 0.00 0.00 60,031.68 0.00 667,229 91,453 31,421.32 65.64 0.00 694.40 1,500 1,500 805.60 46.29 12,463.24 604.41 18,543 18,543 5,475.35 70.47 33 PAYROLL COSTS 33 PRO.ICONTRACTED SYC. 33 SUPPLIES 33 OTHER OPERATING EXP. 33 HEALTH SERVICES 34 PAYROLL COSTS 34 PRO./CONTRACTED SYC. 34 SUPPLIES 4,821. 64 362.97 7,500 7,500 2,315.39 69.13 77,316.56 1,661.78 694,772 118,996 40,017.66 66.37 872,320.22 0.00 1,184,195 1,199,719 327,398.78 72.71 20,783.19 9,100.94 49,500 43,500 13,615.87 68.70 168,587.45 9,438.74 182,850 209,350 31,323.81 85.04 79.16 27,705.35 0.00 51,500 35,000 7,294.65 310,993.61 0.00 271,845 326,621 15,627.39 95.22 1,400,389.82 18,539.68 1,739,890 1,814,190 395,260.50 78.21 35 PAYROLL COSTS 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 35 FOOD SERVICES 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 72.29 34 OTHER OPERATING EXP. 34 CAPITAL PROJECTS 34 PUPIL TRANSPORTATION 36 PAYROLL COSTS 591,550.82 0.00 817,065 818,265 226,714.18 36 PRO. I CONTRACTED SYC. 122,552.88 5,631.00 141,296 141,613 13,429.12 90.52 98,250.30 137,074.87 187,879 274,983 39,657.83 85.58 256,886.34 17,374.42 247,825 274,849 588.24 99.79 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 1,069,240.34 160,080.29 1,394,065 1,509,710 280,389.37 81. 43 36 SUPPLIES 36 OTHER OPERATING EXP. 36 CAPITAL PROJECTS 36 COCURR.!EXTRACURR.AC 45 2009-10 FC OBJ -- 41 PAYROLL COSTS 41 PRO.!CONTRACTED SVC. FYTD Activity - 774,528.77 Encumbered 2009-10 2009-10 Unencumbered 2009-10 Amount Original Budget Revised Budget Balance FYTD % - 0.00 1,063,467 1,064,357 289,828.23 72.77 294,337 118,684.35 59.68 83.45 121,459.40 54,193.25 251,325 41 SUPPLIES 40,546.73 14,349.20 56,500 65,783 10,887.07 41 OTHER OPERATING EXP. 82,229.88 15,857.82 196,053 2,017,227 1,919,139.30 4.86 6,500.00 0.00 9,500 15,500 9,000.00 41.94 41 GENERAL ADMINISTRATI 1,025,264.78 84,400.27 1,576,845 3,457,204 2,347,538.95 32.10 51 PAYROLL COSTS 1,984,634.33 0.00 2,875,463 2,875,463 890,828.67 69.02 51 PRO.(CONTRACTED SVC. 1,769,754.52 17,815.25 2,566,250 2,654,444 866,874.23 67.34 51 SUPPLIES 415,082.77 31,087.03 574,085 560,801 114,631. 20 79.56 51 OTHER OPERATING EXP. 195,047.15 0.00 279,032 252,332 57,284.85 77 .30 15,608.66 0.00 64,319 16,109 500.34 96.89 4,380,127.43 48,902.28 6,359,149 6,359,149 1,930,119.29 69.65 267,967.83 0.00 386,869 386,869 118,901.17 69.27 10,543.30 254.45 23,170 23,170 12,372.25 46.60 41 CAPITAL PROJECTS 51 CAPITAL PROJECTS 51 PLANT MAINTENANCE & 52 PAYROLL COSTS 52 PRO.(CONTRACTED SVC. 52 SUPPLIES 8,463.66 400.00 31,502 31,502 22,638.34 28.14 52 OTHER OPERATING EXP. 2,125.00 3,917.50 6,755 6,755 712.50 89.45 0.00 0.00 6,000 6,000 6,000.00 0.00 289,099.79 4,571.95 454,296 454,296 160,624.26 64.64 52 CAPITAL PROJECTS 52 SECURITY & MONITORIN 53 PAYROLL COSTS 249,278.84 0.00 388,520 388,520 139,241.16 64.16 53 PRO.(CONTRACTED SVC. 164,580.96 79,624.10 278,977 340,540 96,334.94 71.71 34,337.25 5,176.00 56,500 56,500 16,986.75 69.93 909.15 405.00 11,684 11,684 10,369.85 11. 25 53 SUPPL IES 53 OTHER OPERATING EXP. 48,634.98 27,667.00 50,000 85,710 9,408.02 89.02 53 DATA PROCESSING SERV 497,741.18 112,872.10 785,681 882,954 272,340.72 69.16 61 PAYROLL COSTS 103,570.60 0.00 135,033 132,333 28,762.40 78.27 23,975.13 0.00 36,781 36,781 12,805.87 65.18 3,184.93 630.93 12,955 12,955 9,139.14 29.45 53 CAPITAL PROJECTS 61 PRO.(CONTRACTED SVC. 61 SUPPL IES 61 OTHER OPERATING EXP. 61 COMMUNITY SERVICES 4,184.48 1,425.00 7,408 7,408 1,798.52 75.72 134,915.14 2,055.93 192,177 189,477 52,505.93 72.29 81 PRO.(CONTRACTED SVC. 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 81 SUPPLIES 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 81 CAPITAL PROJECTS 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 81 FACILITIES ACQ. & CO 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 99 PRO.(CONTRACTED SVC. 377,939.30 0.00 387,367 387,367 9,427.70 97.57 46 FC OBJ 99 Other Governmental C -- Expense -- 2009-10 Encumbered 2009-10 2009-10 Unencumbered FYTD Activity Amount Original Budget Revised Budget Balance FYTD % -- 2009-10 377,939.30 0.00 387,367 387,367 9,427.70 97.57 33,809,377 .12 740,076.98 49,740,460 50,789,982 16,240,527.90 68.02 Grand Revenue Totals 44,524,371.62 0.00 49,794,258 50,269,538 5,745,166.38 88.57 Grand Expense Totals 33,809,377 .12 740,076.98 49,740,460 50,789,982 16,240,527.90 68.02 Grand Totals 10,714,994.50 740,076.98 53,798 520,444 Profit Loss Profit Loss ************************ End of report ************************ 47 10,495,361.52 -2,058.82 Loss FC OBJ -- 2009-10 Encumbered FYTD Activity Amount -- DO FEDERAL PROG. REV. 1,452,406.04 0.00 00 1,452,406.04 0.00 -- Revenue 1,452,406.04 0.00 2009-10 -- Original Budget - 0.00 2009-10 Comment Revised Budget Unencumbered Balance 2009-10 FYTD % 1,937,088.00 484,681.96 74.98 0.00 1,937,088.00 484,681.96 74.98 0.00 1,937,088.00 484,681.96 74.98 11 PAYROLL COSTS 247,956.70 0.00 0.00 231,453.00 -16,503.70 107.13 11 INSTRUCTION 247,956.70 0.00 0.00 231,453.00 -16,503.70 107.13 12 PAYROLL COSTS 182,897.60 0.00 0.00 273,499.00 90,601.40 66.87 12 INST. RESOURCES & ME 182,897.60 0.00 0.00 273,499.00 90,601.40 66.87 31 PAYROLL COSTS 629,763.97 0.00 0.00 856,360.00 226,596.03 73.54 31 GUIDANCE & COUNSELIN 629,763.97 0.00 0.00 856,360.00 226,596.03 73.54 33 PAYROLL COSTS 391,787.77 0.00 0.00 575,776.00 183,988.23 68.05 33 HEALTH SERVICES 391,787.77 0.00 0.00 575,776.00 183,988.23 68.05 1,452,406.04 0.00 0.00 1,937,088.00 484,681.96 74.98 -- Expense Grand Revenue Totals 1,452,406.04 0.00 0.00 1,937,088.00 484,681.96 74.98 Grand Expense Totals 1,452,406.04 0.00 0.00 1,937,088.00 484,681.96 74.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Grand Totals ************************ End of report ************************ 48 FC -- OBJ - DO LOCAL/INTER. SOURCES 00 STATE PROGRAM REY. 2009-10 Encumbered 2009-10 FYTD Activity Amount Original Budget - - 2009-10 Comment - Revised Budget Unencumbered Balance 2009-10 FYTD % 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 400,325.34 0.00 1,238,405.00 606,879.00 206,553.66 65.96 00 FEDERAL PROG. REY. 1,989,168.38 0.00 4,292,032.00 5,408,767.00 3,419,598.62 36.78 00 2,389,493.72 0.00 5,530,437.00 6,015,646.00 3,626,152.28 39.72 - Revenue 2,389,493.72 0.00 5,530,437.00 6,015,646.00 3,626,152.28 39.72 00 SUPPLIES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 56.53 11 PAYROLL COSTS 1,331,032.58 0.00 2,986,649.00 2,354,501.00 1,023,468.42 11 PRO.(CONTRACTED SYC. 362,183.18 98,576.50 449,538.00 1,122,170.00 661,410.32 32.28 11 SUPPLIES 322,267.32 60,682.41 1,487,687.00 1,188,171.00 805,221. 27 27.12 11 OTHER OPERATING EXP. 47,829.41 18,596.23 196,901. 00 311,438.00 245,012.36 15.36 11 CAPITAL PROJECTS 84,796.00 0.00 0.00 151,216.00 66,420.00 56.08 2,148,108.49 177,855.14 5,120,775.00 5,127,496.00 2,801,532.37 41. 89 0.00 11 INSTRUCTION 12 PAYROLL COSTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12 SUPPLIES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12 CAPITAL PROJECTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,498.08 0.00 0.00 6,736.00 237.92 96.47 11,688.08 0.00 0.00 11,689.00 0.92 99.99 12 INST. RESOURCES & ME 13 PAYROLL COSTS 13 PRO./CONTRACTED SYC. 13 SUPPLIES 466.16 0.00 0.00 467.00 0.84 99.82 13 OTHER OPERATING EXP. 41,756.88 2,841.69 0.00 74,396.00 29,797.43 56.13 13 CURRICULUM DEY.& INS 60,409.20 2,841.69 0.00 93,288.00 30,037.11 64.76 21 PAYROLL COSTS 391,953.79 0.00 180,827.00 499,770.00 107,816.21 78.43 21 PRO./CONTRACTED SYC. 0.00 0.00 420.00 100.00 100.00 0.00 21 SUPPLIES 0.00 0.00 7,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 21 OTHER OPERATING EXP. 3,867.07 404.39 7,000.00 13,009.00 8,737.54 29.73 21 INSTRUCTIONAL LEADER 395,820.86 404.39 195,247.00 512,879.00 116,653.75 77.18 23 PAYROLL COSTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 23 PRO./CONTRACTED SYC. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 23 SUPPLIES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 23 OTHER OPERATING EXP. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 23 SCHOOL LEADERSHIP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 49 2009-10 _ _ FC OBJ 31 PAYROLL COSTS 31 PRO./CONTRACTED SVC. 31 SUPPLIES 31 OTHER OPERATING EXP. 31 CAPITAL PROJECTS 31 GUIDANCE & COUNSELIN - FYTD Activity - - 102,984.83 Encumbered 2009-10 Amount Original Budget 0.00 - 139,028.00 2009-10 Comment - Revised Budget 189,547.00 Unencumbered Balance 86,562.17 2009-10 FYTD % 54.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 21,360.65 616.20 7,000.00 38,171.00 16,194.15 55.96 5,615.88 1,776.20 13,153.00 33,000.00 25,607.92 17.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 129,961.36 2,392.40 159,181. 00 260,718.00 128,364.24 49.85 0.00 32 PAYROLL COSTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 32 OTHER OPERATING EXP. