LRCC Spring 2009 Final w corrections
LRCC Spring 2009 Final w corrections
LRCC News Spring 2009 Create PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer ( LRCC Executive Advertising Chairperson: Kim Beverly Ontario - Ad Submission Options: Electronic copy only will be accepted Scanned or digital photo, jpg format, min. 200 dpi. Text to be included in word or email format. Please do not insert pictures in text. Vice-Chairperson: Heather Dobson Ontario - Secretary: Mary-Anne Lauzon Ontario – Rates: Regular full-page ad: $30.00 (members), $45.00 (non-members) Commercial ad: $1.00/per each LRCC member and issue (i.e. 130 members =$130.00) Feature dog ad: $15.00 Feature ads (not always offered): $15.00 Front Cover: $85.00 Back outside Cover: $40.00 Lab Clubs (Specialty/events no charge) Treasurer: Diane Kendall Ontario – Board of Directors Atlantic: Gerald Dagley Quebec: Jean-Louis Blais Payments for ads to be sent to the Treasurer: Diane Kendall 610 Morning Sideroad, RR 2 Newmarket, ON L3Y 4V9 905-952-0093 Ontario: Paul Pobega Sask/Man: Joyce Love Note: Ads will not be published if payment is not received prior to the Newsletter Deadline. Alberta: Judy Hunt Deadlines: Winter/Spring: Feb. 22nd deadline Summer: June 20th deadline Fall: Oct. 17th deadline British Columbia: Debbie Waterer Disclaimer: The LRCC News is a forum for news, comments and discussions. We take no responsibility for the claims or statements made in the advertisements. The views and issues published, while subject to editorial process, are specific to the author and in no way necessarily the views or opinions of the Editor or the Board of Directors of the Labrador Club of Canada. Newsletter Committee Jim Girvan, Wade Sutton, Tari Yates and Leslie Grant Editor: Jim Girvan or 13689 Big Bear Terrace Ladysmith BC V9G 1G4 2 Create PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer ( Contents: Page 4: Message from President Page 5: Message from the Editor Page 6: Treasurers Report Page 7: Secretary's Report Page 8: Banned Aid Calls for Support Page 10 BC Directors Report Page 12: Alberta / NWT / Nunavit Director Report Page 13: LRC Alberta 2008 Specialty Results Page 20: Atlantic Directors Report Page 21: Ontario Directors Report Page 23: 2008 LRCC National Specialty Results Page 30: Gone Fishin Page 33 LOC November 2008 Booster Results Page 34: Dogs With Jobs Page 36: Dogs in Canada Top Labradors for 2007 Page 41: Letters to the Editor Page 42: Dr Robert Hutchison Seminar on Canine Reproduction Page 43: LRC Alberta August 2008 WC Test Results Cover: Spring has sprung on the west coast!! 3 Create PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer ( Message From The Chair: With most of the country enduring a particularly snowy, wet winter season coast to coast, there is little doubt that spring will have most fancier’s eager to get back to their canine pursuits without the threat of poor weather. Soon we hope to see days that will be milder, contain more sunshine and less snow, rain and bone numbing temperatures for man and beast! Perhaps the one good thing that has come from our Canadian winter 08/09 is that all our Labradors should have grown exception, proper coats! The LRCC Executive and Board have been busy on various projects. More extensive up dates can be found elsewhere within the Newsletter on them but I will briefly touch on a few things. In early 2009, we were in contact with Dr Woods, Chair of our Breed Standard Review Committee. He let us know that the Standard approved by the LRCC passed through the Events Officiation Committee without any problems. To the best of his knowledge, the next step for the Standard will be for the CKC to publish it for comment. We are not sure as to what the timeline for that publication is so keep your eyes peeled on the Official Pages that the CKC puts out month with Dogs In Canada. The 2009 National and WC Tests are hosted by the River City Labrador Enthusiasts in Winnipeg Manitoba August 6-9. Please take a moment to visit the 09 National website to get the latest information and view the trophy sponsorship classes. The link is available at . The 2010 National is being hosted by the Labrador Retriever Club of Alberta and the Board is working on the regional locations of the Nationals ’11, ’12 and ’13. We will update you with this information in the next Newsletter. Please don’t forget, the LRCC has its own email list. It was established for you to keep in touch with your fellow LRCC members in sharing your Labrador activities and for any discussion pertaining to the National Club and its activities. Contact myself at the email below to get onto it if you so wish. The homepage for the list is . A recent donation made on behalf of the LRCC Inc., to the Banned Aid Legal Fund (see the article on this elsewhere in the Newsletter) spurred the Board to request some feedback from the membership. We were interested in hearing how you view donations/requests for donations and the clubs funds. The poll ends in early March and we’ve had a good response. Being our first attempt at ‘online polls’, it appears that it is a good way to reach the membership quickly and achieve the needed feedback. Watch your mailboxes for future polls and the final results will be posted on the LRCC Email List and in the next Newsletter. Please feel free if you have any suggestions or concerns to contact your Director of the LRCC. Open communication between the membership and Executive/Board of Directors is very important so that the club and our stewardship of the breed are best served. Yours in Labradors Kim Beverly, Chair 2008-2011 4 Create PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer ( Message from the Editor: Is the LRCC Newsletter relevant any more?? It is a question I wrestle with as I prepare to put together each issue of a newsletter that I have been receiving myself for over 20 years. But despite its longevity, relevant and current material for each issue is increasingly difficult to source, despite pleas to the membership. We have to be cognizant of the other forms of media in an ever changing world of technology that allows virtually instant access to thoughts ideas and yes .. Feedback. In order to elicited increased member response to the newsletter, in the last issue we asked members their views on the topic of medical advancements available for today's breeder. The response … 0 ….. So I poised the same question on the LabList and got an instant response from a number of breeders and members (see inside for details). I think this is a very telling result. Now that is not to say that there isn’t anybody from the membership who is contributing… far from it. But with a mailing list that includes over 125, I typically receive input from fewer than 10 over and above the Executive and Regional Directors—and even then, they do not provide specifically requested material .. Again .. See inside for details (or lack thereof). In the last issue we also asked members opinions on how to distribute the newsletter, by email or as a web download, vs in the “snail mail” The results are as follows: Snail Mail in hard copy= 6. Email or web download=6 (one wants the option for both) 12 of 125 .. Not great. While appreciative of the 12 members who responded, what about the other 115 of you ??? Are you out there .. No opinion?? If we don’t get any better a response to issues poised in the Newsletter, we will just quit asking. And our letters to the editor section … not one response in 2 issues….. I am asking the membership to voice their support for the newsletter or it will cease to exist in the form we see today … perhaps a more current format tied to the LRCC email list is the way to go .. It would be current, cost less and may provide a more suitable medium for information exchange in today's high-tech world? Looking ahead to this year, the LRCC National will be held in Manitoba along with Manitoba Canine Show. For those who may be considering their holiday plans for August, details of the Specialties are now on the MCA website. . Hope you are able to join us! And in this issue a new feature .. Dogs with Jobs … got a story, send it in (I have 3 now!!) I hope you enjoy this issue and I look forward to your feedback. Contact me anytime … as always .. Hunting and fishing with my buddy …. Jimmy …. 