MMSD School News from Superintendent Cheatham, East, Black


MMSD School News from Superintendent Cheatham, East, Black
This is the biweekly electronic MMSD family newsletter. To sign up to receive this newsletter via
email, please visit Please make sure to add
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Table of Contents
Update from the
Superintendent, p. 1
BadgerBOTS RoboƟcs, p.
May 29, 2013
District News
An Update from Superintendent Cheatham
Dear MMSD Families,
High School Student
Leadership Conference,
p. 4
Food & NutriƟon
Summer Program, p. 4
Annual Hmong Academic
CompeƟƟon, p. 4
B.O.S.S. Fun Run, p. 5
La FolleƩe FiŌy Fest, p. 7
Auto Skills Challenge, p.
Memorial Students
Dominate Debate and
Forensics, p. 7
Spanish Spelling Bee, p.
Cinco de Mayo
CelebraƟon at Cherokee,
p. 9
West Forensics, p. 9
West Rocketry, p. 10
Since my start date on April 1, I've been busy visiƟng school and
talking with families and community members. I'm happy to report
that tomorrow, I will complete my visits to all schools in the district.
We'll culminate this process with our last parent and community
member forum this Thursday, May 30 at 6:30pm at La FolleƩe High
Thank you to those of you who have aƩended forums over the past
few months, and if you haven't, I hope you'll be able to join us at La
FolleƩe tomorrow to talk more about what's working and where we
need to improve.
My conversaƟons with parents, students and staff have been open,
honest and very producƟve, and I've learned an incredible amount
about our district. I know that there is a lot of work ahead of us, but
every day as I conƟnue to learn from the Madison community about
our schools, I become clearer on where we need to go and more
confident that we're going to get there.
In early June, I plan to publish a summary report of what I've learned
during my listening and learning phase and to outline our
preliminary prioriƟes as a district. Then, I'll transiƟon to an
accelerated planning stage so that we'll be ready to start the school
year strong. Rather than go through a long, drawn-out strategic
planning process, we are going to move swiŌly to decisive acƟon.
Our work will take urgency, determinaƟon and tenacity, but as I've
said before, I am so confident that we can get there because I know
that all of the ingredients for success are here in Madison.
Hope to see you at La FolleƩe tomorrow.
Upcoming Events
Thursday, May 30
6:30 pm ConversaƟon
with the Superintendent
at La FolleƩe High School
Jennifer Cheatham
Friday, May 31
9:30 - 10:30 am I Love
Madison Sky Watching
(for ages 50+) at MMSD
Friday, May 31
6:30 pm Africa Night
Saturday, June 1
1 - 5 pm Art Fundraiser
at Absolutely Art for
Whitehorse Middle
Sunday, June 2
10 am - 2 pm MSCR at
Ride the Drive
Monday, June 3
Deadline to sign up for
Youth Power Academy of
Finance Day Camp.
Camp begins June 17
Tuesday, June 4
10 - 11 am I Love
Madison (for ages 50+)
at Madison Metro
During the Superintendent's visit to
Shorewood Elementary School, she was
able to take part in the school's Earth Day
assembly and was given a Shorewood
Sharks T-Shirt by mascot "Shorey the
BadgerBOTS RoboƟcs CompeƟƟon
The high school FIRST® RoboƟcs CompeƟƟon team BadgerBOTS
returned home aŌer a great trip to the World Championship event
held in St. Louis, Missouri, April 24 to 27th.
The FIRST® RoboƟcs CompeƟƟon (FRC®) is about much more than
the mechanics of building a robot or winning a compeƟƟve event. It
is about the partnership among people who are part of the FIRST®
community and the impact on those who parƟcipate in FIRST®
programs with a united goal of achieving FIRST®'s mission. Their
mission is to change the way young people regard science and
technology and to inspire an appreciaƟon for the real-life rewards
and career opportuniƟes in these fields.
Friday, June 7
Walk for the Cure at
Schenk Elementary and
Shorewood Elementary
Friday, June 7
4:30 pm La FolleƩe
Spring Social Scramble at
the Yahara Hills Golf
Friday, June 7
5:30-7:30 pm Mann
Scholars Ceremony at
the Wisconsin InsƟtute
for Discovery Town
Thursday, June 13
Last day of school
Sign up for MMSD text
alerts at
Call 663-1879 for info
The Chairman's Award was created to keep the central focus of FRC
on the ulƟmate goal of transforming the culture in ways that will
inspire greater levels of respect and honor for science and
technology, as well as encouraging more of today's youth to become
scienƟsts, engineers, and technologists.
represents the spirit of FIRST. It
honors the team that, in the
represents a model for other
teams to emulate, and which
embodies the goals and purpose
of FIRST®. It remains FIRST®'s
most presƟgious award.