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 32 SOCIAL WORK SERVICES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 33 PAYROLL COSTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 33 SUPPLIES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 33 HEALTH SERVICES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 34 PAYROLL COSTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 34 PRO./CONTRACTED SVC. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 34 OTHER OPERATING EXP. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 34 CAPITAL PROJECTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 34 PUPIL TRANSPORTATION 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 35 PAYROLL COSTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 35 SUPPLIES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 35 FOOD SERVICES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 36 PAYROLL COSTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 36 COCURR./EXTRACURR.AC 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 41 PAYROLL COSTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 41 GENERAL ADMINISTRATI 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 51 PAYROLL COSTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 250.00 205.76 17.70 44.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 44.24 0.00 0.00 250.00 205.76 17.70 52 PAYROLL COSTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 52 PRO./CONTRACTED SVC. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 52 SECURITY & MONITORIN 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 51 PRO./CONTRACTED SVC. 51 CAPITAL PROJECTS 51 PLANT MAINTENANCE & 50 _ _ FC OBJ - 2009-10 Encumbered 2009-10 FYTD Activity Amount Original Budget - 2009-10 Comment - Revised Budget Unencumbered Balance 2009-10 FYTD % 53 PAYROLL COSTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 53 DATA PROCESSING SERV 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 61 PAYROLL COSTS 21,854.66 0.00 34,386.00 34,386.00 12,531. 34 63.56 61 PRO.!CONTRACTED SVC. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 61 OTHER OPERATING EXP. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 21,854.66 0.00 34,386.00 34,386.00 12,531.34 63.56 0.00 61 COMMUNITY SERVICES 81 PAYROLL COSTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 81 CAPITAL PROJECTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 81 FACILITIES ACQ. & CO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,756,198.81 183,493.62 5,509,589.00 6,029,017.00 3,089,324.57 45.72 - Expense Grand Revenue Totals 2,389,493.72 Grand Expense Totals 2,756,198.81 Grand Totals 0.00 5,530,437.00 6,015,646.00 3,626,152.28 6,029,017.00 3,089,324.57 45.72 2,742.54 183,493.62 5,509,589.00 366,705.09 183,493.62 20,848.00 13,371.00 536,827.71 Loss Loss Profit Loss Profit ************************ End of report ************************ 51 39.72 2009-10 Encumbered 2009-10 2009-10 Unencumbered FYTD Activity Amount Original Budget Revised Budget Balance 8,710,387.30 0.00 8,928,030 8,928,030 217,642.70 00 STATE PROGRAM REV. 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 00 OTHER RESOURCES 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 00 8,710,387.30 0.00 8,928,030 8,928,030 217,642.70 97.56 - Revenue 8,710,387.30 0.00 8,928,030 8,928,030 217,642.70 97.56 _ _ FC OBJ 00 LOCAL/INTER. SOURCES - - 2009-10 FYTD % 97.56 71 DEBT SERVICE 2,224,505.62 0.00 8,579,442 8,579,442 6,354,936.38 25.93 71 DEBT SERVICES 2,224,505.62 0.00 8,579,442 8,579,442 6,354,936.38 25.93 - Expense 2,224,505.62 0.00 8,579,442 8,579,442 6,354,936.38 25.93 Grand Revenue Totals 8,710,387.30 0.00 8,928,030 8,928,030 217,642.70 97.56 Grand Expense Totals 2,224,505.62 0.00 8,579,442 8,579,442 6,354,936.38 25.93 Grand Totals 6,485,881. 68 0.00 348,588 348,588 6,137,293.68 1,860.62 Profit Profit Loss Profit ************************ End of report ************** •••••••••• 52 FC OBJ 00 LOCAL/INTER. SOURCES -- 2009-10 Encumbered 2009-10 FYTD Activity Amount Original Budget - 2009-10 Comment - Revised Budget Unencumbered Balance 2009-10 FYTD % 10,000 6,718.04 32.82 0 0 0.00 0.00 a a 0.00 0.00 10,000 10,000 6,718.04 32.82 0.00 10,000 10,000 6,718.04 32.82 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 3,281.96 0.00 00 STATE PROGRAM REV. 0.00 0.00 00 OTHER RESOURCES 0.00 0.00 00 3,281. 96 0.00 - Revenue 3,281.96 00 00 10,000 11 PAYROLL COSTS 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 11 INSTRUCTION 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 52 PRO./CONTRACTED SVC. 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 52 SECURITY & MONITORIN 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 71 DEBT SERVICE 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 71 DEBT SERVICES 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 81 PAYROLL COSTS 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 81 PRO./CONTRACTED SVC. 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 81 SUPPLIES 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 81 OTHER OPERATING EXP. 0.00 0.00 a 0 0.00 0.00 81 CAPITAL PROJECTS 252,467.30 56,402.50 1,926,651 1,926,651 1,617,781.20 13.10 81 FACILITIES ACQ. & CO 252,467.30 56,402.50 1,926,651 1,926,651 1,617,781.20 13.10 - Expense 252,467.30 56,402.50 1,926,651 1,926,651 1,617,781.20 13.10 Grand Revenue Totals 3,281.96 0.00 10,000 10,000 6,718.04 32.82 Grand Expense Totals 252,467.30 56,402.50 1,926,651 1,926,651 1,617,781.20 13.10 Grand Totals 249,185.34 56,402.50 1,916,651 1,916,651 1,611,063.16 13.00 Loss Loss Loss Loss Loss ************************ End of report ************************ 53 FC OBJ - 2009-10 Encumbered FYTD Activity Amount - 2009-10 - Original Budget _ _ 2009-10 Unencumbered Revised Budget Balance 2009-10 FYTD % 1,288,981.52 0.00 1,578,365 1,581,550 292,568.48 81. 50 00 STATE PROGRAM REV. 21,341.09 0.00 98,947 98,947 77,605.91 21.57 00 FEDERAL PROG. REV. 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 00 OTHER RESOURCES 1,492,879.00 0.00 1,542,637 1,542,637 49,758.00 96.77 00 2,803,201.61 0.00 3,219,949 3,223,134 419,932.39 86.97 - Revenue 2,803,201.61 0.00 3,219,949 3,223,134 419,932.39 86.97 00 LOCAL/INTER. SOURCES 11 PAYROLL COSTS 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 11 INSTRUCTION 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 816,484.76 0.00 1,348,052 1,352,595 536,110.24 60.36 53,123.84 2,435.35 34,900 82,023 26,463.81 67.74 1,306,980.29 87,268.52 1,485,314 1,635,726 241,477 .19 85.24 35 PAYROLL COSTS 35 PRO.!CONTRACTED SVC. 35 SUPPLIES 35 OTHER OPERATING EXP. 35 CAPITAL PROJECTS 35 FOOD SERVICES 872.89 4,460.00 22,500 22,500 17,167.11 23.70 29,387.82 12,805.00 0 150,100 107,907.18 28.11 2,206,849.60 106,968.87 2,890,766 3,242,944 929,125.53 71.35 51 PRO./CONTRACTED SVC. 56,966.91 0.00 63,140 63,140 6,173.09 90.22 51 PLANT MAINTENANCE & 56,966.91 0.00 63,140 63,140 6,173.09 90.22 104,950.01 0.00 141,426 156,098 51,147.99 67.23 61 PRO./CONTRACTED SVC. 61 PAYROLL COSTS 9,899.51 0.00 9,680 9,530 -369.51 103.88 61 SUPPL IES 7,667.29 0.00 10,118 12,118 4,450.71 63.27 220.00 0.00 1,372 722 502.00 30.47 61 OTHER OPERATING EXP. 61 CAPITAL PROJECTS 61 COMMUNITY SERVICES - Expense 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 122,736.81 0.00 162,596 178,468 55,731.19 68.77 2,386,553.32 106,968.87 3,116,502 3,484,552 991,029.81 71. 56 86.97 Grand Revenue Totals 2,803,201.61 0.00 3,219,949 3,223,134 419,932.39 Grand Expense Totals 2,386,553.32 106,968.87 3,116,502 3,484,552 991,029.81 71. 56 416,648.29 106,968.87 103,447 261,418 571,097.42 -159.38 Profit Loss Profit Loss Loss Grand Totals ************************ End of report ************************ 54 Waxahachie ISO 2009-10 Budget Summary May 2010 , , T YTOActuai-c-Amended-'-YTD Aclull--Arileiicied-~YTO ACtu81 ~ Amended '-YTOAcluaf -~AdoPted --~ Amencied~-YiD-Actull~' Amencied : REVEN~~.~-~=_~=-=- ~'_=-=_~_-G~~~~~:~~~~rid _G~r~~i-~~~:;~i-~~t:. :1~~~i_De~~~rv.~~a!X~~~==C1~t:~_~E":~~~=.E~!;~_;. ==__ -=--_~ ~.5701!.l9.CA_,l ~..LN!.E8.,SOUR.CI: REVEN.lJ'"~. 5800 STATE PROGRAM REVENUES -+-. _2.~682,8~, ,29,56..6,.~JL-?8,912. ,~_ . ' ---L.. _,. .~ 20,081,394, 20,673,125, 15,611,195' 606,879' ':'~900FEPERAL REJt~~.§.-=-===:=::::.----t -----=.=30:QQO.:_.1je7,Q88L '--1~45J,'L06.=~~~.7:a7 i f---cJ!1QO..QTHE~ RESOlJBC.l:.SlTRANSFI:BS. • ! 535 ' TOTAL REVENUES 49.794.258', 52.206,626 45,976,778 , 6,015,646 ' .-.8,!l28.,0. 3<l...;~.7!..O.,38~,....._ _1.0,()OQ- . ; , , 400,325 _ 1,989.'16111==----=----L-_~=____=______::.. ___=_==_==___::_~_-_=___=--' 1,542,637 2.389.494 8.928.030, 8.710.387' 10,000 3.282 3.223.134 • . ~~~~~!~~~~R~Q@:;'-_:",:' ==-~=- ~~_I:.---~~=~=- =-_--=--~_~-::i .~_~. .':~ ..b!48,1Cl8.. 1--11.Iri~_RUCTIQ.NAJ-.RESOURCES & ~EI)IA SER_ .~'_28,8~1,888' 2~~.9,715.L_....?(),358,4~1_'_.3.127,496 ._, ' N . - ' ~ _~~ ,069,240:=-==-~~= =~ < '-~~~:~~-._ :~~~~!--_~~Jr~_ -~-=~-_::.=:.. ~.==-=- _---I c - __ ; --~ , --c- ,~42,~ ~_. - '.. -----~----~--. ----.-~---.----.-63, i40- ~:~~__ _ _ . =~~~---...-----:...--=---==== ~___ ~ __ , _ _ " -'1'_.J.,394,065 1,2092 10 . 