Klaxon November 2008


Klaxon November 2008
November 2008
No. 177
Above: WCSRC ‘s Show Display. Mel
Broun’s 39 Chec coupe, Eric Warren’s
39 Willys coupe, Kevan Best’s A model
PU and Joe Carbone’s Jailbar ford pickup
West Coast wins Unsanctioned Display
Trophy at State Title Show Malaga, Oct. 2008.
This year, West Coast Street Rod Club decided to ignore the Best Club Display judging classification at the State Title show, opting instead to go for
and win the honour of “The Quickest Dismantled
Club Dispay and Outa Here” award.
The club display was packed into the back of Joe’s
pickup and out the door,
together with the other
Above: Special
three displayed vehicles, in
club flags for mirexactly nine minutes and
ror readers, dethree seconds. A record.
buted at the show.
Please contact us using the details below.
Address: Unit 1, 12 Cusack Rd, MALAGA. WA. Ph (08)9249 9632
General meetings: 3rd Sunday of each month at 7.30pm. Visitors
President: Kevan Best Ph. I lost it again.
Vice Presidents: Brian French 9377 7837 Alan Barton 9448 0110 .
Secretary: Mel Broun
Treasurer: Alan Rossi
ASRF Delegate: Jeff Ewence 9339 4337
TAC Delegate: Ken Myers
WAHRP Delegate: vacant, representative required.
Management Committee: Executive committee (above) and
B. French, Dave Krause. All members welcome to meetings. Get
involved or get left behind.
Social Committee: D. Krause, A.Lawrence , Maurie Searle, Ian
Swinbourne, Jim Candido
Strata Committee: Neil Gibb, Jeff Ewence, .Eric Warren
Klaxon Editor: Eric Warren 9574 6440 or fax 9444 3299 or email on
rodder@gidgenet.com.au Deadline is 7 days before the meeting.
Klaxon Distribution: Peter Hunter 9445 2493.
CONTRIBUTORS: Mike Flett, Mel Broun, Neil Gibb, Big Al
COVER: Doug Brassington at the Fathers Day Show
Club Merchandise.
Phone 9249-8553.
Mr. A-Model Andy now
For a full Club wardrobe refit.
Don’t Just Sit There
in the Nude!
Hello fellow rodders,
It’s time to find the reading glasses again and to concentrate on the words
as well as the pictures.
October has gone and now we are well and truly back into the
Rodding season, since it started with the Father’s Day show in September.
The biggies last month was getting my coupe licensed, the Ford museum
run and the WAHRP show. There is a show photo-feast later in this
Klaxon. There isn’t enough room this month for another Willys photo
feast. Tough for the fans...Sorry.
Remember last year, members were encouraged to provide a few
photos of their rods and projects , together with a few words, so we could
publish a Snap Shot overview of the club? Remember how possibly YOU
didn’t get aroundtuit, so the project, requiring a lot more work from
others, fell in a hole? Well, in this Klaxon we have an unsolicited profile
from a new probationary member. He didn’t even know about the Club
project.. Shame shame shame on you other slack asses! After a read of
this simple contribution, you will know more about Sam than most of the
other members! That’s why it is important to do one. Thanks Sam, for your
great example.. (Sam just happens to be another classy Willys rodding
Now that I am mobilised in a hot rod again, shedding the ridicule of
a lollie gagging, hat wearing bloody Volvo driver, I now have the mojo to
attend a lot more rodding events. One of these is fronting up for Jimbo’s
rodders’ oil and grease top-up breakfast, held every Saturday morning at
the club rooms, to check out the scene. This is a must attend event, even
if you don’t eat, just to mix with the crowd. It is supported by a huge cross
section of rodding enthusiasts . 8.30 - 10.30am. Come down for a cup of
coffee. There is a report in this Klaxon.