5 Create PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer ( Labrador Retriever Club Of Canada Treasurer’s Report – Period Ending Jan.31.2009 Previous Bank Balance: Dec.31st/08 $12917.82 Revenue: Membership Donation LRCM Reg.Spec. -Profit BankCharges $ 1687.67. $ 30.00 $ 106.55 $ .58 $ 1824.80 $14742.62 Expenditures: #106 BFL-Club Insurance Premiums #107 M.Delaliau/ Replacement CK#66. #110 Banned Aid Donation Bank Charges $ 480.60 $ 50.15 $ 300.00 $ .90 $ 831.65 Bank Balance Jan.31st 2009 Outstanding Cheques: $13910.97 #108 J.Girvan-Newsletter Adv. . #109 D.Waterer-Website Host.Exp $ 100.00 $ 29.90 Other Revenue: BMO Term Investment as of Jan.31.2009 (Includes Interest Not Paid Yet) $16442.70 Respectfully Submitted Diane Kendall Treasurer 6 Create PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer ( LABRADOR RETRIEVER CLUB OF CANADA SECRETARY REPORT With the worst of winter behind us, I for one am looking forward to the 2009 show season filled with lots of warm and sunny days! By now, everyone should have received their 2009 renewal applications and I’d like to thank all those who returned them to me so promptly. March 31 st is the deadline so for those who have not yet done so, you still have a little time. Welcome to all our new members and we look forward to any and all contributions you may wish to share with the LRCC membership. To all our “Life Members”, Charles and Judy Hunt, Mike and Pat Lanctot, Valerie Secardin Walters, Ursula Dohmen, Terry and Victoria Gains, on behalf of the entire membership, congratulations and thank you for your support, hard work and dedication to our Club. Respectfully submitted Mary-Anne Lauzon– Kriscoland Labradors Secretary SASKATCHEWAN / MANITOBA DIRECTOR’S REPORT No report provided QUEBEC DIRECTOR’S REPORT No report provided 7 Create PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer ( Banned Aid Calls For Support In late 2004 a canine Coalition was founded by combining the following groups; The Dog Legislation Council of Canada, The Golden Horseshoe American Pit Bull Terrier Club, Advocates for the Underdog, The American Staffordshire Terrier Club of Canada and The Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club of Canada. The role of the Coalition was to defeat the breed specific legislation in Ontario-Bill 136. Led by then Attorney General Michael Bryant, the Government had legislated breed specific amendments to the Dog Owners’ Liability Act which became law in August 2005. The Coalition took their case to the Ontario Court of Appeal and there was a short lived victory by the Coalition and their lawyers who challenged this legislation. Unfortunately the Court of Appeal ruled to reverse its recommendations in the fall of 2008 and Ontario was back to Breed Specific Legislation. It was felt that if the ruling of the Court of Appeal wasn’t challenged; breed specific legislation would spread across the country like wildfire. How long would it be until the right to owning any breed specific dog would be in severe danger? Today’s Am Staff could easily be tomorrows Labrador Retriever. In mid January 2009, a request for assistance was announced by the Banned Aid Coalition with a mass email sent out to dog lists far and wide. In the Coalitions attempt to turn back the Ontario Provincial ruling of legislation having specific breeds cited in Ontario, a very large bill had piled up in legal costs and fees attached to a hearing in the Ontario Court of Appeal. The Coalition now wished to move to the next stage in their appeal, the Superior Court of Canada. In order to proceed, the legal bill which was $67,000.00 to date with well known hired lawyers Clayton Ruby, and co-counsel Breese Davies, had to be paid by January 30, 2009. That left just over two weeks to raise funds. Soon dog clubs and fanciers from coast to coast were joining the fight with their donations to pay the bill. Some used PayPal, cheques also were mailed directly to Mr. Ruby’s law office in downtown Toronto and a few others delivered their donation in person. In fact, money donations did come in from the United States and Europe and even cat owners got into the generous spirit in opening their wallets. The call to arms did not fall on deaf ears with the members of the Labrador Retriever Club of Canada. Two separate emails were received by the Executive and Board of Directors; one being Michelle Delaliaux and the other by Janice Kivimaki. Both ladies requested the LRCC step up to the plate and aid in assisting the Coalition in donating to the legal fund. Both had very valid concerns that if Bill 136 was not able to be heard by the Superior Court and hopefully overturned, canine ownership in Canada could become very unstable in the ensuing years. A motion was stuck by Joyce Love, Director for Manitoba, and was passed that a donation of $300 be sent on behalf of the LRCC. With the Executive and Boards action, the LRCC helped in turning the financial crisis for the Coalition and the funding goal was met and surpassed by the January deadline! 8 Create PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer ( The following was received and the Executive and Board wish to share this with you all: Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2009 3:28 AM Subject: OUTSTANDING ! On behalf of the DLCC I would like to thank each and every member of your club for your donation. It is so incredible.........and as a Labrador, soon to rescuer of an elderly old boy I am so proud of you guys!! DOG BLESS YOU ALL. LeeAnn O'Reilly, Pres.DLCC "Fighting ignorance since's taking longer than we thought." While the fight for the dissolution of the breed specific legislation goes on in Ontario, and hopefully a date with the Superior Court of Canada, the request to donate did bring up some questions among the LRCC Executive and Board of Directors. While two members felt passionately enough to contact the LRCC directly, how did the membership on whole feel about the clubs monies being used for such circumstances? The number of requests for donations to date has been few. However with science making leaps and bounds with genetic tests to aid in breeding practises pre-screening methods and legislative issues concerning dogs and breeding on the forefront these days, how long before someone else would knock on the LRCC door, donation box in hand? An online poll concerning the LRCC and donations was sent to the membership in early February 2008. While a final tally is unavailable at the Newsletters publishing deadline, we will report to you in the next Newsletter the results and they will be available online via the LRCC’s Google Group email list. The Executive and Board still invite you comment on this matter and any correspondence can be sent to our club Secretary via snail mail or email. It is your club, your hard earned monies raised via hosting club events. How do you think the LRCC should handle these future requests? Your Executive and Board of Directors wish to know! Want to chat to fellow LRCC members exclusively about this and other related Labrador issues? Join the LRCC Membersonline Email Google Group. Website Address: Requests to sign up: Submitted by Kim Beverly 9 Create PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer ( BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTOR’S REPORT Hello from British Columbia. Well BC is in the swing of things preparing for our 2009 BC Regional being held in conjunction with the Sporting Dog Spectacular in Surry on July 17, 2009 It will only be a conformation show this year but hopefully we will get more involved in some working and hunt shows in the future. Looking forward to seeing many of your there for a great fun filled weekend. Puppy enquires continue to be brisk as families begin their search for a new family member this spring. I would like to take this moment to say thank you to all who have support me in being the webmaster for our LRCC website over the past years, and now pass the torch to Paul Pobega who took over the site and it’s new address January 2009. I know it still looks the same but the website committee is working hard on the new layout and it will be up one day soon. Thanks Paul for stepping up to head this committee and large venture. We all look forward to a fresh new look. Brags from BC: Marlene Fletcher and her Lonsdale Labradors in Castlegar BC is proud to brag that “Nelson” aka Shwarzenberg Lancaster Lad got his CDX with 2 high in class. Nelson of course is one of the few dogs left, still in the ring from Ursula’s & Dieters Schwarzenberg Kennel. “Norman” aka Homestays the Norman Conquest got his Championship (much to his breeders delight—Barbara Cameron of Homestay in Victoria). Respectfully submitted Yours in Labradors Debbie Waterer, Hobocreek Labradors 10 Create PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer ( LABRADOR RETRIEVER CLUB OF CANADA NATIONAL SPECIALTY AUGUST 6-9, 2009 AUGUST 6/09 LRCC JUVENILE SWEEPS – JUDGE - JILL ICKOWSKI - WISCOY LRCC VETERAN SWEEPS – JUDGE – JILL ICKOWSKI - WISCOY LRCC OBEDIENCE TRIAL – DR. MICHAEL WOODS – WATERDOG MEET & GREET MANITOBA CANINE ASSOCIATION ALL-BREED SHOW AUGUST 7/09 LRCC BREAKFAST – SPONSORED BY LABRADOR RETRIEVER CLUB OF MANITOBA LRCC NATIONAL SPECIALTY – JUDGE – JEAN-LOUIS BLAIS – CHABLAIS LRCC LUNCH MANITOBA CANINE ASSOCIATION ALL-BREED SHOW AGM AUGUST 8/09 LABRADOR RETRIEVER CLUB OF MANITOBA REGIONAL SPECIALTY – JUDGE TBA MANITOBA CANINE ASSOCIATION ALL-BREED SHOW LRCC BANQUET AUGUST 9/09 LRCC WC/I/X MANITOBA SPORTING DOG SPECIALTY – JUDGE TBA MANITOBA CANINE ASSOCIATION ALL-BREED SHOW Count them there are 7, yes 7 sets of points for Labradors. Please visit our website at for further details 11 Create PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer ( ALBERTA / NWT / NUNAVUT Director First off – a Very Happy, Healthy, Prosperous New Year to Everyone! The dog show season is slowing getting underway. Here in Alberta we have had the Alberta Kennel Club all breed shows and trials. I’m very delighted to report that Margie and Ed Miller’s very nice black male special, Ch. Waifin’s Fly Cabot to Torngat (Cabot) took a Group First under judge Wendy Petkau. Cabot is owner handled by Ed. I see by the Stats that Cabot is in number one place at the moment. Congratulations to Ed and Margie. For those of you planning your summer campaign, the Labrador Retriever Club of Alberta has two Regional Specialties and Working Certificate tests planned for this June in Edmonton:…. June 5th, 2009, Cecilia Martinez, Southernwind, will judge all regular conformation classes. June 5th, 2009, Dr. Michael Woods, Waterdog, will judge a booster at the all breed show. June 6th, 2009, Janet Healy, Jandor, will judge Sweepstakes June 6th, 2009, Pluis Daveron, will judge all regular conformation classes. June 6th, 2009, Obedience Booster under Dr.Michael Woods June 6th, 2009, Rally Booster under Shelley Hennessy from Ohio. June 7th, 2009, WC, WCI, WCX tests. June 27, 28, 29, 2009, The LRCA will be holding 3 days of Hunt Tests (3xJH, 3xSH, 3xMH) For further information on conformation events please contact Lori Chamaschuk at For further information on obedience and hunt tests please contact Lionel Whittaker at The LRCA in conjunction with the Poodle Club of Canada held obedience trials over the Family Day long weekend in Edmonton. No results are available at this time. In January, I met with Moira Thom and Margie Miller to discuss our plans for up coming education with the LRCC. Once the up-dated Labrador Retriever Standard has been officially approved by the Canadian Kennel Club we will run it, along with the official LRCC Illustrated Standard (minus illustrations) in the breed column of Dogs in Canada. In the not too distant future we hope to have available information booklets for breeders and pet owners. This booklet will have the aims, information about the breed, the official standard, puppy ownership, resources, videos, periodicals, a list of breed clubs who are members of LRCC and any other information the committee feels pertinent to the Labrador Retriever. On a final note, would all Alberta members please submit any Group, Best Puppy in Group, Best in Show, Best Puppy in Show wins to me and I’ll see they are included in my Alberta Director’s report for the LRCC Newsletter. Respectfully submitted M. Judith Hunt, Windanna Labradors Alberta / NWT / NUNAVUT Director 12 Create PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer ( Labrador Retriever Club of Alberta —August 2, 2008 Submitted by Brian Proctor JUVENILE SWEEPSTAKES, Judge: Jennifer Kelly Sr. Puppy 9-12 Months 1. MEADOWHILL NOTHIN BUT MOVIN Br Mickey Weyenberg Stonecreek's Court Jester x Paevalley's Bring on the Rain WC AGN AGNJ CD Ow Eva O'KEEFE Jr. Puppy 6-9 Months Female 1. CAMBRIDGE DON'T WAIT UP Br L. Chamaschuk & B. Proctor Am.Ch. Stronglines Goblin x Am.Can.Ch. Cambridge Shhhhhhh Ow Breeders Sr. Puppy 9-12 Months Female 1. EAGERTRIEVES URSA MAJOR Br Jolene Lingnau Dicha's Stacey Ow Breeder Am.Ch. Windfall's Pipe Major x 12 - 18 Months Female 1. EAGERTRIEVES SHIMMERING STAR Br Jolene Lingnau jor x Ch. Eagertrieves Odyssey Ow Breeder. Am.Ch. Windfall's Pipe Ma- VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES, Judge: Jennifer Kelly 9-11 Years Male 1. CH.RAVENCLIFF'S BEAUMARK TOUCH, CD,WCI,JH Br J.L. Flathers CH.Willowrose Gimme A Break x CH.Ravencliff's Date With Destiny, CD Ow Dorothy HAVRELOCK 9-11 Years Female 1. AM.CAN.CH. BEECHCROFT RUMOR HAS IT, WC Br Mary A. & Michael Wiest Am.Ch. Lindall A'Bit of the Action x Jaholom Sjachois Cascade II Ow Lorie CHAMASCHUK & Brian PROCTOR 11 + Years Female 1. OTCH CH. BEAUMARK'S DESERT PRINCESS WC, CGC Br Mickey & Candy Allarie Ch. Euclid's Beaumark CDX WC x Jessebals Schatzie Ow Tami MARKS Specialty Show Results: Janis Grannemann Critics for Labrador Retriever Club of Alberta – Janis Grannemann Thank you so much for inviting me to judge your show. I had a wonderful time and really enjoyed getting to meet so many new people. The show was very well run and I could not have asked for a better ring steward - Leeanne Rigby. She kept me on my toes and made sure that the exhibitors did not get to talking while waiting in the shade and forget to come back into the ring. Great job Leeanne, thank you. 13 Create PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer ( But best of all, I got to put my hands on your wonderful dogs. Your dogs have some of the most beautiful heads I have seen in a long time. Correct proportions with good angles and the best of eyes. No round eyes with drooping eye lids. Their expressions just made me melt! Body length on the average was also very good. In other places I have seen long dogs with their length in the loin rather than the rib cage. Over all, some very nice dogs with good movement and some puppies that I will look forward to watching them mature. Jr. Puppy - Male 1. TORNGAT'S INDIAN BAY ROSSCO Br Ed & Marge Miller Ch. Chablais Sudden Impact x Ch. Eagertrieves Calm B4 T'Storm Novy CHEEMA Sr. Puppy - Male 1. MEADOWHILL NOTHIN BUT MOVIN Br Mickey Weyenberg Stonecreek's Court Jester x Paevalley's Bring on the Rain WC AGN AGNJ CD Ow Eva O'KEEFE Typey head. Good expression, balance and topline. Good bone. Nice temperament. Move well with great drive. My RWD Bred By Exhibitor - Male 1. FALLRIVER'S BIG FISH Br DANA AND ROB SCOTT CH TABATHA'S RENEGADE x WAYFIELD'S COUNTRY CLASSIC Ow Breeders Nice type, body, and tail set. Good neck into shoulders. Good topline. Good expression. Could move better if he did not spend so much time at the food bowl. Open - Male - Chocolate 1. NIPNTUCK EAGERTRIEVE MESMERIZE Br Rebecca and Katherine Jack Belgairn Tom Jones x Nipntuck Miss American Pie Ow Jolene LINGNAU Very typey. Pleasing head with good ear set and eye color. Nice outline and balance. Nice neck into shoulders and topline. Great rear. Good rib spring and body depth. Nice dark chocolate color with good texture. Good bone and feet. Moves with strength. My WD, BW, and BOS Veterans - Male 1. CH. BEAUMARK'S CRACKER JACK Br Dorothy F. Havrelock, James Hall Ch. Driftway Dare to Dance x Paevalley's Morgan of Beaumark Christine ENNS & Stephen ENGLISH Good head with proper angles and ear set. Well balanced with good topline and tail set. Moves well. Jr. Puppy - Female 1. CAMBRIDGE DON'T WAIT UP Br L. Chamaschuk & B. Proctor Am.Ch. Stronglines Goblin x Am.Can.Ch. Cambridge Shhhhhhh Ow Breeders Beautiful puppy. Full of type. Sweet face and expression. Good coat. Balanced with nice neck into shoulder - topline - tail set. Good forechest. Moves with reach and drive. My best puppy. Sr. Puppy - Female 1. EAGERTRIEVES URSA MAJOR Br Jolene Lingnau Am.Ch. Windfall's Pipe Major x Dicha's Stacey Ow Breeder Great type and coat texture. Good bone to feet. Nice angles. Good forechest. Great head and expressions. Just needs to get more confidence and she should do very well. 14 Create PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer ( 12-18 Months - Female 1. EAGERTRIEVES SHIMMERING STAR Br Jolene Lingnau Am.Ch. Windfall's Pipe Major x Ch. Eagertrieves Odyssey Ow Breeder Typey with a great coat. Good bone and rib spring. Balanced with sweet head. Bred By Exhibitor 1. EAGERTRIEVES SUMMER ODYSSEY Br Jolene Lingnau Am.Ch. Windfall's NewEngland Patriot x Ch. Eagertrieves Odyssey Ow Breeder Nice type and body depth. Great rear and tail. Good bone, rib spring, and coat. Nice head with a very good expression. Great attitude. Her tail never stopped. Moves well. Very deserving of WB. Open - Female - Black 1. GRAEGILL'S GALA AT CHARLTON Br Elaine Grant-Gill & Neil G Gill Blackthorn's Here For The Party x CH Makaila's Callie Brekke JH WC Ow Teresa EASTON Typey. Stands square. Good angles. Nice topline and tail set. Pretty head. Good coat . Good length of loin. Moves well. Open - Female - Yellow 1. AM. CH. DUCKTALES AND ON AND ON Br Teresa Keller Am. Ch. Waifin's Topform Conundrum x Am. Ch. Ducktales And That's My Story Ow Dr. Valerie JONES & Terri KELLER & Diane VILLA Typey, showy bitch. Good angles. Nice outline. Very pleasing head. Good body depth with short loin. Move with reach and drive. My RWB 15 Create PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer ( Veterans - Female 1. AM.CAN.CH. BEECHCROFT RUMOR HAS IT, WC Br Mary A. & Michael Wiest Am.Ch. Lindall A'Bit of the Action x Jaholom Sjachois Cascade II Ow Lorie CHAMASCHUK & Brian PROCTOR Typey. Sweet expression. Good angles with a nice shoulder. Good forechest and rib spring. Harsh coat. Moves well, but could move clean with less weight. Best of Breed CH. EAGERTRIEVES MEANT TO DO THAT Br Jolene Lingnau Ch. Rickways Bilbo Baggins x Ch. Eagertrieves Island In The Sky Ow Breeder Very typey bitch that caught my eye on the first go around. Nice cobbie outline with good balance and angles. Great expression and head angles. Good neck into good shoulders, topline and tail set. Great coat and tail. Good bone all the way through her feet. Moves cleaning with good reach and drive. Best of Opposite Sex & Best of Winners NIPNTUCK EAGERTRIEVE MESMERIZE Br Rebecca and Katherine Jack Belgairn Tom Jones x Nipntuck Miss American Pie Ow Jolene LINGNAU Very typey. Pleasing head with good ear set and eye color. Nice outline and balance. Nice neck into shoulders and topline. Great rear. Good rib spring and body depth. Nice dark chocolate