1 41 GENERAL ADMINISTRATION . 1,576,845. 3,457,204', 1,025,265. ' ' -51PLANTMAIr-m=:NANCE AND OPERATION: -------+--6,359,149" 5:359, 1~~380,12"'---.~250----·44' +-- 2.803.202 ------.,-- - - - . - - __ 33-H-~~IHS~yE:ES-::.==~_=__==_~ 6..ll1J72~- 694,7~.l - 46!1,JQ4 ~9,890 I 11114,190 ~_..h4<lO,390 _1~~~~3~~~~~XT~uRRrCU~R A~JIV. 21,341 .-=-----=c 1,492,879. ~' __'_' ._._ _ '._. -, ----=:;=::.:== 34STUDENT(PUf>Il,)TRANSPQ':lTATIO!'J -~~l;~~JITt~~~~~~~~I~~~vIC~~ .__. ._1..?,88,llll2.c.. =-==_ _ ~:~~~~}=~:~~::~;~~~~::~:~ 26Q,7~_~ ~.129,96.~~- _~ === ==.~~- ====__ :=.-. .= ==== -=== __ r__ ===-==---=-- ----__ 12 INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCES & MEDIA SER i 782,233:- 789,024 548,922 , : ' -13Cl:iRRICULUM&INSTRUcrloNAl STAFF DEV:·---656']OO---655,35S,--···504,81il----- 93,288 '--60,409-- ---~21Jr-lMRucljQ_~L.lgADERSHIP - -===_'1 EJJ6,509= _620,709:':'- 434...5.26_ --512,8~+- -395.821--'---::'~ ~!-~~:t~ii~i~~-tl~GSER~c1s _3,2.82... c __1281.....55Q:..98,947, -. ~ -.-.--.------------1 ~___ _.~__ ' ==1 - 2,206,l!5.0 - - - - - 1 -_--~~-=-~-=-~~==== -56~96i· _ ~--~,~_ ~~..-- --==:=-+-_-_=--==-~ _BLc.Q.r.1,MU"IITY ~E:RVICES _ .._ _, ~192,177--'- __ 189,4.7_7_,_ .. 134-,-9~__ ~386 21,85.§ ' - - - - - - - 1 - - - . - ' - - - - - - - - - '_ .178,468 __ ...J2~,?3L SERVICE " 8,579,442' 2,224,506' __._: -- 71 - -DEBT - ,.. - - - - - - - . - --------r---.--~'--'~.-~----- ~ - - - - - - - - - - - r - - - - - . - . , . - . , . - - - - .. - - . - - - - - - - . - - .. ..- - - - . _ . , 81 FACILITIES ' ; i , , ' , 1,926,651 252,467 tj9000THER USES ~ ------'----~3!j7.36~-367.367-+---377.93-9 ~.-.-. -.+--.- ~-- '-,- - - . ----,- - - - - - - , - - -. . .--~-------.::=-=---~--- --- .. TOTAL APPROPRIATIONSANO TRANSFERS I!QTAL 49,740,460, 52,727,070 T - , 35,261,783 6,029.017' 2.756.199, 8.579.442; 2.224.506 1.926.651 252.467 3.484.552 2.386.553 _ ' ---1 _ - REVEI';iUE~oy'ER(UNDER) APPROPRIATIONlF---S3,798--(337A61T -----,0:714,995-- (13.3i1j:~' '(366]05) . ~s88~85}l~~16:6m--·(249,185) ·(261,418)--41'6,648-------'-- . '-I -. --.-.-----,---- ~":~u~--rn~~n~:Iu:iUn~~6in-thISnt~rt: i ! ,---- .-------- ±-~-=~.- ~;.-~-~-._=-: ._-+==~:~ ---l~---+'- l;~ .explanatlo"belo~O!.c1lfferenEe between, adopted.GlO budget and am-",-,d_ed GI() budge\:_ _ .___~ , ' _ _~' --, - - ..- - - - "--,- - . I ",,-crease to revenue of $546,034 irid increase to expense'of $525,186 due ,10 moving hillh school allotment amounts.-~ :~~::::~:::~:~1p:~J~~;;a:~~~ryb~:~~:~~~0;:~~~~:~: i -~--~ _-~_=_~--~~~-~ ~- -~. -----,--.-- --~.- IlncreaSilto revenue..<>f.$.1!~95 _al1ll decrells!l.!o eX/>llnse of ~2Z()() per.Elo.lln:talJllfl>lled_SAPE a<lj~l1lents.: ~ ~ Increase to expense of $268.467 for Board approved positions inclUding literacy Coaches, Bus Driver, HaK time Teacher, stipends and extra duty tutoring for. High School. . Ii1creaSll.t0Ei..xl"mse"'Of_~1~ooQ]O.r.BOar<l..appro~l!d BandyiBle travel.--== ..:;:::::-=-=~~--=---. =-~': :.:==-~==:-:Increase to expense of $21 ,846 . Board approved last year· remainder of Skyward PEIMS software conversion .L _ -===::::-;-.-- -=-__ ~:::::~ :::~~~~~~l:~~~~~ilibLcl!l~~ _'____ _=--_. _ T ---+-- - - - -: T 55 ---_._~- - - ~ - _.. _----- - ------~-_ .. i -'= _-~ -: -'_~__ . ~-~L_-==--~-=-=----=----"-::.- ------==- +--~- toexpense..Qf_E~~8fQrs()ftwar:e alld laborforJltl'(I'~ntre<:<lr<l.e~onic- stora~_~ __ ___• Increa..s~o elC!l,,-n~of!.2,5QO for gr~ullti()n pal1<ingJlS!S.e~.,___ _~ __ ' .__ . _._ ._--~- _ -'.~------ ._---- ----- --- ------- -I Waxahachie ISO 2009-2010 Proposed Budget Amendments for June 2010 --.------.~- - - - -..--+--.--Adopted --.-.. -. ' '----- Proposed Proposed Budget BUdget Amendments·. Amendments-, Proposed Revised ! Amended. __.-----l-. . Increases . (Decreases) Budget • , .. +. Gen. Fund Gen. Fund ! Gen. Fund, Gen. Fund ' REVENUES - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - -- ------.~---.- - - - - - - j - - - - - i ' 29,682,864 ' 29,566,413 ! .-.;-----.--------t-------------.----- 5700 LOCAL & INTER. SOURCE REVENUE - ' - - - - - - , . - - - , - -'--.------ - - - - - - T >--_~800..§TATEJJ.ROGRAMREVEf!UE.S 20,673, 125 i1,967,088 ~,QEl1,394...: --- ------- ._ _._----/ ---1 -----c-- - - - ---------~-_ ..--L ' ,Increasing revenue budget 10 reIIect elltra revenue earned 29,576,413 ,in Athletics. 10,000 ' -- ~pl~na!i()!! L- t=============-=- ====---, =~_=_=~-=_-=!==-1~=-=+==~-+--=f~-=~====~-T Gen. Fund ----------t---------- ----;--------- - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - ~_ L __20,673,1?~_._ . ~ . --- - 5900 FEDERAL REVENUES ' . .30,000' j . - . . 1,967,088 i 7900 OTHER RESOURCES--------------r-~-------I-------~I-·------i -----~r--------1 TOTALREVEN~------- - 49,794,258 - 52,206,626 ! 10,000: • 52,216,626 .Moving $1200 from 23 to 11 10 pay tor studenllravel at 'Northside. $210 from 13 to 11 lor student travel at 1Northside. Moving $4000 from 3610 11 for vocational 29,637,125~~nttrave_1. ~_ _ , !.1JNSTRUC.!IONALB.ES().'-!R~S_&MEDIASER_~ l-_l~NSTRUCTIO~ALRESOJ.JRC_~~MEDIA SER~ 2~,831,888, 29,639,715 z..8~,23i+ ~.3 CURR'CULUM.!.It<lST~~CTIONAJ:.STA~_DE~ ~~?,OOO, 21 INSTRUCTIONAL LEADERSHIP ------ 616,509 1,410 ' i 655,3~---. ! i : 620,709 (4,000) ..1 789.0~ ~_789,02~+--- -----1. --E!~L-~ : 620,709 • Moving $200 to function 23 lor paying co-op student !worker through summer. Moving $1200 from 23 to 11 to 3,624, 723 paylor student travel at Northside. ...- - + - - - - - - - - - - , - - _ . _ - - - - - _ . _ . ._--------~--_._---,---------~----~-----,------._---_._---'------.----------_ • 23 SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION . 3,629,014 ' ----------------.--------------~, • 3,625,723 i 200 t_].!.GUIDANCEANDCOUNSELlN~~'3_V_ICES_~----..!,6-4_0,574· ~7,4~ 32 1--- SOCIAL WORKSERVIC~ ~ I-------+-~694,772 I 694,772 ! +__----J.'l.~~~~i 36COCURRICULARlEXTRACURRICULARACTIV. 1,394,065 41 GENERAL ADMINISTRATION ___________. --------- - -+__. _~lPLAN'T MAINTENAI'oJGE ~D O~~RATION_._.__l i ~~9, 14~: 694,772 , , i I : I. __ 7~s..6~!.L 61 COMMUNITY SERVICES 192,177 ! -71 DE-S-T SERVic'E--- - -- - - - - - ----;-- -- ~- --1-! I- ! 14,OOO! 1,523,710 i based on extra revenue earned- increase in expense side willpaylorstuden~travele~n~ -- - - - 3,457,204 ! ! : 3,457,204 ' ~-------I--------,-------.--~-~-·------- ~~§.9,14~__ 189,477 -- . ! i -- 454,296 : -- ------.:--- -- - - - - - . - _.-- --- - ------'--'- - - - - . ---_. - 49,740,460 I 52,727,070 I Yes No Approved by Board: 15,610 _ __ I Date: 56 --1 189,477 . -,-- --- ---~ - - ----i-- 52,737,070 - 1-:_________________________ ----~ __8§~,954__----~ i 88_2,954.1 _ -I 6,359..1~L---------~-------- 99jlFACILI!lES=-=--=--~~=~-=-=-=--=---~---=-=-=-=3~~; T--~--=~ 3!H,367 i -=--=-~=-i~-=--=-· --r=~=-===--387~36i-- rrOTALApPROPRIATIONS-~--------- --i --------1 ,Moving $4000 from function 11 to 36 tor wocational - - - - _ . - ------ -+------------ 1 ~ 1,814,190____ _ _ _ . I .student travel. Increasing Athletic budget in function 36 - - t - - - - - - _L...... 52 SECURITY & MONITORING SERVICES 454,296 T 454,296 i • ----.-- ' 1 - - - - - - - - . - . - - ------------;-~---·--------'""t--------·~~-~--I ~~3_DATAP_~~ESSING~~RVIl::ES ------l .Moving $200 to function 23 for paying co-op student ~ ~00)_'_ ~.J_'_~7,222_:-wo_rkerth_rou_ghs~.rnITle~_____ _ +-----l-----~---.:~ L I i ' 1,509,710! - .- I ----r------~----~------_.~.---~.--- +---------------' 1,576,845. ' ~14,1~--------L- , - - - - - - - - - - -------- _. (1,200) I \ - - - - -----------·~----I-------~-· ------.~ __~_~TUD~I..(PUPILlJRANSPORTATION _----~- 1 ---.------~------,------:----------------~-----------. : 33 HEALTH S E R V I C E S : ~--------l Moving $210 from function 13 to 11 to pay lor student £)55,148 Itravel at Northside --I _ Signed: --- .... .__~_ --~ - - - -- - - --l COll. DATES DEPOSIT DATE G/O CURRENT G/O DEL. G/O INT.& PEN. 1& S CURRENT 1& S DEL. I & S INT.& PEN. TOTAL ~2!li1 O~~_==---=~=~---=-5/4!~Q10=' $~~8~~~6~- $5,73-S~48_~__~=$4;S74.20~r-~ ~=_~A~7~i8r~=-_$1,t[~2=_=_$J-,?30~~5~=$54,3~fJf 04/30/10 5/512010 $23,707.44, $6A26.81 $5,627.98 $7,294.62 $1,696.39 $1A80.29 $46,233.53 04j30/10-·-·~-'.-~------5/5/2010--- ----------''--. ---~-~----~($5:96)RENDITI6N~--~-'---~------ ~ '--($5~) >-=-- ,---,._-----,.' , - - - - - . - __....__. ._._,__. ---'--._--------._-----,._~------ =-$~~542.'fu ._. "~'--- _., $12,160.29 -_._-_.__ ._-+--- -_ .._ . _ - -- -_._, ------------ ' _ $~10,5~6.2j~_=$16,,7~~_'_~=-$3,~o&I= t-,-----------~--.----,----.-~------..-------.----~,---. 05/03/10 5/6/2010 $23,592.27 $882.07 $2,874.21 ._--~-----~_._------~----_. $3,010.-~-=$1§~,-5~2.1,t[ ' ---.. $7,259.19 -----.--.--~-, ------.-----. . --.. ---~--~-__ ---~---------$256.70 $875.17 $35,739.61 05/0411 O--~'_---- -51712010-- --- -$3,391~6i--$1~21€L35-·-·· $1~308.43--------$-1M3M- - --$218:42.--- ,- $292.51 ,-- -$7,47a22 05105110---'· - - . - '5110126fo-- --~$3.o92:93--·-${5~j6.20 .