Fall 2015 – Big Leaf Orchids New Plants List (Please note that you may ask to order from this list as well as plants listed on our website). Revised 2015-09-30 Please email us at phal@bigleaforchids.com for your order as most of these plants are not listed online yet. Species Phal schilleriana $30 Small 4-5” inch leaf span, beautiful foliage Phal corningiana (corningiana X sib) $30 Sp-53fp Phal cornu-cervi var. flava '(Peloric)' Sp-76 Phal equestris var. aurea 6” leaf span, 3.0 inch pot $25 $25 Phalaenopsis Seedlings – Near Mature to Mature Size – These plants are 6” leaf span planted in 3 inch pot, unless stated otherwise. F1303 Phal (Su's Milk Puff X cornu-cervi f. chattaladae) $20 F1316 Phal (Tetra Green 'Peter Lin #1' X philippinensis 'Orchidview' HCC/AOS) $20 F1317 Phal Pylo's Dragon Princess (Yungho Princess Gelb 'HF' X Dragon Tree Eagle 'DT#1' AM/AOS) F1406 Phal (Surf Song 'OX Gold Orange' AM/AOS X Dragon Tree Eagle 'DT#1' AM/AOS) $25 F1409 Phal (Sogo Lawrence 'Nobby' X (Chingruey Fancy x lueddemanniana) 'Edward') F1410 Phal (Yaphon Sensational #3 X Dragon Tree Eagle 'DT#1' AM/AOS) $25 F1416 Phal (gigantea 'Southlake' X kunstleri 'Pylo') $20 $25 $28 TM1231 Phal ((ambonosa x Pip-Squeak)'TM52' X amboinensis) $20 TM1236 Phal Taida Sunshine (tetraspis #10 X equestris (blue lip)) $20 (8-10” leaf span) TM1359 Phal Cesario Gene Tobia (cornu-cervi 'solid brown' X bellina '12') $20 Phal Telu (tetraspis X lueddemanniana) $25 TH561 - Phal (Coral Isles X Crimson Cherub) $28 Z13-7 Phal (LD's Bear King X cornu-cervi) H313 $30 Mature Size Phal (Mituo Sun X (Grosbeak x venosa) 'Peter') $25 (8-10” inch leaf span) (6” inch leaf span) H312 Phal.Mituo Sun x Phal.Mituo Kaiulani Eagle 'DT' $25 H308 Phal (Natasha 'Joy #3' X (Grosbeak x venosa) 'Green') $25 4-5 inch leaf span H337 Phal ((javanica x Buena Jewel) 'Peter' X Ld's Bear Queen 'CTL #4') $25 Mature Size TH470 - Phal (Tying Shin Blue Jay X Purple Martin) $30 Large mature size, few in spikes. P Dragon Tree Eagle x LD's Bear Queen 'M#3' $30 AM396 P. javanica x LD's Bear Queen 'M#3' $30 AM392 P. LD's Bear King 'YKY' x Hawaii Dragon Girl 'DT-1' $35 AM218 P. Yuda Blood Red x Chingruey's Fancy $30 AM405 P. LD's Bear King 'YK7' x Dragon Tree Eagle $30 AM444 P. LD Bellina Eagle (sib cross) $35 AM355 P. Mituo Coral Mambonosa x LD's Bear Queen 'M#3' $30 AM237 P. Zheng Min Muscadine x LD's Bear King 'YK3' $35 Clones Phal Meidarland Violacea Beauty ‘Chin Yo’ (Tzu Chiang Orange X violacea) $25 - fragrant Phal Hannover Passion 'Ching Ruey' AM/AOS (Gelblieber X mariae) $30 - fragrant Phal Orchid World 'Bonnie Vasquez' AM/AOS $25 - fragrant Phal Sogo Grape 'Y.N.' AM/AOS (Super Stupid X Princess Kaiulani) $25
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E-mail: pom.orchidart@gmail.com
Website: www.pomorchids.com
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