color with good texture. Good bone and feet. Moves with strength. My WD, BW, and BOS 16 Create PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer ( Altered - Male CH. WINDANNA'S FERRARI Br Charles E. & M. Judith Hunt Ch. Driftway to Windanna CD x Windanna's Ursa Major Ow Christine ENNS & Stephen ENGLISH, Brace 1. CH. SHADESI'S PRAIRIE FIRE CD, WCX, JH Br Tami L. Marks CH. Tormentil Labradale Primetime x OTCH CH. Beaumark's Desert Princess WC, CG Ow Brad STASZCZAK OTCH CH. BEAUMARK'S DESERT PRINCESS WC, CGC Br Mickey & Candy Allarie Ch. Euclid's Beaumark CDX WC x Jessebals Schatzie Ow Tami MARKS Stud Dog and Get 1. AM.CAN.CH. CHABLAIS SUDDEN IMPACT Br Jean-Louis Blais and Madeline Charest Ch. Superbe Moka Des Savannes x Ch. Chablais Shakespeare Simone Ow J. LINGNAU 17 Create PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer ( Brood Bitch and Progeny 1. CH. EAGERTRIEVES ODYSSEY Br Jolene Lingnau Ch. Lewisan Lawman x Ch. Gomagans Morgan of Eagertrieve Ow Breeder Gun Dog 1. AM.CAN.CH. BEECHCROFT RUMOR HAS IT, WC Br Mary A. & Michael Wiest Am.Ch. Lindall A'Bit of the Action x Jaholom Sjachois Cascade II Ow Lorie CHAMASCHUK & Brian PROCTOR 18 Create PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer ( 19 Create PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer ( ATLANTIC DIRECTORS REPORT Hi members The cold weather is here and the Labs are enjoying rolling around in the snow. Myself I would like winter to end quickly. I attended the Halifax Kennel Club all breed show on February 14, 15 and the Labrador entry was very large. On Saturday the entry was 27 Labs and on Sunday there were 29 Labradors entered. This was the first show of the year and the entry is always big. Following are the Labrador wins. Saturday under Judge Margaret Jones BOB and Group 2nd Ch. Meadowmere’s Norwind Ooh La La Sunday under Judge Wayne Thompson BOB and Group 4th Ch. Devoir`s Keep`m Coming Gunner BPIS Madabout`s Moody Blue Saturday Obedience under Judge Bruce Gibbons Novice C Everwood Mutiny On the Bounty Sunday Obedience under Judge Bruce Gibbons Novice B Doindogs Pat I also helped out on an ALRC Fun Match, the club put on the weekend before the HFC show, which by all reports was successful financially and fun for all participants 2 and 4 legged. Respectfully submitted, Gerald Dagley, Wildbrook Kennels Atlantic Director LRCC _____________________________________________________________________________ LRCC Website Committee Update The new domain for the club, is up and running. The Executive and BOD granted the Website Committee with $1000.00 budget for the complete new design of the Club’s Website. The Committee began obtaining quotes from various designers within our budget. One of our requirements was to receive a quick mock up from these designers to view their abilities. References were checked and based on value and quality, in mid December the contract was awarded to a freelance designer that is involved in the dog show world. A $100.00 deposit was required to start the work with her. She felt at the time of hiring that she could complete the site by December 31, 2008. 20 Create PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer ( Unfortunately due to technical difficulty on the designers end, the project started to experience delays which continued to affect the timeline for the project. There was communication to and from the designer which the Committee felt she was becoming difficult and causing further delay. Without the designer knowing, the Committee was prepared to start fresh and look for another designer. However, we decided to regroup with the designer and as a result, in early February, the Committee agreed on the template designed by the designer. Shortly thereafter, we lost communication with the designer and again started to receive attitude from her when we did reach her. The Committee regrouped at the end of February, we decided to give the designer a deadline of March 4, 2009, which includes the redesign of the LRCC logo. Should the deadline not be met, we have discussed possibly providing her with another $100.00 for the template and we would have to look at another designer to take over the project. In short, the Committee wanted to have the new site up and running sooner than latter and we attempted to work with the current designer. Our goal is to get this site done concentrating on value and quality and hope that its completion is near. Sincerely, The Website Committee Paul Pobega – Chair, Mike Lanctot, Dana Scott ONTARIO DIRECTOR’S REPORT The Labrador Owners Club held a nicely entered Booster at the Georgina Kennel Club show in November 2008. Approximately 45 Labradors were entered. The Labrador Owners Club also held two Obedience Trials in Ancaster on Feb. 14, 2009. The seasonal slow down in dog events started in December 2008. There were though various nice LRCC member’s Labradors strutting their stuff in the conformation ring with some group placements, even a Best Puppy in Show at the Elora Gorge show. Congratulations to all the winners. The Labrador Owners Club is holding their specialty show on June 6 & 7, 2009. The Specialty conformation, sweeps and Junior handling will be held at the Holiday Inn in Cambridge, Ontario. Obedience Trials will be held at Dogwood Training Facility in Puslinch, Ontario and the WC/I/X will be held at Valens Park in Flamborough, Ontario. Since my last Director’s Report, inquiries from the LRCC website have been very minimal. There were 2 sent to 6 LRCC members from the LRCC site and another 4 referrals from our personal puppy inquiries were sent to 12 LRCC members. Respectfully submitted, Paul Pobega, Grandriver Kennels Ontario Director 21 Create PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer ( 2008 National Photos 22 Create PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer ( 2008 National Specialty Results: Best of Breed #808 Ch Chablais Marcello, Male Breeder/Owner : Jean-Louis Blais and Madeleine Charest Best of Opposite Sex #883 Ch Mooselake’s Sweet Bonnie, Female Breeder/Owner: Michel Quenneville Winners Male #113 Chablais Chocolatier, Male Breeder/Owner : Jean-Louis Blais and Madeleine Charest Winners Female #127 Kriscoland’s Intrinsic, Female Breeder / Owner: Mary-Anne Lauzon Best of Winners #113 Chablais Chocolatier, Male Breeder/Owner : Jean-Louis Blais and Madeleine Charest Best Puppy #802 Swentina Chablais Sirius, Male Breeder: Tina Turcotte. Owner; Jean-Louis Blais & Madeleine Charest Best Canadian Bred: #808 Ch Chablais Marcello, Male Breeder/Owner : Jean-Louis Blais and Madeleine Charest Award of Merit #113 Chablais Chocolatier, Male Breeder/Owner : Jean-Louis Blais and Madeleine Charest #118 Ch. Chablais Brookhill, Male Breeder: Jean-Louis Blais and Madeleine Charest Owner : Jean-Louis Blais and Mary Stirrett #873 Ch. Grinander’sBack in Black, Male Breeder/ Owner: Phyllis Anderson #879 Castilleja’s TL Master Hudson. Male Breeder / Owner: Joan Sinclair 23 Create PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer ( Best Sexually Altered #864 Ch. Copperstones’s Edge of Reason, Female Breeder: Lisa Brown & Carol Lynn Johnson Owner: Nicoal Aylin Best Stud Dog #808 Ch Chablais Marcello, Male Breeder/Owner : Jean-Louis Blais and Madeleine Charest Best Brace #857 / #864 Tabatha’s Taunt, Female Ch. Copperstones’s Edge of Reason, Female 2008 LRCC National Specialty Best of Breed Ch Chablais Marcello 24 Create PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer ( 2008 LRCC National Specialty Best of Opposite Sex Ch Mooselake’s Sweet Bonnie Critique de Heather Wiles-Fone de la Spécialité National 2009 I would like to thank the Committee for their hospitality and warm welcome. I thoroughly enjoyed the appointment and found some really top class Labradors. Junior Puppy Dog: 1st Fenwick’s Never Say Never: black puppy of very compact construction & excellent balance, lovely moulded head for a youngster, clean neck set into well placed shoulders, showed attentively, moved true going and coming. 2nd MIron’s Sir Porto: dark yellow with good head shape, dark pigmentation, well constructed body with pleasing proportions, correct coat, strong hindquarters, moved soundly. 25 Create PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer ( 2008 LRCC National Specialty Winners dog and Best of Winners Chablais Chocolatier Senior Puppy Dog: 1st Swentina Chablais Sirius: Strongly built yellow with well balanced skull & muzzle, expressive eye, good neck, pleasing forehand assembly with good depth of brisket, excellent spring of rip, firm over the loin, sound in movement with attractive tail carriage - BEST PUPPY – 2ND Miron Alexander The Great: Chocolate of lovely type, gorgeous head & expression, superbly balanced, short-coupled body, sound free movement, has many virtues but today was in between coats, nevertheless a quality youngster. 12 – 18 Months Dog: 1st Miron Mr Toxedo: This yellow portrays great balance& breed type…well chiseled head with intelligent expression, nice length of neck set into correct shoulders, firm topline, strong bone, moved with precision, lots to like about him. 2nd Chablais Basil: Lovely head with alert expression , clean strong neck flowing into excellent layback of shoulder, deep through chest & body, covered the ground with ease when moving and held his topline perfectly, clean in outline. 