-~$810.15-~--- $951.68----$273.02 --- --, - $219~04-----$6,423-:02 ==--=-_ ~{~~JQ... ' _~~01/2010 11,O'03~~~-c'--_ $20.!1 ~ ~ $105.2~~. $30~]j6=_===_',$2.7t=_~=_=- $2~.69-'= $1.!~r.([~= 05/07/10 i 511312010 $7,719.97 ' $4,056.26 . $2,128.84 $2,375.39 $1,248.09 $655.01 $18,183.56 05/1'6110-----,--~5713/2010-----$6,a43.9j--~--$130.40 '---$750~~-----$2, 105:S2~----$40.-14---~- -$230:92-- -$'10,101-:74-. r 05h1/10--'~-'-'5/1'4i26~--- $1,769.26--- $231.09-- "$315]1-- ---$s44-:-3S --- $71:11-- ----$96~92"--$3,027.T'05/12110 5119/2010-·-f2,308.88---$759.92 ' $334.04 ' $710.42- --$209.20..- - - - $89.98-$4~412.44' tQ§J1_3/10 5/19/2010-=__ $8,~9~r $3,006.23--n87'['i5----$~~---$924. 99 --$575.93- $16,905.391 05/14/10 511912010 $7,864.39 $94.84 $811.35 ~ $2A19.81 . __ ji6.20_ _._$261.24 _ $11,4~~~3.J 05/17/10 5120/2010 $2,813.82 $1,133.57 $602.82 $865.79 $348.80 $185.48 $5,950.28 ~/18/10 5/21/2010 $8,30.3~61-' $191:62-'-$1,158.17-$2,554.94 _ _ $54.86. . $351.89 $12,615.09 I L9.§/19/10 5/2412010 $4,266.26 : $675.21 : $884.10 I $1,312.73 $207.76 $272.00 $7,618.06 5124/2010-- . - - - - - ($3.26), Rendition. .--~--=--==-. ($3.2~ 05/19/10 OS/20/10 5/26/2010 $8,203.43 $238.43 $1,077.48 • $2,524.15 $73.37 $331.55 $12,448.41 S§I21/~ 5/26/2010'. $10,258.95 ' $1,103.84 $1,638.36 $3,156.61~__ $339.66 $504.09 ._$17,001.~,,05/21/10 5/26/2010: . ($1.15) i Rendition ($1.15) --5727l201O- -$16,"912.16 I $186.42 • $1,900.08 $5,203.71 -$57.37--~84.64-----S24:844--:38 05124/10 ~25/10 5/28/2010 $11,781.03$1;153.34 ' $2,222.72! $3,624.94 $210.94 $569.65: $19,562 05/25/10 5/2812010 ($8.02) Rendition ($8.02) 05/26/10 611/2010' $10,672.37 , $144.23 '$1,105.91 $3,283.80, $48.47 $344.73 $15,599.51 OS/27/10 $47,689.61 $872.571 $5,737.25 $14,673.75 $268.48' $1,765.31 i $71,006.97 OS/28/10 $26,757.13 ' $1,372.95 : $3,513.52 $8,232.98 $422.47 $1,081.07 $41,380.12 I I . $0.00 TOTAL $213,294.57' $18,546.25 I $31,137.48 $65,629.20 $5,322.82 $9,315.82 $343,246.14 I ! $0.00 !. ! ---L, 57 ,_ JUNE MEETING BID REPORT The WISD Business Office requests Board approval of the following list of vendors per bid category. (See attached list) 103 ATHLETIC SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT 10-5 Tennis Supply Already Gear, Inc. Aluminum Athletic Equipment B&B Athletics Bill Fritz Sports Cannon Sports Carey's Sporting Goods Clarke Distributing D&J Sports Davis & Stanton Embroidme Flaghouse, Incorporated Gandy Ink Gilman Gear Gopher Sports GTM Sportswear Jerry's Sporting Goods Lakeshore Learning Materials LISCO Sports LLC Longhorn Locker Company MF Athletics, LLC Office Depot Olen Williams Palos Sports PepwearLLC Porta Phone Co Positive Promotions RB Sporting Goods School Specialty Sports Supply Group, Inc. Team Express The Soccer Corner TurfTrax, LLC US Games Xcalibur Marketing, Inc. 800-247-3907 214-333.0180 800-523-5471 254-756-2999 800-234-1004 800-223-0064 817·735-4794 713-944.0275 214-631-4240 214-340-1321 972-923.0970 800-793-7900 800-999-8137 800-243.0398 800-533-0446 800-336-4486 817·915-3174 800-421-5354 800-322-5126 972-223-2023 800-556-7464 817-358-3039 817-267-3741 800-233-5484 877-899-1919 800-233-1113 877-258-1225 972-930-9730 888-388-3224 800-527-7510 210-348-7000 972-422.0241 214-735-2111 800-327-0484 972-268-6900 104 10% discount 35% discount off catalog Items 150/0 (with limited exceptions) refer to bid number 100663 when ordering 25% discount 10% discount and free shipping on select catalog pages - call to inquire 25% off catalog price 10% discount wholesale pricing 25% discount no specified discount 10% discount 10% discount Quantity price breaks - call for specifics 5% discount 10% with limited exceptions call to Inquire no specified discount 30% discount 5% discount, reference "per bid ATH0510" when placing order no specified discount no specified discount 10% discount pricing same as TCPN Master Agreement 5%, plus - call for quote 10% discount on catalog orders· reference contract #61063 when ordering no specified discount 5% discount 5% discount no specified discount 10% off ENP catalogs; 25% off Furniture/Equipment catalog 10% discount 15% discount 25% discount call business office for specified field grooming prices per bid 15% off -limited exceptions, call for details no specified discount-call for quotes LlBRARY SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT ABDO Publishing AVES Audio Visual Systems Bearport Publishing Capstone Publishers Children's Plus Inc. Complete Book & Media Supply Davidson Titles, Inc. Demco,lnc. Follett Library Resources Gareth Stevens Publishing Gareth Stevens Classroom Gumdrop Books Heinemann Raintree Library Heinemann Raintree Classroom Highsmith Junior Library Guild KAPCO lakeshore Learning Materials Library Video Company Long's Electronics Mackin Educational Resources Matthews Office Supply Office Depot Parna Bissell & Associates Perfection Learning Corporation Powerkids Press Renaissance Learning Inc. Rosen Publishing Rosen Classroom School Specialty SEBCO Books Social Studies School Service Sommer Associates Windmill Books 800·800·1312 281·295·1300 212-337-8577 800-747-4992 800-230-1279 800·986·1775 800-433-3903 866·558·9068 888-511-5114 972-239-6728 877-444-0210 800·821·7199 888-454·2279 888-454·2279 800-543-2180 800-325-9558 800·791-8965 800-421-5354 610-645-4000 800-633-4984 800-245-9540 800-818-3318 817-358-3039 972-470-9267 800-831-4190 800-237-9932 800-338-4204 800-237-9932 800-237·9932 888-388-3224 800-223-3251 800-421-4246 972-239-6728 866-478-0556 105 catalog already reflects 30% off list price 10-75% off mfg list retail pricing 25% off list price 25°.4 off list price catalog already reflects 30% off list price 5-35% off retail price 5% discount 10-15% $50 min.order after discount for free shipping up to 45% for books and early childhood materials 25% off list price 15% off list price Catalog prices reflect prediscount off list price average discount 25°':' off list price Volume discounts may apply. Call for quote 25% off list price 15% off list price 10% off ENP catalogs no specified discount no specified discount 10-30% off - call Business Office for Specifics prior to ordering 30% off list price =32% 25% off list price no specified discount 13% discount catalogs reflect predlscount already 10% discount on all catalog items 5% discount no specified discount 50/0 discount additional 7% off prediscounted catalog and online database prices discount varies· call for quotes pricing same as TCPN master agreement no specified discount 30% off Current Price List is already reflected in catalog and web pricing SCHOOL. OFFICE, GENERAL SUPPLIES & EQP AccuCut Ace Educational Supplies, Inc. All Sports Trophies Allen Hearing Clinic, Inc. Apperson Educational Products Ark Country Store AVES Audio Visual Systems, Inc. Calculated Industries, Inc. Cam Audio Inc. Davis & Stanton Delegard Tool of Texas, Inc. DEMCO,lnc. Ellis County Music Center, Inc. EmbroidMe Energizer Olson Presentations Fisher Science Education Fourth Man Seasoning, LLC Gandy Ink Hastings Entertainment J&S Business Products Jeanette's Custom Embroidery Lakeshore Learning Materials Landmark Print Finishing, LLC Learning Seed, LLC Lee's School Supplies, Inc. Long's Electronics, Inc. Matthew's Office City My School Things Nixon Trophy Oak Cliff Office Products Office Depot Pepwear, LLC Positive Promotions Quality Trailer Products Quickway Signs SalePlace Really Good Stuff Sargent-Welch 800-288-1670 info@accuculcom 800-432-0213 972-937-2222 30% discount 10% discount and free shipping on orders over $50 discount varies depending on quantity ordered - call for quote 972-747-1333 800-827-9219 dburton@appersonprinlcom no specified discount no specified discount 972-937-8860 10% discount 100/0 to 75% dIscount from manufacturer's retaililist price no specified discount no specified discount 281-295-1300 775-445-6256 972-271-2800 214-340-1321 713-824-5608 866-558-9068 972-617-9992 972-923-0970 608-318-0307 800-955-1177 281-304-5074 800-999-8137 972-923-1143 972-938-7785 972-938-8778 800-421-5354 210-661-2512 800-634-4941 972-230-5057 800-633-4984 800-818-3310 562-972-8095 972-452-8885 214-943-7562 felicia.lavton@officedepolcom 817-358-3039 877-899-1919 877-258-1225 817-444-1341 972-937-7446 972-557-7747 203-261-1920 847-463-1180 ray 106 no specified discount 25% discount from list 10-150/0 discount; $50 min order after discount for free stock shipping Minimum 30% discount on band Instruments, aces & supplies 10% discount no specified discount 20% off catalog pricing; free shipping on orders over $200 no specified discount quantity price breaks - call for quote 20%-30% based on Items purchased 300k discount, except toners and office machines. 40% off all HON furniture. no specified discount 5% discount; reference "per bid SCH0510" on all purchase orders. 