Last year, I was banned from entering the goodie goodie gumdrops
Good Fella’s Yanchep Rod Run, in the Volvo. Imagine my low self
esteem. Demoralised in front of hundreds of rodders in the shopping
centre car park. This year, I will be looking forward to attending this well
organised event in the coupe.. There will be a full report in the next
Klaxon, if the ford creeps don’t ban me this year, for driving a Willys..
Not since the days in the seventies, and the Hole-in-the Hedge Bistro
and the Dungeon, have I offered domestic tips in the Klaxon. Well, here is
a red hot tip for the bachelors and DIY clothes menders out there.
DON’T use super glue for holding up hems on your good dress trousers.
My good trousers are destined for the Winter Shed Collection, suitable for
all but welding and cutting purposes, due to their synthetic composition.
Have I warned you about flammable beanies before?
WCSRC Christmas Dinner. Now pay attention.
The dinner will be on next Saturday 22nd November, starting at 5.00pm.
At the clubrooms. It is being held earlier this year to avoid the pre-Xmas
social traffic jam. Wives and partners and kids are welcome. Cost is $10
a head for adults with the club is supplying all food and drinks.
If you have not advised Dave Krause of your attendance, do so now so that
suitable catering is allowed for.. Ph 9302 1940.
It is always a great event with excellent food. Be present or pluck a pheasant!
That’s it for now, I ‘ve got to get this lot to the printers.
Take Care until next we meet.
Extreme E.
This clean T
bucket was in
the hot rod
missed a spot
in the feature,
so here it is.
Now think for a moment.... .
If you were around in 1919 (just before prohibition started) and came upon
the following poster.........
I mean seriously, Would you quit drinking?
(for a second there, I thought I had a flash back of Jan French at the
Civic Hotel in the 70’s...)
West Coast Street Rod Club
Meeting Minutes 18/10/ 2008
Meeting opened - 7.30pm
Apologies –Kim Broun, Neville Anderson. Gary Bryant, Andy
Lawrence, Shane Osborne, Maurice Searle, Clive
Titchener, Rob Vanderberg.
Visitors – Shane
Minutes- Read and accepted by BobMulder and Ken Myers
Correspondence In – GT Falcon Car Club Newsletter
Cruise News – American Car Club of WA.
Geelong Street Rodders Newsletter Oct.
Correspondence Out – Klaxon
Treasurer’s report – Presented by Allan Rossi and accepted.
ASRF Report – Jeff Ewence – Still looking for a Chief Steward.
The ASRF stand at the State Title Show will be 4
1932 Fords ( including the raffle car).
New sanctions –Busselton – Radiators Club Dec
6 and 7/08
Dec 14 WAHRP run from North Mole to Myaree.
Dec 17 Motoring Heritage Day – all clubs
Rodder of the Year to be held on Feb 2009 at
Whiteman Park. Voting system has been changed
for a nominee at each meeting.
GM day on 23/11/08. ASRF looking for cars to
Sandgroper Nationals. Churchill Park has been
booked. Sunday Free Day could now include a
cruise to Nannup with food available at the
Local sporting club. Information will be at the State
title Show. Shannons is now a major sponsor with
Bob Jane providing prizes and lanyards.
TAC Report - Many cars at inspections but inspectors are coping
well as long as
appointments are made.
The hoist inspection is being organized.
Need to keep other drivers away from the hoist
when cars are being
Social Report- Ford Museum Run was well attended and
enjoyed by all. Photos in Klaxon.
Unfinished Business – Jeff Ewence has cut some DVDs on West
Coast history
For WAHRP Spectacular dispay, new flags
Entrants to receive information by
Wednesday 22 Oct.
New Business – Eric Warren asked if there was a plan for Easter
2009 –ie the Moora weekend. BobMulder
replied that the Moora festivities would now be
on only every second year.
Eric Warren was voted as this meeting’s
nominee for Rodder of the Year.