26 Create PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer ( Canadian-Bred Male: 1st Chablais Chocolatier: WINNERS DOG & BEST OF WINNERS – Although alone in his class, this chocolate dog stood out for his superb breed type, excellent coloured dark coat, well defined head, strong boned legs and feet, great body properties, plenty of rear angulation, moved absolutely true going and coming. A top quality Labrador who shows with great style and confidence. Open Black Dog: 1st Nycoma Way Moonshadows Memory…RESERVE WINNERS DOG – This eye catching black was beautifully presented with gleaming coat, gorgeous head with that lovely expressive eye…he excels in front and rear angulation, good spring of rib, moved confidently and accurately in every direction 2nd Tremrott’s Back in Black: Beautifully balanced, good head with alert expression, compact body, correct texture of coat, firm topline, good tail set, moved with reach & drive, showed with enthusiasm. Open Yellow Male: 1st Nightwind We’re Jammin: Well built dog with kind, honest head, strong bone, deep through body and brisket, correct coupling, well developed hindquarters, presented in good coat, moved well in both profile and up and down. Lovely type. 2nd Castilleja’s Theodore Big Blue: This is a smart dog displaying good balance, pleasing in head, excellent depth of body, good angulation front and rear, showed with verve & displayed true effortless movement. Open Chocolate Dog: 1st Chablais Favel: Excellent head and expression, broad across the skull, strong well boned legs with round well padded feet, great depth of body with muscular wide quarters enabling him to move with power & accuracy. Lovely dark coat, portrays great balance combined with excellent breed type. 2nd Doukare’s Little D: smart dog with masculine head with kind expression, plenty of heart room through chest, deep ribcage, correct coat, firm over the loin, nice tail set, lovely free striding action on the move. Veteran Dog: 1st Ch. Tormentil Labradale Primetime: What a lovely 9 year old & can still move like a youngster with reach and drive. Pleasing in head, great body, excellent coat, strong bone, a quality Labrador who was certainly enjoying his day out….superb type. 2nd Ch. Boothgate Chief Producer: Another quality dog with well moulded head, good eye colour, clean muscular neck, strong bone, great depth of body & moved so soundly. 27 Create PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer ( Critique de Heather-Wiles Fone National 2008 Junior Puppy Bitch: 1st Miron’s Tuscane : Charming yellow with the prettiest of heads, good pigmentation, very mature for age, clean neck flowing into excellent layback of shoulders, lovely short-coupled body with level topline, moved positively, clean in outline, presents a picture of class and good breed type. 2nd Kriscolands Peaceful Way: Black with excellent coat, feminine in head, correct front with well boned legs and feet, compact in body with well rounded quarters, moved with style & precision, lovely type, full of quality, just needed more maturity & will trouble the best. Senior Puppy Bitch: 1st Grandeoke Whipowil A Ghra at Celtia: Well proportioned black who looks good from any angle, nicely defined head, clean neck set into well placed shoulders, compact body, good turn of stifle, well balanced throughout & a typical example of the breed. 2nd Oulsmi Just For You: This is a very mature youngster with great body properties, lovely well shaped head, good eye, deep through chest, correct dense coat, but today carried her tail rather high. 12- 18 Months Bitch: 1st Kriscoland’s Water Baby: RESERVE WINNERS BITCH – Outstanding black, oozing quality, gorgeous head with expressive eye, good reach of neck, excellent layback of shoulder, deep in body, clean in outline, superb construction throughout, true effortless free flowing movement with plenty of drive from behind, excels in breed type and presented to perfection. 2nd Mooselake Kimber at Wildacre: Charming chocolate of excellent type, super angulation front and rear, great depth of body, pleasing sweet head, moved true keeping a level topline. Canadian-Bred Bitch: 1st Kriscoland’s Intrinsic: WINNERS BITCH – Stunning black, “out of the top drawer”, exudes quality and correct breed type, loved everything about her classical head to the tip of her otter tail, lovely flowing lines, looks good from any angle, great body, floated around the ring on the move, portrayed a picture of balance and style. 2nd Swentina’s Split Second: Very appealing black, excelling in her beautifully moulded head & super body, well boned legs and feet, short coupled body, dense coat, nice rear angulation with well let down hocks, moved soundly. Open Black Bitch: 1st Chablais Minuit: Smart black displaying clean flowing lines, sweet head and well boned legs and neat feet, excellent spring of rib, good turn of stifle, well set on tail which she carried well on the move, very good overall conformation…..she gave her best. 28 Create PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer ( Open Yellow Bitch: 1st Lobuff Holliridge Kiskadee: Enchanting bitch with all the attributes of a well constructed Labrador. Feminine in head, good angulation front and rear, plenty of heart room, good depth of body, correct textured coat, moved with purpose. 2nd Rosemont Cracker Jack: Very smart with well chiseled head, good pigmentation, reachy neck, correct shoulder placement, short-coupled body and moved with verve. Open Chocolate Female: 1st Josabry Shelby Mont Rouge: Lovely dark coloured chocolate, coat in gleaming condition, well moulded head, good eye, deep compact body, level topline with good tail set, lovely free mover, lots to like about her. 2nd Keldea’s Kiiaande: Another good coated chocolate, with well shaped head, she excels in her great depth of body & strong hindquarters which enable her to move with drive, lovely type. Veteran Bitch: 1st Ch. Kriscoland’s Ophelia: BEST VETERAN – What a gorgeous bitch, just screams breed type and class, lovely well defined head with kind eye, terrific body with super coat, one of the best tails of the day, just my type. I note that she is the dam of my Winners Bitch….a credit to her breeder. 2nd Ch. Giander’s Oh What A Gem: Very aptly named, sweet head and melting expression, plenty of angulation front and rear, tail never stopped wagging….a happy showgirl of great style. BEST OF BREED: Ch. Chablais Marcello: This dog certainly commands attention…….superbly presented as were all from this kennel. Congratulations! BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX: Ch. Mooselake’s Sweet Bonnie: A really super bitch with gorgeous head, presented in sparkling condition, lovely clean neck flowing into good shoulders, excellent deep body with level topline, stands four square on the best of legs and feet, moved to perfection, absolutely gave her very best and deserved this place today, just loved her. 29 Create PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer ( Gone Fishin’ Submitted by Joanne Fraser with permission from Suzi Beber, who kindly provided the resource information. Fish is an excellent addition to your dog’s diet, and most dogs love it! Although fresh cooked fish is often the best, you don’t need to rush out a buy a boat and gear (although this may just be the excuse you were waiting for!) Good quality canned local fish and seafood contain high quality protein and offer a variety of other nutritional benefits, including Omega-3 fatty acids, making fish a valuable addition to your dog’s diet. Let me clarify my definition of fresh cooked or canned fish. I am referring to “whole fish”, that is, human quality food that you and I can eat, not the fish meal, parts, fish by products, or fish digest commonly found in commercial canned and dry pet foods. My two Goldens, Abbey and Maya, absolutely love their fishy muffins made with local canned salmon. They also enjoy healthy and nutritious tuna training treats, which are a snap to make. (You can contact me directly if you wish either of these recipes.) When purchasing fish for your dog (or yourself!), always choose wild stock, not farmed. The question is, how do you determine which species are safe to feed or eat yourself? What about mercury levels that are found in fish and seafood? Research demonstrates that nearly all fish and shellfish contain traces of mercury. Mercury occurs naturally in our environment, in a variety of forms and levels of toxicity. It can be released into the air through industrial pollution, including, pulp and paper processing and mining. Waste from the burning of garbage and fossil fuels, accumulates in bodies of water, like streams and oceans, where it is turned into methylmercury. This is the type of mercury that we have to be on the lookout for, because at high enough levels, methylmercury can cause brain and kidney damage. Fish absorb methylmercury as they feed, and it binds to the proteins in fish tissue, so it is easy to understand why larger fish, that have lived longer, contain the highest level of methylmercury, simply