4% discount no specified discount no specified discount 5% discount 5% plus - varies on product/mfg. call for quote. no specified discount no specified discount 5% additional discount on catalog items TCPN pricing no specified discount 5% dlscount- cannot be comlbined with other discounts no specified discount no specified discount no specified discount volume discount - call for quote 15% discount off science supplies & equip.Free shipping on orders over $200 School Specialty Sears ShearFix, LLP Suzuki The Science Fair The Woodwi nd & Brasswind Virco, Inc. Wood Etc. Corp. Worthington Direct 888-388-3224 10% off ENP catalogs; 25% off furniture & equipment catalog Shelf pricing - call for quote 972-937-2310 281·304-5074 800-854·1594 904-824-9323 800-346-4448 501-513-1620 214-747-1317 214-824-6009 neely@Worthingtondireclcom no specified discount 15°4 discount on all catalog price items 5% discount from online catalog (exclUdes lab ovens,fume hoods) 3% discount various catalogs 64% discount for tailgate delivery taken from 2010FOB Factory List Price 25°4 off catalog pricing 5% discount SCHOOL PHOTOGRAPHY Provine Studios LifeTouch Studios 40% CommIssIon Retained for Schools 40% Commission Retained for Schools 972-867-5263 972-669-9200 PRINTING College Street Printing Gingerbread Press 972-938-1972 972-938-1776 Letterhead $85 per $500 - further price breaks apply as quantity increases Letterhead $44 per $500 - further price breaks apply as quantity Increases 817-335-5810 800-234-1464 866-558-0686 10% discount off price list 16% - does not Include vaccines and equipment 10% catalog discount 214-432-3844 214-376-8201 972-937-2976 Ford Motor Company Dealer cost plus 10% 200/0 discount Government Pricing 20% off list pricing BuyBoard Discount applies 3% discount, free shipping on orders over $100 NURSING SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT caB Medical, Inc. Moore Medical, LLC School Kids Healthcare AUTO SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT Sam Pack's Five Star Ford Midway Auto Supply NapaiWaxahachie Auto Supply Reliable Transmission Service, Texas GT Distributors PaxtonlPatterson, LLC American Tire Distributors 800-480-5845 txbids@gtdislcom 800-323-8484 800-722-6917 sales@paxpalcom 713-742-9633 107 no specified discount WELDWGSUP~ES&EQU~MENT Paxton/Patterson, LLC Retco Alloy Co. 800·323-8484 3% discount, free shipping on orders over $100 800-722-3307 10% discount 108 COPIES WHITE YELLOW INVOICE TO: WAXAHACHIE ISD 411 N. GIBSON STREET WAXAHACHIE, TX 75165 TAX NBR: 75-730084F PHONE: 972-923-4631 FAX NBR: 972-923-4658 VENDOR RECEIVING P.O. NUMBER: VENDOR KEY : PAGE NUMBER: P.O. DATE SHIP DATE FISCAL YEAR: ENTERED BY : 9360010431 B&B ATIOOO 1 OS/25/2010 OS/25/2010 2009-2010 ROBERCATOOO PRINTED OS/26/2010 COMPANY: B & B ATHLETIC SUPPLY, LTD. PO BOX 7189 WACO TX 76714-7189 DELIVER TO: WISD MAINTENANCE WAREHOUSE 631 SOLON RD WAXAHACHIE TX 75165 ATTN: WISD ATHLETICS QUANT. UNIT OF MEASURE DESCRIPTION -----=----=-=------------ UNIT COST TOTAL COST 60 EACH GREEN SHORTS 9.16000 549.60 60 EACH SILVER T-SHIRTS 8.00000 480.00 60 EACH CAPS 10.00000 600.00 36 EACH VISORS 10.00000 360.00 42 EACH FOOTBALS 57.95000 2433.90 60 EACH CHINSTRAPS 9.95000 597.00 20 EACH RECEIVER GLOVES 24.95000 499.00 8 EACH LINEBACKER GLOVES 28.95000 231.60 8 EACH LINEMAN GLOVES 39.95000 319.60 169.00000 3380.00 20 EACH WHITE HELMETS 72 EACH HEX PAD GIRDLES 40.00000 2880.00 24 EACH NIKE SHOES 59.95000 1438.80 36 EACH GAME SHIRT GRN. 34.00000 1224.00 36 EACH GAME SHIRTS WHITE 34.00000 1224.00 24 EACH TOBAGAN SKULLY 8.00000 192.00 28 EACH GREEN SHORTS 19.95000 558.60 28 EACH GRAY SHORTS 19.95000 558.60 GAME SOX 43.00000 258.00 6 DZ USE P.O. NUMBER ON ALL CORRESPONDENCE ( CON TIN U E DON 109 17,784.70 SUB TOTAL N EXT P AGE ) COPIES WHITE YELLOW VENDOR RECEIVING INVOICE TO: WAXAHACHIE ISD 411 N. GIBSON STREET WAXAHACHIE, TX 75165 TAX NBR: 75-730084F PHONE: 972-923-4631 FAX NBR: 972-923-4658 P.O. NUMBER: VENDOR KEY : PAGE NUMBER: P.O. DATE SHIP DATE FISCAL YEAR: ENTERED BY : 9360010431 B&B ATIOOO 2 OS/25/2010 OS/25/2010 2009-2010 ROBERCATOOO PRINTED OS/26/2010 COMPANY: B & B ATHLETIC SUPPLY, LTD. PO BOX 7189 WACO TX 76714-7189 DELIVER TO: WISD MAINTENANCE WAREHOUSE 631 SOLON RD WAXAHACHIE TX 75165 ATTN: WISD ATHLETICS QUANT. UNIT OF MEASURE UNIT COST TOTAL COST PRACTICE SOX 13.95000 209.25 2 EACH REPAIR KITS 75.00000 150.00 1 EACH SCHUTT KIT 225.00000 225.00 2 EACH PRO KICK 19.95000 39.90 4 EACH 1" BLOCK 2.95000 11. 80 2 EACH KICKING KADDY 15.95000 31. 90 15 DZ DESCRIPTION 12 EACH SHOULDER PAD HAMMER 110.00000 1320.00 12 EACH SHOULDER PAD RBDB 100.00000 1200.00 24 EACH WRIST COACH 8.95000 214.80 84 EACH PRACTICE TOP AND SHORT/PR 13.00000 1092.00 60 EACH PULL ON KNEE PADS/PR 7.00000 420.00 24 EACH THIGH PADS/PR 7.95000 190.80 48 EACH KNEE PADS/PR 2.95000 141.60 60 EACH GAME SHOES/WHITE 57.95000 3477.00 50 EACH PRACTICE SHOE MID 29.95000 1497.50 2 EACH KICKING SHOE 60.00000 120.00 1 EACH TRAINER SHOE 59.95000 59.95 USE P.O. NUMBER ON ALL CORRESPONDENCE ( C o N TIN U E D 110 28,186.20 SUB TOTAL o N N E X T P AGE ) COPIES WHITE YELLOW INVOICE TO: WAXAHACHIE ISD 411 N. GIBSON STREET WAXAHACHIE, TX 75165 TAX NBR: 75-730084F PHONE: 972-923-4631 FAX NBR: 972-923-4658 VENDOR RECEIVING P.O. NUMBER: VENDOR KEY : PAGE NUMBER: P.O. DATE SHIP DATE FISCAL YEAR: ENTERED BY : 9360010431 B&B ATIOOO 3 OS/25/2010 OS/25/2010 2009-2010 ROBERCATOOO PRINTED OS/26/2010 COMPANY: B & B ATHLETIC SUPPLY, LTD. PO BOX 7189 WACO TX 76714-7189 DELIVER TO: WISD MAINTENANCE WAREHOUSE 631 SOLON RD WAXAHACHIE TX 75165 ATTN: WISD ATHLETICS QUANT. UNIT OF MEASURE DESCRIPTION UNIT COST TOTAL COST 28 EACH WHITE LONG SLV 17.95000 502.60 28 EACH WHITE SHORT SLV 13.95000 390.60 28 EACH SIDELINE JACKET 55.00000 1540.00 36 EACH SKULL CAPS 9.95000 358.20 12 EACH WHISTLES W/LANYARD 6.00000 72.00 20 EACH CONES 6" 4.95000 99.00 1 EACH FB BAG 65.00000 65.00 8 EACH EQUIPMENT BAG 35.00000 280.00 DAVID REAM HEAD FOOTBALL WISD VENDOR USE P.O. NUMBER ON ALL CORRESPONDENCE T A X E X E M P T ION S TOTAL 31,493.60 PURCHASE APPROVED BY: TAX EXEMPT ENTITY NO BACK ORDERS ACCEPTED DIRECTOR OF FINANCE ====================================================== P.O.: 9360010431 ACCOUNT SUMMARY (FOR INTERNAL USE) ACCOUNT 181 E 36 6395 51 002 a 91 000 111 =================~======== VENDOR KEY : B&B AMOUNT 31,493.60 ATIOOO COPIES WHITE YELLOW VENDOR RECEIVING INVOICE TO: WAXAHACHIE ISO 411 N. GIBSON STREET WAXAHACHIE, TX 75165 TAX NBR: 75-730084F PHONE: 972-923-4631 FAX NBR: 972-923-4658 PRINTED OS/20/2010 COMPANY: P.O. NUMBER: VENDOR KEY : PAGE NUMBER: P.O. DATE SHIP DATE SHIP VIA FISCAL YEAR: ENTERED BY : 9000010162 TECHNOL0002 1 05/19/2010 05/19/2010 BEST WAY 2009-2010 ROSS WEN001 DELIVER TO: WISD MAINTENANCE WAREHOUSE 631 SOLON RD WAXAHACHIE TX 75165 TECHNOLOGY FOR EDUCATION 658 ALLIANCE PARKWAY HEWITT TX 76643 ATTN: ROBERT KEITH QUANT. UNIT OF MEASURE 2 EACH 2 EAO 4 EACH 16 EACH 2 EACH 16 EACH 4 EACH 2 EACH 4 EACH 4 EACH 2 EACH 2 EACH 2 EACH 4 EACH 1 EACH 1 EACH DESCRIPTION --------------VS-C6509VE-S72010G CATALYST CHASSIS+FAN TRAY+SUP720-10G; IP BASE ONLY INCL. VSS SV331BL-12233SX1 CISCO CAT6000-VSS720 lOS IP BAS LAN ONLY X2-10GB-LR 10GBASE-LR X2 MODULE GLC-LH-SM GE SFP LC CONNECTOR LH TRANSCEIVER GLC-SX-MM GE SFP, LC CONNNECTOR SX TRANSCEIVER FOAS2FSMLCXX-3M FIBER JUMPER, SINGLE MODE, 3M FOAS2FSMSCXX-3M FIBER JUMPER, SINGLE MODE, 3 M BF-S720-64MB-RP BOOTFLASH FOR SUP720-64MB-RP CAB-AC-C6K-TWLK CISCO AC POWER CORD CAB-L520P-C19-US NEMA L5-20 TO IEC-C19 6FT US CF-ADAPTER-SP SP ADAPTER FOR SUP720 AND SUP720-10G FOAS2FLCXX-3M FIBER JUMPER MULTIMODE, 3M MEM-C6K-CPTFL-1GB CATALYST 6500 COMPACT FLASH MEMORY 1GB MEM-XCEF720-256M CATALYST 6500 256MB DDR, XCEF720 (67 XX INTERFACE, DFC3A) WS-SVC-FWM-1-K9 FIREWALL BLADE FOR 6500 AND 7600 , VFW LICENSE SEPARATE WS-SVC-NAM-S-250S CISCO CATALYST 6500 AND CISCO 7600 USE P.O. NUMBER ON ALL CORRESPONDENCE ( CON TIN U E DON 112 UNIT COST TOTAL COST 22397.20000 44794.40 4480.00000 557.20000 17920.00 8915.20 280.00000 560.00 45.00000 720.00 45.00000 180.00 25.20000 100.80 45.00000 90.00 19597.20000 19597.20 16797.20000 16797.20 SUB TOTAL N EXT 109,674.80 P AGE ) COPIES WHITE YELLOW VENDOR RECEIVING INVOICE TO: WAXAHACHIE ISO 411 N. GIBSON STREET WAXAHACHIE, TX 75165 TAX NBR: 75-730084F PHONE: 972-923-4631 FAX NBR: 972-923-4658 PRINTED OS/20/2010 P.O. NUMBER: VENDOR KEY : PAGE NUMBER: P.O. DATE SHIP DATE SHIP VIA FISCAL YEAR: ENTERED BY : 9000010162 TECHNOL0002 2 05/19/2010 05/19/2010 BEST WAY 2009-2010 ROSS WEN001 DELIVER TO: WI SO MAINTENANCE WAREHOUSE 631 SOLON RD WAXAHACHIE TX 75165 COMPANY: TECHNOLOGY FOR EDUCATION 658 ALLIANCE PARKWAY HEWITT TX 76643 ATTN: ROBERT KEITH QUANT. UNIT OF MEASURE 1 EACH 2 EACH 2 EACH 1 EACH 1 EACH 2 EACH 2 EACH 2 EACH 2 EACH 2 EACH 4 EACH 4 EACH 4 EACH DESCRIPTION ---'--------'----------- NETWORK ANALYSIS MODULE SC-SVC-FWM-4.0-K9 FIREWALL MODULE SOFTWARE 4.0 FOR 6500 AND 7600, 2 FREE VFW WS-X6724-SFP CATALYST 6500 24-PORT GIGE MOD: FABRIC ENABLED (REQ SFPS) WS-X6748-GE-TX CAT6500 48-PORT 10/100/1000 GE MOD: FABRIC ENABLED, RJ-45 SC-SVC-NAM-4.1 CISCO NAM 4.1 FOR CAT6500/C7600 NAM SF-FWM-ASDM-6.1F