Buy Sell Swap- FC and FB ute –need restoring EK needs some
mechanical work. Ken Myers 0417 910 356
-47 Chev truck Mike Flett 0402 632 513
48 fibreglass pickup guards Steven Best 9571
Eric Warren has Rover V8 motor. Causing
Wanted Neil Gibb- Mudguard for a Customline
Meeting closed at 8.20pm.
Jimbo’s Breakfast Club
Featuring the Fried Egg & TAC Combo burger.
Over 12 months ago, Frenchie and Jimbo started the Rodders Breakfast held at the WCSRC club rooms every Saturday morning. The idea
was to create a regular social
event and better utilise the clubrooms for all rodders. The
idea has blossomed and regular numbers greater than 30
attend every Saturday.
While Frenchie still can’t
cook a sausage, Jimbo has all
of the catering and cooking
Above: Jimbo at the
wheel and Frenchie
the pretender. Left
upper: Dave Dickson, the “Murph”
and President Kevan
Best. Left: Some
verandah mingling
Jimbo’s Breakfast Club
Featuring the Fried Egg & TAC Combo burger.
under control. Jimbo cooks up a cooked-breakfast-lovers smorgasbord, all
for only 5 bucks. Breakfast on the verandah on a spring morning... What
could be better? Then there is coffee and tea available too and soft drinks
to degrease the down pipes.
Rodders from all sectors of the sport get together for a good chin wag
and bench race session.. The best days are the third Saturdays of each
month. These coincide with the monthly TAC inspections that are also on
these days at the club rooms.
Please remember, that if you are
there on these days, the shed area
around the hoist is restricted to
TAC personel only.
It is a great experience, so
come on down and have a goosie
gander. You don’t even have to eat
Frenchie’s cooking!
Above: The chef’s sausage carrying C-cab. Right, from top:
Mel Broun’s 39 chev coupe &
Eric French’s Chevy pickup,
Dave Krause’s Dodge PU, and
Dave Dickson’s ford PU
Jimbo’s Breakfast Club
Featuring the Fried Egg & TAC Combo burger.
Below: Steve Houlahan
and Paul Walsh check
Craig Hidden’s tough
Rambler powered C-cab.
Right: Paul’s LPG ford
powered A coupe and
Steve’s Holden V8 powered 32 coupe
Above left: Another TAC
inspector’s car, Nev Anderson’s 34
coupe. Above: Chassis keep coming thick and fast for their first
check. A healthy sign for the sport’s
future. Left: Laurie Ellement’s 1938 Willys Sedan. An even healthier sign!!
Jimbo’s Breakfast Club
Featuring the Fried Egg & TAC Combo burger.
Top Left clockwise:
Mark franks greypowered T, Frenchie’s
35 Chev Coupe, a two
door two spinner at
breakfast, Flat Head
Ben’s fattie sedan and
#25 Miss Stickshift.
Left: Panhead Pete’s 32 coupe. Below left:
Craig Hidden’s C-cab on the hoist. Below:
the Extreme E 39 Willys Coupe & Chevies.
WA Hot Rod & Street Machine Spectacular
WA Hot Rod Promotions this year presented their 10th annual Hot Rod
and Street Machine Spectacular at the Burswood Dome on the last weekend
in October. It was again the WA state title hot rod show and a round of the
Meguiars super series.
There was a large number of new entries this year, ranging from superb
show cars, to regular drivers and to unfinished rods. There was a good mix
for future rodders and other followers,to admire and aspire too.. From rat
rod budget to fort knox folly. Quality, as usual was excellent. There were
no noticeable trends in the rodding movement. Large rims are still rare on
hot rods.
Trade displays were plentiful, but well layed
out and presented
a good range of
car dude stuff.
There was a live
from time to time
and dispays of
their thing on the
dance floor in
front of the stage.
This year, the pro- Tony Scro’s 32 won a heap of hot rod trophies.
moters suggested
that there be a “ Movie” theme for the show and several club displays
obliged, with extensive back drops and the like, to create a “movie” display.