The BadgerBOTS roboƟcs team earned the right to compete for the
World Championship Chairman's Award by winning the award at the
Wisconsin tournament event. Although the team did not win the
award at the World Championship, the feedback that they received
gives them great confidence that they will be even more compeƟƟve
for this honor in next years compeƟƟon.
The BadgerBOTS team has students from East, Memorial and West
high schools currently involved with the program. Students
interested in parƟcipaƟng in any age group should contact Mr.
Senson at Memorial High School:
Do you have a good
news story from your
school that you would
like to share? Tell us!
Programs include:
Minor League for grades 2-3 with a fall season from September
through December
Lego League for grades 4-8 with a fall season that runs from
September through December
Tech Challenge for grades 9-12 with a season that runs from early
September through February, and
RoboƟcs CompeƟƟon team for grades 9-12 with events that run all
year long but a compeƟƟve season from January through April.
High School Student Leadership Conference
On April 23rd the Madison
Metropolitan School District's
Talented and GiŌed Department
and the Aristos Scholars Grant
Program sponsored a Madison
High School Student Leadership
Conference at Union South on
the UW-Madison Campus. The
student conference brought
organizaƟons from all five Madison high schools; East, West,
LaFolleƩe, Memorial, Shabazz and AlternaƟves to present, learn and
explore the strong leadership organizaƟons our schools provide.
Students and staff were treated to a day of acƟviƟes and keynote
addresses from community leaders, Michael Johnson and Dora
Zuniga. Student led presentaƟons from student organizaƟons,
spoken word performances as well as show choir entertainment. The
conference is just the beginning of a long term commitment by the
TAG department to become a partner in delivering and documenƟng
meaningful student leadership experiences. Next year through The
Student Leader IniƟaƟve, TAG will provide addiƟonal opportuniƟes
for middle school and high school students as well as a means to
documenƟng their involvement. If you are interested in finding out
more contact Jim Dunn, TAG IRT:
Need Help Feeding Your Child
During Summer Break?
The Food & NutriƟon Summer Program
offers free meals at more than 30
locaƟons. Meals are served at schools, parks and community
centers. Breakfast, lunch and snack are available Monday through
Friday, June 24 - August 16. Please call 204-4007 for more
East AƩendance Area News
Annual Hmong Academic CompeƟƟon 2013
On Thursday, April 25, 2013, the two
Southeast Asian Language for NaƟve
Speakers 1 and 2-3 classes at East High
School went to the InternaƟonal Peace
Academy (IPA), a Hmong charter school in
Milwaukee, to compete in the third annual
Hmong Academic compeƟƟon. The purpose of the compeƟƟon was
to promote Hmong literacy and preserve Hmong heritage and
The compeƟƟon comprises of three categories, Word Bee, Spelling
Bee, and the jeopardy that has five subgroups focusing on Hmong
history, culture, parents and children, the arts, and poliƟcs. This year,
three Madison schools (East, Verona High School, and IPA) competed
against each other, though Verona just parƟcipated in the Word Bee
category. East lost the Spelling Bee, by two points, to IPA while it
doubled IPA's scores on both the Word Bee and the jeopardy.
East students have worked hard and prepared themselves well for
this compeƟƟon. Each team was made up of four contestants and
one alternate and some students competed in two categories.
Contestants were selected based on their academic strengths and
their interest to compete. Both students from level 1 and level 2-3
classes represented East High School.
With all the contestants - Front row: Kavin Yang; Second row, leŌ to right:
Mai Lee, Ms. Thao; Third row, leŌ to right: Pafoua Thao, Lue Lee, Koua
Thao, Mai Vang Lee, Yee Thao, Kaewsuwan Xiong, Chao Lee, Mai Chong
Thao, and Yee Lee.
Ms. Thao, the coach, wishes to send many congratulaƟons to Chao
Lee, Yee Lee, Lue Lee, Koua Thao, Mai Lee, Spelling Bee Team; Mai
Vang Lee, Yee Thao, Kaewsuwan Xiong, Zong Xiong, Pafoua Thao,
Spelling Bee Team; Mai Chong Thao, Kavin Yang, Chao Lee, Yee Thao
and Kaewsuwan Xiong, Jeopardy Team. Thank you for your
dedicaƟon and hard work. We are super proud of you all!
B.O.S.S. Fun Run at Black Hawk, O'Keeffe and
Sherman Middle Schools
On Friday, May 17, students at Black Hawk, O'Keeffe & Sherman
middle schools simultaneously ran a one-mile course at their
respecƟve schools. Students challenged themselves to run and/or
walk as many miles as they could in a 90-minute period.
families sponsored the event
through the FoundaƟon for
Though it was a friendly
compeƟƟon, contribuƟons were
split to help all three schools.