DEVICE MANAGER FOR FWSM 4.0 FRO CATALYST 6500 AND 7600 VS-F6K-MSFC3 CATALYST 6500 MULTILAYER SWITCH FEATURE CARD (MSFC) III VS-F6K-PFC3C CATALYST 6500 SUP 720-10G POLICY FEATURE CARD 3C VS-2720-10G CATALYST 6500 SUPERVISOR 720 WITH 2 10GBE PORTS VS-S720-10G-3C CAT 6500 SUPERVISOR 720 WITH 2 PORTS 10GBE AND MSFC3 PFC3C WS-C6509-V-E-CM CATALYST 6509-V-E-CHASSIS CABLE MANAGEMENT WS-6509-V-E-FAN CATALYST 6509-V-E-CHASSIS FAN TRAY WS-CAC-3000W CATALYST 6500 3000W AC POWER SUPPLY WS-F6700-CFC CATALYST 6500 UNIT COST TOTAL COST 8400.00000 16800.00 8400.00000 16800.00 3360.00000 13440.00 CENTRAL fWD CARD fOR WS-X67XX USE P.O. NUMBER ON ALL CORRESPONDENCE ( CON TIN U E DON 113 SUB TOTAL N EXT 156,714.80 P AGE ) COPIES WHITE YELLOW VENDOR RECEIVING INVOICE TO: WAXAHACHIE ISO 411 N. GIBSON STREET WAXAHACHIE, TX 75165 TAX NBR: 75-730084F PHONE: 972-923-4631 FAX NBR: 972-923-4658 PRINTED OS/20/2010 COMPANY: P.O. NUMBER: VENDOR KEY : PAGE NUMBER: P.O. DATE SHIP DATE SHIP VIA FISCAL YEAR: ENTERED BY : 9000010162 TECHNOL0002 3 05/19/2010 05/19/2010 BEST WAY 2009-2010 ROSS WEN001 DELIVER TO: WISD MAINTENANCE WAREHOUSE 631 SOLON RD WAXAHACHIE TX 75165 TECHNOLOGY FOR EDUCATION 658 ALLIANCE PARKWAY HEWITT TX 76643 ATTN: ROBERT KEITH QUANT. UNIT OF MEASURE 2 EACH 1 EACH 1 EACH 2 EACH 4 EACH 4 EACH 2 EACH 1 EACH UNIT COST TOTAL COST 9555.00000 19110.00 4654.30000 4654.30 2345.00000 2345.00 2 WS-C3750E-48TD-S CISCO CATALYST 3750E 48 PORT MULTI LAYER ETHERNET SWITCH X2-10GB SR CISCO 10GBASE-SR X2 MODULE FOAS2F10GSCSC-10M FIBER JUMPER MULTIMODE 10M CON-SNT-37S0E4TS CISCO SMARTNET 8X5XNBD-3750 10637.20000 21274.40 1117.20000 4468.80 75.00000 300.00 1064.00000 2128.00 TFE-LABOR INSTALLATION AND CONFIGERATION 21273.00000 21273.00 DESCRIPTION MODULES CON-OSP-VES720 ONSITE 24X7X4 CATALYST 6509 V-E-CHASSIS+FAN TRAY+SUP72 CON-OSP-WS-FWM1K9 24X7X4 ONSITE SVC, FIREWALL BLADE FOR 6500 AND 7600 VFW LIC CON-OSP-WSSVNAM2 ONSITE 24X7X4 CATALYST 6500 NETWORK ANALYSIS MOD-2 BUY BOARD VENDOR QUOTE WXISD-41 USE P.O. NUMBER ON ALL CORRESPONDENCE ( C o N TIN U E 0 114 TOTAL o N N E X T 232,268.30 P AGE ) COPIES WHITE YELLOW VENDOR RECEIVING INVOICE TO: WAXAHACHIE ISO 411 N. GIBSON STREET WAXAHACHIE, TX 75165 TAX NBR: 75-730084F PHONE: 972-923-4631 FAX NBR: 972-923-4658 PRINTED OS/20/2010 P.O. NUMBER: VENDOR KEY : PAGE NUMBER: P.O. DATE SHIP DATE SHIP VIA FISCAL YEAR: ENTERED BY : 9000010162 TECHNOL0002 4 05/19/2010 05/19/2010 BEST WAY 2009-2010 ROSS WEN001 DELIVER TO: WISD MAINTENANCE WAREHOUSE 631 SOLON RD WAXAHACHIE TX 75165 COMPANY: TECHNOLOGY FOR EDUCATION 658 ALLIANCE PARKWAY HEWITT TX 76643 ATTN: ROBERT KEITH T A X E X E M P T ION S PURCHASE APPROVED BY: TAX EXEMPT ENTITY NO BACK ORDERS ACCEPTED DIRECTOR OF FINANCE ------========================================================================== P.O.: 9000010162 ACCOUNT SUMMARY (FOR INTERNAL USE) ACCOUNT 621 E 81 6629 00 999 0 99 161 115 VENDOR KEY : TECHNOL0002 AMOUNT 232,268.30 Waxahachie ISD Report of Absences and Substitute Pay (General Fund) For the Year Ended August 31, 2010 Total Number of Absences Cost of Substitute Pay September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 806 1,123 881 638 756 1,069 900 988 1,214 6,941.76 59,435.92 75,525.05 56,472.38 46,443.70 51,369.35 70,008.70 57,260.00 93,695.00 Total 8,375 Month $ 517,151.86 116 2009-2010 Budget $ 440,000.00 Balance $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 440,000.00 433,058.24 373,622.32 298,097.27 241,624.89 195,181.19 143,811.84 73,803.14 16,543.14 (77,151.86) (77,151.86) (77,151.86) (77,151.86) $ (77,151.86) Waxahachie ISD Analysis of Interest Income As of May 31, 2010 Fund 2009-2010 Budget 117 199 $ 461 511 617 620 829 $ 200,000.00 100,000.00 10,000.00 310,000.00 Projected Average Montly Amount $ $ 16,666.67 8,333.33 833.33 25,833.33 Projected Amount Should Actual Amount Earned Be at May 2010 As of May 31, 2010 $ $ 150,000.00 75,000.00 7,500.00 232,500.00 $ $ Shortfall 41,957.76 $ (108,042.24) 927.60 927.60 6,604.09 (68,395.91) 3,281.96 (4,218.04) (142.50) (142.50) See Note 1 52,628.91 $ (179,871.09) Note 1: The negative interest is due to the reversal of the 8-31-09 interst income and current earnings have not been enough to offset last fiscal year's accrual. Note 2: The Business Office is looking into the possiblility of purchasing CD's from other banks. This is legal to do as long as the Depository Contract does not forbid it. The district's attorneys may have to look at the agreement with our current depository. Future agreements need to include this so that the district can optimize interest earings when our current depository will not secure the district's desired amounts on CD's. Waxahachie ISD Reconciliation of Fund Balance Designated Fund Balance Audited Balance @ 8-31-2009 $ 11,000,000.00 Approved October 12, 2009 Board Meeting: 1/2 Dyslexia Teacher, 1/2 English Teacher, 2 Literacy Coaches moved from Stimulus to General Operating, 1 Bus Driver, Day Care Worker from Enterprise Funds, additional stipends for teachers teaching duel credit and extra duty pay for high school as a result of ARI/AMI Funds being reduced.** Undesignated Fund Balance Total Fund Balance $ 11,264,498.91 $ 22,264,498.91 118 (268,465.00) (268,465.00) Approved November 9, 2009 Board Board Meeting: Additional Additional money for band for state finals in San Antonio (16,000.00) (16,000.00) Approved May 10, 2010: Two suburbans from TPASS (an additional one was purchased from Child Nutrition) (58,775.62) Approved May 10, 2010: DocuNav purchase for electronic storage of student records Approved May 10, 2010: 500 Parking Passes for Potter's House graduation (75,427.43) (2,500.00) Approved May 17, 2010: Demographer-Dr. Gussman (46,280.00) $ ** Actual amounts with benefits once entered into Skyward were more than the $248,923 approved due to heatlh insurance benefits not being included in total and additional benefits on the extra duty pay totaling $19,542. 11,000,000.00 $ 10,797,050.86 $ 21,980,033.91 Reconciliation of Fund Balance Audited Balance @ 8-31-2009 Revenue Summary through May 31, 2010 Expense Summary through May 31, 2010 Actual Year to Date Undesignated Fund Balance as of 5-31-10 $ $ 11,000,000.00 11,000,000.00 $ 11,264,498.91 $ 22,264,498.91 44,435,848.42 44,435,848.42 (33,809,377.12) (33,809,377.12) $ 21,890,970.21 $ 32,890,970.21 *Note: The year-to-date undesignated fund balance is cash basis only and does not account for accruals and accounts payables that will be added at year end or state revenue earned for last week in August for year 2009-10 that will be accured. This reconciliation is more for budget purposes only in that it tracks additions made to the budget year 119 after the original budget was adopted that are not offset with revenue additions and could possibly be funded through fund balance if revenues are less that expenses at the end of the fiscal year. ** August 31, 2009 an amendment to the budget for a position total of $53,899.00 was approved; however, because there was enough money in surplus for the budget, it is not considered to have come from fund balance. Waxahachie ISD Requests from Fund Balance June 14, 2010 Board Meeting Description Total Cost Maintenance Card Reader for High School of Choice $ 4,500.00 Side walks at Marvin and Turner $ 5,467.00 Motion detector, LCD keypads, labor and parts for security at Turner $ 5,877.00 Spartan Provision Camera $ 7,691.00 30' Lift, 20' Lift and Trailer $ 34,400.00 Total Mainenance $ 57,935.00 Curriculum and Instruction Fireproof file cabinet for High School of Choice student records $ 2,915.00 OdysseyWare Combination Training $ 4,000.00 Thinking Maps: A Language for Learning Trainers Guide $ 19,673.00 August Impact Training-Robin Shrode $ Total Curriculum and Instruction $ 34,588.00 8,000.00 Fine Arts Replacement Stage Drapes at WHS Fine Arts Center $ 7,974.00 Posture Chairs for WHS Choral Program $ 5,280.00 Total Fine Arts $ 13,254.00 Global High Year 4 Project Lead the Way Engineering Year 4 $ 19,945.00 Anatomy & Physiology Supply List $ Total Global High Year 4 $ 24,640.00 120 4,695.00 Waxahachie ISD Requests from Fund Balance June 14, 2010 Board Meeting Description Total Cost New Classrooms Felty Elementary-Six Classrooms Materials and Resources Furniture $ 50,192.00 $ 27,594.00 Total Felty Elementary-Six Classrooms $ 77,786.00 Global High Choir Room Computer Fixed Lab ( Tables-$9,733, Computers $21,760) $ 30,113.00 $ 31,493.00 Total Global High $ 61,606.00 g y g Service-all System and Monitoring V-Soft Visitor Management campuses $ 19,221.00 Total Requests $ 289,030.00 121 Waxahachie ISD BOARD OF TRUSTEES Date: June 14, 2010 Presented By: Subject: Annual Investment Policy Review Related Page(s) Teresa Thomas Action BACKGROUND INFORMATION: According to WISD board policy CDA, an annual report shall be given to review the activities, total yield for the prior 12 months, suggest policies, strategies and