The Good Fellas had a huge Batman display that featured a replica of
Batman’s TUMBLER Batmobile. This Tumbler is an engineering marvel
and worth a good look. It was in last year’s show looking quite unfinished.
This year it is much closer to completion and is now fully bodied and painted.
The Mandurah R&C Club did a “Cars” animated movie display. The
55-57 Chev club had a huge retro drive-in theatre scene happening complete with plastic food on window trays on all of the cars. (Just like the real
fast food you buy today but tastier).
WA Hot Rod & Street Machine Spectacular
The Crackers , Wanksters, I mean Kranksters, had a great salt flats
scene hinting at “The World’s”Fastest Indian” movie. ( a must see!)
WCSRC’s display was based on “Gone in 60 Seconds”, the time it took to
get out of there!
At the time of writing, a trophy list hasn’t come forth thru the wires,
but I can tell you that the biggest hot rod trophy collector was Tony Scro’s
32 roadster, and the mostest street machine winner was Chris Anestassiou’s
(or similar) immaculate EH sedan.
Chris A”s EH was immaculate, featuring V8, Chassis kits, 4 wheel disc
brakes, great paint and trim etc. Multiple trophy winner.
side note: this car was going over ‘the pits” at the same time as the 39 Willys
coupe. While the coupe breezed through inspection, the mods on the EH, not to
mention the missing wiper arms, unfluted head light lenses, missing fly wheel cover
(left off by the auto shop) etc, all raised some attention.. Chris was cool and
prepared to cop a lengthy work list, but it ended up getting passed after all. It’s
good to have the “rebellious” lateral thinking Baby Boomer Generation in charge
where it counts, these days, after struggling with our “Fathers” when getting rods
licenced back in the 60’s , 70’s and 80s.
Other hot rod trophy winners
that come to mind were Doug
Harry’s 32 fordor sedan, Dave
Krause’s 34 coupe and Chesty Bond
(Mr Richard Fullerton) paraded
across the stage in fresh white
underwear to collect the top Tudor
Sedan trophy..
Eric Warren’s
Archie Fullerton’s Top Tudor
WA Hot Rod & Street Machine Spectacular
Willys Coupe was not entered for judging for fear that
the judges drooling may
damage the paint work.
Talking about paint work,
there were no apparent
trends. “Real” flames appeared on Dave Cull’s 34 sedan and on an A Model
coupe. On the whole, straight
colours still far out number Doug Harry’s stock height 32 Top Fordor Sedan
custom pain jobs.
The standout custom job was on a new Chrysler 300C. .(above). Below,
Dave Cull’s 34 sedan with the new style real flames paint job. Below, Dave
Krause’s V6 coupe took home a trohy... The price just went up!
WA Hot Rod & Street Machine Spectacular
Vince Feraloro’s 35
The Good
Fellas had a
theme and included The
Jeff Hitchen’s A coupe
Batman’s pub truck.
WA Hot Rod & Street Machine Spectacular
Above top & left clockwise: Part of Trevor Breeze’s large Vintage Rod & Custom stand. A 34 tudor, Butch Lietch’s 32
roadster, Tabatha Breeze’s 32 tudor, A
blown hemi powered channeled 37? pickup and Denis Rileys 33 tourer.
Flamed customs. Tony
Von Kustards old yellow
Cusso has been transformed, Craig Coopers
58 Biscayne, and Top
Custom Mercury lead
WA Hot Rod & Street Machine Spectacular
Top left, clockwise: Dave
Whiteheads custom Victoria
for sale at Frank’s Cool Rides
and Classics, A black and
flamed 32 coupe, a very clean
orange 32 hiboy coupe, Eric
French’s Chev PU, an unfinished channeled steel 35 coupe
with a flathead, an unfinished A
Model closed cab PU and an A
roadster with “lightening” paint
WA Hot Rod & Street Machine Spectacular
Above: Part of the informative ASRF display showing the three stages at which a
rod is inspected by the TAC on its progression to registration. Top left is a Hemi
powered 32 chassis. Hemis are so common now, they will be made out of fibreglass
soon! Top right is Denis Elstone’s 32 roadster. Above left, a completed 32, and at
the right, a display of ASRF junior rodders’ mini rods with amazing detail.