The Parent-Teacher groups of
the three schools plan to use contribuƟons for innovaƟve health &
wellness programs. Black Hawk will upgrade playground and physical
fitness equipment.
Sherman will fund the
school garden and the
Cooking Healthy OpƟons in
program that L'Etoile Chef
Tory Miller runs at the
educaƟon equipment - roller
skates for roller skaƟng unit,
archery equipment and canoes.
Black Hawk, Sherman, and O'Keeffe had a "combined challenge" to
see how many miles on average each student completed.
O'Keeffe kids ran 1,962 miles for a total of 4.79 miles per student
Black Hawk kids ran 1645 miles for a total of 5.02 miles per student
Sherman kids ran 2043 miles for a total of 5.35 miles per student
The total miles ran between all three schools was 5650!
Black Hawk students have
been running in the Fun
Run for three consecuƟve
parƟcipated in a Fun Run
the last 7 years O'Keeffe
also has a long history of
fun runs as well, but this
year was the first year that
all three schools joined
forces. "It was a great
success, students loved it, and it is the kind of all-school event in
which each and every student can parƟcipate and excel,"
commented Julie Hay-Chapman, Speech-Language Clinician at
O'Keeffe Middle School.
Bryn BenneƩ-FeinblaƩ, 8th grade, led Sherman's charge with 11
miles. From O'Keeffe, 8th grade student Donquavious Holt ran 11
miles as well. Erick Manzo, a 7th grade student, was Black Hawk's
top runner with 10 miles.
Thank you to the following for making donaƟons: Benvenutos,
Boulders, Coca-Cola, CommunicaƟon InnovaƟons, Fox Water, Glass
Nickel, Great Dane, Bucky Books, Harbor AthleƟc Club, Madison Kipp
CorporaƟon, Madison Sole, Mallards, Midwest Clay Project, Mother
Fool's Coffee House, NiƩy GriƩy, Olive Garden, Orange Tree Imports,
Overture Center, PDQ, RevoluƟon Cycles, Rick's Olde Gold, Solidarity
Realty, Texas Roudhouse, Willy Street Co-op, parents and community
La FolleƩe AƩendance Area News
Mark your calendars for Saturday, July 20 from
Noon - 5 PM for La FolleƩe FIFTY FEST. This
kickoff celebraƟon is the first of several events
during the 2013-2014 school year to
commemorate the 50th Anniversary of La
FolleƩe High School. Stay tuned for more
about this in the June 12th ediƟon of the
MMSD Family NewsleƩer.
Memorial AƩendance Area News
Ford/AAA Auto Skills Challenge State CompeƟƟon
Students Alex Cramer and Dan
Girkin from Memorial High
School finished 9th in the
Wisconsin State "Ford/AAA
Auto Skills Challenge". Dan
and Alex parƟcipated in the
compeƟƟon as a result of their
combined scores on an online
pretest taken earlier this year. Once their score was determined to
be in the top ten scores in Wisconsin they were qualified for this
"hands-on" contest held at MATC-Milwaukee in Mequon on
Wednesday, May 8, 2013. The students worked on one of ten
idenƟcally "bugged" 2013 Ford Focuses. The team that found all the
problems in the shortest Ɵme became the State Champions.
Unfortunately Dan and Alex did not find all of the issues and finished
in an 8-way Ɵe for third; the Ɵe was broken by the results of the
online test.
They were able to prepare a liƩle for this contest with the help of
Middleton Ford. Service Director Jim Hergenroether made a 2013
Focus available to use as pracƟce for this event, as well as some help
from a couple of the great technicians who took Ɵme from their
work to offer advice.
Memorial Students Dominate Debate and Forensics
State CompeƟƟon
AŌer fending off worthy challenges from rival schools, the James
Madison Memorial Forensics team claimed their sixth consecuƟve
Ɵtle at the 2013 WFCA State Forensics Tournament on April 20.
The team, coached by Tom Hardin, has now won ten Ɵtles in the
past thirteen years, and the tradiƟon is only growing stronger. This
outstanding team of twenty-five of Memorial's strongest
'forensicators' is among the ranks of the best teams, including sports
teams, school-wide.
Six of the 25 went on to win first place and now have their stake in a
space on the wall in theater 300, among the greats: Nive Prabakaran
in DemonstraƟon Speaking, Kat Bunke and Andy Gray in Duo
InterpretaƟon, Catherine Bartzen and Mason Rather in PlayacƟng,
and Mara Blumenstein in Special Occasion Speaking. Many other
Memorial students reached the final rounds in their events, further
highlighƟng the team's consistency and depth of talent.