because they have had more time to store it in their bodies. In toxic amounts, mercury prevents the body’s cells from transporting glucose which can result in convulsions, anorexia, tremors, swollen gums, and behavour problems, not only in us, but in our dogs too. Adding fresh cooked or canned fish to your dog’s diet can have all kinds of benefits, but a word of advice . . . leave the raw fish to the experts, and instead, choose cooked or canned, for convenience and care. Some raw fish contain parasites, for example, raw salmon poisoning is an infectious disease that is caused by a rickettsia that uses a parasite fluke on the salmon as a host. It is very interesting to step back in time for a moment, and examine what our ancestors were feeding their pets. Josephine Z. Rine, author of the 1936 publication “The Care and Feeding of Dogs,” had this to say: 30 Create PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer ( “Canned salmon is one of the very few foods that does not seem to pay the penalty for its can- ning. It is relished to a greater extent than any other fish and is easily digested. Though it contains more fat than codfish, and should for that reason alone, be harder on the stomach, it will be tolerated under any and all circumstances. Salmon and tuna are particularly attractive to meat-jaded appetites.” She goes on to say, “Much of the glandular disturbance so evident after distemper or any prolonged illness may be righted or at least helped by a liberal supply of fish. Fish and meat together are the greatest of disease resisters, seeming to fortify the system against the invasion of serious inroads.” Even now, decades later, fish plays a very important role in our pets’ special needs diets. Dr. Martin Goldstein, DVM, author of the best selling book, “The Nature of Animal Healing,” puts diabetic pets on diets comprised of 50 percent complex carbohydrates (and that includes whole grains), 25 percent chopped and steamed vegetables, and 25 percent protein, which can include steamed fish. Ailing pets may also benefit from Seacure, which is made from Pacific Whiting, caught in the Pacific Northwest. The levels of mercury contained in Seacure are below the threshold of detection in mercury toxicity tests, at only 0.01 parts per million. For further information, visit Canada’s Ministry of the Environment, is home to the Sport Fish Contaminant Monitoring Programme, which is the largest testing and advisory programme of its kind throughout North America, and has been testing Ontario sport fish for more than twenty-five years. Fish have been tested from approximately 1,700 locations in Ontario’s inland lakes and rivers, as well as in the Great Lakes. For further information, check out and you can always call their hotline, at 1-800-820-2716. Another valuable resource for you and your dog is the “Got Mercury” calculator, which can help us all to make healthy seafood choices. All you have to do is enter your dog or cat’s weight, the seafood type, and amount of seafood to be eaten, and the mercury exposure will be calculated for you, based on Environmental Protection Agency and Food and Drug Administration data, current to January, 2006. Visit With the launch of Safe Harbour Fish, which are guaranteed to contain low levels of mercury, California’s Pacific Seafoods Group has catapulted fish consumption safety for all our family members, into the future. Through a relatively new scanning system, developed by San Francisco’s Micro Analytical Systems (MAS), mercury levels in fish can be attained in about forty seconds, comparing test results to United States Food and Drug Administration data. Some fish, such as salmon, have consistently low reported mercury levels, which is good news for all of us. More than 1,000 pounds of seafood are tested every day. Both the Food and Drug Administration and the Environmental Protection Agency, provide up to date information about the levels of mercury found in fish, so whether you are at home or on the road, safe and healthy fish choices for you and your pets, is only a computer click or telephone call away. 31 Create PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer ( The list below is a comprehensive guide to mercury in fish that has been commercially caught and sold, according to the United States Environmental Protection Agency. Data for this list, has been compiled from two federal agencies, the Food and Drug Information agency, which tests fish for mercury, and the Environmental Protection Agency, which determines the mercury levels considered safe, for women of childbearing age. Fish choices marked with an asterisk, are those whose population has been depleted, due to over fishing, or if methods used for catching the fish, has had an impact on other sea life or ocean habitats. For information about fish you catch yourself, check advisories for your province or state. The categories on this list are determined according to the following mercury levels in the flesh of tested fish: * Highest Mercury: More than 0.55 parts per million * High Mercury: From 0.26 to 0.55 parts per million * Lower Mercury: From 0.12 to 0.25 parts per million * Lowest Mercury: Less than 0.12 parts per million For further information, please visit HIGHEST MERCURY: King Mackerel, Shark Swordfish, Tilefish, Orange Roughy, Marlin, Grouper HIGH MERCURY: American/Maine Lobster, Bluefish, Sea Trout, Bluefin and Ahi Tuna (fresh), Tuna (canned, White Albacore), Halibut, Croaker, Saltwater Bass LOWER MERCURY: Tuna (fresh Pacific Albacore), Tuna (canned, chunk light), Cod, Skate, Freshwater Perch, Monkfish, Snow Crab, Herring, Blue Crab, Snapper, Dungeness Crab, Mahi Mahi LOWEST MERCURY: Freshwater Trout, Sturgeon (farmed), Sardines, Oysters, Tilapia, Clams, Shrimp, Salmon, Crawfish, Crayfish, Sole, Shad, Spiny Lobster, Rock Lobster, Herring, Hake, Haddock, Flounder, Scallops, Ocean Perch, Whitefish, Catfish, Pollock, King Crab, Caviar (farmed), Calamari/Squid, Butterfish, Anchovies Something’s fishy? Abbey and Maya - ever hopeful that their fishing companion will catch one big enough to keep! Joanne Fraser, owner of West Coast Canine Life, lives on Vancouver Island, BC. with her husband Bill, and their two beloved Golden Retrievers, Abbey and Maya. For more information on a whole foods fresh cooked diet for your dog, please contact Joanne through her website: 32 Create PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer ( LOC Booster at Georgina Kennel and Obedience Club Show On November 9,2008 the LOC held a Booster at the Georgina Kennel and Obedience Club show. Club members really showed their support by having 40 out of the 44 conformation entries and by sponsoring classes in conformation and obedience. Judge Harry Tast from Finland put the dogs through their paces – he even asked for the ring to be opened up for the Breed judging so he could watch the dogs move. After the judging, I commented to him that there are some very well known breeders of quality Labradors in Finland he agreed then went on to say that he was very impressed with the quality of the Labs in his ring that day. The LOC also sponsored an Optigen Clinic the day of the Booster. It was well attended and thanks to LOC members Angela Tyrell and Robin Lee things ran like clockwork. A successful event made possible by dedicated LOC members! Dawn van Nostrand , LOC Specialty Show Chair Best Of Breed: Ch Staghorn’s Bearridge Caliber 01/28/2006 (Y): CH BNB’s Flash x CH BNB’s Plaid Skirt at Staghorn. Breeder/Owner. Linda Wyatt de Groot. Best Of Opposite Sex: Ch. Copperstone’s Finding Neverland 03/07/2005 (C): Ch Mallorn’s Toblerone x Forsythe Anchor At Copperstone. Owner Nicola Aylin. Best of Winners: Nyroca’s Candy Girl 01/28/2007 (Y) CH BNB’s Flash x Nyroca’s Butter me Up. Breeder/Owner Angela Tyrell Best Puppy In Breed : Nyroca’s Son Of A Witch (Y) 03/15/2008: CH Broadways On the Town x CH Nyroca’s Water Witch Breeder/Owner Angela Tyrell Winners Dog: Nyroca’s Son Of A Witch Reserve Winners Dog : Shanbro’s Charisma 07/18/2002 (Y): Shannon Valley’s Beauregard x Ch BNB’s Cultured Catch Breeder: Bev Vinells Owner. Joanne Fernall Winner’s Bitch: Nyroca’s Candy Girl Reserve Winners Bitch: Shalane Material Girl 10/28/2007 (Y) Windfall Banners Major Attraction x Shalane Evening Star. Breeder. Deb Lewis Owners LeeAnne Keifer and Deb Lewis. Highest Scoring Labrador Retriever In Obedience Trial: CH OTCH Pinebank Phantom of the Night MHJ WCX RE 10/31/2000 (Dog B): Ch Amaranth Onyx x Pinebanks Matchless Mattie JH WC Breeder/Owner Susie Bell. Score 193.5 Phantom also won Most Senior Labrador Retriever in the Obedience Trial 33 Create PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer ( Dogs with Jobs Submitted by Christina Bunn, Snohomish County Volunteer Search and Rescue in Washington State Since I was quite young, the Labrador retriever has been my favorite breed. In 2000 I purchased a black, female Labrador that needed a new career. She has since been a successful narcotics detection dog, and also a successful Search and Rescue K9. Out of her second litter I kept a yellow, female, and named her Springfield. Springfield’s grandsire on dad’s side is FC AFC Dare To Dream and her great grandsire