Right: The ASRF raffle car.
At only $5.00, it is pretty
enough for a Willys driver to
take an interest. I weakened.
Left: The Hahn family mini rod.is
super detailed.
WA Hot Rod & Street Machine Spectacular
Above: The Krankster’s “ World’s fastest Indian” salt flats movie theme.
Unfinished Desoto PU, Doug Brassington’s sweet flathead in
his twin spinner, A Hiboy 32 tudor (thank heaven for some
imagination!) and a single spinner ute on Nashty’s stand.
WA Hot Rod & Street Machine Spectacular
L.H. Column: This collection of A Models
headed by Big Al’s tourer was strung together. A coincidence or purposely collected to
commemorate 80 years of the blighters?
R.H. Column: Cherry red 36 pick up is a
gem. Graham Bruce’s Morris Minor PU
gathered yet another trophy. HM now?. Low
red F100 apparently just landed in from the
WA Hot Rod & Street Machine Spectacular
Drag racing vehicles have always been a part of hot rod shows, ever
since the early pre - ASRF days when both interests were married
together under the Australian Hot Rod Association.
Top left clockwise: A 38
Chev (apparently), a slightly more recognizeable 34
Chev, a group of six cylinder altereds from the 70’s,
A blown Holden six altered
and a junior and senior
WA Hot Rod & Street Machine Spectacular
“Gone In 60 Seconds”
Above: Nice Buns. Right: Kevan’s A Model PU.
WA Hot Rod & Street Machine Spectacular
Top left clockwise: “Scraps” Chev PU, Mark Franks 6 Cyl. T, The Off Road
Racing Association had a good display with action video to watch, Mel Broun’s 39
Chev Coupe, unfinished Chev custom and Chris Bitmead’s trophy winning 32
coupe from a previous show.
WA Hot Rod & Street Machine Spectacular
Your turn to work out
the pix!
WA Hot Rod & Street Machine Spectacular
Above: The Mandurah Hot Rod Club presented a display them based on the
animated movie “CARS”. The red A Model Vicky had a big block. Squeezed in.
Above: The 55-57 Chevrolet club put together an impressive Drive-in
theatre display. 55-57’s are are almost as common as A Models now.
WA Hot Rod & Street Machine Spectacular
And there is always the free show in the rodders
Top left, clockwise:
Zidlicky’s 37,
Vic’s 40 utility,
Paul Walsh’s A
coupe, V6 powered A40 PU, ,
Alan Barton’s A
Pringles Chev
Feraloro’s cross
ram manifolded
chopped Holden ute is a previous Meguiars
winner, a threesome of ‘32
(bottom), Shane
Covey’s? and on
Berriman’s real
deal steel one,.
WA Hot Rod & Street Machine Spectacular
Top right clockwise:
banger, another
low buck ratty,
55 Buick Special
Ian metcalf’s??
34 Chev sedan.
very rare ‘33
sports coupe,
Channeled 32
roadster, Eric
Warren’s Willys
coupe (just testing your alertness), Charlie
Mick Johnson A
flamed 32 hiboy
roadster and at
the top, Peter
Martin’s nostalgic ‘32 hiboy
Probationary Member Profile
Sam Attard
2002 until relocating to Perth in Feb 2008.
ing him to Castleraigh Drags.
street rods and modified street cars.
ing 1940 & 1941 Willys coupes and pick ups, from floppy bodies to turn key
and runs 9.00 second passes naturally aspirated.
car ran 10.28sec passes. This car has since been sold & is currently on the
market for $90,000.
long service leave.
olyn & Sam relocated to Perth in February 2008.
been building engines and performance car modifications.
cate his current project a 1941 Willys pick up/roadster back to Perth.