Mr. Hardin and his team of adult coaches work Ɵrelessly throughout
the year, personally coaching team members towards a high level of
refinement in public speaking and acƟng. The dedicaƟon of these
coaches, along with the dedicaƟon of the team, pays off over and
over again. As Mr. Hardin likes to say, "PracƟce makes champions!"
The awards ceremony was followed by tears of joy and hugs to go
around. CongratulaƟons to the forensics team on this huge
West AƩendance Area News
Cherokee Student Wins Spanish Spelling Bee
The 3rd Annual MMSD Spanish Spelling
Bee took place on Friday, May 10, 2013 in
the McDaniels auditorium at the Doyle
AdministraƟon Building. Patricia Venegas,
Bilingual Teacher Leader at Nuestro
Mundo and member of the district's Office
of MulƟlingual and Global EducaƟon
(OMGE), organized the contest this year
and is happy to announce the winners!
Mindy Navarro, an 8th grader at Cherokee
Middle School, took first place, and
second place went to Claudia Mena, a 5th grader from Thoreau
Elementary. Mindy was one of the nearly 30 students who came to
parƟcipate in this contest from a total of 15 schools. The Spanish
Spelling Bee is for students currently enrolled in grades 4 through 8,
and this year the following schools parƟcipated: Nuestro Mundo,
Sandburg, Kennedy, Glendale, Lowell, Thoreau and Chavez
elementary schools, Sherman, Spring Harbor, Wright, Hamilton,
Cherokee, Toki and Black Hawk middle schools.
Everyone who parƟcipated did a great job. CongratulaƟons to Mindy
and Claudia!
Cinco de Mayo CelebraƟon at Cherokee Middle
Cherokee Middle School was
the scene of an early Cinco de
Mayo Fiesta on May 1.
planned the event with Si
Puentes, Cherokee's LaƟno
parent associaƟon, and a group
of enthusiasƟc students.
Entertainment was provided by
Madison Mariachi, accompanied in part by strings teacher Erin
Selbee and viola students Kira Shukar, Molly Jetzer, and Maddie
Sowinski. Carlos Garcia and Angel Meyo-Cartujano welcomed
families to the Fiesta. Other entertainment included Lily Sandholm
on piano, Yamil Vazquez and Stephanie Velez singing "Cosas
Pequenas," Lesli Nieves reciƟng her poetry, and deejay Sergio
Rodriguez. Raquel Tapia, Yoana Hernandez, and Daniela Rico
demonstrated the art of making guacamole, which was served along
with a delicious tostadas dinner.
The Cinco de Mayo Fiesta was
made possible with grants from
Cherokee's PTO and Youth by
Youth. Food was donated by
Abuelos, Laredos, Santa Maria
(supermercado) and La Hacienda,
as well as Sí Puedes parents
Mauricio,Veronica Perez, Rogelio
Rico, Pioquin Janet Rico, Joaquin Flores, and Maria del Otero.
West Forensics Team Goes to NaƟonals
Forensics is the art of public
speaking. Students on the
West High School forensics
compeƟƟve debate and
throughout the year.
The West forensics team
parƟcipated in the naƟonal qualifying tournament April 12-13 in
Milwaukee. Hallie Kircher-Henning and Lucy Woolson in Duo
InterpretaƟon and Anh Le in Original Oratory will represent West
and Southern Wisconsin at the NaƟonal Speech and Debate
Tournament in Birmingham, Alabama June 16-21.
Ten students from West parƟcipated in the qualifier, each of them
puƫng in endless hours of hard work, pracƟce and dedicaƟon. The
fact that these three students achieved these highly compeƟƟve
spots represents a milestone for the West forensics team.
On April 20 the West forensics team placed 5th at the State
Forensics Tournament at Ripon College. West had ten semi-finalists
and three finalists. Senior Aileen Zebrowski placed 6th in
Storytelling, sophomore Lexi Slater placed 4th in Radio Announcing,
and junior Anh Le was the state champion in Original Oratory.
Anh Le has also been named an Academic All-American by the
NaƟonal Forensic League, based on her accomplishments in speech
and debate, her academic success and her outstanding character
and leadership skills.
West Rocketry Team Places 5th at NaƟonals
2012 champion West Rocketry team made an unprecedented return
to the podium, placing 5th at the 2013 NaƟonal Team America
Rocketry Challenge (TARC). West was the top performing school
overall at the compeƟƟon.
Pictured (L-R) Marion Blakey (President AIA Aerospace Industries AssociaƟon),
Charles Bolden (NASA Administrator), Suzanne Hanle (12), Tashi Atruktsang (12),
Hanwook Chung (12), Ted Cochran (President NaƟonal AssociaƟon of Rocketry),
Anne Ward (TARC Coordinator)