improvements that might enhance the investment program for the ensuing year. The attached reports ending 4/30/10 and policy CDA are presented for your approval. BOARD ACTION REQUIRED: Consideration to approve Annual Investment Transaction and Policy as presented. Contacts: Teresa Thomas Thomas J Collins 122 2009-2010 Proposed List of Investment Broker/Dealers & Pools In accordance with the 1997 Public Funds Investment Act, Texas Government Code 2256.025, the Board of Trustees must review, revise and adopt a list of qualified brokers/dealers on an annual basis. The following is the list of proposed brokers and dealers for 2009-2010: Finn Broker Southwest Securities Comerica Bank of America First Public SAMCO/Capital Markets Funds Management Group Bill Corbett Kyle Appling Mark Tranchina Steve Orta Joan Alexander Investment Pools approved for the District to participate in: Tex-Pool First Public -Lone Star 123 TOTAL INTEREST EARNED FOR PERIOD OF 5/112009 THRU 4/30/2010 General Operating: First Public: Tex Pool: Funds Management Group: $29,272.61 $24,248.54 $11,642.03 $65,163.18 Interest & Sinking: First Public: Tex Pool: Funds Management Group: $12,684.23 $ 0 $ 0 $12,684.23 Capital Project: First Public: Tex Pool: Funds Management Group: $ 5,823.54 $ 0 $ 0 $ 5,823.54 124 WISD ANNUAL INVESTMENT REPORT FOR POOL TRANSACTIONS PERIOD 5/1/2009 THRU 4/30/2010 MONTH MAY 09 MAY 09 MAY 09 JUNE 09 JUNE 09 JUNE 09 JULY 09 JULY 09 JULY 09 AUG09 AUG09 AUG09 SEPT 09 SEPT 09 SEPT09 OCT09 OCT09 OCT09 NOV09 NOV09 NOV09 DEC09 DEC09 DEC09 JAN 10 JAN 10 JAN 10 FEB10 FEB10 FEB10 MARCH10 MARCH10 MARCH10 APRIL 10 APRIL 10 APRIL 10 FUND G/O G/O G/O G/O G/O G/O G/O G/O G/O G/O G/O G/O G/O G/O G/O G/O G/O G/O G/O G/O G/O G/O G/O G/O G/O G/O G/O G/O G/O G/O G/O G/O G/O G/O G/O G/O AVE. MONTHLY POOL DISBURSEMENTS INVESTMENTS INCOME EARNED INTEREST RATE FIRST PUBLIC -$4,060,000.00 $6,084.56 $855,640.53 TEX POOL $0.00 $3,327.88 $0.00 FUNDS MGMT $0.00 $2,042.60 $0.00 FIRST PUBLIC -$4,200,000.00 $3,410.65 $712,480.29 TEX POOL $0.00 $2,933.73 $0.00 FUNDSMGMT $0.00 $1,662.37 $0.00 FIRST PUBLIC -$4,965,000.00 $2,023.95 $496,643.36 TEX POOL $0.00 $2,605.14 $0.00 FUNDS MGMT $0.00 $1,521.48 $0.00 FIRST PUBLIC -$4,550,000.00 $4,080,216.64 $1,145.39 TEX POOL $0.00 $0.00 $2,682.22 FUNDS MGMT $0.00 $0.00 $1,190.08 FIRST PUBLIC -$4,260,000.00 $8,406,238.45 $1,057.28 TEXPOOL $0.00 $2,288.96 $0.00 FUNDS MGMT $0.00 $1,061.41 $0.00 FIRST PUBLIC -$4,120,200.00 $6,890,107.88 $1,390.91 TEX POOL $0.00 $1,756.58 $0.00 FUNDS MGMT $804.59 $0.00 $0.00 FIRST PUBLIC -$4,354,000.00 $2,187,103.71 $1,476.75 TEX POOL $0.00 $1,714.12 $0.00 FUNDS MGMT $0.00 $724.42 $0.00 FIRST PUBLIC -$4,475,000.00 $8,692,243.05 $1,550.23 TEX POOL $0.00 $0.00 $1,753.27 FUNDS MGMT $0.00 $0.00 $936.62 FIRST PUBLIC $10,976,472.75 -$3,800,000.00 $1,593.68 TEX POOL $0.00 $0.00 $1,367.47 FUNDS MGMT $0.00 $0.00 $456.48 FIRST PUBLIC $7,655,852.66 -$4,620,000.00 $2,714.49 TEX POOL $0.00 $0.00 $1,146.04 FUNDS MGMT $0.00 $0.00 $402.55 FIRST PUBLIC -$4,400,000.00 $1,184,521.71 $3,445.82 TEX POOL $0.00 $1,323.14 $0.00 FUNDS MGMT $0.00 $0.00 $436.52 FIRST PUBLIC $1,256,447.70 -$3,900,000.00 $3,378.90 TEX POOL $0.00 $0.00 $1,349.99 FUNDS MGMT $0.00 $0.00 $402.91 $53,393,968.73 125 -$51,704,200.00 $65,163.18 12 MONTH AVG. 0.434% 0.430% 0.270% 0.319% 0.320% 0.220% 0.267% 0.360% 0.210% 0.246% 0.320% 0.150% 0.225% 0.230% 0.140% 0.169% 0.198% 0.100% 0.154% 0.212% 0.110% 0.163% 0.150% 0.140% 0.108% 0.163% 0.060% 0.132% 0.152% 0.060% 0.169% 0.097% 0.060% 0.195% 0.166% 0.060% =.193% WISD ANNUAL INVESTMENT REPORT FOR POOL TRANSACTIONS PERIOD 5/1/2009 THRU 4/30/2010 MAY09 JUNE 09 JULY 09 AUG09 SEPT 09 OCT09 NOV09 DEC09 JAN 10 FEB 10 MARCHiO APRIL 10 MAY09 JUNE 09 JULY 09 AUG09 SEPT 09 OCT09 NOV09 DEC09 JAN 10 FEB 10 MARCHiO APRIL 10 MAY09 JUNE 09 JULY 09 AUG09 SEPT 09 OCT09 NOV09 DEC 09 JAN 10 I&S I&S I&S I&S I&S I&S I&S I&S I&S I&S I&S I&S BLDG BLDG BLDG BLDG BLDG BLDG BLDG BLDG BLDG BLDG BLDG BLDG SCH SCH SCH SCH SCH SCH SCH SCH SCH FIRST PUBLIC FIRST PUBLIC FIRST PUBLIC FIRST PUBLIC FIRST PUBLIC FIRST PUBLIC FIRST PUBLIC FIRST PUBLIC FIRST PUBLIC FIRST PUBLIC FIRST PUBLIC FIRST PUBLIC FIRST PUBLIC FIRST PUBLIC FIRST PUBLIC FIRST PUBLIC FIRST PUBLIC FIRST PUBLIC FIRST PUBLIC FIRST PUBLIC FIRST PUBLIC FIRST PUBLIC FIRST PUBLIC FIRST PUBLIC FIRST FIRST FIRST FIRST FIRST FIRST FIRST FIRST FIRST PUBLIC PUBLIC PUBLIC PUBLIC PUBLIC PUBLIC PUBLIC PUBLIC PUBLIC $76,743.61 $415,587.13 $72,575.19 $50,197.34 $24,832.21 $79,700.89 $371,390.44 $2,458,960.35 $3,202,037.71 $16,615.16 $162,906.42 $106,971.41 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 -$6,224,113.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 -$2,223,500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $7,038,517.86 -$8,447,613.00 $1,325.85 $868.14 $697.22 $547.81 $418.92 $315.56 $278.37 $306.21 $202.68 $220.64 $305.73 $336.41 -$495,000.00 -$279,000.00 -$251,600.00 -$600,000.00 -$141,698.15 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 -$30,000.00 -$75,000.00 $0.00 $5,823.54 -$1,872,298.15 $261.99 $186.39 $160.93 $127.55 $10.45 $5.25 $4.63 $4.67 $2.87 $0.00 $0.00 -$8,000.00 -$410,000.00 -$255,979.07 $0.00 $0.00 -$5,500.00 $0.00 126 $2,776.81 $2,017.76 $1,822.13 $877.58 $351.01 $275.72 $272.24 $439.21 $554.87 $806.77 $1,168.83 $1,321.30 $12,684.23 12 MONTH AVG. $1,325.85 $868.14 $697.22 $547.81 $418.92 $315.56 $278.37 $306.21 $202.68 $220.64 $305.73 $336.41 $5,823.54 12 MONTH AVG. $261.99 $186.39 $160.93 $127.55 $10.45 $5.25 $4.63 $4.67 $2.87 0.434% 0.319% 0.267% 0.246% 0.225% 0.169% 0.154% 0.163% 0.108% 0.132% 0.169% 0.195% =.215% 0.434 0.319 0.267 0.246 0.225 0.169 0.154 0.163 0.108 0.132 0.169 0.195 =.215% 0.434 0.319 0.267 0.246 0.225 0.169 0.154 0.163 0.108 WISD ANNUAL INVESTMENT REPORT FOR POOL TRANSACTIONS PERIOD 5/1/2009 THRU 4/30/2010 SCH FEB 10 MARCH10 SCH APRIL 10 SCH FIRST PUBLIC FIRST PUBLIC FIRST PUBLIC $3.16 $4.49 $5.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $777.38 -$679,479.07 $3.16 $4.49 $5.00 0.132 0.169 0.195 $777.38 12 MONTH AVG. = .215% AVERAGE RATE OF PORTFOLIO FOR PERIOD OF 5/1/2009 THRU 4/30/2010: .2095% AVERAGE RATE OF 91-DAY US TREASURY BILL FOR PERIOD OF 5/1/2009 THRU 4130/2010: .1225% I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS IS A TRUE AND CORRECT SUMMARY OF THE DISTRICT'S INVESTMENTS FOR PERIOD OF 5/1/2009 THRU 4/30/2010. __________________---,Date Date, TERESA THOMAS, ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT FOR FINANCE 127 WENDY ROSS, GENERAL LEDGER SUPERVISOR _ WAXAHACHIE ISO ANNUAL INVESTMENT REPORT (EXCLUDING POOL TRANSACTIONS) FOR PERIOD OF 5/1/09 THRU 4/30/10 PROJECTED PURCHASE ANNUAL INT. DATE 632.58 09/03/09 6,150.00 08/25/09 757.02 09/03/09 2,374.15 09/03/09 139.99 10110/08 FUND TYPE SCH SCH SCH SCH SCH CD CD CD CD CD ACTUAL MATURITY PURCHASE INTEREST COST PARAMT. DATE RATE YIELD AMOUNT 632.58 42,172.61 42,805.19 1.50% 42,172.61 09/03/10 1.50% 6,150.00 410,000.00 1.50% 416,150.00 410,000.00 08125/10 1.50% 757.02 50,467.68 51,224.70 50,467.68 09/03/10 1.50% 1.50% 2,374.15 159,338.78 161,712.93 159,338.78 1.49% 1.49% 09/03/10 139.99 9,333.00 9,472.99 9,333.00 10/10/10 1.50% 1.50% 671,312.07 The District did not have any US Treasury Notes or Discount Notes during this reporting period. The CD's listed above are all for Scholarship Funds. 128 681,365.81 671,312.07 10,053.74 The following rates reflect the relationship between Fannie Mae Discount Notes and comparable maturity U.S. Government Treasury Bills. The rates listed are on a discounted basis and are an average of the daily rates for each month. Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan-08 Feb Mar Apr Mav Jun Jul AUG ep ct ov ec an-09 eb ~ar IDr lIav Jun Ju IAUg ISep Oct Nov Dec Jan·10 Feb Mar 6 months 1 month 3 months ON Rate Tbill Rate Difference ON Rate Tbill Rate Difference ON Rate Tblll Rate Difference 0.253 4.824 5.077 5.149 0.318 4.725 5.135 4.817 0.424 0.547 4.932 4.385 0.793 4.969 4.111 5.014 4.221 0.858 0.545 4.584 4.039 4.707 3.714 0.756 0.993 4.669 3.913 0.415 4.013 0.598 4.428 4.573 0.824 4.521 3.923 3.749 0.724 1.026 4.187 3.463 4.354 3.580 4.308 3.282 0.774 0.876 1.221 4.105 3.228 4.260 2.764 1.496 4.220 2.999 0.549 0.705 3.290 2.742 3.573 2.690 0.883 3.459 2.753 0.547 2.036 0.463 2.764 2.133 2.499 2.238 0.526 2.680 1.476 0.595 2.265 1.303 0.881 2.071 0.962 2.148 1.267 0.551 2.083 1.069 1.014 0.775 2.103 1.552 2.078 1.303 2.059 0.331 2.164 0.328 1.750 0.309 2.094 1.763 1.836 0.371 2.188 1.708 0.470 2.137 0.481 2.338 2.508 1867 2.246 0.701 0.808 1.944 1.583 0.663 2.441 1.633 2.645 0.852 2.245 1.675 0.570 0.770 1.915 2.491 1.721 2.767 2.189 1.326 1.139 0.847 1.342 1.102 2.725 1.586 2.428 1.03 1.441 1.171 1.481 0.254 0.778 2.102 1 2.65 1.291 0.u75 0.221 u.7 0.731 0.824 .963 0.1 1 1.55 .10 0.005 0.09 0.2 0.241 0.30 .258 0.0 ~5 0.54 .13 0.1 0.047 0.08 .27 0.46 0.17 0.297 0.1 ~o 0.27 0.08 0.13 0.21 0.58 0.451 0.05 .37 0.295 0.151 0.10 0.10 0.051 0.27 0.06 0.212 0.51 0.409 0.0 0.19 0.04 .0 0.15 O. 141' 0.383 0.340 0.12' 0.15 0.1 O. 16 0.001 0.306 0.298 .0 0.19 0.17 0.151j O. 0.00 0.20 0.16: O. 35 0.32: 0.314 .Ol O. 4 0.051 .0 0.213 0.17:' O. 36 0.271 0.17 0.32 O. 1 0.154 0.03 0.189 0.024 0.033 0.165 0.29 0.259 0.107 0.057 0.031 0.05 0.149 0.116 0.033 0.23 0.201 0.081 0.034 0.047 0.114 0.068 0.046 0.191 0.156 0.035 0.061 0.048 0.013 0.083 0.023 0.048 0.035 0.172 0.149 0.038 0.022 0.016 0.094 0.047 0.047 0.195 0.164 0.031 0.062 0.015 0.047 0.036 0.044 0.095 0.059 0.187 0.143 0.103 0.052 0.051 0.047 0.147 0.047 0.221 0.174 0.100 0.138 0.109 0.029 0.179 0.037 0.216 0.051 0.142 0.267 129 Page 1 of3 Waxahachie ISO - CDA(L) - Investments Waxahachie ISD 070912 COA (LOCAL) OTHER REVENUES: INVESTMENTS " _ _--_._..._ - - - ._-- .. .. -----_... .."