on mom’s side is FC AFC Midnight Code Breaker, with a ton of other great stuff all throughout her pedigree. She was one of only two female puppies out of eleven, and she was my pick of the litter. I could write a novel on why the Labrador is the dog for me. I love floppy ears, and sweet brown eyes, they both melt my heart. On a professional level, they are the breed for me for several reasons. They are very biddable, they actual want to figure out what you what. My German Shepherd Dog looks at me and says, “Explain to me why I should do this for you and I will give it some thought.” My Labs look at me and say, “Oh boy, sounds like fun, let’s go, let’s go, do it again, do it again!” A well bred Labrador has a fantastic nose and natural instinct to hunt, which is what detection work is all about. Labs love to play, so these guys are easy to train to associate a toy with the odor you want them to find, be it human, narcotics, etc. Their sweet faces, soft eyes, and floppy ears exude friendship, so they a non-threatening presence within the community. Labradors are rugged and hardy. They can handle the Pacific Northwestern terrain and climate. Oh, and did I mention those soft brown eyes and floppy ears? From the time Springfield was a young puppy she was taken everywhere and met all types of people. She played with her toy in different environments, and on different surfaces. She played around a lot of distractions as well. Spring was going to be a scent discriminating trailing K9. This is the dog you see in the movies smell a lost person’s clothing and run off and find them. So, around 5 months of age Spring started doing what we call runoffs. I would put her harness on her, attach a long line, a person would get her all excited, drop a piece of clothing of theirs on the ground, and run off and duck out of view. Using her nose on the ground, because we are working with the wind, Spring would locate her person and get to play, and play and play with them. Over the course of two years the training progressed to certification where Spring was brought to a location where the person was last seen, asked to smell an item, touch only by that person, and follow that persons scent on the ground where they walked 24 to 30 hours earlier. The surfaces varied from grass to gravel, asphalt to dirt. It will encompassed quiet walking trails and busy urban streets, there were at least 6 turns in the trail, and Spring had to play, and play and play with them. Over the course of two years the training progressed to certification where Spring was brought to a location where the person was last seen, asked to smell an item, touch only by that person, and follow that person’s scent on the ground where they walked 24 to 30 hours earlier. 34 Create PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer ( The surfaces varied from grass to gravel, asphalt to dirt. It encompassed quiet walking trails and busy urban streets, there were at least 6 turns in the trail, and Spring had to identify the correct person (out of at least two) at the end by sitting next to them. Hundreds of hours went into her training and it paid off. K9 Springfield and I are members of Snohomish County Volunteer Search and Rescue in state of Washington. We have Department of Emergency management numbers, which means we have insurance coverage through the state of Washington in case we are injured or cause injury to another. We are deployed or utilized by the Sheriff’s Office in the county of Snohomish. I wear a pager and a cell phone most of the time, and that is how the commanders contact us and request our assistance. Most often I receive a phone call. Frequently, it is in the middle of the night after a long, busy day. I write down the address where I need to go, and a brief description of the person I will be looking for with my dog. By this time, Spring is alert and with those soft brown eyes is asking, “What’s up?” I dress and ready my gear, I check the Thomas Guide map, and head out the door, Spring is rearing and ready to go. A lot of the time I then receive a call that the person has been found and I reverse procedure and go back to bed. In the case where we are able to arrive on scene, my first job is to interview the lost person’s family and obtain a scent article. Once I have my scent article I get Spring out of the vehicle and air her. Then I put on her harness and attach her long line to her flat collar. I allow her to walk around and acclimate to all the smells around her. Then I attach her long line to her harness and ask her to smell the bagged scent article, and say. “Where’d they go????” Often we work for hours and then head home, because the person was either never there to begin with or they took a bus or got in a car and are many miles away. Often our job is to tell the commanders, “Nope, they are not around here.” Most interesting jobs we have done, some might ask. Well, most of them actually. Each mission is a learning experience, and honestly never what you have trained countless hours for… more often than not, you just can’t replicate real life searches, no matter how hard you try. Dogs are not our whole lives, but they sure help to make our lives whole. I love that saying, and it especially applies to working with Labrador retrievers. They are so ling to please, so happy to be alive, and those incredible floppy ears, and soft brown eyes!!!!!!! I will always have a Lab they are the epitome of dogdom, EVERY35 Create PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer ( DOGS IN CANADA Point System for the Year 2007—Labradors BB G1 G2 G3 G4 BIS PTS 72 25 20 9 9 5 3149 33 3 5 5 2 1 1251 37 6 4 3 9 1 873 35 4 6 4 4 0 743 38 3 1 2 4 0 564 6 0 0 1 1 0 279 14 0 1 2 2 0 273 21 0 1 2 3 0 273 9 1 2 3 0 0 269 2 0 0 0 0 0 222 23 1 2 4 7 0 218 7 0 1 1 0 0 187 1 0 0 0 0 0 186 2 2 0 0 0 0 163 8 0 0 1 0 0 160 2 0 0 1 0 0 145 4 1 1 0 0 0 128 3 0 3 0 0 0 128 1 0 0 0 0 0 105 5 1 2 2 0 0 102 2 0 0 2 0 0 98 2 0 1 0 0 0 91 1 0 0 1 0 0 87 1 0 0 0 0 0 81 4 0 0 0 1 0 81 1 0 0 0 1 0 78 1 0 0 0 0 0 78 2 1 0 0 0 0 77 7 0 0 0 0 0 74 2 0 2 0 0 0 72 3 1 0 0 1 0 65 2 0 0 1 0 0 64 5 0 0 0 0 0 60 2 0 0 0 1 0 59 7 0 0 1 0 0 58 2 0 0 0 0 0 56 9 0 0 0 0 0 54 5 0 0 0 2 0 53 4 0 1 0 0 0 53 1 0 1 0 0 0 53 3 2 0 1 0 0 53 1 GCh. Madabout Will Hue Be Mine CD 2 Ch. Makaila's Magnificient Blue 3 Ch. Camasrock's Dreamtime 4 Ch. Lobuff Hyspire Lasting Impression 5 Ch. Copperstones Finding Neverland 6 Ch. Pequira Juan Griego 7 Ch. Journey's Thai One On 7 Ch. Cambridge Shhhhhhh 8 Ch. Redbae's Late Nite Lockdown 9 Hanova Iragorri Master Blend 10 GCh. Redbae's Fire In The Sky CD Cgn 11 Ch. Chablais Brookhill Joss 12 Paradocs Tabatha's Caillou 13 Mainland's Seasac Third-Times-A Charm 14 Ch. Windanna's Ferrari 15 Ch. Nipntuck Yell King 16 Ch. Manora's Designer Gold Mine 16 Ch. Wildbrook's Forever Knight 17 Ch. Linjor Cabernet Export 18 Ch. Onarock's Angel In D Skies 19 Ch. Casbar's Hart To Hart 20 Ch.Surry Ol'salt Surf N Turf 21 Ch. Windanna's Winner Takes All 22 Ch. Driftway Billabong 22 Ch. Blackoaks Annie Oakley 23 Ch. Mirabelle's Wood Duck's Dilemma 23 Ch. Devonshires Art Of Elegance 24 Weymouth's Best Bet At Beechcroft 25 Ch. Staghorn's Stormy Weather 26 Salty Dog Of Tampa Bay 27 Plumtree King Nikare 28 Citadel Rolling In Clover 29 Ch. Shanbro's Hoorah 30 Tormentil Let Mikey Do It 31 Ch. Teranjo Peg Of Our Heart 32 Ch. Kroppsmarkens Papas Pride 33 Ch. Castlegar Cruiser 34 Ch. Rickways Super Trouper 34 Ch. Bluesouth's Dream A Lil Dream 34 Hiview Beechcroft's Star Jasmine 34 Ch. Lubberline Onarock Brigantine 36 Create PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer ( 35 Ginander's Back In Black 35 Ch. Redbae's Late Nite Call Girl CD 36 Ch. Corhampton's Lonoak Buddy Boy 37 Mulbury's Devine Design 38 Ch. Eagertrieves Meant To Do That 38 Ch. Rickways Sing Song 39 Ch. Broadway's Ragtime At Beechcroft 39 Ashstone's Buck At Lab Lodge 40 Ch. Chablais Marcello 41 Ch. Eagertrieves She's The One 42 Ch. Gingerbred Ravenwood Ricochet North 43 Ch. Azureblue Sudden Sensation 43 Ch. Picklecreek Back To Wildbrook 44 Ch. Snowden Hill Kodak Moment 45 Ch. Rocheby Sovereign 45 Ch. Mollyreach Rosclipandor Rainer 46 Ch. Samadam's Tyler At Freehaven 47 Ch. Mollyreach Islandbreeze Finn 48 Onarock's Bigger Bang Jagger 48 Bonaventure's Chesterfield 49 Ch. Badajos Black Tartan 50 Mainland's Saratoga Passage 51 Samphire Coldwater Buoy 51 Ch. Mooselake's Avalon Cgn 52 Nyroca's Castlegar Bewitched 53 Ch. Shawnigan Gainspride's Obi Wan 54 Ch. Applemeadow Marshall Mac 54 Ch. Koa's Top Gun 54 Ch. Windswepthill Double Double 54 Diamondsbest Party Game 54 Ch. Cedarwoods Master Fit Plan 55 Ch. Maktawae Here For D'party 55 Ch. Ironridge's Raising The Ante 55 Ch. Ms T's Maximum Effort 56 Ch. Windanna's Lady Madonna 56 Woodhull's On My Honor 56 Ch. Onarock's Rowed To Landnsea 57 Evenstar's Labracorn Colt 57 Ch. Camalire Black Ice 58 Ch. Eagertrieves Calm B4 T'storm 58 Madabout's Playin'the Blues 59 Ch. Caorunn's Mountaineer 61 Ch. Evenmist's River Gold 4 1 4 1 1 4 4 3 1 1 5 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 3 2 1 2 2 1 3 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 2 1 1 2 2 1 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 52 0 52 0 