Willys roadster up and running for the Busselton Show
member of West Coast Street
Rod Club on Sunday September 21, 2008 and looks forward to getting to know
everyone and joining in on
runs once his 1941 Willys
roadster is on the road.
Sam 0410-744-257.
Owned and built by Sam, since sold, had a
best ET of 10.28
Probationary Member Profile
Sam’s current project
1971 LJ Torana built and owned by Sam, ran
565 BB and runs 9 second passes.
Custom Willys Chassis
Starting with a
Sam is creating a
roadster pickup.
aren’t sheep!
Ballarat Nostalgia Drags
A recent sequence
of shots from the
Nostalgia drags at
Nice landing!
Two guys, one old timer and one young, are
pushing their carts around Bunnings Building Supply when they collide.
The old timer says to the young guy, 'Sorry about that. I'm looking for
my wife, and I guess I wasn't paying attention to where I was going.
'The young guy says, 'That's OK. It's a
I'm looking for my wife, too. I can't find her and I'm getting a little
desperate! The old guy says, 'Well, maybe we can help each other. What
does your wife look like?' The young guy says, 'Well, she is 24 yrs old,
tall, with blonde hair, big blue eyes, long legs, big boobs, and she's
wearing tight white shorts, a halter top and no bra. What does your wife
look like?' The old timer says.. . 'Doesn't matter --- let's look for yours.'
TAC CONTACT INFO >>> watac@asrf.org.au
This is the address that will be used in future for build application
correspondence etc, Paul Walsh
—--------------------------------------------------4 SALE Clive Titchner’s 32 three window
coupe , Deuce Customs, body 350 chevy , ford
9inch, rodtech chassis etc Get a full spec sheet
and photos from clivetitchener@yahoo.com.au
or Ph 9562 4041 mobile 0400977767 Price is
Special discounts
for Club and ASRF members at
Auto One Ellenbrook .
The crew at will look after you. Lars, Aaron and Glen can also offer great
advice, gathered with years of experience.
The problem with a lot of Auto stores is they are full of fluff and crystals
and often don’t stock hard core rodder requirements. Ellenbrook Auto One
will order almost anything you could need for your rod. And still give you
some discount, if they can get discount themselves.
An example of this is the rings, bearings and gaskets etc that I needed for
the coupe’s motor. Bingo! They were there for
the weekend and at the
right price. Not to mention a great deal I got on
my Thermo fan and fittings. Try them!
22nd November. 5pm $10 a head, food and drinks supplied.
Must RSVP to Dave Krause if you didn’t advised at the
recent meeting. This is required to fine tune the catering
requirements. Ph 9302 1940.
Partners welcome, See you there. 5.00 pm start.
Coming Events
November 22: WCSRC Xmas Dinner. Book with Dave for
catering ph 9302 1940.
Nov 30: Armadale Auto Parts Show & Shine
Dec 20: WCSRC Xmas Lights Cruise
Feb16, 2009: Big Al’s Poker Run.
Regular :Wanderer’s Pizza night. Mark Gryska 9418 3668.
At Brandi Pizza, Rockingham Rd , Munster. 6.00pm.
Second Thursday each Month.
Regular: Frenchy and Jimbo’s Rodders breakfast at
at 8.30 every Saturday morning. Spread the
Regular: Radiators Monthly Bunbury Cruise. Tony 9721 4386
TAC Inspections. 3rd Saturday of month. Call Mike if you need
an inspection to make an appointment 0411 709 599
Wanted: Neil Gibb- Mudguard for a Customline
For sale:FC and FB ute –need restoring EK needs some
mechanical work. Ken Myers 0417 910 356
-47 Chev truck Mike Flett 0402 632 513
48 fibreglass pickup guards Steven Best 9571 0025
1932 Ford 3 window coupe. See inside back cover.
Clive Titchner
STOP PRESS BOX Sponsored by:
The Savings made at EllenBrook AutoOne!