-._--,,,,_._----- " INVESTMENT AUTHORITY The Superintendent or other person designated by Board resolution shall serve as the investment officer of the District and shall invest District funds as directed by the Board and in accordance with the District's written investment policy and generally accepted accounting procedures. All investment transactions except investment pool funds and mutual funds shall be executed on a delivery versus payment basis. APPROVED INVESTMENT INSTRUMENTS From those investments authorized by law and described further in CDA (LEGAL), the Board shall permit investment of District funds in only the following investment types, consistent with the strategies and maturities defined in this policy: 1. Obligations of, or guaranteed by, governmental entities as permitted by Government Code 2256.009. 2. Certificates of deposit and share certificates as permitted by Government Code 2256.010. 3. Fully collateralized repurchase agreements permitted by Government Code 2256.011. 4. Banker's acceptances as permitted by Government Code 2256.012. 5. Commercial paper as permitted by Government Code 2256.013. 6. No-load money market mutual funds and no-load mutual funds as permitted by Government Code 2256.014. 7. A guaranteed investment contract as an investment vehicle for bond proceeds, provided it meets the criteria and eligibility requirements established by Government Code 2256.015. 8. Public funds investment pools as permitted by Government Code 2256.016. SAFETY AND INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT The main goal of the investment program is to ensure its safety and maximize financial returns within current market conditions in accordance with this policy. Investments shall be made in a manner that ensures the preservation of capital in the overall portfolio, and offsets during a 12-month period any market price losses resulting from interest-rate fluctuations by income received from the balance of the portfolio. No individual investment transaction shall be undertaken that jeopardizes the total capital position of the overall portfolio. LIQUIDITY AND MATURITY Any internally created pool fund group of the District shall have a maximum dollar weighted maturity of 180 days. The maximum allowable stated maturity of any other individual investment owned by the District shall not exceed one year from the time of purchase. The Board may specifically authorize a longer maturity for a given investment, within legal limits. file://C:\Documents and Settings\wross\My Documents\Policy On Line - Waxahachie ISD - ... 5/3/2010 130 Waxahachie ISD - CDA(L) - Investments Page 20f3 The District's investment portfolio shall have sufficient liquidity to meet anticipated cash flow requirements. The investment portfolio shall be diversified in terms of investment instruments, maturity scheduling, and financial institutions to reduce risk of loss resulting from overconcentration of assets in a specific class of investments, specific maturity, or specific issuer. The investment officer shall monitor the investment portfolio and shall keep the MONITORING MARKET PRICES Board informed of significant declines in the market value of the District's investment portfolio. Information sources may include financial/investment publications and electronic media, available software for tracking investments, depository banks, commercial or investment banks, financial advisors, and representatives/advisors of investment pools or money market funds. Monitoring shall be done at least quarterly as required by law, and more often as economic conditions warrant by using appropriate reports, indices, or benchmarks for the type of investment. FUNDS/ STRATEGIES Investments of the following fund categories shall be consistent with this policy and in accordance with the strategy defined below. OPERATING FUNDS Investment strategies for operating funds (including any comingled pools containing operating funds) shall have as their primary objectives safety, investment liquidity, and maturity sufficient to meet anticipated cash flow requirements. AGENCY FUNDS Investment strategies for agency funds shall have as their objectives safety, investment liquidity, and maturity sufficient to meet anticipated cash flow requirements. DEBT SERVICE FUNDS Investment strategies for debt service funds shall have as their objective sufficient investment liquidity to timely meet debt service payment obligations in accordance with provisions in the bond documents. Maturities longer than one year are authorized provided legal limits are not exceeded. CAPITAL PROJECTS Investment strategies for capital project funds shall have as their objective sufficient investment liquidity to timely meet capital project obligations. Maturities longer than one year are authorized provided legal limits are not exceeded. SAFEKEEPING AND CUSTODY The District shall retain clearly marked receipts providing proof of the District's ownership. The District may delegate, however, to an investment pool the authority to hold legal title as custodian of investments purchased with District funds by the investment pool. BROKERS/ DEALERS Prior to handling investments on behalf of the District, brokers/dealers must submit required written documents in accordance with law. [See SELLERS OF INVESTMENTS, CDA(LEGAL)] Representatives of brokers/dealers shall be registered with the Texas State Securities Board and must have membership in the Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC), and be in good standing with the National Association of Securities Dealers. SOLICITING BIDS FOR CD'S In order to get the best return on its investments, the District may solicit bids for certificates of deposit in writing, by telephone, or electronically, or by a combination of these methods. file://C:\Documents and Settings\wross\My Documents\Policy On Line - Waxahachie ISD - ... 5/3/2010 131 Waxahachie ISD - CDA(L) - Investments INTERNAL CONTROLS Page 301'3 A system of internal controls shall be established and documented in writing and must include specific procedures designating who has authority to withdraw funds. Also, they shall be designed to protect against losses of public funds arising from fraud, employee error, misrepresentation by third parties, unanticipated changes in financial markets, or imprudent actions by employees and officers of the District. Controls deemed most important shall include: 1. Separation of transaction authority from accounting and recordkeeping and electronic transfer of funds. 2. Avoidance of collusion. 3. Custodial safekeeping. 4. Clear delegation of authority. 5. Written confinnation of telephone transactions. 6. Documentation of dealer questionnaires, quotations and bids, evaluations, transactions, and rationale. 7. Avoidance ofbearer-fonn securities. These controls shall be reviewed by the District's independent auditing finn. PORTFOLIO REPORT In addition to the quarterly report required by law and signed by the District's investment officer, a comprehensive report on the investment program and investment activity shall be presented annually to the Board. This report shall include a perfonnance evaluation that may include, but not be limited to, comparisons to 91-day U.S. Treasury Bills, six month U.S. Treasury Bills, the Fed Fund rate, the Lehman bond index, and rates from investment pools. The annual report shall include a review of the activities and total yield for the preceding 12 months, suggest policies, strategies, and improvements that might enhance the investment program, and propose an investment plan for the ensuing year. DATE ISSUED: 12/02/2002 UPDATE 69 CDA(L)-A4 This online presentation of your district's policy is an electronic representation of TASB's record of the district's currently adopted policy manual. It does not reflect updating activities in progress. The official, authoritative manual is available for inspection in the office of the Superintendent. [See BF (LOCAL) for further information. [ tile://C:\Documents and Settings\wross\My Documents\Policy On Line - Waxahachie ISD - ... 5/3/2010 132