50 0 49 0 47 0 47 0 45 0 45 0 41 0 40 0 38 0 37 0 37 0 35 0 34 0 34 0 33 0 32 0 31 0 31 0 30 0 29 0 28 0 28 0 27 0 26 0 25 0 25 0 25 0 25 0 25 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 23 0 23 0 23 0 22 0 22 0 21 0 21 0 20 0 18 37 Create PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer ( 60 Amaranth Jack Sparrow 3 60 Miron Full Speed Ahead 1 61 Sharay Clearly Artesian 1 61 Beaumark's Summer Sail'n 2 61 Ch. Staghorn's Prodigal Son 1 61 Ridge View Highlander Connor 1 61 Ch. Whitemouth Texas Freddie WC JH 1 62 Ch. Zack's All That And More 3 62 Phoenix's Lil Gypsy Rose 1 63 Azureblue Independent Impact 1 64 Shiloh's Ice Breaker 4 64 Ch. Onarock's Koda Of The Gael 1 65 Applemeadow Jaunenoir Echo 1 65 Klasikrok Ccr's Proud Mary 2 65 Ch. Ashstone's Buffalo Bill Cody 1 65 Ch. Journeys Bush Tucker Mystery 1 66 Nycoma Way Songbird 1 66 Ch. Rickways The Saint 1 67 Beadog Big Bad Bessy 1 67 Tabatha's Autumn Rustle 1 67 Lindenhall's Tilly Browne 1 67 Summerset Make N Waves 2 67 Empress Brillhills General 1 67 Skazka's Rambo 1 68 Rivercove's Paso Doble WC 1 68 Ch. Beaumarks Wintercreek Empress 1 68 Willowrose Spencer For Hire 5 68 Goldberrys Midnight Koda Blue 3 68 Ch. Beulahlands Samphire Trendsetter 1 68 Redsky's Definitely Decadent 2 68 Ch. Woodenbridge Onarock Beacon 1 68 Ch. Castlegar Oaksill Abbey Road 1 69 Shadesi's Diesel Powered 1 69 Pinebank Canu Doit Of Santosha CD WCX JH 3 69 Epoch's Louis Vuitton Of Castlegar 1 69 Gomagans Case Dismissed 1 69 Brookberry Bluerock Braden 1 70 Sunnydaze It's All About Mee 1 70 Ch. Riversedge Out Of The Blu WC 1 70 Mollyreach Rosclipandor Reno 1 70 Folklaur Tattleteller 1 70 Eagertrieves Tasmanian Devil 1 70 Ch. Tyekhon's Return To Sender 1 71 Beulahlands Glory Of Shiloh 2 71 Copperstone Kriscoland Fillip 1 71 Ch. Whistle Stop Song For Bestwest 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 19 18 18 18 18 18 17 17 16 15 15 14 14 14 14 13 13 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 10 10 10 10 10 9 9 9 9 9 9 8 8 8 38 Create PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer ( 71 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 75 75 75 75 75 76 76 76 76 76 76 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 Ch. Cedarow's Lady Of The Lake Ch. Bluesouth's All Inclusive Ch. Makaila's Mississippi Queen Cgn Camelot Ny Super Fudge Chunk Ironcountry Jada Jada Of Mirepoix Ch. Samphire Coldwater Inspiration Evenstar's Diamondsbest Faith Corhampton Labracorn Addytrude CD Rn Samphire Sportsman Envercreek's American Tail Swentina Dress For Success Chablais Iris Journey's S&s World Tour N Oslo Oaksill Start Me Up Azuria Dakota CD Cgn Pinebank's One Of A Kind CD TDX WCl JH Amilab Jolly Buffy Ransom's Armbrook Hot Dig Bralex's Hazardoustoyourhealth Maplekrest Prime Tyme Onarock's Dozer Of The Land Ch. Onarock's Pied Piper Ch. Sgm Doc Anter Duckndogs Kaffe Ros.. Traynors CD WC JH Miron's Molly Blackthorn Bitter Sweet Ch. Bluesouth's Lil Lord Montague Ginander's Timber WC JH Fallriver's Big Fish WC Goldberrys Daisy III Castilleja's Easthill Tacoma Goldberrys Holly Markwell's Grace And Favour Stonemeadow's Misfit Goldberrys Ranger Shadesi's Black Pearl Sehlara's Great Maximus Ransom's Good As Gold Pirate The Caribbean Quailhavns Charlie Of Phsnt Hill Ch. Rickways Isis Raven Homestays The Norman Conquest Cgn Ch. Staghorn's Barley And Hops Beechcroft Ambridge Emmy Staghorn's Rubicon Riley 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 39 Create PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer ( 78 78 78 78 78 78 Shadesi's Golden Nugget Broadway's Riverdance Staghorn Victory At Breezeline Hunterleigh's Jorja Lubberline Anchors Awave Shadesi's Magnetic Force 3 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 Doggy words of wisdom Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Remember, if a dog was the teacher you would learn things like: When loved ones come home, always run to greet them. Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride. Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure Ecstasy.. Take naps. Stretch before rising. Run, romp, and play daily. Thrive on attention and let people touch you. Avoid biting when a simple growl will do. On warm days, stop to lie on your back on the grass. On hot days, drink lots of water and lie under a shady tree. When you're happy, dance around and wag your entire body. Delight in the simple joy of a long walk. Be loyal. Never pretend to be something you're not. If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it. When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by, and nuzzle them gently. ENJOY EVERY MOMENT OF EVERY DAY! Submitted by Joyce Love 40 Create PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer ( Letters to the Editor: In order to elicited increased member response to the newsletter, we thought that in each issue we would ask the members their views on a topic of interest. In the last issue we asked this question of the membership Do you feel that the medical advancements available for today's breeder such as AI, Frozen Semen, elective C-sections (non emergency but for convenience of the breeder), is hindering our dogs ability to reproduce safely, naturally and this will have a long term effect on the quality and diversity of the gene pool in Labradors? Member Feedback: 0 Feedback as solicited from the LabA List: We still do our breedings naturally, and expect our bitches to whelp naturally. Frozen semen etc. has made it possible to breed to dogs thousands of miles away without shipping/taking the bitch, but unfortunately the bitch owner may be breeding on the basis of having seen the dog in pictures or heard what he has done in the ring/field. In field trial circles people tend to watch a dog in training, at trials, etc., and even wait to see the offspring at trials, before committing to breeding to him. The show dogs that usually get the most use are the ones being campaigned for top dog, BIS winners, and Specialty winners. Because a dog can win at shows does not make him a top producing dog. The more we interfere, the more likely we are to have dogs that have trouble breeding, have trouble whelping naturally, will not breed naturally. Mother nature has her own way of natural selection… Sandy Briggs—Wimberway I do think that we should consider poor/lazy whelping in a bitch when keeping offspring. As far as males go, frozen/chilled semen serves a good purpose but I think a good naturally breeding male is very valuable. Also I have had experience of refusing a stud service to a bitch of poor temperament only to find out later that the owner just got on the phone and had chilled semen sent from some other dog instead. That is extremely worrisome I think. Anne Morrison—Caorunn Thanks for the feedback …... 41 Create PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer ( Dr. Robert V. Hutchison Seminar on Canine Reproduction At the Ramada Inn in Dartmouth on Saturday March 1, I attended the ALRC sponsored seminar by Dr Hutchison (on right beside Kim Penny). Many thanks to the LRCC for being a sponsor, to Eukanuba for sponsoring and to Janice Kivimaki for organizing the event for the ALRC. Dr Hutchison is a dynamic speaker who holds the interest of his audience throughout the entire presentation. He uses a mixture of humor, slides, personal experiences and extraordinary knowledge about dog breeding to relay his information to the breeders present. There were 119 people who paid for the seminar and I identified 12 Labrador breeders. More were hoped for, but the February weather likely held them back. Some topics covered were: Prostatic disease, motility in semen, shipping semen, Estrous Postponement and the benefits of a bitch missing heats, Pyometritis how to recognize and treat it, freezing semen and how it is a better use of genetics, line breeding and inbreeding. Breeding times and progesterone testing were also discussed at length. If you have the opportunity this seminar is a valuable learning experience, I would highly recommend. Submitted by Gerald Dagley Atlantic Director Nancy Dagley and Wendy Cook enjoying the seminar 42 Create PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer ( LRCA Working Certificate Tests — August 3, 2008 Working Certificate Judges: Total Entries Total Competitors Total Qualified Bryan Taylor Lisa Williams 8 8 4 Ch Blazingstar Tinbergen (FCR) Owners: Elizabeth J Saunders & Andrew Hurly Handler: Elizabeth J Saunders High Times Birds of a Feather JH (GRM) Owner/Handler: Jacqueline Hastie Ch Cambridge Shhhhhhh (LRM) Owners: Brian A. Proctor & Lorie Ann Chamaschuk Handler: Brian Proctor Sorol Black Water Hexe (LRF) Owner/Handler: Dawn Dittmann Working Certificate Intermediate Judges: Lionel Whittaker Lisa Williams Total Entries Total Competitors Total Qualified 3 3 0 Working Certificate Excellent Judges: Bryan Taylor Lionel Whittaker Total Entries Total Competitors Total Qualified 4 4 2 Ch Traynors Fate Would Have It WCI JH (LRM) Owner/Handler: Kathleen Skrecek Willowrose This Time Phoenix WCI JH (LRM) Owner/Handler: Kathie Stoner 43 Create PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer ( 44 Create PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer (